#Loki's disappointment after finding out his brother said he's doing work but wasn't and just wanted to distract him is just like me fr
worstloki · 2 years
Thor: what are you up to
Loki: doing important work. Why?
Thor: me too me too
Loki: no way... you're actually...?!
Thor: do me too
Loki: oh
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muddyorbsblr · 2 years
secret notes part 6: aking hiling
Series Masterlist See my full list of works here!
Summary: Loki's out on a date with The Lonely Avenger…only thing is, you're in the Tower, in the common room, with the rest of the team. So who'd he go out with?
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: language; reader threatening violence; other than that, nothing, this is mostly fluff [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: idiots in love, mutual pining, Loki in denial, reader oblivious AF; translations will be included at the Author's Notes
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It would have otherwise been a typical Thursday in the tower had it not been for the gathering of Avengers in the common area like anxious parents waiting for their child to come home at 9:30 in the evening. You spotted Wanda and Natasha among them, clearly amused smirks on their faces.
"Okay either you're staging an intervention or someone's out on a date and you wanna grill them the second they walk through the doors," you said from the stairs as you made your way down.
"Door number Two, jellybean," Tony answered you. "Rock of Ages for the who." 
The strength you needed to keep your expression neutral as you felt your heart turn to lead and drop to the ground…to say it was herculean would have been an understatement. Hell, to say your heart hardened and sank was an understatement. It felt like a sinkhole had appeared in the middle of your whole world and relentlessly sucked in everything in its path.
"Finally," you said with a forced chuckle. "Who's the willing victim?" 
"The Lonely Avenger," Rhodes spoke up from his place on the couch. "Stark started asking around after her first live show when we all realized that she was using tech that wasn't even in production yet. Turns out someone from Operations let one of their friends from Accounting borrow it that night and said lady from Accounting fessed up to being her." 
"Ah, so we finally have a name and face to the voice." You tried to keep your tone unchanged, despite the fire burning inside of you at the thought of someone lying and pretending to be you just to go on a date with Loki.  "So who is the mystery lady?"
"I believe her name was Lady Nicole," Thor spoke from his seat. "Shame it wasn't who my brother wished it would be, but he seems content at least knowing who his lark is. Finally." 
His words felt like he'd might as well have thrown one of his brother's daggers straight at your heart. His lark. He saw you as his, and he hadn't the slightest idea that it was you. No. Instead he was out in the world believing he was with his lark now. Instead he thought that his lark was fucking Nicole from Accounting. 
But then you realized…
"Wait. Nicole? Nikki? Nikki Patrick?" Everyone nodded, the smirks on your friends faces becoming more prominent as you began to chuckle. 
"Why the starting notes of a villain laugh, jellybean?"
You took a breath, trying to compose yourself. "Let's start with Nikki can't hold a note to save her life. FRIDAY? Can you pull up Nikki's open mic performance from the New Year's Eve party and play it through the speakers?"
The most ear-grating tone-deaf rendition of What Are You Doing New Year's Eve began to play through the speakers, making the entire room cover their ears and groan in unison. "Christ on a crutch, that is not Bambi's bird," Tony nearly yelled. 
"It's lark, Antony. And no. She most definitely is not." You looked at the area by the elevator to find Loki standing there, visibly seething in a sinful-looking well-tailored suit. "I was taken for a fool." 
There was a sadistic feeling of satisfaction flowed through you knowing that she'd failed in doing even a remotely decent job at impersonating you; however, that feeling was quickly extinguished with the disappointment you found on Loki's face once you'd looked past the seething and the frustration. He was offended, that was inherently obvious, but he was also simply disappointed. Dismayed.
"How'd you suss it out?" You took a step in his direction as he angrily shrugged off his coat. You knew that he had a tendency to haphazardly toss things around when he was frustrated or disappointed, and right now he was both, and he was two steps away from beginning to resemble his younger self from his time in Asgard. From the corner of your eye, you saw that Thor was also poised at the ready in case the incoming temper tantrum was something you couldn't talk his brother down from.
Loki tossed the coat in the air, and you moved quickly to catch it before it landed on the floor, before he started answering. "Other than the lack of a melodic voice, one of the defining traits of my lark is that she's bilingual. At the very least in song, which could suggest that she could understand at least some basic phrases." 
That was one of your earlier mistakes. You'd sung in Tagalog occasionally throughout your first few weeks, and since it would arouse more suspicion if you suddenly stopped, you made it a semi-regular thing on your channel. "Yeah…she sings in Tagalog, right?" He nodded at you, and you had to stop yourself from chortling when you began to have an idea of how he figured out that Nikki was most definitely a fake. "Mischief, what'd you do?" 
"Kinausap ko lang siya."
"'Tas hindi ka naintindihan?" you shot back with a smile. 
"God help us all they're doing it again," Tony groaned from his seat. "Point Break, I know you have Allspeak. Translate, please?" Thor did exactly that. 
"She absolutely did not understand me, darling. I saw her eyes go blank and then start grasping for words--" 
Your collective attention was disrupted by the ding of the elevator, and you watched as Loki's jaw visibly tensed as Nikki walked in to the common area towards the coat closet. "Ah, Nikki. Just the girl we were gossiping about…" you teased sardonically. "Mischief was just telling us about your date." 
"Listen I'm really sorry, Y/N, I just I really wanted a fair shot and I thought that maybe--"
"You thought that maybe if you pretended to be someone that he was highly curious about that maybe he would be interested in you?" you finished for her. Had she not clearly tried to take advantage of his curiosities and fool him the way she did, you might have felt the teeniest bit guilty for the way that your attitude was making her fidgety and teary-eyed. 
"It's pathetic, and desperate, I know--"
"You know Nikki, I'll give you a piece of advice the next time you try to pretend to be someone. If your assumed persona's bilingual? Aralin mo muna yung lengwahe. Bobo." You vaguely heard Thor's low chuckle as he translated for everyone else in the room.
"Lady Nicole, you fooled my brother," the blonde Asgardian said in a terrifyingly ominous tone. "I do not take kindly to those who take my family for fools." 
"You have thirty seconds to get your coat and get out of this floor before I come after you with everything I've got," you addressed the woman who was surprisingly still standing tall and looking you all in the eye, before she eyed you with incredulity as you slipped your fingers through your brass knuckles.
"And what're you gonna do, Y/N? Hack me to death?" she sneered. "Everyone knows you're the runt of the pack." 
You nodded, as if you were pondering her words. "That may be so. I mean I am only human after all," you chuckled darkly. "But that doesn't mean that I can't do some nasty work on your face once I get to you. See, Nikki, you offended my friend."
"She offended you, too, darling."
"Oh I know." You broke your death stare towards Nikki to briefly address Loki. "Could we table that for a second? I'm kinda having a moment here." He simply nodded and gave you a gesture as if to say 'continue', and you turned your gaze back to the accountant. "Once I get to zero, you will be off this floor. Now whether it be through your own volition or it be through me dragging you down the stairs myself, by your hair, will entirely be up to you." 
"Why are you coming after me?" Her voice was now shaky, as if she was beginning to take you seriously.
You flexed your fist in your brass knuckles. "Mischief here's too much of a gentleman to hit a woman." You straightened your stance and squared your shoulders as you stared her down. "I have no such hesitations. Thirty." 
As you counted down the seconds she scrambled to get her coat off the hanger and rushed to the elevator, frantically pushing the button once you got to sixteen. "I need more than fifteen seconds for the elevator to get here, Y/N, please." 
"Then you better take the stairs, Nicole. TWELVE!" You heard the staggered sound of her heels as she ran to the fire exit and off the floor by the time you got to seven. When you heard the door close, you threaded your fingers out of the brass knuckles, not noticing the raven-haired god walking towards you. 
"Would you have truly used these on her, dear Y/N?" he said as he took the weapon from you to set it down the nearest table. "Seems a wasteful expenditure of your strength." 
You laughed at his words. "No, I wouldn't have. I probably would have bitch slapped the fuck out of her though." You waved your open palm for emphasis, which he took in his own, his thumb stroking the back of your hand. It felt like he was trying to ground himself; you could see the frustration almost fading away on his face. "Are you okay, Mischief?"
He smiled at you, but not in the way he usually did. It was superficial, a facade. It didn't even reach his eyes. Instead he tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear then proceeded to cup your face and stroke your cheek with his thumb, beginning to appear visibly calmer than he was a few mere minutes ago.
"Why do I feel like I'm invading some intimate times over here?" you heard Wilson quip from the side. "Did these two idiots just forget there's other people in the room. Hey Horns! Y'all aren't alone in here!" 
Sam's words broke you out of the reverie you found yourself in, a hint of frustration once again appearing on Loki's face, making you sigh. "Don't change out of your clothes yet and give me ten minutes." 
"What for?" 
"You're not gonna end your night with that look on your face. We're going out." You slipped your hand out from his hold and started your way up the stairs.
Halfway up you heard him chuckle. "I don't recall agreeing, darling." 
"I don't recall asking, Mischief," you shot back with a playful smile.
"Lady Y/N, if he ends up inebriated you will need my assistance to--"
"We're not drinking, Thor!" you hollered from the top of the stairs. When you reached your apartment and you had a moment of silence, you started to doubt your decision, questioning your sanity as you spoke into the emptiness, "Did I just sign myself up for a date with Loki?" 
No, you told yourself. You're going out with a friend because he feels like shit right now and refuses to admit to it, and you're going to either talk about it. Or not. You're just going to be there for your friend. This isn't a date.
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Despite the infuriating and disappointing start of the evening, this was a rather pleasant turn of events from where Loki was standing. Who knew that being taken for a fool and returning to the tower from a dinner date cut short due to feeling as if someone had ripped out the very ground from beneath his feet at the revelation that the woman who claimed to be his lark was a charlatan would have led to walking towards a cafe not too far from the Tower, hand in hand with you?
You knocked on the door with the 'Closed' sign in a specific pattern and a middle-aged looking woman opened the door for you with a warm smile. "Y/N! What a pleasant surprise, dear, come in! You're just in time, my latest batch of cakes I'm trying out just finished cooling." It was only when you two stepped foot into the establishment that she turned her gaze to the god. "Oh hello there!" She eyed your joint hands. "You must be the boyfriend?"
A peculiar sensation spread through his body at the thought of being seen as yours. Norns, how he wanted that to be the case. His hand squeezed yours ever so slightly, as if he had a feeling that you would have let go at the elder woman's assumption, and he was silently pleading for you not to. 
"Uhh no…I'm not uhh--I don't have a boyfriend, Abbie. Anyways, I want you to meet Loki. He works with me, well more like I work with him and the rest of the Avengers but I'm gonna stop before I start rambling." You turned to look at him once more. "Mischief, this is Abbie. She owns the cafe and every now and then I stop by and test some of her new recipes after hours." 
Loki offered his free hand to shake, still refusing to let yours go, and thankfully you hadn't made any motions to relinquish your hold either. "It's good to meet you, dear. Please, sit." She motioned towards a table situated near a corner of the cafe. Quiet. Dare he say, even…intimate. 
As if he would be on a date with you. The notion brought a smile to his face. 
"I'm game for pretty much anything, Abbie, but if you have anything with lemon in it?" You pointed towards him with your free hand, clicking your tongue and then giving her a thumbs up. He only let go of you once you were sat across from one another at the table, and you proceeded to tell him a brief summary of how you came across this place a year and a half ago.
You'd needed an escape from something you vaguely referred to as "emotional fuckery" and found yourself sitting at this very table, ordering one sweet drink or treat after another until it was time to close. "And that was when I told Abbie my entire emotional fuckery dilemma the way jilted lovers talk to bartenders," you explained. Since then you would periodically pay her establishment a visit whenever you needed an escape or simply had a craving for something sweet.
"So how come you needed an escape tonight, darling?" 
He couldn't have possibly been more unprepared for your response. "Oh I didn't need an escape tonight, Mischief. But you did." It was all he could do to not go over to your side of the table, lift you into his arms and kiss you until you were both breathless. "You seem really bothered by what happened tonight." 
As you both started taking bites out of the slices of cake set in front of you, he felt this warmth, this comfort that always found its way to him once he spent enough time alone with you. As if he could tell you just about anything without fear of being judged or condemned. It was a heady, dangerous sensation, granted that he could tell you almost anything without that fear creeping in.
He just had to make sure that what he told you didn't consist of the worlds "I'm maddeningly in love with you, Y/N, and I want you to be mine." 
He jolted himself out of his thoughts, answering you with, "I am. Truly. I feel as if she had taken advantage of how greatly I wanted to know the identity of my lark. I feel a fool for not seeing it sooner, for wanting to know the answer to her identity so desperately that I failed to acknowledge the signs that her stories had…holes." 
"Why do you want to know who The Lonely Avenger is so badly, Mischief?" 
"Mostly I wish to thank her," he responded honestly. "There's an emotion behind her words, her songs, that when I hear them I hear…love. I cannot fathom anyone having that kind of emotion for me." 
"You are loved." Your voice audibly cracked as you said the words, and when Loki looked into your eyes, he could see the beginnings of tears welling up in them, as if you were fighting them back with all your strength. "You are, Mischief. Trust me. By more than you think." 
Just not by you, he thought to himself bitterly. No one else would matter if I was loved by you. 
He knew in his heart that he would cease his search for his lark in a heartbeat if his love for you was requited, but instead there would only ever be a dull ache in his heart at the knowledge that you'd only been offended on his behalf earlier tonight because your friend was lied to. That you'd brought him here now as a way to comfort your friend. 
It was why he wanted to meet his lark so desperately. He wanted to meet her so that perhaps he could begin to move forward from his unreturned feelings for you and finally be truly content with just your friendship. Although part of him was already resigned to knowing that even if he knew the identity of his lark, it could never truly dispel his affections for you. 
As for the rest of him? That part still held on to hope that perhaps you finally did put the voice that haunted his dreams every night to song and that you were behind the melodic faceless and nameless voice that was proclaiming your affections online. Perhaps his lark was someone he knew, someone he already loved.
And she was already sitting across from him at this very table.
And perhaps you would tell him when you were ready.
Or perhaps you're simply desperate to hold on to the notion that she could love you so ardently that she would put that love into song. Perhaps you'd mocked Thor for so long that this is simply Holde making sure you knew the variation of Thor's situation in which you were nothing except desperate and pathetic for this Midgardian. Why would someone as pure as she ever return the affections of a heathen such as yourself?
"I will believe that when I see it, darling," he said, cracking a forced smile your way if only to help in fighting back the tears he still saw lurking in your eyes. 
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A/N: If one of these two could confess already that'd be great. It's a good thing there's only 2 parts of this series left and it's left in the hands of the outtake-obsessed author ohh wait. Shit. That's me. 😳🙃
Translations: Kinausap ko lang siya. – I simply spoke with her. Tas hindi ka naintindihan? – And she didn't understand you? Aralin mo muna yung lengwahe. Bobo. – Study the language first. Idiot.
Song lyrics translation (taken straight from Google Translate lol):
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Everything: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @imalovernotahater @mygfloki @lucylaufeyson3 @thomase1 @springdandelixn @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @laliceee @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @silverfire475 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446 @salempoe @lokixryss @sinsandguilt @lokidbadguy @alexakeyloveloki @glitterylokislut @arch-venus25 @freefrommars @littlemortals @cakesandtom @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @peaches1958 @huntress-artemiss @lilibet261 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lovingchoices14 @avoliax @devilsadvocactus @purplegrrl27 @lokiprompts @sititran @imherefortomhiddleston @ladyjames78 @stupidthoughtsinwriting
Loki: @calumance @severuslovebot
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rafesgfs · 4 years
thank u, next (ft. loki) - part two
Warnings: angst, swearing, jealousy, mentions of sex, violence
Word count: 5.7k
Summary: A mission goes wrong, leaving you stranded with the two men who despise each other, competing for your attention.
Or: In which Steve breaks up with Sharon after realizing how much he loves you, only to be put on hold while you spend time with Loki.
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Tony kept glancing at you, his eyes narrowing as if he was trying to figure out what kind of mind manipulation Loki had hexed you with. Natasha was torn between proud and shock. Clint had been positive it was a prank on his behalf until he had learned it was true, the archer studying you, wondering if you were under Loki's influence. And Bruce—well, he still couldn't get over the shock to actually word his opinion.
Steve, on the other hand, wasted no time blaming Loki, accusing him of using his magic to manipulate you into bed. When Thor has came back with news that Loki hadn't—with Heimdell being all knowing and watching—it had made Steve go to Fury, who had shown emotion on his face other than boredom and disappointment. Yet the surprise wore off and the director found it not relevant as the issue had not broken one of the rules Loki had agreed to.
The super soldier had hit the gym in a hurry, pounding the sandbag, probably wishing it was Loki. And Thor, like everyone else, it took him time to process it but unlike everyone, he barely gave it a thought. With word from Heimdell, knowing that his brother wasn't planning anything to harm you or the others, he was at peace with the situation as long as it was two consenting adults.
As you sat in the conference room, waiting for Steve and Loki to show up for the meeting, you wondered why he thought it was okay to overreact to something so...normal. People have sex, he must've known that you weren't any different. And unfortunately, Fury has picked the same day to spring a mission on the team, forcing all of you into a room, not caring about the act you committed with Loki.
Loki came in first, dressed in his usual black color, a suit almost identical to the one he wore the day before. Even from across the room, you could easily spot the hickeys he kept, a bunch peeking out from under the suit. It had given you a sense of pride and embarrassment, going down on the God of Mischief.
He caught your eye, the corner of his lips turned up, twitching without their permission. Loki wouldn't admit it out loud but he liked you to the point of sacrificing everyone in the room to save the one decent person who hadn't judge him. Everyone had turned to look at him, following his every move whilst he moved to the empty seat besides you.
The one that everyone knew was Steve's. Yet, no one said a word, secretly enjoying the show.
"Greetings," he said curtly, nodding once to everyone with an expressionless face. They all nodded back to him, Tony covering the smile that was trying to force itself on his face. Loki turned to you, sitting down in Steve seat as he gave you a smirk, amused by your attempt to cover up his marks. "Hello, angel."
The nickname alone wanted to make you want to ditch the meeting for a dick appointment with the Asgardian, the name slipping from his tongue. The same name he had whispered into you ear as he thrusted into you. Instead, you gave him a small smile, unconsciously rubbing your thighs together. "Hey."
Loki noticed the motion, his smirk widening. Pulling the chair closer to your own, his arm leaning up against yours. Leaning in, he put his lips to your ears, ignoring everyone's stares, including his brother's. "Your attempt to cover my hard work is very amusing, love."
"Loki..." you warned, using the same tone you had last night when he teased you too far, wishing for release. There was a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Shut up, not everyone has magic."
"All you have to do is ask, although I prefer to see them on your skin." Loki whispered, not caring how many people team members had subconsciously leaned in, straining to hear what the raven-haired God had to say.
Before you could answer, the door opened, Steve and Fury entering. The super soldier had an exhausted look on his face while Fury kept his emotionless facade up. Steve started walking towards his seat, so distracted by the uncovered hickeys on your neck to notice it had been taken. The blond did a double take, seeing Loki in his chair. If it wasn't for the barely contained anger in his eyes, you would've bursted out laughing at his comical expression.
The team stayed quiet, their eyes glued on the silent war between the two men. Loki nonchalantly looked up, his lips brushing against your hair as he pulled away, smirking at Steve. The silence was broken by Fury's tired sigh.
"Well, hello, Captain." Loki sneered, not having any intention of getting up. Steve's eyes stormed with anger, a tick away from letting loose. The God of Mischief pointed to the chair across from you, the one next to Tony, giving the super soldier a pointed look. "You should take your seat."
Tony muffled a snort at Steve's scowl, yet America's Sweetheart didn't move a muscle, glaring at Loki. Fury rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Rogers, take a seat next to Stark. Loki, stop being an asshole. Back to business."
Steve followed Fury's order, sitting down besides Tony, his angry expression turning blank, waiting for whatever Fury had to say. Yet, his eyes still looked murderous, often glancing at the lack of space between you and Loki. Tony didn't hide his amusement, biting back a laugh, and trying to focus on whatever Fury was saying while the rest of the team kept looking at Steve, expecting him to reach across the table and punch Loki back to Asgard.
"While you agents were partying, drinking all your problems away, SHIELD got a tip from an undercover agent." Fury started, sliding your folders across the table, giving you something to look at other than the tension between Steve and Loki. You opened the folder to find pictures of blood-covered bodies. "Normally, we wouldn't bring the Avengers into a mafia-related crimes but this one's different.
"The Chinese Mafia is after a USB flash drive, one that we suspect, contains secrets that could bring down the American government. Emphasis on could; SHIELD isn't that well informed on what exactly the flash drive holds." Fury continued. Looking at you, he called your name. "Along with Rogers and Laufeyson. I'm assigning the three of you on the mission. You'll get the mission details as soon as Agent Hill gets here. The rest of you are irrelevant. Everyone go away now."
He left the room before anyone could even move a muscle. The team glanced between Loki and Steve, trying to figure out what they felt. It was clear neither of them were too happy about going on a mission together but the photographs of dead bodies made them bury their resentment down, for the sake of the government and all, but mostly for your sake.
Tony cleared his throat, trying not to burst out laughing. "So, Cap—"
Steve called out your name, standing up from his seat. "Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone? It's urgent."
"Yeah, sure." you said, following him out the door without looking back at the rest. You didn't notice the way Loki oozed with madness, his eyes deadly. Steve led you away from the view of room, stopping in the middle of a private hallway. It was secluded enough, yet Steve kept fidgeting like someone was listening. "Steve, I know you aren't particularly fond of Loki but he's a good—"
"I broke up with Sharon." Steve blurted. You stopped talking, your mouth open from your earlier words. The blond ran a hand through his hair. "I broke up with her last night, just before the party started ... before you walked in with Loki."
"That's not what it looked like."
"I was trying to be her friend, just like I'm trying to be yours." Steve explained, almost begging. "I never got the chance to apologize for hurting you. When you came back from Asgard, it had been too long for me to even mention it without it being awkward. So, I didn't. I wanted to but you didn't want to spend time with me anymore. And that's my fault, I'm not blaming you for being hurt. I understand what I did was so selfish, and wrong. It was wrong and if I could go back in time, I would've never done it."
You closed your gaping mouth, a little surprised by the apology. Rocking back on your heels, you awkwardly looked everywhere but at him. "Okay, um, thanks?"
Dejected, Steve nodded, his head hanging from the lack of sympathy in your voice. "Yeah. I wanted you to know. That's what I was coming to tell you this morning, but instead found you in bed with .... him."
"Uh," it was all you could say. Clueless of how to respond, you started to back away slowly, like there was a bear coming towards you. "Okay. So ... I'm gonna go. Get prepared for the mission or whatever. I'll see you later."
Before he could utter another word, you walked away,  feeling completely numb by the news. There was a part of you that wanted to forgive him, another part was feeling satisfied for his pain, and the last was confused. If he had been telling the truth—breaking up with Sharon before the party—then why hadn't he told you or apologized when he came to talk to you? It made you question whether he was just jealous or genuinely sorry for hurting you.
You weren't ready to forgive him yet, not after he made you doubt your self worth. Thor had made you feel better when you had came to him, showering you with golden gifts, shoes, and brotherly love. Despite popular belief, Loki wasn't that much different than his brother. Yes, he wasn't a people person, but he was gruffer, rougher, meaner...sexier. He knew what it was like to feel unwanted, feeling the need to show how powerful he was. If you had been in his situation—and you practically almost were if it hadn't been for Natasha—you would've taken the same road he had.
Speak of the devil, you bumped right into him, his chest only covered by a black silk sweater. With all the heavy thinking you hadn't realized you had walked back to your room. Gathering your thoughts, you looked up at his blue eyes. "Shit, sorry."
"Are you well, angel?" Loki asked, genuinely concerned. He had heard every word Steve had said, and to Loki's dismay, they had all been true. Loki hated Steve as much as Steve hated him, Steve had a reason and so did the God of Lies. The main reason? You.
You nodded, seeing how your room was messy. Books and blankets were on the ground, a broken glass scattered on the floor near your bedside table, a lamp covered in feathers, and last night's clothes strewn around the room. "I'm fine. But my room isn't, holy fuck."
With a wave of his hand, Loki cleared the room, the disastrous mess cleaned up before your eyes. He gave you a smile. "There. Director Cyclops wanted me to inform you and Sleeping Beauty that Maria Hill is in the building. She's ready if we are."
"Great. One thing before we step out this room: be nice."
"I'll try."
The mission was far easier than you originally thought. It was less than 24 hours, meaning you wouldn't be trapped in a designated safe house with them, or would you be in any kind of trouble. Just like Fury had said, it was an extract mission. Get the flash drive, get out.
Unfortunately, we'd be forced to go to a gala, one of those unnecessarily fancy parties where the champagne was watered down and the men showed how powerful they were with girls clinging onto their arm. It was a pre-kidnapped Tony Stark kind of party. Thankfully, you had more than a few practice with walking in heels.
The two men were able to put their hatred aside to focus on the job, Loki's magic still restrained even with the urgency of the mission. Maria Hill had filled you in, giving you all the details, the layout of the building, and all the places they suspected the drive to be. The plan was to fly to Hong Kong, get dressed for the party in the Quinjet, attend the gala long enough to find Zhang Wei, and run with the USB flash drive. Simple enough.
The flight from New York to Hong Kong was tiring, even with the eight hour slumber you had, finding yourself in Loki's arms once again. Fortunately, Steve hadn't seen you with Thor's brother, knocking this time and finding you alone, reading the mission file for the millionth time. He had smiled, probably happy he didn't see Loki in your room. That smile didn't last, dropping as soon as he stepped in the Quinjet, greeted Loki and saw the quick smile you sent the raven-haired God. It tugged on his heartstrings; you used to smile at him like that.
At least they kept their snide comments to themselves, only sending the other a glare when you weren't looking. As soon as you looked up, a slightly perplexed expression would come on their face, like they were trying to think of a word that rhymes with orange. Yet, you didn't dare question it, leaving the topic alone and quietly stewing in the testosterone-filled aircraft.
When the Quinjet finally reached Hong Kong, you had already changed into your formal wear. Loki didn't have to move to change his clothes; instead he used his magic, making him look presentable in a blink of an eye. Steve had frowned on that, but decided to let it go considering he had a lot to make up to you. Getting into a fight with your ... whatever Loki was, would not be a great start.
Getting ready for the party had been easy, the dress fit you just right, your hair being in the mood to cooperate, and even your makeup was flawless. The reaction from Steve and Loki certainly didn't help your ego, their comical reactions to your beauty had been amusing and slightly embarrassing.
Steve's mouth has hung open, his jaw unwilling to close while he stared at you. "Wow. Y-you look gorgeous. Wow."
"Truly breathtaking, love." Loki added, licking his lips in appreciation. If there was one thing both he and Steve could agree on, was the way you always turned heads. If anything, Loki wanted to make you his goddess—he just didn't want to admit it to himself just yet.
And since you were too emotionally invested, you took the easy way out and rolled your eyes. Dressed in their tuxes, they looked like they stepped out of a Hugo Boss ad. "Thanks. You guys clean up well."
Steve was too busy admiring you to notice Loki pull out a diamond encrusted ring, not exactly a engagement ring from Jared but one of those rings you get with friends during a drunken girl's night out. Loki stepped up to you, bringing your right hand, placing the ring on your index finger.
"The ring ... goes well with your dress." Loki explained, watching you stare at the ring he had placed. Steve's wonderment has turned sour, a little sad by the gesture. "It was my mother's."
"Loki," you gasped softly, knowing the how special their relationship had been. Thor had explained how Loki spent most his childhood with Frigga, spending his time learning magic, being a mama's boy. With Frigga dead, Loki must've felt some resentment to those dark elves that had been responsible for her death. "I can't— I can't take this."
Loki shrugged, brushing away a stray hair on your cheek. "Yes, you can. You will. It looks beautiful on you. Don't you agree, Captain?"
To be completely honest, Loki had forgotten Steve had existed until his heart faltered at the mention of Frigga. Steve didn't like the way the ring looked like it belonged on you, almost like it had been made specially for you. He nodded, agreeing with Loki once again. "Looks beautiful."
Before it could get any more awkward or embarrassing, an alarm had sounded, the noise saying you from any further feels. All three of you moved to the front, seeing how you hovered a few feet off the landing spot assigned for the Quinjet. With the many SHIELD headquarters, it wasn't a surprise they had in Tokyo just as modernly technical like the one in New York.
The limo ride that took you to the party was tense. Maybe it was the mission that was about to go down, or that awkward moment in the Quinjet. The navy blue, floor-length dress was silky, the fabric soft against your skin. The one-inch straps that came together at the back of your neck accentuated your cleavage, brining them to look bigger than they were. It clung to your curves, but not tight like the dress you had worn the yesterday. This one was far more elegant.
Wrapped in your thoughts, you hadn't noticed when the limo had stopped, the crowded building to your right. The doors opened, both Steve and Loki reaching out a hand to help you out of the limo. Taking them both, you snaked an arm around both of theirs, letting others know you had two dates. You thought the red carpet leading to the entrance was a bit much, even for the Chinese mafia.
Two suited men opened the double glass doors, revealing the fancy gala. Dangerous men and mafia families filled the large room, eyes flickering to your entrance, widening when they realized who had entered. They knew your dates, but SHIELD had made sure to keep your place on the team a secret for missions like this one. No criminal would trust an Avenger, but they might be dumb—or arrogant—enough to be manipulated by a "mole" in SHIELD.
The talking stopped briefly, only to turn to hushed murmurs before they continued as they had before. Both Steve and Loki turned down the campaign, not trusting whatever was put in the liquid. Looking around the room, there was nothing out of the ordinary, well, for a party held by a mafia of course.
"Should we proceed as planned?" Loki confirmed, surveying the room as he tried to find his own target. He locked eyes with the man he needed to distract while Steve and you would sneak away and find Zhang Wei and the flash drive.
Steve nodded, slyly touching his earpiece hidden by his growing hair. You had no idea how Tony convinced him how to grow it out but you were going to thank him later. "Yes. Keep in contact and check in every ten minutes. Be careful."
Loki nodded, heading off to his target but not before giving you a reassuring smile, tiny enough for no one else to notice but it was enough to ease your worries. Yes, he's an all-powerful god but that didn't mean he couldn't die.
Turning to Steve, you smiled at him, almost naughtily. Eyes twinkling with evilness, you hold out your free hand, challenging him with your eyebrows. "Would you like to dance, Stevie?"
You've never seen so much fear in someone's eyes come in such a short time. Steve's contained so much fear you were worried he was going to combust. "Um, I d-don't really know how."
"Why, that's a shame, Captain." a man behind you said. Turning around, you found yourself only a foot away from the mafia leader himself, Zhang Wei. Steve's jaw clenched at the unprepared confrontation. Zhang turned to you, holding his unnaturally thin hand out. You could see the bones through the thin skin, shivering at the sight. "Would you like to dance, darling?"
Taking the opportunity, you nodded, taking his hand, hoping Steve would get the hint to not look so stiff. "I would love to."
Zhang took you to the almost empty dance floor, the music starting as soon as his foot hit the designated area. Smiling maliciously, he tugged on your waist, pulling you close for a proper dance. "You look beautiful, my dear. I'm certain your date is jealous I stole you away."
"He doesn't mind." you answered, returning the smile. Glancing at Steve, you saw him glaring at the back of Zhang's head, burning a hole. "Steve is rather hesitant when it comes to dancing, so, I'm sure he doesn't mind you helping a lady out."
The mafia leader's smiled widened. His eyes briefly landed on Loki, narrowing slightly at the way he interacted with his second in command. You took the brief amount of time to inspect him, noticing how much thinner he looked. With eye bags under his eyes, bones peeking through his hands, and the way his footsteps faltered ever so slightly made you realize he isn't going to be hard to take down. He may be the big bad criminal but from the looks of it, he was dying.
Zhang Wei nodded. "You look familiar. Have I seen you before?"
"I'm an escort. You may or may not have seen me on a bunch of powerful men's arms." you lied, flashing him your most charming smile. Zhang raised an eyebrow, gesturing towards Steve with a tilt of his head. "Steve's the same, poor baby was too shy to ask anyone to be his date."
"Didn't think Captain America would have such a hard time finding a date." Zhang mumbled aloud. He kept the false smile on his face. "If the time came, would you tell me your name, in case I can't find myself a date?"
"Tatia Sinclair." you lied, twirling in his arms.
The mafia leader nodded. The dance floor had filled up, nearly overcrowding. It took you a second to find Steve with all the bodies in the way. Zhang cleared his throat. "What a lovely name. Tatia, darling, would you accompany me to my study? I have to fetch something special of mine and would like you pleasant company."
Steve snarled your name through the earpiece, Loki's growl following along. Again, the super soldier and the god agreed. Steve murmured your name. "Don't."
Ignoring his order—and unnecessary concern—you grinned, taking Zhang outstretched arm. "I would love to."
He led you to the elegant stairs while you discreetly turned off your earpiece, no longer wanting to hear Steve's overprotective ass grumbling about sticking to the plan. If he had checked his folder, he would've seen you were sticking to the plan, just not the way he wanted.
The walk to his office was a slow one, considering how sick the mafia leader was, you weren't surprised when he was out of breath just from climbing the stairs. You didn't comment, instead helping him out and pointing out random things a dumb escort would say. Your personal plan was to make this guy underestimate you, and with the way he was looking at you, he was convinced you were just a body with no brains.
He opened the door to his mahogany office, the room was just as elegant as the party below, oozing power and money. Zhang went to his desk, opening his cabinet. From where he left you, you couldn't see what considering how he held it in his hand without opening his palm. A knock at the door stopped you from asking.
Surprisingly his right hand man came in, the one Loki was supposed to be distracting, at least long enough for us to figure out where the flash drive was. And guessing from the amount of evidence, you were guessing the flash drive was in the mafia leader's hand. He glanced at you, tilting his head at Zhang before speaking.
They talked in Chinese--surprise, surprise--a bit fast for you to fully decipher but the gist of the conversation had been finding a safe, more guarded location for the drive considering both Steve Rogers and Loki Laufeyson were in the building, just a floor below them. The two men paid you no attention as you tried to look clueless, bored, and in all, dumb. In their eyes, you were just checking out the room when actually you had been trying to find more dirt. If it wasn't the drive in his hand, it had to be close by.
"Tatia." Zhang called out, using the fake name you had given him. You turned around, a little glass globe in your hand. You raised an eyebrow, twirling the little sphere. "Would you excuse me? I have some rather pressing issues that need to be dealt with."
And once again, the door opened before you could answer the question. This time, at the door stood Steve and Loki, a man laying on the floor between the two. From the way both their suits were a little ruffled, they had enough waiting and decided to take action. A few appeared out of knowhere, tacking the two but you were left alone to deal with the men in the room. Zhang reached under his desk, where you had discreetly took the hidden gun while they had been talking.
Zhang's second in command quickly pointed his loaded gun at you, and you at him, your eyes reflecting the same emotion: hate. The man spoke to Zhang, keeping his gun steady while Zhang tried to get away. Even for a dying man, he moved fast, leaving you the choice of shooting his second in command in the knee. He cried out, firing his gun out of anguish but you were faster, quickly following Zhang, leaving a big group of men to fight Loki and Steve. They would be able to handle it.
Running in heels was always an annoyance to you, considering how unnecessary they were on missions. They looked hot but the fact that you were forced to wear them was a little sexist. You'd have to talk with Fury about that.
The halls were lit up with chanderliers dangling from the ceiling, all of them shining brightly. For someone who had been limping out of the room, he had been fast, or was hiding but the fact was that you lost him. You could still hear the grunts from where Loki and Steve were punching the fuck out of those mafia men.
You slowed, looking at the painting-decorated walls in search of some kind of secret door, maybe a fake wall. It sounded ridiculous but at the compound, Tony had a bunch of hiding spots, a few you knew and others you didn't. It was infuriating.
The hallway must've lasted forever, and you were convinced he had vanished into thin air. Then you spotted a cracked door, it was enough to be left opened on accident, but that didn't mean it was. With caution, you walked slowly, holding your gun in front of you. With your foot, you cracked the door open, entering a room of complete darkness. From what you could tell, there were no windows, and most likely a fake safe room.
Still, you flipped the light switch on, the room lighting up with it's obnoxiously bright white paint reflecting even brighter with the light. Scanning the room, you noticed how it smelled slightly sweet, the sweetness making you slightly dizzy. You shook your head, trying to find something wrong, like a hidden wall, or maybe another escape route from inside the room.
It didn't take long for you to realize the sweet scent was toxic, the side effect making you dizzier, the room spinning under your feet. As soon as you grasped the wall for support, Zhang came from the wall beside you, the little door opening to reveal the mafia leader holding his own gun, the flash drive in his hand as he taunted you with it.
He laughed at your weakened state, aiming his gun at your heart. It triggered your fight or flight and even with the side effect, you decided to fight. He was weaker than you, slower, his aged brain not processing you running at him. His gun dropped on the ground, along with the USB drive as your hand wrapped around his neck, pushing him against the wall with all your remaining strength.
Zhang had to been immune to the fast-acting toxin while you crumbled, unable to hold your body with the dizziness and fatigue bringing you down. Taking the upper hand, he knocked you over, his fist colliding with your jaw. You grunted, pouncing for the gun and flash drive, hiding the latter in your bra while the mafia leader shook his hand in pain.
Just as you had wrapped your fingers around the barrel of the gun, you heard the gunshot, and felt it hit your shoulder. Your hand was useless, your body way too weak from the toxins to defend yourself against the man, at this point just hoping they would find the flash drive in your bra when they autopsied you.
Another bullet was fired, and this one right on your arm, the pain numb. Maybe this was the way you were going to die, but at least it wasn't painful. That was the best you could've hoped for. And then another bullet was fired, but you didn't feel it, the fire inside you too hot for you to even register the pain. You laid on the ground, eyes drifting close. Zhang dropped dead a couple of feet next to you, his head bleeding out.
Your vision had already blackened when you felt Steve knelt down to you, pulling you into his arms. You were unconscious by the the time you figured out Steve had killed.
You woke up to the sound of the irritating beat of your heart of the monitor, and heavy breathing. Despite the very difficult task, you opened your eyes, instantly regretting it when you were met with a blinding light. Thankfully, it went away, revealing where you were in the Medbay, laying on the stiff bed with needles pierced into your skin.
Steve got up from his seat beside you, instantly hovering over you with a worried look on his face. If you hadn't felt like shit, you would've thought his face was permanently like that. "Hey, hey. Are you okay? How do you feel?"
"Am I in hell?"
He let out a strained chuckle, taking your hand with the both of his. His furrowed eyebrows remained furrowed, his forehead filled with crinkles. "Sweetheart? How do you feel? Are you in pain? Do you need anything?"
"Holy fuck, you're spitting in my face. Steve, I feel like shit but I promise I'm fine. Come on, don't you don't have to worry so much." you replied, wishing you could do something other than lie in pain.
"You're fine? I watched you get shot, held you in my arms while you bled out in front of me. If it wasn't for Loki, you'd be dead. Don't you understand how not fine that is? What the hell were you thinking?" Steve raged, letting go of your hand to pace around the room. Judging from the lack of sunlight coming from the windows, it was nighttime, the whole compound barely lit.
"Did you find the drive? I had it—"
"Are you actually worrying about the flash drive when you almost died? Do you not care whether or not you live?" Steve blurted, throwing his hands up in the air, clearly frustrated with how the conversation was going.
"Where's Loki?" you whispered, your eyes slowly closing. You fought to keep them open, hoping for an answer and wishing you could postpone this argument with Steve until morning when you finally could argue back.
Steve calmed down, appreciating the God of Mischief a lot more when he saved your life. "He's filling out Fury on the whole situation. And we found the flash drive, which made Fury gleam with glee."
"Good." you yawned, letting your eyes close knowing Loki was safe and found the flash drive. Steve whispered something but you were already too far gone, falling asleep as soon as your eyes closed.
Loki came into the room a few minutes after you fell asleep, stepping up next to Steve who had been staring your sleeping form. The raven-haired God pulled up a chair, his eyes never leaving your face. "How is she?"
"More worried about the aftermath of the mission more than herself." Steve answered, his voice wavering for a second at the thought of losing you. The super soldier turned to Loki. "Thank you for going against the rules and using your magic to save her. I think it's safe to say you won't get into any trouble, especially with her fighting Tony about it."
Loki shrugged, waving away the compliment. "You would've done the same if you could've."
A beat of silence passed before Steve spoke again, more determined than ever to win back your trust. "I like her, you know?"
"I care for her, too." Loki replied. "And I know that you care for her but don't you understand that I'm far better for her than you ever will? You hurt her. You broke her trust. I may only know her for a few days but I know breaking trust is important to her. To earn it back—"
"Would almost be impossible." Steve finished, his eyes dropping to the bed. "But I have to try. I really like her."
"As do I. And I'm not giving up."
"Neither will I."
< previous next >
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mimisempai · 3 years
Let my love erase all your doubts
While traveling with Loki in Asgard on a mission for the TVA, Mobius stumbles upon what appears to be a tender moment between Sif and his lover. When Loki finds him in their room, Mobius lets his jealousy take possession of him to Loki's great surprise.
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How about writing a jealous Mobius as he and Loki are in Asgard? Loki paying attention to someone else that's not family?
1781 words - Rating M - 🔞⚠️NSFW
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"Hahaha! No! Did he really do that?!"
"Yes he did, Sif, I swear! I don't know if at that moment it was jealousy or disappointment because I had betrayed him, but he really did."
Mobius, recognizing Loki's voice and still trying to find his way through the endless hallways of Asgard, used the sound of Loki's voice to direct himself. He arrived in front of a room closed just by a curtain.
Through the curtain, he saw his lover sitting close and laughing with Sif, the young, athletic and attractive woman that Mobius had used to "torture" Loki.
But now it was Loki who looked very intimate with the young woman.
Mobius didn't know what held him back, but he remained in the doorway, not signalling his presence.
"I admit," Sif continued, "That many times I've had the urge to punch you in the face, but to put you through this over and over again... terrific."
Loki grimaced at the memory.
"But tell me, Mobius and you, is this all serious?" the young woman asked softly. She whispered something else to Loki  that Mobius couldn't hear.
Loki answered, a smile in his voice, "It's true that I prefer when they are well groomed, elegant, in short, classy. But this one, even though it's ordinary, is really more practical. It fits better with what I am now. I'm not really a prince anymore, so I don't need all that elegance."
Sif muttered something again that Mobius could not understand.
Loki answered in the same tone as before.
"Hahaha, yes I know, but for now I'll settle for it, until I find a model that combines elegance and efficiency."
Mobius didn't wait to hear more, so he left with a rush, consumed by anger and disappointment.
"Mobius, my friend! Did you find my brother?"
Mobius took a deep breath to try and keep his composure and replied to Thor, "No but that's okay, I'll go to our room, get some rest."
He moved quickly under the thoughtful gaze of the god of thunder.
He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to the door and did not hear Loki enter a few moments later.
Mobius replied in a cold tone, "So? Finished your little interlude with your precious Sif?"
"One in every port, right? Or rather one in every planet? After all, it's true, with so many years of life..."Loki stood in front of him, looking completely uncomprehending.
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
Mobius had an angry scowl on his face, his lips pursed, and did not answer.
He didn't answer and instead got up and quickly approached Loki, grabbed him by the collar of his jacket, so strongly that Loki's feet almost didn't touch the ground and kissed him full on the lips. The kiss had nothing tender, however, even if Loki was surprised by this abrupt and wild side of Mobius, and never the excitement had risen so quickly. He wanted to grab Mobius's head to deepen the kiss even more but Mobius didn't let him and pulled back, saying with a hard voice, "Don't touch me!" and then resumed the kiss in an even wilder way.
Loki, more and more surprised, but enjoying this dominating side, let himself be completely done. His crotch pressed against Mobius' thigh and he began to rub himself, feeling his hardness grow, he had never been so hard so fast.
Mobius pulled back again and asked in the same cold tone, "And that's fancy enough? and that's classy enough?" before devouring Loki's lips again. Loki's mind was so foggy with desire that he didn't understand what Mobius was saying.
Mobius pressed his thigh against Loki's groin and moved faster and faster and Loki felt the pleasure rising and his orgasm approaching at the speed of a tornado.
Mobius moved aside again and spat out, "I'm convenient right? You like using me like this?" before continuing what he was doing, and Loki, too far into the pleasure, didn't even hear, as his orgasm took him over.
Mobius released him abruptly and Loki had to lean against the dresser behind him to keep from falling.
Slowly coming back from his lightning climax and catching his breath, Loki opened his eyes to see that Mobius was there, frozen, the image of anger, fists clenched and breathing heavily. Little by little Loki's mind realized that there was something very wrong.
Mobius looked at him with icy eyes, "I'm convenient huh, not elegant but convenient. How did you tell your dear Sif? Ah yes, ordinary, until you find something better."
Loki, didn't understand anything, and replayed the last few hours in his head, but he couldn't see what Mobius was getting at.
"But Mobius, what are you talking about?"
"Don't lie to me Loki, I just heard you tell Sif! You prefer style and elegance. Which I obviously don't have, but you're content with me, since I'm convenient for you, right?"
Then Loki understood everything and could not help but laugh.Mobius, shocked, said, "That's right, laugh at me!  Loki, how could you?"
"Mobius, stop! You're completely wrong, I swear I wasn't talking about you! Wait!"
Loki pulled the flaps of his own jacket forward and said to Mobius, "I meant the outfit, my outfit."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me right now!"
"Love, give me your hand, I'll show you our whole conversation."
Loki brought Mobius' hand to his temple and projected the discussion he had with Sif.
"But tell me, Mobius and you, is this all serious?" the young woman asked softly. She leaned over and whispered in Loki's ear, "I'm surprised by your outfit, you're not even wearing your prince's clothes anymore."
"It's true that I prefer when they are well groomed, elegant, in short, classy. But this one, even though it's ordinary, is really more practical. It fits better with what I am now. I'm not really a prince anymore, so I don't need all that elegance."
Sif whispered, "No, but you don't even wear your helmet anymore.
Loki answered in the same tone as before.
"Hahaha, yes I know, but for now I'll settle for it, until I find a model that combines elegance and efficiency."
"Well, now that we've talked about clothes, you didn't answer the first part of my question, Mobius and you, is this serious?"
There was no mockery nor judgment in her voice.
Loki lost his playful look, his face took on a serious expression and his voice was firm and determined as he replied, "Sif, this is the most serious relationship I have ever had. Mobius is... Mobius has been the unexpected on my path of destruction, the surprise I never thought I would have. He has made me better... even greater, he manages to make me believe that I can be better."
Sif hugged him and said, her eyes shining with emotion, "When you talk about him like that, I feel like I'm seeing the young Loki running around and going out on the town with his brother again. I'm happy for you. Really."
Loki gently removed Mobius' hand from his temple and kept it in his own.
"I..." Mobius seemed to deflate like a balloon. He went to sit on the edge of the bed again, took his head in his hands and said in a breath, "I'm sorry..."
Loki went to sit next to him and just put his hand on his thigh, waiting for Mobius to calm down a bit.
After a few moments of silence, Mobius spoke up again, "How can you be here like this, when I just behaved in such a despicable way?"
"Hey Mobius, did I say no? And if I had said no, would you have stopped?"
"Yes, of course!" protested Mobius at once.
"You see?" replied Loki softly, "To tell you that I wasn't surprised would be a lie. And to say I didn't like it would also be a lie. Would I mind a repetition? Yes, but certainly not with you in that state of mind. Because it's now obvious that you didn't enjoy it at all."
"I'm sorry I misunderstood."
"That I think is the next topic we need to talk about, right now actually." Loki took Mobius' chin in his hand to make him look up before continuing, "Mobius, how could you jump to such conclusions?"
"I... sometimes I have this feeling of inadequacy, that I'm not good enough for t-"
"Oh Mobius, look at me, I'm the one who should be saying that. You've seen all my darkness, all the evil I'm capable of. I'm the one who sometimes thinks that one day you'll realize that I'm not worthy of your love."
"Loki, never doubt my feelings for you. I told you from the beginning that I knew you were capable of good, even before there was anything between us, and you proved it to me again and again."
Loki grabbed Mobius' hand and intertwined his fingers in it.
"We're getting to where I wanted to. Yes I know your feelings and I believe in them, and that's what makes me overcome this feeling of not being suitable, because I know that you love me. And so, I say to myself that if you can't overcome this feeling of inadequacy, it's maybe because you don't have the same faith in my love? Mobius, you know that I love you, don't you?"
"Yes I know that, but every now and then that little voice gets a little louder, especially when I see you with someone younger, someone prettier."
Loki pressed his forehead against Mobius' and whispered, his lips against his, "So I want you to try every time you have that voice in your head, to remember that exact moment."
He closed the distance between them and kissed Mobius tenderly before pulling back and telling him looking into his eyes. "I love you Mobius. You are perfect for me."
A single tear escaped from Mobius' eyes, and Loki wiped it away with his thumb before hugging Mobius. And they stayed like that for a long time.
Then Mobius felt Loki laugh in his hair. He straightened up and looked at him with a curious look.
"What's so funny?"
"I was just thinking that under different circumstances, I wouldn't mind re-doing what happened before."
Mobius laughed and brought his lips closer to Loki, who was happy to again find the sparkling sparkle in his lover's eyes and his irresistible smile.
Then he was no longer able to think, because that was the effect Mobius had as soon as he placed his lips on his.
Belongs this series : Together, For all time, Always
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless🥰
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Out of The Woods
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 4
"They loved each other recklessly"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even when you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the Stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 4,754
Warnings: some angst and fluff, some shade was thrown, mentions of violence.
A/N: this is one of my favourite songs ever. Again, I suggest listening to the song which I linked both on Spotify and YouTube right below. As always you can always ask to be added to the taglist!
A/N: the dividers were made by the lovely @chrissquares! Thank you @nacho-bucky for beta reading this!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
song on Spotify and YouTube
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It's been a while since you felt this way.
Even back then, it was rare that you woke up before him, but you always relished it. You could feel all of him, the comforting weight of him almost lulled you back to sleep. With his chest pressed against your back, and arm curled around you, it felt as if he was enveloping all of you. You didn't mind that. It was weird how easily you fell back into old patterns, but how could you not? The only time you ever felt this good was with him, you never knew this kind of thing exists before him, and you never saw it again after him. But here it was again.
You couldn't bring yourself to care that it won't last, not with the way he felt next to you.
Certainly not with the small feather like kisses you now felt being pressed against your neck, spreading goose bumps in their wake.
"What's on your mind, love?" you loved hearing his voice in the morning.
"Do you think it'll all be worth it?"
"We will find out with time." He made you believe that, he knew the effect he had on you.
He felt colder against you than you remembered, he was different.
"They won't like this, you know."
"Since when do you care about what other people think?" he lifted himself onto an elbow to look at you.
You were different too.
"I have a family now. So many things have changed, Loki." His hair was softer now, you smiled as you racked your fingers through his messy hair, it was your fault after all. "You changed too."
A lot has happened after he left you, he was grateful that he decided to leave you, it was the right thing to do even if it hurt you.
"I did, I suppose."
"I mean, after you- you left it was a good few years and then I saw you on TV in the battle of New York, and next thing I know you are here in the tower with me."
"Yes, a lot has happened." He dosed off in thought.
"Nothing, darling, we should get up." He met your lips in a short kiss, smiling down at you.
"Fine, let's go." You grabbed the sheets and pulled it against you, searching for your clothes. You pulled yourself up from the bed when you didn't see find your shirt which you changed to last night, at least that was before your second round. "Hey Loki did you see my-"
Turning around he looked at you with a smirk, already dressed in new clothes. You totally forgot about his magic, he always did it.
"Panties? They are right here, but I'm afraid they are quite ruined." You wished you could wipe that smirk off his face.
"I was looking for my shirt, you asshole." He just held up his other hand and you grabbed your shirt, turning to go to your closet.
You missed him so much.
"Then you have to fold it again- no Loki," you giggled when you watched him try to copy your movements on this lazy afternoon you shared with him. "Fold it to the other side, the airplane needs to be identical on both sides so it could fly." Loki glared at you and you tried and failed to stop your giggles. But when you weren't looking at him, he couldn't help but smile at you.
"I don't know why you call this paper thing an airplane, it doesn't look like those machines you showed me pictures of." He looked at your perfectly crafted paper and scoffed when he saw his.
"Because these paper airplanes can fly, look" you waited for him to finish his one before throwing yours. He watched your proud expression when it flew around for a couple of seconds before it fell on the floor and you went to fetch it. "Try to do it with yours."
Loki concentrated with furrowed eyebrows as he copied your movements and watched as his work flew for a second before it crash landed on your couch.
"That was great!"
"That was pathetic!"
"We can try again." You fixed his airplane and gave it to him.
"Or, we can do this my way." He smiled at you mischievously and told you to throw it at three."
"One, two, three!" when you released your plane, your watched in wonder as Loki worked his magic on it. Your two paper airplanes were flying throughout the living room together. You caught him staring at you when you looked back at him. Smiling, you leaned over the table to connect his lips to yours in a short kiss. "Isn't my way much better?"
You wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off of his face, so you brought him in for another kiss as the paper airplanes kept flying around the room.
"You can tell yourself whatever you want Tony, you are not a good cook." you coughed at the smoke that filled up the kitchen. Natasha was fanning herself with a towel.
"Well at least I am trying to cook! I was going to make something nice for our Asgardian guests." You almost laughed at him pointing a pan at Natasha with an apron on, but that comment died on your throat. "Where did you disappear to last night?"
"What?" you stood next to the open window, getting some fresh air.
"One minute you were with me and the next you walked away and disappeared. Wait-" she paused and tilted her head. "Did you go home with someone?"
Sam whistled from the door.
"Y/N go get some!" he raised a hand to high five you but you only glared at him.
"I got tired of the party, so what if I did?"
"That guy from IT who has a crush on you will be very disappointed."
"Who the hell has a crush on me?" with the smoke out you finally got your eggs and toast for breakfast, snatching the one that wasn't burnt.
"Mike? You know that guy who was talking to you last night?"
"What? No way, he was just making conversation and he was talking to you too." You scrunched your nose.
"Are you doubting my spy skills?"
"Yep, but either way it's not my fault if he's upset it's his problem." You shrugged, biting into your food.
"So you actually were with a guy." You looked up mid bite.
"You bitch."
"Language, the captain is here."
"What's going on?"
"Nothing, Steve."
"Y/N met a guy."
"You what now?" he crossed his arms and looked at you. "Who is he?"
"No one, can we just move on? We have a briefing soon with the asgardians you're making so-called food for, so just eat up and shut up."
Natasha only shrugged at Steve's raised eyebrow.
"Brother, where did you go to last night? I found Tony but I couldn't find you after we split up." Thor spoke to his brother as they walked through the corridors of the Avengers Tower.
"I went to the lab, parties are not my thing, neither are your midgardian friends." Thor shook his head.
"They are really nice Loki, especially Y/N." Loki faltered in his step at her mention. It did not go unnoticed by Thor.
"Why are you so insisted on talking about her? I told you already that we are not-"
"Loki, despite everything that happened I still know you, just a little bit." He put a hand on Loki's shoulder, stopping in the middle of the hall. "I just want to tell you to be careful with her. Her friends here, and especially Steve- he will not react to it well."
"So I should just bow down to that?" Loki looked up at Thor, anger flashed in his eyes.
Shrugging Thor's hand off, he went into the room where the avenger's were sitting around a table. In the front stood Tony, waiting for the two asgardians to arrive, while he snacked.
And then Loki saw you, you sat right at the head of the table just across from him, catching his eye and then looking down when you started to feel your face heat up. Wanda smiled slightly beside you.
"Okay, now that we are all here, tell them what you started telling me yesterday. Thanks for not showing up Horny head, Thor couldn't tell me everything without you."
Thor chuckled and held Loki back.
"There were weapons that were stolen from the Asgard royal vaults. We still don't know how they managed to get to Asgard or even get into the vaults in the palace. Loki knows more about what was stolen, go ahead brother."
"Very well, the weapons that were stolen are very ancient and very dangerous. One of them is Laevateinn, my old wand-"
"You had a wand?" Pietro laughed from the corner, you kept your wide eyes on Loki. He told you about it several times and this wasn't good.
"What else was stolen?" you leaned forward now, but Loki had a hard time meeting your gaze as he looked back at Thor as if they had a silent conversation. "Loki?"
Steve turned his head to you, surprised at your tone. He was even more surprised when Loki met your eyes and kept them on you as he obeyed your request.
"It's called the Skofnung."
It has been an hour, and it was safe to say that everyone in the room was on their toes, tense.
"You said you kept an enchantment on it! You said you hid it, how the hell did they get to your wand?" you were standing up, yelling at Loki in frustration.
"I did do that! But after I was away for a long time, the spell around it weakened and my stupid father thought it would be safer to put it in the vaults alongside all the other things!" he countered back.
"Hey Loki, do not talk about our father like that."
"Oh come on Thor, he is stupid don't deny it." You were so frustrated that you didn't even care anymore, you could feel Steve's gaze burning into your skin as he stood beside you.
"And how would you know that?" he asked you then, and before you could think you replied on instinct.
"Because he always treated Loki like a-" you realized your mistake when you saw a shift in his eyes, and the room went quiet as the spies and geniuses caught on.
You hated that between all the anger in his eyes, you saw betrayal there too.
Loki leaned against the wall and watched the scene in front of him unraveling.
"So, it's him? Is that why you weren't telling us anything?" Steve got angrier by the second and you didn't dare look around to see the others' responses. "You two were-"
"Okay, Steve calm down now." You were thankful for Wanda but Steve only shot her down.
"No, I want to hear what she has to say. Did you lie to us about anything else?"
"I didn't lie to you Steve! I was just trying to-"
"No but you did lie to me, you are involved with the psychotic guy who terrorized earth!" he pointed to Loki then, but you knew that if you looked at Loki you'll break down.
"Steve, maybe we should slow down from the accusations." Sam put a hand on his shoulder but he didn't let down.
"Yes, Steve I was with him, and I didn't tell you because I was scared of this exact reaction! This is what I tried to prevent!"
Loki was ready to fight the captain for making you feel this way.
"You can't be with him Y/N! He is not good for you! You don't know all of the things that he did!"
"Captain, if you have any anger let it out on me, not her." Loki spoke up and walked forward in the room.
"Oh I assure you, I will." He sent daggers at Loki before looking back at you, at this point your eyes were teary. "Y/N you will stay away from him."
"Enough!" your eyes flashed at him and the room glowed in purple before it all went quiet. Wanda looked at her friends' dazed eyes and she was about to go to you when Bucky beat her do it.
"Doll, you can't keep him like this forever, he will still fight. We both know that." He and Wanda moved through their friends to get to you as you went to the door.
"Darling what did you do?" he stopped you when you grabbed him to go away.
"I just needed it to stop." You turned to Bucky and Wanda. "They are fine, I just sent them to calm down, it'll wear off once I'm up in my room. Please just calm them down, I can't bear him being mad at me."
They nodded at you. After that you grabbed Loki and left to go up to your room. It was silent.
"You shouldn't have done that." Loki looked down at you with concern.
"He didn't stop. Do you see now why I didn't want them to know?" you crossed your arms, but your demeanor soon fell and he was ready for you when you rested your head on his chest.
"I understand. I didn't realize you were that close."
"They are my family Loki, I may didn't have one when we were together but now I do," you looked up at him. "And I care about them."
Loki locked the door to your room in a green flash when you went inside.
"Come lie with me?"
"It's midday my darling." You only hummed in response and got on the bed. With the begging look you gave him he had to oblige.
Getting in the bed, you laid your head on his chest and he traced invisible patterns on your exposed skin. His other hand playing with your hair, he couldn't help but drift off into his memories.
"Do you want me to go punch him? You know I would." He kept silent and just took your hand until you got on the bed with him. "Or maybe I could go your style and stab him. Lightly."
"I just want to forget about that." You nodded and laid back. You let him lay his head on your chest. You wrapped your arms around him, as if you could protect him from the world. "He is my dad too, I don't understand why he always listens to Thor and not me."
"As I said, I'd gladly punch him for you. I don't care if he is a king."
"Thor's coronation will arrive soon enough. I don't think he'll ever realize that I could be king too." You had to hold back your anger at his so called family, you had to hold it back because now all he needed was a warm place, which he always found with you. He stayed quiet, playing gently with the necklace hanging from your neck, which he gave you all those months ago.
If he could, he'd stay here with you until the end of eternity. He would stay home.
"Rest now, my love, I'll be here when you wake up."
You woke up to Loki. He turned his head to you and gave you a light kiss to the crown of your head.
"How long was I asleep?" you stretched a bit before falling back onto Loki.
He was still here.
"About an hour, do you want me to get you some food?"
"No." you shook your head at him, he was scared of the glint in your eye. "I'll go get it myself."
"Darling, do not ignite this fire for nothing." He knew it was futile, once you set your mind on something there was nothing to do.
"I don't care, they'll deal with it. I need you now. I tried to do it quietly but they just won't listen so I'm just going to do it like you would. A big 'fuck you' to them."
"Maybe consider at least-"
"We both know I am stubborn, so you are going to come with me and we are going to get food." He remembered you being feisty but not to this level, you grabbed his arm and walked out of the door.
It could be over a week from now, but right now you just needed him with you, and they needed to realize that.
"Well then, let's do this properly." Loki smirked when he stopped you, and you matched him when he put his arms around you, and in the next second you were just outside of the kitchen.
The Avengers in the living room stilled at your sudden appearance. Steve was nowhere in sight, neither was Bucky.
"I'm going to get us food, stay here." You gave him a playful peck on the lips and went to the kitchen.
Natasha joined you a moment after.
"What are you doing?" she leaned on the wall when you pulled out some leftover pizza.
"Heating up some pizza, do you want some?"
"You know that's not what I asked," you turned your back to her, walking to the microwave. "Why him? He is not-"
"How would you know if he is not right for me? You don't know me, or him." You turned back to her, furious. You were surprised to see the momentary offended look in her eyes.
"Do you know him? He changed. There are things that you don't know, that we do."
"I know him better than all of you, even better than Thor. I know enough about him to know who he is and who he is not." Scoffing, you got out the slices of pizza.
"It's been a while since you saw him last, and by the looks of it he hurt you pretty badly, a lot has changed for both him and you."
"Do you really think I don't know that?"
"I'm just saying, Y/N, how do you know he won't hurt you again?" you took the plates to the table.
"I don't."
"I'm just looking out for you. So does he."
She didn't have to specify, you had no clue what you were going to do with him.
"You are practically a mini Steve at times, always so stubborn." She left you at that.
Loki was outside of the kitchen, just around the corner in the common room he stood with a sly smirk when some of the Avengers were in edge when he sat.
He decided to use the opportunity to study them, when one caught his eye. The scarlet witch. He hadn't met her before, yet she seemed to have a certain connection to you, she was unaffected by the commotion earlier that day.
She returned his gaze and he was suddenly affected by a weird daze. She was in his mind.
Raising a brow at her, he let her try to find something, he was stronger. He felt something crack in his mind and he could see it clear as day.
Thor and his friends were talking in the bar, drinking as usual, when he felt an urge to go back to your arms, longing to just sit with you and watch one of those silly shows you love so much.
He quickly excused himself and as fast as he could, he evaded all the eyes so he could get to Midgard the fastest.
He stood in the middle of your living room, not wanting to scare you (again). It took him a second to get his bearing when he realized the scene in front of him. Two men in dark outfits were there, when they turned he knew they were no ordinary men. And they were clearly not wanted here.
On instinct and fear he pulled out two daggers and stabbed them both in the necks before they could retaliate. When he was sure they were down, he sent them somewhere far away. His eyes frantically looked around for you. Only then when it was silent he could hear your short breaths and whimpers.
"Y/N? My love?" he went towards the bathroom which was locked, not missing a beat he got inside and saw you crying and scared on the corner, holding a hair straightener as a weapon.
"Loki?" you lowered the weapon and Loki crouched down beside you, taking your shaking body in his arms.
"Oh my love, I'm here. Don't worry, I'm here." He held you close as you let out sobs until you calmed down and your breathing went back to normal.
"I heard voices and I hid here but I didn't have my phone with me, I forgot it. They would've found me and I couldn't call for anyone, Loki." He only hushed down your panicked voice.
"I promise no harm will ever come to you when you have me, I'll always be here." He picked you up and took you to bed, spreading endless kisses all over your face.
You were curled on top of him until you fell asleep safe and sound. Once Loki was sure you were sleeping, he started chanting. He was going to make sure you were protected when he wasn't around. He put up wards around your apartment with the oldest and strongest spell he knew. By the end of it he was tired, but it was all worth it for you. Anything was worth it.
He had never felt such fear.
It was hard to keep his strong demeanor up after the triggered memory. Looking at the witch all he saw was a surprised look, he had clearly underestimated her abilities. It won't happen again.
He heard your footsteps and was eager to get out and away from the witch when the elevator doors opened and there the Captain stood, alongside the Sergeant and the Falcon.
The blue eyes were trained on him. Then they moved to a figure behind him.
The falcon put a hand on his shoulder. Steve let out a chuckle when Loki went up and stood next to you.
"The literal cold blooded killer? Are you sure about your choice here, kid?" his jaw was set, but his eyes showed more.
"He's here to help you. And yes." You took Loki's hand and kept contact with Steve.
You barely heard Bucky mutter under his breath.
"Aren't everyone in this room killers, Captain?" Loki challenged.
"Some of us have an actual reason, not an excuse." He countered.
"Steve, maybe we should let it go for now" Bucky whispered to Steve and the two of you walked back to the kitchen for your ready meal. Said meal being pizza.
"An excuse," you scoffed. "You did something bad yes, but you're not making excuses for it, you don't have an excuse for it you are just redeeming yourself and getting better. You are just setting things right."
You whispered the last part, but it didn't matter because you drifted off into your head, not noticing Loki's quiet demeanor.
That night, Loki lay with you in your bed wide awake as you drifted asleep next to him.
The events of the day stuck to him, the memory lingered in his mind as if it happened just mere hours ago, the strike of fear. He did not think about that day often, but he knew exactly where the witch took it from.
He stood in the middle of your apartment; you still weren't home, so he decided to walk around the place that held so many memories of him and you. The first time you invited him over; your first kiss; the first time he told you about his powers; the first I love you. But to every first time there is also a last.
He hid the numerous cuts he had. You'd probably fuss about how he would need 20 stitches before taking care of him.
It was well into the night now here on Midgard when you walked through the door. A big smile adorned your face when you saw Loki. Putting your bags down, you quickly locked the door and ran up to hug him. He held himself back from the itch to hold you and hug you. You pulled back then, looking at Loki who had a stoic look in his eyes.
"Loki, what's wrong?" the longer he looked at you, the more it started to hurt him. You weakened him.
"I'm going back to Asgard. And I will not come back to Midgard." You stepped away. One hand wrapped around your waist as the other clutched the necklace on your neck. He felt the tears brimming in his eyes at your hurt look. He could hide his tears, he knew you couldn't hide yours, but he had to go through with this.
"What? Loki, what do you mean?"
It was a hard talk. Both of you were hurt but only one showed it.
He had to do this. He had to be the one to walk out and set you free.
You woke up with a gasp, taking in your surroundings you were glad to see Loki was still asleep. Getting up, you decided to get some fresh air and went up to the roof.
The cold breeze hit the bare skin of your arms and suddenly you regretted not having taken a blanket with you. The city looked so calm when you looked at this from this height, so clean and collected. Then again, you knew it was because of the height, everything was uglier up close.
Leaning in on the railway, you looked out and tried to clear your mind.
"Cold?" you turned around surprised to find Steve there, getting up from where he sat.
"Were you there the whole time?" he nodded to you and you didn't complain when he put on you his big sweatshirt. You certainly didn't complain about the warmness it brought you.
You kept staring forward when he leaned on the railway next to you.
"You know I'm more stubborn than you, right?" you scoffed at that.
"No you're not!"
"Ask Bucky, he will tell you."
"Bucky knows I am just as stubborn as you." He shook his head fondly at you, then his face fell a bit when he looked at you.
"What are you doing, kid?" Steve turned to look at you. "He is bad news, you are smarter than that."
"I am smarter than that, I am smarter than to judge someone you don't know. I know Loki better than all of you do!" you turned to him, crossing your arms, still holding the sweatshirt close to you.
"How do you know him that way? You said you haven't seen him in years. Maybe he wasn't a mass murderer back then but he is now." You could tell he was getting angrier trying to get you to understand him. People kept saying that you are Steve's daughter, so you are not one to back down.
"He did bad things yes but he changed, now he is here to help us and fix things!" you stomped your foot in the ground.
"He is here because of the Asgardian weapons, he is not here for you Y/N! wake up, he will only hurt you!"
"He is still here, with me!" you felt the angry tears brimming.
"How can you still love him? That creature that he is!"
"Don't call him that!"
"But he-"
"No! you can't judge me for loving him!"
"It's wrong Y/N, he is not good for you, I won't allow it." He yelled again in his captain voice and you have had enough. Apparently he did too.
"Steve you can't judge me!" he was walking away from you and from the conversation before you yelled at him and he faltered. "You only knew Peggy for a short period of time and yet you still felt so much for her even when you weren't together. And even after you woke up and managed to find her! I knew Loki for way longer than that and I loved him for more, so you can't blame me for still loving him today and going back to him!"
The heat of the moment didn't let you apologize for what you said, but when he walked out of your view only then did you realize what you said and you wished you could take it back.
You didn't want to hurt him like this.
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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Summary: Stephen Strange being a grown-up. Reader being a grown-up. Kind of. Revenge plot starts now - don't be like the mercenary, don't threaten reader's family. Avengers being good.. bros? Good found family idk. More smut + plot coming soon.
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The silence hung awkwardly over us. Stephen wasn't the one to wax poetics, usually, and I wasn't in the mood to do anything but curl up somewhere warm, chug a bottle of liquor and fall asleep. Sleep is like death without the committment and after my little outburst, I inwardly prayed and begged for the ground to open up and swallow me whole. Instead, I was directed to sit and drink my tea by the sorcerer, who, by the way, was beginning to look like a kicked puppy.
It was starting to become unbearable. "I'm listening," I finally croaked out, shocked at how raspy my voice sounded. As if someone had forced me to choke on some nails - and I felt like it, too. My hands were shaking, all but spilling the hot tea onto them.
"Princess..." His mouth did the thing when he was worried, lips pursed, their corners upturned. "What we did was not... Right, you were drugged without your consent. I am sure Tony feels the same way."
My eyebrows rose, words bubbling up to the surface as I fought the urge to simply start calling Stephen some strong names. Had he been blind the whole time I flirted with him, had he not seen both me and Tony ogling him when we thought nobody could see? Every time I joked about the sexual tension between them - you know what they say, every joke has a little bit of truth in it.
Or maybe the sorcerer had used the incident as a convenient excuse for our little fuck-fest to be a one-time thing? I expected more, I won't lie, but I wouldn't put it above him. I knew all too well that some men tended to simply... Avoid.
I was angry, probably rightfully so, but it was not the time for me to comfort an adult man. My own life was going to shit, I had no mental energy to unburden his baseless guilt. It was selfish and it made me feel even more like shit, but it was as if someone had flipped a switch inside of me. I just didn't care about someone's heartbreak. I needed to solve another problem, a much bigger than a man that couldn't make up his mind.
I had to find that damn mercenary. It was the only real threat hanging over our heads; unlike any mission that I've seen the team go on before, they had thrown all the forces into catching the man that had gotten into their safe space, their home. That threatened to take what they thought as theirs. Long gone were the days of comfortable domesticity.
"Okay," I replied, nodding curtly. "I wanted it, if it helps any. I thought you were attractive the first day I saw you." I spoke bluntly, beginning to feel like myself more and more with each word that I spoke. "And again, no strings have to be attached. I'm sure Tony will understand it too, it's not his first rodeo."
Stephen's head shot up from where he was examining his clasped hands, to study me with furrowed brows. Cloaky moved where it was wrapped around me, attracting the sorcerer's attention - I, unfortunately, did not understand the Cloak's sign language and what it told Stephen remained a mystery to me. I was just delighted to be out of the cold and and wet clothes.
"I think you misunderstood me," Stephen eyed me with surprise. "I want more, but..." He trailed off, unsure. "I don't know. I'm surprised Banner hasn't gone green on me yet. I'm a doctor, I should have known..."
So, he was pulling a me and wallowing in pity. Is this really how pathetic I looked when I used to mope around the house earlier? No wonder my mother thinks I'm a baby. "Stephen, I'm really not in the mood to listen to bullshit. I wanted it, you wanted it, great, we can move on. Because with everything that has happened to me, I really have no energy to convince you I like you even while sober when you're sabotaging yourself." Sure, I might have ripped off the motivational speech from a self-help book my mother used to have laying around. My patience was wearing thinner with each second. "There, I said it. I like you, my boyfriends like you, you're welcome to the club if you decide to believe the fact that I am telling the truth." And if he wouldn't, well, I could get over it. I was planning to never act upon my feelings for both Tony and Bruce, it hadn't been as hard as I thought it would be. Especially with me being busy enough to just ignore the feelings.
At some point, I had grown attached to Stephen. Perhaps, if I and Tony hadn't decided to mess around with the sorcerer at the party, my feelings wouldn't have bloomed into anything more than physical attraction. Murphy's law had a particularly strong affinity on me, I noticed, because over and over I found myself falling head over heels for emotionally unavailable men. It worked out with Tony, which wasn't as surprising as one might expect, considering we're two halves of a whole idiot, but then Bruce also decided to pucker up - Stephen was bound to be the rock that I trip on.
Or not? Soft lips pressed against my forehead, beard hair softly tickling the tip of my nose. I was pressed against a solid chest, surrounded by warmth and comfort. "I'm sorry, I'm an idiot," Steph whispered, voice quivering.
"Well, it's not like this... Relationship... I've got going on is something commonplace," My arms wrapped around him, a deep sigh relaxing my body into his. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. It wasn't right."
Stephen chuckled, all but pulling me bodily into his lap. "Don't worry, Princess. I deserved it." As he spoke, the Cloak carefully unwrapped itself from me, drifting away with a parting pat on my back. "Now what happened with your parents?" Large palms pushed the hair out of my face, stormy blue eyes looking at me with worry.
"I should probably assemble all my significant others for this conversation," There was little enthusiasm in discussing the incident. I was an adult and had enough money to get by for a few months, at least until I could patent one of my inventions. I had plenty of knick-knacks that should be able to interest buyers, that much I knew, and while the legal side of the process was a blank slate to me, I knew I could be charismatic enough to have someone work it out for me.
"I don't think I'll be able to take Steve seriously when he says 'assemble', now," My third boyfriend chuckled, which - wow, I didn't have boyfriends and now I had three? Should I be considering opening a factory or something? Stephen adjusted his hold on me. "Let's go, I'll portal us in."
"My car's out there with all my stuff. I'll have to drive," I protested but made no move to get out of his lap.
"Tony is a billionaire, he can pay someone to retrieve it," Shrugging carelessly, he produced a golden circle of magic, the common room couch in plain sight at the other side of it. I heard voices and then Clint's head peaked through, a curiously tilted eyebrow morphing into full fledged face of confusion upon seeing the two of us.
Yikes. I had forgotten about the state of my dress and the bruise on my cheek. "Hey, bird. I need a drink," I said the first thing that popped into my mind, causing both Clint and Steph to laugh as the sorcerer carried me into the tower through the portal.
"I'm starting to think you go out there and look for trouble on purpose," The archer sighed, pulling out his phone and texting rapidly. Mine vibrated, too, once he was done, which meant he'd called for a family meeting. Blergh.
In no time, Tony appeared, dark circles under his eyes and yesterday's shirt on, towing a worried Bruce behind him. One after the other, the Avengers tickled in, looking restless and exhausted. Loki's frown was well on its way to becoming a full sneer.
"Talk, please," He requested, eyeing me with concern.
"Good news is I got our rogue wizard back," I poked Stephen in the chest. He was blushing. "Bad news is my mother threw me out and my father didn't pick up the phone, so technically I'm homeless and parent-less," I decided that spitting out straight facts was the easiest way to go about it. I mean, there was no good way to tell what I just told them.
The storm that I anticipated didn't appear. Just a lot of disappointed sighs all around, especially from Tony, who looked twenty years older after I'd confessed to the current state of my affairs. "You're not homeless, you live here," He pointed out, rubbing his face and muttering some very strong words under his nose. Particularly, the expressions involved my mother and various methods of fornication.
"We got your back, doll," Bucky nodded, coming over to wrap me in a gentle hug. He was like a brother from another mother to me at this point, kind and goofy and sensible. "I would propose to teaching that harpy a lesson but I think she's beyond it."
"Perhaps it's for the best," Loki mused suddenly. "If I recall correctly, your mother was against your career of choice, which is idiotic. Science is a noble and prospective path." The Asgardian, too, gave me a hug.
I wasn't crying! There were ninjas, in the vents, cutting onions! "Stop it guys, I'm gonna cry. I already look like shit!" The protest was silenced by Bruce's lips on mine, his tiny smile briefly covering my mouth with tenderness. After that, everybody somehow decided it was their job to try and make me cry; like a bad bitch, I resisted, but eventually broke and started sniffling when Tony began rambling about building me my own lab and Wanda offered to help me decorate my new apartment.
No matter how much my mind screamed at me to refuse, I forced that noise down. Fighting against myself, accepting help despite feeling unworthy of it - it was probably the hardest thing I've done in my whole life.
Bruce volunteered to carry my prone body to Tony's bedroom which was quickly becoming the master bedroom for the three of us - ever since the incident, both of my scientists stuck close to me whenever possible, aggressively cuddling me whenever they decided it was time to get some sleep. Which wasn't much these days, if I was being honest. Persuading Bruce to stay with me was a novelty - usually he didn't resist, but that time, I had to repeat myself multiple times that the team could handle business even without him being present.
I had my ulterior motives, of course. Tony and Stephen needed to talk. I only hoped their egos wouldn't clash without me to mediate - having two boyfriends start a fight wasn't something I wanted to experience. I had zero experience in those matters and had no idea how to manage all that. Are there handbooks for polyamorous relationships? I stuck a mental post-it note inside my brain to check it out.
I fell asleep with Bruce wrapped around me and woke up in the same position, having been too exhausted to move even in my sleep. Voices, rough and quiet, were the first thing I heard upon syncing my brain into a resemblance of a working order, instantly recognizing Stephen's deep baritone and Tony's teasing drawl.
"Expect either Reindeer Games or Kim Possible to come and terrify you," My engineer didn't sound particularly ecstatic. His voice came from somewhere around my feet; the hand wrapped around my ankle, thumb gently stroking the skin, must've been his.
"Duly noted," Stephen's reply was equally sarcastic, sounding a little closer. The warmth coming from my side was him. I could smell the faint spices that surrounded him, smell that I'd come to associate with the Sanctum.
Bruce snored away, not a care in the world.
My body, on the other hand, felt rested for what felt the first time in years. A pleasant ache in my muscles had me begrudgingly squirm out of Banner'd grasp, shamelessly pushing up into Stephen as I stretched with a juicy yawn. "What's poppin'?" I rubbed my eyes, finding the men awake looking at me with fond amusement.
"Just watching," Tony smiled, causing me to giggle at his accidental meme-ing. Was it even accidental? I refused to believe that a man well versed in IT was oblivious to meme culture.
Stephen, on the other hand... "We've discussed some things, wanted to talk to you too." His hand stroked my hair, face expression soft unlike anything I'd ever seen him have. "But you were sleeping. So cute."
Me, cute? There was a puddle of drool the size of a dollar bill on my pillow, I was pretty sure some of it had even gotten in Bruce's hair. Banner's sleep was quiet except for every five minutes when he'd let out a snore with a force somewhere between a Mack truck and a whale in mating season.
Cute, sure.
Bruce groaned, a tell-tale sign of him waking up. I met his eyes, brown, shiny, a narrow edge of green around his irises. Huh. Do I have three boyfriends or four?
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​@sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie @mikariell95 @gladiosamicitias
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Loki x reader, Bruce x reader ,(platonic), avengers x reader (platonic).
Word count: 4.9 k
A/n: Heyo! I didn't actually mean for this to be as long as it was, but it turned out to be quite pleasing. Writers block is a bitch so it's taken me a while to write, but I hope I didn't disappoint! Requested by @marvelloonie, thank you for the request! - Aphrodite
Summary: you and Loki have been secretly meeting without the avengers knowing, and when you realise you've fallen in love, you decide it's time to tell the group. After trying to keep you, the groups little ray of sunshine, away from the mysterious asgardian for a while, the group are shocked to find out that you've been seeing each other.
Warninngs: angst, fluff, that's all! Enjoy x
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For your entire life, you were always the 'innocent' one. Sure, you were optimised and generally a happy person, but people seem to take advantage of that a lot. That never dampened your mood, though; you always stayed the same happy-go-lucky little burst of sunlight through childhood to adulthood. That's also the reason that upon meeting new people, they never expect your job to be an avenger. Your work never really phased you; most of the people who you killed deserved it, but every now and again there was an odd time where you felt a slight hint of guilt.
Among the avengers, you were known as the little ray of sunshine, too. Pretty much all of the avengers had dark pasts, but not you. You lived a normal life, excelled at school, went to college, and got a normal job. S.H.I.E.L.D discovered you after you got into an accident and were struck by lightning: after you recovered, you found out that you could control lightning. You quickly joined the avengers, and got on very well with everyone. You knew all of the avengers, and were aware of all possible threats, enemies, blah blah, except one. Thor's brother, Loki, had committed several offences in the past, but redeemed himself by helping the team every now and again. You had never met Loki, but the Avengers made it clear that they wanted to keep it that way.
"Hey Steve!" You walked into the common area after a few hours training in the gym. Steve was in the kitchen, passing him as you got a bottle of water, and you looked over to see Natasha, Sam, Bucky and Thor on the sofas. "Good morning guys, how are you all?" You grinned at them as you walked over to sit next to Nat, a slight spring in your step.
"Why are you always so happy?" Bucky grunted as you sat unbeaten him and Nat. Sam gave Bucky a frown, and turned to you. "Don't mind him, he just found out that his favourite TV show has been cancelled."
"Aww, Heroes of Bruin!?" Bucky gave you a small nod, his arms crossed tightly around his chest. You placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a sympathetic smile. "Don't worry, Buck. I'm sure you'll find a better series soon! You can always borrow one of my box sets, you know where they are!" Bucky thanked you, and you sat back on the sofa, taking long gulps of your water.
"Seriously though, y/n. What keeps you so positive?" Steve asked, leaning on the kitchen counter. You shrugged, taking one last sip of your water.
"I don't really know, to be honest. I have a roof over my head, a good job, food, clean water, and friends and family who love me!" You stood up, walking over to the kitchen island and sitting opposite Steve. "Besides, what's there to be miserable about? Yeah, work does get hard sometimes, and life isn't easy, but that's just more drive to stay positive. It's not going to get me anywhere by being grumpy and mean like a certain tin man in this building!" You both laughed, thanking God that Tony wasn't in the room to hear what you just said. From the sofa, you heard Nat starting to talk to Bucky and Sam.
"...but there's nothing else we can do about it other than get in contact with some of our aliases and-"
"What's going on?"
Cutting in, you stood up from the island and walked over to the sofa.
Nat turned to look at you while Sam and Bucky continued to read from the iPad she held.
"There was a break in at a Hydra base a few days ago. The person who broke in stole Hydra's files about us, and some files about them. My best guess is that it's somebody who's against Hydra but also against us." Nat took a long deep breath, and turned back to her iPad, still talking to you. "We need to get in contact with non-avengers who have fought with us in the past, see if they have any idea. Steve and I are going to S.H.I.E.L.D. tomorrow, Thor will be returning to Asgard to talk with Loki, I don't know what else we can do."
You perked up at the mention of Loki, and suddenly came up with an idea. "How about I go with Thor? I've always wanted to see Asgard, and it's better than just having one person go." You saw Nat look up and glare at Steve, who did the same, before they both turned to you. Steve sighed, and looked away; clearly, there was something on both of their minds.
"That's a good idea about somebody going, it's better to be safe than sorry. What about Clint? D'you think he'd want to go?" Steve was looking at Natasha when he asked, and you felt a but left out. Instead of becoming angry, you just smiled and turned to face Steve. "What about me?" You asked, still smiling widely.
"Uh, y/n? I don't really think you should go..." Natasha remarked next to you, and you ever so slightly frowned.
"What do you mean?" You kept your voice gentle and upbeat, thinking of reasons why it would be perfect to go.
"Don't take this the wrong way, but there's some bad people on Asgard. We know you could handle it, but people like Loki are...dangerous, and I for one don't think it's in your best interest to make friends with people like him." You could tell by her tone that she felt guilty, but that didn't stop her from speaking her mind anyway. You didn't really understand what she meant; you're around dangerous people all the time, you can easily handle another one.
"If you don't think it's a good idea for me to go, then why is Clint an option?" Like magic, clint walked in at the exact second you said that. Looking up at him, you carried on speaking. "We have the same skill level at fighting, anyway! Besides, I have superpowers too, I can easily protect myself and Thor if need be."
Clint looked at you and Natasha, a puzzle expression plastered on his face. Nat gave him the run down, and he seemed slightly underwhelmed.
"There's no reason why y/n shouldn't be able to go to Asgard."
"Yes, but she's going to asgard to get in contact with Loki." Natasha's expression looked stern, her eyes piercing through Clint's.
"C'mon guys, what're you hiding? I'm sure I can take it, what's the harm in me going to Asgard?" Despite being slightly irritated, you still smiled and laughed a bit at the end of your sentence, making sure the rest of the group knew you were still just as happy as you were after returning from they gym, 10 minutes ago. Clint, Natasha, Steve, Bucky and Sam all gave each other quick glances before Bucky groaned and sat up.
"Listen, y/n. The reason why none of us want you to go to Asgard is because we want you to stay away from Loki. Although he's fought along side us in the past, he's a terrible person. And you're so...so happy and innocent all the time, we don't want him to..."
"You don't want him to corrupt me." You finished off Bucky's sentence, speaking quieter, thinning to yourself. There was suddenly a sort of dark cloud above the room, and an awkward silence prolonged for at least 20 seconds. You could sense how guilty everyone felt, but instead of exploding, you burst into a fit of giggles.
Everyone frowned as they watched you almost fall off the sofa in laughter. Once you calmed down, you wiped your eyes, and almost bust out laughing again at the confused faces of everyone around you. You sat back, smiling ear to ear. "Why would you think something like that?" You asked the room, taking a sip of water. "Honestly guys, I've been with you bunch of Serious Sally's for almost a year. I think it's safe to say that no matter who I spend my time with, I'll never stop being the 'happy and innocent' person who I am. Besides, we're only going to be on Asgard for a day at most, what could go wrong?"
The next day, you were on Asgard. You were so thankful that Nat had finally let you go with Thor, and now you were stood outside of a tall golden palace, behind a beautiful view of Greek-style hills and mountains. You were speechless, to say the least.
"Brother Loki should be here any minute..." said thor, looking over at a clock tower. You couldn't make out what time it was - the numbers were Asgardian - but it was about 12 before you left. Before you could think anything else of it, something appeared before you two. It was Loki.
"Nice to see you again, brother!" Thor exclaimed as he went in for a hug. Loki barely hugged him back, and pulled away, turning to face you.
"Well well well, who's this who you've brought along with you?" Loki asked Thor, yet stared at you with a slight smirk. "Loki, this is y/n. She's a friend from work." Loki took your hand and bowed down slightly, and placed a kiss on the back of your hand; a kiss which you couldn't describe as chaste, making eye contact with him the entire time. He rose and let go of your hand, fingertips brushing slightly. "Pleased to make you acquaintance, Lady y/n." You were tongue tied, but before you could even begin to formulate words, Thor started talking. He rambled on about why you were here, and if he knew anything about the break in, but you weren't listening to a single word. Instead, you never took your eyes off Loki.
His shoulders were broad, sleek black hair running just past them. He stood with confidence, taller than Thor but thinner. Despite this, you could still see defined muscles from underneath the Asgardian clothes he wore. His eyes were a cold shade of blue, resembling ice. While Thor was still talking, he looked over at you, catching you staring at him. You maintained eye contact, your cheeks turning a childish shade of pink, and he winked at you before turning back to concentrate on his brother. The corners if his lips were slightly upturned, and a few strands of hair fell into his face as he nodded along to whatever Thor was saying.
"Well, I haven't heard any news, I'm sorry I can't be of any help. Do you both want to get lunch?" You turned to Thor, cocking an eyebrow.
"I'm sorry, brother, but I must go and talk to the others and see if they've heard anything. But, it won't hurt if you and y/n get something to eat?" You and Loki both turned to face each other, and you smiled wider than ever.
"I'd love to."
You and Loki walked in silence to the dining hall, passing many Asgardian maidens on your way. You felt slightly underdressed; all asgardian women wore long flowing gowns, whereas you were dressed in high waisted denim shorts and a red turtleneck. Once you arrived at the dining room, you were confronted with a grand gold table topped with all kinds of food. Cheese, grapes, wine, and some sort of Asgardian meat that you couldn't recognize. It felt magical, yet you felt out of place. As you furthered towards the table, Loki took out a chair for you to sit down in. Thanking him, you sat, and his fingertips brushed against your clothed shoulders. Butterflies swarmed in the pit of your stomach, and you quietly giggled at yourself for becoming so flustered. Once Loki was seated, you asked him a question.
"So, Loki," you began, looking around at the feast laid out for you, "what do you get up to on Asgard?" As you spoke, he poured crimson wine into a goblet, and you felt obliged to do the same.
"Surprisingly, not much." He spoke with, what resembled, an English accent. Every consonant was sharp, every vowel curved on his lips. "Every now and again we have to meet with people from other worlds, like you. Thor doesn't come and visit very often, so the mass amount of paperwork that has to be done is left to me." He rolled his eyes yet bore a smile, to which you laughed.
"Trust me, I know what it feels like. Ever since Tony and Steve got into that disagreement about where the files should be stored, I've been in charge of all paperwork. I don't mind it though, there's some sort of satisfaction in the orderliness of it all..." you looked up at him and grinned, being able to physically feel the awkwardness between you both. Although, he could look at your smile forever; the way your y/e/c shone in the light, dimples in you cheeks becoming more pronounced by the second, your lips curling ever so slightly inwards as a sigh escaped from them.
"I'm sorry, I've never really been one for small talk. Asgard seems wonderful, though. The landscape is impeccable, and everyone just seems so...perfect, I guess!" Speaking quieter, you leaned in the get closer to Loki, sat opposite you. "I feel like I could spend the rest of my life here." He knew you meant it, being able to feel the pure excitement you radiated. Tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, you sat back and pointed towards one of the golden dishes beside you, holding some fruits and vegetables.
"May I?"
"Of course, go ahead."
As you spooned a kind of salad onto your plate, Loki rubbed his stubble dotted chin. Loading your fork and taking a bite, you felt a wave of peace flow over your body. You had no idea what you were eating, but it was damn good.
"What part of midgard are you from, y/n?"
"Midgard?" You spoke through your mouthful of salad and swallowed. "Oh, right, Earth. I'm from Brooklyn, New York, but I live in Manhattan." You took a sip of wine, cringing at it's strength. Noticing this, Loki let out a laugh.
"Asgardian alcohol isn't for the weak, I'd take it easy if I were you..." you knee he was joking at the last part, so you laughed with him. The moment was sweet, but you can always have too much of a good thing. After Loki filled his plate, and you took a few more mouthfuls of salad, Thor strode in looking pleased with himself.
"Hey Thor, what's up?" Thor sat down at the table and picked up a bunch of grapes, popping one into his mouth.
"I just checked the comms," he swallowed, "Nat and Steve have all the information we need from S.H.I.E.L.D., so we can go back to midg- uh, Earth, sorry. Ready to go?" You looked at Loki who gave you a small nod as he put his cutlery down, and you stood up with a smile.
"Ready than I'll ever be!"
Thor and Loki stood up and walked towards you, and you went to shake Loki's hand. His hands were cold, icy to the touch, and his slender fingers certainly overpowered your small ones. He leaned in before you could break away, whispering in your ear. "Come back soon, I'd love to see you again."
You blushed, nodding, and he gave you a sly wink. Sooner or later, you were back on Earth, missing Asgard more and more by the second.
Two months later, and you were head over heels for Thor's brother. Once you returned back to earth, Tony made it very clear that he disapproved of your trip. He sat you, Thor, Clint, Nat and Steve down in the conference room and screamed at all of you, acting like a very strict father. He had no idea what had happened on Asgard, but he let it slip that all of the avengers had an agreement - never let y/n meet Loki. Obviously, that was out the window, and it resulted in a conflict between Steve and Tony, as per usual. However, all of the avengers shared one common thought, and it was that you should never go back to asgard again.
"She's met Loki and had a look around Asgard, now there's no reason for her to go back."
"What if he's done something to her mind? We can't let her go back."
"We can't let Loki back into the facility when y/n is around, we can't handle anything else happening at the moment."
You often heard Steve and Tony talking about you in the other room, but you ignored it. 3 trips to asgard, 2 secret earth dates and 1 sleepover later, you and Loki decided you were serious; you both liked each other so much, and you wanted to tell other people. However, you had no idea how you were going to tell the avengers. You almost got caught a few times, but luckily, you were quite good at covering yourself up.
"Yo, why are you texting Pizza Hut?"
"Stop looking at my phone, Sam! Besides, I was actually ordering us a pizza, but I guess I'll just go and make myself a sandwich instead..."
"No y/n I take it back!!!"
It was a quiet day in the avengers tower when you decided to share your secret. You, Steve, Tony, Nat, Thor, Bruce and Clint were in the conference room having just finished a meeting. Before anyone could leave, you asked to talk to them for a bit. Despite being happy and confident in telling your friends that you were in love, your palms were sweating and you felt slightly nauseated. Nat must have noticed, and asked if you were okay.
"Everything alright?"
You stood in front of the table, toying with the hem of your skirt behind your back. Taking a deep breath, you looked up at your colleagues sat in front of you.
"I actually have some news to share with you all. A couple of months ago, Thor and I went to Asgard, and I found out about your weird pact thingy forbidding me from meeting Loki. Well, it happened, and it went well! Despite you all feeling very strongly about it, I did enjoy myself. Honestly, I heard you all talking about me 'never returning' and not being able to see Loki again, and it did sorta hurt..."
Steve bowed his head down slightly and Natasha avoided eye contact; you didn't want to guilt trip them, so you continued.
"...and that's okay! You're allowed to be protective of your friends, and I understand why you'd want me to be cautious around certain people. But that's not the point: the point is, I'm an adult, and although I may not be as old as Steve," (Tony chuckled at that) "I'm still an adult. I went to college, I have a job, my own apartment. I'm old enough to know right from wrong, which is why I may or may not have seen Loki 6 times in the past two months..."
"What!?" Natasha looked furious, and everyone had their eyes on you. Steve looked disappointed, Tony didn't look surprised, and Thor seemed quite amused. Bruce and Clint didn't look phased, to be completely honest.
"Please listen to me, I'll explain everything." Everyone eased up slightly as you took a deep breath, standing closer to the table. "I've been back to Asgard four times, and Loki has come to earth twice to see me. I know you would all freak out about him coming to earth, but I made him wear that patch that Tony built which dampened his powers. Whenever he was on earth, he was just a normal person. We got to talking and decided to see each other more often, and we've become quite close."
"If you say that you and Loki are friends, I will jump off of this building." Natasha remarked, crossing her arms. She was definitely the most protective of you, seeing you as a little sister.
"You're not going to like this." you muttered, sighing.
"Loki and I are in love and we've been seeing each other for two months!" You spoke quicker than lightning, grinning at the end, and sprinting out of the conference room. As you ran to the common area, you heard shouting erupting from the conference room, mainly coming from Nat, Steve and Tony. You knew they wouldn't take it well, but you didn't expect it to go down this badly. You heard the commotion from the conference room slowly make it's way closer to the common area, so you bolted towards the bedrooms. You didn't live in the avengers tower, but practically everyone else did.
Hiding in Natasha's room is too obvious, she's the avenger who you're closest to. Hiding in Thor's is also too risky, as he has asgardian technology; as far as they're concerned, you might try and get in contact with Loki. Tony's room? Too stinky. Clint's room? Too stinky². Steve's room? You looked up to that man as a brother, and you certainly were not interested in whatever sort of magazines and movies that he kept in there ( ;) ). That left one other person's room: Bruce's. Quickly sliding into his room, you crawled under the poofy duvet on his bed. Luckily, Bruce's blanket was practically three duvets thick, so they wouldn't be able to tell that you were in there.
Bruce's sheets smelled like lavender and vanilla, with a very vague scent of aftershave; you loved it. You could probably stay there for hours, and even fall asleep, but the faint musk you smelled on his sheets reminded you of Loki. His aftershave always smelled like bonfires and liquor, a scent that you could fall in love with over and over again. You must have laid in in Bruce's bed for 20 minutes before you heard footsteps outside the door. You were never one to do this (run and hide from something difficult) as it seems childish, and the gang already treats you like a child enough. However, you didn't know how you would recover from this one. You heard doors open and close nearby - they must be looking for you. The door to Bruce's room suddenly opened, and you held your breath in an attempt to be quieter. You heard a deep sigh, and somebody sat on the end of the bed. You could just tell that it was Bruce, and you felt safer with him here.
"Listen, kid-"
"Bruce, you're my favourite, but call me kid one more time and I will smite you."
He chuckled and apologised, continuing to talk. "Sorry, y/n. I know how you feel. Frustrated, confused, low on hope." You poked your head out from underneath the duvet and moved over on the bed, sitting up. You motioned for Bruce to sit next to you, which he did.
"I've been through this sequence over and over again," he said, laying down next to you, "yet I never seem to break the cycle. But there's a difference between you and I, y/n. When I'm feeling like this, I show it. I'm not talking about hulking out, but about how I hold myself. I'll be visibly down and depressed, everyone can tell that I'm going through something. But you, you hold it in. You smile and laugh through every emotion you have, and I can't help but admire you for it."
You both turned your heads to look at each other, Bruce giving you a small smile.
"When you're sad or angry, you continue to smile. All of the other avengers get tricked by it, thinking that you're truly fine, but you don't fool me. I can see, every time you cover your emotions, I can see the fire behind your eyes. Or how you tighten your grip when you feel stressed. Although you may be smiling and laughing, I know what's going on behind those eyes. You do a good job, y/n, but maybe bottling it all up isn't the best option. Maybe that's why you fell for somebody who is the completely opposite, like Loki. Because you'd never dare to show your negative emotions outwardly and indulge in the feeling of letting everything out. Now that you've found somebody who you can share these emotions with, you feel like you can be yourself. What I'm failing to say, is perhaps you could let your emotions show a bit more. You don't have to complain or mope around the tower like Tony, but maybe let people know when you are uncomfortable, or confront people who make you upset."
You had closed your eyes about half way through Bruce's speech, and when you opened them your eyes brimmed with tears. He didn't say anything, but instead, Bruce held his arms out and took you in an embrace. You hugged him back, feeling warm and safe, not knowing how to express to him how much he meant to you.
"How did the others react?" You asked into his chest. Bruce was hesitant to reply, and didn't know whether it was best to tell you the truth or let you see for yourself. With a content sigh, he replied.
"I'm afraid to say they didn't take it very well. Natasha blames herself, Steve's a bit frustrated, and Tony...Tony said he feels 'stabbed in the back by his greatest friend', but I think he was being a bit too over dramatic."
"Why do they hate him so much?" You asked, pulling away from Bruce and sitting up on his bed.
"It's complicated." Bruce said, rubbing his forehead. "He's been with us in the past, but there have been multiple occasions where we've had to lock him up. We still don't know whether he's with us or against us, and now one of our best teammates is in love with him." You nodded, knowing what he meant. You knew you had to clear things up with the rest of the group, and you'd start with Natasha.
"Yeah, that makes sense. I'm sorry for hiding in here and messing up your covers, I'm going to go and talk to them and apologise." Before you got up from the bed, Bruce pulled you in for one last hug, planting a friendly kiss on your forehead. "Never apologise for falling in love."
Never apologise for falling in love.
Never apologise for falling in love.
Never apologise for falling in love.
In your head, you repeated what Bruce had told you in his room. You were walking towards to common area where you knew the rest of the avengers would be. Bruce went in there first to calm everyone down, and you told him you'd be in there in a few minutes to tell everyone the news. Walking into the room, all eyes were on you. You became conscious of what you looked like, your face was probably red and puffy from crying.
"Do you have anything you'd like to say, y/n?" Steve asked in a harsh tone. He seemed extremely intimidating, and you suddenly felt small and worthless.
"Take it easy, Steve." Bruce said quite calmly. "Let her do it herself."
You smiled, a genuinely happy smile at Bruce. Despite having little to no confidence whatsoever, you were actually happy. Bruce had made you feel so much better, you had a boyfriend who you loved, and you wanted your friends to know whether they approved or not.
"I want to let you all know that I didn't do this on purpose. I didn't mean to bond with Loki, and I should never apologise for falling in love, and I'm not going to apologise. It's my life, and whether you approve or not, I'm going to continue to see Loki. However, I would like to apologise for how I acted. I shouldn't have run and hidden, and I could've broken the news in a nicer way. Do any of you have anything you'd like to say?"
There was a gloomy silence as the rest of the group contemplated what to say. Trying to alleviate the room of the awkwardness, Thor opined. "Well, I approve of your relationship, Lady y/n. I'm glad you've found someone!" Everyone looked at Thor, then back to you as you sat down on a chair. Steve opened his mouth and closed it a few times, he clearly was lost for words. Natasha was the first person to speak, coming to sit in the chair next to you.
"We overreacted, I'm sorry, y/n. I'm sure you could understand what we felt, but we support you. It'll take us a while to get used to it, but we all want you to feel comfortable. We love you, and if you love Loki then there is nothing we can do about it other than accept you."
The day ended with a group hug, lots of individual hugs from Natasha and Steve, and you & Bruce watching Star Wars after everyone had gone to bed. You were going to see Loki the next day, and you knew it would be the best day ever.
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areluctantsblog · 5 years
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Nobody could understand what it felt like having a whole other world alive inside of him, one that no one else knew apart from him. No matter, how often Steve told himself that what he felt was the same for everyone else, it wasn't.
People didn't wake up at the age of 93, having the body of a 26 year old and the mind of a confused old man. Steve did, though and he struggled. His memories weren't shared by anyone. The world he knew didn’t exist anymore, and yet, it was alive within him.
The first time he glimpsed something akin to his own feelings was after the battle of New York. It was in Loki's eyes that Steve saw it and it haunted him all through the cleanup. He asked for permission to guard Loki and reluctantly, Thor granted it to him. When the god reappeared to take his brother back to Asgard immediately, Steve came up with one excuse after the other to prolong Loki's stay.
Not that the god had talked, but he looked at Steve with those deep, troubled eyes. Steve thought he saw apprehension in them, but whatever Loki dreaded wasn’t there with them. Steve felt compassion for the god despite all the destruction he brought down on Earth.
Was this so easy to become a traitor? Was it enough for righteous, honourable Steve Rogers to glimpse himself in someone else to forget about his duty and start contemplating bending the rules?
He bought Loki 24 hours on Earth with the excuse of interrogating him. S.H.I.E.L.D. was in disarray, Fury couldn’t send his best men to do it, Stark was recovering... All things considered, Steve had an easier time convincing the agents that arrived to give him more time with the prisoner than he would normally have.
When he thought about that night later, he was never certain what made Loki speak. Steve wanted to believe that it was his confession about how he didn’t want to let Loki go because he recognised the look in his eyes and wanted to help him. However, it could have been for a more selfish reason. Steve never asked Loki about it, nor did he ever completely discarded the idea of the god planning to use his moment of sincerity against him.
It didn’t trouble him, though. Steve was too busy protecting Loki, convincing him to confess first to him and then to his judges, to tell them about Thanos and his plan, then, to stay on Earth and redeem himself. Thor was suspicious at first, but once he saw that Loki was treated justly, he relented. He became one of the firsts to believe Loki didn’t act on his own volition and afterwards he worked tirelessly to clear his brother’s name both in Asgard and in Midgard.
There were tears in Steve’s eyes the first time he kissed Loki. Even though he lost Bucky almost 70 years ago, he thought about him every day. He missed him every day. He wanted him every day. But part of him accepted that he couldn’t have him back. That part knew that he was free to move on, that he didn’t have to feel guilty for falling i love.
Loki understood this, too. Steve saw the pain of past disappointments in his eyes. He felt injuries both inside and out in his tentative touches. He sensed the desperate desire to love under the cover of ice and spite layered over the millennia.
They soon learned that their hearts were only half unfrozen. Intimacy proved more frightening than either of them expected, but they didn't run. For Steve there wasn't anyone to run to and maybe there wasn't for Loki either. So, they stayed and made it work.
Thor supported them and slowly, one by one the others came round too. For the first time since he lost Bucky, Steve felt happy. Yes, the avengers had more battles to fight, some extremely dangerous. Yes, Loki and him were frowned upon a lot. Yes, Steve was aware of how much he risked by loving the god of mischief.
But when he lay his head down to his pillow at the end of a long day, Loki's touch made him feel like being home. It wasn't something Steve dared hope for after waking up from the ice and definitely not something he expected of Loki, but he loved the god for it even more.
The fight against the Winter Soldier was one of Steve's hardest. Until it wasn't, because he stopped fighting him. Bucky hit him without mercy, but that pain was nothing compared to what Steve felt ever since he learnt that he was alive. As he lay there, taking Bucky's punches all Steve wished for was one moment of recognition. One last chance to look into Bucky's eyes, however short it may be. He thought he glimpsed it, for a second right before he passed out.
When he came round, Steve found himself in a warehouse. Loki was sitting a few steps away from him, and in a dark corner Steve saw Bucky, bound and seemingly unconscious.
"He saved you," Loki said plainly. "But he's not your Bucky now. His mind control is quite elaborate considering that it's been done by human means.”
It hurt Steve to see Loki so distant. He recognised the insecurity behind the cool facade, but it still hurt. He got up and stumbled towards Loki. The god caught him and held him, but he looked stunned when Steve met his lips.
"But..." Loki began.
Steve cupped his face. "I love you, Loki."
"But..." Loki said again, turning his head towards the man in the corner.
Steve waited until the god met his eyes again.
"Him too," he admitted.
Steve held Loki’s gaze, caught the myriad of emotions flashing in his eyes and breathed when the icy green melted into tears. Loki didn’t blink them away, just kept looking at Steve. Steve could only imagine what it must feel like to let this moment finds its place in Loki’s thousand year old history.
"We have to help him, then,” Loki said eventually, his voice steady. “Convince them to cure him instead of locking him up. No one else knows that we are here. You..." he hesitated, "you might be assumed dead."
"As long as it's only assumed..." Steve chuckled, relieved beyond measure by Loki’s acceptance.
What came next was trying for Steve and he suspected that going through something similar to his own story got to Loki too. This time however, finding the actual means to help Bucky proved even more difficult than convincing people that he deserved it. The hardest part came later though. First, the separation, while Bucky received treatment, then their reunion.
Even though Steve prepared himself for the confrontation, he didn’t believe that it would come so soon and so harshly. Foolishly, he hoped that Bucky could see, could somehow understand that he still had – would always have – a place in Steve’s heart.
First, Steve felt guilty, then he got angry as he listened to Bucky ranting on about his betrayal. Finally, all Steve was left with was the memory of his loss. It came back to him so vividly that it almost crushed him. The devastation, the emptiness, the hopelessness that remained after he lost Bucky – he felt it all once more as he stared into his lover’s eyes and all he could manage to say was:
“I didn’t know that I was going to get you back.”
“You have,” Bucky replied grimly. “Question is, do you still want me?”
Steve knew, as he did with Loki, that the cutting edge of Bucky’s tone only served to keep his fears at bay, but as with Loki, it hurt, too. He never expected his love for Bucky to be questioned. He stared at the man, lips slightly parted but he kept silent. It would only have taken one simple word, but it wouldn’t have told what Steve meant. Not all of it.
Eventually, it was Loki who spoke. “He does,” he assured, stepping dangerously close to Bucky. “He wants both of us,” he went on, looking Bucky deep in the eye. He didn’t relent when he heard Steve’s breath hitch. “So, the question is, do you want me?”
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mimisempai · 3 years
Home is where our story begins
Mobius and Loki will finally move in together, will the cohabitation be as natural as the rest of their story?
Still not having the real name of Hunter B-15 and the story taking place post canon, I found it odd to keep calling it that. But I didn't want to invent a name for hher, so I chose HB, if Marvel were to give him a name later, I would change it here of course.
2871 words - Rating G
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"So, soon the big day? I hope you're happy about it, even if it's new for you."
Mobius sipped his Josta, wondering what the best answer was. Yes seemed too restrictive, but it wasn't as if he wanted to go into details about his new living arrangements with Loki. Yes, he was happy to move in with Loki, of course, but...
"I'm... cautiously optimistic. You know me."
HB nodded. "For you, it's practically effusive." Chuckling, she took another pretzel. "I'm happy for you and Loki." Her smile faded briefly, "If our variant condition has taught me anything, it's to take happiness where it lies. I'm glad you decided to give your relationship with Loki a chance."
"There was nothing to decide because everything happens naturally between us," Mobius mumbled.
HB frowned. "Hm?"
Mobius cleared his throat. "It's nothing. I've talked too much."
"Talked too much?" HB laughed. "When it comes to explaining the logic of a mission strategy that sounds crazy, yes you could be accused of talking too much, but when it comes to your personal life... but I understand what you mean and to me who has been watching you a bit since the beginning of this relationship, it is clear that things are natural between you. Although I am curious about one thing."
"Which one?" Mobius prepared himself.
"How will you manage living together, as you both have your single habits, not to mention your lifestyles which were rather... different".
This question kept going round and round in Mobius' head. He was ready to compromise, but he wasn't going to change who he was either. With the personalities they both had, it might seem insurmountable from the outside, but Mobius had a deep conviction that it could work.
"I guess we'll see as we go along," he replied confidently.
"You know where to find me if you need to talk."
The friendship he had formed with HB, was one of the surprises that had come with Loki's arrival in his life.
Before they were just colleagues who worked well together and had the same dedication to the TVA and now having shared the same experience of losing everything, a real friendship was born.
"Thank you. But let's stop talking about me, how's it going with the new recruits and training?"
The TVA, purged of old influences, had returned to its primary function: to monitor realities across the multiverse and attempt to reduce temporal interference as much as possible. Mobius was the leader. Loki, Hunter B-15, now HB and other agents formed the core team.
They had completely restructured the organization, recruitment and training.
"Well, there are several young recruits who are promising, and I must say Mobius, that Loki is not only a very good teacher but also very well liked."Loki had volunteered on his own to handle the training of the newbies on the field.
Mobius, however, was not surprised at his success. As he had told LOki in the early days, he could be anyone he wanted.
Once HB left, the afternoon passed without surprise for Mobius, who was eager to get home. He found it hard to concentrate, looking forward to the changes that were coming.
Loki was waiting in Mobius' living room when Mobius returned home.
"Mobius!" he exclaimed happily as he stood up and walked over to Mobius to kiss him. Mobius thought he wouldn't mind this kind of action if it became part of their routine in the future.
As is often the case when they haven't seen each other in a while, things heated up quickly between them and they were both panting when they parted.
"How was your day? HB told me she told you about my work? Is everything okay?"
That, too, was something nice -even if he found it annoying at first, this talkie-talkie thing, this incessant stream of words from Loki. He had realized that Loki's questions were always sincere, his lover expected answers and never asked them out of politeness.
"A lot of paperwork as you can imagine, I miss working in the field, fortunately once this is over I will be able to accompany you again and see the excellent work you provide with my eyes, if I believe what HB told me", Mobius said quietly while pushing aside a strand of Loki's hair that was falling on his forehead. "What about you? How was your lunch with Casey?"
Another unexpected relationship, for who knew Loki. He had formed a bond with Casey, an ordinary administrative employee. Loki had told Mobius that it was nice to have a friend whose reactions he didn't have to weigh, because Casey was spontaneous and naturally trusting.
"Fun. He's excited for us, well for me because I'm going to live with the great Mobius." Loki chuckled before continuing, "I expected the opposite, but you're his idol, I'm just the god of mischief who taught him what a fish was."
Mobius raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"Yes, I swear." Loki smiled. "He even offered to help us move our stuff in once the apartment was ready."
Mobius shook his head. "He's really supportive."
"Absolutely," Loki smiled, "He always surprises me with his candor."
Loki pulled Mobius to the couch and sat him down. Then he lay down in his favorite position, with his head on Mobius' lap. Mobius, as always, couldn't resist the impulse to put his hand on Loki's silky black hair and began to stroke it gently. In response, Loki made a sound that closely resembled a purr.
Turning his head to Mobius, Loki asked, "Are you really happy that we live together?"
"Of course Loki," Mobius murmured as he ran his hands through Loki's hair, enjoying sliding the strands between his fingers. "I am, but you know it won't necessarily be easy right?"
"Hmm." Loki nodded and smiled sheepishly. "I know I'm not easy to deal with."
"Hey Sweetheart! That's not it at all." Mobius protested. "I just think we're from two different worlds and it's going to take a little adjustment and patience."
Loki nodded.
"Besides, we're going to be together a lot. Between work and home," Mobius said.
"Yeah." Loki looked up and smiled at Mobius. "This is going to be great!"
"We'll see," Mobius said, finally realizing that it wasn't he who was afraid of being disappointed, but that he was afraid of disappointing Loki.
After a few moments of silence, he decided to put his fears aside and enjoy the moment.
"Now, have you thought about what you want for dinner?"
"No." Loki pressed himself against Mobius, "But I know what I want for dessert."
"What a coincidence," Mobius muttered as he slipped his hand under Loki's shirt, "I think we both have the same idea.
These kinds of little moments between them, these little habits, made Mobius think that maybe he didn't need to be anxious about their future shared life.
A few days later, Mobius was up to his neck in paperwork and couldn't take it anymore. He threw his pen away and leaned back on his chair.
"I'm here."
When Loki entered and saw the state Mobius was in, he locked the door behind him. He walked up behind Mobius, put his arms around his neck and kissed the top of his head. Mobius leaned back even more and closed his eyes.
"It's going to be hard to keep working if you make a habit of doing this," he whispered.
Loki's hands slid over Mobius' shoulders and he began a firm massage. "How about this?"
Mobius sighed, "It's not good for concentration either... " as Loki's skilled fingers had encountered a particularly knotted muscle.
"Oh, is that so?" Loki rhythmically pressed his thumbs into the back of Mobius' neck and it felt so good that Mobius moaned, "It doesn't seem to bother you that much."
"You and your distracting hands mustn't be around too often," Mobius said, "or I'll never be able to work properly, a massage like this, on the other hand, is... effective. I didn't know you knew how to give massages." Mobius was always happy to learn new things about Loki.
At Loki's silence, Mobius turned his head and was surprised by the sad expression on his face.
"Um... this is something my mom used to do for me and my brother..."
"Oh Loki... I'm sorry." Mobius reached for the hand that had remained on his shoulder and squeezed it.
"I miss her..."
"I know, sweetheart, believe me, I know." replied Mobius gently.
After a moment of silence, Loki kissed Mobius' head again, "Sorry, I didn't mean to distract you. It's just so nice and strange to have you just a few steps away from me all the time."
"Why strange?" Mobius turned in his chair to look at him.
Loki shrugged, "I usually store all the things I want to tell you later in my memory, but now that we're in our new home, and we both work together a lot, I feel like I have access to you all the time and it's..."
"Yeah. And tempting. And distracting." Loki licked his lips. "I want to see you all the time, not just talk to you, if you know what I mean..."
"Yes, I know exactly what you mean" Mobius cleared his throat, fighting the mental images that Loki's words evoked. "However, I think we're going to have to set some rules, no matter how nice it is, we're both still at work."
Loki nodded, "Yes, we really should, if only for my sanity." He bit his lower lip, and when Mobius saw him do it, he thought that it wasn't just for Loki's sanity that some rules had to be set.
"Maybe later, if you want Mobius? Or tomorrow?"
"Why tomorrow?" Mobius raised an eyebrow. "Why not now?"
Loki smiled "Because I'm excited now, and you're tired of paperwork and I think you need a good distraction."
Mobius rolled his eyes "You're insatiable."
Loki pretended to walk away, saying, "I can leave, I wouldn't want to distract you from your duty..."
Mobius grabbed him and pulled him against him. "You think you can light a flame and not blow it out?!"
"And what about rules and work?" asked Loki, raising an eyebrow.
"That can wait until tomorrow." replied Mobius, pulling Loki's head to his and silencing him in the most effective way he knew how.
For some time, Mobius had been catching scrutinizing glances from the recruits, some even giggling after running into him.
"I feel like they're staring at me," Mobius said one night as he sat on the couch with Loki in their usual position.
"You can't blame them for being curious. After all, the God of mischief and the famous Agent Mobius, we're legends. And also... um... I may have been showing off a bit for a moment or two about your... prowess. Nothing graphic, just little details," he hastened to add when Mobius' mouth opened.
"Little details," Mobius repeated.
"Oh, but nothing, just that I'm satisfied, that's all."
Hiding his face in his hands, Mobius groaned, "Loki, tell me you didn't discuss our sex life in front of your students!".
"Uh... you want me to lie?"
"Mobius, people think I'm not mature enough for you. That you're too serious and I'm not enough, that you have more integrity and I don't. Personally, I don't care what other people think. But I want people to know that you are as good to me as I am to you."
"And that requires you to tell them the intimate details of our sex lives..." Mobius mumbled.
"No, no, you don't understand," Loki said, clearly struggling to express himself. "I tell them little things that humanize us. That you like my cooking, that you like jet skiing, that I think you're sexy in the morning when you wake up, nothing too intimate..."
"Only in the morning when you wake up?!"
Count on Mobius to have kept only this part of Loki's answer.
"Even sexier than usual."
"Aaaah, that's the reason for these morning quickies," Mobius replied.
"You don't like it?"
"That's not the point, Loki."
"I know what the point is. The point is, I just want people to know the real you. Let them see you the way I see you."
"And for that, you have to tell them we screw every morning?"
"It was just one time, and it was Casey's fault. He said he didn't picture you as a sex beast."
"It gets better and better."
"Mobiuuuuus. I didn't say anything more than what I just told you, I promised! Now they know why we're perfect together."
"Because I give you satisfying orgasms when I'm barely awake."
"Because you're brilliant, and caring, and yes, incredibly sexy."
Lifting Mobius' hand to his lips, Loki kissed his fingertips and whispered, "And because I love you."
Just like that, Mobius' irritation disappeared. He took Loki's face in his hands and ran his thumb over his lower lip. "And I feel the same way. But Loki, I also wish you wouldn't talk too much about our intimacy, even with your closest friends."
Loki replied with his most mischievous smile, "You think I want to tell them how perfectly your lips fit my mmph."
Mobius had just closed Loki's mouth with a kiss and after that, Loki wasn't articulate enough to list Mobius' bedroom qualities and Mobius unapologetically left his book aside.
After all, it was important that he lived up to his reputation.
"You're looking fine, Mobius. I guess everything is okay with you and Loki? I feel like the cohabitation is going great," HB said as she walked into his office.
Nodding his head, Mobius couldn't help but smirk, "Everything is going very smoothly, yes."
"Clearly." HB smiled. "You look... satisfied."
Mobius' eyes narrowed.
"However, given the bags under your eyes, may I recommend that you rest tonight?"
Mobius widened his smile. "I'm sure I'll rest... someday, even if it's not tonight. As I told you before, Loki can be... enthusiastic, and we're enjoying a bit of a second honeymoon right now."
Chuckling, HB shook his head. "And like I said, enjoy the moment. Even the enthusiasm of youth is wearing off."
"Indeed, it is." He paused before continuing, "Do you need anything?"
"Do I need a reason to visit a friend?" asks HB.
"No, of course not. I even enjoy our little early week dates. You know I like talking with you. After all, you and I have pretty much the same background. We've done well."
HB nodded, "Yes. You're right, but I admit I also stopped by because I need you to validate the latest new recruit evaluations."
Mobius chuckled, "I'll look at those afterwards, and send them to you when I'm done."
"Take your time, you can return them to me next week.
They chatted about various things, then HB got up to leave.
"I'm going to start reading these evaluations, unless my insatiable partner decides to show up...I'd hate to disappoint him you know...."
HB shook his head. "Lovely. And since I'll see you Monday to pick them up, You can give me all the details then. Don't let him tire you out too much!"
"That' s not up to me..." Mobius said, and smiling he pulled the first evaluation toward him. He raised his head and looked at the door, aware of a presence in the room.
Loki, standing in the doorway, was grinning from ear to ear.
"Aha! So it's not just me. You do it too!"
Mobius raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"
Reaching up to him, Loki touched Mobius' chest with his index finger.
"You also tell your friends intimate details about our relationship!"
"I certainly don't."
"Oh, I think you do. I just heard HB teasing you about my 'youthful enthusiasm' and telling you to rest because you look tired." Loki's eyes danced with joy.
"I-" Mobius sighed, "Okay, I guess I told her a couple of things about our life together - Hmph!"
Loki threw his arms around Mobius and kissed him deeply. Mobius, surprised at first, put his hand on his cheek, answered the kiss with the same passion, carding his fingers in Loki's hair. Once things calmed down, they parted, breathless.
"What was that for?" asked Mobius, tucking a strand of hair behind Loki's ear in a gesture so familiar now.
"You're talking about me to people, bragging about me." Loki's eyes glowed. "That means you're proud to be with me."
Mobius blinked. "Of course I am. How can you doubt it?"
Loki pressed another kiss to Mobius' mouth. "You can be quite a hard man to read sometimes."
"Not at all," Mobius whispered, as he gently patted Loki's butt. "I'm an open book."
"You are..." laughing, Loki rolled his eyes. "You're not at all." His expression softened as he looked Mobius in the eye. "But I think I can read you."
"You're the only one who can do it," Mobius acknowledged softly.
He wondered how long it would take Loki to see in his eyes the infinite love he had for him, and if he would be able to surprise him with the ring he had in his pocket.
Whole series of one shot here : Together, for all time, always
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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