#Look at my mii boy
silver-la-pixels · 7 months
Also this miku I worked very hard on
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oriiduckko · 2 years
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My OC in his Halloween costume ☺️
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ruvviks · 1 year
every time i see johnny silverhand gifs on my dash i'm reminded of the fact i have vincent download the mf to his phone at some point in the timeline to then get him a body and now the man has a burger place. he's flippin burgers
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labratboygirl · 11 months
i think the miitopia brainrot is finally coming back a little bit . thank fucking god i thought i lost it forever
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rose-skunk · 1 year
Fuck Nintendo for making me have to buy a fucking 60 dollar game that I've owned for almost a decade. I swear to fucking christ I never owned Mario Kart 8 physically, it was always a digital thing I had downloaded. Wanted to play with a streamer and it said I didn't own it so I had to buy it again along with the DLC! 80 dollars for a game I've owned for like 7 fucking years! They're absolute cunts and I hate their guts!!!!
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handmade-witch · 5 months
Another round of Incorrect Quotes Generator x Slytherin Boys:
Part 1 ☆ Part 3 ☆ Part 4 ☆ Part 5 ☆ Part 6
Mattheo: Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff.
Draco: Hey, quick question. How petty am I allowed to be?
Mattheo: I’m not stupid, you know.
[Y/n]: Well, you’re doing a really good impression of it!
Mattheo: She's the girl of my dreams!
Theodore: You say every girl is the girl of your dreams.
Mattheo: I have a lot of dreams!
[Y/N]: *banging a pen on the table out of frustration*
Mattheo: Stop that. How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table?
[Y/N]: I—
[Y/N]: I don’t know the correct answer to that question.
Draco: I have an idea.
[Y/n]: A good idea?
Draco: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
*Draco is laying on the floor with their eyes closed*
Mattheo: Hey, are they sleeping or dead?
Theodore: Hopefully dead, I hated them.
Mattheo: Yeah, me too.
Draco, sitting up: First of all, fuck you guys.
[Y/N]: That sounds like a terrible plan.
Theodore: Oh, we've had worse.
[Y/N], texting Mattheo: Text me when you’re home safely.
Mattheo: I’m home dangerously.
[Y/N]: Stop it.
Mattheo: I’m home lethally.
Draco: Hey, what have you two been up to?
Mattheo: We were helping [Y/N] write their vows, but they kicked us out because Lorenzo was making inappropriate suggestions.
Lorenzo: How is “Theodore, I love your sweet ass” inappropriate?
[Y/N], talking about Mattheo: Is this a friend of yours, Draco?
Draco: Kind of? Not really. They're in my life and there's nothing I can do about it.
Theodore: What is wrong with you?
Mattheo: Loaded question. Elaborate.
Draco: Guess what I'm about to get!
Blaise: On my nerves.
Blaise: All of your existences are confusing.
The Squad: How so?
Blaise: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you deeply upsets me.
Draco: How did you convince everyone to betray me? What did you offer them?
Blaise: I just asked if they wanted to embarass you and they all said yes.
Theodore: Hey, are you okay?
[Y/N]: Yeah.
Theodore: You don't look okay...
[Y/N]: Then stop looking.
[Y/N]: Ah ready for another fantastic day of being better than Draco.
[Y/N]: Kill me nowwwww.
Mattheo: Sorry, no can do. I need your help with my homework.
Mattheo: Lorenzo! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.
Lorenzo: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
Draco: You read my diary?
Blaise: At first I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.
Blaise: [Y/N] won’t come out of their room!
Mattheo: Just tell them I said something.
Blaise: Like what?
Mattheo: Anything factually incorrect.
Blaise, shrugging: If you say so.
[Y/N], arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET?
[Y/N]: If you got arrested what would be the charges?
Lorenzo: Theft.
Blaise: Disturbing the peace.
Theodore: Aggravated assault.
Draco: Arson.
Mattheo: All of the above. In that order, probably
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle.
Blaise, with Theodore and Mattheo behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?!
Police: Yes…three.
Blaise: Oh, my God— What the fuck!?
Police: Wha-
Blaise: Lorenzo FUCKING FELL OFF!
Mattheo: I said ‘No’ to drugs, but they wouldn’t listen.
[Y/N]: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Lorenzo: You and me!
[Y/N]: *tearing up* Ok.
Theodore: *yawns*
[Y/N]: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring.
Theodore: Then you must be exhuasted.
Blaise: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
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justcallmesakira · 3 months
hi guys um so long story short i got pregnant!
basically it was a one night stand but it well i- now i find out i am pegant. So now i have to find a way to tell my parents and leave this blog thank you all so much. I dont know what to do anymore. And um wish my future family luck! and yeah goodbye!
@silverbladexyz- thanku sm for the time silver i appreaciate it
@heartsfourdazai- sorry love, i have to run away with my partner now but i still think ur the best <3
@chuuyasboner- it was fun with you and please dont stalk my child
@riiwrites- i had so much fun with you omg, it all started with a simple ask on how to resize pics
@elizais- we may not have interacted much but i love your writing
@nezuko-kamado-cute-demon- your so sweet yknow that omg wish i could have more time to talk with you
@tsuunara- goodbye tsu, may your writing journey proceed
@rusmii- we are both from se!asia so i found somewhat a resemblance with you but now i have to go mii, good bye
@saelique- I WILL MISS YOU THE MOST BYE EEUAAUGIAGAU *crying noises*
@atlasnessie- looks like we have to end up like beast dazai and oda...good luck atlas
@atzuhi- YDHGHSH we havent talked much but i loved your smaus-
For those wondering who i didnt tag i was too lazy too. I will keep the blog but well goodbye guys! it was nice meeting you <3
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sourscratched · 3 months
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picking up the funny little guys like they’re miis in the plaza and dropping them into the fair au
extra doodles and notes etc
- josh and katrina have matching earrings designed to look like gyrfalcon feathers (they’re tiny but they’re there i swear)
- rachel of course has a wolf pendant for her hacker besties 🌙🐺
- janices necklaces are a hammer and artisanal ice
- janices “sword” is just a big handsaw (couldn’t find a way to reconcile medieval sword with coping saw in any realistic way so handsaw it is)
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(B is the one i used, you could kinda pretend it’s a sword if you unfocus your eyes)
thank you to all the beautiful people in the discord and everyone who gave me ideas for the outfits!!! 💖💖💖💖 @wheelsupin-azarathmetrionzinthos @fatestitcherr @vexillologyisenjoyable @spacetime-storytime (let me know if i missed anybody who gave design ideas!)
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(I drew the above one a few days before the discord chat about the renfaire au designs started so that’s why Josh’s outfit is weird)
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couldn’t get this out of my head, wanted to draw jester josh so bad... didn’t know what to do for lorenzo and d’artanio so i just used my old design but slightly fancier lol
and jacques and felipe from flow of the rings can be there too
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other potential ideas
- polypalooza came down dressed as their dnd characters and did some photoshoots
- brendan and his friends are of course also at the fair
zekes character is having the time of his life hanging out and taking selfies with all the Star Wars cosplayers
Jess’s character found a bunch of people to play tag with (and another group of people to act out the movie Tag while they do it)
zachs simultaneous karaoke guy maybe got into doing chants and tavern renditions of his favorite songs. and also considering the fact that the man accidentally sexted brendan in the opening number i think he probably already has the falconers contact info and is hoping to see them at the fair (lorenzo and d’artanio don’t own phones but luckily he happens to know a guy who trains carrier pigeons) (and his wife who sells stationery)
idk if byler made it to the fair, he may have been preoccupied trying to solve the mystery of how a mourning dove got mixed in with his pigeons and why it had a scrap of paper tied to its leg with “whoops wops widdly wops” scrawled on it
that evening there’s some musical acts down at the lake, including some boy band called Plato Could Never. no one’s super sure who they are but they’re local and apparently they’ve got killer harmonies
that’s all for now, thanks for reading my strange ramblings trying to connect everything for no reason at all
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crazedauthor · 11 months
Okay!! Anyone here have miitopia? I made Sun and Moon a while back, but had no online service to share them with. I do now, temporarily! So if you want Sun and Moon miis I made, here is my code and want they look like (they're at the bottom of my mii list, so you'll have to scroll). I might only keep this account open for a month because I don't like paying for Nintendo online.
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It took me many hours to make these boys. I have no artistic talent, but I wanted them in my game. I love them. 🥰
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hexiquin · 6 months
Sano & Haru:Meddling Melding
So...here's part 2. Somehow all my major moments I found could be perfectly sectioned off into 3 parts
Enjoy I guess~ (chapters 38-80)
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☆Chapter 38。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚
The return of mii-kun!
Past Sano saves Haru, showing that even when not around Haru physically he still is looking out for haru.
And this is very different from what their relationship was earlier. Before I wouldn't believe Sano trying to help or save Haru because he truly wants to see him safe (maybe to not get into trouble or because Mame wants to help him).
He is the FIRST one Haru calls for help (both times!) and also the one who organizes rescuing him. Sano is the first one to get to him, the one to grab, and even lightly insults him. Sano is so afraid and worried for our pathetic boy!
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☆Chapter 43。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚
Ah yes...the chapter that has my "shoujo moment".
This scene is probably my favorite scene of them in the whole manga.
The way Sano sees himself as an outcast from the others (and probably now the other gods) and looks like he trying not to crumble in front of his teacher. How haru reassures him of who he is, that he is apart of their class, their makeshift family. How haru offers a shoulder to lean on while not pushing sano to tell him more info than he's comfortable with. Sano smiling (and not trying to pretend it didn't happen!) at Haru. You can tell how at ease and relieved Sano is when he's with Haru (and admits it!). How they both trust each other with their secrets and understand that when the other will tell the rest of the class is something only they can decide on.
I love this scene (this was also the scene that made me realize that this manga was going to a part of my "manga I've read and will keep up to date cause I actually like it" list...I read a lot of random manga for the sake of read manga so that's a HIGH honor!)
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☆Chapter 52。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚
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I know that this chapter isn't that remarkable but this is my post and i get to decide what dumb little moments we focus on!
To be honest ever since I first read this chapter, I haven't really understood the root of Sano's emotions here (and trust me I know this is a me problem, please someone else explain this chapter also) BUT I WILL TRY!
Sano is a bit jealous of haru intruding at first. And that seems to play a part of his overall frustrations, but i think it mainly lies with two more reasons why.
1-Haru is getting treated like a dangerous madman by the other teacher. He is annoyed at this and from the context of the previous chapters it probably is because he, and many others, don't. Class 2-3 treats Haru generally like a normal teacher, maybe a bit more (a lot more actually) familiar than most people would but still! Sano also knows and has spent so much one on one time with Haru that he understand that any worries are not really valid. He knows who haru is and he decided that to him he isn't a bad guy. He knows how much Haru wants to be treated normal and not like an outcast. He, even up to chapter more current chapters I say, knows the most about Haru. Not even just about his past, the seimei situation, but also about stuff that only applies to Haru.
(and in the next chapter I talk about, he actually shows that he doesn't like people thinking bad about Haru when they don't even get to know him. Very "if you're gonna dislike Haru at least dislike him for real reasons and not because iof misunderstandings cause you didn't try to understand him")
And 2- He seems upset at the effect that Haru has over him. Haru has this aura that makes Sano feel so relaxed around him that has been growing along side their relationship. The manga really shows that when Sano opens up to Haru he acts more like a regular goofy awkward teen and less like a cool guy that only gets involved when he has to, something he most likely pick up after transferring to our favorite little youkai school.
He is annoyed by this (maybe because he doesn't have the same effect to Haru?). Annoyed that Haru just so purely cares about him being his best. That Haru can do this so effortlessly and genuinely it effects him. That it reminds him of what his brother used to be like...Or maybe he (and me) dont know why he feels this way!
For haru's part, he wants to see Sano being his best self and trying hard! He believes in him and knows that Sano can do better! And he wants to push Sano, and all his students, to succeed and be their best. If he has to compete against them or cheer them on, then he will do it!
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(Also this panel...just look at it..)
☆Chapter 54。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚
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(I chose this chapter/scene instead of 53 because that moment felt more about Sano distancing himself from his brother than his relationship with Haru.)
Like I previously stated, He doesn't like when others treat Haru badly, or like an outcast, when they don't even know Haru.
When he gets to Haru, he takes charge of situation. He the one that get him to open up to why he under the desk ( DEJECTED-AKI!?!?!?! THEY HAVE A DESIGNATED NAME FOR THIS?!?!?!). He's the one who gets him out, though by force. He even kinda references to chapter 52 with how he know that Haru doesn't need to be babied. He sees Haru for what he is, an amazing teacher who works hard to all his students can achieve their goals.
And he tells this to him! Sano us now so open to Haru. Before he would go full tsundere about how he sees Haru as a great teacher, dismissing and lying about it. But now he embarrassingly tells him to his face. He throws the words that he use to comfort Sano when he was feeling down about himself back at Haru.
He see Haru as someone who doesn't need to be coddled, not because he's loser adult (ok, maybe a bit because of that), but because Sano has seen how far Haru has come and believes and knows he is also a great person.
☆Chapter 80。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚
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Now to end this part on a more light hearted note, Haru and Sano hugs! Haru initiates most of the hugs between the to of them, but sano has been slowly started to get more comfortable with them. First chapter to this chapter Sano has started to allow Haru to full on hug him with backlash. I just thought that it was a neat observation.
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Concluded in part 3
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lnbeep-art · 1 year
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Goes from boy time to gal time, instantaneously. More of Aquarium!AU because Mermay has really taken off in my brain this year, apparently, smh. How long will it be before I write some small story to go along with things? Only time will tell.
All the pearls in the world don’t shine as pretty as Ougi and Mii feel the other looks to them.
I’m thinking Mii’s home in the Aquarium is tied to the indoor beaches that the dome offers, because she would enjoy being up on the surface with people. She’s just peeking out of the water and watching the others because she’s still shy to approach even in her own home. But Ougi makes her come out of her shell, both literally and figuratively.
Meanwhile, Ougi may or may not have gotten a job at the Aquarium in order to meet Mii properly after noticing her on the indoor beach level. 😂
I’ll ramble about the Aquarium™️ dome as I’m thinking about it—there’s different tiers to the Aquarium! Mii would frequent the top floor because that’s where the beaches would be, whereas the lower floors are less interactive and more just a window in the deep waters where all the mysteries of the undersea world live, with occasional drive-bys from the huge or scarier-looking merfolk (i.e Whale/Kraken-sized, angler-esque). The aquarium has a lot of floors; not sure how many just yet, which is true to the unknown of the ocean floor’s depths tbh LMAO. Certain floors are off-limits from any visitors because they would be floors that contain “rooms” for the merfolk, caves where they’d have their living chambers and their own “Atlantis” community of sorts.
It’s post-apocalyptic, but scientific technology is advanced and more futuristic to a degree. Since there’s no longer safe water outside of this dome, people who want to swim and visit beaches would have to go to this facility. It still functions like a usual aquarium in other areas/floors, so they can still see feral fish and what not, and the merfolk in particular choose whether they want to socialize or protect their solitary peace. When the merfolk are on any interactive or viewing level of the Aquarium, they’re considered on-duty employees during work hours! It’s like a mix of a cultural center, recreational center, and learning/research place. Definitely need to think about giving them a mini uniform too, or some accessory piece to display that. 🤔 Money doesn’t matter to them, their currency is in the form of building materials (dilapidated houses from the outside, wrecked ships) or precious stones.
Another brief synopsis of this particular AU here: https://www.tumblr.com/lnbeep-art/717240700925853696/what-time-is-it-mermay-time-with-the. Ougi is also bf’s character!
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zorrpu · 9 months
Give us some obscure Mii facts >:3
Oh boy, so many choices! Where do I even begin?
Well, in 2011, in celebration of Golden Week (a week from 29 April to 5 May containing multiple Japanese holidays) Nintendo did a promotion teamed up with the Japanese talent management company, Yoshimoto. Where Miis of celebrities under their management would be distributed via Streetpass by Nintendo employees walking around in Tokyo, Nagoya, Fukuoka and Sapporo
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This one is far less obscure, but one of the inspirations for Miis are kokeshi dolls which, yeah, makes sense I think
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Most Wii games that include Miis as playable characters, feature these “guest” Miis, referred to as Guest A, B, C, D, E and F respectively. They are meant to be used as stand ins for players who do not have their own Mii to use. They are designed so that anyone should be able to find one and say “hey, that kinda looks like me”
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(I’m Guest C, tag yourself lol)
However, there is at least one game that utilises different guest Miis (there’s probably more but idk)
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(Minna no Joushiki Ryoku TV)
The guest Miis do not have official names, However, in the Wiiware game TV Show King 2 they are given the unofficial names Buggy, Bee, Hubble, Nugget, Mango, and Shigi
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Which if I were to give my humble and unprofessional opinion on, are absolutely adorable
That’s all the Mii facts for today! but perhaps, if you ask nicely, I might provide more ♡
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blueskiesfillmymind · 1 month
what’s your opinion on each Blue version ? 👁️👁️
I was waiting for another ask!! Oh my god you're gonna be here for a while!! Cuz I'm gonna gush so much!!
Btw im gonna use acronyms for most of the titles of the animations and such so incase u need context.
KM - Kiss Me
LDT - Look Dont Touch
LF - Love Fool
SUASWM - Shut Up And Sleep With Me
BBYHL - Baby Hotline
WIW - wutiwant [one and two]
OTF - On The Floor
KMY - Kuruoze Miy
BMTHD - Bring Me The Horizon / Drown
LTH - Let It Happen
OL - Ordinary Life
So with that out of the way, Here. We. Go!
Kid blue [PRE-TRAUMA]
Blue's baby photos are just adorable!! Makes me wanna give his cheeks a small squishy squish,, I also wanna just- take him to an arcade,, he feels like such an arcade lover,, I wish to pamper him and treat him so much better, I remember when we were kids, we made mud pies and played in the rain together, and honestly those childhood memories makes me all the more happy that we've come so far,, I dont have much else to say other than he's a cutie patootie :3
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My oh my,, he's such a flirt! His warm soft smug smile, his smaller more awkward moments when i flirt back with him are pure bliss,, the way he peppers me with kisses and always leans on me whenever he needs breaks from his work,, he's my handsy handsome boy!! And he loves me sosomuch,,, The way he'd give me sly glances whenever possible,, and his lovely tooth gap- Have I ever said how much I love his tooth gap? God he's seriously so lovely,, hearing him whistle simple tunes while we walk side by side,, hhrrgsggs
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Mild Blue [SLBB - WIW1]
He has such a wounded heart,, it makes me wanna bitch slap pink even more whenever I think of this version of blue, even without his mouth he's quite kissable, he's more quiet than most of the other versions, yet all I can do is softly caress his cheeks, and passionately kiss him, mouth or not,, the way we'd lay together in comfortable silence as he boops his no-mouth against my own mouth, he actually loves doing that with me, kissing my cheeks even though he has no mouth, aside for his devilish smile ofc,, it's like he kisses me through a face mask,,
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Heart Blue [BBYHL]
Sly,, Playboy,,, Bnuy,, BLU- no joke he's such a slut for pampering me,, and I mean that in the most loving way ever. I mean cmon, he wears a light pink sweater layered over a button up shirt, his sleazy black pants and lastly his lovely fluffy hair,, his heart glasses adorning his framed face as he looks at me with his tinted glasses,, gosh I'd be here for Years just to gush about his eyes,, The way he sometimes slips his hand near my waist to pull me closer sometimes,, gives me butterflies everytime!!
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Hypersexual Blue [KMY]
The fact that when I've fallen for blue,, he was my first taste of- HOLY FUCK HIS TONGUE- May I say that his tongue knows how to knot cherry stems,, his tongue dancing along mine whenever we make out is pure bliss,, sure his mouth tastes like alcohol and booze,, but my god it makes me want to get drunk by his sensual touches,, and whenever we have that special moment,, its all like a wet dream,, his tongue is not only talented but he's surprisingly flexible, in a way he is a little stiff in some places, but he's still flexy,,
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Cyan Blue [BMTHD]
Fire, Pain, just his pure denial ignites his rage, the way he sees himself is such a sad feeling, aswell as the way he's stuck in this episode of denying his entire abuse just pains me so so so badly,, During it all, he was so afraid of touching me.. almost isolating himself from me and other awful things, we ended up taking a small healthy break from one another.. but then after he healed,, he apologized for his manic behavior,, and I accepted him in a heartbeat,, having to finally feel his face again was such a blessing,, and I could tell he missed my touch aswell,,
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White blue [WIW2]
All I'm going to say,, is I'm proud of him atleast,, finding his scars all over his body made me feel so sorry for him,, and when I watched the video, I felt so hurt.. the way he was silenced for being a man? I'd say that's rlly sexist. but that's not what I'm gonna touch on. I've had to comfort blue, we ended up cuddling when he got back,, I sang the two of us to sleep, and when he woke up, he kissed my cheek softly and mumbled a soft "Thank you",, aaughhh,,,
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[Side note 4 paranoid: Whenever blue had those paranoid episodes, I've found another way of comforting them with my voice,, and now whenever he goes through those episodes, he'll either stand there frozen or just get to me for my comfort]
Grey Blue [LTH]
He was in such a spiral,, I felt super super awful for how the aftermath definitely made a number on him, every night he'd cling on me, to which I'd always nuzzle him to remind him how much he means to me,, every night he tears up and cried, whenever I'd see his dried tears, I'd clean them up for him,, aswell as brushing his hair that he was growing out, ngl I missed his mullet,, but hey, I'll love him no matter what <3
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End Blue [OL]
... i felt so awful, and absolutely depressed when he began thinking of the things he's always been comparing himself to,, "My existence makes everyone uncomfortable, I'm a peice of shit!" Yet here I am. Thinkin the polar opposite, we both have had therapy times and during the end of it, I'd always ask for a hug, if he accepts, I'd rock him back and forth and hum a soft comforting tune,, if he dosnt want a hug, I'd ask for an alternative, and usually most time we'd always end up cuddling afterwards, I'm apart of his healing, I never want him to go through that ever again,
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I'm not gonna talk about the abuser version of blue, he's nothing but a figure of his imagination, he isnt real. Not to me, and never will be real to blue,,
Anyways!!! Yeah,,, as you can tell i love blue :3
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thefinalcinderella · 9 months
Tsurune Book 3 Chapter 4 - Old Friend (Part 1)
this chapter broke into my house and robbed me. this chapter punched me in my stomach and proceeded to kick me as i was down
anyways we meet Seiya's brother Gaku. Gaku seems to be a gnc person but is still referred to as Seiya's brother so i will be using he/him pronouns for him
Glossary here
Full list of translations here
Translation Notes
1-18. The explanations of the puns were so long that i decided to make a separate post for them. tbh you can just skip the puns and go all the way to the end of this section
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It was a certain day off.
The five boys of the Kazemai High School kyudo club gathered at Minato’s house. It was a study session to prepare for a regular exam, and since Minato’s father wasn’t at home because of work, they occupied the living room.
Seiya smiled.
“Ryouhei, if there’s anything you don’t understand, feel free to ask me. I can help you with most of the liberal arts subjects.”
“Woo! I’m so glad that I have you, who’s at the top of our class, as my childhood friend.”
“I’m happy to be helpful to everyone.”
Nanao, hearing that, waved his mechanical pencil with a frog on it. There was also a pencil case with frogs in traditional Japanese design on the table.
“As expected of President Mustache. You really give off the composure of someone worthy of a mustache. Maybe I should have chosen science classes too, though it’s a bit late for that now.”
“Apparently, nowadays there are some universities where they don’t divide the courses into the sciences and liberal arts, but allow students to take both.”
“This is what they call the age of diversity. Our future is shining brightly. Exciting, sparkling!” Ryouhei also chimed in.
“Sparkling! This humble one is also excited!”
Next to them, Kaito put down his pen.
“You two! Those Yotubers’ ways of talking are rubbing off on you. Nanao, stop playing with frogs and focus on your problem set.”
“Yeah, yeah, Kacchan. Follow your own path.”
After checking on everyone, Minato went to the kitchen. He returned to the living room with a drink in hand.
Minato’s cup was purchased on the return trip from last year’s regional tournament, and it had the illustration of a dormouse on it. In his left hand, he held the dormouse mascot that Masa-san gave him. The dormouse was a small mouse that was a natural monument and also called the spirit of the forest and the guardian deity of the mountains. Masa-san gave him, who was suffering from target panic, the dormouse mascot in place of a talisman, but Minato had no way of knowing the prayer it contained.
When the five’s cups were emptied, the intercom sounded. When Minato looked through the camera, he saw a young woman standing there. “Hello?” he answered.
“Mii-chan, it’s me. It’s been a while.”
“Oh! I’m opening the door now.”
When Minato opened the door, the woman suddenly hugged him.
She was in her twenties. She was gorgeous and bewitching, but also cute—she was a superb beauty who made one feel that gap. She was dressed in a stylish outfit, and her straggling hairs fell gently.
The beautiful woman exclaimed in joy.
“Mii-chan, you smell as good as ever! Is it rosemary? It’s different from a vegetarian’s scent. The fact that you smell like this and don’t use antiperspirants or perfume is nothing short of a miracle.”
“Can’t you do something about that quirk of yours?”
“I feel so refreshed when I smell your scent, Mii-chan. ‘Mina-huffing’ is way better than cat huffing!”
Minato grimaced, looking fed up. Since he knew that the other person only looked slender in clothing and was actually a Jeet Kune Do master, Minato didn’t disobey her and stayed still. It was a martial art where the opponent was defeated within six seconds. He wouldn’t be able to stand a chance if he was hit in a vital spot.
“I’m studying right now.”
“Oh, that’s right. I came here for something else. Let me just come in for a minute.”
The woman left Minato and went into the living room without hesitation. She opened the door with a bang.
“Who’s that?” Just when Kaito muttered in his mind, Seiya shouted, “Onii-chan!”
Kaito let out a splutter.
Rather than the fact that the person who he thought was a woman was actually Seiya’s brother, he was more shocked by the fact that Seiya calling him “Onii-chan.” Seiya’s brother completely ignored the dumbfounded Kazemai High School kyudo club members and made a beeline for Seiya.
“Seiya, you completely ignored your phone even when I called you. I came back home after all this time, so keep me company for a little bit at least.”
“Why are you coming in all the way here, Onii-chan? You’re as restless as ever.”
“Can’t you be a little more affectionate towards your beloved brother? Something like, it’s been so long, I missed you, Nii-san!”
Seiya made no comment. His eyes were glassy.
“Ugh, you’re such a prickly kid. Everyone, sorry for interrupting your studying. Nice to meet you, I’m Seiya’s older brother, Takehaya Gaku. I do the branding for ‘Hanayoi,’ which promotes Japanese style merchandise. You over there, that frog pencil was also one of the things I had a hand in.”
“Whoa!” Nanao said. “I know Hanayoi. You did a collab with Yumihiki Douji recently.”
“You watched it? I’m so happy to hear that.”
Gaku sat down in front of the table.
“I’d feel bad about staying here for too long, so I’ll just tell you why I’m here. Everyone here should also listen. I chose the path I liked, so Dad wants Seiya to inherit the hospital. He says he wants Seiya to start preparing for that soon.”
“You’re talking about that again? And this isn’t something you talk about in front of everyone, you know? Onii-chan, you do what you want, and yet you expect to me to obey you.”
“Mom and Dad always respect our wishes. But in their hearts, they think that you’re suited to becoming a doctor. This is the countryside, so doctors are absolutely needed. They want you to contribute your service to the community. They won’t back down until you say yes.”
“There’s no point in using martial arts on me. I know your weak spots. It’ll be no trouble for me to defeat you.”
“Ugh, Seiya, how invincible are you? Well, it doesn’t matter. I plan on staying here for two or three days longer anyway.”
Gaku stood up, then stared at Nanao, who had been listening with his chin in his hands.
“…Magnificent. You’ve caught my eye since the moment I entered this room, but you’re so beautiful. How would you like to become our new brand image character?”
Gaku’s eyes roamed over Nanao’s figure, then he raised his hand and inhaled the scent deeply. Gaku’s sense of smell was unusually developed, and he was an eccentric who judged people based on their body odor. It was said that only one in five people could sniff out asparagus smell, which was the smell of urine after eating asparagus. He was one of them, and he was also a perfumer.
“Mm, mm, what a pleasant scent. It’s sweet, heartrending, and strong—. You fit the image perfectly. You’re the very picture of the crowned Frog Prince.”
“Hold on a minute, I can’t see what you’re talking about.”
“There is no one better suited for this role than you. This is a big project that will be expanded overseas. Don’t you think it’s a great opportunity?”
“No, no, no, the more skillfully someone speaks, the more I’m on guard.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being cautious. Please give me a reply in three days.”
After only saying what he wanted to say, Gaku left. In the calm after the storm, the five boys remained silent.
Ryouhei moved to break the silence.
“I was so surprised to see Seiya’s brother. He got even prettier than I remember. What will happen if Nanao takes on that job?”
“I’ll be okay, but it might be tough for Nanao to balance his thing with kyudo,” Seiya said.
“Huh!? Can’t you wait for a moment? Then I’m against it. You agree with me, right, Minato?”
“…I will respect the two’s wishes.”
“Huuuh!? Kaito-kun, you of course are also against it, right?”
“I dunno. It’s up to Seiya and Nanao.”
“What? Why aren’t you stopping them? Don’t you all want to stand on the same stage together again? We can only be high school second-years once! Well, you can be held back a year, though!”
Seiya opened the reference book on the table.
“Sorry, guys. My brother’s always like that. He throws everyone around him into confusion and immediately leaves. Nanao, you should think about it carefully before responding to him.”
With complicated feelings, the five boys faced the table again.
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After the study session finished and everyone left, Nanao went to Kaito’s house.
He took two teacups in the kitchen and poured black tea, milk, and sugar into them. His brain needed sugar to work. He put the cups on a tray and went to Kaito’s room on the second floor.
“Hi, Kacchan. Today, I’m specially making this tea for you. Be thankful.”
“Yeah, yeah, Frog Prince.”
Nanao put the teacup on his desk and sat down on the bed. He flicked the frog-shaped clock by his side with his finger. The second hand was moving as usual.
“Kacchan, what do you really think about what Gaku-san talked about earlier?”
“I already said that I don’t know.”
“You didn’t put a stop to it this time.”
“Hah? Did something like that happen? If I say anything, your judgment might be affected, so I kept quiet.”
“You could have at least given your cousin some advice. What a useless man.”
“Shut up. Neither you or Seiya are little kids anymore. It’s the truth that by the summer vacation of your second year in high school, you have to decide on your career path to some extent.”
“That’s so early. I feel I only just entered high school.”
Seiya was also faced with the dilemma of choosing his career. Kaito was probably feeling nervous on the inside. Even Minato should be wondering whether he should encourage or discourage him.
Kaito got his phone out and started playing a game. Lately, he had been absorbed in a city building game. He had built a kyudojo, a library, and a concert venue just for Japanese rock. Once, he had cried tears of gratitude when the avatars of the bands he liked in the real world performed there.
Lucy the cat rubbed against Kaito’s back and showed her belly. Kaito petted Lucy without looking away from his game, and Lucy kicked him as though to tell him to look at her.
Nanao remembered when he and Kaito visited Tokyo together in middle school.
Kaito had let out a big yawn.
“Ah, this is such a pain. I only care about kyudojos and kyudo stores. Are there any nearby?”
“Don’t say that, Kacchan. Let’s take the classic course first.”
He stuffed his mouth with crepes and peered into a store where everyone was lined up. At the storefront where accessories were arranged next to each other, he could see a man giving out rings as a gift.
It was fun to walk around the city. The place where they lived was surrounded by mountains, but this place was full of man-made object and people. It was a stimulating and lively space.
A little further away, there was a man running through the crowd.
“Why is that guy running?”
“Who knows, maybe he forgot something.”
As they were talking, the man quickly approached them and handed him his business card. The name of an agency was printed on the front, and the names of the talents affiliated with the agency were printed on the back.
Talent scouts really did exist. He thought it was an urban legend.
Kaito’s eyes flashed in their usual way. From his point of view, the person approaching Nanao was nothing but a suspicious person who deserved to be guarded against.
“Sorry, we’re in a hurry,” they declined and started walking away.
As they continued on their way, eating snacks, someone called out to them again. Nanao didn’t know if it was a scout or someone trying to pick him up, but he completely ignored them. However, some people were persistent and would stubbornly keep talking to him. Thanks to that, they walked faster and faster.
“Hey, hey, you over there. You’re a shining diamond in the rough. Could please just listen to what I have to say?”
“If you put it like that, I might be a little interested.”
“Tell the kid next to you to consider it too. I really think he’s got what it takes. Getting famous with videos is fine and all, but I recommend that you join an agency that can manage you properly.”
“No, thank you,” Kaito answered.
“Why don’t you join with him, then? I think a combination of two different types is also a good idea.”
“You might have to pay for the lessons, but we also have plans that are better than other agencies.”
“Shut up! This guy won’t leave our hometown!” Kaito shouted and grabbed Nanao’s hand, then started running.
This was a city where you could meet a different version of yourself.
A doll-like girl spinning on a music box and a man holding a fake sword studded with sequins. Were the woodwind instruments being played foreign? Many boats floated on the meandering river, and the two went against the current. Was this really reality? His feet felt unsteady.
“Let’s leave this place quickly. There’s too many people and we’ll keep getting bothered.”
“You’re right.”
The sounds of people bustling about was comfortable.
Kacchan said that there were too many people here, but everyone was nose-deep in their phones and no one’s looking around. No one’s paying attention to us. No one knows who we are.
I will protect Kacchan. In this city, he’s the only who knows me, and I’m the only one who knows him.
I will never forget Kacchan gripping my hand.
It seems like he forgot about it, though.
That’s fine. This is a memory that only I remember.
“Kacchan, I wanna eat chips. Go and buy some.”
“What, go buy it yourself. I think we have some downstairs.”
“Can I eat them?”
“Thanks, Kacchan.”
When Nanao got up, Lucy let out a small meow.
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After the study session, Seiya and Minato watched Ryouhei leave until they could no longer see him.
“Minato, I’m going to go shampoo Kuma. Wanna come?” Seiya said.
“Of course!”
Minato went to Seiya’s house. He rolled up his sleeves, took off his socks, and Kuma, who realized what was going to happen, ran around excitedly. When Kuma was still a puppy, just getting him to soak his paws in the bathtub full of hot water was a difficult task, but now it was one of his favorite times. They wetted his fur in the shower and lathered up the dog shampoo.
“Kuma, doesn’t that feel good? Do you feel itchy anywhere?”
Kuma tilted his head left as though to say, “Here,” so they focused on that area. As they were rinsing off the later with the shower, Kuma shook his whole body.
“Kuma, don’t shake!”
“Kuma seems to be in high spirits,” Seiya said.
While they were shampooing Kuma, they saw a gecko on the windowpane of the bath. It had a light pink belly and the base of its tail was heart-shaped. The edges of its five tiny fingers were transparent and beautiful. It didn’t so much as twitch even when Minato touched it through the glass. He once saw one in his own house, and he had captured it and let it go outside. The gecko was still clinging to the window even after they finished shampooing Kuma.
Seiya’s brows lowered when he saw Kuma leaning against Minato as he wiped his wet body.
 “Kuma, you sure are making a nice face. Even though I’m your master.”
“Kuma likes people.”
The two and Kuma went out for a walk. As they walked toward the red sun, the indigo sunset approached from behind. The first star of the evening shined in the evening sky, and it matched the speed of the two boys and dog. When they stopped, the star also stopped. The large yellow moon shined on the horizon.
On the roadside, bees gathered by the fleabanes, and butterflies gathered by the milk thistles. A loud chorus of frogs could be heard from the rice fields that had just been filled with water. There were also baby praying mantises in the purple thistles, shortawn foxtails, and ixeris flowers. Though their bodies were only one centimeter long, they were vibrating them like adults. They seemed to be imitating the appearance of swaying leaves, but it was said that only two percent of two hundred eggs could grow into adults. Minato sent thoughts of encouragement for everyone to survive safely.
Minato patted Kuma on the head.
“It seems that there is a family of wild rabbits living in Shuu’s garden. At first, when we saw each other, they would run away like rabbits do, but lately, they are the ones who have been approaching me.”
“With that house, I’m not surprised about anything that lives there.”
“To tell you the truth, I once asked your dad a question. I asked him, aren’t you worried about Seiya quitting Kirisaki? Is there anything I can do?”
“…No way, really?”
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“He told me, ‘There’s nothing to worry about. Worrying would mean that I don’t believe in Seiya’s strength. Both Seiya and his brother are people who don’t see hardships as hardships and can blaze a trail forward.’”
“Dad said something like that? I didn’t know.”
“You have a great dad. He’s really cool.”
“Yeah, he is, thanks. My brother’s a weirdo, though.”
“Kuma’s cute too.”
“My brother isn’t cute, and I don’t listen to what he says.”
“Brothers, huh. I’m a bit jealous.”
Minato looked up at the sky. The full moon was changing from yellow to silver.
“The moon is beautiful tonight.”
“…Yeah, it really is. Minato, do you know the anecdote about Soseki Natsume?”
“The one where he had a habit of pulling out his nose hairs when he got writer’s block and line them up on his manuscript paper?”
“That’s what came to your mind? It’s the one where he said that when Japanese people convey their love, they don’t say ‘I love you,’ but use another way to express it.”
“Sorry, I don’t know that one.”
“You and Kaito really don’t waver, huh.”
“What will Nanao do? Kaito was clearly shaken.”
“The two of them are probably discussing things right now. It might be something that’s hard to talk about in front of us.”
“You’re right. Oh, I saw two dormice in that tree hollow ahead. You wanna go see them?”
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
The two boys and dog went to the woods. When they went into the woods, Kuma took the vanguard position, probably with the determination to protect his masters.
When the wind shook the leaves, white-tailed skimmers spread their wings.
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The wind blew through the blue yamichi of Kazemai High School’s kyudojo.
After the prefectural tournament qualifiers, the club members headed toward the targets as they pleased. Not thinking about unnecessary things and simply releasing arrows with all your strength was also a pleasant feeling. They surrendered themselves and rode the updraft.
When they generally finished shooting their arrows, the signal to gather was given.
“Today, we’ll be having a special class today. Let’s warm up before inviting our speaker. First question, what day is September tenth?”
Ryouhei immediately raised his hand.
“It’s Kyudo Day!”
“Correct. Now, the second question. Does anyone what day is August tenth, a month before that?”
“Yep, yep, it’s Masa-san’s birthday!”
Kaito turned to Minato and grinned triumphantly. Masa-san smiled in embarrassment.
Tommy-sensei continued. “Third question. What day is September first?”
“The questions suddenly got harder. Seiya, do you know?” Minato said.
“Hmm, is it famous?”
“Oh? Takehaya-kun not knowing something is surprising. Let’s get into the main topic. Self-possession is necessary for kyudo. Learn the best techniques to stay calm in any situation. That’s right, it’s all about words, it’s about how you perceive events positively through words. Here comes the specialists. Come on, everybody!”
The ones who appeared at Tommy-sensei’s signal were two elderly men. Question marks popped up over everyone’s heads.
“These two are acquaintances of mine. They are alumni of the ‘Kazemai High School Bad Puns Association.’”
Seiya’s glasses flashed. Kaito had a bad feeling.
The class began.
“Bad puns are things that have ‘creativity and impact,’ and enriches communication between people. We take advantage of the infinite ‘attraction’ of puns, and our wish that bad puns will bring color and richness to life and delivers salvation to the world is embedded in September first.”*
“…I can already sense that this is going to be a disaster.”
Kaito was in agony, but Seiya straightened up even more and listened attentively.
“A barrage of dad jokes that follow up on each other. This is indeed ‘jab-jab’ humor, Kacchan.”*
“Na-na-o, not you too!”
As the cousins’ comedy routine unfolded, practical training began. First, they were asked to tell the bad puns they already knew.
Keyaki went first. “The principal’s in good form!”*
Kanbayashi went second. “The dog’s so nervous that it’s wetting itself.”*
Himuro went third. “Suki kuu mushi mo tadetade.”*
Everyone’s eyes widened at the fact that Himuro spoke, but only Seiya sighed by himself.
“It’s no good, first-years. You can’t just say such excellent bad puns.”
Keyaki shrank back.
“What exactly is an excellent bad pun…? It’s too difficult for amateurs. I feel like successfully pulling off a bad pun is more difficult than the path of the bow for me.”
“First, we must learn the classics. I’ll give you some examples. ‘6:30 is the best time on a clock, hands down.’ ‘Thanks for being so grape!’ ‘Camping: like many of the best things in life, it’s tree.’”*
The two teachers applauded.
“Wonderful! As expected of the club president, you have a very good understanding of this. Oh, you over there, you say a pun too.”
“Me too?” Masa-san said.
“Of course. To us, you’re also a Kazemai kid, Coach Takigawa.”
“Then if I may be so presumptuous, I will contribute one pun. ‘My back is kaino at kai.’”*
Seiya inadvertently laughed, but then made his face serious in an effort to hide that he laughed.
“Recreation is a form of communication and relaxation that’s also used in free schools, and it is also a way to train people to think in a way that softens their stiffened heads. Now, we pros will show you how it’s done.”
“What kind of sport is kyudo? The kind of sport that makes your chest squeeze tightly and impresses the people around.” “If you draw a bow in Yamagata, your arrows will bend.” “Ah, I hit the inside of the curtain.” “Hakama wa hakanma.” “What are yuu going to the kyudojo for?” “I get angry when I don’t do the uchiokoshi well.” “When I do uchiokoshi, you go to the front.” “Let’s have a third party look at our daisan.” “Ya o hanatsu to yugaeru kero.” “Zan, shin!!”*
Kaito quickly stood up.
“They’re cold, they’re too cold! Are we in Siberia or Alaska or something!?”
Unable to endure it any longer, he left.
Tommy-sensei chuckled. “…Good reaction, Onogi-kun.”
Before they went home, they received a large amount of broad beans from the teachers, who had grown them in their home gardens.
“Hey, hey, what are you going to do about Seiya’s brother, Gaku-san’s offer?” Ryouhei asked Nanao.
“Oh, I think I’m going to turn him down on that day.”
Kaito’s face relaxed.
“You’re giving your answer too early. You might regret it later that you should have accepted it.”
“I won’t regret it, and even if I do in the future, so be it. I’ll consider it again at that time. The current me has decided not to do it. My dream has already been fulfilled. I wanted to become a normal high school student.”
“A normal high school student?”
“Don’t you think it’s amazing? Frogs and birds risk their lives to get food every day, but we normally eat our lunches in our classrooms, normally make side trips on our way home from school, and normally groan about bad test scores.”
“Is Nanao really a high school boy? You have a pretty philosophical view of things,” Seiya murmured.*
The second-year girl, Hanazawa, writhed in agony. “Takehaya-kun, don’t just smoothly insert an old man joke here.”
“The only old man we need is Takigawa=san,” Shiragiku said.
“Putting aside the fact that our club has a high concentration of old men, I don’t know how a guy with a fan club could be called normal,” Seo continued.
“That isn’t something I wanted, but I’ll properly fulfill the role given to me. I don’t want to disappoint the girls who love me.”
“Wow, you’re like a real prince.”
When Ryouhei looked at him with eyes full of respect, Nanao gently lowered his eyes. If the fan club girls were here, they might have fainted on the spot.
When he opened his eyes, a strong gaze appeared there.
“I want to become a carpenter. I want to start with design. Kacchan, let me build your house.”
Kaito’s eyes widened.
“This is the first time I’m hearing of it.”
“Of course it is. Because it’s the first time I told someone. Before I came here, I asked the teacher to let me switch from the humanities to the sciences.”
“That was fast! I didn’t know you could change it.”
“First, I want to build a round wooden frog house in a green forest. The eyes will be the windows, where you can see the starry sky through them at night. The Summer Triangle of summer and Orion of winter. It’ll be amazing to gaze at them while lying down on the floor with everyone. Right now, I’m researching the costs.”
“You’re really moving too fast. Where are us students gonna get that money from?”
“It’s not about whether you can or can’t do it, it’s about envisioning it first. I don’t think it’s that difficult.”
The first-years applauded.
“As expected of Kisaragi-senpai’s super positive thinking. He has a dream!” Kanbayashi said.
“I will try thinking about what I really want to do,” Keyaki said.
“I want to continue doing kyudo even after I graduate. Have you decided on what you’re going to do, Narumiya-senpai? Are you going to go to a university with a strong kyudo club?”
Minato looked indifferent.
“All I thought was that I should probably go to university. On the career preference questionnaire, I thought about my family finances and wrote down the names of several universities I was interested in, including a local public university, a department where I could study Japanese culture, a university with a Shinto course, and an agriculture department.”
Seiya pinched the corner of his eyes. “Our teacher is probably very confused, thinking that Narumiya-kun is supposed to be in the sciences.”
“I’m interested in what Shinto priests do, but I don’t know if I want to do it as a job… To be honest, I’m at a loss.”
Tommy-sensei, who had been silently listening to them, laughed out loud. Masa-san was also next to him.
“Ah, the worries of vibrant youth. Try talking to yourself, not others. It might be a good idea to try drawing a mandala chart. By the way, the goals I set when I was fifty were to walk eight-thousand steps every day, learn the names of flowers and plants, and take pictures of clouds. Please look at my work.”
Tommy-sensei showed them pictures of clouds in the shape of soft-served ice cream, candy, and dried squid. He told them that they weren’t edited images, but actually floating in the sky.
Ryouhei’s eyes sparkled.
“What’s that, it looks tasty!”
“Ho ho, there’s Pucky here too. And even a Koala’s Dash.”*
“Whoa, I wanna try searching too! Nee-chan, Shuu-kun, and Sae-chan would definitely love it if I show this to them.”
It seemed that Tommy-sensei taught them a simple game once again. Minato thought that the people who could laugh at bad puns and were curious no matter how old they were might be the masters of life.
When Seiya returned home, he told his parents this.
“I’m going to be a doctor. But right now, kyudo is my top priority, so I might become a ronin.* Mom, Dad, will you still support me?”
“Yes, of course we will.”
“Do your best, Seiya-kun.”
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asordinaryppl · 2 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 3: One Step Up
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Kumon: We’re back~!
Juza: We’re back.
Taichi: I’m so hungry~
Tenma: Seems like it’s Omi-san’s turn today.
Tsuzuru: Kinda smells like demi-glace sauce…
Omi: The beef stew will be done soon.
Kumon: Yay~! I wanted to eat meat~!
Kazunari: Seems like the fairy boys have suddenly increased in energy~
Muku: Even though it’s actually just Kyu-chan that joined them.
Yuki: He counts enough for two or three more people.
Tsumugi: How’s uni life, Kumon-kun?
Kumon: Super fun! Unlike the classes in high school, I feel like I can study by myself.
Kumon: Also, I’m with Nii-chan!
Banri: I thought you’d decide immediately based on that, but you took your time pickin’.
Kumon: I had a lot to think about, y’know.
Kumon: I had to carefully think about which university to attend, not only based on where Nii-chan is.
Azami: The growth of the Bro-con.
Yuki: Though in the end, they ended up in the same university.
Kumon: I mean, Nii-chan and Tenma-san make it seem like it’s lots of fun!
Tenma: I can guarantee that much.
Juza: I’m glad you got accepted.
Taichi: He worked hard on the essay and when preparing for the interview~
Kumon: Hehe, it’s thanks to everything Nii-chan and Tenma-san and Taichi-san taught me!
Chikage: Seeing Tenma take on the tutor’s role was deeply moving.
Tenma: Thanks for that.
Kazunari: *Yawn*~...
Tsuzuru: You seem sleepy, Miyoshi-san.
Kazunari: I had some urgent job due yesterday, so I didn’t get much sleep~
Tsuzuru: Good work.
Muku: Kazu-kun seems like he became an adult in a blink.
Kazunari: What I’m doing is pretty much an extension of what I did as a student, but I guess my mindset’s changed a little since graduating.
Omi: I get it. The work increases as the responsibilities do, but it’s also quite fun.
Tsuzuru: Is that so…
Kazunari: You might understand come next year, Tsuzurun~
Izumi: Omi-kun was like that, too, but your image changed after you graduated.
Azuma: I look forward to these changes every spring.
Homare: Well, there are groups of people that have not changed much at all.
Azuma: Thanks to everyone, I can properly feel spring’s arrival.
Tasuku: I mean, the changes might not be big, but haven’t you guys also gotten busier?
Guy: You also seem to be getting more requests to appear as a guest.
Sakuya: Ah, actually, I think I might also get an offer to appear on a rather big stage—
Tsumugi: Really? I’m so happy for you.
Tasuku: This is the result of the experience you’ve gained so far. It’s proof of how far you’ve come as an actor
Sakuya: Thank you very much!
Citron: I have also had to do arts and culture-related jobs here and there~
Itaru: I’ve also started being treated like I can carry the company on my shoulders, it’s a pain…
Chikage: It’s your fifth year, of course you are.
Guy: That reminds me, the work I can leave to Mikage has also increased.
Hisoka: I can make some snacks now…
Tasuku: Like roasted marshmallows and marshmallow pizza?
Hisoka: Those too, but other stuff too.
Homare: To think you can make dishes unrelated to marshmallows… What remarkable progress!
Misumi: Speaking of new things, my friend Mii-chan gave birth to a kitten~
Muku: Congratulations to her!
Yuki: Doesn’t that have nothing to do with you, though?
Izumi: Just as everyone is moving forward and changing, the theater company is also changing.
Izumi: Speaking of which, the kid we met today also said he started high school this spring.
Kumon: Heeh~, what kinda kid was he?
Tsuzuru: He was a pretty interesting kid.
Masumi: Rather than interesting, he was just a pain.
Itaru: He was a passionate Masumi fan.
Izumi: He used to live in the countryside, and supported us through streaming.
Sakyo: So that’s MIZUNO Ent’s power…
Sakyo: As we expected, we’ll require continued efforts to reach as many people as possible.
Izumi: He also said he can’t wait to see a live performance.
Tasuku: Watching plays live has its benefits, after all.
Sakuya: That’s true. Since he said he’s looking forward to it, I thought we’ll have to do our best not to disappoint.
Izumi: Ah, that’s right! I had this idea after talking to the kid–
Izumi: What do you think about holding a workshop for beginners as our next event?
Izumi: Learning that there are people who became interested in theater because of MANKAI Company made me realize, we should do more activities that are about spreading theater to others.
Izumi: I think sharing the joy of acting together will be a beneficial experience for us as well. 
Sakuya: That does sound good!
Citron: That sounds fun!
Chikage: But if it’s about teaching, rather than the Spring Troupe, wouldn’t members with more experience, like Tenma, or Tasuku and Tsumugi, be more suited for it?
Tsuzuru: True, we’re all novice actors, and a few years ago we were amateurs, will it really be okay for us to do it?
Masumi: I can do it.
Itaru: Not the guy least qualified to teach.
Izumi: That’s exactly why. You all remember what it felt like when you first stood on the stage a few years ago.
Izumi: You’re the most suited to convey theater from a beginner’s point of view.
Izumi: It won’t be a workshop for actors, or a workshop like Yuzo-san’s focused solely on teaching…
Izumi: I think just enjoying acting together and looking back on your old selves would be good.
Izumi: It can also be an opportunity to expand our fanbase…
Izumi: I think trying to get people to learn more about theater is something all of you can do at your current state.
Sakuya: I see… You’re right. Up till now, we’ve only focused on improving ourselves, but now…
Itaru: That’s true. We can probably have fun together.
Chikage: And it can also be a source of inspiration.
Tsuzuru: We might get a hint for our next performance.
Citron: Everything’s a challenge!
Izumi: Alright, it’s decided!
Izumi: Once we settle on a date, can I leave the design to you, Kazunari-kun?
Kazunari: Ofc!
Izumi: I’ll do the printing and distribution.
Masumi: I’ll help.
Itaru: We also need to announce it on social media. I can do that.
Chikage: Wouldn’t it also be good to announce it on the theater bulletin board?
Izumi: Then, I’ll leave the announcements to you two… Sakuya-kun, Citron-kun, can I ask you two to come up with the outline for the workshop?
Sakuya: Yes!
Citron: Let’s think of a chilling workshop for everyone~!
Manager: Ah, everyone, it’s almost time~!
Kumon: I’ll turn on the TV!
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itsokjuju · 2 months
🌻 !!
yaeey ok so ive been meaning to finish my miinions/despicable mii au (basically an au that includes the members of miiblr but as despicable me characters just for funsies since i thought that making an au featuring my community would be kewl) and like. if we're talking abt the miinions au, then id think that the official miiblr mascots would deffo work perfectly as kevin stuart and bob. cuz like. kevin=squibbles, tootsie=bob and stuart=cupcake DO YOU SEE MY VISION?????? and i was thinking abt giving otto's role to older bro madie (shout out to you big bro ilysm/p) since like idk abt yall. but otto's personality fits perfectly with them!! (ohg ye this is @wii-no-ma im talking abt rn wheee) and THE VICISOUS SIX OHOHOHH IVE GOT A COUPLE IDEAS IN MIND. my buddy @faitherr has this one oc named "poptart" AND OMGGG while i was working on the au thinking of whos mii would be a perfect belle bottom., and the first one i thought of,, was poptart!! :D she also gave me sm funky vibes too!!/vpos,, sadly i didnt think abt whod be wild knuckles or stronghold buuut ive got @thiings-with-wings' mii, vern as nun-chuck, @box-the-box as svengence (did i spell that right?? oghh), and @four-raccoons-in-a-trenchcoat as jean clawed !! there wasnt rlly an in-depht reason as to why i chose the other 3 but :b and moving on to like. THE FIRST MINIONS MOVIE where like kevin stuart and bob find their evil master,, and like, need i say more about why @bluerangehearts' acha and darklord stan would be A PERFECT HERB AND SCARLET OVERKILL???? love me some oc x canon ships/vpos,, plus im just gonna say that the cpu miis are all the rest of the minions lol. MOVING ONTO THE DESPICABLE MII AU,, NO ONE OTHER THAN MR @miiblr HIMSELF SHOULD BE GRU!!! cuz think abt it. guy who created the lovely miiblr brand and his little miiblr mascots. THINK ABOUT IT. and vector,, ogh boy i was thinking abt isaacthemii being vector for fun until he showed us how much of a complete piece of shit he really was, so it just makes it much more deserved. bonus points that he literally gets sent to the moon at the end. now for the girls, this was a hard part. i wasnt completely sure whod be the girls,, but @domizaurr would work well as a margo,, as far as im looking at the mii pfp (IM SOOOOO SORRY @domizaurur I MEAN NO OFFENSE),,, plus this was extremelyyyy last minute but @cherriiblossomii would deffo be an agnes !! sadly no idea whod dr nefario, lucy, el macho or balthazar bratt be,, but yeahg!!
so yeah!! other than tryna make a life-sized wsr george cardboard cutout, ive been workimg on that!! im obv not done working on this au but its just a sneakpeak of one of my upcoming projects,,,/vpos!!! feel free to give me some ideas in the tags,,!!/nf obv its just that im the only one working on this but i must stay on that grind :*)
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