#Love Between King and Queen
Princess Doesn't Cry
Princess Doesn’t Cry
Currently at the Princess mode; ready to be in the process of being Queen; They said neither Queen nor King can put herself on the throne; Hence, without putting the crown on myself, I prepare to rule my Kingdom like the royalty blood would; I unceasingly obey all the royalty rules to become the sane Queen with the endless royalty love. Notably, I step into royalty seat with more head held high,…
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sleepyminty · 9 months
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No wonder Marshall Lee and Fionna is so close like family, had Marceline and Fionna met they would definitely sister
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drrav3nb · 1 year
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Grusha Headcanons
Grusha avoids social and networking events as far as possible. Even though his role as Gym Leader demands a certain degree of public engagement, he finds it exceedingly difficult to sustain conversations, and often comes across as aloof and rude without meaning to. Rather than risk saying something tactless, he engages as little as possible.
He joined the League a few months before Ryme did, but he has taken much longer to settle into his role. Despite being relatively new to the professional battle scene, critics rank him as one of the strongest Gym Leaders in Paldea, with the makings to become an Elite in future. Geeta has dropped similar hints during his annual performance reviews. But the praise does not always register; he doubts his ability and dwells on defeats, which often leads to him avoiding more challenging opponents. 
Grusha did not have great interest in pokémon battles when he was younger. Neither of his parents were trainers, but they pressed him to try an array of sports and other pursuits throughout childhood, both battling and coordinating among them. Of the countless activities he dabbled in, snowboarding was the only one that truly seized his interest, but now that this path has closed to him, he has fallen back on alternative pursuits. Competitive battle still does not wholly engage him - but it is, at the very least, something he can feel good at. 
His battle style is notable for how he manipulates visibility during matches. His signature technique utilises tailwinds combined with hailstorms and haze, which makes it exceedingly difficult for opposing trainers and their pokémon to see what is happening on the battlefield. His own team, all trained to rely on senses other than sight, are well adapted to fighting in such conditions. The technique is highly effective, but League officials have gently (but firmly) discouraged him from using it in more public matches, because low visibility hurts spectator enjoyment. 
When he was younger, Grusha kept his hair short. It was only during the long, listless year after his injury that he grew it out, largely because he couldn’t summon the energy to book a haircut. He has since decided that he prefers it that way. Occasionally, he experiments with his appearance in other ways, such as with nail polish and makeup, but he is intensely private about it, especially now he is back in the public eye. 
He does not tend to keep his pokémon in pokéballs unless he has to, as they are adjusted to roaming alone on Glaseado mountain. His weavile is especially reluctant to be contained. While Grusha has good control of his team on the battlefield, he is lax in domestic settings - he lets his pokémon sleep where they please, and even feeds them food from his own plate. 
Grusha did some occasional modelling as a child, largely due to his mother’s insistence and fashion connections. He has taken on similar work as an adult, but he feels more self-conscious in front of a camera than he used to, uncertain of how to stand and hold himself. 
Due to how recently he entered his role, he is not especially close to anyone in the League. At the few social functions he attends, Rika is one of the few to always strike up a conversation with him, but he assumes she is only being polite. Her blatant attempts to flirt are also taken as politeness.   
Before his altaria evolved, she liked to settle in his hair and sleep on his head. She still attempts to do it now, even though she is rather too heavy for it.
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averlym · 1 year
pleaaase may i have 28 and 29 aramour angst ✨ i crave it
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28: “Move out of my way before I make you.” // 29: “You deserve better.” (prompt list here)
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#the brainrot!!! so strong. anyways. fellas is it gay to confront the woman dating your ex when there's super high tension#anyway!!! highschool(?) modern au where the popular girl/ queen bee is whoever resident king henry is dating.. hm..#oh the tension between someone who used to serve you. now having taken your place. and you knowing the ins and out of that position..#especially that it's not all it's cooked up to be!! lots of thoughts about this au#art-wise i drew these as storyboards before i realised i cant video format well without audio so they're just here in storyboard form#i drew these in sketchy drafts and then in sketchbook then spent 2h lining them digitally bc the scans were yikes. anyways. i lost a frame#somewhere and it was before the “you deserve better” and it was like. “take it from someone who knows#fun fact!! i showed this to multiple irl friends without dialogue as i was drawing it. neither of them know the characters but.#immediately pinpointed exes vibes. and enemies to lovers. and basically homoerotic arguing tension.#remarkably pleased at how that was conveyed (and also amused. i love my friends). anyway if i were to do this again? then i'd draw in the#frames instead of re-doing the sizing after tracing. yikes that was an experience.#anyway!! (x3) anon i hope you enjoy the aramour angst. i hope it has something. i craved it a lot as i was drawing this#six the musical#six the musical fanart#catherine of aragon#jane seymour#also the characterisation was lowkey based off how mean girl seymour is absolutely a thing in the show. some of her lines. savage.#parallels!!! in show the "oh boohoo [..] i DIED'' and attacking aragon.. the rivalry here.. aaaagh#also!! the last line is a slightly paraphrased letter from aragon to her father(?) i think. found it online while looking for how she wrot#because i wanted her to sound more queenly... you also see it in how she's unbothered and rather unimpressed throughout seymour's posturing#the confidence in herself. meanwhile jane is defensive and a bit more prone to being flustered <parallels emotion in show script>#i'm just. very proud of these drawings together. narrative can be so very nice. the last two frames are kinda like a postscript.#sometimes the brainrot really gets you!! alright have a nice day.. comms are open and the fact that no one is taking them up rn feels a bit#sobering. but it's okay! i'm not in a rush.. it's more for the experience. hm. i wonder who wrote yes in the poll though#(can you. tell my ego is a little bruised?) nvm onwards!! eventually i'll get good enough to actually sell my stuff :OOO#oh an addendum: lowkey inspired by all the bathroom girl-on-girl confrontation scenes. one off the top of my head is the one from heathers#but there's quite a lot of those tbh#aramour
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slaughter-books · 8 months
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Day 25: JOMPBPC: Book Pile
A book pile of 6 brightly coloured and diverse books! Aren't they beautiful?! 💞
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rosykims · 6 months
honestly im so glad bioware nerfed the cousland origin by not making them as socially & politically powerful as they technically ought to be. bc i think if i had to confront the whole cousland/mac tir situation in canon as opposed to just my own unsalvageable deep fried thoughts i think i would contract some sort of brain eating bacterial infection and die :/
#tay plays dao#oc: elspeth#of COURSE elspeth Knows these people! ofc she knows eamon !and teagan ! she and cailan were friends and maric held her as a baby !!!!!!!#and of COURSE. of COURSE she knows the mac tirs. the only other teyrnir family. inherent allies AND rivals to the kings favor. ok. okokokok#but thinking abt the post occupation solidarity between all of ferelden. bryce and loghain letting their daughters be friends#elspeth and anora being the BEST of friends growing up. each one spending months at highever or gwaren respectively#god. thinking about loghain as a godfather figure to elspeth makes me insane. thinking of anora being a sister to elspeth makes me insaner#the girls later growing up and recognising that the kingdom was beginning to set the two of them up against one another as they + cailan#came of age. realizing one of them would likely be chosen as queen and the other would Not.#and its not so much the jealous/competitiveness that drove them apart but the fear that the other one thought less of them for it#idk. idk idk idk.#i just love making things complicated. i love the idea that when alistair kills loghain its like... 1) elspeth is horrified bc he was at on#point like family to her.#and then 2) grateful ! bc what sort of family would do all of this to her !!!!!!!!!#and then his death also being the final nail in the coffin for anora and elspeth's friendship. H. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#I CANT. I CANT EVEN THINK OF THIS IM GOING TO GO SOAK MY HEAD OR WHATEVER COUSLAND SAYS TO DAIRREN IDEK.
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oakthcrn · 6 months
friendship / ships tags. Will be updating as Lark makes more friends &lt;;3 If interested in a platonic / romantic ship with Lark give this post a like and I will make up a tag.
X means romantic ship And means friendship
this is what i got so far:
@selunyte @nightmdic @aercnaut @inabsentiia @dalishflame @forgedinfernal @proofwhisky @shiilelagh @bhaalswn @korzion @valistheanshield @luposcainus
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apricops · 1 year
I still really want to give writing The Isekai Is Over and Now I’m Landed Gentry?!?! another shot one of these days
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sailoreuterpe · 1 year
My Father of English Descent: The English Monarchy is the best form of government! All of the countries that are ruled by the English are so lucky! Being ruled by the English is the best! My Mother of Irish Descent:
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Hi!! I love 5+1 things and wanted to share my request with you! Please choose the AU you think it fits!
5 times Gil remembers her little quirks and habits, and 1 time she remember his. 
The first time he noticed one of her habits, he was quite sure he wasn't supposed to. They didn't know each other that well--him and the Ice Queen. And he was even more sure that she liked it that way.
They were across from each other at a quarterly meeting between some of the largest territory holders in the area. Ajak was checking on everyone; she had a bit of a habit of worrying over them, like a mother hen of sorts.
Gilgamesh admittedly didn't always pay a lot of attention in said meetings. Koreatown was pretty self-contained. He mostly showed up to maintain mutual respect and then spent the whole time looking around the room like a kid in a class.
The Ice Queen had painfully good posture. Back rigid, shoulders poised, that lace shawl that was always dangling around her was ever present. Sometimes it was up around her shoulders and sometimes it sat in the crooks of her elbows like a scarf or something. It looked sheer but it had some kind of design in it if seen closely enough.
Not that he looked at it that much.
The Ice Queen, although sitting like a perfect porcelain doll, also seemed lacking in attention. Ikaris was briefing them about something and her eyes had drifted away from him and just downward slightly. She could pretend to be paying attention again in an instant.
She was tracing her fingers over her lace.
Gil was silent, leaning in his chair and watching her move her fingers gently, almost subconsciously seeming. She was tracing that pattern that was so delicately and lovingly woven into the small but strong strands. It reminded him of when he got his first gang tattoo as a young kid; he would trace his fingers over it when he was bored.
As if sensing him smiling at her, her eyes flicked up to him, sharp and cold as the knives she carried.
He rushed his eyes away; the last person he wanted to anger was her.
Then, when they were having 'private meetings', he noticed something else about her. His Ice Queen - as he liked to call her in his head - was not good at...initiating things.
Even though they always ended up in her office, it was always him that ended up calling her about business. She would be the one to say that they should meet at her office instead of his, and he didn't blame her if she wanted the extra security of familiar territory in which to...meet.
He would come over, transition from his security into hers. He would wait for her to finish her work, lying on her couch until she was ready for him (his heart pounding and blood rushing already). When he heard her set down her pen it was a sign that she was done and he could approach her.
She was the one in control--in power. She made him approach her, make the first move, initiate things. And he kind of loved it. He had never been afraid of a powerful woman, and Thena was about as powerful as they came.
Gil stared at his phone, swiping through his calendar. He had put off three rather important meetings just to be here, today in particular. It wasn't good business, and his assistants and security of his own business were starting to get concerned.
He knew they knew, and they knew that he knew that they knew. But tight lips could save a life, in their business. And even more than that, everyone knew better than to be on the bad side of the Ice Queen.
They knew how down bad he already was.
Gil startled, looking up from his position stretched out on the couch.
Thena started down at him, her arms crossed, "am I interrupting your busy schedule, Tyrant?"
"Uh," he blinked, his phone nearly slipping from his grasp as he rushed to sit up properly. He hadn't even heard her walk over to him. "S-Sorry, I-"
"If you have other engagements, Gilgamesh," she started in a tone that sounded miffed. But it soften just the slightest bit when she added, "you could have simply said so."
His eyes brightened, but she was already looking away from him. The Ice Queen didn't do softness (not by her own choice, at least). He grinned, practically throwing his phone across the room in his eagerness to give her his undivided attention. "C'mere, Ice."
Thena huffed, "you do not-!"
He pulled her down to him, settling her on his lap as he kissed her. For all her attempts to seem like she was resisting him, she moaned as their lips met, just like he did.
They were already pulling at each other's clothes like horny teenagers. But they didn't have all day for these private meetings of theirs. Thena's lips dragged away from his as she tore his shirt open, "you couldn't hear me?"
Hear her? He didn't...he searched through his mind. His eyes had been on his phone, but he could remember a sound a little ways away. It happened once, then twice, and it got louder and louder.
She had been putting her pen down again and again, harder and harder. She had been trying to get his attention...in a very Thena way. His face lit up again and she turned away from him, some pink rising in that pale skin of hers.
She had been initiating things, in her own way.
After the whole Little Heiress debacle, when he was still proving himself, he got to notice even more. In Thena's efforts to shut him out again, he still got to see more of her than he had before.
She still didn't let him take her on dates, or even 'meetings', as she was still calling them. They either met about business or they met to fulfill a physical need. It was only sometimes when he would manage to convince her to have a meal with him while he was loitering around her office.
But her affections were still there, just in smaller ways. She wouldn't let him call her 'baby' or 'princess' or 'sweetness' as much, but she would let him kiss her cheek before they parted ways. It was something.
And she wouldn't let him hold her hand for no reason, but she would let him brush her hair out of his way to touch her shoulder sometimes. It was something.
And she wouldn't say 'I love you' back. He didn't blame her for that one. But she had stopped ordering him to stop saying it, and that was at least something.
"Hey," he said gently as he sat up from lying around on her couch. She barely looked up from her paperwork. He slipped his phone into his jacket pocket, "I have a meeting I have to go to."
He was in his own office so seldom these days, reluctant to be away from her for too long.
"Hm," she sighed, going back to her own work. It was as good a send off as he was going to get, probably.
He came over to her desk anyway, though, putting his hand next to hers and leaning down, "it should be over by 4. Can I come back then?"
He always asked, now, never assuming he was welcome unless she told him.
Rather than just shrug at him, she sighed, "I have a meeting until 5--after that."
He smiled, kissing the back of her head on her silken hair, which she allowed. It was something. "I'll bring dinner."
Thena's hand moved away from her papers and to his, her finger delicately tapping against the ring tattooed on his finger. "If you like."
It was as good as an 'I love you', and that was something.
He had become pretty comfortable at her place, even before the whole 'getting shot' thing. And in the time following the shooting and his recovery, he had only come to know it as his own place more and more.
Thena always reminded him that he didn't live here and wasn't technically moved in with her. And yet she would include his stuff in her laundry service, had his car added to the building's security clearance for the garage, and even started entrusting him with her grocery deliveries.
She was a terrible cook. He knew that already, but the first time he had seen how truly little there was in her fridge he had nearly fainted.
For the first few weeks after the shooting, he would only work from home and go into the office for meetings. She was back in her office full time, of course.
She would get up, and that would wake him up too, since they slept so entangled with each other. He would kiss her good morning and she would tell him to go back to sleep. And at first, he did, the latent fatigue of injury and his meds suppressing his desire to get up.
But as time went on, he started falling back asleep less and less. Even when he laid back down and tried, he didn't necessarily fall back into slumber. And he started noticing something.
He would listen as Thena went into the luxurious bathroom attached to the bedroom. She would do whatever skincare or makeup she did, brush her hair, get ready for the day--all that. And perhaps because she thought he was still asleep, she would come over to his side of the bed.
She would lean over and, now with minty toothpaste breath, kiss him again oh-so gently. Her hand would press over his heart lightly and she would whisper an 'I love you' against his cheek. Then she would take her lace from the hook on her side of the bed and be off.
He heard the tap shut off and the spit of toothpaste. Something about seeing the polished and pristine Ice Queen so human--so mundane and domestic, really enchanted him. He loved that she had a real, human life under all the sparkle and image and power. He loved that he was a part of it.
Thena came back in, her heels soft on the rug below the bed. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she prepared to lean down to him and kiss him goodbye a second time.
Gil caught her hand atop his heart, opening his eyes just to wink at her, "hey, Ice."
She huffed at him, although he could tell she didn't appreciate the embarrassment of being caught. "If you're already up, you could get some work done, you know."
"Soon," he chuckled, letting her protest in her own way. He leaned up, kissing her properly, tasting the toothpaste she used. His other hand came up to run through her hair and over her cheek, clinging to her.
Thena moaned gently, leaning up until he couldn't follow her anymore. She pressed him back down to the bed and flicked her hair over her shoulder again, "was that all?"
He loved her. He grinned, "I guess."
"Hm," she gave him a little hint of a smile too, poking him right over his heart to press him into the pillows again, "rest, Tyrant. Koreatown will need its King back in the throne."
He sighed, still lying around on her silk pillows, naked under her cotton sheets. His head rolled to the side, watching her walk to the door of her - their - bedroom. "I love you, Thena."
She paused at the door, smiling (just not in his direction). "Get up and take a shower, Gilgamesh. You need it...after last night."
Now that they were engaged, he was certain that he knew everything there was to know about his Ice Queen. Every little habit, all of her little thoughts and quirks and fears. If his Ice Queen had fears, that was to say, because obviously she was fearless. Almost.
He couldn't blame her; his aunt was truly terrifying. But Imo liked Thena! He kept telling her that, but Thena was still a little nervous around her, despite his attempts to talk her out of it.
"Hey," he whispered as he came over to the sink with more dishes and plates in hand. He set them on the counter, reaching for Thena's hand in the sink, "will you sit down? Let me take care of these."
Thena glanced behind her for just a second, "you should visit with Imo."
Gil chuckled, pulling Thena's hands out of the water and patting them dry, "I've visited with her plenty. I'm sure she's sick of me by now anyway. She keeps asking me where her daughter has gotten to."
Thena smiled shyly, looking towards Imo's beautiful dining room again. Imo had changed her tune quickly from wondering what Gil was doing staying in America to accepting Thena as his wife-to-be. "I'm trying to thank her for her hospitality, especially after making such a beautiful meal for us."
"Hey, I helped," he pouted at her.
Thena just shook her head, but she was smiling when she leaned in for a gentle kiss. "You always make beautiful meals."
Gil held back a laugh as Thena jumped at Imo's sharp and sudden calling of her name. He whispered, "she won't bite."
"Y-Yes, Imo," Thena answered demurely, walking back into the dining room and leaning against the door frame.
The matriarch waved her hand at her, the sleeve of her jeogori moving with it, "you leave him to that. Come and talk with me."
"I-" Thena turned, but he already had his sleeves rolled up, ready to finish what Thena had started.
He grinned, "you girls chat. I'll join you when I'm done."
He kissed her cheek as he slipped her ring back onto her finger for her.
"Dishes, Gilgamesh!"
He sighed; Imo was suddenly Thena's biggest fan, but still scandalized whenever he wanted to so much as kiss his fiance. "Yeah, yeah."
"Come and sit," he heard her say to Thena much more gently.
"Yes, Imo."
Gil groaned as he slid back into the bed--their bed, in their bedroom, in their penthouse home. "Fuck, it's nice to be home."
"It was a very nice trip," Thena sighed as she also slid into bed next to him. She pulled her lace off and hung it up next to the bed, adjusting the straps of her little silk nightdress. "It was nice of Imo to have us at her home."
Gil just smiled up at her from his pillow. Imo loved Thena--just adored her. She told him herself that she had apparently given up on the idea of having a daughter-in-law because he didn't seem to have any prospects when he left Korea (rude).
"I'm going to ask Kingo to arrange for some flowers to be sent to her from us," Thena narrated as she settled onto her pillow next to him. "Do you think that would be acceptable to her?"
Gil unfolded his arms and brought hers up to his lips, kissing the ring on her finger, "she'll love it, baby. She's already bragging about you to her business associates."
Thena just smiled, letting him kiss his way up the inside of her wrist. "I should be bragging. She is a revered business owner, and in a time when it was even harder for a women to build her own syndicate like that."
Gil nodded, rolling onto his back more to flail his hand at his bedside table. "I can look up what companies there will do deliveries."
"Imo likes traditional stuff, I'm sure there'll be plenty of options for old lady flowers."
Thena laughed faintly, "Gil."
He sighed, turning over and not finding his phone at all, just his lamp and his watch and wallet. He turned over, "Princess, did I leave my phone-"
Thena pointed over her shoulder, where his phone was sitting in a little nook in the headboard. Usually she left her keys and her knives up there, but there was his phone, wirelessly charging and everything.
Gil blinked at it. "Was there always a charger there?"
"No." Nothing if not concise, his Ice Queen. She smiled, though, lying down and tucking herself into his side with her hand on his heart, like she always did. "You're always feeling around for your phone with your right hand in the morning."
It was reflexive. He was right handed, but his right hand was always occupied with holding Thena's shoulder. His left was just a little slower at reaching for his phone in the morning.
"So I put it up there so you can reach it easier," she sighed, nuzzling her head in under his chin just the way she liked it.
Gil just stared at her (at the top of her head, at least). He hadn't thought anything of it. If anything, it was just something that he did when he was half asleep and hadn't had any coffee yet. But she had gone to the trouble of getting a wireless charger installed in the frame of their bed so he could reach his phone better in the mornings?
Thena sighed as he pressed a kiss to the crown of her hair. "I can feel you looking for it when we get up for work. I don't know where you put it before we were sleeping together."
He sighed as well, adjusting his arm around her delicate, beautiful frame against him, pressing his cheek to her forehead. "I prefer not to think about that sad, sad time in my life, Ice."
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hauntingblue · 3 months
In between arc (kinda) episodes
Pt. 3
#so MOMOS GRANDPA IS ALIVE??? AND PLUTON IS HERE SO ROBIN LIED TO CROCODILE IN ARABASTA! QUEEN#THE NEW ADMIRAL JUST KILLED QUEEN AND MAYBE KING (PLEASE DONT!!) AND IS CALLING FOR A WARSHIP TO KILL LUFFY#oh luffy grabbing kid akdhaksj reluctant friend maker they call him... wdym youre going to kill me... come here lets smush cheeks#luffy is such a humble king.... also why am i crying here thinking how everything is so brautiful (and otsuru is alive) and i have to find#out buggy is a yonkou. what the hell did he do against the marines akdbaisbsks ????? HOW????#ofc luffy is obvious.... also the admiral could roam arund wano a little and grow some plants all over... it is needed after all...#take a breath.... meditate what you're going to do...#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1080#also why is jinbe in there alone??? also i thought pluton was nika but pluton is in wano??? metaphorically yes.... my theory is in shambles#SHANKS???? 'momo and hiyori must have grown' well... recent update actually...#yamato got him!!!! fuck yes!!!#yasopp isnt ready to see usopp???? well boohoo... also why does this guy care about kid... nvm shanks got his arm i forgor xd#so shanks new about the fruit.... bc not even whos who knows...#barto burning shanks flag omg akdhsks#SABO KILLED COBRA???? that has to be a setup.... kuma escaped!!!! sabo is more popular than dragon somehow??? its bc he actually does stuff#MOMO CAN MAKE FIRE?? well kinda... shanks goes for the one piece.... what's in the air??? like you didn't have time before???#once again i <3 in between arc episodes.... i love getting fed new info....#nami new sharpshooter usopp step aside... and with one hand only... oh nvm.... it is rigged then#episode 1082#law and robin ponebesties.... jack gyojin???? also that is such a way to construct a city... wth RED PONEGLYPH!!! 3/4!!!#opening the frontiers frees the weapon.... inch resting also did luffy talk to him??? yamato could hear him because of the king's haki???#what is up with shank's haki.... jesus christ.... they were just watching lmao luffy can feel shanks omg.....#did he just leave or does he need the poneglyph still???#episode 1083
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khalesci · 3 months
thinking about how dany and cersei foil each other
#♛ ooc. ⊱ ❝ 𝘖𝘩 𝘯𝘰 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘪. ❞#cersei thinking the 'younger and more beautiful queen' in her prophecy is margaery#when really in all likelihood its dany#bc margaery didn't take anything from cersei really? her son's attention and the adoration of the people maybe.#but that's mostly cersei's own behaviors backfiring bc she didn't *have* to lose either of those#but dany will quite literally take what's left of the kingdoms from her and depose her entirely. that is her goal.#then there's dany always stressing and worrying over whether she will go mad like her father (and it's not happening at all)#meanwhile cersei never questions how much alike the mad king she is becoming#with her obsession over wildfire her growing paranoia and her need for control#cersei will be the mad queen. not dany.#also the foil of them as mothers#dany losing her one living child but having three dragons#possibly two boys and a girl like cersei's children if viserion turns out to be female / the dragon adjacent to that#but dany rules with a mother's love. she gives it to everyone.#and then there is cersei who does love her children but struggles to love them the *right* way#bc she doesn't know how. she has been taught that love is control.#for her the more she controls their children and 'saves' them the more she shows them she loves them#when really she is suffocating them and pushing them closer to their own demises#so many things actually!!#pissed we'll probably never get a proper confrontation between these two bc george will never finish that last book#obvs this applies to my cersei as well so just pretend I posted this on my multi too sfadjsfdjlk
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zenzerodomina · 5 months
Scar: "Mufasa, my dear brother, I've been thinking. Maybe it's time we turn this kingdom into a more... fabulous place."
Mufasa: "Fabulous? Scar, this is the Pride Lands, not a fashion show. What are you scheming?"
Scar: "Oh, nothing much. Just considering a new dress code for the hyenas, maybe a touch of leopard print for the rocks. Spice things up a bit!"
Mufasa: "Scar, we can't have a kingdom ruled by fashion whims. We have responsibilities."
Scar: "Responsibilities, responsibilities. Why not mix a little drama into our royal affairs? Think of it as a kingdom makeover!"
Mufasa: "I'd rather focus on keeping the Circle of Life intact, not turning it into a theatrical production. Leave the fashion to the vultures, Scar."
Scar: "Mufasa, my esteemed brother, I've been contemplating a change in leadership. How about a more democratic approach to ruling the Pride Lands?"
Mufasa: "Democratic? Scar, this is a monarchy. It's been that way for generations. Why change now?"
Scar: "Well, Mufasa, everyone deserves a voice, don't they? A lion for the people, that's what I'm thinking."
Mufasa: "Scar, the Circle of Life has served us well. We can't just replace it with a Circle of Voting."
Scar: "Ah, but think of the possibilities! No more hierarchy, just a pride where every lion has an equal say. It's the roar of the majority!
Mufasa: "We'll stick to the traditional roar, Scar. Democracy might work elsewhere, but the Pride Lands thrive on the wisdom of the monarchy."
Scar: ok ok *whispering* bitch
Scar: "Mufasa, my illustrious brother, have you ever considered the benefits of a monarchy rebranding? A Scar-tastic makeover, if you will."
Mufasa: "A rebranding? Scar, we have a legacy, a tradition. We can't just toss it aside for your... eccentric ideas."
Scar: "Eccentric? Mufasa, picture this: instead of the Circle of Life, we could have the Triangle of Fabulosity. Hyenas in high heels, lions in bowties—think of the spectacle!"
Mufasa: "The Circle of Life has worked for generations. Why fix what isn't broken? Besides, I don't see how high heels would benefit the hyenas in their hunting endeavors."
Scar: "Ah, but Mufasa, it's all about making a statement! We'll be the most stylish ruling duo the Pride Lands have ever seen!"
Mufasa: "I think I'll stick to the timeless elegance of the Circle of Life, Scar. No offense, but your fashion-forward kingdom might be a bit much for the savanna."
Scar: "Mufasa, my naive brother, I've been considering a change in leadership. How about I take over the Pride Lands for a more progressive approach?"
Mufasa: "Progressive? Scar, this is a delicate ecosystem. We need balance and tradition, not your schemes."
Scar: "Tradition, Mufasa, tradition. It's holding us back! I propose a constitutional monarchy with a council of hyenas. Equal opportunity rule!"
Mufasa: "Hyenas? Scar, they're scavengers, not fit to govern. The Circle of Life should remain unchanged."
Scar: "Ah, but imagine the Pride Lands with a modern twist. A Pride Rock democracy where even the smallest insect has a say in our kingdom's affairs!"
Mufasa: "We've been entrusted with the balance of nature. Let's not turn the Pride Lands into a political experiment. Stick to the Circle of Life, Scar."
Scar: "Mufasa, my noble brother, have you ever considered the benefits of a constitutional monarchy? Less roar, more votes!"
Mufasa: "Constitutional monarchy? Scar, the Circle of Life has worked for generations. Why fix something that isn't broken?"
Scar: "Ah, but imagine the hyenas having a say in our royal decisions. Equal opportunities for all, even the ones with a penchant for laughter!"
Mufasa: "Hyenas making decisions? That's a disaster waiting to happen. Our traditions and leadership have kept the Pride Lands thriving."
Scar: "Traditions, Mufasa, are so last century. Embrace change! Besides, think of the catchy campaign slogans we could come up with."
Mufasa: "Scar, this is not a political campaign. It's about maintaining balance and preserving our heritage. No hyena parliaments, thank you."
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newbrokencene where we at and why is this the perfect metaphor for what's happening right now in the anthropocene?
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rileylastname · 1 year
emotional pixar movie about chess pieces
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