#Royalty Lovers
agoraphxnics · 6 months
He’s a selfish dragon. He knows he should let you go, free you from the tower your father so cruelly placed you in. That would be the humane thing to do. Alas, he is no human. He was—and is—monstrous beast of legend, yet here he remains just as much a prisoner as you after being outsmarted by your father. He should hate you for even having that wretched man’s blood, but your golden heart beckons to him. He is a dragon, after all, and he would be remiss to ignore treasure when he sees it.
He’s hoarding you away, an avaricious move that goes beyond his duty to fight off your suitors until one bests him. He won’t let them take you; it doesn’t matter how hard they try.
You became his the moment you were both charged with this tower.
And dragons will do anything to keep their things.
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kyseya · 22 days
Once upon a time
‘Prince’ Yandere x reader
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Imagine a reader in modern day society. She lives in a normal little town, went to your average school, lives in a normal house and has your everyday friendly neighbours. Like I said, her life is nothing out of the ordinary.
She feels lucky to have so many kind people in her life. Everyone knows everyone and isn’t afraid of lending a helping hand whenever someone is in trouble. The town is on the smaller side but very cozy. They have their own traditions like the annual Christmas market or the summer fundraiser. Nice stuff like that.
Everything is simply perfect! Or…well it would be if not for one tiny detail.
Unfortunately there’s one guy who just can’t seem to take a hint. Reader feels kinda mean thinking of him as a stain on the idyllic life she’s built. She doesn’t understand why he can’t take a ‘no’ for an answer. Everyday this hunk of a man walks right into her workplace like he owns the place and demands reader’s attention. With the way he’s acting you would think he’s dying and reader’s attention is the one and only cure.
It’s not like he’s ugly or anything, but a guy who doesn’t listen is just a 🚩
That’s not even the worst part. Another big issue is his…delusions.
Like, one time when reader was walking home she decided to stop by the market square since she needed some groceries. And guess who was in the middle of the square, somehow managed to climb onto the water fountain and proudly shouting at the top of his lungs? Part of reader’s soul disintegrated that day. What in the world was he doing!? He didn’t seem to be embarrassed either. No, with his nose pointed upwards he said he was going to reveal a big secret about the whole town. Silence filled he air, everyone was curious about what he was about to say.
What was this secret? Had someone committed a grave crime and was about to be exposed? Thoughts like that circled in everyone’s mind. Their imagination came to life and dreamt up various scenarios to what the deal was. People anticipated something foul, raw and sinful only to be met with grave disappointment.
You see, the man had suddenly declared himself as royalty in front of an entire audience. He claimed that the whole town was under a spell and had forgotten about their origins; being fairytale characters. And right now, only he was able to remember the truth. Alright, what the hell? That was ridiculous. What made it worse was the fact that he appointed himself as the towns prince and leader. Yikes. He said most- if not all- of the citizens where peasants and therefore his subjects. That’s why the had to listen to him from now on.
Reader wanted to peel off her skin and scream in that moment. The secondhand embarrassment was too much.
Bringing down shame upon yourself and your ancestors was one thing, but did he have to drag reader into it?? He claimed she was also royalty and should be treated with outmost respect. Why? Because he’s her husband! Of course his spouse need the 5-star treatment as well.
After the painful incident he’s always stopped by her workplace to talk her ear off. No matter what she said or did(or how much others complained) he never left. At least not permanently. In rare instances he did go with a downcast expression but he’d always be back full force the next day.
The man tells reader about the wonderful life they were going to have. If only the curse wouldn’t have been placed and they’d all been transported to the world they currently live in. It pains him so to know she’s forgotten all about him and the great love they shared. But it’ll be alright. After all, they found each other again and he refuses to let go.
Reader only half listens(he will throw a tantrum if he realises she’s not paying attention to him) as he drones on about how they first met in the forest. Of course he found her by hearing a wonderful song travel through the woods, he followed it all the way to her. They danced together and met every sundown from then on. It was so romantic. It’s impossible not to roll your eyes at the cliche imagery, it’s just so corny.
Yandere ‘prince’ also demands reader to refer to him by his royal, ‘real’ name. It’s not his real one, it’s something else. Everyone knows that- except him, apparently, since he refuses to respond to it. If you do use it, he’ll ignore you and pretend you didn’t speak at all. It’s very tiring, more so since he tries to enforce this delusion onto reader. He also won’t use her actual name and instead settles for this medieval one. Apart from that, he calls her ‘love,’ ‘darling’, ‘my heart’ and other cutesy nicknames that are far from appreciated.
It doesn’t matter what reader says, he won’t stop.
He insists he wants to be her saviour again. Sadly for him there is nothing to protect you from except the occasional spider that makes its way inside your house.
‘Well, it’s better than nothing.’ He would say before smacking and tossing it out.
He is willing to do anything for his lover. And that really does means anything. Nothing is off the table. It wasn’t before and it definitively isn’t now simply because of some lame curse. It can’t keep him form his soulmate.
He was your prince before, he’ll show you that he still is.
[This is kinda based of Once Upon A Time, though it’s been ages since I watched it. ]
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sourlove · 5 months
You had never heard a room fall silent the way it did when you stepped in.
It was lunchtime and King Henry had demanded politely requested that you join him and some foreign dignitaries for a meal in the grand hall. However, none of the aforementioned were present. Instead, the Queen and her servants stared at you coldly as you halted by the entrance.
"Good afternoon, Your majesty," you greeted with a bow. "My apologies for-"
"You. Come here." The hall was empty, so the Queen's voiced echoed, coldly.
You glanced up and nervously stepped towards her. The head butler stood there as well, but he sneered at you when you looked at him. Queen Penelope's maids, two nasty girls who constantly tried to make your life miserable, began to whisper to themselves, eyes trained on your neck. Actually, you noticed that all of them seemed to be looking at your neck.
With a sinking feeling, you looked down at the garishly ornate necklace the King insisted you wear to lunch.
"It's the same color as my eyes. I want you to wear it and think of me," Henry had whispered into your ear as he clasped it around your neck. You hadn't thought much of it and had just planned to wear it for the afternoon and stuff it in a drawer with all the other gifts Henry had forced on you.
"That necklace, where did you get it from?" the Queen asked stiffly. Her face gave away nothing but disgust and hatred for you.
"Ah, this? It was His majesty that gave it to me, Your majesty," you replied, reaching up to touch the giant chunk of sapphire swinging from the thick gold chain.
"Liar!" One of the maids cried. "It is the same one the King gave Her Majesty on their wedding night! The one that went missing!"
The temperature suddenly dropped as you realized the situation you had just walked into. You opened your mouth to defend yourself but nothing came out, making Queen Penelope snap in anger.
"You dare try to make excuses? Hold them down!"
The two maids immediately grabbed your arms, fingernails painfully digging into your skin. The butler scoffed, "Of course someone of your status would resort to theft."
The Queen roughly yanked the necklace off you. "A filthy concubine," she hissed. "Dares to sneak around my chambers? You must think you can get away with anything just because you're warming the King's bed. But let me tell you something." She lowered her voice as if she were sharing a secret. "He will soon tire of you, and I will take great pleasure in dealing with you the same way I dealt with others who dared to think they were beyond their station."
You licked your lips shakily and stammered out, "Y-your majesty, I swear there must have been some kind of mistake. Hen-The King truly gave me that necklace! I would never dare to-"
Her rings caught on your face when she hit you and you stumbled back, only held up by her giggling maids. A warm, metallic taste filled your mouth. Blood. "How dare you speak his name?! You will regret ever crawling into his bed, you vile wench!"
She raised her her hand again to land another blow until a booming voice froze everyone in place.
"What is going on here?!"
Henry looked furious as he stormed into the grand hall, closely followed by an entourage of people; guards, servants and the dignitaries you were supposed to have lunch with. Before you could even begin to feel embarrassed, the maids holding you fled to stand behind their mistress, leaving you to stagger into Henry's arms.
His blue eyes scanned you and took in your bruised face, his face twisting into an expression you had never seen before. "Penelope!" he barked. "What is the meaning of this? Explain yourself immediately!"
The Queen balked at the face of his pure, unadulterated rage, but still pointed an accusatory finger at you. "My necklace! Th-they stole it from my chambers and paraded around claiming that you gave it to them!" All of a sudden, she burst into tears and you gaped at her. Who exactly was the victim here? "I-I just lost my temper, because that necklace is so dear to me! You gave it to me as a wedding gift!"
You could already feel the nasty looks being sent in your direction and shrunk back. Henry looked down at your trembling form and bloody mouth, seemingly unaffected by Queen Penelope's tears.
"Let me see the necklace," he commanded. The head butler stepped forward with the cause of all your problems and bowed to the King, handing it to him. Henry turned it over in his hand and chuckled dryly. "You foolish woman."
This seemed to surprise everyone, for the King was known for being kind and peaceful. "Y-your majesty?"
Henry flipped the sapphire pendant, revealing the gold backing on which your initials were carved. The Queen was at a lost for words and her mouth opened and closed multiple times without saying a word.
The butler stepped in for his mistress. "Your majesty, there is a chance they could have engraved it themself after they stole it!"
Henry cocked his head and hummed. "There is a chance. A very slim one, considering I was the one who engraved their initials myself." He stroked your hair soothingly. "I didn't want there to be any confusion between the two so this was a precaution. Had I known that the Queen would be so willing to strike my concubine over such a small issue, I would have been more careful."
"Your majesty!" A knight ran into the room, holding up a familiar object. "We found the Queen's necklace in the head butler's quarters!"
The man gasped and shook. "Framed! I've been framed!" He dropped to his knees as the guards surrounded him. "Your majesty, please believe me!"
Henry barely spared him a glance. "Take him to the dungeons and have him whipped. Such is the punishment for a thief." He turned to the Queen who paled in fear but Henry wasn't done. "Take the maids too. Cut off the hands that dared to hurt what is mine."
They screamed as they were dragged away, pleading for mercy, and you winced. Henry turned to reschedule his lunch meeting with the dignitaries as if it were nothing, as is he didn't just order for people to be tortured. The events of the day started to catch up to you and you swayed in Henry's grasp.
He swooped you into a bridal carry immediately, barking orders to call a physician. He cast a final glance back at the Queen who had just watched her most loyal servants be taken away. Tears, perhaps real ones this time, filled her eyes.
Henry turned back to you. "Lock the Queen in her chambers until further notice. She has done enough damage today."
"Your majesty! Your majesty, you cannot do this to me! I am your Queen!"
Her cries were cut off as the doors to the grand hall slammed shut. Henry strode quickly to you chambers, lips pressed in a thin line.
"...I'm fine, Henry," you said softly. You knew calling him by his name would calm him down from the thoughts in his head. He glanced down at you.
"She hit you."
"But it's not serious. I will heal very soon."
Henry shook his head in frustration. He said no more until you were tucked in bed, after being thoroughly examined by the palace physician. After the old man had given you some medicine and left, the King crawled into your bed. "I'm sorry, my love."
You patted his hand tiredly. You wished he would leave you to sleep in peace, but that didn't seem like it was going to happen. "It's not your fault, Henry. It's not like you planned this."
When Henry said nothing, you turned to find a look in his eyes that made you sit up straight, sleepiness fading away. "I didn't think she would hit you-" he began but you cut him off.
"Is that why you insisted I wear it to lunch? Did you plan this whole affair to humiliate me?"
"You don't understand, I did it for you! To help you establish your place in the palace!"
"As what? As your bed warmer? The King's whore? Is that what you wanted?" You glared at him. "Why can't you understand that there is simply no place for me here. Not when I was forced to be here."
"...you're right."
You glanced at him, frowning in confusion but Henry was staring into space, lost in his thoughts. "It's too dangerous for you here. Who knows what that woman will do to hurt you?"
"Are you-are you saying that I can go home?" You couldn't help feeling hopeful of returning to your old life but that feeling soon crashed down when Henry smiled.
"I can't just let you go, my love," he chuckled, pulling you closer to him. "But I will take you somewhere you never have to go through anything like this ever again."
Later on, you would wonder if anyone ever questioned your disappearance or if Henry had spread some story to stop them from searching for you. Either way, it's not like anything that happened outside of the safehouse mattered. It was your only home now.
And the only thing you needed to concern yourself with was loving your King and serving him, and only him, until death do you part.
A/N: Please like, reblog and leave a comment if you enjoyed this! Feel free to request any headcanons for this character but I might not write anymore full fledged fics of Henry for a while lol.
@pinkrose1422 @justabratsworld
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shortnotsweet · 10 months
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— The Killers, Hot Fuss (2004)
Princess Rhaenyra’s insolence is wearing her stepmother’s patience thin. Queen Alicent is not ten years her senior, but even during her own sixteenth year, she cannot recall herself behaving so brazenly. She would never burst into courtly discussions in nothing but gilded armor and the underskirts of her riding leathers, awash in blood. (She would never be spotted in blood that was not her own, anyway. Alicent has never picked up a sword, not one that belonged to her.) Nevermind that Rhaenyra is attending to diplomatic affairs with bared teeth and scales, no—the crux of the matter is just that, her affairs. Rhaenyra is the Realm’s Delight, a beauty incomparable to any fair maiden, Alicent included. She indulges herself with appetite of a spoiled child, the confidence of man, and the pickings befitting only to her royal blood. Criston Cole. Daemon Targaryen. Harwin Strong. Laena Velaryon. She’s full of love, isn’t she? That selfish, foolish girl. What does Rhaenyra Targaryen know of love, of duty? She is a child in so many ways—she thinks killing makes her a man, thinks the throne is hers despite being a woman, thinks she can have her knight and her uncle and her protector and Laena Velaryon in one fail swoop. She’s wrong. She doesn’t know herself half as well as Alicent does. Alicent, who sees her for what she truly is, who wants to see all of her and more of her and none of her. Alicent has been stolen into the Keep by her own father—both of their fathers—but Rhaenyra is the key to this place, is the window to everything barred. Rhaenyra Targaryen has a dragon. Rhaenyra can fly.
That’s what Rhaenyra had promised her once, with her lips pulled back in a grin, exposing the white of her teeth like the violently radiant creature she was. “Perhaps when you grow tired of plotting against me, we shall ride on dragonback together,” she had said. The tease.
Alicent had yanked her into an empty corridor by the silk of her sleeve, ready to chastise her for her ill behavior. Conversing with the lords and ladies of the court at a feast was one thing, but chattering about her bloody encounters in battle over the pudding tureen were another. The lord at her elbow was going green. Alicent’s own face was likely red; her heart raced whenever Rhaenyra got like this. Alicent had never seen the battlefield—only seen battered men in dented armor and the slumps of corpses lined along dirt roads in the aftermath of war—but her own imagination terrified her like nothing else.
(Rhaenyra is better with a sword than half of the knights in Westeros, and more lovely than the lot. Her reign has not yet begun, but already the commoners flock to her—lured in by tales of her beauty and fine hair—and soldiers would follow her into battle. Alicent would not follow, but she would watch and bite her nails down to the quick.
She thinks of the figure Rhaenyra cuts in full armor, the heat in her gaze underneath the slots of her helmet. Alicent remembers the weight of her own hand in Rhaenyra’s—which was gloved—when the princess rode up to the spectators box and grasped it in her own, bringing Alicent’s knuckles to her lips. She thinks of Rhaenyra murdered in the sky, skewered with another man’s sword, plummeting to the ground, torn in half, streaking crimson across the clouds. Alicent would scream, or cry. She might laugh. She would throw herself from the window of her tower. Rhaenyra’s bloody exploits terrified Alicent for reasons she could not identify, and excited her for reasons she refused to.)
“I’d sooner be confined to the castle for the rest of my days than get on the back of that bloody lizard,” Alicent scoffed. Rhaenyra only tucked her hand over Alicent’s, where it was resting on her forearm. She flexed her fingers, moving to release her grip on the dark fabric, but Rhaenyra intertwined their fingers and held them fast.
“You’re confined already. You are already accustomed to such a thing. I know you. But—”
“But you forget yourself. You think you’re invulnerable, Rhaenyra. You don’t know who you are.” Alicent intends for it to be a sneer, but instead it comes out quietly, and too gentle for disdain. She can’t know. Rhaenyra is as trapped as she is, but they’re trapped together. They belong together. She belongs with Alicent.
“I am Rhaenyra Targaryen, Heir to the Iron Throne and all of Westeros. I am a dragonrider. I am—I am your daughter. In a way. Your sister, too. Your enemy. Your sword, your shield.”
“And what am I?” What else is left for me? Alicent wonders.
“My Queen. For now.” Rhaenyra cocks her head, and the gleam in her eyes burns like fire raining down. “When I am Queen, you will be my lady.”
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jeonggukookies · 7 months
the crown's kingdom || jjk
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– summary: after rejecting many suitors, your mother chooses a husband for you, and her choice is none other than your worst nightmare: Jungkook, the prince heir of Aurum. How will you survive an arranged marriage with Jungkook, the one you hate the most?
– genre: royalty!au, enemies to lovers!au, prince!jungkook, queen!reader, arranged marriage - fluff/angst
– note: this is rewritten and reposted as i changed and added some NEW details regarding both oc and jungkook & loosely based on the history of mary stuart !! (i am so sorry)
– word count: 1.2K
The two countries, Caelestia and Luxuria, have been in conflict with each other for many generations now, with constant ongoing invasion battles and military campaigns, shedding hundreds of thousands of blood on each landmass. Being two border countries surrounded by the sea, both countries were hungry for the power, land, and wealth for it to be one.  
Tensions escalated even further after your father, the king, had been assassinated by a Luxuria anarchist. Luxuria soldiers saw this opportunity to put the Caelestia castle under siege, seeing this as their chance to finally take the country as their own. 
But what they didn’t know is that your mother, the Queen Consort, had given birth to his heir. 
The throne of Caelestia, was inherited by the daughter of King Constantine of Caelestia and Queen Consort Nylah, you, two days after you were born. 
During your childhood, your mother has been acting Queen Regent, taking care of all the responsibilities on your behalf since you’ve been crowned Queen. She wasn’t like most mothers, letting you live a privileged life, not wanting you to suffer through the hardships of royalty until you were of age. 
Despite spending most of your time with your many governesses and trying to play hide and seek in the castle with other noble children, the People of Luxuria still saw you as a threat. And by your seventh birthday, they were finally brave enough to send a message, that they still wanted your throne by seasoning your porridge with poison, intentionally killing your royal taster.  
With a failed assassination attempt, your mother sent you to the country of Aurum for your protection away from the Luxurians, hidden away from your own people across the sea. 
Not only were you the Queen of Caelestia, but because of your mother’s side, you were related to the Queen of Luxuria, meaning you could claim the Luxuria throne as yours if the Queen of Luxuria dies without a heir and if the people accept you.
Before marrying your father, she had been an Aurum noblewoman with land in Luxuria, and the Aurum court allowed you to be there for your safety and as a part of a small, meaningless alliance. 
Living at Aurum Court was almost the same as your own courts. The only difference was being with other Aurum royals. As a child, the Prince of Aurum had been a constant troublemaker, a reigning terror for his own people. He was known for cheekiness and confidence, getting out of tough situations with his charms and good looks. 
“Jungkook.” You forced a smile, entering the throne room after being suddenly summoned in the middle of the night. “What are you doing here?” 
He pointed in the direction in front of him, and there was his parents, the King and Queen consort of Aurum on their respective thrones with your mother standing next to his mother.
Your jaw dropped, not expecting her to be standing in front of you. You couldn’t even remember the last time you had seen her in person. The last few years, you’ve only been corresponding with letters to her. “What are you doing here?” 
“That’s no way to greet your mother.” She came forward to give you a quick hug and then returned back to her original position. “The Luxuria troops are getting stronger at the border.”
“And I’m sorry, how does this matter revolve around me and my country?” Jungkook asked. 
You rolled your eyes at Jungkook’s comment. As children, your personality always clashed with Jungkook. The two of you always tried to avoid each other at all costs.
Although you and Jungkook were raised together in the castle, experiencing the same exact royal lessons of courtesy, ballroom dancing and diplomacy, you never once could get along with Jungkook, turning everything with him into an argument or competition whether it was for academic endeavors or favoring the people of
the court.
“I took a risk coming here as Luxuria has barely allowed travel between our two countries,” she said. “I came here to finalize the alliance, that the two of you would wed.” 
Jungkook sighed. “It happened, didn’t it?” 
“What happened?” You asked, not understanding the context. “Hasn’t Jungkook been engaged with Princess Comet of Cometes since they were six?”
“The King legitimized his first-born and mistress’s son,” his mother explained.
Your heart dropped upon hearing the news. “She is no longer the Princess of Cometes?”
“I am afraid not, but good news, Jungkook, you have a new bride,” your mother announced. 
“This can’t be,” you insisted. “Surely, there’s someone else.” 
“My child, you will marry our son and make him the king of two countries, and then later put your claim on Luxuria once the queen dies. There, you two will have three countries,” the King said. 
But you never once wanted to rule Luxuria.  
“We have given you protection and will continue to do so for this alliance.” 
“But we cannot be wed,” Jungkook argued. 
“You will especially since you’ve scared all the other suitors away,” your mother said. 
You were fiercely known for your independence and stubbornness, always speaking your mind. Your honesty and independency allowed you to earn your title as the Ice Queen, but that was all because of Jungkook. 
Through the game of telephone and writing secretive notes around the castle, the whole castle knew how you rejected possibly the best suitor for love, Kim Namjoon. He would have given up his country for you, and everyone knew it. 
At the time you were thirteen, still lacking tact, you met with Namjoon in the library and told him that giving up his own country for someone was foolish and idiotic. And Jungkook, hiding behind the curtains of that room, ran with it, spreading the word that you broke Namjoon’s heart, needing more than him and his country as a power hungry queen. 
Kim Namjoon’s heart wasn’t the only one you broke. Prominent and wealthy families from neighboring realms had sent their sons to court you, yet their efforts left you unimpressed and unmoved. 
As the years went on, there were less and less potential suitors. No one wanted their son to marry someone who was an intimidating person, and no one especially wanted a queen that could not be controlled. 
“It’s time for this childhood rivalry of yours to end.” 
“Mother, you know he’s the reason why suitors are afraid of me.”
“Get over it,” Jungkook gritted through his teeth. 
“How dare he disrespect me as a queen?”
“He was thirteen.” Your mother groaned. “You will marry Jungkook for your people, for your country.” 
You stepped forward, distancing yourself away so no one could hear what you were about to say. “And you and I know he will not love me.”
As fortunate as your life was, there was still a burden to bear, a burden even heavier as a royal. You still sought for an union to secure your financial and political status in society. Despite being a queen and having almost everything you want, the one thing you want the most is the one thing you knew you couldn't have: love.
She sighed. “And we both know love does not matter for people like us.” 
“But did thou not love my father and he thee?” Despite his death, the story of your father and his legacy lives on, including his love story with your mother. 
“Indeed, we loved each other truly,” she said. “But stories like his and mine happen once in a lifetime. Perhaps, the promise of love and the future of reconciliation can come.” 
Taking a look over your shoulder. You see Jungkook smirking. “Well Ice Queen looks like we need each other after all.”
hello hello hello!
thank you for reading the prologue for this new series :) i am very excited! please let me know if you need more context or visuals of some things were confusing.
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iluvtboytummy · 7 months
I'm so normal about the idea of a dark lord vampire fucking me on his throne, watching his crown slowly fall off my head from the intense thrusts. I wanna be a little prince slut toy for a evil vampire.
~this post is about t4t queer men~
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ownlittleuniverse · 5 months
snippet #3 - the hero’s getting prepared for a ball
warning: touchy villain (not nsfw), suggestive
The hero felt overwhelmed by the number of hands on their body.
Their head was being pulled back and forth, over and over. Their hair was being tightly braided and brushed into a perfect slick bun. The hero opened their mouth as their lips were being painted blood red by the maids, as well as their nails. Small pearls, black and white delicate flowers with sharp thorns were sewn in their hair like the maids were creating an expensive bouquet.
“You're messing up your lipstick,” one of them said, yanking the hero’s chin and preparing their small brush once again, “Open up.”
The maid swiped over the hero’s lips until the spot was no longer visible. The hero hadn’t realized they were biting the skin.
The hero tried not to flinch when a maid started tightening their corset to an unbelievable degree. It felt like their ribs were being pressed against their organs, like walls were closing in from all ends. Another sharp tug at the corset made the hero gasp. They heard an annoyed sigh. They looked towards the sound and realized they clenched their hands in the maid’s who were painting their nails, messing up the paint job. The maid looked at them with clear malice they were not trying hard to suppress. The made wiped the smudged polish off to start over.
“I’m sorry,” the hero whispered.
They felt like they were messing everything up.
One maid tightened on a black lace choker with small pearls around their neck, pulling it so tight it felt like someone was wrapping their hand around the delicate skin as another maid slipped matching fingerless lace long gloves onto their arms.
After what felt like an eternity of chaos, the maids finally stepped back. The hero took in their appearance.
Their gown flowed to the floor with black and white lace hugging their curves in the right places, small but bold flower patterns all over the dress matching their accessories and hair. The plunging neckline went all the way down to the center of their chest, its edges covered in pearls, thorns and petals.
The maids all smiled at the hero’s regal appearance, but the hero couldn’t bring themselves to do the same.
They didn’t look like themselves anymore.
The hero flinched at the sound of the door opening.
They sucked in a breath as the villain entered. They were in a matching perfectly tailored black suit, their hands covered in black gloves, their gaze cutting through the room like a blade. They looked elegant and menacing all in one.
The hero gulped, keeping their head down as the villain made their way over, their steps echoing across the tension-filled silent room. The hero tried to suppress their growing nerves that started eating away at their body, needing their fingers together, picking at their exposed hangnails.
The maids frantically backed away from the hero. No. No. No. The hero tried to telepathically tell them to come back, not leave them so exposed in front of the tall dark god. The villain’s stare made the hero feel like they were stripping them down to nothing but their skin.
The hero's breath hitched as they felt the villain come right behind their body, their breath tickling their ear. The hero wanted to ignore them so badly, but that would be completely impossible. The villain was not to be ignored.
The hero finally lifted their head and flinched when they made direct eye contact with the villain’s glare in the mirror. The villain kept their hands in their pocket but it felt like their hands were caressing the hero’s waist, making them shiver and their heart beat erratically just from that look they were giving them. Like they could eat them for dinner.
Their voice commanded the room like the creature of power they were.
“Leave us.”
The hero rolled their lips and watched with beading eyes all the maids quickly scurrying out, keeping their heads down.
No. No. Please. Please stay. Don’t leave them alone.
As soon as the door shut the hero’s shoulders tightened with even more fear. The villain's hands came up to the hero’s waist, softly caressing the bodice of their corset. The hero flinched violently.
“You look exquisite,” the villain cooed in the hero’s ear, making them shiver, “But darling, why are you so upset?”
“I-I’m not..” the hero whispered in a tone that wasn’t even convincing to them.
The villain's hands tightened, causing a whimper to escape the hero’s mouth. They hated themselves for it.
“Now, I know my little hero,” they murmured, smiling against the hero’s neck, “I know when they’re not happy, and-“ they ran their hands higher and higher, “I know what their lies sound like.”
The hero made eye contact with them once again in the mirror, the villain's eyes pouring into theirs willing them to open up. After a few beats of silence, the villain dug their fingers ever so slightly. The hero’s heartbeat spiked at the villain’s warning.
“I just…” the hero blurted out, “Everything feels so… uncomfortable—But everyone put so much effort into how I look, and I do look good… but-I.. I feel so ungrateful saying that…I’m sorry,” they murmured looking back down at their feet.
They felt a tear trickle down their cheek. They felt like such a spoiled brat not being appreciative of the time and effort it took to make them look like a beautiful art piece. They are grateful, they just… didn’t feel happy.
The villain didn’t say anything for a moment. The hero made them angry. The villain was definitely going to-
But all they felt was the pressure on their scalp beginning to release.
They looked up at the mirror and saw the villain slowly taking all the intricate accessories out of their hair, making their head feel ten times lighter than before. The villain took out most of the flowers, and let the hero’s hair cascade down their back. It felt so good, so releasing, not having that weight. The hero couldn't have imagined wearing that hair all night, it ripping at their scalp.
“I wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, my love,” the villain whispered as they began to take the tight braids out, “You look breathtaking with and without all of this.”
The hero hated how they blushed at the villain’s words, how they knew exactly what to say to make the hero feel all warm when the fear still clawed inside like a bouquet of knife-sharp icicles.
The villain delicately brushed the hero’s running tears away with their gloved finger. The hero couldn’t help but sigh in relief as the villain took a brush from the vanity and began to brush the hero’s hair out. The villain kissed the shell of their ear, making their hero whimper.
“You're a masterpiece, through and through.”
The villain smiled at their hero turning the color of their lipstick.
The villain began to massage their scalp with one hand and brush their hair out with another, making the hero sigh contently, their eyes closing from the pleasure. They let themselves sink into the feeling. It felt… so amazing. They wished it didn’t, they really did.
The villain slowly walked around the hero’s body, never letting go of their hair or scalp once. They watched in contentment as their hero’s eyes fluttered behind their eyelids in pleasure, not being able to resist submitting to the feelings the villain was giving them. They loved having that control over their hero. Their little plaything.
The villain took a small cloth from the vanity and began to wipe some of the hero’s makeup off. The hero’s eyes shot open in confusion, but the villain's one hand trailing down and massaging the knots in their neck made their eyes slowly close again. Their hero sighed in contentment.
The villain was completely obsessed with how their touch could turn their hero into a submissive thing at their feet. How they knew if they trailed their hand and tugged on their little choker that their hero would let out a moan they couldn’t suppress.
They knew them better than they knew themselves.
“I'll have to kill all the people who look past your neck,” the villain laughed. They wouldn’t hesitate to torture anyone for weeks on end who dared to look at their hero in a way that only they could. At the perfect skin that trailed down to their chest that the villain couldn't wait to taste.
The hero’s eyes slowly opened back up as they sighed, looking at the villain. But the hero’s worried face didn’t fade.
“What is it, darling?” the villain cooed.
The villain watched as their hero looked down in embarrassment, a faint rosy blush covering their cheeks.
”Can you undo my corset, just a bit..” they whispered, “It’s a bit too tight.”
The villain smiled. They loved the idea of undoing their hero’s corset.
“Of course I can.”
If they didn’t have a ball to attend, the villain would rip the whole thing off.
The villain tugged at the hero’s choker which, as they perfectly predicted, made their hero moan deliciously. That neck of theirs was so sensitive, they could barely hold themselves back from wrapping their hand around the skin and leaving their mark. They couldn’t wait to memorize every single sensitive place to touch to make their hero’s body writhe. The villain stepped back behind the hero and slowly undid their corset.
The hero didn’t know what to feel about the villain anymore.
They felt safe in their presence, protected and sheltered, but they also knew the villain’s power was something they abused. If they wanted to make the hero kneel for them, completely submit to them, they would. If they decided the hero was being ungrateful, then they were. If the villain wanted to hurt the hero, they could rip them in two with little to no effort. It scared them. But the villain has only been delicate, sweet, and soft with the hero and only the hero. Somehow, that scared them even more.
The hero gasped and their eyes closed at a sudden feeling, they curled their fists into the gown’s skirt. The villain's hand was gripping the hero’s waist as they pulled and pulled at the threads.
The hero’s heartbeat picked up. This felt different than the maids doing the same. The maids loosening and tightening their threads felt like life was being squeezed out of them, like they were a bug being squished between a shoe and the concrete. But when the villain did it… it felt like being wrapped in an all-consuming embrace. It felt like a word starting with L that the villain definitely cannot feel.
The villain’s hand pressed into their back causing the hero to involuntarily arch. Their fingers curled as they tried so hard to suppress their sounds, but the hero couldn’t help but let out another breathless small moan, their eyes clenching. They felt like they lost complete control of their body. It should make them feel scared, horrible, but they just wanted more.
The villain smiled at their reflection in the mirror. If only their hero knew what they looked like right now, their mouth open, their eyes closed. The sounds escaped them over and over. It was intoxicating.
The villain began to tighten the corset again, but this time leaving the hero enough room to somewhat breathe. As the hero’s breathing came back to a steady pace, the villain couldn’t help themselves.
They wanted to hear it all again, to give them an overwhelming sense of pleasure their little hero couldn’t help but submit to. And they wanted to feel it this time, even if they knew the consequences.
The villain ripped their black gloves off and tossed them aside. They wrapped both their arms around their hero, pressing them into their chest, curling them tight. The hero’s eyes shot open as their fingers flexed around their waist.
“Wha.. What are you doing?” the hero squeaked, their voice laced with confusion, panic.. and pleasure.
The villain simply pressed them more into their body. One of their hands came up to pull their choker aside, as their mouth latched onto the sensitive part of their hero’s neck.
The hero gasped. They squirmed in their grasp, at the villain’s lips, at their mouth that started to suck and mark all over.
”Wait!” the hero gasped, the sensations spreading through them, making them writhe. “Everyone will see!”
“That’s the plan, love.” the villain smirked, before going again. They couldn’t wait for all the onlookers to stare in shock. No one will dare touch what’s theirs.
The villain let one of their hands trail back up to the hero’s hair, swiftly tugging them to the side, rubbing their scalp again in a way they knew their hero loved. The hero immediately whimpered as the villain gave themselves more access to their neck.
The hero could feel the villain leaving nasty marks, ones every person at the ball would spot from a mile away. They shouldn’t have let that happen, but it was too late. They didn’t have enough strength to push the villain off, to rip their hand out of their hair, and they didn’t want to. It felt too good… everything was too much and they couldn't help but sink.
They couldn’t fight it anymore. The hero finally let themselves drown in the sea of pleasure.
They closed their eyes and wrapped their arms around the villain, letting their breathless sounds get louder and louder as the villain's mouth trailed from their neck to their collarbone, all the way down to the exposed skin near their chest.
The villain could feel their hero growing more and more into a pile at their feet, which just made them suck their skin even harder. Their hero almost screamed out when they bit into a sensitive part of their collarbone, then soothed the sting away with small delicate kisses.
The hero felt like the villain's hands were burning into them, but not in a way they hated, no, in a way they craved. They wanted it more and more, like a drug. They never felt anything better.
The villain picked up their hero, turned them around and pressed them into the vanity in a frenzy, both of them now breathing heavily and feeling like they just wanted more and more. They both felt so addicted.
The villain began to kiss the sensitive parts of the hero’s chest. The hero looked down at them in shock.
The villain was rendering their hero into a panting, moaning mess.
The villain sucked as their hand massaged their hero’s neck where all their marks now covered their skin. The hero threw their head back and practically screamed.
The villain looked up with pride at their hero’s eyes fluttering adorably, their mouth agape, their hair now a mess, their neck covered in a new red necklace. They loved how much they looked like theirs, and how everyone would soon see.
The villain continued their descent as the hero threaded their hand into the villain’s locks, not knowing if they wanted to keep them there or push them away. Everything felt so sensitive, heightened and feverish.
Their eyes locked for a second, and it made everything feel so much more intense. The hero cried out as the villain bit down gently, before sucking and kissing the pain away. They couldn’t think straight, it was like the villain had cast a spell on them.
The hero needed more, so much more.
The villain, feeling their hero growing impatient by their whines, tugged them close and finally pressed their lips to theirs.
They had thought of this moment for so long, what their hero would taste like, feel like. And they felt like the best thing in the whole world.
The villain coaxed their mouth open and it was like no kiss the hero had ever felt.
Would they even call that a kiss? They didn’t know. Kisses were comforting, sweet in the hero’s head, and this was far from that. It felt intoxicating in a way that humans were not supposed to feel. It felt so wrong, but so breathtaking in a way where they couldn’t stop themselves, they couldn’t. The hero moaned into their mouth as the villain made a mess of them over and over.
The hero frantically reached for the villain’s pants subconsciously, making the villain smile into their lips between their kisses.
They grabbed their hero’s hands, caressing their wrists trying to soothe their little love’s franticness, “Not now, darling.”
The hero only whined at them.
“Oh, you're a needy little thing, aren’t you?” they chuckled, looking at their hero’s disheveled out of breath state. The villain smiled. They turned them into a mess.
“As much as I would love to give your impatient body what it wants,” the villain smirked, making the hero heat up, “We have a ball to get to.”
The villain propped themselves back up, leaving the hero to lean back on the vanity still trying to catch their breath.
They… they didn’t-.. what..
“What was that?” they whispered. Their brain felt like it was still in pieces.
The villain simply tilted their head as they retrieved their gloves once more from the floor.
“I’m not usually… I don't-“, the hero said, their eyes becoming frantic. The villain needed to calm them down, they had a feeling this would happen.
The villain slowly approached their hero, their now gloved hands tucking a strand behind their ear.
“You shock yourself when you realize who you are when you let go.”
The hero looked up at them with the most adorable doe eyes filled with shock and confusion. The villain leaned in close, reveling in the way their hero’s breath hitched and their pupils went wide.
“You should do it more often,” they smirked. Their hero blushed immediately.
The villain couldn’t stop themselves from pressing a soft kiss to their lips.
The villain backed up and extended their hand, an open invitation. The hero looked at it cautiously but took the offer. Their skin felt warm and tingly against the leather.
But not like it tingled against the villain’s skin.
The hero felt more relaxed, the overwhelming anxiety from before seemed to have dissipated.
The villain tugged them along as the hero glanced in the mirror's direction.
They stopped in their tracks.
They looked… completely ruined.
Their hair had strands peaking out, their lipstick smudged, their cheeks so red you couldn’t even see the blush anymore. They looked so dirty, and they knew that everyone at the ball would think the same. They couldn’t leave like this. They couldn’t.
“I can’t wait for everyone to see you,” the villain murmured behind them.
“Like this?” the hero gulped. They spotted their lipstick smudged on the villain’s lips as well. It made their heart flutter in a way they hated.
The villain tugged them again, but the hero tried to stop them. The villain slowly turned to glare at them. It made the hero want to gulp down their words, but they didn’t this time.
“I can’t go down in front of people looking like—“
”Like what?” the villain said, their hand coming up to tug the hero’s hair. The hero’s anxiety came creeping back, the villain’s warning clear as day as their grip tightened against their hand and head.
“Like your mine?”
The hero’s heart started to pick up. The villains eyes pieced through them as their hands tightened once more making them whimper out of fear.
“That’s exactly what you should look like.”
The hero wanted to rip their naive little heart out.
They knew they should have listened to that voice in the back of their head. The one telling them that the villain never cared for them. The villain didn’t kiss them senselessly to make each other feel good. No. They only did it to make their appearances look.. well like this.
But the villain couldn’t be more satisfied with the taste of their hero’s lipstick on their mouth.
They spent years being utterly obsessed with someone those pesky royals wouldn’t let them have.
But the villain knew from the second they laid eyes on them that they already wanted to kiss them all over until they writhed. They already wanted to adorn their perfectly smooth skin with their marks, showing the world who they belonged to. They already wanted to devour them until the only thing left was a good little hero for them to play with.
They waited for the perfect time, in a small alleyway that day they decided they were going to keep the king and queen’s daughter all to themselves. The royal family was not happy, of course, but with their precious princess in the villains’ grasp, they were foolish to not obey the villain's demands.
Their hero was still terrified of the villain, kept their head down in their presence like one look would send them to hell. But their little pet was growing more and more perfect by the day, and soon they will be absolutely theirs.
The power coursing through the villain’s hands was something they didn’t use often on their hero, but when they did, it was completely worth it. It made the hero more compliant so to say.
The King and Queen will see tonight, at this very ball, looking up at the staircase in a matter of minutes exactly what the villain has turned their princess into.
The villain released the hero’s hair and pressed a soft kiss to the hero’s knuckles, before tugging them along.
Their hero shivered but still followed their villain.
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strawbubbysugar · 1 year
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Post accident princes!
849 notes · View notes
abby-30 · 8 months
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royal aesthetic 👑
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painterza · 1 year
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yoonbroom · 1 year
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a list of TXT fics I really enjoyed! pls go and show these amazing authors some love <3 if there wasn't a summary I just included a little blurb from the fics! now onto the recs ↓
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IT'S YOU!! YOU'RE THE ONE THAT I WANT!!! - @koqabear
oneshot, fluff, angst, friends to lovers
Witty jokes? Didn’t really work. Pick up lines? Been there, done that. Now he probably just thinks you’re corny. These are two of many (many) methods that you used to try and get Choi Soobin, your classmate, your friend, and your husband (though he doesn’t know it yet) to notice you. Come on Soobin!!! You’re practically throwing yourself at him and yet, nothing. Is he blind, or just a robot? It’s time to find out.
series, fluff, idol au, friends to lovers, smau
soobin found his own fairy of shampoo. the one that makes him smile whenever they show up on screen, and even manages to brighten up his day whenever he's upset. but this feels a little familiar, isn't it? he hopes it won't be like the song they released. he wants to be able to face the fairy that casted a spell on him without the screen between them.
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oneshot, fluff, established relationship, idol au
Taehyun calling you to pick up your wasted boyfriend after their videoshoot with Suga!
oneshot, fluff, est relationship, idol au
"Hihii!! Your writings are so incredibly good like you deserve to be one of the big 3 writers of kpop fanfic dead serious here. Can i request random moments with idol yeonjun!! In the dorm, practice room, with the members. Just random moments while dating yeonjun :))"
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ATTENTION - @/aakomii
oneshot, fluff, college
Everyone and their mama knows about Beomgyu’s massive crush on you. Even you do, but you’ve never given the poor boy a chance. He’s not complaining though, he loves the chase and you love the attention.
ETERNALLY - @h4chi
series, fluff, angst, fake dating, friends to lovers, idol au, smau
yn works as a producer for the companies BigHit and SM. one day she founds herself victim of a dating scandal, but what will happen when she agrees with her company to a dating rumor?
LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU... - @wildernessuntothemselves
oneshot, fluff, angst, smut, arranged marriage, royalty
You go into your arranged marriage already distrusting your husband and all other men, and despite him repeatedly attempting to gain your favor, you are resolved to rebuke him at every turn. Will you manage to keep up the walls you’ve built to protect yourself, or will prince Beomgyu succeed in getting through your defenses?
oneshot, fluff, angst, friends to lovers, college
lee chaeryeong is the most sought after girl in your school. everyone has fallen victim to her charms, including choi beomgyu and it is no surprise that he wants to try and win her over. what is a surprise is that he came to you for help considering that one: you have never spoken to him in your life, and two: you have no connection to chaeryeong at all. well, except for your beginners music composition class.
oneshot, fluff, best friends to lovers
in which you and beomgyu teeter between being normal best friends and well...best friends who makeout from time to time.
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태현 소프트 시간 ⟡ [8:26 AM] - @kazmura
drabble, fluff, est relationship
"As the sun's gentle rays streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow in the room, you slowly stirred awake, greeted by the peaceful stillness of the morning. The soft sheets tangled around your body, and you shifted slightly, feeling the weight of Taehyun's arm draped over your waist, holding you close in a comforting embrace."
HERO - @btxtreads
series, fluff, angst, idol, samu
"Heavily based off of the Disney Channel Original Movie “Starstruck”
OMG - @eundiarys
series, fluff, angst, idol au, smau, fake dating
in which — yn who just debuted gets into a dating scandal with one of the most famous group members because of a misunderstanding and is forced to fake date with him. what happens if it isn’t as bad as she thinks? and and what if she finds comfort with him? (❗️ — dia’s jueun is used to potray yn! )
oneshot, fluff, angst, college
when your high school sweetheart choi yeonjun is off to grad school, you aren’t too worried about how your relationship will last—but your favorite coworker, kang taehyun, is. OR: a study in the seasons of loving and losing choi yeonjun—and how you put yourself back together afterwards.
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series, fluff, angst, idol au, enemies to lovers
StayC’s Y/n is notorious for being K-pop’s social butterfly and making friends comes rather easy for her. When she’s asked to be an MC for Inkigayo, one of her co-hosts doesn’t seem too pleased to be working with her. This unknown feeling sparks a drive to become the bestest of friends with him but from the looks of it, he’ll fight her the whole way there.
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want recs for other groups? check out my navigation → here!
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scifrey · 8 months
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Oh my gosh, the book is now officially out! This is the first original novel I've published since 2018 and I am very excited and very nervous to share it.
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➡️ You can read it here. ⬅️
Chapters drop Wednesdays and Saturdays, and if you're worried, the story is already finished and fully uploaded. This is not a WIP that I will abandon later--it's totally complete.
About the book:
Twenty-four is one year too young for a quarter-life crisis, but hey, Colin's always been an overachiever. He's got a degree in Sustainable Tourism, which his family says he's wasting as a barista, an annoying anxiety disorder, and no freaking idea what to do with his life. The only thing going his way is the cute coffee shop regular, a homo draconis named Dav (who, in his humanshape, is a total hottie.) Still, it'd be easier if Dav didn't have a habit of accidentally setting things on fire when he's startled. Like the café kitchen.
When Dav breaks draconic taboo and volunteers as a replacement bean-roaster to apologize for the inferno meet-ugly, sparks really fly. Everything's finally happening for Colin, until he learns that hooking up with Dav means that under dragon law, Colin is absorbed into Dav's hoard.
Possession may be nine-tenths of the law, but becoming his boyfriend's property does not make this whole identity crisis thing easier. Especially now that Colin must navigate politics, paparazzi, and legal questions about his personhood. Colin's still angling for his Happily Ever After, but the growing scrutiny on his relationship with Dav threatens their budding romance. And if he's not careful, Colin's fight for agency may just destroy symbiotic human/dragon relationships worldwide.
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Beautiful cover art by @seancefemme
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chihoshisai · 8 days
Double Arrangement
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Sabo x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
cw : royalty au, strangers to lovers, arranged/political engagement, reader is royalty, sabo is cold (but will warm up over time in other chapters) // wc : 4k words
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Part 4
Open doors stood ajar at the end of a dimly lit corridor; creating an inviting trail of light into the ballroom. With joined hands at your stomach, you walked towards it, feeling a comfortable chill from your steps on your exposed upper chest while using the advantage of your tardiness to calm your nerves in the deserted area. Whether for good or for worse, most of the guests had allegedly all arrived while your hair was being put into elaborate braids, pearls lining its entanglement. 
“Her highness, the princess,” the guards at the door announced upon your arrival, and all within the room, faced with the presence of another royal, turned their pair of eyes on you, out of respect, anticipation, duty and perhaps even envy. 
Their blatant staring was of no importance to you — years of attending and hosting such social events had rendered you practically irontight to twinkling gazes, lustful smiles, whispers of awe and unprompted conversation. This time was no different, as you entered with your usual steadfast expression and laxed composure. Now that the desired marine blue color of the sky had been acquired, the room glistened with the yellow rows of chandeliers, and the purple wisterias found themselves tinged in a yellow oranged colorway. The room felt hot, being filled to its full capacity; voluminous dresses taking more space than necessary and homogeneous looking tailcoats, overshadowing the faces of their wearer and so as far as the eyes could see. Melodic orchestra music slithered throughout the room, carrying over chatter and people in a planned unison and offering a much joyful atmosphere to whoever took the time to listen.
Your first reflex had always been to firstly seek the company of your own blood before venturing out for the sake of greetings, politeness and interrelations; a bore that made you feel the weight of your title.
While your eyes scavenged the room for your relatives, feet leading you to lounge the walls, your ears picked up odd and unusual tonations ; snickers, vividly odd whispers and when you turned your neck in their direction, malicious looking sneering eyes were posed on you. It striked you as odd in the start — you were well aware of the simplicity behind your gown of choice — but the more you walked to find those you seeked, the more your confidence dwindled through the incessant muffled banter. Even as you made furtive eye contacts with a few, the way in which they smiled left your cheeks feeling hot with an increasing sense of ridicule up your chest. 
Once the perfect example to follow as the eldest daughter of the royal line. Now currently experiencing a fall from grace.
Perhaps, not displaying unconventional norms was more challenging than you had thought. Your hands were growing damp in self consciousness as your search grew more desperate; mostly for the relief and comfort your family would hopefully provide, pushing aside your worries as trivial.
Your eyes ultimately found your twin younger siblings, chattering about near the chair earlier set for the king to sit, in the furthest end of the room. You smiled to yourself and skipped over their shared location, raising the hem of your skirt to facilitate your movements.
“I wasn’t made aware we lacked funds,” your brother teased as you came not only into view but also in earshot. A smile was hidden away by the sipping of his beverage.
You spoke while taking your last steps before fully including yourself in their company. "Why don't you go about your drinking and leave me alone?” You sarcastically told him, fighting back an eye roll due to the many watching from the crowd. 
If the remarks of your youngest brother always flew over your head due to his frivolous nature, those of his twin sister mattered more than you'd ever admit aloud. "Lord, what are you wearing?” She looked you up and down with a distasteful raised eyebrow. 
"Not you too,” you tempted as a way to play it cool, the earlier uncomfortable sensations caused by the guests now starting to morph into sweat at your armpits.
"It is a ball,” she pressed, giving you round eyes to make you realize your folly. 
"So I have been made aware throughout the week,” you persistently kept a grip on your sarcasm. 
"You embarrass me sister,” your sibling distorted her expression in a subtle disgusted one. Her remark edged you towards the remnant of your self esteem. In contrast to you, she wore a light pink off-the-shoulder gown, an exterior over the dress corset weaved with silver floral motifs, layers upon layers of lace and tulles propped over one another on the skirt, all with a shimmering accent while her loose hair crowned jewels.  
"Apologies if I make for a poor example to look up to,” you gave a polite smile.
A snort came from the brother, who until now silently drank. "At least you're self aware."  
"Might I point out you will not find drinks in our company,” you told him. 
"You're right,” he drank the last of his cup. “If i'm to last the night with you looking like this, I’ll need quite the amount," he failed to excuse himself and went in the direction of the nearest drink mount he could spot. 
"I'd rather not be pitied by standing in your company, forgive me sister and have a great night... if you can," your sister respectfully gave you a nod and went on to trail in the direction set by her twin.
You found yourself alone, perhaps quicker than the time spent searching. "What I would give to see them in my shoes," you mumbled through a sigh. 
People, now that your lonesome had been guaranteed once more, seemed to have increased their staring and hidden whisper towards you. Still digesting the talk with your siblings who had shown you no kindness in mincing their words, you lowered your gaze to the plain fabric of your lilac dress — and how empty it looked. No accessories or over layers, making you wish you had stuck to your usual ball attire. One that not only wouldn't gift you sneers, but compliments and the maintenance of your social upstanding. 
Now it seemed as though everything; your personality, your respect in the eyes of the populace, your value, that you had built crumbled under the simple layer of a single gown. 
“His majesty, the king,” the door guards announced, and at the sight of your brother, with neatly combed hair and the most intricately exquisite ensemble of the room, you felt hope that perhaps him, wouldn't add fodder to your increasing misery.
Remembering that you stood near the chair appointed to him in the room, you maintained your solitude until his form came into your view. 
“I did what I could, are you satisfied?” He came to stand by your side, scarcely ignoring his designated seat, to take a full view of the room.  
Despite his earlier outburst, it seemed things had shifted here and there after your talk, such as the number of set tables. “I shall give you my answer afterwards,” you told him, having been overwhelmed by the atmosphere of the crowd. 
"May I speak of your dress?” 
Your heart gave a drop. "Must I hear it from everyone?” 
He ignored your plea, continuing ahead with his monologue, much to your anxiety. "I can see you chose your grown appropriately for the original room decorations but... considering mother had a last minute hand in it I expected her to apply the same if not more amount of effort to you.” 
You darted your eyes at him for a second with a clenched jaw. "She tried but it was too late.” 
“A shame, really.” 
"Yeah,” you felt your breathing gain in depth. “Especially since I feel like a fish out of a pond, exposed for all to see and laugh at.” 
"You may go and change if it bothers you,” your brother put a compassionate hand on your shoulder. 
"There was no time to find me a new dress. None will suddenly magically appear because I returned to my chambers in the spawn of half an hour,” your involuntary sharp words caused his support on your shoulder to recoil away. It was stronger than you, and despite knowing not to treat him that way, the constant ridicule and shutting down had put you on edge. 
"Don't be so glum, give them a week with new gossip and they'll forget all about it.” 
"Gossip from the palace doesn’t die quickly,” you grumbled. 
"So you say,” his voice was starting to sound disinterested and distant.  
"But perhaps if you were to fabricate one after tonight? In the upcoming week perhaps?” You tempted with a more enthusiastic tongue, turning your head to glance at him with hope. Truly, it would give you enough ammo to make it through the night less scathed.  
He gave you an irritated look before looking back again to the masses. "You think me your servant ? I've already tried bending hell and heaven for this ball and you ask for more in such a small window time? I will not help you further with this matter. If you are displeased with your own personal choices, then the least you can do is keep your head high." He finished by walking away and disappearing into the room.
Feeling small by the minute, you bit the inside of your cheeks, fully aware that he was right. That keeping your gaze upright, looking over the conversations and laughter filled crowd would help you save whatever face you had left.  
As thoughts of never venturing down such a path again tried brewing in your brain, you locked eyes with the person who had since the beginning tempted you to fall down this free for all fall. Sabo stood near a wall, his arms crossed, his attention heavily focused on you for what had most likely been a while. No snicker nor malice could be traced on his features, which much to your relief slightly appeased your worrying. 
You were unsure of which expression to give in turn. A smile? A nod? Surely not a wave. Instead you made your way to skip and cross guests, momentarily stopping here and there when a conversation was brought to you by others, no doubt with vile intention, by subtle innuendo of your attire. Despite that, you allowed the emotions to pile up, pent-up deep within your heart to finally greet Sabo in godd spirits.
“Good evening,” you gave your first genuine smile of the night.
Sabo gave you a quaint nod, turning his attention instead towards the crowd, more precisely scrutinizing the room. It dawned upon your mind that the last time since you spoke to one another did, despite the lack of malevolent intentions, end up rather bitterly. Even so, you went to stand nearby him, keeping your hands joinned near your bodice, thinking of starting anew with the broken feelings of a last encounter behind.   
“Might I inquire of your thoughts on the venue? You seem quite engrossed in analyzing it.”
“It's not what I expected.”
“Oh?” You tilted your head, figure brimming with a piqued interest. “How so?”
“It's far less embellished than I had expected,” he turned while you internally marveled at your accomplished goal, to look you in the eye. “Can I assume that is your doing?”
“I'll take it you like it then. The room was heavily tampered with by an unforeseen variable, but it relieves me to hear your thoughts.”
“I see you have backed up your earlier claim of having more power than meets the eyes,” Sabo remained unfazed by your words. “But tell me, why would you do such a thing? What of the other nobles and their thoughts?”
His questions were far from unexpected on your part and you let your eyes wander over to the dancers in the center of the room while smoothly delivering a reply you had turned over in your head like a broken record. “I couldn't give two crumbs about them. This ball wasn't planned in their honor but in ours. And why would I remain a bystander while a ball that would disregard your taste was being organized.” 
Sabo uncrossed his arms, taking a step to blur your vision of the waltzing dancer, to fill it instead with his blue attire. “You're satisfied with this?”
“I had wished for far less,” you upheld your gaze in his, noticing the colors of his eyes drowning away your earlier affliction, until an announcement came to rob the moment away.  
Your brother had found his place in the midst of his seat and spoke with a conventional tone after having bought the attention of all the guests, interrupted the dancing, eating and quelled the music. “Tonight, dear guests, we are assembled to announce the news of an engagement in our family.” A buzz occured, in which you looked at Sabo with a playful look to meet his blank stare,  but soon did the murmurs were nipped in the bud and calm returned. “I humbly announce that my youngest sister, her highness the princess, is now engaged to Sabo, son of Outlook III.”
It happened in an instant — eyes, from all over bolted in your direction, lighting a sense of red exposure on the tip of your ears.  You were used to attention, but still its clamor would never cease to be overwhelming. Thankfully this time you weren't solely exposed as you glanced at the arm Sabo extended your way. A small gesture, but one that made you feel supported in this limelight. Grateful, you circled your own arm around his and walked, head proud throughout the room, the misplaced sneers and comments momentarily stunned by the news and rendered silent all the way to the King's chair. 
“The betrothed everyone, let us wish for a happy marriage,” your brother spoke once you had both made it through to stand in front of him. “Give them a warm applause,” he ordered to the crowd, and as both you and Sabo turned, the once backstabbing guests delivered an obliged cheer, one that enforced your ambition to see this through rather than let it fall apart. 
A deafening exclamation filled your ears, and as you looked through the crowd, you perceived the genuine, congratulatory faces of your younger siblings, offering a nice contrast to the fabricated elation of the nobles. Including Sabo’s family who seemed delighted to give thanks and shake hands with honor to whoever stood around them. 
You looked up at Sabo to see his blank face hardening under a rigid, conventional smile ; one that sent shivers down your spine as it looked more ominous than sincere. An expression you had never seen him arbor before. What could possibly go on in his mind, you thought, remembering his lucid agitation against nobility. 
He caught sight of your eyes, twisting his smile up into a polite one that didn't fail to bring about his attractive traits. His arm that had been freed of your clutch upon meeting the king raised to extend a steady hand in your vicinity.
“A dance, if you may your highness?” He asked you, bending his upper body slightly as proper dance invitations would have it.
You saw him at your level, a look of trust reflected in his eyes, exuding a serious yet alluring charm unbecoming of a noble who only performed this act for the sake of duty. And yet.
Your heart leaped. Quite strongly/fast. 
You accepted his hand, slipping your fingers into his sturdy one for the second time, now under favorable circumstances, while your mind tried throwing reminders not to get attached. Not when nothing was set in stone. But infatuation had already been cast over you — your heart wasn’t the only thing affected, for a heat started rushing across your cheeks and a bemused smile pushed through your lips. 
Sabo squeezed your hand in response, leading you across the path formed by the parting audience and to the middle of the ballroom. This time you walked by his side, glancing at his side profile ; an opportunity that had been deprived the one time he infuriatingly led you by the hands. An opportunity you now basked in as you took notice of the soft shadows candlelight painted on his features. Delicate, sharp and well maintained. 
While musicians readied their instruments, you both exchanged bows. Now standing before one another, ignoring what coursed through the audience, you smiled, a flourishing one brought about by the moment. And even though Sabo simply returned a curt one, it was enough to satisfy you, to see him leave behind his blank state. In fact, as he stepped closer, circling a firm hand on your waist to bring you in closer, at a respectful distance rather than an intimate one, and squeezing your raised hand, you felt elated. In turn, poring into his eyes, you steadied a hand on his shoulder and once more welcomed the warmth that came from such proximity with another. 
Even as the music started, time stretched into a simple eternity — Sabo led the pace and you gladly let him, curious to learn more of his dance style than provide a showcase of your own personal skills. Twirling, spinning and stepping in a rhythmic way, your blood pumped in your head while you came to acknowledge, and like the commanding way in which Sabo led you about, nonetheless taking advantage of your arsenal of skills. 
“You surprise me. Days of dance lessons weren't taken lightly by you it seems,” you spoke aloud, using the symphony and privacy granted by the proximity.
“Dancing isn't so bad, if you compare it to everything else,” his expression had regained a more grave one. 
“You enjoy dancing?”
“It is one of the few universal pleasures of life,” at that, he gripped your waist using both of his hands, utilizing the momentum of the music to spin you in the air, as a testament to his claim. 
You, who reflexively stabilized yourself by holding on to his shoulders expecting the mouvement, couldn't help but feel your grin increase in wideness as a rare lower view of Sabo basked in your vision.
After your heels had found the ground, brushing aside his absence of similar delight on his features, you kept your questioning. “I wasn't expecting you to keep up with this farce so accurately in front of everyone.”
“I told you, didn't I? That I at least wouldn’t cause you harm in other’s eyes. It’s only a ball and I hope the only social event we’ll attend together.”
The only event…? Was he planning on limiting social appearances to a minimum? But why? As you furrowed your eyebrows, wanting to ask for further details, you felt yourself interrupted by the joining of other pairs to the dance floor. Enough time had passed for other duos to join as the appropriate solo rundown of you along with Sabo, guests of honor, had run dry. Therefore, shadows started appearing in your peripheral vision, and you weren’t clumsy enough to tread a delicate conversation with them waltzing so close to your side. 
As such you gave a comprehensive nod along with a polite smile.
The remnant of the waltz was spent in quietude; your eyes darting about over Sabo’s upper body, taking notice of the veins in his neck, the details of his scar, the way in which his neck cravate edged on the loose side, rather than keeping eye contact with him.  You were reminded once more, after the thrill of a new experience subsided, that your fate stood incertain. And yet here you were, slowly growing more than attached to someone you could barely keep in your grasp.
Eventually, the melody of the orchestra came to an end, bows were exchanged and the floor evacuated for new pairs of dancers. Sabo and you both reentered the crowd side by side, and as you foresaw, were greeted by a crash of curious tongues wanting of gossip, by offering congratulations and wishes first. 
Used to such a display, their banter flew over your head, making you notice the way in which Sabo’s expression darkened. Displeasure was hidden behind his polite composure, yet etiquette had it that it was far too early for an excuse to leave. Therefore you pressed on, taking the initiative in every conversation in his stead. Smiling, chuckling, slithering venomous remarks if provoked, until your own arsenal of skills neared its depletion. 
“If you would excuse us, sirs, madams, but my fiance and I have an urgent matter to discuss between ourselves,” Sabo spoke to a ring of inquisitors, his arm extending towards your silent form for you to take. 
As you did, playing along by exchanging insipid goodbyes, you waited until your trail led you far enough from the talkers to whisper the reason behind his act. “An urgent matter to discuss between ourselves? What an unoriginal excuse if I've ever heard one.”
Sabo brushed aside your comment, his eyes searching for the safest route as he led you about the crowd. “You seemed quite tired out there.”
“Did I? I didn't notice,” you glanced up his way, only feeling a slight pain from your heels.
“Your lips were stiffening in between conversations,” Sabo spared you a momentary side glance, one that made you acknowledge his attention to details through surprised brows. “Let's get out of here,” he accelerated his pace, almost dragging you along the room without waiting for your reply.
You had remained in silence, at first flattered by his care but soon curious as to his destination. “Where are we going?” The two of you now walked a deserted corridor nearby the ballroom. On this festive night, candles had been freed from certain parts of the castle to prevent the scurrying of unwanted guests and make sure a single path was followed. A path which Sabo derived from the seconds guards looked away — and it had surprised you to see him furtively trutt about in your own home, skillfully unnoticed. 
You stopped, tugging on his arm to inquire him to look your way. “Sabo!”
He turned, freeing himself from your clutch with a single glance down your hand. “Nowhere in particular, away from that wretched place,” he crossed his arms and went to sit on the nearest windowsill. “You're free to go wherever you wish now, your highness.”
You cringed at the sound of your title. “Spare me your sarcasm at least for tonight. I've heard my fair share of incredulous remarks and body languages.”
“Due to your dress?” 
You sighed a heavy lamentation. It drained you enough to go and sit by next to Sabo, the exhaustion of the day soon to set throughout your body. “Mind adding to the long list of comments? Perhaps it is too drab?  Simple? Inappropriate? Original? Share your thoughts,” you waved an uninterested hand his way, fighting the urge to lean on the window’s glass.
“It looks good on you. Far from obscene like the other women,” his tone hid no trace of malice, which prompted you to raise a playful eyebrow at him, and to your surprise Sabo’s expression had been washed away from its blank state to appear more relaxed. “I like it,” he finished with a nod.
You smiled teasingly, feeling skeptic towards your first compliment of the night. “You're exaggerating.” 
“I mean it.”
You shifted to turn your knees in his direction, hiding internally the shy glee that propagated throughout your core, sweet and warm with innocence. “And yet you won't take me as spouse.” 
Sabo brushed aside your remark, visibly unwilling to tread back on old waters. “Did you not enjoy yourself tonight?” It might seem as though his question was asked out of courtesy, yet, based on a brief profile you had formed of him in your mind, you discerned more to his question than meets the eye.
“Would you like to know my real answer?” You asked with a nonchalant air. 
“It is what I asked for.”
You shrugged. “I did not,” the answer came plainly out of you; after a sour night, how could one possibly find enjoyment were they in your shoes? You knew saying otherwise would make you appear frivolous in Sabo’s image of you, and for that fact felt grateful of the hurtful bitter truth being what it was.
“Oh,” Sabo gave you a quizzical look, his knees edging likewise in your direction.
“But it isn't your fault. It is the guests, they are despicable,” you admitted, for once sharing a similar minded opinion with him. 
“I hear you. I've experienced that part of them myself. Not a great experience.” He thinned his lips, giving you a sympathetic look, which you gladly met sheepishly.
“Indeed,” you fiddled with your hands while Sabo kept his surveying of your features. Ultimately you sharpened the grip on your intertwined joints as you spoke. “Are people the same as here where you wish to live?”
To your relief, the question wasn't deemed impertinent nor too personal on Sabo’s part as he gave you a genuine response. “Far from that actually, no one judges another for their clothing, all the food gets eaten until there's nothing left and there isn't such abundant waste.” 
"Sounds like a nice place to live,” you pointed out with a dreamy smile. Here, you took advantage of the max atmosphere, thinking of Sabo’s guard being down to seize his hands into your own in order to plead your case by appearing to this rare, but currently present,  amiable side of him. “But in truth Sabo, I wish for us to spend more time together. We don’t have to attend social events as you wish, but simply be the two of us together in our company while the engagement lasts.”
“You would only end up hurt”
“I wish to do everything correctly while things still stands, rather than lament at my own inaction,” you gave a slight pressure to his palms. 
A pause occured in which his expression became unreadable, giving the false impression in which he considered your words. “Then promise me something,” his fingers gripped on yours with found urgency, his steady gaze meeting yours for more than a fleeting moment. 
“Yes?” Your heartbeat accelerated under anticipation, hanging on at the idea of hope that would bear fruit.
“Promise me you will up the wage of your staff, offer them more days off and treat them well. To them our life might seem just as unjust as the way the nobles treated you inside that ballroom,” Sabo delivered, much to your inexpectation. Of course he would think of the well-being of the populace before the possibility of marriage — and you were a fool for wishing otherwise.
Irked, you loosened your pressure over his hands and looked over the window. “I don't have power over the internal affairs of the castle.”
“It is important, you must try.” 
“It won't be easy but I suppose I can try speaking to the king,” you folded under his pressure, aware that resisting would simply push him further away, and you closer to a doom in another country.
Sabo freed himself from your weak clutch to  join your hands together, covering your palms in that motion with his and offering a gentle brush atop your skin to bring back your attention to him. “I'll see if I can spare you some time on my end.” 
Your heart leaped at his initiative, tempting you to press for more while your brain wanted to speak of a promise too, but the bell struck a new hour; by being far from the festivities it made itself heard quite well. 
“It is late, you should retire for the evening,” Sabo advised you with a slight pressure on your joined body parts. “Unless you wish to go back there?”
“God no,” you shook your head, hoping it would fade away the cherry color that settled on your face.
“Then I'll take my leave too,” he rose, letting go on your left hand but keeping a firm grasp on your right. Before you were granted the opportunity of inquiring the reason behind his act, thinking it might be to help you up your feet, you were met with the unforeseeable. A kiss, from his lips, soft, delicate and well placed, deposited itself on the back of your hand, causing the cherry color of your cheeks to become that of a burning fire. “Good night,” Sabo whispered.
“Good night.”
Part 5 in progress
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sourlove · 5 months
a/n: thanks for all the notes everyone! i'll try to write and post more!
Yandere! King who was a good and benevolent ruler and loved by all who encountered him. From his good looks, to his amazing battle prowess, to his diplomatic skills, there was nothing he lacked or wanted for. Instead of squandering the kingdom's resources like his predecessors, he expanded the kingdom and improved the lives of his people.
Yandere! King who journeyed up the Black Mountain by himself to slay the dragon that had been tormenting the kingdom for years! Unfortunately, that came with a severe consequence.
Yandere! King who was cursed with the dragon's dying breath to never know peace until he learns to love. No one knew about that last part but the King and the dragon. They wouldn't understand it. Only an ancient and wise being would be able to look into the noble King and see a cold, empty heart.
Yandere! King who was tormented by whispers and screams only he could hear, corners haunted with bloodied corpses only he could see and nightmares that left him screaming and clawing at his own body.
Yandere! King who was tormented more by the fact that as the curse ate away more and more at his sanity, the chances of him learning to love (what a cruel word that had become) became slimmer and slimmer.
Yandere! King who didn't believe in love. He had married a princess and sired children with her simply because he had to. That's what kings did. She was a good choice: docile, pretty enough to fuck, and smart enough to know when to keep her mouth shut. But the curse had made being around anyone, especially her and her brats, unbearable. Love? What a foolish notion. He would rather die a mad man than let himself be swayed by something so flimsy, so weak.
Yandere! King who wished in the dead of night for something or someone to save him. He didn't want to live like this. He didn't want to die like this. Disembodied voices chased sleep away and the once proud King wept in misery.
Yandere! King who stumbled into you by chance. It was a regular day for you as you went about your business, travelling on the road to sell herbs and potions when you were knocked down by the kings carriage as he passed by. You kicked up a fight with the guards, lashing out at their brusque handling and one of them made a crude comment about you. In your blind rage, you fished a potion from your satchel and threw it.
Yandere! King who came out to see what the commotion was and was suddenly struck with a dark, viscous liquid that clouded his vision and made him stumble back. You were immediately forced to your knees as you stared at the King himself wiped your potion from his face. Your life was definitely over now, you thought miserably.
Yandere! King who finally turned to see his attacker and halted to a stop once your eyes connected.
Yandere! King who looked around frantically, checking and listening for anything, anything, while everyone else watched him with confusion and worry. Had the King finally succumbed to his curse? Or had you worsened it?
Yandere! King who turned to you, shaking and whispered ,"You've cured me. Y-you- the voices- the voices are gone...they're all gone!" He refused to let you leave. He snarled at his guards to release you and begged you to enter his carriage and go to the palace with him.
Yandere! King who announced that his savior had lifted his curse. The people cheered as he dragged escorted you to stand next to him, where his queen should have stood, and kissed you on both cheeks. "From now on, I will dedicate my life to repaying my debt to you."
Yandere! King who threw a feast in celebration and forced you to dance with him all night. He praised your talents and beauty to all who would listen, never giving you the opportunity to slip away from his iron grasp.
Yandere! King who pleaded with you to stay. When you adamantly refused, he stopped pleading and ordered you as your King.
Yandere! King who soon realized that the curse slowly creeped back to him after he was gone from your presence for a few minutes. Instead of filling him with sorrow, the King could only smile widely. Now you had to be with him, to sleep next to him, to stay with him, to love him, until you drew your last breath.
Yandere! King who appointed you as his new concubine. The queen was outraged but he paid her no mind. She was lucky he didn't divorce her, for political reasons, and her opinion never mattered to begin with.
Yandere! King who would burn down the entire kingdom to hunt you down if you escaped from him. So be good and don't kick up a fuss, alright? All you have to do is be a good pet and stay next to him, living luxuriously with the world at your feet.
You're his savior after all.
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flaneur001 · 26 days
14 Days with you Royal Au (ongoing series) [Pairings- Enemy Duke! Redacted x GN Reader]
[Word count- 3172] [CW- Angst, Smut, Knife play] [A/N- Previously posted in the 14dwy discord server. Redacted belongs to @14dayswithyou]
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[part 1] [part 2]
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Part 2: The Evasive Enemy
You sat picturesquely at the ornate oak desk, absentmindedly twirling the quill in your hand as you stared blankly at the parchment resting before you. 
‘Whatever will I write?’ You mused silently as you dipped the tip of the quill in the open ink pot and scribbled the first words that came to your mind after an hour-long of dilly-dallying.
The dimly lit marital chamber was quiet save for the occasional scritch-scratch of your quill. 
Dearest Father, I am in good health. I know you have been worried about my prolonged silence to your lettered inquiries. But I find myself at a loss for words at the way I have been so utterly taken care of here.  We were mistaken to assume that he would fall for such baser fancies. A week has passed by and he has not visited since. Never laid a finger upon me. Always quiet and busy with his own devices. I am at a crossroads. The azure-eyed Duke seems even more mysterious now that I live under the same roof as him. Father, I have been granted permission to peruse his archives, without any surveillance. This seems suspicious, almost like a well-set trap. Though he is yet to show any animosity towards me. But I would be foolish to look a gift horse in the mouth. Keep your worries at bay father. I shall always keep myself and my safety first.  I have received the information about the article through your trusted aide, and I will bide my time until it's safe to infiltrate his study.  Until then, take Care. I will keep you informed.
Sealing the letter and putting it in the drawer, you stretched languidly and gently pushed the chair back. Your long robe billowed behind you as you trudged towards your four-poster bed and plopped upon the welcoming plushness of the pillows. Unbidden your face lolled to the side and your eyes landed upon the golden ring that rested atop the pillow on his side of the bed. The ring that he had left behind for you. It was the only evidence that he had actually been here. In flesh. 
The whole week, you were treated to rich meals, dressed in the finest of silks and jewelry, yet amidst all the niceties something constantly felt amiss. At first, you brushed it off to mere homesickness, but as time passed a cruel understanding dawned upon you. 
On those rare occasions when you caught glimpses of the Handsome Duke walking in the hallways, you felt this forlornness tug at your heart. Even back at your family residence, although you were loved, the brunt of all the responsibilities fell upon your shoulders after your mother’s death. You were always expected to be the guardian and the responsible oldest child for the five of your younger siblings. 
So gentleness and affection were seldom directed towards you. Hence when the Duke showered you with so much tenderness that first night, in his warm embrace you felt like you belonged. Like you had finally found a tether for your wandering soul.  His cold gaze slowly travelling the length of your body like a hidden caress, still lingered fresh in your mind and you felt guilt simmer in the back of your throat.
You were not here for this. Your life was far from normal and he was the reason why your great noble house had perished. Yet you simply couldn’t will yourself to forget the touch of his hands, the graze of his warm lips on the sensitive spot on your neck, or the way he hugged you when you slept. You hated to admit it, but you were downhearted to find yourself alone the morning after. The whole estate was abuzz with the news of the Duke consummating his marriage with the oldest child of the rival clan.
You were not a fool, nor were you naive enough to avoid the snarky gossip that always bubbled under the pretense of politeness in your presence. 
“His Grace has not visited them after the first night…”
“Maybe he was not satisfied?”, the servants chortled as they flitted about your room while cleaning or serving you meals.
You let them babble because your target was something else entirely. The Duke had something in his possession. Something that linked him to the murder of your mother and the conspiracy that destroyed the reputation of your house. Your initial plan was to seduce him and distract him enough that he began trusting you to let his guard down. Yet here you were, trapped in a golden confinement, with every treasure in the world laid at your feet. He even went ahead and granted you access to his archives and his office, without even batting an eye. This gnawed at your mind and slowly chewed you up on the inside. 
‘Does he not care?’ You wondered. 
You were named, ‘The prized possession’ by the people in the estate. Compared and downgraded to the several expensive objects that the Duke won and then instantly got bored with. Lay in some deep recesses of the estate gathering dust and forgotten. They said that you will soon be treated like that. And somehow this line of thought added to your insecurities.
“Or Maybe I’m not as important as I thought myself to be…” you murmured, suddenly regretting not putting in more effort that night. Regretting not begging him to stay. 
A flurry of activity and noises caught your attention breaking this downhill stream of thoughts. Rising fluidly you walked towards the bay window and nudged it open checking for yourself what all the ruckus was about. The young maids giggled and chattered under your window, pointing towards the practice grounds for soldiers. 
“Look, the Duke is out sparring today” The ladies squealed and peeked from behind a bush. Your interest piqued, you walked towards your balcony and leaned on the vine-covered railing to get a proper view. Surely enough, the young duke was in an intense sparring match. He was wearing black leather pants with high boots, his torso left completely exposed for all to see. You gulped unconsciously, eyes traitorously following the way his muscles rippled when he threw, blow after expert blow with his war sledgehammer. His long black hair swished around and beads of sweat rolled down his pale skin making you shiver involuntarily, at the way your degenerate mind imagined him sweaty and panting atop you in bed. 
Before you could make a hasty exit, the Duke’s eyes flitted to the balcony as if sensing your presence and his mouth lifted in a half smirk like he somehow knew what was going through your mind. Blood rushed to your face and you quickly ducked inside.
Evening fell. You were bathed and dressed by the chambermaid Iansa. She was very sweet and you two had bonded over this last week, getting familiar with each other through the little interesting anecdotes she shared about the Duke’s estate. 
As she took your leave, you began your daily routine. Sitting half-dressed in the center of the bed like some common whore waiting for the Duke to visit. Only that he took much pleasure in keeping you on your toes and never visiting.
A beat of silence passed. The oil lamps lining the walls flickered. Until the last shred of your patience cracked and you rose from your bed. Putting on the lush slippers you pushed open the giant double doors and walked outside into the cold and empty hallways of the Duke’s mansion. You marched towards the Duke’s office throwing all caution to the wind. 
“This is enough, I’m done waiting” you mumble as you neared the entrance to the office. Slowly, you entered inside finding it absurd that nobody was guarding the entrance to this room. You smirked to yourself, reveling at the idea of seeing the surprised expression on the Duke’s face once he realized how you, whom he thought so insignificant, was the one responsible for putting him in his rightful place. The tyrant deserved nothing but to rot in a prison. Strangely enough, the thought of getting revenge helped keep this gnawing urge to kiss the smirk off of his smug face at bay.
“Serves him well for treating me like a plaything” you mutter under your breath as you eagerly work through the rows and rows of documents filed neatly for your tampering. A chilly air from the open window, nipped at your exposed skin, the scant lace outfit not providing much to shield you from the cold temperatures. You suppressed a shiver as you grabbed a few files and took them to the window to get a better look at, under the moonlight pouring in through the glass window.
As you skimmed through the documents, a warm hand snaked around your waist, spinning you. Surprised, you were about to let a scream fall from your lips when another hand pressed tightly on your mouth, muffling it effectively. 
“Shhh Angel, we don’t want to alert the guards now, do we?” A husky voice asked. Moving from the shadows, the moonlight bathing his figure, Duke Ren smiled down triumphantly at you, like a predator who had just caught his prey.
Slowly, he released his grip on your mouth only to rest both his hands behind you on the desk effortlessly trapping you between his arms. His face inched closer as his ice-blue eyes burned into yours, “So you finally grew weary of waiting, I assume” he purred. His deep baritone made you think of unspeakable things.
You clenched your teeth, staring back at him defiantly, “Why ask me to wait if you were never going to visit” you hissed, mulish and miffed.
His eyes widened by a fraction, warm chuckle spilling through his cherry-tinted lips, bringing your attention to them. 
“Why, Angel such…temper” he tsked, “One would think you missed me.” His hand shot out, trailing a slender finger on your temple, down your cheek, only to come to rest at your chin. His calloused hand cupped your jaw, bringing his thumb to your mouth to trace the shape of your lips. 
Your breath hitched in your throat, as he rubbed the pad of his thumb across the seam of your lips, pushing and prodding until it entered your mouth. His thumb moved around, exploring the warm wetness, as his face came impossibly closer to yours, “Let me in, Angel” he breathed.
And you don’t know if it was the curiosity or the way his eyes held your gaze so enticingly, that made you want to obey everything that fell from those lips. Closing your eyes you opened your mouth wider, wide enough for him to push three fingers in, pumping them in and out as your greedy tongue lapped against them. Unbidden a moan escaped you, and his other hand grabbed your hip, fingers digging into your flesh as he roughly pulled you closer to his body, thrusting your cores together.
“Look at me love” he whispered in your ear, nipping the shell playfully before his mouth descended to your neck, to leave open-mouthed kisses.
You groaned and opened your eyes, breath already coming out in shallow pants.
“For someone who claims to hate me, you sure love me touching you. You like to think of such debauched fancies don't you?” he snickered with roguish pride, “Driving you wild. Taking you to the depraved depths and back…defiling you” he spoke hotly in your ear, his erection tenting temptingly in his leather pants.
“Please” you begged, not knowing if you wanted him to release or ravish you. 
“Please what Angel?” He challenged smirking cruelly as he, all too soon, removed himself from you, and folded his arms across his chest, regarding you with thinly veiled amusement.
A wild blush rose to your cheeks. He waited in silence as if he expected you to actually utter the vulgar words. Your chest still heaved, body warmed up with his skillful ministrations. And suddenly your mind painted an image of him in bed with other people. Jealousy like never before threatened to take over you. 
‘How is he so skilled? Has he been going to others every night?’ You mused darkly.
“Let me go” you whimpered, angry tears pricked your eyes half from humiliation and half from longing. Pulling the lace robe tighter to cover your modesty you whispered, “I do not belong here” carefully avoiding his eyes.
“Hm, I see” he began, as he leaned down, slowly sliding a dagger out from his leather boot. He balanced the blade on his fingers as he almost toyed with the weapon.
“You are right about one thing, Angel”, he drawled, as he stepped into the moonlight giving you a good view of the dagger in his grasp. Its silver blade glinted sinisterly in the dark, bejeweled hilt looking magnificent, fit for a person of his stature.
His blue eyes flit to yours silently daring you to break eye contact, “you don’t belong in this room” he murmured, pointedly staring at the scattered documents around you. 
“Bu-but you gave me access to your archives without surveillance” you sputtered, licking your lips as you felt cornered by his unrelenting gaze. A quiet dread filled your guts.
He tilted his head, regarding you with an inscrutable expression, and you took him in for the first time this evening. He was wearing all black like always. A silk shirt with the laces half done that exposed his broad chest. Tight high-waisted bottoms that accentuated his shapely midsection. His long black hair was loosely tied in a plait, making him look like a vision. 
But something about the way his sapphire eyes glimmering with that melancholic look, made him appear vulnerable in this moment.
A beat of silence passed, and he waited, the air simmering with the heavy tension between you both, as he looked at you with hopeful anticipation. For what, you didn’t know.
Slowly, tentatively he walked, closing the distance between you both again.
“Angel” he breathed. And somehow that one single word broke you. For it was spoken with such disappointment and fragility you never expected from this tyrannical Duke.
“I gave you access to my archives because I trusted you.” He ground, “I went against my advisers, against the whole estate, vouching for you, marrying you. Why do you think there was no guard stationed outside this room?” With each uttered word he stepped closer until you both were hairsbreadth apart.
“So tell me, was it all for naught?” He stressed, and the accusation stung like he had slapped you.
But you couldn’t lie to him. Not when you have been so perpetually lying to yourself. 
“This was a marriage of convenience between our households and nothing more, your grace” you replied curtly, ignoring the way his grip tightened around the dagger or the way his gaze darkened at your blatant aloofness. But you pressed on, delivering the final blow you knew would break him.
“You were and will continue to be nothing to me”
A snarl escaped his lips, and he was on you in an instant. You could feel the cold metal of the dagger pressing against your neck as he hissed, “Go. Take it all away. Whatever you were here searching for, take it. But do not lie to me Angel” his voice cracked, gaze softened, eyes searching your face desperately. 
“Not when the longing in your eyes so plainly mirrors the longing in my heart”  
Maybe it was the way the dagger pressed into your throat, a slice away from stealing your life, or maybe it was the way your face reflected in his ocean-blues, as if you were the only thing his eyes saw, that you yanked him close, pulling his mouth to yours in a needy kiss.
A low groan escaped him, sending a shiver down your spine. His hot tongue slipped into your mouth roughly entangling with yours in a sensual dance. 
You arched into him. The metal of the dagger sandwiched between your throats,  pricking your skins, was an ironic symbol of the enmity and the dark lust that often surrounded you both.
Every caution, every coherence fled your mind when his other hand raked through your hair, angling you into a deeper kiss. As the scant distance between you diminished, the blade broke your skin, sending you into a frenzy of pain and pleasure.
The heady aroma of mint and cherries invaded all your senses, mingled with the scent that was uniquely his. You were drunk off of him, intoxicated and utterly lost in depravity.
But when his teeth clamped down on your bottom lip, a whine reverberated deep in your chest and your hips involuntarily bucked forward, rubbing into his engorged arousal. He groaned and your eyes snapped open at the loss when he stepped back and moved the dagger away from your throat. 
Your mouth involuntarily chased his, earning a soft chuckle from the man.
Catching you by surprise, he suddenly dropped to his knees. He grabbed your wrist, placing the dagger in your open palm, as he stared up at you. 
“I am at your mercy now, beloved” he whispered, hands coming to rest at your thighs as he blinked at you, azure eyes glinting like precious gems in the dark.
“So slice my throat and reduce me to nothingness. But do it while you hold my gaze. For that’s the sight I want to remember when I die” he spoke with a rueful smile upon his face and a fierce anger bubbled inside you at the sight.
You were angry at the way he toyed with your emotions, angry at the way you were lusting after a man who was responsible for your family’s destruction. Angry…at the way you were falling for him.
‘Why did you have to meet me like this?’ was the last thought that flashed in your mind as you flung the dagger across the room vehemently, shattering the ornate mirror adorning the wall. 
You gave him one last searing look before marching to the door, not wanting him to see the lone tear that had rolled down your cheek.
The moment your hand reached for the handle, his slender fingers wrapped around your wrist spinning you around, as he pulled you flush to his chest. 
A hand cupped your cheek as he leaned in kissing the tears that fell traitorously from your eyes. He didn't say anything. He didn't need to. He simply rocked you in his embrace peppering kisses on every inch of your face. 
Then his head ducked down, languidly licking the little wound left behind by his dagger. His own neck held the same marks as yours.Just when you thought he was done, he tilted your chin making you face him fully as he whispered against your mouth, “Poor choice to keep me alive. Now I shall remind you every passing second of the day, that you are mine” he purred, “Mine to love and mine to ruin”
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jeonggukookies · 3 months
crown's kingdom || three
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summary: jungkook doesn't know what to do or how to feel when you try breaking up the alliance.
– genre: royalty!au, enemies to lovers!au, prince!jungkook, queen!reader, arranged marriage - fluff/angst
– word count : 4,999
index || one || two
The following day, Jungkook ran. 
When the Queen of Aurum told her son that the Queen of Calestia broke off their engagement and was arranging a marriage with Prince Dasher, he ran. 
Before his mother could even elaborate further details, Jungkook sprinted out of bed and headed towards his father's study in his oversized white silk pajamas. He was like a bolt of lightning, moving at fast intensity and taking giant strides. Somehow, without his shoes on, Jungkook was outrunning all the guards. 
"Is it true?" Jungkook asked when he bursted through the conference doors. He was panting, out of breath. His breathing became small gasps, filling up the room. "Tell me, is it true, Father?"
"Well, good morning to you too," the King quipped, looking up from his desk. He laughed when he saw Jungkook barefoot. "You must've been so excited that you had to run all the way here to hear the news yourself."
"Is it truly so?" Jungkook asked again, ignoring his father's remarks. He was panting and taking big breaths after each word. "Doth it be true?"
As the King scoffed at Jungkook's question, the guards finally caught up and entered the room along with Jungkook's mother. She immediately ran up to her son, patting his back in comfort. "Guards! Bring me water!" 
"Is it true?" Jungkook asked again. 
"You really couldn't have waited a minute longer. You did not need to rush over here without putting clothes on!" Jungkook's mother scolded him. "Are you hurt?"
"Aren't you happy, my dearest son? You got what you wanted," Jungkook's father said. 
The Prince stayed silent, trying to catch his breath. His father is right; he got what he wanted. Jungkook was free from you. 
"I did," Jungkook said. "You're right."
An unfamiliar feeling was growing in Jungkook's gut, twisting and turning all his insides. It had been the same feeling he had when greeting Prince Dasher with you. Jungkook didn't know whether he was hungry or if he sensed there was something wrong. But he knew mentioning his concern would ruin his freedom away from you. He should be happy, but oddly enough, he felt some disappointment.
"Drink this." The guards handed Jungkook a glass of water. 
In one gulp, he drank the water and finished it quickly. Still struggling to take air in, Jungkook took some deep breaths in and out from the cup as if it were a paper bag, trying to regulate his breathing back to normal. Jungkook noticed his hands violently shake as he held the glass. "Thank you."
After a moment of silence, the King continued. "They requested the wedding to be hosted in Cometes—" 
"Cometes?!" Jungkook interrupted the King mid-sentence, something he had never done before. Though Jungkook may be defiant and go against his father's wishes, he was taught from an early age not to interrupt his father, as listening was a sign of respect. "Are you allowing the wedding to be there?"
The King stood up and walked in the direction of where Jungkook and his mother were. His father raised his eyebrows at Jungkook and then at the Queen. They had stared at each other for a quick moment, exchanging no words. But one look can truly say a thousand words; Jungkook could read his parents' confusion by his sudden reaction and interest in your politics. "Is there a problem with that?"
“No, Sir,” Jungkook said. He stood straight up, his whole body going rigid. "There is no problem." 
"Well, the newly-crowned Prince requested the wedding be there, but that would be a stupid idea. We've protected this girl for almost all her life. Before you came rushing in, Y/N and I came to an agreement. The last condition I asked for is to have her royal wedding here in three days' time, where she will be safe and comfortable," the King explained. 
"In the end, Aurum will still benefit with all these royal and noble guests coming in," the Queen added. "Perhaps we can find a new engagement and alliance for our country during this wedding." 
"I don't care about that," Jungkook snapped. "What about her borders? Her troops? Are they going to help her?"
"With the announcement of the wedding and their alliance to Cometes, Luxuria has kindly pulled their troops away from the Caelestia border…for now." 
"That quickly?" Jungkook asked, trying to understand how it was possible. "Isn't that suspicious?"
"Let it be their problem whether they rule," the King dismissed, waving his hand away in the air. "Either way, the girl is safe." 
Jungkook said slowly, "Therefore, Queen Y/N will have protection and will not be harmed if she were to travel back to her royal court or Cometes." 
"Yes, that is correct," both his parents answered. 
"She will not be harmed," Jungkook repeated, enunciating each syllable. "She will be safe."
Annoyed, his father sighed as he returned to his desk and sat down, resuming the work. "Yes, Jungkook, she will be safe." 
Her country and her people will be safe too, Jungkook thought to himself. And that's what mattered. 
But when midnight came, Jungkook couldn't sleep. 
Jungkook was twisting and turning in his royal blue bed sheets, replaying his last moments with you in his head. He's never had a problem with sleeping until now. When he was younger, he would always be the first one to be heard snoring during nap time while the rest of the kids barely closed their eyes. 
All his thoughts kept back to you. He just kept seeing the look of pain on your face from the night before. It somehow became a memory he could not erase from his mind; he couldn't even hit pause either, hoping this feeling would be forgotten after a deep slumber. 
"Why did you summon me at like 2 in the morning?" His best friend, Amicus, asked as he entered Jungkook's room to find him on the couch, angrily staring at the brick wall in front of him. Amicus sat on the couch adjacent to Jungkook's with a look of worry mixed with confusion. "You good?"  
"I fucking hate Y/N," Jungkook spatted. "I hope her bed ends up in the river tomorrow morning."
"Nothing new." His best friend was unphased. "Is that it? This is what is keeping you up at night? You demanded your guards to drag me here so that you can talk about hating Y/N?" 
"But this time, it is different!" Jungkook insisted, finally facing Amicus. Amicus's curly blond hair was out of place, parts sticking out as if he had bathed and forgotten to dry his hair before sleeping. Jungkook figured that Amicus must have rushed out of his room as there was a small drool stain on the left corner of his mouth and some on his red nightwear. 
"Ever since she came to Aurum Court, I have never once felt bad or thought twice about what I do and say to her. But some things happened, and I feel wrong if I were to sleep." 
"She's probably not even thinking about it," Amicus tried to reassure the crowned Prince. "Besides, I bet whatever happened is just the normal banter between you. It is just how you guys are. I think she knows the both of you are assholes." 
"Okay, I like to think I'm not a total asshole." Amicus raised his eyebrows at Jungkook, looking at him with a look of disbelief on his face. "Are you fucking serious?"
"You're my best friend and everything," Amicus paused, trying to choose the right words carefully. "But personally, if someone tried to ship me back to my country in a crate with no breathing holes, I would probably say they are an asshole for the rest of my life." 
"We were eight!" Jungkook tried defending himself. "Why must everyone still make such a great deal about it?
"How many years has it been? I believe she's still waiting for an apology."
"Well, she'll wait a while for that one, as what I did the night prior is worse than what I've done before."
"Jungkook, get to the point." Despite being a calm person, Amicus lost his patience with his best friend. Usually, Amicus was by Jungkook's side, listening to the same old drama without a single complaint. Still, with Prince Dasher at Aurum Court, he had spent the whole day with Dasher's noblemen and knights, entertaining the other royal guests. Unlike the Prince, Amicus was not born to talk to others and be the center of attention. From a young age, Amicus was brought up to the castle and grew up by Jungkook's side, and he liked it that way. He swore to himself that he would love to listen to all his best friend's curses for the rest of his life as long as this night could end.
"I might have been nice to her," Jungkook mumbled incoherently, not wanting to admit what happened entirely.
Anicus raised his eyebrows. "You what? I don't know what you said." 
Jungkook released a forced chuckle, nervously scratching the back of his neck. He then looked at the ground, breaking eye contact with Amicus. "We both accidentally became…friends? And while we were in our new level…of a relationship, I might have accidentally said I will never want her and that she should leave this country." 
Even without looking, Jungkook knew Amicus had a dirty look. "How do you accidentally do that? What the hell does that even mean?! How is that even possible? Did you just stop hating her randomly for fun?" 
"Of course not!" The Crowned Prince explained all the events and all his feelings to Amicus, finally processing everything said and done between the two of you. 
Although there was no verbal confirmation of a truce, Jungkook felt like he had stabbed you in the back with his words. The two of you might have cut each other in the past, but it was never a wound that could be this deep. He was afraid of the wound, and it ached him as if he were the one stabbed. 
"Why do you hate her if you were the one to say those things?" Amicus asked, surprised by all the information. "Why did you even say that to her?"
"I don't know." Jungkook buried his face in the palm of his hand, elbow leaning on the armchair. "I mean, I guess we both want out of this arranged marriage. This was an easy out that she wasn't taking, and maybe I just thought hurting her would get that help. She shouldn't have to wait and hope for Aurum to help her when we don't give her anything. I helped her, but she hates me, and I hate her for it." 
"I'm sure she knows you did this for both of you guys."
Jungkook ignored his comment, not finding any comfort in it. "What am I supposed to do?" 
Amicus was silent for a while before speaking. "So what? Why are you overthinking this? She probably didn't take it personally, and it'll all return to normal in the meantime." 
Jungkook sighed in defeat. "I suppose you're right." 
Little did Jungkook know, you took it by heart.
Although your schedules lined up with each other, you have tried to avoid him at all costs by changing your schedule and having your ladies-in-waiting accompany you to every single event, never leaving your side. Since your conversation with Jungkook, you didn't want to be alone with him, wanting your friends to protect you away from him. With them there, you knew Jungkook would not try to approach you. 
"Are you seriously considering this offer?"  Lady Adoree asked. "We can figure out a way. You don't have to do it."
Before you could answer, your other two ladies-in-waiting, Lady Dal and Lady Haenim, arrived at the round lunch table, sitting next to you and Lady Adoree. 
"Do what?" Lady Dal and Haenim asked at the same time. 
Despite being identical twins, they couldn't be more different. 
Lady Dal was free-spirited and confident, often complimented for her charming aura. Often, she would ignore her duties at royal court and sneak off to buy the most expensive and luxurious gowns, specifically white and pink ones; however, she would only wear these dresses once, not wanting to repeat the outfit twice. Dal was impulsive and unpredictable, not caring about authority or the consequences of her actions. Though her actions may come off as vain, undaunting, and irresponsible, you knew Lady Dal would protect you and her loved ones with her life. 
Unlike her twin, Lady Haenim always hid in the shadows and stuck her nose in a book, often enjoying religious texts. Lady Haenim was always praying, thanking the divine spirit for allowing her to be born into a noble family and that her status was able to offer her an education. Although she was more reserved than your other ladies-in-waiting, she always spoke out for her beliefs and moral convictions. 
Their parents were blessed with daughters and were proud to have an accomplished, humble daughter like Haemin and a beautiful, charismatic daughter like Dal.
"My options are limited, Adoree." You sighed.  "We all know I have to accept his proposal for Caelestia." 
"What about Prince Jungkook?" Haemin asked.
"What about him?" You gave a warning glare to your ladies as you knew Jungkook was at a table behind you, possibly trying to listen to the conversation in front of him. The twins gave you a confused look while Adoree looked down at her plate, trying to act normal. 
"Lower your voice," you warned in a low voice. "There are people nearby who can be listening." 
Haemin looked at her sister and mouthed Jungkook's name. Dal took a quick look at his table, made awkward eye contact with Amicus, and tilted her head slightly down to apologize. "But have you really not talked to him since? Would you not care for the reason for his behavior?" Haemin asked. 
"Even if she is curious, this is Jungkook we are talking about," Dal said with a bitter tone. "He may see no wrong in his actions." 
"Perhaps he does not, but there is a possibility he does see some wrong if he treated Y/N with kindness earlier that day." 
"Please, that boy has been a menace his whole life. He probably was acting nice because of forced proximity. Once he found an out, he then reverted back to his old ways. A tiger doesn't change its stripes." 
Haemin rolled her eyes at her sister. She picked up the little fork and placed it into the salad bowl. "But would you really marry a total stranger than someone you know?" 
"It isn't what I desire, but what choice do I have?" You exclaimed. "I have already arranged to move to Cometes in the next two days." 
"Then we must be ready as well," Adoree decreed.
"I cannot ask you guys to come with me when you've been here most of your life. You will not accompany me and will be free of your servitude."
"It's an honor to be in your servitude. We want to be there for you, our best friend," Haemin insisted. 
"Besides, we cannot pass up an opportunity to travel and find new interesting suitors," Dal giggled. 
"Have you no more guests to entertain? Did you finally go through all the gentlemen of Aurum?" Jungkook asked as he was now beside your table with Amicus.
"Seems like you are out of company as well if you're over here," Adoree sneered. "Disappointing that you would consider us your last option." 
"My apologies, but I ask for you to listen to me very carefully. If men in this palace had to be with ladies like you in order to stop you from becoming a pumpkin at midnight, we'd rather be alone."  
Before Adoree could respond, you cleared your throat and gave her a death glare, signaling her to back down. At first, a scowl was on her face, but when Jungkook and Amicus took their leave, Adoree clenched her fist on the table. "How can anyone stand him?"
"Why would he come here and say nonsense like that?"  Dal asked. 
Jungkook and Amicus exited the lunch banquet room at a steady pace, walking through the castle's hallways. They usually never exited through the north side, as they hated the dark, narrow hallway, but it was a shortcut to Jungkook's chambers.
"Why did you need to talk to her again?" Amicus asked as they walked.
Jungkook shrugged. "In a few day's time, she will be out of our lives forever. I suppose giving an apology wouldn't hurt." 
"Better late than ever." 
"What did he say, Edward?"
Jungkook immediately halted as he heard Prince Dasher's voice. Before Amicus could ask what the hell he was doing, Jungkook took some steps to his right, standing close enough to listen to the conversation behind closed doors. He beckoned Amicus to come by his side to do the same.
"The King of Cometes wouldn't take no for an answer." 
"This is where the Cometes people are," Amicus mouths, "Edward is his page." 
"Are you an imbecile?!" Prince Dasher raised his voice. "Do I perhaps need to slap more sense into you?"
"My Prince, I've tried," Edward pleaded. "Your father is very reluctant to have the wedding in Caelestia due to our alliance with Luxuria. They would see it as a threat rather than a peaceful alliance." 
"That's the whole plot." At this point, Dasher was screaming at Edward. Jungkook thought Dasher must have taken a breath to calm down as he returned to his normal voice volume. "I asked the Queen to frighten them and take their troops back once I was able to secure an engagement to Y/N. Then, once we are wed, she will be assassinated by our Luxuria allies, and we will rule Caelestia with Luxuria."
"You're talking about murder, Sir," Edward cautioned, reminding him of the severity of his future actions. "Of a monarch!" 
Amicus looked at Jungkook; eyes widened at the information they had just heard. "They're going to kill her?"
"How many slaps does it take for you to learn?"
When Jungkook heard Prince Dasher threaten to slap some sense into his squire, he didn't literally think Prince Dasher would PHYSICALLY slap him; Dasher had to. It sounded like a whip, but Jungkook was still listening through closed doors and didn't know what was happening. 
When he was engaged to Princess Comet of Cometes, she talked about how her half-brother Dasher was manipulative and had anger issues. But this whole time in Aurum, Jungkook hadn't seen or heard of it until this moment and thought maybe she was exaggerating. Dasher had been calm and diplomatic, almost as if he were a prince his whole life. But Jungkook realized Dasher had to have a facade in order to get what he wanted. "So this is his true colors." 
"Persuade my father to change his mind, but do not tell him about the marriage statement or the hidden clause. I will make Cometes and Caelestia rightfully mine." 
Amicus quickly glanced over to Jungkook and read him like an open book, knowing his next move just by the expression on his face. He put his hand on the Prince's shoulder to keep him still. "Don't." 
"Let me go," Jungkook angrily gritted through his teeth, trying to escape Amicus's firm grip. "To Hell if they think they could get away with assassination." 
"Jungkook, stop before you do something you regret," his best friend urged. "Going in there is just going to make things worse."
"I cannot be responsible for her death!"
Amicus pulled Jungkook away from Dasher's room, taking him into the stairwell. He let go and looked around to see if anyone else was there with them. "Didn't you want her dead last night?"
"She's still an ally to Aurum," Jungkook exclaimed. "I just didn't want to marry her, not want her buried six feet underground!"  
"What are you going to do, Kook? Will you march in there and ask them politely not to do it? And you think they will just change their mind and listen to you?" 
Jungkook groaned as he considered his two options. If he did nothing, he could marry literally anyone else, someone who didn't make his blood boil. He could find love with someone else, but he wasn't sure if he could live in peace, knowing the feeling of guilt would be with him for the rest of his life. However, a whole world war between the countries was likely to occur. To prevent that, he would have to be married to the person he didn't want: you. 
"You know what you need to do." 
Jungkook scoffed, shaking his head. "It's not like I have a choice, really." 
"There's always a choice." 
"Whatever decision I make won't make me happy." The two started walking down the stairs, approaching the outside stables. "I'm just doing what is best for Aurum." 
"Right," Amicus said sarcastically. "For Aurum."
"Please be in a good mood," Jungkook whispered to himself as he entered the stables, crossing two fingers behind his back. 
Around this time every day, Jungkook's father would be found in the stables, either brushing one of his favorite horses's hair after a successful hunting session or he would be complaining to the guards, threatening to cook up their horse if the next day they couldn't find any food. The last few days, the King had been doing the latter. 
Jungkook sighed in relief once he saw the King smiling beside the white horse. "Did you catch anything today?"
"Plenty of food to last us for the next month." 
"It's been a while since you've allowed me to hunt with you," Jungkook pointed out.  "Perhaps you can take me again one day, but with Queen Y/N."
The King's smile quickly disappeared. "Excuse me?"
"We need to reinstate the alliance with Caelestia." 
"What's the sudden change of heart?" 
"This Caelestia alliance is not worth losing." 
"My boy, you do realize this alliance did not end; it changed. You shall already know that alliances shift easily. Now, this is the end of the discussion." 
As the King started to walk away, Jungkook clenched his fists and bit his lower lip, trying to hold any curses in. 
"Cometes has plotted the assassination of Queen Y/N. Their new Prince has decided to turn their back on all of us. They plan to rule Caelestia with Luxuria, and Aurum can and will easily be the next target." 
Upon hearing the information coming from his next successor, the King stopped in his tracks, still his back facing towards his son. "Did you find the proof?"
"I schemed a plan to find the marriage contact to find the hidden clause. It won't be that hard to find the assassins as well." 
"You have no evidence?" His father scoffed. "We cannot do anything."
"I know about the firstborn," Jungkook blurted. "I know that the Queen doesn't know what really happened."
Even without looking directly at his face, Jungkook knew terror was written over his father's face, especially since the King stiffened at the word "firstborn." 
"Are you threatening your own father?" The King questioned. "Do you really want to risk casualties over a stupid, pretty queen and a country you've never been to?"
"You and I know that keeping her alive is much better than fighting three countries and their armies," Jungkook said. "How will you handle a war and the wrath of the Queen of Aurum?" 
The King sighed. "Queen Y/N will get our support, and we will negotiate the alliance."
"And she will be included in this conversation," Jungkook added. 
"A lot of work for someone you claim to not care about," the King paused to look back at his son. "Do not forget you cannot lead with your heart. Or must you trust your heart, you will lose your country…But finally, my son is acting like a king." 
The transition to Aurum was a lot harder than you'd thought it would be. During your first week at Aurum Court, you refused to leave your bedroom chambers, pulling the blankets over her head, acting as if the blanket could turn you invisible. Already at seven years old, you wanted to disappear away from your royal responsibilities, overwhelmed by all the events that happened earlier that week: Your Royal Taster died, you were practically exiled from your own country, and another country wanted you dead. The only person that was allowed in your room was the Queen. She never tried to talk to you, but whenever she came to bring food, she held your hand or rubbed your back when you cried, showing comfort through physical touch. 
By the second week, you were still glued to your bed. However, the Queen finally allowed servants and guards to enter the room to serve you. But when the servants came to bring changing clothes and some food, they noticed how oddly silent you were, as if nothing was wrong.  
But that week, in the middle of the night, in the period when they were changing the guards, you would sneak out into the courtyard garden by your room and sit by the pumpkin vines. You had promised yourself that you would stop crying in your room and cry secretly at a specific time and different place so no one could see you. 
A day before it had been exactly three weeks since you had moved to Aurum, and you did your usual routine. But as soon as you got up and turned around, a boy in silk pajamas stood before you, holding a stuffed bunny with a crown. 
There was no need for introductions. 
The boy knew he was staring at the Queen of Caelestia, and you knew you were staring back at the Prince of Aurum. 
And he had embarrassingly watched the whole thing.   
"Royals never cry," Jungkook said. "Let me walk you to your room." 
No other words were exchanged, and no other words were needed. 
Perhaps he was being an annoying seven-year-old,  scolding you that royals shouldn't be emotional. 
But you interpreted his words differently. 
His words reminded you about the fact that not everyone has the fortune of being born into royalty, but one must be prepared for difficult times. This reminder gave you comfort and inspired you since.
Earlier, when Dal didn't understand why Jungkook had come to your table, you said nothing because you knew exactly why Jungkook had said those things. It was a message to you and just you: Place. Pumpkins. Midnight. Alone. 
It was something only the two of you knew about. 
"Hello?" You called out, setting your lantern onto the ground as you sat on the stone bench, waiting for your rendezvous. "Are you there?" 
From the shadows, a tall figure wearing a black cloak stepped into the light. He held a lantern in his right hand while the handle of scrolls was in his left. Pulling down the hood, Jungkook revealed himself. "Hey." 
Jungkook sat down next to you and sat his lantern down on the ground as well. He handed the scrolls to you, but you arched your eyebrows at him instead, not taking them from his hand. "What is this?" 
"I have the original marriage contract, which was agreed upon and written before you. But this one is Dasher's copy, which differs from yours and the original." 
"Where did you get this?" 
"That's not important right now," Jungkook uttered. "He wants to sign and officiate his copy because a hidden clause allows him to rule Caelestia if you were to die without an heir." 
Quickly, you grabbed the papers from his hand, but you still needed to unroll them to read it. "How do you know?"
"His page willingly gave up these papers in exchange for his life. Though Prince Dasher must have realized what happened when the papers were missing, he has been on the run since. The guardsmen are finding him and the assassins as we speak. They couldn't have gotten far." 
Everything started to feel unreal at that moment. The person who hated you most was actively trying to save your life, and for that, you believed him. You didn't need to read the contracts, trusting every word Jungkook said. 
"If this is true, why not let me die? Why did you choose to do this? If this falls apart, the King will force our engagement once again."
"Okay, I'm not that shitty of a person." Jungkook groaned. "Why does everyone think that?"
"How do I know if this was the truth?" You asked once again, wanting to understand his reasoning and actions." Do you plan on embarrassing me by being engaged again and then breaking it yourself this time? Do you want me to lose my country and my people?" 
"Absolutely not!" Jungkook shouted. "That's why I'm telling you this." 
"But you hate me." 
"I do not hate you. I will admit there were times when I prayed to the Gods and asked them to take you out of my life, but I never asked them to take it from you. I couldn't live with myself if that were to happen, and you especially do not deserve that." 
Not knowing how to respond, the two of you sat in silence, listening to the sounds of the crickets and wind. While you stared at Jungkook, his eyes sparkled as he looked up at the full moon, appreciating how it illuminated the dark sky. He noticed that you were staring at him, but he held himself back, forcing himself to look elsewhere. 
"Is that all?" There was a little voice in your head, whispering to you that there's more to it, that maybe he cares. "Nothing else?"
"I don't hate you," Jungkook said once again. Sighing, he then picked up his lantern and headed back towards the palace. "Far from it." 
a/n: hello! this isn't my best work…i am so sorry, but i wanted to publish this before i start law school! --am also sorry for the jungkook point of view, but i think it's a good way to see his motivations and how he struggles to know what he wants. as always, thank you for reading. stay safe and healthy wherever you are. 
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