#Lucia Madrigal
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my beautiful children
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16magnolias · 1 year
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Meet My Encanto OC, Lucía Moreno from Just Your Ordinary, Everyday Miracle on ao3!
Full Name: Lucía María Moreno-Hernandez
Age: 41
Birthday: December 13th
Height: 5'3"
Eye Color: Brown with amber/gold flecks
Hair Color:  Dark Brown
Appearance: Medium brown skin. Long wavy dark brown hair, worn in a braid down her back or wound into a bun at the back of her head. Long thin nose and brown eyes set into a friendly round face. Usually wears a white or cream blouse with a brown, green, or blue skirt and practical shoes.
Memorable Quotes:
“I suppose we should be thankful for small miracles, eh?” Ch. 2
“I don't want an out, Bruno. This may come as a surprise to you, but I actually like you.” Ch. 9
“I want to move forward, but I don't want to forget. Sometimes it feels like everyone else is forgetting.” Ch. 16
 “You’re allowed to forgive yourself for the things you regret.  You know that, right?” Ch. 26
General Information/Personality: Lucía is a kind, practical, 'do-what-needs-to-be-done-with-as-little-fuss-as-possible' type of person. She tends to see the best in people, and her upbringing by two loving parents in the safe and protected Encanto has given her a fairly optimistic view of the world. She's very aware of the pain that can come in life - she is a widow and losing her husband in a tragic accident broke her heart - but she tries to focus on the good she sees in the world instead - and to be some of that good herself. If she sees a need and can meet it, she does. She'll step into a situation without question if she feels she can help, but if someone is antagonizing her directly she avoids them (and conflict) like nobody's business. Her desire to be helpful often directly contradicts (and overpowers) her desire to mind her own business. She's a dreamer and a writer, and her favorite stories are ones that include pirates. Her favorite place to go when she needs time to herself is beneath the old cedar tree in the center of her neighbor's corn fields. Her biggest worry and greatest responsibility in life is raising her daughter Josefina well without her husband Alejandro, but she has a loving family that supports her in her efforts.
History: Lucía’s parents were present at the founding of the Encanto, but Lucía and her younger sister Sofia were not born until around a decade later.  Her father is a printer and does his best to keep literature of both the fiction and non-fiction variety alive in the Encanto, and Lucía followed in her father’s footsteps.  She grew up helping her parents set type and bind books, and reading and listening to various stories and informational texts.  She helps run her father’s print shop and makeshift library and took on a larger role in the shop after her mother died when Lucía was in her early thirties.  Half of the shop houses the printing press, typeset, ink, and paraphernalia associated with printing and bookbinding, and the other half holds several shelves filled with books that her parents either printed or salvaged over the years. She helps set type and print orders and helps maintain the small library they have.  She also hosts a story time for the village kids a few times a week.  Her sister Sofia married Lorenzo Rojas, who runs the stables in the Encanto.
When Lucía was in her early twenties, she married Alejandro Moreno, an up and coming artist who went on to paint a mural of the Madrigals in town.  After they married, they worked together on printing and illustrating a large book of fairytales, legends, and fables, which Lucía still uses during her story times.  They also had one daughter together – Josefina – before he died while roaming the mountains around the Encanto in search of materials for his paints and inspiration for his work.
Alejandro’s death devastated Lucía, and she spent over a month afterward deep in shock, grief, and depression, pushing her family, friends, and even her young daughter away.  It was only with the help of her family that she slowly began to heal from his loss and the mistakes she made while grieving him. She does her best to be a present and loving mother to Josefina and does her best to keep Alejandro's memory alive by speaking of him frequently with her daughter. Three years later she is still in the cyclical process of grieving and healing. The night Casita falls, she's helping clean up her sister's barn when Bruno Madrigal shows up with the hood of his ruana thrown over his head, demanding her ‘fastest steed’. 
Though Lucía is quick to befriend him, their romance is what you would definitely consider a slow burn. It takes both of them time to open their hearts to the possibilty of second chances.
The wonderful art at the top of this post is by the lovely @starfangssecrets. ❤
The rest is mine as I attempt to teach myself to draw. Please excuse variations in appearance and shading as I figure out what the heck I'm doing, lol. 🥰
Thanks so much for hosting this fun event @encanto-extended-edition
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prophetic-hijinks · 7 months
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Encantober 2023 Day 10: Help
Luisa was considered to be one of the most helpful people in the Encanto. Whenever someone needed help in the village, Luisa was there to help them with whatever was needed. While she was considered a hero in the village, Luisa always had trouble asking for help whenever it was needed, because she was scared it would make her look weak. Ever since she first got her gift, Alma pushed the idea into her head that if she asked for help with anything, she was automatically weak.
It was not until one day when she was doing chores around the village when she realized how much asking for help would be a strength rather than a weakness. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon in the Encanto, and Luisa had just finished lunch and was going into town to do some afternoon chores. She was asked to bring the donkeys back in the shed after they escaped, as always, and now it was time for her to relocate the local church again.
Once she got to the church, she lifted the building with ease and was on her way to relocate it. But once she almost got to the spot she needed to relocate the church to, she dropped it. She lifted the church building once more successfully, and walked over to relocate it, but dropped it before she could again.
Gabriela, Luisa’s best friend since first grade, noticed her struggling and walked over to see what was the matter. She saw her sitting by the church with her head buried in her knees, and her arms wrapped around them. Gabriela ran by Luisa and sat next to her, tapping her on her shoulder.
“Hola, Luisa; I couldn’t help but notice that you were upset. Is there anything that’s bothering you?” Gabriela asked as she put her hand on Luisa’s shoulder.
Luisa hesitated before she could respond. “Si; I’ve been trying to relocate the church, and while I have relocated it several times before, now, I’ve noticed I’m getting really tired after holding it for only a couple of minutes.”
Gabriela hugged her best friend as she continued crying on her shoulder. The pair have been best friends for thirteen years, Gabriela has never seen Luisa break down in front of her before. She has come to her for many things, and she was always the one to offer her help when needed, and vice versa. However, not once during that time did she ever experience Luisa so desperate for help that she broke down.
“Luisa, I want you to know that I’m here for you. I understand that you may not want my help, but I’m offering it to you. You’re my best friend in the entire world and I don’t like to see you struggle.”
Luisa stopped crying and hugged Gabriela once more when she reached her arms out for her. While she did not want to admit it at the moment, she really did need help. Knowing that Gabriela was there to ensure that she would be there put her at ease and made her more comfortable with admitting that she needed help. It made her feel like a lot of weight was taken off of her shoulders.
“Actually, Gabi, I do want your help; in fact, I need your help. You’re one of the only people I can comfortably admit to that.”
Gabriela smiled and gave Luisa another hug. She then wiped the final tear on her face and Luisa smiled at her. Gabi moved a piece of Luisa’s hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear before they got up and looked at the building.
“So, what do you need help with?” Gabriela asked.
“It’s more that I’ve been tired after a while. I guess the burnout has been getting to me since I still have trouble asking for help. Maybe I could get one side of the church and you could get the other side?”
“I’m not sure if that would be strong enough for just me. I would need many more people to help us…” Gabriela then smiled as an idea sparked in her head. “Wait here!”
Gabriela then ran off and Luisa stayed by the church to wait for the surprise that Gabriela was going to get. After about a half hour, Gabriela came back with Jose and Lucia on both sides of her.
“Since I know I’m not the only one that is able to help you, I got my siblings with me to help you!”
“Gabi told us about the pickle you’re in, so we wanted to give you a helping hand,” Lucia pointed out.
“But isn’t it still going to be too much for just the three of you?”
“They’re not the only ones,” said Gabriela.
Gabriela then revealed that Isabela, Dolores, Camilo, Mirabel, and Antonio all came with her. She was not only going to have three people help her; she was going to have eight people help! Knowing that Gabriela got her sisters and cousins to help her made her realize how much of a great friend she was. She knew she was an amazing friend since they first became friends, but this solidified how kind and helpful she was.
“So which side do you want us to be on?” Mirabel asked.
Luisa thought before she replied. I want Antonio and Lucia to be on one side with me since they’re the smallest ones. Mirabel and Jose can go on the opposite side. Camilo and Isabela can take the left side, and Dolores and Gabriela can take the right.”
All three sibling groups split up to take their side of the church building. All nine of them put their hands on the bottom of the edge of the church they were assigned. Once everyone found an area they could lift, Luisa called everyone for attention.
“Okay, on the count of three, we lift. Uno, dos tres!”
All three sibling groups lifted the church together successfully and started to move it. They started with little steps to make sure they were in sync with each other. One of the things they tried their hardest to do since repairing Casita was to use as much teamwork as they could with each other. Ever since then, they have been working together much more and it has helped them with so many things.
It was not long until they made their way to where the church was going to be relocated to. The nine of them slowly put the building down where Luisa was asked to put it. Once the building was put down, the nine of them backed away to see how it looked; they cheered and high-fived each other once they noticed how the church looked.
“It looks amazing! Gracias, Gabriela, for getting everyone to help me!” Luisa pointed out.
“De nada, Luisa; like I said, seeing you struggle doesn’t make me feel good at all. So I found everyone I could to help us.”
“It does feel pretty good to do something for the village other than growing flowers and other plants for everyone,” said Isabela.
“And doing something for the village in general feels great,” Mirabel added.
The nine children hugged each other once more to appreciate their hard work again. As much as they wanted to stay and appreciate it more, it was getting late and it was almost time for them to go home and eat dinner.
“Do you want to ask your parents if you could stay for dinner tonight? It’s the least we could do for your help,” Luisa asked.
“I would love that,” Gabriela replied.
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viviennevermillion · 5 months
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Welcome to my newest AU: Lost but everyone who ever stepped foot on the island has some type of usable magic power from that moment on. Rules for this is every power has a drawback and it only activates at a critical moment to their character arc. Here's what powers I assigned them:
Jack Shephard: Can heal people using his own life force. He can only give up to 50% of his own life force to do this, if the injury can't be healed by that, he can't save a person. Jack's power doesn't activate until way into Season 6 because he didn't have faith in the island.
Kate Austen: Has the same power as Blake Belladonna in RWBY. Both are characters who are established as people on the run because of their past. Their powers reflect that. Whenever Kate is attacked, if she reacts fast enough, she can leave behind a shadow of herself to take the hit for her.
James "Sawyer" Ford: The angrier he gets, the more damage his punches do. On the other hand, if he gets genuinely sad and devastated, his physical abilities are significantly stunted and damage is almost non-existent.
Charlie Pace: Can focus on a person and play or sing a song that reflects their true nature. This can be used to gather information about them. He can only do this once per person.
Claire Littleton: She can sense danger, even when there otherwise isn't any indication of it.
Hugo "Hurley" Reyes: Can speak to the dead. Activates off-island.
Sun-Hwa Kwon: Can accelerate the growth of plants and the natural healing process of animals and people. She has to know and understand the species to do this.
Jin-Soo Kwon: Can communicate with the ocean to go with the "son of a fisherman" theme. If his head is underwater the ocean tries to kill him tho.
John Locke: Is the only one who doesn't have a power. He's like Mirabel Madrigal. He's deeply important to the story but he has 0 magic. He himself and other characters throughout the story think that he does during varying points of time but it's always the MiB messing with him. He realizes this at the end. Can you tell I like angst yet?
Michael Dawson: Can create a magic shield using his own stamina. Shield disappears when his stamina runs out.
Walter "Walt" Lloyd: Astral Projection. Self-explanatory.
Vincent: Ages normally and can die of old age but is otherwise virtually indestructible. Usually animals don't get any powers but Vincent's was given to him by Jacob directly to assist the survivors.
Sayid Jarrah: Can burn a person with his touch when he wants to. Doing this inflicts an equal amount of emotional pain to him as the physical pain he causes. I like angst.
Shannon Rutherford: Can master any skill within 30 minutes if she puts her mind to it. Never figures this out because she has been told that she's useless all her life and believes it. Only uses this once when she translates French but thinks those are lucky guesses.
Boone Carlyle: Blood-bending. Mostly gave this to him because everytime he angrily stares at someone you can tell that his blood is boiling. Never uses this once during his lifetime though.
Rose Henderson Nadler & Bernard Nadler: Have a soul link with one another. They can always tell how the other is feeling and neither of them can die while the other still lives as long as they're on good terms. Virtually indestructible unless you kill them at the exact same time but why the fuck would you.
Ana Lucia Cortez: Pyromancy. Fits her vibe. Also bound to stamina.
Elizabeth "Libby" Smith: Can read people's emotions.
Mr. Eko: Precognition. Can tell what he needs to do when and can anticipate things a couple seconds before they happen.
Benjamin Linus: Everytime he lies (to convince someone of his lie, sarcasm not included), it slightly alters reality in an unexpected way to make his lie appear like the truth. This is how Anthony Cooper gets to the island after Ben tells John about the magic box. The result of his lies is always unexpected and can backfire. He can't make something specific happen intentionally. His power activated during the purge.
Juliet Burke: Ice-bending. This has nothing to do with her character but I've previously seen Elizabeth Mitchell in Once Upon A Time and The Santa Clause and both times she plays a character that has something to do with winter. Also bound to stamina.
Ethan Rom: Superhuman strength. Self-explanatory. It actually takes multiple shots from 6 guns to take him down in this AU.
Harper Stanhope: Can see people's time of death over their head. Was very confused that Juliet's said 1977 and Ben's was way past his normal life expectancy.
Goodwin Stanhope: Idk what his power is but it's certainly not danger sense. 💀
Roger Linus: Can sense fear. Terrible power for a terrible man. I love Ben, I promise. I also love angst tho. The moment Ben killed him was the only time he didn't sense any fear from him, which scared the shit out of him.
Desmond David Hume: Activates his power after the events of "The Constant". Can see glimpses of people's past and future upon touching them. Can only do this once per person.
Frank Lapidus: Always lands safe. Literally always lands on his feet like a cat. Also applies to planes / helicopters he flies.
Charlotte Staples Lewis: Can speak any language after hearing it spoken once. Growing up with this was very confusing off-island.
Miles Straume: Reading the final thoughts of the dead. Self-explanatory.
Daniel Faraday: Stopping time for up to an hour. After using this power, he can't use it for 24 times the amount of time he stopped time for. Only can use it in present time.
Illana Verdansky: Able to tell when people lie.
Danielle Rousseau: Her bullet or arrow always hits the target unless the target specifically blocks it.
Alexandra Rousseau: Can make herself invisible. Used for stealth.
Karl Martin: Can accelerate his speed. Bound to stamina.
Mikhail Bakunin: Telepathy.
Eloise Hawking: Chain Reaction. Once a day for 5 minutes she can see the effects of every action of hers she thinks about.
Charles Widmore: Can take a glimpse at people's destiny. Only can do this once per person.
Richard Alpert: Can't be killed by anything ever. Can't even die of natural causes. Can't die.
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impossiblefangirl0632 · 11 months
For @encanto-extended-edition 's week 4 Share the Love prompt, @16magnolias @optimistic-violinist and myself decided to share this extremely niche fanfic we wrote that collides the two world's of our fic Take Back the Kingdom, and Mags' fic Just Your Ordinary, Everyday Miracle and puts Bruno/Razili face to face with Bruno/Lucia
For two powerful magicians it was frankly embarrassing that neither of them had realized that the cave was enchanted. To be fair though they had run into it to take shelter against the hurricane so the fact that there was a bright, colorful inhabited valley on the other side of it was allowed to be a bit of a shock.
For the couple they ran into though, ‘shocked’ didn’t even begin to cover it.
All four of them stared at each other for a solid minute before any of them managed to say anything.
Bruno got to his feet brushing his ruana off and shooting an annoyed glance at the other pair. "Camilo, why are you pretending to be me?" He pointed to the woman dressed as a … pirate? Beside him. “And who are you?”
The other him stiffened at the name and a sinking feeling started to grow in Bruno’s gut. He went from suspicious to dangerous in the blink of an eye as he drew a sword and pointed it at him and Lucía.
"Ooookay so, not Camilo. Definitely not Camilo!" Bruno stumbled back, putting himself in front of Lucía, as though that would help - that sword looked like it could skewer the both of them with no problems. This was bad, this was very bad— 
Without so much of a warning Bruno was thrown into the future.
The other him and the woman back to back, swords drawn, both grinning confidently.
An enormous library in an otherwise dilapidated house.
Multiple ships attacking one.
The same couple with Antonio, his sobrino happily chattering with the pair.
Some sort of pendant, a golden butterfly —exactly the same as the one on the candle— engraved on it.
He staggered back as the last image faded. What was— 
The other version of him stepped into view, the sword noticeably missing. 
“Who are you?” Both of them asked at the same time. 
Bruno laughed nervously and picked himself up, Lucia slipping her hand into his. “Uh, Bruno Madrigal.”
The other him pursed his lips. “What did you just see?”
“Uh,” he wasn’t sure if he should actually say the details, “the future.” 
“Huh.” The other him stuffed his hands in his pockets looking at him like he was a particularly irritating puzzle. “That’s… interesting. Is Camilo… Pepa’s son?”
Bruno narrowed his eyes at the other him. "How'd you know about Pepa?"
“I  -  had a Pepa too.” He pursed his lips for a moment before saying, “I’d hazard a guess that you and I are two versions of the same person.” 
Bruno blinked at him, taking in his appearance and failing to catch the past tense the man across from him had used to describe his sister. The other him was wearing worn leather boots, pants that looked like they'd seen better days, a white linen shirt, and a green overcoat that, in a freakish coincidence, matched the color of his own ruana. It was surreal seeing his own eyes narrowed in thought. The other Bruno - pirate Bruno, his mind helpfully supplied - there was that giant green sword hanging from his hip - did look just like him. 
Like an incredibly terrifying pirate version of him. 
"Huh." He took another look up and down his doppelganger's form, noted the sword, and renewed his grip on Lucía's hand. "Welp. Bye."
He went to pull Lucía away but stopped short when she didn't move with him. 
Lucía jerked him back, squeezing his hand hard, and she tilted her head curiously at both of them.  Her brow furrowed as she tried to make sense of it all.  “But – how?  How are you – where did you come from?  And if you’re – also Bruno – then who –  are you?”  She asked the woman in similar pirate garb. 
“Lucía,” Bruno said out of the corner of his mouth.  A nervous laugh escaped him, his wary eyes darting from her to couple across from them, “It doesn’t matter how they’re here.  The thing is – they’re here , which means – we  - we should not be.  Trust me, I’ve seen  - I’ve seen weird stuff like this in – in films and stuff from the future and – meeting yourself? It never ends well.  Never. Let’s not mess with  - whatever – whatever this is.  Whoever they are.  So - ” he turned and flashed an insincere smile at the strangers.  “So yeah, nice to meet ya, other me, you can just – go back to your timeline now or wherever it is you’re from – swashbuckling and – and sailing the seven seas and yo ho ho and all that - with your – ah – big scary swords and – ah – your – ah - ” he eyed the woman beside the other him.
“Wife,” The woman said, sliding her arm through the other Bruno’s, her eyebrows raised in amusement and concern.  “I’m his wife.  Razili Edel.”
There was silence between them all until Bruno cleared his throat.
“Right.  Well - ”
“I’m Lucía Moreno.  I’m his - ” Lucía nodded to her Bruno with a fond smile – “prometida.”
“Congratulations,” Razili offered with a smile.  “I’m sure you’ll be very happy together.”  She glanced at him. “He seems - ”
“Clumsy?” Lucía’s Bruno supplied flatly.  “Tired. Old.”
Lucía gasped and glared at him.  "Stop that! You are not!”
“I am compared to him!”  He released her hand to gesture dramatically at the other Bruno, who was standing with his arms crossed, his brows furrowed at their discussion.  “Look at him, Lucía, he’s – he’s cool!  He’s basically Ramón from our story in human form. He’s like – the – the opposite of me.  He hasn’t stuttered or flinched yet! And in case you’ve forgotten, he pulled a sword on us!  Which reminds me, we should go -”
“- tell your mother about this?”  Lucía said, her words overlapping his and her arms crossed as she raised her eyebrows at her Bruno.  She didn’t notice that the pirate Bruno across from her blanched at her words, his face going slack with shock.
“I was just gonna say walk away and pretend this never happened, but - ”
“So you think it’s a better idea to just let an exact replica of you wander the Encanto with a sword, drawing it on unsuspecting people whenever they startle him? You want people to talk about Bruno? Because that’s one way to get them started, amor.  They’ll never stop.”
The rest can be found on ao3
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keratonin · 1 year
omg do you still have any of your notes or reading refs for your queer musicology class??? that sounds so interesting!!!!!
i thought i had a bunch of the articles downloaded but i guess i did not?? i'm gonna have to rectify that i Must have them
anyway here's a list of topics we covered, not in order because i do not remember the order:
castrati and countertenors (see baroque opera, jakub josef orlinski and how he presents himself in performances)
disco, as well as mainstream reactions to it
camp (but i'm a cheerleader, the music video for aqua's barbie, the medici family and their skeleton float thing?, nina west and the music video for drag is magic, can instrumental music be camp and if so how so?)
ballroom culture (+ scissor sisters, as well as madonna's vogue and her work with the queer community)
queer country (the album lavender country in particular, the idea of authenticity in country music)
hildegard von bingen and eroticism in her compositions about the virgin mary
barbara strozzi, courtesans, and the female voice as sexuality (l'arianna, monteverdi's nymph, i read the word 'secretions' a lot)
diva culture, incl. britney spears and the simultaneous purity and sexuality that's expected of divas - and if they violate that they crash and burn. (i never brought up love me 4 me by rina sawayama in that class but that's highly relevant) beyonce is an apparent exception, she has a lot of control over her own art and image which is probably why. tied this back to madonna as well
see: music video for ...baby one more time (framing of britney spears, putting the whole thing in 'her imagination'), music video for diva by beyonce, vogue again
more diva culture but this time western classical music: lucia di lammermoor and mad scenes, feminine hysteria, coloratura singing, and containing female voices
also: carmen, chromaticism, tenor and soprano vs tenor and mezzo-soprano, soprano vs mezzo-soprano in general, carmen as the Other who needs to be contained
also lady gaga's born this way music video and how it interacts with the very controlled and palatable sexuality of smth like baby one more time. lady gaga and the monster ball tour in general
the elevation of the boy soprano as a particularly special/Holy voice (compared to a woman soprano or a man falsettist, for example)
madrigals and coded language (that one famous madrigal about swans, can't remember the original name atm but it's That One with the mille mort/million deaths), along with homosocial bonds in music (madrigals were normally sung by amateurs in a private setting)
YMCA as gay anthem (see the music video, YMCAs as hookup spots)
jayne county, t rex, glam rock, david bowie and how he used bisexuality in his public image as well as his interactions w jayne county
wendy carlos and how the act of synthesizing sound interacts with what we talked about before with the sexuality of the voice etc
i can't remember if we actually covered this in the class but my final paper was GOING to be on how melancholy affected john dowland's gender presentation, how that was perceived by his contemporaries vs how it's perceived today, and then my prof was like 'that is not an 8-10 page final paper that is a dissertation. let me know if you do want to write a dissertation tho' and then i had to narrow it down to gender perception of in darkness let me dwell and u know what? he was right i did easily fill 8-10 pages just talking about one (not very long) song
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a-lilacsong · 2 years
My (Tumblr) Year in Review:
I posted 51 times in 2022
42 posts created (82%)
9 posts reblogged (18%)
I tagged 51 of my posts in 2022
#my art - 23 posts
#traditional art - 22 posts
#ask answer - 22 posts
#elena of avalor - 22 posts
#a-lilacsong art - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#small warning though if you're afraid of spiders and how they move there are a couple scenes in the movie that might freak you out
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Some quality time with a few animal friends! 
[Image ID: A watercolour fanart of Antonio Madrigal from Encanto. He is petting Chispi the capybara, in his other hand he is holding a hummingbird. Pico the toucan is sitting on his shoulder. End ID]
37 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Since your still taking requests can you draw Rebecca? If you can you draw her celebrating Passover (no pressure)
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Of course, here you go!
37 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
If you are still taking requests can you do li’l Flores cousins (like in Día de Madres)
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They're having so much fun at carnival! Queen Lucia even let Elena wear her special tiara! :D
39 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Are you still taking requests? If so, can you please draw a crossover between Elena of Avalor and Encanto?
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They are having fun making music together!
50 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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1,106 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Encanto x The Greatest Showman PART 2
Mirabel all but runs after the man she believes to be her uncle, of course other performers tried and block her path but she still made it and grabbed the shoulder of the man in the red coat and…
It wasn’t Tío Bruno
The man before her didn’t look much like her uncle at all, even though she knew that the man she saw was her uncle
“Is there a problem here?”
Looking behind her there was the man that was in the stage, her Tío Bruno. She could see a sparkle of recognition in his eyes, probably because of how much she looked like her mamá, minus the glasses of course.
“Tío Bruno?” Mirabel asked
Bruno was very confused to say the least, the other performers started asking Bruno question, he grabbed Mirabel and the other man in a red jacket and dragged them outside.
“You’re Julieta’s daughter? Aren’t you?”
Mirabel nodded, and Bruno started explaining the fact that Mirabel was his niece to the other man, his apprentice apparently. Bruno decided to ask about Mirabel’s reason for being here later and instead introduce her to everyone
The bearded lady’s name was Lucia Perez, a sweet woman who was always berated for her appearance, she was given the stage name The Siren, for her beautiful voice
The stilt-walker named Valentina Rodriguez, The Airstrider she was called, Mirabel didn’t think that Valentina liked her that much until Bruno explained she didn’t enjoy showing her emotions much but did like Mirabel very much
The acrobats, Sofia Lopez and Miguel Rodriguez, The Soaring Twins, they explained to Mirabel while they weren’t actually siblings, they sure were in everything but blood.
Then there was The Apprentice, Diego Santos, a man born into a rich family but didn’t enjoy the lavish lifestyle and joined the circus as Bruno’s apprentice
Then the man himself, Bruno Madrigal, The Glowing Star, the ringmaster. Her Tío.
Of course now that introductions were over Bruno wanted answers to his questions.
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zariahthewitch · 3 months
-Meet My PJO/HOO OC's-
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- Zoe Danvers
- Daughter Of Pluto
- 18
- Born in 1897.
- Died from sustained injuries after slaying a Hydra threatening Camp Jupiter. (1918)
- Born in Minneapolis Minnesota.
- Followed Hazel and Nico through the Doors Of Death and came back to life.
- Can control gemstones, metal and the Earth (uses her powers a lot like Earth/Metalbending from ATLA/TLOK), can summon skeletons, speak to Ghosts, shadow travel and has been learning magic from the children of Hecate's Roman counterparts.
- Uses a Stygian Iron Polearm (a type of spear) in combat.
- Is Demisexual.
- She has a visual Impairement so she's considered partly blind. She can see light and color just fine but when things are further away She has trouble seeing small details. She for example when sitting next to someone can see them, their face, nose, mouth, eyebrows, eye indents (even eyes if she's close enough) but she won't be able to see eye colors. As another example if she's standing across the street from a street sign she'll see the signs Height, shape and color but won't be able to read it. Her depth perception also isn't so good.
- She cab read and write Braille fluently.
- She uses a white cane when in New/unfamiliar places.
- She's 5'2.
- Her hobbies are crystal collecting, reading, training for battle, spending time with Nico & Hazel and playing chess.
- She's very kind, caring, smart, protective, brave and hard working.
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- Lucia Madrigal
- 15
- Daughter of Ares.
- Is a Mexican American (her mom is a Mexican Imigrant)
- She speaks both Spannish and English fluently.
- She's a aromantic and asexual.
- She's been at Camp Half-Blood for 5 years post The Last Olympian.
- She stays at camp year round.
- Her hobbies are knife collecting, cooking, combat training, reading and gardening with the Demeter kids.
- She breaks into rants of full blown Spannish when she's super angry at someone.
- She's very confident, relaxed, smart (from reading with the Athena kids), surprisingly nice under her tough exterior, determined and protective. She pretends not to care but secretly really does care (like a lot).
- The necklace she wears was a parting gift from her mom.
- She's allergic to Cats.
- She fought in The Battle Of New York on the side of the Olympians.
- She uses a battle axe as a weapon and knives as backups.
- She's the friend who always has at least one deadly object somewhere on their person.
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- Sophie Carter.
- 17
- Daughter of Hermes.
- She came to Camp Half-Blood a month before Lucia did.
- She dyes half of her hair blond to stand out just a little bit more.
- She plays pranks with her brothers the Stoll Twins a lot.
- She's the best theif of all of Hermes's living Demigod Children.
- She holds Chiron in high regard and shows him (and Mr. D) a surprisingly high amount of respect and behaves herself when they ask/tell her too.
- Her hobbies are pranking people, climbing trees, building Legos and doing sports like Track and Cross Country.
- She comes only during summer and lives with her mom otherwise.
- The necklace she wears turns into a sword when taken off by yanking the crystal and turns back when the handle is twisted a certain way.
- She's very mischievous, energetic, friendly, protective, mildly sarcastic and clever. She often shows new campers around and keeps a watchful gaze over the younger ones so they stay safe.
- She's straight but is a huge LGBQ+ Ally.
- Her gut instincts is to punch someone if they sneak up behind her. (Connor and Travis stopped doing this after she manged to break their noses)
Feel free to ask them anything if you wanna know more! Just in you asks write For (their name) so they get your message!
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Done 👍
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16magnolias · 11 months
Week 2 Part 2: Lucía's Relationships Continued
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Alejandro Moreno was Lucía’s late husband.  He was a few years older than her and several inches taller.  He had black hair and hazel eyes and though he always considered himself of ‘very average’ appearance, his romantic nature and artistic spirit made him a popular target for flirtations in the village.  Several of Lucía’s former classmates were a bit jealous when they began to court. 
He adored Lucía and often got them into trouble, sneaking her away into the jungle to show her a new waterfall he’d found or some viewpoint that inspired him.  He was passionate and headstrong and sometimes let his passions carry him away – especially in the cases of Lucía, his artwork, and defending the town’s scapegoat.
Alejandro, being just a few years older than Lucía, knew Bruno a bit better than she did – or at least remembered the boy he was before he became an anxious, moody teenager.  He always had a soft spot for the seer and had the same mindset that Lucía’s father did – that Bruno had a hard job and didn’t deserve the ire he increasingly got for his visions.  He apprenticed under an elderly artist of the Encanto when he was a teen and went on to paint several murales depicting the Madrigals, and always treated Bruno with the same respect and attention that he treated the rest of the family.  This, of course, made Bruno nervous because it was unexpected – but it did cause him to stand out in Bruno’s memory, even if he didn't trust at the time that Alejandro was being genuine.
Alejandro became a bit obsessed with Bruno’s story, especially after his disappearance, and was the one who insisted on keeping Bruno in the center of the murales as years passed, because – as he joked with his wife – “if we cannot talk about him, at least we can see him, eh?” 
Alejandro and Lucía tried for years to start a family but it never happened until their mid-30s, when Josefina was born. By then, both Alejandro’s parents and Lucía’s mother had passed away.  Alejandro and Lucía were thrilled with Josefina, their ‘little miracle’, and doted on her. Alejandro was a loving husband to Lucía and father to Josefina, but he did allow his obsession with his art to distract him from them from time to time. 
It was his insistence that he needed to wander the forested mountains on the edges of the Encanto to find new materials for his paints that led to his untimely death – a landslide leading to the tragic accident that took him from his wife and daughter. 
Before Alejandro’s death, Lucía’s relationship with the Madrigals was one of polite and friendly respect. Lucía was born too late to be friends with the triplets and too early to be friends with the following generation.  Their social circles did not overlap much and they did not have great need for any of the Madrigal’s services, aside from the occasional healing food from Julieta or the request for Luisa to move their printer so they could clean beneath it or to help rearrange their bookshelves. They attended the same church and the same village-wide parties and were on good terms but not close.
For various reasons, the Madrigals blamed themselves for not being able to save Alejandro, and Lucía was so deep in grief that by the time her family pulled her through it enough that she began living again, she forgot to tell them that it wasn’t their fault.  She couldn’t bring herself to thank them, even though she knew she should.  But she was never angry at them.  She continued to treat them all with polite respect and welcomed Antonio to story time. The Madrigals never thought she blamed them (or assumed she was too gracious and classy to confront them about it if she did), but in classic Madrigal fashion, lack of communication lead to a burden that no one ever needed to carry in the first place. 
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 “You have my persimmons to court.”
Josefina Carmen Moreno is Lucía’s only child, her pride and joy, her dear heart, her beloved daughter, her corazón…and her constant source of exasperation and worry.  
Josefina looks very much like her mother in her face and body type, but her eyes are hazel and her hair is wavy and black like her father’s. Her hair is always coming out of her braids. She’s a small child with a lot of energy, and is the extrovert to her mother’s introvert. 
Josefina was almost three years old when she lost her father and doesn’t remember a whole lot about him now that she’s a big six year old, but she loves seeing the evidence of him everywhere around her – in the murales of the Madrigal family, in the books he illustrated in her abuelo’s shop, and in the murales he painted in her room. Josefina is an only child with a big heart and the enthusiasm of three kids.  She loves hearing about her father, looking through his art, and listening to her mother’s stories.  In school, she loves reading stories and making things and she hates math.  She’s always wanting to play or be with people – whether it’s her Tía Sofia’s big family (that she is slightly jealous of)  that lives on the other side of town, or her friends Juancho, Alejandra, Cecilia, Antonio, Manuel, and Juan -  she just loves being around people and being in the spotlight.  (As long as it’s positive attention.  If it’s negative she gets defensive and upset.)  She has big dreams and her biggest one is to one day own a bicycle.
Lucía’s biggest goal in life is to raise Josefina well – to have her grow up knowing she is loved, fully and completely, and that she is capable of whatever good thing she sets her mind to.  Even though Lucía is usually too busy or too worried to see it, Josefina already knows both of those things and is completely confident in her place and her abilities.
…sometimes a little too confident…
When the Madrigals stay with Lucía and her family after Casita falls, Josefina enthusiastically embraces her role as hostess; when Bruno sneaks his rats into the house, she declares him to be just like Cenicienta (Cinderella) and immediately takes a liking to him.  She’s stubborn and spirited and quickly becomes one of Bruno’s biggest fans and biggest defenders, and when her mama and Bruno finally fall in love, she readily gives them her approval.
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prophetic-hijinks · 2 years
Elena's Madrigal Family dynamics
Alma was not fond of Elena being a lounge singer and while trying, would accidentally slip insults about it. Asking when she was giving it up etc. Also the divorce thing, before she understood the context, but still divorce is like very rare and a bishop has to agree. Yeah that dude sucks, God says yeeteth him.
Eventually, she realizes that she and Elena have a lot more in common when it comes to traumatic experiences and she finds it kind of comforting having a member of the family who understands loss, civil war, hunger and fear of societal destabilizing conditions like her.
So she came around.
She is close to Mirabel, but Mira had complicated emotions about wanting her uncle to be happy. But also worried a new family would take a black sheep ally away. But they worked through it and Mirabel comes to her for advice sometimes. @cheetee wrote a fic about this that was so wonderful, it's hijinks canon now
She adores Antonio, and she plays silly games with him.
instant buds and kind of bring out the loving teasing behavior when near each other (Bruno: you're not allowed to gang up on me!")
Also big performer personalities so Camilo learns from her, and she and him help with Bruno's plays.
Get along well, he knows what it's like to not be on Alma's favored side.
He is the only of the member of the family she will outright sarcastic jab with. Basically it's an ongoing cold war of short jokes.
Felix: oh Elena, bring an umbrella. Pepa is raining today and I know you and Antonio would be the last to know.
Elena: aye Felix! Short jokes? I'd ask how you could sink so low, but turns out that is your standing height.
To be honest. Sweet girl, thinks she is lovely. But constantly worried she is gonna say something sexy to Bruno and she is gonna hear it (which she suspects she has, bc one time she whispered something and Dolores squeaked, but determinedly wouldn't not look away from her knitting a room over). Also... Apparently she was listening to her uterus under Alma's request... So Elena let that one go
Elena wants to help. Elena, soft little city girl physically, more of a hindrance than a help. Elena insists on helping. Luisa insists she shouldn't. Repeat conversation ad infinitum.
They bonded on the concept of showing an idealized version of themselves to the world and it making them miserable. Elena offers insight into bisexual or lesbian identities based on her friendship with Lucia.
these two are sassy little gremlins together. Once again. Lovingly tease Bruno.
Gentle mothering sister even though she is only 12 years younger, and has experienced far more life experiences. Julieta, gonna Julieta. Elena helps her with mass cooking though, bc though she is not as good as cook as Julieta, she has experience making food for a large group from being at the orphanage
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Luisa came into the school gymnasium with several boxes of decorations and put them down next to Senora Herrera, her guidance counselor who was also the head of the school’s Prom Committee. She took one of the boxes from the tower and took out a pack of streamers and three plastic table cloths. Gabriela walked towards the tower of boxes to see Luisa next to her, taking out more decorations.
“The decorations look great! Our Winter Wonderland prom is going to be running smoothly if we continue at this pace,” Gabriela said as she showed Luisa a detailed sketch of what she envisioned the gym to look like with the decorations intact.
Luisa sat on the bleachers next to Gabriela. “I’ve been waiting for prom since Isabela and Dolores told me about their prom three years ago. I was planning dress ideas with Mirabel since the beginning of the school year, and I’m planning on going dress shopping with Mami soon. You and Nova should come with us!”
Gabriela’s face lit up when she suggested going dress shopping with the Madrigals. “I would love to come with you, Luisa!”
“Awesome! Papi is great friends with the dress shop owner in the Encanto, and Isabela and Dolores got their prom dresses from her. Isabela will be coming with us since she chose her own prom dress and gave Dolores pointers on hers, and they both ended up with two of the most beautiful dresses in their graduating class.”
“Can you ask your mama when we head back to Casita?”
“Absolutely! She would love for you and Nova to come with us!”
Luisa and Gabriela got back to Casita to see Julieta with a fresh batch of arepas on the kitchen counter. Julieta gave her middle daughter a hug and a kiss on the cheek and Gabriela a light squeeze on the hand.
“How was your day today, ninas?” Julieta asked as she moved the batch of arepas closer to Luisa and Gabriela.
“It was great! The decorations just got delivered today and Gabriela has the perfect map of what the gym will look like!” Luisa replied before she took a bite of her arepa.
Gabriela took out her sketch pad and opened it up to the page of the sketch of the school gymnasium. “We were thinking of doing a Winter Wonderland prom this year. Here’s what I was thinking in regards to the setup.”
Julieta took a look at the sketch. It showed the gym being covered to the brim with the decorations they decided to use. “It looks like you have a vision of what you want for prom.”
“I wanted to make sure the map was as detailed as I could draw so Senora Herrerra could know what I envisioned the gym to look like on prom night,” Gabriela explained before she took a bite of her arepa.
The three talked some more about prom until Mirabel made her way downstairs and into the kitchen. Her face lit up when she saw Gabriela with Luisa. Ever since her gift ceremony, Gabriela was her main source of support besides Luisa and her parents. Once she got to middle school, she developed a closer bond with Gabriela when she started tutoring her in science and helping her with homework. She gave her mother and sister a hug and a kiss on the cheek and Gabriela a small squeeze to her hand that Julieta gave her.
“Hola, Luisa, Gabriela! How was your day today?”
“We just had our Prom Committee meeting after school. We just got the decorations delivered and we should be getting started on booking the band soon.”
Mirabel took a bite of her arepa. “Eso es genial! I can’t wait to see your dresses!”
“Speaking of, mama, I wanted to ask you if Gabriela and Nova can come with us dress shopping when it comes time?”
“Absolutely! You know we love to have you and your mama in our company.”
“I’ll ask mi mama if we can come when I get home. Mirabel, are you ready for your homework help?”
“Yep! My books are in my room. Let’s go!”
Mirabel and Gabriela made their way upstairs to her room as Luisa waved at her sister and her best friend. She finished her second arepa quietly as she stared at Gabriela heading upstairs with Mirabel and Julieta got the pots out to make dinner. 
“Luisa, do you have something on your mind? You’re not usually this quiet when Gabriela’s here to tutor Mirabel.”
“It’s just that… I just… Mama, do you remember your prom?”
Julieta put the pots down and made her way to the kitchen table next to Luisa. “Is there something about prom that’s bothering you?”
Luisa hesitated before she began to answer. “I… really want to ask Gabriela to be my date to prom… but I don’t know exactly how to do it. I want it to be memorable, but I know she’s not into all that over the top stuff. Also, there’s this other girl, Sonia, who’s in her A.P. Art class, that she’s been talking about quite a lot, and I feel like she likes her a lot.”
Julieta held her middle daughter’s hand before responding. “It sounds like you really like Gabriela in that way, too. And I’m going to be honest with you, when I asked your papi to my prom when I was your age, I was feeling the same way. We’ve been dating for several months prior, but I was still nervous about asking him because I didn’t want to surprise him so much that he ended up injuring himself so severely that even I couldn’t help him.”
“Did he end up reacting that way when you did prompose to him?”
“Kind of… I got help from your tia Pepa and your tio Bruno to prepare the promposal, and we did it in the gym after school so there wasn’t a large crowd around. We knew that would put him in a permanent shock. We didn’t know that he would still be in shock regardless of how private it was. Once your papi came into the gym and saw Pepa, Bruno, and I hold up the letter signs, he fainted! He was so shocked that I asked him to prom; he fainted and we needed to take him to the nurse’s office!”
Luisa let out a light chuckle as she finished her arepa. “Did you still give him a spare arepa while he was in the nurse’s office?”
Julieta chuckled back. “Corazon, I only heal injuries and minor illnesses, I can’t wake people up when they’re unconscious. But I did give him one to heal the bump he made on his head when he hit the floor.” She put the pot of boiling water on the stove and turned it on. “After he woke up, he finally gave a response and said yes. It was the happiest day of my life at the time  and we ended up having the most magical night of our teenage lives.”
Luisa got up from her stool and grabbed a book out of her backpack. “Does that mean Gabriela’s going to faint if I ever asked her?”
“No! That’s not what I’m saying at all! What I’m saying is that it’s okay if you’re feeling nervous about asking Gabriela to prom. Even if you think she likes someone else, you should shoot your shot anyway. The worst that could happen is that she rejects it.”
“So you think Gabriela’s going to say no!?”
Julieta paused before putting the vegetables in the pot of boiling water. “Amor, Gabriela’s not going to say no. She cherishes you and the friendship you built together all these years, and she’s visibly become a lot more confident since you became friends. Nova has told me many times about how she keeps talking about you in high regards.”
Right on cue, Pepa made her way in the kitchen with Antonio in her arms and put him down when she saw Julieta and Luisa. She put her school book on the table and Pepa sat next to her.
“Tia Pepa, do you remember anything about what happened when Tio Felix asked you to his prom? I know you didn’t start dating until after he graduated.”
“She wants to ask Gabriela to prom but she’s nervous,” Julieta interrupted.
Pepa giggled and held Luisa’s hand on the table. “I remember he asked me to meet him at the school’s courtyard after school one day. He planned this elaborate promposal for me and even got Julieta, Bruno, and Agustin involved. I never admitted it until our eighteenth birthday, but I already liked Felix at the time, but never had the words to tell him until then. Once I made my way to the courtyard, I saw Felix in front and he led me over to Julieta, Bruno, and Agustin, who held up the most elaborate poster anyone could have created and I produced so many rainbows that the entire school came out to watch!”
“Were you embarrassed?”
“I was pretty embarrassed. I had the entire school staring at my rainbows that I had to hide in the bathroom until everything calmed down and Felix agreed to walk me back home. I said yes on the way back home so he didn’t feel like he was left hanging.”
“Are you saying that Gabriela might react the same way?”
“Well, she doesn’t have any gift that could potentially draw attention to her, so I don’t think she needs to worry about the whole school staring at her.”
Luisa finished her third arepa before giving her mother and tia a hug. They knew just as well as her that Gabriela hated large crowds, so they wanted to make sure Luisa plans a promposal that she would remember, without stressing her out.
“Gracias, mami, tia; I think I have something in mind that she would appreciate.”
Right after the conversation ended, Gabriela and Mirabel came back downstairs and into the kitchen to see Pepa and Antonio with Julieta and Luisa. Antonio ran over to Gabriela and she picked him up in a hug.
“Hola, Gabriela! I haven’t seen you in a long time! How has Lucia been?”
Lucia, Gabriela and Jose’s nine-year-old sister, has been close with the Madrigals, mostly Mirabel and Antonio, since Nova announced she was having another baby. She was considered another sister to the Madrigal grandkids.
“She’s been great! She just got accepted in the Gifted and Talented program for the fall, so she’s going to have her hands full next year. But things will be winding down once your gift ceremony rolls around so she’s excited to see that!”
Antonio gave Gabriela another hug before she put him back down. She went over to Pepa to give her a hug as Pepa’s rainbow shone bright above her and Gabriela. “Tia Pepa! How have you been? I’ve been so busy with the school’s Prom Committee that it feels like forever since I last saw you!”
Ever since Gabriela first became friends with Luisa, Pepa has approached Gabriela with the most caring demeanor for her, since they understood each other so well. Since then, Gabriela has seen Pepa as her own tia.
“I’ve been pretty good. Controlling my gift has been difficult but other than that, things have been bueno.”
“That’s good to hear. By the way, this may be a far-fetched question, but our prom is going to be Winter Wonderland themed, and I was wondering if you would be able to make it snow on prom night.”
Pepa smiled lightly and blushed. “I mean, I still don’t really have full control of my gift just yet, but I’ll try, just for you.”
Gabriela squealed and gave Pepa a hug. Pepa hugged her back and Luisa joined in. Julieta turned the stove off and headed back to the kitchen table.
“Luisa, Mirabel, let everyone else know that dinner’s ready. Pepa and I will set the table. Gabriela, would you like to help us set the table?”
“Absolutely! Gracias, Julieta.”
Several weeks have passed, and Luisa thought of the perfect promposal for Gabriela, with the help of Mirabel for setting it up. She asked her to meet her in the courtyard after school and made sure they were alone so she did not feel uncomfortable. She also asked Isabela and Dolores to meet her outside the courtyard so they could help her with performing the promposal. She asked them to hide in the bushes until she gave them the cue to come out.
Gabriela made her way to the school’s courtyard to see Luisa sitting at the picnic bench in the middle alone. Luisa waved at Gabriela to get her attention and she sat next to her and dropped her backpack and put it under the bench.
“Why did you want to meet me here, Luisa? Was there something you wanted to tell me in private?”
Luisa paused before she replied. “Kind of. I just wanted to tell you… you know that I cherished our friendship throughout the years, and I really want our last few months of school to be just as special.” Luisa subtly winked at the bush and Isabela and Dolores came out with letter signs spelling “PROM.” She walked over to her older sister and cousin. “I just want to know, Gabriela Perez, will you go to prom with me?” 
Gabriela smiled and ran over to Luisa to give her a hug. “I would love to, Luisa! I’ve wanted to ask you but I never really had the words to do so.”
“Really? I was scared you were going to say no.” 
“What made you think that?”
“I’ve been noticing you hanging out with Sonia and talking about her a lot, and I thought that you… liked her and wanted to ask her.”
“Oh; we had a really big project for A.P. Art that we paired up for, and that was eating up a lot of my time. She’s sweet, and I know I told you how much she has helped me, but it was not nearly as much as you have. I was actually scared YOU were going to say no because I thought I was going to mess up that badly.”
Isabela and Dolores looked at each other, smiled, and high-fived each other. Luisa and Gabriela hugged once more as Isabela and Dolores walked towards them to hug Luisa. They let each other go before Gabriela wriggled her way out.
“Do you guys want to come by my house tonight? I know I have to tutor Mirabel today but we can stop by your house to pick her up. Besides, Jose misses you two and he and Lucia want to see you guys again.”
“Sure! I’m sure Mira wouldn’t mind doing the tutoring session at your house. Besides, Lucia will be very happy to see her again.”
The months leading up to prom were the busiest for Luisa and Gabriela. Isabela helped them pick out their dresses and they never felt more beautiful. The weekend before prom, Julieta and Nova took the girls to get gel manicures and pedicures, which they had fun with together. The day of prom was the day their entire senior class left school early to get their hair and makeup done and take pictures before heading to the school.
Luisa and Gabriela went to the hair salon together and Isabela offered to do their makeup. Julieta and Nova wanted to get pictures of their daughters in front of Casita with their friends. Sonia came with her date, Juan, who was a junior, and they had a fun time talking with each other and getting pictures with Casita. Jose and Lucia also came to Casita to see the Madrigals, and they got the chance to talk and catch up with everyone.
“Luisa! I want to say that you look like a princess in your dress!” Lucia said when she walked up to Luisa and Gabriela.
“Gracias, Lucia. I do hope you get the chance to feel like a princess when you’re our age and going to your prom.” Lucia gave Luisa a hug and she lifted her up. Antonio came up to Gabriela and she lifted him also.
“You also look like a princess,” Antonio said to Gabriela.
“Gracias, Antonio. I know Lucia has been saying that to me since she first saw me in the dress, but it’s still sweet to hear it from you.”
Gabriela put Antonio down and he ran back to Mirabel. They both came up to Luisa and Gabriela and gave both of them a hug. Julieta and Pepa followed suit, along with Isabela and Dolores. Agustin, Felix, and Camilo, until Nova, Jose, and Lucia joined in and the Madrigals and the Perezes formed a group hug.
Once it was time to leave, the group bid one more goodbye to their families and made their way to the school together. While they were walking, Luisa noticed Gabriela limping her way a little bit.
“Gabriela, what’s the matter? Are you hurt?”
“Kind of; it’s just that I don’t normally wear heels so my feet hurt a little bit. But it sucks because I’m really excited to dance with everyone tonight.”
Luisa held her date’s hand as they continued walking. “You know, you can take your shoes off when you want to dance. And if you ever need a break, you can come to me and we can sit in the courtyard together.”
Gabriela hugged Luisa one more time and right in that moment, they made it to the school. Luisa’s entire senior class was there, plus several others coming as dates, and everyone was greeting each other before heading into the gym for the event. While Luisa was greeting the rest of her friends, she noticed Gabriela staying closer to her and not saying anything to anyone, even though she knew half of her class pretty well. Luisa always knew Gabriela was shy, especially around large crowds, but she also noticed how much her face lit up when she talked about how excited she was for prom.
Luisa grabbed Gabriela’s hand again and smiled at her. Gabriela looked at Luisa and smiled at her back. She squeezed her hand lightly to signal that she wants her to meet her friends in her other classes. She walked up to her friend and gave her a shy wave.
“Hola; my name is Gabriela Perez. Luisa and I are in the same literature and choir class and we’ve been friends since we were six.”
Hola, Gabriela! My name is Rosaria; I’m in Luisa’s history class. She’s been telling me all about you! ¡Es un placer conocerte!”
Rosaria came to Gabriela for a hug, but before she could touch her, Luisa tapped on her shoulder and whispered in her ear. Rosaria then gave Gabriela’s hand a light squeeze. It always made Gabriela feel welcome to know that Luisa will remind all her other friends of what Gabriela is and is not comfortable with, and that those friends will accommodate her.
Once the senior class finished greeting each other, everyone made their way into the school and headed straight to the gym. It was decorated just like how Gabriela envisioned the gym would look like in her sketches. Blue and white balloons decorated the gym from top to bottom, with a projection of snowflakes on the walls. Gabriela cried tears of joy when she saw her sketches come to life.
Luisa and Gabriela sat at a table with Sonia, Juan, Rosaria, and her date, Santiago, and they spent the night talking and dancing with each other. Once the first slow song came on, Gabriela tugged onto Luisa’s dress lightly and they made their way to the dance floor. The girls held each other and danced to the music.
“Luisa, I want to let you know that tonight was really the best night of my life. At first, I was kind of scared that it was not going to go as well as I thought it was going to be, but I’m having fun and meeting your friends was pretty awesome.”
Luisa smiled and blushed as she looked up at Gabriela. “I’m going to be honest; I was also scared you weren’t going to have a great time. I understand how important it is to you that everything turns out the way it does in your head, and I know that it takes a while for you to warm up to a lot of people in one place. I’m just happy you’re having a great time.”
Gabriela and Luisa looked at each other again until Gabriela reached up to Luisa and gave her a kiss on the lips to Luisa’s shock. It felt like the world stopped at that moment and fireworks went off in their lips. The kiss only lasted for ten seconds, but for Luisa, it felt like a lifetime. She grabbed Gabriela by the back of her head and kissed her again to feel her lips once more. They wanted to make sure the kiss lasted as long as they could because they did not want to let each other go.
Once the song ended, Senora Herrera made her way on the stage and to the microphone, holding an envelope. Luisa and Gabriela unlocked lips to listen to their guidance counselor’s speech to end the night.
“Damas y caballeros, before we end our night, it is time to announce our prom royalty! For the last two months, we asked you, the entire senior class, to cast your votes on who you wanted to become this year’s royalty.” The gym bursted with applause before Senora Herrera opened the envelope to announce the year’s prom royalty. “And our prom royalty is… Luisa Madrigal and Gabriela Perez!”
Luisa and Gabriela began crying tears of joy when they made their way to the stage. Senora Hererra put the tiaras on the girls’ heads, and put on their sashes, reading “ROYALTY” on them. Luisa made her way to the microphone to give her speech.
“Wow, I never thought I was going to be prom royalty, let alone with my best friend of almost twelve years! I’m not really the best with speeches, but I guess I can give a couple of thank yous. Of course, I want to thank Senora Hererra, for planning such an amazing prom this year and offering Gabriela’s and my help. I also want to thank the entire senior class for nominating us this year. But most of all, I want to thank Gabriela, for being the best friend I could ask for, who has spent countless hours helping my family and me, and being the biggest source of support for us. I don’t think I would be on this stage talking to you right now if it weren’t for her.”
The class applauded once more as Gabriela hugged Luisa. The yearbook photographer made his way on the stage and took a picture of Luisa and Gabriela in their sashes and tiaras. As the night winded down, Luisa and Gabriela continued dancing for the rest of the night until one more treat was given to the class.
Before the night ended, Sonia ran up to the stage and grabbed the mic from Luisa. “It’s actually snowing outside! Everyone, look!” she exclaimed as everyone in the gym made their way to the windows to see the Encanto covered in snow. Luisa and Gabriela were the last ones to run to the windows to squeeze through everyone and see the snow.
Right at that moment, Luisa noticed Pepa standing close to a shrubbery with her cloud right above her. Pepa waved at Luisa and she waved back at her tia. Gabriela noticed Pepa and also waved at her.
“She really did it! She kept her promise and made it snow at our prom!” Gabriela said excitedly as the crowd made their way back outside to dance in the snow. Luisa and Gabriela were once again the last ones to make it outside to see their entire class having the time of their lives in the snow. Gabriela ran up to Pepa and gave her the tightest hug imaginable before going back up to Luisa and dancing with her for the rest of the night until it was time to go home.
Gabriela stayed at Casita in Luisa’s room, but Luisa had to carry Gabriela back to Casita. She plopped her on her bed and layed down next to her. They both smiled and snuggled each other, drifting to sleep. They were going to remember tonight as being the best night of their lives.
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vimogra-art · 2 years
Original LP Private Collection Madrigal's magic key to Spanish 1953
Madrigal's magic key to Spanish 1953 LP original Colección privada. Madrigal's magic key to Spanish 1953 Original LP  Private Collection.                                               Exposición "Superpop con Warhol” en Valencia con más de 100 obras de Andy Warhol Next Exhibition, junto con el Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia, trae a Valencia la exclusiva exposición de “Superpop con Warhol”, compuesta por un total de 112 obras originales del referente internacional del Pop Art. La exposición está del 29 de septiembre de 2022 al 29 de enero de 2023 en el Salón Noble del Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia. La exposición del referente internacional del Pop Art consta de 112 obras e incluye piezas míticas como la famosa sopa Campbell, Mao y, por supuesto, Marilyn Monroe. Se trata de una oportunidad única para presenciar obras que rara vez son expuestas como su serie Ladies & Gentleman donde retrató a la comunidad Drag Queen y transexual de Nueva York de los 70. “Super pop con Warhol” es una exposición comisariada por Edoardo Falcioni y es organizada y producida por Next Exhibition. Cuenta con la colaboración del Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia, Entradas.com y la Cámara de Comercio Italiana. Valencia, lunes 19 de diciembre de 2022. Desde su inauguración el pasado 29 de septiembre, 10.000 personas han disfrutado ya de «Superpop con Warhol» en Valencia. A través de sus 112 obras originales, la exposición aborda la trayectoria de uno de los artistas con mayor proyección del siglo XX. Andy Warhol Super Pop 29.09.22-29.01.23 Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 18, 46002, Valencia SUPERPOP CON WARHOL Produced by Exhibition Roberto Indiano - Edoardo Faldoni - Juan Jesús Montiel Rozas - Vincenzo Colvello - Daniella Demathei - Rodrigo di Sciascio - Lucia Dobarro - Estudio Sarou - Ana Trancoso.Andrew Warhola (Pittsburgh, 6 de agosto de 1928-Nueva York, 22 de febrero de 1987), comúnmente conocido como Andy Warhol, fue un artista plástico y actor estadounidense que desempeñó un papel crucial en el nacimiento y desarrollo del pop art. Tras una exitosa carrera como ilustrador profesional, Warhol adquirió fama mundial por su trabajo en pintura, cine de vanguardia y literatura, notoriedad que vino respaldada por una hábil relación con los medios y por su rol como gurú de la modernidad. Warhol actuó como enlace entre artistas e intelectuales, pero también entre aristócratas, homosexuales, celebridades de Hollywood, modelos, bohemios y pintorescos personajes urbanos. Warhol utilizó medios diferentes para crear sus obras, como el dibujo a mano, la pintura, el grabado, la fotografía, la serigrafía, la escultura, el cine y la música. El Museo Andy Warhol en su ciudad natal, Pittsburgh, Pensilvania, contiene una amplia colección permanente de arte. Resulta ser el museo más grande de Estados Unidos dedicado a un solo artista.
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froggywritesstuff · 3 years
Are You In? | Carlos Madrigal
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Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Carlos Madrigal x g/n!reader
Warnings: jealousy, fluff
Summary: when Carlos finds out about Y/N’s crush on his brother, he takes it upon himself to help out.
A/N: my Carlos obsession is growing by the second someone help me
For: @leoisgayforwriting   @gyuville​ @elegantkidfansoul​  @illusionixx @nodos-still-breathing
Y/N sighed as they stared at Camilo. He was so effortlessly perfect at everything he did. To the way he rocked babies to sleep, the way he smiled, everything.
And a lot of people knew that. It came as no surprise when Y/N had found out that Alberto, Vanessa, Gabriela, Mars, Santiago, Lucia, and countless other people their age had a crush on Camilo. Y/N knew there was no use competing against all them, but that didn’t mean they would give up on their unrealistic fantasies. All they could do was continue to watch from afar, along with the large number of other teens.
“Wow. You look depressed as hell.”
Y/N groaned at the annoyingly familiar voice of Carlos Madrigal.
“Do you have to be so annoying? Like all the time?”
Carlos shrugged, moving closer towards Y/N, slinging his arm around their shoulders, “I don’t know. Do you have to be so pathetic? All the time?”
“I am not pathetic.” Y/N spat, glaring at the boy with disgust and anger.
Carlos smirked, looking down at Y/N, before swiftly shapeshifting into them, “Oh, I’m Y/N, Camilo’s so pretty I could just stare at him all day!”
Carlos shifted back into himself, while Y/N scrunched up their face with frustration, shuddering his arm off of their shoulder, “Is there a reason for this? Or did you come here just to ridicule me?”
“Mainly to ridicule you,” he explained, a smirk glued to glued to his face.
With a scoff, Y/N began walking away from Carlos without another word, before getting stopped by said boy.
“Wait!” he groaned, hanging his head back, as if what he wanted to say physically pained him.
“I have an idea,”
“Your mami would be proud.” Y/N huffed with a roll of their eyes.
“Joke’s on you,” Carlos spat, crossing his arms, “My mami would be proud.”
“Whatever dude. What’s your idea?” Y/N asked with a sigh.
“We should date.”
Y/N nearly choked on air at those words, “Excuse me?!”
“Don’t flatter yourself, as if I’d want to date you. What I’m saying, is that we should pretend to date.”
“Why?” Y/N asked, only a little bit offended by that comment.
“So you can make my brother jealous.”
Y/N narrowed their eyes at the boy, actually considering it, “Ok… what’s in it for you?”
Carlos pursed his lips, “You’re obviously aware of all the people who like my brother, right?” Y/N nodded, “Well let’s just say, that I may or may not like one of those people.”
“Ugh,” Y/N scoffed.
“Do you wanna do this or not?” Carlos pressed, taking a step toward Y/N.
“I don’t know man, it just feels wrong,”
With a roll of his eyes, Carlos moved his hand forward, placing it under Y/N’s chin, before moving their head around to redirect their gaze.
Y/N was now able to clearly see Camilo and Alberto. The two were talking, laughing, intimately touching each other’s shoulders. The sight had Y/N’s chest boiling with jealousy.
Before they could stare any longer and make themselves feel worse about the situation, Carlos turned their head back around, tilting their chin up slightly to meet his.
“Are you in?” he asked, an eyebrow raised.
Y/N sighed, “Fine. Let’s pretend to date.” Y/N’s eyes glanced at Carlos’s hand, which was still propped under their chin, lifting up their face, “You can move your hand now.”
Carlos smirked, taking a step closer toward Y/N, “We’re pretending to date, aren’t we?”
Glaring, Y/N swatted Carlos’s hand away from their face, “You’re the worst, you know that?”
Pursing his lips, Carlos nodded, “True. But we’re dating now. So you can’t say stuff like that.”
"Um, correction; I can and I will. In fact, pretending to date you is only gonna encourage all the shit I'll say about you, and-"
Carlos rolled his eyes as Y/N spoke, before placing a quick kiss on their cheek, interrupting anything else that they could have said. He couldn't help but grin at Y/N's flustered expression, before whispering, "I'll see you later, amor."
With that, he walked away, leaving Y/N to wonder what the hell had just happened.
Fanart made by: @dos-oroguitas​ 
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