#Victoria Madrigal
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Done 👍
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Probably gonna get flack for this but I honestly don't care anymore I need to get this off my chest
I am so tired of people comparing Ming to Alma Madrigal and Miguel's abuelita
And I'm also tired of people defending Alma and Miguel's abuelita
Yes I know they both have generational trauma but that's not an excuse
Listen Ming was a good mom sure she was a bit overbearing a bit overprotective but hey some moms are like that bottom line is Ming was still a good mother to Mei
This is why I think you really can't compare her to Alma and Miguel's abuelita
Throughout Encanto and Coco Alma and Miguel's abuelita treat their respective grandchildren like shit and in Alma's case it's not just her grandkids she treats like shit but also her kids
I am being more merciful on Miguel's abuelita because we barely see her in the movie but she knows what she did
Alma on the other hand we see for most of the film and most of the time she's treating her family like shit
Forcing Isabela to be perfect, making Luisa feel she only has value cuz of her strength, making Mirabel feel like an outcast and makes her feel she has no worth because she doesn't have a gift, making Camilo lowkey have an identity crisis because she constantly makes him shapeshift to entertain the townsfolk, making Pepa a nervous wreck, making Bruno isolate himself and not even bothering to defend him from the townsfolk going as far as to forbade people from mentioning his name and much much more
And then when Mirabel actively tries to fix the miracle and save their home Alma blames Mirabel for the miracle dying because that's all Alma cares about
Not her family, no she only cares about the miracle and her reputation
Yes I'm aware she realized the error of her ways at the end of the film
No this doesn't automatically absolve her of any of her previous deeds throughout the film Alma is literally an abusive family member and almost everybody in the fandom seems to ignore that all because she apologized and said she would do better at the end of the film which we don't even know if she kept to her word because we never got a continuation of Encanto
And before y'all go "You wouldn't say that if Alma was a white man" yes actually I would cuz there's a white male character who is EXACTLY like Alma who I despise
Perry Babcock from Paranorman
Perry is an awful father to Norman because Norman can sees ghosts and everyone thinks he's crazy and literally within the first 10 minutes of the film Perry screams at Norman that he's a freak and he brings shame to his family and then blames his wife's side of the family for Norman's ability and at the end of the movie Perry sees the error of his ways and apologizes to Norman and says he'll try to be better
Sound familiar?
Perry Babcock and Alma Madrigal are very similar characters
Bottom line I wish people would stop comparing Ming to Alma and Miguel's abuelita because unlike the latter the former was actually a good mother
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hectic-hector · 1 year
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For @moon-calvary and her crossover crackship, Julieta Madrigal from Encanto and Victoria Rivera from Coco.
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zafirosreverie · 2 years
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Holly fuck :0 that anon was right, I do have a type
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zombieplaguedoc · 7 months
Encanto/Metal Family crossover AU but the metal family are yanderes and one of them (possibly Dee or even Lif) has figured out a way to corrupt the Madrigals' magic and turn all their gifts against them (i.e., Julieta either ends up burning everything or instead of healing everyone she unintentionally poisons them, Pepa gets struck by lightning or all the negative weather she conjures only affects her and not her surroundings, Bruno can only see visions of his death and each one is different and more gruesome than the last, etc) in an attempt to take Mirabel from them.
OR, as a spin-off to a Villain Encanto AU I saw, the Shvagenbagens do the same thing to the Madrigals' magic, but the Madrigals are all villains and once they lose their gifts Glam and his family encourage Mirabel to leave and abandon them.
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
Is Emilliana practically family to the Madrigals at this point?
Oh that’s a good question!
The way I see it, yeah, kinda. It goes without saying that Camilo loves her, Mirabel is her best friend, Dolores sees her as the little sister(in-law) she never had, and she’s pretty close with Isabela too, Bruno also likes her and they get along well and are even sort of friends? Well, as much as a middle-aged man can be friends with his nephew’s girlfriend anyway. She also helps him and Mirabel out on rat telenovelas from time to time! But there’s another reason he likes Emiliana so much…
As for the others, I think they get along well but she’s not really close to them aside from maaaaybe Pepa? Pepa holds nothing against her and even approves of her dating her son, but is also a teensy bit overprotective of Camilo and doesn’t want him to grow up too fast. It’s not a big deal, though, for the most part she just demands the two aren’t having sex as a running gag from time to time(they’re not having sex btw), which she mainly holds against Camilo for obvious reasons.
Julieta cares for her deeply and loves her friendship with Mirabel. She thinks it’s great that her daughter has someone to talk to outside of the family especially as the only giftless one, and great that Emiliana has someone outside of her family to talk to as well who won’t judge her for her sleeping patterns. When she finds out Emiliana is being bullied by Andre she doesn’t stand for it ofc, and she also gives Emiliana gummies to help her with her sleep schedule. So suffice it to say she loves Emiliana as well.
Agustin, Felix, Antonio, Luisa, and Alma haven’t really had much if any interaction with Emiliana. I can’t even remember if she talked to the latter two, or the former three besides Felix. But Felix approves of her dating his son and Agustin I think also likes her, Antonio knows her more as a friend of Mirabel than Camilo’s girlfriend but is esctatic to find out that they’re dating because he’s a child who’s still in that “awwww love!” Stage lol. Luisa and Alma also like her(and I mean Alma likes every villager XD) but don’t really have a connection with her. But she does have permission to call all of the adult Madrigals by their first names, although like the rest of the town she calls Alma “Doña Alma”.
So to sum it up, yes? Kinda? Emiliana definitely gets along with the Madrigals better than Camilo gets along with the Jimenezes, that’s for sure. Valencia hates him to the point where she refuses to even call him by name(so he’s seldom allowed to be mentioned in the house), her mom Vanessa is also…not as encouraging about the relationship as the Madrigal adults are, and Veronica is indifferent to him but makes fun of Emiliana in a “what does he even see in you” way. Only Victoria and her dad Vicente outright approve of the relationship, and Victoria doesn’t go out of her way to defend Camilo or Emiliana. The only exception is Emiliana’s paternal cousin Marco, who is a close friend of Camilo and Mirabel and formerly had a crush on him.
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Dolores: Next person who calls me—
Isabela: Dolly
Luisa: Dolly
Camilo: Dolly
Antonio: Dolly
Dolores: Oh, forget it. I’m moving in with Mariano
Mirabel, following after her: Wait, no! Please, Lola, you can’t leave me with them! Dolores!? Dolores Josefa Victoria Estrada Madrigal, I know you can hear me—
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anastasiaofrussia · 29 days
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• ESTJs embody law and order, applying their strong sense of right and wrong to uphold what is acceptable in society. They play a crucial role in holding families and communities together, and are valued for their clear advice and practical guidance. As natural leaders, ESTJs take pride in uniting people and often become community organizers, working hard to strengthen social bonds.
• In democratic societies, the demand for ESTJ leaders is high, and it’s no surprise that many prominent politicians and business leaders are ESTJs. They believe authority must be earned and lead by example, demonstrating diligence, honesty, and a strong work ethic. ESTJs are confident in their knowledge and principles, even under pressure, and take on challenging projects, organising and improving them with efficiency.
• While they expect others to match their reliability and work ethic, ESTJs can be seen as inflexible when others fall short. However, this stems from their deep belief that society is built on these values. As law-abiding citizens, ESTJs help their neighbors, uphold the law, and encourage community involvement. Their main challenge is recognizing that not everyone can follow the same path or contribute equally, but they have the skills to lead in a way that unites diverse strengths toward a common goal.
Strengths: dedicated, strong-willed, direct and honest, loyal, patient and reliable, enjoy creating order, excellent organisers.
Weaknesses: inflexible and stubborn, uncomfortable with change, judgmental, too focused on social status (nervousness), difficulty expressing emotion.
ESTJ characters: Hermione Granger (Harry Potter film), Monica Geller (Friends), Isabela Madrigal (Encanto), Tiana (The Princess and the frog), Robb Stark (Game of Thrones), Emma Gilbert (H2O), Rosalie Hale (Twilight).
ESTJ people in history: Catherine of Aragon, Pontius Pilate, Alexander III of Russia, Carol I of Romania, Victoria Princess Royal, Anna Pavlovna of Russia.
If you repost please give credits.
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artzychic27 · 3 months
Now that all four posts are out, let’s see all the kids from the classes just being a chaotic family at Pride!
Nino, Marc, Nathaniel, Ayesha, Reshma, and Eri are just casually adopting pride kids like it is no one's business
When Adrien, Jesse, and Austin B go missing, you'll know because Candace, Soo-Yeon, Nino, Marc, Austin Q, Mireille, and Aurore are screaming so loud, that they sound like sirens
A scene no one will forget is when Evie and Aurore reenacted scenes from Star Wars with their parasols as lightsabers
Adrien, Aggie, Ondine, and Margo are always dressing as Disney princesses. They dressed as the Madrigal girls (Isabela, Mirabel, Dolors, and Luisa) to protest the fact that Mirabel was not included in the Disney Princess lineup yet
Margo, Reshma, and Marc just casually throw scarves they knitted into the crowd
Kendra and DJ are Anais' impulse control. If it doesn't throw a rainbow smoke bomb at protesters, then they will
Ismael, Aggie, and Lotta are just skating by on their skateboards and throwing confetti
Mireille and Roxie got into a friendly boxing match, making everyone get nosebleeds... In a good way
Some say the first glitter bomb fell from the sky... Others say Victoria threw it... Anyway, Austin T and Marc are BEASTS at the Glitter Wars
Victoria and Mona "accidentally" roll over protesters' feet
Brecken and Zoé dressed as Bonnie and Clyde (respectively) and Evie and Cosette couldn't handle how hot they looked
Soo-Yeon, Adrien, and Victoria teach kids how to sink a basket
Anthony, Eri, Missy, Roxie, and Juleka have a contest to see how many protesters they can scare by the end of the day
Candace, Nino, and Luka come up with the best cheers to mess with protesters
Staci and Chloé have a contest to see how many TERFs they can make cry before the day is over
Eloise and Max do the anime glasses thing
Marc and Ayesha are just walking pride flags
Max, Alix, Dot, Austin B, and Ismael casually do the splits while in AroAce colors, because that's the AroAce agenda
Marc, Nathaniel, Ayesha, Adrien, Alya, Luka, Eri, Missy, Jesse, Anais, Margo, Mona, Eloise, Ondine, Jean, Reshma, Myléne, Austin Q, and Beck all cosplayed as characters from Rock and Riot
Dot and Mason are here with their rainbow binders to ensure everyone stays on schedule... And maybe get some cotton candy
Aggie, Kagami, Lacey, and Alya have swords and are not afraid to use them
The tall people are here to LOOM over protesters and kiss their significant others or just any cute person
Mona and Simon make sure to capture their friends all on video. They may or may not have footage of who started the Glitter War
The truth is, no matter what you do, Marinette's gonna find a way to bedazzle everything you own
Nathaniel and Alya are just casually nerding out about Marvel and DC and making jocks simp
Nino and Dot have brought baby leashes for just about everyone
Anthony and Austin T cannot and will not resist their boyfriends' puppy eyes
Austin A, Rose, and Kendra cosplayed as Elle Woods
Chloé ever so casually dips Sabrina and kisses her in front of protesters while Spinelli throws rainbow confetti around them
Petra, Nathaniel, and Spinelli were commissioned to paint a mural for Pride
Reshma, Marc, and Denise have matching tank tops that say 'Glamazons'
Ivan and Brecken casually nod to each other as their girlfriends carry them
Roxie and Mireille are here to kick TERF's ass and kiss girls. And they're all out of girls to kiss! (with consent)
Juleka and Anthony casually nod to each other before kissing their short sunshine significant others
Some say that if Reshma, Aggie, Aurore, Zoé, Margo, and Juleka are together in the same spot, the island of Lesbos will rise to the sky
Rochelle and Nathaniel are just a couple of sugar fiends. If they have too much, they're likely going to start a cult
Beck wards off homophobes with their hockey stick
Jean and Austin T have a fan club
Austin Q drop-kicked some guy who tried to drug Aggie's drink. He was soon knighted by the Queen of Lesbians... Reshma
Parker, Denise, Ivan, Kim, Roxie Luka, Marinette, Austin Q, Ondine, Brecken, and Gia getting into muscle-flexing contests is good for no one's health
Austin T. and Cosette ride on Marinette's shoulders as they pass out cupcakes... And occasionally throw pies at TERFs
Reshma somehow got a kiss from both Margo and Lacey, and she promptly fainted
Denise and Evie yell at protesters in Spanish, and their boyfriends have no idea what they're saying, but they just look so gorgeous when they're angry
Cosette and Austin A both dress their pets in drag
Cosette, Austin A, and Eri have suitcases filled with just makeup in case anyone needs a touch-up
Evie, Mireille, and Mindy made everyone simp by singing an operatic rendition of Poker Face
Kendra, Missy, and Nathaniel spray-painted several protesters' cars. No one's ever caught them
Simon and Mona made sure to get it all on video! The moment when Austin A and Spinelli finally kissed!
The Dykes on Bikes adore Austin B, Marc, and Roxie
Rochelle and Austin B somehow got blackmail on fifty-five protesters, and they just gave them money to leave them alone
Petra and Nathaniel handle all your face-painting needs
Mireille and Parker teach the pride kids a few fighting moves
Austin B, Eloise, and Max all DOMINATE at the Gay-ming stations
Cue Max, Simon, Anais, and Gerard hacking into electronic billboards so they all play animatics made by Ayesha and Nathaniel
After a while, Dot and Mason say it's time for a break, and they all head to a cafe where a comedy drag show happens to be in progress
When the day is over and things wind down to make way for the after-hours party their teachers (and some parents)will be attending, they get rides from Rafael Béaureal, Félice Quinlan, and their respective friends in the backs of their pickup trucks (Because they both for sure have friends with pickup trucks) back home (Spinelli gets a ride from Beck on the back of their motorcycle, though)
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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pseudoincestuous · 1 month
masterpost of ships on this blog
brother/brother ('brocon' under my blog tags)
>Kusuo/Kuusuke aka kusucest, saikicest (Saiki Kusuo no psi nan). I am obsessed with them it seems, and it's all the talented Saiki k darkfic writers' faults.
>Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester aka Samdean or wincest (Supernatural) They're quite simply a fun time.
>Ritsu/Mob aka ritmob (Mob Psycho 100)
>Kaeya/Diluc aka kaeluc (Genshin Impact)
>Millions Knives/Vash the Stampede aka plantcest (Trigun Stampede)
sister/sister ('siscon' under my blog tags)
>Vi/Jinx aka vijinx (Arcane)
>Elsa/Anna aka elsanna (Frozen) <3
>Camille/Amma (Sharp Objects) I highly recommend the book; it's sickening.
>Ginger/Brigitte (Ginger Snaps)
>Junko enoshima/mukuro ikusaba aka despaircest (danganronpa)
>Isabela Madrigal/Mirabel Madrigal aka isamira (Encanto)
>Victoria Dallon/Amy Dallon aka Guts and Glory (Worm/Parahumans)
>Barbara/Jean (Genshin Impact)
brother/sister (no tag for this one, but basically everything is categorized by fandom and ship for ease of searching)
>Ashley Graves/Andrew Graves aka coffincest, gravecest
>Laios Touden/Falin Truden aka Toudencest/Laifali (Dungeon Meshi)
>Maybe Pines/Dipper Pines aka Pinecest (Gravity Falls)
Other incest ships
>Mirabel Madrigal/Bruno Madrigal aka brumira, brunomira (Encanto)
>Josuke Higashikata/Jotaro Kujo (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
non-incest ships (other comships. All general ships go to my main blog @sarah-fandom-account )
>Reigen Arataka/Kageyama “Mob” Shigeo aka mobrei, reimob (Mob Psycho 100) Apparently they are my second greatest obsession.
>Ciel Phantomhive/Sebastian aka sebaciel (Black Butler)
>Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham aka hannigram (Hannibal)
>Walter White/Jesse Pinkman aka waltjesse (Breaking Bad)
>Josuke Higashikata/Rohan Kishibe aka Joshua (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
There's more that I reblog that isn't on this list, but if I didn't add it, I don't post enough about it for it to come up much. Shoutout to my formative incest ship, the incest ship that cracked my old resolution to never ship incest again, and the incest ship that sunk me back into the depths permanently. Swim with me. the road to hell is paved with good intentions, after all.
I might also blog about themes of incest in fiction here, even if I don't ship it. And other dark themes. But I do always like to come back to the incest.
Hope to see you around.
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bestmothertournament · 2 months
Best Mother Tournament Round 1: Group 6 Results
All Winners: Catelyn Stark, Donna Noble, Hana, Heidi Hansen, Julieta Madrigal, Kate Baker, Kate McCallister, Laura Miller, Maria Rambeau, Rio Morales, Sarah Connors, Sheila Hammond, Sister Maggie, Victoria Argent, Winifred Banks, Zubeia
All Losers: Alex Kirkman, Allison Dubois, Baba Yaga, Donna Shellstrop, Elizabeth Bishop, Julia Ogden, Lady Caroline Friend, Queen Leah, Leslie Ellerh Dean, Lisa Cuddy, Mary Morstan, Molly Graham, Mrs Kaneki, Petunia Dursley, The Goddess, Tremaine
Best Winners: Rio Morales with 95% of votes and Donna Noble with 187 votes
Least Successful Winners: Laura Miller with 51% and Sheila Hammond with 15 votes
Most Successful Losers: Lady Caroline Friend with 49% of votes and Queen Leah of 30 votes
Worst Loser: Elizabeth Bishop with 5% of votes and 4 votes
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d4rlingjohn · 1 year
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lawful good: john darling e victoria everglot; neutral good: princess blair, camilo madrigal e berlioz; chaotic good: abraham van helsing; true neutral: gaston legume; chaotic neutral: snow white; lawful evil: princess ariel; neutral evil: red queen;
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pridepages · 2 years
Books Read on PridePages
Under the cut: find all the writing I’ve done on books I’ve read so far. (up to date as of 9/15/24).
Below is the Master List of all the books I’ve read and written about on Pride Pages.
WLW Books:
Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli
Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
The Fiancee Farce by Alexandria Bellefleur 
Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur 
The Monster of Her Age by Danielle Binks
The Unbroken by C.L. Clark
Here We Go Again by Alison Cochrun
Kiss Her Once for Me by Alison Cochrun
The Untimely Undeath of Imogen Madrigal by Grayson Daly
Last Girls Standing by Jennifer Dugan
Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan
Undergrounder by J.E. Glass
Mortal Follies by Alexis Hall
An Island Princess Starts a Scandal by Adriana Herrera
Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake
Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail by Ashley Herring Blake 
This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone 
A Million to One by Adiba Jaigirdar 
In the Event of Love by Courtney Kae
Youngblood by Sasha Laurens
I Await the Devil’s Coming by Mary MacLane
A Restless Truth by Freya Marske
Gearbreakers by Zoe Hana Mikuta 
Godslayers by Zoe Hana Mikuta
Out of Character by Jenna Miller
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Even Though I Knew the End by C.L. Polk 
Sunshine and Blood by Roxie Randall
The Society for Soulless Girls by Laura Steven
The Comedienne’s Guide to Pride by Hayli Thomson
Lies We Sing to the Sea by Sarah Underwood
Mistakes Were Made by Meryl Wilsner 
City of Shattered Light by Claire Winn 
City of Vicious Night by Claire Winn
MLM Books:
This Way Out by Tufayel Ahmed 
Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
My Dear Henry by Kalynn Bayron
The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun
Last Call: a True Story of Love, Lust, and Murder in Queer New York by Elon Green 
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall
Husband Material by Alexis Hall
Paris Daillencourt is About to Crumble by Alexis Hall
In the Case of Heartbreak by Courtney Kae
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune
Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune
In Deeper Waters by FT Lukens 
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske
A Power Unbound by Freya Marske
Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston 
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness
My Government Means to Kill Me by Rasheed Newson 
Heartstopper (vol 1-4) by Alice Oseman 
This Winter by Alice Oseman 
The Sun and the Star by Rick Riordan & Mark Oshiro
Any Way the Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell (bonus: “Snow for Christmas”)
The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer (second post)
The Queer Principles of Kit Webb by Cat Sebastian
The Problem With Perfect by Philip William Stover
Darkhearts by James L. Sutter Napkins and Other Distractions by MA Wardell
Mistletoe and Mishigas by MA Wardell
Teacher of the Year by MA Wardell
Asexual/Aromantic Books:
I Am Not Your Chosen One by Evelyn Benvie
Aces Wild by Amanda Dewitt 
Loveless by Alice Oseman
Solitaire by Alice Oseman
Trans/NonBinary Books:
Infinity Alchemist by Kacen Callendar
Ander and Santi Were Here by Jonny Garza Villa
The Feeling of Falling in Love by Mason Deaver 
Glitter and Concrete by Elyssa Maxx Goodman
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall
Spell Bound by FT Lukens
Self-Made Boys by Anna-Marie McLemore 
Outlawed by Anna North
Most Ardently by Gabe Cole Novoa
I Was Born For This by Alice Oseman
Queer Books:
Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé 
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo 
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake
The Atlas Paradox by Olivie Blake
Gwen and Art Are Not in Love by Lex Croucher
Who We Are in Real Life by Victoria Koops
Lavender House by Lev AC Rosen
The Bell in the Fog by Lev AC Rosen
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fadarapidinha · 1 year
aceito todo tipo de ask meus amores, de qualquer tipo de conteúdo *wink wink*
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crimsonfacets · 1 year
☎️📞 Hello! You've reached the main Interest Check page of @crimsonfacets. If you would like to plop down who you would be interested in interacting with, look beneath the read more for the telephone book leading to my muses and their interest check posts to let me know accordingly. Thank you!
Madam Red.
Rachel Phantomhive.
The Undertaker.
Trisha Elric.
Seras Victoria.
Emma Webster, aka Granny.
Witch Hazel.
Elmer Fudd.
Courage ( Bagg ).
Blue Diamond.
Alice Liddell.
Wednesday Addams.
The Unicorn / Lady Amalthea.
Agatha Cromwell.
Pepa Madrigal.
Luisa Madrigal.
Sally the Ragdoll.
Nucille ( Thumbelina ).
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zombieplaguedoc · 9 months
A spin-off AU of my Encanto/Metal Family crossover AU where Ches and Mirabel meet each other in a dream, when Mirabel is, like, three or something, and Ches is a late teen, and Ches has the ability to communicate with her throughout her life, and see her entire story play out- right up until Casita falls apart- via his dreams up until Mirabel gets adopted by Glam and Victoria and they meet in person for the first time.
Basically, he's there, in her dreams, throughout her entire life and becomes an uncle figure to her.
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