#Luke Patterson angst
Finally Mine-Luke Patterson
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(not my gif)
A/n: Thank you so much for asking for part 2. I hope you like this one just as much as you liked the first one. 
Taglist: @mallory69
Your POV
I was watching Julie on stage, when I saw the guys popping in. I felt myself smile until I noticed Luke having trouble. I grew nervous just watching him until I heard his voice. " I'm going out of my mind!" 
I was cheering them on from the crowd. I noticed Luke glancing my way a couple of times, which made me blush. I knew I shouldn't be nervous with him looking over at me, but I am. I was having the best time dancing and singing along. 
Once the show ended I felt a wave of sadness because I knew Luke, Reggie and Alex left for good. I felt a hand on my shoulder and spun around to find my dad. 
" Let's go find your sister." he said 
I smiled a little and nodded kind of zoned out since all I could think about was Luke right now. I followed behind my brother still thinking about how we didn't get a proper good-bye. 
When we found Julie I couldn't help but run over to her. "Omg! You did amazing on that stage." I said while wrapping my arms around her. She chuckled a little and thanked me. She then hugged everyone else while I stood back to get ready to leave. 
Julie's POV
After the hugs I could tell Y/n/n was thinking about the boys as much as I was. I knew she was feeling down for not getting to say good-bye. 
I waited until the three other members of our family was in front of us before I linked our arms to comfort her. She just gave me a smile before holding my arm a little tighter. 
We all were singing on the way to the front door until I paused looking over at the studio. " I'll be inside in a little bit." I told them
They nodded, but before she could sneak away I grabbed her wrist. "You want to come with me." I asked hopeful 
She looked over at me and I could tell she was hurting. " I can't walk in there, I'm sorry." She pulled her wrist out of my grip and rushed inside. I let out a deep sigh feeling bad for her. I just wish I could help her, but I know she just needs time to heal. 
I then decided to go to the studio to go and talk even though they're gone now. As I was talking I heard a grunt so I immediately flicked the light on to find all three of them on the ground in pain. I felt overwhelmed with sadness. I kept telling them to go since they did their unfinished business. 
Your POVI left Julie outside to immediately rush inside to my room to let my emotions out. I closed the door and crumbled to the ground not having the energy to stand anymore. This felt like the worst pain ever and I didn't like it. 
Julie's POV
I could feel tears falling down my face and when Luke went in for a hug my brain forgot that it wouldn't work, but what shocked me was that I could feel him. I pulled away and saw that he was glowing so I called...
" Alex, Reggie!" which made the both of them come over to me and we all did a group hug. We then started to jump around in a circle making me laugh. 
We then pulled away to find their marks that they got from the club were disappearing. " Julie, where's your sister?" Luke questioned 
I totally forgot about her. I looked over at the three of them. " She went to her room. She is pretty devastated because she thinks you guys are gone." I explained, but right after I finished Luke disappeared. I glanced at the other two confused where they looked more concerned. 
Luke's POV
I popped into her room feeling my heart break from the sight in front of me. I was super hesitant to walk over to her. I didn't want to startle her in any way. I quietly walked over, " Y/n/n...." I softly questioned 
I could see her freeze. " You're not real, it's not real." she mumbled 
I was now behind her. I gently tapped her shoulder making her jump. She stood up and spun around. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. I went to ask her something, but she immediately started spitting words out. She was making it hard to answer them so I softly placed my hands on her shoulders. " How...how?" She questioned 
I looked amazed again. " I'm honestly not sure myself, but I'm right here." I whispered 
She started crying again making me nervous not knowing what to do. " Hey, hey, it's okay." I whispered, wiping her tears. I smiled some when she calmed down and then admitted. 
" I heard the song you sang to Julie." 
She immediately started blushing, making me laugh. " You were not supposed to hear that." She whispered 
I pulled her into a hug. " It's okay cause I actually really liked the song. I whispered 
Your POV
I couldn't believe I had my arms around Luke. This felt like a dream to me. He rubbed my back some. " What's on your mind?" he questioned 
I pulled away, " Just how all this is real. It feels like a dream." I whispered 
He smiled, " Well I'm here plus I'm still in my clothes from performing." He stated 
I nodded, " Luke about the song..." he interrupted me
He placed both his hands on my face. " Your song was amazing, plus no one's ever written me a song before." He said 
I blushed at his words and got lost in his eyes. I saw him lean in which made me nervous. " Is this okay?" he whispered only like an inch from my lips. 
I took a deep breath to get rid of the nerves. I then nodded, but he automatically said...
" Use your words Y/n/n." 
I immediately folded and whispered, " Yes it's okay." 
He then smiled and closed the gap. Feeling his lips on mine is making me get dizzy. He pulled away, but kept his forehead on mine. " How was that?" he whispered 
" Amazing." I mumbled 
He smiled down at me before kissing me again. All I'm saying is I could get used to the feeling of his lips. 
I hope you once again enjoy and I made her as Julie's sister not sure if I had her as one. Plus she's older than Julie by the way, so feel free to comment or request anything. Thank you guys for all the love and support. 
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imyourbratzdoll · 5 months
A Luke Danes fic where a new girl gets a job with Luke at the diner and they secretly fall for each other? ♥️
hi honey, I hope you like this!
summary - you are new to town and following that you need a job, thankfully luke gives you a job at the diner, only issue is that you both end up falling for the other.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips (deactivated)
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You were nervous, being new to a small town was one thing but to get a job on the first day was nerve-wracking. It also didn’t help that your new boss was so fine, you didn’t want to mess this up and embarrass yourself in front of him. So now you stood in front of your bed, wondering what to wear to work in a diner. Your clothes laid out neatly as you stare at them, picturing each outfit on your body. You look out the window, hoping the weather could help you decide. 
With a quick decision you choose a large dark grey wool jumper, pairing it with a black mini skirt and some black tights and flats before heading back over to the mirror and clipping your hair back, allowing a few hairs at the front to fall gracefully, framing your face. “Shit!” You curse as you see the time and quickly grab your bag, running out the door. 
You arrive at Luke’s diner, nearly out of breath and head inside, brushing imaginary dust off your clothes. You head over to the counter and anxiously wait for Luke to look up. You smooth out your jumper as you wait, brushing your hair from your face. You pause your movements as he looks up, you smile softly, hoping it helps hide your nerves. “Hi…”
He nods, clearing his throat as he checks you out subtly. “You’re early. Good.” He moves swiftly, reaching underneath the counter and pulling out an apron. “This is for you, you’ll help me take orders and serve said orders to the costumers.” You nod as he hands it over, you copy his movements and wrap the apron around your lower half. You thank him when he hands you the notebook and pen, giving him a small smile. 
Throughout the day, you and Luke connect eyes multiple times, accidentally bumping into one another as you try to walk by, causing the two of you to awkwardly look away or move to the side, but the actions would only keep repeating themselves. When it came to closing time, you head towards the counter and untie your apron, neatly folding it and placing it on top of the bench, with the notebook and pen. You turn, about to tell Luke that you’ve done your part only for you to let out a gasp and bump into him. “I’m so sorry!” 
He grunts. “It’s okay. You did good.” He realises that his hand is resting on your hip and quickly pulls away, his cheeks turning a bright pink. “Sorry.” 
“It’s okay.” You shyly look up at him, knowing the way your heart pumps in your chest is wrong, you couldn’t possibly fall for your boss. Funny enough, you didn’t know Luke was thinking and feeling the same thing as he looked down at you. You both would spend weeks watching the other secretly, imagining what life would be like if you admitted your feelings. Maybe one day you would both find the courage to tell the other.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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Does anyone ever think about how little faith Luke’s parents must have had in his talent to not be able to find him all those months after he ran away? I mean we know they were looking because of the wanted posters, right? But like, Sunset Curve was making a name for themselves and that girl outside the Orpheum screams Reggie’s name, so other fans and people in the scene probably knew Luke’s too, so if his parents had ever even bothered to mention to the police that he was a musician they probably could have found him in a second. Or if they had tried going around to clubs and looking for him. But they didn’t. Because it never occurred to them that he could actually succeed. And for that to be true they must have never even heard him play. And I just … they never believed him for a second did they?
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ellsfloriographyy · 2 months
past, present, and future.
chapter 1 <3
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After the night of the Orpheum, Julie Molina found herself in a dizzying realization that she barely knew about the lives the phantoms had before they died. Of course, she heard stories occasionally, and the '90s impact never left their sides, despite the fact some of their references didn't stick with her. Yet they pushed through to let go of the past and focused on the future. Instead of Sunset Curve, their future was Julie and the Phantoms, and they couldn't be happier. Yet Julie wasn't. There's a particular grief she's experiencing, and she feels selfish for feeling it in the first place. But she grieves the lives they could have lived if they were alive today.
She understands that a massive weight remains on their shoulders. She wishes to help them alleviate some of that trauma as she did for Luke when speaking to Emily… But there's only so much she can do.
Past. Present. Future.
What could she do to make this second chance perfect? And would it be enough? Enough to make everything last?
She can't lose to the test of time. She won't allow it this time.
Chapter 1: entering the past <3
It was the only word that came to mind for Julie Molina when describing her current mood. Frustration was the only thing she could pinpoint in the rollercoaster of emotions she was experiencing. At six in the morning to make matters worse, she couldn’t get more sleep even if she tried, so she opted to stay in bed for a while. Plus, her mind had already bolted her awake, and now she was in a bad mood. At least the sunrise was pretty.
It had been roughly over a week since the band’s performance at the Orpheum and well over a week since she almost lost the boys, yet despite all her fears, they were still there. She should be overjoyed; don’t get her wrong, she is! It’s a miracle that they remained, but it leaves another mystery for her to overthink. They may have broken Caleb’s curse, but he could still be lingering... Regardless, she could never have imagined being able to embrace them as she did that very night. The warmth, the presence, and the comfort they provided through touch were simply a daydream of hers. To have it come true made her heart skip a few beats, albeit Luke held her as if she meant everything to him. And a part of her believed it.
“No music is worth making, Julie, if we’re not making it with you.”
His words echoed in her head as she buried herself under the covers, her face heating up as she groaned into her hands. Luke and their “interesting little relationship” were another concern in her mind. Something had changed between them, but with all the chaos surrounding them, she hadn’t had a moment to talk to him, or rather, she had no clue how to bring it up to him… her almost alive but not crush. This past week, they were left with longing glances, shy smiles, and tension that even Reggie could notice. But it wasn’t the only thing killing her.
After the night of the Orpheum, Julie found herself in a dizzying realization that she barely knew about the lives the guys had before they died. Of course, she heard stories occasionally, and the ’90s impact never left their sides, despite the fact some of their references didn’t stick with her. Ultimately, they were still the same 17-year-olds as 25 years ago; all those years felt like nothing to them. Yet they pushed through to let go of the past and focused on the future. Instead of Sunset Curve, their future was Julie and the Phantoms, and they couldn’t be happier.
Yet Julie wasn’t. It didn’t stick right with her that they were practically caught up with her current life. The guys had begun catching up on music, trends, and even movies, even if they were still behind. They knew the latest gossip at school, the new vocabulary, and heck, with the new abilities they carried… It was even possible for other people to see them, too. Although Willie had advised them to play it safe and stay in the garage as things calmed down, they hadn’t tested that theory out yet. Regardless, she felt like a total asshole for not being more involved with their lives, or rather with the lives they had. They had put in so much effort to be in hers, and she adored it more than anything. They were her home, after all. (It was close second place with Flynn, but Carlos, Rose, and Ray always came first.) But she couldn’t help but wonder what they did in their free time, how hard it was at home, and how school was for them. Alex was most likely a fantastic student, Reggie was the class clown, and Luke could have made Sunset Curve the greatest accomplishment of their school. But she couldn’t have known, and she’ll never be able to experience it firsthand. That’s the part that kills her.
There’s a particular grief she’s experiencing, and she feels selfish for feeling it in the first place. But she grieves the lives they could have lived if they were alive today. She understands this new second chance is everything to them, but it’s unfair that their first chance was even ruined in the first place. She understands there’s a massive weight on their shoulders that remains. She wishes she could help them and alleviate some of that trauma. Like how she did for Luke when speaking to Emily… But there’s only so much she can do. That’s where her frustration comes in; she wishes she was more help, and she feels like an idiot for not doing much for them. They made her feel alive again; she could never repay that blessing.
She shuffles around in her bed as her mind wanders to Luke. She shakes the thought away as she sits up and looks out her window at the sunrise.
Past. Present. Future.
What could she do to make this second chance perfect? Was she doing the best she could? Were they happy? What if she loses them again? What if, after everything, she’d be back at square one, grieving and mourning? What could have been? She only snaps out of her spiral when a familiar blonde ghost knocks through her door.
“Julie?” She can almost laugh at how hesitant Alex sounds. He’s the only one so far who’s understood the word “boundaries,” and she appreciates how respectful he is when entering her space. The garage is left for the boys, but when it’s her room, it’s her space alone to breathe. He gets that.
“You can come in,” she coughs to clear her morning voice. She bets they’re the only ones awake right now. “Don’t judge too hard; I don’t look my best! I just woke up.”
He eventually walks in with a small smile, sporting his iconic pink hoodie, but he seems more reserved than usual. “Nothing to worry about.”
“Are you okay?” Julie automatically feels concerned as she looks at Alex. They share lingering eye contact before he looks away at the wall.
“No, yeah, uh, sorry. I just couldn’t sleep anymore. I was looking for some company. Would it be okay if I stayed here with you? Luke and Reggie are fast asleep, and I didn’t want to wake them up. You were the best option. I was just hoping you were awake–”
Before he continues explaining, she pats her bed, asking him to lie beside her. Alex eagerly follows, and his head rests on her lap. Julie can’t help but smile a little. After all the new contact, Alex seems to seek her affection the most. He’s still adjusting to the warm skin, eating again, sleeping again schedule. You know, the basics of life, and she’s happy she’s some comfort to him. But he’s still missing something, and she can only assume it’s the presence of a particular ghost. She hadn’t heard much about Willie, but it was so clear Alex was head over heels for him.
“You’re always welcome to stay here, Alex. You know that, right? And don’t worry; I’ve been up a bit and can’t sleep much either.”
“Yeah. Thank you, Julie.”
Julie smiles at their shared acknowledgment. A few minutes pass, and now she’s running her hands through his hair, humming a familiar tune, but he can’t pinpoint what it is. The silence is comfortable, but he breaks it with a question that leaves a bittersweet taste in her mouth.
“We’re in the same boat, aren’t we?”
She’s not stupid and knows what he’s implying, but it’s hard to admit they’re both stuck in a loop of longing and confusion. She plays with her curls as she sighs in response and nods.
“You gotta talk to him, Julie. I know he’s probably as hesitant as you. But Luke means everything he says, you know? He’s just... He has a hard time putting words into words other than lyrics. He can’t say it, but I promise you he cares.”
That’s her problem. Luke cares too much, and so does she.
What an interesting relationship they have.
Past, Present, Future.
hii! my name is ell, i'm a new fanfic writer out here!! anyway, i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of past, present, and future <3 i apologize if its no good, but i hope to only improve as i continue to write! so i hope you stick around :D i wish it was a longer chapter but this is my test run HAHAHA, i hope u understand!
i truly do love this fandom, these couples, and this show so so much. :,) couldn't help myself, so i had to start writing too! i know we've def calmed down as a fandom, but i hope you guys are still here like me :)
i try to be as active as possible, and ill also try to update the moment i cannn! feel free to message me so we fangirl or fanboy together <3
thanks for entering my garden of love & admiration for this media !! ^^
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veysxrge · 1 month
Story of My Life (J.A.T.P)
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mentions of Parental Death
Pairings: Luke Patterson x Julie Molina
AU: Everyone lives, no one dies (minus Julie's mom, for plot, of course)
In honor of the fandom growing again, and the possibility of a second season, have this little story.
Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days
Luke always watched Julie from afar, admiring the girl from a distance. His friends always made fun of him for it. Especially Alex, who later on became quick friends with Flynn, Julie's best friend.
But, he never talked to her, he knew she knew who he was. He was sure Alex told her a story or two about him to embarrass him. But he never talked to her, he always clammed up whenever she was around.
Luke was content with admiring her from afar, staying quiet as he watched her interact with everyone around her with an energy that could never be contained.
Everyone loved her, that was the thing. Julie was kind to everyone, always helping out people who needed it. He couldn't even count the amount of times she went out of her way just to make sure a stranger passed a class.
She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones
It seems to me that when I die, these words will be written on my stone
But he watched her light dwindle, fade over time. No one around her seemed to notice, except maybe Flynn. He could see the way her smiles stopped reaching her eyes, and watched as she stopped going to play a random tune on the piano in the middle of class.
But soon enough, she stopped trying to put on a front. It was like a switch flipped and she stopped caring. The light left her eyes, she stopped helping people out, she even distanced herself from Flynn. Well, she tried to. But Luke knew that Flynn was way too stubborn to let herself be pushed away.
He didn't know exactly what happened, but from the whispers in the hallway it seemed that her mother passed. When he found that out, he felt his heart break for the girl he adored so much.
A piece of him seemed to break every day as he watched Julie become a shell of her former self. He hadn't seen her touch a piano or hum a tune in almost a year. He yearned to hear her angelic voice once more, but alas he didn't know her, nor did she know him.
And I'll be gone, gone tonight, the ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I been holdin' on too tight, with nothin' in between
Luke wanted to be able to help her, to bring back the life and energy that she had lost. But he couldn't, he couldn't find the words. He couldn't figure out what to say to her. How he would start the conversation, he had so much he wanted to say but he didn't have the ability to form it into words.
He sat at his desk every night, thinking about the beautiful girl who had lost her spark. The girl that had to grieve over the loss of such an important figure in her life. The girl who had stolen his heart without even realizing she had.
He wished he could tell her the way she made him feel, but he knew if he ever got the courage to he wouldn't say it. He couldn't tell her, not while her wounds are still so fresh. If there was a way to make her happy again, he'd do it. He'd do anything to see her smile again.
Luke went through pages and pages of his notebooks, crumpled up papers overflowing in the trash can that rested under his desk. But he couldn't find the words, he couldn't figure out how to explain the storm that was going on in his head. He didn't know how he could help her.
The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm, and time is frozen
In a perfect world, Luke saw himself and Julie smiling and writing songs that they sang together. Their friends surrounded them and helped bring their songs to life. In this world, they knew each other and they loved each other deeply. But sadly, a perfect world doesn't exist.
So instead, Luke was going through a funk. Everyone could see it, his friends were worried. He hadn't written a song in months, and his last one was barely a song if he was being honest. He couldn't write, his brain was in scrambles and everything he had written down wasn't good enough.
This went on for long enough that even Reggie had told Luke that maybe it was time to take a break from the band. That's the moment that Luke felt his heart completely shatter. He knew he had to do something, he had to get out of this funk.
But his mind was only filled with Julie, filled with the ghost of what the girl used to be. Overflowing with ways he could help but also the anxiety of being rejected. Filled with longing and anguish for this girl that he had never spoken a word to. He couldn't figure out what to do.
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside, the story of my life
Eventually, his friends started to give him space. They still hung out with him, gave him ideas of how to get his rhythm back. But they just gave him a bit of space, which Luke was immensely grateful for.
He still watched Julie from afar, finally, after a year it seemed that she was opening up a bit more. She was smiling again, joking around with her friends. She stopped pushing people away, started helping people out again. But she didn't touch the piano.
He saw the longing in her eyes whenever she passed the piano in Music class. He also saw when Mrs. Harrison stopped Julie one day to talk after class. When he saw her leave, dejected and nervous, he knew what the conversation was about.
The need to help her had finally grown too strong, he knew he had to do something. He couldn't watch her be kicked out of music, even if she was having a hard time singing. His choice was solidified when she choked the next day, starting to play a tune only to not be able to get the words out.
Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change
Leave my heart open, but it stays right here in its cage
As Julie ran out of the class after Carrie's particularly harsh comment, Luke had finally had enough. He got up, sending a glare towards Carrie, "That's a new low for you Carrie, real mature of you."
He saw the way her eyebrows furrowed, Luke never got upset. He was a pretty energetic, gung-ho type of guy. He never glared at people, and he definitely never was rude or talked back to someone if it wasn't directed at him or his friends.
But he still walked out of class, after Julie, much to the surprise of all of their mutual friends. He looked both ways, trying to figure out which way Julie turned, seeing her curly ponytail turn around a corner at his right.
He was quick to follow, and once she was finally in his sights he spoke, "Julie, wait!"
At the sound of his voice she turned around, shock evident on her face once she realized who called her. He wasn't surprised that she reacted that way, he never spoke to her despite their mutual friends.
I know that in the morning, I'll see us in the light up on the hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed still
"Luke?" She asked, tilting her head as she looked his figure up and down, making Luke scratch the back of his own head.
"That's my name." He mumbled, becoming shy once they were face to face. "I just, I wanted to say to not give Carrie any mind. I'm sure you'll be able to sing again soon."
Julie smiled sadly, shaking her head, "Thank you for that, but that was my last chance."
Luke furrowed his eyebrows, a frown appearing on his face as he looked at Julie. "I'm sure they'll be another, you're way too talented for Mrs. Harrison to give you up."
Julie sighed gently, her eyes flicking back to something behind Luke before going back to him, "I appreciate the encouragement Luke, and I really hope you're right." She mumbled before walking past him.
Luke turned around to watch her walk away, towards Mrs. Harrison. From the look on the music teachers face he knew that it may be the last chance for Julie. He knew he had to figure out a way to make sure she didn't get kicked out of the music program.
And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The fire beneath my feet is burnin' bright
When Luke sat at his desk that night, he finally knew how to word how he was feeling. He finally knew what to write, and that's what he did. He wrote, he put words to how he felt. The want and need to help Julie, the adoration he felt for the girl he barely knew.
When he finished writing, he was quick to message his bandmates that he finally finished a song. A song that he actually loved, one he was proud of for once.
Alex was the first to reply, expressing his happiness that Luke was able to get his groove back and Bobby was quick to second that. Reggie of course just sent a bunch of keyboard smashes that caused a small smile to form on Luke's face.
They ended up meeting later that night, meeting up at Bobby's garage and finding out what melody and music they could add to this song. They worked hard, and were happy that they would have it ready for the pep rally at the end of Spirit Week.
The way that I've been holdin' on so tight
With nothin' in between
The next day, Luke went up to Mrs. Harrison, giving her a small smile, "Hey Mrs. H, I was wondering if the offer to play at the pep rally was still open for us?"
He could see the way that Mrs. Harrison's eyes lit up at that, "Of course it is, you can perform after Carrie and her group."
Luke grinned at that, nodding at Mrs. Harrison before going back to his friends. It seemed that while he was gone, Flynn and Julie had ended up joining the conversation.
His eyes ended up meeting Julie's and he gave her a shy smile before turning towards Bobby, Alex and Reggie, "We're in."
Reggie was quick to bring the 4 of them into a hug, wrapping his arms around all of their necks and pulling them towards him, "The band is back!!" He exclaimed, causing Bobby and Alex to laugh.
Luke looked back over towards Julie, noticing how she smiled softly at the boy's actions. He grinned a bit before finally pulling away from Reggie, clapping his shoulder as he did, "We still will need to practice, we've only played the song once."
"You finally were able to write a new one?" Flynn asked, raising an eyebrow towards Luke. Julie seemed surprised by this, obviously unaware about his current creative block.
"I had a bit of inspiration." He replied, forcing himself to not glance over at Julie as he said it. But Alex just rolled his eyes, letting out a soft laugh.
"That's one way to put it." He said before turning his attention to Flynn, "He wrote a love song."
Luke felt his cheeks heat up as he awkwardly scratched his neck, "There is no way, actually?" Flynn asked, grinning a bit as she looked at Luke.
"Yeah, it's actually really cute! A bit sad, but it's such a mushy song!" Reggie said, smiling brightly, "Like one of those cheesy one-sided love songs you hear on the radi-"
"Alright alright, enough with that, would ya?" Luke said, wanting to turn the attention off his song and the implications of it. He wanted it to be a surprise. He looked towards Julie once again, realizing she was already looking at him. He smiled a bit towards her before looking away once more.
The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm, and time is frozen
After that day, Julie and Luke seemed to finally get closer. Surprisingly it wasn't because of Luke, but because of Julie herself. She went out of her way to walk up to him after class, and pair up with him instead of Flynn in their shared Biology class.
Flynn didn't mind, instead pairing with Alex seeing as he usually paired up with Luke. All these things made Luke beam, brighter than he had before. It was embarrassingly obvious to almost everyone how infatuated he was with Julie. To everyone but her that is.
Julie herself seemed a bit happier, even offering to help Luke write another new song. She didn't sing it, but she did hum along to the melody he came up with which surprised Luke immensely. He ended up gifting her the lyric and music sheet, saying he'd rather hear her sing it when she was able to again.
He didn't notice the way Julie's heart almost leapt out of her chest when he said that. He didn't see the way her eyes practically formed hearts at the fact he'd rather wait for her to be ready so she could sing it instead of doing it with his band.
He couldn't tell that all these little things, all these small subconscious things he always did with people he cared about slowly made Julie feel less empty. He didn't realize he was helping her find her music just by existing by her side.
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside, the story of my life
The pep rally was close, Luke was feeling more and more anxious by the day. There was no way for Julie to know that the song was about her, but he still felt nervous at the fact she was going to hear it.
He yearned deeply to know what she would think of it. Would she hate it? Would she love it? Would she not think anything of it at all and just be counting down the minutes until she could go back to class?
He knew the last thought was ridiculous. Julie was too much of a compassionate and kind person to not have her full attention on the band's music when they performed. But the knowledge of that didn't ease his worries.
His friends were quick to notice his nerves a few hours before the pep rally started. Alex was the one who decided to confront him about it, seeing as he himself knew what nerves Luke was feeling.
"Hey bud, you doing alright over here?" Alex asked, making Luke jump up from his thoughts, staring at his friend like he gained two heads in the last half-hour since they had talked.
"Yeah." Luke finally answered, wringing his hands together as he glanced off to the side of the room, "Just pre-performance jitters."
Alex nodded hesitantly, pursing his lips in thought before he responded to Luke's obvious deflect of his original question, "She's going to love the song, just don't think about it too much." He said before walking away, pretending not to notice the way Luke's shoulders sagged in relief at the assurance that it'll be alright.
And I've been waiting for this time to come around
But, baby, runnin' after you is like chasin' the clouds
Before Luke knew it, he was on the stage, staring at his peers looking back at him from the bleachers. His eyes scanned the crowd, trying to find the familiar set of curls among the students. Soon enough he found her, sitting next to Flynn and Willie, smiling at him.
Luke shyly returned the smile before averting his attention away from her, "Hello, Los Feliz Bobcats! Thank you for having us today at the Pep Rally, we really hope you enjoy the few songs we've got today."
Bobby was quick to join in next, grinning and winking at the crowd as he spoke, "My good friend Luke here wrote all the songs from deep within his heart, so please show him some love for that!" Applause was quick to follow, seeing as Bobby was the more popular person in their band.
"Without further ado! We are Sunset Curve!" Alex said, causing Reggie to quickly chime in, "Tell your friends!" Laughter settled over the students before they eventually quieted down at the start of their first song.
Luke felt his nerves quickly vanish as he sang, his song for Julie wasn't until the end, and this he was extremely grateful for. He could lose himself in the music he spent ages on writing and composing to the best of his abilities. Smiling and running around the stage as he sang his heart out, having to force his laughter to stop when Reggie made a face when they harmonized on the same mic.
This is what he missed, performing, the cheers of the people around him as they learned the chorus as tried to sing along for later verses for the songs he hadn't yet released and sang for the public.
He caught Julie's eye multiple times throughout the first couple of songs, and he knew she loved them. He saw her eyes light up when she realized she knew the song, mouthing the words, but he knew she wasn't singing. He'd recognize her voice among the crowd that harmonized before him.
Soon enough, it was time for her song. He waited for his classmates to calm down a bit before grabbing the mic and pulling it closer to him, "This last song is a bit slower... Don't get me wrong, the chorus is obviously still upbeat- But..." He subconsciously glanced towards Julie's direction, "This song is one that's close to my heart, I wrote it for someone I've always admired from afar."
He smiled a bit, looking at his shoes before shaking his head, "Sappiness aside, I really hope you all enjoy it. Here's our final song, Story of my Life."
As he performed, he couldn't help but look at Julie. He didn't care if he was being obvious, and by the way her smile seemed to brighten as she listened to the words that he sang to her, he didn't think she minded either. He never wanted to see her smile fade ever again.
When they finally finished, they all bowed, smiles never fading as they stepped off the stage. Mrs. Harrison was quick to take their place, saying her final speech before sending the kids back to their classes.
The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm, and time is frozen
Luke wasn't sure what he expected as he checked the strings on his guitar, not yet having unplugged it just yet. But he definitely didn't expect to hear a piano start to play a few feet away from where he stood in the wings of the stage.
He glanced over, recognizing the cords that started to play, but he was surprised to see Julie sat at the piano. She glanced over at him, not too surprised to see him staring in awe back. She sent him a nervous smile, and he was quick to give her a beaming one back, mouthing the words 'You got this.'
That seemed to be all she needed, smiling softly before she started to sing the song they had written together. She had quickly caught the attention of the students and teachers, pausing in their leaving to watch the girl in surprise.
Luke could see the way Julie stared at the keyboard, her voice still a bit timid, not the usual loud and bright voice he missed dearly. He glanced at his bandmates, and by the way they were all reaching for their instruments, it seemed they had the same idea.
So soon enough, the boys joined on the stage, joining in on the music. Julie was surprised, but obviously happy at the surprise addition to her performance. Soon enough they were singing together, smiling and dancing around each other.
Luke and Julie's voices harmonized beautifully, not that it was much of a surprise. It was obvious that they would, you could ask anyone with a musical bone in their body and they'd say it was clear they would sound amazing together.
It was clear that Julie didn't expect the reaction of the crowd when they finished, surprise evident on her features as she stared at the crowd that was cheering and clapping in front of her. Luke smiled softly, glancing towards the crowd as well. When he noticed the principal and Mrs. Harrison whispering, he knew that this might be Julie's chance to get her spot back.
He placed a hand on her shoulder, heart melting just a tad when he saw her bright smile directed towards him. He said nothing, instead motioning towards their teacher and principal who seemed to want to speak with her. He watched as she walked towards them, nerves already showing just by how she walked away from him.
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside
Luke sat nervously on his truck in the school parking lot. He hadn't seen Julie since the end of the pep rally, he was worried that it hadn't worked out well for the girl.
His friends were sitting in front of him, but he barely paid them any mind. He stared into the sky, watching the clouds pass as he chewed at the skin by his fingernails anxiously.
After what seemed like hours, he felt the hood of his car move slightly, signaling someone had sat down beside him and successfully breaking him out of his trance so he could look next to him. Julie sat there, smiling fondly at the boy.
"Julie!" He said, immediately standing up so he could face her properly, "Tell me, how did it go? Did you get in trouble? Did you get kicked out?? Are you rejoining the music program? DID YOU GET EXPELLED??"
Julie laughed softly, placing a hand on Luke's shoulder to calm him down a bit, "Slow down, cowboy. Nothing bad happened." Luke felt his face light up at those words, waiting patiently for Julie to finish, "They were able to pull some strings and add another spot so I could rejoin the program, as long as I was sure I wouldn't choke again after this."
Luke couldn't help the smile that grew, immediately moving and wrapping his arms around the girl, "I am so happy for you, you deserve it Jules." He felt her arms wrap around his middle, melting into his embrace. He knew he wanted to stay like this forever, but he knew it wasn't likely.
"So, that song you wrote." Julie started, pulling away a bit so she could see his face, "Who was it about?"
Luke felt his cheeks heat up, glancing away for a second before returning his attention to Julie. He was about to answer, but by the grin that was growing on Julie's face it seemed like she already knew. He groaned in annoyance, resting his head on her shoulder as if to hide his embarrassment.
His suspicions were confirmed when he heard her beautiful laughter hit his ears and her hand came to pat his back, "It's alright, rockstar. I like you too."
The story of my life
The story of my life
Luke glanced up at Julie, tilting his head to the side instead of lifting it up so he wouldn't have to lose the close contact he craved from the girl, "Do you?" He asked, his voice soft as he scanned her face as if to try to guess if she was lying or not.
"Have for a while now, I thought I was being pretty obvious." Julie responded, her smile softening at the hesitant look on his face. His own smile finally appeared, pulling Julie close once again and burying his face in her neck.
It turns out he did end up saving her, just like he wanted to since the beginning.
The story of my life
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I Am All In Rewatch - Episode 2x2
[So, now, what do you think when Lorelai comes to tell Luke, Hey, come on out, I want you here.] I was blown away by that scene. I was blown away by that whole arc um because you know, he really showed how devastated he was. You know, he really did, and even in front of her, and he was he was so devastated he couldn't hide it, and he's good at hiding stuff. Um yeah, I just yeah, I beefed up over the hiatus, didn't I was? I guess I gained I gained I gained weight. I'm thinking I was working out too much. It's like, what's going on there? I just I don't know, I looked a little large for for my comfort. No, but I thought those I thought those scenes were you know, if you're sitting there with look the first look when they were sitting there, the king and Queen of the party, the engagement party, right in their thrones, And the first time that Lorelai looked over to see the diner and the light was on, I thought, uh-oh, and that's look, that's a tell that she's thinking about Luke and to the audience and it's like, whoa, whoa. Okay, she's not going to marry Max. She's thinking about Luke. He's over there, how's he feeling? And you know she said to him when she got there, I just you know, you're a friend of mine and I want you to share and be happy for me. But we know what a bunch of crap. [Who leaves their engagement party to go into a diner to talk to the dude filling the ketchup bottles? Like do you know what I'm saying?] He's inventing chores for him to do to avoid it. Basically, basically he set a trap for her with the light on, come on in because because at that time of night, it's well, I guess it's still open. It wasn't too late. It was like eight o'clock, so maybe he's still open. [But I mean then she's dancing and it's very sweet and there you are and she you know, your eyes connect. It's just like come on.] The iconic scene where I sitting next to the little ballerinas. I mean, that's that's that's as iconic an image for Luke as I think there is. Well, they really at the time, they really pushed that image in the marketing side of things...  Perfect setup. What a party. I wanted to be at that party? -Scott 
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
Regret and guilt, forgive or forget?
Chapter two: Camp reunion
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Steve harrington x Plus-size reader x Luke Patterson.
Prev. Or. Next.
Plot: You’ve arrived at camp, finally after needed a break. You reunite with your friends after four years of not seeing them. Feeling started to show up again and he returns them. You couldn’t deny how he makes you feel. Maybe things will happen if you let them. It’s a Sumer full of love.
Notes: Is this a Julie and the phantoms cross over? Yes. So don’t come after me. Also I really like this chapter but I hate the way it’s written but it look me so many hours to finish so I’m not redoing it. So it sucks, my apologies. I tried something new.
Warnings: Nothing really you’ll just have to find out. No spoilers.
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The girl stepped out of the bus and onto the ground. The suns heat hit her skin as the she heard other people chatter loudly.
"Welcome to Camp Symphony" A girl with a camp t-shirt on handed girl hand her a paper with the map of the camps grounds.
The H/c girl smiled and said her thanks, she looked around at all the people getting of the buses and the forest around her.
She started heading towards the big wooden building that everyone was going to. It was beautiful out here, to the trees and the stone paths. She could see some flowers and buildings in the distance.
Once she was half way there a voice called out from behind her.
"Hey beautiful, miss me"
Y/n stopped and her heart start to pick up, a warmth in her body started to rise up because she knew that voice. She knew who he was. So a smile found its way to her face as she turns around.
A boy with shaggy brown hair, hazel eyes and light pale skin. His muscles poked out his sleeveless shirt, and she wasn’t surprised that he had that one. But the smile on his handsome face is what made her feel at home. She missed him. No, she missed them.
“I’m sorry. Do I know you?” She tilted her head in question but he knew to well by the cocky look on her face that she was joking.
“Me? That depends, have you seen me in your dreams” he stepped closer and gave her a smirk. He knew how to flirty with girls but this wasn’t something new that he did to her. This was their thing.
“Only in my nightmares” At her words he swing his hands up to his heart acting hurt. “Oh you wound me” she tried her best not to laugh.
“I’m y/n” She held her hand for him to shake and he didn’t even look down at her hand and only at in her eyes. “Luke” He took her hand and shakes it.
It was silent as they both looked at one another. With only a few seconds of staring at each other, they quickly moved towards the other and into a embrace.
He wrapped his arms around her wider body and pulled her close, and she did the same to him. Best friends reunited again after all the time away from each other.
“You can’t believe how happy we are to have you back” He let out a happy chuckle as he still held onto her waist while pulling apart.
“I needed a break. You guys are family and I missed you, if I didn’t miss you so much I wouldn’t be out here in the hot ass Sun” Non of that was a lie but she was really happy to be here.
“Then we should get you inside? Benny goes over everything and the guys are in there” He stepped away and took ahold of her hand.
She giggled as he pulled her to the building. She forgot about everything else but this moment. Hawkins, her other friends. Or the man that left her heartbroken.
As he dragged you into the doors of the big building you saw rows of people and some empty ones as people where still getting here. It was a lot of people and it made you feel intimidated since you were the biggest girl in the room. Or people will have their eyes on you.
“Most people are nice here. Plus you have us” he watched as you looked around the room and he remembered how you got. He turned away to look for the rest of your small group but before he could stop what was about to happen. It happened.
You felt a big impact crush into you and wrapped around you. Two boys hugged you and cheered as they held you tight, you let out laughs but then also felt suffocated.
“It’s y/n” another dark haired boy said while into your neck. “I figured that out” a blond taller boy said from over your shoulder. Your arms patted both their backs.
“Hello to you too” they finally pulled away and you could see the happiness on their faces.
“You look amazing” The darker haired boy, the one you knew as Reggie, the biggest flirt you knew, gave you a wink. But Luke pushed him back a bit so he stopped.
“What he means to saying is that you look great.” The blond one, Alex said. You knew he wasn’t flirting with you since he wasn’t into people like you. He wasn’t into girls at all.
“Right back at you guys. We seem to have all grown up a little since the last time” They all nodded. Alex started to walk into the sitting row and all of you followed.
“I can’t believe you came” They all missed you so much. “To be honest I wasn’t planning on it” You took a set down next to alex and Reggie was about to set next to you but Luke pushed him out the way when you weren’t looking.
“What do you mean by that” Luke asked while sitting next to you.
“Well I had a lot of plans this summer, then” you stopped when the memory’s you just forgot about came back. “It was suddenly freed up” they looked at you in worry. Alex looked in pity.
Luke stared at you from the side and noticed your body language and the sadness hint in your eyes that wasn’t there before. He was going to ask but got interrupted.
“Good morning campers” A boys voice came through the microphone as everyone took their seats. You looked forward and saw him at the front of everyone.
“I am so glad to see all your beautiful faces here today.” Luke rolled his eyes and you caught him in the acted and leaned close to him.
“What’s that about” you whispered at him and he just shook his head.
“You’ll see” And you leaned back and watched as he went on.
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By the end of it, your face was red and almost all the other girls were too. The guy Benny, Luke mentioned earlier, had taken his shirt off for some reason that you couldn’t remember.
“Now that we’re at the end, you guys have been spread into teams for four. Some of you payed extra to get into groups with friends. Others are paired randomly and by age.” You kicked yourself for not even checking for the opinion.
“I see why you don’t like him” You giggle at Luke and he nodded his head. “He didn’t even have a good reason for it” you shrugged at his comments and stared back at the shirtless guy.
“He has a good reason to me” Alex nodded in agreement from beside you.
“Oh please, he isn’t half as jacked as I am” Luke said flexing his muscles. You rolled your eyes and got up with the rest of them, to the front to get your schedule.
“It’s not about being super jacked, I mean Steve isn’t jacked” you didn’t fully understand what you said until you said it. For a moment you forgot you and him weren’t together.
“Steve?” Reggie and Luke questioned you at the same time. But Alex tensed up.
“Who? Oh look it’s the girls line” you quickly went over to the line of girls and hoped they would forget about it and not question you later.
“Who the hell is Steve” Luke walked with them. “No clue” Alex replied quickly but Reggie had he’s own ideas and a grin grew in his face.
“Maybe it’s her boyfriend” Luke’s head spun towards up at reggie. You would have told him, right?
“Guys stop she clearly didn’t want to talk about it. Leave it for another day, it’s time to have good times like we used to” Alex pointed out. They both nodded to agree but Luke couldn’t stop thinking about you having a boyfriend.
As you got your schedule you waited for them in the corner of the room. But they aren’t the only once’s who noticed you or wanted your attention.
“You must be new” A voice you recognized said from close behind you. You turned around to see the boy named Benny who spoke earlier. He had a shirt on this time.
“Oh yeah I have friends who invited me.” You smiled at him with your schedule in hand. “Well, I’ll have to thank them” He flashed a smile and you almost couldn’t believe that he was talking to you.
“Y/n” You both looked towards the area your name had been called. You saw your friends walking towards you and relief washed over you.
“Have you looked at your schedule yet” Alex was the first to come over and talk like he didn’t even see Benny.
“No” you answered him. Reggie came over in the other side of you. Luke however stayed close to Benny almost to protect you if he went too close.
“Patterson” Benny glared at Luke as he did the same but with with a smirk. “Madden” Luke replied and crosses his arms.
“Well I have to get things done, it was nice meeting you y/n” Benny smiles at you but glares at all of the boys around you before walking off.
“Is he that bad?” You asked as they nodded.
“Each year he finds someone new, then has his way then repeats” You made a “o” with your mouth and looked down at your paper.
“It’s says I’m in group…” You looked at the name and a huge grin spends its way onto your lips as you looked up.
“Patterson” Luke winked at you. “You think I’d let you go with anyone else then us” he put his arm around your shoulders and brought them close.
“You paid for me?” You couldn’t stop your heart from fluttering at the thought he would do that for you. He stared right into your eyes and a spark you haven’t noticed before caught your eyes.
“Of course i would” the other two boys looked between you two and gave the other knowing looks.
“I’d do anything for you” He didn’t say those words out loud but he thought them.
“Thank you” you give him a smile and then looked at the others not to make it look weird or anything. “Can you show me around?” Reggie was the first to pop up at your side.
“My lady” He held out his arm for you to take and of course you took it, gigging in the process. And then he dragged you off.
“I just noticed how you haven’t changed” Alex put his hands in his pockets while they watch you walk off with Reggie.
“What are you taking about?” Like tore his gaze from you and to Alex confused.
“You still have a crush” The smirk on Alex face and his words made Luke flustered.
“I do not” Alex raised a brow as Luke crosses his arms and puffed out his now red cheeks.
“You look at her like you did when we were kids, and trust me I know when you have a crush. I’m the one you come to when you ask about what to get girls” Alex explained but luke wasn’t having any of it.
“I’m just happy to see her again, no romantic involved. Now lets go before he does something stupid” Luke walked away from Alex.
“Idiot” Alex mumbled a huff and followed Luke.
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It’s been five days since you’ve arrived at the camp, and you couldn’t believe all the fun you’ve been having. You haven’t seen your friends in three years and you missed their company so much.
“I can’t believe you said that” you guys finally walking back to camp from a day of exploring. It was getting dark at the camp, and they were going to have some sort of sing along.
“It’s true! He couldn’t even sing. What was i supposed to do” Luke raised his voice slightly and you just shrugged a laugh.
“Something other then that.” You carefully walked over the tree roots. Alex and Reggie walked in front of the two of you.
“He wasn’t leaving” Alex added and you gasped a bit. “Not you too” he only put his hands up. “You weren’t there”
You guys came back into the big building with all the seats and sat at last row to the door. You sat on the outside of the row.
Before Luke could take a seat next to you, Alex took it first. He knew that you two were growing close again because he saw the looks you two gave each other.
Of course he knew you two could be good to each other but he can’t let what happened again. When you moved away Luke took it the hardest since he knew the longest, had a stronger bond and he wouldn’t admit it but he had feelings for you.
Alex knew what happened before you came here with Steve because you called him. You both kept in touch more but not often, but he knew Steve and you were in a relationship.
When you received the letter you called him immediately and told him everything and asked if you should actually come. He knew you were hurting and not fully recovered so maybe you two having feelings for each other wasn’t good at the moment.
But undoubtedly he wanted you to get together, he just thought it should be later.
So when Luke glared at him he ignored it. “You like sing alongs right” Alex questions from beside you.
“Haven’t really been to one” you replied.
Then ten minutes later and you haven’t said anything yet. They all were love songs. And it reminded you of Steve, you tried not to let it. But everything reminded you of him.
You glanced around the room and your eyes noticed a boy and his hair look exactly like Steve’s. And he was singing with another girl and she looked perfect, skinny and pretty.
Stomach dropping and you could feel your body get ready to cry and break. “I think I’m heading to bed” you stood up and put your arms around your plum belly trying to hide it.
“What are you-” before anyone could ask you ran out the door. The look on your face had them all worried. But Luke’s heart ached at the sight of you being so sad.
“I should-”before Alex could even make it out of his seat he was slight pushed back down. Luke pushed him down.
“No I’ll go” he walked passed him and out the door. Alex wanted to stop it but you guys had to talk at least once alone, and what’s the worse that could happen.
“Was it my fault?” Reggie asked from beside him in a sad voice.
“No, no. Not your fault” Reggie sighed in relief.
“Y/n” you heard luke shout from behind you, causing you to speed up more. You already had tears rolling down from your eyes. You couldn’t control it anymore.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?” You hear his voice get closer and the sounds of his running feet hit the leaves on the ground. You we’re about to tell him to leave you alone but you tripping on a tree root. Fuck, why didn’t you take the stone path.
You fell onto the ground and that just broke you even further. You let out a sob as Luke finally reached you. “Darling, what’s wrong” you haven’t heard that nickname in a long time.
You tried to push him away as he leaned next to you but he wouldn’t budge. Taking you in his arms once again and held you close.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you” He’s voice was soft and gentle towards you and his body felt warm against you.
You felted protect and safe. He made you feel better. And soon your cries stopped and your breath died down. He felt his heart at ease again knowing you had calmed down.
“You want to go somewhere private? You can talk to me there” He helped you back up.
You didn’t trust your voice but you nodded at him to give him the answer and he smiled grabbing your hand and lead you into the woods. Taking the stone paths this time.
He never let go over your hand, and you didn’t mind. You felt safe with him so this wasn’t unusual for friends to do. Friends hold hands all the time, so no reason you freak out.
Soon you saw a dock and a lake come into view the moon shining off it. “Woah” you said admiring the beautiful lake in front of you.
“Yeah” Luke agreed but he wasn’t looking at the lake but at you. He admired everything about your face, to your eyes and then to your nose and then your lips. He felt himself looking at every detail from the side.
But he quickly caught himself and turned away. “I know, I’m the best” he walked backwards towards you and pointed at himself.
“You take all your girls here?” You joked and walked with him. He winks at you “Only you doll face” You laughed at his remark.
He turned back around as both of you walked towards the end. Luke sat on the bench and looked up at you. His eyes twinkled as the moon hit them and you swear the moon light hit his face just right.
“Want to tell me what’s wrong?” he asked with a hint of hope in his voice that you would trust him. You look a second and caved, sitting next to him quickly.
“It’s a lot” you put your hands beside you down on the bench. But he reached down put his hand over yours.
“I have all night” He said in a playful manner but he was serious. He would stay up all night just to make sure you felt heard.
“I fell in love. Steve was his name” Luke’s heart squeezed as he heard the word “love” and the boys name you mentioned earlier.
“He was a douchebag when I meant him, the school’s popular guy. He got every girl just by walking by, and he wasn’t the nicest to every one. But then it all changed one day after he got together with her” It was your turn for your heart to squeeze.
“Nancy wheeler, school’s good girl. She was smart, pretty and beautiful. She was everything I wanted to be and soon I noticed how good he treated her and how I wish I was her. Then something brought us all together, then I got to see up close that he wasn’t a bad guy.
Soon they feel apart, she loved another. I was there beside him and I guess he clinched onto the first thing he saw. He called me beautiful every day, kissed me and treated me just like he did her. At first. Then about a few weeks ago he stopped all of it. Never told me he loved me or called me beautiful it was like he stop trying.
So at the last senior party Steve dragged me to it, it went so quick. He got drunk and tired to force me to dance with him and then his hand slipped and he spilt his drink on me. Robin was the one who came and found me in the bathroom, she’s my best friend but I wished it was him. Because when I came out the bathroom I found him kissing Nancy.
I should have saw it coming by the way he looked at me then her. I wasn’t ever going to be her. I mean look at me” you paused as you stood up with anger in your voice. You walked closer to the edge.
“I could never be someone first choice. I’m fat, too nice and annoying. All I want is to be beautiful” You looked down at your reflection in the water below.
“What the fuck are you taking about” luke shouted from behind you, and you turned quickly with shock.
“You are beautiful. I have no idea what the hell that guy was seeing but it wasn’t you because he should’ve said it every second.” Luke looked pissed as he moves towards you.
“I grew up with you so I know the person you are deep down. The one who would never hurt anyone, the kindest person I’ve ever meant.” He stopped and gazed into your eyes.
“And the most beautiful”
That’s what both of your hearts sounded like. You shouldn’t feel the way towards your friend.
“Y/n” He reached for your hand but you pulled away. But when you took a step back your foot didn’t hit anything so you lost your balance.
Then you fell into the water. Luke watched you disappear into the water. “Y/n” he yelled as you came up to the surface. Your hair wet and clothes sticking sticking to your body.
But what he didn’t expect was your laugh. You were laughing. It wasn’t a light hearted one but a full one. He leaned down and laughed softly with you.
“Fuck it” he dove down next you and the water splashed into your face. He came back up and flipped his hair, both of you socking wet now.
“It’s surprisingly warm” he said while moving his arms. “It’s the summer” You replied with a laugh. He gave you a look and you knew a fight was about to break out.
“Oh no you don’t” You quickly made the first move and slashed him. He took the splash and then returned the favor. It hit you and you let out a gasp.
“That’s what you get” you looked at him and glared. Soon you two started to repeatedly slashed one other. It went on for quite a while until luke had enough.
“You’ll pay for that” He quickly moved towards you and grabbed your waist. He start to rapidly push small slashes onto your face and you begged him to stop while laughing.
His arm around your waist held you close to his body. Both of you didn’t notice in the moment but your body’s did. Both of you felt warm inside.
Soon you coughed as it got into your mouth but you also couldn’t stop laughing. So even thought he was worried he also couldn’t stop laughing with you.
“You bitch” You said between coughing and laughs. He just throws his head back and laughed harder.
You noticed his shirt sticking to his toned chest and your eyes fluttered at bit. You never really noticed how good it looks- No..stop. This isn’t normal. You still loved Steve…Right?
You looked away just as the laughs stopped from both of you and left you two silent. And the silence was loud. Filled with so much wonderful.
You both said each others name at the same time. You broke out into a nervous smile as he moves closer to you.
“You don’t deserve to feel like he made you. You know that your beautiful” You looked away from him and into the water fade away from you.
“Look at me” he put his fingers on your chin and pushed your head back to his. Faces inch’s easy from each other and he made sure to keep you looking at him.
“The moons jealous as it shines on your skin” his fingers move to your cheek and caresses it. “Because only in this moment it knows true beauty” this feeling wasn’t going away.
Not matter how hard you tried to push the feel away you couldn’t. You looked down at his lips and his eyes followed towards yours. Then you felt body moves on its own and leaned into him.
You both stop, lips almost touching if the slightest movement were made. “What are we do-“ before you could finish his lips crashed onto yours.
You kissed him back and wrapped your arms around his neck as both of his hands found your waist again. This feeling of being appreciated and safe hit you in a flash.
You remember feeling this way right before you left your home town. Leaving your friends behind and him. You had fallen for the boy when you where younger because he saw you and treated you good. Made you feel like you deserved love.
He gripped your waist tight as a groan left his lips and brought you closer. His heart was racing as fast as yours because he felt the same relief when kissing you. He was in love with you for years but only discovering it when you left.
He couldn’t have you that’s why he was so heart broken when you left. His best friend and his first love just disappeared from his life.
Maybe it was built up tension from all those years ago…But if that’s what it was you weren’t going to stop it.
But someone else could..
“Y/n” Alex voice called from the woods. “Luke” Reggie’s voice followed his. You both pulled apart and both flustered.
“We’re here” you shouted as you fixed yourself. Try to acted normal…
You heard their foot steps get closer on the wooden deck above you. Soon you saw their faces looking down at you both and confusion set on their faces.
“What are you guys doing?“ Reggie question.
“Late night swim” He hummed in reply and Alex looks between the two of you. The look on Luke’s face gave it all away.
“Mind if we join you?” Alex asked and Reggie turn to him.
“But I don’t want to-“ he let out a yelp as Alex pushed him into the lake. The blond boy took off his hat and shoes then jumped in.
“How about a warning let time” Reggie whined while holding his nose trying to get the water out. You and Luke burst out laugh as Alex came back up.
“You deserve it” Reggie pouted and then grabbed the blond boy and dunked him under. “I’ll show you who deserves it” The boys roughly tried to drag each other into the water.
You and Luke glanced at each other but a evil grin appears on your faces. You pulled the boys apart from each other and gave them a minute to relax.
“Now!” You shout and took ahold of Alex’s shoulders and dunked him under while Luke dunked reggie under. You both laughed as the came back up with gasps.
This was how the night went on laughing with your friends like you needed. You guys stayed out there for about two hours but finally got out. Still had chats and pushing each other while making back to your cabins.
The first cabin you came to was the boys. You had your wet shoes in your hand while you looked at each of them. “Goodnight boys” Your eyes flickered to all of them and turned around.
Alex looked at luke as he looks at you. “Go” he whispered and hit his chest. It was dark and they had clearly interrupted something earlier.
It didn’t take much time for Luke to finally catch up with you. “Why can’t we go” Reggie asked. But Alex look between the two of you and Reggie got it. “O” he realized. He smirked at you two then Alex dragged him inside before he could watch.
You both walked in silence again but this time it was more tension fulled then it ever has before.
Her lips so kissable. Skin so soft and plush. Her body perfect in my arms….His thoughts went on
Hands so rough but hold me so soft. The breaths he let out. The feeling of his body against mine….Her thoughts went on
Fuck they were already back at her cabin. Not looking at each other you stop. You had to talk about it. Come one spit it out. It was just a kiss.
“We should” Your words in unison. And turned to each other.
“Lady’s first” you watched as he put a hand up to his wet hair. He looks nervous and frustrated and you took that as a bad thing. You shouldn’t have kissed him and bod he regrets it.
“I was going to agree that we should forget what just happened” His breath stopped and his stomach twist. You wanted to forget it? Fuck, he shouldn’t have kissed you. You were vulnerable and hurt and he just took advantage.
“Forget” he stutter and tried to stand up straight. “Yeah, forget. That’s exactly what I was thinking” He was lying. He wanted to remember and talk about it. To kiss you again if he could.
“Okay, good” You clicked you tongue and nodded your whole body. “Goodnight Luke” you turned your heel and walked into your cabin with out another word.
He watches you walk away. His whole body screaming to call after you, run after you and kiss you. But he never did all he could do was watch in regret.
Maybe it really just was relief from all those years. He couldn’t blame you for it because he was the one who pushed on. He leaned in first and he could tell you needed someone to comfort you.
He shouldn’t have kissed you and he knew that but why did his heart not care? Why would he do it again and again if he could go back.
He walked back to his cabin while you stayed in yours.
As soon as you closed the door you took a look around to see all your fellow bunk mates asleep. You leaned against the door. Your wished he went after you.
You felt stupid for feeling anything again. He kissed you because he felt bad for you. You loved you so much that he would do anything to make you feel better even if it meant kissing you.
Luke went back to his cabin and both pairs of eyes were on him. “How’d it go?” Reggie asked wiggling his eyes but Luke walked right passed them.
“Fine. It’s been a long night so I’m heading to bed” He grabbed his clothes and went into the bath.
They watch him with pity both knowing it didn’t go fine.
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It’s been one week and two days since that night and you haven’t mentioned the kiss and to your surprise it wasn’t awkward. Or at least it wasn’t shown.
Hell his flirting didn’t even stop but you missed the look he gave you when you turned your head. But other then that it was like it had never happen.
And since it was the last day of camp, you all tried to make it the best day yet.
Starting off with breakfast. You guys found your way to the eating area and had a fun time. Between laughing, story yelling and a bit of food thrown.
Then the camps last games. You didn’t really partake in the big ones but you guys made your own games. Like you and Alex against Luke and Reggie in arm wrestling, tug of war, and other games.
Then it was hiking in the woods trying to collect flags for your team together but you guys ended up in last place since you guys got distracted.
Then they had a bright idea of sneaking into the band room. You followed of course. And you finally agreed to sing along with them this time.
You and Luke tried to not stare at each other while singing but it was like all times. The other eyes looking between you as usual.
“Cause we’re standing on the edge of great” You sung again as you walked back to the piano and began to play. You’ve knew how to play since you were little but you never did it anymore. Now you had a reason to.
You felt the movement of the chair you sat on and looked at the person who sat down next to you. You both leaning close to each other.
“Running from the passed. Tripping on the now. What is lost can be found, it’s obvious” You both looked down at your lips and back up to the eyes. You both didn’t move but by the look on Luke’s face he finally caught you.
“Okay. I think it’s lunch time” Alex said breaking the two of you up. Your cheeks burned with heat as Luke grinned. “Coming” Luke got up and followed Reggie out.
“You really like him don’t you” Alex immediately asked as soon as they were out the door. You shot up and went into panic mood.
“What?- No I don’t- It’s not like that” but even though you kept on trying to deny it Alex just gave you a dead stare. He didn’t believe you.
“I don’t know” you screamed as your hands flow into the air. “He makes me feel things, makes me happy. We kissed and then promised to forget it but I can’t. But part of me wants to. I don’t know if what I’m feeling is just because I’m broken or what. But I don’t want to lose him” Putting your head in your hands as you sat back down.
“I don’t want to lose him” you repeated.
Alex sat down next to you and put his hands in his pockets. “You know I have someone back home. He makes me feel like I’m on cloud nine and when I’m away I can’t stop thinking of him.” You listen closely.
“I know what love looks like and I know you and Luke. You guys can’t be away from each other, the staring is all you two do anymore. I know being heartbroken is hard and confusing so you have to decide if this is real or not.” Alex took ahold of your hand and you rested your head onto his shoulder.
“The feeling are there but you guys have to decide if it’s just a fling or lasting. Either is fine if you do it right. I mean you both care for each other and love one other so I’m sure you guys can come to agreement” his voice of reason was the only thing that was actually getting through your head at the moment.
Then the thought of Steve running through your head as you knew you missed him deeply. You tried to push it away when really you should have focused on it and got over it.
Maybe being in Luke’s arms was your way to be whole again.
It was the last lunch of the day, the moment all the campers regrets since after this ended they had to get on the bus and go home. Some students drove and but most kids under 18 had to take the bus home.
“I can’t believe this is our last moments together” you sat down with lunch in your hand. The Boys glanced at each other before nodded.
“It’s so sad” Reggie cried but it sounded like he was being sarcastic. Woah, that hurt.
“I had a fun time this summer, with all of you” glancing to everyone at the table. “I don’t want it to end” You looked down sad knowing the time with them is up.
“I can’t take it anymore” Reggie groaned as the others glared at him. “Shut up” Alex kicks his leg from under the table.
“What are you talking about?” You looked back up at him but before Luke could over his mouth he started to talk.
“We planned to come back home with you since we wanted to spend more time with you. We brought Lukes car and everything” he rambles on.
They already planned this? He knew already? They all did! You couldn’t believe they would do that for you, you really loved them. “You guys” you awed at them.
“That is the sweetest thing ever”
“It’s all Lukes idea” Reggie lets out a groan as Luke hits him.
“You did that?” Luke’s looked away for a moment then back at you. Hoping he didn’t do anything bad.
You smiled at him and took his hand from across the table. “Thank you” you looked back at the other boys.
“All of you” Letting go of his hands you started to talk about everything you wanted to show them. Your hang outs, your friends and so many things.
You were bringing your friends to Hawkins. It was going to be like two worlds colliding, and it was going to be awesome.
What could go wrong?
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“What do you know?” Steve followed Robin around the store as they were about to close.
“I don’t know anything! All I know know is that it should be her last day” Robin frustratingly stocked the tapes.
“Today? I have to call Dustin-“
“You’re calling that child”
“Dustin is actually really smart, and he knows y/n too so maybe we can-“
“Y/n is my best friend, steve. I knew her before you even paid attention to her. So you drive to get us food then to Dustin’s house and make a plan” He stopped when his mind flys somewhere else.
“Wait you don’t think she meet someone else do you?” Steve question and Robin stopped for a moment. That was all the Steve needed.
“Oh shit” he stepped back and leaned on the counter.
“I didn’t say anything”
“But you hesitated that means their is a possibility”
“It’s summer camp Steve. What did you expect to happen, if she did its ended by now. Just a fling, not like she’s being him home” But just the thought of her being with someone else had his heart aching.
He needed to make it all up to her. That’s all he’s been able to think about, was her.
But little did they know that what Robin said was true. Y/n was bring him home. And for better or worse the two boys loved her.
A war was near. And if they had their way the other wouldn’t survive it.
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Are you on Steve or Luke’s side?
Taglist: @f4iryluvy @darklingbrekksov @officialfangirls-blog @aleemendoza2425-blog @deadpoolgirl23 @mightiestheroes @in-this-minute @notahappystan @tinkerbellthebard @buckys2thicc @simpingfortoomanypeople @strawberrycloudsnpinkskyies @samlovesthemoon @andrea-stark @loveshineslikethesky @thiccchocolatebar @casually-cassidy @a-night-2-remember
Some people weren’t able to be tagged! So I apologize.
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jmrothwell · 7 months
wearing the others' clothes so that it can at least feel like they're hugging them, even for just a moment for Julie (clothes thief extraordinaire)/Anyone
(All I Really Want is) Something Beautiful to Say
Really, all Alex had been looking for was somewhere quiet, even for just a little bit. A thing that was easier to come by these days. He had so many different places he could choose from, it was late enough there’d be plenty of closed establishments. However, none of them ever worked to help comfort him, always feeling off kilter. 
It’s how he’d ended up in the Molina living room, again. Sure it wasn’t his own home, but it was awfully close. Hell, maybe even better and warmer than his own. 
Given the late hour he didn’t expect to find anyone else there. He’d forever deny how much he was startled by Julie curled into herself on the couch. You’d think he would be accustomed to people already being in a room he teleported into. 
“Geez,” Alex exhaled, gripping his chest to settle the nerves that really shouldn’t be as jumpy as they were. He tried to laugh it off but the attempt died away as he got a better look at Julie. 
She was hugging her knees to her chest, each sleeve a different color from each other and the rest of her slightly baggy hoodie. Though he was more concerned with how she was vacantly staring toward the floor, looking like she’d been crying. 
“Julie?” He quietly asked, then again a little louder when she didn’t immediately answer.
She slowly blinked, barely glancing his way. “Alex?”
“Hey, you ok?”
“Not really.” Her grip on the sleeves of the sweater tightened, as her gaze drifted back to the floor. Her face temporarily twisting into a look of apprehension. “Bad dream.”
“Oh.” He cautiously sat on the couch beside her, just close enough to pull her into a hug if she wanted. “Did you want to talk about it?”
An unsteady exhale and shake of her head was all the answer he got. His nerves uncomfortably coursed through him for different reasons now as Julie continued to just vacantly stare in front of her. Maybe, she was still half-asleep? Though that didn’t seem as likely. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen this hoodie before.” He said, trying to lighten the heaviness of the air around them. “Looks like something I’d wear.”
Julie’s lip trembled with another shaky exhale and Alex’s stomach dropped. That might not have been the right thing to say. 
“It was my mom’s.” She said, and he never would have been able to guess she was on the verge of crying with how steady her voice was. Even if it was distinctly softer than usual. “One of the one’s my Dad keeps in the back of his closet. Smells a little closer to how I remember her.”
Alex grimaced at the revelation, definitely the wrong thing to have said. He was probably making things worse. Maybe should even leave. But…maybe, more than that, should try and do something. 
“You sure you don’t want to talk about it?” He mentally cursed himself when Julie’s face nearly crumpled at his repeated question. He was really just making this worse. “Or maybe I should leave.”
“Please, don’t.” She said, her head turning toward him though she didn’t really move to look at him. 
He folded laced his fingers as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. Silence uncomfortably settled but Alex didn’t really want to be the one to break it. Despite how much it tormented him. 
“I-” Julie eventually broke through the silence, her quiet words still nearly deafening amongst the quiet. “I think I’m a bad friend.”
“What?” Alex nearly shouted, turning to face Julie more fully. “You’re not–”
“Yes, I am.” She nodded, fresh tears cutting across her cheeks. 
“Why would you think that?”
“Because.” She sniffed, hugged herself all the tighter and still refused to look at him. “I-I love you guys. I really do and I really don’t want to lose you, but, but sometimes I just. . .”
Alex swallowed hard as Julie took a few deep breaths trying to collect herself. He barely heard her next words as she sobbed into her knees. “Why couldn’t it have been her?”
Something uncomfortably tightened in his chest. He didn’t even bother with asking when he gently grabbed her by the shoulders trying to guide her to actually look at him. Moving himself instead when that didn’t work. 
“You’re not a bad friend, Julie. You’re a girl who lost someone she really cared about and is very understandably upset about it.”
“I wish I could tell you why she couldn’t be the one to come back to you. I barely understand the ghost rules I do know. And even those seem to change every other day.”
Two more hands joined Alex’s on Julie’s shoulders and he had to wonder when Luke and Reggie had even popped into the living room. Knowing their luck, right at the worst moment. 
“You’re not a bad person for missing your mom.” Reggie said, sounding like he was doing some crying of his own. 
“We get it, Jules, it’s rough not having the people you care about like you want.” Luke added, his words breaking whatever mental wall Julie built. 
She all but threw herself at Alex’s chest, using him to try and muffle her cries. Reggie and Luke took no time to find their own spots to join the hug. The three of them exchanged uneasy glances over Julie’s shoulders, lingering around the couch long after Julie had stopped crying and fallen asleep there.
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narcissusbrokenmirror · 8 months
bringing back that time Reggie said "do we also get to hang together?" To his friends and think abt what if they didn't? what if they died and disappeared from each other and went to different places. Reggie goes to the family Molina and kinda haunts their house and gets to observe them as a family. Luke goes to his parents house 25 years after and despite being physically able to leave the house, he can't. Alex ends up outside the Orpheum and kind of walks alone bc he doesn't have anyone til he meets another ghost.
Just small symbolism of Reggie being amongst a happy family that he doesn't belong to, Luke being stuck on the same place he has tried to run away from, Alex being hit with sudden change that he can't avoid.
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jatpfanfics · 1 month
Echoes of the Heart (A Juke lovestory)
Summary: Luke Patterson, a rising star in the music scene, grapples with his feelings for his childhood best friend, Julie. Despite his fear of commitment, Luke's love for Julie is undeniable. However, when Julie shows interest in someone else, Luke must confront his feelings before it's too late. Will he risk it all for love, or will his fear drive them apart? Follow their journey of friendship, love, and music.
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Chapter 1 - The Night We (almost)Owned
22 January, 2020 
Luke leaned against the cold concrete wall, the thumping bass from the stage reverberating through his body and his chest still heaving from the encounter he just had. Even though he's outside he can feel the wall slightly thumping from the bass inside.
"Thank you sweetheart. You just blessed me with some good luck before my show." He says showing off his perfect pearly whites as he is getting ready to leave this scene.
The groupie, her eyes still glazed with desire, sidled up to him, a coy smile playing on her lips. "Leaving so soon, Luke?" she purred, trailing a finger down the front of his shirt.
Luke flashed her a charming grin, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Yeah, duty calls. Can't keep the fans waiting."
The groupie pouted, her lower lip jutting out in a playful pout. "But I thought we were having fun, Luke. Don't you want to stay and play a little longer?"
"I'm good sweetheart. This is kinda my thing, I don't do well on the whole commitment thing" He says shooting her a wink.
"Yeah, yeah, you always say that," she said smugly. "But then you also always come back around. That's some kind of commitment isn't it."
The sound of her smugness slightly annoyed him. He didn't like her thinking she had some sort of power over him. She could never. That was reserved for one person only. The one person that had Luke's heart in a chokehold. Luke felt a sharp pang in his chest thinking about the last time he saw her.
20 January, 2020
The moon cast a soft glow through Julie's bedroom window as Luke slipped through the shadows, his heart pounding with a mixture of anxiety and relief. He had been here countless times before, seeking refuge from the storm that raged within his own home. As he reached Julie's window, he tapped lightly on the glass, the sound barely audible over the distant hum of the city. Julie's face appeared in the window, her expression calm and understanding. She didn't even need to ask what he was doing here; it was routine for them. Without a word, she swung the window open, allowing Luke to slip into the room.
He didn't waste any time in crossing the room and collapsing onto Julie's bed, the weight of the world heavy on his shoulders. Julie followed, closing the window behind her before sitting down beside him. There was a familiarity in their movements, a silent understanding that had been forged through countless nights like this one.
"Rough night?" Julie asked softly, her voice a gentle reassurance in the darkness.
Luke nodded, his gaze fixed on the ceiling as he struggled to put his feelings into words. "I just...I don't know what to do anymore, Jules. It's like no matter what I do, it's never good enough for them. They just don't understand why music means so much to me. It's the only thing I'm actually good at."
Luke gets up to make his way to Julie's dresser to retrieve his sleepwear. He opened the bottom drawer and rummaged around for a moment before finding his shorts neatly folded at the back. 
"You know, Luke, you don't have to keep pretending like everything's okay with your parents. It's okay to admit that you're struggling."
Luke paused mid-motion, his gaze meeting Julie's in the dim light of the room. There was a vulnerability in her eyes that made his heart ache, a tenderness that he couldn't help but be drawn to.
"I know, Jules," he said quietly, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But it's easier to just pretend like everything's fine, you know? It's easier than facing the truth." Julie nodded in understanding.
With practiced ease, Luke peeled off his shirt, revealing the smooth lines of his toned physique. Julie's eyes flicked over to him, her gaze lingering on his bare chest for just a moment longer than necessary. She quickly averted her eyes, cheeks flushing with a faint pink hue, even though she was definitely already familiar with the sight. This was routine for them, after all. 
Luke caught the subtle shift in her demeanor and couldn't help but smirk, a playful glint dancing in his eyes. "Like what you see, Jules?" he teased, his voice laced with amusement.
Julie's cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of pink as she hastily returned her attention to her book, hoping to hide her embarrassment. "Shut up, Luke," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.
Luke chuckled softly as he pulled on his shorts, the fabric hanging loosely around his hips. "You know you love it," he teased, unable to resist the opportunity to tease her further. 
"And you know you love being the little spoon" Julie fires back while sticking her tongue out. 
Luke chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he settled onto the bed beside Julie. "You know it," he replied, flashing her a playful grin.
Julie rolled her eyes, but a fond smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
Luke scooted closer to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his embrace. "Come on, Jules, you know you love being the big spoon," he teased, nuzzling into her neck.
Julie laughed, her heart swelling with warmth at the familiar banter between them. "Only because you hog all the blankets," she retorted, leaning back into his embrace.
They settled onto the bed together, Julie's warmth enveloping him like a cocoon as they snuggled close, seeking solace in each other's presence. It was a familiar ritual, one they had shared countless times before.
They lay there together in comfortable silence, the soft rhythm of their breathing filling the room. In moments like these, surrounded by the warmth of each other's presence, they felt like nothing could touch them
22 January, 2020 
As the memory of their intimate moment faded into the recesses of Luke's mind, he blinked back to the present. With a forced chuckle, Luke gently extricated himself from the groupie's grasp and headed toward the venue, leaving her behind with nothing but a lingering memory of their brief encounter.
"I'll see you around Patterson" Is all he heard before he entered the venue. He pushed open the door, the thumping bass sending a jolt of electricity through his veins. The stage was their sanctuary, their domain where they reigned supreme. The neon lights of the venue flickered and danced in the night as Luke made his way through the entrance. The familiar buzz of excitement pulsed through the air, mingling with the distant hum of the crowd inside.
As he made it backstage Reggie and Alex looked up from where they were tuning their instruments, their expressions a mixture of relief and concern. 
"Luke, where the hell have you been?"
Reggie's voice carried a hint of exasperation as he eyed his bandmate. Luke flashed them a winning grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief. 
"Oh, you know, just tying up some loose ends. Nothing to worry about." Alex raised an eyebrow, skepticism evident in his tone. 
"Tying up loose ends? Is that what you call it now?" 
Luke chuckled, his laughter ringing out in the dimly lit corridor. "Hey, a man's gotta have his goodluck charm, right?"
Reggie shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. Alex rolled his eyes "I hardly think your disgusting alley way hookup is gonna be the reason we kill this show."
Luke waved off their concerns with a dismissive gesture. "Relax, guys. I'm here, aren't I? And besides, I always deliver when it counts."
As Luke stepped into the spotlight, the roar of the crowd washed over him like a tidal wave. With a smirk, he launched into the first chords, his fingers dancing across the strings with practiced ease.
This was where he belonged, in the heart of the chaos, where the music flowed like a river of fire. And as he sang, the lyrics pouring from his lips like molten gold, Luke felt alive in a way he never had before.
Luke shredded through the final chorus of their latest hit, the crowd erupting into cheers, their voices blending with the pounding rhythm of the drums. Sweat dripped from his brow as he grinned, adrenaline coursing through his veins like wildfire. This was the high he lived for-the raw energy of a live performance, the intoxicating rush of being on stage.
With a flourish, Luke tossed his guitar pick into the crowd, a gesture that sent the audience into a frenzy. He soaked in their adulation, reveling in the momentary fame that came with being the frontman of a rock band.
But as the lights dimmed and the band made their way off stage, Luke's thoughts turned to the real reason he was here-the music. It was his passion, his obsession, the one thing that consumed his every waking moment. Everything else-the parties, the girls, the fleeting fame-was just a distraction, a temporary fix to numb the ache in his soul.
As the band members made their way backstage, their adrenaline still coursing through their veins, they exchanged excited chatter and high-fives.
"That was insane!" Luke exclaimed, his eyes shining with exhilaration. " The energy in the room was off the chains tonight!"
Reggie grinned, his usual playful demeanor in full swing. "Yeah, especially when you whipped out that guitar solo, Luke! You had them eating out of the palm of your hand!"
Alex rolled his eyes, his sarcasm dripping like venom. "Oh yeah, because we all know how much Luke loves being the center of attention."
Luke chuckled, unfazed by Alex's barb. "Hey, someone's gotta be the face of the band, right?"
Alex shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that, Patterson."
Beneath the banter, there was an unspoken bond that tied them together-a bond forged through countless late-night jam sessions and the shared dream of making it big. Luke couldn't help but feel a pang of gratitude for the bandmates who had become like family to him. They may not always see eye to eye, but when it came down to it, they had each other's backs no matter what.
The boys gathered in the garage studio, the familiar scent of stale beer hanging heavy in the air. Reggie and Alex sat on the worn-out couch, their guitars resting against their knees, while Luke paced back and forth, his mind still buzzing from the adrenaline of the show.
"Man, that was crazy!" Reggie exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement. "Did you see the way the crowd went wild when you threw them your pick?"
Luke flashed him a grin, his chest swelling with pride. "Yeah, they were eating it up, weren't they? It's like they couldn't get enough of us."
Alex nodded in agreement, a smirk playing on his lips. "Yeah, it's like we're unstoppable or something. We're gonna be selling out stadiums before you know it."
However amidst the excitement of the successful show, there was a noticeable absence-the absence of Julie, who was usually a fixture at their gigs. Reggie and Alex exchanged a knowing glance, silently communicating their concern.
"Hey, where's Julie?" Alex asked, his voice laced with curiosity. "She's usually always here to support us. I don't think I've ever seen her miss a show."
Luke's smile faltered slightly, a flicker of unease crossing his features. "Oh, she had some stuff to take care of tonight. Nothing important."
Reggie raised an eyebrow, skepticism evident in his tone. "Really? 'Cause it seems kinda strange for her to miss out on a show like this. You sure everything's okay?"
Luke shrugged, attempting to brush off their concern. "Yeah, everything's fine. She's probably just busy with school or something. You know how it is."
But Reggie and Alex weren't convinced. They knew how close Luke and Julie were, how they were practically inseparable both on and off stage. Something didn't add up, and they weren't about to let it slide.
"Come on, Luke," Reggie pressed, his voice tinged with frustration. "You can't expect us to believe that. You and Julie are practically joined at the hip. What's really going on?"
Luke's jaw tensed, irritation bubbling beneath the surface. "Look, it's none of your business, okay? Julie probably had her reasons for not being here tonight, and that's all you need to know."
Reggie shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "When are you gonna drop the act like you don't like each other anyways? It's obvious to everyone that there's something more going on between you two."
Luke's annoyance flared into anger, his fists clenched at his sides. "I said it's none of your damn business, Reggie. So just drop it, okay?"
But Reggie and Alex weren't about to let it go. They knew that where there was smoke, there was fire, and they were determined to get to the bottom of whatever was going on between Luke and Julie, even if it meant prying it out of him one painful word at a time.
20 January, 2020 
Luke and Julie lay tangled together on the bed. Their bodies molded perfectly against each other, fitting like pieces of a puzzle as they sought comfort in each other's arms.
Julie nestled her head against Luke's chest, her fingers tracing lazy circles on his skin as she listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. She felt a sense of peace wash over her, a feeling of contentment that only came when she was wrapped up in his embrace.
Luke sighed contentedly, his arms wrapped protectively around Julie as he held her close. He buried his face in her hair, breathing in the sweet scent of her shampoo as he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head.
They lay there in silence, the only sound the soft rustle of their breathing as they basked in the warmth of each other's presence. It was a moment of pure bliss, a fleeting glimpse of happiness in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty.
Julie hesitated for a moment, her fingers tracing patterns on Luke's chest as she gathered her courage to speak. "Luke," she began, her voice soft but determined, "we need to talk."
Luke tensed at her words, a knot forming in the pit of his stomach as he braced himself for what was to come. He knew all too well what she wanted to discuss, but he wasn't sure he was ready to face it.
"About what?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he avoided her gaze, unable to meet her eyes.
Julie sighed, her expression tinged with frustration as she searched for the right words. "About us, Luke," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness. "About what's been going on between us."
Luke's heart clenched at her words, the fear and uncertainty rising like a tidal wave within him. He knew he couldn't keep avoiding the truth forever, but the thought of confronting his feelings for Julie filled him with a sense of overwhelming dread.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Jules," he muttered, his voice barely audible as he turned away from her, unable to face the truth that lingered between them.
Julie's eyes filled with tears as she reached out to him, her hand trembling as she brushed his cheek gently. "Luke, please," she pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion. "We can't keep pretending like this anymore. I know you feel it too." Luke's heart ached at her words, the weight of his own denial pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket. He wanted nothing more than to tell her the truth, to confess his love for her and lay bare his soul. 
Julie took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation ahead. "I... I love being here with you, Luke. I love being able to be there for you, to comfort you when things get tough. And I always will," she said softly, her words tinged with emotion.
Luke's heart swelled with affection for her, his fingers gently stroking her hair as he listened intently.
"But," Julie continued, her voice trembling slightly, "if you can't commit to me, if you can't give me what I need... I need to put some distance between us."
Luke's heart sank at her words, the weight of them settling heavily on his chest. He knew deep down that he had been hurting her, that his inability to commit had been taking its toll on their relationship.
"I-I understand, Julie," he murmured, his voice thick with regret. "I-I never meant to hurt you. I just... I don't know if I can give you what you need."
Julie's eyes filled with tears as she looked up at him, her heart breaking with each word he spoke. "I know, Luke," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of their breathing. "And I-I don't blame you. But... but I can't keep doing this anymore. It's killing me to see you with someone else every week and then have you come back to me like this."
Luke's heart clenched at her words, the realization of what he had been putting her through hitting him like a punch to the gut. He had always known that he was hurting her, but hearing her say it out loud made it all too real.
"I'm so sorry, Julie," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion as he held her close, his arms aching with the need to protect her from the pain he had caused. "I-I don't know what to do."
Julie shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks as she buried her face in his chest, seeking solace in his embrace. "I don't either, Luke," she admitted, her voice muffled against his skin. "But... but I can't keep pretending like this anymore. I need to do what's best for me, even if it hurts."
Luke listened to Julie's words, his heart heavy with the weight of her pain. He knew he had pushed her away time and time again, too afraid to confront his own feelings and too blinded by his own fears to see the hurt he was causing her. And with that, they held each other in silence, their hearts heavy with the weight of their unspoken words. Even though neither of them said it, they both knew this would be the last time finding comfort in eachothers arms like this. 
22 January, 2020 
Alex leaned forward, his expression serious as he met Luke's gaze. "We're just worried about you, man," he said quietly. "You've been acting kind of... off lately. And Julie's been MIA for the past couple of days. You two have a fight or something?"
Luke's jaw tensed, his fists clenching at his sides as he struggled to keep his emotions in check. He knew he couldn't tell them the truth, couldn't admit that Julie had walked away from him because he couldn't give her what she needed.
"We just... had some stuff to work out," he muttered, his voice tight with frustration. "It's nothing you guys need to worry about."
Reggie raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. "Come on, Luke," he pressed, his tone gentle but insistent. "You know you can talk to us, right? We're your bandmates, but more than that, we're your brothers. We just want to help."
Luke's chest tightened at Reggie's words, the weight of his guilt pressing down on him like a lead weight. He knew he should tell them the truth, should confide in them about what had happened between him and Julie. But the fear of exposing his vulnerabilities, of admitting that he had failed her, held him back.
"I appreciate the concern, guys," he said finally, his voice strained with emotion. "But I think I just need some time to sort things out on my own."
Reggie and Alex exchanged a glance, their concern evident in their eyes. But they knew better than to push him further. They had always respected Luke's boundaries, had always been there for him when he needed them. And even though they couldn't fix whatever was going on between him and Julie, they could offer him their support, their friendship, and their unwavering loyalty.
As Luke turned away, his thoughts drifting back to the night he and Julie had shared that intimate moment, he couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. It had been two nights since he had seen her, two nights since they had laid their hearts bare and faced the truth of their feelings. And in that time, she had been avoiding him, avoiding the pain of their relationship that would never be.
He had tried to reach out to her, had called and texted her countless times, but she had ignored his attempts at reconciliation, leaving him to wallow in his own guilt and self-pity. Luke's reasoning for being afraid of commitment stems from a deep-seated fear of losing Julie, the one constant in his tumultuous life. Despite his love for her, Luke has always struggled with maintaining romantic relationships, preferring the freedom and unpredictability of his rockstar lifestyle. For Luke, music is everything-it's his passion, his purpose, his escape from the chaos of his troubled home life.
Julie, however, occupies a unique space in Luke's heart. She's not just another girl he's infatuated with; she's his rock, his anchor, his best friend since childhood. They've weathered countless storms together, supporting each other through the darkest of times. From Julie's grief over losing her mother to Luke's own struggles with family turmoil, they've leaned on each other for strength and solace.
Luke can't imagine his life without Julie by his side. She's been there for him through thick and thin, offering unwavering loyalty and unconditional love. The thought of risking their friendship by pursuing a romantic relationship terrifies him, especially considering his track record of failed romances. Despite his intense feelings for Julie, Luke fears that committing to her romantically would only lead to heartbreak and disappointment. He's seen firsthand how relationships can crumble under the weight of expectation and responsibility, and he's not willing to risk losing Julie's friendship for a fleeting chance at love.
In Luke's eyes, Julie is worth more than any fleeting romance. She's his soulmate, his confidante, his everything. And while he longs to be with her in every sense of the word, he's paralyzed by the fear of ruining what they already have. So he continues to push her away, keeping her at arm's length to protect both their hearts from potential pain. However now, as he stood in the garage studio surrounded by his bandmates, he couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness creeping in, a sense of emptiness that threatened to consume him whole.
But he couldn't let them see his pain, couldn't let them see the cracks in his facade. So he plastered on a fake smile, pushed down his emotions, and buried himself in the familiar rhythms of their music, hoping that one day, he would find a way to mend the broken pieces of his heart and make things right with the girl he loved.
Let me know If you liked it and if you would like a second chapter!
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lesbewriting · 23 days
[ Platonic!Ghost!Sunset Curve x GN!Ghost!Reader ] [629 words]
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SUMMARY: A moment spent with Luke, Reggie, and Alex atop the Orpheum sign after you all come back as ghosts together.
WARNINGS: anxiety mention, uh...idk...comfort?
A-N: Okay, so it's basically platonic, but if you really wanted to, I guess you could kinda see Luke and Reader as romantic (idkkk). Also, I'm not sure how much I like this tbh, the original fic was way different.
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The sound of oncoming traffic could be heard below you, as you sat with legs dangling over the front of the Orpeum’s sign. You let out a sigh, staring into the far distance of Los Angeles. Eyes' solemn as you attempted to calm the raging anxiety inside of you. It was all a very big change for you and your best friends.
One moment, you're alive, and you're breathing about to perform the biggest gig of your lives with four of your best friends. One that could have boosted your careers. Then, the next four out of five members of Sunset Curve are succumbing to a horrible fate. 
It was weird. A tragic incident of tainted hotdogs that became your downfall. You, oddly enough, found yourself missing the feeling of being alive. You'd honestly be lying to yourself if you said you didn't wish that you had not eaten that stupid hot dog. 
Allowing another sigh to fall past your lips as you continued to lose yourself in thought, you failed to notice the sound of someone(or three someone’s) poofing in from behind you. Until they'd managed to adjust themselves onto the sign near you. 
You peeked your eyes towards the figures who'd just joined you, only to meet the eyes of Luke, then Reggie and Alex. Who had already locked their gazes into you themselves, a small smile of worry barely appearing onto their features.
"Are you ok?" Alex hesitantly asked, watching as you carefully began fiddling with the.
"Fine. Just confused is all." You managed to say, allowing yourself to turn towards the blonde boy, who now sat beside you. Luke and Reggie seated themselves on your other side. "Like, I guess I should be grateful that we technically have a second chance, but i wish people could—" 
"See us? Hear us?" Luke had cut you off suddenly, moving his own gaze from you and onto the wide landscape of Los Angeles before you all. 
You just nodded and once again dropped your gaze from them, allowing your hands to rest comfortably in your lap. You did wish people could see and hear you more, and not just when you played your instruments. 
Luke was right about that. It just sucked that you were not able to be viewed or heard by anyone, except Julie Molina, the girl who’s studio you'd all appeared in. 
It was then quiet for a few minutes, with the four of you spending time looking over the crowds, chatting, and walking below the Orpheum sign. In that time, the three boyshad managed to move in a little closer to you. A brief feeling of hesitance washed over their features as they tried to work out what to do or say next. 
Noticing this, you set a small smile in the direction of each of them, one-by-one. If you were alive, a sudden wave of tiredness probably would’ve hit you right about now. You gently allowed your head to fall onto the shoulder of the closest to you, who just so happened to be Luke. His arm instinctively wrapped around you as you, in return for your action. 
The four of you stayed like that basking in each other's company for the remainder or that night. Allowing yourselves to forget, almost briefly, of what had you so worried then, and for a moment you felt normal, with the boys by you. 
You instantly felt grateful to spend that moment with your boys, the ones who you had always found comfort with the most. You were glad that at least you weren't alone in death. 
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 6 months
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
on ao3, rated G, Julie and the Phantoms
The boys are hanging behind after their school band practice. They had just been given the song list and sheet music for the upcoming Christmas concert and Sunset Curve had even been given permission to do a song of their own. They were excitedly discussing which song they could add to the line up. It was *technically* the elementary school’s concert but the high school band always performed and Sunset Curve took every opportunity they were given to play. Reggie is excited to be able to play both his bass and saxophone and the other three stick with their preferred instruments.
They’re interrupted by their band teacher doubling back into the room and he breathes a sigh of relief when he sees them. “Oh good, you’re still here! Luke and Bobby? Would you be open to accompanying the kids for the concert?”
Luke and Bobby look at one another and then back to their teacher, pointing to themselves. “Us?”
Their teacher nods, “yeah, normally I’d play piano for them but we were talking and it might be nice to change things up with guitar this year. And feature our students some more.”
Luke beams at that and Bobby shrugs slightly before speaking for both of them. He knows that Luke isn’t going to turn down the opportunity to play for a crowd, accompanied by kindergarteners or otherwise. “Yeah, we can do that.”
“It won’t be too much for you two? The school band, yours, and these songs?”
Luke shakes his head vigorously and claps Bobby on the back, “nope! We can handle it!” 
“Alright then, thanks boys! I’ll get you everything tomorrow. Get me your song choice by then too, please.”
“You got it, sir!” Luke offers a salute and their teacher shakes his head, amused. 
“Keep this room how you found it please,” he walks out of the room, leaving the boys as they’d been before being interrupted. 
Luke pumps his fist, “YES!”
An amused grin takes over Alex’s face, “it’s the elementary school.”
“So? It’s an opportunity to play! And it’s not a book club!” The boys had only formally been a band for less than a year and they’d just finally found their footing and were playing every opportunity they could. 
“Hey, I love playing book club!” Reggie exclaims and Luke laughs, pinching Reggie’s cheeks the same way that the older ladies had a tendency to do. 
“You just like charming the grandmas.”
Reggie bats Luke’s hands away, rubbing his face. “What of it? They love me! And send us home with tasty treats every week.” Reggie’s gaze starts to gloss over as if he’s lost in thought.
Bobby wraps his arm around Reggie’s shoulders with a laugh of his own, jostling Reggie out of his treat-related daze. “Let’s feed the insatiable monster before we lose him to daydreaming. Again.”
“I resemble that remark,” Reggie murmurs while Luke and Alex laugh and they grab their things on their way out of the room. Alex doubles back to turn off the light, wanting to ensure that they’ll be allowed to continue using the space until they can figure out another rehearsal (and instrument storage) option. He takes his place between Bobby and Luke, wrapping his arms around their shoulders so that the four of them take up most of the hallway as they walk toward the doors.
They decide to head to the Patterson’s today and are just finishing up their snack, making their individual cases for the song they want to cover, when Emily gets home. 
“Afternoon boys, how was school?”
Luke answers her around a mouthful of food, “good, Ma! We get to play for the Christmas concert this year.”
“Luke, how many times do I have to ask you not to talk with food in your mouth?”
He swallows, “sorry, Ma.”
“What song are you doing this year?” All four of them have been in the school band since fifth grade and the Pattersons had managed to make every performance. And all of the years prior, with Luke’s excited performances alongside his classmates. He lived to make the audience laugh and succeeded every time. His teachers stopped bothering to try reining him in very early on. Mitch and Emily stopped feeling the embarrassment of having a kid who demanded the spotlight by the time he reached third grade. This was the first year he got to do anything on his own though.
“The band is playing a really cool medley mashup! And, Ma! WE get to play!” he gestures toward his friends and she raises an eyebrow. “Like as Sunset Curve,” he clarifies excitedly.
“Luke’s very excited,” Alex explains drily, as if Luke’s excitement wasn’t apparent to all of them.
“I see,” she replies cooly and Luke’s face falls slightly. 
His friends clock it immediately and Bobby speaks up next, “they asked Luke and I to accompany the kids too.”
“That’s very nice for you boys,” Emily says. “It’s a lot of songs to learn.”
“We can handle it, Ma. It’s not like we haven’t been singing them since we could talk or anything.”
“You’re right,” she concedes and makes her way through to the kitchen. “Make sure you boys clean up please. Are any of you staying for dinner tonight?”
Reggie confirms his attendance while Alex and Bobby bow out, claiming they need to be with their own families for the evening.
“What if we wrote our own?” Luke suggests after everything for dinner gets sorted.
“Luke, no. We don’t have time for that!” Alex tells him. Luke’s face falls into a pout and Alex sighs, “what if you write one for next year and we can ask to perform it then?”
Luke’s face brightens slightly before falling back into a frown as he gets lost in thought.
“What if we just did Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree? Twist it to make it our sound but it’s still classic,” Reggie suggests. 
Bobby puts his fingers to his chin in thought before digging out the program they’d been given at school. “It’s not on the list,” he confirms.
Luke pulls out his notebook and starts writing out the adjustments he can hear playing in his mind. The others watch him for a moment before looking at one another in amusement. They know they’ve lost him to the songwriting void. 
Luke jumps up suddenly, running to the family room and digging through his family’s record and tape collection. He comes up empty and yells toward the kitchen. “Ma! Where do we keep our Christmas records?”
Emily comes around the corner, drying her hands. “They’re in the Christmas bins. I haven’t brought them out yet. What do you need?”
“I want to make sure I have this song right.”
“Does it need to be right this second?”
“Mooooom, the music is flowing! Don’t harsh my vibe!”
Emily puts her hands up in mock defense, “no harshing of vibes here. I’ll get your Dad to pull things out this weekend.”
“Ugh. Fine.”
Bobby decides to take that moment to interject, “Luke, one of the teachers will probably have everything we need. We can ask tomorrow.”
Luke sighs but concedes. There’s only so far that his memory can take him with this. 
Bobby was right and they are able to get the sheet music from their music teacher the next day. They lose Luke to his arrangement process for their entire lunch break but he comes out of it triumphant and ready to practice with the boys. They make slight adjustments together at the end of the day and wind up with something they’re all happy with.
They spend the next several weeks fine tuning things and practicing and before too long the night of the concert arrives. Luke is excitedly bouncing in place and keeps looking out in the audience for his parents. None of the rest of the boys’ parents come to anything any more and look forward to Mitch and Emily’s support when it’s offered to them. 
Reggie bounds backstage and up to Luke. “They’re here!” 
It would take intimate knowledge of Luke to notice the shift in his energy at the news but all three of his bandmates clock it. 
Luke accompanies the first three grades before joining the high school band for their performance and Bobby takes over the final three. There is a stark difference in the boys’ energy and how they play. Luke knows better than to steal the spotlight from the kids but he’s still putting on the performance he’s known for. Bobby keeps his head down and simply provides the backing track for the kids. Which works out well, considering the ages that they’re both playing with. 
They take a break to let the elementary choir sing unaccompanied and then get set up for their own performance. 
Sunset Curve nails their version of Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree with Reggie closing out the song with what is quickly becoming his signature, “we’re Sunset Curve. Tell your friends!”
The crowd laughs as they applaud and the boys beam as they soak it in before being nudged back to reality by the MC. They quickly find their places with the school band and get settled for the last song of the night. 
Luke’s eyes canvas the crowd as soon as they’re finished and everyone starts packing up to leave. He’d found where his parents were sitting while Bobby was playing and he’s excited to hear what they thought. 
He manages to place them again and runs up with a giant smile on his face. “So?” he asks impatiently.
“You did great, Luke.” Reggie, Bobby, and Alex had joined them and Emily looks at all four boys. “You all did.”
Luke and Reggie both beam at her, always soaking up any attention they can get. 
“Luke did the whole arrangement!” Reggie gushes to Mitch and Emily.
“Oh, that’s great,” Emily replies, a bit muted and significantly less enthusiastically than Luke had hoped for.
“Didn’t you like it?” he asks.
“It’s just… is this really something you want to do?” she counters.
Luke’s eyes go wide and the other three boys look between each other in concern. “Yes, Ma! You just heard us, we’re great! Imagine how cool it will be when people are cheering for the songs that I wrote.”
Emily hums noncommittally and Mitch decides to take over. “You boys did a great job. Do you need rides home?”
He’s met with a chorus of “yes, sir!” and “please!” and he can’t help the light chuckle that escapes him.
Luke hangs behind as they follow his parents out to their station wagon. Alex notices and turns back to join him. “Don’t worry about them,” Alex says as they walk beside each other. “They’ll come around! You’ll see.”
“Yeah,” Luke agrees softly. “They have to! We’re gonna make it, ‘Lex! I know it.”
Alex ruffles Luke’s hair with a small laugh, “yeah, buddy. We’ll make it.”
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
mean luke danes fic? Smut preferably? Age gap and size kink please? Xx
hello! I'm sorry it's a bit short, but I hope you like it! I'm also trying to write more of my non-chris/seb requests as I probably write too much of them, and it's probably unfair for those of you who want to read for another man. also, age and size kink/gap/difference is already applied to my fics.
warning - smut, choking, tummy bulge, mean luke.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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A sharp moan escapes you as Luke pushes your face into the mattress, thrusting into your tight cunt brutally. “Shut up! You never know when to keep your mouth shut!” He growls, his voice rough as he fucks into you. “Why do you think your in this position, huh?”
You whimper, gripping the sheets underneath you. A whine leaves you as Luke’s fist wraps around your hair, making a makeshift ponytail as he pulls you up against his chest. “Was it because you were being a brat all day?” You nod, pushing yourself back on his cock as moans continue to fall from your lips.
“Y–yes! I was a brat! I’m sorry!” Your eyes screw up from the pleasure, and you can feel his cock deep inside your stomach. His brutal thrusts make you see stars, “Luke! Please!” You cry, and your hands move around to grab any part of him. 
Luke’s hand comes around your body, making its way up to your throat and grips tightly. “Shut up! Don’t you see how much of a whore you are?! Letting an old man like myself fuck you!” He grunts, pulling your tiny body flush against him. “Look how fucking tiny you are compared to me!” The moan that falls from your lips causes his cock to throb. “Feel this bulge. That’s my cock deep inside you.” His hand pushes on the bulge forming underneath your flesh. 
Your eyes roll back, not being able to hold on anymore. Your walls pulse around Luke’s thick throbbing member as you let go, sucking him deeper into you. The feel of you squeezing his cock causes Luke to thrust a few more times before burying himself deep inside you, releasing thick spurts of cum, and filling you to the brim.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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missjoolee · 2 years
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Lifetime - Three Days Grace
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Luke got his first guitar when he was seven years old. His ADHD therapist had recommended that he pick up a hobby as a fixation to redirect all his energy instead of doing something that could potentially harm him. Emily and Mitch had tried a lot of things at first. Cooking, drawing, basketball, running, everything that a seven year old would find interesting. But, as soon as Luke got his first guitar from his parents, he knew he had found his passion.
Emily and Mitch thought it was his fixation. Luke knew that music was the love of his life.
Two years into playing everyday, trying to practice chords from his favourite songs, and making new riffs just to see if he could make a decent song. He could, for a nine year old. His love for music was also how he met his best friends, Reggie, Alex, and Bobby. The Patersons had assumed that the boys had bonded over their hobby of creating music, or just playing covers of songs they liked. They never realised how much more important music was to them than they let it show.
Mitch and Emily did not seem to have a problem with the guitar and the lyrics and the music going on constantly. As long as Luke didn’t do anything that could harm him, they were fine. And when, at twelve, Luke started talking about making a career for himself in music, he started talking about being the best Rock band to ever exist, Emily and Mitch didn’t pay much attention at that time either.
But then, Luke got into high school, and he still spoke about creating music as a career for himself, and he still practised more with his band than doing homework or studying, and the Patterson couple couldn’t ignore it anymore. They knew that their son was very much serious about his choices.
So, they tried to explain it to him gently at first. Tried to tell him all the cons of being a musician. Instability in finance, no privacy, constant pressure, ‘all or nothing’ mentality, and the list went on and on and on. But Luke kept repeating to them, day after day, night after night, “I’ll do all of the bad stuff if it means that I can feel connected to the rest of the world through music. I’ll do all of it if I could just make people feel understood and valid, and alive.”
And Mitch would always just say, “That’s not your job, Luke. Leave it for someone else. You should focus on being able to provide for yourself and your family.”
And it went for months, and those months turned into years, and their gentle explanations turned to screaming and taunting and making comments about his choices. In the start, Luke would escape to Alex’s house, or Reggie’s, or Bobby’s. They’d never ask him to explain, and just cuddle with him and pretend not to notice when he cried, because they knew Luke would tell them when he was ready to.
By the time Luke was sixteen, he felt like he was immune to his parents’ words. It was the same thing over and over, like a broken record, and Luke had lost the will in him to fight his parents, to beg for their support and love. He just sat on the couch and listened as his parents screamed at him from behind.
“The boy never listens to me. He doesn’t understand that he needs to do something productive with his life.” Emily screamed.
“I worked so hard and paid so much money to get you into a good school, Luke, and you’re just going to waste it all away.” Mitch said.
“I mean, at least, think about your future family. No one will want to be a broke so-called rock star who’s scraping through life. Think of how you’ll provide for us when we’re old. Or are you going to make your father work all his life?” Emily yelled at him.
“Honestly, Emily, I think we should start keeping money aside for retirement. We shouldn’t trust him to be able to provide for us, if he won’t be able to provide for himself. We can’t be dependent on him if he’s going to have a very unstable job.” Mitch said.
And with all the screaming and taunts and the words echoing in Luke’s brain, he was surprised when his parents heard him. He hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but he said it before he could stop himself.
“Pay attention to me, please.”
Emily and Mitch turned towards him so fast, but he remained seated on the couch, staring out the window. “What?”
“Pay attention to me, please.” Luke said, louder.
He stood up, turning to his parents, “For once in your life, please, just pay attention to me. Pay attention to what I want to do, and support me and love me for it. Listen to what I’m trying to say. Listen to what my vision, my goal in life is, instead of putting your goals on mine. Listen to what I’m thinking and what I’m trying to plan, keeping everyone in the loop, instead of throwing assumptions about what could be.
Please, just pay attention to the words I’m screaming so quietly at you.”
The Pattersons did not respond well to what Luke had said. Luke ran away for the first time that night, coming back after the police caught him three weeks later. And then at seventeen, he left for good. They never paid attention to him. They never listened to him.
In 2020, after Luke, Reggie, and Alex had become humans, and Julie had told Ray the full truth, Ray had enrolled them in Julie’s school. He had asked the boys to select the courses they would enjoy.
Luke wanted to choose music, and he knew he could, but his parents’s words stopped him. Because, what if they didn’t make it big? What if he was barely above the water? What if he couldn’t take care of Julie, of Alex, of Reggie? What if he failed his family?
Luke chose a programme he would never be happy in.
When he’d given his sheet to Ray, Ray had looked at his selections, and just said, “Are you sure, mijo?”
Luke nodded, though his eyes told a different story. His twisting fingers told a different story. His bouncing feet told a different story.
Ray had nodded, and pulled out his laptop to file it in.
When school had started, and Luke got his schedule, his eyes filled with tears when he saw the classes for the music programme instead of the sucky one he had chosen. Julie had hugged him, and Alex and Reggie wrapped themselves around him without a word. Maybe they knew. Maybe they didn’t. Luke was just happy in that moment.
That night, when Luke got a moment alone with Ray, he whispered, “Thank you.”
Ray knew what he was talking about and he said, “I’ve gotten good at paying attention to silent screams. You can be who you want in this house. No restrictions.”
Luke hugged Ray, sobbing uncontrollably.
Someone finally paid attention to him.
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fandomscraziness22 · 1 year
Julie and the Phantoms fics
dreams are sweet (until they’re not)
There’s a kind of hidden desperation in each of their encounters, like this might be the last time they see each other. The chance of discovery, the reality that every day that passes means Julie’s one day older, the knowledge that this relationship can’t even exist outside of this building—it creeps into the back of their minds, bleeds over into their conversations, spills into their kisses and loving touches.
This can’t last, so we have to make the most of what we have, they tell each other. Because getting a small slice of happiness with each other is worth the inevitable pain.
or, Luke works at the HGC and starts a secret relationship with Julie, with all the danger that entails
share your dreams with me
Band practice is forgotten for a moment as Luke takes in the scene. His friends, all together for a purpose they all believe in. For a sound, for lyrics, for music they all create together. * * just some fluff about how much Luke loves his friends and his dream
one moment is all it takes
Julie smiles again, love for her mom and for this ghost with her overwhelming the grief for a moment. “And she sent me you, the best part of my life. I don’t know where I’d be without you, Luke.”
The couple grins in unison, as they do so often. Julie allows herself a moment to look away from the road to stare at her musical soulmate.
But one moment is all it takes.
time after time
Julie’s mind whirls. “An earlier point in time, you mean?” she says, disbelief evident in her voice.
Agent Taylor clarifies. “What he means is, Mr. Wilson invented a time machine, and chose not to tell the government about it until it was stolen by terrorists.”
or, the timeless au no one asked for but i wanted to write
let go of the world you know
he can feel them slipping his life from before they’re still there but just barely like one strong wind could blow them away into the dust, forever
or, Caleb takes Luke's memories, and it's not pleasant
i’m hold onto pieces of us that i just can’t let go
Reggie hasn’t stopped crying for seven days straight. Or at least, it feels like it. Alex was crying for what felt like an hour and it had been twenty five years, so Reggie's not sure on how time works for ghosts sometimes. All he knows is the bright ball of light that was Julie Molina has been snuffed out and it feels like the world has stopped and is holding its breath. .... And suddenly, a new thought occurs to him. Reggie bolts upright, hope exploding in his chest.
“What if she’s a ghost?”
can’t kill the fire i feel inside
“It's called the Pull.” The words that spell doom for Luke are some of the simplest ones he’s ever heard.
“The Pull?” he questions.
Willie nods. “It’s a weird thing that happens with some ghosts. An all-consuming need to be with someone, a deeper instinct than normal attraction or love. It doesn’t happen often, but always between two ghosts, and it’s part of their unfinished business."
alone together
through him (through them) she finds
music passion hope creativity life once more
friendship quickly blossoms into shared time, shared thoughts, shared
learn to live with the unimaginable
Ray had thought he was done with it all. The tests, the scans, the anxious drives to and from the hospital, the endless waiting, the hopeless horror. But he was wrong. ~~~ Having a brother is all fun and games until
until your mom dies.
then, having a brother is a necessity.
let’s be crazy
Julie chalked up, getting ready to try her new dismount from the uneven bars when she looked over to see Luke jumping on the floor. She smiled slightly at his antics.
“What do they make this springy floor out of?” Luke asked.
“Springs,” Julie deadpanned.
or, i started watching make it or break it and made it Juke
if it’s only a game you lost me
“You’re different,” Willie concludes.
“Different, bad?”
“Bad for me.” Alex’s heart drops at that. “I didn’t want to think about you,” Willie continues. His face is earnest, and his tone isn’t harsh, just sincere. “I wanted to stay focused. And then I saw you…after you got shot. Fighting for your life.” His voice grows softer, drawing Alex’s eyes back to his face. And then it shutters closed again as Willie says, “But you’re right. I’m kevlar, you’re not.”
“You don’t have to be.”
i feel something around me now
Luke Patterson, the bastard of the barrel, limped his way into the chapel.
It was the last place someone like him should be, considering what he had done in the past to earn the nickname "Dirtyhands," but the Inferni chasing him left him with few options. He hoped Julie wouldn't run into any trouble, since the Inferni was only following him. Julie could take care of herself, but he couldn't stop the single thread of anxiety from snaking down his back at the thought of her being in danger.
i miss the days when
The door slams open and Luke shoots to his feet, an admonishment on the tip of his tongue. It dies the second he sees Rose burst through the door, a wild and panicked look in her eyes. “Luke, come with me.” She runs to him, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the exit.
“Rose, what?” Luke tries to pull away, but damn this woman is strong. “I have a show–”
“They’re hurt,” she throws over her shoulder, still yanking him out of the building. “Mi hermana found your boys, and it’s not good.”
past the curses and cries
She jolts upright, looking around for the others. Alex and Reggie are sprawled a short distance away, and Luke is only two feet to her right.
But Luke’s wheezing in pain, and there’s a huge red stain on the suit jacket he stole for his disguise. Julie’s breath leaves her in a gasp as she hurries to him.
prompt fill set in an HP au because why not!
i’ll watch
the thing about being a wordsmith is you have so many (almost too many) words to express yourself
and yet they aren't enough
the irony is cruel on his tongue.
he watches her get older without him.
running with fire, i live like a liar
The man stops moving and says in a raspy voice, “Hey sweetheart.”
Julie’s so shocked it takes a moment to even realize that he’s talking to her. She blinks at him, but he just shoots her the same smirk he gave her when she first picked him out from the crowd. He keeps his voice low and says, “You shoulda told me our honeymoon was going to be this much fun.”
Julie stares at his blue-green eyes, now perfectly clear and full of mirth. He squeezes her hand once, then lets go and moves his legs under him so he can crouch beside her. “Let’s go slow, while they’re distracted,” he breathes in her ear. A shiver runs down her spine as she nods. Even though she doesn’t know this boy, they’re in this together now.
Full of Love, Full of Light
Julie keeps talking. “Reggie, I’m so glad you’re here with me, and I love you. Thank you for being a part of my family.”
Reggie’s definitely not crying now; those aren't tears welling in his eyes, nope, not at all. He sniffles and whispers, “Thanks Julie. I love you too.”
or, 3 times Reggie feels like a part of the Molina family
i stumble through the wreckage, rusted from the rain (there’s nothing left to salvage, no one left to blame)
It's been a very long time since Alex has kept a secret this big from the people he loves. One that can change everything. One that's so big, so monumental, life will never be the same once he shares it.
And he can say with certainty that he hasn't missed the anxiousness that comes with keeping a secret like this. The way his mind whirls in circles, coming up with every possible scenario of what could happen when he tells them. How his stomach rolls, and his insides turn to jelly at the thought of revealing it. How the fear keeps his fingers locked, and his breath short.
How much danger there is in telling the truth. ... “We’re getting out of here. Tonight. There’s a ghost who can free our souls from Caleb.”
nothing broken (just our minds)
The quiet of the studio is broken by saxophones playing a very familiar tune. The sound comes from everywhere, and yet nowhere, all at once. Luke jolts upright, guitar almost falling off of his lap. He clutches it tightly as the sax continues, a drumbeat adding to the sound now.
This can’t be possible. Caleb’s gone; they got rid of the stamps. Luke checks the inside of his wrist, panicked that somehow the purple seal will stain his skin. But there’s nothing there.
or, Caleb sends a song to torture the boys
in a world i can’t fix (with a hammer in my fist)
“Connection. That’s why you play, why your passion is music. You long for the special connection between performer and watcher, between singer and listener.”
Luke’s not sure how Caleb knew that. Maybe he had been paying attention during all those rant sessions Luke had in his office (before the jolts came, of course).
“I…” Luke can’t find any words, so Caleb fills the space with a wave of his hand. “We need people like that in the Hollywood Ghost Club, Lucas. But to have that connection, you need audience members. And that is exactly what we are here to do today.”
don’t tell me that it wasn’t black and white
“Well, I suppose a name would make things easier, Detective,” August continued, and Julie was glad he seemed to have missed her confusion. “A word -- a signifier to your senses. Something that means a smell, a feeling, a taste…” He trailed off, eyes flicking to her lips once again. Julie’s heart gave a traitorous jump.
In the distant future, Private Investigator Julie Molina finds herself with a case that leads to an annoying yet attractive agent helping her, and maybe....the hint of something more?
i can’t change the past but i can fight to change today
“It’s a song about a girl named Emily?” Julie says, and the woman’s eyes dart between the paper and Mitch. “I’m Emily,” she whispers. Julie nods solemnly and holds out the paper. “Then I think your son may have written this song for you.” Emily takes the song as Mitch puts his hands on her shoulders, leaning to read it as she unfolds it. Julie’s fully prepared to stand here and watch them read it, but then the boy behind her begins to sing.
Julie can hear Luke sing Unsaid Emily. It's... a lot
my mind is a home i’m trapped in
Alex loves being able to use his drums as an extension of himself. Sometimes he pretends his anxieties are laid out on each piece of the set. The thoughts of being dead? Clang, the symbols go. The hidden fear that his friends will turn on him for liking boys? Thump, his foot hits the pedal of the bass drum. He whacks the high and medium toms, pretending he’s beating back the questions of why and how and who and where. Those questions are different depending on the days, but he places them all onto the drums, letting himself get lost in the rhythms he creates. The anxiety backs down, the fear recedes, and he finds the enjoyment in keeping tempo for his friends.
It’s all going great, until they reach the bridge.
hold you in my arms and i won’t let go
Everyone else is broken, so Alex can’t be. Someone needs to step up, and he volunteers himself for the task.
He knows, of course, that if he said this in so many words, everyone would be quick to take the burden from him. His anxiety aside, he knows that doing things alone isn’t the Molina style. Or Julie and the Phantoms’ style either. A small part of him knows that if Julie could see him, she would give him a soft smile and remind him that they are a family, and families don’t shoulder these heavy burdens alone.
But Alex shoves imaginary Julie to the back of his mind. He has to do this, because he doesn’t know what will happen if he doesn’t.
wide awake in the middle of your nightmare
It happens so fast.
One minute, Luke’s watching Julie as she sings her heart out on stage. Completely mesmerized by her talent and her beauty.
Looking back later, Luke thinks that’s what the problem was. He’s always been too enamoured by Julie--too amazed by her to realize she wasn’t indestructible. She wasn’t permanent. She was fragile, even; more so than he was, because he was already dead. She never seemed breakable; the wrecking ball of talent was the one doing the destruction, breaking hearts with tragic songs and blowing minds with her incredible voice. He forgot that Julie, no matter how tough she seemed, still needed to be protected.
Accidents could still happen.
everything has got a price
But maybe the little that does is enough. Maybe, maybe, but maybe not--
Luke and Julie vanish into thin air, leaving the Orpheum Theater behind them.
It’s not enough.
They reappear into the worst place in the club, the room Luke hates the most: Caleb’s office. Nothing good ever happens in this cursed area. Luke shakes off memories of Alex clutching his chest, breath coming in short gasps, and Reggie with tears in his eyes as Luke begs for another chance, just stop hurting them.
trade my joy for her protection
“Julie, we have to have this out.”
“No, Luke, we--”
He cuts her off. “Julie, yes we do. We need to talk about it.”
don’t say goodbye
Bobby has to keep him talking so he knows his friend is still there. If Luke falls unconscious again... “Where did you get the street dogs from?”
Luke whimpers as another spasm hits him, then answers, “Sam’N’Ellas. They were close by and they were cheap.”
If the situation were different, Bobby would laugh at Luke for convincing Alex and Reggie to eat from the sketchy couple selling hot dogs out of their car. The bandmates had walked by them two weeks ago when they got the call they could play their showcase at the Orpheum, and Alex had insisted they go check out the theater.
But there’s nothing funny about watching Luke writhe in pain on the ground. ... or, Bobby finds the boys after the hotdogs and has to watch what happens next
music is the only place i can go to speak to you
If Julie could put a relationship status for herself and music, it would be “it’s complicated.”
Julie’s mom and music were so intertwined in her life. Her mom was music.
But that’s the key word, isn’t it? Was.
or, Julie thinks about music and her mom
you are alive.
Julie’s fingers still as she says, “Your hair’s getting longer. We should trim it.”
Luke doesn’t think ghosts’ hair can grow, but it’s not a big deal, so he doesn’t bother asking Willie about it.
or, the boys come back to life slowly
Watch You Breathe In
The scream rips from Julie’s throat, terror coursing through her. Not Carlos, please don’t let him die. He’s only ten.
She watches as Caleb jerks his knife out of Carlos’ stomach, her brother crumpling up and falling to the ground.
Her feet are moving instantly, rushing towards the small form lying way too still for someone with so much energy.
Please let him be okay.
you were an angel in the shape of my mom
Those plants cannot die.
That wouldn't be fair to Mom, because she loved those plants almost as much as she loved music, or her family, or those little dancing Santas the stores would have at Christmastime (which Carlos also loved, because they always made him laugh, and his mom had the best laugh which made him laugh even harder).
Carlos wrestles with grief, and takes care of some plants
it is for family that he plays
But now, Reggie can tell his friends are split in the worst of ways, and he doesn’t know what he is supposed to do.
Taking Caleb’s offer was off the table when it was simply choosing between playing for him or playing with Julie. Reggie had everything he needed with his new band — with Julie (including a family of lifers that didn’t know about him yet but he enjoyed their company nonetheless).
Rejecting Caleb’s offer had been easy.
The circumstances, however, had changed.
reggie's pov of Nothing to Lose
it is for dreams that he drums
Alex’s arms kept moving as his mind whirled. Luke was fully under Caleb’s spell now, facing the crowd beside the magician. Alex tried to stop playing, but his hands didn’t belong to him anymore. They moved to Caleb’s rhythm, keeping the tempo for the rest of the band, backing Caleb’s vocals as he continued to sing. He had given up looking for Willie, and focused on trying to get out of the club. ... Alex couldn’t let himself focus on the loss of control for too long, because he didn’t have time to spiral now. Escape first, panic later.
alex's pov during Nothing to Lose
it is only for love that he sings
This isn’t how music works. This isn’t how it should work, anyway. But it’s happening, without his permission. .... Luke knows music. And this is a perversion of everything he’s ever desired.
it's basically just luke's pov of the end of Nothing to Lose i saw imène's post and spiraled
right this way
Julie, meanwhile, is once again struck by the similarities between Luke and Donny. “Flying Solo” had turned out amazing, and they had written so many songs together since then. She had opened her dream box and used some of her other lyrics and poems she had written in the year after her mom died to create new songs with Luke, changing them around, combining them, adding his ideas to her words. And Donny had done the exact same thing for Julia; taken her words and put them to music to touch people in a new way.
or, the band watches a movie for Julie's homework and get more than they bargained for.
The Last Night
Reggie comes late to band practice one day and the boys have a revelation
Based on some lines from "The Last Night" by Skillet
dying takes longer (the second time around)
What if the jolts had lasted a little longer before Julie could give her boys the magic hug? Takes place during 1x09, starting right after the Orpheum performance Alex, Luke and Reggie's pov
Written for JATP Appreciation Week Day 7: write something set in canon-verse (mine's a little canon-divergent, sorrynotsorry)
watching is worse (the second time around)
What if the jolts had lasted a little longer before Julie could give her boys the magic hug? Takes place during 1x09 after the Orpheum performance, Julie's pov
Written for JATP Appreciation Week Day 7: write something set in canon-verse (mine's a little canon divergent, sorrynotsorry)
Butterflies and Glitter
Julie takes a second to notice the boy's outfits after their magical hug
Written for JATP Appreciation Week Day 4: found family Also written using prompt 74 from this list by @niamaggie on tumblr: https://niamaggie.tumblr.com/post/633529458786238464/100-julie-and-the-phantoms
Road Work?
Julie enjoys (somewhat) teaching the boys about modern slang. But Flynn is the master, so when she yeets a paper, the boys are confused. Vine references abound.
Written for JATP Week Day 4: write a fic including pop culture/memes
Music is Gone
Julie's thoughts as she runs away from music class and talks with Flynn during ep 1, including the deleted scene
Written for day 1 of JATP week: favorite character
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