#Luke's Jedi academy
stealingpotatoes · 5 months
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happy may the 4th from the jedi academy!!
(donation doodles! // tip jar)
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errantindy · 9 months
Can you imagine how haunting the Jedi Temple must be?
That thing has been assaulted multiple times, burned, half razed, picked over, built over, and reoccupied. I absolutely understand and support Luke putting his academy ANYWHERE ELSE…even Yavin which ain’t great either.
Because how could you put young, impressionable Force Sensitive children in cavernous space when they could easily touch the pillars, the floor, the furniture and FEEL the massacres?
Sure there’s ages and ages more of serenity and contemplation and happiness to fill the Temple…but those ghosts have to be there, and why would you choose to potentially traumatize a youngling if you had the chance not to?
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i just have so many thoughts abt luke's academy starting out of love.
like his father, he has so much love in his heart. he has so much love to give, to hoard away, to make sure his family knows, because he needs them to know.
it rages inside him like a kryat. like twin suns burning him from the inside-out.
but unlike anakin, he's learned how to tame it. no, tame is the wrong word. he's learned how to live with it, to co-exist without it swallowing him whole.
he's learned how to give that love to others and to believe the best in people, like his mother
he loves like his aunt and uncle loved, like the desert loved. he passes their legacy unto his kids, his students, so that they might be able to feel like this is home.
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augustspage · 8 months
If Ezra was a Master at Luke's Jedi academy, a conversation on attachment.
Ezra's tone turned firm. "No, Luke. You're not separating these kids from their families. I don't care what the texts say."
Luke, with a weight of experience, replied, "You've met my father Ezra, you know what attachment does to us who are burdened with abilty, what it can turn us into."
Ezra closed his eyes, a dark Cape billowing in his mind, exhaling slowly, "I—maybe, but from my experience, the love of our familes only made me and Kanan stronger."
Luke looked sympathetically at Ezra "But in the end, you had to let them go, didn't you?"
Ezra flicked his eyes away.
Luke flexed his robotic hand " I learnt the hard way when I didn't heed Master Yodas advice on letting go" he continued "Plus, if I didn't let go of my life on Tatooine, I'd have never done anything."
Ezra interjected "Aren't you tired of letting go? Your aunt and uncle raised you, yet you never talk about them."
Luke's eyes widened, how'd ezra know about them?
"I can't focus on something that cannot be changed, that'd result only in pain, That is what I learnt and what the younglings need to understand. Why'd you even bring that up anyway?"
Ezra's smirked "Someone told me to take care of the quote 'softer twin' "
Ah Leia
Luke raised an eyebrow. "Worried she'd strangle you like the other Jabba?"
Ezra snorted, he paused for a moment and locked his earnest blue eyes with Luke's.
"Listen, I was only able to sacrifice myself because I love and am attached to my family and my planet, knowing that I would be protecting them."
Ezras face lightened.
"Also, because I knew my family wouldn't let go of me either; they'd move galaxies to save this Lothrat punk."
Luke felt the force become warmer at the strength of earnestness emanating of the man.
"They make me better, the younglings family makes them better, Hera keeps Jacen from blowing up your temple, Din plays with grogu when he gets sad, your karking family makes you better, Leia makes you actually interact with people, Han-"
Luke puts his hand over ezras mouth, which does not deter the mans jabbering.
Luke rolls his eyes and finally relents, sighing "Fine, Master Bridger, we'll listen to your oh so great wisdom over the ones of mellenias of jedi"
Luke's light blue eyes meet Ezra's deep blue gaze, He's looking at the blonde with elation. "Atleast temporarily... I just hope I'm doing the right thing"
Ezra licks Luke's hand, Luke immediately recoils, wiping it on Ezras robe looking aghast.
Ezra smirks before getting more serious. "Look, Luke, these kids will be stronger Jedi for having healthy relationships in their lives, and more importantly, they'll be better people."
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art-of-wackylurker · 11 months
I guess it's my turn to contribute something to the @starwars-arttrade-2023
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A lesson on meditation for @stealingpotatoes because world needs more of Luke's New Jedi Academy, it's a pleasant night, the burning wood crackles nicely and the Force fills them with good vibes (✿◡‿◡) So yea I've decided to do the 'Make them comfy' prompt a liiiiitttleeee differently and, well, that's what came out!
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emperorsfoot · 5 months
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Luke Skywalker: [Projects a really low-quality image] Luke Skywalker: Okay guys, so here's the plan- Corran Horn: if i had a dollar for every pixel in this image i'd have 15 cents Kyp Durron: if i had a dollar for every ounce of rage i felt in my body after i read this comment i would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you Leia Organa: actually I did the math, they would have $225 not $0.15 Luke Skywalker: sis i'm right here... Kyle Katarn: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :) Cilghal: while you're there could you buy me an apply juice please Kyle Katarn: sorry I only have a dollar Cilghal: :( Tionne Solusar: he'd have $22500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent Kam Solusar: hey I just realized Tionne is right, he would have $22500 not $225 Kyle Katarn: if i had $22500 i would buy a can of soda and an apply juice Octa Ramis: You can buy anything you want with $22500 Corran Horn: yeah and he wants soda and apply juice Kenth Hamner: apply juice to what? Saba Sebatyne: directly to the forehead Luke Skywalker: Luke Skywalker: Great post guys
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lothalacademy · 10 months
Mace Windu is not on here because he’s the grandmaster.
Top 6 knights make the council
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holonetwork · 3 months
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George Lucas and the Jedi Academy Trilogy Part of a series I’ve put together focusing on the history of the EU. Sources: Kevin J. Anderson (1,2,3,4,5), Tom Veitch, & John Alvin.
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bookishbrigitta · 4 months
Okay, but, please consider Luke Skywalker hauling his Jedi school kids around in a 15 passenger van that he heard about from someone in his Interfaith Education SpaceBook group who said their church selling it. Like, it was a piece of junk, and he finally wore Han down enough to help him fix it, but when the light hits it in a certain way, you can just make out "Mustard Seeds Outreach Ministry of Grace Lutheran Church" or some such under the new paint.
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
Technically speaking Cal is the only, living, Jedi who was officially knighted. Yoda implied Luke was a Jedi, but he never knighted him. And Ahsoka and Ezra were Padawan’s who never officially finished there training.
their collective teaching credentials are basically just "haha dude trust me I know what I'm doing for sure"
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errantindy · 10 months
It’s a real good thing Luke Skywalker was an incredibly famous respected hero of the Rebellion.
Because Luke really was like “Hey, first class, congrats on coming to my new praxeum, I just learned that word from Leia. I’m sorry yer the test dummies for learning how to teach Jedi. I’m your Jedi Grandmaster Luke Skywalker. I had a month long seminar with Grandmaster Yoda, and then he died making me Grandmaster through attrition. I’ve had a self guided study since of whatever I could scrape together from what the Empire didn’t destroy. The New Republic has been nice enough to let us squat in the historic abandoned Yavin Base. Don’t mind the nearby Sith Lord or comatose Jedi Master furry in nearby temples, they’re not important…yet.”
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gets up on my soap box
luke quilting using beru's patterns (at least the ones that he can remember, its been too long--) and making a blanket for each of his students when they arrive. each quilt is different.
he embroiders a cloak for each of them when they graduate. it tells their story of trials and achievements. (don't think about the ones that fall, the ones that turn away, the ones that simply never graduate--)
(he has a room dedicated for all of those unfinished ones.)
just the thought of luke re-learning how to embroider/quilt/knit with his mechanical hand. the thought of his always having engine grease under his fingernails. about him getting so frustrated when his hands can't function like they used to. when beru would gently teach him how to hold the needles and hooks right, how to keep tension on yarn without it snapping--
the scent of grease and ozone and sand and something so master skywalker baked into each item made with so much love that his students cant help but feel secure. he puts a piece of his heart into each of his gifts. (his force presence lingers in each one. all of his students are always welcome back. the cloak and quilt are like a hug--a feeling of home that makes them warm and gives them a sense of comfort: a sense that everything will be okay. because master luke is there.)
there are days where the students just crowd around and watch him work. he'll sit in a chair in front of the fireplace and the kids will gather around. those are rest days. they are sacred. luke will often hum lullabies from tatooine (and alderaan. he was there when leia broke down and sobbed in his arms. so he learned. he learned how to sing the tongue of her world, her family, so that she could know that he was family.)
he teaches the younglings that want to learn. (sometimes he swears he can smell aunt beru's curry, or can feel her smiling at him--)
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2stepadmiral · 1 year
With the premiere of Ahsoka right around the corner, it occurred to me that it makes enormous sense for Luke to appear in the series or be a secondary recurring character, and if he isn’t, there needs to be a good explanation given.
In-universe, everything we’ve seen in the marketing indicates that Luke would be involved in what’s going on. 1) there’s a pair of Dark Jedi and a surviving Inquisitor on the loose. It would make sense for Luke to be involved in trying to redeem or at least stop these guys.
2) Ashoka’s mission is apparently directly tied into finding Ezra Bridger. As such, him being focused on rebuilding the Order isn’t a justified reason to steer clear; finding a Jedi Apprentice who’s training was never really completed and could be finished in a few months at most would be a tremendous step towards Luke’s goals, and it would gain him someone to help him rebuild.
3) Ahsoka is clearly working to find and stop Thrawn from returning and reunifying the Imperial Remnants. Luke never faced Thrawn in this continuity, but he has faced dangerous non-Force sensitive Imperials (Sgt Kreel, Commander Zahra) and has served with people who did face Thrawn (Wedge, Hobbie, Hera), and Leia was highly enough placed in the Rebellion to have been aware of Thrawn at least peripherally, so Luke should have heard about him from them. He would be aware of the threat someone like Thrawn would pose, and unless he’s gotten a full academy of Jedi recruits to train and protect since Grogu left, he’s not going to just sit alone on Ossus and do nothing.
4) Ahsoka seems to be investigating Jedi or Jedi connected relics, ruins, and knowledge. Such discoveries would be invaluable in the effort to rebuild the Jedi Order.
5) We don’t know what Luke was up to before Grogu reached out to him besides finding Jedi texts and relics to help rebuild the order and increase his own knowledge and abilities. Unless he found another apprentice who can’t safely leave his side and isn’t ready to face Dark Jedi or Thrawn, he’s probably resumed that endeavor. If that’s so, finding Jedi texts can be postponed until the Heir to the Empire has been dealt with.
Like, if Ahsoka is reluctant to involve Luke because she decides that he needs to focus on the order, or they both sense that he is needed elsewhere, or they agree that he should be with Leia trying to get the Senate to pull their heads out of their asses to prepare for Thrawn, or something along those lines, that’s all we really need. If Luke doesn’t play a role or if his absence is not explained, that really leaves a big plot hole.
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mamuzzy · 1 year
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I'm probably one of the few tumblr users who still remembers Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games (Prove me wrong!). I really love Kyle and Luke dynamics and couldn't resist to redraw this scene from Jedi Academy.
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figures4fun · 11 months
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Parent-Teacher conferences will be interesting…
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