#M sibling michael
recovering-vamp · 5 months
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rwsucculent · 2 years
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LALO POV: You meet Nacho’s brothers (they don’t seem to like you)
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statuescrumble · 2 years
youngblood rankings for @itsthedamnseason
lie to me
ghost of you
meet you there
why won’t you love me
want you back
moving along
better man
if walls could talk
talk fast
monster among men
woke up in japan
empty wallets
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ladyseidr · 3 months
@avemaria liked for a starter for Elizabeth!
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"I think for once you've just got to accept that I'm right about this."
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spirkme915 · 1 year
spirk fics i've read recently(ish) and loved
My Heart to Your Heart by greenforsnow @m-b-w - TOS - need a gentle fic? this is it. softness pervades every syllable of this fic!
Through the Wall by Sexy_Lil_Emo - AOS - a fic inspired by nsfw fanart. who needs plot with that?
Malfunction by Maeko - AOS - a nice, short nightcap when you need something sweet to read before bed
Impulse (or, Three Kisses) by decidedlynotheterosexual @decidedly-not-heterosexual - TOS - spock loses control but in the *sweetest* way and they talk about it like adults and this is just soothing and nice
The Proposal by TheKittyCorps @contrascene - AOS - spirk version of "the proposal." laugh out loud funny in parts (yes, hijinks included)
Heirs to the Glimmering World by gunstreet @gunstreet - SNW/TOS - sybok, michael, and sam conspire to get their brothers together!! siblings! tentative first meetings! sex!
De Profundis by Rhaegal (RhaegalKS) - TOS - tmp-era spirk. spock knows he fucked up so he's gonna woo jim
The Kiss by awarrington - TOS - there are some super dated things in this fic (it was originally written in 1994) but this is one of the best i've read dealing with jim coming to terms with his bisexuality and attraction to spock. def don't read if you can't or don't want to take it in context of its time. if you can/have the emotional bandwidth to, then it's well worth it
On the Arrow by Fic_me_senseless - AOS - post-into darkness, heavy read, so much longing, and pain, and it makes you ache in the best way
i'm also in a "watch beyond on repeat phase" so here are my favorite post-beyond fics:
The Steadfastness of Stars by itsnatalie - AOS - this fic. THIS FIC. i was only going to read one paragraph, really. i skipped work, read the whole thing, and now this is in my top five spirk fics
in my life, i love you more by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin) - AOS - idek how many times i've read this now. i watch beyond, i read this fic. if they never make a fourth movie, this will be my canon
And Then I Let It Go by kianspo - AOS - yorktown happens, spock goes missing, jim goes after him. this could so be canon too
on the complete opposite side of post-beyond angst is two (YES TWO, we are so blessed!) "spock makes jim coffee" fics that will both make you smile and feel warm all over:
Home in a Mug by Lizzy0305
certainty relief by itsamew @enterprise-me-capn
and (because i can never quite seem to keep these lists solely focused on spirk) one AOS mckirk fic:
retro/spect by slightlycrunchy @slightlycrunchy - best friends to lovers anyone? this is just so so so lovely!
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whosnearr · 1 year
"murderer" m. afton
summary: you and michael had one of those sweet and loving high school relationships some could only dream of having. you had met his family and you were close with him and his siblings. his parents liked you too. your relationship was perfect until one seemingly normal afternoon, michael took things too far. you were never really bothered by the fact that michael teased his brother. it was normal brotherly love. you understood because you had siblings of your own. but when you saw evan's nearly lifeless body hanging out of fredbear's mouth. you knew michael had fucked up. any decent human being knew that much.
cw: mentions of body deformity (?), angst, gender neutral reader, mentions of puke (nothing explicit), mentions of blood, bite of 83
word count: 1429
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you looked down at evan in front of you. he was clutching his fredbear plush in his arms as he looked up at you. you put your hand on his head and ruffled his hair. "what's up, kid?" you asked in a slightly teasing tone as he swatted your hand from his little head. you would never tell anyone, but evan was definitely your favorite. he was sweet to you and he was a cute kid. michael was just his big, mean older brother.
"will you come to my birthday party?" he asked softly and smiled up at you. he was hopeful. you were the only person he was personally inviting. everyone else had been invited by his parents. most of the other guests were his parent's friends' kids. he really wanted you there. you were kind to him.
you picked him up and put him over your hip. you poked his nose and smiled. "of course i'll be there, little one," you said and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "i wouldn't miss it for the world."
he beamed and wrapped his arms around your neck. it was a sweet moment that you would cherish forever.
you waited for the party to roll around. you knew evan was scared of the animatronics and you had to be there. michael would tease him for it but maybe it was a normal childhood fear. on the day of the party, you came to the afton household before they all went to the diner. you kindly greeted mr. afton and elizabeth before heading upstairs to michael's room.
"heard its the kid's birthday today," you said, leaning up against michael's doorframe. he was putting on his shoes when you walked in. he was sitting on his bed, bent over and tying the laces of his converse.
"yeah, i'm gonna make sure to it'll be memorable for him. one he'll never forget," he said, a sneaky grin on his face.
"don't be too mean to the poor kid. it's his birthday after all. you have to be nice to him," you said, pushing yourself off the door frame. you stood before him, crossing your arms over your chest. "hold back a little, okay?"
"yeah, yeah. whatever," he said and stood up. he agreed absentmindedly. he was too busy thinking about all the terrible things he would do to him. you knew he wasn't really listening but you hoped he at least heard what you said.
after not long, everyone left and headed to the diner. you all piled into mr. afton's car, causing chaos in the backseat as he drove. clara and william sat in the front seat so the four of the kids had to squish together in the backseat. you had evan in your lap since he was the smallest one and you wanted to keep michael from tormenting him throughout the entire drive.
when you got to the diner, you all walked in together. you had been to the diner many times before, whether it was michael taking you there after school or you just going on your own. it was always fun and full of life. you pushed open the doors and looked at everyone sitting at the table and enjoying their pizza or bragging about prizes they had won. a smile danced on your lips as you walked in and headed to the first empty table with everyone. you sat down between michael and evan. you were sitting at the table closest to the animatronics so you could hear their soft singing and catch each detail of their jerky dance moves. you could even hear the animatronic parts clanking inside the fur suits.
you looked around to see everyone looking at evan. "hey birthday boy, everyone's looking at you," you said and nudged his shoulder. "happy birthday."
"thank you," he said with a soft smile as he briefly looked around at everyone. of course, as the owner's son, everyone knew it was his birthday. he looked away from everyone and instead looked up at the animatronics.
"don't be scared of them," you said as you noticed the fear flash in his eyes. "they just sing and dance a little. i'm sure they can sing happy birthday to you too!!"
he shook his head and crawled out of his seat. "no, not yet. thank you," he mumbled, still clutching his fredbear plush to him.
michael looked down at him with the same devilish grin from earlier glued to his face. "yeah don't be a scaredy cat, evan," he said in a demeaning tone as he picked up evan, setting him on his shoulders.
"michael," you warned as you saw tears forming in evan's eyes. he looked anywhere but at fredbear and springbonnie. "that's not even what i said. he's not a scaredy cat. he's just a kid."
"please put me down," he said softly and clutched to michael's head. he was getting too close to fredbear for his liking.
"oh, come on, he's okay!!" he said and glanced over at you. "they won't hurt you, evan!! they're just dumb robots," he lifted up evan closer to fredbears mouth which was slowly opening and closing with its terrible lip-syncing.
"michael!! stop!!" you said and reached out to evan. you glanced over your shoulder for a second to see mr. afton was gone. you looked around frantically not seeming to spot him anywhere. you looked back over to see evan's head nearing fredbears open jaw.
"it's fine," he said as tears streamed down evan's chubby cheeks. he was very clearly not okay.
"its not fine, mikey! he's crying! you're going too far," you grabbed evan's shirt gently, tugging it in a poor attempt to grab him.
"he always cries. he has to get over his fear eventually, right, evan?" he lifted his head up into fredbear's mouth. evan was sobbing hysterically at this point. you heard scattered laughter around the diner. this wasn't funny anymore.
"michael," you said in a stern tone and he looked at you. michael's hands were on evan's sides, holding him in place in fredbear's mouth.
"he's fi-"
the smile fell from michael's face and the diner fell silent as the loud sound ripped through the entire diner. you looked at evan to see his movements slow before his arms fell limp to his sides.
"evan?" you and michael said softly in unison. there was no response and evan's sobs came to a sudden halt.
"stop playing, evan," michael said just as blood started trickling down past evans neck and hairline.
your heart was pounding out of your chest and you felt sick. "oh my fucking god," you said under your breath and pushed michael out of your way. before you could even reach out to evan, you were pushed out of the way by mr. afton. michael looked down at his hands to see evan's dark red blood running down his fingers.
william was mumbling under his breath as he pried fredbear's jaw open and pulled evan out. he fell to his knees at the sight of his youngest son's head crushed and deformed for the pressure of the springlocks.
"michael," you said and turned to him.
he was staring at his hands and was utterly still. he couldn't think of anything to say or do. it was a joke. he took it too far. oh god let this be a joke. this had to be his imagination. he had to be having a nightmare. he didn't want this to happen. it was supposed to be harmless fun. evan always cries, how was he supposed to know? he looked up at you, a look of horror on his face. the guilt flooded his entire body as he fell down onto his knees, staring at his hands covered in his brother's blood.
"i told you to stop," you said, it took every muscle in your body to keep the tears in your eyes.
"i didn't know that would happen!!" he finally tore his gaze from his hands. a pleading look in his eye. "i-i didn't think-" he ran his blood-covered hands through his hair and fell down onto the floor. his body curled up in on himself as he felt his stomach churn. he was gonna puke.
"yeah, michael you didnt fucking think," you uttered, venom laced in your tone. "you're a murderer, michael," you said and looked away from him without another word.
you fell down next to mr. afton, leaving michael utterly defeated. he killed evan and now has to live with that forever.
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redr0sewrites · 2 months
HI HI!!!! if you do ever decide to write for the archangels i would LOVE sum michael hcs.!!.!!.! i would gobble him up yum yum
jumped skipped and hopped over all my other requests to get to this one LMAO- considering he's non-canon i just went off my own hcs soo yea!!!!
🥀Cw: fluff, smut, bible lore™️, possible religious trauma?
🥀minors dni with the nsfw portion
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Michael has lived a long, long time, he's been alive since before earth was even created and has definitely seen some things
he knows that many mortals experience love, yet he never really felt such a strong connection until he met you. of course he loved his "family", but michael was a stranger to true love
HES SUCH A GENTLEMAN! michael definitely puts your needs before his, and i hc his love languages to be quality time and acts of service. he loves having you by his side more than anything, and is always spending time with you.
he's the type to give you lots and lots of flowers! you two probably have a garden that he goes to get flowers from, because he just loves how happy you get at such a seemingly simple gesture
michael is very protective, but not in a limiting way, he just wants to make sure your safe. after lucifer fell from heaven and created original sin, michael had to step up and take on even more heavenly duties. he knows how important it is to keep you safe and he loves you a lot, so he worries about you a lot
he honestly misses lucifer a lot, but he would never admit it. he talks to you a lot about his other siblings and family, and tells you stories about the beginning of earth and heaven's creation. he definitely introduces you to the other archangels, seraphims, and heavenly virtues, and loves that you get along with them. i definitely think you'd become buddies with azrael or gabriel, and y'all would cause shenanigans together (much to michaels dismay)
michael is literally so patient with you, and it's genuinely so sweet. everyone can tell he's WHIPPED, and he honestly doesn't mind. he'll listen to you ramble for hours on end, he'll try more modern food for you, he'll even adopt your music taste once he starts dating you! michael loves you as a whole and wants to enjoy everything you're interested in
HUSBAND MATERIAL. he definitely takes it upon himself to cook for you, he helps you clean, anything you need help with he volunteers to assist you.
michael is SUCH a morning person you can not tell me im wrong. he wakes up really early, and loves watching you sleep peacefully. he makes you breakfast in the morning and when its time for you to wake up, he always wakes you up with kisses or tickles or both! he loves holding you in the morning, but he's a little strict about getting up on time, he does have heavenly duties to attend to after all. if you do manage to wake up before him, you might manage to convince him to stay in bed with you for just a few more minutes. he honestly has such a soft spot for you
you are one of the few people allowed to touch his wings, which is a HUGE sign of trust on michael's part. he usually keeps his wings hidden, but there comes a time when they get so irritating that they just need to be preened. he gets all huffy about it because its "such an inconvenience", and you get to laugh at his pouty face while you gently preen his wings!
i think all the archangels have 6 wings, so it definitely takes a while. michael probably falls asleep halfway through, the feeling of your soft, smaller hands on his wings just makes him feel soft and drowsy. preening often transitions to.... other activities if yk what i mean bc of how sensitive angels' wings are. because michael keeps his wings hidden so often, his wings are especially sensitive and its one of the few times you'lll ever see him blush hehe
he has a really soft, smooth voice, and you LOVE listening to him speak. michael will definitely read to you if you ask, and you can't help but nod off to the sound of his melodic voice. i definitely think most abgels are very musical or at least enjoy music, and if you beg, you may get him to sing for you. his voice is lovely, and he'll sing you soft lullabies in old languages that you can't understand but know are loving
you two very rarely argue, and whenever you do come to a disagreement, michael adamantly refuses to raise his voice at you. he would never yell at you or say anything harsh, and is more likely to opt to just spend some time apart to think on the disagreement. he never lets you two go to bed upset, and will always sit down to have a conversation with you about any clashes you two have. i dont see him as too stubborn and i think he's willing to compromise on most accounts, but its very rare that you two argue anyway because he's so sweet all the time
michael is 100% a giver in bed. he loves giving you oral and always prioritizes your pleasure over his own. he's always focused on making you cum first and really enjoys pleasing you
i see him as a switch, he could definitely be a pleasure dom but i also see him as a bit of a sub as well. sometimes all of his work and overall stress gets to his head, and he trusts you enough to let you take the reins and get him out of his own head. when he subs, he's definitely much louder and a lot whinier. he's definitely not a brat and would probably do anything you ask him to
he has a praise kink both ways, and loves showering you in praise. michael definitely likes mirror sex, and will tell you to call yourself beautiful of pretty or handsome as he fucks you.
"darling, look at how pretty you are. c'mon, i want to hear you say it. look in the mirror, don't you see how pretty you are?"
eye contact is important to him, and he enjoys a lot of basic positions like missionary and things like that, but i also see him being into lotus position because he loves being so close to you.
michael isn't very loud when it comes to sex, but he is big on talking to you. he loves whispering sweet nothings to you as you cum, and praising you in how well you took him
he isn't ridiculously vanilla, but he hasn't been very adventurous either. while i don't think he's had any official relationships before you, i dont see him as a virgin. he's probably slept with a few people, so he has some experience, but he's still learning as well. i think he's down to try most things as long as you're into them, but he wouldn't want to hurt you too much
michael may feel a bit awkward about sex, sure he knows its not a big deal, but a part of him doesn't want to overstep any of your boundaries either. he wants you to know that he's with you because he loves you, not just for sex and will make that abundantly clear. y'all definitely have a serious conversation about it before the first time you have sex, and you definitely have a safeword
GUYS HEAR ME OUT but i think he'd have a bit of a corruption kink. he'd never admit it but the thought of him being your first is SUCH a turn on, and he really loves when you get so fucked-put that you're incoherent. i think he'd be down for a bit of role play, but only if you're into it and it would definitely relate to some sort of corruption or religious corruption
i don't think he'd degrade you too much, but i do think he might mock you a bit. "oh, you were such a devout little thing, i wonder what the others would think of you now darling. sucking in my cock like a vice, you really aren't so innocent after all, aren't you dear?"
he loves overstimulating you until you're incoherent, but i don't think he's big on orgasm denial. he loves pleasuring you and he loves rewarding you more than anything. the only time i see him really denying your orgasms is if you've been a major brat and have pushed him over the edge, or if you ask him to. either way he's gonna mock you a bit on how filthy you are, but will still praise you for taking it so well
he has definitely bought you a lot of pretty little necklaces and loves seeing you in nothing but the gifts he bought you. the way the charm bounces against your chest as he fucks you, it drives him crazy! especially if theyre gold or if theyre cross necklaces, bc its so similar to his color scheme
he likes holding your hand during sex. its very intimate, and he always gives your hand a little squeeze as he's coming
i think one of the few things he's against during sex is hurting you. sure, he'll mock you here and there, but hurting you? no, its just a turnoff for him. your the most precious thing in his life, he'd never want to hurt you even in jest. if you really, really wanted him to you might get him to tie you down or maybe hold your throat/face while he fucks you, but he would never go as far as to hurt you
when it comes to you fucking him, he loves to be praised and pampered. its a bit embarrassing, but he's often so overworked and pent up that he really loves being treated sweetly. he might cry a bit during sex, trust me he's ok, he just gets overstimulated really easily. michael definitely enjoys it tho!
speaking of overstimulation, PLEASE touch his wings during sex! you'll get the sweetest moans and whimpers from him, and he'll get so whiny. its one of the few times he'll beg, and he both loves and hates when you make him cum untouched by only stroking his wings
aftercare is very important to michael, and he always takes time to clean you both up. it's an unspoken agreement that whoever tops cleans up the other first and starts the bath while the person who subbed takes a minute to catch their breath. he always wipes down your thighs and cleans you off, and when it comes to baths, he'll always make sure everything is ready before carrying you to the tub. when he's subbing, he'll probably try his best to help you but may push himself a bit too hard because he's so tired. PLEASE kiss him and pamper him in the tub, tell him how much you love him!!!!
hes genuinely just so sweet in bed and during aftercare, and overall cares about you a lot
PLSSS THE HYPWRFIXATION IS INSANE. I LOVE ALL THE ARCHANGELS AND HEAVEN AUS SM!!!!!!!!! CRYING BEGGING PLEEEADING FOR YALL TO SEND IN REQUESTS FOR ANYONE FROM THE HEAVEN AUS. the one im most familiar with is @esbellesantos au and my fav is azrael so PLSSS feel free to send in azrael reqs 😇 anyways hope yall enjoyed!!! i loved writing this sm!!!!
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azlrse · 8 months
➳ pater noster (a yandere!om!belphegor x gn!nun!reader) w/ a hint of solomon x reader
synopsis: some faces are not meant to be trusted but what if your faith towards father himself was just a mere illusion? or is it perhaps that the prince of sloth took a liking for you and do whatever it takes for your innocence to be tainted.
cw: yandere themes, religious au, gore (includes mutilation and blood), minor character death, manipulation, fic has a cliffhanger.
a/n: happy halloween everyone! this fic has been kept on my notes for over a year now and publishing it in the spirit of halloween (also college has been killing me slowly so this is the reason why I am not that active here anymore ;_;;).
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No one knew how humankind can feel the sense of paranoia when attending the church’s grounds, despite it’s gruesome and horrid history from the 18th century. Some say that it’s because of the church’s dark history while the others passed down the same story that you heard from your childhood that several unrested souls had haunted these holy grounds you stood above since the day you’ve arrived. Thus, beginning your mission as a devoted nun to the high divines.
You didn’t blame those people. After all, the church had stood from thousands of years ago as many of your ancestors were executed for the sake of appeasing the gods, or perhaps is it the demons who are offered these so-called sacrifices. You didn’t believed the words from that crazy woman you’ve encountered this morning that a demon took it’s residence in the catacombs below the old ancestral chruch, knowing that those words are nothing but blasphemy, words that could taint the same people you’ve worshipped and adored.
As the bells of St. Michael Parish had rung, signifying that the mass (which had begun an hour ago) had concluded. Many of the people (who attended) and your peers had left, ready to celebrate grace together with their beloved families, going out to eat or spending time alone in the covenants while a certain nun had stayed behind to make up for the missing prayer they missed this morning.
Speaking in the words of old religion, they closed their eyes and began their session alone to give their thanks to Father himself. The empty church had given (M/C) the sense of peace and quiet they needed after hearing such loud noises during the day, preventing them from having a peace of your mind and soul. They firmly gripped the small rosary that they’ve kept on the side of their habit as they spoke the prayer that indicates the beginning of their daily prayer.
“In nomine Patris et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti”
As you lit the candle, you think about your own family. How are your siblings doing? Are your parents doing fine since your departure? Are they well? Do they missed you terribly?
They prayed for an hour, forgetting about the concept of time and was contented with Father hearing their prayers. Each hail mary’s and our father are spoken many times and it finally concluded with a small “amen.” You feel the soreness of your knees from kneeling on the tuffet as you stood up and make the sign of the cross while staring into the giant cross you say your prayers with. Before you went back to the covenant to join the others, you lit a candle and spoke a small prayer before you make your way towards the others.
Of course they are. After all, you almost recieved countless of messages from your family about your well-being. You spoke your prayers towards them for they will have a good and lasting life, away from the dangers lurking around their lives. You’ve closed your eyes for a bit until a voice interrupted your alone time. “Making up for the missing prayer for this morning, (M/C)?”
“Ah!” You jumped from the voice behind you. “Father Solomon! I didn’t know that you’re here for your nightly walks. You scared me for quite a bit and yes, I did make up for this morning’s prayer.” He replied with a soft hum and lights up another candle for him to say his thanks before he calls it a day. The looming light for the tainted windows of the solemn adds some light aside from the many candles that was lit as the buildings source of light. You find peace within these walls and the peaceful silence doesn’t even bother you, contented with your closest friend by your side.
Speaking of your friend, he breaks the silence and asks a single question that sparked up your curiosity. “Say my friend,” He solemnly spoke, lighting another candle but this time, the color of the candle he lit up was black. “Do you believe these rumors that the demons roaming this sacred grounds? Aren’t you afraid of such creatures who would lured humanity into an endless pit of sin and everlasting pain?”
Hearing that question makes your skin crawling and feeling uneasy. Speaking this kind of question during night time is kinda scary and quite unnerving at the same time. You didn’t want to upset your friend and just went with the flow upon answering his question. “While I do believe in the concept of those creatures, yes. I believe that the demons are still roaming around these holy grounds, tempting for us to succumb into their sin and no, I am not scared. Don’t you forget that one of my closest friends is an exorcist?” You patted his back as you refer to the young priest as your closest friend. The old bell rang from the tower above, signifying that the time for prayer and seclusion has been completed and what better way to call it a day was to eat dinner together with your fellow nuns.
“Now, come along now, Father Solomon. We don’t wanna miss out today’s dinner special won’t we?” Before you make your way towards the kitchen, Father Solomon stopped you on your tracks, held your hand and gave you something. “Wait, my friend. There’s something I should give you.” He handed you an item that was small and light, the first thing you thought that the item you hold was a small jewelry of some sort. “Think of this as my gift of appreciation for being one of my most trusted friends.” The priest then opens his hand and showed you a ring. The ring looks really minimal with the exception of a purple gem on top of the small jewel.
“I found this while I was tending in the gardens the other day and it turns out that this precious gem doesn’t have an owner. Plus, the color kinda reminds me of you and I want you to have it.” Speechless, you took the ring from his hands and slipped it right into your ring finger. It was a perfect size! It wasn’t loose nor tight. You loved this ring but you’re still hesitant upon accepting your friends small gift. Solomon noticed that you were nervous and hesitant on wearing that ring. “Don’t worry about that ring being cursed. For I have already blessed it with the blessings from the celestial realm. That ring definitely can protect you from any harm.”
His words convinced you that this ring wasn’t cursed but just an ordinary ring. You slipped it right back to your ring finger and thanked your friend for the small gift he gave you. “Now come on, let’s get to the cafeteria first before we ran out of those delicious juice they served!”
“You can go first, my friend. There’s something I need to tend in the gardens. I don’t want the children to be playing outside of the gardens this late.” You nodded and proceeded to walk towards the dining area where the rest of your peers gathered. It was quite unusual for your friend to tend the gardens this late, considering that the children are given strict rules when it comes to them roaming around the grounds without adult supervision. Plus, Father Solomon only tended the gardens every Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
Today was Thursday and it was supposed to be his turn the next day, which is strange to say the least. As oblivious as you are, you shrugged it off, thinking that it was just a mishap or just a mere coincidence that happened today.
The dinner was good and not long after you finished your meal, everyone in the room heard a scream from the outside. Children are escorted and ran outside from the dormitories, which is led by the nun who took charge in watching over them. “What happened?!” The reverend mother spoke as the young nun shook in fear while trying her best to answer her question. “The demon attacked them! I saw the creature devouring the poor child in front of my eyes! A creature surrounded by darkness as their teeth feast on the poor child!” You hugged the shaken nun, collapsing into your arms as she sobbed and sobbed, knowing that she failed her duty in watching over the orphans, now paranoid and scared due to what’s happening outside of their dorms.
You quickly ran outside towards the scene of the crime and what came out from your mouth was a gasp and felt the feeling of dread and nausea seething through your stomach; a child’s mangled form is laying on the floor, lifeless as blood continuously flow from it’s main source, staining the dirt below. Their eyes wide open, mouth distorted into a scream, as if they had called for help. A bite wound can be seen on the side of the child’s stomach, exposing their remains.
Colors of red and blue, flashing throughout the entire grounds, despite all the noise and commotion the police made, all you can hear was a deafening ring on your ears. Your legs gave out after you knew which child is assigned to this gruesome fate. It was none other than the child whom you’ve taken care of ever since their infancy, the same child that gave you the brightest smile you’ve ever seen and the one who made your day even better. You began to cry hysterically, catching the attention to your closest friend as he gave his shoulder to cry on.
“There there, it’s okay (M/C). I know it’s hard for you to process what happened and I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect them in time.” Solomon rubbed his hand back and forth on your back while watching their body being placed in a body bag and placed on the back on the ambulance, ready to be examined by medical professionals to see who’s the main perpetrator of this horrid crime.
You couldn’t sleep that night after you went back to your residency alone (due to Solomon being one of the people being questioned). The more you blinked, more tears slid from your cheeks, staining your pillows, thinking on what happens if you rescued them in time. Will they still be the same child you took care of? Will they grow up and obtaining their dream profession after they graduated college?
You wished those events can happen in real life but alas, they couldn’t because they finally succumb to their untimely death. You felt the numbness coursing throughout your body while staring towards the dimly lit ceiling of your room.
Despite trying you best to fall back asleep, you couldn’t shake the vivid and gruesome scene. You became scared for a bit but prayed to the celestial beings that you and the others are guided to a safer path. You prayed and prayed until you couldn’t feel your knees anymore as tears continuously poured down your cheek. After what it felt like hours, you lay down on your bed as eyes finally closed, taking a good night’s rest for tomorrow’s occasion.
. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
You woke up on a strange environment, standing barefoot on the stone cold ground gave you goosebumps throughout your entire body. You’re still wearing the exact same clothes you went to bed but didn’t remember that you put on the ring right before you went to bed. It’s strange to say the least, you remembered that you took off that ring and placed it right on your bedside table.
The ring itself began to glow, bright violet specks of light flickered as more fog appeared in this strange place. The more you walk in this endless loop, the more the temperature became colder and colder to the point that your body began to shiver. The thin clothing that clings to your skin doesn’t help and you felt like you’re about to pass out due to hypothermia.
Out of nowhere, a voice called out for you.
It was a man’s voice. It echoes across the void. You whipped your head back and forth to see who’s the owner of that voice. At first, you thought that it was Solomon’s voice but it isn’t or wasn’t it Simeon to begin with? No, it’s not the same person who spoke your name.
“Come home to me. For you have committed such crime and sin, a sin that belonged to one of my brothers.”
There it is again! And what crime is he talking about? You? A nun who’s devoted to Father himself, committed a sin that belonged to the 7 deadly sins? That’s absurd! You never commited such acts, not after you became a nun in the first place. “What are you talking about? Who are you and what crime did I even commit? I’ll never turn my back against God and commit a sin!”
The voice chuckled and that’s when you felt your ring finger began to tighten up. You tried removing the ring in your finger but it felt like it was glued on your poor finger. A bruise began to form on your finger as it cuts off the circulation. “Who I am doesn’t matter, little one. After all, you’re gonna meet me soon.” You screamed as the ring began to bury deep within your skin, blood dripping from the newly formed wound. “As for your crime, well. You already know what that is, my dear. You’re gonna find out about that soon. But for now,” You screamed in excruciating pain, more blood came rushing from the cut as your finger was completely cut off, laying lifelessly on the cold stone ground.
Before you know it, a shadow looms over you. Ram like horns on each side of it’s head and it gave you a eery smile, taking pleasure on the pain you just went through. It’s violet-pink eyes stared into yours and in response, you gave this malicious entity a sharp glare as you bare your teeth, both in pain and to show your bravery despite being in pain.
The demon surely loves your bravery towards him and it amuses him. He picked up your severed finger, keeping it as a souvenir and leaned in closer towards your face and spoke,
“It’s time for you to wake up.”
A sudden jolt of energy woke you up, sweat dripping down from the top of your head while the beating of your heart becomes faster and faster the more air you breathed in. You look around your room; the light of the sun seething through your window as the fresh breeze of cool air makes its way to your room. In a panic, you checked your ring finger. To your relief, it wasn’t severed nor wounds appeared around the finger. As for your ring, the simplistic jewelry is still on the same area you’ve placed since last night.
It felt so real. The pain, the blood dripping from your wound and the way your ring tightens up. You thought that when you woke up, all that was left on your finger was torn up muscles and blood staining the comfortable bed sheets. Not to mention how that mysterious entity pinpointed a crime that you didn’t even committed, let alone considering that it was also a sin.
A sin that belonged to one of his brothers.
Instead of becoming scared due to your horrible nightmare, you’ve become even more curious not only towards that entity but also to the ring Father Solomon gave you yesterday. And it looks like you have something to talk about to the young priest himself.
. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
“Solomon!” You called out to your dear friend from afar, seeing him reading the sacred scriptures underneath a tree that’s located from the outskirts of the old church. “There you are. I was searching for you everywhere and it’s unusual for you to be alone in this tree since you almost spend your time in your office.”
The priest only hums softly, moving aside to indicate that he’s inviting you to sit with him, which you gladly accepted. “I hope you’re doing well since the incident last night. Condolences to you and the others.” You smiled in sadness from the words you heard from him. “It’s fine, friend. They’re still trying to find the killer. I hope they caught them fast and finally have some justice to [c/n]. Poor child, may God let them rest in peace.”
You wiped off your tears, still remembering the sweet, innocent smile the child gave to you. They’re such a good kid, taking the role-model as an older sibling to the other orphans and even taking some of the blame if one of the orphans made a mistake. The thought quickly subsided, shaking your head and a serious look appeared on your face. “The kid’s not the reason why I’m here. May I ask you something, my friend?”
Solomon placed a bookmark on his book and placing it over the soft patch of grass. Wait a minute – you noticed that his eyes are quite strange; eye bags and the soft color of purple and pink hue over his brown eyes. You saw how his eyes twitched as if he didn’t sleep well last night. You’ve become so distracted over the color and the eye bags of his eyes that his voice broke your trance. “Ask away, (M/C) and I’ll try my best to answer those questions of yours.”
“Do you know this ring’s origins?” You showed him the ring around your finger. His smile widen when he saw you wearing the ring. “Quite beautiful, isn’t it?” He took your hand on his, inspecting the piece of jewelry he gave you yesterday. “Yes, I agree with you but I have a dream- nightmare rather, about this piece of jewelry.” The priest’s giddy expression suddenly dropped as soon as you mentioned the term ‘nightmare’. This concerns Solomon and he felt the atmosphere between the both of you became serious.
“What nightmare, (M/C)? Please do tell me what happened there?” You hesitated at first, still vividly remembering how a demon appeared out of nowhere as the ring began to sever your poor finger. The lingering pain still subsided within your mind, for the pain you felt was too real in the awakening world.
You randomly rubbed your hand against your ring finger while looking at the green patches of grass, noticing on how each sway of the individual leaves was caused by the cold winds blew across the courtyard. After what felt like hours, you’ve spoken about this gruesome dream of yours. “I’ve encountered something…evil from this dream of mine. I saw an entity that we feared and loathed, it’s horns are long and twisted, a tail which can choke a mere human to death in under a minute and his white sharp eyes.”
You shivered alone by just describing the demon’s features but it didn’t stop you from telling your close friend what such events had left you shaken since this morning. “I also remember how the ring you gave me tighten and remembering the pain I’ve endured as I try to pry off this cursed piece of jewelry. Believe me or not, this caused my ring finger to be severed, blood dripping non stop from my veins as I screamed in agony and pain while that demon watched me cry in satisfaction. What does that filthy creature even want from me?”
Solomon only listened to your words with a fixated expression on his face. “So your saying that this ring I gave you is the main reason why you have a nightmare last night?” You nodded, still feeling the your body shaken a little after you told your horrid story of a nightmare. “I thought this ring was blessed by you, father. Isn’t the blessing by the celestial beings cleansed this ring from the likes of 'it’?”
“I did blessed this ring. In fact, I performed a ritual that has been done way back thousands of years ago. I thought that the ring couldn’t be possessed by any entity unless..” Your priest of a friend suddenly stood in silence and after what felt like hours, he finally break the silence. “I did blessed this ring. In fact, I performed a ritual that has been done way back thousands of years ago. I thought that the ring couldn’t be possessed by any entity unles..” Your priest of a friend suddenly stood in silence and after what felt like hours, he finally break the silence.
“I think that the ring isn’t the target to begin with.” His words send chills down your spine. Hands are sweaty from paranoia and nervousness, eyes widen a bit from the words his spoke and your mouth wide agape; no words are even coming out from your mouth. Solomon looks at you in a serious manner for he knew that your life is in danger.
“The demon wants you, my friend. You are in grave danger…”
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Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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olderthannetfic · 19 hours
(Note: spoilers on this ask for anyone who hasn't seen the back half of Bridgerton season 3)
Bridgerton's back and they made the character everyone wanted to be bisexual! I'm glad for many reasons but one is because the book-based fans of his hetero romance from the books have been super homophobic to fans (both of books and show) who want that character to be queer. I know people who got harassed and "get out of OUR tag" for doing fics where they genderbent his female love interest from the books - properly tagged, M/M and Rule 63 and Male!HerName and everything - because those people acted like it was wrong to still tag it with the canon ship name. (This is what.... every other fandom I've ever known does with genderbends, but ok.) And they'd hurl homophobic abuse in those writers' comments, as well as at anyone who thought the show had any chance of portraying those characters as queer instead. Even though the author of the original books said she'd be fine with it.
Anyway, the character made out with a man on screen and had a M/M/F threesome. So proud of him and glad that homophobic dipshits in this fandom (who also love to use that tired old argument that "it's misogyny" to ship men who have book-canon female love interests with other men, but then somehow think the same is true when they similarly ship women with other women rather than book-canon male love interests... how does that work exactly?) are getting egg on their faces now! And it looks like another one of the siblings is having exactly the thing they whined about in fic happen to her, too. Her male love interest in the books is named Michael, and they introduce a woman named "Michaela" and have her get all flustered when she meets her.
Mostly though I wanted to vent about how funny I think it is to have homophobic het-only fans - of the kind who feel entitled to whine and pitch a fit when they're so much as reminded that their fandoms also contain M/M and F/F shippers - acting like they OWNED a particular tag ON AO3. You know, the website founded by slash shippers who were kicked off other websites by fans like these....
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ubblemon-kibb · 5 months
“ Getting Caught ,,
ubblemon-kibb • cobi
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SUMMARY • Your boyfriend Michael and you have chosen to take the next step in your relationship. However, there was just a tad issue … it was the 1980s and William was a “grumpy old man” in Michael’s words.
DISCLAIMERS • fear of homophobia, coming out unintentionally, NSFW suggestions/action, illusion to sex, 1980 concepts and views, etc… You can in-vision movie Michael if you want, but it’s whatever - all up to you (personally I don’t see Josh like that 💀), unproofread.
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The sound of rumbling asphalt was deaf on your ears.
It had been nearly 6 months, sure a short time, but almost a year was a big deal.
He had asked you while the two of you trailed behind your group of friends. Michael and his goofy grin- his bright eyes and tan skin. It was that look that made your heart stop - that was the moment you knew your dynamic would change forever, and friendship would merely not be an option any longer.
In that moment, you quickly twisted your head away from him, face flushed and heart pounding.
Jacob, Anissa, Wilson - what about them?
What would they think?
Your hands clutched your jacket (it was really Michael’s, but the sudden drop in temperature had him lend it to you).
You remember seeing Michael’s smile drop, he looked away and his face twisted to one of nervousness.
The other three of your friends ran ahead of you guys, jumping and screaming about something.
He stopped.
You stopped.
You stood there together only a mere block from his house, you could see the warm lights peaking through the rooftops in front of it. Michael’s face grew warm, under the cold night sky, you didn’t think of it — not until he grabbed your hand and patted you shoulder with his other, a crooked forced smile on his face.
You remember being warmer than you ever were, more hyperaware of everything around than you had ever before. The night he asked you was the day your life changed forever - when you finally got the grab of notice and that feeling of satisfaction. Knowing, knowing one hundred percent, that he felt the same way.
That night you two met the others outside of his house, his father on the porch scolding your friends for being so loud. By that point Michael took his jacket back, not wanting William to see. Your flustered face was excused to be from the cold, and William offered for you boys to head inside for the night.
Truth be told, it was probably the most awkward sleep over you probably ever had or will have.
6 months is huge. An accomplishment of sorts. 6-months of hiding your relationship; kisses in privacy, discreet hand holding in the darkness of the movie theater, and stolen touches as time went on.
Everything was perfect — too perfect. It made you anxious, as if this was the honeymoon period and that one day this would all end, as if Michael was playing a trick on you - you knew of his mischievous ways and his bullying tendencies to those he and his friends deemed weaker, and while you weren’t one to condone it (and of course never participated), you never had it in you to hold it to him.
His room was full of games and comics. He even had a little arcade machine in there. His shelves were full of flashing game-boys, action figures and comics with possibly nude scenes or awesome action sequences. His door was plastered with posters and “do not enter” signs — he was the epitome of an edgy teen with a jock lifestyle.
Your favorite thing about his room, though, was its solitude. His younger siblings were on the first floor, his him and his father were on the top. So the two of you could be as flirty as you wished without worry of anyone being around.
As the moment, your anniversary gift laid forgotten on his desk, hand on your back drawing all of your attention.
His father wasn’t home, the driveway abandoned by any vehicle, and his siblings were still in your last hour of classes.
You solemn leaving soon.
Your fingers entangled themselves in his hair and his arms were wrapped around you.
Your lips molding together, the slow glide of your teeth together and the taste of his tongue drawing sighs from your mouth.
He groaned and pulled you closer while leaning back, you got on top of him, your hands still resting in his soft hair.
He removed his belt began to unzip his jeans, still pecking at your mouth as you remove his varsity jacket from your shoulders.
Your faces were hot and breathing became faster as you felt one of his hands on your hip, a single to take this further.
You bit your lip.
By this point you’ve only ever kissed or sloppy made out when the cost of clear.
But this..
This was uncharted territory.
You obliged and nervously rocked your hips into his, both of you quietly moaning at the sensation. The feeling of your jeans on his, grinding down on your clothed cock — it sent a light headedness feeling to you.
You could feel him wrap his arms around your waist as you hugged his neck, pressing you mouth onto his in slow long motions.
Your breath hitched for a moment and he took over the kissing.
Your legs straddled his lap as you put the same slow hard motions into your hips; grinding down deeper until you could feel the tents in both of your pants rub against each other.
You whined and he moved to your neck, his teeth nipping at the skin there, your hands pulled at the back of his shirt.
You closed your eyes felt a rumble, it was in your chest, had to be. Your heart of pounding and you breath became harder to keep up with, the feeling in your lower abdomen growing tighter.
Michael joined your motion, drawing out a guttural groan from the back of his throat as he closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of your hair.
Your sighs ended on high notes, the feeling of your burning cock against the confining fabric of your boxers drawing you out of your head.
You reached down and undid your belt and unbuttoned the fly of your pants. Michael saw and pulled his leaking cock through his own boxers. Doing the same, you could’ve nearly been done just by the feeling of springing free. The sight of his own and his breath on your face.
Whining, you began to hump your hips against hips again, him drawing you nearer until you both touched, skin to skin.
A needy whine left your mouth, he throbbed against you and your movements became sloppy. He sped up, his breath shaky and his hands gripping at your sides.
The hot pool in your gut was like it could seer through your stomach.
The sound of creaking coming from somewhere afar.
You were practically being bounced on his lap every couple of motions, both of you lost in the pleasure of the moment, grasping and panting into each other’s mouths.
“a-ah— hh..-“
He sucked in a breath and his hips faltered, he grabbed both of you cocks and began hastily pumping them. You loudly moaned and threw your head back - the rope in your gut snapping and strong ropes of white cum landing on his shirt and some on his face.
He kept going to chase is close release and you held your eyes shut, clenching your jaw shut, shaky moans stringing from your mouth at the continued friction.
Finally, with ending thrusts into own, he left out a breathy string of moans as his pencil shot hot into your own tank top and face.
Heavily panting, you swiped your hand across your shin and licked it off.
He shakily chuckled and kissed you. The tingling feeling of his lips on yours ending when the sudden sound of thudding ripped you from your moment.
Michael shot you a nervous look before doing up both of your pants and moving you aside. You leaned against the headboard and tried to catch your breath, having difficulty at the sight of Michael getting up to change his shirt and to clean his face.
“What was.. was that?” You asked quietly.
“I- I, uh, don’t know. ‘mma check it out.”
He hated being sent home early from work.
William dragged a hand over his face as he neared the front door — and after today, he would make a point to call before coming home.
Whatever chick Michael had over was none of his business…
William sighed and shook his head.
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breakingstanding · 1 day
I am actually devastated over Michaela… not because I care about Michael or the book, but if they’re making Francesca queer, there’s no way they’re making Eloise a lesbian (which she SO clearly is!). I saw the spoiler of Franny and thought okay they can make 2/8 queer, and then I watched and saw they made Benedict queer too! I just can’t see them doing 3, especially 2 women.
It’s so disheartening because so many people have been rooting for sapphic eloise and I think hardly anyone was wanting Franny.
I think i’m more upset with this than if none had been queer because like ugh we were SO CLOSE. We could’ve had it all. like imagine how happy we could all be right now. 😭
they’ve been setting up queer benedict and eloise since season 1 so I just don’t understand why they would do this. (sorry for venting to you- none of my friends that’s watch are caught up yet)
Always happy for a vent, and I definitely feel you! I'm personally really excited about Francesca's storyline because I really liked her this season and Michaela is EXTREMELY hot lol - but I'm also frustrated that it's the sister we've had as a side character for one season who will be getting a queer love story, and not the one we've been invested in for three seasons.
Ultimately I think the frustration we are feeling is more because this is reflective of larger issues that always pop up in fandom than being upset about not getting a storyline we wanted for a character (although I'm not going to pretend that's not a factor too!) a) There's such a pattern in fan spaces for queer people to see themselves in a character and to recognise clear queercoding, and then to have straight people come in and condescendingly say "not all characters with x trait have to be gay" - as if we have an overabundance of queer characters and are trying to get our grubby gay hands on more. So much of the discourse around Eloise amounts to people saying "not all feminist characters have to be lesbians" which is crazy to me because WHERE are all these shows that are supposedly full of feminist lesbians?? Please tell me I would love to watch them!
b) Straight fans will get all different types of characters and plotlines for the heterosexual couples and then act like queer people are being greedy if we ask for more than one for us. Just within Bridgerton there have been three straight main couples already - and of the queer siblings we've also gotten to see a cute romance between Francesca and a man, and will likely see Benedict fall in love with a woman (this is not to diminish their queerness, obviously bisexual stories are incredibly important regardless of the gender of the love interests, more just pointing out the sheer quantity of m/f love stories straight fans get to enjoy).
It absolutely sucks that we exist in a TV landscape where instead of being excited about what looks to be a delightful relationship between Francesca and Michaela we are instead mourning the loss of other another character's queer potential. It's absurd that we are so rarely allowed to have multiple sapphic characters (who aren't each other's love interest) on the same show - particularly because in real life queer people tend to flock together!
The feeling reminds me of being part of the 100 fandom nearly a decade ago. I distinctly remember when it was leaked that Clarke and Lexa were going to kiss. The sapphic side of the fandom were definitely very excited - but there was also this strange sense of dread too. I saw countless posts of people bemoaning that now that she was gay they were definitely going to kill her off - and they were right! Bury your gays was such a common trope that we could see it coming a mile off.
This has felt like a very similar reaction. Queer fans spend a lot of time dealing with subtext and are very good at recognising tropes and patterns, and we know that the chances of Netflix allowing one their tentpole shows to have two sapphic main characters is slim to none.
I hope we are wrong and things are changing for the better, I really do.
I think the best thing we can do now is swallow our disappointment and make sure we support Francesca/Michaela fiercely to prove that there is an audience for sapphic stories.
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rwsucculent · 2 years
I want an bcs au where Nacho has 2 brothers (played by Michael Mando brothers) PLEASE THIS WOULD BE SO INTERESTING AND FUN !!!
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berystraw · 4 months
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Synopsis: In which! Due to a letter calling her to go back to Texas Verity Rosewood goes back to the place she spent years trying to forget. While she is there, she tries to reconnect with the people she left. Her family, friends, and especially the person she loved most.
[L.L.S Masterlist] [M. Masterlist] [G.H Masterlist]
Case file #1:
[Name]: Verity Rosewood
[Nickname(s)]: Veri
[Age]: 20
[Date of birth]: August 22, 2000
[Gender]: Female
[Sexuality]: Bisexual
[Eye color]: Brown eyes
[Hair color]: auburn
[Height]: 5'6
[Playlist]: Top of my school 【Katherine Lynn-Rose】 Pov 【Ariana Grande】 You're on your own kid 【Taylor Swift】 Brutal 【Olivia Rodrigo】 Little Miss Perfect 【Write out loud】Lose you to love me 【Selena Gomez】 All I want 【Olivia Rodrigo】 Dollhouse 【Melanie Martinez】 Be myself 【Why don't we】 I wanna be yours 【Arctic Monkeys】 Consequences【Camila Cabello】 Mess it up 【Gracie Abrams】 Control 【Halsey】 Elastic Heart【Sia】Applause 【Lady Gaga】 Thumbs 【Sabrina Carpenter】 In my mind 【Lyn Lapid】 Happier than Ever 【Billie Eilish】 Not strong enough【Boy genius】 If Only 【Dove Cameron】
Case File #2
[Name]: Grayson Hawthorne
[Nickname(s)]: Gray
[Age]: 19
[Date of birth]: August 23, 2001
[Gender]: Male
[Sexuality]: heterosexual
[Eye color]: pale gray
[Hair color]: blonde
[Height]: 6'0
[Playlist]: Looking at me【sabrina carpenter】Can I be him【James Arthur】Labyrinth 【Taylor Swift】Daddy Issues【The neighborhood】Ador You【Harry Styles】If I killed someone for you【Alec Benjamin】Man of the House【Marilyn Hucek】Money, Power, Glory【Lana Del Ray】I bet in losing dogs【Mitski】Angels like you【Miley Cyrus】Surface pressure【Jessica Darrow】People Watching【Conan Gray】I ain't perfect【IV of spades】Mistakes like this【Prelow】Mirror ball【Taylor Swift】Favorite crime【Olivia rodrigo】Feelin good【Michael Bublé] Lay all your love on me【ABBA】All of the girls you've loved before【Taylor Swift】Set fire to the rain【Adele】
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Verity Rosewood
—The one who absquatulated
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"I never wanted to leave, but I had to. For me."
Being the heir of the Rosewood family, Verity has been training and learning how to manage her family's company even at such a young age. She went to different kinds of classes, may it be public speaking classes, business management, dance classes, and many more. She had to be different, to be perfect. The pressure of being the best and perfect heir was exhausting, but she had her friends, right? The Hawthorne brothers have helped her cope with all the pressure and stress her family and everyone else pressed on her. She thought she could handle it, but everyone had their breaking points.
Grayson Hawthorne
—The Heir Apparent
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"And that made me hate you even more."
Grayson had been considered as the "Heir apparent" of the family for as long as he remembered. As a Hawthorne, he was taught many things, and that included never showing emotion. He had to learn how to not cry or show signs of weakness. Being one of the oldest siblings didn't help with that at all. In fact, it just added even more pressure on him. Having to be the older and more responsible brother out of the rest. It was difficult. Trying to make yourself look as if you're not broken. He is broken and hurt, yet he makes sure not to show anyone even a second of his true emotions. He was not raised to be like that.
Verity + Grayson
—The never ending story
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"In this toxic and suffocating world, we had each other."
The friendship of the Rosewood and the Hawthorne family has lasted for years now. So Verity being friends with the Hawthorne grandchildren was no such mystery. The group was always seen together during classes, tea time, playing outside on the grounds, or even skipping classes together. They were inseparable, but there were 2 children in the friend group that were much closer with each other than the rest; Verity and Grayson. The two consider each other as their safe places, the person who brings comfort to each other. Due to the pressure of their families, both of them really understood each other and considered one another as the place that they could bring down their walls and become their true selves. They felt safe, comforted, and peaceful in the presence of each other. Because for once, they felt as if they had one place they didn't have to pretend as if they're perfect.
[Playlist]: Back to December【Taylor Swift】Play date【Melanie Martinez】Tattoos forever【lauv】Love song【Why don't we】Make you mine【Public】Somebody to you【The Vamps】You and I 【One direction】That way【Tate McRae】Runaway【Aurora】If the world was ending【JP Saxe, Julia Michaels】Your name hurts【Hailee Steinfeld】Why's you only call me when you're high【Arctic Monkeys】Talk too much【Coin】Overdrive【Conan Gray】The one that got away【Katy Perry】House of memories【Panic! At the disco】Back to you【Selena Gomez】Midnight Memories【One direction】Still the one【One direction】Lover【Taylor Swift】The way I love you【Taylor Swift】Favorite crime【Olivia Rodrigo】I love you so【The walters】WYD now 【Sadie Jean】Somewhere only we know【Keane】Afterglow【Taylor Swift】Kiss it better【Rihanna】Kidult【Seventeen】No one can fix me【Frawley】Fall for you【Sarah Kang, Jesse Berrera】Remember that night【Sara Kays】
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nicosraf · 1 month
Hi! I know that you're probably getting swamped with asks, and I'm sorry to add onto that. Anyways! Your writing has inspired me so much!!! I'm going to begin drafting a book Soon because of you. Are there any cool facts about Uriel that I could hear ?
Hello! I'm not really swamped! I'm just a little bad at answering sometimes and get behind, but I'm trying my best. I'm so happy to hear I've inspired you! I'll be joining you in drafting hell very soon. Good luck!
As for cool facts about Uriel... Hm. (CW for mentions of suicide)
Well I talked forever ago about how I figured out the details of his backstory in a dream, and I think that's pretty cool! For story facts, Uriel has a very rocky relationship with Kokabiel from A&M, and he has a little bit of history with Danel. I think it's actually pretty normal for new or young angels to try really hard to befriend him, and he actively avoids them. (I think even Asmodeus tried to befriend Uriel once). In case you didn't catch it in the first two books, Uriel was the first archangel and he was the only prince for a really long time; I think for actually 90-95% of angel history. Another fun fact is that he is one of the very few angels who can write in every single writing system that the angels have invented; also, once humans languages have been created (post-Babel), he's one of the only angels who knows every single language.
Some sadder fun facts is that Uriel attempted to take his own life but failed a few times before he stopped. Another is that he frequently visits the cluster of stars that Kimah has become often and talks to him/them. I think his massive library started with just tablets of him charting every star as it exploded to keep tracks of all his original siblings. I think after being alive so long, one of the only ways he keeps himself sane is by tracking every small change in the universe.
Uriel also used to be a lot more respected and feared until others were chosen to be princes as well, and especially when Michael was picked as chief. One last thing is that I imagine him smoking from a hookah a lot.
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blackypanther9 · 8 months
Elizabeth ? - William x Male!Reader
A/N: This is split in two Chapters, because it would have been too long otherwise. TvT
WARNING!: Mention of corpse, cursing, mention of possession AND MORE! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
It had been five months since Penelope Liz Afton and Alex Zero Afton were born. William was mostly in bed, recovering, when he was walking around, M/n stayed around or Mike was written sick from school to keep an eye on his Father.
Evan mostly looked out for his new siblings, still feeling like trash, that he didn’t say anything about Lizzy sooner. M/n told him to keep silent about that to William, because he didn’t want him to stress out. He was recovering, there was no time for him to stress. He had to feed the babies, lose weight and heal.
M/n knew for a long while that William healed best when he slept a lot and ate more than usual, so he told him to stay in bed mostly. While William was recovering and breastfeeding the Babies, M/n, Henry and Mike tried to do his jobs.
Mike took care of the finances, so they all got paid and sometimes took over the Nightshift in Fredbear’s. He offered to also go to Circus Babies Entertainment and Rentals, but M/n refused him. Sometimes, Reina also came over and helped out, by cooking and telling Mike to not overwork himself. M/n was thankful for her. Michael was like William if it depended on it, he was a workaholic. Will would smack Mike over the head and tell him to sleep, if he knew.
Henry took care of both of the restaurants and took over most of Will’s Nightshifts. He took full control of the Restaurant, paying the bills, dealing with the Costumers, doing the paperwork, etc.
M/n helped where he could. He went shopping for food, he helped Henry out by doing a part of the paperwork from Fredbear’s, he took the Nightshifts, he tried to repair the Animatronics, if they broke down, remembering what William taught him and explained to him, just anywhere, where he could, he helped.
Evan was always watching his siblings. When they fuzzed and Will was sleeping, he tried to cheer them up and calm them down. He was afraid of loud noises, yes, but he wanted to be there for his siblings.
They did all they could in those five long months. At the third month William started to exercise a bit, losing the extra weight that stayed after childbirth. As the fifth month was half over, finally, William was fully recovered again.
Henry put him on a strict working and break schedule. He was allowed to work for 20 minutes, with one hour break in between every 20 minutes, so he can feed his Babies and catch a breath. If William won’t keep to the rules, Henry will put him on 4 years of Maternity. William was always bad with breaking habits, the Babies needed feeding until they were at least a year old and they can be very random too and then William has to decide with the Babies, if they want to continue with the breast feeding a bit longer.
Henry will not have William overwork himself for the next 6 years !
As William was working, M/n made Michael responsible for his newborn siblings, telling him that he had something else to do, something important. That was when he finally had enough time to look for Elizabeth.
He put on William’s old Circus Baby’s working clothes, took the old ID, to get inside the elevator, and stole the spare keys from William’s safe, in their Bedroom. Then he left, telling Mike and Evan to not utter a WORD of where he was going or where his stuff went. They promised to be silent. Evan was worried and felt sick, while Michael was confused as to why M/n, his Dad, would go back to that old place.
Not many went there for the Nightshift, nor the Dayshift. That day it was even closed, because of repainting Circus Baby’s Gallery.
So here M/n was now, staring at Circus Baby. He stood a few feet away from it, not wanting to get too close in case. He sighed and stared. He was hoping that he will get Elizabeth back.
“Circus Baby, power on.”, M/n demanded.
The Animatronic reacted.
“Circus Baby.exe.powering on.”, the System informed and not long later the eyes of the machine started to glow.
M/n almost choked in shock as he saw the eye color. William didn’t change it, he knew that.
‘Why are they green, like Elizabeth’s ? They were blue the whole time !’
M/n was VERY cautious. He glared at the machine. It glared back.
“Alright...You are one creepy clown. I really don’t understand what Lizzy saw in you... Let us open your Stomach and see if Evan didn’t dream what happened.”
The Machine didn’t move for a while, then it nodded and stayed still.
“If you stupid thing try to kill me, I will dismember you, PIECE BY PIECE.”, M/n swore darkly.
No reaction from the machine. M/n went in front of it and opened the stomach cavity. What he found made his heart drop and he felt sick. The smell was horrid and the sight was not better either.
“Oh God...”, M/n muttered.
He carefully pulled out the body. The DEAD body of Elizabeth. It was already rotting and it smelled really horrid, it also was very mangled.
“Fuck, Lizzy...”
He let tears escape his eyes, saddened and struck by grief. Elizabeth was dead and she was for a while now. He didn’t even notice that Baby closed her cavity and came closer. She was also struck by grief, remembering who M/n was.
She needed his help. She wanted to go HOME. She wanted her Daddy, Brothers and him back ! She was so scared and alone... She HATED it ! She should have listened to her Daddy...
“I’m so sorry Lizzy. We tried to find you and there was no trace of your whereabouts. Mike forgot his pills and thought he hallucinated, Evan was too scared to tell us, we didn’t check Baby, because we thought you didn’t go near them anyways, we didn’t see you on the security cameras and the police stopped trying to find you after a while. I am so sorry. I failed you as a Dad...”, M/n babbled in grief.
Circus Baby’s eyes widened in shock. So her Daddy and M/n were serious.
“We planned the wedding a month ago and...and you have two new siblings too. Alex and Penelope. You would have loved them, Lizzy. I bet you would have loved to support your Daddy through that difficult time as he gave birth to them. Evan and Mike were so brave and supported him, they were with him in the same room, comforting him. You would have been so proud.”
At that Baby couldn’t stay silent anymore. It hurt her that M/n thought she was gone. She wanted to go home and meet her new siblings, wanted to know what else she missed out on, wanted to be there when they will marry...
“D-Dad...”, Baby stuttered out.
M/n froze and whipped around, seeing Baby right behind him. He sprung up with Lizzy in his arms, glaring at the machine.
“Stop it ! You are NOT Lizzy ! You are the very machine that KILLED OUR LIZZY !”, M/n yelled outraged.
“Dad, p-please... I-I’m scared. I...I became Baby after I died. I don’t...I don’t know h-how it happened. Papa, please take me home. Please do something ! Help me, please !”, Baby said, scared and broken.
She fell to her knees, oil leaking out of her eyes. She was so scared that M/n will leave and not believe her. M/n was shocked.
“I wanna see Mikey again ! I wanna go back to Daddy a-and Evan ! I wanna go home, Papa ! I don’t wanna stay here ! It’s so dark and quiet in here... Papa, please, help me...”, Elizabeth begged.
M/n stared at Circus Baby.
“Lizzy ? Is that really you ?”
The machine nodded.
“My Daddy is William Afton, you are his Boyfriend, M/n L/n, I have two Brothers, Michael Afton and Evan Afton. Evan is very afraid of the Animatronics, Daddy made, and Mikey bullied Evan, because his friends forced him to do it. I was the youngest of the Family.”
M/n stared in absolute shock at her.
“You are definitely Lizzy... Fuck...How...how will I be able to...”, M/n was thinking hard about what to do.
If he told William three things might happen. A: William will go insane B: William will tell M/n that he has gone crazy and he will put M/n into an asylum C: William will lose his shit and believe M/n, trying to help Lizzy to look normal again and overwork himself again.
“Papa, please don’t leave me...”, Elizabeth begged.
“I am not planning to, but...I don’t know what to tell William. There are too many options that he would NOT understand...”
“Bring me home and then tell him. I am the proof, right ?”
M/n was in deep thought, then shook his head.
“No, we are going to Uncle Henry. He will know what to do and how to trick William into making something, without freaking out. As soon as he made something, Henry asked of him, to make you look normal, we will tell William. I can’t have him overwork himself again.”
Baby nodded. Together they left the Pizzeria and made their way to Henry’s.
-Time skip-
“You have gone crazy, M/n.”, Henry claimed agitated.
“I am not, Henry. Believe me, I thought I was going crazy, but Baby talks like a human, not robotic anymore, not in code and she knew things about the Afton Family, only Lizzy knew. PLEASE help us with her. I don’t know HOW she possessed the very thing that killed her, but I NEED you to convince Will that it would be for a new project. Anything that can make her look less robotic.”, M/n begged.
“How did you even know that Elizabeth died by Circus Baby ?”, he asked suspiciously.
“Mike and Evan saw it happen. Mike forgot to take his pills and thought it was just in his head and Evan was too scared to tell us. He only told me recently after the Babies were born. I wanted to investigate sooner, but we were all very busy with replacing Will, until he was better.”
At that Henry grew very concerned and less wary. He started to get the picture. He sighed and massaged his temple, already feeling a headache to arrive soon.
“Fine, I will help you.”, Henry then said.
“Thank you, Henry ! Thank you.”, M/n thanked him relieved.
Then small footsteps were heard and Charlie appeared. She looked around the corner.
“Dad ? Why is CB here ?”, she asked her Father.
“Hi Charlie !”, Baby/Elizabeth greeted.
Charlie stared at the robot and Henry sighed.
“Circus Baby is here, because Elizabeth is with her. Don’t tell Uncle William, okay, Sweetheart ?”, Henry asked.
“Okay !”
“Thank you, now go play.”
Charlie left quickly. As she was out of earshot, Henry turned back to M/n and Circus Baby.
“If this is a trick, I will kick your ass, M/n.”, Henry warned.
“I promise it is not.”, M/n swore with honesty.
Henry sighed and got out a Blueprint from his top shelf, Charlie couldn’t reach. He opened it and let M/n and CB take a look.
“I call it an Illusion Disk. They are supposed to change the appearance of the Animatronics. Recently, some children asked for Animatronics that can change their looks on the stage, like in some Movies, where the Characters suddenly wear different clothes, without ever going away to change into them, you know ? I’ve sat on them for almost 3 years now, without William knowing. Maybe...if I get his help on them and beat a bit around the bush to make him believe that it is only for the Pizzeria, he might find a way to make one of these with way better features. Will is a genius, I don’t doubt him on that.”, Henry explained.
“Henry...You. Are. A. GENIUS ! Thank you ! Oh my Gawd, if this works, Lizzy will look normal again and Willy will be so happy again !”, M/n cheered.
“Wait....Will isn’t happy ? I thought he got over Lizzy.”
“He...he didn’t. He still blames himself and gets frequent Nightmares, I try my best to avoid them to happen.”
“Oh Lord...”, Henry said softly.
M/n looked away, not wanting Henry to see how helpless M/n felt.
Henry went to the phone he had and dialed William’s number. He picked up after two rings.
“Henry ! What do you need, Pal ?”, William asked happily.
“Hey, Buddy. Can I come over in a bit ? I have a new invention, I think you will love, to make with me.”
“Oh, uhm...Sure ! By the way...do you know where M/n went ? Mike and Evan said that they don’t know and he is nowhere in the house and he also didn’t leave any letter behind that told me where he went... I am worried. Mike said he didn’t see M/n in almost two hours.”, William asked worried.
Henry side eyed M/n, who had a face of guilt.
“I think he went to Fredbear’s. He said he wanted to check on everything, just to make sure everything was okay. He might have just forgotten to inform you, I will drive there and pick him up, then come over, okay ?”, Henry lied.
“Yeah...o-okay. Thank you Hen.”
“No problem, Will.”
Then Henry hung up and he glared M/n down.
“You didn’t leave any message to him, so he WON’T worry ?! Are you stupid or are you brain dead ?!”, Henry yelled.
“I’m sorry ! I forgot ! I wanted to figure everything out as quick as possible !”, M/n quickly apologized.
M/n knew ONE thing...Henry was very protective of William. Since William’s wife was such a bitch, he got overprotective. The slightest discomfort William showed and Henry was ready to smack the offender with a bat. Henry was scary when he was like that.
“Next time this happens, I won’t hesitate, to smack you with a frying pan, M/n !”, Henry growled out.
M/n sweat dropped and had a nervous smile on his face. He might be a Killer if it is the only way to keep his Family safe, but even he was scared of Henry and his threats.
“U-understood, S-Sir !”, he nervously saluted.
-Time skip-
Henry arrived with M/n at the Afton Family’s house. As soon as William saw M/n, after opening the front door, he pulled him into a tight hug.
“Idiot ! Tell me next time !”, William scolded.
“Sorry, Love...I forgot to leave you a message. I won’t forget again.”, M/n said softly.
“Dumbass ! God knows what could have happened to you !”
“I’m sorry, Darling.”
“You better !”
Henry closed the front door behind him as William pulled M/n inside and pushed him into the Living room, forcing him to sit down on the couch. M/n looked at his Bunny in confusion.
“Bunny ? What are you planning to do ?”, M/n asked.
“You have a time out for at least ten minutes ! I don’t want to hear anything from you nor are you allowed to get up until ten minutes are over !”, William scolded.
M/n stared at his Lover with an agape mouth, shock evident. Then he closed it and pouted.
“Fair...”, he admitted and then stayed seated.
William stared at M/n, dumbfounded. He didn’t expect M/n to listen. He expected him to drag him to their Bedroom and to have some rough Love making instead, but nothing... Was it because Henry was here ? William wanted M/n to screw his brains out !
M/n stayed silent, looked at the wall in front of him and didn’t say anything at all. Why was he so...tame today ? Usually he would punish HIM for trying to command him around.
“So Will, I have the Blueprints. I am sure you will LOVE it. I bet you have some awesome ideas to them too.”, Henry pulled William from his thoughts.
“Oh ? Let me see.”, he said and stretched out his hand.
Henry gave William the Blueprint, he took a look at them and was confused.
“Tell me what this is supposed to be, Hen.”
“An Illusion Disk. Some kids are bored of the Animatronics just looking the same all the time and others are scared of them, so I thought about this ! They are supposed to make them look more human like, to change their design, without building anything to it. All that we would need is the Illusion Disk, program it and then we can just put an illusion OVER our Animatronics ! They would still look the same without them, but with them on, they will look different !”, Henry explained in excitement.
William’s eyes sparkled and had small stars in them. He LIKED the idea.
“Oh ? How long have you been planning on this, Hen ?”
“About three years. This is just the ground that I made, maybe you can add a bit more to its features, when we built them.”
“Impressive. They would have to look very real though, do you think we can built something like that ? Such Technology wasn’t used before, Hen.”
“I am VERY sure, Will ! You and me, we are VERY smart and intelligent men, after all ! We both have great ideas and they ALWAYS work out too ! We made Circus Baby’s and Fredbear’s together with ANIMATRONICS, Will ! That Technology wasn’t ever used before, back then, either ! We MADE it happen !”, Henry encouraged with enthusiasm.
William smiled brightly and nodded.
“Okay then ! Let us start in my office ! I can’t wait to start !”, William said with excitement.
Henry smiled and followed William. Henry turned around and made eye contact with M/n, winking at him. The plan was working...for now.
Michael entered the room soon enough, with Evan in tow. They both looked at M/n.
“What did you do in Circus Baby’s ?”, Mike asked.
M/n looked at him and then at Evan, who was looking very ashamed still. M/n smiled.
“Don’t tell your Dad, but I found Lizzy.”, M/n answered.
“What ?! Where is she ?!”, Michael yelled.
M/n shushed him and looked at the hall, waiting for the Basement door to open, but it didn’t. He sighed in relief.
“Something weird happened with Elizabeth. She doesn’t look like herself anymore, boys. Uncle Henry knows and is trying to help me out, by making something, called and Illusion Disk, so Lizzy will look normal again. Until then, do NOT tell your Dad. He will have a heart attack if he sees her the way she looks like right now.”, M/n explained.
“Is...is Lizzy hurt ?”, Evan asked.
M/n looked at Evan with a saddened face.
“Come here Evan, on my lap.”
Evan did as told and Mike stood in front of M/n. The Incubus held Evan so he doesn’t fall off of his lap.
“When Lizzy was ‘eaten’ what did you think happened with her, Ev ?”, M/n asked.
Mike looked at Evan in horror. Elizabeth was EATEN ?!
“I...I thought she d-died...”
M/n took a deep breath and looked Mike in the eye.
“The day it happened, Mike, you forgot to take your pills and thought you just hallucinated, as Baby pulled Lizzy into her stomach. It...it did really happen though and Evan was traumatized by it, then he was too scared to tell us anything. He told me after Alex and Penelope were born, what he saw. I went back to investigate.”
Michael stared at M/n in horror.
“Wh-what did you find ?”, he asked.
“What Evan, right now thought. I found her dead body, reeking of death for weeks.”
Michael took a step back, covering his mouth, face fully covered in horror.
“But that was not all of it, Mike. There it starts to get strange, my boys... Lizzy was still around. She...stayed.”, M/n added.
“Wh-what do you mean, Papa ?”, Evan asked.
Mike was just as confused.
“Circus Baby’s eyes changed from blue to green and she started to act like Elizabeth. She knew things about us, only Lizzy knew and she begged me to get her home, that she had no idea how she ended up possessing Circus Baby...she begged me to find a way home for her. I don’t know how something like this is possible, but I believe that Lizzy truly possessed Circus Baby. The very thing, that killed her. She is at Henry’s right now and we are trying to find a way to make her look more like...well...Lizzy again.”, M/n explained.
The boys stared, eyes wide.
“Dad, you do know how insane this all sounds, right ?”, Michael asked.
“I know, but the proof is at Henry’s house. She doesn’t act like a robot anymore, nor is she talking robotic like. She talked like a human being and moved as such too. It convinced me, that she is possessing CB. All we need is time, more proof and something to make her look normal again. When we have all of that, I will tell William and hopefully...he believes me a little bit and...is finally happy again. With everything advancing in technology, we even might modify her Disk over time and she could be a full human again, who knows ? I am praying that I found Lizzy’s soul, but can you blame me ? I want my Love to be happy again. Yes he loves Alex and Penelope, but...he still blames himself and feels empty about Elizabeth’s disappearance.”
Both the boys had pain in their eyes at that. They knew William was still not over Elizabeth’s sudden disappearance and he will NOT take it lightly, when he finds out that she died by his own Machine’s hands.
“Yes, Dad ?”
“Do me a favor...for all of us, okay ?”
“What is it...?”
“Keep away from the Animatronics and keep Evan, Alex and Penelope away from them too. Protect them with your life, if Will and me aren’t around. What happened to Liz, is exactly the reason he tells everyone to stay away from his Machines. They can malfunction and if that happens, you can lose your life. They are safe from a certain distance, but don’t get too close to them. Stay at least three feet away from them. Can you do that for me ? Watch over your siblings ?”
Michael nodded with determination.
“I will do my best to keep my siblings safe.”, he replied.
“Thank you, Mikey.”
With that Mike sat down next to M/n and they started to watch Movies, not wanting William to hear anything, he wasn’t supposed to hear.
-With William and Henry-
William was already planning more features and what should be the best material to built the Illusion Disks with.
“It has to look and FEEL realistic. When you touch a thin arm, you can’t let it happen that the Illusion breaks and you feel a thick arm instead. That would be a bad green screening. You understand Hen ?”
“I do Will, but how do we make that ?”
“I will ask M/n ! He can program stuff very good, maybe he knows how to make it or he can give me some tips !”
“That is a great Idea, Will ! “
William smiled and noted it down.
‘I hope he won’t find out, that we are only making these now for his daughter, who became a literal Circus Clown...’, Henry thought in nerves.
William would so beat the shit out of them, if he finds out, BEFORE they can show him that CB is possessed by Lizzy....
“Hen, you with me ?”, William asked.
Henry snapped out of his thoughts and nodded.
“Yup, all ears, old friend.”
With that William continued to add and explain why he added more features. Henry listened in all the time, but his nerves never calmed down. He was scared shitless if William will find out...
Hopefully he will not find out too soon. ;)
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puhpandas · 8 months
the name Evan is so perfect for the crying child because it doesn't even affect just him. a narrivate many people believe is that Michael was like the least favorite child or the outcast of the family, and the name Evan actually can contribute to that
Elizabeth, Evan, Michael. it separates Michael from his siblings even more because their names start with E and his starts with M. also M is an upside down W but that's besides the point
not to mention how much it genuinely fits him. Evan Afton just rolls of the tongue really well and fits his appearance/character. his role as the 'good' in an angel/devil dynamic with vengeful Cassidy and forgiving Evan just makes Evan work. idk why. the name Evan just feels so calm and kind. very specific I know
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