fnife · 2 months
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dyslexicpolishdude · 3 months
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MAGNUS PROTOCOL BABES new characters, new fanart designs, so I really want to add my part in creating this beautiful headcanons and even if nothing I made will stick I still want to join the fan
Do we think we will ever see them again? Are they a Flesh avatar ? I don t know but they give witchy/influencer/ theater kid vibe
If you have some ink5soul fanart I would I’ve to see it
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TMP Stream Of Consciousness Theory
(Like, I'm forming it and I'm not sure where I headed here)
Spoilers All - TMP
So as I'm reading through a lot of Lena Post on here it's starting to strick at me. Her wording when she vaguely explained things to Gwen in EP 13, Futures.
Gwen asks if they're the bad guys.
Lena hesitates before answering "We are... Managing, the bad guys."
Unlike the The Magnus Institute they aren't collecting Statements, they're keeping track of them.
Lena doesn't see herself and her work as good, but a necessary evil.
This would make Lena NOT Jonah's Parallel, but Gertrude's.
To Gertrude, Michael was a necessary evil, but she hurt no more people than absolutely necessary.
Lena isn't willing to put her employees in unnecessary risk.
The Magnus Institute was destroyed and OIAR has something called The Magnus Protocol.
They're preventing the Dread Powers from taking hold. Be it Fear, Hunger, or Regret. They're making sure no one of them gets a real foothold into our world. And if one gets to close. Well, they have they're last resort.
The Magnus Protocol
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Non Vacillabimus
We Will Not Fulter
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podcast-queen · 19 days
alice dyer has the vibes of someone who dyes her hair these vivid bright colors. like lime green, turquoise, bubble gum pink, highlighter yellow, ruby red. but not frequent enough she’s coming in with a new color every week or two, she let’s it grow out a little. a couple inches of banding of her natural color which i like to think is a ginger color. her roots are showing and then suddenly boom new color.
anyways just thinking thoughts. ^ - ^
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starsandwriting · 6 days
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aubreysnailbat · 3 months
"why did you start shipping sam and celia so fast—" because alice dyer is never wrong. next question.
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lethbrigadier · 2 months
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eyeoftheaxolotl · 13 days
i'll post thoughts on today's episode later but i did just realize two things about Sam's cases.
Below is a list of every episode so far whose case Sam was responsible for categorizing. When you isolate it to just those cases and take a look at whether they were narrated by one of the three computer voices (i.e. whether they were talkers or not), a pattern emerges:
MAGP 1 (dolls case) - not a talker
MAGP 1 (zombie case) - talker (norris)
MAGP 1 (RedCanary case) - talker (chester)
MAGP 2 - not a talker
MAGP 4 - talker (augustus)
MAGP 5 - talker (chester)
MAGP 6 - not a talker
MAGP 9 - talker (chester)
MAGP 11 - talker (chester)
MAGP 13 - not a talker
MAGP 14 - talker (chester)
there seems to be a distinct pattern of "not talker - talker - talker". im not sure what it means, so im throwing it out here in the hope that someone has some kind of theory on it.
the other thing ive noticed. sam, being the main character, tackles the vast majority of the cases we learn about on the podcast. however, out of 7 talkers, norris has narrated a grand total of....one of Sam's cases. by comparison, both Gwen and Alice have only had norris-narrated cases shown on-podcast. i don't actually think this means anything, but maybe you guys do, so im putting it out there as well.
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its-your-mind · 3 months
MAGP 08: a man had a full fears experience ft empty spaces ones filled with people, a crowd that appears normal at first glance but upon further inspection is revealed to be false, “people” with unmoving smiles inviting you into a space that has been fundamentally changed, and an empty void to plummet into. Martin’s voice reads this one btw. Also Celia is looking into time/dimensional travel and is on a podcast with Georgie. And Colin has been placed on mental leave. Also Gertrude is alive. She’s living with Gerry Ka—
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hello i have Some Thoughts about the newest magp episode
spoilers under the cut 👁️
statement was good :). didn’t give me the same spooks as the others so far but horror is so personal there’s gonna be some that don’t sit with you
i will only give up the tma fear system if jonathan sims himself pries it from my cold dead hands so for this one i feel like it was a blend of like
spiral lonely flesh stranger (maybe some vast)
also girl. that is NOT how u write an essay lmao. she rly was like ☺️ i don’t have any research 😌 but (tells the most horrifying thing that has happened in her life) 😊 i think this will be valuable to study
another norris episode-nothing specifically “martin�� abt this one for the theory that they put em in the puter
oh MAN they are not shying away from TMA in this one. gerard keay is a PAINTER who lives with his GRANDMA GERTRUDE ROBINSON whom he refers to as GG! Celia is on a PODCAST with someone named GEORGIE! speaking of celia-alternate realities? time travel? i’m picking up what they are putting down i believe
sam is so in love with celia it’s sickening. rusty quill and starkid rly know how to get me invested in straight ppl
also gwen and alice had BETTER kiss one of these days. like at first i wasn’t rly feeling it. but you can only hate someone so much before it’s just a passionate relationship (eg: batman and joker)
also noooo colin 😔 10£ say he’s trapped in his flat by worms (i love tma season one with all my heart)
also klaus is an anagram for ‘lukas’ and since gerry keay is living with gertrude in london im not taking ANY chances with this show. if peter lukas shows up not only will i close the tab i will delete my bookmark out of spite and have to rewatch the entire series again for the sole purpose of being able to skip all the parts where he is amentioned or alive
also i love the sound design in this - rly captures the feeling that we are listening to something we are not supposed to. like..security cameras and phones have replaced tape recorders and that makes it feel a lot scarier bc i do not have a tape recorder but i am surrounded by tech 24/7
so excited to see where this goes, especially w what we know from the arg
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fnife · 2 months
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simple fanart <3
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crimebell · 23 days
MAGp - 006
Alice, don't fret, I also have little brothers that drain my wallet at deeply inconvenient times. They aren't characters in a horror podcast though so I'd stay on my toes
Colin's predecessors being Amelia and an unnamed tattooed German guy- hey tattoos! Maybe he got evil influencer ink. Oh, That's why Colin had to learn German to try and figure out some shit. So unfortunate. At least it wasn't French.
Needles you are so fucked up and evil count me in as deeply intrigued. New sexyman just dropped and he will kill you if you get too close! On a more serious note, it is interesting that he's directly and explicitly feeding off fear- granted, I'm mid re-listen of TMA, and haven't listened to the full thing since it ended, but I can't recall the same being so explicit originally.
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ashironie · 3 months
So magp 3 is obviously a corruption like statement right? Well the journal he’s writing in was “Issued by grief counselor Harriot Manning” and at first I thought it was the girl that Timothy Hodge had sex with in mag6 Squirm (I forgot Harriet Lee’s last name and didn’t know Harriet and Harriot were different, though I got that from the “Very Unofficial Transcripts Archive” so yk) but then I realized Jonny is just really shit with names (and that they had different last names, but that can be explained away by marriage).
I still think it’s cool that both of the first corruption statements for each podcast are related to a Harri(o/e)t in some way
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yourlocalspacecryptid · 4 months
Alr I’ve seen a lot of people be frustrated about others trying to categorize the protocol statements into Smirkes 14, and I understand why. HOWEVER, my counter argument is that I do that with basically all of the horror media (and sometimes non horror media) I interact with just for funsies,
see that podcast? Eye and stranger
See that video game boss? Corruption and end
so yes I will classify the story from ep two of magp as the flesh and spiral, I don’t care, sorting is fun and unless I somehow get my hands on that index book they have I’m going to keep on doing this
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biankacarver · 3 months
Mr. Johnny Simms sir can we have a Gertrude podcast after the MagP? That would just be nice
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aubreysnailbat · 3 months
cant believe this episode made me speedrun getting a new ship right after showing me some psychosexual needle shit
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