mean-vampyre · 3 months
Tv shows need 20 episode seasons because you used yo be able to make a whole episode that was just a dream sequences with no consequences and nobody got mad if you played around with no plot because there where 19 other episodes of plot
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semiotomatics · 1 year
Now, my own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.
— J.B.S. Haldane
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notthestarwar · 1 year
Yes, I love the idea of Jango being very contradictory. I kind of hc the whole clone creation plan as him being very messed up after galidraan, the spice ship ect and just kind of losing himself to his anger and grief. He agrees to it, but then he kind of immediately knows he fucked up, like this goes against all he believes in, what has he done. But then, cause its Jango, rather than being like 'OH no I need to fix this' instead he's like 'admitting I betrayed myself is pretty painful, what if instead I did some mental acrobatics to convince myself this is OK and that my hand was forced and I had no choice' and then he keeps doing that again and again sinking deeper and deeper in to denial until he's almost forgotten who he was to begin with, he's forgotten that this goes against everything he believes in.
By the time we get to aotc I think that Jango is a)completely lost b)hates himself but won't admit that and c) is waiting to die. He thinks he's outlived himself.
He's just a ball of conflict and I think that results in some really contradictory actions. Like Boba, he loves Boba and yet he's really bad for him. He loves him too much to let him go. I don't think he really feels deserving of Boba, he's pretty sure that he'll fail him and yet, he was too 'weak' (human) to say no. He wanted a son so he took Boba even though he knew he wouldn't be around to finish raising him (in one of the versions of canon he sets up this really messed up plan in which he encourages boba to seek out dangerous hunters in the event of Jango's death, with the express intention of boba learning that vulnerability is dangerous). He loves boba but he has a weird way of showing it, that's just who he is!!!
Anyway so Jango is like super contradictory. I like the idea that he is fierce in his rejection of the clones. They are not people. They are not his. (This is a self defence thing. If they aren't ppl then he hasn't failed them) but then he completely blurs the lines because he forgets this. Sometimes he is proud of them. Sometimes he does see himself in them and acts before he thinks. Which results in the clones having weird feelings about him. I think they see him kind of like one would a dad, but a really really neglectful shitty absent dad. There's that sense of hating him for being less then you deserved but also being determined to impress him. Then there's boba, the child he wanted, who's exactly the same as you, no he's worse even! He isn't enhanced and you are! But still, Jango prefers him. What if they'd picked you? What if you were Boba?
I think some clones end up hating him and some end up idolising him and some, end up wanting to hate him but really struggling to do so.
I'm just kind of fascinated by Jango tbh. I want to put him in situations and poke at him. I want to unravel all the things he's lying to himself about. I think he sees a completely different reality to the rest of the universe and I think that's fascinating. I also think that like, there's an inevitability to him. None of this had to happen but it always would have because of who Jango is, because of what the galaxy made him and because of what he made himself in trying to run from reality. Jango is the ultimate, dead from the beginning. He's walking to his death and he knows it. He's haunted by who he could have been. He does not have it in him to do right by those he loves even tho he tries
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endlich-allein · 1 year
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Rammstein ❤️ (Vilnius, Lithuania, 22-05-2023) @ bigbademma
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goaliekisses · 2 years
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he’s talking about rusty (remember: they were roommates)
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nivalingreenhow · 2 months
Beware the house of the dragon tag bc you will find some very bad takes
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jezatalks · 3 months
J'ai grave envie de casser des trucs. Je sais que mentalement parlant, ça réglerait des trucs.
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windsweptskies · 9 months
girlies i miss rping
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icyfox17 · 4 months
*takes a breath* man. This fucking 911 hyperfixation has got me locked in so intensely guys I was NOT prepared 😭😭😭
All my other fandoms besides mcu + dsmp die within weeks tbh. I normally get bored pretty quickly but 911 has a HOLD on me
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halfelven · 7 months
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when the baby puppy HAS to put her little leg on you when she's napping. ballerina baby
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fzrticv · 8 months
okay, the last epsidoe was really good, probaly best ep of the show but..
I still have my grips, yes 8 ep wasn't enjoy, but the fast pacing still took me out of it, and made it very difficult to get attached I also think Heaven was put in way to early, I genera feel conflicted about it.
I think I still favor HB, its episodic approach, the focus on hellborn and hell solely. Made it also easier to explain as fantasy in my head. I had also more fun watching its episode...with...expectations.. but HB also has the benefit of being indie and not being bound to an overarching story, giving it more room to breath. ...but I'm also the person who's here cause of Fizz and Ozzie, without them I probably wouldn't even be here. I love Blitzo too don't me wrong.
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presidentalpaca · 8 months
ive been saying for years i would gladly donate my boobs to a trans woman in need if that was smthn that existed
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I am on holiday and there are kittens
LOOK AT THEM!!! Where are you??
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ola-mia-idea-einai · 2 years
Μου ειναι τοσο δυσκολο να σε ξεπερασω γιατι πολυ απλα δεν αντεχω να.. σε ξεχασω.
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thissweetenamor · 1 year
waking up to my person and showering him in all the lovins
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vanity-complex · 2 years
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