#MK and LBD are the most characters EVER
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"You really think the universe still wants anything, from any of us?"
 "Don't you?"
"Ah, I try not to think too hard."
"So it would seem. Know this monkie, you and I are not so different. We both fight for what we think is right—that pursuit only leads to one thing."
"Hmmhm. To destiny, right?"
"No. To pain."
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kehideni · 2 months
The time has come... the aroacest person ever will rant about how in LMK Wukong's feelings regarding Macaque were hinted at.
And by hinted at i mean that ultimatelly it can still be platonic but yeah i get why people ship it. I'm grumbling over here like
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so you can think of me as a reluctant shipper. (ugh)
Jesus Christ... how do i even start...
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I guess with readmore because i'm going to talk about the whole entire show so far. Which means Spoilers for Season 5 (and 4... but like that's been out for a year now)
Also before i start, i'm not gonna talk about Macaque's pov in this because he is even more obvious than Wukong and people talk about him all the time. I should know i'm one of them.
S1E9 "Macaque"
First and foremost it's not much, but SWK's reaction to seeing Macaque for the first time in who knows how long is legit suspicious, not because it's anything special but specifically because it's such a toned down reaction. Even if SWK doesn't know that Macaque is supposed to be dead, Mac has been suggested to be at least MIA since their mysterious fight. He wasn't goofing around, he wasn't taking it lightly, but also he didn't take Macaque's appearance with the weight you'd think he should.
Let's just do a little mental gymnastics: In your mind replace SWK with MK and Macaque with Mei. Imagine that Mei has Macaque's backstory and MK has SWK's. Two long time best friends, with a serious fallout, Mei goes MIA and then comes back. Do you think MK would react the same way SWK did in the episode? Obviously not.
Now i know Wukong is rather secretive, exspecially in S1-3(for plot reasons) but the thing is, that DBK was also SWK's friend, a very dear one at that. His reaction to DBK is goofy, light spirited, hardly interferes with the MK vs DBK fight. He wasn't really shush-shush about missing DBK's company. (S2E2 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
In contrast to that, when he finds out Macaque is back he doesn't take it lightly, no goofing off, but also doesn't seem to want to fight Macaque? In this episode all he does is make Mac back off from MK. I guess he wouldn't want to, of course, but yeah had Mac been anyone else, Wukong would be actively working on how to get rid of him. Ie.: Lady Bone Demon or even the Major("how about him? Is he part of your destiny?" bit)
And we do know SWK was holding back, as he wooped Macaque's behind when he was possessed by LBD no problem.
S2E1 "Happy New Year"
SWK: "It's called misdirection."
MK: "Seems like a shady lesson."
SWK: "Too soon, buddy."
It's not really saying much- again-, after all it's just a one liner joke. It's just that no comparable joke was made in any other character's expense. Also the annotation in SWK's voice wasn't really silly. A "can't decide if i'm supposed to smile at the pun or feel sorry for SWK" thing.
(Now while we are ignoring Mac's side of things, rewatching Shadowplay while having S5 knowledge, it's kind of haunting what kind of parallels the show is drawing between MK and Macaque of all things but moving ooooooon~)
In most of Season 3, Wukong is back to his monkey-ing around personality. S3E1 "On the run" he behaves the same way he'd with DBK.
The next of note episode is pretty far off in S3E9 "The king, the prince, and the shadow"
The importance of this scene
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specifically Wukong's expression, is that funnily enough, he believed completely that Macaque was working for LBD, when in truth he was going behind her back the whole time, working towards his own agenda (ie.: freeing himself from her) and also thought he could fool Macaque.
Macaque on the other hand easily read Wukong's intention, something that Nezha fell for completely, that the rings were fake. (Macaque knows Wukong better than Wukong knows Macaque.)
That means, at this point Wukong was convinced that Macaque is a bad guy (something he will mention right at the beginning of Season 5) and still he did not hurt him. He later on almost did, yes, but did not need much convincing from Tang to leave him be.
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"If you hurt that kid, i'll..."
"What? Make things worse for MK?"
*cuts to that scene
Obviously intentional poetic positioning, reflecting Macaque in a position that is suggested to be the "made things worse for him" thing that Mac is referring to. Yadda yadda, had Wukong not killed him the LBD would not have her claws in Macaque right now as she wouldn't have resurrected him. *is still a hella sketchy story with holes and i don't intend to make Wukong out to be the bad guy, i'm working with what the show is er... showing us/telling us* !Which is fine!!! The story is on going!!! They choose to tell it as teeth-pullingly slow as possible for plot convenience! Sit down, we all know the truth will be far more nuanced than it was presented in S3
But to get back to Wukong's pov, if you notice, after he hears that Macaque is not loyal to the LBD he tries to tell him that he has a plan, one- presumably (if Mac would have listened) -Wukong would have involved him in. Possibly even help him get free from LBD.
Next in line would be the parallel drawn between Mei and Macaque
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Wukong was impulsive way back then and now, hurting "those that care about you the most" But yeah... Macaque's line is also incriminating "She's completely out of control, if there's a time to go it is now."
MK countering it that- paraphrasing now but -"bruh that's not really a punk rock thing to do." Possible reason for ^ that cut to Wukong's reaction is that Macaque's line opened up some scars. Hearing that he'd abandon you when things go wrong is very much the first wound that SWK and Macaque suffered in their friendship (from Wukong's side, again imma just ignore Macaque's side in this post but so help me if anyone goes on a comment rampage about how Macaque is truely a piece of shit i will just tell you to go watch the whole series again because whole ass plotlines and characterDEVELOPMENTS fly right by you)
Nezha: "She controlled the fire? This is impossible."
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^ Wukong getting a front row seat view of what could have been had they not given up on each other with Macaque.
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"Mei was right, i need to stop dragging you into my fights."
ehm... you guys hear it too i'm sure, but we will get to that later
(On a slight tangent... actually i do recommend a rewatch of the show because LBD's lines get so much more meaning. Macaque specifically gets added to the destiny speech all the time, which is funny considering he should know all about destiny and he is the most againts the idea of a destiny existing, Macaque refuses his own powers???And i do believe Macaque has his future-knowing powers because he has reaction time to things that didn't even start happening yet such as LBD throwing the girl away, hiding from Azure and co. when he shouldn't have known they are free, etc.)
On another cute little side note, Nezha said Wukong is not a loner, no matter how much he seems to be.
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Lookit that happy smile, fighting along side all his fwiends awww, go you funky little monkey man
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This ending scene for it's few seconds is packed with things to point out. "I hate that guy so much, always acting like he's so cool." Literally no one ever said that or thought that Wukong. That was your take on Macaque's behavior. When i first saw that scene my thought was that "Yeah if i were Macaque i'd have left too."
Or even this gag bit can suggest Wukong being out of balance once Macaque leaves.
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Stress eating...
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Season 4 goes a bit more into detail concerning Wukong's issues
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"Forever is a long time bud, trust me." Shows two monkeys hanging around, eating fruit, doing whatever they want.
So the scroll gets opened, and in no practicular order characters are shown that Wukong feels guilty about, looks properly sad when they show. The stress lines around his eyes start showing after Macaque is shown
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Flashback scene, kinda is a thing in season 4 that Wukong is much more physically affectionate than Macaque
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not gonna do more screenshots because i could literally just post the clip but the thing that we can take away from these is that Wukong insisted on including Macaque
"You're really going through with this?"
"Correction, WE are going through with this." i'm choosing to take it as a tie back to Nezha's line of Wukong not liking being alone.
Much of the brotherhood doesn't seem to actually care for Macaque and Macaque seems to not care for the brotherhood either. And Peng isn't even our first clue for this, since DBK and Macaque have been around since Season 1 and they have yet to interact with each other, eventhough they are sworn brothers too. Azure Lion and Yellow Tusk if name drop Macaque once the whole season, and Peng is the most vocal about their dislike/hatered of Macaque. (Also when the scroll wants to traumatise Azure it only uses Peng and Yellow Tusk)
You can headcanon that Macaque joined the brotherhood only because Wukong is there, but also it's not really a stretch to think that it was actually Wukong that wanted Macaque in the brotherhood and Macaque just agreed to join because Wukong insisted. Either and both can be true.
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I just posted this screenshot because Wukong's face made me laugh.
Wukong being the only one paying attention to Macaque's thoughts and feelings, even if ultimately he brushes them under the rug. (Which says more about the brotherhood than Wukong actually...because the brotherhood just about ignored Macaque completely. Wukong paid attention but ya know... big plans and big dreams require big actions)
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His speech is a nice promise, but the annotation is on "like we always wanted". The whole quote going: "Relax bud, when this is over we'll be back here basking in the Sun, getting fat on fruit for the rest of ... well forever!! Like we always wanted."
Since it's a conversation with only Wukong and Macaque in the shot, we as the audience are clued in that it was specifically the dream of those two, not the whole brotherhood.
Btw rewatching the episode, Azure says Wukong had the habit of keeping people at arm's lenght, like bruh that's a straight on lie.
(lmao that Tang joke with the water :'D not thirsty, Tang?)
Now Azure when talking with MK, showing him select few scenes to make himself look the victim says one thing. That Wukong imprisoned them. Did not kill, imprison.
I said this before, i will say it here too. Why would Wukong, who is closest to Macaque from the brotherhood, imprison everyone else, but specifically kill Macaque? Nah ah, i'm pretty sure that was not how it went down. But that's a to be cleared thing for season 6 hopefully.
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As.... hilarious as this picture is, it's kinda proof of Wukong's sentimentality.
Finally i arrive at S4E11 A lifetime of mistakes
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Nothing much to say about this scene, it speaks for itself.
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"Everything i did was for us!" This sentence alone means Wukong's fear of death extended to Macaque. Macaque said that Wukong feared death more than anything which is true, but whenever Wukong talked about his goals the emphasis was on them together spending forever with whatever they wanted.
Third time reminding you of Nezha's statement, that Wukong is not a loner. Something that Azure flat out lied about, telling MK that Wukong kept them at arm's lenght.
It's 2+2 guys... spending eternity alone is boring as fk, of course you need a buddy. And a buddy just as immortal as you, since we know the heartbreak that comes with an immortal - mortal friendship. To the mortal that friendship is for lifetime, to that immortal it's just a small chapter of their lives. Wukong really DID do everything for Macaque, but well... he went overboard, like MK said. He could have stopped right here, he already had his wish:
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They already were sitting in the sun, eating fruit and doing whatever they wanted.
But now look at thoooose stress lines
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While the show doesn't even suggest what Wukong's full punishment was -because let's keep it PG it is still a kids show- Wukong also just lost his best friend.
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In Season 4 peaches were the symbol of their friendship, something that Wukong -probably just out of sheer anger- rejected from Macaque in this scene, only for Macaque to crush said peach in answer and throw it away. My guys, this was an ugly UGLY divorce. Thing is that had cooler heads prevailed, they probably wouldn't have had this fight here. It's dressed up as a gag line, but Wukong says he really wanted that peach.
In the scroll MK and Macaque follow the memories that Wukong punched himself through, trying to find some good ones AKA memories with MK. Wukong saw this memory too, which was the last memory before MK and Mac found Wukong.
After seeing this memory and deciding to escape it he stopped in the next one. Meaning this memory is the freshest Wukong is thinking about.
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"I just wanted to protect the people i care about." *camera angles to Macaque.
MK then quotes Wukong saying that maybe they can't fix everything, but they just have to leave it better than they found it. That's just another way to say "fix" btw... and he looks to Macaque, because that's what he wants to fix most.
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Well he has an eternity to do it.
He was legit asking permission from Macaque here, idk what for if you are the Monkey King you don't need permission, right?
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Next episode "The Plan man" starts with something i already said:
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Wukong is looking for Macaque when he notices he is not in the heroic pose with the rest of them. Showing once again, where Wukong's priority laid. He needs to make sure he still has his buddy by him. Kinda going into Sun Mumkong mode, embarassing Macaque:
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Do note, Wukong verbally said he wanted all of them to have the "happily ever after" but before that talk with Azure, Macaque was emphasized.
And the thing is, at first i thought, surely i'm reading far too much into this, but this weird Macaque-prioritising will appear in Season 5 too. We will get to that.
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This was Wukong's wish, to not be alone.
Anyways, show uppy "tsundere" way of expressing, that he is happy Mac is there.
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Like i said, peaches in season 4 were a metaphor for their friendship. Handing Mac a peach ice cream is kinda his way of saying "friends?" but maybe in a different way. The "try again" button in the game if you will.
Season 5 however hooo boi...
I ran out of pictures/post so i'll have to make a part 2, which will be season 5.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
yandere lmk mei with a childhood friend s/o? can be romantic or platonic
Honestly she'd be adorable with a childhood friend.
Yandere! Mei Dragon with Childhood Friend! Darling
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Jealousy, Violence mentioned, Delusional behavior, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Threats, Possessive behavior, Possible kidnapping implied, Dubious relationship.
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Mei is one of the more excitable characters in LMK.
She's been shown to be overly affectionate and protective of friends and is easily competitive.
Based on how violent she gets to protect friends, I'd say she has potential to be a yandere, be that platonic or romantic.
Mei has been shown to have strict parents due to her heritage, so until she meets MK and the others you were probably one of her only friends.
You two are close from the start since you were kids.
Now older and with more friends, Mei hasn't parted from you.
Mei's canon personality is already a bit volatile/unpredictable from what I've seen and read.
Whatever your view on people is, Mei is dragging you somewhere due to her outgoing nature.
She most likely takes you to watch her race, something she's adored since she was young.
Every time you cheer for her, her heart flutters.
Mei is always optimistic, so it's hard to get her in a bad mood at times.
Due to her overly optimistic nature, when she does get jealous about you, she usually finds a way to excuse what's happening.
Who cares if you're so close with MK, right?
You and Mei are childhood friends!
You'll... you'll always love her first... right?
She would definitely try to delude herself to ignore her jealousy.
She wants her childhood friend happy.
She even has a hard time realizing she has feelings for you more than just childhood friends.
Mei would start as a platonic yandere, which doesn't change much from her canon persona.
She's already shown to be protective of her friends to a violent degree.
If anything were to happen to you, Mei's definitely going full dragon even if it means putting herself in danger.
Mei trusts you due to you being childhood friends, if you weren't she'd take longer to become obsessive.
She sees you and MK as her best buds, although...
When you're both older she begins to realize you may be more.
She doesn't just want to protect you because you're friends.
There's obviously a reason her cheeks flare up when you're around, right?
Even during the transition between her platonic to romantic feelings, Mei is still just as affectionate as ever.
Mei has always been one for hugs since you were younger.
You were just about the only form of contact she had outside of her parents before she was able to leave and meet MK.
Perhaps LBD was right in a way, maybe it is destiny that brought you two so close.
Maybe destiny wants you to be together.
Mei (and MK since they're so close) is definitely a delusional yandere.
She has a hard time admitting or coming to terms with how she feels about you, though.
Part of her knows it's love, love drives you to protect others.
But why is hers so much darker?
Why is she so willing to harm others just for you just to look her way?
Mei would struggle with the change in feelings.
She means well, right?
Why is she so worried she'll lose her childhood friend to someone like MK?
You mean so much to her.
She just gets so jealous at the idea you having a close connection with anyone else.
She isn't sure if she feels sad or mad when you're caught laughing with someone that isn't her.
Mei wouldn't really want to cause too much of a scene.
At first she may try to soothe herself by clinging to you mid-conversation.
Yet if the feeling of jealousy sticks around, she may threaten the other person.
Mei can be scary so it would most likely work.
Mei may try to make her confession... sweet.
When she realizes she has to confess to her childhood friend, she wants it memorable.
Mei would definitely plan things out, planning a date and keeping an eye on you.
She wants to give you gifts she knows you'll enjoy and plans the right thing to say.
If anyone knows you, it's her.
She puts her heart and soul into preparing her confession before calling you over.
If you accept, she's overjoyed and crushes you in an embrace.
If you decline... well... maybe she just needs to be more patient...?
Mei is a bit impatient, willing to do whatever she can to have you see things her way.
She's determined to have you accept her and her feelings.
Which makes her clingy.
But hopefully, she won't have to think about that.
Maybe you do accept and she feels like her feelings aren't misplaced.
Even if she's dating her childhood friend, she's still eager to show you're hers.
Mei might even decorate you in green.
She claims she isn't possessive, but her draconic heritage proves otherwise once she has you.
Mei is adorable with you, sneaking in kisses and surprising you with hugs.
She plays it off as just being affectionate, but in reality... her feelings are darker.
She can't take her eyes off you... part of her is nervous about her newfound possessive feelings.
She can't ignore them much longer.
Mei would try her best to hide her darker nature.
But even her childhood friend can note the way she tightens her grip on you as though she has claws.
You may even notice the glares she gives others or the excuses she makes up to hide how she feels.
Something is wrong with your friend/girlfriend....
Mei may ignore it, yet eventually things might bubble over.
Eventually she will snap... she will harm someone close to you or take you somewhere where it's just you both...
Then you'll never leave her side.
If she snaps... you may hate her... but even if that happens...
One way or another, she'll show you and the others you're meant for one another, just so she knows you're hers...
She knows you were meant to be since childhood, at some point you have to see that, right?
"Please don't hate me... I just want you to know I love you...! I'm sorry if I hurt you... I'm sorry I hurt the others... I just need you, please don't leave me...!"
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itsabouttimex2 · 11 months
ooo if your not busy maybe Mei or Azure a gn! Reader who’s a descendant of the lady bone demon but said friend tries to hide that fact from them
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(Thank you for sending such an interesting request! I ended up liking this scenario so much that I wrote out a few characters for it!)
Descendant of the Lady Bone Demon: Part One
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three)
Maybe they should’ve seen this coming. Maybe there were a few warning signs they didn’t pick up on. Looking back on it now, it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? All those little things should’ve added up a long time ago.
The way the room grew silent and tense when you walked in, no matter how how exuberant it had been prior. How you manage to sneak up on everyone without even trying, as though you had no presence. The wide berth that strangers give you, even though they can’t explain why. That last one had been particularly strange for your friends. They hadn’t understood why people would treat you so coldly, not back then.
They understand now.
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Mei Dragon thinks of you as one of her best friends, right alongside MK. Even in childhood were the two of you close, your company providing a brief break from her parents expectations and the crushing weight of living up to her family name. She grows up to think of you as a sibling, really. She’s a ride or die, rise to the challenge, thrill junkie sort of girl. And above all else, she’s fiercely loyal to her friends.
So Mei doesn’t believe a word that LBD has to say. She doesn’t care about destiny, about fate, about these so-called “invisible strings that guide us all through life”.
She lives her life as she pleases, doing what makes her and her friends happy! And she’s not gonna listen to a word that some wannabe world-destroyer has to say about it!
Until the Lady Bone Demon mentions you.
“Y/N bears my very own blood, thin though it has grown. In time, they will follow the very same path I have, to cleanse this world of pain and suffering.”
Now she’s listening. Her control over the Samadhi Fire slips, scorching a ring of death into the earth around her. The heat alone wilts the any flora that was spared outright combustion. “How…” The fire flickers, fizzles.
And then promptly reignites, blazing hotter than ever before. Immediately, the Lady Bone Demon cringes away from Mei’s sweltering power as oppressive heat waves bear down on her. She can only watch in fear and awe as the Samadhi Fire grows hotter and brighter, fueled by rage.
“How DARE you say that about my friend! Y/N would never do anything like that!” A blazing arc of black and red fire slices into the blue crystal formations created by the demon, melting them into sizzling puddles. Her anger builds with each lash of multicolored fire, reducing each and every spiked crystal around her to a mess of glowing goo.
That anger doesn’t fade even after the fight is over, not even after she gets to see the Lady Bone Demon shred apart and drift away. It’s cathartic to watch, but doesn’t make her any less angry about what she heard.
No, that anger only fades once she has you in her arms, hugging you as tightly to herself as possible. You don’t know about your lineage. No one else does either. Just Mei. Which leaves her with the worst dilemma of her life.
Does she tell you? Does she tell anyone?
She doesn’t want to be like Sun Wukong, hiding important information from even the people who would be affected by it the most. She was a victim of that, and it had hurt. She doesn’t want to hurt you. That’s the last thing she wants. But she also doesn’t want to cast any doubt on you, doesn’t want anyone to think you might end up a destructive foe that would one day need to be struck down.
The fear of losing you somehow outweighs the fear of you being angry at her for withholding information from you.
So she keeps quiet.
Mei rationalizes her silence on the matter by telling herself that she’ll tell you later. Yes, everything will work out, she’s sure of it! She’ll just… wait. Just a little bit. When everything calms down and everyone starts to move on from this disaster, she’ll speak up. Once everyone is in a better, happier mood, they’ll definitely be more receptive to the bad news, right? So she isn’t doing anything wrong. She isn’t acting like the Monkey King. She’s… just keeping you safe.
And she really hopes you won’t hate her for it.
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Tang has long pondered your place in this little group. It’s not that he doesn’t like having you here, nothing of the sort! Really, he sees you as family, the same way he sees everyone else in this ragtag group of misfits.
But you stick out like a sore thumb. Everyone else has a direct tie to the original pilgrims who once undertook a legendary journey to retrieve sacred texts.
Tang Sanzang for Tang. Zhu Baije for Pigsy. Sha Wujing for Sandy. Ao Lie for Mei. Sun Wukong for MK. Everyone had someone who their skills, appearance, or even personality harkened back to.
Everyone except for you. Tang had made several guesses before, wondering if there was someone you yourself were standing in the place of. But no one truly seems to fit. Rather than distancing himself from you over this disparity, he makes an effort to grow closer. “It must be lonely”, he reasons to himself, “being the odd man out.” He’s struggled with his own insecurities of being useless or weak, so he can relate to you on a personal level. After making that connection between the two of you, he starts to look out for you, trying to help guide you as you grow.
Tang probably sees himself as your father figure, just the way he sees himself as MK’s.
But, since you don’t have the support system that MK has, he tries to take a more involved role in your life. He’ll sit down with you to chat about any troubles or struggles you have, offering you a kind ear and a welcoming shoulder. And if you ever are struggling with something so bad that it breaks you down and leaves you in tears, he happily takes you into his arms and stays with you through the meltdown. If you fall asleep in his embrace after wearing yourself out, he enjoys it all the more.
He cherishes moments like that, actually.
Sure, he’s sympathetic to your feelings of loneliness and isolation. It’s true that he wants you to be happy. Sometimes he hates the world for hurting you the way it has.
But he loves that you trust him enough to break down in front of him, that you trust him to console and protect you in your weakest moments.
Even at a moment like this, where one of the greatest threats to humanity is bearing down on the two of you. For once, he doesn’t hide or cower. Not when your life is on the life. His golden shield encapsulates both of you, a fierce glare painting his face as he holds you close. You breath raggedly against his shoulder, barely able to support yourself. You had been wounded in the fight, nearly passing out after taking several blows for him and the others. Now, he holds you close, standing tall as you lean on him for support. He watches as the Lady Bone Demon throws attack after attack at the two of you, each blast of crystal and bone shattering and fading against his aureate shield.
The ancient demon glares down at him, a sneer curling her face. “You would fight your destiny? The great monk, Tang Sanzang-”
“I don’t care! Even if I am his reincarnation or his descendant… the choices I make are mine and mine alone! And I will always choose to protect my friends!”
“Even Y/N? Even the very one who bears my blood within them? Are you truly willing to risk saving them now, that they might follow my ways later?”
All the little pieces click into place for him. The mystery he had pondered the most was finally solved, and now he had to live with learning the answer.
“That- that doesn’t matter! Y/N is a person all their own, who will make their own decisions! And I trust them to stay by our side and fight for good! I won’t let you corrupt them!”
And he doesn’t. His resplendent barrier holds fast, shining brightly until all that is left of the demon has been scattered to the wind. He holds you gently, mustering the strength to carry you on his when everyone makes the trip back to Pigsy’s noodle shop. Someone like Sandy or Wukong would definitely better suited to the physical labor he was performing, but Tang couldn’t bear to separate himself from you yet.
Nor is he willing to let go once everyone has taken a seat. He props you up against himself, rubbing your back to keep you awake. “The kids eat first,” Pigsy says, carrying three hearty bowls of noodles. MK, then Mei, then you. Once all of you have your noodles, the chef goes back to the kitchen to start on another batch. Tang holds the bowl and the chopsticks, lifting the noodles to your mouth. Occasionally, he tips the bowl to your mouth so you can sip at the nourishing broth. On any other day, he would’ve swiped a few bites for himself while feeding you. Now, you’re all he can think of. He feeds you bite by bite, then guides you to lay your head in his lap once you’ve finished.
“Hey, Tang.” Pigsy peers down at him, another bowl of noodles in his hands. He passes it to Tang. “What was that demon lady saying to ya anyways?”
Tang looks down at you, watching your chest rise and fall, looking more at peace than ever before. He can’t tell you. Not here. Not now. Maybe not ever. But he and Pigsy can both keep secrets, and more than that, you’ll have two targets to split your anger between, keeping Tang from catching the brunt of it if you ever do find out. So he asks:
“Do you think you can keep a secret, Pigsy?”
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Red Son
He doesn’t know why he likes you. By all means, you’re just another peasant, another mortal working at the same noodle store that his arch-rival is. But there’s something different about you. Maybe it’s the way you never seem to flinch or cringe or even cower. Maybe it’s the cool head you keep. Maybe it’s the wide-eyed awe you stare at his creations with.
Even after you had been kidnapped.
“I thinks that it was very clever of you,” you softly admit, not fighting against your bonds. “The way you used the tri-toothed 1x2 plates. I don’t see many people use those.”
He shouldn’t be happy to hear you say that. He should scoff and huff and strike down your praise like it’s meaningless drivel. But it’s not. Not to him. He’s been waiting to hear something like that for a long time, actually. Now, if it only it had been from the mouth of his father…
He shakes himself from those thoughts. “Not that a PEASANT like you could ever comprehend just how truly clever my work is! In fact, the legs of this machine are held in place by a truly unique-” “Technic angular wheel,” you finish for him. “It was a smart choice. I bet finding one that could evenly bear the weight of four legs at once wasn’t easy.”
No… no, it hadn’t been. In fact, it had been very hard to source that component. But here you were… acknowledging him. Praising him. Giving weight to his accomplishments by recognizing them. Somewhere deep inside, he’s a little touched to have his efforts commended.
Not that your kindness inspires him to release you. The only thing that frees you is MK and Mei coming in and storming through, knocking him over the head and escaping with you in their clutch.
Still, he doesn’t… hate you, at least. Or maybe, he just hates you less now. It’s a surprisingly good start.
A start that you continue to build off of throughout your repeated interactions, to his surprise. Your praise wasn’t just a one-time thing, wasn’t a way to get him to drop his guard. It had been genuine, entirely sincere. You had truly thought of him as clever, and you still do.
His schemes become less destructive, but more frequent. MK starts sending you out to deal with him, and most of your “skirmishes” end without any true damage. The two of you talk tech, and then he “tactically retreats” from the fight. Eventually, he drops the act, just swinging by the noodle store to talk with you about mechs or vehicles or rare components and where to find them at reasonable prices.
It’s a strange sight for everyone, the two of you amicably chatting. Sometimes someone will try to butt in, usually MK, who tries to keep up with your conversations to no avail. Other times it’ll be Pigsy, making sure that one of his employees isn’t being threatened or endangered. If one of his new mechs has a Journey to the West inspiration, Tang will happily chime in on it.
But most often, it’s only the two of you, happily talking as equals. Not enemies. Not rivals. Just… actual friends, somehow.
Even if it meant fighting to defend them, these are the sorts of moments he doesn’t want to lose. He wants to protect these cherished hours he spends with you, sharing noodles and blueprints in the middle of a crowded but welcoming restaurant.
Even if it meant fighting a foe he had no chance of defeating. All he has to do is buy a little bit of time. Just enough for MK and his ragtag team of idiots and peasants to smash this osseous demon into pieces. He glares up at her, his hair and hands exploding into flame. It’s a mere display, a small threat to keep her occupied. If she focuses on him, then she can’t hurt you.
Not that she’s trying.
“Foolish child. Do you really think I can’t understand the game that you’re trying to play? You would stand in the way of a peaceful world, all in the name of protecting the heir of your enemy?”
He falls to the ground, clutching his head in pain as she taps into his mind to deliver her next words.
“But a meager resistance cannot hope to undo destiny. I will find Y/N, and add their power to my own. That is their destiny, and I will see it fulfilled.”
“You- you won’t! I wont allow it, you… you PEASANT! You can’t hope to beat all of us! The Demon Bull Family, Sun Wukong and his successor, and the Six-Eared Macaque! All of us will stand against you! If we stand together, there is no threat that can overcome us!”
It’s a little funny, almost. Once, he would’ve scoffed and mocked another for saying such a thing. They sound silly on his tongue, cheesy and overblown. It’s something more suited to MK and his band of goons, speeches of friendship and overcoming adversities together. But it’s true.
And her defeat is testament to the strength that loves brings.
He thinks he loves you. You’re what he imagines having a little sibling is like. He wonders if you could love yourself, if you knew the truth of your heritage. Maybe you could. Maybe you’d fall apart and refuse to trust yourself ever again.
He chats idly with MK as you rest your head on his lap. It brings a strange peace to his heart. You look almost happy, in spite of the bruises and cuts. You look happy, which is proof that you didn’t hear a word that the Lady Bone Demon said about your blood ties.
He doesn’t want to rob you of that happiness so quickly, not when you fought and bled for it.
He absentmindedly strokes your head, thinking of how he’d roast anyone who might try to harm so much as a single hair on it. He can’t let anyone hurt you. Not even himself.
So he keeps quiet, and prays that all will turn out well.
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soimcoga · 2 years
"every major baddie problem in the lmk universe is caused by SWK not dealing with his shit properly"
exept he dealt with all the shit and i'm tired of people ignoring it to paint him as an ignorant, uncaring bastard.
(very very minor s4 spoilers, so the cut)
Demon Bull King? Got his ass whooped and was sealed away for however long years it took for an entire ass megapolis to be built literally on top of him, causing absolutely no trouble to anyone whatsoever. Oh, and what sealed DBK? The staff. And if you'd care to know SWK outside of the LEGOverse, you'd realize how strong was SWK's resolve to seal DBK - keep him relatively safe, one might say - by using his trusty staff. The guy would literally die seven times over than let go of this thing.
Also people like, ignore the fact that canonically SWK stuck around the area (for the most part to stalk MK, but still), so he was literally there to deal with the DBK family if something went southwards? He didn't, because MK was able to hold the staff and the legend of the Monkie Kid then began.
(also zero antagonistic feelings towards DBK from SWK, like, whatsoever. i bet the dude actually wanted DBK to be free, cuz he felt bad abt it)
Macaque? In a morally gray manner, still very dealt with. SWK killed the dude. He was literally as dealt with as it can be. Or what, should SWK have predicted that after thousand upon thousand of years later a spirit (he dealt with too) would pull Mac out of Diyu? Yeah, I'd like to see that thought process.
SWK isn't omnipotent, he isn't even that far-thinking. Never was, actually. So holding that against him is like, very stupid. Especially because you don't do it to any other character in the show. 
Spider Queen? Wouldja look at that, also pretty much dealt with. We don't really know how exactly, but we know that she lost literally every ounce of power she had and had to resort to living in the sewers, prolly never to cause troubles ever again because, well, we never even heard of her until the special. SQ was pulled onto the scene by the Lady Bone Demon.
Which is, again, something SWK couldn't predict even if he tried.
And now into the fun part.
Lady Bone Demon? Was sealed away by Tripitaka and also didn't cause any trouble until DBK decided to use this freaky coffin he knew literally zero things about for his plans.
"But he should've killed LBD!!!"
He tried. Believe him he tried. This decision just wasn't his, and if you hold it against him and not Tripitaka, shame on you.
"He should have told the crew about LBD!"
He really couldn't have.
And people thinking that are blatantly ignoring SWK's character. Not that obnoxious fan favorite uncaring bastard one.
SWK deals with things on his own. That is just how he is, how he always was and he never learned to do it the other way around. If that's a fight, he'll do it, because he's damn strong. If it's to scout the mountain, he'll do it, because Bajie is a lazy ass motherfucker. If it's to find food for Trip, he'll do it, cuz he's fast and his eyes are awesome.
Same applies here.
LBD? Tried to kill her and Trip didn't let me -> Basically I didn't do the job right -> WTF I always do my job right, I am Sun Wukong hello???
It was, dare I say, a question to his pride, and SWK will forever be prideful. And when he acts on his pride, he does it with style and flare, in the most stupid way possible.
Hence all of the s2 off-screen investigation arc.
"Well, he should've told about the Samadhi rings!"
It would've endangered Mei, questioned his at this point in time very shaky authority and ability to handle shit, and prolly would've fucked Mei up a very whole lot.
You don't go and say to a person that they are a part of the most dangerous seal in the world and could die and destroy everything they love because you fucked up long time ago (again, very much jabbing at his mentality of 'Sun Wukong can do no bad job, and if he does he'll better fucking die trying to make it right').
Was his plan a shitty one? Obviously. Like, no question asked, it was a shit show of a plan. Very in character, though (SWK handles all the shit because he thinks he can).
And this little character arc of SWK not learning a damn thing results in him, oh golly you would not believe it, running off to do things on his own because he thinks he can handle it, because he's THE Sun Wukong who already handled this in the past.
Who woulda thought.
And the new addition to the baddie group, Azure Lion. Won't be addressing all 'SWK is a betraying bitch' because the show refuses to give us SWK's perspective and I hate it.
But you already know what I will say, because you know the truth. He was dealt with. Got his ass whooped and sealed away in the inky scroll. To be pulled back onto the scene by a third party that Wukong literally couldn't have known about.
See a pattern?
SWK deals with the shit, some unknown variable meddles in it, suddenly SWK is an incapable asshole who left the problems for the poor lmk crew to deal with.
Wukong did his job. Someone fucked him over by undoing his job. He tried to deal with it again the only way he knows how, but the solo play doesn't fly anymore, so he made it kinda worse.
He's not an unbearable, incapable asshole because of it.
And I'm tired of people not seeing this.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk, I am Sun Wukong Apologist till the day I die.
Have a nice day!
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
Extreme trigger warning but I just came across a list that speaks volumes and the point they made hut ne like a truck...
That point being that Wukong was literally suicidal in s3 when he decided he was going to try to take the Samhadi Fire and use it to burn LBD up.
The Fire is known to be one of the few things in existence capable of killing him, he knows that Ao Lie taking on just a portion of it likely resulted in at minimum a shortened lifetime and very likely lead to his actual death, and that if left unchecked it could destroy the world. It's why they all sealed it away to begin with! And yet, this stupid, self sacrificial, immortal monkey was going to literally let himself be burned to a crisp in a half-baked attempt to stop LBD AND NOT THINK TWICE ABOUT IT! You can bet he fully expected to die in that moment and didn't care!
And throughout s3, you can tell Wukong wasn't quite right. He started the season with everyone angry at him for not warning them about LBD and going off on his own, inadvertently leaving MK to deal with the spirit on his own and putting him in danger. Wukong knows this and fully regrets it, you can TELL he's beating himself up over it the entire time, he's just hiding it because that's what Wukogn does when faced with uncomfortable emotions, he puts on a laid backed persona and pretends nothing bothers him, that such things are beneath him becaue its only for "dorky mortals," not an immortal hero like himself. It's what years and years of pain and misery and abuse had taught him to do. Because he's gotten to the point that all he and all he believes he can be is the Monkey King. The Legend, not the person.
Which reminds me... Throughout all of Lego Monkie Kid, nobody ever refers to Sun Wukong as his actual name except for one notable exception. Macaque. The person who was once Wukong's closest companion turned the most hateful enemy up u til that point. Someone who specifically targeted an innocent bystander simply for the crime of being Wukong's apprentice. How messed up would that make you, to get hundreds of years in isolation only for the first people you reach out to to never call you by your name? For the people you've come to love to only ever call you by a title you, more than likely, hate. The only person to call you is your own name, Macaque, who is actively trying to kill you and despises the very air you breathe and your very existence.
BIG TW cus its pretty heavy topic.
Me and another asker discussed this a while ago about how Wukong's canonical actions and behavior throughout the series are eerily similar to someone suffering from depression.
But I don't think he's actively trying to kill himself - at least he doesn't think he is. For Wukong; hosting the Samadhi Fire will either go off without a hitch - or he can leave the mortal plane in a huge final Big Bang.
It all goes back to his self-sacrificial nature, and becoming self-destructive after losing his Pilgrim brothers/support system.
The fact that he's been reduced to a "character" in the eyes of the public honestly makes him feel kinda sick. He can't think of who in his life would actually call him by his name - other than his enemies.
Also you are incorrect about Macaque being the only one to call Wukong by his name; Nezha and DBK pointedly call him by his name, albeit during moment when he's not in their good graces. Perhaps in Wukong's mind, the only people who really "care" about him anymore are the people who hate him/want to fight him.
Its sorta why a lot of my aus have Wukong re-establish a support system with assistance from the universe.
Wukong needs a therapy episode.
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
Getting with Red Son
Genre: Romantic
Pronouns: Gender Neutral
TW/CW: None
Character(s): Red Son
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So my man sees you and, for a moment, his heart skips a beat. He takes a step back and is confused by his quick change of emotions, but he gets back to fighting. Still, it bothers him when he gets home and he thinks of you. Like, why are you so pretty? You and your stupid smile, your dumb, cute eyes-
You're alignment with MK and his friends doesn't help either. You're his enemy! Working with MK, who's working under Wukong, the damn buffoon who trapped his father under a mountain! He should be thinking about defeating you! Not smooching you!
But instead of you two fighting to the death and what not, it's more...like sparring? Like, he's not out to kill you, and vice versa. It's like you're both training with each other, and everyone else kinda just...disappears.
It absolutely does not help when you're nice to him, even after everything him and his family have done to you and the city. With you trying to offer him emotional support and compliments, along with some useful advice, he unconsciously becomes a bit softer with you during each meeting.
When he catches himself, he's so conflicted because he starts to realize that he's in love with you. He can't love you! You're his enemy! And ally to Mk! Besides, he's so used to working on his machines, helping his parents achieve their goals and becoming stronger. He'll eventually take a seat in his room, and begin pondering if it's YOU he likes, or if it's certain qualities you have.
The next time he confronts the team, he's solely focused on YOU. In his head, he's trying to pinpoint what it is about you that he likes. You're obviously confused with the amount of attention, trying to keep up. At one point, you and your friends have to leave and you just-"You were a lot faster today! Can't wait for next time!" And when you smile at him before leaving, he realizes it's YOU. No one else can have the same traits as you cause they can NEVER be YOU.
His parents noticed a little while back, and at first, they weren't really on board with it, with you being on the good side and all that jazz. But when they see how much you care about Red Son and how you've never really shown any hate towards him, or them for that matter, they ease into it and accept it a lot quicker than their son.
After HE finally accepts it, he'll try to find out how to ask you out. He'll take into consideration human courting traditions, but he'll keep demon ones in mind as well. A blend of both, if you will. He just wants everything to be perfect.
Oh my god if Mei and MK EVER found out, it'd be all over for him. They'd make it more chaotic, throwing all sorts of random ideas at him. "No, I'm NOT going to do that Noodle Boy!""Dragon Girl, that is the dumbest idea I've ever heard." They truly mean well, but their ideas are a bit...too dramatic and far fetched.
When he does ask you out, it'll most likely be after the battle with LBD. Whether you joined in on the fight or were trapped in the city, you're gonna be right by his side, eating Pigsy's Noodles with him and talking about everything that happened and what the future may hold.
When he confesses, he's so nervous, hoping you'll accept, which you do. Even after you accept, his heart is still beating so fast, thanking you for giving him this chance to be with you. It doesn't truly set in until later that night, and he'll be so embarrassed, refusing to come out for a little while.
This dude really be bringing out the graceful and majestic nicknames. "Darling" or "My Dear" with a hint of "Beloved". You try to do your best to match it, like "My Love" "Sweetheart" "Handsome". One time you called him Hot Stuff and he refused to look at you, face absolutely red. It was really cute.
This dude is touch starved, and it shows. When you hug him, he'll hold onto you, wanting you to stay like that for a bit longer. When you kiss his cheek, he'll place his hand there and close his eyes, as if to engrain it in his mind. Holding his hand and him not wanting to let go, even though he knows you'll be back.
He'll start initiating once he gets used to your affection. He won't really say anything, but instead, he'll usually just kinda lean against you, easing himself into it. Sometimes he'll hold your hand and gaze at you for a bit longer. He'll give subtle hints that he wants to hug or cuddle, and you catch onto it, which he appreciates.
Loves receiving your hugs when he gets home or goes to your place. They're just so comforting, and the fact that you're so warm and soft literally makes it all the better. When he's REALLY tired, he'll just plop onto you, wrap you in his arms and listen to your heartbeat as it lulls him to sleep. You'll run your hand through his hair, take his hairband off and massage his head. Unknown to you, this is the safest feeling in the world to him.
A thing you both like to do is each other's hair. It's kind of an intimate thing between you two. You started brushing his hair when you noticed how messy it would be, what with him working on stuff and being too tired to do so. He didn't mind it at first, but quickly began to look forward to it. He eventually started brushing your hair and even learns how to braid it, which you would keep throughout the day/night. It boosts his ego, especially when people see it and compliment his work.
He's definitely the type of partner to be all like "Look how amazing my partner is!" "Too bad you'll never have anyone like them." "My partner is obviously the best, it's not my fault I'm speaking the truth!" He absolutely thrives when you also talk about him to others, telling them that "Red Son's the best partner ever!" and "They're such a cool guy! Why would I want to date anyone else?"
Literally, if anyone makes fun of you, even with a one off comment, they're dead. He's charging in, flames hot & absolutely burning the place. You've gotta calm him down with hugs and back rubs. He's still pissed at them, but he'll leave them be for now. He can find them later. No one talks negatively about you and gets away with it. Not on his watch. (•ˋ _ ˊ•)
If they try to flirt and they're just some random weakling, he's not worried! But if they're seen as a threat, he'll act all confident and suave, but deep down, he'll be worried-scared that you'll leave him. But you always deny them, telling them that you only have one love, and that it's "The one and only Red Son, the best partner I could ever ask for."
He always thinks about how lucky he is to have you in his life. Always supporting him. Loving him. Even with all his flaws, you wish to stay by his side. He loves and adores you, and you're his first love. He wants to make this work and, hopefully, spend the rest of his life with you. Please don't break his heart.
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gamegirlx · 1 year
lmk season 5 (or doesnt have to be season 5) theories? or just thoughts that might be true such type stuff?
lmk s5 will include mayor
here's why i think so
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so before we begin let's just keep in mind that most of us have heard that s5's villians are most likely the ten kings of the underworld who are also known as the grim reapers of their world, okay? keep this noted...
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OKAY SO WE HAVE MAYOR. i always hear people say that he should have a redemption arc in s5 but honestly thats not in character with mayor tbh I, personally, IMAGINE THAT HE'LL BECOME PHYSCO over LBD's death, not simply giving up but actually becoming ever so determined to bring back lady bone demon to help her accomplish her "destiny". How tho?
he'll kill macaque. :D
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okay so we know how macaque was brought back to life with LBD's power? I imagine that macaque has like "LBD life essence", and mayor will be wanting "LBD life essence" to bring back Lady Bone Demon.
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so the ten kings of the underworld are tasked to keep in control those who die, yes?
i would LIKE to imagine that Mayor comes to contact these guys, telling them that Macaque is still illegally alive due to LBD, and how Mayor will help them get Macaque to put him to death like he shouldve been.
(with ofc, mayor's real intentions just using the ten kings to help him get closer to macaque because surely mayor couldn't simply approach and take macaque's "'lbd life energy" without the LMK main characters interupting him.)
that's my S5 plot theory that indeed includes mayor. :D
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okay, random note to end on, TOXICINSANITY MAKES NO SENSE, i still dig it a bit tho so uhm like imagine mayor meeting dead syntax while he's in the realm of the ten kings?? (since techniclly that would just be hell)
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this'll be a smaller rant, okay but imagine them all becoming famous due to saving the world and also just HAVING POWERS NOW
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so i imagine pigsy, and how maybe his shop would become more famous now? and due to that he suddenly has less time with MK and Tang, maybe he becomes more self-indulgent and maybe even selfish here?
FOR TANG, okay so tang, finally feeling important and famous for once, feels almost entitled to keep people cheering for him, forcing himself to help anyone he can, just like MK can. he finds himself becoming tuckered out, wondering if feeling important is really what he wanted.
(for my freenoodles homies, i can imagine that tang never really wanted to be famous but wanted to be loved, by PIGSY SPECIFICALLY OFC, but pigsy being busy cant spend time with tang, so on and so forth)
MK MEANWHILE, is trying his best to not be in the spotlight and tries to live a more secluded life, especially with his monkey form being just around the corner??
FOR MEI, i'de like to think that while she enjoys the fame, she can't help but feel split about MK not liking the attention, but man, she sometimes just cant help but spend a little self-indulgent time to just show off to everyone and be praised.
idk what else i can talk about SOBS IM SORRY NO WUKONG CONTENT FOR TODAY BUT LIKE???
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ive ranted fr long enough, good evening, morning, and afternoon, everyone.
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fluffypotatey · 9 months
Hcs about shadowpeach pining (angrily and in denial) during their nemesis era?
hmmmm ngl i’m not that great at listing my headcanons 👉👈 i simply tend to just let them unfold in my writing but let’s say shadowpeach in their nemesis era….
Macky would take (and had taken) every mention of Wukong to complain and shit-talk on the guy. this is less of a headcanon and more of an observation, but keeping that in mind, i like to think that because of Macky’s knee-jerk reaction to always spew the most venomous and harsh comments pertaining to Wukong, it has allowed for Macky’s own memories of Wukong to be distorted and negatively biased. for example: the shadowplay™️ :)
it definitely holds truth to it and shows Macky’s side of the story…..however, it is such a skewed perspective and blantantly anti-Wukong propaganda, which goes to show how much Macky spends his time stewing in his bitterness and anger
anyway, add pining to that and you get a hot fucking mess lmao
we just established that Macky struggles with viewing his memories of his past with Wukong in a objective and unbiased way and has an unhealthy obsession with finding ways to test the guy’s golden character apart like a chronically online Twitter anti….ADD PINING TO THAT???? jfc Macky would be so fucking unbearable. worse than the most exaggerated tsunderes in the cheesiest shojo anime’s ever. he’d be insufferable.
an “obsessive demon”, some might say
Wukong on the other hand…..he’s a little busy with mentoring MK, mitigating his own existential crisis (part 2???? part 3????) about immortality and the fact that he’s lived longer than he expected and he outlived his friends but not his old enemies and—
his mind’s little preoccupied to really focus on the fact that his old flame not only wants to kill him and MK but also might be someone he still never moved on from. also there’s no Tripitaka or Zhu Baije or Ao Lie to call him out on it (MK and Pigsy are the closest who could but Pigsy’s a little busy being suspicious and critical of Wukong’s mentoring methods with MK and MK is a little busy protecting the city & learning new moves & ignoring all his problems to call Wukong out with this particular issue)
though, could we really call it pining if Wukong just finds enjoyment in teasing his old friend now turned enemy from time to time? so what if Wukong enjoys ruling up Macky whenever he comes on to the scene in the name of LBD??? it’s just some harmless flirting teasing! it’s not like Wukong enjoys seeing Mac get all flustered or enjoys having someone to fight against that’s actually a challenge and for fun (not like fun fun, obvi, bc MK and the team are on a mission that Macky cannot find out about but 👀)
teasing Macky helps with Wukong’s boredom. that’s all. nothing else that needs to be examined further. yes 👍
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amazingdeadfish · 2 months
i don't know a single shit about Kirby but your AU is taking over My head
If you don't mind, allow me to introduce to you a small segment of Kirby Lore that is vital to the Shadowpuppet Kirby AU. Even if you aren't interested in reading all of this, this still serves as a nice record for myself anyways, haha.
The Foundations:
The AU's core foundations are based off of three mainline games. 'Kirby and the Amazing Mirror', 'Kirby: Squeak Squad/Mouse Attack', and 'Kirby: Triple Deluxe'.
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For the most part, there are three characters that are important to the AU from these three games. Daroach (Kirby: Squeak Squad/Mouse Attack), as well as Taranza and Queen Sectonia from (Kirby: Triple Deluxe). For the most part, the lore you need to understand focuses around Taranza and Queen Sectonia.
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The Kirby Lore - Squeak Squad/Mouse Attack
So like, Daroach's lore isn't exactly important to this AU? He's basically a magician who is also a thief. He has a squad of mice who help him with his crimes and, that's pretty much it. In the game itself he served as an antagonist (and then got possessed by an otherworldly evil power) and in another game (Kirby: Mass Attack) he sort of acts as a helper to Kirby. Seemingly, 'a good guy now'. Still a thief though. Which, is kind of similar to a certain dramatic and edgy monkey character from LMK.
The Kirby Lore - Triple Deluxe:
Through various sources and pause screen menus, in Triple Deluxe we learn the story of Queen Sectonia and Taranza. Once upon a time, Sectonia was a relatively good queen of Florida (a kingdom in the sky above Dreamland, sharing the same planet 'Popstar'). Taranza is one of her servants as well as a good friend.
One day, he gives her the Dimensional Mirror. Basically, a portal to the Mirror World, which is unfortunately corrupted (all of this is lore relating to Kirby and the Amazing Mirror). The corrupted mirror, surprise surprise, ends up corrupting the Queen and making her an evil dictator (yes, evil dictators are canon, and so is colonisation in the Kirby Universe. It's brutal). This brings us to the actual events of Kirby: Triple Deluxe.
Basically, what happens is that the citizens of Florida use a magic beanstalk to 'summon the hero from Dreamland' in order to save themselves from Queen Sectonia's tyrannical rule. Knowing this, Taranza goes down to Dreamland and ends up getting the wrong guy- King Dedede (which may or may not be important if you care about how this links to the AU I've made). Now of course, our hero Kirby goes up the beam stalk (it's called the dream stalk) to save the kingdom and the king. Anyways, stuff happens, Kirby has to fight Taranza (who uses King Dedede as a puppet), and then Kirby defeats Taranza and goes to fight Queen Sectonia.
And it's at this point Taranza realises "Holy crap, the Queen is literally evil and not the same person I once served", and so near the end of the fight, he helps Kirby defeat her by giving him the Miracle Seed. The seed itself isn't important here, it's the fact that Taranza realises he was serving the wrong person and chooses to help Kirby.
So. Queen Sectonia dies. And the kingdom is saved.
The AU Itself
So, the Shadowpuppet X Kirby AU is basically, LMK characters filling the roles of Kirby characters inside the Kirby universe. Macaque takes the role of Daroach (I am also considering making him also mix with Meta Knight as a sort of hybrid crossover character? Filling two roles at once?), the Mayor is Taranza, and Lady Bone Demon is Queen Sectonia (it would also be fun to mention that MK would be Kirby, and Sun Wukong is- you guessed it, King Dedede).
So basically, now that you know the Kirby lore, you basically know how this AU is going to go down. Fill in the blanks yourselves if need be.
I would like to mention that Macaque getting the Dimensional Mirror for Mayor to give to LBD is NOT RELATED TO THE KIRBY GAMES WHATSOEVER. I don't think they ever made any confirmation that Daroach even knows Taranza or the Queen? So that bit is completely made up on my end, to provide context as to how Mayor could have possibly gotten the mirror and how the two even know each other in the first place (for, you know, Shadowpuppet content).
If you are still here, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk :D.
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kiwisandpearls · 3 months
honestly in watching season 2 for my lmk fic, I am reminded as to why the Lady Bone Demon is my favorite out of all the current villains in Lego Monkie Kid.
we have a full season of build up (season 2) to show why she’s such a potential threat to our main characters, but we don’t ever get an idea of how powerful she’s become in that season until she strikes and completely folds MK and gang, taking away Wukong’s staff, causing them to have to retreat.
we don’t see much of her in the next season as most of her dirty work is done by macaque, but in the final few episodes when we learn her goal and why she wants to ‘fulfill destiny’ it makes her so interesting.
especially in comparisons to other villains I’ve seen in general imo. She has good goals, she just wants to make the world a better place, or at least ‘better’ in her eyes. And to her it’s gotten to the point where the only way she can achieve that is to simply start the world anew. It’s not good and the story doesn’t try to trick into think it’s good of her to be doing that, but the goal itself is a noble one.
and while she might not be strong power level wise she’s very intimidating. You don’t even have to look any further than the fact that out of all villains the LBD was probably the one that shook MK up the most after her defeat. Especially with her ominous warning to him; “we both fight for what we think is right, that pursuit only leads to one thing…to pain.” Even outside of the actual story, I personally think she’s really intimidated, the way she moves, those weird whispers, everything about her just screams ‘eerie’ in a way I don’t think many of the other LMK villains have been able to capture.
season 5 spoilers under this line so if you don’t want to get spoilers you can stop here
heck she even (kinda) comes back in season 5! Well…it’s not actually her but still. And she clearly still terrifies MK. And technically, she was main catalyst for a good chunk of the events after MK’s kinda but not really encounter with her. She told (and showed) him he’d have to sacrifice himself and that was his purpose, that’s why he was brought into the world. And maybe this is just me but after their kinda but not really encounter…you cannot tell me that MK wasn’t nearly about to spiral into a full blown panic attack if he hadn’t hugged Wukong.
all this to say, Lady Bone Demon is my favorite MK villain, nay one of my favorite villains of all time and I personally believe she was one of LMK’s major peaks in terms of story writing
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
Can we take a moment to appreciate how many hats SWK manages to keep crammed on his head in lmk?
That man was doomed by the narrative, is mourned by the narrative, is and was haunted by the narrative AND is haunting the narrative, all at the same time! And lmk isn’t his story, and he doesn’t think of it as his story, and he doesn’t want it to be his story, but it’s also exactly his story, just a little to the left, and he is trying to remove himself from this new story, but also can't escape it because this isn't his story but also it is, and he's taking steps to ensure this don’t end up like his story, and is accidentally contributing to problems that are making it like his story all over again as a result. What a character!
To quote Anne Carson,
"To live past the end of your myth is a perilous thing".
I think, strangely enough, most characters in Lego Monkie Kid are living past the end of their myth (jttw). You have Wukong who is the only original pilgrim still alive and around, you have Tang, Mei, Pigsy, and Sandy who are all reincarnations of the pilgrims (supposedly), and then you have all the antagonists who try and continue their stories in their own way. DBK was freed from under the mountain, almost killing his wife and son in his continued pursuit of world domination. LBD escaped her prison early, continuing her plan for a perfect world which ended in her defeat, her end. Spider Queen refused to accept the end of her empire, and ultimately was killed by LBD for it. Azure Lion had been sealed in the scroll, and after being released immediately tried to continue his rebellion, his hubris, martyrdom, and refusal to change becoming his downfall.
I think in Wukong's own way, he does something similar—falling into old habits and becoming his own undoing. His search for the samadhi fire was exactly what Macaque was upset about in the 4x11 argument:
"You're the one always running off! Searching for more power, or more sources of immortality: you're the one who wouldn't quit while we were ahead!"
MK earlier in the special makes the point "Why didn't he just stop, right here? He was already so much stronger than anyone ever needed to be." to which Macaque replies, "Wukong didn't think so, he always thought he had to be stronger—more immortal." And that's what he does in s2 isn't it? He still isn't strong enough. He can't defeat LBD, so he has to go find the power that will make him strong enough to do just that—and Wukong finds the samadhi fire. Which in turn leaves MK behind, and has him relive his life's story again.
Like, this dude is CRAZZZYYYY
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Hi can I request a parents sun Macaque and PIGSY and dbk sandy x adopted Demon daughter reader
Like the reader is a demon like them but even tho they are not by blood but was raised by them as one and during the fight with Lbd they end up possessed and have to fight their father while the LBD taunts them saying looks like you're going to give up on them I guess you never really cared for them so they're not by Blood. And you abound them for the other's
When it in fact not true at all they love there kid blood or not and try to save them and get them from underneath the control of ladybone demon
Ok so I vaguely understand what you're saying, however I need some fluff to cancel out the angst I posted earlier so here's just some hc's about them as dads
SWK, Macaque, Pigsy, Sandy, and DBK x Adopted!Demon!Daughter Reader Headcanons!(fluffy, platonic!)
The other monkeys on FFM probably found you first. And, curious about what you were, they brought you to their king! The rest is history, he probably took you in right away
He’s very chill in terms of keeping you out of trouble. He’s protective, sure, but he encourages you to explore and put yourself out there as long as it’s not super harmful
I think he loves engaging and messing around with you. Helps you hone your powers and what not all while having fun or playing games to make it a positive learning experience
If you’re ever feeling bad about not being related to him by blood, he is very good at comforting you.
He reassures you that no matter where you come from, he’s happy he gets to raise you and watch you grow up, and he is proud to call you his child.
If anyone makes comments about it while you two are in public you might have to hold him back because he WILL fight them
His favorite thing is dad jokes
Was most likely scouting stuff in the city when he found you. He felt terrible that someone would abandon a baby so he took it upon himself to raise you, even if he’s a little underprepared
Super protective. He’s constantly worried something will happen to you but there are rare occasions where he’s calm
Spends a lot of time reaching out to his fellow demons about figuring out how best to take care of you. He knows you’re not a monkey like him so that logic is out the window mostly.
If anything ever happens that may be dangerous, he will stop everything, ask if you’re alright, and then go get rid of the danger. After that it’s time for first aid and a warm meal.
Knows how it feels to be different from your family(he was probably one of the only demon monkeys on FFM) and reassures you very often that he’s your dad and loves you as such.
His favorite thing to do with you is read or tell stories. Often he starts them off by saying “you won’t see this one in the history books!” And it makes you laugh almost every time
Other demons he knows will know about you and so he basically has a backup team in case anything happens to him. Very paranoid about all that
Idk how he would come across you, but I could definitely see him legit adopting a kid. MK is surprised but excited to have a kind of sibling!!
He’s got the dad business down to a science. I think he goes with his gut on almost everything and it works out in the end.
You’re probably brought up the most normally out of the whole lineup of these characters. He gets you in school, you’ve got your own room in his house, and you help out in the shop.
He takes every situation as it comes. A little strict, but overall he just wants you to be happy, healthy, and safe.
He has you taste test new recipes when he cooks and he also loves when you help him cook in general
The one thing he’s not entirely sure of is how to comfort you if you have doubts or bad feelings about not “really” being related to him.
All he can really do is affirm that hey, he raised you and he loves you more than anything—more than noodles!—and that he’s there for you whenever you need him.
Would definitely adopt a kid through the system. But if he found a baby on the street he’d probably go that route too!
He def reads up on parenting books for the basics, and then has to improvise the rest since demon kids are built a little differently from human kids
Gentle parenting at its finest. Has a small set of easy rules and deals with each thing accordingly—no yelling from him at all though!
You’re taught how to be gentle and take care of other living things by growing up around his therapy cats! And they love you anyways because, well, they’re cats
He takes you on a fun adventure or outing whenever he gets the chance. He wants you to see and experience the world, not be cooped up in one place.
Because he’s so good at helping others with their emotions, he walks you through and comforts you when you’re feeling inadequate in terms of blood relations.
Cheers you up, gets you some of your favorite tea, and assures you that he loves you and cares about you.
By far the most knowledgeable about raising demon babies. He himself is hesitant at first but Princess Iron Fan convinces him to take you in.
They’re prepared for all your powers and what not, so honestly it’s smooth sailing for them
DBK is a little harsh sometimes but he is doing his best to be there for you!
He thinks that because you’re part of this family, you deserve to be treated like they are; royalty! You get pretty much anything you ask for :0
I think he would carry Redson and you around a lot. No idea why but maybe it’s a comfort thing. It’s just this towering Bull figure, very menacing, but on his shoulders are his over dramatic son and adoptive daughter
(He goes about his business but the fun part is you and Redson just having conversations over him. And he chimes in too sometimes. I can’t get this pic out of my head it’s so cute and funny)
Anyways he’s better at reassurance through action rather than through words. He can tell when you’re down, whether it’s because you feel different or if you’re just having a bad day. So he brings you your favorite meal and a warm blanket, lets you know he’ll be in the kitchen, and gives you your space.
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sublieu · 2 years
The Mandela Catalouge | Lego Monkie Kid au and its characters.
So basically, what happened?
In the city, a new plague of evil entities known as 'alternates' attacks the city, killing and taking over other legos or driving the survivors mad.
The alternates do not have any appearance and only the ones they have killed, you will immediately know whether or not they are an alternate by their eyes
Who are affected in this universe?
Sun Wukong
"after insulting the said anomaly, thinking it was Macaque he lunged at him before feeling his arm being broken the longer this alternate held onto his arm. It whispers something in his ears which he feels himself having a panic attack before feeling his neck twist a 180. After the alternate realizes that the golden monkey could not die it hatched another plan, one so risky that it would most likely work.
It transforms itself and ends up in his system. Taking over his body and knocking his spirit cold as it adjusts to its new environment. The only difference is the shape of his eyes.
While the alternate is not able to fight Mk, that doesn't mean he won't save him or his friends from other alternates that would."
As Mk drops off the final order of the day, he drives off to flower fruit mountain to both check on his mentor and delivers some food.
As soon as he enters the cave, it felt off. First and foremost he would spot Wukong either training his monkey army or being at the cave's entrance to greet his apprentice.
"Heya bud, how's work?" Wukong asks and eats a chip from the crunchy bag as Mk looks up. Seeing him stare down at him before slowly floating the cloud to Mk's eye level, his tail swaying lazily as he boops the guy's nose. He thought his behavior was weird but ignored it before talking about his day. Asking his mentor about his as well.
"Eh, me and Macaque just chilled a bit and played video games" Wukong suddenly speaks up and scratches his head. Mk stops in his tracks.
"I thought you and Macaque stopped talking to each other..." Mk whispers before realizing that this was out of character of his mentor and slowly walks back out of the cave "Hey I have some more stuff to do so I'll catch up with you."
"What's the matter Mk? I thought we were training today?"
Jin and Yin
Fucked around and found out.
Sacrificed himself to protect Redson and Macaque from getting attacked.
Got ambushed when he tried to fend off alternates from Pigsy, and his parents.
Was butt hurt from not being in charge and went out to fight an alternate himself, only to be killed and replaced with a different version of him.
Established the alternates in the first place as a means to revive LBD but eventually got attacked by them once they found out.
How to defend against from an alternate
Alternates use a multitude of ways to lure their victims but the most common of them all is sound and sight. Under no circumstances should you ever look them in the eyes.
Resist celebrating spirituality as this draws the alternates closer to you.
If an alternate sees you, you have two decisions, either to run away and hide or have a weapon (shotgun preferably) you may attack them.
Alternates attack people in two ways, telling them the information they do not wish to know or mess with them until driven to the point of madness where the victim does all the job for them
You can also tell the difference between an alternate and a real person by asking them one specific question you believe the alternate does not know or by analyzing their looks. If you accidentally stare them in the eyes it will already be too late to figure them out as you will be dead by that time, so pay attention to what they say.
As of late, alternates do not like when being spotted. So if you cannot survive against them with any suggested tips, it is wise to stare at them from a distance. They will know someone is watching them and will not move unless the person looks away from them
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mimiri22-6 · 1 year
oh yeah
I finlly watched Monkie Kid. Been meaning to for years, but kind of forgot it existed at some point. It was Amazing, in All terms of the word. Kind of perfect timing actually since season 4 was made 'available(?)' this year(idk how airing works for the show in gen yet).
I just really wanted to say, Several times while watching, even just in the first season, *deep breath* MK HAS 2 DADS!!! WOOOOO!!! Like it's not even subtext or implied!!! It was straight up Stated!!! In! The! Most! Recent! Season! HOLY SHIT IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD!!!
Holy shit Red Son! I was So prepared to go through some kind of redemption arc for him and him leaving his verbally abusive demon family, BUT NO! NO HOLY SHIT! THE DEMON FAMILY IS SO SOFT FOR EACHOTHER! OMG! I WAS NOT EXPECTING TO LOVE THEM!
Spider Queen and her goons, is it weird I kind of ship her w the Scorpion Demon? Idk, when that ep happend the first person I thought to be her companion was the Spider Queen.
Lady Bone Demon; I Loved hating her at first, how dare she give MK more insecurities, but now I just Love her. Like that final scene w her?! Lifechanging. This show really, like really, said 'everyone is the hero of their own story'. And they said it twice to really get it across!
The most recent season, AH, holy shit. EVERYONE IS THE HERO OF THEIR OWN STORY! It's True!!
Mai and Mk are NEVER gonna be an item and they touched on it in the first freaking season like, nahnahnah, we aren't like that. People w opposite genders Can be bffs with no undertones! I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY! SVTFOE COULD NEVER!
Mai is badass girl without Being the badass girl that everyone has to coment on how she's a badass everytime shes a badass!! FUCKING THANK YOU!
Monkie King is complex w a complex past and people that hate him for reasonable reasons. Mistakes were made, miscomunication without cringing, just Actual Miscomunication where both parties don't show their full hand. Holy Shit Macaque!
Macaque was So good! Once again I thought he was just gonna be another villain that was 'betrayed' by Sun Wukong. And Yeah! He Was! Or he Really thought he was and then Wukong doesn't try to mend their relationship. Leaving it to fester and Hurt. BUT MACAQUE IS STILL A SWEETHEART WHAT WHY HOW?!!?! My fucking god I love him.
Every Character Has Layers! Sunny has ptsd, Pigsy is actually the heart of the group, Tang isn't just a scared bookworm, Mai isn't just tough, Mk smiles to hide the pain, Sun Wukong has set fire to so many bridges in persute for immortality, Macaque helps the gang So many times over, DBK loves his wife and son unconditionally, Lady Iron Fan loves her husband and son to the point that she preotects her son from a possessed dbk, Red Son Also helps the gang several times over, Spider Queen wanted to be a good queen even if she wasn't, LBD was doing what she though was right, Azure was taking down a Tyrant to save Multiple Planes, No One Was Flat!
NO MISSES! Every ep I was Ready fo More!
Mk, holy shit, Mk. I could project onto this kid until the end of time. He's open for trans headcannons, he has so many dads and mentors, so many adults to turn to for different things, he's legitimately afraid he's not enough and previous enemies Stick w him. He Thinks 20 miles an hour, he has adhd, not in cannon but Very implied, can't focus, thinks outside the box, no one is Surprised when he has a good plan, no one is surprised when he Succeeds. He Does take time to think his next moves when he Needs to. He gets Angry. He's insecure, he's Developing. He's Actually different from his s1 conterpart, but he's also Exactly the Same. No Matter What, Despite Everything, He's Still MK. I don't think I've Ever encountered a character that that rings So True with. Despite everything, it's still you. What has to change and Can change Has Changed, but he's still hyperactive, he's always been a bit sad inside, but he's still putting on a smile to lighten the mood, he's still trying to help people.
This Entire essay started because I just wanted to say the pig and the glasses guy are so gay for eachother it's barely even subtext, there is no heterosexual explaination for so many of their interactions. Now I have this. -_-
tldr; Monkie Kid is one of the best shows I've Ever watched. And every ep is only 10 minutes long! How did they manage that?!
P.S. 4 final things
They/Them Prissy Bird(I screamed for a solid minute when I realised they so clearly went by they/them pronouns)
Tang is ace af
Red Son has Two Hands and I am So on Board w that mentality. I love himb so much. Finally, a poly ship where I don't just want to Really close a triangle. I can picture it So well in my brain, Please tell me I'm not the only one w this mentality
I love this show so fking much I just thought I'd let you know again
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honestmouse20 · 7 months
I'm Obsessed with Monkie King and Macaque's dynamic!!
When i first saw the show, I didn't know much of anything about it and just from previous troupes I assumed Macaque was just a 'bad guy'. He was very quickly my favortie villan tho. And then, as I got to season 4 and saw their past, the two of them got a grip on me.
Because, usually, you would assume that the gloomy dark one would have done something bad to the light one, right? (shitty troupe but yk it's common) That's the troupe. They had a falling out and it's probably something along those lines. That was my idea anyway.
Then i watched the show Again and realized that in some of the flashbacks it had Wukong stabbing Macaque in the face/head. LIke very suddenly this show wen tfrom oh they're rivals and they used to be best friends. To, oh they were best friends and definatly more, to oh they had a falling out and one of them tried and *succedded* in killing the other. But it wasn't the 'bad guy' character, the moody one. Nope it's the Main Character's mentor, the *hero*, is the one who killed his best friend husband.
And That is what pulled me in so hard that I've had to rewatch the show again. Because OF COURSE when Macaque is brought back by LBD, he'd be vengeful and want to kill Wukong. But then yk we see form the beginning that he doens't Really want to hurt MK or Wukong, even tho he would never ever admit it.
Like I just. Holy fuck Lego. I Love that so so much. It's so painful to think about too, espeically with those flashbacks in Season 4. Or memories or whatever they're called. And Peng's line about there being 'nothing Wukong could do to break his hold over you' to Macaque.
Even tho Monkie King not only had a falling out with Macaque, he also fought and *killed* him. And Still, Macaque ends up helping him and allowing him back into his life. At least a little. I hope by Season 5 they'll be more in a reluctant friendship again yk. Bc yeah, Macaque fucked up too, Monkie King Wasn't the only one who fucked up but he undoubtably did the most damage to their friendship relationship. I'm gonna be thinking about this Forever.
TLDR: Monkie King being the one to have done the 'unforgivable' thing that ended his and Macaque's friendship even tho he's the 'hero' of the show is incredibly good story telling and I'm totally normal about it.
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