#MK is a child of divorce
forst-some-guy · 2 months
Coming soon...
“Mac, just calm down–”
“Calm? Don’t you dare tell me to be calm! You have no idea what’s at stake.”
“Is it– oh, I don’t know, the end of the world?”
“The world isn’t going to end, you idiot. The end of the world is practically an annual event at this point. This is no different. You guys will find a way to fix the pillar in some random, fate-defying stroke of luck, then everything will go back to normal. I’m just not willing to let my normal be me stuck in literal hell until some bureaucrat decides I’ve suffered enough.”
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tagzpite · 1 year
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Da baby
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kyri45 · 9 days
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We love MK, child of un-divorced. The next update will be more gay. And fluffier.
Shadowpeach Bio Parent AU (PREV / FIRST / NEXT )
before saying anything, read the stuff under the cut
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About wukong and macaque
Both these bitches did wrong, but remember that MK saw the vision starting from the fight itself, not what happened before. He then read the chapters of the book and read that Macaque also attacked. I personally think he's mostly hurted by what Wukong did, not because it's worse of what Macaque did, but because he idolized Wukong for so long, and while he know he did so many wrongs in the past, his vision of a "hero" dissapeared in this moment. He s mostly dissapointed let's say. Of course it's not the best of things to put tour heroes on a pedal because you will always be dissapointed. I guess MK learned the lesson...
About what MK said in panel 8
Our monkey boy is remembering his own very stupid thing he sacrificied himself without trying to talk it out with the others AND using the circuit on Wukong.
About the posters
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Yes they were Monkey King posters. MK ripped them immediately after the vision because he still was not sure was reality and vision and was scared.
About the eye
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Because I would prefer no one dies of angst, his eye is fine, it s more like symbolism.
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mintaikk · 2 months
Mk being the child of divorce for like a minute
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swkbiggestdefender · 27 days
Some wholesome lmk headcannons:
-in the past when macaque would feel overwhelmed or his Social battery is low he'll subconsciously melte in the shadows so wukong started letting him stay in his shadow whenever that happens so he doesn't get lost
-when mk was still a child tang helped pigsy whenever he could babysitting mk when pigsy is busy they practically started living together after that
-whenever wukong do something that reminds pigsy of mk he soft up a little and whenever mk do something that reminds pigsy of wukong he gets annoyed (affectionately)
-tang is completely comfortable around wukong and wukong is a little awkward around him but he do like him and consider him as a friend
-mk doesn't care anymore when any random demon tell him how wukong "wronged" them and straight up say i don't care
-despite their problems wukong would rather die then make fun of macaque art style in reality he absolutely loves it he thinks it's unique and cute
-when macaque learned wukong new interests (origami and meditation) he try to learn about it he doesn't know why he does that (he wants to understand him more)
-sandy sometimes forgot how strong wukong is because of how cute and harmless he looks they also meditat together sometimes they don't have to talk just enjoy the other presents
-mei one day said to macaque that his divorce with wukong definitely took a troll on him and he looked at her like she talked in another language (and that's how mei discovered that macaque and wukong weren't married)
-Red son use any excuse to talk about mei to anyone describing her as the strongest warrior he ever had the honour to fight along side with but also call her a dumbass in the same breath
-Red son is curious about wukong he really wants to know more about his uncle and hang out with him but he's too conflicted and shy about it wukong think red son short timber is funny
That's all :)
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ccircusclwn · 4 months
I've been looking for AleNoah as dads my entire life man!!! You're like.. sent from above!!
wait how did they get MK then..
did Noah and Emma have MK then divorce, and then Noah gained custody..or is she just adopted..
I don't know if you mind me doing this but like,
I like to imagine :3.. that Aleheather broke up and Nemma actually got married but divorced so then MK is just like..there. Then boom Noah and Alejandro meet again and they're like "btw did you know in World Tour I loved you" "fr!? Me.me too!" "do you wanna get married" "yea!!!!"
yea. (I may have gotten Raj into the mix..bleh.)
Wow this is incredibly long sorry about that drink water and have a lovely day!!!!!
i personally dont like the idea of the women in the respective relationships abandoning the men to let them be gay w each other, esp since so many people that write similar things end up making emma just straight up abandon the family cause of stress. its way too convinient yknow, jst my opinion, and it makes emma look bad (which shes way too awesome) i think she would be very close w the mudaliar-burromuerto family but as a close friend/honorary aunt sorta way.
but your idea of the au is cool! i like it.
this is kinda of like a long answer to your question being like. how did they have mk.....
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okay so.
how did they end up together? i inspired myself from a fic that is literally just noah being alejandro's only visitor in the hospital post-WT. they become friendly and, since the burromuerto family sees alejandro as an embarrassment for being too vulnerable and letting himself lose the million dollars in front of many people, leaving him being kicked out, they eventually end up moving together! its kind of a slowburn college romance if im being honest. and once theyre juniors/seniors in college, they end up getting together.
so. hooow do they adopt mk? since its from birth? wouldnt they be super young? EXACTLY
theyre young parents due to alejandro being pressured from his side of the family to at least get a child if he's going to keep being a failure. this hurts ale deeply and he genuinely starts to panic, thinking he should raise a kid as soon as possible. he manages to convince noah that its true baby fever and that they'll be wonderful parents, even though normally "ideal" parents marry and then have children.
they search for a while and eventually come across someone who was thinking of adoption whilst pregnant, and the three of them worked very hard to make it possible. so in 2007, MK is born, and adopted into the mudaliar-burromuerto family. (i do not know SHIT about adoption so i wont make much detail about it)
of course, not being married and having a child was also critizised, so they quickly married around a year or two later. (it took a while to cut the burromuerto family out of his life, but back then ale was very young and very easily manipulated by his family)
so, around 6 years later, they adopt another kid, which was already a year old, but who really didnt have a name. he was dropped off at an orphanage when he was around 6 months old, but he didnt seem to be registrated anywhere. ale n noah, curious, took on the role to foster care this kid and came up w a name for him, which alejandro chose, nicolás. they adopted him soon after
so yeah full story!!! may be susceptible to change!! wahoo!!
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patfr8 · 1 year
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What is the Golden Emperor AU?
The GE AU is based on my headcannon of Wukong becoming the new emperor of the Celestial Realm after defeating Azure Lion, making Mk the new Monkey King.
Wukong is trapped in the Celestial Realm and can’t go to the other realms but, unlike the Jade Emperor, he really cares about everyone and tries to fix his mistakes.
Mk is now the Monkey King which means more responsibilities but he’s ready for it. After accepting his status as monkey demon, he’s gonna kick your ass. And he still finds time to work at Pigsy’s. Somehow.
What is the main story?
The story has main points which are my main comics, but there are little things that are not explained in them so I make some sketches about them
Did you add any ocs?
Yes, yes I did. So if you don’t like oc insert stories, get out of here. No worries though, there’s not any ocxcannon lol
Can we ask things about the AU?
Oh god, PLEASE DO. I love getting your questions and I’ll try to answer all of them, either in art form or written
Can we draw/write things about the AU?
YES. Yes you can. I want you to do that. I need that so MUCH. It will be featured here so everyone can see/read it
What is the AU about
The child
How Wukong became Emperor
Divorce papers
Characters & ships
SHADOW OF THE KING- How Macaque made the worst choice of his life and its consequences.
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totaldrama-showdowns · 6 months
Unused Submissions for the Favorite Rivalry Showdown!
justin and trent
please im so tired of seeing fluffy ship art of them THEY DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER
justin literally got him eliminated i cant imagine they had a good relationship after action
"one time justin threw a tambourine at me and that kinda hurt >:|"
you know they had the nastiest most jawdropping arguments in the recording room during drama brothers recording sessions
uhh yeah they hate each other they should get to fight to the death as a treat
Alejandro and duncan
they're perfect
is this a rivalry? idk
Dave vs Leonard
Lindsay vs Courtney
it was brief but it was enjoyable
Izzy and Justin
They're sooo funny, especially cause they're exes
Julia vs Priya
I don’t actually think this is the best one I’m just putting it here because we need more reboot characters in this bracket
Whatever Lindsay and Beth had with Heather after Island
you go girls
Geoff and Trent
hockey bros vs birds
why do they get beat up by birds so frequently
Dawn and Scott
Ok sure they lasted for two scenes but THEY COULD'VE BEEN SUCH GOOD RIVALS MAN
Julia vs Every Other TD '23 Blonde
Nominating this because I think it's funny
Julia and Caleb
I don’t actually gaf about them but i like when julia hit him with a frying pan or something
the roti writers and gen 2 female characters
they did them so dirty :(
bowie vs straight people
he's seen enough
chris vs blaineley
divorced enemies sweep
lightning vs cameron
it was ooc but it kinda slayed
Chris and Sierra
The New York episode. Please Chris should've been a hater the whole season and Sierra wouldn't notice it would be funny. See my vision
Ezekiel Vs Death
I just know Death keeps snapping those bony fingers any time Ezekiel escapes death
Emma and Julia
white on white violence
Terry and Chref
We saw that tweet
Mal and Julia
Mal plays the game really well and Julia's getting insecure. But I have faith Julia will triumph
Marmaduke and Garfield
I love tti
Me vs Blaineley
We are currently fighting over who gets 2 date Kelly (I'm winning)
larry v chef
chef’s gotta defend his man what can I say
Everyone (- Priya) Vs Caleb
He literally has no friends.
priya's personality versus the writers
season 2. need I say more?
Heather Vs Blaineley
I cannot tell you how funny it is that Blaineley turned up to the TD jumbo jet and chose violence against a girl half her age
Ezekiel and Chris
demolish that monster zeke
Sky vs Dave
He tried to kill her I think this counts as a rivalry at least a little bit
Damien vs Millie
Yeah! The finish line!
toxic yaoi
Noah anf Harold
autism on autism violence and we love that
do alejandro and noah count,,, if not im voting leshawna and heather
brainrot says so
jasmine and shawn
just being a hater here, they were much more tolerable (but still crappy) when she hated him over them being a couple
dramarama ella and dramarama max
why couldnt this be their dynamic in the canon show
Damien & Julia
MK vs the bear
They literally fought in a duel together
Geoff/Bridgette and blaineley
Ma'am that's a child. Leave him by
Mal Vs Duncan
They suck I hope they get in so they're elimination fodder so someone else can go forward easily.
alejandro puppet and heather
Wayne and me
I hate you little white boy! Get a job
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mortal-kombat-1 · 8 months
what is your opinion on johnny cage's character?
Oh boy, this took me a good bit to think on and type out, lmao. Like, would have it all ready to post then think of something else to add. Thank you draft option 🙏
Overall, I think he's more complex than a lot of folks make him out to be. Yeah, its really easy to just think he's the comedic relief only when the game(s) kinda lead you to believe that. You can't really judge him based on one timeline since the plots/stories keep changing with each game (even if you add in the comics and movies). There's no connecting the dots when it comes to MK lore, lol. You gotta be fairly new to the franchise to think otherwise if I'm being very honest.
But given this blog is primarily MK1 Johnny, that's the timeline/version I'll jot my thoughts out for.
He's obviously not a parent in this timeline unlike 10 and 11, so we can scratch even mentioning that. But, he's once again married, not to Sonya but to Cris. Even so, his ego, money spending and his need to be the prime center of attention gets the better of him causing things to sour in his marriage. Of course ending in divorce. I won't stick up for him, he has his flaws, Cris was definitely in the right to divorce 'em. She deserved to be treated better. I'm not saying the man didn't care for her, it was pretty damn obvious that he did. He's very protective and regrets how he's done her -- he made that clear in a couple of intro's. I really felt like he got into the movie business not only because it was something he always wanted to do, but to make a better life for the both of them at some point, but I think he kinda let it all get to his head and let slip away the reason he was initially doing it all for. So in short: He's gotta take responsibility for his own actions. Nobody else is to blame but himself. But even with that being said, he struggled, obviously an alcoholic -- he's mentioned recovery to Ashrah in one of their intro's; though I'm really convinced he started drinking to forget about certain details of his past... and maybe stress because Hollywood. We don't really get enough information on his childhood other than whats mentioned in intro's with other characters. And even then, they never really seem good nor happy. So I like to think his need to be a people pleaser really stems from his parents. That is in no way me trying to make an excuse for his character, though. The man isn't a child/teen, and I've seen people on here and elsewhere, thinking he's in his 20's or early 30's. And after going through some of the files in the game, a lot of the things he's won or collected were from the 90's -- awards being more specific. So I tend to say he's in his early 40's at the youngest. Also, he's mentioned getting someone younger to take on his role so yeah.
I like how even though others might find his tactics and odd sense of humor (which happens 99% at the wrong time) annoying, they still want him there. And he knows that, the damn smirking gives it away. Does he mature in any way in this timeline -- eventually, but I wouldn't say he's changed completely or he wouldn't be Johnny Cage. I'd say he finally realized there's more to life than money and fame when you got the right people surrounding you, and he gets that by the time the game ends.
Also, that damn boopable nose... they ever change that I'm gonna riot.
I could keep going on about this idiot, but I gotta stop there or I will never shut up sdfghjkl;. It's one of those "I see so much of myself in this character and I'm gonna glue myself to them" type of thing.
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peachshadows · 4 months
With season 5 on the horizon and the implication that Nüwa and Wukong are MK’s parents, I have an idea for an AU that I think you’ll find very interesting:
It takes place post season 5, the world has been saved once again by the Monkie crew, and it’s been revealed that not only are Nüwa and Wukong MK’s parents, but the two of them have also been married for a few centuries.
Everyone is stunned:
MK just got another reason to fuel his identity crisis.
Tang is fanboying over the fact that he’s been telling stories and going on adventures with the son of his idol and the most powerful goddess in existence.
Pigsy is conflicted on wanting to scold the two immortals for child negligence and keeping on their good side so they don’t take MK away from him (while failing to realize that they chose him out of millions of people to raise and protect their child)
Sandy is making a mental note to set up a group therapy session for the Sun family, Pigsy, and Macaque.
Mei is torn between watching the drama and feeling sorry for Macaque, knowing he still has feelings for Wukong.
Nezha and the Bull family aren’t fairing any better, questioning when and how the relationship could have even happened.
And it’s even worse for our two immortal monkeys:
Macaque is baffled that Wukong was able to move on from their relationship and get married, when he couldn’t even let go of his feelings for Wukong (his former lover who killed him), on top of that he married a goddess who who is so powerful that if not for the fact that she’s a pacifist could’ve easily killed the Jade Emperor herself, and to add insult to injury MK the kid that he had grown to care for and in a way view as his own kid, is their child.
While Wukong is feeling a flurry of sorrow, guilt and shame seeing both his EX and his wife in the same room, he never got over his feelings for Macaque, even after everything, he only allowed himself to find love with Nüwa two centuries after Macaque’s death because he didn’t want to be alone with his nightmares and guilt and her presence was the only thing that quelled it and he believed that even if Macaque had somehow been revived /escaped Diyu that he would have lost all love for Wukong after he killed him.
Meanwhile Nüwa who never accepted the title of Queen of FFM because she believed it rightfully belonged to Macaque as he was Wukong’s true love (which she was never bitter about because she knew Wukong genuinely loved her), and who cared for Macaque just as much as Wukong despite never having met him before, only knowing him through Wukong’s stories, is scheming to get the two of them back together.
You could probably call it “Immortal Soap Opera au” or something along those lines.
Interesting!! V telenovela style of shenanigans I see here. I can imagine Macaque just being heartbroken that Wukong is married and esp to a being Macaque can't even compete with. It drives him insane but at the same time he just feels sorrow that his lover literally killed and abandoned him for something and someone greater. The move I see him doing is probably to go as far away as possible from Wukong and try to forget him or he can do the petty route which is making Wukong so violently jealous and drive him mad with lust that Wukong will have no choice but to divorce Nuwa and go back to Macaque
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centuryberry · 7 months
Extra pilgrim au sounds amazing! Yue gets to be the magical she's always wanted to be and in modern day no less! And macaque is known as his beloved? Amazing.
I laughed so much when i read the Imperial harem au summary, dude gets to see what yue had to deal with thats fantastic.
I'm absolutely loving these and could we get some sneaky peaks?
Extra Pilgrim AU finally has Yue realize her Magical Girl dreams. Since she never met her long-lost uncle until adulthood, Yue lived her life thinking that she couldn’t do magic and rolled with it until Macaque went: Surprise! You’re actually a well of untapped potential!
At least MK has a partner in his training and heroics lol.
Other tidbits about this AU:
- Shanzha is technically still married to Wukong legally since there was no official divorce (a lot of things happened on both sides so they kinda forgot lol)
- The Celestial Realm claimed Shanzha as their own once and took her away from Yue against her will. (Thankfully, Yue was at a teen age as this point so she was able to fend for herself)
- Shanzha definitely used her “marriage” to Wukong to finally get her back to the mortal realm after many failed escape attempts and currently lives in Wukong’s Shame Temple and upkeeps it
- RinRin was so competent that Diyu made her into a Reaper where she could return to the mortal realm and decided to visit her ex husband
- DBK was never sealed under the mountain. Red Son features as a minor villain since he was in his rebellious phase. (Cue Yue punching him)
- Yue works part time at Pigsy’s as delivery and server. She’s employee of the month
As for the Imperial Harem Novel AU, the Wukong in this AU is just an average guy who happened to share the name of a character in a novel he reads at the recommendation of a friend. (He hates it.) Unfortunately, he dies before he can finish it.
Other tidbits about this AU:
- Wukong is a lovable loser with ADHD who is somehow more competent than his novel counterpart
- Wukong spams the HELL out of the amnesia trope since he woke up right after the Monkey King suffered a traumatic head injury
- RinRin’s frustration, Macaque’s Resentment, and Shanzha’s fear all kinda disappear at the face of this earnest and sweet version of their husband and they don’t know what to do about it
- (Actually, they do know what to do about it but for some reason their husband isn’t visiting anyone’s chambers anymore during the night and it’s driving them crazy.)
- Meanwhile, Wukong is being respectful since he technically not married to these gorgeous people and finds a solution to his heir problem when he brings Yue in at Shanzha’s tearful request. He dotes on the child and names her his heir
- Eventually, Wukong slowly starts dissolving the harem. He plans to free Shanzha from her political hostage role and make her a citizen, properly break things off with Macaque, and leave FFM in RinRin’s hands before going off on his own to find a way back home
- (Lol he fails ofc since the three team up to convince him otherwise. They’re very convincing.)
I’m more than happy to share more about these AUs so ask away about them!
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forst-some-guy · 2 months
Finished the first chapter of Held in Contempt, a sortof-sequel to Looking for You.
It’s great time to be reading JTTW— I’ve developed some strong opinions on the Diyu’s court system which will all be revealed in due time.
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funkylilworm · 2 months
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Name : Anxeidon
☆Xeidon -[ Anxeidon for short/ Nickname ]
☆Xei - [Nickname from Sun Wukong and MK]
☆Donnie - [Nickname from older brother, River ]
☆Andon - [Nickname from their younger sister Adelaide]
☆Dad - [name from their son ,Leopold]
Species: Demigod
Gender : Nonbinary
Pronouns: They /Them /Their/They're
Mythology they're from (Lore wise): South Asian mythology
Race: Mixed (Black and South Asian)
Ethnicity: South Asian
Deity: The diety of fear
Fear is what keeps people alive, Anxeidon is incharge of keeping people alive by assigning fears ,either at birth or the moment someone experiences a traumatic event relating to said fear.
Super abilities:
Hair manipulation, reality warping, immortality, Omnipresence, and super speed
☆Kind hearted
☆Good listener
☆Anti social
☆Anxious Wreck
☆Pantophobic (fear of almost every fear)
Family :
☆Ambassador Ming Huan (God of Karma) - [Dad]
Status: Divorced
☆Jenn Huan (Human) - [Mom]
Status: Up and left long ago when Anxeidon and their siblings were just human children
☆ River Huan (God of order) - [Oldest brother ]
Status: Still in touch with all of his siblings
☆ Genesis Huan (God of Trickery/ Deception)- [Older brother]
Status : Still in touch with all of his siblings, fucks with and messes with his siblings way too much
☆ Zuri Huan (Demon) - [younger sister]-
Status: Dead and is currently in Hell
☆ Khali (Demon) - [Youngest sister]
Status: Roaming and living life amongst the humans in a human disguise
☆ Leopold Huan (Human+Demigod hybrid) - [Anxeidon's child]
Status: The God of imagination
Background and/or Backstory:
Many many many years ago ,Anxeidon fell in love with a nonbinary human named Xavier, only for Xavier to one day fall ill then end up dying . This not only made Anxeidon full of grief, but ended up filling them with anxiety and giving them a fear of death , to the point that not only did they end up a hermit but they also ended up doing a ritual that made them immortal ,
Side effect: It turned them into a deity !!
Physical appearance:
Wild orange hair, tooth gap, yellow skin, chubby, eye bags, scar over left eye , a pony tail w/ what resembles a hand at the end of it
Clothing appearance:
Black and Pine green cape, pine green bow tie w/ black button up dress shirt, black periwinkle purple and dark purple robe, black sweat pants w/ dark purple neon green and periwinkle highlights, and neon green leg warmers
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mac-macarena · 7 months
Who Got the Kids in the Divorce? Theme Songs
YouTube Playlist (all links below are to YT) Spotify Playlist (organized by character)
Monkey Fam
The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy by Tom Cardy - While the story does not exactly line up with what happens in WGTKITD (obviously), it is hilariously very close, with Wukong being Smokin' Joe, his wife being Macaque, and his long lost daughter being Savage, of course. Some say many years ago, Before Joseph Rudeboy was Smokin' Joe, He had a wife, her name was Bo, Bo was with child in a happy home [...] Joseph Rudeboy was too slow, For a child that he'd never know, Joseph Rudeboy you're too slow, Burning inside Joseph died, But from the ash the man who rose was---Smokin' Joe [...] One day an outlaw came to town, "Come out here Smokin' Joe, You're just as well already dead," He wore a velvet cloak but Joe saw red [...] And as Joe fell, He beheld the outlaw's face, A young girl who'd seen it all, And grew up in a terrible place, Whose mother once told Joseph, To run and bring back help, A girl who thought her father, Had run out to save himself.
Here Before by Vashti Bunyan - This song is Wukong's view towards Rumble (Once I had a child, He was wilder than moonlight, He could do it all, Like he'd been here before), then Savage (Once I had a child, She was smiling like sunshine, She could see it all, Like she'd been here before), and, finally, MK (Then I had a child, Took his while like northern summer, And he knows it all, Like he's been here before), and how he lost the Eclipse Siblings and fears loosing MK too.
The Truth from 36 Questions - This is literally just a song about how many different views of truth there is to the tale of the Monkey Family---how each one of them views it differently, and how they chose to hide or distort the truth. Generally, I interpret the two singers as Rumble and Savage, speaking about each other and about their parents, and perhaps both of them are speaking to MK. And what’s true for you, Doesn’t have to be true forever, And sometimes the truth isn’t always, For the better, It’s something that we aspire to Or maybe, that’s something we say, Until it gets in the way [...] But the truth is, The truth doesn’t exist in, Black and white, And sometimes two sides, Can both be right [...] The truth is that you will never really know, The truth is that you will only think you know.
Too Far by ChaoticCanineCulture - This song can represent each member of the Monkey Family, as they all have moments where they "went too far, leaving scars." Generally, Wukong and Rumble are the more openly "guilty" parties and therefore fit the song more, but Macaque (especially Macaque) and Savage both hold a lot of guilt too. Looking inside my mind I see the truth, I was always the one who tormented you, This was my choice, my evil doing, 'Cause I died inside when you stop moving [...] There's no excuse for what I did to you.
Crazy Human Psycho Crush (mashup) by doodleoodle - The chaotic intertwining of multiple different stories/viewpoints fits the Monkey Fam perfectly. Oh, and I know, and I know, and I know that I've been acting so strange, But you should know that you're the one who made me this way, I'm a psycho just like you said I'd be [...] I feel like all of this has aged me, Right on the edge of twenty-two, You look like you've just seen a monster, Is that what I look like to you? [...] 'Cause I'm so sick of the drama and I hate to shout, But you drag it out of me [...] You can't love someone and just let go, And yeah, I know that I'm a little bit intense, right, But can you blame me when you keep me on the fence, like, (Three words, two hearts, one maybe Say something before I go crazy now)
Runs in the Family by Amanda Palmer - It runs in the family, what can I say? Mostly the speakers of the song would be Rumble and Savage equally. Mary, have mercy, Now look what I've done, But don't blame me because I can't help where I come from, And running is something that we've always done well and mostly I can't even tell what I'm running from, Run from their pity, from responsibility, Run from the country and run from the city, I can run from the law, I can run from myself, I can run for my life, I can run into debt, I can run from it all, I can run 'till I'm gone, I can run for the office, and run for the cause, I can run using every last ounce of energy, I cannot, I cannot, I cannot run from my family, They're hiding inside me, corpses on ice, Come in if you'd like but just don't tell my family, They'd never forgive me, they say that I'm crazy, But they would say anything if it would, Shut me up.
Peach by The Front Bottoms - Self-explanatory. You are my peach, you are my plum, You are my earth, you are my sun [...] Once I sink my teeth, your skin's not so tough, I'll leave a tiny cut, there'll be a lot of blood, But once you wipe it up, You will feel better about our entire situation.
No Children by The Mountain Goats - Self-explanatory. I am drowning, There is no sign of land, You are coming down with me, Hand in unlovable hand, And I hope you die, I hope we both die.
First Burn from Hamilton - Macaque's PoV. The implied cheating can be replaced instead with Wukong listening to Azure over Macaque's warnings about the battle. Heaven forbid someone whisper, "He's part of some scheme," Your enemy whispers, So you have to scream, I know about whispers [...] If you thought you were mine (mine, mine), Don't.
Red Like Roses Part II by Jeff Williams - Macaque (red): I wasn't dreaming when they told me you were gone, I was wide awake and feeling that they had to be wrong, How could you leave me when you swore that you would stay? Now I'm stuck inside a nightmare every single effing day [...] I know you didn't plan this, You tried to do what's right, But in the middle of this madness, I'm the one (I'm the one) you left to win this fight.
Wukong (white): I know you're broken down by anger and by sadness, You feel I left you in a world that's full of madness, Wish I could talk to you, if only for a minute, Make you understand the reasons why I did it, I wanna tell you that you're all that ever mattered, Want you to know that for eternity I'm shattered, I tried so hard just to protect you but I failed to, And in a prison of abandonment I've jailed you, I never planned that I would leave you there alone, I was sure that I would see you when I made it back home. [...] I didn't have a choice, I did what I had to do, I made a sacrifice but forced a bigger sacrifice on you.
This is Love by Air Traffic Conditioner - Both Wukong and Macaque could be perceived as singing this at different moments. There is an implication that their fates are forever horrible interconnected as they always come back to one another despite it all. You're no good, you're no good, You could kill me and you should, I'm an idiot for thinking, This was anything but blood, On the wall, on the couch, On the corner of my mouth, You must like being the victim, You've done nothing to get out, Of this pattern of pain, Washed away by the rain, You'll forgive me if I promise, And do nothing but the same, This is life until death, Could be my last dying breath, But this is love, love, shut up, this is love [...] It's pathetic, I know, A jealous fool who won't let go, If I was sorry for my actions, Would I ever stoop so low?
Goodbye Old Friend by The Devil Makes Three - Fairly self-explanatory. Wukong and Macaque can both be the singer, reminiscing on their complex relationship of love and hatred. I need you and I want you 'cause I know you from before, I hate you and I fear you but I hold open the door, I see you and you see me and we know what must be done, So we draw knives and lock eyes 'cause it does no good to run. [...] I've missed you, you know that's true and I've retraced every scar, [...] I chased you to embrace you like the sun chases the moon, I burn you and you burn me but I know I'll see you soon [...] I've held you and you've loved me but our lives cannot be spared, I trust you and despised you, shadowed your every move, Scorned you and warned you, befriended everyone you've used.
Old Friends by Ylvis - The calm reveal of someone being twisted ("I'm aiming at the kids") reflects nicely on Wukong and Macaque's relationship post-fire where Wukong was shocked to see what had happened to Macaque and how Macaque was simultaneously so calmly cunning yet unstoppably demented. Their respective "wives" in the song is the other one, simply their past selves before the battle/the fire. And he threw a rock, So I threw a rock, We both put some gravel in a sock, And he threw the sock, I said we should stop, He smiled at me then threw a rock in a sock. [<-these lines are about how they both keep fighting] [...] Oh [Macaque], oh [Macaque], don't you worry bout me now, I'm doing just fine on my own, There are other things to life than your soft skin against mine, And [Tripitaka] is helping me move on, I'm moving on.
Genghis Khan by Miike Snow - A song about how possessive, jealous and selfish Shadowpeach are of to one another. I know there's no form, And no labels to put on, To this thing we keep [...] 'Cause I don't really want you, girl, But you can't be free, 'Cause I'm selfish, I'm obscene [...] I wanna make up my mind, But I don't know myself, No I don't know myself [...] I get a little bit Genghis Khan, I don't want you to get it on, With nobody else but me.
Kiss With a Fist by Lungs - Self-explanatory. Shadowpeach's relationship is all about hurting the other. It's romantic! You hit me once, I hit you back, You gave a kick, I gave a slap, You smashed a plate over my head, Then I set fire to our bed, oh [...] I broke your jaw once before, I spilled your blood upon the floor, You broke my leg in return, So sit back and watch the bed burn, Love sticks, sweat drips, Break the lock if it don't fit [...] A kick in the teeth is good for some, A kiss with a fist is better than none.
Kiss Me You Animal by Burn the Ballroom - Self-explanatory. Another song about how Shadowpeach just can't keep their hands off each other, and how they love to see the other hurt. You say you wanna tear right through me, I welcome you to try (Kiss me, kiss me), I wanna see your teeth girl lemme see you grind, yeah, Woah [...] Kiss me you animal, I need to take you in real slow, Cause dying on your lips is how I wanna go, Connect with the sound you're making, Connect with my body whoa, Kiss me you animal and don't ever let me go.
Therapy from tick, tick... BOOM! - Literally listen to it. It is the pinnacle of Macaque and Wukong talking about their miscommunications and struggling to get along yet attempting to. Wukong: I feel bad, that you feel bad, About me feeling bad, about you feeling bad, About what I said, about what you said, About me not being able to share a feeling [...] I was afraid that you'd be afraid, If I told you that I was afraid of intimacy, If you don't have a problem with my problem, Maybe the problem's simply co-dependency [...] I thought, You Thought, I reacted shallowly, When I reacted to you. [...] If I were you and I'd done what I'd done, I'd do what you did when I gave you the ring, Having said what I said.
Macaque: If I thought that what you thought, Was that I hadn't thought about sharing my thoughts, Then my reaction to your reaction, to my reaction, Would have been more revealing [...] Yes, I know, that now you know, That I didn't know, that you didn't know, That when I said, "No," I meant, "Yes, I know," And that now I know that you knew, that I knew you adored me
Both: I'm not mad that you got mad when I got mad, When you said I should go drop dead!
Eclipse Twins
Evelyn Evelyn from Evelyn Evelyn - Self-explanatory, although not technically correct as Savage and Rumble did not grow up "closer than most." In fact, they are closer post-everything than they were as kids. Still, the point stands that they are two siblings who have a lot of differing opinions, perspectives, and arguments. One side struggles with keeping everything perfectly together while the other desperately wants to be free. Rumble (female): I’m only trying to do what is best for us [...] Looking in your eyes, I’m coming home [...] Now I realize, I’m not alone [...] But you never cared for me [...] ‘Cause you’d never dare to be [...] ‘Cause you never listen, you’re always insisting, I’m just reminiscing, I feel something missing, I just want you here with me, God can’t we just get along?
Savage (male): Well, I never asked for this, I never wanted this, All that I want is some time to myself [...] Just get away from me, please just stop touching me, You’re always trying to be somebody else [...] Well, you’re only scared of me [...] Why don’t you let me free? [...] ‘Cause you never listen, you’re always insisting, just stop reminiscing, I feel something missing, I just want my privacy, God won’t you leave me alone!
Wake Up by ChaoticCanineCulture - The song starts with Savage singing about how "they" (Macaque, Rumble) are haunting the halls and "killing her," and how she can't take the demand of killing her own father. My brother i'm begging you please understand, When I cry, I really can't take the demand, Oh they're killing me. Rumble continues the song as he finds himself just as lost and haunted as his sister, but with a flavor of self-torment. These dreams are made of things, I can't deny, I cannot flee, They're constantly tormenting me, can't close my eyes tonight. Then, the song ends with them begging to be saved. Wake up wake up, they're here, Please won't someone just save me?
Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives - Relatively self-explanatory. Wukong reflects on how his love only ever brought pain to others so he shouldn't get too close to them. It's a secret I keep tucked inside my chest, With this heart of mine that's guilty, not remorseful [...] There are times when I still wonder about you, You are someone I have loved, but never known, And you'll never see the reasons I had, For keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you, I am selfish, I am broken, I am cruel, I am all the things they might have said to you, Do you ever think of me and my two hands? And wonder why they never soothed your fevers? [...] And wonder why they never held you gently? And wonder why they never had the chance to lose you?
My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstone - Fairly self-explanatory. Much like the singer, Wukong reflects on how much he has been given in his life that he might not have necessarily deserved (such as forgiveness), and how out of touch he feels with reality sometimes. Do you feel me? Take a look inside my brain, The people always different but it always feels the same [...] The haters wanna hurt me and I'm laughin' at the pain [...] They tell me that I'm special, I smile and shake my head, I'll give them stories to tell friends about the things I said, They tell me I'm so humble, I say, "I'm turning red," They let me lie to them and don't feel like they've been misled, They give so much to me, I'm losing touch, get me? [...] The people blend together but I would be lost without their love, Can you heal me? Have I gained too much? When you become untouchable, you're unable to touch, Is there a real me? Pop the champagne, It hurts me just to think and I don't do pain.
I'm Your Man by Mitski - Completely inspired by this animatic, which will give you all the context to the lyrics you need. I'm sorry I'm the one you love, No one will ever love me like you again, So when you leave me, I should die, I deserve it, don't I? [...] People always gave me love, Others were never to blame after all, You believe me like a god, I'll betray you like a man.
Against the Kitchen Floor by Will Wood - Wukong apologizes for not being able to be as affectionate and trusting as he used to be, but promises he wants to do better for his family and friends, and Macaque. It just don't come natural to me to think that you'd want me for me, I swear, I'm really trying, Oh, I'm sorry, I promise, I'm doing my best, I just haven't learned how to be human as you are yet, I still don't know who you are, I only know that I'm still lonely, That morbid sort where even company can't cure me, And the more you reassure, the less I trust [...] I've lived more lives than enough, I haven't died quite as much, But I'm not a real person, just the shit you can't make up [...] I'm catatonic in your arms, Crying, "How did I cause so much harm?" I'm down pounding my head against the kitchen floor, Apologizing for my life and ever entering yours [...] I'm still in the process, but I'm making progress, I promise, I honestly wanna prove improvement's possible, I swear, I'm so fucking sorry, I'm not a good person, I'm barely a person at all, But someday I'll be perfect, and I'll make up for it all.
You Were Perfect & I'm Sorry by Mickey Darling - Very much a reflection of the title itself---Wukong believes Macaque deserved everything and is sorry he ruined everything, but with a self-deprecating egotistical twist to it. You were perfect and I'm so sorry, I'm such a dick, But you still love me, I still regret letting you leave me, Don't you forget you used to need me [...] How can I love someone that can't stand, The thought of loving me back? Why do I think I need that? [...] I remember what you said, You were wishing I was dead, Now, you're wishing me the best, 'Cause my song's stuck in your head.
Feed My Ego by Mickey Darling - Wukong mourning the relationship he lost, but make it self-deprecating egotistical again. I hurt u, For selfish reasons, U are all, I ever needed, needed, needed [...] U would be so good without me, happily, Nobody could ever be as, sad as me, All i need is compliments please, constantly, I make people think i’m happy, comedy.
HEAVEN SAYS. (remix) by GamePlayah - Wukong atones for his sins on the journey, slowly converting and accepting the pain from the fillet as his punishment. Now spell sinner: F-R-I-E-N-D-S Wrong! The correct spelling is Y-O-U, Just let go, Your past is sinful, Stop standing up, You can’t escape. [...] Answer for your crimes, Beg for mercy.
It's Been So Long by The Living Tombstone - Self-explanatory. Wukong mourns the death of his kids, and seeks revenge on their killer (Erlang Shen), though Tripitaka reminds him killing isn't justified. Justification is killing me, But killing isn't justified, What happened to my son? I'm terrified, It lingers in my mind, And the thought keeps on getting bigger, I'm sorry my sweet baby, I wish I'd been there.
the last beautiful thing I saw is the thing that blinded me by Paris Paloma - Despite the misleading title, this song is Wukong's perspective on Macaque's second death at his hands, albeit in a theatric, poetic, solemn way that is more Macaque's style. The moment of Macaque's death and imprisonment was difficult, and Wukong cut himself off from feeling anything ("blinding" himself). The dove represents Macaque and how he "became a demon," but the fact that "somebody else" killed her reveals the story is made-up and Wukong feels a disconnection from reality. I came across an injured dove, I wanted to put her out of her misery, There came no signal from above, No sign, no guide, I thought "whatever could this mean?" And with my hand I picked her up, And in that moment, oh it shifted magically [...] Because I wanted all of it to stop, And I didn't know how to tell you, I didn't know how [...] And I looked up, into the sun, It separated all the colors, And the ice, into my eyes, It fell and left me blind.
Used to be Young by Miley Cyrus - Wukong reflects on his younger years, both the good and the bad, and how people still believe he should be how he used to be. I know I used to be crazy, Messed up, but, God, was it fun, I know I used to be wild, That's 'cause I used to be young, Those wasted nights are not wasted, I remember every one, I know I used to be crazy, That's 'cause I used to be young, You tell me time has done changed me, That's fine, I've had a good run I know I used to be crazy, That's 'cause I used to be young.
The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives - Self-explanatory. Macaque always felt like Wukong's shadow, and wished he could have been seen as more than what he was, and that he hadn't followed Wukong so blindly. The moon will sing a song for me, I loved you like the sun, Bore the shadows that you made, With no light of my own, I shine only with the light you gave me [...] (I could've been anyone, anyone).
iGhost by MNQN - Macaque talks both fondly and angrily about how all he ever was was Wukong's "Van Gogh" (the painting, and the artist), and how he fears getting hurt again by getting too close. You fooled me once, You fooled me twice, again, I had a hunch, That it was all pretend [...] I'm hypnotised, You're telling lies again, You were my life, And now you're not my friend [...] I'll play it safe, I cannot be broken, I've been erased and now I'm gone again [...] The senses deceive us from time to time, And it is prudent never to trust wholly those, Who have deceived us even once, But yet, I still come back.
taking a stand by updog - Macaque lamenting to Wukong how he was neglected, ignored, and pushed aside, and how he won't stand for it anymore. And no amount of words could ever fix the damage done, No matter how much you ignore it wont come undone, Hard to blame you when you acted out of cowardice [...] Picturing your end, I will not pretend that, It might feel so sweet, You left me no option. 'Cause this scar it never healed, All the hurt will be revealed.
The Ballad of Lucy Gray Baird from The Hunger Games - Macaque tells the tale of how he and Wukong grew up, then grew apart, and questions what Wukong would do when he was gone. Well, all right, I'm bad, but then, you're no prize either, All right, I'm bad, but then, that's nothing new, You say you won't love me, I won't love you neither, Just let me remind you what I am to you [...] It's sooner than later that I'm six feet under, It's sooner than later that you'll be alone, So who will you turn to tomorrow, I wonder, For when the bell rings, lover, you're on your own.
taixu (ネジ巻き師と太虚鳥) by Iasah - This one is more symbolic, fitting Macaque's love of theatre. The white crow and black crow represent Macaque's selves, but also his fates (Which of the crows told you the truth? [...] The crows were both myself, Or was it you?). The song reflects on how he used to perceive that he and Wukong were destined to do great things together, but then it became that only Wukong was destined and Macaque, "was not chosen." The list of deaths is both literal and metaphorical, representing, in order: The first end came so suddenly, You couldn't say goodbye to me (his death in the fire; literal), The tenth end came with agony, I thought that we were meant to be (Wukong killing him; literal), The hundredth end was simply just, An apathetic day for me (the resurrections of the Eclipse Sibs; literal), The thousandth end was ecstasy, The people begged for me to bleed (the failure of killing Wukong; metaphorical), The millionth end was vanity, I thought I saw you smile at me (Possessed!Wukong fighting Macaque; metaphorical). By the end of the song, Macaque has realized his life is up to him to choice (I killed the crow that tried deceiving, "No, the world is up to me!").
Pomegranate Lips by Derivakat - Macaque would make this his self-assigned theme song because it's cool and mysterious, which he thinks he is, and also all about how someone screwed him over but he's better than them. Been through nine circles of hell, even dragged some people down, I can cut right through a soul with a snap, don't need a spell, So what gave you the right? I'm the queen of death and life, Whether you like it or not [...] So bite your tongue and watch your back, Show some respect or you'll get a taste of these, Pomegranate lips.
Tool by Derivakat - Macaque spitefully believes that Wukong only ever sought to use him like a tool. So I'll cut you off once, you say try, try again, I'm ghosting you twice, you still claim I'm your friend, You set me on fire three times, now I'm done, 'Cause you lit the fuse, and you loaded the gun [...] I'm done with your lies, and I'm done with your games, So cry all about it and I'll take the blame.
Eden by Derivakat - Opposite to the anger in Tool, this "version" of Macaque is much calmer, though sadder, about how he believes Wukong never cared about him, though he believes it wasn't necessarily Wukong's intention. We were living in a garden made for two, But two is one too many and he doesn't understand, When he crushes all the flowers that I grew, I want him off this land [...] 'Cause he's nothing but a liar, Caught up in his own desire, He started this fire, so let him fall in flames, You know he's the one to blame [...] Kick him out of paradise, Finally he'll realize, Too late to apologize to Eden, To Eden, to Eden.
Mrs. Bluebeard by They Might Be Giants - Macaque laments bitterly on how he never should have trusted Wukong, and how the world is cruel. I want to say I learned something valuable today, Alas, my murdered remains are incapable of learning anything, Trusted you, I should have never trusted you, In fact I never did, What's the use [...] Most people wouldn't hang the corpses up for review, Dearest, I can only hope most people are nothing like you [...] Is this how you thank somebody, For their selfless loyalty? Is this what you do? Pardon me for failing to grasp how this works, Excuse my breathtaking ignorance.
The Haunting by Set It Off - Macaque talks about how he suffered and how he will torment Wukong for the rest of his existence. So you dragged me by my feet, To a ghost town, where you buried me, No wonder no one heard my screams [...] Run away, boy, if you couldn't tell, Baby's got a thirst for blood [...] Catch a lover, turn an enemy, Just to watch them burn alive [...] No one will love you like I did, Will treat you like I did, So go on, wear that scarlet letter, No one will love you like I did, Will touch you like I did, So good luck finding something better.
Problematic by BoyWithUke - Macaque sings about how Wukong broke his heart and his trust. Why did you love me so? Watch me as I let you go? Told you that I'm better off alone without you in my home, I let you in my heart, let you back into my arms, Fool for thinking we could make it faking every single part, I thought that maybe you could be the final fucking remedy, The one to pull me out if I were ever stuck inside a dream, I'm looking back at times we had, the things we did and things we can't, How could you stab me in the back? I thought you were better than that.
You're Going Down by Sick Puppies - A good ol' battle song between Shadowpeach. The singer is Macaque rather than Wukong here as the singer laments that the fight is no longer worth it, yet he can't let go and must keep fighting. Let's take a trip down memory lane (do you remember me?), The words circlin' in my brain (look what you did to me), You can treat this like another, all the same, But don't cry like a bitch when you feel the pain [...] This is hardly worth fighting for, But it's the little petty shit that I can't ignore, When my fist hits your face and your face hits the floor, It'll be a long time comin', Bet you got the message now, 'Cause I was never goin', Yeah, you're the one that's going down!
Hermit the Frog by Marina and the Diamonds - While its also a Savage song, the romantic undertones push it towards Macaque. This song reflects Macaque's conflicted mental state post-family-break-up, where he's started to recover himself a little bit, but still feels this hatred inside of himself. Yeah, I feel it coming on When I've been static for too long, And an explosion comes in time, Before I go and cross the line [...] Well, I went to the doctors believing, The devil had control over me and, I was finding it hard to breathe in, Finding it hard to fight the feeling [...] You can take your double standard love and keep it, I can't help the devil likes to make my heart a double bed.
Villain by Bella Poarch - Macaque sings about how he'll be the villain, but make it flirty. I'll be the villain tonight, I kinda like when you despise me after we fight, (Feels so much better when I'm), Pushin' all your buttons 'til you're crawlin' on the floor, You say you hate my guts, but you're still coming back for more [...] What's you and I without a little pain? Tastes bittersweet each time you say my name, If love was poison, we would drink it anyways, Feels so good playing these wicked little games.
SAY THAT YOU MISS ME by Mickey Darling - Macaque both taunts Wukong for what he did (Hey necrophiliac what are you doing? I said why are you trying to fuck me, If I am dead to you?) and demands an answer from Wukong, not willing to honestly admit that he misses what they had, instead hiding behind anger. I said "you broke my heart," You said "boo hoo," I said "I'm going to leave," You said "please do," I said "I hated you," You said "me too" [...] It's harder than you think finding someone for me, That could ever compete with somebody like you, I cant help that I hate every fucking girl I date, Cause it always feels the same, like im cheating on you, Hate that I have to say, babe, I made a mistake, Thinking anybody could have ever been you, They'll never be you.
Hell and You by Amigo the Devil - A song portraying Macaque's obsession with Wukong, be it in love or as enemies, or something twistedly in-between. Cause I'd rot in hell with you, If you'd just ask me to, I love the shitty things we do together, Live with me in this sin forever, Hell and you, I know you want it too [...] I'd crawl in bed with you, Even on someone else's blood on top of someone else's love, In the worst motel we find, Cause home is the last place that I'd stand to be with anyone but you.
Cannibal by Naethan Apollo - Another song about how Macaque is obsessed with Wukong, even when he hurts him, as he struggles to choose between leaving him alone entirely or continuing to seek his attention. Think I got the message, Thought our love was destined, But it's more like a death wish, A guarantee for misery [...] Tell me when I overreact, No, tell me again, please, I love being told what to do, But only when I'm told by you, At least, that's what I used to think, But nowadays, I'm on the brink.
The Red Means I Love You by Madds Buckley - Another song about Macaque being obsessed with Wukong, but this time it's set when he truly was obsessed with him---post-fire, post-imprisonment, post-resurrections. This Macaque can't see clearly at all, and is obsessed with making Wukong bleed if it's the only way to feel close to him. They say such a shame, I turned out this way, A maniac, Well, yeah, I get manic when I cause a panic, And of course, I'm excited when I see you around [...] You leave me high and dry, A rush comes to my mind at the drops, Of blood you leave behind, Run as you might, my love will never, ever, Stop.
TERRIBLE THINGS by Axie - This song follows the degraded mental state of "zombie" Macaque, post-Eclipse Sibs' resurrection, and how he knows he is doing terrible things, but that he cannot bring himself to feel anything remorseful, until time goes on, and things start changing inside him. This song also lists his deaths: 30 years with torture you can’t comprehend (the fire), 40 years, they’re seeking for means to an end (killed and imprisoned by Wukong), 50 years attached onto puppeteer strings (the Eclipse Sibs' resurrection, and his subsequent debt to LDB). The song begins to hint towards Macaque regretting and wanting to be free near the end. I just want to die, yeah, So please just let me die!, I’m undefeatable, I'm thriving, ‘Cause I know a thing or two when it comes to being killed, It’s oh so very painful, And I don’t want it to happen again, and again, and again!
Catabolic Seed by The Scary Jokes - Savage feels lost and hopeless after everything that's happened to her, and she desperately wants to feel like she's in control. That dissipated so fast, seems the good times never last, And I always fall flat on my back, like an upside-down cat, But is bad luck really such a crime? [...] I want to destroy everything that's mine [...] (I'm safe, I'm whole, I've got it under control), My structure's compromised, (I'm safe, I'm whole, I've got it under control), But you still batter at all my fault lines, (And I will protect you even if you won't protect me too), I can't run, I can't hide, but you can't say I didn't try.
Second Child, Restless Child by The Oh Hellos - She was born the second child, though truly she wasn't the restless child---that was Rumble. But the song does reflect how she wanted to run away from it all. And they saw trouble in my eyes, They were quick to recognize the devil in me [...] And Heaven knows how hard I tried, But the devil whispered lies I believed [...] You've got to go on, further than you've ever gone, You've got to run far from all you've ever known.
Shared Eyes by Blixemi - Savage laments about how misunderstood she is and how mistreated she was by her family, and how much she simultaneously wants to hurt them and wants their attention. I figured this would be, A great time to misunderstand me [...] I used to beg and plead, But you sit there ever silently, 'Cause you can't hear it, Won't stand to hear it [...] I'm not who you think I am, If you think of me at all [...] You've let hate blossom, Now you cannot recognize [...] I wish your silence came from hate, Then at least I'd know why I'm to blame [...] So fine, I'll find the rage, To scorch out on my own, And in my wreckage, may you burn upon your throne [...] It seems to me, That I have always been the problem, Though I'd wish to solve it [...] I'm not who I think I am, When you think you've seen it all, In this frozen state of apathy, I've blossomed with every flaw, To hate I've fallen, And I now can't recognize, Your eyes that you despise [...] This feels wrong, It's not playing out right, How am I colder now, Upon a bridge I chose to ignite? [...] You close your eyes but open mine, I hate the way you make me hate myself for sharing eyes, You're not who you think you are, And I wish I never knew, I don't want to see the irony, That you hate me for being you.
Play With Fire by Sam Tinnesz - Savage copes with lighting fires, and she likes being dramatic. This song would be her jam. Let a girl be edgy and cringey. Insane, inside, The danger gets me high, Can't help myself, Got secrets I can't tell, I love the smell of gasoline, I light the match to taste the heat, I've always liked to play with fire.
Dead Mom from Beetlejuice - Savage sings to her Alive Dad, Wukong. Alternative lyrics can be found in the comment section on WGTKITD... somewhere. And no one sees me, Nothing seems to fit, Mamma is this it? Are you receiving? I want something to believe in or I'm done.
Already Dead by KittenSneeze - Savage talks about how she felt almost "possessed" by Macaque and Rumble as they forced her to fight and attempt to kill her own father, and how, now, she can't tell what she does or doesn't want anymore. I woke up in a daze, My mind in a haze, The smell of devastation lingers, What did he make me do? Or did I want to? I can't get the blood off my fingers [...] You don't need to believe me but just understand, That you can't get too close, Not with what I have planned [...] Do any of you know what it's like to walk through the fire? Know how to fight the crushing desire? Go with a knife to do what's required? I'm already dead since you got in my head!
Daddy's Little Monster by TryHardNinja - As the title suggests, Savage pleads for others to understand that she doesn't want to be cruel, she's just "daddy's little monster," referring to Macaque (for the most part). She wants to start anew, but feels like she's kept in a prison, especially as she looks at herself and remembers what she looks like now... Please don't be afraid, we're a little bent, Broken souls looking for a way to start again [...] You need us, we need you, it'll be alright, Yeah, it's alright, We don't want to stay under lock and key, You can help break the curse, we all wanna leave [...] If we could only shed our shells, Wear a mask and escape these cells, On the surface, we could start new.
Miss Wanna Die by JubyPhonic - Savage isn't exactly about being resurrected, and she isn't happy with her life... She would resonate with this song a lot. It both fits her character, and is a song she would listen to. Ah wanna die, wanna die, But don't really wanna die, You were there, you would care, Making me aware, Every scar, all the blood, More and more, they’re never done, Not enough, not enough, Ah wanna die, wanna die, But don't really wanna die, If I died, you would cry, And I don't know why [...] I wanna live, wanna live, Deep inside I've always been, Reaching out for a hand, so don’t let this be the end.
The Devil Within by Digital Daggers - Let's be real, this is how Savage sees herself, or wants to see herself. Cool, mysterious, dangerous... But really she's just angry. And dangerous. But, the song's vibes still stand---she wants to hurt others and protect herself. I made myself at home, In the cobwebs and the lies, I'm learning all your tricks, I can hurt you from inside, I made myself a promise, You would never see me cry, 'Til I make you [...] I'm gonna make you suffer, This hell you put me in, I'm underneath your skin, The devil within [...] Look what you made of me, Now I'm the heavy burden that you can't bear.
Sin Triangle by Sidney Gish - Rumble desperately wants to be like everybody else, but struggles with his own inner demons as he tries to fit in and be cool as a young demon, and then struggles with rebuilding his family as he feels guilty for destroying it in order to get what he'd wanted. Two-faced bitches never lie, And therefore I never lie, Diagram this sin triangle for me tonight, because, I don't know what to say, A sickness by another name, Wouldn't be sweet either but, With luck, it would at least look much more tame [...] Bill Woodruff here has something on his mind, He wants something, In fact [...] You want certain things from other people and your environment, The way you go about getting those things, Reveals your personality [...] Did you ever want, so much, To make a good impression on someone? What did you do? How accepted was your personality? Did you ever feel alone, out of place, When you wanted very much to be part of the group?
¿Viva la Gloria? (Little Girl) by Green Day - On the inside, Rumble is cracking under the knowledge of everything he did to harm (manipulate, deception, double-crossing) his family. He feels like a stray without a home. Little girl, little girl, Why are you crying? Inside your restless soul, Your heart is dying [...] There is no place like home, When you got no place to go [...] Little one, little one, The sky is falling, Your lifeboat of deception, Is now sailing [...] Your bloodshot eyes, Will show your heart of treason, Little girl, little girl, You dirty liar, You're just a junkie, Preaching to the choir [...] The traces of blood, Always follow you home, Like the mascara tears, From your getaway, You're walking with blisters, And running with shears, So unholy.
Icicles by The Scary Jokes - Rumble convinces himself of his self-entitlement; that he is better than everyone else. He is jealous of what everyone else has, both in past and present. He hates having to always be the one to "play nice." But, at the same time, his flaws (The one where you are crying, And I don't do anything at all, directly referring to his treatment of Savage) are catching up, and he can't stay on the pedestal he put himself on forever. Get in your zone, don't even look at them at all, Their shallow observations will only stall the transformation, You've become art, how could they even start to see, Beyond your presentation when they've got no imagination? [...] I can only be forgiven if I'm giving myself up to you, On a silver serving tray, Must I bare myself to the stabbing of your knife and gnashing teeth, While our lovely company appears so entertained? [...] My world has turned so cold, but I won't cry, 'Cause icicles don't soften when they die, So why should I?
Soup Song by Nep - Rumble has very mixed feelings towards his family, and he struggles under the weight of being the "good one" when no one else will try. I hate you and I loved you for a very long time, I do not share any more, I'd ask you how'd you do if I was feeling kind, I do not dare anymore, My mom got a new job, and my dad's doing just fine, I do not mind anymore [...] If I had a tendency to yell, Your ears would be numb, If I had it in me to tell you off, You would be done, I'm not used to feeling so down and so dumb, Guess I thought that I was lovable, Kinda thought that I was lovable [...] I put my head down, and you stepped on my neck, I cannot take any more.
Smokey Eyes by Lincoln - Rumble desperately wants to bring his family back together, and struggles through his emotions with how difficult it is. The song also has implications towards his struggles with addictions and unhealthy coping mechanisms. Some people want to be your friend, Some people just want to be free, And the worst thing about me, Is that I’m somewhere in between, I might miss you, But I’m still trying to get clean [...] Quiet lies that you’re telling to, Those black and screaming skies [...] This is not what all my idols told me college would be like, I hope someday you learn to take your own advice [...] So help me make amends with all my friends, Most other people are just dead ends, There’s nothing worse than making friends.
How Did You Love by Shinedown - Rumble would totally sing this family to his family, specifically his parents, questioning, "how did you love?" and what they left behind. You can try to fight it, just like every other careless mistake, How do you justify? I'm mystified by the ways of your heart, With a million lies, the truth will rise to tear you apart [...] Nothing ever feels the quite same when you are what you dreamed, And you will never look at anything the same when you see what I see, How we forget ourselves, lose our way from the cradle to the grave [...] No one gets out alive, every day is do or die, The one thing you leave behind, Is how did you love, how did you love?
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mintaikk · 3 months
Once the full season drops, I'm making a comp of MK being the child of divorce
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qdbs-writes · 2 years
Hello my darling Kombatant! 😁
Can I please request headcanons for Erron, Johnny, Liu Kang, and Kung Lao being close friends with a married woman who’s very kind and reacting to her completely going insane when she discovers her husband is cheating on her?
ngl this request has made me want to watch all of soul food now it looks so good
MK Lads React To Fem!Reader Attacking Her Cheating Husband
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Erron Black
Erron sees what's coming before it happened. In a way, he's already seen it all before. Familial tensions. Arguing. When you suddenly reveal your husband is cheating, that's when Erron knows that the pin is going to drop.
Your husband tries to talk you down from your accusation, and Erron steps in between you and him, gently pushing your husband to a safer distance.
As you fly into a rage and pull out a carving knife, you circle the kitchen island and try and close in on your husband. Erron, however, beats you to it, pushing your husband into the front room as he moves in to grab you by your arm, wrenching the knife from your grasp.
As you fall to your knees in tears, Erron peeks into the front room to check on your husband, who was currently on the front lawn shaking in terror, now surrounded by a group of concerned onlookers. He turns back to you and goes to fetch you a glass of wine, God knows you needed it.
Erron is saddened to know about your marital struggles but your husband made two fatal mistakes. 1) he forgot that hell has no fury like a woman scorned. 2) you never upset a woman in the kitchen (it's where all the knives are).
Erron pours you a glass but keeps the wine bottle handy, offering to take you out back to drown your sorrows with a friend, while the situation cools down. Also to get you away from any more possible weapons.
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Johnny Cage
Johnny is slowly stuffing his face with everything in your fridge as the tension builds between you and your family in the kitchen. He's an emotional eater, despite what the tabloids say.
As an argument begins, Johnny is careful to only peek around the fridge door, keeping his body covered like some kind of shield.
As you pull out a carving knife and close in on your husband in a fit of rage, Johnny, in shock, attempts to close himself into the fridge, screaming in terror.
After your emotions catch up to you and you drop the knife in tears, Johnny doesn't go to you, he instead goes to your son that happened to bear witness to his mother flying into a murderous rage. I think of Johnny as a child of divorce and he knows firsthand how scary it can be for a child to witness that.
He walks up to your son, crouching down to his level, pressing a warm, comforting hand into his shoulder. "Hey, buddy. You okay? Come here." he says as he pulls your teary son into a hug. What goes on between you and your husband isn't really any of Johnny's concern, but he'll do all he can to protect your son during his turbulent time.
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Liu Kang
Kang has always been a friend of you and your husband, in fact, he was the ringbearer at your wedding. When he sees the facade of marital bliss slowly collapse in front of his eyes in your kitchen, he's completely at a loss for what to do.
He can't quite keep track of what your argument with your husband and sisters was about, but based on the tension and emotions that were quickly rising, it was about a lot more than selling your mother's house.
When you mention that your husband has had a recent affair, your voice filled with venom, Kang can't stop his jaw from falling open. He believes that he understands the phrase 'shit hits the fan' better now than he ever has. But he dutifully keeps his eyes on your kitchen floor, unable to find it in himself to look at either you or your husband.
Kang was too busy looking at the floor to see you pull out the knife, but he does hear the unmistakable 'shing' as your pull it from the knife block. Immediately, Kang goes to grab hold of your shoulders as you advance on your husband, desperately trying to console you as your friends and relatives scream.
He's surprised that you seem to let him stop you, you lower the knife and begin crying into his chest. Kang delicately takes the knife from your grasp and chucks it across the floor, wrapping his arms around you, giving your back a comforting rub.
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Kung Lao
Lao had originally entered the kitchen to get more nachos, but as a tense argument was brewing between you and your relatives, he thought it would be too awkward to leave. So he stayed in the background, munching on nachos as quietly as he could manage.
When you suddenly mention your husband's affair, Lao accidentally bites his tongue in shock, gasping and swearing under his breath as you and your family stare each other down, but none of you are paying him any attention.
As you pull out a knife and close in on your husband, Lao flings his hat expertly into the blade of your knife, knocking it from your hand and to the ground. Lao's hat was now embedded into the hardwood kitchen cabinets, but that was frankly the least of anybody's concerns.
Your husband flees the room in terror, as your drop to your knees in tears. Lao stands beside you briefly, slowly taking in what had just happened. He squats beside you and quietly apologises about the cabinet as you continue to sob. Lao gently pats your shoulder, feeling completely unequipped to handle this situation.
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