#MORE SILLY for staying involved when he has the living situation he does
strawbabycowboy · 10 months
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mari-lair · 10 months
Aye is me again!
I was just wondering if you had any theories on what Teru's dream involving Aoi may be. He says she's necessary for his dream and I wonder if its because she's a direct descendant of the kannagi line?
I hope his dream includes Akane too bc even if they won't end up together I just KNOW they'll be besties either way (am soft for Akane being the 1st person he shows his true self to outside his family)
Hello! :D I have no hope Aidairo will treat this sub plot with care, (or any plot that includes Aoi) so this will be more of a rambly analysis than a theory.
I am inclined to believe Teru’s dream doesn’t have anything to do with her Kannagi blood because of how he approaches Aoi compared to Nene.
Nene is also a Kannagi, but Teru never searches for Nene or gives her much thought, he even let her have a crush on what he sees as a dangerous supernatural since it is what she wants so who is he to reprimand a dying girl? Whenever they are together he flatters her but never asks about her life or tries to make her linger in his presence. 
He does show interest in Nene being a Kannagi but it does not feel like he sees her as a weapon or an important tool that he can use to achieve a ‘goal’. She is still a ‘silly girl’ or a ‘funny girl’ in his mind, someone he is kind to when they are face to face, but he doesn't go out of his way to do much for her.
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Aoi is canonically very hard to get close to, so trying to 'be her friend just to use her later’ would be contrived and too stupid for a character built up to be smart, considering Nene (who had a crush on him throught a big part of the manga) would be a far better target to get his hands on Kanagi powers.
Teru actively goes out of his way to try to learn more about Aoi and make her stay with him, even if he has to resort to manipulation, he will do it to spend more time with her.
It also bears mention that Akane's tactless way to ‘woo’ Aoi is what he hates the most about Akane. Not Akane supernatural contract or, any of his behavior with Teru, but how he approaches Aoi:
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Teru trusts Akane, but he gets disgusted with how he put her on a pedestal, how his obsession gets on creepy territory at times, yet, when Akane and Aoi work things up and are able to properly communicate, Teru gets grumpy and mopes about their almost kiss. A kiss that shouldn’t be significant if what he was interested in was her Kannagi status.
He listens to Akane go on and on about how ‘sweet and kind and pretty’ Aoi is without ever shutting him down, and despite loving to annoy the clock keeper, he never disagrees or implies that Aoi isn't as amazing as Akane claims, so he does have a very positive view of Aoi.
I can’t say for sure what his dream is, but it feels related to Aoi as a person, not her blood or ancestors. Is a desire of his own.
Minamotos are very connected to supernaturals, and they are pushed to put their duties first, but being disconnected from other, and able to have a level head in dangerous situations doesn’t make them any less human or emotional: They value their family, their friends, their desires, occasionally putting them above their job for selfish reasons.
Now let’s talk about a theory Maagi shared with me, that the more i thought about it, the more plausible it seemed: If Teru was in love with Aoi, it wouldn't be the first time a Minamoto fell in love, or at the very least, was very attracted, to an Akane.
The manga makes a point to heavily imply that Kanagis usually live with loved ones at the start of their lives, and that even in the old ages where Sumire’s story takes place, it's seen as cruel to abandon a child so young.
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They mention her family wanted to ‘get away from her resentment’ but considering how oblivious and happy she had been to “marry God”, eager to declare a demon her husband, it is far more likely they wanted to get rid of Sumire for reasons out of her control, like her bloodline.
From Sumire pale eyes, which have hints of the Akane purple we know, but is mostly blue, to her expertise in using spiritual tools (from her knife, to bracelets, to even a protective barrier)  it’s just far too much of a coincidence.
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Even her personality seems like a mix between Teru and Aoi.
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And I can see the argument that her exorcism tools are things that every Kannagi can use, since Aoi can use them too, but it is still strange that Sumire has so many tools associated with the Minamoto clan, when every other sacrifice has none. Not even a bracelet.
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The bracelet is not part of a Kannagi’s uniform. Or a precaution of No.6 that comes with his duties. It’s a Minamoto’s gift. Which makes Sumire feel more personal than ‘just another sacrifice girl’, like her protection matters for someone.
This leads me to how Teru gave Aoi a bracelet the second she got mixed with supernaturals, and let her keep it,
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He never offered this kind of protection to anyone else, not even Nene, the girl that lives in danger.
So even if the fandom will cry at the idea, there is a lot to indicate Teru is genuinely interested in Aoi. The seeds are there, Aidairo was just clunky when hinting his interest (I’m still baffled an interaction as important as the convenience store one is in a spin off.)
And I am sure his dream includes Akane! Akane is his best friend, even when he wants to spend time with Aoi, he isn’t opposed at all to Akane tagging along.
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He values Akane in a completely different way than he values Aoi, but is so clear he has tons of fun with the two Aois!
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(There is a reason I would be chill if his crush was either Aoi or Akane, he acts in such a way that no matter who he has a crush on, it is still obvious he really values them both)
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First shared in The Saiouma Pit discord server, parts said by other members are in quotations, unassigned bullet points are my messages
Hina: "It could go either way but... if it's Shuichi demonic royalty instead of parent, it's his uncle or Shuichi's parents and uncle being there and he's managing to perfectly play shit off to his parents while his uncle is just not buying it?"
his parents being the rulers of hell but his uncle being the one that cares to visit
Dra: "Shuichi tells Kokichi about what's going to happen, Kokichi agrees to help him find someone to marry (they are stupid) but before they can think of anyone time Runs out Shuichi's uncle appears from his silly little red demonic circle, looks at Shuichi, notices Kokichi and just "your human is rather small" And Shuichi loses it because oh fuck he didn't want to get Kokichi involved in this"
Hina: "The fact they really thought an hour was enough time to find a fiancé is just sad"
Fuwa: "we can extend it to 6 hours." And then I said: "no, an hour is perfect"
also Shuichi knew beforehand and just waited helplessly until it was last bell to do anything so he asked Kokichi for ideas
Fuwa: "they do fucking tinder, try to get a demonic looking match. They use a goddamn fake face app, to like, see who's demonic enough, and they point it towards Kokichi on accident at the very end, and it's like "perfect match". "Wow it's truly satan!!""
Dra: "Does Kokichi get pros/cons of suddenly being married to demon royalty?" me: "like, what could the cons even possibly be? but yes he does"
after that dinner he stays up at night, pulls out his trusty white board
Dra: ""What if they don't have wifi in hell"", Fuwa: "Shuichi's family" (also listing cons)
Hina: "Pros: Demon Royalty, Would Protect You, Live in Castle, Rich, Cool Uncle, Husband Kinda Cute Ig Cons: The Signal Sucks, Parents are Meh, A lot of fire, Hot. Everyone Here lowkey wants to kill you"
idk about the killing part, I think Kokichi could gain respect in hell, they'd think he has what Shuichi lacks, he was always deemed too timid and soft for a heir to the throne, now this human he brought on the other hand…
Dra: "Ok but it'd actually be so funny if the other demons started going with Kokichi's lies and introduced him as the most powerful demon ruler that just happens to look like a lil dude (it's totally so he can fool sinners into thinking he's harmless) and Shuichi is just watching this go down like "huh""
I love fake dating AUs so I'll try to add a little more to this.
Neither of them has realized their feelings yet when that fated night happens, but something's been brewing through months of their living together. They're just friends that help each other in situations like needing an emergency fiancé. It's cool.
Until it's serious and they're told to pack, so they can begin preparations for the wedding and coronation in Hell as soon as possible. So things get a little tense, but they can go with the flow. It's just another adventure in the life of a supreme leader. And then the shenanigans begin.
The chambers prepared for them obviously have only one bed. They have to show off their affection to sell it to everyone. Learning new details about each other when they're made to pick out stuff for the wedding together. Some frosting on one's face while trying potential cakes. Waking up face to face after swearing to stay on far off sides of the bed the night before.
Kokichi learning things about Shuichi's childhood, Uncle shows him pictures. Shuichi watching Kokichi as he impresses demons with his act, looking at the faces he makes and being not only impressed too, but falling a little bit in love with the joy it brings Kokichi to have a receptive audience.
The realization of feelings being followed by the assumption it's unrequited and wallowing in it. The mixed feelings when trying on suits, dreading the approaching wedding day while thinking the other doesn't feel the same. Something pushing the tension past the limit and causing the confrontation. I've been thinking of maybe introducing a little magic to Hell's wedding traditions; they would each have to throw an ingredient into a huge jug of a special alcoholic drink that is prepared for weddings some days in advance and those specific ingredients have to be thrown in by the couple because the mixture will turn a pretty color when someone in love does this step.
Those idiots. These two morons. When it turns out alright they jump to the conclusion that the other is in love but with somebody else. [This could also be done with Kokichi hearing Shuichi mumble something about love in his sleep, or overhear him venting to somebody who knows their situation, probably Uncle or a friend, say "I think I'm in love" all tragically and the same misunderstanding happens]
So accusations fly, "If you're in love with someone, then why didn't you go to them with this?"
"I didn't know then. Why did you agree to this if there's someone you-?"
"I didn't know. And I expected this to be over by now. I thought that they wouldn't approve of me, or find out it's a farce and then kick me out."
"You should be with the one you love. I can open a portal for you. I can come clean to everyone, I got you into this mess-"
"No. It's not that simple" Shuichi looks at him questioningly, so he sighs and continues "... I am pretty sure it's unrequited. Doesn't matter anymore. What about you? I promised to help. Whatever that means now."
Whether they resolve it at that point or continue without talking things out [Shuichi claiming that his feelings are unrequited too, so their only option is to stay on track.] is up to you.
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myers-meadow · 2 months
If Haarlep were to become genuinely romantically involved with a mortal, then what would that relationship look like? Would the incubus be jealous or possessive of their partner? Would there be any expectations for exclusivity? Would it be a 'We can sleep with other people, but we are romantically exclusive' kind of situation?
Good question! This is gonna be a long answer, because I just can't shut up <3
There's some lore that I know of that says devils can have cravings for affection, the way mortals do, and that feeling is stronger the closer they are to being humanoid? Something like that at least, but I'm FAR from an expert on lore - i just write silly fics. Anyway, incubi and succubi are closer to humanoid shape, than those insect devils or any else that I have seem some art of. Affection is not the same as love, but it doesn't have to be for it to still be meaningful and fulfilling. I mean, maybe animals can't love, but if that 'mrew' the cat does while jogging up to the door when the owner comes home, isn't love, it at least is enough for me, and enough to make me happy. Those ramblings out of the way,,
Exclusivity... I don't think there's anything like that in the relationship, at least not in the ones my Tav/ocs have with him. Haarlep needs to sleep with others, and corrupt mortals, to feed and live a satisfactory life. I don't know how much or how often they need to feed, but I do think that the appetite could be quite insatiable - give a finger, they take a hand type situation? I mean that, if you give them free reign to feed on you, you may just render yourself fucked out and comatose for a good while 😅.
As for exclusivity on Tav/reader's side... Depends on what they want, too, of course. Possessiveness can be quite hot in fics, so I do enjoy writing it,,, Haarlep, as a devil, is probably selfish enough not to want others to play with his toys. Still, he is understanding of having needs, desires, hunger; especially when you two are apart for a longer time.
Romantically exclusive is a good word for it, maybe. I do see Haarlep and Tav both making comments along the lines of "you better not do this with others", or "you're the only one I ever want to do this with", about bathing together, washing each others hair and body, sensual massages, breakfasts in bed, etc etc. Still, with the descriptions of the narrator of the scene ("every kiss is a lie of true love"), Haarlep deals in mortal affection and love, it's part of his game to lure mortals in so he can feed. So it may be hard to have defined boundaries around this.
Then there is the option, of the Haarlep/Tav/Raphael polycule <3. So then exclusivity is yet another thing to discuss. The vibe I get from Raphael would be that he likes to share much less than Haarlep does - he may even make a rule stating you cant fuck Haarlep while they're in another form than Raphael's. It's still up to you whether you keep to that rule or not, of course. What Raphael doesn't know, can't harm him <3 😊
On a more light-hearted note (half-joking about these), to me a relationship with Haarlep would include;
talking shit about Raphael together
telling him 'i love you' when he's balls deep inside/when you're balls deep inside
and saying it again while you're cuddling after, slick with sweat
rummaging through Raphael's archive, messing up his orderly poetry collection.....
Haarlep is tender and loving and everything you've ever wanted... and he makes sure you stay with him for as long as he wishes you to be, so that he gets to enjoy you and your adoration of him.
exploring new hobbies together, maybe something artistic, and I'm sure Haarlep has enough knowledge about sex positions that him teaching you would keep you busy for months on end.
late nights talking together while laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, tails coiled together but otherwise not touching (is too hot)
ALL of the infernal gossip
being a menace in Raphael's life. Just. Overall.
Later on, after I've written the fics I'm working on and have a better grasp on how I see his character, I'd like to explore Haarlep as someone outside of Raphael's realm of influence. But that's for another day!
xoxo Meadow
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theharrowing · 1 year
Headcanons are supremely exciting! Thank you!!!!
While I am a total Tannie body hair enthusiast... what do you think the manscaping situation is for our dear OT7?
oh boy, oh boy, anon!!! 😂
the way i cackled like a witch when i first read this. i am also a body hair enthusiast!!! i don't think this one requires preamble or explanation; let's dive in! this is not smutty but it is also not fully sfw!
how the members tend to their pube gardens:
Namjoon: a very valiant attempt is made using a beard trimmer, but there are always long hairs sticking out around the base of his junk. shaving all the way to the skin is time-consuming, and frankly, he is self-aware enough to know his own clumsiness could be his downfall, so he always leaves a very short, somewhat messy bush, and is content with it.
Seokjin: the man is not a fan of his own body hair, and he certainly does not want you to see it. Seokjin is a regular at a very discrete waxing spot. he even blushes when the workers--who see body hair for a living--have to witness any growth, and he feels shy the entire time. they service the front and the back for him, and he tips generously.
Yoongi: depending on how Yoongi is feeling, he might trim, shave, or let it stay wild and free. whatever stage of hairiness he may be at, there will be some factoid to back it up, such as not wanting to shave because he read statistics about the risk of getting an ingrown hair, etc.
Hoseok: a trimmer but not a shaver, Hoseok likes to keep everything tidy but is absolutely terrified of the pain that could come with getting waxed and has no intention of using a razor at home.
Jimin: our Jimin got his pubes laser-removed years ago. his bottom is smooth as a baby's bottom.
Taehyung: not the type to conform to silly standards of beauty, Taehyung lets his bush stay wild and free, and he is quite proud of it.
Jungkook: our Jungkook has an 8-step process that involves several tools, and while he likes to keep just a thin layer of hair for aesthetic purposes--and to hold onto a little of his natural musk--he does a very tight, tidy job. his butthole gets waxed, though, and he loves it.
find more headcanons in my master list!
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mothellie · 3 months
Billy/Jason/Eddie for the poly game? ♥️💋
A is for Affection Eddie is by far the most affectionate of the three. He's such a tactile person, constantly seeking out touch and offering sweet words basically every second of every day.
B is for Bed I feel like they all would ideally have their own bedrooms, but never sleep apart. I think all three of them would find benefits from having their own spaces, especially Billy. I think they would just sleep in the rooms at random. If they ever needed to sleep alone for whatever reason, they could, but they usually don't want to.
C is for Comfort When Billy is feeling down, Eddie and Jason try not to immediately bring attention to whatever is bringing him down, instead offering distractions for him. Billy feels better when he has something else to direct his energy on. Often, one of them will propose an activity to Billy for the three of them to do together, like bake or watch a movie. After he's feeling calmer, Billy will usually open up about what he's feeling on his own terms. For Eddie, he prefers gentle tactile comfort. Billy and Jason will sandwich him in a cuddle until the sadness goes away. When Jason is upset, Billy and Eddie go all out trying to make him smile. Billy makes dinner while Eddie does something silly to capture his attention. Fucks around with his guitar, goes into a long story about one of his campaigns, or just straight up drowns him in kisses.
D is for Dates I feel like they all pitch date ideas equally. Billy's dates are usually simple but super romantic all the same. A lot of the times, they're at home dates with takeout and lots of cuddling. Eddie is all about the grand gestures. He likes taking his boys out to dinner or to the movies, not caring who sees them together. Jason's dates are usually a mixture of both, having an affinity for the three of them going out to Lover's Lake or the quarry in the middle of the night so they can look at the stars.
E is for Events Eddie obviously is the one that involves the other two in family events. Jason and Billy both have horrible relationships with their family. Having Wayne in their lives has drastically improved their mental health. Billy will usually include Max in these events.
F is for Fights Fights do happen between them. With the kinds of personalities they have, they're bound to butt heads about certain things. However, after being together for a while, they've developed a healthier system for dealing with disagreements. When any of them are angry, they have to completely remove themselves from the situation and be by themselves until they can cool off. Then they usually come back to the other two and are able to articulate their feelings.
G is for Getting Together Billy and Eddie definitely had feelings for each other for a while before they ever got together, but it was difficult for them to ever verbalize their feelings. Requited unrequited situation. Eddie and Jason ended up together first and that sparked a lot of jealousy from Billy. However, eventually, Eddie and Jason worked it out and Jason gave him the blessing to pursue a relationship with Billy as well. Through their mutual partner, Jason and Billy bonded as well and eventually ended up together too.
H is for Hobbies Despite being so compatible, they all have wildly different interests. They like to tease each other about them sometimes. However, they're more likely to participate in the other's interests and end up adopting parts of it for themselves. Billy with cars, Eddie with music and D&D, and Jason with his sports.
I is for In Sickness and In Health When one of them is sick, the other two are immediately in Doctor Mode. When it's Billy that's sick, he's forced to stay in bed despite very vocal protests. Jason makes him soup while Eddie entertains him in bed with movies or D&D stuff. When it's Eddie, Billy is monitoring his temperature while Jason is comforting him by playing with his hair. When it's Jason, Billy and Eddie both drown him in affection. When Jason says they'll get sick, they wave off his concerns, simply saying it's worth it.
J is for Joker Eddie is by far the biggest jokester out of the three, though Billy's dry humor is a close second. They are all constantly teasing each other, though.
K is for Knowing Billy is by far the one that can read Jason and Eddie like books, but he's also the most walled off of the three. It'd take maybe an entire year before he started feeling comfortable opening up about certain things. Eddie and Jason are also pretty perceptive of each other, and they both know Billy better than he's even aware of, regardless of how much he tries to protect his own heart.
L is for Lavish Jason is by far the most shy of the three, while Billy and Eddie like to show their partners off in different ways. Billy is very prideful of his partners, loves showing them off in little ways. They're his favorite passenger princesses. Eddie is very much the main show-off of the trio, though. He's constantly talking about his boys, finding ways to insert them in every conversation he has.
M is for Memories Jason is the most sentimental. He wants to keep mementos from every important moment in their relationship. He's the type of boy who would make a scrapbook for the three of them, holding onto things like movie ticket stubs and even napkins from their dinner dates.
N is for Nights They like to do their nightly routine together. They take showers together (even if its a little bit of a tight fit), brush their teeth together, and even have a cute little cuddle debrief in bed talking about their day. Jason is usually the first one to pass out, then Eddie follows soon after. Billy usually is up about an hour after the other two, just watching TV and enjoying the feeling of his boyfriends cuddled up next to him in peaceful sleep. He usually finds himself passing out with his fingers twiddling with Eddie's hair or brushing comforting strokes along Jason's arms.
O is for Open They all have their issues with being closed off on certain issues, but generally that stuff has waned significantly since they all got together.
P is for PDA Eddie is the most PDA friendly. He's constantly grabbing the other two's hands and pinching their asses playfully. Billy is a close second. He's taken a while to get comfortable with it, but he's definitely a bit possessive and loves making it known who his boyfriends are. Jason is shy about PDA, but absolutely loves it. He gets all blushy and poorly tries to hide his smiles when either of them dote on him in public.
Q is for Quiet Billy loves quiet time the most. He values his personal space and the other two respect it. That doesn't mean he doesn't love going out with them when they do go out. But if anyone is first to offer to stay home and enjoy the solitude, it's Billy Hargrove. Eddie is the opposite, constantly following the other two around like a lost and eager puppy.
R is for Romantic Eddie. Eddie is a hopeless fucking romantic. He is the most romantic out of the three of them. He thrives on that shit.
S is for Sharing Billy is by far the most territorial of them three, but Jason surprisingly would be a close second. They're both clingy in their owns ways and love making it known who their partners are.
T is for Terms of Endearment Billy calls Eddie 'Ed' and Jason 'Jace'. Eddie calls Billy 'Bils' and Jason 'Jay'. Jason likes to call Billy 'Bils' and Eddie 'Eds'. As far as petnames go, Billy is very fond of 'babe'. Eddie's go-to is 'sweetheart' or 'sweets'. Sometimes Eddie calls Jason 'angel' and Billy 'love' or 'lover.' Eddie also likes to call them both the cringiest petnames to mess with them sometimes.
U is for Urge Eddie is the most impulsive. Both Billy and Jason try to act as voices of reason when Eddie wants to do something wild, but Billy is usually the first to entertain his ideas.
V is for Vacations They're a big fan of taking long car trips in the Camaro to random cities in Indiana and even bordering states for the day. They all have a collective money jar where they save up for an annual trip to California, which Max usually accompanies them on.
W is for Worthy They all have their own insecurities that they deal with in the relationship. Billy and Jason both struggle with feeling unwanted or unworthy of the affection they receive. Eddie deals with feeling like he's Too Much. They usually handle everything through a lot of communication and helping each other practice corrective thinking/thought replacement. Physical affection really helps them all in times of insecurity.
X is for XOXO Eddie loves to talk on the phone, where as Billy prefers to text. Jason has no preference for any kind of contact they have while they're apart as long as there is some form of contact.
Y is for Yearn Eddie is the first one to miss his partners while they're separated, but they're all about equal in intensity.
Z is for Zealous Billy and Jason were very reserved about their want for the relationship, but Eddie was very open about his feelings after a period of insecurity with Billy before they got together.
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-> In response to Poly Ship Alphabet !
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siilvan · 6 months
for my babygirl Petra: 🎮💯🍎☕️🧐 (answer however many im just nosy 🫶)
i will literally never complain about getting multiple of these, i can talk about petra 24/7 🫡 (link to oc game)
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies? 1. Petra's an artist! She has a journal that she keeps on herself almost 24/7 and every page that isn't dedicated to work-related info is filled with drawings. Her preferred subjects are nature; animals, plants, locations, etc., but she tries to sneak in drawings of the people around her whenever she can. There's a specific piece that I plan on turning into a fic 🤭 2. She can play the drums! She's no master, but she's skilled. Why the drums, you may ask? Because of her Uncle Frank. Idc if it was a silly easter egg, Frank's a drummer to me now, and Petra fell in love with it when she was little thanks to him. Women drummers are also hot so. What’s the issue. 3. Reading! Petra's a major bookworm in her spare time. Her favorite genres are romance and philosophy. For romance, she just likes the warm, fuzzy feeling it gives her. Regarding philosophy, she has a great interest in people as a whole and often fights with herself in things like morals versus duty, "right" versus "wrong", seeing the good in almost everyone...
💯 100 POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. 1. She listens to Sleep Token pretty religiously. Favorite genre of music is probably rock – what genre? Yes. The answer is yes. She doesn't believe in consistency. 2. Has a lengthy skincare routine, is absolutely heartbroken every time she's deployed because she can't do it in the field. She's forced convinced the boys to do it with her before, some put up more resistance than others. 3. She's got major entomophobia! While there are certain insects that Petra can handle (within reason, let's not get ahead of ourselves), the vast majority will have her jumping out of her skin. She can force herself to manage it in the field, but she usually comes out of those operations needing to scrub her skin raw to feel clean again. Am I projecting? Yes, yes I am.
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace? Petra was born in the city of Rotterdam! She moved to The Hague in her early 20s (probs like 20-22), so she's not very far from her birthplace! She lived in Copenhagen for a couple years while she was getting her master's degree, but she's been in The Hague ever since. She doesn't have any particularly strong feelings towards Rotterdam; it's where she and her brother grew up, but she visits it enough that there's nothing terribly nostalgic about it.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc.)? Coffee, tea, water... it all depends on her mood. Petra cares about her body, so she stays hydrated fr. She's particular to chai, black, and herbal teas, and prefers it decently sweet. As for coffee, she's not a snob that drinks it black – she adds milk, sugar, creamer... anything she can to make it more pleasant. Price has called her coffee "glorified milk" before. She threatened to run his cigars through the grater. He did not make any comments after that.
🧐 FACE WITH MONOCLE — is your oc more logical or emotional? Again... sorta depends on the situation. At her core, she thinks with her heart more than her head. Petra's a humanitarian and cares about what's best for the people above all else. This has put her at odds with both herself and allies before, and has unfortunately led to her getting too heavily involved with enemies that she saw some goodness in. On the flip side, she can be that cold, calculating, "we get dirty, world stays clean" type that the team needs when necessary. Petra's spent enough time in the field to know that logic takes precedence over emotions 99% of the time, even if it leaves her with a sour taste in her mouth in the end.
thank youuuuu bestie teehee 🥰🫶
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give-soup-please · 2 years
Do you think you'll ever return here soupman? I don't mean like returning to writing stuff like this, just, returning to this blog? Maybe reclaiming it as a soup-based blog? Or will you leave it forever? As much as I love archival stuff (I have a bad memory so preserving things as they are helps me remember), I think I'll miss you. Not your writings, you. So yeah, will you ever come back?
Longer post below the cut (very, very, long. you've been warned), but here's the TLDR: Right now, I can't say whether or not i'm going to do anything more with this blog or leave it as is.
This blog has too many attachments for me to abandon it entirely, but I don't really know what people would like to see me do next, and I am very, very confused by people's responses to me leaving. If you want more detail and context, keep reading.
I really wish I had a solid answer for you, anon. I find myself a little confused, to be honest. I've always tried to pull myself off of rambling and ranting in posts and tags, because I assumed people were 100% here for my TSP content and nothing else. I often try not to do commentary in the posts, and put it in brackets so people recognize it and skip over it if they'd like. But more and more people are showing that they care about the person behind the posts? and I????
In the grand scheme of things, I always assumed I was just some guy who liked TSP a little too much. Good lord, I ramble about the narrator so much sometimes. For goodness sake, I commissioned the VA for some work, which even though it's been a few months, still gets me giggly and blushy when I think about it. Who does that? Who am I, in all of this?
But you didn't come here for my confusion, you came for an answer to a fair question. Truth is, I don't know yet. On one hand, it seems a bit silly to say, "never will i ever return to this blog or TSP, good day." because- life changes. circumstances change. The narrator has changed due to the events of ultra deluxe, and writing for him has changed me as well. On the other, I genuinely don't know what content people would want to see. There's another anon in my inbox who's message I've been staring at all day, where they also asked what will happen to me and whether or not I'd give occasional updates, because they often wonder if the people are alright when their blogs go silent. This is very sweet! I don't want the person who asked that to be embarrassed. But I'm honestly very confused that I'm cared about, outside the context of what I do. I don't understand it at all, to be honest.
I'll let you in on a little secret, for those of you who have read this far. If it weren't for college, I'd keep going. Forever, if I could. If things went my way, the narrator and I would spend all day together, drafting and redrafting, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Because I recognize he's a fictional character, but- at the same time, he also lives in my head. Not as part of a system, I don't have DID, but I carry a lot of fictional characters with me because that's how I coped with growing up the way I did. It was bad business. Those who read the tags carefully might know that I ran away from home a few years ago. My characters helped me stay afloat in what would have otherwise been an impossible situation. I am very, very attached to them.
But I need this degree. Things are complicated on my end. The only guarantee I have for housing involves a deal I made with certain people to pursue a higher education. I can't take my time with it any longer, I have to push forward as a full time student in order to receive what I need. If I don't do what I'm told, I'm at risk for homelessness. Before this, I had been going to community college for four years, taking my time and making excuses. My hubris has caught up with me, and now I've got to go at full speed.
I am not letting these characters go, they're being pried from my fingers along with my free time. I am working on accepting this, on saying goodbye. It's difficult. The grief is overwhelming, but, and here's a funny thing:
A game about free will and the lack thereof, about stanley who is a puppet of the player, and the narrator, who doesn't have much choice either.
Me, a writer, a lover of this game, living a life that's out of my control, and not having options. A predetermined path stretches out ahead, and I walk it.
Familiar story, huh?
I will not be able to handle both this blog and a full course load. A few people have asked me to keep going, to do both. They do not know me as well as I know myself.
On top of that, writing for other people is kind of... stressful. I've always been a 'ride or die' style artist, pushing and straining myself. The way in which I work is not healthy for me. To have that attitude towards school and my hobbies would probably destroy me. I love the prompts people send in, I don't want them to feel bad about it. However, my attitude and approach needs some work. Which is why the blog has an end date, just under a week before classes start.
It sucks. I have no desire to give up what I'm doing, but it's responsible and it makes sense. I think of the narrator near the end of the 'not stanley' ending, and my heart breaks a little.
"I don't know... What's the answer? What do I do? What do I do? What do I- No I have to. I have to shut the game down. I have to. I have to."
Doing the right thing is always hard. I have a few regrets. I regret not starting this blog sooner. I regret what I'll be leaving behind. I regret the choices I've made that have made other choices unavoidable.
But I do not regret my time here. I do not regret the 60k+ (and counting!) words that I've written. I do not regret filling my time with joy. I do not regret the friends I've made thanks to this community.
And thanks to this community, it's been the best summer of my life.
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hellonoblesky · 11 months
(Under a cut bc I got so invested talking abt this w Cio (bungoustraypups) that I made. several characters to accompany his backstory)
Ok so two main things you need to know for this
1: Hirotsu trans ftm but I'm just gonn call him He this whole time. BUT NOTE: He doesn't come out until like right towards the end, so he's still presenting as a girl for most of this 2: in 70s Japan, girls weren't allowed to join gangs. In response to this, they made their own, called sukeban gangs
So basically to set the scene. Pre-bsd Yokohama. The Port Mafia has yet to rise to infamy. Sukeban gangs are forming in the streets. One of them features our Hirotsu as one of their members. A scrappy kid, not yet having fully discovered himself, and with so much pent up anger at the world that he doesn't quite know what to do with.
The gang he's in is small. There's members who come in and out of it, but there's four main members. They've got abilities. That's why they're the four main ones. And that's why they stick together.
(Yes they're my OCs sorry guys I got too silly <- isn't sorry at all)
So the lineup is as follows:
Inoue Youko: Her ability, Through Walls and War, allows her to see through walls when she closes her left eye. She's the team lookout, and can pull her weight in a fight pretty damn well
Saikita Hiroko: the group's mechanic and getaway artist. Her ability, Whispers in Metal, allows her to "understand" and "speak to" machines
Hino Koyuki: not a fighter or a runner, Koyuki is a thief and a schemer. Her ability, Down to the Bone, is a constantly active ability that causes her to only see living things as their internal workings. She can only see faces through photos and videos
And Hirotsu, of course
So the thing is. Their gang, because of their combined Abilities, gives them such a wild advantage over the other sukeban in the area, that the other gangs get sick of them, and start to Plot.
So while Hirotsu and the gang are busy trying to figure out what the hell they're supposed to make their living situation (they're fresh out of high school) (3/4 of them got kicked out of home due to their delinquency) (1/4 of them never really had a home to begin with)(not telling you which one tho)(It's Koyuki), almost every other sukeban gang converges on them.
It is not an easy fight. In fact, it's a fight so rough that their rivals manage to tear out Youko's right eye, the one she needs to look through in order to use her ability, essentially taking away her access to her ability as a whole. It's a fight so rough that it's the reason Hirotsu wears a monocle. Because his eye got fucked up in the brawl. And it's a fight so rough that it leaves the four of them clinging to an actively breaking down boat that Hiroko is desperately trying to keep running for dear life as they run.
It's about here Hirotsu comes out as trans and whatever, everyone else is chill with it, it's whatevs. They don't flaunt being Sukeban at this time anyway because they're trying to slip under the radar as they get back into Yokohama
This is when Hirostu stumbles into the Port Mafia. It wasn't as impressive as it is now at the time, but it was good enough that they could offer him a place to stay, and enough of a wage to send to his friends to keep them afloat while they worked things out. He doesn't want to get them involved in more gang wars. He's worried about Youko and how she's dealing with the loss of her ability. He's worried about Koyuki, who's frailer than the rest of them and shudders away from most people. And he's worried about Hiroko, who's snagging odd mechanics jobs just on the off chance she can grab lunch.
So he takes up the PM's offer. He does not let the other three join. They get into a fight about this. They split ways for a long time, but Hirotsu still sends money.
His loyalty to the PM becomes fierce. He forms the Black Lizard.
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vivacissimx · 1 year
Holy shit, I just finished your (viserra lives au) Baelon x Viserra fic, i used to read it in 2021 but then exams happened, i forgot abt your fic. Now scrolling through Tumblr, i got reminded again!! (Thank gods for that)
(Don't know if you are going to see this butttttt......) random question. In your fic: love doesn't live here, let's say After Baelon comes back from the hunt (swallowsong), couldn't see this witch and passes away (You will always be missed😔🥲). The great council of 101 happens, won't Viserra be one of the 14 participants (Saera was asked if she wanted the throne). Viserra is a true born daughter of the king and the late queen, Jaehaerys have come to love and respect Viserra. And sees her as a wise woman (not young and vain anymore) Anddddd the people absolutely LOVE her. So is there any chance or am I just delusional. For our beautiful Vis to be Queen
thanks so much! not sure what's in the water but that fic has been getting a lot of love lately, such a nice surprise 😺
this is a question i've asked myself with the characterization that i, personally, have created around viserra as she ages & matures—yes in my fic she found a place for herself in the political structure, first in white harbor where she was motivated half by spite & half by genuine interest into setting up a women's court akin to queen alysanne's. viserra in general being more comfortable/empathetic with women is built on her as a teenager who treated men as playthings, as well as some of saera's influence (boys are such silly fools). viserra being raised on praises of her beauty by much older men is where her general mistrust of them comes from, & more importantly it stays with her as she comes into herself.
in king's landing/dragonstone it's once again predation of young women that initially motivates her to get involved as a patron of tradeswomen.
however viserra is still pretty short-tempered, definitely a misandrist lol, not without a certain pride in her status/appearance, and overly indulgent of her nieces/nephews behaving badly as a result of her own parents not indulging her. viserra & baelon's relationship definitely took a long time to grow into a place of mutual understanding and empathy (i think i had her widowed like three years before they got together?), viserra & desmond even longer (six years!)—basically she's frosty. she lacks the friendly & trusting nature of the men she falls in love with, is attracted to them partly because they have what she doesn't.
if baelon is to die then yes viserra could be considered to inherit. do i think jaehaerys would (attempt to) give it to her? no. not really. viserra has grown leaps and bounds yes but jaehaerys gets the brunt of her lingering resentment, of her pride, and he would not find her to be the ideal successor for him & alysanne.
reasonably she could go to the great council to stake her claim. realistically i do not think she'd have too much support; laenor was supported through rhaenys whose claim came from being the eldest of the eldest i.e. absolute primogeniture. viserys was the eldest son of baelon, who became the heir when aemon died thus making baelon the eldest son i.e. male-centric primogeniture. viserra is the tenth-born twice-widowed mother-to-only-one-daughter princess, loved by those who know her yes, but with odd politics of her own & notoriously unwelcoming of suitors.
in my opinion she would not try for the throne either. yes it might hurt deep down to be passed over but viserra would never have even considered becoming queen in her own right at that point & she's extremely heartbroken over baelon (after everything they went through! it would decimate her!) i see it as a rhaena post-maegor's death situation.
personally i like to imagine this scenario: after baelon dies, viserra does ask jaehaerys will it be me now? more to hear the denial than as a genuine question. then she'd pop off north to recover in the company of her closest confidante delena fossoway, the lady of ramsgate. only leaves when lord manderly comes to fetch her because there's to be a great council—which she attends because viserys, rhaenys, daemon, aemma were all so beloved of baelon and having lost him she can at least honor his memory by trying to guide them through this, the way baelon always wished. viserys is confirmed prince of dragonstone but he's happy to let her continue the work she and baelon began on the island. with tensions tight between targaryen cousins, i'd have viserra to act as a bridge of sorts, the natural mediator to help hold together this now fragile royal familial structure. more of a sidenote but i'd also like for this to be whereabouts viserra & jocelyn begin to drift closer—jocelyn already having functioned as an advisor to rhaenys up til now.
ultimately the best, likeliest scenario would be: viserys on the throne, rhaenys as master of laws like prince aemon before her, viserra focused on her growing guildwork with close ties to her niece/nephew & the title of baelon's widow allowing her to have her own pocket of influence at court. viserrabaelon's daughter along with princess rhaenyra, lady laena, & little lord laenor being a new generation of bb's raised in closer quarters than they were in canon with rhaenys in king's landing. etc etc i have more of it mentally planned out, but that's the starting point.
i would have loved queen viserra personally! *making my dolls kiss* viserra & baelon with each other! together! however i enjoy shadow advisor!viserra even more, a nice sexy niche for her to do work she's personally passionate about instead of what she'd dread (treating with lords she looks down upon, who also look down upon her, having no sons so succession would be another case, having to take another husband at some point... nah not happening. not on my watch)
sorry this answer got so long. i miss playing with viserra in my sandbox, i truly do
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makiswirl · 1 year
ok sorry if this is a silly question but I'm always curious about how post canon edling works? like what is their situation.
did the edwin proposal just never happen or are they exes? are the edwin kids a thing?
does ed live in xing at some point or does he just travel around and sporadically visit ling whenever he can? I think repeatedly traveling through the desert could be painful with automail so maybe only once a year or every couple years?
idk, let me know ur thoughts!! :)
OKAY SO I OBVIOUSLY CANNOT SPEAK FOR LIKE ANYONE ELSE WHO'S INTO THEM but i do have a specific canon for them (exiled) (and like... i don't like the writing of the fics anymore... but my main interpretation still centers around it and follows the same beats so surely that means something right)
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(going to use parts of my personal doc for my ed blog (@alchemsol) that i use to keep track of stuff i've written that's canon for him just for convenience's sake)
so the general gist of the beginning of exiled is that after around four years of rehabilitation and one travelling in the west (what we see him doing at the end of canon, diverging without the edwin subplot since i prefer them being written in a more familial way like the start of canon did), ed travels to xing to visit everybody again along with his brother since he's working as an amestrian ambassador for xing now and living in the palace and learning alkahestry with mei, along with figuring out how to get jerso and zampano's bodies back ^_^
somewhere around this time ed and ling get together
during the span of about a month or two after the main plot ends, ed stays with ling in the palace and essentially accompanies him for a while as his s/o (unbeknownst to the main public). a while after he's called to border city milos to help solve a dispute with an alchemist
it is important to note that ling, despite this having been his entire goal and wanting to help his people and help reform xing, really fucking hates his job more than he thought he would since he's spent his whole life as a free spirit lol. more of ling's character arc involving naïveté it is!
so what ling does is he essentially knows that he can't really help xing much more than he already has in his position, and in a very strong sense of burnout and a horribly poor mental state that can really only hurt his people more than it would serve them, he and lan fan decide to desert, he fakes his death, and they both leave for and arrive in resembool while ed and al are still away in creta.
with mei having already been named his heir at this point in case anything were to happen to him and without any children due to the sudden elimination of the concubine system and lack of a love interest PRIOR to ed, she agrees to assume the throne and do what she had originally intended to do before ling had won the philosopher's stone and mostly continues out ling's work
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"bluebirds" (the last exiled fic) essentially centers around ed and ling adjusting to resembool life (especially ling because of how goddamn high-stakes his life has been up to this point) after ed and al return from milos, and also introduces winry and pinako to the series. al leaves to return to xing after it concludes
the tl;dr by this point is that lan fan and ling are now in resembool, and while winfan ALSO begins forming in the background of the story, ling and ed adjust to the whole situation of ling, a whole-ass emperor, having faked his death and randomly having showed up AT THE ROCKBELLS' (and ed's in a more non-literal sense) DOORSTEP, which ed is Very ":/" about bc they didn't talk about this and it could be dangerous as fuck but when are they not known for being ballsy!!!
the other titles listed happen after "bluebirds" and exiled conclude, but are still in the same canon. coulomb arc is a personal project with a writing partner (my boyf) that veers off into this non-canon au ficlet, terrible day for rain and names to call you by are ficlets that i've posted and deleted in the past that introduce nella and leroy who ed and ling end up adopting (along with ollie who they had also adopted shortly after the events of under the apple tree), and the other ed/ling fankids i've mentioned (jingyi, delilah, chao) happen sometime after matryoshka and end up as their biological children
golden years is obviously the end of all that but it isn't really important since it's an unnecessary ficlet i just wanted to write ages ago lmao
TL;DR: my interpretation is probably really far from what most people would consider in-character or most likely to happen after canon especially since it just ditches parts of the epilogue entirely as a result of it being a love letter to myself and what i like and not really much else because i just felt really silly goofy after consuming fullmetal alchemist content for the first time
however ^_^ ! it's basically just ed and ling living wild in their early 20s and then settling down and basically turning into domestic gay middle-aged men with 9 million kids because i think they deserve better than constant drama for once in their life lolz. i simply think it's good and soft for them to be normal especially given ling especially didn't get a taste of it at all when ed at least got a small sippy
ed ofc still travels from time-to-time because that's just the kind of guy that he is (usually bringing ling along with him to show him amestris), and he typically avoids doing it entirely unless he has a like. VERY important trip where he won't be gone for long after they have children mostly in fear of accidentally becoming like his father even though he's mostly forgiven him and absolutely doesn't hate him at all by now since he knows better than what he used to and why things ended up the way they did. it's just the matter of them getting used to living like actual normal and happy grown people, even with some bumps along the way, and they finally get to heal from everything that happened to them when they were younger together
tl;dr x2: i think they should heal and be shitty little country boys and make out maybe
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excitingrbl · 1 year
it'll be two years next month...
...that I've been legally divorced.
I knew it was definitely the end in 2016. meaning, there would be no more reconciling or attempts to for the greater good of the family. the other party had some other agenda still in mind because no matter how clear I was that a divorce was needed, I was met with resistance until 2020. that logically tallies up to be only 4 years but I stated that we should get a divorce after we had been married a year. I was told that I was giving up too easily.
if you haven't heard this from anyone else, please listen when I say that choosing to walk away from abuse (doesn't matter the kind; walk away from it) and/or toxic behavior that is not changing is not just giving up. there is no right way to stay in a harmful situation, mentally, physically, otherwise. unfortunately, if your partner isn't leaving visible bruises, scars, or causing obvious signs of neglect, people will minimize your shit. as hard as it may be to get through that alone, I do encourage pushing through.
it'll be two years next month that I've been legally divorced with the ex-husband having a child support decree of $182/per month. since he wasn't working at the time of the divorce, the amount was based on his attained education. since we've been divorced, he's had 3 different jobs. I haven't taken him back to court. he also went back to school and if I'm not mistaken, has completed whatever he returned for so that means more education. I haven't taken him back to court.
because I don't want the hassle of court, as long as he pays what he was decreed to pay, he'll hear nothing from me. does my daughter deserve more support than this? OF FUCKING COURSE. she deserves emotional support from BOTH of her parents. she deserves financial support from BOTH of her parents. before anyone says the $182 IS financial support, sure. however, anyone actively raising a child full-time knows that $182 is insulting to the amount required to provide for a child every month. so when he doesn't pay or pay on time, it's a reminder of how much he doesn't care.
he didn't decide out of the kindness of his heart to give me $182 a month to contribute to the raising of his child. he pays it because the court told him he has to as a result of us getting divorced. during the divorce, I found out that he pays two of the mothers he had children with after our daughter, $200 a piece. even more of an insult that there's not even a thought of rounding up $18. I pause when this thought crosses my mind because if he was truly paying the other mothers $200 a month but didn't even care to send anything for our daughter until he was told he had to, what makes me think he gives a fuck enough to round up? silly me.
why didn't I seek child support prior to the divorce is a question I've been asked here and there. the amount of mental stress required to follow through with everything wasn't ever worth it to me. the paperwork alone is enough to fuel whatever rage I have tucked away to keep moving forward. 21 pages of a document asking the basic of questions but because they're so basic, it's a constant poking of the bear kind of thing. there's also a chance that I will have to prove he's the father, beyond the birth certificate. even more insulting and a reminder that I was once involved with someone who really don't give a fuck about nobody but himself.
I'm also reminded that he's supposed to pay 50% of all our daughter's medical bills. he doesn't because I don't send him the bills. he didn't have a job so what good would it do? we're supposed to tell each other whenever we move and give each other the new addresses. I still don't have a address of where he lives to this day. I even reminded him when I moved. nothing.
these are all things for which I can take him back to court. however, it will be on my dime. much like literally everything else. the divorce he refused for years, included. so I often sit and ask myself "is going to court worth it?" and because he knows this much about me, he "safely" assumes I won't take him to court. stress is a major trigger to my diabetes being unmanageable so these assumptions are no longer safe to make. I shouldn't have to remind a father to pay a crumb of financial support every month. not even once should I have to remind a father to give a fuck, even if it is a small one. especially when no one has to remind me to provide for our child every day, week, month, year of her life.
and when we reduce this entire post down to that, it's clear to see why I asked for the divorce the first time, 10 years ago. no one should have to remind you to take care of anyone you claim to love. if you need reminders, you might also need to sit with your definitions of love and priorities.
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vox-monstera · 1 year
💔 🎥 💑 for Leo & 💲 🎀 😳 for Vox <33
I can't find the full prompt list so I can't link it, sorry!
Also sorry it took me almost a month to answer!!!
Thank you so much for the ask! 😘
Leonora Vice
💔 What was my muse's first heartbreak?
Jonas Redfield, who Leonora hates to this day!
He's a fellow socialite, though his family is not nearly as wealthy or famous as the Vices. Leo began a relationship with him (something she thought would never happen) when she was seventeen after years of pining after him. He was always aloof about the situation, which lead to Leo doubting his intentions. Turns out that he was... gently pushed by his family into asking her out for social climbing purposes.
She promptly embarrassed him in front of their entire school, dumped him, and then was secretly hurt about it for years after.
Never, ever invite her to an event if he's going to be there... 👀
👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻 What are my muse's requirements for a potential partner?
Leo has a strict list of requirements for sexual partners and an even more intensive one for romantic partners.
She is, firstly, very much a "don't date below your class" type of person. Intelligence and charm are important, and so is respect. She tends to lean towards people who are good at what they do with humility; she believes praise comes from those around you, not yourself. Leo also values her independence a lot, so she demands her partner do the same (no clingers, please). This sounds silly, but Leo prefers dating people without families? Leo herself finds family a drag and kind of unimportant (except for her mom!), and would rather not have to deal with all of that.
As far as looks go, she doesn't really have a "type"; for Leo, it's mostly about personality.
🎥 Who is my muse's celebrity crush?
Babe... is Anthony Bourdain a celebrity in CP2077? Cause it's Anthony Bourdain. She's read all of his books and editorials, watched all of his shows, and owns every piece of media he's been a part of.
If not, I wouldn't know what to tell you. My girl's PICKY.
Vox Monstera
💲- (couldn't find the prompt list but I think this was like... would my muse ever sleep with someone for money?)
Oh, absolutely not. She barely gets the courage to sleep with people she does like, so I don't think she'd ever accept money to sleep with anyone.
🎀 Who would my muse sleep with if no one had to know?
Saul Bright!
Vox has... conflicting feelings on Saul. On the one hand, she admires his strong-handed leadership and no-nonsense manner of handling business, but she also finds his stubbornness and inflexibility infuriating. It's definitely a mixture of attraction and detestation, which would lend itself to a very interesting dynamic between them.
If they were to pursue any sort of relationship it would definitely stay sexual in nature, and Vox (and I'm sure Saul) would really want to keep it on the down low. My hc is that Saul is very much a rough top, and while Vox is a bottom-leaning switch, Saul would definitely bring out the brat in her. There would be a lot of spanking, hair-pulling, and choking involved, with a sprinkle of degradation as a garnish.
😳 What was my muse's worst romantic/sexual relationship?
Vox was in a really nasty relationship while living out East. One of the reasons she came back to Night City was to escape the memory of this person.
I haven't worked out all of the details yet, but the long and short of it is that she fell in love with and began a relationship an Atlantis corpo (against her better judgement) who she later found out was an international sex trafficker. Vox may or may not have killed him (she's actually not sure) before absconding to Atlanta, and then back to NC.
She doesn't like to talk about that time in her life, so for a long time the only person who knew about that relationship was Johnny, since he knew all of her memories.
I hope the flesh this out a lot more and maybe write about their relationship a bit.
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brightorangetea · 10 months
Dearest Tea:
Many times you've expressed fascination with the monstrously large fic himi and I are writing (made more monstrous in concept since she's writing in her second language.)
I saw your tag under a post asking for more weird asks, so I figured I would tell you about our silly little fic, here are a few highlights, and some out of context general facts.
For starters the word count on The Fic is but a scratch on the surface. There's thousands and thousands more words of world building, including alternate scenes we couldn't make up our mind on.
Without further ado:
Shura jumps out a multi story window. Her cockiness knows no bounds. This does not go well for her.
The ending involves somewhat secretive world domination. I also execute angel in great detail in front of a crowd.
We have many thousands of words intricately detailing a vampire biology that is joyfully and needlessly complex, to the point that I'll most likely write a guide that goes with the fic in lieu of figuring out how to work it all into the story. No other piece of vamp media EVER has as much detail as we do. Nothing else holds a candle to it in concept, there are a few similar fics, but none so long and detailed.
Toudou Saburota has 12 teeth pulled out in great detail, it is a scene I happen to be particularly proud of, and one of the first ones I wrote. Without further elaboration, Lucifer is the one who undertakes this task.
Renzou is still a conniving and backstabbing little shit. It bites him in the ass extremely thoroughly and he comes to regret his choices beyond comprehension (again, Lucifer adjacent statement).
Don't do drugs kids, or do, these guys certainly are. (Vampire blood is psychoactive in certain situations.)
Yuri's death is still fucked up, but Different, and death is never truly the end.
Running from apex predators is never a good idea. No one ever seems to learn this.
Egyn, Azazel, Beelzebub and Iblis are all OCs of himi's from before we knew what they were like in canon.
Blood. So much of it. Everywhere. (Obviously ✨).
Wish shiro lived? This is the fic for you!
Frustrated with Yukio and wish he had consequences for his actions? This is also the fic for you. I cannot express how much this applies, we took Get His Ass very seriously.
The genre could best be described as soft horror, or dark fluff. No idea what you know about the agere fic community, especially the non-con side of it. Know this part's kind of a bomb shell since we (said community) don't tend to surface in popular fandom very often or at all for obvious reasons, but figured I'd put it out there so you could back out before you get too invested if that's something you don't want to go near.
I can't think of anything else currently. Do with this information what you will, I like to share things and you expressed interest. I hope you enjoyed, or are at least more psyched to see what we're up to.
Sincerely and with friendship,
To my friend EyeballsToEntrails, Thank you so much for the ask! It came at a time where I needed something interesting to read and you really delivered.
I have no idea what most of this means if I'm going to be honest, but as you already know, I'm not one to read tags or even read things in order, so as long as your fic stays as entertaining as these little snippets seem, I will still be looking forward to when you eventually finish and post. Thousands and thousands of words...damn
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celamoon · 1 year
manhwa characters as my senior year friends
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Arthur is still... Arthur. Student council president, captain of every single sports team there is. The overpowered male lead who now balances a job on top of his work and texts me whenever stressed. He's a source of comfort as they had quoted in the game, and he's someone who finds time to respond to your message no matter how exhausted he is at the end of the day. Even when it's way past bedtime for the two of us, we still can't stop talking because if the moon never rests then neither do we.
Dylan's the boy I romanticized to the moon and back. He's the asshole who I thought would like me back until our relationship was severed harshly by the blades of reality. It's a push-and-pull relationship that keeps me up at night and drives me mad because it will never be anything more than a delusionship on my end and a sibling relationship on his end. It's the heartbreak that my eight-year-old self would cry over, but it's the heartbreak that my eighteen-year-old self needed, and it was the broken relationship that I don't regret,
Peepaw is an old ass man. He's every single grandfather character you can name, but to me, he's Florentia's grandfather, Rulak. That old geezer. He's rich (in stuffed animals) and knowledge (manga) and he's the most insane man alive. He's scary when you first meet him, but he has a soft spot for his friends, throwing stuffed animals at their faces and popping out of thin air to give you blackmail material for others. It's an old man that seems youthful no matter how old his face seems to be.
Lariette is the lalala girl to my okokok self. She streams, games, discord e-girls, and does just about everything that a pink gamer girl could possibly do. She's spontaneous and takes advantage of the moment, enjoying the moment instead of thinking too much about it. She's lively and energetic, yet somehow never has the energy to walk around too much. She's my silly little spoiled bestie and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Odette is the prettiest girl I have ever met. She's gorgeous, smart, and independent and does everything herself. She dresses herself, picks everything herself, and for the longest time I've known her, I have never seen her rely on anyone else for comfort or help. She goes out whenever she has the chance, and she works a job to support herself. Sometimes it's scary to see how much she knows about what she wants to do, but it's much more comfortable to know that there's at least one person who has the future planned.
Nassar is. Nassar is one of the only people out of the majority of my friend group who can drive. He does most of the driving, and he drags people around at a call's notice. He doesn't do much, yet he stays on top of his grades and hangs out in our group, down for whatever adventure Odette and I can think of. He's the one at the wheel when we're all speeding out of school on a Friday and the one who sits and waits, always tagging along, only ever speaking up now and then.
Ariel is the ex to me. She deadpans, is done with everyone, and consistently manages to find herself involved in some kind of situation that she would rather not be in. She's realistic with her decisions, and she cares for her friends more than she would like to admit. She finds that she knows a lot of hidden gems around the school, and she shares a delulu vibe with me
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himitsu-luna · 3 years
⸰ֺ⭑Nct 127 - Ideal types⭑ֺ⸰
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❥︎𑁍 Taeil
Someone like the moon. Serene, a comforting presence, humble, but that still possesses various interesting facets and is able to light the darkest room. Someone with a magnetic aura, whose presence is subtle, but when they are not around, they are definetely missed. Someone soft who inspire romantic thoughts and actions. Someone cute but that doesn't realize it. Someone silly who makes him smile and laugh at the smallest things, that vibes with him in a deeper level. Someone simple, as chill as him, as free spirited as him, who will be up to do anything with him. Someone who has the ability to make the most complicated thing look easy, that can vanish any bad feelings with a reassuring smile or touch. Someone that appreciates his entire being and all of his perfect imperfections.
❥︎𑁍 Johnny
Someone like the sun. Spontaneous, warm, bright, inviting, that makes him feel that life would be impossible without them. Someone that smiles a lot and laughs easily, that is kind of random. Someone visionary, free, that just catches his hand and says "let's go!". Someone who is genuine in everything they do and say, that sees no problem in saying "I'm sorry" or "I was wrong". Someone hardworking, that works more for others than for themselves. Someone with whom he can have cheesy pick up lines battles and that can make him flustered at the end. Someone that has firm steps and knows where they are going, that has a broad vision of life. Someone balanced, 50% emotional and 50% rational.
❥︎𑁍 Taeyong
Someone like a lighthouse. Always there to guide him, to show him that he is not alone, to show him the way when he feels lost, someone he knows that will be there for him, waiting for him at that same spot, with unchanged feelings. Someone dependable and reliable, with a motherly instinct, but that still has their inner child jumping and playing at times. Someone wise, from whom he can always learn a new thing. Someone that can make him slow down sometimes to enjoy a peaceful afternoon. Someone that can read, match and change his moods, that knows exactly what to do in every situation, that makes him feel safe and understood. Someone that goes to him with open arms and always listen to him before listening to anyone else.
❥︎𑁍 Yuta
Someone like a painting. Expressive, colorful, admirable, interesting, full of layers, that show themselves completely, but there's always some detail yet to be discovered if you look at them from a different angle. Someone fair, just, loyal, that kind of person that you can trust completely. Someone that actually doesn't fall for his pranks, because they are always one step ahead. Someone playful, sincere, open minded, free of judgements, that just want people to be happy and prays everyday for this world to get peace. Someone who matches his intensity, but is far from being competitive. Someone strong, maybe tough, but that has soft spots for a lot of cute little things. Someone kind and generous, that is always ready to help others.
❥︎𑁍 Doyoung
Someone like a precious crystal. Beautiful, transparent, formed with a lot of patience, that takes the hardships in life to become a better person, that seems delicate but is actually very strong, extremely precious and valuable in every way. Someone with an extremely good heart and a charming great mind. Someone who forgives easily, even though they shouldn't. Someone who is good with words, that expresses themselves well, that is honest with their feelings and share them with him. Someone who has the sense of commitment and give their all in the relationship. Someone who gets along with his family and friends. Someone who has eyes just for him, that is his supporting system, his number one fan, that recognizes all of his efforts. Someone who truly listen to others and keep in their hearts everyone's story.
❥︎𑁍 Jaehyun
Someone like an old love song. Filled with tender emotions, ageless, classic, someone who evoque sweet memories everytime he looks at them, someone who validates his thoughts and feelings. Someone who makes him miss them, that makes him smile with just one text message. Someone that doesn't push or rush him, that is in the same wavelenght as him, that walk in the same pace as him, that makes him feel comfortable and relaxed, that brings harmony to his life. Someone encouraging, that makes him gladly go out of his comfort zone sometimes. Someone entertaining, creative, that comes up with the most brilliant and funny thoughts from time to time. Someone fascinating, charming, passionate, that speaks with their whole body when they get excited.
❥︎𑁍 Winwin
Someone like the ocean. Deep, pacific, that makes him feel free and calm, that has the strong power to pull him to them, that gives him that feeling that the world is huge and there's so many things he doesn't know yet . Someone who gets his walls down, that makes him wanting to be the chaser. Someone who accepts him, who understands him, who doesn't suffocate or pressure him on acting in a certain way. Someone considerate, respectful, a gentle and ethereal soul. Someone that people may label as traditional, but that has a truly rich inner world, that they share only with him. Someone that quietly takes care of him just for the sake of caring, without any greed or second intentions.
❥︎𑁍 Jungwoo
Someone like a flower. Sweet, unique, fresh, that attracts people to them, fill everyone with happiness and with the feeling that at the end things will be alright and that life is indeed beautiful and worth living. Someone supportive, that will stay by his side and will make him their priotity. Someone who shows unconditional trust on him, on his feelings, on his thoughts, that makes him feel confident about himself. Someone with a hint of a genius mind, that can follow his thoughts, and that has thousands of hobbies, because they like to keep their mind running. Someone who won't deny his affection and will give him all the hugs he needs.
❥︎𑁍 Mark
Someone like the sky. Pure, sincere, soft, clear, that shelters everybody under their veil with no prejudice, that makes him want to fly high. Someone easy to deal with, that doesn't like conflicts, but that also knows how to protect themselves and the ones that need to be protected. Someone who gets involved in his daily life, that shows interest in the things he does. Someone empathetic, positive, cute, kind, soft spoken, that sees the bright side of the world. Someone who feels like a best friend, that greet him with a high five followed by a sweet little peck. Someone overall calm and chill, but that also has lots of chaotic moments that makes him burst into giggles.
❥︎𑁍 Haechan
Someone like the stars. Cute, special, lovely, that shines on their own and helps others find their own light, that is there even if you don't see them, that makes his eyes sparkle. Someone as wild as him, as intelligent as him, that thinks quick and acts quicker. Someone sweet and friendly, that makes sure everyone feels included. Someone who recognizes him and takes him seriously, that talks to him about any subject: politics, food, tv shows, science, business, everything. Someone affectionate, that hugs him, kisses him, that says him at the end of the day "You did great!". Someone that gently point him his hits and misses, that is always leading him to improvement. Someone mature yet carefree, funny and bubbly at their core.
•° Anon, here is your request! I hope you like it! (I'm not actually satisfied with it, maybe I'll change it in the future, but feel free to give me a feedback! )✨
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