tita-ferreira · 1 month
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rhicardogarcia · 5 months
Lambança em Santo André: MTST invadiu terreno particular e Prefeitura quer pagar o triplo do preço.
Desde abril de 2022 aproximadamente 2 mil membros do MTST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem-Teto) estão ocupando um terreno privado na alameda Roger Adam, no bairro Campestre, em Santo André. No Brasil e em qualquer outro País civilizado, deveria ser inadmissível que movimento social, neste caso influenciados por partido político de viés esquerdista, se sinta no direito de invadir propriedade…
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blogoslibertarios · 6 months
Bolsonaro liga MTST a Lula após post com Jesus e frase sobre bandido
  O ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) publicou em seu perfil no Instagram neste sábado (30.mar.2024) a publicação do MTST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem-Teto) que mostra Jesus Cristo sendo crucificado com a frase “bandido bom é bandido morto”. Ao fundo da postagem de Bolsonaro, há uma imagem de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) em evento em 2022 usando um boné com a logo do movimento. Também toca…
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i get really depressed whenever i'm faced with a liberal vegan or an ignorant carnist and i'm... not sure which one is worse! probably the vegan one, because all they ever to is to promote brands that enslave people, besides being ableists and capitalists pieces of shit. actually the line between both is almost inexistent ha!
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chiga666 · 2 years
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@folhadespaulo O Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Teto (MTST) orientou militantes a irem às estradas bloqueadas por bolsonaristas para retirar as barricadas que impedem a passagem dos carros. ➡️Leia em folha.com/monicabergamo 📝@monica_bergamo 📷Eduardo Anizelli - 31.out.2022/Folhapress (@anizelli) #PraTodosVerem: Fotografia colorida mostra agente da PRF, de costas, observando bloqueio de bolsonaristas nas estradas. Sobre a imagem há o título da reportagem: "MTST orienta militantes a se reunirempara desbloquear estradas" #MTST (^_^) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkdO_W5Ou63p30go3ystXiWxuuzAeIhxBkTPzw0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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las-lus · 5 months
So this is a serious post! Brazil's south is currently facing one of the worst natural disasters in its history - a flood that has so far affected the lives of almost 1.5 MILLION people [x] and has shown no signs of slowing down.
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How can you help?
There are two ways - donate money and share this post! Brazilian currency (the Real) is really cheap compared to euro, dollars and pounds, so 5 dollars is enough for two whole meals. By donating 5 dollars, you can make sure someone will eat lunch and dinner tomorrow.
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Where to donate?
A lot of organizations are accepting international currency! I'll drop a link of some! A lot of people are currently out of their homes and living in shelters, while others need to be rescued! Those funds will go directly to people and organizations feeding, housing and rescuing them!
MTST, a left wing organization that has been feeding and housing people for decades, is making free meals for the victims! 5 dollars are enough for 2 whole meals! PayPal Here!
CUFA, another left wing organization that has been helping people in favelas/slums all over the country, who are helping with food, water and clothes! PayPal: [email protected]
HUMUS, an organization dedicated to help victims of natural disasters! They have a lot of volunteers firefighters helping with rescues! Donations Here (they accept PayPal and credit card).
Animal Disaster Response Group, an organization helping rescue and shelter pets and other animals! Most shelters aren't taking pets, so people were forced to leave theirs behind during the flood, and this org is doing its best to save them all! PayPal here and Credit card here!
Luz Alliance Fund, a charity organization run by brazilian supermodel Gisele Bündchen, has been alocating the funds to where hey are most needed. Donations here (dollars only)
My own Ko-fi. I'll be personally buying drinkable water, food and other items and dropping at the donation stations at my university. I understand that you might feel safer donating to a known organization, but if you prefer trusting me, I'll update photos on my Ko-fi of the donated items! Link here!
AND AGAIN! Remember that dropping 5 dollars anywhere can really help someone! And even if you cannot donate, PLEASE share, so more people can see this and help! The situation is very dire and has no sign of stopping anytime soon, those people will need all the help they can get!
Thank you!!
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How you can help victims of the Rio Grande do Sul floods
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Rescue efforts are ongoing in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil’s southernmost state, after floods and landslides left at least 100 people dead and displaced more than 200,000. As well as local residents, rescue groups have also dedicated themselves to saving pets stranded on rooftops and in flooded homes.
For those who live abroad and want to help, well-known NGOs are making their channels available for donations in foreign currency.
That is the case of the Brazil Foundation’s Luz Alliance Fund, created by fashion model Gisele Bündchen, and the Homeless Workers’ Movement’s (MTST) PayPal through its “Solidarity Kitchen” project. The MTST’s goal is to deliver 2,400 meals daily.
Another crowdfunding project is supported by companies and influencers from all over Brazil, and donations can be made in U.S. dollars, euros, and British pounds.
Continue reading.
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selena0919 · 5 months
Donation links to help feed the people displaced by the floods happening in Rio Grand do Sul
The Homeless Workers' Movement (MTST) and the Landless Rural Workers' Movement (MST) are doing crowdfunding projects to help feed the displaced population in Rio Grande do Sul.
To donate you need to make an account on the website. It's rather quick to make an account, and your browser should be able to translate the website.
Edit: If you scroll down, you will find instructions in english and links to donate with dollars, euros, and british pounds. So you don't need to make an account on the website.
MTST's crowdfunding campaign
MST's crowdfunding campaign
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gregg-araki · 2 years
quanto tempo vcs dão pro bolsonaro ir de getúlio vargas?
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austinramsaygames · 4 months
The Charity Bundle to Aid Flood Victims in Southern Brazil is now live!
You can buy 100 ttrpgs (including some of my work) for only a $15+ donation. All procedures will go to the community kitchens organized by MTST, which have been feeding thousands of displaced families.
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cyberwavebabe · 5 months
Hello, my non brazilian followers! I don't know if you already know the situation in Brazil right now, but heavy rains caused widespread flooding in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. Now, hundreds of towns under water. People lost their houses, animals, everything, a lot of people died and a lot are still not found.
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[Images: https://www.google.com/amp/s/g1.globo.com/google/amp/rs/rio-grande-do-sul/noticia/2024/05/05/chuvas-no-rio-grande-do-sul-veja-fotos.ghtml ]
A video explaining the situation (in Portuguese with subtitles):
A lot of people here are helping how they can. Donations here are almost all done by Pix (a Brazilian form of payment that is fast and direct). I know pix does not exist in other countries, so I was searching for ways to help if you're not in Brazil so I could share here, since the majority of my followers are not Brazilians.
1. Cozinha Solidária MTST:
2. Central Única das Favelas (CUFA):
donations via paypal: [email protected]
3. MST:
Any donation can help a lot! Please share this post so more people can help!
Thank you!
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sailorgundam308 · 5 months
Guys, I’m doing a thing to try and help my hometown.
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If you are interested, DM me. If you can, please share.
The NGOs I’m planning to help are:
GRAD BRASIL (Groupon de Resgate de Animais em Desastres) - animal rescue operations
CUFA - RS (Central Unica das Favelas, Rio Grande do Sul) Frente Nacional Antirracista - provides aid for the poorer regions and vulnerable communities
Cozinha Solidaria MTST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Teto) - provides food for displaced people
If you prefer, you can go after these NGOs and others active in the region and donate directly to. Some are accepting PayPal and credit card.
(I will document and keep track of the entire thing to provide receipts for those who commission me.)
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devsgames · 4 months
Charity Bundle to Aid Flood Victims in Southern Brazil
There's currently a bundle for sale on itch with all proceeds go towards MTST who is helping to feed victims of flooding in Brazil. There's lots of cool stuff in there so please pick it up and share it widely!
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blogoslibertarios · 6 months
Postagem do MTST causa reações nas redes sociais
  Pré-candidatos à prefeitura de São Paulo e parlamentares de direita criticaram o deputado federal Guilherme Boulos (PSOL)por uma publicação do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Teto (MTST) em redes sociais que utiliza uma imagem de Jesus Cristo crucificado enquanto um dos soldados romanos diz: “bandido bom é bandido morto”. A postagem foi feita na sexta-feira (29), data do feriado cristão que…
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quarto809 · 5 months
O Rio Grande do Sul está embaixo d'água.
E ainda não parou de chover.
Os rios estão cobrindo pontes e estradas.
97,5 mil pessoas estão fora de casa nesse momento.
15,1 mil em abrigos.
80,5 mil desalojados.
De 496 municípios, 332 foram de alguma forma afetados pela chuva.
O nível do rio Guaíba atingiu 5,3 metros. A maior cheia da história.
Sei que existem muitas pessoas que estão evitando doar porque não sabem ao certo quais organizações são de confiança, então, eu separei algumas pessoas e organizações que estão ajudando os gaúchos nesse momento. Meu alcance é minúsculo mas, se pelo menos um de vocês puder ajudar, acredito que fará diferença!
Nome: Vakinha
PIX: 46.265.388/0001-53
Doe se não te fizer falta e se você não tiver como ajudar financeiramente, veja se seu amigo que mora na região está bem. Converse e ofereça apoio mesmo que seja em algumas palavras.
Você também pode escolher uma faixa recompensa pelo apoia.se por esse link bem aqui.
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the-cash-cache · 1 year
New Itch RPG bundle is live!
Just ran across this bundle with quite a few good looking games and supplements, all anti-imperialist! Proceeds are donated to the MTST Solidarity Kitchen, and you get a good number of games for a great price.
Bones Deep, God Remains, and Deep Nightly Fathoms in particular all look really neat!
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