#Magic is kufr
religionoftruth · 2 years
As Muslims it’s forbidden to celebrate Halloween. Why?
🔺7 Good Reasons why Muslims do NOT celebrate Halloween🔺 by Asma bint Shameem
1️⃣ Halloween, All saints day, All hallows eve or All souls day was a festival held to honor Samhain the so called "lord of death".
2️⃣ It’s a festival with pagan and Christian roots where demons, witches, devils and magic are venerated.
3️⃣ The reason for offering candy is the pagan belief that evil dead souls come back to earth this day. If someone offers them “treats”, they leave them alone. Otherwise they “trick” them and cause all sorts of havoc in their life and may even possess them.
4️⃣ The word jack-o-Lantern is actually an abbreviation of "Jack of the Lantern." Jack is supposed to be some guy who was fond of playing tricks on the devil. So Satan got annoyed and tossed a burning coal from hell towards Jack. With the coal in his "lantern" Jack was condemned to walk the earth forever searching for rest. Now people jack-o-lanterns on their doorsteps and windows to ward off the spirits of the dead on Halloween. Astaghfirullaah!
5️⃣ Witches and magic have nothing to do with Islaam. In fact practicing witchcraft is Kufr.
🍃Allaah says:
“Sulayman did not disbelieve, but the shayateen (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic…” (Surah al-Baqarah :102)
🍃 And the Prophet ﷺ said:
“Avoid the seven things which will lead to doom” He was asked, “What are they, O Messenger of Allaah?”
He said: “Associating anything with Allaah, witchcraft…” (al-Bukhaari, Muslim)
6️⃣ Halloween is a celebration of the *non Muslims. *
🍃 The Prophet ﷺ said:
‘Whoever imitates a people is one of them.’” (Abu Dawood, 3512; hasan Saheeh by Al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood 3401).
7️⃣ It is NOT the way of the Muslims.
🍃 Allaah says describing the Believer:
‎ والذين لا يشهدون الزور
“And those who do not witness falsehood..”   (Surah al-Furqaan 25:72)
🍃 Mujaahid and others said that falsehood (Zoor) refers to the festivals of disbelievers.
🔺Can I at least offer them candy❓
No. It’s not permissible to even give out candy  because doing so means you are condoning and affirming this pagan shirki festival and cooperating in it.
🍃 Allaah says:
‎وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْبِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَىٰ وَلَا تَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْإِثْمِ وَالْعُدْوَانِ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ
“Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is Severe in punishment.” (Surah al-Ma’edah:2)
🍃 And Allaah says:
‎مَّن يَشْفَعْ شَفَاعَةً حَسَنَةً يَكُن لَّهُ نَصِيبٌ مِّنْهَا وَمَن يَشْفَعْ شَفَاعَةً سَيِّئَةً يَكُن لَّهُ كِفْلٌ مِّنْهَا وَكَانَ اللَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ مُّقِيتًا
“Whosoever intercedes for a good cause will have the reward thereof, and whosoever intercedes for an evil cause will have a share in its burden. And Allaah is Ever All-Able to do (and also an All-Witness to) everything“ (Surah an-Nisaa:85)
🔺So what to Do❓
🔺Do NOT participate in this shirk and satanic celebration.
🔺Do NOT offer candy. Simply TURN OFF your porch light and they won’t bother you.
Even if they do ring your doorbell, you do NOT have to answer. It’s YOUR house. NO ONE can “force” you to open the door if you don’t want to.
🔺EDUCATE your children about the shirk and evil involved in celebrating Halloween.
🔺You DON’T have to find an “alternative” for your kids on Halloween. Simply STAY HOME. It’s NOT a day for ANY kind of “celebration”. It’s just a normal, regular day.
🔺Allaah HONORED you with Islaam. Be PROUD of your Muslim Identity. SHOW it with your actions.
You do NOT have to celebrate such festivals to “fit in”.
🍃 As Shaikh Moosaa Richardson said:
“Halloween is an annual celebration of non-Muslims, honoring witches, demons, & magic. Educate your children & don't allow them to go out begging for candy from your neighbors in a disgraceful act of imitating the most misguided & bankrupt people. Take HONOR in Allaah’s Guidance.”
رَضِيتُ بِاللَّهِ رَبًّا ، وَبِالْإِسْلَامِ دِينًا ، وَبِمُحَمَّدٍ رَسُولً
And Allaah knows best.
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academyguide · 2 years
Magic. The word alone is temptation for men one too many times, especially for them who seeks 'miracle'. In Islam, however, the practice of sihr (magic, which means something that is hidden and its cause is unknown) is an act of kufr (disbelief); therefore magic and sorcery is forbidden is is considered haram. Even the act of believing in it without practicing it is also haram. Magic here, means sorcery, witchcraft, fortune-telling and occults. It should to be noted but the so called magic used for entertainment, such as magic shows is not prohibited by Islam provided that the 'magicians' do not violate any of the dictates of Islam in any way.Practitioners of magic (Muslims, that is) believe in magical power, a demonic power (as it is said that one cannot attain sorcery without seeking the help of the devil), and would often worship it. As such, they would then claim that there is other greater power aside than Allah when as Muslims, they are to, and must, accept only Allah as the one and only God, the powerful one. Believing in any other supreme being would be an act of disbelief towards Allah. Learning magic is also an act of disbelief because they claim to have magical powers, when such powers can only exist in the Almighty himself.The Prophet mentions this,"Whoever goes to a fortune-teller or a soothsayer and believes in what he says has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammad."Since magic is believed to be as powerful as God, it would be no different than to associate sorcery with Allah. And the act of associating anything or anyone with God in manners of worship is a great sin that comes with severe punishment. Al-Maaidah 5:72 says:"Verily whoever sets up partners with Allah, then Allah has forbidden Paradise for him and the fire will be his abode. And for the Zalimun (Polytheists, and wrongdoers) there are no helpers."This is further evidenced by the warnings of the messenger of God:"Keep away from the seven destructive sins!" They said, "What are they, O Messenger of Allah?" He answered, "Associating partners with Allah; practicing sorcery; taking a life, which Allah has made forbidden except for a just cause (according to Islamic Law); eating Riba (usury) eating up an orphan's wealth; fleeing from the battle field at the time of fighting (with the unbelievers); and accusing chaste women, who never think of anything that can touch their chastity and who are good believers, of fornication.Besides that, sorcerers would manipulate simple-minded, naive folks in to believing their power and thus magic as well. These lead the believers towards magic, and hence lead them away from God. Such act is considered evil or Satanic, for only Satan seeks to remove the believers from their faith in God.Another reason why sorcery and magic is a sin is due to its influences and consequences. Sorcery tempts men with evil and causes a family to break apart. It manipulates the weak-minded, dominates their mind and influences them to do bad deeds. More often than, men seeks magic to instill harm unto other beings. Again, leading men towards evil instead goodness.Magic is hardly ever used for good purposes, though some would claim that, calling it white magic. But even if magic is used for good intentions, it remains a fact that it is dependent on unnatural powers and abilities, something that is not God-give (otherwise, He wouldn't have forbid it). Not to mention that the practice of white magic is a slippery slope to descending to black magic, which generally harms all and benefits none. Source by Iris Pak
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khutbahs · 3 years
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জাদুবিদ্যা কুফরি আর তাবিজ ইসলামে হারাম ও শিরক।
যাদু করা হারাম। জ্যেতিষী নিকট ভাগ্য পরীক্ষা ও ভবিষ্যৎদ্বানী করা শিরক ও কুফরী কাজ । তাবিয ঝুলালে সে শিরক করল ।  মহান আল্লাহ তাআলা বলেন- ‘তারা ঐ শাস্ত্রের অনুসরণ করল, যা সুলায়মানের রাজত্ব কালে শয়তানরা আবৃত্তি করত। সুলায়মান কুফর করেনি; শয়তানরাই কুফর করেছিল। তারা মানুষকে জাদুবিদ্যা এবং বাবেল শহরে হারুত ও মারুত দুই ফেরেশতার প্রতি যা অবতীর্ণ হয়েছিল, তা শিক্ষা দিত। তারা উভয়ই (হারুত-মারুত) একথা না বলে কাউকে (জাদু) শিক্ষা দিত না যে, আমরা পরীক্ষার জন্য; কাজেই তুমি কাফের হয়ো না। অতঃপর তারা তাদের কাছ থেকে এমন জাদু শিখত, যা দ্বারা স্বামী-স্ত্রীর মধ্যে বিচ্ছেদ ঘটে। তারা আল্লাহর আদেশ ছাড়া তা দ্বারা কারও অনিষ্ট করতে পারত না। যা তাদের ক্ষতি করে এবং উপকার না করে, তারা তাই শিখে। তারা ভালরূপে জানে যে, যে কেউ জাদু অবলম্বন করে, তার জন্য পরকালে কোনো অংশ নেই। যার বিনিময়ে তারা নিজেদের বিক্রি করে দিয়েছে। তা খুবই মন্দ; যদি তারা জানত।’ (সুরা বাকারা : আয়াত ১০২)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTdA4y3mdTo
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learnaboutislamuk · 3 years
The Nullifiers Of Islam | Dr Abdulilah Lahmami | Manchester
The Nullifiers Of Islam | Dr Abdulilah Lahmami | Manchester
Ustaadh Abdulilah uses the explanation of Shaykh Ahmed an-Najmee and also Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree, to cover the classic work of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Al-Wahhab. The book teaches us what would nullify Islam.   Notes
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basicsofislam · 2 years
PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH)’s BIOGRAPHY : Jafar ibn Abi Talib Takes Word
Meanwhile Najashi had called his clergy near him and had made them lay basic texts of religion open before him. It was clear that he was going to compare the novelties that Islam was bringing in the name of religion with what his own understanding was, and then reach a conclusion. That is why a very appropriate reply had to be given to him to cover all his questions and hesitations. After a brief pause, Jafar ibn Abi Talib stepped forward and said: “O King! We saluted you with the salutation of the Messenger of Allah. This is the salutation of the inhabitants of heaven; with it we find new life in our inner worlds. We only go down to sajda in prostration before Allah, we seek refuge in Him from having to prostrate to others,” thus clarifying two of the points Najashi had raised.
Then he changed the direction of the conversation and said to the King: “I beseech you to ask these men of Quraysh the following three questions.”
“Ask,” said Najashi.
“Are we slaves who have fled their masters that they are here to hand us back to our masters?”
This was an unexpected question indeed and Najashi turned to the Qurayshis: “Were these slaves, O Amr?” he asked.
Although they wanted to kill the Muslims, there and then, they had no choice but to tell the truth. Unwillingly and rather forcefully, they said: “No, in fact they are generous people.”
The first round was over. Jafar asked the second question: “Will you ask them, O King, whether we are people who have shed blood unlawfully and then fled, and whether by asking you to hand us over, they are seeking the implementation of justice?”
It was clear that Jafar was now engaged in a real fight with words. Spoken word had a magical power and he wanted to make use of that. Words were transforming into effective weapons and the castles that the men of Quraysh were trying to build in the name of kufr, disbelief, were collapsing one by one. Najashi once again turned to the envoys and asked: “Have they killed unlawfully?”
“No they have not shed a single drop of blood,” answered Amr.
Wasn’t real virtue the virtue even your enemies would have to acknowledge? Now it was time for the last question.
“Can you ask them, O king, whether we stole people’s goods and that it is for that reason they come to interrogate us, to ask for the goods we’ve stolen?”
The king turned to the envoys once again. They had not killed anyone, they had not degraded the honor of anyone, and they had not rebelled against their masters—what could anyone possibly want from these people? That is why Najashi changed his attitude as he was asking the last question: “If these people owe you money, then you can collect it from me.”
The meeting was spiraling out of control for the Qurayshi envoys from the very beginning: “They do not owe us anything,” they replied.
Now it was the King’s turn to ask the questions: “Then what is it that you want from these people?”
This was a question that made the silence even more aggressive. There was only one thing they could say: “We used to believe in the same religion and would be united around the same belief, but these people have left that unity and we have come looking for them.”
Now they had come to the point. The king turned to Jafar and asked: “What was the understanding of religion that you used to subscribe to, and what religion are you following now?”
“O King! We used to be a community that was ignorant and a plaything in the hands of the devil, we used to worship idols and eat the flesh of the dead! We used to engage in all kinds of debauchery, we did not care about family ties or neighborly rights. Whoever was strong among us would oppress the weak. Then Allah sent a Prophet from among us whose family we all knew very well, and whose truthfulness and trustworthiness was already praised among us. He invited us to know Allah as the Unique One of Absolute Unity, not to worship anyone but Him, and to leave our ancestral habit of worshipping idols that we had made with our own hands from stones and clay. He also invited us to speak the truth, to keep our promises, to strengthen the ties between relatives by visiting each other, to have good and warm relations with our neighbors. Equally he warned us against all things haram, or prohibited, against shedding blood, debauchery, gossip and lies, against exploiting the rights and assets of the orphans and against slandering women who live virtuously. He also invited us to worship Allah, who is the Unique One of Absolute Unity, and not to worship any other god beside Him, to perform the Prayers, to give zakah, the prescribed purifying alms, and we have accepted what he said and we have submitted to him in faith. We have devoted ourselves to doing what he has brought to us from Allah, to worship Allah who is One, and not to hold anything equal to Him. Now we consider what he says haram as unlawful and what he has allowed halal as permitted. But our tribe started to become hostile to us, and they subjected us to all sorts of torture. They tried to make us recant our faith, to prevent us from turning our faces towards Allah and pushed us to engage in all the said debauchery. They did everything in their power so we should go after these hand-made idols once again, and they thought it fair to resort to any means in their efforts. When their torture became too much to bear and they tried to get between us and our religion, we sought refuge in your land. We preferred your country among others, we hoped we would not be subjected to any oppression under your rule, O King,” said Jafar elaborately.
Right after this eloquent speech, Najashi said: “Do you have anything with you from what Allah has sent?”
It looked like the words of Jafar had been effective and Najashi had given the first sign.
Jafar stepped forward and said: “Yes, we do.”
When he asked: “Will you read it to me?”
Jafar started to read from the beginning of chapter Maryam, Mary.
This was a Divine voice that delved deep into the bone… Such that before long, tears started to come down from Najashi’s cheeks… People started to look at each other; even the clergy were shedding tears along with Najashi. Beards had been watered with the tears, and blessed drops from the wells in the eyes were now falling onto the pages of the books that had been opened in front of them. When Jafar reached a certain point, Najashi intervened: “I swear that these are part of the same light that came to Jesus, it is clear they come from the same lamp. What you say is all true, you are right, your Messenger is Trustworthy.” He then turned to the two envoys of Quraysh and said: “You can now go back to where you came from; I will never hand these men over to you.”
The envoys were experiencing a great shock, so were the clerics and viziers who were present. The Qurayshis left the court with their heads held down. But they were not ready to give up, and it did not prove difficult to find other discontent people who would support them. Amr ibnu’l-As assessed the situation and turned to his friend and said: “I swear tomorrow I will bring forth such things that I will give them a run for their money.”
Abdullah ibn Abi Rabia, however, was more cautious.
“There is no need! Do not do such a thing! Even though they may have acted in opposition to us, they are our relatives,” he urged.
They spoke for a while more and then decided to go to the king again the next day. The same ritual salutations started the next day and the two envoys were now in the presence of the king. Amr ibnu’l-As came forward: “O King! Undoubtedly they say many things about Jesus, the son of Mary.”
Jesus was everything to them and these words of Amr brought to mind many questions. What were these things that the Muslims were saying? Now the people present had to know what it was that the Muslims were saying. So Najashi sent word to the Muslims and summoned them to his presence. When they came, he asked immediately: “What is it that you say about Jesus, the son of Mary?”
This was again a job for Jafar ibn Abi Talib, he came forward and said: “We say what the Messenger of Allah told us; verily Jesus is the servant of Allah, and a Messenger that He has sent to the people. He is a part from His own soul, a word of His that He sent to Mary, possessor of good morals and virtue.”
This was the reply that Najashi was expecting. He stood up in excitement, took a staff into his hand, drew a line on the ground, and then said: “I swear that the difference between what you say about Jesus, the son of Mary, and what we know about him is even less than this line that I have drawn here.”
Some of the clergy that heard these words started to mumble and tried to voice their discontent. As if he could not hear the mumbling around him, Najashi turned to Jafar and said: “I swear that you can stay in my land safe from those who plot against you and mean you harm. Those who try to harm you will find me in front of them! I swear that I would refuse mountains of gold should it cost anyone of you even a headache!”
After saying these inspirational and touching words, Najashi turned to his viziers. His looks seemed to say “While these envoys are here, they impose on me and I cannot judge fairly” and then said: “Give back the gifts that these men brought, I don’t need them! When Allah gave me my power, he did not ask for ransom, so how can I accept the ransom that these men offer?”
This was a great defeat for the Quraysh. As the defeated were leaving the courtroom, their frustration could be read from their demeanor—it was as though their backs had been broken by this treatment. What had they expected, and what had they found! From then on Abyssinia would be a land where Muslims could perform the Prayers in peace, where they could read the Qur’an out loud, where the new messages of Islam could be shared with ease. Soon after however, Najashi’s country would be attacked and the Muslims would be worried. In that period, the Muslims would lift their hands up to the skies for Najashi, providing him with spiritual support so that Najashi would come victorious over his enemies and the peaceful environment of the country would continue. When the Muslim migrants found out that Najashi had beaten his enemies, there was great joy among them and they would thank Allah who had given them the opportunity of a peaceful life once again.
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dailytafsirofquran · 3 years
Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah 99-103
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
99. And indeed We have sent down to you manifest Ayat and none disbelieve in them but Fasiqun (those who rebel against Allah's command).
100. Is it not (the case) that every time they make a covenant, some party among them throw it aside! Nay! (the truth is:) most of them believe not.
101. And when there came to them a Messenger from Allah (i.e. Muhammad) confirming what was with them, a party of those who were given the Scripture threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs as if they did not know!
102. They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Suleiman (Solomon). Suleiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut, but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us).'' And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew.
103. And if they had believed and guarded themselves from evil and kept their duty to Allah, far better would have been the reward from their Lord, if they but knew!
Learning Magic is Kufr
Allah said,
But neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us).
Abu Jafar Ar-Razi said that Ar-Rabi bin Anas said that Qays bin Abbad said that Ibn Abbas said,
"When someone came to the angels to learn magic, they would discourage him and say to him, `We are only a test, so do not fall into disbelief.'
They had knowledge of what is good and evil and what constitutes belief or disbelief, and they thus knew that magic is a form of disbelief. When the person who came to learn magic still insisted on learning it, they commanded him to go to such and such place, where if he went, Satan would meet him and teach him magic. When this man would learn magic, the light (of faith) would depart him, and he would see it shining (and flying away) in the sky. He would then proclaim, `O my sorrow! Woe unto me! What should I do.''
Al-Hasan Al-Basri said that this Ayah means,
"The angels were sent with magic, so that the people whom Allah willed would be tried and tested. Allah made them promise that they would not teach anyone until first proclaiming, `We are a test for you, do not fall into disbelief.'''
It was recorded by Ibn Abi Hatim.
Also, Qatadah said,
"Allah took their covenant to not teach anyone magic until they said, `We are a test. Therefore, do not fall in disbelief.'''
Also, As-Suddi said,
"When a man would come to the two angels they would advise him, `Do not fall into disbelief. We are a test. '
When the man would ignore their advice, they would say, `Go to that pile of ashes and urinate on it.'
When he would urinate on the ashes, a light, meaning the light of faith, would depart from him and would shine until it entered heaven. Then something black that appeared to be smoke would descend and enter his ears and the rest of his body, and this is Allah's anger. When he told the angels what happened, they would teach him magic.
So Allah's statement, (But neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said,
"We are for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us). Sunayd said that Hajjaj said that Ibn Jurayj commented on this Ayah (2:102),
"No one dares practice magic except a disbeliever. As for the Fitnah, it involves trials and freedom of choice.''
The scholars who stated that learning magic is disbelief relied on this Ayah for evidence. They also mentioned the Hadith that Abu Bakr Al-Bazzar recorded from Abdullah, which states,
Whoever came to a soothsayer or a sorcerer and believed in what he said, will have disbelieved in what Allah revealed to Muhammad.
This Hadith has an authentic chain of narration and there are other Hadiths which support it.
Causing a Separation between the Spouses is One of the Effects of Magic
Allah said,
And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, This means, "The people learned magic from Harut and Marut and indulged in evil acts that included separating spouses, even though spouses are close to, and intimately associate with each other. This is the devil's work.''
Muslim recorded that Jabir bin Abdullah said that the Messenger of Allah said,
Satan erects his throne on water and sends his emissaries among the people. The closest person to him is the person who causes the most Fitnah. One of them (a devil) would come to him and would say, `I kept inciting so-and-so, until he said such and such words.'
Iblis says, `No, by Allah, you have not done much.'
Another devil would come to him and would say, `I kept inciting so-and-so, until I separated between him and his wife.'
Satan would draw him closer and embrace him, saying, `Yes, you did well.'
Separation between a man and his wife occurs here because each spouse imagines that the other spouse is ugly or ill-mannered, etc.
Allah's Appointed Term supercedes Everything
Allah said,
But they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's leave.
Sufyan Ath-Thawri commented,
"Except by Allah's appointed term.''
Further, Al-Hasan Al-Basri said that,
"Allah allows magicians to adversely affect whomever He wills and saves whomever He wills from them. Sorcerers never bring harm to anyone except by Allah's leave.''
Allah's statement,
And they learn that which harms them and profits them not.
means, it harms their religion and does not have a benefit compared to its harm.
And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no (Khalaq) share in the Hereafter.
meaning, "The Jews who preferred magic over following the Messenger of Allah knew that those who commit the same error shall have no Khalaq in the Hereafter.''
Ibn Abbas, Mujahid and As-Suddi stated that; `no Khalaq' means, `no share.'
Allah then said,
And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew. And if they had believed and guarded themselves from evil and kept their duty to Allah, far better would have been the reward from their Lord, if they but knew!
Allah stated, (And how bad) meaning, what they preferred, magic, instead of faith and following the Messenger, if they but comprehend the advice.
And if they had believed and guarded themselves from evil and kept their duty to Allah, far better would have been the reward from their Lord, meaning, "Had they believed in Allah and His Messenger and avoided the prohibitions, then Allah's reward for these good deeds would have been better for them than what they chose and preferred for themselves.''
Similarly, Allah said,
But those who had been given (religious) knowledge said: "Woe to you! The reward of Allah (in the Hereafter) is better for those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and this none shall attain except As-Sabirun (the patient in following the truth).'' (28:80)
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questionsonislam · 4 years
I have a problem where I always doubt in any statement I said or action that I do, that there as some kufr in it, and that I became a kafir, the thing is i have doubts in other ibaadah but there is rules in these that i follow like I know how many times to wash, what to wash, how to pray, I have doubts with my fasting intentions sometimes but the issue is with kufr, I doubt that I became a kafir because I do not know exactly what constitutes kufr, like i read nullifies of islam but with no help.
Lafz (word) which is the singular form of alfaz means word and expression. Kufr is a noun derived from the verb “kafara”; lexically, it means to cover something. A person who covers the belief in his heart is therefore called a “kafir” (unbeliever). Terminologically, alfaz al-kufr are the words that makes a person an unbeliever and causes him to exit the religion.
Words that make a believer an unbeliever are divided into three. They are: istihza, which means to mock, to make fun of somebody; istikhfaf, which means; to disdain and to despise the principles called the essentials of the religion; to deny an Islamic decree openly or to blaspheme things that are regarded as holy by the religion.
To mock and make fun of Allah’s personality, attributes, deeds, names, commands and prohibitions even though jokingly, to despise them and to blaspheme Allah make a person exit the religion. (al-Fatawa`l-Hindiyya, II, 258). The following is stated in a verse: "Was it at Allah and His, signs and His Messenger that ye were mocking? Make no excuses. Ye rejected faith after accepting it." (at-Tawba, 9/65, etc.)
To mock the institution of prophethood and prophethood, to despise them are regarded as blasphemy. Therefore, a person who despises and makes fun of the other prophets or Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) exits the religion of Islam. The following is stated in some verses: "Those who annoy Allah and His Messenger― Allah has cursed them in this world and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating Punishment." (al-Ahzab, 33/57). "Among them are men who molest the Prophet and say "He is (all) ear." Say "He listens to what is best for you; he believes in Allah, has faith in the Believers and is a Mercy to those of you who believe": but those who molest the Prophet will have a grievous penalty." (at-Tawba, 9/61).
According to the majority of Islamic scholars like Abu Hanifa and his followers, Imam Shafii, Imam Ahmad b. Hanbal and Imam Malik, a person who blasphemes the Prophet exits the religion and it is necessary to kill him. A person who blasphemes the other prophets exits the religion and he is killed. (Ibn Taymiyya, as-Sarimu`l-Maslul, publ. Muhammed Muhyiddin Abdülhamid, Egypt 1960, p. 512, 565).
To curse holy books and the Quran or to utter words that deny their originals are regarded as blasphemy. To mock the Quran, one chapter or verse of it are blasphemy. (Aliyyu`l-Qari, Sharhu`l-Fiqhu`l-Akbar, Egypt 1323 H., p.151, etc; al-Haythami, az-Zawajir, I, 30). It is blasphemy to say that the Quran is not the word of Allah but words of a human being. Walid b. Mughira (d.1/622) stated the following about the Quran: "This is nothing but magic, derived from of old. This is nothing but the word of a mortal." Allah stated the following about Walid: “Soon will cast him into Hell-Fire.” (al-Muddaththir, 74/24, etc.)
To curse angels, to mock, to blame and to despise them are also blasphemy. Saying that Jibril made a mistake while bringing the revelation and conveyed it to Hazrat Muhammad instead of Hazrat Ali makes a person exit the religion (Ibn Abidin, Raddu`l-Mukhtar, III, 292; al-Fatawa`l-Hindiyya, II, 266).
It is blasphemy to say that the Companions are unbelievers. To despise, to mock and to loathe the Companions are regarded as bid’ah and deviation. It is controversial among kalam scholars whether a believer who says that another believer or some other believers are unbelievers is regarded to have exited religion because the hadiths about the issue are wahid (reported by one person only); the reason why those who say that the Companions are unbelievers are regarded as unbelievers is the following evidence:
The Companions are praised in the verses of the Quran: "Allah's Good Pleasure was on the Believers when they swore Fealty to thee under the Tree: He knew what was in their hearts and He sent down Tranquility to them and He rewarded them with a speedy Victory." (al-Fath, 48/18) "The vanguard (of Islam)― the first of those who forsook (their homes) and of those who gave them aid, and (also) those who follow them in (all) good deeds― well― pleased is Allah with them, as are they with Him: for them hath He prepared Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever: that is the Supreme Felicity." (at-Tawba, 9/100)
There are many hadiths that praise the Companions: "Do not curse my Companions. I swear by Allah, in whose hand of power my soul is, that if one of you donated gold as big as Mount Uhud, it would not amount to as much as one or two handfuls of gold donated by them." (Muslim, Fadailu`s-Sahaba, 54; Abu Dawud, Sunnah, 11; Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 59; Ahmad b. Hanbal, Musnad, 111, II). "Ten people are in Paradise: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talha, Zubayr, Abdurrahman, Sa`d, Said and Abu Ubayda" (Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 26). "The best of my ummah is the generation that I am together with. Then come those who follow them and then those coming after them." (Bukhari, Fadailu`s-Sahaba, I, Riqaq, 7). A person who says that the Companions are unbelievers condemns a generation that conveyed the Quran to us.
There are various fatwas stating that those who curse scholars and fiqh scholars without any reason exit the religion of Islam but if it is considered that those who curse the Companions, who were praised by verses and hadiths, are not regarded as unbelievers but deviators and the people of bid’ah, it will be more appropriate to leave those people alone with their sins. (Aliyyu`l-Qari, ibid, 156-159; al-Fatawa`l-Hindiyya, II, 270 etc.; al-Haythami, ibid, I, 31; Ibn Abidin, Raddu`l-Mukhtar, III, 293, Majmuatu`r-Rasail, I, 360).
Most of Hanafis say that if a person regards cursing, mocking and despising the Companions as permissible and does those deeds, he will regarded as an unbeliever and that if he does those deeds without regarding them as permissible he will regarded as a fasiq (sinner). However, some Hanafi fiqh scholars say that if the same words are uttered for Hz. Abu Bakr and Umar by a person, that person will exit the religion. Imam Malik holds the view that a person who curses Hz. Prophet needs to be killed and a person who curses the Companions needs to be punished so that he will be educated. According to Ahmad b. Hanbal, a person who curses one of the Companions is beaten severely. (Aliyyu`l-Qari, ibid, II, 410-411; Ibn Abidin, Raddu`l-Mukhtar, III, 293, Majmuatu`r-Rasail, I, 359; Ibn Taymiyya, as-Sarimu`l-Maslul, p. 561).
The words that make a person who has uttered them exit the religion are regarded as valid only if they are uttered by a free will and deliberately. If a person is made utter words of blasphemy by threats, force and pressure and if the force is complete, that is, if he is threatened to be killed, to be amputated, harmed severely and beaten severely, he is allowed to utter words of blasphemy. The following is stated in a verse: "Anyone who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters unbelief― except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith― but such as open their breast to unbelief― on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty." (an-Nahl, 16/106). This verse shows that a person who is forced to utter words of blasphemy does not exit the religion. As a matter of fact, Makkan polytheists forced Yasir and his wife Sumayya to exit Islam and killed them under torture. They threw Yasir`s son Ammar into a well and tortured him; Ammar could not put up with the torture and said that he exited Islam through his tongue though his heart was full of belief; thus, he saved his life. When he went to Hz. Prophet, he talked to Ammar and allowed him to say the same thing if he was tortured again. The verse above was sent down upon this incident. (Ibnu`l-Athir, Usdu`l-Ghaba, I V, 130 etc.)
An important reminder:
It is stated that to utter words of blasphemy is religiously dangerous but those who utter them are not addressed as unbelievers. It is objectionable to call those who utter those words unbelievers because a word might seem as blasphemy but it might not make the person who utters it an unbeliever. A person does not become an unbeliever unless he denies through his heart. Since we cannot know it, it is not appropriate to call any person who utters words of blasphemy an unbeliever.
Therefore, these explanations need to be made in order to make people avoid uttering words of blasphemy but it is not appropriate to say to those who utter them, “You have become unbelievers.”
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sunnahealinguk · 5 years
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Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, said: “I am glad that Christian parents let their children worship the devil at least one night out of the year. Welcome to Halloween.” SubhaanAllaah the worship of shaytaan is instilled in children a young age in the West. . Most kids and adults see it as “nothing wrong” or “some fun” but in essence you are honoring nothing but kufr, shirk and evil as a whole. You are opening up yourselves and your children to magic and jinn issues not to mention the WRATH OF ALLAAH! An ex-satanist christian convert John Ramirez said: "I was a general to the kingdom of darkness in witchcraft," Ramirez said. "I would sit with the Devil and talk to him like I'm talking to you today. It was that kind of communication. It was that kind of relationship." Ramirez warns Halloween isn't just about costumes and candy – there's a much darker reality. . "Sometimes people say, 'I celebrated Halloween 10 years ago, I did this 15 years ago, I did this 20 years ago.' But the door's still open. You just cursed your family from three to four generations," Ramirez told CBN News. You and your children are reading these books like Harry Potter and all types of witches and vampires. You are not only honoring evil but alot of these books contain REAL MAGIC SPELLS. . Stop blaming people for giving you evil eye or your family across the seas and look a little closer to home. Put a stop to these satanic practices, bringing these satanic books into your homes to read and lets not forget all the satanic programmes and films INCLUDING DISNEY. We all can do nice posts about dates, ayaat from the Quran and hadith but when it comes to forbidding the WIDESPREAD evils in our homes and society we are silent and this is why we see the Ummah in a very bad state in these times. Every time each and every one of us sees an evil and do not change or worse still take part in it, it not only affects you but it affects us all. Even if you are, I for one will NEVER be silent. . Ya Rabb NEVER make us to be crowd pleasers only Your pleasure is sought (at London) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4R3iudnyfs/?igshid=dad91i5f9fxp
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farbeyondthelight · 4 years
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"And from the evil of the witchcrafts when they blow in the knots, -Sura Al-Falaq, Ayah 4 #islam #islamic #muslim #muslimah #quran #quranic #quranicverse #quransunnah #hadeeth #sunnah #salafiyyah #salafi #followtheprophet #followthesalaf #bidah #shirk #kufr #misguidance #tawheed #aqeedah #manhajsalaf #ahlussunnah #ahlussunahwaljamaah #blackmagic #magic #سلفية #سلفي #اهل_سنت_و_جماعت #اهل_الحديث #سحر https://www.instagram.com/p/B8WwuiOg8fW/?igshid=zlqf4hskfp0f
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Salam brother. Jazak khair Allah for this blog. It has helped me greatly. My question is that sometimes I am plagued with terrible thoughts. I am afraid of kufr and arrogance and Allah being displeased in me. I pray 5X Salah and read the Quran daily. I have increased reading surah Nas and say istaghfirallah. I am afraid my heart will be hardened. Any advice?
Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,
It is a good thing to doubt your own piety and fear for your fate. This in itself is a sign of being on the right path. Becoming misguided or arrogant is not something that can happen in a day. It is something that comes about out of thousands of choices over months and years. And God always leaves the door open for us to repent and seek guidance again. If you seek God’s guidance in all sincerity then He will guide you. There is no way you could magically become misguided despite sincerely seeking God’s guidance; God will not let that happen.
Also, realize that Islam is meant to give you a stable foundation that you can build upon. Rather than obsessing about your own piety and fears, once you have God’s guidance and do sufficient worship every day, then that is when your work begins. You are a servant of God, a representative of God on earth, so what is your task? Your task is not to be obsessed with yourself but to be an agent for good in the world like the prophets were (peace be upon them). You are on a mission and obsessing too much about yourself will only distract you from that mission. Our mission is to perfect ourselves then go on to make the world a better place in whatever way God has made possible for us.
So I believe ideally one should find a balance between worrying about themselves and worrying about their mission. We cannot ignore either of these. If you are plagued with doubts and fears, then this means you are not giving sufficient attention to your mission. Imagine that the Quran has been sent personally to you; imagine that God has given you a task to perform in the world. What would your attitude be in such a case? You will realize that you have a great number of opportunities for doing God’s work that He has assigned to His servants, whether it is planting a tree, volunteering, learning or doing whatever else that may have a benefit and make the world a better place.
Best wishes.
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salafiway · 5 years
Dajjaal (false Messiah) coming soon series.
السحر إن الله سيبطله.
إنما صنعوا كيد ساحر و لا يفلح الساحر حيث أتى.
J K Rowling, Harry Potter & Co.
Well done to the Catholic Reverend.
A decision and insight that our Muslim Imams and Scholars have NOT done. And they still promote taweez, jinn help and magic.
The Reverend consulated with exorcists and took the decision to remove these books.
But our Scholars and Imams never consult with us although our societies and the entire world is full of these spiritual problems and they don't have knowledge or experience like us in this field to help people.
I have been warning everyone and patients about these types of books and movies and not just by this author but by many more.
I also warned about jinn/magic games like Blue Whale etc.
We need to protect our children and families from evil Satanic rituals and magic.
Magic is Kufr and evil and harms and destroys more than nuclear weapons.
This woman is a witch. The only way she would know and write all these details and stories about magic and spells is that she is a witch and has sold herself to the devil.
She is helping magicians and illuminatis like her to bring jinns, devils and magicians to our houses and actually by paying her to harm us.
She has done magic on everyone to love her books and buy to spread magic to the extent that everyone around the world loves these books.
And this is in preparation for Dajjaal, the false Messiah.
Destroy these books. STOP watching these kufr magic movies.
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yhadsa · 6 years
يا غربةً للدينِ في الأبدانِ، يا وحشةً منها الفؤادُ يعاني
How strange has the religion become for the masses. Oh how the heart suffers dreadfully.
يا دمعةً تأتي على ميعادِ فتعيقُ عن حلوِ الكَرى أجفاني
Oh tear that flows on you time - obstructing a good night's sleep.
مِمَّا أرى من غربة ونِكايةٍ بالدِّين من جهلٍ ومن عدوانِ
From what I see of the spite and eriness to the religion from the moron and opposers.
وغياب أهل العلم يا ويحي وقد كانوا فبانوا في الرَّعيلِ الفاني
And the absence of the scholars; woe to me - whilst they once were, then became the generation past.
وترأُُّّس الفدمِ الحقير سفاهةً يُفتي بلا علمٍ ولا برهان
And the leadership of the vile lustful one - giving fatwa without knowledge or proof.
شِرذِمَّةٌ جاءت لدينِ مُحَمَّدٍ بشذوذ رأيِ ظاهرِ البطلانِ
A clique importing into the religion of Muhammad - with clear deviant false opinion.
وتمايلت طرباً وهامتْ سُكْرَةً بثناءِ إعْلامِ الرَّدى العلماني
Whom swayed and beguiled (the masses) - through praise of the secular media.
يا وَيحَهُم! ماذا جنوا وتأفَّكوا وأتوا بقول الجاهل الفتَّانِ
Woe to them what harm they've done - promoting the speech of this ignoramus, trouble-maker
فرأيت منهم أحمق يدعو إلى خلط الرجال بإمارة النسوانِ
For I've seen from them a fool calling towards - mixing of men and women.
ورأيت منهم فاجرا يدعو إلى ترك الجماعة رمز ذي الإمانِ
And I've seen from them a degenerate calling towards - abandoning the congregating, the symbol of Eemaan
ورأيت منهم مارقا يدعو إلى طلب الإغاثة من عبيد الجانِ
And I've seen from them a heretic calling towards - seeking aid from the Jinn.
ورأيت منهم أرعناً يدعو إلى سحرٍ يُحلُّ به لدى الكهَّانِ
And I've seen from them a heedless one calling towards - magic through the mask of soothsaying.
ورأيت منهم تافها يدعو إلى حلِّ المعازف والغنا الشيطانِ
And I've seen a trivial one from them promoting - the permissiblty of instruments and the devil's music.
ورأيت منهم فاسقا يدعوا إلى رقص عالى الأوتار والعيدانِ
And I've seen from them a persistent sinner promoting - (girls) dancing during celebration.
ورأيت منهم مجرما يدعو إلى تعطيل شرع الله والقرآنِ
And I've seen from them a criminal calling towards - distorting the Law of Allah and Qur'an.
ورأيت منهم ماذقا يدعو إلى إقرار دين الكافر النصراني
And I've seen from them a dullude one promoting -accepting the disbelieving religion of Christianity
ورأيت منهم ملحدا يدعو إلى (لا شرع إلا شرعة الإنسان)
And I've seen from them an atheist promoting - "there is no law, except the law of man"
هذا كلام القوم هم منا وهم من موطن الحرمين يا إخواني!
This is a speech of the people from us - and they are from the land of Haramain (Makkah & Madinah) oh brothers!
لبسوا لباس المسلمين وأبطنوا من كل دين ساقط الأركانِ
They dress the dress of the muslims - and secretly follow every way if life that breaks the pillars (of Islam).
يا قومنا هبُّوا لنصر إلهكم ونبيكم وشريعة الإحسانِ
Oh my people, take a stand to defend your God and Prophet and the goodly Shariah.
وادعوا إلى التوحيد في كل الملا وكذلك دوما سائر الأزمانِ
And call towards Tawheed in every circle - likewise anytime, the rest of he time.
وادعوا إلى الغراء سنة أحمدٍ ذاك النّبيُّ المصطفى العدناني
And call towards the honorable Sunnah of Ahmad - that chosen Prophet from Adnan (tribe)
وادعوا إلى نهج الهِداةِ فإنهم نور يدُلُّ التَّائه الحيرانِ
And promote the callers to guidance - for verily they are light that expose the haughty deviant.
وحذارِ داء الافتراق فإنه داء البلاء حالق الأديانِ
And warners against the disease of disunity - for indeed it is an affliction and destroys religions.
فالوقت وقت الصبر يا قومي وقد حامت عليكم زمرة البهتانِ
So this era is the time of patience oh my people - fir verify, against you are many opposers/slanderers.
صُوفيّهم جَهميّهم شِيعيّهم قَوميُهم وكذالك العلماني
From them, the Sufis, Jahmis, Shia, - Nationalists, likewise the secularists
وأضرهم للدِّين ليبرالية جاءت بكل الكفر و الطغيانِ
And the most harmful of them to the religion - the Liberalists who have come with all types of kufr and transgression.
يا ربِّ يا ذَا المَنِّ جُدْ بهدايةٍ تهدي القلوب بحجةٍ وبيانِ
Oh Lord, oh one of grace, grant us guidance - that guides the hearts with proof and clarity.
وانصر إلهي شرعة التّوحيد يا ذا الجود والكرم الرَّفيع الشَّانِ
My God, assist the call to Tawheed - oh Esteemed, Generous Noble One
وكذلك نسألك الثبات فإنها فتن تجي بالشّيب للشبّانِ
Likewise I ask you for firmness - for it is a tribulation affecting the old and young. (Making the young, old)
يا رب واختم بالتقوى أعمالنا حتى نساق لروضةٍ وجنانٍ
Oh Lord, and make our end upon pious deeds - until we traverse the gardens and Paradise.
- How strange | يا غربة
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khutbahs · 3 years
জাদুবিদ্যা কুফরি আর তাবিজ হারাম ও শিরক।
জাদুবিদ্যা কুফরি আর তাবিজ হারাম ও শিরক।
যাদু করা হারাম। জ্যেতিষী নিকট ভাগ্য পরীক্ষা ও ভবিষ্যৎদ্বানী করা শিরক ও কুফরী কাজ । তাবিয ঝুলালে সে শিরক করল ।  মহান আল্লাহ তাআলা বলেন- ‘তারা ঐ শাস্ত্রের অনুসরণ করল, যা সুলায়মানের রাজত্ব কালে শয়তানরা আবৃত্তি করত। সুলায়মান কুফর করেনি; শয়তানরাই কুফর করেছিল। তারা মানুষকে জাদুবিদ্যা এবং বাবেল শহরে হারুত ও মারুত দুই ফেরেশতার প্রতি যা অবতীর্ণ হয়েছিল, তা শিক্ষা দিত। তারা উভয়ই (হারুত-মারুত) একথা না বলে কাউকে (জাদু) শিক্ষা দিত না যে, আমরা পরীক্ষার জন্য; কাজেই তুমি কাফের হয়ো না। অতঃপর তারা তাদের কাছ থেকে এমন জাদু শিখত, যা দ্বারা স্বামী-স্ত্রীর মধ্যে বিচ্ছেদ ঘটে। তারা আল্লাহর আদেশ ছাড়া তা দ্বারা কারও অনিষ্ট করতে পারত না। যা তাদের ক্ষতি করে এবং উপকার না করে, তারা তাই শিখে। তারা ভালরূপে জানে যে, যে কেউ জাদু অবলম্বন করে, তার জন্য পরকালে কোনো অংশ নেই। যার বিনিময়ে তারা নিজেদের বিক্রি করে দিয়েছে। তা খুবই মন্দ; যদি তারা জানত।’ (সুরা বাকারা : আয়াত ১০২)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTdA4y3mdTo
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omarkhattabsblog · 2 years
Sunnah Lifestyle vs. Unscientific Lifestyle:
Before six months, the newborn should not be given a drop of water except breast milk.
Saying this, the child is not allowed to do tahanik (giving dates in the mouth of a newborn after birth, honey is usually given in our country). I also had a conversation with a health worker about putting honey in the baby's mouth.
Speaking of vaccines, however, in 1974 the United Nations launched the Expanded Program on Immunization.
[Contributed by Bill Gates, Rock Feller Foundation (World's Richest Jewish Family)
It was launched in Bangladesh in 1979.
Since the launch of the EPI program, there has been so much propaganda that people have become infected with yakbin.
But less than fifty years ago, our ancestors were completely healthy without any kind of vaccine. Even without going back to fifty years ago, we know that human health is maintained without any kind of vaccine. For example, there are currently 5,000 indigenous species in the world, including 100+ species that are completely detached from the rules of the modern world. They are physically able to cope with modern trained forces. Medical science, stay away from vaccines for those who don't know what clothes are. I do whatever it takes to digest him.
At this time, we understand medicine to mean modern medical science, but the famous books of Hadith, medicine, seeing patients, etc., in the chapter discussing various diseases, antidote. Neither our Muslim doctors nor the Alem Samaj have informed us in detail about the Nawabi medicine. In this religion we have the perfect solution for everything, physical, mental, spiritual.
We do not know about the ্ব Tibbun Nawabi লিখ written by the legendary scholars of the Ummah, we have not been informed.
It is possible to get rid of all the difficult ailments that we do not know or do not want to believe, but our Yaqbeen do not believe in anything other than the Qur'an of Allah.
However we don’t really want to stay healthy. We want to be rather so-called modern. We want to leave the Nawabi lifestyle and get used to the western lifestyle. We're doing the exact opposite of what we should be doing to stay healthy, and swallowing a handful of medicine. Almost everything we have accepted in the name of modernity has created obstacles in the way of our recovery.
Use plastic brushes, toothpaste with the exception of natural miswak. Use of melamine, tin, steel, aluminum etc. excluding wood, clay, glassware.
Toilet diseases and naughty jinns are made in the factory house.
Eating late without eating dinner before Isha prayer. Going to bed late after waking up at night without going to bed immediately after Isha.
Do not wake up very early in the morning, wake up late.
Leaving Hijama [Some people are writing against Hijama but Hijama was done by Rasulullah himself, the angels asked him to wear Hijama on the night of Miraj].
Instead of vinegar, take gastric medicine.
Do not fast weekly and monthly.
Eaten at Petpur.
Do not make the use of black cumin compulsory.
Use cream, lotion, sunscreen instead of olive oil and apply on the skin.
Use plastic shoes instead of leather or wooden shoes.
Do not walk barefoot on the ground, green grass.
To be in touch with artificial light which is ruining the rhythm of our life.
Refrigerate fish and meat without storing them in the traditional way.
Extensive use of refrigerator, AC, aerosol, soap, deodorant.
Cooking in a microwave oven, magic cooker without using a wood stove.
Use of electronic devices that emit harmful radiation.
WiFi router, mobile network expansion, Bluetooth wireless communication in simple words which has given us comfort in life as well as disease.
The filth of haram is making us sick in every way. Haram food, haram music, haram relationships, haram earnings, listening to kufr speech, kufr rituals are also responsible for the illness because spirituality is closely associated with physical well-being.
The subject of such a long discussion is the same, physical well-being depends not only on the physical condition but also on the combined condition of the physical, mental and spiritual, and the only solution to these three conditions is to follow the Deenul Haqq brought by the Prophet.
[The purpose of this article is to encourage the adoption of Tibbun Nawabi, not to oppose modern medical science, but the life of Nawabi medicine and circumcision will ensure our well-being and at the same time give us freedom from running after modern medical science ~ InshaAllah]
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profoundyouthpanda · 3 years
City in Himachal Pradesh
Shimla is the capital of the northern Indian province of Himachal Pradesh, within side the Himalayan lower regions. English India it stays the end Kalka Shimla Railway finished in 1903. It's likewise for the workmanship keep that lines The Mall a person taking walks street surely due to the fact the Laker Bazaar a market represent massive authority in wooden toys and specialties.
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Shimla Tour Package From Chandigarh Highlights
Behold the perspectives of mesmerizing glaciers, bottleneck roads, slithering rivers, and 360° panoramic perspectives of beautiful mountains stages in the course of the adventure. Bring out the child in you on the toy train adventure of Shimla on the identical time as humming the songs of your adventure playlist Hike as plenty because the Jha Khoo Hill and take the advantages from the 33-m-immoderate statue of the Lord Hanuman staring decrease again at you Feel the adrenaline rushing through the veins as you're taking satisfaction in interesting adventure sports activities at Kufr, positioned at an altitude of 2,720 m Trek as plenty because the famous Mahesh Peak in Kurri that opens as plenty as cute views of the wonderful Kedarnath and Badrinath mountain ranges Shimla City Shimla District lies the various longitude 66o-0″ and 76o-19″ east and variety 20o-55″ and 41o-54″ north. It is bounded with the useful resource of the usage of Mandi and Kullu within side the north, Kannur within side the east, the state of Uttaranchal with within side the south, Sirmaur, district within side the west. The elevation of the district ranges from 3 hundred to 6000 meters.
The capital of the British in India, the capital of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla has been blessed with all of the herbal bounties which can be feasible assume of. It has have been given a scenic location, it's far surrounded with the useful resource of the usage of green hills with snow-capped peaks. The tremendous cool hills discovered with the useful resource of the usage of the structures made for the duration of the colonial generation creates an air of thriller that is very distinct from a few different hills. Bulging at its seams with remarkable expansion, Shimla continues its colonial heritage, with grand vintage houses, charming iron lamp posts and Anglo-Saxon names. The Mall, complete of shops and eateries, is the number one attraction of the town, and Scandal Point, associated with the preceding Maharaja of Patiala’s escapades, offers a view of faraway snow-clad peaks. Shimla is ideally positioned and eleven though there can be an air service to the town, it's far brilliant reached with the useful resource of the usage of the street that takes within side the charms of the HIMALAYAN geographical area at its brilliant.
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"The Hill-Station with Rich Colonial History" Shimla Tourism Shimla Situated at the height of 2200m, Shimla modified into the summer season capital of British India. Shimla continues its vintage-world wide appeal with  Mall Road and the ridge line up with multiple shops, cafes and restaurants.
The weather is exquisite for the optimum of the months with travelers flocking particularly for the duration of the summer season months. The winters were cold with some days of snowfall from mid-Dec. till Feb. end.
Shimla is properly associated with many cities and is surely 4 hours from the nearby town of Chandigarh. The town has an airport as properly; however, there aren't many each day flights from here.
Shimla is frequently covered with nearby towns of Kufri, a hill station almost continuously covered with the useful resource of the usage of snow and Cahill, famous for a huge palace and the very first-class cricket ground within side the worldwide. Tourists moreover visit the famous Jakub Temple and engage in sightseeing at numerous viewpoints for the duration of their revel in to Shimla. Shimla Tour Package From Chandigarh Overview About the Tour:
Enveloped in mist, nestled inner dense pine forests, and stated with the snowy peaks of the powerful Himalayas, Shimla is simply the Queen of Hills that serves as a extremely good tour retreat to own circle of relatives, friends, and honeymooners. No bear in mind the age, the toy train adventure of Shimla will make the child in you soar with satisfaction as it plays cover and are seeking out slowly up the mountains.  
Be prepared for a pleasant colonial hangover with the useful resource of the usage of walking through the British-generation houses at the manner to take you decrease again to the vintage worldwide. Satisfy the adventure junkie in you as you're taking satisfaction in severe adventure sports activities like skiing, sledging, hiking, or hiking through the trails of the Himalayan Nature Park in Kufri. Don’t forget about to deliver postcards in your own circle of relatives from the 133-year-vintage Swiss-style post administrative center of Shimla.
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Reach Shimla from Chandigarh | A Beautiful Town Encapsulated with the useful resource of the usage of Magical Misty Hills Reach Chandigarh; Here you will be greeted with the useful resource of the usage of a representative who will help you offer a quick examine of the entire tour and will also help you with the clean transfer from Chandigarh to Shimla. Once you gain the resort it's far endorsed that you take some rest after a tiresome adventure. The rest of the day is at leisure and you are free to roam and find out the well-known landmarks and community markets throughout the resort. Return decrease again to the resort for an in a unmarried day stay.
Noor Tour & Tourism contact click hear!
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tawheed · 3 years
Via Youtube: Tawheed on 12th May, 2021 V1:139- Clarification of the ruling on Ayahs written and worn around a patient's neck [Noor ala alDarb, Shaikh ibn Baz, Vol1] Language: English Q: The Imam (the one who leads the congregational Salah) of the Masjid (mosque) is wholly dedicated to leading Salahs (Prayers); he also writes Qur`an and gives it to the sick to wear and calls this a "Hijab (protective amulet)." This position of being the Imam was inherited from his grandfathers, while the act of writing the Qur`an and giving it to the sick is their source of income. What is your opinion on this matter? Please advise us. How should I deal with a person like this if he is a relative of mine? [Vol. 1, Page No. 353-355] A: Writing Ayahs of the Qur`an and tying them as an amulet around the neck of ack person or a child is not permissible, according to the more correct of the two opinions maintained by scholars. Some scholars have permitted it; however, there is no evidence for this. The correct opinion is that it is not permitted to hang the Qur`an or Dua`a's (supplications) or Hadiths on children or the sick or elderly etc., because the Messenger (ﷺ) forbade the use of amulets. Amulets are any item which is hung on children or the elderly or the sick; they are referred to as "Hiruz (sing. Hirz)" and "Hujub (sing. Hijab)". The correct opinion is that they are not permissible, because the Prophet (ﷺ) said: Anyone who ties an amulet, may Allāh not fulfill his aim. And: Anyone who ties an amulet has committed Shirk (associating others with Allāh in His Divinity or worship). He (ﷺ) also said: Ruqyahs (recitations for healing or protection), amulets and love-charms are Shirk. The Prophet (ﷺ) did not exclude any form; he (ﷺ) did not say: "Except those containing Qur`an"; rather, he generalized. Therefore, we are obliged to abide by this generalization. Hanging the Qur`an would lead to hanging other things, because people follow what is permitted and end up committing what is prohibited; how much more so when it is something already doubtful? Scholarly opinions allowing this will cause leniency. We are obliged to be cautious; follow the general meaning of the Hadiths and block any means that may lead to Shirk. Wearing amulets which contain Qur`an will lead to wearing all other amulets, for humans do not usually stop at a certain limit; therefore, we should abide by the general prohibition stated in the Hadiths which made no exception for the use of Ayahs of the Qur`an. The Messenger of Allāh (ﷺ) is the most eloquent and sincerest of people, and if there was any exception, he would have said: "Except for such and such." As for Ruqyah performed using the Qur`an and good Islāmic supplications, it is permissible; the Prophet (ﷺ) used to perform Ruqyah. He (ﷺ) said: There is nothing wrong with Ruqyah as long as it does not involve any Shirk (associating others with Allāh in His Divinity or worship). He (ﷺ) also said: Ruqyahs (recitations for healing or protection), amulets and love-charms are Shirk. Ruqyah here is referring to any words recited that are unknown or involve Shirk, by beseeching or supplicating to other than Allāh. Accordingly, the recitations prohibited by this Hadith are those which violate Shariah (Islāmic law). Shar'y (Islāmically lawful) Ruqyahs, i.e. reciting Qur`an and saying supplications over the sick seeking healing, are permissible as long as they are consistent with the Shariah. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: There is nothing wrong with Ruqyah as long as it does not involve any Shirk. As for amulets, they are all prohibited whether they are from the Qur`an or not. This is the most correct opinion maintained by scholars. As for love-charms, they are a form of Sihr (witchcraft), referred to as Al-`Atf and Al-Sarf (spells aimed at creating love or hatred). All types of Sihr are forbidden; it is not lawful for anyone to use Sihr; rather, one should be on guard against it. Sihr can only be acquired by committing Shirk, as it involves worshipping the Jinn (creatures created from fire), seeking their help, serving them, and obeying them by disobeying Allāh. This is why Allāh (Exalted be He) says about the two angels: "but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, 'We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)." This shows that the two angels are informing us that learning Sihr is Kufr (disbelief). Moreover, Allāh (Glorified be He) says: "They followed what the Shayātīn (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime... https://binbaz.org.sa/fatwas/28262/%D8%AA%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%82-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%89-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B1%D8%B6%D9%89-%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%B7%D9%81%D8%A7%D9%84 #Islam #Quran #Hadith #Sunnah #Fatwa
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