#Mai Yousei
It was a bustling day in the city of Setagaya. Everything appeared to be moving at an alarming pace, Though that might as well be rather normal. There weren’t any special occasions happening on this ordinary day were there?
Oh yes there was, Although maybe not as special according to the deliverer…
[It’s been 5 hours…They better like this gift or else I won’t be rather happy…] Mai thought as they spotted their birthday target out on the streets, Mina is all they could remember for a name. Breaking into a jog, They tapped her on the shoulder bracing themself.
“Here, This is for you…Hope you like it…Oh, Happy B-day…” Mai explained, Handing them the small parcel and stepping back.
“You’ll thank me and my team later…” They added as Mai left, walking towards the nearest train station.
[Onii-san and Yuno-chin have some explaining to do…] Mai thought bitterly, Observing the looming station coming into view. Inside…Were a package of black and red candy apples.
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[Happy B-Day from Fukuokanodivision, Apologies if Mai was rather a buzzkill this time.]
Mina really didn't want to leave the house today. For one, it was her birthday, and all she wanted to do was relax on today without anything bothering her. And secondly, it was still daylight, which meant the sun was out, and it made her rather lethargic. Even with the hoodie that Yorii had brought her earlier, it still hurt being out. Thankfully, it wasn't all that crowded. If there was one thing Mina hated more than the sun, it was large bodies of people, which was ironic, as the thing she disliked more than that, was the feeling of being alone.
So why was she outside exactly? Apparently, one of her acquaintances on the student council absolutely needed something from the Student Council Room. And seeing as how Mina was one of the few people who had access to the room, they called and begged her to let her in. Elliot volunteered to go in her steed, but Mina refused not wanting to bother her younger brother. She was thankful the trip was quick, as she resumed her journey back to her adobe, telling herself she wasn't leaving for the rest of the day.
As she made her way back, she felt someone tap on her shoulder, which instantly put the vampire's defences up. Preparing to possibly hurt whomever it was, they stopped and looked as it was a strange person wearing a black/neon red street corset under a black varsity jacket, along with a black/neon red checkered miniskirt with blood red wrapping, black heels and a neon red SnapBack hat.
Cocking an eyebrow, Mina was prepared to ask the strange individual what they wanted until they suddenly thrust something in the vampire's hands, making her frown even more. Before she could get a word out, the person fled in the direction of the train station. Normally, Mina would have hunted them down for this, but she really wasn't in the mood. Giving a quick glance as to what the items were, she looked as they were some candy apples.
Sighing, Mina knew the person, whomever they were, were just trying to be nice. Unfortunately, Mina's body couldn't handle normal human food, so this "gift" was wasted on her.
"Oh well," Mina thought. "I know Yorii will like them..."
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aoyama-division · 2 months
It was early spring as the city of Aoyama was sparkling as ever. Although, It seemed shinier ever since Aoyama’s own Jet Set Trio just celebrated their next anniversary. Not only that, A surprise was definitely waiting for them…
A surprise from the 2nd team of Fukuoka, Of course…
Inside Tomi Choten’s mailbox…Was his phone?
“Hey, JST. You’ve probably heard of us before, But we’re OverDrive, Fukuoka’s 2nd team.” Eko informed.
It was a message?
“We just wanted to wish you guys a happy anniversary. Consider it as a milestone for JST, I guess.” Mai explained.
From Fukuoka?
“Have a happy anniversary, OverDrive wishes you the best on your rap journey.” Yuno complimented.
“We’ll probably see you guys in the DRB, So have some fun till then~!” OverDrive said in unison as the message ended.
"I think I met these guys on my birthday a week ago!" Karada yelled.
"You did?" Luis asked, a cigarette in his mouth, an eyebrow raised.
"Yeah, they suddenly just appeared on my T.V. in my living room while I was watching something." Karada explained. "It was freaky!"
"On your T.V.?" Luis asked, skeptical.
"I know it sounds odd, but it's the truth! I thought I was on a secret channel or something."
After being alerted that he had located Tomi's cellular device in the mailbox, the Chōten family butler, Hino, returned it to his proper owner, who was sitting with his friends in his family's liquor room. Upon activating it, a strange message appeared on the socialite's cell phone, which was addressed to not only him, but also the rest of JST.
"What I want to know how these peons got a hold of my cell phone in the first place." Tomi stated as he swiped through his phone, making sure everything was how he had it. "Much less how they got inside of it."
"Are you sure you didn't just leave it sitting around somewhere at a party or something?" Luis asked.
"Do not insult me, Luis." Tomi said, frowning at his acquaintance before going back to his phone. "I keep my cell phone with me at all times. I have sensitive information on this thing. The last thing I want is anyone getting their hands on it."
"Well, so much for that." Luis said, rolling his eyes as he stubbed his cigarette out in an ashtray.
"You might wanna go take it to a shop or something in case someone hacked it." Karada suggested.
"Or better yet, just buy a new one." Luis stated, shrugging his shoulders. "No offense, but it boggles my mind how someone as materialistic as you still held onto a phone that old."
"...Maybe that would be for the best." Tomi agreed, looking at his cell phone. With a sigh, he placed it down, making a mental note to have Hino dispose of it later. He frowned as he realized he was going to have to go through the whole ordeal of making sure his new phone was exactly the way he wanted, which was going to take a serious amount of time.
"Ugh, the ways of peons never ceases to amaze me..."
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fukuokadivision1 · 4 months
Sanyu's Thoughts on OverDrive
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Eko Seishin
"Why does this guy look so familiar... oh yeah. He's that idol that's been appearing around Fukuoka, as of late. Aoi, I think his name is. Truthfully, I was never really into those type of people. So they can sing, dance, and have a group of fans. Big deal. Do something really interesting, and then I may be impressed."
"Other than that, I don't know much about the guy. He and I live in completely different worlds. ...Still, something about him doesn't sit right with me. I don't know what it is, but the alarms in my body almost always seem to go off when he's around. My intuition has saved me more times than I can count, so if they say something's off about this guy, then there must be..."
Mai Yousei
"Mai? I think they're the only one from this team that I know. Ming once asked them to come to her school to teach her kids how to dance and what-not. They were pretty good, which was kind of ironic considering they seem so weak and tired. I met them when I came to pick up Ming from work, and she introduced us. ...I don't know what happened after that. We kinda just stared at each other for a while, examining each other. I get the feeling that, like their leader, there is more to this person than lets on. I get the feeling they may have been used by Chuohku like I was. If so, they have my sympathies..."
Yuno Kamora
"The only other guy aside from the leader that I know next to nothing about. Apparently, he works as a... 'butler-for-hire'? I didn't think people here in Fukuoka could afford to have someone serve them... at least not in the slums where we live. Now over in the fancy part of town where Chuohku has their HQ, yeah, you may see one or two families that have a steward or something, but not many. You have to remember, Fukuoka, we're pretty much near the bottom when it comes to money and economy, so wealth doesn't exactly flow throughout this city."
"But getting back on topic, as I said, I don't know much about this guy. He looks fancy and courteous enough, but... I don't know..."
"...Really Chuohku? You guys went out of your way to force me and my friends to form a rap team for your damn rap tournament here in Fukuoka. And now, you want to make another Fukuoka team? Why?! ...Gah, what the hell am I doing? I may as well be screaming at myself for all the good it does to ask for a reason from you guys. You'll always do whatever the hell you want with no concern for anyone else, whatsoever."
"As for these guys, I don't really know why they're entering this tournament. Probably at the whims of the government like us. I've nothing against them. Truly, losing to you guys would be the quickest way to get out of this tournament. ...But if I know Chuohku, they probably have something special planned for the loser, and I refuse to have anything to do with those bitches ever again, so... sorry about this, but... only one team can represent Fukuoka. And it isn't going to be you guys."
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fukuokanodivision · 6 months
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OverDrive is Fukuoka’s representative rap team. It consists of Butler Yuno Kamora, Professional Dancer Mai Yousei and their leader, Idol Eko Seishin.
Their theme colour is electric blue, hence being similar to the natural element electricity. But it also highlights their drive to reach their ambitions.
The groups symbol is an electric blue music note that all 3 members have on an accessory; A chain on Eko’s watch, a design on Mai’s hat and a clip on Yuno’s bracer. The groups hand sign is the palm slightly down, which in body language means dominance.
Eko, Mai and Yuno are all childhood friends, as their strong ties put them together. In this sense, their rap styles are similar, but have their originality. All of them have had encounters with the hypnosis mic, which drives them to reach their goal through the hardships they’ve faced alone and as a team. They decided to enter the DRB to get closer to Chuohku and overthrow The Party of Words for good. (Asks/Collabarations are encouraged here.)
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Character Profile Family Profile Timeline Moodboard
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Character Profile Family Profile Timeline Moodboard Belated Birthday Event 2024
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Character Profile Family Profile Timeline Moodboard
🎶 Extras: Character Inspirations Before & After Team Dynamics Voice Claims Profile Cards Extra Wardrobe House Aesthetics Day In The Life Pride Month Head-Cannons Isekai Outfits Stageplay [Give Me The Mic] OverDrive Sanrio Collabaration Valentines Day 2024/Chocolates
🎶 Drama Tracks: Track 1 - Part 1 Track 1 - Part 2 Track 1 - Part 3 Track 1 - Part 4 Track 2 - Part 1 Track 2 - Part 2 Track 2 - Part 3 Track 2 - Part 4 D.R.B Track - TBA 🎶 Songs: Survival Of The Illest Hoodstar Division Battle Anthem Kizuna/Bonds Division Rap Battle Rhyme Anima’s Mixtape -Fukuoka- Alternative Rap Battle Glory Or Dust Hang Out! SUMMIT OF DIVISIONS Next Stage Rhyme Anima 🎶 Albums: 1st Album 2nd Album 🎶 Mixtapes: Valentines Day Mixtape Next Step [Shuiro Birthday Mixtape] Spring Mixtape Hegemony Mixtape Summer Mixtape
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taito-division · 12 days
Bright and early, Taito city retained its usual charm. The cities spirit shining more throughout. However, A special day for a certain kendo instructor had also arrived…
Wouldn’t it be fun for 3 surprise guests to appear?
This early in the morning…?
With a firm knock on the other end, Azusa Furukawa opened the dojo’s door. Both surprised and intrigued for her supposed visitors on the front steps.
“Ah, You must be Furukawa. We have a matter to discuss, If you don’t mind.” Yuno explained, Bowing his head politely. Though, His excitedness was terrible to hide.
“We decided to give you something, A token of…Celebrating your birthday~…” Mai chimed in.
“Apologies if this is too much, I hope we didn’t come too early. Even I’m still bleary eyed now” Eko put in, Handing her a normal sized box and stifling a yawn.
“Happy Birthday, Furukawa…” All of them said in unison, Waving as they left the dojo and out into the early morning air.
Inside…Were a set of bo staffs.
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[Happy birthday from Fukuokanodivision~]
"Oh," Azusa said as she observed each staff with interest. Though she had spent the majority of her life training with the sword, her father did teach her how to use other weaponry from time to time, the bo staff included. She wasn't a master at using it, of course. If you'd asked her to teach a class, she probably could only teach the bare minimum. Still, she could defend herself with one if the need ever came up.
"Thank you," Azusa said, bowing to the Fukuoka team. Truthfully, she hadn't been aware that Fukuoka had another team, but their presence wasn't unwelcome. Thanking them once more, she bid them farewell and then looked at each staff that was given to her.
"No time like the present," she thought as she picked up one of the staff and began practicing it, the dojo filled with noises of her yells and the wind being slashed to and fro from the staff.
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shinagawa-division · 1 month
After showing their stuff on the dance floor, It was Mai’s turn for OverDrive gift delivering. Wearing a black and vermillion gown and black barrettes in their hair, Mai traversed through the crowd and found Choten and Kobayashi ordering 2 drinks at the bar together.
“Excuse me, Choten-sama? Kobayashi-sama?” Mai asked, Both of them turning in surprise. They peered around, Though strangely no gift was in sight of them.
“I’m sorry for interrupting, But I just wanted to give you both these~! I hope they’re up to your standards, You both look fabulous tonight…I’m jealous~…” Mai explained, Placing a small wrapped present between them and waving as they left.
Inside…Were 2 origami dove ornaments, With a small heart signifying their everlasting love.
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“Origami, hm? I’ll admit, it’s definitely the most creative gift we’ve gotten but what are we going to do with a bunch of folded paper?” Tomi scoffed as he took a sip of his drink. While anyone else would take offense to that, Miho just rolled her eyes, amused and more than used to Tomi’s behavior and knowing that despite the thinly veiled insult, she knew that that was his way of saying that he liked the gift.
“I’ll have Goro preserved them, who knows, they might make nice decorations for holidays such as Christmas, silver linings, my love.”
Thank you for the gift!
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akihabaradivision · 1 month
The morning dawn was just peaking out, Surprisingly, It was shining brighter than usual over the city of Akihabara. This of course could only mean one thing, Something special was happening.
In truth, A particular someone’s birthday…
Just as Yoshie Nikki was logging onto her computer, Something immediately popped up on the monitor…
Had her computer been hacked?
“Ah, Yoshie. Apologies for intruding, However we have a small message for you…” Eko, A young adult with jet black hair explained on the other side of the monitor.
A message? What could possibly be happening?
“I’ll get to the point: Happy birthday Yoshie. Hopefully you can enjoy your special day today~!” Mai, A young lady with vermilion eyes exclaimed, Making slight jazz hands.
“Agreed, Just take your time with your day. Have fun with celebrating…!” Yuno, A adult with gold eyes agreed, Giving a fair smile.
And just like that, The message was over.
Voicemail from: OverDrive, 2nd team of Fukuoka Division.
A very small rise of Nikki's left eyebrow was the only response the message got from her. Afterwards, she simply shrugged and went back to doing what she was doing on the computer. Truthfully, she hadn't really heard of this team. She had heard of a Fukuoka team named MIHANASA, but she wasn't really aware of Chuohku making another team in the division. If she had to guess, this was probably just another plan of Chuohku's, one she couldn't be better to investigate right now, but would definitely do so later.
Anyway, it was time for her to quit fooling around and get back to what she was doing: trying to beat her own current high score on "Tetris"...
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mochitraveller · 1 month
I'll be thinking about making fantasy costumes for two Ace Combat characters, so I draw it and voila! NOTE: There are smol heads on the top left so you can see which character is going to wear it.
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Larry "Pixy" Foulke (Höllenfee)
Demon Lord's single-winged butterfly sidekick. Another Fairy Larry thingy, costume edition. Now with a few Solo Wing motifs throughout the costume itself with a crown that make him look like a fairy king (of Hell). Fairies and butterflies, even those with butterfly wings. Unlike the previous "Jigoku-no-Yousei" fanart back in February, the wings on this one is different, as I'm focusing more on what would a butterfly looked like in Hell. I wanted to make a different looking butterfly wings by giving it a rather chaotic look. Hellish butterfly with wings that looked ugly by humanity's eyes, but beautiful by the demons' eyes. The flowers stared back at the butterfly. You noticed that there are some flowers growing on his left arm (and one on his head if you look at top left of the image). Fairies may often pair with flowers or other plants, but since this is a fairy of hell, these flowers have eyes in the middle. The main purpose of the flower is to attract hell butterflies, not regular butterflies. If a regular butterfly looked at the flower long enough, it will die. Kinda dark isn't it? Humans were unaffected from this flower curse thankfully.
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Milosz Sulejmani (Lycantrope)
Vengeful werewolf of the night. Finding out what the word "Varcolac" coming from, it makes me think of Sulejmani being a werewolf at night. A warrior fall under the influence of power and greed. The direction of this costume is that I wanted to make him as some sort of a fallen warrior turned vrykolakas who seeks honor and pride that goes mad during full moon. Hunting for scorpions, are you? Being a half-werewolf he is, not only that he eats flesh (and livers) of his prey, but also hunting down some scorpions (including Antares) and rips them apart with the claw on his hands. And that's all for today. I don't know if I could make more costumes for different characters. But if I got some ideas rolling around, then I'll be working on it for another day.
[UPDATE - 18/05/2024 & 15/06/2024] Made some adjustments and fixes for each of the costumes.
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hehearse · 1 year
it's so crazy you haven't finished the book because you've consistently predicted events and motifs that only happen frequently near the end...
anyway some spoiler free orv song recs! astral dogma (yousei teikoku) is my big 'this is the song of the book' orv song because of both the lyrics and its dramatic, world-spanning feeling; end-world normopathy is also a great song for that same reason and it's in english, then there's matryoshka (lollia and kuraiinu) which is fast and exciting and the lyrics really suit it (but maybe listen after you finish the series) and bad apple which is on the nose lyrics again. plus there's tragedy:eternity which is THEE epilogue song in my opinion so u should listen to that after you're done reading. anyway i think vocaloid and non english songs fit orv :) and songs u could see the dramatic battles in it happening to
WELL. apparently i am good at rearranging all three pieces of media i consumed until they fit through the square hole. (this may or may nor include madoka and arrival. not saying) there's less . self spoiler art I GUESS because i'm alpha testing it now. and it goes into the folder for future evil deeds (or "you will make it worse if you read more" folder)
OHH THESE ARE FUN and yeah i can totally see the pace and the feeling of pressure that fit dramatic battle scenes!!
and keeping the on the nose ones for the future!!! thank you thank you i will eat well when it comes to it <3
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sunturbogel · 2 years
Here is Nami's character song !
It's 絶望plantation by the band Yousei Teikoku. I don't own the music AT ALL, and the credits goes to them (indeed I really like them).
For the illustration, it's mine as you may know, but inspired a lot by Diabolik Lovers More albums cover.. well you know that anyway haha.
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definesanity · 11 months
Prompts From Song Lyrics, With No Particular Rhyme Or Reason.
"Toast to the ones here today; toast to the ones we lost on the way." --Memories; Maroon 5.
"Why does it feel so good, but hurt so bad?" --Troublemaker; Olly Murs, ft. Flo Rida.
"Like a silver bullet piercing through, I throw myself into you." --Devil Trigger, from Devil May Cry V; Casey Edwards, ft Ali Edwards.
"Take my hands, I'll never let you fall." --Destiny, from King's Raid; YooSubin.
"And I swear, that there's no turning back; I won't look back anymore." --The Right, from King's Raid; Shin YoungSook.
"What is love, if not defined by pain?" --Twilight of The Gods, from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia; adaptation by Man on the Internet.
"Only scars remain of who I was." --Theme of Infinite, from Sonic Forces; Tyler Smyth & Andy Bane.
"Hear my voice, sing with the tide: My love will never die/Come, my love, be one with the sea: Rule with me for eternity." --Theme of Davy Jones; lyrics by Fialeja & Man on the Internet.
"But these people, they raised me, and I can't wait to go home." --Castle On The Hill; Ed Sheeran.
"If love's a fight, then I shall die, with my heart on the trigger." --Angel With A Shotgun; The Cab.
"Saa, Eins, Zwei, Drei; Kasanariau. (Now, One, Two, Three; Soon we shall become one.)" --Kuusou Mesorogiwi, from Mirai Nikki (Future Diary); Yousei Teikoku.
"Here them? They're calling your name." --Find Your Flame, from Sonic Frontiers; Tyler Smyth and Kellin Quinn.
(I just thought: Sod it, song time xd)
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aoyama-division · 2 months
Twilight was beginning to set on the luxurious city of Aoyama, But there was still an unexpected surprise waiting for Karada Kessaku, A surprise indeed… While in the living room after a long day, Karada noticed A sudden static that appeared on the TV monitor. As it cleared, He noticed 3 individuals staring on the other side.
“You’re Kessaku Karada, Right?” A figure with black hair asked, Also having a pair of electric blue eyes “I’m sorry if we scared you. Seishin Eko by the way.” Eko replied waving.
“You’ve probably heard of us before…” A second figure with coffee brown hair mumbled, Sporting a pair of vermilion eyes.
“We are OverDrive, Fukuoka’s 2nd rap team, After the team known as MIHANASA. I’m Yousei Mai…” Mai finished, Managing a smile. “My deepest apologies if we are holding you up, Kessaku. But, We as OverDrive wanted to personally wish you a happy birthday.” The last figure with blond hair confessed, They donned gold eyes. “Considering Aoyama is a ways away, This was the best alternative. Kamora Yuno, Pleased to meet you.” Yuno explained, Giving a bow.
“Happy birthday, Kessaku. We’ll meet again in the DRB sometime..!” OverDrive chorused waving, The TV shutting off immediately.
Karada blinked as he had just tried to process what just happened. Some strange individuals who apparently were in the D.R.B. had somehow, or other, hijacked his television set in his living room to wish him a 'happy birthday'. He didn't know why he was so stunned; after all, this was Japan, and the D.R.B. had brought out more than a few... "unique" individuals.
"Uhh..." he said, as he looked around him. "Thanks, I guess?"
As if waiting for someone to respond, the bodybuilder shrugged, turned back on his T.V. and resumed watching his program, still trying to process what he had just witnessed.
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fukuokadivision1 · 4 months
Tasuku's Thoughts on OverDrive
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Eko Seishin
"'Mr. Aoi', himself? He's the closest thing Fukuoka has to a top-notch celebrity, I guess. ...But then again, since we're all part of this rap tournament that's sponsored by Chuohku, we've all been in the limelight. So... if you stop and think about it, doesn't that all make us kind of celebrities too? If so, it sure doesn't feel like it. I mean, aside from rapping in front of all of Japan, nothing about our lives has really changed. We're still doing the same old stuff that we've been doing long before..."
"Bah! Sorry, I went off a tirade there. Bad habit of mine. Anyway, this guy is sort of a bigshot here, but... you know, as good as he is, there are plenty of idols out there. He's just one face out of a billion others. ...Hey, sorry to say, but it's the truth."
Mai Yousei
"Like Sanyu mentioned, I met this person when she and I came to pick Ming up from work. Kind of a surprise for a person as weak and scrawny as them to be such a high-profile dancer. ...Or maybe, they've just been through some stuff and I should stop being so judgmental. Ming even mentioned that they haven't had an easy life too. ...Maybe that's why I caught Sanyu and them staring at each other, as if they knew what the other one had gone through. Kind of ironic that people in pain always seem to be able to find and commune with one another..."
Yuno Kamora
"Sanyu was kinda surprised to see a real-life butler. Not much of a surprise since she wasn't born into nobility like Ming and I were. Me, once you've seen one servant, you've seen them all. And truthfully, I didn't care much for the ones in my household. I didn't like forcing or commanding them to do anything that I couldn't do myself. My stepmom would say that that was what they were there for, but I didn't view it like that. I know they were just doing their jobs, but I hated relying on others to do things for me. That's kinda how I still am, to be honest."
"Anyway, I don't know much about this guy. He seems courteous enough, but that's about it."
"Not to quote Sanyu, but... what the hell, Chuohku? After all the drama you guys went to force Sanyu into your little game, now your adding another Fukuoka team into the mix? And let me guess, we're expected to face them in the semi-finals to determine just which of us is going to be the team to represent Fukuoka, right?" *sighs* "And you guys wonder why everyone has such hate for you all. Because you all pull crap like this and just expect us to be 'okay' with it."
"...Well, whatever. What's one more team, am I right? Nothing against these guys. They all seem like a nice group of people, but... if the choice is between us and you, then I'm choosing 'us'. Sorry. Hopefully there are no hard feelings after this."
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fukuokanodivision · 6 months
“What’s wrong little puppet? Have you lost control of your strings?”
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Mai Yousei is the 2nd member of Fukuoka’s rap team, OverDrive. They’re known by their MC name “Shuiro.” A bubbly; gender conflicted dancer, Mai marches to a strong beat of their own drum and loves to go on adventures. After an illegal mic attack, they’ve suffered from a weak body. Despite that, they’ve managed to make it stronger than they anticipated. Along with Eko and Yuno, they’ll embark on a journey where they can’t go back, even if they wanted to.
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Mai is a young adult in their early 20s and is both the youngest and tallest member of OverDrive, They have short coffee brown hair and a pair of vermilion eyes that sparkle with curiosity. They have 1 scarlet helix on their right ear and a mole on their chin.
Mai’s attire is a black/neon red street corset with their quote in neon red font, under a black varsity jacket with neon red trim. From the waist down, they wear a neon red belt, a black/neon red checkered miniskirt with blood red wrapping, black heels and a neon red SnapBack hat with an electric blue music note on the front.
Name Meaning
Mai - (まい) - ま (Ma) which means “A Pause In Time” and い (I) which means “Stomach.”
Yousei - (要請) - 要 (You) which means “Pivot/Vital Point” and 請 (Sei) which means “Invite.”
Mai - Eko
Mai Mai/Mai-san - Yuno
Watashi - Pronoun “Shade”
Biographical Info
Gender - Non-binary
Age - 23
Birthday - January 9th
Ethnicity - Japanese
Hair Colour - Coffee brown
Eye Colour - Vermilion
Height - 6,0
Weight - 75kg
Star Sign - Capricorn
Piercings - 1 scarlet helix on right ear
Markings - 1 mole on chin.
Family - Mother (Ran away), Father.
Voiced By- Sumi Tomomi Jiena (Rapping)
Fun Facts
MC Name - Shuiro
Occupation - Professional dancer, 2nd division member
Division - Fukuoka
Position - 2nd Member
Favourite Food - Assorted chocolates
Least Favourite Food - Octopus
Likes - Dancing, Excerise, Being with their teammates
Dislikes - Misgendering people, Needles, Enclosed spaces
Hypnosis Microphone
Mai’s hypnosis mic is a black/red recording mic with a pop filter. Once activated, The mic’s pop filter shows a hologram of their present location, which ties in with their rap ability.
Their speakers take the form of a multicoloured dance pad that flashes many colours according to Mai’s rapping and movement. There are also vibrant dance pad arrows that fly around and light up with their rapping and opponents movement.
Their rap ability “Puppet Master” grants them telekinetic abilities. Through forced mimicry on their speakers, Mai is able to telekinetically manipulate their opponents and any state of matter (Similarly to Yuno’s ability, but with less freedom.) Offstage, Forces such as time and motion can also be manipulated, but without any mimicry of movement.
Mai’s rapping revolves around the hardships of life and how careless people can be. They mostly incorporate themes of struggle and doubt which puts their listener on edge for their presence. Aside from that, they also rap more about how much pain somebody can go through, mostly from their past experiences.
Mai at first glance is a bouncing ball of energy, which is mostly shown by their ideas or gestures such as hugging. While they are energetic, they tend to also be more serious when need be. While dancing is a hard skill to master, They’ve already became more than just capable.
Inside their interior, they aren’t far from different. While they keep their energetic demeanour, other pieces also seep through. Other traits that Mai possesses include immense strength and a sense of persuasion. These skills mostly come in handy with dealing with opponents on Fukuoka’s streets.
- They like dancing, Exercise and being with their teammates. While they dislike misgendering people, Needles and enclosed spaces.
- Their favourite food is assorted chocolates, While their least favourite food is octopus. - The alternate name “Shade” is Mai’s supposed stage name, Based off of the shy and sad ghost of the same name.
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qwerty-the-duck · 2 years
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Last set for for OC-tober 2022! Thanks to @oc-tober2022​ for the prompt list! Under the cut is a brief explanation of each picture and how they related to the prompts.  (Just like week one, which can be found here!)
Day 22: Grace (Minimal) for Memory. Grace is a rare Witch in her story that has the skills to manipulate and store memories. She often does this to patients in her care she feels may need to be stripped of their traumas until they are rehabilitated enough to be able to handle them. She never peeks on the patients memories, but sometimes take a moment to look back at her own.
Day 23: Vessithyr (DND NPC) for Bound. A dnd NPC and Coven Master for one sect of Vampires in my DND setting. Being the creator of several different vampires, they are bound to her and her will whether through devotion, debt, or sheer controlling power.
Day 24: Kori no Yousei [”The Ice Fairy”] Aka Kory (Fireball and Chain) for Victory and Forgotten. In Fireball and Chain, when a Legend is removed from the care of their Anchor, their Ego is destroyed, causing all memories of that time to be either sealed or destroyed (depending on circumstance). Kory, wanting to learn to grow on her own, chooses to leave her Anchor.
Day 25: Vada (DND Character) for Weakness. This character’s biggest weakness, at least when I was making him, is like his “dissociation” from circumstance and feeling, almost like “If Ignore the problem, its not there” to an extreme degree. This includes both his emotions and feelings, as well as his physical relationship with pain and spatial coordination.
Day 26: Buckets (DnD Character) for Temptation. Though I didn’t play him long, Buckets quickly developed a soft spot for sweets and I was a little burnt out from life and stuff as I was doing this one in the last so I just went pretty straight forward from there haha.
Day 27: Fencer (Fireball and Change) for Strange. Fencer has a fondness for fashion and in particular loves food inspired or food themed clothes, and his entire wardrobe is handmade. So got a random food generator and designed and outfit based off the food rolled (egg). His outfits, combined with his more aloof yet cowardly attitude get him labeled as “quite strange” around school. Day 28: Ric (Long Story Short) for Disease.
Ric was born without a mutation Gene, and, In LSS, those without a mutation Gene are bound to waste away into what we would considered Pop Culture zombies, basically. In an attempt to prevent that, his father did many different types of experiments to keep him from “dying” from “Hyper-radiation Poisoning,” but that doesn’t mean Ric avoided the symptoms of it, which persents itself as a progressive deteriorative disease.
Day 29: Bee (Long Story Short) for Change.
Bee has quite a “happening” backstory to say the least, and though he attempt to remain as bright and hopeful as he was as a child, both his appearance and his personality have been twisted and hammered into almost an entirely different person. Day 30: Prince Amarai (DnD NPC) for FREE CHOICE! I chose to challenge myself for day 20 and made myself draw a fursona for a character of mine. I’m not practices, at all, in drawing furry-anything so not only figuring out the proportions and anatomy, and then also the designs and the colors was fun but a bit frustrated. I ultimately don’t hate the end result haha.
Day 31 FINALE!: Fireball and Change Miscellaneous Characters. I know there wasn’t a prompt for the last day but I decided to just draw over some fun memes/images I had been kinda saving for just an occasion. I loved recoloring the maid outfits and censoring the cigarettes as candy for the kiddos. This month flew by and I loved this challenge so much! 
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shinagawa-division · 1 month
The vibrant city of Shinagawa was now in full swing. Aside from the usual hustle and bustle, A specific day had just arrived, A very special one.
Of course, It wouldn’t be a birthday without any surprise right?
Miho Kobayashi, One of E.L Medical CO’s top CEO’S, Was almost leaving for work one morning. Although, A small box was right at their front doorstep…
Inside…Was a keychain…? And her phone…?
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“Hello Kobayashi, We’re OverDrive…Fukuoka’s 2nd rap team…Apologies if we could’ve sent something better…” Yuno apologized, hanging his head.
“We hope you have a good birthday though~!” Mai exclaimed, chiming in.
“Just celebrate and have some fun, Birthdays are meant to enjoy after all…” Eko finished
And just like that, The message finished…
Or, Voicemail.
Voicemail From: OverDrive.
(Happy B-Day Kobayashi, From fukuokanodivision.)
Miho furrowed her eyebrows at the message the 2nd Fukuoka team have given her, while she…appreciated the birthday wish, the fact that someone had gotten their hands on her phone to send some message was quite worrisome, she made a mental note to do an update on her security, this could be a very big problem if not nipped in the bud.
She moved her gaze to the keychain, it was painfully plain but she figured it was better to receive something than get absolutely nothing, besides she was sure someone else will send her something to go with it.
Thank you for the gift!
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