#Male harpy x gn reader
Animal Farm: Mondays
Male Yandere Harpies x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Noncon, harpies, general yandere behavior, captive reader, spit roasting, cum in hair, aftercare, male harem, brief mention of being used as a cock sleeve by bull men.) Word Count: 500 (Here it is! I have had a solid wave of productivity lately answering old asks and now there is this, something I said I would do a long time ago. I said I would make a mini-fic/drabble with every group of monster men from my animal farm fic which can be found HERE.)
You sighed. It was early on Monday morning, the sun starting to stream into the window enough to disturb your sleep. You glared at your alarm clock and preemptively turned off the alarm that would go off at 10:00. It was 9:53. You wanted to cry. You had not fully recovered from Rory, Sev, and Bruc swapping you between them as a communal cock sleeve all day on Friday. You lamented your decision to be a monster man farmer with so many different species. You should have stuck to one or two. Oh well… no use crying over it now. At least you started the week off easy after your weekend break. The harpy men had pretty forgiving cocks. Ugh. Was that what it had come to? Judging how not awful your day was by the brutality of the cocks you were about to encounter? You scarfed down a quick breakfast then enjoyed your last few minutes before you were swarmed by the three harpies that called your farm home, Zan, Xilra, and Elry. They all looked similar, green and blue feathers in their hair, emerald green eyes to match, dark skin, with large angel-like wings sprouting from their backs and their legs ended in the way any bird of prey’s did. Sharp. Talons. When you stepped into the aviary your watch read exactly 10:30, you weren’t giving them a second more than you were forced to. It was like your one shred of resistance, even though it didn’t really matter very much. You also were too scared to be late after what happened the one time you were. You were sniffed out and fucked. Swiftly. As soon as you stepped into the large greenhouse-like domed building, it was like a miniature forest complete with all sorts of trees and plants, you were instantly pounced upon by the three monster men. They wasted not a single second in taking off your clothes and tossing them aside on the dirt while pinning you to the wall. “Hey come on! Those were just cleeeEEEEAAAAAANNNED. H-hey!” Two of them were biting, licking and nuzzling all over your neck while the third was using his mouth between your legs. “W-w-why do we always have to start the d-daaaay like thiiiiis??” “We love you little starling~” “Yes! And we must show you!” “We haven’t been inside you for a whole week love! It was torture~” “We must make up for the lost time sweet bird.” And that they certainly did. A week's worth of the pent up libidos of three tall harpy men unloaded on you and in you within hours. They spit roast you while you were on the ground before taking you in mid air. By the end of their breeding session with you you were exhausted. And this was supposed to be the easy day. At least they let you rest afterwards, washing the cum out of your hair and off your sore body before cuddling you and petting you while they sang sweet little bird songs and praised their darling little starling~
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banj0possum · 1 year
Okay hear me out: yandere harpy. The reader is on a hike or something and he notices them and is immediately enamored. He grabs them and keeps them in his nest and because it's so high up they can't get down on their own 😳
Lovey Dovey
Harpy x GN Reader
CW: kidnapping, stockholm syndrome
first day back from my hiatus and were already on some more sweet sweet terato ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡ ive never written a harpy before but by golly ive been wanting to for a while! thank you smallcactus22 for requesting!
🪶 All you wanted was a fun adventure away from work, a breath of fresh air after being trapped in a colorless cubicle for god knows how long.
🪶 You wanted, no, needed a vacation. You looked through the many websites that showcased lovely tourist spots like beaches and retreats, all either a little too shady or way too expensive.
🪶 One caught your eye though, an ad for a hiking trip across a mountainous landscape filled with lush greens and lovely pink flowers, it was pretty affordable too. You immediately booked a spot on the hiking trail and wrote up a letter to your boss that you'd be on vacation for a few days.
🪶 When you finally came, you were already enamored by the scenery. Everything was a pink and reddish hue from all the petals that fell from the trees. You saw a person holding up a sign that said, "Hiking Trail!" and quickly ran up to the group of people supposedly taking the same hike as you.
🪶 The tour guide explained the history of the trail, it sounded more of a legend or myth however, with him speaking of an ancient race of humans with the ability to fly.
🪶 You thought nothing of it, probably just a part of the place's culture or something, you then followed the rest of the group to start the hike.
🪶 You couldn't help this uneasy feeling of being watched while on the trail, like there was something following you as you continued along the red path surrounded by pinks and blueish greens. It was probably a wild animal or two, you were in a forest after all.
🪶 On the other hand, Kalva could do nothing but watch you from the dense flora he was perched within. He's seen humans travel through the harpy infested woods before, all of which were uninteresting as a dried leaf on the ground.
🪶 So when he laid his eyes on you, it felt like an arrow to his chest. He was taken aback by how cute you were, so soft, so graceful. With the shawl you had on he would've mistaken you for one of his kind if it were not for you walking alongside other humans.
🪶 The harpies were very weary of humans, especially tourists. Only the few that have grown up near the mountains know of their existence, one that is protected lest danger falls on them like the old dragons of legend that was wiped out by greedy humans who thought of themselves as divine saviors in a world of evil.
🪶 Even with all these thoughts swirling in his head, he thought you were different. You didn't look at all like the other tourist who were babbling to themselves about who knows what with their funny black bricks that sparked now and again. They were so clumsy and ditzy compared to you who was just admiring the scenery around you, truly in the moment unlike the others who only cared for a nice photo or two.
🪶 After about an hour, the group stopped at a rest stop to take a break, you kept watching the flora dance and sway as everyone else drank and rested their feet. You treaded deeper into the pink forest, making sure to keep the rest stop in sight.
🪶 Just then you hear rustling from above, a large shadow gliding past you from overhead. You would think it was a bird if not for the size of the shadow. The shadow circled around you, as the shaking of the leaves above grew louder and louder.
🪶 Now your uneasiness is back tenfold, your heart racing as you frantically look around.
🪶 There was nothing there however, and you breathe a sigh of relief before turning to go back to the rest stop.
🪶 You yelp as you are, however, met with giant yellow eyes staring at you. You trip on a tree root and fall on your butt as a man half covered in feathers stared at you, penetrating your very soul.
🪶 You try to scramble away but the creature keeps walking nearer and nearer, his head cocking to the sides like that of a bird.
🪶 Your back meets with a tree as you're left in the mercy of this massive birdman in front of you. You feel tears starting to form in your eyes as a taloned hand reaches to your face.
🪶 You were surprised at the gentle touch you felt on your face as Kalva wiped your tear away, cooing softly.
🪶 "uhm...hello there?" you mutter.
🪶 "hello..." He replies in a raspy but quiet voice.
🪶 "Wh-who are you?" you ask, the tension in your body dissipating as you get more comfortable with him, well not really comfortable, just a little less tense as you were before.
🪶 "My name is...Kalva..."
🪶 "Kalva..I'm (Y/N).."
🪶 His pupils dilate at the sound of your name. He mutters it to himself like a word he wished to remember.
🪶 He sniffs at you, all over your body and clothes, focusing then on your bag. You reach inside and take out some crackers you packed for the hike and gave it to him. He was confused at first, never seeing a seed or insect like it, but was then greeted with a wonderous sensation of sweet and salty. He squawks happily, nuzzling his head into your chest, making you a tad bit surprised and unsure of what to do now that a bird man creature thing is cuddling you in a forest. You placed a hesitant hand on the back of his head and started petting him, he started cooing very softly, that must mean he's happy.
🪶 You then hear the tour guide call for everyone to continue on the trail, you greet Kalva goodbye and try to walk away when you're suddenly grabbed by your shoulders and lifted up. You yelp and scream, asking to be put down but the harpy ignored your pleas and flew high up into the mountains.
🪶 Oh what a day it was for Kalva! He knew the little human was the one! They fed him, they preened him, just like a good mate would! He must have been very good as his courting! Of course, his little mate couldn't have seen it from down below, but they surely would have if they accepted him so quickly right afterwards!
🪶 Finally they reached his perch atop a tall mountain. It was a giant circular hut of some kind made of branches and lined with colorful flowers and leaves. Inside, his nest was filled with cotton of the softest kind, only the best for his mate! Little baubles and shiny trinkets hung from the curved ceiling and trinkled softly as they shook. He placed them down as they shook in fear at the height.
🪶 Kalva landed next to them cooing and chirping comfortingly, don't worry my lovely! You won't fall from here! I will protect you!
🪶 It was like this for days; you trapped a thousand miles high in a nest you can't escape from otherwise the harpy would find you and carry you back. He would leave for hours at a time, offering you food and small gifts he's found he thought you might like, some of them things left behind by other tourists like a water bottle, a book, a hat and a few others.
🪶 At night, he'd pull you into a warm embrace under his wings. He can't help but stare at you as you snore peacefully under him.
🪶 Of course you were frightened to the core the whole time, but you tried your best to explain to him that you weren't his mate and that you needed to go home, but he kept insisting that you two were meant for each other, for him to coddle and fed you and you to love and preen him when he returns home.
🪶 He dreams for you both to have chick of your own, the idea of coming home to the happy chirping of little hims and yous gave him a happy giddy feeling.
🪶 After a while you figured getting down on your own wasn't an option and Kalva was your only hope in returning to the familiar world below.
🪶 You started talking to him more, books he would bring home, you'd read to him, food collected would be shared between you two.
🪶 And somehow, throughout this whole process, you managed to grow quite close to the man.
🪶 He understood English more, now collecting other foods like stolen snacks from tourists instead of bugs and wild fruits he'd usually eat.
🪶 You found yourself missing his company when he was away. He'd chirp happily as you rushed to hug him as he lands in your shared nest after a hunt.
🪶 Soon enough, he'd trust you to explore the mountain's peak outside of the nest. There was a lovely little lake next to his abode with a tree bearing red fruits. In the distance you could hear the faint calls of other harpies.
🪶 All you wanted was a fun adventure away from work, and you were given more than what you've bargained for, a glimpse into a hidden world of creatures far beyond your imagination, with one of them being your very loving mate.
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and as a bonus, Kalva doodle for yall <3
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 2 months
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Harpy Hare Where Have You Buried all Your Children? || Yan Harpy Hare Hybrid x GN Reader
Characters: Helys
Summary: A creature in the forest that wants you
Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence
a/n: Inspired by the song Harpy Hare by Yaelorke
Yan Harpy Hare who is a fabled creature within the forest. Much like other local myths, everyone is afraid of him. It hurts because all he wants is friends. He's been abandoned since a young age due to his overbearing mother. She's kind of the reason everyone fears the creature.
Yan Harpy Hare who is a hybrid of a harpy and a hare. His upper half his harpy, with feather scattering his arms and wings in between his forearms and sides, and his lower half behind hare legs. His nose is a hare nose too and his face is a mix of feathers and hare fur. He has the eye slits of a harpy too.
Yan Harpy Hare who stumbles upon a cottage far away from the towns. It looked overgrown but lived in. From the trees he was watching to see if anyone would enter or exit the worn down home. What he didn't expect was to lay eyes on the most stunning thing he has ever seen.
Yan Harpy Hare who sees you walking into your home with a basket full of berries and other assortments of food. Your eyes were like emeralds and your hair shone so bright. His harpy instincts were kicking in. He needed to put this shiny human in his collection.
Yan Harpy Hare who makes is new nest on the roof of your house. He was purposely loud about the construction too. He really wants to get your attention and what better way than making a racket when building his new home?
Yan Harpy Hare who looks at you like an owl would when you finally make eye contact with him. He's afraid when you give him the same wide eyes that the other humans have. What if you cast him out? What if you throw things at him like the other villages did? Oh great, now his feathers are all ruffled and poofed.
Yan Harpy Hare who is utterly shocked when you just give him a small wave and calm smile. You aren't bothered by his presence? This must be fate! His growing infatuation with you only gets worse. His nose twitches as he watches you walk back into the forest.
Yan Harpy Hare who obviously follows you. At first, he flies over the tree tops, but once the trees become too dense, he floats down and hops along the grass. He's really great at being quiet, but his rustling feathers give him away. He's just so excited to meet someone that finally accepts him!
Yan Harpy Hare who watches you pick more berries and other herbs. He chirps and helps you pick the freshest plants. He hears your giggles and his little hare nose twitches, his lips smiling so big that his cheeks hurt. The urge to place you in his nest only grows.
Yan Harpy Hare who thus becomes like a huge pet for you to take care of. He thumps his hare feet on the roof to get your attention and swoops down to fly you up to his next only to cuddle you within his feathers. You're his pretty shiny thing, and he does not want you to go.
Yan Harpy Hare who only lets you down from his nest when you need to eat or go do things. He follows you around all the time though. Always clings to you by holding your hand or arm. He nuzzles against your face while you work too because he loves your warmth.
Yan Harpy Hare who gets upset when you have to go to the human village. Please don't leave him! He can't go in due to ridicule, and he doesn't want you to see him as a monster. What's worse is the songs about him are always sung within the streets.
Yan Harpy Hare who anxiously waits for you to come back from your shopping and work at the edge of the forest. He can only think of the slander they're spreading about him. His mind also assaults him with thoughts of you being hurt and taken by another human.
Yan Harpy Hare who sees you coming back from the village and his dread increases when he hears you humming that damn song. The moment you're in arm's reach, he places a hand over your mouth to silent you. Please don't remind him of those cursed rumors!
Yan Harpy Hare who keeps his hand on your mouth no matter your muffled protest. You just end up giving up and walking back to your cottage with your mouth covered by his feathered hand. Don't worry! He'll make it up to you by carrying your basket for you.
Yan Harpy Hare who finally lets go of your mouth but just clings to instead. He follows you inside and tries to stop you from humming even a single note of that cursed song. By the 5th time he tries to stop you while you cook dinner he becomes pouty and goes into one of the corners in your home.
Yan Harpy Hare who sits like that for hours until you finish dinner and invite him to the table. Dinners together were something of habit with the two of you. He's all pouty while the two of you eat and makes whiny chirps. The noises only get more high-pitched and loud the more you ignore him.
Yan Harpy Hare who ends up finding out you like the song the village people sing because you relate a lot to being cast out and the overbearing parental figure. It also makes you think of him whenever you're away and that makes him a huge blushy mess. Before you can even finish dinner, he has you in a death grip hug and burying his face in your neck.
Yan Harpy Hare who moves away from the nest and into your home when winter comes around. He's usually alone during winter to hibernate, or flies south depending on his mood that year. But this year he has a warm home and warm food and a warm you to cuddle! You're part of his flock now, and you can not say no!
Yan Harpy Hare who takes care of you well during the winter months. You're not allowed outside in the snow, you could get sick! Don't worry he'll hunt for you and use what's left in your kitchen to make you food. Even though it's mostly mice and goop that is barely edible, he's trying the best he can!
Yan Harpy Hare who only wants the best for the human that had learned to accept him and have him as a companion. Don't ever leave him okay? He can't stand being alone again. Not after he was abandoned. Be kind to him and everything will be okay.
Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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bump1nthen1ght · 1 year
A Very Monstrous Kinktober (Masterlist)
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Hello all and Welcome to Kinktober 2023! With October just around the corner, I thought I'd post this masterlist as my official announcement. Here you'll find each day and its assigned kink, which will be updated with links and greater details (such as the monster of the day) as the month goes on.
This is my first time doing a full-fledged Kinktober and while it was a lot of work I also had a lot of fun (*´꒳`*)
And so, hope y'all have a good October and a very monstrous Kinktober!
Links under the read more!
Day 1: Pegging (Fem!Orc x GN!Reader)
Day 2: Titfucking (Slime Girl x AMAB!Reader)
Day 3: Bukkake (Male!Orcs x Fem!Reader)
Day 4: Prostitution (Male!Android x GN!Reader)
Day 5: Collaring (M!Werewolf x GN!Reader)
Day 6: Dub Con (Merman x Fem!Reader)
Day 7: Stuck in a Wall (Male!Satyr x GN!Reader)
Day 8: Breeding (Male!Naga x Fem!Reader)
Day 9: Glory Hole (Male!Minotaur x GN!Reader)
Day 10: Praise Kink (Fem!Harpy x Fem!Reader)
Day 11: Petplay (Fem!Orc x Male!Reader)
Day 12: Somnophilia (NB!Shadow Demon x GN!Reader)
Day 13: Size Difference (Male!Dragon x GN!Reader)
Day 14: Orgasm Denial (Fem!Vampire x GN!Reader)
Day 15: Non Con (Orca Mermen x Fem!Reader)
Day 16: Public (Male!Vampire x GN!Reader)
Day 17: Threesome (Incubus and Succubus x Male!Reader)
Day 18: Spanking (Fem!Werewolf x GN!Reader)
Day 19: Exhibitionism and Voyeurism (Male!Troll x Fem!Reader x Male!Ghost)
Day 20: Mind Control (Male!Vampire x Male!Reader)
Day 21: Tentacles (Tentacle Monster x Male!Reader)
Day 22: Intercrural sex (Male!Centaur x Fem!Reader)
Day 23: Deepthroating & Facesitting (Genderfluid!Slime Person x GN!Reader)
Day 24: Sex Toys (Male!Minotaur x Male!Reader)
Day 25: Pregnancy (Male!Werewolf x Fem!Reader)
Day 26: Masturbation (Mothman x GN!Reader)
Day 27: Double Penetration (in two holes) (Male!Reader x Fem!Reader)
Day 28: Body Worship (Fem!Oni x Fem!Reader)
Day 29: Breathplay (Male!Octomerman x Male!Reader)
Day 30: Free Use (Male!Temple God x GN!Shrine Keeper)
Day 31: Surprise!
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r0-boat · 8 months
Birdie Bride
Sfw Yandere!Harpy! Larry x GN!reader
Cw: slight yandere, (no killing or harm towards reader just watching them and kidnapping)
Gendered nickname: Wife (Larry does not know anything about humans)
Author's notes: yandere Larry is easy mode. I see him being a very light yandere. The most he'll do is kidnap you really and stalk you, but that's about it. So, you people who don't really like yandere's for their overbearing and murdering nature I feel like you enjoy this one.
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Gentle claws brush against your cheek. Sharp jet-black eyes gaze down at you, taken in your unconscious form sprawled out in his nest. Curiosity took over the creature's mind as he tried to figure it out. Who or what are you? He had always watched you from afar his, his claws digging into the bark of a tree, watching you, studying you, a craving to satisfy a need to creep closer. 
Now that he had found you unconscious in that weird, thin hide cage. Larry could finally fully drink you in, cause gently prodding your hair and pawing at each strand to find out a single feather; at the same time, his own talons graze through his own black and white hair as if he was comparing mammalian hair to his mixed concoction of human hair and avian feathers.
He wasn't done. However, his claws gently grazed against your skin down your arm as if meticulously looking for a single feather on your skin.
You were not a harpy, it was evident, not a single feather on you. Your Talons were dull and flat, and when he gently pressed his thumb against your lip to inspect your teeth you had no Sharp things to rip and tear through meat, feeling your soft fleshy lips in the process.
You were not a harpy, but he can't deny the Primitive feeling he felt when he caught a whiff of your scent, even now as he pressed his nose against the nape of your neck, his black and white wings puffed up, his eyes open and softened.
If not, mate, then why is his body reacting this way? Why is his heart pounding in his chest? His face flushed with heat, instinctually letting out a low-throated cooing noise. He wanted more. Larry wasn't sure what he wanted, but he knew he wanted more: no more light touches with his fingers to inspect you. He tried to place his hand against your stomach, almost hypnotized by how it moved up and down as you breathed calmly. Despite his eagerness to be close to his mate, his hand approached you slowly and carefully.
Only to flinch away when you stir in his nest, tossing in the soft straw pillows and blankets. Keeping his distance but quietly observing as you slowly awaken from your slumber, expecting to wake up in your tent only to realize that your hand grazes through a straw immediately. Your heart quickens the fog of sleepiness immediately lifting as you bolt awake, scaring the figure next to you. Black wings flap as he jumps back, startled by your sudden movement, only to crawl toward you slowly.
That's when you finally saw your kidnapper. Jet black eyes matching with his feathers, with with what you see patches of graying feather. Even as he crawled, it was clear that he could easily tower over you. You were unable to speak due to your circumstances, and you're being riddled with anxiety and fear of just being kidnapped while unconsciously thinking that it's just a bad dream. Your palms were sweaty legs and arms shaking. You are not on the ground anymore, your eyes looking down a high drop. 
Larry notices your eyes filled with fear. His voice is low, husky, yet gentle.
"Do not be scared, wife. I will not hurt you,"
Out of everything that was happening, that one little nickname robbed your attention away, finally getting you able to speak.
"W-wait what did you just call me?" Your voice cracked fear still in your system as you try to scoot a little away as the big birdman urges you closer to his body.
"This is what human males call their mates, is it not?"
His knowledge of humans is highly lacking. However, getting him to change his mind on the little pet name he gave you seems complicated. But you had better things to worry about, like getting out of this nest and away from him.
" you do not have wings, wife; please stay away from the edge."
Larry cooed, still using that softer voice. You pull your arms closer to your body, or fists clenched as your whole body tenses up. His black wings brush against your side and closing you against his chest.
Almost in his lap, your body was pressed against him, a firm hand against your back, and his wing wrapped around you. You feel his nose nestle against your forehead.
Even though you've been kidnapped, things could have been worse. This bird guy doesn't seem like he wants to hurt you. You can't help but feel your heart fluttered by his voice when he calls you that little nickname. Even though he's technically wrong, it doesn't feel bad. Holding you against his chest like this feels kind of nice; it is better than killing you. Hopefully, you can convince him to let you go. Unbeknownst to you, Larry plans to keep you for a very long time.
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colderdrafts · 7 months
13 – A disturbance
Underground visitor, gn reader x monster (male drider). Sfw. TW for gore and violence. First Previous Next
Dimly lit tunnels passes by you in a blur as you walk, unseen forces tugging at you to keep moving. So far, you’ve passed by the path to collect water, the living room, the library, the sleeping quarters - deeper and deeper into the depths of Dren's extensive and confusing home. Eventually, you find yourself at the entrance of tunnels you’ve yet to travel.
You lantern does not do much to illuminate what lies beyond this point. It's like staring into a void. While Dren has vigilantly made sure the tunnels you most frequent remains lit, other tunnels leading to and from those places are not. Still, the agitated anxious energy will not leave you.
I need to move.
You take a few tentative steps forward. The need does not diminish. Is the air colder here? Or are you just nervous?
What a silly thought. There's nothing to be scared of down here.
You press on, and soon, you find yourself accompanied by darkness.
Well, the dark, at least, you correct yourself, throwing an annoyed thought the harpy’s way.
You're not too worried about getting lost, knowing Dren will instinctively know where you are and can come guide you back. Still, there's something eerie about venturing alone into the unfamiliar dark tunnels, with only a lantern to guide you. The deafening silence down here still gets to you at times. It’s just so achingly empty.
Perhaps it's something one can get used to. After all, Dren still lives here, doesn’t he? But even if it is a spider thing, you can't fathom it's very pleasant.
The dark stretches before you, and you feel a little better the further you go, trying to keep track of the turns you make.
You come by yet another small stream that floats gently through the tunnel you’re in, carved out so it gently trinkles along the side of the wall. Neatly out of the main path, yet still serving as a guide. Perhaps it’ll lead you somewhere, and it should at least be easy enough to track back. You watch the swirling patterns carved into the wall as you follow the small stream, listening to the calm flow of water that fills the otherwise heavy stillness.
Several indents in the web above you signals there’s tunnels leading up too. Seems Dren has thoroughly connected to this part of the cave as well. You’d probably be able to reach up and climb them if you really wanted to. That is, if the thread he’s spun here isn’t that sticky stuff he uses for traps. You’d not want to be tangled in one of those again.
You gingerly reach out toward the ceiling to test it, when a very, very subtle sound of movement somewhere to your right catches your attention.
Movement? Down here? That can’t be right.
Nothing but you should be alive this far down, should it?
This must be your mind playing tricks. Your brain just wants to fill out the quiet with something. Regardless, goosebumps appear on your skin. With them, comes the continued need to move.
“Fine, I’m going,” you mutter to no one in annoyance. Why are your hands suddenly so clammy? The parasite inside you churns with worry at the thought of hostility, though not in the way of Morgan’s presence bearing down on you. So where is this sudden burst of anxiety coming from?
A muffled sound like rock hitting dirt disturbs your train of thought. It came from the same direction.
You frown. Perhaps you should follow your instinct here. If anything, to prove to yourself everything’s fine.
You quickly pull down the cover of the lantern, leaving you in the complete dark, but with your hand on the wall you feel your way forward towards the sound.
There’s a small indent on the wall, and feeling around it, you find there's a tunnel leading up, thankfully closer to the ground where you can reach it. The sounds might have come from somewhere within.
You quietly lift yourself up. It's not far, and soon you're standing in a slightly smaller tunnel. It goes upwards. From here, you can hear it much better. The movement turns to quiet muttering. Unfamiliar voices. Up ahead, you see the faintest light source.
Your heartbeat quickens. You're definitely not alone.
Your fears confirmed, you sneak forward as quietly as you can, the soft padding of your feet on the dirt below. Something’s wrong. You stare at the swirling patterns there, finding some comfort knowing you're still in touch with a highly efficient defense system. But why hasn't it set of the one who usually monitors it?
You reach the end of the smaller tunnel, the faint lights shining from within illuminating the walls and floor. Interestingly, in this spot, Dren has apparently decided to cover every surface in a soft padding of web. You carefully peek around the corner with bated breath.
It would seem you've found out where Dren hides his eggs.
You're looking into a small enclave covered in web from ceiling to ground. In the middle is a small cluster of three orange, oval eggs about the size of soccer-balls, covered in a protective layer of webbing. It takes second for you to register the utter defenselessness of them. How much you've just imposed on the sanctity of their hidden room.
If not for the light piercing the dark you just came from, you'd never have found them. You glance further into the room, and find its source. Your blood runs cold.
Three hooded figures are standing at the opposite end of the alcove, eyeing the eggs and quietly whispering in foreign noises to each other. One of them moves their head, and you catch a glimpse of blueish tinted scales of their skin. You grit your teeth, realizing what's happening.
They're snatchers. There's no doubt about it.
Behind them, there is a small open hole in the wall, barely big enough to fit an adult human through.
So that's how they did it. Your grip on the lantern tightens, wondering if these are the same thieves that made way with the rest of Dren's children. And finding a need to plant a solid fist in each of their faces, as it seems they're about to finish the job. Nasty little things.
What should you do?
If you start yelling for Dren they'll undoubtedly find you, and you can easily picture what could happen: You get attacked, and they haul ass out of there, snatching whatever they can carry quickly and make away.
It risks the arachnid losing the rest of his offspring. You don't want to know how he'd react to that. You can hardly bear leaving him even with his family still alive.
You should at least try to warn him.
Soundlessly, you run your fingers through the soft webs to find the carvings on the wall, finding the strong, silky warning thread within. You shake it vigorously. Some of the webbing breaks off and sticks to your hand, but you don't have time to worry about that right now, picking out another one and shaking that one too for good measure.
Simultaneously, the snatchers start moving.
One of them steps extremely carefully toward the eggs. In the light from their lantern, you spot that it has covered its feet in web, and carefully moves so that no other part of its body touches it.
Huh. Clever.
You shake the web again. If Dren doesn't feel it, he's going to lose them. You bite back a loud protest yell as the thief slowly reaches toward one of the defenseless orbs on the floor.
It would appear you need to make a decision. You need to move.
At this rate, Dren will never make it in time before they're gone. And you're not going to stand idly by and witness a kidnapping without at least trying to intervene. You'll have to buy their parent some time. You brace yourself for potentially one of the most stupidly risky acts you've performed in your life.
"Leave them!" you bellow suddenly, and fling yourself toward the snatcher closest to the eggs.
Element of surprise on your side, a gnarly startled screech escapes the creature, and it immediately stumbles backwards towards its fellows, and out of your way.
You quickly jump forward and stand in front of the eggs protectively, shielding them from the offenders with your arms out in an awkward position.
It's quiet a moment. The snatchers stare at you, and up close now you recognize one of them as the red one who spotted you back at the marketplace. Their yellow eyes once again stare into yours.
They bare their teeth at you and hiss something, guttural words you can’t make sense of.
The other two step out to flank you, and suddenly the sharp ends of a pair of spears are pointed at you.
You ball your fists to keep your hands from shaking.
"I'm not letting you take them," you hiss back, relying on a bubbling protective anger to keep you grounded. "I've already called for the parent. You should get out of here while you still can."
You're bluffing, and frankly you don't even know if these creatures can understand you. But you don't get any option to find out as the red one snarls something else. In a split second, the blue one on their left lunges at you, spear at the ready.
You instinctively throw yourself to the side, narrowly dodging the tip of the wooden weapon. However, you've left the eggs exposed when doing so.
The other two immediately take advantage and close in on them, while the blue one focuses on keeping you occupied.
You grab two handfuls of web from your position close to the wall and pull with all your might. It comes off with a soft ripping noise, and you quickly hurl it at your blue assailant.
The blue one rambles angrily, probably in no kind terms telling you to knock it off, tearing the sticky threads off their body. They hiss, and jab forward, stabbing at you again. You jump sideways, but the creature is quick to reassess their aim. The weapon connects with the tissue in your shoulder and you grunt in pain, feeling warm blood trickle down your arm.
The other two have meanwhile managed to pick up one of the eggs each. You don’t have time to intervene with the blue one still coming at you.
In an act of desperation you swing your lantern at them, hitting them over the head with a loud clonk. The glass shatters, sharp splinters flying across the room. The blue one staggers back, dazed and now bleeding.
You take the opportunity and step forward, shoving your uninjured shoulder into their side. They're smaller than you, and trips and falls, further disturbing the webbing below.
You manage to snatch up their discarded spear, and rush ahead to cut the thieves off, blocking the small hole that makes the exit. You point it at the two fleeing with one egg each.
"Put them down!" you demand.
The two others stop momentarily, hissing at you, but while your focus was on them, the blue one has recovered. You feel a scaled arm locking around you and catching you in a headlock. You're roughly pulled backwards, losing your grip on the spear. The other two waste no time hurrying toward the exit with their prices.
The one furthest behind does not get that far. A flash of black snatches it clean off the ground, squealing.
Their red companion turns in time to watch a pair of long, hairy and pitch black spider’s legs slowly appearing from the opening of the alcove, having grappled their friend uncomfortably tight around the stomach.
Dren fully enters the room, his imposing presence suddenly making the small room feel much smaller. He's holding the snatcher with his front legs, and they're kicking and snarling in his grip, desperately struggling to escape. The egg lands on the soft webbing below with a soft bump, thankfully unharmed, and Dren quickly uses another leg to pull it behind him to safety.
Then he let's out a disgusted huff, and rapidly slams the snatcher into the ground. Following the movement is a loud crunch.
You hear bone snapping with the force of the impact, and the snatcher squeals in agony.
Dren carelessly lifts the screaming creature, and smashes them against the floor again. Their pained cries echoes through the otherwise deadly silence of the cave.
You can do nothing but stare.
Drens lifts the snatcher, and knocks them against the floor again.
And again.
And again.
Three more times, until the squealing snatcher goes silent save for a wet gurgling wheeze, their body reduced to a broken pile of bones and meat.
A cold sweat breaks out as your entire body shudders, distraught from the horrific sight.
How long until he cracks, and simply kills you?
The grip on your head lessens in favor of gripping around your upper body tightly, and you hear a small whine from the blue snatcher holding you captive. It feels like it now focuses more on using you as a meat shield rather than trapping you.
Dren looks up from the ruined carcass below him and his eyes dart between the one holding you, and the one holding his second egg, eerily quiet with and odd stoic expression. Fresh blood drips from his carapace, his mandibles clicking in contemplation, like wondering who he should sink his fangs into next.
No one dares move.
You suddenly understand why an insect freezes in the presence of a predator, fearful of what any slight disturbance in the air would set off. It's like he's an arrow nocked on a bow, ready to release at any moment, and you pray to anyone who might be listening that you're not its target.
You suddenly feel something sharp poking your side and let out a small gasp. Not a millisecond later, you let out a yell as a large spiders body is suddenly towering over you, there in a flash. The blue snatcher’s grip on you vanishes in an instant as it flies upwards, dropping a knife that falls to the webbed ground with a soft thud.
You stumble forward, landing clumsily on your knees and palms in the sticky webbing below. All around you there is movement as Dren paces around, his lower body above you. There's an uncanny wet tearing noise, and you suddenly see droplets of blood falling on the floor as yet another squealing egg-thief is efficiently silenced.
You hear footsteps, as the last of the snatchers, the red one, makes a beeline for the small exit, sprinting across the alcove with one egg in each arm.
Dren's entire body springs to attention as he moves above you, pointing in the direction of the last thief. He dashes toward it, carelessly throwing the now disfigured body he was holding aside. They splatter against the wall with a squelch, leaving blood stains behind as they join their dead comrade.
The last snatcher barely manages to leap through the opening before Dren tramples them flat.
"NO!" Dren roars, and starts pushing his legs into the opening, too big to fit through. "NO!"
His enraged outburst echoes through the cave as he claws at the opening in the wall, trying to make it bigger so he can give chase.
You sit up and stare at him, feeling your heart galloping, a stench of blood and sweat in the air. Your eyes dart to the two mangled corpses carelessly thrown to the ground, and you find it odd. How were these lumps of meat two people just mere seconds ago? The final egg lies motionless on the floor close to them, vulnerable and harmless. The very beginning of this whole conflict.
What will they be capable when they grow up?
You look back to Dren, your answer, your companion and protector, watching him completely loose himself along the safety of his last eggs.
There's an odd sort of clarity in your mind then, watching this unfold. Like being inside the eye of a storm.
Something in the way Dren tears through his home without a care of ruining what he has spend so long building, in between his wheezes and snarling, you're reminded of what he is in this moment. Despite having witnessed him tearing two people apart in seconds flat, despite the bloody scene and ruthless violence - right now, he's just a parent, desperately trying to avoid any harm coming to his children.
You can feel it. You can sense the pain and fear fueling his wrath, and you find it links to something you share with him. Something inside you pops, a sudden burst of anger demands you take action.
Dren won’t fit through that hole. But you will.
Quickly, you find yourself on your feet, picking up the discarded spear and rushing toward the custodian to help.
"Move!" you yell at Dren, and he doesn't hear you at all, still feverishly ripping whole chunks out of the wall. "Out of the way!"
You push past the flurry of movement that is his legs, and shiver when they grace across your back when you interrupt, but thankfully no further - seems he's still coherent enough not to squash you - so you quickly slip inside the opening to chase down the red thief. The arachnid’s distressed shouting and hissing continues behind you, and you hear him call your name.
You see the light-source up ahead and sprint toward the snatcher, even though you're not really sure what you're going to do if you catch it. The tunnel is narrow and you need to duck your head under roots traveling across the ceiling. The snatcher is quick, but you find yourself at an even pace, even catching up. It carrying two eggs might have given you an advantage in movement.
The snatcher stops up ahead close to a small ladder presumably leading outside. Carefully but quickly, the red one puts the eggs into a basket waiting on the ground next to it. You intercept them there, spear at the ready.
"Give them back!" you yell.
The red snatcher stares up at you in surprise, and meets your threat with a hiss. They take a heavy step forward.
You don't let up. You angrily jab the spear at Red again to force them further back, and away from the eggs.
They snarl at you this time, two long fangs glinting in the dim lantern light as their hands open and closes, considering their options. With their hood back, you notice the red scales covering their head are torn in places. Their yellow eyes are blown wide open, and their nostrils are flaring.
They're afraid.
As they should be.
"Run now, and you may get out of here alive," you spit, trying your words while they're still reluctant to fight. "Get the hell out of dodge before the spider figures out the tunnel has another entrance point."
You're still not sure if the thing even understands you. But they look between you and the basket containing their price, and then glances back the way where a certain large predator has his mind currently set to 'brutally murderous'.
The snatcher takes a few steps backwards, watching you. When you make no move, they turn on their heel, and dashes toward the ladder, leaving the eggs and lantern behind. They glance back at you one last time, before rapidly ascending it into the darkness outside, and out of view.
You keep watch for a few seconds, giving the snatcher time to cover some ground before daring to look away from the opening.
Once certain they've gone, you hurriedly open the basket, and look over the eggs.
They're still orange, slightly translucent, and, most importantly, uninjured. On top of the tough membrane, you see what seems to be an outline of legs. You breathe a heavy sigh of relief, carefully putting a hand on one of them. It’s pleasantly warm.
There's a strange sort of intimacy in staring at these fragile little creatures. After all, Dren's trusted no one to see them, not even you.
This is Dren’s children you’re looking at. And you've just saved their lives.
Carefully, your reach down to scoop them up in your arms.
"Holy shit, do not drop them, do not drop them.." you urgently whisper to yourself as you do, anxious you might accidentally do just that.
The warmth emanating from them is familiar, and you hold them close to your chest, carefully making your way back down the tunnel. The weight of them in your arms brings an odd sense of calm to you, despite the haphazard situation.
A brief gust of wind stops you, however, and you glance back at the hole above the ladder.
You almost feel a pull, calling you towards it.
What a bad time to be interrupted. But you could just go and leave everything behind to be somewhere else, couldn't you?
All these emotions, all of this trouble, the blood and violence, everything you'll need to fix when you get back home. You don't have to do any of it.
It's almost tempting to climb up, if just for a few seconds. Just escape to the outside and feel free of it all.
Escape? You stop and ponder on your own train of thought. That would require I'm a captive.
You look down at the two vulnerable orbs nestled safely in your arms.
No. Something else inside you says. These are more important right now.
You trudge back down the tunnel, ignoring the thing inside you squirming in protest.
Dren has meanwhile managed to turn the opening of the snatcher tunnel into mulch. He's still going at it when you return, now completely silent save for the noise of dirt being ripped apart.
The sight reminds you of the potential danger from this whole confrontation. Dren's current state of mind, and the full view of his powerful legs violently reducing the wall to nothing, is not helping matters. Suddenly, you don’t feel much like a savior. You feel more like a rat hiding inside a crack in the wall, while the cat tries to furiously claw its way towards it.
You step in place for a moment, unsure.
"Dren?" you call out eventually, hesitant.
And the movement halts. You can hear him panting from the effort, tense and awaiting your next words with panicked anticipation.
Your throat is dry. "I- I have them. They're okay.”
Dren’s legs slowly retreat and his head and torso appears in the tunnel entrance. He leans down to peer through it at you.
All his pitch black eyes are wide open and his mandibles are flaring, but something in his expression shifts when he spots you holding his eggs close as to not drop them. Fear? Anger? Desperation? You can't read him at all.
You take a wary step back.
“Please,” he rasps quickly when you do so, and very, very slowly reaches his bloodied hands toward you. Inviting you in with open arms. “Please. Come here.”
There's something eerily familiar in the way he says that, his voice gently rolling through your mind, urging, compelling you, in a way he hasn't done before.
The cold sweat prickling your skin at the feeling makes you reluctant to follow the instruction. Yet, another part quite would like to, would like to indeed, you can trust him and get closer, he’s safe, you know he’s safe- You shake it off, unsure if he's of sound mind to not grab and tear you apart the second you're within reach. Just like he did the previous creature who held his eggs.
Dren swallows, obviously struggling to not continue his rampage to just get them back, to just reach you, to take control of what happens to what is his - armed with the patience of an experienced predator he takes a deep breath, grounding himself as to not startle you further, lest you take flight.
"Please," he says softly, normally, waving his hands in a beckoning motion.
You realize the amount of power you hold over him right now. If you wanted, you could turn on your heel and walk away. You could name a price. You could throw the eggs on the ground and trample them flat, and he would be powerless to stop you.
But you don't. These eggs are innocent and vulnerable, and in front of you stands a sure-fire way to ensure that nothing will happen to them.
You still see Dren there despite the terror. You recognize his patience and fiercely protective nature, that’s been there with you every step of the way. Now, once again, working to keep everything he cares about safe.
You slowly make your way toward him. He’s staring at you almost like in a trance.
You had prepared to hand the eggs over once you reached him, but Dren slowly moves back, allowing you to pass through the carnage that used to be an entry point. Just watching with wide eyes. You’re not exactly sure what he expects you to do. But he hasn't stopped you, so you keep going.
You step across the alcove, and carefully place the eggs back to their right place in the middle of the room. Dren comes up next to you, and places the third next to them. In silence, he starts gently wrapping some of the ruined webbing over them again with his front legs. You move back to give him space to fuss over them.
You've barely taken a step before he rapidly turns, and suddenly lunges towards you. With his arms, he snatches you clean off the ground.
You can't hold back a small scream as you're suddenly in the air - this is it, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm so so dead - which Dren completely ignores, as he forcibly squeezes you against his torso in a bone-crushing embrace.
Your face is flattened against his fur-covered shoulder, your arms sprawled to the side in shock, legs dangling uselessly over the ground. You hardly dare breathe, not that the force currently pressuring your ribs allows for much lung expansion anyway.
Dren buries his face in the crook of your neck.
He's shaking.
"Thank you," he breathes, clutching you a bit tighter. "Thank you."
You dangle awkwardly in his arms, trying to calm your racing pulse, taking shuddering breaths. Oh. It would appear this is gratitude.
Gingerly, not really knowing what else to do, you wrap your arms around him in turn, and he shudders when you do so. He shifts then, and you feel yourself being leaned backwards, settled on his pedipalps. Your backside is leaning against the web-covered eggs, and his front legs curl around them, holding both you and them in place.
He holds you like that for a while. You let him cling to you, while he works through whatever it is he needs to work through to calm down after this experience.
You don't dare glance toward the mutilated corpses currently concealed behind the furred shoulder, your face is pressing against. You ignore the stains of crimson littering the space. There's nothing you can really say, so you settle for running your fingers through the hairs on the back of Dren’s neck in a soothing manner. A soft chitter suggests he likes it when you do that, at least.
"It's alright," you mutter softly, testing the waters. "They're safe."
"Safe," he repeats, nodding against your shoulder. “Safe.”
There’s a pause, and then Dren readjusts his hold a bit. You feel him tense, like preparing for an impact. He sucks in a breath before he speaks.
“Give me the winter,” he blurts hurriedly. Like he needed to get it out before it was too late. “Just the winter.”
You try to lean back and get a look at him, but his grip won’t let you move an inch away - as if he's afraid to let you go.
“What..?” you try as softly as you can. He’s getting agitated.
“Just until they hatch, until they can fend for themselves,” Dren elaborates, rushed words leaving him like rapid fire. “I’ll help you get back home, I promise, whatever you need, I'll do it. Just – please stay. Act as my sentry. Give me the winter.”
Supposedly it makes sense he would do this now, of all times. It would seem this is what it took to finally break him.
You lean further into him, if anything to silently let him know you're not just going up in thin air, so maybe his death-grip on you lessens a bit.
You sigh. "That's - but Dren, you know I'm not-"
"You're perfect," he states firmly, cutting you off. The tips of his fangs brush over your neck as he speaks. "You kept watch and called for me when it was needed - risked yourself to defend my young, despite them not being your responsibility - you've already done more than I could ever ask. I have no right, I know that, but I can't - If I lose anyone else-" he trails off in his rambling. "Please. Give me the winter."
It's not like you're actually much in a position to say 'no', but you don't really get the feeling Dren is thinking about that right now. Like your refusal means you're going to slip through his fingers, and vanish in an instant. As if he's not the one holding your only known key home. As if he's not perfectly capable of keeping you trapped here, if he so did desire.
But maybe his conviction in this ultimately being your choice means something - maybe that actually means everything.
You sense the remaining vulnerable eggs pressing against your backside, a faint reminder of what you did tonight. It seems it's wasn't really you who needed to move.
You’re already connected to them, aren’t you? How could you possibly leave everything behind? Not now. Not after all of this.
What's a few months of darkness as a price for keeping everyone you care about alive?
"Okay," you whisper, clutching him back. You can feel a pressure growing around you, like you’ve just used your entire body to pick up something heavy. It’s warm. "Okay, you can have my winter."
"I will let you go," Dren assures you firmly, speaking through his teeth. "It will hurt, I know it will, for both of us, but I vow to you, when all this is over, when we're all safe-"
"I know," you placate. "I trust you."
Dren breathes out, and with it leaves the tension in his body. He finally leans back to look at you again, and there are tears in black eyes. Carefully, gently, his hands reaches up to cup your face. You stare at him like you did earlier this very day and, once again, he effortlessly draws you in.
Because looking at him like this is nice. It’s really, really nice. You’re being enveloped in a warm blanket, soothing all worry you’ve ever had. You can feel a pull from him, coaxing you closer, something gently wrapping around you. Of course this will work, of course you’re in good hands here, of course Dren knows what’s best -
A sudden piercing pain shoots through you in retaliation, and you gasp, severing eye contact and instinctively trying to curl up to protect yourself. It's no use. The pain strikes your core, like a gun was fired from within. Something inside you heavily disagrees.
Dren hisses at the interruption and deftly pulls you to him again, like a futile attempt to shield you with his body. You can feel his formerly calm energy clouded in a protective fury, zeroing in on the interloper, surrounding it, grabbing it, strangling it.
You cry out. You can’t help it. The parasite’s pain is as much yours as it is its, and the agony is unbearable. It feels like your chest is being crushed, like your ribs can shatter and destroy your innards at any moment.
“I know, Sweetness, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, shh,” Dren soothes you, holding you against him with a hand over the back of your neck, keeping his grip on the parasite and angrily thwarting it.
It feels like forever you're in this pure world of pain, at some point you may have started begging for it to stop, only wishing dearly for everything to turn quiet, for it to be over. You can faintly hear reassurances and apologies in the foggy cloud of your consciousness, and something, someone, peers into your mind, feeling for a thread intertwining with the very core of your being.
Then, there’s a small release of pressure, like when you’ve finished tying the knot of a shoelace. At the end, you let it go, sitting neat and comfortably tight.
And then the pain is gone.
It’s like the hook trapping the fish suddenly disappearing from the fight. The struggle is over, leaving the fishing line there, suspended in the flowing water. Useless.
Dren’s breath is warm on your neck as he chitters and purrs to calm you, pedipalps and arms around you like both of his halves are checking on you at once. You just hold on to him, feeling an immense relief coursing through your body. The pressure is gone, leaving you sore, and completely exhausted. Vulnerable.
And you can feel him. Really, feel him.
Dren is everywhere around you, inside you, his energy twisting and turning in a strange dance. He’s happy. So, so happy. The overflowing emotion is infectious, and you struggle to hold in an odd strangled laugh full of sobs.
And it dawns on you now what you’ve just agreed to. What you’ve just accepted into your life. And, if what you’ve learned from the harpy is true, you’ve just acquired the qualifications for your new job as a sentry.
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blood-grove · 6 months
Call of Duty
Kyle Gaz Garrick
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unnatural bleeding — a mer!gn!reader x human!gaz | ongoing fic
werewolf bites — gaz trying to help you recover from a dog attack | ongoing fic
magical accidents — who were you to say no to your mage boyfriend innocent request for you to try a potion?
scar trails — you and your older brother try to survive the apocalypse and try and make a few friends..or enemies!
John Soap Mactavish
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shapeshifter! child! reader & soap — a alt version of another random thing i wrote about a shapeshifter reader :3 tws in fic
the hunt — a medieval fantasy soap x male reader! | ongoing fic
solar and lunar marks — werecat reader and werewolf soap shenanigans w 141
Simon Ghost Riley
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dog au! ghost & child reader — this one is so old!! + old dog au intro!
the devil comes in pairs — :3 fic i wrote based on a prompt! , cowboy au
animals grind there teeth at bars — fic idea :3 monster circus au?
mistaken sacrifice — turns out your loyal worshippers are batshit crazy but ghost seems alright maybe in need of saving.
John Price
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dog au price & child reader — another oldie </3 + old dog intro
labs and speedsters — taking in a new stray cheetah shifter (you) riddled with anxiety and price sees to help you.
old man — random anxiety hole you've dug yourself into has you now overly worrying about growing. (me projecting)
Multi + Parings
adoption au dad! simon & soap + adopted reader (school fights)
shapeshifter reader + 141
avian/harpy ghost & soap + child naga reader - tws in fic
jungle book au - upcoming
dog au art ! — ghost and soap , graves , price 1 , price 2 , graves 2 ,
König — dog au intro! (old)
i may give him this own section but for now im not rlly focused on him kinda...
a/n; will be making separate master list for when i write for my fandoms :3 this is my first masterlist so please excuse my inexperience...ALSO IM MY ASK R OPEN AND ANON ON PLS
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n1ght0f-nyx · 6 days
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harpies and haircuts
bennie (harpy oc) x gn reader
after a few months of living in a cave with your harpy lover, your hair had gotten much longer and unruly, but your harpy lover doesn't understand humans and how different they are from harpies
tags- gn reader, harpy male, slight panic, divider by cafekitsune
sorry about the hiatus- ive had a horrible flu, i am now back and begging for requests
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The wind howled outside the cave as snow flurries swept past the entrance. You sat cross-legged by the small mirror Bennie had scavenged for you from who knows where, trying to get a handle on your unruly hair. It had grown far too long for comfort, and living in a cave halfway up a snowy mountain didn’t exactly provide opportunities for regular trims. The pair of worn scissors you held glinted faintly in the dim light filtering in from the cave entrance.
Bennie had gone out earlier in the day, as he often did, flitting around the mountainside and the nearby forest to scavenge for things or just explore. You could always tell when he was nearby from the soft sound of his wings or the sharp whistle he let out when he saw something interesting. You smiled at the thought. His fascination with human culture had been one of the things that brought the two of you together, but his understanding of it was...let’s say unique.
After brushing through your hair one last time, you took the scissors and started to carefully snip away at the ends. Small strands of hair fell to the cave floor, and you let out a satisfied sigh. It wasn’t perfect, but it’d do the job. As you worked, the steady sound of Bennie’s flapping wings drew closer, signaling that he was coming back.
Before you could finish the last few cuts, Bennie landed heavily just inside the cave, a gust of cold air following him in. His sharp, talon-like feet scratched against the stone floor as he shook out his wings and bounded toward you, a wide smile on his face.
"I find...more things!" he called, holding up a tattered old blanket he’d discovered somewhere. His feathers rustled with excitement as he made his way to you. But the moment his wide, golden eyes fell on the scissors in your hand and the strands of hair on the ground, his entire body froze.
You barely had time to look up before Bennie’s face contorted with panic. His wings flared out dramatically, and his feathers puffed up in alarm. “Y-you... hurt?” he squawked, rushing over, his large hands trembling as they reached for you.
Confused, you set the scissors down and blinked up at him. “Hurt? No, Bennie, I’m not—”
He cut you off with a shrill sound, his hands hovering anxiously near your head, as if he was scared to touch you. “Hair—cut! Cut! No cut! It hurt, yes? Hurt bad?”
Realization dawned, and you sighed gently, smiling despite his panic. He didn’t understand. Bennie wasn’t used to the idea of humans cutting their hair; to him, it must have seemed as if you were intentionally damaging yourself. Harpies were incredibly sensitive about their feathers, and any damage to them was painful, so of course he thought you were in pain too.
“Bennie, it’s okay,” you reassured him softly, reaching up to gently touch his hand. “It doesn’t hurt. I’m not like you, remember? Humans cut their hair all the time.”
His brow furrowed, eyes still wide with worry. “Hair...no hurt?” he asked, his voice dropping into a lower, more uncertain tone. “But...but feathers! It like feathers, yes? Hurt like feathers?”
You shook your head and pulled his hand down to rest against your head, where your hair had been trimmed. His touch was hesitant, as if he was afraid to hurt you, but you guided his fingers gently through your hair. “It’s not like feathers for us,” you explained. “My hair doesn’t hurt when I cut it. It grows back.”
Bennie stared at you, then down at the scattered strands of hair on the floor, still visibly uneasy. His hand remained in your hair, but his sharp claws never pressed against your scalp, as if he thought he might accidentally make things worse. “Grow...back?” he echoed, still trying to process the idea. “Not broken?”
You smiled, shaking your head. “Not broken,” you confirmed softly. “Just shorter.”
For a long moment, Bennie stayed silent, staring at your hair, his face scrunched up in concentration. His fluffy wings slowly lowered from their defensive position, and his feathers flattened out. His other hand joined the first, carefully running through your hair, inspecting it with the same intensity he would if he were checking his own feathers for damage. After a while, his tense expression softened, though confusion still lingered in his golden eyes.
“Humans...weird,” he mumbled, more to himself than to you.
You laughed, the sound echoing lightly in the cave. “Yeah, we are,” you agreed, pulling him closer to you. “But you still love me, right?”
Bennie blinked, his large eyes focusing on you again. His face softened further, a shy smile creeping onto his lips as he sat down beside you. “Yes...love you,” he mumbled, his wings shifting slightly as he tucked them in closer. “Even if...confusing.”
His hand, still tangled in your hair, remained there as he watched you with a fond expression. He was still learning so much about humans, about you, but every time he stumbled on something he didn’t understand, he approached it with the same childlike wonder and curiosity that you found so endearing. It wasn’t always easy—there were moments like this, where his confusion or lack of understanding led to panic—but the two of you always managed to work through it together.
“Next time,” Bennie said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between you, “I help. Make sure...not broken.”
You laughed softly again, reaching up to take his hand in yours. “Deal,” you replied with a smile. “But I promise it’s not broken.”
Bennie still looked skeptical, but the panic had faded from his expression, and now his eyes were filled with warmth. He leaned in closer, his wings brushing lightly against your back as he nuzzled his head against your neck, his sharp beak-like nose pressing gently into your skin. “Okay,” he murmured, his voice low and content. “I trust.”
The two of you sat like that for a while, your fingers tangled in his, the cold outside forgotten as you leaned into the warmth of his feathery body. Bennie still had a lot to learn about humans, but with each passing day, you grew closer, teaching him not only about your world but about how much love could exist between two very different beings.
And even though Bennie didn’t fully understand why humans did things like cut their hair, you knew that he would always be there to make sure you were okay—confused or not.
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0mystic · 3 months
Toxic Werwolf Ex.Bf X Gn. Reader
Decided to get back into writing but more into stuff that I’m into because I think im like maybe semi decent… idk you guys tell me
Tw: Toxic relationships, Blood mention, Nsfw mention, Drinking, slight yandere themes.? Think that’s about it
You had been broken up with your ex for awhile. It wasn’t a shocker to most he treated you like trash and and made it his goal to bully you in front of his pack mates at all time, that paired with the fact that anyone around you could see you were unhappy with the relationship people were just counting down the days till you guys broke up.
Which lead you to where you were right now wearing your skimpiest outfit your friends could shove you into and sitting at this bad with your friends. Don’t get it wrong you were all for the free drinks this cute harpy was providing you with but it just didn’t feel the same. With a bit more encouragement from your friends you find your grinding up against him in a secluded corner.
You were laughing a bit your body feeling light with the alcohol in your system. You turn to face him your arms draping over his shoulder feeling his hands roam over the nice landscape of your ass. Feeling a bit more confident you let go and decide to have some fun you deserve that much at least. You mange your pull his head down placing a soft kiss on his lips. He smiles a bit before diving back into the kiss.
Maybe you were absorbed in the kiss or maybe it was the alcohol but you didn’t hear the step until he was behind you. You jump at the sudden feeling of a hand on you wrists a hand you know all to well. You turn not at all surprised to see your Ex looking as pissed as ever. The smell of alcohol came of him in waves; you scrunched your nose a bit attempting ti pull your arm back.
“Well looked what we have here, should have known a slut like you would take the first chance available to whore yourself out” he leered looking down at you through clenched teeth. You looked to him more specifically his canines looking just as sharp as ever, you could almost feel a phantom pain on your neck just looking at them.
The harpy standing behind you decided to finally intervene with a a leisurely tone he spoke “woah hey man, let’s not call people names now” he reached over and attempted to remove his hand from you only for a deep snarl to be released from your Ex’s throat. “Shut it bird brain this has nothing to do with you why don’t I go give you something shiny and you go fuck off” he growled squeezing his hand around you tighter his nails breaking into your skin a bit.
You let out a whimper as you move to squirm out of his grasp only for him to let out a warning growl. Refocusing in you. “Why don’t you just fucking come back already, you had your fun already whatever stupid shit you’re upset over right now I’m sorry now let’s go” he spoke in a low tone. “I’m done with you, you don’t even know what you’re apologizing for” you seethed wrenching your arm out of his grasp and cradling it towards your chest.
“You heard them knot head why don’t you just go chase a ball or better yet your tail” the harpy mocked pulling you closer to them as they went to inspect your wound muttering out soft words as the use feather light touches to check. You stand there almost in a peaceful state at care the harpy was showing you completely forgetting about the werewolf.
Until he lounged at the the harpy, pouncing and and holding down the male as he thrashed around trying to get the upper hand. All while your your Ex smiled in an almost sadistic way feeling the way the harpy blood cover his hands. Once he felt as though he had his fill he stood up turning towards you with a glint in his eye.
“Oh cmon don’t tell me your scared” he spoke as you backed up a bit looking up to him in fear. “You were speaking in such a righteous manner just a second ago where’d that go” he smirked look down at you. “Poor poor little mate I’ll excuse you this time maybe you just don’t know your place yet” he quickly threw your frozen form over his shoulder placing a quick seat over your ass as he walked out the bar.
“Don’t worry we have all night for you ti get just where your place is”
How was that I literally haven’t like written written in what feels like ages so this was fun. I have tons of thoughts so I would be open to doing more of this they all need names though I do have some appearance ideas for both of them though and ummm yah that’s all I guess toon in for more ^^
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
In The Harpy’s Nest
Yandere Male Crow-Harpy x Gender Neutral Fairy Reader (CW: Kidnapping, oviposition, consensual sex, oral sex, harpy man, general yandere behavior)  Word Count: 1.7k (Sorry this took a bit to write, still not too long though, my last fic wasn’t too terribly long ago. I am more sorry that this request for a harpy and gn reader took me so so soooo very long to get to. Anyway, this is a nice sweet delusional yandere, sweeter than normal, to average things out after the last fic. Hope you all enjoy this <3)
The life of a wingless forest fairy was, in a very literal sense, an enchanted one. Especially when living in the Fairbriar Woods. Humans weren’t a problem, they knew not to come close to this place. And the other, more dangerous, magical creatures typically kept to the more sinister area of the forest. The area of Fairbriar that you called home was an idealistic, fair-weathered, paradise. The sun radiantly beaming through the leaves of large ancient trees, a calm shimmering lake, and bright happy flowers all around you. One day, when the heat of the day had passed by, you exited your giant toadstool hut and entered into the soft golden sunlight of the afternoon. As the light hit you it sparkled off of your glittery pink skin. Basket in hand, you made your way deeper into the forest, as you did every few days, to forage for food. Today was a bit different than most days though. Today Miri had just happened to have seen you. Miri was a crow harpy that was seeking his own food, but when he saw you, scintillating in the sun, he decided to put that on hold for the moment. He was mesmerized. Such a sparkly treasure just out in the open for anyone to happen upon. Miri could not take his eyes off of you. He would not have normally been so enthralled by someone just because they were so pretty, but there was something else about you that he could not quite put his finger on. The enamored crow decided to follow you from the shadows, he wanted to see what kind of person you were and to him the best method to do that was secretly. He was also rather shy. He watched from the trees as you gathered mushrooms, flowers, and wild berries. He noted how you never over-harvested. You only took as much as you needed. He stalked you back home and enjoyed listening to your humming as you walked. He thought perhaps it was your mating call, it was a bit quiet for that, but it was certainly attractive. And he peeked you in on you when you were in your house carefully preparing your dinner, you seemed really talented at cooking. What had started with a simple fascination brought about by the glimmer of your skin in the sunlight had now become an obsession. His heart was all aflutter. Clearly you were a gem to be prized, sweet and thoughtful, and you just walked out and about with no means of defense. Anyone could just snatch you right up. You were lucky he found you before something horrible happened, what if someone hurt you?? You didn’t even have wings to help you escape from danger! But that was okay, it just made it all the more obvious that you were made specifically for him. Yes, he would keep you safe and keep you as the most beautiful jewel of his trove. The next day, when you headed to the lake to bathe as you did every morning, Miri was waiting. As soon as he saw the best opening he swooped down from the shadows and gripped each of your arms in his mighty black talons. Understandably you shrieked and thrashed. As you did you looked up to see what had a hold of you. You saw a crow-harpy with light brown skin, great black wings growing from his back, shoulder length shaggy black hair, and of course the large dark talons at the end of his legs that gripped you tightly. You shouted a number of obscenities at him with demands for him to return you back to where he had found you but he did not even acknowledge that he heard you, instead just holding you tighter and flying with a bit more urgency. You had zero idea what he could possibly want with you, harpies mostly ate insects, fruits, and vegetables with varying ratios depending on the species. It was entirely unheard of for them to attack another humanoid for food. Soon enough he came to a hole in the middle of a great tree. He flew you both inside, it was clearly his den. He sat you down carefully on a pillow that was on top of a pile of blankets and downy feathers in his nest. He loomed above you and cooed in a sing-song voice, “Ah, there we go pretty fairy, nice and safe. Are you comfortable?” He stroked your hair, tenderly, like he was afraid to hurt you but you smacked it away, apparently startling him. “Why the hell did you bring me here? Take me home immediately!” “So pretty! Too dangerous for you to be alone. Miri’s nest is much safer! Miri will take the best care of his new treasure,” he said matter-of-factly, as though it was a completely sufficient and logical reason. That’s when you noticed the pile in the corner of the room, many shiny bits of glass that had been rolled and smoothed by water, crystals, gems, shiny coins, bits and bobs of metal, an occasional blade or bit of gleaming armor, and, most numerously, gold coins. He hoarded shiny things and you were another piece of his collection. “This isn’t my home, you have to let me l-” You found yourself staring at him and really noticing him for the first time. Specifically the fact that he was naked, under an attractive bush of pubes hung a rather large cock and two full balls. You bit your lip involuntarily at the site. Miri realized where your gaze was focused on and chirped happily, “Miri would be happy to breed with you if it would make you happier here!” Miri thought it would take a lot of effort to get you to agree to breeding and being his mate, so he was overjoyed that you seemed to be more than a bit interested. His cock grew erect with anticipation, bobbing close to your head. It had been a long time since you had sex, and this would be a good way to tire him out, once he was asleep you could easily take some materials from the next and your own clothing to make a rope and get down to the forest floor. And didn’t you deserve some good dick for all your trouble?? You figured that your plan was flawless, men across all humanoid hybrid species were sleepy after sex. You’d get a nice fuck and be on your way when he passed out. Without saying anything you enveloped Miri’s cock in your mouth, using one hand to fondle his large balls and the other to work the shaft as you sucked the tip. Miri was in heaven, he cooed and sighed and let out admittedly cute bird-like noises as he stroked your hair and you continued blowing him. He couldn’t risk looking down, seeing someone so gorgeous and sweet pleasuring him would certainly bring him to an immediate climax. “S-such a good jewel for M-miri,” he stammered while blushing. He began gently thrusting into your mouth, very wary of his own strength. He was only about your size, probably actually a couple inches shorter, but harpies were disproportionately strong. After a while Miri began to worry he may cum before he even got to actually mate with you even if he did avoid the sight of you with his cock in your mouth. “M-miri would like to really breed you now my pretty treasure, if that is okay?” After you nodded your consent for him to go ahead he carefully stripped off all of your clothing, he didn’t want to damage them and upset you. He picked you up and held you close to him as he slowly lowered you onto his eager prick. You could not stifle your moan as he entered you, filling you up properly for the first time in who knew how long. He started slowly to get you accustomed to his substantial size, moving his hips expertly as he plunged back and forth inside of you. You clung to him tightly, nuzzling your face into his neck as he finally began to pick up what had become an agonizingly slow pace. Miri began bouncing you up and down on his dick with increasing vigor. It easily reached deeply inside you, pleasuring you in ways you had not previously imagined. Having been touch and sex starved for so long you could not last too long with him breeding you so thoroughly. Your entire body shuddered and shook with the force of the orgasm he gave you, but he still needed to drain his balls. Miri continued increasing the pace at which he fucked you until he brought you just to the cusp of pain, before it became too much for you he came hard, filling you deeply with his thick semen. He was panting and you were limp in his arms as he began grunting. Without warning you suddenly felt something hard and large get planted firmly inside you. You looked down at your bulging stomach in horror as you realized he had actually laid an egg inside you! “There! You look even prettier all nice and pregnant~” You were shocked into silence as he began preening and cleaning you up. “Here, let’s get comfy in our nest!” Miri laid you in his nest and snuggled beside you, placing on of his wings over your body to keep you close and warm as he spooned you with one arm and rubbed your belly gently. You were completely trapped, even if you escaped his grasp and could maneuver down the tree with this extra weight there was no way you could raise a baby by yourself, let alone a baby harpy, who’s species you clearly did not know enough about. “You’ll love being a parent, I am sure you will be great at it~” He nuzzled his head into your neck from behind cooing and chirping lovingly in your ear. You hoped his words were true, because you certainly wouldn’t be able to escape being one.
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aftermidnightspecial · 2 months
I think it's safe to say I'm at a point where I want to keep a WIP list accessible to reference, since I've gotten more requests and because I have some new stories that I'm working on. And when I get new asks & requests, I'll add them here and you can see where they're at on the list. I may not answer asks immediately but I'm absolutely going to answer 100% of them.
- Midnight
updated 8/29/24
SFW Gargoyle boyfriend x GN Reader (request) NSFW Part Two for Fernhollow (request) NSFW Part Two for First Date (request) NSFW Werewolf x chubby bunny female reader (request) SFW Part Two for Harpy Boyfriend Avery (request) NSFW Part Two for The Cove
NSFW Large Male Shadow Monster x Chubby Fem Reader (request) NSFW botanist with plant something something~ (request)
Once WIPS are completed, they'll move to my masterlist. If there is something you want to read that hasn't been written yet definitely send me an ask!
completed works can be found here
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 2 months
do you have any references on how some of these characters look? like detailed descriptions because I would like to draw them. If i do post them I will ofc ask you for permission and send them to you first
I do actually!!! All of these are pulled from Pinterest so if you know the creator then let me know so I can credit them properly!!!
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Bone! (Yan Delinquent)
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Jesse!! (Yan cute bestfriend)
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Takehiko (Yan Yakuza boss)
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Malakai (Yan Rich boy)
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Ryland (Yan Celebrity)
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Solaris (Yan fire dragon) left is his dragon form and right is his regular form. His skin in his human form is darker though.
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Ranee but his skin is also purple and his eyes are a bright yellow. Think more on the lines of sea monster? Oh and he has sharp teeth too!!
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As for helys the best way I can describe him is Howl's crow version from Howl's moving castle but with hare ears and hare hind legs. But his hair is a mix of black and brown. His skin color is pale and not covered in full feathers, only his arms and legs along with patches of hare fur
when i have more ocs posted I'll let you know what they look like!! And if anyone wants to make art of my ocs id be delighted!!
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luffyvace · 7 months
☆*:.。.MASTERLIST.。.:*☆ part two 😘
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Here’s masterlist part 1: (they both have the same anime’s included)
Masterlist part 1 <3
One piece
Monkey D. Luffy:
Luffy x male! Harpy reader (requested)
The Luffy package! (Includes General & relationship headcanons, as well as Luffy quotes—relationship implied) [A birthday special!!]
If Luffy accidentally makes you cry
Luffy x reader who can rap
Luffy x Vice captain of the strawhats
Luffy x amab reader (also has Zoro and Ace) (Requested)
Roronoa Zoro:
Zoro x amab reader (also has Luffy and Ace) (Requested)
Nami x fem reader (with Sanji the wingman) (requested)
Nami x male! Reader with water water fruit (requested)
Usopp x male reader (requested)
Vinsmoke Sanji:
Dating ~ Sanji Vinsmoke ~ headcanons pt1 (pt2 is OUT💋)
Dating ~ Sanji Vinsmoke ~ headcanons pt2
Sanji x reader who rejects his princess treatment
Sanji Vinsmoke x male reader
Nami x fem reader (with sanji the wingman) (requested)
Robin x male! Reader with the water water fruit (requested)
Rant about Brook’s time skip powers from fish man island arc (fixed! :3)
Neferatari Vivi:
Vivi x male! Reader with water water fruit (requested)
Vivi x female reader headcanons (for women’s day) (also has Boa Hancock)
All the strawhats:
What the Strawhats would watch on yt (hcs)
Portgas D Ace:
Ace x amab reader (also has Luffy and Zoro) (requested)
Perona x female reader
Boa Hancock:
Boa x male! Reader with water water fruit (requested)
Mihawk’s daughter! Reader x Doting! Wine aunt! boa! (Platonic) (requested)
Boa x female reader headcanons (for women’s day) (also has Neferatari Vivi)
Eustass Kid:
Kid x male reader hcs (requested)
Dracule Mihawk:
Mihawk’s daughter! Reader x Doting! Wine aunt! Boa Hancock! (Platonic) (Requested)
Hunter x Hunter
Yandere! Hero! & Villian hxh au! pt1 (hero ver.)
Yandere! Hero & Villain! hxh au! pt2 (villain ver.)
My hero academia
Demon Slayer
Kamado Tanjiro:
Tanjiro b day hcs!!
Bungo Stray Dogs
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa:
Akutagawa as your boyfriend headcanons (gn, also these are for his b day)
Dazai Osamu:
Dazai b day hcs!!
All (or most) bsd characters:
what bsd characters are like driving!!
Saiki K
Saiki Kusuo:
Saiki K x gn! Reader relationship hcs
Saiki K x fem! Implied reader who is his favorite (anonymous) author (requested)
Saiki k x m! Reader bf! Texts (requested)
Saiki k x (fem implied) reader who looks cutesy but writes horror books (that has a old man friend who writes innocent stuff) (requested) (help idk how to explain this)
Saiki k x (fem implied) reader who has a chaotic side blog (requested)
Saiki k x reader who’s author friend put the two of you in his book as a background couple (requested)
Saiki x fem reader who’s being stalked by Makoto (Teruhashi’s brother)
Saiki k with little sister reader! platonic hcs <3
Saiki k’s gf and sister (reader) meet!! [A continuation of the one above]
Hairo Kineshi:
Boyfriend! Hairo Kineshi x gn! Reader hcs (requested) (fixed! :3)
hairo boyfriend texts (with male reader) (requested)
hairo’s kisses headcanons (requested) (an original series’s of mine :3)
hairo’s love languages and how he shows pda (male reader) (requested)
hairo x male reader who has psychic powers (requested)
hairo x male reader—celebrating your b day’s together!! (Requested)
hairo x insecure/shy male reader hcs (requested) (fixed! :3)
Mikoto Aiura:
Girlfriend Aiura hcs (gn)
Mob Psycho 100
Reigen Arataka:
Sitting on Reigen’s lap hcs
Reigen’s Childhood headcanons (requested)
Black Butler
Ciel Phantomhive:
Ciel x gn! Reader relationship hcs
How Undertaker courts you
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sstormyskyess · 8 months
wip roundup!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPS!
oh boy i've got quite a few (thank you for the tag @glossysoap mwah mwah 💜)
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pitch black - chapter one [intel agent reader meets tf-141, chaos ensues]
sky to sea - harpy!gaz x sea serpent!reader monster au
roommate soapgaz hurt/comfort fic
a few winter requests that are staring at me in my drafts
warm and toasty - prompt 28 with ghost bundled up - prompt 18 with price whisked away - prompt 23 with soap and gaz
poly 141 x medic reader with an accent
poly 141 x stoic reader
oblivious - soap x reader
a few of @glitterypirateduck's soap it up challenge prompts
inappropriate behavior - soap x fem!reader untitled - soap x male!reader (hatefucking) untitled - soap x gn!reader (angst)
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monsterfloofs · 1 year
Since it seems I’ve found myself in a Maestro hyper-fixation what about, Maestro gets invited to a grand musical or ballet premiere and is given a second ticket for a guest. After the whole singing thing with the reader he considers perhaps they might enjoy going but also worries about how he will ask, considering their previous interactions. Also if they go,it could be a romance story much to the surprise and embarrassment of Maestro but reader loves the show anyway. Thank you & love your work!
Oh my gosh— I’m so sorry hun! I started writing this and then my motivation completely tanked! I really wanted to get this out to you sooner and in one piece— But I will send what I have ;-; ) I hope it will suffice.
Maestro (Male Peacock Harpy) x GN Reader
After the large show in the music hall, there was a couple weeks lull in practice. Giving the musicians time away from the rigorous schedule to take a break and relax. Perhaps it was a double edged sword, as the two weeks passed in a blur for most, Maestro was struggling with the quiet.
Papers of half composed songs littered the floor and stacked on any available surfaces, abandoned cups of coffee perched amongst the pages and pages of work.
He couldn’t concentrate, no matter how much he paced. It’s been days of much of the same, walking back and forth from his piano to his desk. Impatiently tapping his pen against the paper to stimulate something. Finally, his hand jerked, drawing a dark angry line of ink through his latest creation. Claws snapping closed to scrunch up the paper he had been staring at the last hour. Crumpling it into a tight ball and throwing it into the paper bin beneath the desk. It bounced off the side, landing in a minefield of crushed papers that were left scattered along the floor.
He leans back in his chair, and groans. Using his clawed talons to spin the chair around while he stared up at the ceiling in defeat.
At this point, he was better off pulling a blood feather, than continuing to try and fight for any kind of inspiration to surface. He sits like this for a while, his eyes closing. His head nodding and tilting to the side as he began to doze in the quiet.
A knock at the door has him startling out of his respite. Careful to rub his eyes with his knuckles. A leap of hope almost imperceptible, has him rising from his chair and striding over to the door.
“Well hello there, cousin— Oh— Oh you really look dreadful, trouble sleeping?”
Jameson’s eyes snap open wider at the voice, before he glares daggers at the other figure on the other side of the door.
“Angelo. . . how,” A strained hiss of breath, “Lovely, it is to see you again,”
Angelo beams hopefully, “You really mean that?”
“No,” Came Maestro’s dry responce, already moving to close the door.
“Wa-wait! I am only in town for a little while!” The other harpy blocks the door from closing all the way with their shoulder. Jamming themselves between the door frame.
Angelo’s gives them a wobbly smile, “I was thinking. . . maybe. . . you and I could spend some time together.”
“I’d rather be plucked.”
Angelo’s perfect white eyebrows knit together as his lips form a tight line.
“You know. . . you don’t have to be so crass—“
Jameson gives the door a tiny tug to see if he could sway the other to move, before rolling his eyes to the ceiling. Giving a growl before abandoning the attempt to kick the other harpy out. Stalking over to his desk and busying himself with gathering up his papers.
“Now what do you want? Have you come here to gloat?”
Angelo blinks, their expression turning shocked and hurt. “Of. . . of course not. I was excited to see you, I thought. . .” They trailed off for a moment, “I thought we could talk-“
Jameson snorts, “You and I? There’s nothing to talk about.”
Angelo crosses his arms and looks to the side, “. . . I know you aren’t fond of me much anymore.” Ange sighs softly, “I. . . wanted to apologize, we had been so close when we were younger, goodness you showed me the joy of music. I looked up to you, I. . . I still do.”
“Oh really? If I recall correctly, you stole a song, I song I wrote,”
Angelo winces at the remark, “I. . . I know. It wasn’t mine to take, and I know I can’t turn back time and do it all over again. If I could, please, please believe me, I would have.”
Jameson glances over his shoulder. Angelo shifts from foot to foot uncomfortably. “I want to make it up to you.”
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colderdrafts · 1 year
10: Time passes by
Underground visitor, gn reader x monster (male drider). Sfw. Previous Next
The next couple of days go slow as you wait for the return of the full moon.
The daily routine here is simple, and easy to fall into. Collecting water, managing the fire and cooking station, learning the quickest route to the surface to enjoy the sun, busying yourself with books you can’t yet read, joining Dren for ventures around the cave and idle talking along the way - since your visit to the marketplace, you've had some better opportunities to keep yourself occupied down in the dark.
It also serves as a nice distraction to go about your business like this, so that you don't have to think too much about what transpired at the lake. The lingering awkwardness from that encounter makes it difficult to look Dren in the eye sometimes.
He’s away a lot of the time, thankfully. He’s slept a lot more than usually the past couple of days, sometimes in the pod above yours, sometimes somewhere else, supposedly close to his eggs. You chalk it up to the fact that he’s still healing – perhaps having a few days at home where nothing is happening has allowed him to rest more fully than before.
Still, when present, Dren acts as he usually does, occupying himself with work around the cave, tending to his eggs or helping you get better settled in. He’s started a new project of weaving you something to actually sit on, so you have some level of comfort whenever you're using the living room - even if you're not entirely sure how long you will stay after you've talked to the harpy.
A slight change, however, is he's been more apprehensive when approaching you. Like he suddenly has to be more careful. His usual focus on you comes interrupted, and he's limited the amount of times he touches you, much to your chagrin. You've respected his apparent unspoken request for space, though it leaves you to deal with chasing out the constant pressure in your chest on your own, and it is not easily ridden of.
As infuriatingly stubborn as the one who most likely put it there. Hopefully, your next trip will help you figure out what to do about that little feature as well.
Waiting for the full moon is like a countdown toward the unknown, and the days have passed in relative peaceful stillness. Tonight the moon will finally be full, which means today may be your last one here.
It’s sunny out, so you’re taking advantage by spending most of your time at the entrance of the cave. The wind blows gently through the leaves of the trees above, cool temperature nibbling at your skin. Sometimes a stray dead leaf falls in your path, announcing the seasonal change. It's just you, the wind and some birds chirping somewhere from high above you. It's peaceful here - it's been some time since you've been in a place that was just comfortably quiet like this.
But you’re not just here to listen to birds calling - you’ve started your own little project as well. In your hands is a small pouch with assorted flower seeds you got from the marketplace, and in front of you a little plot you’ve cleared to plant them. Dren is still sleeping, so you’ve got some time for yourself to work on this.
It’s something nice to do for him as a thank you. He’s been a vital piece in ensuring your survival here, after all, in more ways than one - even while he’s asleep. You glance at the web running underneath your feet, spun to accommodate your time outside and your need for sunlight. If anything but you disturbs them, Dren’ll know. Even when not around you, he’s still making sure you’ll be alright.
You smile at his overprotective nature – but, admittedly, it does feel a little safer out here when you’re in contact with his alert system.
You stretch your sore, cold fingers and breathe hot air on them to get some of the chill out. Autumn is certainly not the best timing for this objective, but now is the time you’ve got for sure to do this. You’ll have to chance it. You're working with the cold ground for things to settle and hopefully start sprouting come spring - if anything, Dren will have a new hobby to look into, and perhaps tell his offspring about.
It's nice to do simple things that feels like it will bring about something positive. Something to leave behind and be remembered by.
You're engrossed with carefully placing small flower seeds in the ground, when you register a change in the air. The relative peaceful stillness you've felt has turned to utter silence. Why have the birds suddenly stopped singing?
A familiar piercing pain in your chest suddenly makes you gasp as your core tightens, answering your question. Perhaps the birds simply know when it's best to leave. The hairs on the back of your neck stands on end as it seems you're not alone out here anymore.
So much for some peace and quiet outside. It was good while it lasted. You breathe deeply, acclimating to the unpleasant feeling, and return the seeds to their bag. You slowly stand up in preparation for taking flight.
If you'd get that far, of course.
"I know you're there," you say, resigned, speaking out loud in their general direction. This might not be a smart confrontation, but you can't let them keep haunting you either. What's that saying about facing your demons? You'll have to remain on guard, but you know for a fact that, if your current stalker tries anything, the warning strings will alert Dren to their presence. "Go away."
The forest slowly parts with bushes rustling as a familiar shadow steps out from under their cover. Their brown spider legs part the leaves as they move – bit by bit, as if giving you time to adjust to their presence.
Morgan leans heavily against the trunk of a large birch, hand gripping it for support and staring at you. You can already feel your body freezing, heart rate picking up.
This is the first time since the fight you've seen them up close. Their appearance is no less striking than it was the first time you saw them, if not even more so no.
Their gangly body and uncanny features are seemingly heightened, the threatening aura of a cornered, injured animal. They're bruised and battered in much the same way as Dren, partially healed, but wearing a particularly nasty mark on the side of their jaw, and the beginning of scarring tissue from wounds running along their whole body.
They look haggard and spent, seemingly in pain, yet their striking red eyes are as intense and focused as ever. When they speak your gaze is drawn to their sharp teeth.
“Peace, sentry," they say gently, soft tone completely contradicting everything else. Their voice weaves through your mind, and settles over your overly active senses like an anesthetic fog. You’re almost happy to see them. "I’m not here to fight.”
You try to maintain eye contact, not letting yourself be intimidated by the red stare that sends your fight and flight over the edge. An odd standstill between running for your life, yet still yearning so badly to leap straight into their waiting arms. Are you relieved they’re alive? Your skin can still remember how warm they were, and it makes you nauseous.
Thankfully, you have a healthy amount of righteous vigor keeping you level-headed. You swallow hard to muster it. After all, this is a dangerous person who’s a threat to your existence.
"That's honestly surprising. If you're not here to fight, but just here to be creepy again, save your breath. I'm not interested in talking to you," you growl at them. "Leave me alone."
"Ah, but I think you are," Morgan replies, daring to step a little closer. They pause to assess the webs running underneath you, and place themself close, but without touching them. They chuckle lightly at your snark. "But no, I'm not here to be creepy either."
You don't move back at their approach, no matter if you might want to, holding the bag of seeds in front of you like a useless shield. It is not wise to give audience to someone who threatens your livelihood - and that of your host's and his children. You should turn away this instant, leave them behind and sever whatever they did to you here and now. Or at least try your best to do so.
“Then why are you here?” you find yourself asking instead.
“To make amends,” Morgan replies, lowering themself a little. “And talk a little about this thing we’ve got running between us.”
“There’s no thing-!”
Morgan suddenly leans forward in one quick motion, their face an inch away from yours, leaning over Dren’s webbing. Instead of flinching, you find yourself breathing out, finally feeling the tightness in your chest calm immensely. It’s like an instant relief to a panic attack. You almost lean your forehead against theirs to bask in the utter peace that has suddenly washed over you.
“Mmm, there we are,” they purr, chittering pleasantly. “Much better, isn’t it?”
Their drawling voice brings you back to reality, and rage flutters under your skin. You reel back, and knock your forehead against their nose in blunt retaliation.
Morgan recoils with a startled hiss.
You grasp your forehead and wince. Maybe not your smartest approach - they have a surprisingly sturdy face.
“You're being creepy,” you snarl, rubbing the sore. “Again.”
They grasp at their nose, red eyes focusing on you curiously. Then they laugh, an unnerving low chortle. “The longer you push me away, the worse it’s going to get, you know.”
“The un-do it!” you demand.
“Then you will have to let me get close,” they say patiently, casually settling down in front of you, calmly folding their legs. The fucking audacity. “Very close.”
“Not a chance,” you huff. “Think of something else.”
“I’m afraid there isn’t anything else, sentry," they shrug, weaving their hands in the air like curling a finger around a string. When they do a small tug, you can feel it, jutting you forward just a fraction before you can stop yourself. They obnoxiously send you a knowing look.
"Knock it off," you grunt, leaning back again.
"I can't. This little string of fate has us thoroughly connected, whether you accept that fact or not. We will keep this little dance until one of us dies.” Morgan peers at you with a casual expression. “I’d rather prefer if none of us die, you know? It’s more or less the whole point of this arrangement.”
"You just said you could un-do it!" you argue.
"I can un-do that it will get worse," they clarify. "It goes away when you let me close, doesn't it? Why not just let me? Then we'll both be better off."
“Better off? You're kidding, right?" you ask, incredulous. "Nothing good could ever come out of this. I don’t even know you! If it's terrible now, I don't even want to think how bad it could get."
“If we stick together, it won't,” they reassure you.
"Yeah, I don't really believe that at all," you deadpan. "This is some sort of weird magic manipulation, isn't it? I'm not gonna get close to you again in a million years. Whatever the hell you did to me hurts."
Morgan pauses for a second. They have the grace to actually look a little regretful of that fact. "I know it does, sentry," they sigh. "It goes both ways, after all."
You frown. "You're in pain too?"
"More so than from just my injuries." They jest, though their smile comes a little forced with thinly veiled frustration. "Do you have any idea how difficult it is to resist every single nerve in my body on fire, because I need to be close, and you. Just. Won’t. Let. Me?"
"You did that to yourself," you sneer, unsympathetic. "And you forced me in on it too."
"You would have been snatched if I hadn't," Morgan counters. "I was making sure you wouldn’t be. I didn't get to do so properly, and here we are. This is not a proper bond, it’s just some sort of painful connection that wants to be completed. I can solve this. It would be so easy, if you'd just let me."
"Why are you so obsessed with this?" you ask. "I know you could just end this if you wanted. If this is hurting you too, why not just get rid of me? I’m right here.”
"Probably for the same reason you haven't called for the other one to come get rid of me," Morgan replies, nodding to the protective warning threads you're standing on. They flash you a fanged smile. "I'm right here, too."
You grit your teeth.
"You can't, can you?" Morgan hums teasingly, eyes full of warmth. "You - don't want me to get hurt."
Don't you?
All it would take is a little shaking of the thread that's running right underneath your feet. One simple movement, and this would all be over. Morgan is challenging your resolve - your ability to refute what they're saying. You want them gone, and yet the nerves controlling your arms are simply not responding to your mind's command to move.
Unless you're not even trying? It's hard to tell.
"Don't worry," they continue softly at your silence. "I don't want you to get hurt either. Even if it is taking all of my strength to not immediately get you out of there, and make a run for it."
“What’s stopping you?” you grunt.
“He is,” Morgan hisses, scowling toward the entrance of the cave.
“Make sense. He sure showed you last time."
Morgan shakes their head. “No, sentry. I’m not worried about me. I’m afraid he will hurt you if I don’t get you out of there properly, and in time.”
What is that supposed to mean? “Hurt me? The only one who's hurt me here is you. What the fuck are you talking about?”
Their eyes narrow. “He’s spinning that web, is he? Keeping you in the dark? Someone in their right mind would have connected with you by now. I do wonder what in the blue moons is stopping him. He must be in pure agony to spend so much time around you. Fighting himself all the time.” They chuckle. “Good.”
You haven’t thought of that, you reluctantly admit.
“So why does he do it?” Morgan continues, focusing on you. “Especially if - does he have eggs? Cave dwellers like him usually do.”
Why on earth would they ask - your eyes widen just a fraction at the realization. Would that knowledge be advantageous to them? They wouldn't ask if it wasn't.
They chuckle at your expression giving it away. “He does, doesn’t he? And not even hatched this time of year. So vulnerable, aren’t they?”
You resist the urge to angrily invade their space at the comment, settling for a venomous glare. “Don’t you dare threaten them,” you growl defensively. “They’ve got nothing to do with all of this.”
They smile a little wider, like your fury made them giddy. “Of course not! Just curious. But especially so, what you’re doing here is simply baffling.”
“Well, good thing our relation doesn't concern you,” you sneer. A memory flashes in your mind, Dren’s entire body curled around you, a warm breath on your neck, idling hands on your skin and his insatiable need to be closer – you mentally fight it off like you’re scared Morgan can see it.
“Oh, but it does. Your relation is the very thing I’m concerned about,” they argue, obviously not noticing your cerebration. “We’re solitary, sentry. We don’t hold affections for things we’re not connected to. Your kind being the only exception - but it requires you give your heart. I just wonder how much longer he can keep this up before he cracks, and simply kills you.”
Well now. Isn't that the statement of the year? “Bullshit. He would never do that.”
Would he? He'd kill anyone else without a second thought.
The faintest doubt runs through your mind, and you know for sure it isn't yours. But Morgan catches the little insecurity of your statement regardless, and smiles like they intend to use it as kindling for a wildfire.
“Isn’t it odd how much faith you’re putting in him this quickly? I suppose we are good at making you feel safe. But what has he done to earn your trust?” they inquire.
You look at them, unimpressed. “He saved me from you.”
“He didn't save anything. He’s just made sure we’re both on a road towards an unimaginable amount of pain,” Morgan corrects you, not acknowledging your quip. “It looks like he tried to do good, but really, he only did what any other of our kind would do. I know how we work, sentry, and we’re nothing if not selfish," they chuckle. "And now, he doesn’t even make sure you’ll be safe from himself? What a poor excuse for a caretaker. The only thing he did was creating a loss.”
A loss? You relation with Dren is anything but. Having him in your corner has been a stability you've severely needed in your current dangerous situation. What the hell does Morgan know about what’s safe?
This is one of those mind-games a person like Morgan would utilize to get what they want. You’re sure as hell not going to let them manipulate you again.
“You can’t honestly expect me to believe anything you say, can you?” you ask.
Morgan has the gall to heave an exasperated sigh, as if they genuinely don't understand what could possibly justify your mistrust.
“I'm fearing for your life, sentry. You could die, and I'm trying to prevent that. You know, since I have a very high risk of literally dying without you. So, I would do well to be truthful here, wouldn’t I?" they pause for a bit, letting their words settle with you. "But even if he manages for now, it will still be the same result. He'll kill you come winter anyway,” they add nonchalantly.
You shouldn't give in to them. You shouldn't let them inform you of things and plant seeds of doubt in your mind, you know they're just telling you this to do just that.
Still, you can feel how the thoughts are growing despite your best attempt to pull them out like weeds.
You huff, deciding reluctantly to hook yourself on the bait. "Why?"
They focus on you intently. "If you're still with him when he's about to enter hibernation, and you are not bonded? His hazy mind will not be able to recognize you from an actual threat. He will kill you without hesitation."
You stare at them, trying to discern if they're speaking nonsense or lying to your face. Morgan holds your eye, perfectly serious expression trying to convince you that they, most certainly, are not.
"I, on the other hand, am already connected to you," they continue. "If you want to survive, you should stay the winter with me.”
"Yeah, nope. Absolutely not. Besides, I'm not gonna be here for the winter," you counter, shaking off their warning. "So that won't be a problem."
That piques their interest. "Oh? Where, pray tell, might you be going, then?"
Oh. You scramble to find an appropriate answer, but it's already too late. Morgan spotted your minuscule falter the second it was there. Judging from their humored look, they're already aware you were preparing a lie.
"It's none of your concern," you settle for. No point in even trying, then.
"But I want it to be," Morgan says gently, casually twirling the invisible string in the air. You feel queasy. "You can tell me, it's alright. I'm very good with secrets. Trust me."
Guess it wouldn't hurt to let them know.
"Well, I'm not-" you halt yourself with an odd choke, clasping a hand over your mouth.
What the fuck?
Morgan regards you with a calm smile. "It's alright, take your time. What were you about to say?"
You flinch back. You should have left them in your dust the second you sensed them here. Why the hell are you still talking to them?
Morgans stands up, a little slower, reaching toward you. "Easy sentry, calm down. Come here. I need to tell you something."
And you do. You stop yourself from turning away, reluctantly remaining on the spot and staring back at them.
They stop in front of you, barely on the edge of the protective webs running below you, easily within an arms reach. They could grab you and run if they wanted to, yet you don't disengage.
They lean close again, and the ache in your chest almost vanishes. You take a deep breath, listening to their calming chittering.
Morgan breathes deeply as well. "Perhaps I should give you some time to think on our conversation," they say softly. "I'm patient, don't worry. Eventually, you'll come to me."
"In your dreams," you whisper, halfheartedly in defiance.
"What a wonderful idea," they whisper back, gently reaching up and cupping your face.
You shiver as their eyes burn into yours, feeling the warmth from their hands setting off the nauseating crawling sensation underneath your skin. It’s like something inside you is writhing, squirming, an effort to get closer to Morgan’s heat, pulling you with it. Why do they smell like blood?
"Listen carefully," they urge, voice low, speaking through gritted teeth. You can hear a scratching noise from their legs clawing at the ground. "The longer you push this, the crazier both of us are going to get. The further we go, the more unbearable this pain. What you're doing right now could kill us. So do both of us a favor, and make up your mind to just love me. We're not moving on without each other, no matter what we do now."
You muster enough disdain to tightly grasp at their wrists, yet you can't tear their hands from your face. You can't look away. "Love you? What does love have to do with any of this?"
"Love is a monster that could crush you, and you need to learn to trust that it won’t," Morgan whispers. "No matter who of us you go to, it will be the same. There will always be a price. But they will differ. You just have to decide which one you want to pay. Do you want to die, or be loved?"
How do you respond to that? Morgan holds your eye for a few seconds, before sighing, and leaning back, hands falling down their sides as if in defeat. Their face contorts in pain when your palms leave their skin.
"I'll be around, sentry. I'll know if you need me," they promise.
With that, Morgan swiftly ducks back into the forest and vanishes in between the trees. You silently watch them go, resisting your body screeching at you to follow.
Later in the day, that urge has not gotten easier to ignore.
You've tried everything you could think of to rid yourself of that maddening little thing tugging inside of you, going as far as trying to manifest the 'string' in your mind, and cutting it with a knife. It doesn't work, of course. It stubbornly keeps its hold on you.
Your first thought was to inform Dren what happened, yet it's nearly impossible to get the words out to him. His warning of what might happen should Morgan come close again echoes in your mind, and you find yourself unable to speak, your voice tied to a knot.
Dren could end this. He's shown to be the superior fighter between them. You need only ask, and this whole thing would go away, and you wouldn't have to feel like this.
But you can't. You can't do anything that would put them in harms way.
But you can't go to them either. They would never let you go again, and you don't belong here. It doesn't take a genius to figure that Morgan most certainly wouldn't give two cents about where you came from. Their mind is firmly set on you being their salvation, the one who can finally give them a reprieve to the horror their kind face in this world. And the horror you would have to endure without them, lost to the trenches to be forever hunted and shunned.
This is your home here, the only option you have. Let them provide it.
The wooden spoon falls to the floor from your shaking hands, and startles you back to awareness with its clatter.
The stewing pot in front of you fills the living room with a pleasant savory aroma as you curse, shaking off some boiling water that hit your hand at the fumble.
You sense movement behind you, and don't need to turn and look to know Dren is there, likely alerted by your outburst. He seems to have adjusted to your rhythm, and frequently joins you whenever you're about to eat or sleep.
"Are you alright?" he asks, leaning down close to pick up the spoon and hand it to you. One of his legs brush against your side as he moves. "Did I startle you?"
"No, it's not you. I'm just clumsy today. Thanks," you add, taking it from him. "Guess I'm still a little rattled about all of this."
Dren considers you for a second longer than he has to, standing close. It occurs to you how tired he looks, his long hair unruly and heavy bags under his eyes. You hold his gaze for a moment, suddenly unsure which one to look into. You breathe out silently when he eventually moves back with an affirmative nod.
"How was your day?" he asks casually, grasping the wall to pull himself up. He's heading toward the storage space he utilizes for weaving materials. The chair project is coming along nicely.
Tell him what happened.
"It was alright," you sigh. "Just did some gardening. I'm not sure if anything's going to blossom, though. It's kinda the wrong season to plant stuff."
He joins you on the ground and shrugs. "If it's enjoyable to you, I don't see why you shouldn't give it a try. In any case, it's not time or effort wasted if you liked it."
"Guess not. I planted a lot, though," you warn. "If it works, I hope you like gardening."
“I will learn,” Dren chuckles. “I’m still grateful you wish to create something for me.”
He settles next to you with his project in hand, calmly resuming his weaving. You fidget with the spoon in your hands.
"How are the eggs?" you ask after a beat, mouth dry. The silence is getting to you.
"They're fine," Dren replies, eyes on his work. The twigs and straw in his hands are twisted and turned in a steady rhythm, expertly woven together. "Good, actually. Progressing as they should, and safely tucked in as needed. I'm looking forward to finally meeting them all at spring." He smiles, obviously excited. You find some peace in that expression, his genuine warmth doing wonders for your current state of mind.
"I bet you're a great parent," you note. "You always seem so happy when you talk about your kids."
"Well, I try to be," he says, sheepish at the praise. "They deserve a better chance for what's in store for them. I'm happy if I can provide that for them."
Stillness again.
You look him over, casually sitting where he usually does, focusing on the task at hand. It's hard to decipher if he's trying to distract himself from interacting with you too much. Even harder to decipher whether it would be okay to simply not let him. He must be in pure agony.
You should tell him. You should really, really tell him what happened outside. You should let him end this torment.
You pour yourself some food, and sit down to eat. You dinner suddenly isn’t as enticing.
"You're shaking," Dren notifies you quietly, still not looking up from the straw in his hands.
His front legs are settled with claws in touch with the patterns in the floor, and you surmise that's how he could tell without looking at you.
Your stomach drops. Of course he’d know something was up. Hell, he knows when you need fresh air before you do sometimes. The awkward distance he keeps does not make this any easier.
"I know," you mutter, putting your supper aside. Your appetite has vanished.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" he asks.
"Well, you could stop avoiding me."
It came out a little more snappy than you'd imagined it would, if the way Dren looks up at you in surprise is anything to go by.
"I'm sorry," you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. "It's just-"
You falter, not sure how to approach this. There's not much else to it. It's just this gaping hole in your heart that makes you feel completely and utterly alone, tearing at you to alleviate it. And now not even Dren has been helping you with that, not since you approached that dangerous area of closeness.
He gets up and joins you next to the fireplace, settling down heavily. Suddenly having the hybrid arachnid in your space like this again, you cannot help but feel a little small.
"Just-?" he encourages.
"I'm in a lot of pain right now," you admit, scooting back to give him some space. "And I'm not sure how to handle it."
Dren frowns, and slowly leans toward you. He carefully grasps your chin to turn your face as if looking for damage. "Are you hurt?"
"Not exactly," you mutter, leaning into his palm. You can feel the soft glow of his energy ebbing beneath his skin.
He gently nudges you to get you to look him in the eye. You're met with a sudden stare so intense it borderline shocks you. Dren brushes a thumb over your cheek like a silent apology.
"It's them, isn't it?" he asks directly, calmly.
You hesitate, and perhaps that's answer enough in itself. His eyes darken, and it sets off a subtle fear in the back of your mind.
"I do understand the effect we can have on each other," Dren says, measured. "I'm not as foolish as to believe they will give up that easily, not after what happened on our last trip. Did they approach you again?”
You force yourself to nod.
Dren chitters. “And you did not tell me?"
"I couldn't," you reply. "I don't know - I just couldn't."
"What did they say to you?" he inquires. He has that same calculating look on his face he did the first time you met.
The words are stuck in your throat. You cough, stuttering it out. "They said you'd kill me."
He stares like you've just purposely lit his den on fire. He releases your chin, balling his fists, supposedly to keep himself from accidentally squeezing you.
"And you believe them?" He asks, but it sounds borderline like an assumption.
"Of course not!" you protest. "I don't believe anything they tell me. I know they're manipulative and dangerous."
"Then why are you protecting them?" he demands. "I've told you this threatens me and my young, too."
You can sense his tension, lower body chittering, black eyes rooting you to the spot. And it now comes to you why Morgan would warn you. Dren is just as dangerous as they are. What happens if this giant predator decides you’re not worth the risk to keep around anymore?
This is one of the very rare moments you get to see him angry. Angry with you. That's somehow the worst thing of this.
"I'm not -," you falter. "I'm trying not to. But I can't stop it. No matter what I do, it just does not go away."
His eyes narrow, and you can hear him clawing at the ground, agitated. He stands up with purpose.
"When did you last see them?" he asks.
"What are you going to do?"
"When?" he repeats.
"This afternoon," you manage.
He frowns. "They may be long gone, then," he mutters to himself, considering for a moment. He chitters, having come to a decision. He eyes you. "Can I trust you to keep an eye on my home while I'm gone?"
"Of course you can," you assert, borderline incredulous. That he'd even ask - this is the one thing you can do. "I don't want anything to happen to any of us either."
"Then you'll understand why I have to do this," Dren says. He looks sad all of a sudden. "I don't want to cause you further pain. But I will not hesitate for the lives of my children. I need you to understand that."
He leans down close, pausing as you slightly flinch at the approach. His eyes widen, seemingly finding something in your expression. He carefully puts his hands on your shoulders as if to take you in again, letting you draw strength from his heat.
"If you wish for us all to live peacefully - Fight them," he utters with a drawling hiss. "Please."
"I'm trying," you say, putting your hands on his chest. "I'm sorry."
Dren sighs, look softening. "It's not your fault."
He gently releases you, but you don't miss the way his expression shifts to that of cold ruin as he turns away from you. He dashes down the hallway and out of view, leaving you to deal with your heart-rate increasing tenfold on your own. You have to support yourself with a hand on the wall to keep from tumbling over from a sudden dizziness.
Dren will kill them.
He most certainly, no hesitation and without remorse, will kill them. If he finds them.
Good riddance, you try, but of course it doesn't work.
You quickly turn to climb to the view of the outside, staring out into the dark forest.
A few minutes pass.
It's blissfully quiet.
No gleaming eyes hiding in the gloom, not rapid footsteps, no snarls or hisses or fighting, and no deaths in your vicinity. It's just you, hidden beneath the rocks and soil in the dark.
You shouldn't be relieved, yet you are. Morgan's smart; they'd never stick around long enough for Dren to notice their presence or get the jump on them. Seems they indeed were just here to talk. Still, their mere presence has set a heavy burst of discord into your relative peace. It dawns on you that this might just be what they’d come here for.
It's very late when Dren finally returns.
You almost jump out of your skin when he does - you'd been wandering the spaces between the rooms you frequent and keeping an eye out on the tunnel to the surface as promised. You'd taken a turn back to the living room and suddenly he was just there, quietly towering over you.
"Jump-scare," Dren recalls, palms out as if to help steady you from a distance. There’s leaf litter stuck in his hair. He must have gone fast. "Apologies."
You suck in a breath and curse. "Yep. Got me good.”
He seems a lot calmer now, at least. And more importantly, unscathed, and not covered in blood.
You’ve also had some time to come down from the spat and the subsequent fear that followed it. This is just Dren. Of course you can have disputes with him like a normal person. Morgan has just been feeding you unneeded paranoia.
You dare step a little closer, looking up at him. You almost feel silly for asking. “How are you feeling?"
Dren sighs, and settles down in front of you. A peaceful gesture. "I got some time to clear my head."
"Did you find them?" you ask.
"No,” he huffs. “It was a fools errand. I knew it would be, but I had to try. I suppose I needed to feel like I was doing my job."
"You are," you placate, joining him on the ground. You resist the urge to lean into him. "I'm sorry I've been making so much trouble for you."
He shakes his head. "I'm sorry I frightened you."
"I can survive a jumpscare," you jest, waving it off.
He smiles sadly. "Not that. Before. When I lost my temper, you looked at me much the same way you did the night we met. I didn't like it."
"You had every right to be angry, Dren. I was putting us all in danger."
"You had a conversation with the person who's manipulating your heart, and you're trying to fight them off by yourself," he says. "I just didn't realize how strong their grip had gotten."
It sure has, hasn’t it? It is getting harder to ignore. You huff. “I can still feel it. Even now, it just hurts.”
Dren chitters lowly. “All the more reason to put an end to it.”
"But they said there’s no undoing whatever this is,“ you note. “Dren, you have the same magic, don’t you? Do you know if there’s anything I can do?"
He considers for a moment, idly opening and closing his hands. As if summoning his own ability to feel for solutions. "I'm afraid not. If it works like normal, then until they perish, it will be like this. Unless-" He pauses.
"Usually, creating a new bond would overrule the feeling of the previous one. I’d assume it would be the same in this case, even if this is different."
You nod. "Overrule - but wouldn't remove it?"
"I don’t know. Nevertheless, we both know why that solution isn't a good thing for you to pursue," he says, fidgeting. “Otherwise, you know I’d offer in a heartbeat.”
“And I’d accept,” you shrug.
You can feel Dren’s lower body shifting as he turns to stare at you. You opt for looking at the fireplace to avoid his gaze.
“Is that so surprising?” you ask.
“Yes? No-” he flounders. “I had a feeling you’d consider it at least. But hearing that out loud is – different.”
You give in to the temptation, and simply rest against Dren’s side to show him you mean it. Immediately his warmth alleviates some of the unsettling pressure. You still feel his eyes on you, though a leg curls around where you’re sitting, a hand coming to comfortably rest on your arm. Seems he’s still alright with this.
"It's the full moon tonight, isn't it?" you say.
Dren nods.
"Then tomorrow-"
"We’ll find out if that’s to be your last day here,” he finishes, pedipalps fidgeting. He gives your arm a reassuring squeeze. “You should not hesitate if it is. I'm certain not even this little parasite can follow you to a different world."
Supposedly not. You briefly wonder if it will hurt to go back.
Dren’s presence makes you wonder how it will hurt in more ways than one.
You feel his body relaxing, and you enjoy his company in mutual silence for a bit, just appreciating sitting close to him again. Why is he indulging now of all times? Perhaps he needs the reassurance as much as you do.
Still, you should probably discuss it, instead of making assumptions. Acting like an adult for once.
You nudge Dren’s side to regain his attention. "About what happened at the lake-"
Dren halts his mental retreat to carefully glance at you. "Yes?"
"Are we going to - you know. Talk about that?"
He hums. "We could."
"Would you prefer not to?"
"Oh, most certainly," he nods sagely.
You bark a laugh. So much for acting your age. "Yeah. Me too, bud."
He chuckles. "It is a little - challenging, for me. Having you here. More so than I expected. We’ve already discussed why it would be."
"I know. But that - that wasn't just about the bond thing, was it?"
"Not necessarily. Perhaps? I don’t know. I just wanted to be close to you,” he says. He eyes you, a slight smile on his lips. “And I sensed you didn’t mind.”
You snort and purposely bump into his side. “The water was very cold, and you are very warm. Easy math.”
“I’m happy you find my temperature comfortable,” he jests.
“Does that mean this is still okay?” you ask, gesturing vaguely at your sitting together. “You’ve been avoiding touching me at all since that night. I was wondering why.”
He sighs. “Having you close only to release you time and time again is – not always easy. Especially considering, eventually, that one time I do, it will be for the last time.”
“Oh,” you say. You can’t really say much else. He’s right. You shouldn’t push this on him if he finds it easier to simply not engage and spare the turmoil.
“But that’s very silly of me, isn’t it?” he mutters, mostly to himself.
“Is it?”
Dren leans against your side, a pedipalp curling around your waist. “Perhaps I should just enjoy this while I can.”
You lean back into him, breathing out in relief. The clawing sensation within you diminishes, pushed aside by the gentle ebb of Dren’s energy settling through you in it’s stead. “This helps, actually. With the pain.”
“Does it?” he yawns. “I’m glad. And it might go both ways. I’m about to fall asleep, I think.”
You chuckle. “You've slept a lot lately.”
“We’re steadily progressing through autumn. My body’s slowing down,” he shrugs, settling against you. “I’ll be asleep for good soon.”
And then he won’t be able to recognize you from an actual threat.
"What should we do, then?" you ask, forcing it to the back of your mind. You close your eyes and relax to the sound of Dren’s breath, his company calmly thwarting the idle sickness growing inside you.
Dren rests his head on top of yours. "I'm going to help you find a way home."
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