#Manuela Infante
thisgameisaplateaux · 6 months
ESTADO VEGETAL (2017) (fragmento) Manuela Infante
Lo siento. Lo siento. Válgame Dios cuánto lo siento. Son tercas las veces que intento conformarme con esto. Me ultrajan las veces en las que abro los ojos y ante mí se presenta este paisaje. Soy animal. Criatura novata en esto de habitar, en esto de sobrevivir. Vosotras estabais aquí antes que yo, sin embargo acá sobrevivo con limitado entendimiento, como culposo reverso de un misterio absoluto, que vosotras conocéis, aun así, mejor que yo. Porque es como si vivieseis en el tiempo, no contra él.
Soy animal. Mi respuesta al mundo fue arrancar, mi condena, entonces, el movimiento. Donde ustedes se quedan, yo avanzo. Donde ustedes plantan cara, yo evito. Yo en dificultad, me desplazo. Donde ustedes se establecen, yo invado. Soy
Manuela Infante (1980). Directora, dramaturga, actriz e intérprete musical. Fundadora de la compañía Teatro de Chile, es autora de una decena de obras, entre las que destacan Narciso, Rey Planta, Xuarez y Estado vegetal.
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alvivaarts · 7 months
How does mer Leon go through labor and delivery?
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Oooh! This idea got me thinking of a scene, which got me drawing for four straight days. (The page is divided, but warning for those who aren't a fan of viewing birth, blood, or 'eggs' - clear eggs? I'll get into it. They aren't actually eggs.) Anyway, full image below the break! Let's get into how it works first.
Anatomical charts/explanations and more below the cut!
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Anatomically and reproductively, most species of mer fall into the first example- the male can deposit genetic material into the female, the eggs in the female are fertilized, though females have a very long/large clitoral structure that is perfectly positioned to get into the male's 'sheath'. This locks them together fairly well and is the reason that mers tend to produce very quickly and in large numbers (though infant/childhood survival rates are another discussion altogether).
Leon, Ada, and their other pod members fall into another category: Their reproductive anatomy is very unique in that the interlock is very initially hard to get. The female also has a structure that comes out of her sheath very similar to that of a female hyena- there is a hole along the shaft that allows her eggs to be deposited elsewhere. Again, much like seahorses, this species found it more beneficial to have females deposit the eggs into a pseudo-womb in the male, which is either self fertilized by the male, or fertilized by other males. This way, the females can get right back to producing eggs and gathering enough nutrients to feed the young when they're born- which helps, because their infancy survival rate is much lower and their prime living conditions are much more particular. It also works out well, considering the social structure of most mers is already extremely matriarchal- so the eggs would be safer in the parent/guardian that's remaining in the den/home territory area. However, under extreme circumstances, females can and will carry their own eggs. They also vary in that they carry for 3 months longer than other species (ranging from 9-10 months), with fewer pups upon birth, and there's practically no 'egg stage', eggs are broken immediately after birth if it's safe to do so.
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Ada and Leon's (and Luis', though none of them knew that at the time) gestated for about 9.5 months. They were hanging out on the beach, though Leon had to stay in the shallows because it was far too much of a hassle for him to move on land. While he had experienced contractions in the months leading up to it, once the actual contractions hit, so did the new stress hormones, which tipped off Ada and Jill. They made their way down to deal with it. It should be noted that, at this time, Luis had been allowed to interact freely with the pod and was recognized as Leon and Ada's mate, however, being human, Jill wasn't thrilled on him being present for the birth or being directly in their den. (Also considering they were still being documented pretty thoroughly and it was pretty much a must for Luis to record what happened, at least for his fellow researchers). Leon had already insisted, however, so he was pretty quick to get geared up and come down. Normally births happen in a den, but the birth actually ended up happening outside the den. Though they did initially get there to hunker down in one of the bottom alcoves, the labor was taking about an hour and a half at that point, and Leon was getting restless. It actually ended up happening just outside their den while Luis kept his distance (for his own safety, considering Jill in particular was getting very territorial).
Of course Ada was present, though he was assisted by Jill (her being their matriarch and his defacto sister) and Sherry (considering she was already courting at the time and would likely have to assist her own mates in the future). Manuela and Ashley were a bit too icked and ended up cheering from the sidelines while their other pod members patrolled to keep any blood-scenting predators away from the area. Thankfully, they're already located in a very safe area, with lots of protection from the neighboring pod, so it went off without a hitch.
That didn't make it any less painful, though, and it's not like mers have access or the tools to use painkillers. The full labor was fairly quick and took about two hours, with a lot of yelling, swearing, wiggling and pushing. Ada helped a bit by pushing with her own hands, though she became pretty occupied as soon as the first pup was born. She was pretty quick to nurse all of them, though three total pups came out. Normally mers will 'wet nurse' for each other, but they weren't able to do it within their own pod, so they had to wait until Ada's cousin from the neighboring pod could come over (considering she'd recently had her own pups).
Lillie was born first, with a half hour gap between Lucia and Amaya... who were pretty obviously also Luis'. Which led to some shit for him on the surface, but hey, new babies!
Sorry for the extremely long post!
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christas-museum · 2 years
The Child Manuela: Mädchen in Uniform book (new translation)
Actually, The GIRL Manuela, but wrong title is known.
For more parts (updates are at least once a week), click #The Child Manuela translation
Manuela was a longed-for child, a child beloved in advance. Manuela ought to be born. Manuela ought to be a girl. Before she was born, a house was ready. A father who was already becoming impatient. A mother—deeply familiar with this child—even before she held her in her arms. Two brothers were certain comrades. A little patronising, but proud of her—now that she was really here.
Manuela had to be born on Sunday—it also had to be Christmas. When the two brothers returned home from the Children's Christmas Theatre, she was in the cradle. She had arrived like a Christmas present. The two brothers were not surprised. They had just seen the Christ Child lying in the cradle in the stable of Bethlehem. So that five-year-old Bertram said to ten-year-old Alfred in a confusion of thoughts, "Let's carry her into the stable; this will be fun for her." Only the objection that there were neither cows nor a donkey in the stable, but only horses—which did not exist in Bethlehem—made him abandon the plan.
Although everyone said the child was beautiful, this was not true. For the dark eyes—the whites of which were blue—lacked eyebrows. A bonnet was put on the infant to cover the baldness of the skull.
Anxiously, Frau Käte stroked the hairless little head, and when at last, separate silky dark hairs appeared, it was a family celebration, and Herr von Meinhardis thought it was time to open a bottle of Moselle wine.
The first years passed like a sleep. Lela could not see beyond the edge of her cradle. Only sometimes she opened wide her large dark eyes when father's horses pattered in the yard. Or when the brothers came noisily from school, threw their satchels in the corner and shouted "Mother!"
She was Mother who was always there. She who came when Lela screamed, she who soothed when Lela cried. Lela-that was the name the child formed after recognising herself as a being separate from them all. The formal name Manuela was too heavy for her tiny little mouth. She called herself Lela, and that's how it stayed.
Lela's silky soft hair is brushed back tightly and tied with a ribbon. It almost hurts. Outside people are walking back and forth. Unrest in the house. Shouting and answering and silence again. In the middle of her chest, clutched by two hands, sleeps her black bear. His snout has horrible whiskers, like Dad's moustaches when one kisses him. But Lela loves "Bear" nevertheless, and even more so when the others say he is hideous. Next to Bear on the right and left, with their little heads on Lela's shoulders, the two Sweeties are sleeping. Two white bunnies. That is, they were once white. Sweetie number one has no ears any more, and the leather snout is bald. Mum made a cross on it in red ink, so that one know what's in front. Sweetie two is still new and more for stroking. It has "real" fur. It's not easy to hug all three at once.
Now horses are pattering outside, and a carriage stops creaking in the sand. Lela's heart is pounding. She squeezes her eyes shut. She knows that now Mum and Dad will go down the stairs, and then they will both get into the carriage outside, and then a carriage door will slam, and then everything will be dead and the house will be empty.
Lela curled her little fingers into the black plush fur of her bear. "Mum should come, Mum must come and say goodnight to me." Secretly she prays; although she knows that one should not bother God with such trifles, she prays, "Dear God, make Mum come in again!" Then the door opens gently. Lela keeps her eyes closed. A soft voice says, "She's sleeping." Carefully, mother bends down. Lela is suddenly enveloped in heavy floral scent. The cool blossoms on mother's naked shoulder graze her face. Lela opens her eyes a little. A white atlas dress, a glittering diamond brooch. Mother's slender arm is in long white kid gloves that feel unnatural. The hand tenderly draws a cross on Lela's forehead, "God bless you, my darling."
Crackling and rustling of a train. The door creaks a little. No more light comes through the crack in the door. Lela opens her eyes wide in the darkness.
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mmagpye · 2 years
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infoprovincia · 1 year
Atalaya se viste de camuflaje en sus III Jornadas Cinegéticas
El fin de semana del 22 y 23 de abril, Atalaya se viste de camuflaje por tercera vez consecutiva para acoger a cazadores y cazadoras en las III Jornadas Cinegéticas en su Dehesa Boyal. El vicepresidente primero de la Diputación de Badajoz, Ricardo Cabezas, ha acompañado a la alcaldesa del municipio, Manuela Infantes, y a la secretaria de la Sociedad Local de Cazadores ‘Virgen de las ‘Nieves’,…
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elcielosobremi · 4 years
¿Aburrido?… ¿Estoy aburrido?… ¡Sí, estoy más aburrido que la raja…! Estoy hasta la puta mierda, eso es lo que estoy, hasta la puta mierda de estar aburrido.
Manuela Infante, Narciso
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operadechile · 6 years
"Héroes Invisibles": La serie sobre el embajador finlandés que salvó a miles de chilenos en dictadura
“Héroes Invisibles”: La serie sobre el embajador finlandés que salvó a miles de chilenos en dictadura
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La serie, una coproducción chileno – finlandesa, se enfoca en la historia del embajador Tapanl Brotherus, quien durante la dictadura militar salvó a miles de chilenos.
Mika Kurvinen y Alicia Scherson fueron los directores encargados de conmemorar este hito histórico, en celebración al centenario de Finlandia.
“Esta serie – escrita por Manuela Infante y la guionista finlandesa Tarja Kylma –…
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marlasomething · 2 years
Jonmartin Week 2022 Day 6: Crazy Notions
Hello there!
As said in previous one-shots of this week, I cannot see a "challenge" and let it go so...Jonmartin week 2022 here we are! The idea is "forcing myself" to write piece of under 1K in different universes, let's see how it goes...and today it didn't go (sorry, wish @jonmartinweek don't mind me not holding myself accountable).
This was written for the prompt of day 6: Lost & Found/Found Family and it is set in my general Time-Travel Fix-It fic, but can be read without context (and, if you DO WANT CONTEXT...here it is the whole AU-verse.
Also: I will try to end all one-shots with the line of the finale "One way or another. Together". Only half this time...sorry.
As usual, do please forgive my quick tipper and non-native speaker mistakes,
AO3 edition!
Whole week Masterlist!
There were many things Jon would have never thought could be included in the sentence “Jonathan Sims is…”
Eldritch (half) monster was absolutely one of them; but with a good argumentation, he believed he could have been convinced that was going to be his fate, sooner or later.
Father? That was one he had been certainly would never be after his name (and the proper verb in between, of course).
And yet, here he was.
Here they were.
Married man had also been one term he had refused to even consider a possibility. Even in the most honeymooned moments of his scarce prior relationships he had never seen the so-long-term relationship ever being an unlikely chance in his future.
He smiled to the pair at the other side of the window, as Ellie told something that was making Martin having to bit his lips not to laugh out-loud in the small café nearby the British Museum (though for lazier people it would already be way too far to be considered properly close to the famous edification) where he was to meet them after a not very pleasant evening trying to make a deal with Manuela, so she wouldn’t make the whole city go dark (streets included).
Just wait until next week and you can do that on the Royal Family vacation.
He had tried to sound conciliating, but both knew that, if she refused, the consequences for her people would be…rather unpleasant.
It wasn’t perfect for him either, though. As much as he couldn’t care less about whatever the future of the Royal Family held, he knew there would be innocent people just working for them in their retirement.
However, if he wanted to keep other factions from causing a major mayhem; sacrifices had to be made.
At least, these involved less people blown up that some of Gertrude’s had had.
Cruel; another word he would have never thought could be applied to him.
But not anymore for today; he thought, as he stared at his closest (though not only) family from the street right before entering the local.
Martin and him had definitively not been ready to take care of an infant when they had adopted Ellie, almost six years ago already, but…what else could have they done, when a baby not-so-accidentally marked by The Eye due to her biological parents’ doing had decided she liked them as her real parents?
And it wasn’t as if they hadn’t had more help than they could have ever dreamed of.
Part of an actual family. A small, broken family; but still good.
He opened the door, having to fight with the door for a minute (instead of healing before time, his patron could have allowed him a major strength than the one his tiny body was bound to have).
He saw his husband (fuck, he was; he really was his husband) muttering something to their little girl’s ear, she giggling afterwards.
He reminisced about a time in which Martin would have run to help him the moment he had started trying to force the door; even though he would have treated him afterwards as the most useless bothersome individual in the whole Creation.
He couldn’t be gladder of how things had changed since then.
He got to where his two spectators were sitting and took another chair, ruffling Ellie’s hair and giving a quick kiss to Martin, for the pure dread and horror of a woman behind him, who had just had her very own son come out to her and was doing her worst best to assimilate the news (after properly scolding the young man, of course).
The Archivist saw her and drank in all the little gesture had triggered in her (he could feed in more things beyond The Fear’s proper apparitions, he had learnt); with a coy smile only Martin noticed, giving him a half wink.
Being a monster sometimes had its perks.
As he sat, he complained about the door situation.
“Thanks for not helping, my love. I almost lost against a door.”
“Oh, come on! We both now that evil door was defeated before time, you are too bull-headed for it to go any other way. Also, perhaps previous-Jon would have lied defeated, but you are not like that anymore” he was right, he reckoned.
As much as he was still thin, he was now just constitutional thin, instead of someone-please-give-this-man-a-bloody-plate-of-beans thin, as he had been when they had first met (and worsen over time).
Taking care of yourself; what a concept.
“Were you really tinnier before, papa?”
“Ok, this is now bullying.”
“You don’t allow me to look into your past!”
In good sense; he thought, he didn’t want his daughter to see the things he had gone through…especially the scorned world he had helped creating…
He felt a hand over his.
Martin had learnt to recognise when he started spiralling.
“One day, when you are older” he said.
“I am technically older every day…” she pouted in a way that reminded him quite a lot…to, well, himself.
Nurture winning nature once again.
“You are a bad influence” Martin said, almost reading his thoughts. “So…the Manuela business…done?”
“Yeah, Melanie’s idea might have started as a joke, but, it has worked perfectly fine…”
“You’ll be telling her you had to make some changes, right?!” both men stared at Ellie, who was smirking as she shipped from her hot chocolate. “What? I’ve known Aunt Melanie my whole life! And that is already six years, you two really like each other and also really like to pretend you hate each other…grown-up stuff, I guess. Like when Sasha and Tim use the broomstick room at the Institute…” even Jon’s ears went notoriously red.
“No, not at all like that. Again, once you are old old I will tell you…better, your dad will” Martin gave him a squint look, but shrugged.
Yeah, it will be better for everyone if Martin did The Talk.
Good Lord, was he really planning of having to see himself in that situation?
Had this really all started with him complaining about the unprofessionalism of his predecessor?
“Gotta pee and the other thing!”
“Wash your hands well!” both men almost yelled as the not-so-tiny-already figure headed to the bathroom as if there was a price.
As they were left alone, they silently decided to pretend they hadn’t been together for quite a while (that, with the very fortunate events in their lives, should count as the triple of time), and just be on a very regular early date, soaking at each other eyes, exchanging small silly anecdotes and finally asking each other if they could get closer, almost holding each other.
The rest of world totally gone.
As Ellie came back, showing her hands to be perfectly humid to prove the point of her personal hygiene to be in complete check, Jon felt the smile in his face grow.
There was no other place he would rather be.
He stared as his phone, a text from Daisy shining on the screen, reminding him of the celebration Basira-should-not-know-nothing-about, directly answered with a sassy reply by Tim.
Found, that one maybe surprised him even more than father.
Once, he had been lost, far before the Institute.
Now, he was found and, as he began his conversation again with his partner and kid; he knew that, in any reality they existed, he would always eventually be found.
One way or another.
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Aquí entra todo el mundo, tú, yo. Todos los ciudadanos, y más aún en una ciudad como Madrid. El arte, la administración de las empresas más grandes, la seguridad del metro, o la hostelería tan famosa. También delincuentes y gente que se dedica a la prostitución, lo aceptamos todo.
Universidad Privada. (Juan Carlos I)
Los ricos, los pijos, los que tienen de todo menos miedo. ¿Quién se iba a meter con alguien de su estatus? Más bien ellos se metían con los pobres, sobre todo con la universidad pública, es que esos plebeyos... Por cierto, no imparte la carrera de veterinaria.
Universidad Pública. (Manuela Malasaña)
Los que se han buscado con el sudor de su frente un hueco en la universidad para ser alguien en la vida o, al menos, intentarlo pues tal y como está el país es complicado. Becados, matriculas de honor, familias trabajadoras y sin dinero por delante, pero sí quizás un futuro brillante. Con permiso de los pijos, claro.
Leyes y seguridad.
Desde una jueza que te impone una presión permanente revisable por asesino a esa Guardia Civil que vela por tu salud e integridad por todos los lugares de España. ¿Bomberos? también.
Gracias a vosotros más de uno ha sobrevivido a este virus y a cientos de enfermedades más, que sí, siguen existiendo a pesar de que no lo veas tanto en las noticias.
La élite del mundo. Si alguien cree que te puede dejar en el suelo y hundido para toda la vida son ellos, o al menos una de las partes. La otra siempre querrá la paz en el mundo. Los únicos grados que no aceptaremos son: Reyes, príncipes, e infantes.
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takeninbadfaith · 3 years
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You know, it’s a good thing that they didn’t make a hard and fast list, as it would cause controversy. But that means we at Bad Faith will, because that’s what we do here. 
so the main thrust of the complaint here is a “critique” of power dynamics in relationships, particularly of age differences (never mind that the ship specified is the most wholesome one in the fandom) and of socio-political differences (never mind that in the ship specified Edelgard was not the emperor that ordered Petra to be taken as hostage, and never mind that Edelgard treats Petra as an equal once she is emperor). 
So, for the safety of all, let us ban hammer all f/f ships in Fire Emblem Three Houses that have an age difference of over 1 year, and are from differing socio-political classes.
“Problematic” Ships (194 total)
Byleth/Edelgard - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Edelgard was 17, Byleth is a commoner and Edelgard is noble, and Byleth was Edelgard’s teacher.
Byleth/Bernadetta - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Bernadetta was 17, Byleth is a commoner and Bernadetta is noble, Byleth was Bernadetta’s teacher.
Byleth/Dorothea - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Dorothea was 18, and Byleth was Dorothea’s teacher.
Byleth/Petra - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Petra was 15, Byleth is a commoner and Petra is noble, and Byleth was Petra’s teacher.
Byleth/Mercedes -  Byleth was Mercedes’ teacher.
Byleth/Annette - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Annette was 16, Byleth is a commoner and Annette is noble, and Byleth was Annette’s teacher.
Byleth/Ingrid - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Ingrid was 17, Byleth is a commoner and Ingrid is noble, and Byleth was Ingrid’s teacher.
Byleth/Lysithea - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Lysithea was 15, Byleth is a commoner and Lysithea is noble, Byleth was Lysithea’s teacher.
Byleth/Marianne - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Marianne was 17, Byleth is a commoner and Marianne is noble, Byleth was Marianne’s teacher.
Byleth/Hilda - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Hilda was 18, Byleth is a commoner and Edelgard is noble, Byleth was Edelgard’s teacher.
Byleth/Leonie - Byleth was Leonie’s teacher.
Byleth/Flayn - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Flayn was over 1000, and Byleth was Flayn’s teacher.
Byleth/Manuela - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Manuela was 36.
Byleth/Catherine - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Catherine was 27, and Byleth is a commoner and Catherine is noble,
Byleth/Shamir - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Shamir was 25.
Byleth/Anna - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Anna was 25. 
Byleth/Constance - met when Byleth was in her early 20s and Constance was 18, Byleth is a commoner and Constance is noble, and Byleth was Constance’s teacher.
Byleth/Hapi - Byleth was Hapi’s teacher.
Byleth/Judith - Byleth is a commoner and Judith is noble,
Byleth/Rhea - met when Byleth was an infant and Rhea was over 1000, and Rhea is the Archbishop of the land’s dominant religion. 
Edelgard/Dorothea - Edelgard is the Emperor of Adrestria. 
Edelgard/Petra - Edelgard is 17 and Petra is 15, Edelgard is the Emperor of Adrestria, and Petra was a political hostage of the empire
Edelgard/Mercedes - Mercedes is 22 while Edelgard is 17, and Mercedes is an impoverished noble Edelgard is the Emperor of Adrestria
Edelgard/Ingrid - Ingrid is an impoverished noble, while Edelgard is the Emperor of Adrestria
Eledgard/Bernadetta - Edelgard is the Emperor of Adrestria
Edelgard/Annette - Edelgard is the Emperor of Adrestria
Edelgard/Marianne - Edelgard is the Emperor of Adrestria
Edelgard/Hilda - Edelgard is the Emperor of Adrestria
Edelgard/Constance - Constance is an impoverished noble and Edelgard is the Emperor of Adrestria
Edelgard/Lysithea - Edelgard is 17 while Lysithea is 15
Edelgard/Leonie - Edelgard is 17 while Leonie is 19, and Leonie is a commoner while Edelgard is the Emperor of Adrestria
Edelgard/Flayn - Edelgard is 17 while Flayn is over 1000.
Edelgard/Manuela - Edelgard is 17 while Manuela is 36, Manuela is a commoner while Edelgard is the emperor of Adrestria, and Manuela is Edelgard’s teacher
Edelgard/Catherine - Edelgard is 17 while Catherine is 27, and Edelgard is the emperor of Adrestria.
Edelgard/Shamir - Edelgard is 17 while Shamir is 25, and Shamir is a commoner while Edelgard si the emperor of Adrestria
Edelgard/Anna - Edelgard is 17 while Anna is 25, and Anna is a commoner while Edelgard is the emperor of Adrestria
Edelgard/Hapi - Edelgard is 17 while Hapi is 20, and Hapi is a commoner while Edelgard is the Emperor of Adrestria
Edelgard/Judith - Edelgard is 17 while Judith is an adult, and Edelgard is the emperor of Adrestira
Edelgard/Rhea - Edelgard is 17 while Rhea is over 1000.
Bernadetta/Constance - Constance is an impoverished noble, while Bernadetta is not.
Bernadetta/Dorothea - Bernadetta is a noble while Dorothea is a commoner
Bernadetta/Petra - Bernadetta is 17 while Petra is 15
Bernadetta/Mercedes - Bernadetta is 17 while Mercedes is 22. Mercedes is an impoverished noble. 
Bernadetta/Ingrid - Ingrid is an impoverished noble
Bernadetta/Lysithea - Bernadetta is 17 while Lysithea is 15
Bernadetta/Leonie - Bernadetta is 17 while Leonie is 19, and Bernadetta is a noble while Leonie is a commoner
Bernadetta/Flayn - Bernadetta is 17 while Flayn is over 1000.
Bernadetta/Manuela - Bernadetta is 17 while Manuela is 36, Bernadetta is a noble while Manuela is a commoner, and Manuela is Bernadetta’s teacher
Bernadetta/Catherine - Bernadetta is 17 while Catherine is 27
Bernadetta/Shamir - Bernadetta is 17 while Shamir is 25, and Bernadetta is a noble while Shamir is a commoner
Bernadetta/Anna - Bernadetta is 17 while Anna is 25, and Bernadetta is a noble while Anna is a commoner
Bernadetta/Hapi - Bernadetta is 17 while Hapi is 20, and Bernadetta is a noble while Hapi is commoner
Bernadetta/Judith - Bernadetta is 17 while Judith is an adult.
Bernadetta/Rhea - Bernadetta is 17 while Rhea is over 1000, and Rhea is the Archbishop of a powerful religion
Dorothea/Petra - Dorothea is 18 while Petra is 15, and Petra is a noble while Dorothea is a commoner
Dorothea/Mercedes - Dorothea is 18 while Mercedes is 22, and Dorothea is a commoner while Mercedes is a noble.
Dorothea/Annette - Dorothea is 18 while Annette is 16, and Annette is a noble while Dorothea is a commoner
Dorothea/Ingrid - Dorothea is a commoner while Ingrid is a noble.
Dorothea/Lysithea - Dorothea is 18 while Lysithea is 15, and Dorothea is a commoner while Lysithea is a noble
Dorothea/Marianne - Dorothea is a commoner while Marianne is a noble
Dorothea/Hilda - Dorothea is a commoner while Hilda is a noble
Dorothea/Flayn - Dorothea is 18 while Flayn is over 1000
Dorothea/Manuela - Dorothea is 18 while Manuela is 36, and Manuela is Dorothea’s teacher.
Dorothea/Catherine - Dorothea is 18 while Catherine is 27, and Dorothea is a commoner while Catherine is a noble. 
Dorothea/Shamir - Dorothea is 18 while Shamir is 25.
Dorothea/Anna - Dorothea is 18 while Anna is 25
Dorothea/Constance - Dorothea is a Commoner while Constance is a noble
Dorothea/Hapi - Dorothea is 18 while Hapi is 20.
Dorothea/Judith - Dorothea is 18 while Judith is an adult, and Dorothea is a commoner while Judith is a noble.
Dorothea/Rhea - Dorothea is 18 while Rhea is over 1000. rhea is also the Archbishop of a large religion. 
Petra/Mercedes - Petra is 15 while Mercedes is 22.
Petra/Ingrid - Petra is 15 while Ingrid is 17.
Petra/Marianne - Petra is 15 while Marianne is 17.
Petra/Leonie - Petra is 15 while leonie is 19, and Petra si a noble while Leonie is a commoner.
Petra/Flayn - Petra is 15 while Flayn is over 1000.
Petra/Manuela - Petra is 15 while Manuela is 36, Petra is noble while Manuela is a commoner, and Manuela is Petra’s teacher. 
Petra/Catherine - Petra is 15 while Catherine is 27. 
Petra/Shamir - Petra is 15 while Shamir is 25, and Petra is a noble while Shamir is a Commoner
Petra/Anna - Petra is 15 while Anna is 25, and Petra is a noble while Anna is a commoner.
Petra/Constance - Petra is 15 while Constance is 18. 
Petra/Hapi - Petra is 15 while Hapi is 20, and Petra is a noble while Hapi is a commoner
Petra/Rhea - Petra is 15 while Rhea is over 1000, and Rhea is the Archbishop
Mercedes/Annette - Mercedes is 22 while Annette is 16 (and they met when Mercedes was 20 and Annette was 14), and Mercedes is an impoverished noble, while Annette is not.
Mercedes/Ingrid - Mercedes is 22 while Ingrid is 17. 
Mercedes/Lysithea - Mercedes is 22 while Lysithea is 15, and Mercedes is an impoverished noble while Lysithea is not.
Mercedes/Marianne - Mercedes is 22 while Marianne is 17, and Mercedes is an impoverished noble while Marianne is not.
Mercedes/Hilda - Mercedes is 22 while HIlda is 18, and Mercedes is an impoverished noble while Hilda is not.
Mercedes/Leonie - Mercedes is 22 while Leonie is 19 ,and Mercedes is a noble while Leonie is a commoner. 
Mercedes/Flayn - Mercedes is 22 while Flayn is over 1000.
Mercedes/Manuela - Mercedes is 22 while Manuela is 36, Mercedes is a noble while Manuela is a commoner, and Manuela is Mercedes’ teacher.
Mercedes/Catherine - Mercedes is 22 while Catherine is 27, and Mercedes is an impoverished noble while Catherine is not. 
Mercedes/Shamir - Mercedes is 22 while Shamir is 25, and Mercedes is a noble while Shamir is a commoner
Mercedes/Anna - Mercedes is 22 while Anna is 25, and Mercedes is a noble while Anna is a commoner
Mercedes/Constance - Mercedes is 22 while Constance is 18.
Mercedes/Hapi - Mercedes is 22 while Hapi is 20, and Mercedes is a noble while Hapi is a commoner
Mercedes/Judith - Mercedes is 22 while Judith is nebulously older, and Mercedes is an impoverished noble while Judith is not. 
Mercedes/Rhea - Mercedes is 22 while Rhea is over 1000, and Rhea is the Archbishop.
Annette/Ingrid - Ingrid is an impoverished noble while Annette is not. 
Annette/Hilda - Annette is 16 while Hilda is 18.
Annette/Leonie - Annette is 16 while Leonie is 19, and Annette is a noble while Leonie is a commoner
Annette/Flayn - Annette is 16 while Flayn is over 1000.
Annette/Manuela - Annette is 16 while Manuela is 36, Annette is a noble while Manuela is a commoner, and Manuela is Annette’s teacher. 
Annette/Catherine - Annette is 16 while Catherine is 27
Annette/Shamir - Annette is 16 while Shamir is 25, and Annette is a noble while Shamir is a commoner
Annette/Anna - Annette is 16 while Anna is 25, and Annette is a noble while Anna is a commoner
Annette/Constance - Annette is 16 while Constance is 18, and Constance is an impoverished noble while Annette is not. 
Annette/Hapi - Annette is 16 and Hapi is 20, and Annette is a noble while Constance is a commoner
Annette/Judith - Annette is 16 while Judith is an “adult”
Annette/Rhea - Annette is 16 while Rhea is over 1000, and Rhea is the Archbishop
Ingrid/Lysithea - Ingrid is 17 while Lysithea is 15, and Ingrid is an impoverished noble while Lysithea is not.
Ingrid/Marianne - Ingrid is an impoverished noble while Marianne is not.
Ingrid/Hilda - Ingrid is an impoverished noble while Hilda is not.
Ingrid/Leonie - Ingrid is 17 while Leonie is 19, and Ingrid is a noble while Leonie is a commoner.
Ingrid/Flayn - Ingrid is 17 while Flayn is over 1000.
Ingrid/Manuela - Ingrid is 17 while Manuela is 36, Ingrid is a noble while Manuela is a commoner, and Manuela is Ingrid’s teacher
Ingrid/Catherine - Ingrid is 17 while Catherine is 27, and Ingrid is an impoverished noble while Catherine is not.
Ingrid/Shamir - Ingrid is 17 while Shamir is 25, and Ingrid is a noble while Shamir is a commoner.
Ingrid/Anna - Ingrid is 17 while Anna is 25, and Ingrid is a noble while Anna is a commoner.
Ingrid/Hapi - Ingrid is 17 while Hapi is 20, and Ingrid is a noble while Hapi is a commoner.
Ingrid/Judith - Ingrid is 17 while Judith is an adult, and Ingrid is an impoverished noble while Judith is not.
Ingrid/Rhea - Ingrid is 17 while Rhea is over 1000, Ingrid is an impoverished noble while Rhea is the Archbishop.
Lysithea/Marianne - Lysithea is 15 while Marianne is 17.
Lysithea/Hilda - Lysithea is 15 while Hilda is 18.
Lysithea/Leonie - Lysithea is 15 while Leonie is 19, and Lysithea is a noble while Leonie is a commoner.
Lysithea/Flayn - Lysithea is 15 while Flayn is over 1000.
Lysithea/Manuela - Lysithea is 15 while Manuela is 36, Lysithea is a noble while Manuela is a commoner, and Manuela is Lysithea’s teacher.
Lysithea/Catherine - Lysithea is 15 while Catherine is 27.
Lysithea/Shamir - Lysithea is 15 while Shamir is 25, and Lysithea is a noble while Shamir is a commoner
Lysithea/Anna - Lysithea is 15 while Anna is 25, and Lysithea is a noble while Anna is not.
Lysithea/Constance - Lysithea is 15 while Constance is 18, and Constance is an impoverished noble while Lysithea is not.
Lysithea/Hapi - Lysithea is 15 while Hapi is 20, and Lysithea is a noble while Hapi is a commoner
Lysithea/Judith - Lysithea is 15 while judith is an adult.
Lysithea/Rhea - Lysithea is 15 while Rhea is over 1000, and Rhea is the Archbishop.
Marianne/Leonie - Marianne is 17 while Leonie is 19, and Marianne is a Noble and Leonie is a commoner
Marianne/Flayn - Marianne is 17 while Flayn is over 1000.
Marianne/Manuela - Marianne is 17 while Manuela is 36, Marianne is a noble while Manuela is a commoner, and Manuela is Marianne’s teacher.
Marianne/Catherine - Marianne is 17 while Catherine is 27
Marianne/Shamir - Marianne is 17 while Shamir is 25, and Marianne is a noble while Shamir is a commoner
Marianne/Anna - Marianne is 17 while Anna is 25, and Marianne is a noble while Anna is a commoner.
Marianne/Constance - Constance is an impoverished noble while Marianne is not.
Marianne/Hapi - Marianne is 17 while Hapi is 20, and Marianne is a noble while Hapi is a commoner.
Marianne/Judith - Marianne is 17 while judith is an adult.
Marianne/Rhea - Marianne is 17 while Rhea is over 1000, adn Rhea is the Archbishop
Hilda/Leonie - Hilda is a noble while Leonie is a commoner.
Hilda/Flayn - Hilda is 18 while Flayn is over 1000
Hilda/Manuela - Hilda is 18 while Manuela is 36, Hilda is a noble and Manuela is a commoner, and Manuela is Hilda’s teacher.
Hilda/Catherine - Hilda is 18 while Catherine is 27.
Hilda/Shamir - Hilda is 18 while Shamir is 25, and Hilda is a noble while Shamir is a commoner
Hilda/Anna - Hilda is 18 while Anna is 25, and Hilda is a noble while Anna is a commoner.
Hilda/Constance - Constance is an impoverished noble while Hilda is not.
Hilda/Hapi Hilda is 18 while Hapi is 20, and Hilda is a noble while Hapi is a commoner.
Hilda/Judith - HIlda is 18 while Judith is an adult.
Hilda/Rhea - Hilda is 18 while Rhea is over 1000, and Rhea is the archbishop.
Leonie/Flayn - Leonie is 19 while Flayn is over 1000.
Leonie/Manuela - Leonie is 19 while Manuela is 36, and Manuela is Leonie’s teacher
Leonie/Catherine - Leonie is 19 while Catherine is 27, and Leonie is a commoner while Catherine is a noble.
Leonie/Shamir - Leonie is 19 while Shamir is 25
Leonie/Anna - Leonie is 19 while Anna is 25
Leonie/Judith - Leonie is 19 while Judith is an adult, and Leonie is a commoner while Judith is a noble.
Leonie/Rhea - Leonie is 19 while Rhea is over 1000, and Rhea is the Archbishop.
Flayn/Manuela - Flayn is over 1000 while Manuela is 36, and Manuela is Flayn’s teacher
Flayn/Catherine - Flayn is over 1000 while Catherine is 27.
Flayn/Shamir - Flayn is over 1000 while Shamir is 25
Flayn/Anna - Flayn is over 1000 while Anna is 25.
Flayn/Constance - Flayn is over 1000 while Constance is 18.
Flayn/Hapi - Flayn is over 1000 while Hapi is 20.
Flayn/Judith - Flayn is over 1000, while Judith is an adult well under that.
Flayn/Rhea - Rhea is the Archbishop.
Manuela/Catherine - Manuela is 36 while Catherine is 27, and Manuela is a commoner while Catherine is a noble.
Manuela/Shamir - Manuela is 36 while Shamir is 25.
Manuela/Anna - Manuela is 36 while Anna is 25
Manuela/Constance - Manuela is 36 while Constance is 18, Manuela is a commoner while Constance is a noble, and Manuela is Constance’s teacher.
Manuela/Hapi - Manuela is 36 while Hapi is 20, and Manuela is Hapi’s teacher.
Manuela/Judith - Manuela is a commoner while Judith is a noble.
Manuela/Rhea - Manuela is 36 while Rhea is over 1000, and Rhea is the Archbishop.
Catherine/Shamir - Catherine is 27 while Shamir is 25, and Catherine is a noble while Shamir is a commoner.
Catherine/Anna - Catherine is 27 while Anna is 25, and Catherine is a noble while Anna is not
Catherine/Constance - Catherine is 27 while Constance is 18, and Constance is an impoverished noble while Catherine is not.
Catherine/Hapi - Catherine is 27 while Hapi is 20, and Catherine is a noble while Hapi is a commoner.
Catherine/Rhea - Catherine is 27 while Rhea is over 1000, and Rhea is the archbishop.
Shamir/Constance - Shamir is 25 while Constance is 18, and Constance is a noble while Shamir is a commoner.
Shamir/Hapi - Shamir is 25 while Hapi is 20.
Shamir/Judith - Shamir is a commoner and Judith is a noble.
Shamir/Rhea - Shamir is 25 while Rhea is over 1000, and Rhea is the Archbishop.
Anna/Constance - Anna is 25 while Constance is 18, and Constance is a noble while Anna is a commoner
Anna/Hapi - Anna is 25 while Hapi is 20
Anna/Judith - Anna is a commoner while Judith is a noble.
Anna/Rhea - Anna is 25 while Rhea is over 1000, and Rhea is the Archbishop
Constance/Hapi - Constance is 18 while Hapi is 20, and Constance is a noble while Hapi is a commoner.
Constance/Judith - Constance is 18 while Judith is an adult, and Constance is an impoverished noble while Judith is not.
Constance/Rhea - Constance is 18 while Rhea is over 1000, and Rhea is the Archbishop
Hapi/Judith - Hapi is 20 while judith is an older adult, and Hapi is a commoner while Judith is a noble.
Hapi/Rhea - Hapi is 20 while Rhea is over 1000, and Rhea is the Archbishop
Judith/Rhea - Rhea is the archbishop.
Acceptable Ships (13 total)
Bernadetta/Annette - only a 1 year age difference, both are nobles, and both are students. 
Bernadetta/Marianne - Same age, both are nobles, and both are students.
Bernadetta/Hilda - only a 1 year age difference, both are nobles, and both are students
Dorothea/Leonie - only a 1 year age difference, both are commoners, and both are students
Petra/Annette - only a 1 year age difference, both are nobles and Annette is not Adrestrian, and both are students.
Petra/Lysithea - same age, both are nobles and Lysithea is not an Adrestrian noble, and both are students
Annette/Lysithea - only a 1 year age difference, both are nobles, and both are students
Annette/Marianne - only a 1 year age difference, both are nobles, and both are students
Ingrid/Constance - only a 1 year age difference, both are impoverished nobles, and both are students
Marianne/Hilda - only a 1 year age difference, both are nobles, and both are students
Leonie/Hapi - only a 1 year age difference, both are commoners, and both are students
Shamir/Anna - same age and both are commoners
Judith/Catherine - of similar age (I cannot find an age for Judith), and both are nobles
Some Final Thoughts
There are more “Acceptable” ships than I thought i would end up with going along the three lines of “power” that I was extending the logic of. And some of them are even kind of interesting. However, one can easily see how the logic here is ridiculous as, for example, all ships with Byleth and Edelgard are “problematic” and fan favorite ship Petra/Dorothea is deemed “problematic”. 
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historywithlaura · 4 years
Prince of Asturias
(born 1545 - died 1568)
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pictured above is a portrait of the Prince of Asturias, by Alonso Sánchez Coello from 1567
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SERIES - On this day July Edition: Carlos died on 24 July 1568.
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CARLOS was born in 1568, at Valladolid in Spain. He was the only child of Felipe, Prince of Asturias and his first wife Infanta Maria Manuela of Portugal, who died twelve days after giving birth to him.
Thus he was a member of the Spanish branch of the HOUSE OF HABSBURG. And as a son of the Spanish heir he was from birth an INFANTE OF SPAIN.
In 1556 his grandfather Carlos I, King of Spain (who was also Karl V, Holy Roman Emperor) abdicated and was succeeded in Spain by the Infante's father as King Felipe II.
By 1559 he was betrothed to Princess Élisabeth (of Valois) of France but his father changed plans and decided he would himself marry her. And in 1560 he was made PRINCE OF ASTURIAS by his father.
Throughout his life he suffered from poor health and probably mental illness that were likely aggravated do to his ancestors inbreeding, giving that his parents were first cousins by both sides and he had only four great-grandparents.
The relationship between him and his father was never easy as the King disapproved of his son's behavior, that was probably worse do to his mental instability. While he pushed to be given more administrative power, which his father did not will to concede.
After an accident in 1562 his behaviour worsened and in 1567 he attempted to murder various people, including Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, 3rd Duke of Alba and his father's illegitimate brother Don Juan of Austria (born Gerónimo).
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pictured above is a painting depicting one of the crisis of the Prince of Asturias featuring the Duke of Alba, by José Uría y Uría from 1881
So, by January 1568 the King determined his "arrest", confining him to his rooms in the Royal Alcázar of Madrid. He also ordered that all potential weapons to be seized and for the windows to be blocked.
In just five months of confinement the Prince of Asturias died aged only 23, on 24 July 1568. He never married or had any children.
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At the time of his death he was his father's only male son. And as his stepmother (and former fiancée) Princess Élisabeth also died months after him, without giving his father any other sons, King Felipe II rushed to get married again to try to produce another heir.
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If he had lived a longer life he would have probably succeeded to the Portuguese throne following the Succession Crisis of 1580, as he had a better claim than his father who became Felipe I, the new King of Portugal.
the Prince of Asturias' mother was the eldest daughter of João III, King of Portugal, brother of Cardinal Henrique, the last King of Portugal from the House of Aviz;
while King Felipe II's mother was the eldest sister of King João III and the Cardinal-King Henrique.
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As the Habsburgs continued their tradition of inbreeding, marrying to very close relatives such as cousins, uncles and nieces, their genetics worsened over the centuries, specially in the Spanish Royal Family.
That is the probable reason for the extinction of the Spanish Habsburgs male line by the end of the 17th century, when Carlos II, King of Spain died childless. He also suffered from poor health like his great-uncle Carlos, Prince of Asturias, though the King lived a little longer then the Prince.
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soveryanon · 4 years
Reviewing time for MAG173!
- … It was absolutely terrible, horrible, upsetting, and I loved it – it was indeed answering that little question about the children, the answer was still absolutely horrifying even given the circumstances, and I needed to hear that level of discomfort&upset from Jon and Martin themselves about victims in general. (Though I’m a bit “it took CHILDREN for you to truly react with horror?!” x”))
I really like how this episode already felt like something that was… not a conclusion (really not; not yet), but something that couldn’t have happened right at the start of the season. It demonstrated explicitly why the “smiting” is not a viable option; it returned to the foreground what the actual problem is (the Fear-system, not the individual avatars having a small or large benefit in it); and it allowed for Jon and Martin to let their points come across a bit more explicitly in a way that didn’t feel like a full blown-up conflict either. They argue, they have conflicting views, but they’re also getting better at understanding the other’s mindset and limitations (the journey is not only through the domains; it’s also a journey of navigating with someone else who operates differently from you, and has other ways to cope, and learning how to push forwards carrying your differences).
- The “statements” of the children were heartbreaking ;_; Poem for The Stranger, formal report for The End, botanic manual for The Flesh, theatrical play for The Web… and now a children’s book for The Dark.
Stylistically, the use of repetitions and more simplistic words, constructions and reasoning, in Jack and Caitlin’s stories, really made me feel that it was about children, for children, in the mind of children? I love that their fears felt extremely logical: there is an absolute certainty in their fears, in what the monsters are, what they would do to them. The monsters and their tortures (what they want to do to the kids) are simple, but also very concrete and straightforward (and so is the name “Night Street” for the territory! It tells what it is). The kids’ beliefs are ruthlessly clinical. There’s no need to be fancy; it works as is. Even the adults’ rules sound concrete – but arbitrary and cruel, becoming neglect, leaving the kids at the mercy of monsters. And it’s interesting that we don’t see the monsters actually catching any of the kids: the apocalypse is mostly an extension of their fears removing anything that could appease or protect them (there is no light, no day after the night, nobody comes when they scream and the “adults” are unresponsive and useless; the kids are on their own).
On that note, pretty sure that the adults mentioned were not actually there (“Dad’s dead. Mum’s here but she lost it a while back. So now it’s just me.”, “Some grown-ups are not in bed, but they do not want to help Jack. They want to be alone. They don’t want any children around at all. They tell Jack it is after his bedtime, and put him in another dark room where he cannot run…! So no grown-ups told Jack to run into the dark.”, “Her mother is downstairs, but she is part of the sofa now. She won’t stop staring at the television and laughing. Laughing and laughing. She doesn’t like it, when Caitlin is awake. She doesn’t hear it, if she screams.”), mostly convictions in the kids’ mind to reinforce their hopelessness. But aouch: it seems like the domains, while showing some aspects of other fears (the kids are constantly hunted, what the monsters could do to them is close to Flesh-territory, etc.), are not really functioning as “collaborative” projects. If they were, pretty sure that some parents could be ensnared by Desolation or Beholding, for example, forced to watch their children getting tortured but unable to help and save them ;;
How the fear worked was also very on point for children’s psyche:
(MAG173) ARCHIVIST: “Callum smiles and says he’s found a brand new monster! Jack doesn’t want to hear about it. He knows that when Callum tells him what it is, then it will start to chase him. He won’t see it, of course, because it’s just too dark! But he will know it’s there.”
Callum literally creates the fears of the monsters, which creates the monsters themselves. The conviction makes them true. And it really works that way when you’re a kid! Something that has been told to you, or that you saw/read somewhere (“Caitlin read a picture book once, full of horrible spiky fish with big eyes and crooked teeth. She would see them every time she went to bed for weeks. That was what the monsters looked like, she was sure of it. They would grip her, with their nasty cold fins, and bite her head clean off.”), is too powerful to be contained in pages and becomes a tangible threat that you’re sure is personally coming after you.
- … I live for the Dark vs. Eye animosity and:
(MAG173) ARCHIVIST: Childish fears are… simplistic. MARTIN: [LONG EXHALE] ARCHIVIST: Direct. [SHAKINGLY] The Eye prefers the more complex neuroses and disquiets of a fully developed mind…! So the children are allowed to age… MARTIN: [DEEP INTAKES OF BREATH] ARCHIVIST: And they are placed in domains where their fears can… mature. Domains like this one. MARTIN: Christ, that’s… that’s messed up! ARCHIVIST: … Yes.
… The Eye throwing the kids at The Dark, because they’re not that satisfying on their own, so The Dark can have them. Beholding, please.
é_è Regarding the kids’ fears “maturing”, we get glimpses of that with Jack and Caitlin – there are very clear Hunt-vibes (being constantly pursued), but also some Lonely (nobody is coming for them), some Flesh and Slaughter (getting mutilated, consumed, being meat for the monsters), and I could very well see some Spiral sneaking in (not being confident in their sense of reality)…
The most upsetting part is how this domain and its function… felt thought through? That sort of grooming requires organisation to engineer a fear-machine. It’s not only instinct and impulse: it’s planned, organised towards a goal because current things are not good enough as is. It was stated time and time again (by Leitner, by Gertrude, by Gerry) that the Fears were mostly impulse, not really “thinking”, but this domain feels so… calculated, demonstrating a form of sentience behind it? I think that was the most upsetting reveal this episode – of course children wouldn’t have been safe, but to learn that they’re “allowed to age” only for their fears to develop and get more satisfying for The Eye? That’s truly horrifying.
(- I’m also a bit relieved to know what is happening to them, because there could have been “worse”: this episode could have talked about people who were pregnant when the Change happened, or about very very young infants. Though I can’t help but wonder about the babies and how they can grow up without adults to mirror, without forms of communication with their peers. Right now, the only hypothesis I have would be that they… could become “Inheritors” as described in MAG134, if left on their own and only raised with and around the Fears?)
- … I really wasn’t expecting Callum to come back, after the Church Of The Divine Host chapter seemed to have closed with Manuela. Well – I had trouble leaving behind the faint possibility that “Rayner” had somehow managed to hop into a new host, but I wasn’t expecting Callum to come back for himself.
(MAG073) ARCHIVIST: You said it started with a kidnapping case? BASIRA: Yeah. Callum Brodie. Twelve… twelve years old. Disappeared from his home in Dalston three weeks ago. Sitter was asleep when the mother came home, the front door was open, there was no sign of him. There was no forced entry so it started out as a missing persons case, but they got a witness claiming he’d seen three unknown figures entering the Brodies’ home that night, so it was kicked up to Serious Crime. There was some back and forth with Kidnap Squad since no ransom demand had been made, but not much progress in terms of finding the kid. […] The briefing was pretty short. We were told that Callum Brodie had been found and it was suspected he was being held by a man named Maxwell Rayner, with an unknown number of accomplices. There were suspicions that there might be cult involvement. That’s when I phoned you. […] Next to him was an old chair that looked like it could have come from a dinner table. The wood was stained, covered in dark mould, and tied to it with thin metal wire was Callum Brodie. The kid's eyes were blank, though not clouded like the old man’s, and his face was locked in a silent scream. Rayner was facing him, thin, bony hands raised to his face. Something was… something was flowing out of his mouth. It looked like ink, but it flowed more like a heavy fog than any sort of liquid. It drips down his forearms and onto the floor, where it… it rolled towards Callum, climbing up the chair and oozing across the boy’s body towards his face. It was moving slowly, and had just reached his chest. The roaring sound seemed to come as it convulsed out of the old man’s mouth. […] The kid seemed fine. I mean, I’m sure he’ll need a lot of counselling, but he didn’t seem physically any worse for wear.
(MAG140) ARCHIVIST: So Edmond Halley was… Rayner. Or, at least… whatever was inside him. You said he was dead, though. BASIRA: I thought he was. We shot him to hell before he could, uh… “pour himself” into that kid.
(MAG143) MANUELA: But I could see in his eyes that Maxwell was so very tired. And all the words fell to nothing. Instead, we began the search for his successor, a new host for his… continuation. He would regain his strength, and we would plan our next move. It was difficult, though. The approaching culmination had meant Maxwell had not prepared another host, and the search for another vessel was… long and involved. Finally, about eighteen months ago, we found one: a child, whose father had, by coincidence, been directly marked by The Dark. It was a desperate plan, but we were desperate, a shadow of what we had been. Maxwell left me here, to guard the Black Sun, and everyone else left to help in his rebirth. [INHALE] But it didn’t work, did it? I can only assume we were too weak to hide from you, and you struck when Maxwell was vulnerable.
+ Manuela’s words kinda confirming the hypothesis that he was the son of MAG052’s statement-giver, Phillip Brown, the awful cop who had reported on Robert Montauk’s death (MAG052: “Martin hasn’t had much luck tracking down Mr Brown himself. According to Caroline Brodie, his ex-wife, she left him in 2004, after his dismissal from the prison service pushed him further into alcoholism, and he became abusive. She said she got a single letter from him in 2009, asking for reconciliation, but she never replied. Martin says the letter was postmarked from Waterford in Ireland. But he’s been unable to track Mr Brown any further.”)
… I immediately went with the same reasoning/hope as Martin when listening to this episode, that it wasn’t actually Callum himself but Rayner/a dark cultist possessing him ;; And nope ;;
(MAG173) MARTIN: That’s the avatar for this place? ARCHIVIST: Callum Brodie, thirteen years old. He guides the children through their fears of The Dark. MARTIN: This is that kid Basira went after last year, right? The one the darkness cult took. So, so that’s not even a kid, that’s whatever was inside Maxwell Rayner, it’s just wearing his body! ARCHIVIST: [CALLING] Callum? [FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING] CALLUM: Yeah, what? ARCHIVIST: You remember when those people kidnapped you. What happened? CALLUM: Mm, it was fun! I just hid and the cops came and got me. [SCREAMS IN THE DISTANCE] ARCHIVIST: Tell the truth. [STATIC RISES] CALLUM: Augh…! I, I–I was, I was scared, alright? I was really, really… scared. [STATIC FADES] And it was dead dark, and… I couldn’t see anyone and, I didn’t know where I was and… And there–there was something on my face, and it was cold, and, and slimy, and it didn’t like me. Then there was a bang, and it was gone…! And… the police were there. [SCREAMS IN THE DISTANCE] ARCHIVIST: And what happened to the thing that tried to take you over? CALLUM: Dunno, it… went away. ARCHIVIST: It died in the light. CALLUM: Whatever! ARCHIVIST: And it was after that you started shoving smaller kids into cupboards, right? CALLUM: Yeah. Give them a taste of it. Make them afraid of the dark. [SCREAMS IN THE DISTANCE] ARCHIVIST: But you’ve always pushed around smaller children, haven’t you? CALLUM: They made me feel sick. I hate them! ARCHIVIST: And now? CALLUM: Now everyone’s afraid of me!
That was another thing which hurt a lot in this episode: the fact that, so far, Callum’s story felt “simple” in its horribleness: a kid, who got kidnapped by a cult, who almost got possessed by an evil Dark-something, who was rescued, who was probably traumatised but still physically saved. Basira had offhandedly mentioned that he would need help to process what had happened to him, but as far as we could tell, he was just a blameless victim who went home and that was it. And he still is on that front! … And he also turns out to be, and already was before the kidnapping case, a bully. And he’s only thirteen – you can’t judge and evaluate a kid’s actions as you do adults’! But what can you do, then?
It stings that Callum took on that role, because his father was an awful man and Caroline Brodie had apparently left him while pregnant or when Callum was a few weeks old, so Callum never really knew him, and the show has stated time and time again that blood doesn’t condition you to become someone or something, but Callum became a bully too even without his father (whether it’s independently or because the consequences of Philip’s actions were felt in other ways than his presence). It stings that Callum turns out to be both a victim and a bully, not caused but still nurtured by his own trauma: trying to reclaim some control by putting younger children through experiences similar to his own, and by trying to lie about how traumatising the kidnapping had been to him. And it’s still made clear that… the trauma led him to this. Brushing with the powers led him to this. And it’s still a thirteen-year-old kid that was probably let down and not cared after enough after his traumatic kidnapping (and was not provided with the necessary redressing before that, when he was a regular bully).
- Re: Jon compelling Callum to tell the truth:
* So Jon can still do that! I was wondering, since Oliver had pointed out Jon’s passiveness in his new role and Jon had not displayed the ability again since the Change, so far.
* I have various “!!” feelings about Jon not taking kids’ bullshit at face value and having the ability to make them tell the truth very matter-of-factly. That was… almost domestic. (And yeah, feeding the “Jon&Martin AU where they adopt twenty kids”)
* There has been a HUGE constant amongst avatars to picture their path towards their patron as logical and wanted, when we had had hints that it wasn’t that simple (Mike Crew comes to mind, in MAG091: “There are echoes of resignation, I think, almost desperation. That can’t be right, though. What reason would I have had not to jump? Not to become as I am now. Perhaps I just didn’t know the true joy of vertigo. It doesn’t matter.”). We got a vivid example with Callum, who tried to pretend that the kidnapping had been on his terms when he was actually terrified. Again and again, I can’t help but think about Jonah: if Jon were to compel him, to rip the truth from his struggling tongue, would we get a quite different biography from what he had sent to Jon in MAG160, which had been on his terms?
- ;; It was horrible and made a lot of sense that Jon… plainly accepted that the “ruling” avatar was a kid, but that Martin had more trouble understanding it. Jon had direct experience with children’s cruelty and intra-violence (his bully was 18 when he was 8); Martin’s own traumas, as far as we know, came from the adults that surrounded him (his father leaving, his grandfather dying, his mother falling apart).
Jon already knew very sharply that children can hurt children in “normal” circumstances, and had read enough about the Powers touching children or shaping their lives:
(MAG009, Julia Montauk) “Whatever I had seen my father doing in there, its effects had long since vanished. I don’t know why my father did what he did, and I doubt I ever will, but the more I go over these events in my head, the more sure I am that he had his reasons.” (MAG109) JULIA: I tried to live a normal life. I really did. I took jobs working in the backroom of offices where I wouldn’t need to meet anyone. I had boyfriends who promised they didn’t care. I burned through half a dozen counsellors. None of it worked. You see, my father’s always remained one of the darlings of the true crime community.
(MAG067, Jack Barnabas) “We sat on a bench as the sun went down, watching the sky redden, and Agnes asked me a question. It was the first time she’d said anything more than a few words since we left my flat. [STATIC] She asked me if I had a destiny.” (MAG139, Eugene Vanderstock) “And on top of that, sleeping peacefully among the fire… a baby. Untouched, unharmed, and to our eyes, alight with a burning divinity. We baptised her with the boiling water of Asag and named her… “Agnes”, as had been her mother’s final request. But… raising a messiah, as it turns out, is a lot more challenging than creating one.” (MAG145) ARTHUR: You might be right. But Agnes did. That’s the thing about an… “incarnation”, isn’t it? She was a child and… person as much as she was a god. And we messed that right up…! … I still remember when Diego brought us a book on childcare. [CHUCKLING] Roger’s body was still in her room, blackened and smoking from… when he tried to feed her. I thought for a moment he’d brought another one of his damn Leitners, but no! It was just a… regular ol’ book on looking after children…! But I was an idiot. Saw it as… attacking my leadership.
(MAG081) ARCHIVIST: There were supernatural things in the world, but they were rare – isolated and exaggerated, vastly outnumbered by wild tales and drunken imaginings. The one name I held in my mind as a true source of evil was Jurgen Leitner, and I knew him as the worst of it, for it was his name that had marked the encounter that scarred my youth. […] I do not know how many of them there are, or precisely how they separate, but I do know that the Eye – Beholding – was not the first that I encountered in my life. The first was the Spider. The Web. And I have no idea what that might mean. I was eight years old when my grandmother gave me the book.
(MAG101) MICHAEL: When he was in school, [Michael Shelley] lost a friend to something like me. His friend was named Ryan, but those in power simply called him schizophrenic. I don’t know if he was, but it doesn’t matter. He was so dreadfully afraid his world wasn’t real that to make it so was almost nothing. Michael was there when he was taken; he never got over what he saw. Or didn’t see. After much searching and despair, it drove him into the waiting arms of the Institute, where he met Gertrude Robinson.
(MAG111) GERRY: The things out there weren’t like taming fire, they couldn’t be contained or used for light or warmth. The best you could hope for from them, would be that they don’t spot you, and instead my mum chased after them, obsessed with others who had tried to stare at them without being blinded: y’know, Flamsteed, Smirke, Leitner. Idiots who destroyed themselves chasing a secret that wasn’t worth knowing. And the worst thing was, she marked me as a part of that, without my understanding. Or consent.
So no surprise that Jon had all the background knowledge to be already ready for this situation… and that Martin required more time and was more explicitly hurt and shocked by the concept.
There were two big layers of horror in that domain: how it operates on the kids, and how Martin&Jon were seemingly powerless, unable to put a stop to it, while the situation was indeed intolerable:
(MAG173) MARTIN: Wh–what about the avatar? Alright, I know you said it didn’t change anything, that the domain would still exist, but at this point I don’t care, alright? Anyone who’s chosen to spend their apocalypse tormenting children– God, you–you need to end them. Now. ARCHIVIST: … It’s not that simple! MARTIN: Seriously? Seriously? ARCHIVIST: [LONG SIGH] … Fine. […] You see? MARTIN: See what, Jon, what am I supposed to see? That you don’t want to kill a… thirteen-year-old kid, big revelation! ARCHIVIST: I don’t know what you want me to do! MARTIN: I want you to use your power, I want you to help them, I want you to make things better! ARCHIVIST: There – is – no – “better” anymore. MARTIN: You keep saying that, and I hate it! ARCHIVIST: I keep saying it because it keeps being true, you know that! [SCREAMS IN THE DISTANCE] MARTIN: What I know is that leaving children here is… i–i–it’s inexcusable, i–it’s monstrous! ARCHIVIST: Martin, tell me what you want me to do, and I will do it! [SCREAMS IN THE DISTANCE] MARTIN: … [SLIGHTLY MUFFLED] Tell me about this place. … I need to know. […] The sooner we get back to the Archives, the sooner we can put a stop to this. All of this. They just… [INHALE] They’ll just need to hang on a little longer. ARCHIVIST: … Right. [EXHALE] Right.
* Outside of the supernatural, it’s a very concrete situation: what can you do, as an (unequipped) adult, if you’re witnessing a child torturing children in a community in which you don’t belong? What is the thing that needs to be done to improve the situation?
* Added with the supernatural, as was mentioned: the torture would keep going anyway if Callum was removed. And Callum is a kid, who was clearly traumatised himself and is fighting for survival – how could he deserve death for it? Yet, he’s enjoying the pain he inflicts; yet, he’s not the problem. (The problem is, as Martin pointed out again, the apocalypse itself. The problem is the Fear-machine, the system the Fears put in place.)
* … Ethical concerns about the “goodness” of smiting a thirteen-year-old to lower the pain of other kids aside, “smiting” Callum probably would have made things worse for the other kids: it would have given them an example that… monsters can kill even the most powerful of you. That your “friend” (who is also a bully) can be taken down, that you can disappear, that you can die. Concretely, it would probably have caused more fears for the kids.
- Overall: I’m glad that this episode demonstrated that no, the “smiting” is absolutely not viable nor reliable. It’s petty revenge. It doesn’t do anything good (and is probably feeding The Eye, so contributing to the awful system), it doesn’t free people nor does it decrease their sufferings. Yet: is it okay to let people enjoy the chaos be and keep benefitting from it? There is not clear answer about what Jon and Martin “have to” do, but I perfectly understand their frustrations…
- I’m still laughing so so hard that Jonah… is never relevant. Avatars can immediately identify Jon as all-powerful or even the apocalypse-bringer:
(MAG164) HELEN: What would I have to gloat about? Much as I am delighted by this brave new world in which we find ourselves, I can take no credit for it. This was all… you!
(MAG165) NOT!SASHA: Well, of course you want to wallow in my shame like your voyeur master!
(MAG166) HELEN: We’re all here, Martin. The Stranger; The Buried; The Desolation; all of us. But The Eye still rules. All this fear is being performed for its benefit. And so, there are now exactly two roles available in this new world of ours: the watcher, and the watched. Subject, and object. Those who are feared, and those who are afraid. And Jon, well… he is part of The Eye; a very important part.
(MAG168) ARCHIVIST: “This report is being sent to: The Great Eye, that watches all who linger in terror, and gorges itself on the sufferings of those under its unrelenting, stuporous gaze! And its Archive, which draws knowledge of this suffering unto itself. […] Perhaps once it might have horrified me, or given me some sense of pursuing the ultimate release of the world that you have damned.”
(MAG169) JUDE: Fancy seeing you both here. To what, exactly, do I owe the pleasure, the honour, of being graced by the great and powerful Archivist, harbinger of this new world, and his, uh… valet…? […] Just messing around~! Wouldn’t want to keep you from your oh-so-special business, Your Holiness.
(MAG171) JARED: Mm. … So, is there any way this doesn’t end in me dead? I’m guessing that’s on the docket if you’re here. Unless you’re just here to smell the flowers.
(MAG172) ARCHIVIST: “THE SPIDER: Oh, Francis… It’s such a shame, but I couldn’t do such a thing even if I wanted to! The man in the audience saw to that!”
(MAG173) CALLUM: … You’re the Eye guy, right? ARCHIVIST: That’s right. CALLUM: So you’re like… real important. ARCHIVIST: [HUFF] I suppose I am!
But Jonah? Jonah “I am to be a king of a ruined world, and I shall never die.” Magnus? Never heard of ‘em.
(But aouch, the identification of Jon as connected to The Eye and/or being responsible for the apocalypse is not helping him… He was feeling guilty about it even before leaving the cabin. I wonder how much time before someone points out and reminds him that Jonah framed him and planned and pushed for the apocalypse to happen? Martin had clearly identified Jonah as the one responsible, but it’s been a while since he was last mentioned…)
- Back to “what are the tape recorders DOING” because mmmm…
(Season 5 trailer) MARTIN: Are you still… [SIGH] “feeling it”? Seeing everything? ARCHIVIST: Yes, I, I’m trying not to, but… all of the fear, th–the anguish, i–it just… [INHALE] It keeps coming at me in waves, rolling over me, filling my head with such… awful sights. MARTIN: … I’m sorry. That sounds… [SMALL EXHALE] That sounds horrible. ARCHIVIST: … I wish it was, Martin. I really wish it was. … But it feels… right. [MIRTHLESS HUFF]
(MAG162) MARTIN: What happened? The tapes, were you– […] Look, Jon, I… I, I know it hurts, but you’ve just got to… ARCHIVIST: No, no, lo–look… I, I–I was listening, and I–I was filled with this… hatred. This anger; I–I wanted to leave, and hunt down Elias, a–and…! MARTIN: W–wow, okay… ARCHIVIST: But, when I thought it… the–there was… [WOODEN CREAKING SOUND] There was something else. Th–this place, it… it didn’t want me, it… [WOODEN CREAKING SOUND] didn’t want us to go. MARTIN: … What do you mean? ARCHIVIST: This cabin. [WOODEN CREAKING SOUND] It’s not right. And, when I thought that, I–I felt… It, it all poured out of me down… into the tape. MARTIN: [SIGH] ARCHIVIST: A–a–an–and it… felt good. It–it felt… right. MARTIN: Okay. [BREATHES IN] So you’re recording again? ARCHIVIST: I might need to. If we’re going to make it…!
(MAG163) ARCHIVIST: They won’t hear you, Martin, they’re all… too busy waiting to die. MARTIN: Jon… ARCHIVIST: They sit here – [STATIC RISES] the image of everyone they hold dear locked in their mind, knowing they’ll never see them again. Waiting for the order; dreading the bullet or the drone or the barbed wire that will tear them to shreds and leave them nothing but a bloody– [STATIC REACHING A PEAK] MARTIN: J–Jon, enough! Enough! [STATIC FADES] … Please don’t tell me these things. ARCHIVIST: I… I’m sorry, I– There’s just so much! There’s so much, Martin, and I know all of it, I can see all of it, and I– It’s filling me up, I need to let it out! MARTIN: I’m sorry, but tough. Okay? Tha–that’s not what I’m here for. [VOICE IN THE DISTANCE: “No… No!”] MARTIN: I can’t be that for you, I–I just can’t. ARCHIVIST: [QUIET] I… I know. [SILENCE] I–I’ll use the tape recorder…! [PLASTIC OF A TAPE] I just… [INHALE] You probably want to wait outside.
(MAG164) ARCHIVIST: We’re fine. MARTIN: A–are we? I mean, that place is– … I don’t, I don’t feel fine, okay, and you were there a long time doing your… y–you–your guidebook, which, you know, I get it, but that place is…
(MAG165) MARTIN: Yeeaah, good call. Hum, in that case, do you want to… do your thing now then, before we start moving? But, are we close enough? [ROARING IN THE DISTANCE] ARCHIVIST: … Yes… Yes, I–I think so. Good idea. MARTIN: Thanks! ARCHIVIST: You, uh… [SHUFFLING] You might want to take a bit of a walk. This… feels like a strange one…
(MAG166) ARCHIVIST: I… It’s hard to put into words. Loo–l… [SIGH] Look, we can talk about it later, we’re– coming to a… “domain of The Buried”, and [STATIC RISES] I would really rather… […] [INHALE] [WHIMPERING] Ah… [GRUNT] MARTIN: Jon? Are you… ARCHIVIST: We’ve been… close for too long, I need to, uh… [INHALE] You might want to take a walk. MARTIN: Hm.
(MAG168) ARCHIVIST: [INHALE] [LONG EXHALE] [CREAKING SOUND] Oookay. Time you went for a walk. [FOOTSTEPS] MARTIN: Y–yeah, about that… [CREAKING SOUND] You sure you’ll be okay on your own? […] You… [INHALE] You vomit your horrors. [SIGH] ARCHIVIST: [REVULSED SOUND] Uh! I’m… not sure I like that metaphor…! MARTIN: “Puke your terrors”? ARCHIVIST: … Just go. MARTIN: Alright. Fine, I’m going.
(MAG171) JARED: You still do that talk-y thing? You know? Drink up all the fear and spit it back out? ARCHIVIST: Sort of, yes. JARED: Alright. Well, I’d like to hear about my garden. [SILENCE] ARCHIVIST: … Okay! MARTIN: Look, if this is some kind of trick– ARCHIVIST: It isn’t. […] MARTIN: Jon, are you… alright? ARCHIVIST: Yeah, hum… Sorry. MARTIN: No, it, it’s alright. JARED: Is it really that bad? Seeing what I’ve done here? Or… uh! Is it maybe that deep down, you think it’s as beautiful as I do?
(MAG172) ARCHIVIST: Ah… Hold up, I–I need to, uh… [RUSTLING OF CLOTHES] MARTIN: Now, seriously? We’re almost out of here. ARCHIVIST: [SIGH] I’m sorry…! Not really up to me…! MARTIN: Fine. [SIGH]
(MAG173) MARTIN: Slow down, I can barely see a thing! ARCHIVIST: … Sorry. […] Look, I would just really like to get through here, as quickly as possible. MARTIN: How come? This one seems like the quietest place we’ve been in a while! It’s just… rows and rows of quiet houses. I mean, I know some people don’t like that sort of thing, [CHUCKLING] but I’m actually finding it kind of relaxing s– ARCHIVIST: [AGITATED BREATHING] Martin…! Please. [LOUD BREATHING] MARTIN: … Jon…? Where are we? ARCHIVIST: I–it’s complicated. MARTIN: That’s… not an answer! ARCHIVIST: Can we please just move on? […] Do you really want to know that? Really? MARTIN: [FRUSTRATED BREATHS] ARCHIVIST: I’ve been trying very hard to keep this one bottled up…!
Jon had also mentioned that they could have gone another way in MAG169; the statement in MAG171 was prompted by Jared, who wanted to hear about it; and MAG170 was even given by Martin. Jon had almost left the Web’s domain without giving one, and tried to “keep this one bottled up” in MAG172, and only gave it when prompted by Martin. Is Jon displaying a bit more control over his need to “pour out” the domains’ statements?
Once again: there are very two different things at play. On the one hand, the fact that Jon and Martin have to “experience” the domains by going through them, and the fact that Jon sometimes feel saturated to the point he has to “pour out” into the tapes to be able to function again. The two do not feel connected or necessary to each other: the tape recorder clicked on in MAG167 and recorded something that wasn’t a domain’s statement (but one about the previous Team Archive), and Jon didn’t give the house’s statement in MAG170 – that was Martin. What are the tape recorders, and is this feeding them somehow…?
- Sob about Martin trying to lighten the mood at the beginning of the episode, because it just created a rift right away – Jon already knowing the horror of the situation, and Martin thinking/hoping that the situation around there was okay-ish, allowing for light jokes:
(MAG173) MARTIN: Slow down, I can barely see a thing! ARCHIVIST: … Sorry. MARTIN: No prizes for guessing who’s in charge here, eh? ARCHIVIST: Mm, I–I suppose not…! MARTIN: You know… I really miss the days when I could blame broken streetlights on the council. A strongly-worded letter just doesn’t feel as forceful when it’s addressed to “whichever Dread Power it may concern”. ARCHIVIST: [INHALE] [SIGH] Hm.
Please, Martin, send many strongly-worded letters to Jonah to hiss about the current problems.
(MAG173) MARTIN: This one seems like the quietest place we’ve been in a while! It’s just… rows and rows of quiet houses. I mean, I know some people don’t like that sort of thing, [CHUCKLING] but I’m actually finding it kind of relaxing s–
Because ahahahahahaha: lonely!Martin liked the “quiet” in season 4, and “rows and rows of quiet houses” puts me in mind of MAG150’s statement with the Lonely suburb ;;
- The fear that The Web could be messing with Martin is still fresh in Jon’s mind, uh?
(MAG173) ARCHIVIST: Martin, tell me what you want me to do, and I will do it! [SCREAMS IN THE DISTANCE] MARTIN: … [SLIGHTLY MUFFLED] Tell me about this place. … I need to know. ARCHIVIST: I thought you hated listen– … [INHALE] Are you… sure that’s what you want? MARTIN: Of course it’s not…! [BAG JOSTLING] But I need to hear it.
;; Jon trying to check if Martin wasn’t mindcontrolled, since it sounded out-of-character…
(But: it made sense for Martin, and it’s also one more thing that couldn’t really have happened at the beginning of the season. Martin didn’t want to hear about Jon “vomiting” his horrors – it’s not that he was living in denial about them happening, he knew very well about them. But as was mentioned, “knowing” and “understanding” are two different things: Martin could hear that the children were terrified and preyed upon, the statement “only” provided details and the way the domain was operating. It brought no catharsis, no clue about how to make it stop and help the kids. It just made Martin another voyeur, aware of the situation… and unable to do anything short-term to solve it.)
- It’s sad and I’m glad that Jon and Martin’s differences are shining and conflicting a bit more obviously nowadays. At the core of it: Jon knows how to navigate through this new world, knows how it works, what is happening around them. He already knew about the children getting tortured, why they were there, that they were being groomed to become more satisfying for The Eye. Martin… doesn’t, and Jon tends to forget that: while Jon has to bear the knowledge, it also makes some of his actions hard to follow (Martin didn’t understand why Jon was walking so fast), and Martin’s hypotheses and hopes ruled out before he even voiced them (Jon already knew that Callum was in charge and that “smiting” this domain’s avatar wasn’t a comfortable option). But it doesn’t feel to me like they’re heading towards full-blown conflict, quite the contrary: there are tensions, there are mutual frustrations over the other’s behaviour, but they don’t forget that the apocalypse is responsible for it, and are getting better at wording what they’re feeling. Martin had pointed out that Jon wasn’t very open about his feelings, and it’s true; and it’s also true that Martin seems to be misunderstanding Jon’s level of control over their situation, to the point that… they’re both occasionally hurting each other.
(- Re: the slapping reference, I thiiiink it was Jon’s attempt at a sardonic joke like he had done in MAG154, and it just didn’t land because it sounded accusatory with a tint of cruel edge instead:
(MAG154) ARCHIVIST: I–I’ve been trying to a–avoid, being, hum… Sticking to old statements? Thank you, for your little “intervention”, by the way. MARTIN: Look, I wouldn’t have had to if you hadn’t– ARCHIVIST: Yes, no, I know, I’m sorry, uh– that didn’t… come out right. Honestly: thank you. [EXHALE] It’s been hell, but… I–I did need to hear it.
(MAG173) ARCHIVIST: [LOUD, LONG EXHALE] [STATIC FADES] Is that enough for you? Do you need to hear more? MARTIN: … I… ARCHIVIST: [INHALE] [STATIC INCREASES] “See Luka. See Luka sleep–” [RUSTLING OF CLOTHES] MARTIN: No, no! No, that’s enough, that’s… enough. [STATIC FADES] [FOOTSTEPS] ARCHIVIST: … Thank you for not hitting me this time. [SILENCE, PUNCTUATED BY SCREAMS] Was that what you wanted? What you needed? MARTIN: … No. [SLIGHTLY MUFFLED] No, it didn’t help at all. ARCHIVIST: I’m sorry. MARTIN: … Let’s get out of here.
Martin hasn’t slapped Jon three times for the fun of it or for his own benefit: he had previously tried to shake him awake (MAG160) and to talk him out of it (MAG169, MAG172) when Jon was supernaturally ensnared. But, also: Jon is perfectly entitled to be bitter about it.
I wonder if Martin will try to find another way next time, though (MAKE OUT WITH HIM, HE WON’T BE ABLE TO TALK, MARTIN.))
- Sob over the fact that Martin “wanting” something reminded me of his outburst at Tim…
(MAG079) TIM: Alright, fine. Fine. What do you want? What’s your light at the end of these spooky damn tunnels – and don’t say “everyone happy forever”, because that’s not happening. … Well? MARTIN: I don’t know. I don’t know!! I want to find out what’s going on; I want to save Jon; I want everyone to be fine, and you know what? If we were all happy that wouldn’t actually be the end of the world!
(MAG173) ARCHIVIST: I don’t know what you want me to do! MARTIN: I want you to use your power, I want you to help them, I want you to make things better! ARCHIVIST: There – is – no – “better” anymore. MARTIN: You keep saying that, and I hate it! ARCHIVIST: I keep saying it because it keeps being true, you know that!
And Jon is really reminiscent of Tim right now? Convinced that they’re stuck in this situation forever, almost reproaching Martin for daring to hope? While Martin’s hope indeed feels too idealistic and unreachable, despite technically being… the bare minimum.
- Jon… hasn’t always been this fatalistic about the current situation in season 5. He began the season with hopelessness, but then was the one to offer hope, before… apparently reverting back to despair:
(Season 5 trailer) ARCHIVIST: [SIGH] … What? What do you want? … The world is…! It’s over. You’ve won. What can you possibly still need to hear? […] MARTIN: “How are you feeling in general”, then? ARCHIVIST: … Unchanged. [PAUSE] I don’t know if it’ll ever change again…! […] MARTIN: Maybe I should, uh… pop down the village? See if they have any coffee instead? ARCHIVIST: It’s gone, Martin, and the people are…! MARTIN: Yes, I know, Jon, I’m not ignorant, I’m just… I’m just not ready for complete despair yet. ARCHIVIST: “Like me”. MARTIN: … I didn’t say that. ARCHIVIST: You didn’t have to.
(MAG161) MARTIN: Jon, it’s not your fault… ARCHIVIST: Martin, can we not do this again. MARTIN: Sorry. ARCHIVIST: I’m just… I’m mourning a world I killed…! MARTIN: I know… ARCHIVIST: And we’re all trapped in its rotting corpse…! […] MARTIN: Jon, I… This isn’t healthy. ARCHIVIST: Healthy? I am an avatar of voyeuristic terror, whose unquestioned craving for knowledge has condemned the entire world… to an eternity of torment, “healthy” i–isn’t, i–it’s not…! […] No, it’s not, I’m, I’m sorry, I just… [RUSTLING OF CLOTHES] [INHALE, EXHALE] It hurts. MARTIN: I know. ARCHIVIST: … I need time. MARTIN: I know. But we can’t stay in this cabin forever…! [DISTANT HOWL] ARCHIVIST: Why not? It, it’s quiet here, an–and I have you…! […] MARTIN: Well, that as may be, we can’t just stay here forever. ARCHIVIST: What could possibly be out there that you want to see? MARTIN: A way to stop this, a way to turn the world back! ARCHIVIST: [HINT OF A DISHEARTENED SMILE] … Do you really think there is one? [WOODEN CREAKING SOUND] MARTIN: Well, if there is, it’s not in here, is it? ARCHIVIST: It’s so… It’s so loud, out there? The agony, the–the terror, I can see it all so much more clearly…! MARTIN: I’m sorry. ARCHIVIST: No, it’s– [SIGH] I love you, I just… I need more time. [SILENCE] MARTIN: It’s alright. [RUSTLING OF CLOTHES] [CREAKING SOUND] ARCHIVIST: [SOFT EXHALE] MARTIN: It’s alright, I’m good at waiting.
(MAG162) ARCHIVIST: “This place wishes to be our tomb. But The Eye does not wish that. No. [STATIC INCREASES] The Eye wishes instead that it be my chrysalis. It is time that I emerge…” [STATIC REACHING A PEAK] […] MARTIN: So you’re recording again? ARCHIVIST: I might need to. If we’re going to make it…! [WOODEN CREAKING SOUND] MARTIN: Back to the Archives? ARCHIVIST: Seems the best place to start. [RUMBLE OF THUNDER] MARTIN: Uh… Y–eah, alright! [WOODEN CREAKING SOUND] ARCHIVIST: Martin… It’s going to be a hard journey. […] MARTIN: Do you think it’ll do anything? Confronting Elias? ARCHIVIST: [INHALE] I… [SIGH] Maybe? MARTIN: No, I’m serious. Do we… [PAUSE IN THE PACKING SOUNDS] Is there a chance that we can undo this? ARCHIVIST: [LONG INHALE] Gertrude didn’t think so. [WOODEN CREAKING SOUND] MARTIN: … Right. ARCHIVIST: [SOFT] But she’s dead. [FIRMER] Let’s find out for ourselves. […] Besides, there’s… far worse out there. Better to try and avoid it, I think. MARTIN: We’re not even gonna try? We, we’ve got your lighter, maybe we could just– ARCHIVIST: We can’t fight the world, Martin. MARTIN: [AMUSED DEFIANT HUFF] Says you.
(MAG163) ARCHIVIST: It means the journey will be the journey, regardless of how we choose to make it. […] You could see that tower from anywhere on Earth. And it can see you. And if you walk towards it, eventually you’ll get there. But you have to go through everything in-between. […] MARTIN: What’re you doing here? [PLASTIC RATTLING] It’s dangerous. Could… get yourself blown up, like all these poor… [PLASTIC RATTLING] Who d’you think they were? Really don’t see why they can’t just… go round, picked a better place to… [STEPS THROUGH LIQUID] [SIGH] I guess there… aren’t really any “better” places anymore, are there? [STEPS THROUGH LIQUID] It’s all this. Or worse, or… or different.
(MAG164) MARTIN: How much further do we still need to go? [STATIC INCREASES] ARCHIVIST: A long way. Through many dark and awful places… […] MARTIN: Can we turn the world back? [STATIC RISES, STRONG] ARCHIVIST: Wow! Hum… I–if the Fears are removed, yes; but they–they can’t be destroyed while there are still… people to fear them; th–then they can’t be banished back to the space where they came from, it’s not… there anymore, I… Oh! Uh… MARTIN: J–J–Jon, what’s wrong? ARCHIVIST: Uh, it’s, uh… I’m sorry, trying to know things about them directly, i–i–it’s like… [STATIC DECREASES] [EXHALE] God, it’s like looking into the Sun…! MARTIN: Okay, okay – okay, alright, that’s alright.
(MAG167) ARCHIVIST: Help us with what? MARTIN: ‘xcuse me? ARCHIVIST: Annabelle, help us with “what”? Our–our, our journey, killing Elias, vanishing the Entities – what? […] Wi–without… trust, without a, a reason… Gertrude needed both the purpose her mission gave her, and the control her position allowed. To be here, like us, without a, [INHALE] a reason, without someone to ground her, she… She’d have power but… no control. No real… purpose. Perhaps she’d dedicate herself to a, a doomed quest like us, but– … [QUIET] No… I think this would have broken her. And she’d have resigned herself to… ruling her domain. […] MARTIN: [INHALE] [SNORT] Ssso. If you say Gertrude wouldn’t have been able to go on without a reason… ARCHIVIST: Yes, Martin, you are my reason. MARTIN: Just wanted to make you say it…! ARCHIVIST: [INHALE] MARTIN: Cool.
(MAG168) ARCHIVIST: I feel badly for those that exist in his domain, o–of course, I do, but… At least, their suffering will be over, eventually.
(MAG170) ARCHIVIST: M–Martin, if you… did; i–if you wanted to forget… a–all of it, stay here and just… escape. I… I would understand. MARTIN: … N–no…! It’s comforting here, leaving all those… painful memories behind, but… It’s not a good comfort, it’s… I–it’s the kind that makes you fade, makes you… dim and… distant.
(MAG171) MARTIN: Jon. We are… doing good, right? Making things better? ARCHIVIST: … I don’t know if that was… ever an option.
(MAG173) ARCHIVIST: I don’t know what you want me to do! MARTIN: I want you to use your power, I want you to help them, I want you to make things better! ARCHIVIST: There – is – no – “better” anymore. MARTIN: You keep saying that, and I hate it! ARCHIVIST: I keep saying it because it keeps being true, you know that! […] MARTIN: [INHALE] [CLEARER] The sooner we get back to the Archives, the sooner we can put a stop to this. All of this. They just… [INHALE] They’ll just need to hang on a little longer. ARCHIVIST: … Right. [EXHALE] Right. MARTIN: Come on.
After the surge of hope towards the end of MAG162, Jon has made more and more small comments implying that he doesn’t think that there is a “better” solution (theirs is a “doomed quest”, Oliver’s victims will ~at least~ die, Martin staying in his domain would have been a way to “escape”, etc.) I wonder what is happening in Jon’s mind: is it the journey starting to take its toll on him, things feeling hopeless because he has to face the concreteness of this new world, which feels all-powerful, too complicated, too big, impossible to undo? Or did he “know” something that he hasn’t told Martin, back in MAG164, or did he drew from there the conclusion that it was impossible to get rid of the Fears? In any case: it’s good that Martin is still pushing for hope and for a solution. What would be the alternative? Just stopping and getting a domain to rule over? Keeping on with the journey through the horrors forever ~since at least they’re together uwu~?
- Re: Jon apparently not daring to hope (anymore) vs. Martin accidentally sounding very bossy and ignorant by wanting Jon to save things… at the core of it, I think that there is a misunderstanding between them regarding Jon’s powers, which makes sense for both of them.
For Jon: his powers can’t do much good. Growing as an Archivist came with taking live-statements and condemning people to his nightmare zoo, where he could only watch and not intervene (with mentions that he used to try). Saving Melanie and Daisy, annihilating the Dark Sun, was accompanied by new victims, constantly tortured, leaving them a wreck. He never “saved the world”: The Unknowing would have failed on its own with no intervention necessary, and Melanie was right to point out that them trying to do good… had invariably caused bad things all around. Saving Martin meant getting his last mark, setting him up for Jonah’s apocalypse.
But for Martin: Jon saved him from The Lonely twice. Martin’s own “powers” (disappearing in front of Georgie, his Lonely training) never came at the cost of sacrificing innocents – only himself. And Jon was able to stop hurting innocents when monitored, after Martin took Jess Tyrell’s complaint: bad people, bad avatars, would keep hurting people. But it seems that in Martin’s mind, there are still “good” ways to use one’s powers (saving people, smiting avatars) without negative consequences – which… isn’t really the case. The powers are granted by the Fears to provide more fear for the Fears.
(- Amongst the sad things regarding Martin’s horror at being a passive witness to the children’s suffering: technically, it was long-due as a horror, since the very beginning of the show. They knew, as Team Archive, that the things happening out there were hurting actual people, real people. That some of them were still alive. Jon began season 4 lightly apologising about their passivity, in the Web’s web-development statement. Martin is horrified at their passivity now, but technically… they’ve never really tried to help people for the sake of helping people — the worst cases being Jon’s own victims.)
(- I shouldn’t hoooooope but ;; The fact that Jon seems to be reaching rock-bottom re:hope and being unable to do anything good, to make things “better”… still makes me wonder if he might not manage to get Daisy back for a short while.
Alternatively: that would be the rock-bottom. To have to smite her, or to help Basira in killing her as promised… because there is no other option.)
- Right now, Jon and Martin indeed feel powerless, but there are various elements contributing to this. First: at the beginning of the journey, reaching the Panopticon was supposed to be the start to trying to undo the apocalypse, not the final objective; right now, as they go through domain after the domain and the horrors are more concrete, it’s easy to forget that the journey wasn’t supposed to be their answer and solution.
Jon is also getting his powers from Beholding, who has never been a passive agent when it comes to knowledge – Jon had noted how hard it had been to listen to MAG154’s tape (containing a way to… cut one’s connection to The Eye), and had even expressed his difficulty with burning Gerry’s page because of the knowledge it could still provide. When Jon had tried to know how to get rid of the fears in MAG164, he had noted that knowing about the Powers was more intense – and had to quickly stop. Why would The Eye nurture the hope of undoing the apocalypse making it all-powerful?
Meanwhile, Martin has noticed that he was “always following, never leading”, doesn’t have a clear understanding of the domains, doesn’t have powers, which… seems to limit his options. He’s also proved to be able to think outside-of-the-box when it came to providing plans, in the past, and had sometimes displayed a more “intuitive” feel of the powers (with Peter and Simon), so that could come in handy – just… not in the current environment.
Overall: Martin and Jon are limited right now, having trouble understanding themselves and conveying it to the other (but are still trying!), and clearly in need of other perspectives… So here’s to hoping that Melanie&Georgie, Basira (… and potentially Daisy but I don’t wanna hope TT_TT) could help. I doubt that the entirety of season 5 would be a hopeless exploration of this apocalyptical world in which everyone suffers almost-forever and then dies?
… The other option right now is Annabelle, who had told Martin that she was calling “to help”: given that Jon&Martin are lacking options… Martin could be a bit more open this time if she tries to reach him again – or at least, listen to what she has to say, even if it’s only venom.
  New organisation for season 5, as announced everywhere!
I see absolutely no downside to this as a listener: I’m glad that RQ are allowing themselves more time to work on the show safely and remotely (operating safely during the pandemic means that the logistics of almost everything has changed, you can’t expect people to keep up), I’m glad that the series is lasting longer time-wise (yay!), I’m glad that I’ll have two 6-weeks-break to breathe a bit /o/ And honestly, if they end up needing more time and have to space out episodes/hiatuses for even a bit longer, full support, I hope that they won’t hesitate if it’s deemed necessary (or even healthy!).
Curious about the fragmentation in three acts – that’s another structure of tragedy, it… could mean that we’re technically in the “prologue” to the core of the season? Well, the segmentation in three is also interesting for events: we’re currently in the journey towards the domain, there are only Vast, Hunt and Spiral remaining, which could mean that MAG176 is the last zone before the Panopticon, and then… And then. Act I being the journey, Act II and Act III regarding the Panopticon (research into the Archives) and Hill Top Road? Eye-arc and Web-arc? (I’m still a bit “MMMM” about a few words said during one of the Q&A, which could imply time/timelines shenanigans at some point…)
MAG174’s title is… well, my adjective for it would be the title itself, damnit. I… It… it could be the perfect title for a Vast domain (Simon, where are you.) AND for monster!Daisy barging in into that domain, WorriedForDaisy.jpg
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brechtian · 4 years
Manuela Infante is so cool....
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kwebtv · 4 years
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Velvet -  Antena 3  -  February 17, 2014 - December 21, 2016
Drama (55 episodes)
Running Time:  70 episodes
Paula Echevarría as Ana Ribera López de Márquez 
Miguel Ángel Silvestre as Alberto Márquez Navarro 
Aitana Sánchez-Gijón as Blanca Soto Fernández 
Manuela Velasco as Cristina Otegui Mendoza 
Javier Rey as Mateo Ruiz Lagasca 
Marta Hazas as Clara Montesinos Martín de Ruiz 
Cecilia Freire as Margarita "Rita" Montesinos Martín de Infantes
Adrián Lastra as Pedro Infantes
Miriam Giovanelli as Patricia Márquez Campos vda. de Alcocer 
José Sacristán as Emilio López 
Asier Etxeandía as Raúl de la Riva 
Diego Martín as Enrique Otegui Mendoza 
Amaia Salamanca as Barbara de Senilliosa de Otegui 
Peter Vives as Carlos Álvarez 
Llorenç González as Jonás Infantes 
Pastora Vega as Carmen Alcocer vda. de Alcocer 
Francesco Testi as Marco Cafiero 
Concha Velasco as Petra Alcalde Vargas 
Aitor Luna as Humberto Santamaría
4 notes · View notes
machuca-megicula24 · 4 years
~(HD.4K!!— LINEA) machuca (2004) — Pelicula Completa | gratis Cine y Ver Online
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Machuca 2020 De La Pelicula Completa En Español Machuca es una película chilena escrita y dirigida por Andrés Wood y protagonizada por Matías Quer (Gonzalo Infante), Manuela Martelli (Silvana), Ariel Mateluna (Pedro Machuca), y Ernesto Malbrán (Father McEnroe). Estrenada en 2004, fue la primera película chilena grabada en formato de alta definición.[cita requerida] Esta película está basada en la novela Historia de un verdadero machuca, escrita por el poeta y novelista chileno Eledín Parraguez.1​
La historia transcurre en Santiago en 1973 en días previos al golpe militar, y tiene como base un experimento real hecho en la época del gobierno socialista de Salvador Allende en el Saint George’s College (Saint Patrick’s College en la película). Las escenas del colegio fueron rodadas en el Campus Oriente de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y en el Internado Nacional Barros Arana.
La película fue seleccionada para representar a Latinoamérica en el 57.º Festival de Cannes, donde recibió una mención especial
Machuca Pelicula Reparto Ariel Mateluna como Pedro “Peter” Machuca. Manuela Martelli como Silvana. Matías Quer como Gonzalo Infante. Ernesto Malbrán como Padre McEnroe. Aline Küppenheim como María Luisa de Infante. Francisco Reyes como Patricio Infante. Federico Luppi como Roberto Ochagavía, amante de María Luisa de Infante. Luis Dubó como Ismael Machuca, mendigo padre de Pedro. Tamara Acosta como Juana María, madre de Pedro. Alejandro Trejo como Guillermo “Willy”, un comerciante ambulante, padre de Silvana. Andrea García-Huidobro como Isabel Infante, hermana de Gonzalo. Tiago Correa como Pablo, el novio de Isabel. Gabriela Medina como Lucy. María Olga Matte como Miss Gilda. Pablo Krögh como Coronel Sotomayor. Aldo Parodi como Vendedor de ropa. Alejandro Goic Jerez como Apoderado #2. Francisca Imboden como María Ignacia, mujer de la protesta.
La pelicula De Machuca Historia Resumen El presente trabajo se propone abordar algunos problemas que desarrollaron las corrientes críticas de la educación: la reproducción del capital cultural y su relación con los aparatos ideológicos del Estado, la teoría eficientista y la pedagogía de la liberación.  En la primera parte, se analizará el impacto del sistema capitalista en la sociedad y la pedagogía en relación con dos escenas de la película chilena Machuca (2004), dirigida por Andrés Wood. En la segunda parte, se reflexionará en torno a los focos de resistencia que se presentan en el filme, pero que también permiten pensar la convivencia de cosmovisiones del mundo tanto en la esfera educativa como en la económica, social y política.
El análisis se compondrá de una articulación entre las temáticas que trabajan las corrientes críticas con la película chilena que relata la historia de Gonzalo Infante y Pedro Machuca en el marco de un proyecto educativo que desafía los modos de relación social planteando instancias de respeto e igualdad. Se prestará atención al contexto sociohistórico en el que se expresan las distintas posiciones de los sectores sociales presentes en el filme que dan cuenta de la reproducción social y de la resistencia ligada a la transformación.
Palabras clave: corrientes críticas, Machuca, reproducción, transformación, educación.
De la película  Machuca Sinopsis Santiago de Chile, 1973. Gonzalo Infante y Pedro Machuca, dos niños de once años, viven en dos mundos diametralmente opuestos: el primero en un barrio residencial, y el segundo en un poblado ilegal a pocas manzanas de distancia. El director de un colegio religioso privado, el padre McEnroe, es un idealista que, con el apoyo de algunos padres, intenta integrar en el elitista colegio a chicos procedentes del poblado. Es así como Pedro Machuca y Gonzalo Infante llegan a ser compañeros de clase y amigos en un momento de gravísíma división y enfrentamiento dentro de la sociedad chilena.
La película  Machuca Reviews Las corrientes críticas surgen frente a una necesidad de reinventar el curso de la educación al hacer foco en una visión reflexiva de la realidad que cuestiona la reproducción cultural y discute el rol de la institución escolar como formadora de seres “aptos” para el sistema social dominante. Desde estas corrientes se cuestiona el impacto del capitalismo en las prácticas de enseñanza y aprendizaje, así como también los modos de socialización expresados en la división de clases. Esta primera aproximación demuestra que las corrientes críticas son las encargadas de desarrollar en su tesis central el carácter indisociable de la educación con el resto de las esferas socioeconómicas y político-culturales, que alude a un “deber ser” con fuerte impronta de los sectores dominantes.
Henry Giroux (1990) desarrolló un análisis sobre la Escuela de Frankfurt en el que explica la importancia de la mirada crítica —opuesta al positivismo racionalista— como primer paso de la lucha, la emancipación y la transformación social. Existe un fuerte cuestionamiento al positivismo que justifica desde el atributo de la razón humana a todo acto acrítico que solo valora lo fáctico por sobre las dimensiones de la reflexión y la acción.
Título original Machuca Año 2004 Duración 120 min. País Chile Chile Dirección Andrés Wood Guion Andrés Wood, Roberto Brodsky, Mamoun Hassan, Eliseo Altunaga Música Miguel Miranda, José Miguel Tobar Fotografía Miguel I. Littin-Menz
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lukeskywaker4ever · 5 years
Catarina de Áustria, Queen of Portugal (Wife of King João III of Portugal)
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Tenure: 10 February 1525 – 11 June 1557
Catarina of Austria (14 January 1507 – 12 February 1578) was Queen of Portugal as wife of King João III, and regent during the minority of her grandson, King Sebastião, from 1557 until 1562. 
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An Infanta of Castile and Archduchess of Austria, Catarina was the posthumous daughter of King Philip I by Queen Joana of Castile. Catarina was born in Torquemada and named in honor of her maternal aunt, Catarina of Aragon. 
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She remained with her mentally unstable mother until her eldest siblings, Leonor and the future Emperor Charles V, arrived in Spain, coming from Flanders.
All of her five older siblings, except Fernando, were born in the Low Countries and had been put into the care of their aunt Margaret of Austria, 
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but Joana kept hold of young Catarina. Catarina actually stayed with her mother during imprisonment at Tordesillas during her grandfather Fernando of Aragon's time as regent. When the time came for her to marry, Catarina was released from the custody that her mother was to endure until her death.
On 10 February 1525, Catarina married her first cousin, King João III of Portugal. They had nine children, but only two survived early childhood.
Catarina was very concerned about the education of her family, accumulating a substantial library and establishing a kind of salon in the court. She brought a number of women scholars into her household, including the humanists Joana Vaz and Públia Hortênsia de Castro, 
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and the poet Luisa Sigea de Velasco. 
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Vaz was responsible for tutoring Catarina’s daughter, Princess Maria,
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as well as Catarina's niece, also called Maria, 
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and a scholar in her own right.
After the death of her husband in 1557, she was challenged by her daughter-in-law and niece, Joana of Austria, 
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over the role of regent for her grandchild, the infant King Sebastião. Mediation by Charles V resolved the issue in favour of his sister Catarina over his daughter Joana, who was needed in Spain in the absence of Philip II.
She then served as the regent of Portugal from 1557 until 1562. In 1562, she turned over the regency to Henrique of Portugal.
Catarina had one of the earliest and finest Chinese porcelain collections in Europe due to her position as both the youngest sister of Emperor Charles V and the Queen of Portugal. "She acquired quantities of porcelain and exotica from Asia, which arrived regularly in Lisbon for the decoration of the Lisbon royal palace as well as for her personal use, and which served as emblems of her power. Her collection became the first kunstkammer on the Iberian Peninsula." She was following a tradition established earlier by the Portuguese King Manuel I of Portugal who had purchased porcelain for his wife, Maria of Castile (1482-1517), who was Catarina's aunt. Between 1511 and 1514, the 'Treasurer of the Spices' in Lisbon "registered a total of 692 pieces of porcelain and other exotic goods" bought on his behalf for Maria of Castile, who was then King Manuel's second wife. Amongst other 'exotica' in Catarina's collection were fossilized sharks' teeth, a snake's head encased in gold, heart-shaped jasper stones to stop bleeding, a coral branch used as a protector against evil spirits, bezoar stones, a unicorn's horn (a narwhal tusk) and piles of loose gems and stones such as rubies, emeralds, and diamonds.
She rests in the Jerónimos Monastery next to her husband:
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With her husband King João III of Portugal (married 10 February 1525) she had 9 nine children:
Prince Afonso (24 February 1526 - March 1526) Prince of Portugal (1526).
Princess Maria Manuela (15 October 1527 - 12 August 1545) Princess of Portugal (1527–1531). Princess consort of Asturias by marriage to King Philip II of Spain, then Prince of Asturias. She had one deformed child, Prince Carlos, and she died a few days after his birth.
Infanta Isabel (28 April 1529 - 28 April 1529)
Infanta Beatriz (15 February 1530 - 15 February 1530)
Prince Manuel (1 November 1531 - 14 April 1537) Prince of Portugal (1531–1537). Declared heir in 1535.
Prince Filipe (25 March 1533 - 29 April 1539) Prince of Portugal (1537–1539). Declared heir in 1537.
Infante Dinis (6 April 1535 - 1 January 1537)
Prince João Manuel (3 June 1537 - 2 January 1554) Prince of Portugal (1537–1554). Declared heir in 1539. Married Joana of Spain. Their son became King Sebastião I.
Infante António (9 March 1539 - 20 January 1540)
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