#Many fandoms give characters their own personality if they don't like it instead of complaining about it
I find it ironic that the fandom hates Jason for "having no personality" but Will solace was at his peak popularity in the fandom during the time BOO was out, that was before his personality was even properly established in TOA. Will's personality was 90% fanon before TOA was out, because the fandom cared enough to give him one even when Rick didn't establish it well up until later on.
But nobody cared enough to give Jason a fanon personality to make up for his canon absence, simply because they weren't interested and wrote him off the moment he was written as Percy's rival.
So if you put it that way, the majority of the fandom just hates Jason because he's Percy's equal. Which is why literally no one in the fandom wants jason to be loved or recognised, they just downplay him every chance they get, because he is seen as Percy's competitor and wants him to be bashed, so that Percy always has the spotlight, that's why the fandom always maintains the reputation of Jason's character as a "loser knockoff percy" and dont bother giving him a fanon one, Because they want jason's existence to be used as a punching bag to uplift Percy's achievements. That's what I take away from observing all the Jason slander lately.
The majority of the reasoning for his slander almost ALWAYS includes Percy in it, as far as I've seen.
There are many characters that many fandoms popularize and love even if they don't have proper personalities in canon or even when they are just characters in passing. And i don't see why jason is the only exception to that treatment
Saying that you hate Jason because you are salty that he's Percy's rival is basically like saying you hate him because he exists, which sounds ridiculous lol.
This is basically like a "if they wanted to, they would" type of situation, Jason is just unfortunate that he didn't get the fandom's love for anyone to give him any fun fanon personality at all
It's sad considering the possibility that Jason would've been so loved if he were just a mere side character, that way people wouldn't have hated him for "rivalling" Percy.
I guarantee you half the hate he got would've never existed in the first place if he were just some insignificant character in the series, because the fandom would've effortlessly shoehorned a personality of their own onto him and showered him with love instead of complaining about it.
Jason has LOTS of fanon potential, the fandom just don't want to utilise it :/
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beanghostprincess · 20 days
Not to keep beating a dead horse so to speak, but circling back to how the anime handles the Shuggy breakup it is personally the first time I've fully understood people who say the manga is way better & the "true" story because on the whole I think the anime is a really good adaption....except for this omg. I haven't read the manga fully either yet so now I'm wondering what else got a totally different vibe than intended & how that colors the perception of the story & characters. For instance, I'm already seeing anime onlys completely misinterpret Buggy's feelings in the shuggy breakup probably because of how brief it was.
I've had arguments in comments sections about people who do not think Buggy wanted to be Pirate King himself & his anger with Shanks isn't tied to him secretly sacrificing his OWN dream to follow him. To me the manga made it very clear that Buggy was making a great personal sacrifice in order to stay with his friend & how that all ties into his own insecurities, but a ton of anime onlys only saw it as Buggy being a whiny baby & not realizing how deep of a conflict Shanks refusing to look for the One Piece was for them 😭 and it's so frustrating! They just think Buggy is being "ungrateful" for everything Shanks did for him. I'm tired of the Shuggy dynamic being viewed so one sidedly in Shanks's favor & Buggy's detriment because they both narratively hold equal amounts of significance to each other. We just haven't been allowed to explore Shanks's side of it...yet. Oda kept Shanks's face obscured for a reason I'm sure.
And since the anime didn't frame it correctly Buggy's speech to Cross Guild about reigniting your dreams & setting sail for Laugh Tale loses all seriousness & comes off as just another gag instead & it breaks my heart because in the Manga while there is humor in it Buggy's tears are REAL & you can literally feel the spirit of One Piece flow through his speech. That speech shows us Buggy is a TRUE pirate! He ALSO inhereted Roger's will! I could literally feel the "I'm gunna become king of the pirates" OST from the anime play as I read it, but the anime framed it like another one of Buggy's "upward fialures" 💔 and it breaks my heart anime onlys don't get that. Imagine if Luffy gave up on his dream & finally after 30 years decided to believe in himself again? Imagine If Usopp really did give up in Water 7 & we didn't see him find the will to believe in himself until 39 years later? Buggy is an example of forgotten dreams & a lesson on it never being too late to go after them.
So I completely agree with you that it doesn't matter how little panel time a moment gets because if Oda can convey all of THAT in like 3 panels then the anime can do so and then some in a minute or 2. I also can't help but think this will confuse viewers later on because I'm certain Buggy is going to get to do some really cool & meaningful stuff in the last arc & a lot of them will feel blindsided because the set up was executed weirdly.
Sorry for sending such a long post & feel free to ignore If ur tired of discussing this I just wanted to give you some validation &let you know you're not the only one who thinks this way. Adaptation has a lot more going into it than just copying manga panels & the a good anime should definitely know when to expand on brief scenes & how to set the correct mood for them.
Oh, please, if it's not a negative ask you can keep sending me stuff about the episode and the breakup all you want!!! I'm just tired of having to defend my opinion. As if it wasn't just that, an opinion. But I'm sooo open to talk about it!!
And you're right!!! It bothers me so much to just think about how Anime Onlys are going to perceive this episode... If Buggy is already misunderstood within the fandom, I can't imagine what's gonna happen now that HIS episode has gotten this awful pacing and explanation (I complain but I've watched the episode so many times already lmao)
People misunderstand their relationship so much and in such levels... I don't get it because it's literally right there. You can't miss it. They're canonically crucial for each other no matter how you see it. It IS mutual whatever they have going on. I know we don't have much of Shanks' POV but you don't even have to read between the lines to see it.
And Buggy being seen as whiny because he has... Feelings... And is emotional... After his whole life crumbles down... Idk about you but if I lived in my best friend's shadow for years and gave up on my dream to trust in his instead, and suddenly when our captain dies he says he won't follow it... I'd be pretty fucking emotional too tbh. I could defend Buggy all day long and explain his character, but I believe I've done that already... So many times... (I love it it's my favorite thing ever)
I love your comparisons to other characters giving up on their dreams because it's so real. Buggy is the representation of people who once gave up on their dream and now are getting the courage back to follow it again. His speech is so emotional I think I know it by heart at this point with how many times I've read this chapter. I always cry-- Every time-- And I'm sooo angry Toei made the episode for laughs basically. It frustrates me in unimaginable ways.
Buggy is gonna do something incredible and people will complain and say it was out of nowhere because his speech in the Anime seems for jokes and like one of his schemes to get away from his problems. But this man was literally having a breakdown in the middle of a torture session and made an impulsive, emotional decision that came from the depths of his heart, because he had been holding onto it for his whole life. That's what bothers me about the animation. The pacing is bad and the way they treat him is even worse...
Don't apologize!!!!! I loved reading this. You expressed yourself sooo well and in such a polite way!!! Basically, you wrote everything I thought about the episode and I'm so glad to finally talk to someone with my same views 😭💖💖
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butchsophiewalten · 8 months
for character bingo (if not done already) rosemary please!!
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I really love these two.... I should draw them more, I always thoroughly enjoy it.
I'll start with Jack. I wax poetic about Jack a lot. He's a character that I find incredibly interesting, even if we don't really know particularly much about him yet. A lot of the things that I really like about him are like... interpretive? Or things that I've assumed. Hence the "not technically canon." I think a lot about "Jack Walten" as a like, a concept, within the universe of The Walten Files. Like, he was a man, who lived and had a place and a purpose within his community, but in the wake of his disappearance he's become sort of abstracted. I'm struggling to articulate this. I think of Jack as a character who has lost the ability to contextualize his own existence, and has instead become sort of an icon of himself.
I think to the community of Brighton he is a tragedy. He's a scary story. He's the memory of a man who was so well-known and so well-liked and then he up and disappeared one day and left countless rumors in his wake. And for Felix, I think he's always struggled to think of Jack as a person, and has always considered him more of a representation of his own inadequacy, and then a representation of his guilt. Felix has always kinda used Jack as a way to gauge himself. Like, Jack has always been a point of comparison. But then, Felix's relationship with Jack, to me, has also been a means for Felix to kinda improve his own self-image. I think a lot about Felix's very pleased sort of reaction to Jack's "You're a life saver, Felix." during the phone call in Bunnyfarm. I think Felix really desperately craves that sort of validation from Jack, because it makes him feel like less of a fuckup. Jack is a Good Person who has a Good Life and has his shit worked out, so if he's telling Felix he did good, he must be doing something right. That sort of dynamic where, for Felix, it's less about doing a favor for his friend, and more about chasing that dopamine hit that the validation will give him. Jack is a means to an end for him, where Felix wouldn't really care if it was Jack, or any other man who has a perceived position of success and privilege. (I have a lot more to say about this specifically, but this is turning into a Felix Analysis on my Jackmary Post, so I'm going to save it for the Felix bingo)
I got very distracted. I was trying to say that I think Jack is a person who, like, only really exists in the way the he is remembered, in the eyes of the people who remember him. Which is why Felix trying to scrub away his history with BSI is such a big deal, and why I also think it's really narratively and thematically interesting that Sophie *really struggles* to remember him. Like, she remembers him the least of anyone, almost. I think that's a really weighty sort of thing.
I don't want to talk for too long about this, because I've complained about it so many times already, but the sort of fandom perception of Jack Walten really irks me. And there's a lot of facets to his mischaracterization, I think. I could complain about the 'where the fuck are my children' TikTok audio for the millionth time, but I won't even bother. But I'm excited to see more of Jack. And I'm excited to learn more about him and to get a better idea of the sort of character he is and isn't, because I'm sure even my characterization of him is deeply flawed. Because we know so little.
ROSEMARY TIME: I love Rosemary Walten. This is another character where I think the Fandom Perception of her is so flaccid and boring. She's just Mother. She's just Woman. like so much of the time. And in fairness we don't really know very much about her, but I'm, again. very excited to learn. I like that she seems very headstrong, and I like how Martin characterizes her as being very ferociously protective of her family. I really want to know more about her relationship with Sophie during that month (and a bit) when everyone but the two of them had disappeared.
Really everything we've seen so far relating to her relationship with Sophie has been very striking to me. I'm sure this is to no-one's surprise. The "Am I still beautiful to you, Sophie?" Is still, to me, like the ultimate crescendo of the series. It's so stark. It's so fantastic. I think it's really easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of thinking about just how difficult and horrifying this character's life has been. And I'm exciting to see how this upcoming batch of episodes will continue to humanize her, and put that much more emphasis on the tragedy and horror of her death. And of her possessing a big animatronic sheep. I think a lot about Sophie hearing the a woman's dying screams through the speakers of that arcade cabinet, and recognizing it as the voice of her mother. I think that's really terrible and fantastic.
I wish I could talk more about her, like, independently, as a person, but we still know so little. So much of what I feel is assumptions. I love Rose though, I'm excited for more Rose. I'm excited for more everyone.
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yuikomorii · 1 year
The day tumblr stans will stop being chronically online is the day I will finally like this fandom. Goofy aah people think their opinions matter?
Last year everyone adored Ayato on this platform but after a certain ahem cult ahem of people joined, I can sense they’re secretly having beef with Ayato and are sending mean anons to Ayato fans for some jealousy reason.
Granted he is not my personal best boy but he’s DiaLovers’ best boy for a fact and the hype he started getting is pretty much deserved. In a series of games that’s a bit dead, I’m glad he’s able to keep it relevant not only for the DiaLovers fans. Don’t mind delulus saying bad things about him, those only exist on this platform anyway and are just seeking for attention and approval from random strangers.
// Tbh, I’m disappointed but not surprised. Unfair and two-faced people are everywhere and if they truly spend their time in that manner, you can already see how miserable their lives must be.
I believe that the Ayato hate train began with Youngblood and picked up steam this year after the release of the Meow Meow vampire art. Many people made fun of Ayato's appearance and blamed him for FaVoRiTiSm , despite the fact that everyone in Japan adored him there. I don't know why, but the DL Tumblr fandom is completely out of touch with everything DL-related. They have no idea that Rejet simply creates Ayato content as a marketing ploy; in fact, Japanese fans are literally the ones who request it. In 2020, Ayato was stated as fans’ top choice and got invited as a co-star with a national idol at Nino-san, which was broadcasted on the second largest television corporation in Japan. If people hadn’t recommended him so much, he wouldn’t have ended up there… it’s not that hard to understand.
This has the same vibe as those kpop fans who always complain about how their ult group is underrated but don’t even stream their songs, instead they spend their time criticizing bigger groups for what??
I’m not forcing anyone to love Ayato but at least give me good reasons to dislike him. I understand not liking ALL Diaboys but isn’t it hilarious how some people would give you a litany of reasons why they can't stand Ayato, but when you look at their bias, he did the same (or worse) things as (than) Ayato? If you truly dislike those actions, at least pick a side, lol. I honestly don’t hate any Diaboy (though I don’t agree with their behavior all the time) but even if I did, I wouldn’t throw shade at that one character out of the blue only to piss of his stans.
And I swear, it's incredibly annoying how some people would tear Ayato down when asked about their favorite character/ship/route, etc., even though he has absolutely NOTHING to do with the question or he isn’t even the main topic of the question. Saying things like, "Yeah, I like this character because, unlike Ayato (just an example hehe)—" or "No hate towards Ayato but — *proceeds to mischaracterize and hate on him*" are examples of uncalled hate speech. Literally why use HIM most of the time as an example when talking about negative things?? At this point that’s not even a coincidence anymore, but a pattern, which is truly giving fan behavior.
Such people are really the worst. Reminds me of how some fans still think it’s okay commenting stuff like “This is great but I don’t like *inserts thing the OP obviously likes*” or “Not trying to be mean but *starts being mean*”. Respectfully, who even asked for your opinion? Mind your own business and learn basic etiquette.
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twsthottakes · 3 months
Regarding the last ask about Yuu ships sucking...
I feel like people should just be honest if they want to say they like canon x canon ships more or want to see more people making male yuu stuff
Because the medium of the game itself actively encourages people self-inserting through Yuu. These types pf gacha games literally thrive off fanservice (fanservice isnt a necessarily sexual thing btw it can be stuff like characters having a cameo or striking an avengers assemble type pose). It's why its so easy to give them a stand-in in the mangas and novels. They have some mentioned consistent traits like being good at playing wind instruments + being supposedly blunt but that's barely a fully fledged character more like a concept. For the sake of ease of self-inserting that's also why Yuu is sadly barely relevant in the story these days + have super lazy dialogue options now. Their traits barely factor into the story in meaningful ways anymore
A lot of Yuu ships really are just not game yuu but whoever drew/wrote it shipping the character with themselves. So yeah not a surprise that their Yuu ships are flat (sometimes they also specify its just xreader or self-insert in general not Yuu but people will assume it's Yuu at first glance anyway)
So I don't see the point in complaining that "people are ignoring Yuu's personality" when that's more the game's fault than random fans' fault
As for wanting to see more male yuus around... as mentioned Yuu really is intended to be sort of a vessel of projection for fans. And as game in the joisemuke genre its expected most fans will be female, hence the characters they create to represent themselves will also be predominantly female. In the nicest way possible its really just a matter of seeing the player character stuff you want to see yourself, more male yuu or interesting yuu stuff will only exist once other fans finally make them. Yuu content doesn't just randomly generate into existence one day out of thin air
There is also the matter of homophobia in the yume community which sucks and is another factor why most player ships are het. So male yuu representation in the romantic context would matter
^but outside of this shipping purposes I literally never see anyone see Yuu as a girl by default. They're either faceless or a guy in JP fanart (this is when people are trying to draw the most objective game yuu, of course it's different for personal yuu stand-in OCs) This reflects the androcentric view many people have of man as the active protagonist by default while women can only do sappy emotional stuff like romance (also just heteronormative bias)
I've also never really seen a girlboss yuu the way you described it yet I see passive damsel Yuu for the sake of making the romantic fanservice on the dude shine more often
TLDR: Yuu really is meant to be a self-insert and the game is very intentional with the romantic fanservice it drops, and since most fans are women it makes sense that most self-inserts through Yuu are also female characters. These female characters are seemingly dull and personalityless because most fans are not trying to be clever writers, just using that OC as a vehicle to show the canon character of interest in romantic situations. If people want more diversity in existing Yuus they should put their ideas of male and etc. Yuus out there then to also inspire other people making OCs instead of assuming the fandom will generate it on its own like a factory
This got way too long but I basically just wanted to reply on why I think the argument of the previous asker was kind of focusing on the wrong things + ignoring the reasons why things happen through assuming it's just individual people being shallow and stupid for no reason. This is not to say personal yuu fanart or fic can never be criticized or disliked anymore, I think there is a problem of a lot of them being very weird with underage characters. But yeah as mentioned it's kinda just inevitable given the game genre + the creator (who was basically known idol to shotacons) being a huge part of marketing. Ok this is all for real now
Don't have a lot to say here I guess mostly just... My main concern with the male Yuu thing is the predominant nature of Fem!Yuu often leading to harassment towards Male!Yuu makers.
Also the creepy behavior is often something that occurs in the genre, I know, but I do believe it should be called out. Just because something is normalized doesn't mean it's okay, nor does it mean we shouldn't try to change it.
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aureliaen · 30 days
When you say “is anyone hurt by the lack of florrick content” that’s kind of what op is getting at. I write & read mainly f/f & it does in fact suck that there’s so little content of those ships & chars. When demographics are so skewed we need to ask why-that’s why they brought up “ppl say female chars are less interesting” bc that’s a justification we hear a ton. They weren’t attacking individuals but a cultural issue in fandom. Interrogating systemic biases anywhere is important & makes fandom as a whole better.
That's fair, I def see your point. It's frustrating when your favorite ships and characters aren't getting as much attention as you'd want, especially as an active creator yourself, and I def understand how that might make you more reactively bitter about those that do. I feel similarly about Astarion. I quite enjoyed him while playing for the most part, but seeing how unreasonably overrepresented he is in the fandom made him a lot more annoying.
The thing is, just because it's personally irritating doesn't make it an actual issue. What I mean by that is, fandom is driven by active fans. It is very possible that Astarion's fans are, for example, more prolific than Shadowheart's and make more than 1 fanfic per author on average, or that they're a lot younger and have more time on their hands. Just some possible examples.
We can and should talk about biases and the way they interact with the game and its community, but that's not what happened in that post. People reblogging are just using it as a place to complain and insult those they deem as guilty of the female characters' lack of popularity, with no quality discussion taking place. But those of us who write and read fanfics about Gortash instead of Orin don't do it because we hate Orin, it's because we love Gortash (and because his dynamic with Durge is completely different from Orin's so comparing them in the first place is inaccurate).
They weren’t attacking individuals but a cultural issue in fandom.
This rubs me the wrong way too. It just doesn't seem true. The fandom isn't a hivemind. It's made of individual, very specific people with specific interests, reasons to create and circumstances that do or don't allow them to create. It's not a cultural issue that a bunch of different groups enjoy male characters the author decided to often arbitrarily juxtapose with a different female character for the sake of proving a predetermined point. It's not like it's a male fans vs female fans thing either? I love Gortash and would rather write about him than Orin (even though I really like Orin). I love Minthara and would never write about Halsin. I don't give a shit about Zevlor or Florrick. For many, many people, there's no overlap.
So what the post (or maybe the people reblogging) is/are really doing is addressing a collective of creators with extremely varying interest in dynamics and characters, with one shared trait of them being male, and telling them that that's a bad thing and they're perpetuating misogyny. And you should also account for the fact that many of those people ship those male characters with their own female Tavs/Durges, who are often extremely fleshed out characters with intriguing backstories and characterization. It makes no sense.
Having said all that, I know how hard it is to start writing and I hope more F/F fans who don't currently create will join you in building that side of the community. BG3 has a ton of great female characters that deserve love, def no doubt about that.
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keyboardinpain · 1 year
news flash: "racism is bad!!!" Doesn't work against a racist. They don't give a single fuck 💀
if you're trying to change a fandom by attaching yourself to every drama and complaining about the racism and putting everyone who doesn't draw a certain character in the same category, I'm sorry to tell you, you ain't doing shit for representation!!! You want to change the fandom? You want to see more poc countries being depicted? Do it yourself!! Post!! Talk about whatever!!
"oh but people don't pay attention to poc countries :(( my account won't grow if I do that.. is because everyone is so racist"
1- that's the same reasoning big companies have for never depicting minorities, so let's immediately start this by saying, bullshit. People who care WILL find your account and isn't that what matters? The people who care? Not 20000 people that look at your posts in annoyance because they don't actually care and were guilt tripped into following you
2- who....who are you posting for?? Yourself to have fun and interact with people who have similar interests or to get famous?? Who cares if somebody posting Twink Italy gets more followers, post about Nigeria with passion and peace and have fun!!!
3- not everyone who doesn't pay attention to your account or poc countries is fucking racist omg. Yes, ofc, racism in geopolitics and history has caused lots of people to not have access to a full picture of the world and this will show in the interests but also .. maybe they haven't found your account? Most poc countries have to be ocs and finding hetalia ocs is hard. Even harder finding them interesting when they're barely posted about or if they are drowned with drama. It's not racism, it's not knowing it could even exist! And still, if they don't care that's ok. It's still not racist. And same thing if they are canon. Not everyone has to care
Shit I have a bunch of mutuals who don't reblog my Venezuela art, does that make them racist?? No! They don't care and that's fine!!! It's ok!!! I don't care about the Nordics they don't care about Venezuela, it's chill! Not everyone has to have your same interests in the same way
And also, constantly posting about drama instead of actually working on your goddam OC's makes people immediately be turned off by your account.
People don't need extra negativity "it's not fair white people get to ignore this while we suffer constantly" MF you were the one that posted that!!!! You can block people!!! Fucking Tumblr makes bubbles specifically to create echo chambers of yes man, you don't have to deal with the negativity either!!! And also the whole point of wanting equality is so nobody has to suffer, not so everyone suffer the same!!! There are multiple ways to keep yourself safe that I myself use because my own country gets treated like shit 💀 this is a fandom, you don't have to interact with everyone you don't like or correct them nobody out there will stop dying if you do.
You are fighting a random person behind the screen not actually dismantling centuries of racism. This just makes it stressful for poc people or non poc people who want to draw poc characters, you know why? Because it feels like we constantly need to interact with drama and we can't look at tags that aren't filled with it. I hope nobody in this fandom has anxiety or OCD cause the way so many posts are formatted is nauseating!
Its the same bullshit as "if you listen to this song you're a bigot" 🍅
You are drowning in a drop of water. Racists exist everywhere but if you constantly go looking for them and interact with them, guess what? More racists will find you. The algorithms will literally bring them to you 💀💀
I am not saying racists don't deserve criticism, obviously they do. It's important to hold people accountable (especially in this fucking fandom) but once you see they won't start changing... block them. Don't base your content around calling racists out cause every racist who has been called out is still posting and being racist. Your time would be much better spent doing the content you like and creating a safe place for others who wish to do the same, even if it's only 5 people.
I know I sound very angry in this post, frankly I am. It's not targeted at anyone specifically tho. There is a lot of imbalance in this fandom but making huge rants (like this one lol) won't make up for the lack of a certain country, only making content with them will, and guilt tripping other people into making it will give you shitty results.
This rant was all over the place and if you read it that's great, it's probably nonsense. I am not expecting anyone to change their mind, I do not care, I just needed to get this off my chest. Once again, this is not targetted at anyone and if you feel targetted, talk about it with yourself cause I'm not going against you. Have a great day/night and remember to have fun
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moth-in-the-moon · 10 months
Howdy I was that first ask (sorry I'd rather stay anon, bad xmen fandom experiences taught me to keep my opinions to myself or people will go after you personally). I'm only answering now cuz it doesn't look like we got the same timezones : I found your blog after looking up Margali related stuff (I needed this) and saw the reblog with the tag about "messy timeline". I like putting together timeline charts for my favs so I pulled out my Nightcrawler related one (slightly messy from following Si Spurrier's runs) and decided to give a shot to X-Men Blue. Big mistake. I should have listened to you. My 10 years in the making timeline chart is now only good for the dumpster and I'm done with Si.
I sent my ask to you because everyone is very hush hush about these kinds of complains and I just wanted you to know you weren't alone.
Okay so, I don't hate the Golden Child on her own, it's... How she came to be was unnecessary weird (genetically Kurt is as much her grandpa as he is her dad, wtf). What a weird road to go down instead of having her be like Cardinal. You know the chimera engineered from Nightcrawler's DNA +2 mutants that's straight up Azazel with red hair and eyes ? From PoX ? (Not sure if the editors remember him at all)
Funny stuff about Azazel btw, the demon thing was a retcon on his mutant status done after Austen left (he's back to being a mutant since 2019), Azazel keeps close contact with other Winding Way witches than Margali and Nightcrawler's ectrodactyly might have come from him too because he has been shown in a few comics (when doing his behind the scenes scheming with no one else around) to have that at least for his hands and uses his shapeshifting to hide it... For reasons.
I personally never cared about the Baron because he was a nothing character ? Man didn't even have a first name or canon appearance until TAS and his lastname's a plothole. This gets to the point where having him and Azazel turn out to be the same person, like a secret identity to the latter dude, would actually be an improvement and funny idea.
You're right, that "beloved darling child" is a straight up joke when looking at Mystique and Destiny's actions : They adopted and raised Rogue in 616 since she was a CHILD, raised both her and Kurt together in the "Children in the attic" what-if (Scott Lobdell but Mystique didnt throw Nightcrawler into a waterfall to save herself. Still calls Rogue the child she "always wanted" even then) and straight up let Nightcrawler die saving Hope when they were ready to sacrifice her as a baby to save Rogue (Kurt's death was avoidable and Mystique didn't know he'd be back to life like ever).
Mystique also raised Nightcrawler from birth in Age of Apocalypse where everything is Hell and he gets killed (Apocalypse attacks long after he was born so it's the same chain of events until that) and kept close contact and looked after Destiny's many human children, mutant grandchildren and grand-grandchildren throughout the years in 616... To the point of killing Graydon Creed, her biological son which she kept close watch on until his teens, to protect them. Kurt turns out to have been neglected more by her than Graydon at this point following this one shot.
The change made here on the "definite origin story" complicates and contradict stuff for no reason. It also adds another layer of unanswered questions which goes against the point of a definite story
"Why would Mystique and Destiny plan on having this kid, finally have him then straight up abandon him because of a 'sudden vision' when one of them is a precog who checks the future 24/7 to be sure everything goes perfectly fine but apparently kept things going when she saw 0 futures with that baby in it post due-date and never even once wrote about said baby in her future diaries for Mystique to do stuff for him in the future when she was gone (contrary to Rogue the child they adopted) ?" Si Spurrier doesn't care to think about important elements like that and just keeping throwing stuff on a wall to see what sticks
"Why didn't they rescue Nightcrawler before Xavier at any point and recruit him/secretly raise him with Rogue ?" Nightcrawler's first appearance was him literally running away from a mob (canonically not his first) before being saved by Xavier, one of the 3 people Mystique and Destiny were going to assassinate in their first appearance (Days of Future Past) which directly led to Nightcrawler being one of the first (avoidable) mutant casualties of that timeline. So even without years of baggage, these two didn't care about Kurt within their first X-Men issue with him. But sure the answer to this is probably the future vision excuse again I bet...
Well tell that to Margali Szardos, the circus fortune teller who managed to properly raise Kurt and protect him with half the power, wealth, means, knowledge and people. Oh wait we can't cuz she ded (Weird coincidence that the same writer behind this story which tries to make Mystique and Destiny look like the best moms for Nightcrawler turned Kurt's actual good mom into the complete opposite of who she was then unceremoniously killed her...)
Mystique has also spent her time using her knowledge of his origins as way to get him to do stuff for her then lied about them over and over again (this story makes it the third time she lied). Something she never hesitated or regretted doing
Then you have... Krakoa. So much to say. Most recent example ? Mystique and Destiny abandoned Kurt (for the 2nd time now) in the Sins of Sinister timeline when they left the island before he got switched with his sinister clone and Margali did her full corruption thing. They straight up ignored him when he grew horns in present time from beginning to end. He gets mind-controlled, murders people and has to leave to an Orchis filled Earth without keeping in touch with anyone, no reaction whatsoever from them
This reveal just turned Mystique and Destiny from bad to god awful parents in general (it looks like they never cared because they never raised him themselves) and yet the story pretends otherwise
One, before I get into anything, BIIIG ask. I've never had an ask that big. Two, Before I get into anything, Cardinal my beloved, my son, my beautiful beautiful boy, he and god baby should both be canon and like. weird universeally/timeline displaces siblings. A thing about Cardinal that I personally think is an interesting concept is how, being part Rachel (so a descendant of Jean) would make him probably be on the Phoenixes list of favourite hosts, which I think could be interesting with his anti-violence genes (<- whatever the fuck that was). Also they should remember him, since they made Rasputin 4 canon (I have my complaints about her genetic make up too, considering shes part. illyana and piotr.) Again, long thoughts under the read more
Yeah, again I completely agree on the neglect paart. The reveal managed to make Destiny and Mystique even more horrible parents, but it's trying to paint them as loving their son, which, is kinda nonsensical with past context. As I said, this retcon at this point in time is bad for the characters BECAUSE of the years of plot from the past. From mystique caring for other children to how they both act towards Kurt throughout things like Krakoa, it doesnt really add up. Plus, what would be the reason for them to not tell him sooner? Did destiny specifically see Kurt get a sick ass magic sword and go "this is incredibly important to the timeline" and thats why they stayed quiet? Having them make destiny and raven be heartbroken about the baby having to go and having the description literally be like "neither of us ever had any kids because of love until we decited to have you" It's a whiplash that could technically work if built up right, but this wasn't built up. Because I do think this could've worked with better set up, but its too late for that.
And yeah no, there have been what-ifs of mystique "successfully" raising Kurt, so it just makes the vision a weirdly cruel plotpoint. Plus that means Destiny is now canonically at fault for all that happened to Kurt, because she knew and actively set it in motion through this retcon. Which. is a wild thing to accidentally do.
Though I do like the moment where Mystique is like "I wished for a daughter", that feels fitting to her and kurts relationship.
Also this does make Kurt doing his "make 'em talk by letting them freefall under the threat of letting them splat" to Destiny funnier. You go boy, threaten matricide!
And man, yeah, Margali wasn't a perfect mom, but we have many scenes of her being a good mom or at least trying to be (specifically for kurt). Shout out to her calling Kurt her specialest boy that one time, she loved her baby. We need a Margali comic about her and her powers honestly, she's canonically one of the strongest sorcerers ever, bound by the moody nature of a living dimension, it would be so interesting to see how the way actually effects her and if she's like, bound to certain actions by the way, lest it destroys her or something. She is the sorcerer supreme of it iirc so there is a very specific connection here, especially since the wandering way is alive. With Kurt having the magic sword now too, it would be interesting for margali to come back (cause lets be real, she isnt gonna stay dead (<- threat. by me. at the comics.) and maybe teach him magic or how to work with magic. Let them actually work out the cracks in their relationship, show that they both do love eachother, but time and everything that has come up just kept tearing at them and margalis laissez-faire nature and following of the winding way didnt really help.
also man, krakoa was a good fun idea, i hate that they killed her, you couldve done alot of good with krakoa, the writers were just on their "uuuuh. shit we cant have mutants be happy" path again
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kraefishh · 1 year
nintento direct thoughts
yeah so hi i deliberately stayed up until 7am on a work night in order to watch this and do not regret a thing.
-> splat3 dlc looks cool!! will i play it? no. does it look cool as hell? yeah!!! I personally don't like splat3's actual single player campaign so unless im able to access the dlc without finishing the main campaign then... im not playing it lmao. it looks cool as fuck though!! i like whatever the hell they had going on with the glitchy taz hunger looking goop that produced skeleton fish. pearl + marina lore is also a win in my book -> i dont actually have all that many thoughts about the smrpg showcase but MAN it looks cool as hell. at first i didnt like the revamped graphics but now theyre growing on me.... plus the trio attacks??? HELL YEA! i hope the remake will make me actually finish the game this time around instead of start it twice in the past three years and then quit within the first few areas (<- i say as if this isnt a normal problem i have regardless. thanks, its the adhd)
-> SaGa Emerald Beyond actually looks interesting?? like I know nothing about that game series but the character designs look very cool and i like the concept of a multiple outcome story based entirely on which character you play. do i think i'd actually play this game? no, probably not. looks cool tho
-> despite me being The pokemon nerd i have nothing to say about the new detective pikachu game. i dont like the voice they gave pikachu imo. i think thats just cause im spoiled on movie detective pikachu being ryan reynolds... i joke i kid. kinda. also i never like. actually played any detective pikachu games so i got nothing
-> cool that were getting a new wario-ware!! not sure how i feel about like the.... forms? is that what theyre called?? w/e regardless im not sure how i feel about em. but its a wario-ware game so its bound to be weird but like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-> FUNKY KONG DIDDY KONG PAULINE RELEASE FOR MARIO KART WAS NOT ON MY LIST. SO SO HAPPY THOUGH. peachette is whatever. no idea where she came from
-> gotta say i completely forgot among us was on switch so seeing the crewmates i was like "are they making a fucking spin-off game for switch?" no. i just forgot. the fungle is a funny name though i appreciate it
I was laying there in bed at 7:40am and was like. oh cool one last thing before its over. its probably gonna be just another title release of something or a sneak peek on some dlc.
and then i hear the music.
-> yeah anyway so i screamed "WHAT!?" at the (metaphorical) top of my lungs (because it was 7:40am and people were sleeping). ttyd getting a remaster is so so cool. and now that i know its possibly getting a re translation that makes me even more happy. give us trans vivian....... i also just think its very funny that ive been playing ttyd on twitch for the past. year now? (ive taken a shit ton of breaks) and theyre making a remaster?? now? not complaining im having a blast playing it with my cohost but HHADGHGAKDFJ
-> i'm mostly just excited for the remaster cause it'll hopefully bring traction back to the paper mario series. idk about like the general consensus of the fandom but like. the paper mario series has been needing a pick me up for a HOT MINUTE.
-> no i am not going to play the remaster of ttyd for stream. maybe on my own time. we'll see. i dont see the point of finishing the og only to then, like a year later, play the remaster. especially when i have a TON of games backlogged on my list since i only stream once a week. more often than not, not even that. i am planning on doing rpg tho
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
Follower for a while, don’t know anything about warrior cats.
So instead of me asking what it is or is about how about instead:
Why do you love warrior cats? :)
OMG, this is such a fantastic question! You'll forgive me taking forever and a day to answer it, I hope, because while honestly Warriors is terribly written and objectively despicable... I still can't help but love a lot of aspects of it, so I had a lot to say :3
I LOVE melodrama, I love tragedy, I love super high-stakes family drama, I love stories that deal with prophecy and fate, and Warriors has all of these things in droves. At some point, the drama is honestly a little addictive - like a soap opera! Because, ultimately, that's what Warriors is. And I mean that in a complimentary way - I love soaps, people trash on them far too much.
Plus the character concepts in Warriors are great, even if the character writing is generally abysmal. There's a blorbo for everyone in those books. And if you don't like any of the mainstream blorbos, don't worry, there are over 2000 named characters most of whom have little to no personality or screentime, making them perfect to flesh out into a custom blorbo ;D
Which is another fun thing about Warriors: the truly massive quantity of characters and lore really activates the Autism Collection Brain. I can name several hundred of those 2000+ off the top of my head, which is... something to be proud of, I suppose? XD
But most of all, it's honestly just really fun to play with. Like, as a world and a setting, it has some really good bones that make it easy to mix in your own ideas and create something entirely new (hence the relative popularity of OC stories in this fandom as opposed to many others). Or if you don't want to come up with OCs, the story has a fuckton of holes and blank spaces that make it perfect for writing fic. On the other hand, there's also plenty of material to sift through and analyze if that's your preference. And I've spent hours and hours of my life trying to meticulously sew up the timeline and patch over continuity errors, mostly just... cause it's fun. From a fandom perspective, Warriors is like a really big and interesting puzzle. And since it's such a huge, sprawling story, if you get bored with one thing you can always move over to focus on something else. It's like the gift that keeps on giving.
And this fertile ground means that the fandom itself is incredibly creative. Like, I complain about it a lot - and there's a lot to be complained about - but the reason I keep coming back is that Warriors fans are truly some of the most dedicated people on the planet. There's the Youtube MAP community, which is kind of famous at this point for its skill and ambition, but also a lot of truly phenomenal fiction, art, games, and music out there being actively created by fans - and 20 years' worth or fanworks before that. It's a pretty extraordinary community.
Plus? Kitties!
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(4/4) and yet you get all these young, new writers writing as if instead of using our language the way it should be used, create things that read as if they’re literally translating English syntax to the letter, with results that, more often than not, are unreadable and pretty cringe-inducing. Sorry, this is all very rambly, but it is to say: what are your personal thoughts on that? Do you write differently when writing fanfic vs original fiction, and if so, what are some of the key differences you can think of? (Besides the obvious) Is there even such a thing as a “fanfic writing style”? And would you say it’s fair to say some fanfic is actively on par with published literature? Because to me it seemed obvious until I started seeing all the online discourse around that, on both extremes. I’m very curious to get your in-depth thoughts on that, besides just reflagging a post and agreeing with its contents.
Sorry I couldn't include your whole 4-part ask, Anon friend! I didn't want to make this too long. Speaking of which, here's a readmore.
Okay. First: there's discourse about fanfic vs original fic? Again? Yaaaaawn. And to answer: I do alter my style for fanfic, mostly to match canon better. Like, in my Dragon Age fics, I try to use the same dialogue style that the games use. Cullen sounds posh, for example, and overly formal even when he's trying to be casual; Carver sounds more casual and uses more rough slang. In Mass Effect I mostly do the same, plus I sometimes use choppier narration for a militaristic, "macho" feel, again emulating the games' style of making everybody sound Extremely American and badass. Devil May Cry was more of a challenge because those games don't have a consistent dialogue/narration style to emulate, just "who translated this and were they drunk?" Instead I had to focus on character and motivations -- i.e. "Dante is always hilariously nihilistic but he really just wants a family and some peace & quiet." With Trigun I've been struggling a lot because there are three completely different canons with three completely different characterizations and narrative styles -- two of which directly contradict each other -- and then there are the six or seven different translations! I haven't really settled on a style for that fandom, but trying to blend everything is part of the fun, for me. I like a challenge.
I'm not "dumbing down" or negatively affecting my own style by doing this, I don't think. Playing with other voices, by other rules, helps me refine my own authentic voice in much the same way that improv helps actors and comedians. I think that's the case for anyone who writes fanfic, but it's probably easiest to see with the pros. Take astolat, for example. Some of her Aubrey-Maturin fanfics are more restrained than her Temeraire novels, even though the latter were inspired by the former. The restraint is because there probably weren't many dragons running around during the Napoleonic wars, and because she's sticking close to Patrick O'Brien's style on purpose. But then, in the Temeraire books, she discards these constraints, which to me is her doing the writing equivalent of this:
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Then she just fucking goes ham on her readers. Kicks them in the head with one of the best alternate histories I've ever seen, rewriting colonialism from scratch and giving it a better ending. She replaces a deep human friendship with the closeness between a man and his bus-sized Chinese dragon, and it works. These are feats of literary derring-do that a lot of writers cannot emulate, and wouldn't dare try. And yet I've heard more than one reader complain that she "wastes time" on fanfic. Which to me is like complaining that Rock Lee "wastes time" wearing weights.
tl,dr; Most people who insist that fanfic is inferior lack the expertise to judge the real skill involved in making it. Doesn't stop them from opening their stupid Dunning-Kruger mouths, tho, does it.
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inu-yasha · 1 year
Do you think Moroha is annoying? To me she is. She is too noisy and annoying. She's too much like Kagome and barley has any traits of her father. She only got the hair and red kimono. Thats it. Personality wise......100% Kagome.. To me she's only like Inuyasha because of her alibies which is just a complete copy of his. Plus her beniyasha form. Its a shame cause at the time when the so called "squeal" was announced, I actually got pretty excited even know I hated seeing the devil spawn of Kagome (I 100% hate Kagome) and I was very disappointed when it came out. I know most fans says the manga is better. I seen some pictures of it. But I dont want to waste my time reading it and get disappointed again like how I was with the series. But what what do you think of Moroha? I love your blog by the way! I love Kikyo so much! It really breaks my heart that to this day that the fandom still says she's the "worst character in the series" She deserves o much more!
I haven't seen much of the show, but from what I've seen, yes, Moroha very irritating to me. In the 1st episode of YashaHime, her voice was irritating to me,I didn't watch much… I watched until she left her daughter and stayed with Inuyasha, both absorbed into some pearl I dropped series. Moroha has a lot Kagome's traits... But I feel sorry for her.
Anon.. the manga is better because it contains Inu//Kag that's why it's better and I'm giving you this conclusion from my observation when the inukags complained and then "manga is better" because I've seen many moments with inu//kag… that's why. .. Hmm… that's how I see it. Personally, I haven't read a single chapter of this "work" for me, it's a stupid fanfic not worth my time.
And so, if Rumiko wanted to.. she would give them a child, or show that in the months that have passed since the events, Kagom is pregnant, but she was not pregnant and Rumiko did not give them a child. It's just a very low-level fanfic for people to extract money from the fans. Fanfic must sell well.
"I hated seeing the devil spawn of Kagome"
That's really strong anon, and I smiled. Well. It's not Moroh's fault she has such a mother. I heard she treated Moroha badly the first time they met after all these years or something, so I feel a bit sorry for her because it's not her fault she has this devil mother who thinks of a man more than a her baby.
Yes, I think Kagome is a terrible mother, not because I hate her, but because she chose Inuyasha over her own child. She preferred to leave the baby and go with Inuyasha. She gave her daughter away just like that and went with Inuyasha. I can't understand it.
I think she should be pitied because instead of staying with her daughter, Kagome chose a husband and orphaned her own daughter. This is something I don't understand and there is no explanation for it. But on the other hand, Sunrise showed her as the mother I imagined, jealous, choosing a husband over her own child.
I can't fully judge Moroha, because I don't know her well. In short, I see her as annoying, but I also feel sorry for her because her mother chose a man over her daughter.
I'm glad there are more people who hate Kagome <3 and thank you!! I am glad that you like my blog.It's a sad reality anon.. Kikyou will be hated forever…. it's sad.
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To that person I had so high opinion of before all that:
Thank you for dumping me last January, silently after all I offered was support.
I never felt so bad for doing something for someone else.
Now I can't even finish your fic.
And your fic WAS MY ONLY FAVOURITE FAN FIC about that character. The ONLY one.
Yeah why would you?
Or why would everyone else
"Thank you" so much.
I wish I have never told you how much I like your fic.
At least I will finish it and now I can't because it became a trigger. Only see how that link got deleted in the blink of an eye, and me not even being asked what's going on.
I was in the middle of severe depression and was having non stop panic and anxiety attacks meanwhile deleting my blogs and my whole fic.
But no one cared to ask what's going on.
And dumping me for what?
Because Little Miss Anastasia Steele COMPLAINED WITH HER BIG MOUTH because that person can NOT use my DELETED GIFS for their fic.
And they complain why? Because they got this?
Tumblr media
Excuse me but there is nothing to complain about.
Why haven't she read my fic instead of ONLY using my gifs for every piece of fiction about that character she was writing?
But she is a "wh**re "for your fic.- that's a quote. She said "I'll be a w***re for your fic...." And she gets recommendations.
Of course.
But so good that at least someone has "friends".
Not me though.
News for you both-
This was MY WORK and I DELETED it and didn't wanted it USED.
I don't need to explain why and you don;t need to be mad about it.
First - Because it was my work. And I don't want my DELETED WORK USED after no one would show a basic for of mutual respect towards the hard work that goes into it.
Second- because NO ONE READ my fic after I begged for 1 comment for half a year, and everyone was playing deaf.
WHILE YOU BOTH AND EVERYONE WERE RECOMENDING EACH OTHERS. And that one friend of yours won't shut up how good you are.
Then Little Miss Steele person had 400 notes per chapter.
So they deserve recommending?
Why? So they can become MORE POPULAR?
God knows why that person is popular at all.
But my invisible fic with 10 likes didn't deserve recommendation?
Despite the fact that it was good.
At least so people who would like it to know that it exists....
But no....
No recommendation for me by no one.
Because I'm not popular?
I don't think so.
So thanks for showing where your loyalties are......
And everyone else keeping quiet because they COULDN'T CARE LESS.
I should have never involved myself with you.
I got PTSD as side effect of all that happened the "betrayal" included.
That mean I needed to have counseling for half a year after that nice experience.
While people write prequels....and what not.
Probably it's good to go from "ONLY 20 NOTES and a writer block" to FANDOM FAN-FICTION SUPERSTAR .
didn't HAPPEN TO ME. I had 10 f* likes so I deleted all I posted and enjoyed a year long DEPRESSION.
So - I wasted 4 months of my life for a person that dropped me with no second thought because I asked ANOTHER PERSON my things not to be used....
I always follow the common courtesy rules!
However I have NO control over what someone would perceive as "offense".
So thanks for dumping me. For nothing.
And thank you for doing it silently. Deleting my name from your tag list and that link to my fan blog I did for your fic.
You think that's not enough and means nothing?
Do you know how many people did whatever for me or my fic?
So yeah....To each their own. 4 months form my time no on e will give me back. But now that you are a big name.....and you have it all why would you care for those who are not.
I bet it's better in the populars club having friendly talks with other writers.....about writing.
I wish I knew I don't mean anything, before I believed I was friend of yours.
I was some number it seems. And one that meant nothing to you it seems.
Because the friends get their fic read and commented and recomended...as that one fic about We could be heroes.....
And for the record- I didn't need anything.
But sure a kind word would feel good.....like "You wirte too...Coool. Welcome new author. "
Well I got nothining of it.
I was dumped. Because I'm not popular.
And little Miss Steele has 2000 followers....so ...I'm sure their support means more.... lol
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violetlunette · 1 year
Hey, me! Since I know you want to do an ask meme on Candace and it’s highly unlikely anyone will ask you to do it, I thought I’d ask you! Have fun, me! :)
Aww, you’re so sweet, me! <3
Ask Meme for Candace Flynn from Phineas and Ferb;
Why I like them; Oh, so many reasons! I am literally writing a post on why Candace is one of my favorite characters—but for this, I’ll pick one; her underdog nature. Candace is constantly pushed down and kicked by the universe, even when she does nothing wrong. Yet she always gets back up. She complains, moans, and gets frustrated but she still gets up and continues to fight for what she believes in. That’s another thing I like about her; she has strong morals. Don't get me wrong, her beliefs often cause her trouble but you can see that she's trying to do what she sees as right. As cool as the things Phineas and Ferb do are, they're still dangerous and breaking the rules. Candace will do what she believes is right, even if the universe is literally against her. 
And Candace will more often do the right thing even when she knows it’ll cost her. She sacrifices her phone to stop Mitch, destroys a CD on Phineas’ birthday instead of getting him in trouble on his birthday and destroys evidence that will prove that she’s not crazy to protect Nosy, and gives up a precious childhood toy so a little girl can be happy, and more. In each of these instances, she is giving up something important to her because it’s the right thing to do, even though it hurt her personally.
Why I don’t; There are times she's a bit entitled and selfish, but she grows out of it over time.
Favorite episode (scene if movie); The Chronicles of Meap and The Wizard of Odd
Favorite season/movie; Seasons 2&3
Favorite line;
“The universe is against me,
And no one here defends me.
Everyone pretends we
Haven't seen it all before.
And it sends me
Into this manic frenzy.
And, yes, it still offends me!
The whole universe is against me!”
Favorite outfit; I really liked the dress she wore to Hawaii and the Princess gowns. (Her swimsuits and PJs are also cute, along with her winter jacket.)
OTP; Sadly, I have none for Candace just yet. (I used to love Canderry when I was younger, but I prefer them as Uncle and niece now.)
Brotp; Oh, tons! I love Candace with her brothers, but also Perry, Stacy, Buford, and Baljeet (I think they worked really well as a group in the Star Wars Special), and Doofenshmirtz (I think they have the potential for an interesting dynamic.)
Head Canon; Candace unknowingly has psychic powers like Max from “Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse.” Because of this, her sense of reality is fragile as she can see into other dimensions and her memory can’t be erased. (Luckily for Perry, she knows how to keep a secret.)
Unpopular opinion; Oh boy. This is what’s going to isolate me from the PnF community despite my love for Candace; I don’t like Canderemy.
This is the canon couple and the one completely beloved by the fandom. And why wouldn’t they? They’re so sweet, and Jeremy is absolutely perfect for Candace and is just what she needs in her life.
And yet—I don’t like it.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with the couple at all. As I said, they’re sweet, and Jeremy is perfect for Candace.
The problem for me is that Jeremy is too mellow to the point of being boring. Plus, it feels like he only exists to be Candace’s perfect mate. The only thing that makes him interesting is his relationship with Candace. That’s it. I know the series tried to add some character to him, but I felt more for Monty, who we only saw for a few episodes than I did for Jeremy, who I saw for three seasons.
Whatever you feel about Phinbella or Ferbnessa all parties can stand on their own and be interesting. I could watch an episode focused on any one of these characters and be entertained. Not so much with Jeremy.
I dunno, I don’t hate him but he’s my least favorite part of the show (besides Suzy, that is). There is nothing about him that appeals to me outside of the fact he's nice to Candace, so I won’t be writing fanfics about him anytime soon.
A wish; In the new seasons we get to see Candace overcoming her obsession with her brothers and not only stepping into a new life but one that allows her to be just as amazing as her brothers without depending on them.
An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen; Candace’s development gets undone, and that she actually ends up living the life she has in “Quantum Boogaloo.” (This happens to be one of my least favorite episodes along with Act Your Age.) I hope that all the time traveling going around gives her a different future.
5 words to best describe them; “And [Candace]’s anything but ordinary!”
My nickname for them; Candy, Candy Girl, Candy Girl
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disaster-j · 3 years
Dear J,
It’s a quarter past 1:00 am right now, and I still can’t sleep. So I decided to look at your other asks. And ugh, what is people’s problem nowadays? 😓 But to give my 🪙 about this: obviously I can’t judge anybody’s -> Off’s sexuality. (1. Because it’s rude; 2. Because I am not a psychic; 3. Because I’m not a famous person so I have no idea how they would deal with such a thing; and finally 4. Because estimating other people’s ideas and motivations has never been my strongest suit. 🥲) And I don’t think it really matters.
And I would never underestimate the trials of coming to terms with who you are 🏳️‍🌈 (god knows it took me nearly 20 years and I’m still learning every day!), but I don’t think we should underestimate how difficult it can be portraying someone like “us queers.” Especially if you’re unsure about your identity or not part of the community at all. And this is really not meant as queerphobic, but merely targeted at the toxic climate that has been created around BLs (which Off rightfully criticises), in which “skinships” and real life shipping at one point became the norm. And whatever the reason is (you weren’t raised in a way that made intimacy a part of everyday life, you simply aren’t a tactile person, you find it difficult to do all those things [or anything at all frankly] in front of masses of screaming people, you don’t feel the need to do those things, you don’t consider it part of working at your career etc.), not everyone is immediately comfortable with presenting themselves like that. (Mind you I’ve only been in the fandom for a hot second 👶, but even I can see that back when OffGun first rose to prominence, the “demands” were even more insane than now.) Even when it comes to accurately portraying a queer character, I would consider that a craft, especially when you aren’t queer yourself.
Obviously we, a small ensemble of “us” noble fans with common sense who just want our favourite actors happy and succeeding in their work, can’t do a lot to change the entire BL system. (Gosh, this almost make them sound like Tawi’s gang! 🤭) But what we can do, is be patient with all of the actors (especially the new ones or those who, like Off, don’t seem exactly “at ease” in the BL cosmos) and support them in their endeavours. And let the art (lmao ehh the “production” 😅) be the prime focus. So, instead of complaining about “lack of chemistry” or your “fave ‘couple’ not acting together”, try to focus on what other projects actors are working on or just new BL shows with new stories. Stories that can open a whole new world, whatever that world may look like. 🏳️‍🌈 🌏
Love from,
~ anonymatcha 🍵
P.S. Apologies for this long sermon. 😬 (That would be my other inner half, the declining Protestant one 🙃)
Very well said anon! I don't think there's much for me to add except that I really do think people should keep what you point out in mind when talking about actors, especially asian actors since queerness is still very much something taboo for so many asian cultures. Not being comfortable with BL culture doesn't necessarily make someone homophobic. Even when he was super uncomfortable with the demands from bl fans he never once acted like queerness itself was something disgusting (looking at krist) he was very clear about the discomfort coming from his own dislike of physical touch. And still he never treated Gun poorly for wanting to hold hands and hug. He was always very careful with how he portrayed and talked about queerness too. Even now he's one of the most vocal BL actors when it comes to talking about queer rights. Just today him and Tay were flooding the tl with articles about the marriage equality struggle in thailand. To say that he's "aggressively straight" or not a good ally or being performative just because 6 years ago he didn't like holding hands with Gun is just such a toxic take.
People need to let asian actors be. Asian countries aren't as open to queerness. Not even thailand. In fact, being openly queer in the thai industry has effectively killed a lot of careers and even insanely good actors like Fluke and Gun struggle to get good roles bc execs don't want to cast them in "masculine" roles. It's a whole homophobic mess over there. So yeah, people aren't always gonna be comfortable with the BL industry and a lot of queer actors won't actively come out for years still. People shouldn't judge them without considering the context of their situation.
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opinated-user · 2 years
About LO's take on racism in TOH fandom (pardon this subject is getting repetitive, I just wanted to give my own two cents about it while it's being talked about)... Is it just me or does LO have a very big tendency to project certain aspects of the fandom of any given piece of media onto the content itself? Let me try to clarify my point here;
Although I have noticed this with nearly every show LO talks about, I'll mostly keep my arguments to the Owl House situation for the sake of simplicity. So.
I will not deny that TOH fandom (and every fandom I have ever come across, really) has both a white favoritism and a racism problem. From some artists whitewashing the POC characters to people being a bit too quick to praise, defend, and demand redemptions for the white characters while rarely extending the same treatment to the non-white characters (I say that because I have witnessed multiple people single out every single POC character in the show BY NAME and say they are badly written), racism - both committed intentionally and on accident - has always been rampant in fandom in general.
The reason for this, as you have already said in previous asks, is that racism is a structural problem that is deeply ingrained in our society. And yet LO seems to be incapable (or most likely simply unwilling) to recognize that fact, and instead chooses to blame this problem directly on the show itself - most notably on Dana Terrace herself. So something that is an issue across the whole fandom is suddenly the fault of a single person who... Wrote Hunter in too many episodes, apparently.
I have seen people of color criticize The Owl House for having a white favoritism problem. And I do agree on that aspect (and even if I didn't, I don't believe I am in any position to do so, seeing as it despite what people on the USA might label me for my nationality, I am in fact white). The complaints about some of the non-white characters - notably Willow and Gus - being somewhat sidelined for the sake of either the plot or another characters' storylines are also a valid criticism. While I do not think this was intentional on the part of the writers, it's still an issue, and I won't argue against that.
The thing about it is, whenever LO complains about this problem, she herself sidelines the POC character's development and story lines in favor of spending more time ranting about Hunter's existence and how the writers (and Dana Terrace) are solely to blame for the fandom doing the exact same thing as she is doing.
Because as much as we all wish that we had more time to explore Willow, Gus, Darius, Raine and more of the cast in more detail, the fact of the matter is that their own stories are being ignored... By the same people arguing that their characters are being ignored.
Let me give some examples. When Through The Looking Glass Ruins came out, admittedly a big part of the fandom focused solely on the Lumity parts of the episode. LO, in turn, blamed Dana Terrace for letting Lumity overshadow Gus's story... When the Lumity bits were a B plot that only took a little bit more than a third of the episode, with the main story being dedicated to Gus's adventure in the graveyard and his newfound tentative friendship with Mattholomule. In all this time, I have never ONCE seen LO make even a single comment about Gus's story in his own damn episode, and instead she just rants about DT letting Luz and Amity overshadow him when this was never a problem of the episode itself, but of the fandom.
The same thing happened with both Any Sport in a Storm and Labyrinth Runners, which are both dedicated to developing Willow and Gus (respectively) alongside Hunter, and establishing a positive relationship between them. Willow and Gus are major characters in these episodes, with some light being shed in both of their inner conflicts and them having some compelling development in those episodes. But because one of the characters who's also the focus of the episodes is Hunter, she once again spends a huge amount of time complaining about his presence and how he overshadows Gus and Willow and forgets to... Talk... About... Gus and Willow.
Also I have seen her claim once again that Lumity overshadows Willow in ASiaS when again, it's a B plot that barely had half the time that it did in TtLGR? I don't know...
I do recognize that Willow and Gus deserved more focus, stories and episodes centered on them, but I also believe that it is not fair to place the blame of the actions of the fandom solely on DT's shoulders, especially considering the circumstances of the shortened third season and the absolutely petty meddling of the higher ups (if you've seen that one video that Alex Hirsch posted reading the S&P department's complaints you have a fraction of an idea of the bullshit these producers go through to get their ideas to even be accepted).
Does the Owl House have some white favoritism regarding Amity, Eda, Lilith and Hunter having a lot more screentime than most of the POC characters? I do believe so, but the fandom should also be held accountable for doing the exact same thing, and LO should also be held accountable for that and for pushing all of the blame onto someone that only should hold some.
I apologize for the absolutely massive rant here, I hope my points were coherent enough--
you were perfectly coherent, anon, and i feel like i have very little to add. to summarize: -racism is a systemic problem that it's not going to be fixed easily and it's absolutely present on fandom. -LO blames the creator of the show for things outside of her control. -LO much prefers to rant about hunter (even when talking about episodes where he is not there) than do any of the work she demands out of everyone else, therefore contributing even more to more white favoritism and let the POC characters get the short end of the stick.
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