#Mara's Kiss Inn Room
eating-plastic · 11 months
The Sterling Sisters: Just Cute Shit
I'm in the mood to write for the Sterling sisters again. There's no theme here, I just wanted to write cute moments about them and their puppet bfs. Also I just missed my girls, man.
Marabelle & Six Shooter:
Night had fallen over the Bodega Bay Inn, leaving the grounds almost dead, save for the few that wanted the peace and quiet that the stars and moon could provide them.
In one little corner of the grounds, however, they would not find such quiet. Because this little corner was filled with music, laughter, and firelight.
What originally started as a large group bonfire, slowly dropped to a party of two as the hours passed. Then again, they all could've easily been driven away by Six Shooter's attempt to play the harmonica.
Marabelle however, in her slightly intoxicated state, found the "music" rather humorous as her boyfriend tried to play along with the song blaring from her phone.
When the song finally ended, so did her giggling fit.
"I don't know why I bought you that," she smirks.
"Cuz you love me," he slurs and takes a swig of his drink.
"Yeah, I'm staring to doubt that," a chuckle escapes her lips before she turns to roast another marshmallow over the flames.
Six puts his drink back down and swings an arm around her.
"Nah, you still love me," he chuckles himself before peppering her cheek in kisses.
"Yeah, I guess I do," Mara laughs, before her eyes fall onto the instrument in his hand. "If you try playing another tune from that harmonica, though, I'm throwing it into the fire."
"Aw, come on, darlin. I thought you liked when I played fer ya," he smirks.
"Only when you play well, Six," she flicks his hat up.
"Alright alright. How about this," he raises the instrument to his lips and plays out a tune he had heard so many years ago, he no longer remembered where he heard it. As such, he made an effort to play it nicely.
Marabelle looks at him fondly as he plays. He really did look handsome bathed in the orange flicker of the flames. In that moment, she couldn't remember a night as pleasant as this one.
Angelica & Jester:
When getting ready for bed, everyone typically follows the usual routine of taking a shower, brushing your teeth and hitting the hay.
However, some would add reading to that routine. And then there were some that would add listening to someone read to them.
For Angelica and Jester, they couldn't think of a better way to close the night.
While he read aloud from the book in his hand, she laid curled up by his side clinging to every word.
He was a wonderful to listen to. He knew how to capture the emotions of characters and the mood of the scene. He could portray moments of suspense, sorrow, triumph, and joy perfectly.
Right now though, the scene in the novel was calm. The moment of serenity and gentleness of his voice were making her eyes feel heavy and yawn. Not to mention how comfortable she was.
"Ah, it would seem the story's boring you," Jester smiles at her cute, sleepy face.
"Hm, what? No, I'm just comfy that's all," Angie tries to push sleep away, but another yawn escapes her.
"If you say so," he teases, and continues to read. By the time he got to the end of the chapter, she had drifted off just as he had predicted.
He bites back a laugh, not wanting to wake her, and places a book in-between the pages he left off on and sets it on the bedside table.
He then removes his glasses just as she did before he started reading, almost as if she knew she was going to fall asleep, and places them on top of the book.
With a click, the lamp that bathed the room in a warm glow ceased, and was replaced by moonlight.
Before letting sleep take him, Jester places a kiss to Angelica's sleeping face.
"Sweet dreams, engel."
Louisa & Blade:
Despite the rather dark history of the Bodega Bay Inn, it was still very beautiful. Of course, the main reason people found the hotel so breath taking was the cliffside that overlooked the beach and the gorgeous Pacific Ocean.
For Louisa, it was an artist's dream, despite the eerie feeling she got from the hotel the first time she saw it.
That was why she could be found somewhere on the grounds or within, either drawing in her sketchbook or with an easel set up.
Her favorite place to sketch and paint though, was by the gazebo , which now gave her the scene of the dazzling sunset.
Her paint palette was covered in oranges and yellows as she tried to capture it on her canvas, blue eyes occasionally darting between the two. She was in her own little world while she painted. Her concentration blocking out everything that wasn't her art.
It was something that Blade found cute, watching how focused she was. It always made him smile seeing Lou in her element. It also gave him time to set up and surprise her with a nice, romantic date.
He had brought a basket filled with her favorite food and some wine. He took the time to arrange the plates and pour out a glass for the two of them in the gazebo, before making his way over to her.
"It's beautiful, isn't it," he stood beside her, and glanced at her canvas. Louisa jumped a bit, before relaxing when she realized it was just her formerly puppet boyfriend.
"It is. Um...what do you think?" she shyly motioned to her art.
"Stunning as always, meine liebe. Although, I do think it is time for a break."
"Yeah, you're probably right," she nods and removes her apron.
He held his hand out to her, and lead her to the gazebo when she took it. She found it odd at first until her eyes took in what he had set up.
"Aw, Blade," Louisa's face felt warm and her free hand fidgeted with the edge of her sweater. He smiled at her and lead her to her chair, pulling it out for her to sit.
The two of them ate in the golden glow of the setting sun, the rest of the world being blocked out.
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netch-rancher · 2 years
little microfic for @nirnwrote's weekend writers event, prompted "come back to bed" by @blossom-adventures!!
K’Jirr stared at the bed and the form of his wife’s body, her chest rising and falling with her slow breaths. How long had it been since he’d been home? He lost count of the days. Probably a week, maybe two. Again. 
Ysolda had been one of the first women in Skyrim to not only accept him, but appreciate him despite the prejudice those of his race often experienced. And oh, how he’d fallen in love with her. Their wedding was a blur, the two of them running off to Riften’s Temple of Mara to get married just a few days after meeting. Her laughter had been like music to him, her beautiful face like a painting he wanted to stare at forever. 
But then the whole “dragonborn” thing happened, and all of a sudden, K’Jirr had more to do than he’d ever had to do in his entire life. His wealth grew as his time spent with his wife decreased. He bought beautiful house after beautiful house in an attempt to assuage his guilt of being an absent husband and father, but he couldn’t help the heaviness that still weighed on his heart. He worried that his wife regretted marrying him. He worried that she resented him for shutting her away from her dream of running an inn. He worried that she felt he had dumped Sissel and Sofie on her and then left. 
He crawled into bed next to her. K’Jirr laid his hand gingerly on Ysolda’s waist. He didn’t want to startle her, or even wake her. He just wanted to feel that she was there. And she was. It was past midnight, and K’Jirr didn’t have much time to spend at home before he’d have to head back to Solitude. But sleep always came easily to him when he was in his own bed, and for a moment, at least, he could rest. 
The rooster in the yard began to crow before daybreak, and K’Jirr opened his eyes wearily. He guessed he’d had four hours of sleep, which was more than he was used to but still not enough. Ysolda was still sleeping, still on her side of the bed. His guilt flooded back in a pang. How could she love him when she barely knew him? They’d been married for nearly a year but still had only slept in the same bed a handful of nights. How could she feel anything but resentment for him? 
He rolled over and sat up, trying to be quiet so he wouldn’t wake the poor woman. He got up, and opened the wardrobe in their room to see if there was anything he needed to take on his journey. 
“K’Jirr?” came Ysolda’s groggy voice. K’Jirr looked back towards the bed, where Ysolda was half sitting up, rubbing her eyes. “I thought it was a dream. But here you are.”
“Yes, and I’m so sorry. I should have come earlier, or sent a courier to let you know how I’ve been doing, to ask about the girls, and you, and–”
“Oh, my love,” she smiled softly. “Come back to bed.”
K’Jirr’s heart swelled as he dropped the clothes he was holding and bounded back towards her. He pulled her into his arms, kissing his incredible, patient, beautiful wife sweetly as she laughed her musical laugh once again. 
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louanja · 4 years
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A Thief’s Den
Sometimes you need a place to store your ill-gotten gains while you are on holiday
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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A potter's studio & A tailor’s Shop & A total mess
Player: @Vildra
Houses: Mara’s Kiss Public House,  The Ebony Flask Inn Room,  The Rosy Lion
“https://youtu.be/EaVEgnUuNCg, https://youtu.be/NvUmCk3vx34, https://youtu.be/wFKUwncWpzA“
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argisthebulwark · 3 years
I have the BIGGEST fucking crush on Erandur so I'd love it if you did kiss prompt 24 with him (deep kisses where they have their hands tangled in each other’s hair to pull them closer) combines with the smut prompt "You’ve been giving me bedroom eyes for the past half an hour - time to show me what, exactly, was on your mind." Pretty please??
lmao this is late as hell but i had to watch someone do waking nightmare since i finished it a long time ago! prompts from these posts. i listened to this song while writing if u were curious for vibes. 
pairing: female dunmer tld/erandur
Content Warnings: explicit sexual themes and language. minors DNI
Erandur and tld are on a mission from Dinya Balu to help two citizens of Skyrim escape and find love together, and end up finding some love for themselves.
“We simply cannot allow for Jofthor to stand in the way of his daughter’s happiness.” Eradur grumbled into his drink while the Dragonborn simply watched. She’d realized that she was a big fan of watching Erandur do just about anything. “The Lady Mara has spoken and shows that Fastred is more than capable of choosing her own fate, however she may choose.” 
“It’s a bit of our choice too, isn’t it?” Erandur’s dark eyes met hers, the side of his mouth tilting up in a smirk. 
“Unfortunately, our choice does have some weight, yes.” He set his mug down, tongue caught thoughtfully between his teeth. The Dragonborn felt something in her stomach twist at the sight; she found herself wondering for the hundredth time what it would feel like to be kissed by him. She wondered if the stubble covering his jaw would be sharp of if it would scratch at her skin, if his lips were as soft as she imagined, if his teeth were sharp enough that it would hurt when he bit her. Her face flushed when he rubbed a thumb thoughtfully along his lower lip, brows tightening as he fell deeper into his thoughts once again. 
It seemed absolutely indecent to have such thoughts about him. He was a priest of Mara, a friend who’d volunteered to help her as she completed quests across the continent. He’d followed her from Dawnstar to Riften and back to Ivarstead out of the goodness of his heart. She wondered if he’d volunteered only because of her help at Nightcaller Temple, cheeks deepening in color when she hoped that there was a deeper, more personal meaning. 
“What are you thinking about, my child?” His deep voice cut through her impure thoughts, dragging her back to reality. The Dragonborn watched as Erandur reclined in his seat and considered telling him in the truth. I’m thinking about how badly I want to climb over this table and kiss you.
“Just trying to figure it all out.” She blurted noncommittally. He gave her the same amused look he had when she’d thought that wearing an Amulet of Mara would show that she was committed to the faith and he’d explained what exactly she was projecting to the world. Of course, he’d waited until after some old man in full armor had asked her if she was available for marriage.
Their shared room at the inn was barely big enough for two bunks and a small table. She’d often fantasized about the day where there was only one bed available - how it would feel squeezed into the bunk beside Erandur, hands tangled into her hair and his soft snores against her skin, legs wrapped together. The Dragonborn caught herself staring at the hand cradling his mug wondering how it would feel exploring the body under her robes. 
“You’re not thinking about the mission.” He accused, his tone snapping the Dragonborn’s eyes back up to his. Her heart was racing at the intensity she found there, the way he’d leaned closer to her.
“Why do you think that?” She replied breathlessly, trying to wipe the filth from her mind. 
“You’ve been giving me bedroom eyes for the last half hour.” His voice was lower, smoother than she’d ever heard it. It made her body come alive, skin prickling and heat pooling in her. “Time to show me what, exactly, was on your mind.” 
This couldn’t be real. Erandur had noticed the way she couldn’t tear her gaze from him and wasn’t chastising her, he wasn’t condemning her. He wasn’t disgusted at the thought of being with her. 
“What do you mean?” She stumbled over her words when Erandur raised a brow at her. This could not be real. It had to be some sort of joke. He’d never shown interest in anything other than friendship. 
“You’re looking at me like you want me to fuck you.” The Dragonborn felt like she was going to buckle under the weight of his gaze. His voice was a dangerously low tone, silky smooth as he said things she’d never dared to imagine coming from his mouth. 
“Yes,” she breathed, unsure if she could make herself say anything more. Her bones felt like jelly when Erandur chuckled. She wasn’t trying to be funny. 
“My child,” he murmured, eyes holding her gaze. “All you had to do was ask.”
The Dragonborn launched herself out of her seat. She didn’t give a thought to the table or their drinks or the stew cooling from being ignored. She didn’t care about the notes they’d taken as she crashed into Erandur’s lap. Dishes crashed to the floor but his hands were catching her, cradling her against himself and she was lost in his touch.
Her kiss was eager and urgent and she was moaning into his mouth from the first moment. His nimble fingers combed her hair back from her face, twisting into the roots as he dragged her closer. It felt like breathing for the first time; his stubble scratching at her chin and cheeks, lips plush and perfect against hers. He groaned into her mouth as her tongue slid over his lower lip, a thrill running through her body. 
“I want you.” She muttered breathlessly against Erandur’s mouth, fingers diving into his hair. His hood was knocked aside as they grasped one another closer, desperate breaths filling the silence of their room. She wanted more of him; more of his kisses, more of his touches, more of that deliciously deep voice he’d used with her, all of it. She wanted all of Erandur. 
“Mara forgive me.” Erandur mumbled against her lips, low voice sending a shiver down her spine. “I want you too.”
The Dragonborn felt a tug on her hair and he was kissing her again. She wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to release her hands from his dark hair but didn’t care. All she cared about was the perfect movement of his lips on hers, the bump of his nose on hers, the needy whimpers she couldn’t keep inside. It felt like she could disappear into Erandur’s kiss and knew that she would never survive without it. 
“Is that what you were thinking about so intently?” Erandur taunted, smirking before pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. The need for more was still bursting under her skin and she clung to his hair, refusing to let him get too far away. 
“Some of it.” She found herself smiling against the prickly skin of his jaw. 
“Well please, indulge an old priest. Show me everything.” 
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ancano · 3 years
Talk about your ocs I am not asking 🔫
Okay, so, I switched up Bjorn to ending up marrying Erandur instead of Lucien, and restarted my playthru to reflect that. Anyway, so Bjorn does the main quest up until he's told he needs to see the greybeards about the dragonborn thing. He decides they can wait, still not too sure about this whole destiny business, and continues on his trip up to Dawnstar to visit his family like he originally intended. He visits his mother, and pays respects to his father's grave (he died while Bjorn was adventuring in Cyrodiil), then, feeling like he could use something to raise his spirits, he heads to the tavern where he finds Erandur. Of course he helps him, and of course he accepts Erandurs offer to tag along.
So from here they do the main quest linearly, but when infiltrating the Embassy, Bjorn gets hurt pretty badly (sliced in the stomach by a dagger). Erandur was waiting for him to leave outside the troll cave, and fusses over him. Heals him, scolds him to be more careful. And the entire time Bjorn is just looking at him with a small smirk. Erandur asks what he's gawking at, and Bjorn (who I've decided is a nonchalant flirty type) just says "your beautiful face".
They head back to Solitude to stay at the inn, and while sitting on the bed talking they just sorta trail off, and end up having their first kiss! It's a chaste thing, nothing too heated, and Erandur pulls away quickly, excusing himself to his own room for the night.
I feel like Erandur tries to avoid the relationship, feeling like he doesn't deserve Bjorns love, or any love for that matter. Bjorn has to work super hard to ease Erandur into accepting that Mara would want him to be happy, and that, yes, he deserves happiness.
This is all just word vomit but I love thinking about Them.
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atlafan · 5 years
Take it Slow - Part Fifteen
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
(This part is loooong fam, but I promise it delivers. Fluff and smut.)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen
You told all your friends about your upcoming weekend with Harry. Niall was just as excited for you. You didn’t bother telling your mom, and you certainly haven’t told your siblings. You still hadn’t updated your Facebook status. You found yourself using social media less and less the more you hung out with Harry.
You didn’t want to pack too much, but you also wanted to have enough options with you depending on the weather, Harry had been really busy these last couple of weeks. Everyone was trying to get in Fall photoshoots while the leaves were changing. You decide to pull out your small carry-on bag with wheels.
One night after work you went to a lingerie store to pick out something cute to wear. You found a silk, short night gown. It was blush pink with black lace over  where your breasts would sit. You pack that first. You pull out some black booties and a couple different pairs of skinny jeans. You decide on a pair of leggings for the drive, you’d be going up Friday afternoon.
Next you had to tackle your toiletries. You had a bag for makeup, a bag for facial wash and moisturizer, and your travel body wash. Once you were satisfied with everything, you left it all near your door, so you could grab everything easily.
You leave work around 3PM to get back to your apartment to change. Niall wished you safe travels. You weren’t sure what was going to happen this weekend. You still weren’t ready to have sex with Harry, but you felt like you needed to give him more. You knew he wanted to use his hands more by the way he would grab at you. Would it be so bad if he fingered you? Your therapy has been helping a lot. Dr. Mara has helped put you back at ease. Jake can’t hurt you ever again. This was Harry, your Harry, who treats you like an absolute princess.
While you’re changing into your leggings, you hear the rustling of your door. Harry walks in with a beanie on. You trot over to him, and wrap your arms around his neck. He kisses you and smiles.
“I’m so excited Harry.” You squeak.
“Me too, I feel terrible I’ve been so busy.”
“It’s okay, it’s nice that you get so much extra work.”
He grabs your bags and brings them down to his car. It would be a little over a two hour drive up to New Hampshire. He let you pick the music. You put an RnB playlist on from 2014. You told him these were some of your favorite songs your sophomore year of college. Once in a while one of you would shout that you loved a certain song, or that you forgot it existed. Eventually you switched to some other playlists you had. You made a playlist with a bunch of songs you would listen to with your mom on long car drives. It had a mix on Bon Jovi, Journey, Barry Manalow, Gary Pucket, Eddie Money, and the Righteous Brothers. Harry was surprised you liked any of that type of music.
“How do you know all of these songs?”
“Well, my mom used to take us on a bunch of road trips and long car rides. She had these two huge CD cases in the car. She would let us pick which ones we wanted to listen to, and she would turn the volume like all the way up. We would just jam out and sing at the top of our lungs.” Shakin’ by Eddie Money comes on next. “Shit, I love this song, mind if I turn it up?”
“Go for it.”
You turn it up, and start singing along. Harry has never heard you really sing before. You didn’t have the greatest voice in the world, but you still sounded good. You could sing on key and in tune. You had sung this song enough times to know how to sing it right. Harry smiled while you sang, stealing glances when he could.
You made pretty good time to the inn. Harry only lets you carry in one of the small bags, while he carried the rest. He goes up to the check in counter, and you take the two room keys. You’re up on the second floor. As you walk in you’re in awe of how beautiful the room is. You put your bag on the floor and flop onto the bed. Harry laughs, but follows your lead.
“This bed is sooo comfy.” You sigh. “What time is it babe?”
“Just about six. We could just order room service tonight so we can relax. Go check out the bathroom, there’s a little surprise.”
You get up, and go into the large en suite. There’s a giant Jacuzzi tub that is begging to be filled. You walk back out to Harry who has a cunning grin on his face.
“Good thing I brought a bathing suit.” You wink at him.
“You don’t need a bathing suit to wear in a tub.” He wraps his arms around your waist.
“I brought a cute bathing suit, I intend to wear it.”
You unpack a bunch of your things while Harry orders room service. Twenty minutes later, a bottle of wine, two salads, and a side of fries are delivered to your room. The food is delicious, and the wine is perfect for an after dinner treat.
“Alright, let’s see that bathing suit.” Harry says while you pull your hair up into a messy bun.
“Let’s see yours.” You raise an eyebrow at him.
You go into the bathroom and change into a blue string bikini. It had a cheeky bottom, and the top just covered your breasts enough. You rarely wore it, but knew it would drive him wild. You turn the bath on to fill it up, and open the door to peak out. Your eyes grow wide when you see Harry wearing a pair of short yellow bottoms. You cough to get his attention, he whips around to look at you.
“Holy shit.”
“Told you it was cute.” You say, sauntering towards him.
“Do you wear this a lot?”
“God no, it’s way too revealing, this is a special bathing suit.” You look down at his shorts. “Yours is very cute.” He scoffs at you.
“C’mon, let’s not let those jets go to waste.” You grab the wine and your glasses.
You both get in and sigh immediately. The jets feel incredible. At first you’re sitting across from him, sipping on your wine.
“I’m so glad we did this, a perfect way to spend a long weekend.” You say.
“Yeah, it’s nice to get away once in a while. If you could go on any holiday what would it be?”
“Well, I usually go to Florida to visit with my Nannie. She has a house on the west coast, in this little community. There’s a pool and a rec center. Sometimes I’ll go with her to her jazzercise class, it’s a lot of fun. Honestly, it’s my happy place.”
“You’re really close with her, aren’t you?”
“Yeah.” You want to change the subject. You’re not ready to dive in about your relationship with your grandparents, in fear you may cry. “But I suppose for like a real vacation, I love getting to go to Aruba. I’ve been twice. Oh! I went to Israel my senior year of college for a birthright trip, I’m desperate to go back there.”
“Wow, Israel, that’s incredible.”
“My sister and I went with a group, it was amazing. Honestly, my ideal vacation is just somewhere warm. I love going to the beach and getting to be lazy. I’m not into like the backpacking across a bunch of different countries thing. I bet you’ve been all over Europe.”
“Sort of. We lived hours outside of London growing up, and I never went until I was like sixteen. We didn’t have a lot of money, and going there was something the like rich kids did on the weekends. I like going to the beach too.”
“You definitely tan well, you were practically golden when you came back from New Mexico.”
“How nice of you to notice.” He takes a sip of his wine. “You’re too far away, c’mere.” You giggle and go over to him, straddling his legs so you can sit in his lap. “Much better.” You press your chest against his so he can feel you.
“So, what did you go to Aruba for?”
“You mentioned you’ve been there a couple times? Was it a cruise or something?”
“Oh, no…my grandparents have a time share there. I got to go the first time as a sweet sixteen type thing. It was the most relaxing trip, but I’m always relaxed with them. The second time I went was last April with my mom and Nannie. It was the first time she had been back since I went.”
“Why’s that?” Your eyes droop, your lips form into a frown. “Sorry, I’m being nosey.”
“No, it’s okay. Um, it’s just hard to talk about is all.” You sigh. “Not something I want to dive into this weekend.”
“Alright…sorry again.” He smiles at you.
You run your wet hands through his hair while he presses his hands into your lower back. You lean down and brush your lips against his.
“You’re so handsome.” You scrunch his hair in your hands. “And your hair is always so soft.” You feel the wine hitting you more now. You lean down and kiss him, him happily taking your bottom lip into his mouth to suck and bite on. “Harry?”
“Mm?” He says, working his mouth to your jaw to plant kisses on.
“I really wanna cuddle tonight, can we do that? Just hold each other?” He looks up at you with his green eyes. His pupils are dilated.
“Of course, love. We can do whatever ya want.” You sigh happily, and set yourself so your back is to his chest.
The two of you continue to talk, and share travel stories. You learned that Harry loved when he could go to Jamaica, and he had spent one of his winter breaks in Japan all by himself. You told him more about your week in Israel, and how you’ve always wanted to go to Greece. When the water started to cool, and you both started to get pruney, you decided it was time to get out of the tub.
Harry changed into a pair of grey sweatpants, while you rummaged in your suitcase. You only brought the sexy nightgown for bed. You wanted to wait until tomorrow night to show it to him.
“Um, Harry?”
“Yeah babe?”
“Could I borrow a t-shirt for bed?” He smirks and hands you the one he had on earlier.
“Hope you don’t mind it bein’ used.”
“Not at all.” It smelled just like him, how could you mind? You wiggle on a pair of cotton panties, and climb onto the bed with him. “Why are hotel beds always so comfy?”
“I think it’s a scheme to make people come back.” He says with a half smile, and a yawn. He must be tired from the long drive. “I’m gonna turn the light off.”
“Sounds good.”
You turn over, pull is arm with you, and he wraps it around you. He nuzzles into your hair and lets out a sigh. You wiggle your butt to adjust to his shape while his legs tangle up with yours. You felt small yet safe in his arms. His body was so much bigger than yours, but it didn’t over power you. He was always so gentle and caring. You hear his light snores in your ear, and it makes you smile. He was just as comfortable with you as you were with him.
The next morning, your eyes flutter open, almost forgetting where you slept. You were laying on your back with Harry’s head nestled into your shoulder. You detach yourself from him so you can go have a shower. You needed to wash your hair today. You grab your toiletry bag, and head into the giant shower that had a waterfall head.
Harry woke up to the sound of your blow dryer, confused that you weren’t still in the bed with him. He felt sweaty, having fallen asleep in his sweatpants. He gets out of bed, and pears through the crack in the door, lightly opening it further. Your towel is wrapped securely around you, and your head is flipped over so you can properly dry the back of your hair. You flip it back over, and for a second Harry sees you in slow motion, like a movie star or something. You don’t notice him in the doorway. Your eyebrows are furrowed as you use your brush to smooth out your hair. Running your hands through, you’re satisfied with how dry you were able to get, and you turn the dryer off. You jump when you see him.
“Jesus, you scared me.” You giggle.
“Sorry ‘bout that, you just looked cute doin’ your hair.” He walks into the bathroom, and kisses you on your cheek. He grabs his tooth brush and brushes his teeth. “Was thinkin’ today before we head to the spa we could walk the property. Get some shots of the trees.”
“That would be great! What time is our appointment?”
“Not til this afternoon, plenty of time.”
You grab a pair of light washed skinny jeans that have a few rips in them, and put them on. Next you decide on a light green sweater. You plug your curling iron in, and put some makeup on while you wait for it to heat up.
“How come you’re doin’ all that?” Harry asks, sliding his black jeans up his legs.
“Well, if you’re gonna take pictures I wanna look nice, just in case I happen to be in one.” You smile at him, beginning to add curls to your ends. “Besides, you’re getting an insider look at my morning routine. Usually you’re dead asleep while I’m doing this.”
“Very true.” Harry puts on a black sweater and his beanie. He slings his camera over his torso.
“Okay, all done.” You slip on your booties, and take his hand. “I heard this place has really good breakfast.”
You settle on a waffle and some eggs for breakfast. Harry had some oatmeal with fruit in it. You both enjoyed a nice cup of coffee before heading outside. The inn sat on fifteen acres of land. Not the biggest, but not the smallest either. There were a ton of trails and paths marked out for people to walk on. The foliage was at its peak, Harry watched you gaze at the different colors on the trees that surrounded you. You hear him snap a photo.
“Harry.” You look at him rolling your eyes.
“You said you wanted your picture taken.” He laughed. “And a candid one is way better than some staged photo.” He gestures for you to look. “See, look at how beautiful you are.” You blush and kiss him on the cheek.
He continues to snap photos of the trees and leaves on your walk. You use your phone to take pictures as well. You take a couple of him while he took pictures of other things. You attempted to take a selfie, but he just took a photo of you instead with his camera.
“I want to be able to post these later.”
“You’ll be able to. I brought my computer so I can load the SD card right in.”
“Lemme take some pictures with your camera.” He takes it off himself and hands it to you. You fidget with some of the controls until everything’s set how you like it. “Go stand over there, the lighting is perfect.” He does as you say. He sticks his hands in his pockets and looks right into the lens. “Jesus, Harry, you look like a model.” You snap a picture. “Now, could you smile for me?” He laughs while his cheeks go red at both of your statements. You snap one while he laughs.
“There’s a timer on that, I could prop it up so we can take a picture together.” He says walking back over to you.
“Or we could take a selfie.”
“But then we won’t get the full effect of the background.” Another couple walks by and sees you two struggle to figure out your photo.
“Would you two like a picture?” The woman asks.
“That would be great.” You go to hand her your phone, but Harry hands her his.
“Mine has a bit of a better camera, love.”
You both stand together between two large trees. He hooks an arm around you, and you snake one of your around his back. Your other hand is pressed to his chest. You both smile.
“Okay, ready?” The woman asks. You see her tap the phone a couple of times, and she moves around to get a couple different angles. You both start laughing, which makes for even better pictures. “Alright, that should give you enough variety.” She hands Harry back his phone.
“Thank you so much!” You say as the woman and the man she’s with walk away. “Don’t put that in your pocket, I wanna see how they came out.” Harry rolls his eyes playfully and hands you his phone. “Oh! These are so cute, she did a great job. Oo, I like this one of us laughing. That is going on insta for sure.”
“Insta?” He mimics your accent. You realize now how young you must sound when you say stuff like that.
“Yes, insta. That alright with you?”
“Sure, show me off all you want.” He winks at you.
Between the two of you, you must have taken well over a hundred pictures, but the trails were just too beautiful. You were in awe of Harry, basically watching the master at work. You both go up to your room to change into comfier clothes before your massage date.
“Oh my god!” You say looking at your phone with a big smile. Harry comes out of the bathroom and rushes over to you.
“Sorry, just, Sarah and Niall changed their Facebook statuses!” You practically shove your phone in his face. “That is so exciting!” You love the status and say congratulations with a heart emoji. You realize then that you still hadn’t changed your status. “Maybe tomorrow when I post some pictures I’ll finally change mine. That’ll give people some context of who I’m with.” You smile at him.
“Sure.” He shrugs his shoulders. You had to think back to the date of which he actually asked you to be his girlfriend. It was either the middle or end of September.
“Are you okay with that? I don’t have to post anything to Facebook.”
“Yeah, no, it’s fine. I thought you already changed your status is all, like over a month ago.”
“I haven’t really been on Facebook, or any social media for a while. It just slipped my mind.”
“That came out wrong. What I meant was-“
“This is exactly why I got off Facebook in the first place. All these little societal rules make things so complicated. I know you’re my girlfriend, but for some reason, I need like everyone to know.” He groans. “I don’t want anyone to think you’re available, (y/n). I could reactivate my account so you could tag me in the post.”
“Harry, you don’t have to do that.” He was sensitive, he tried to hold it back as best he could, but he was your sensitive boy, and his feelings were clearly hurt.
“When we get back from the massage, we can look at all the pictures, and you can pick which ones you want to post, then I’ll airdrop them to you, and I’ll reactivate my account.”
“Why did you deactivate it in the first place?”
“I just thought it was unprofessional, but to be fair I used to post a lot of stupid shit on there. Besides, it could help me grow my freelancing more.” He sighs. “I just don’t want anyone to think they can have you, and I know how possessive that sounds, but it’s how I feel.” You put a hand on his cheek and he leans into it.
“It’s not possessive, I get it. I’m all yours, Harry. No one else’s.” He kisses you tenderly, just for a moment.
“We better get down to the spa. Our massages our first, then our nails.” You perk up.
“I thought we were just getting the massages.”
“I thought this would be a nice treat, it was all part of a package.”
A woman who works at the spa gives you each a robe and some sandals. You’re called into the couple’s room where two women are waiting for you. You told Harry to request that women give the massages because you didn’t like the idea of a man touching you that way that wasn’t him. They give you a moment to disrobe and get onto the massage tables. The music is relaxing and the room smelled like lavender. The second you feel the hot oil hit your body, your muscles immediately relax. It had been ages since you had done so much self-care like this.
The woman kneads into you, and you feel every knot in your back come undone. You just about fall asleep on the comfy bed until you feel hot rocks placed along your spine. They feel incredible, and you can’t help but smile at the fact that Harry asked for this specifically. After a few minutes of that, you’re told to flip onto your back. The woman places a clip in your hair so she doesn’t get it oily while she rubs your neck and shoulders. You feel like you could melt into the table, and only hope that Harry is feeling the same.
The hour is up before you know it. You’re told to both take your time, and to come out when you feel ready. You rub your eyes, and take the clip out of your hair while you slowly sit up. Your eyes grow wide when you look over at Harry. His chest is shiny with oil, he looks over at you and you blush.
“How ya feelin’, love?”
“Mm, really good.” He hands you your robe. You feel wobbly when you get up, and use him for balance.
You both walk out, and are lead to where your pedicures are. Your feet sink into the warm bubbly water, feeling relaxed once again. You pick out a really dark blue for your toes, and tell the woman you’ll decide on your manicure later. Harry picks out a peach color for his toes, and it makes you smile. He holds your hand during the pedicure, rubbing his thumb on you once in a while. You lean your head back and close your eyes. You feel yourself drifting off when he nudges you.
“Babe, time for the manicure.” You yawn and stretch.
You both walk over to the seats at the manicure tables. You decide on two different colors. You always like the way white nails look, and you decide on the dark blue as well. You take a page out of Harry’s book, and ask to have the colors painted on every other nail. Harry goes for the same peach that’s on his toes and black. He asks to just have his thumbs and forefingers painted black, and the rest peach.
You’re very happy with how your nails came out, and you see that Harry is too. You both go to change back into your clothes, and return the robes and sandals. Harry gives you a piggyback ride back up to your room as you feel too tired to walk. He rests you gently on the bed.
“What time is it?”
“Only four.” He coos, lying next to you.
“Quick nap before dinner? I can barely keep my eyes open.”
“Sure, I’ll set an alarm to wake us in like forty-five minutes.”
You fall asleep only a second after. You find yourself dreaming about a forest. You can hear every crunch of every leaf you step on. You walk up to a tent and go inside. You see a beautiful bed only with white blankets and pillows with rose petals all over it. You look in a mirror and find yourself to only be wear a t-shirt, Harry’s t-shirt. He appears suddenly, taking your hand in his. His other hand slips into your panties. You don’t say anything you simply watch as his fingers rub against you. Your chest rises and falls quickly from his touch. Just as he’s about to curl a finger up inside you, you’re jolted awake. The dream fading away.
Harry had woken up about twenty minutes into the nap. He took the opportunity to have some alone time in the bathroom. He chuckled at himself when he saw that you had left a little bottle of pooperie near the toilet. He laid back down next you when he was done, and noticed your face was scrunched up, and your mouth was parted. You were breathing quickly and beads of sweat were starting to form at your brow line. Usually, you slept pretty peacefully. When you started grunting, he figured you were having a bad dream or something, so he shook your shoulder.
Your eyes burst open as you try to catch your breath, you look at Harry who has a concerned look on his face.
“Alright, love?”
“Um, yeah, why?”
“Looked like you were havin’ a bad dream. You were breathin’ heavy and makin’ all this noise.” Your face flushed. You couldn’t tell him you were basically having a sex dream about him. Actually, it’s something he probably would like to hear, but you’re far too embarrassed.
“What were you dreamin’ about?”
“I, um, can’t remember.” You sit up and run your hands through your hair. “I’m starving.”
“Probably because we forgot to eat lunch.”
“Well, let’s get ready for dinner then.” You smile. You go to the dress you hung up last night, and take it into the bathroom with you.
Harry puts on some khakis and a dress shirt while you slip on your little black dress. He beams at you when you walk out.
“You wore that on our first date.” He gets up and wraps his arms around your waist.
“You remember?” You giggle, knowing he would.
“Course, how could I forget how good you looked?” He gives your bum a little tap. “Let’s head down.” He walks in front of you, and you can’t help but notice how great his butt looks in those khakis. You walk by him quickly, giving him a little pinch, and get into the hallway before he can do anything. “Oi, there’ll be none of that before dinner.”
“Oh, so after dinner I can pinch your butt as much as I want? Good to know.” You wink at him.
The restaurant attached to the inn is breathtaking, you were both thankful you brought nice clothes to wear. Harry pulled your chair out for you like he always did, once you were brought to a table. You each ordered a cocktail, you a vodka-tonic, and him a gin and tonic. Bread was brought over, and you practically attacked it the second you could.
“What do you think you’re gonna get?” He asks you, furrowing his brows at the menu.
“Hmm, I’m not sure yet.” You had a big night planned for him, and you didn’t want to risk anything upsetting your stomach. “Maybe this pasta dish?” You point to it and show him. “Looks like you can get it with black bean noodles if you want.”
“Oh, that looks good, maybe I’ll get that too.”
You each order once the waitress comes back. Midway through the meal, she brings you more drinks, which was perfect because you were starting to feel nervous.
“Love, how ‘bout a dessert tonight?” It was something you rarely did, but since he offered you didn’t want to decline.
“See something you like?” You ask innocently. He gives you a sultry look, and you cough to shake it off. “Oh, look they have a plate of assorted fruits with chocolate drizzled on it.” Normally you would just pig out and get a sundae or a brownie with ice cream, but you figured the dairy would bother you.
“That sounds perfect.” The waitress bring the dessert over quickly, and Harry tells her to just charge the meal to the room. You roll your eyes full well knowing he’s not going to let you pay for anything. “Mm, good choice. Although, I wish I could feed this to you like that other time.” You blush. It’s sweet that he’s been bringing up such nice memories.
You’re absolutely stuffed, you both are. You don’t want to dive into anything with him yet.
“Harry, can we look at the pictures?”
“Sure!” He grabs his laptop once you’re back in your room. You both sit on the small loveseat.
“These are incredible, god you’re so good.” He smiles at you and you press your nose to his for second.
“Lemme see the ones you took on your phone.” You show him a couple. “You have quite the eye yourself. Here, let me airdrop the ones you like to you so you can post them or do whatever you like with them.” You see him open his browser to Facebook.
“Harry, it’s really okay…”
“I want to, plus like I said, it could help with the freelancing.” You watch him log in, your jaw nearly hitting the floor.
“Holy shit, your hair was so long!” He smirks at you.
“Yeah, I grew it out for nearly two years. You like it?”
“Not a lot of people can pull that off, but it suits you. Although, I won’t lie, I love the length you have it at now.” You run a hand through it.
“Me too. Doesn’t get in my way as much when I’m out shootin’. Could ya send me the one you took of me takin’ a picture, I think I’d like to make that my profile picture.” Your heart could burst. You text it to him quick, and he opens his iMessages so you can save it. Before he reactivates it, he goes through his friends list and deletes a whole mess of people. He updates a bunch of his information, and adds a link to his professional Instagram. “There, all cleaned up.” He reactivates the account and sends you a request. You accept immediately.
You create a new album to put all of the wonderful pictures into, and tag him in the ones he’s in. Then you go to change your Facebook status.
“This profile picture is so cute, where were you?”
“Oh! Yikes, I should really change that. It was from my birthday party over the summer. Would it be cheesy to change it to this one of us?” You point to the picture of the one the woman took for you. “The one of us smiling, not the one laughing.”
“I don’t think it’s cheesy at all.”
You change your picture, and then, finally, go to change your status. You back track the date to read September, making him smile. You request him in the post, and he accepts, thus updating both of your statuses. Between adding the pictures, changing your profile picture, and updating your status, you get an influx of notifications. Both Sarah and Rachel leave comments, and you see a liked notification from Kate. Niall leaves a comment as well, just a wink emoji, but it makes you smile. A bunch of people like and comment on your profile picture.
“Sarah and Rachel both just friend requested me.” He looks at you.
“Is that weird for you?”
“Guess not.” He accepts both.
“Shit.” Your siblings liked your status.
“My siblings are liking and now commenting, wonderful.” You roll your eyes.
“What’s wrong with them knowin’?”
“Nothing. They just always find a way to treat me like a baby.”
“Well, isn’t that their job as older siblings?”
“Does Gemma ever leave embarrassing comments about having changed your diapers? I had to block my oldest sister from like half of my posts. She’s the reason my insta is private.”
“You got me there, Gem was too close in age with me to help out with diapers.”
“Okay, I am putting this thing on do not disturb before one of them calls me.” You get up and put your phone on the side table next to the bed. You’re feeling less bloated, and very close to him. You grab your bag and go into the bathroom. “Just gonna change into something more comfortable.”
Harry untucks his dress shirt from his khakis. He scrolls through the countless comments on his own Facebook. Many friends happy to see his return to the online world. He had wanted to unzip your dress for you, and watch it fall to your feet, to see what underwear set you might have worn. He didn’t want to push you though. You were having such a nice weekend together.
You take out the nightgown and stare at it. It really was cute with the black lace over the blush pink, and you knew it would hug you tight where you wanted it to. You slip out of your dress, and go into your bag for a black lace pair of cheeky panties. You wanted to be as fresh as possible. You slip the short gown over your head, and adjust your breasts in the lace cups. You could just faintly make out your piercings that you knew he loved so much. It was a little tight around your butt and thighs, but that was the look you were going for. You open the bathroom door as quietly as you can so he won’t notice you. You creep up behind him, and cover his eyes with your hands. He smirks and closes his laptop, setting it on the coffee table.
“What are you doin’?”
“Nothing, just have a little something for you. Can you stand up without opening your eyes for me?”
“Mhm.” He stands up, and lets you guide him to you so he’s facing you. “Can I open now?”
“Fuck.” He whispers as his eyes pop out of his head. “I mean, wow, no fuck, you look fucking amazing.”
“Really? You like it?” He walks around you to get a good look, and comes back face to face.
“I love it. You got this for me?”
“Mhm.” You nod your head. He moves to touch you, but you back away. His face falls slightly. “I’m still not ready for, well, you know. But, I think I’m ready for these.” You take his hands in yours and kiss his fingers.
Harry is sweating. You look amazing, he can’t figure out where to look afraid he’ll miss even a second of your beauty. What he really wants to do is stick his fingers into your mouth for you to suck on, but he’s not about to scare you off. Instead, he leans in to kiss you. Your drop his hands and put yours right through his hair. His hands travel down to your hips, and his fingers press into you harshly. They travel down to the backs of your thighs so he can pick you up. You wrap your legs around his waist, and he carries you over to the bed. He stands between your legs while you unbutton his shirt. He undoes his buckle and lets his pants drop to the floor. He nearly rips the t-shirt he was wearing off. He takes your face in his hands and sticks his tongue in your mouth. You suck on it and taste the mint from the gum he had chewed after dinner.
You skootch back on the bed, bringing him with you. You feel your head hit the pillow, and his hands go to your breasts while he straddles you. You let out a small moan when his mouth travels to your neck and down to your chest. He takes the piercing in your right breast through his teeth, careful not to tangle it in the lace. He bites down on your nipple, causing you to arch up into him. He looks down at you.
“What is it?” You say, almost in a whisper.
“I can’t decide if I want to leave this on or off. You look so fuckin’ sexy, but I wanna be able to see your body at the same time.”
“Here.” You lift your back a bit, and slide the straps down, bringing your arms through, you tug the top down just a bit, letting your breasts go free. “Meet ya in the middle.” He gazes down at your large breasts, and dips his head back down.
Harry takes as much of your left breast as he can into his mouth. Licking circles around your hard nipple. He sucks on you while kneading its twin. You put an arm over your mouth to help stifle your moans, you were in a hotel after all. He pushes the bottom of your gown up to your hips, revealing your lace panties, leaving a smirk on his face.
“These new too?”
“Maybe.” You take a deep breath, and spread your legs apart for him, only a little. He scoots down a bit to get between your legs.
“(y/n), if at any moment it gets too intense, please tell me to stop. I don’t want you doing something just because you know I want it.”
“I will, Harry. Don’t worry, I want this too.” You say, leaning up on your elbows so you can look at him properly.
Harry starts by pushing your legs a letting farther apart. Next, he brings his thumb to your clit, and rubs you slowly through the lace material. You know you’re already wet, that’s a given any time he sucks on your breasts. He dips his lips down to your right thigh, kissing you closer and closer to your center. He brings his mouth to where you’re dripping, and kisses you through the material while still rubbing you with his thumb. You let out a small groan at his teasing. He stops kissing you, and slides his thumb slowly down to where his lips just were, pressing lightly into your warmth.
“Is this okay, baby?” You nod your head yes. You can feel sweat forming on your forehead. “I need you to use your words.”
“Yes, yes it’s okay.” You muster out.
“I’m going to take these off now, alright?”
You lift your hips slightly, as he tugs the panties down your legs, tossing them onto the floor. He dips his head back down between your legs. What he does is familiar, and feels amazing. He flattens his tongue against your clit, and drags it up and down slowly, then making circles around it. He starts sucking and nibbling on you.
“That feels so good.” You say through greeted teeth.
He smirks, looking up at you, as his tongue moves down to your folds. He licks you all over, and sticks his tongue inside you. Your hips lift to meet him closer, your hands diving into his curls. His hand moves up to your clit, his thumb rubbing furiously on you as he licks and sucks. You feel hot all over. Is he really going to make you come already?
“Harry, Harry, I’m going to-“ He rubs you even faster. “Shit!” You come undone all over his tongue. Your chest is heaving. You make eye contact with him as he sits up to wipe his mouth. “Wh, why did you?”
“I wanted to make sure you were nice and wet f’me.”
He takes his middle finger into his mouth, and sucks on it. If you had more courage, you would have sucked on it for him. But you were nervous as fuck. This was the first time you were going to let someone up inside you in over a year. You watch him take his finger out of his mouth, and he smiles at you.
“Ready baby?”
He leans down to kiss you, taking your bottom lip into house mouth. His lips were swollen from sucking on you. You feel his hand brush over you, and you flinch. He looks at you, but you give him a nod to assure you’re alright. At first, his wet finger just lightly grazes over your slit, moving up and down. This wasn’t so bad.
“Need ya to open up for me a little more.” You take a deep breath, and spread your legs for him. You have a hand on his shoulder, and the other in his hair. His head goes into your neck as he slowly slides his middle finger into you.
At first, you squeeze completely around him, not letting him move. Your breathing is quick and you feel slightly scared at the sensation. He picks his head up a little so he can whisper into your year.
“It’s me baby, just me. I’m not gonna hurt you.” Your grip loosens around him a little as you take a deep breath. “I’m gonna move a little now.”
He slowly brings his finger in and out of you, just to loosen you up a bit. You were ridiculously tight. It was a major turn on for him, but he didn’t want to say it out loud because you were only this tight because you were afraid to let someone in. He wouldn’t be able to get more than one finger in tonight, but he was okay with that. That’s not really what it was about. You felt amazing around his finger, and it was turning him on the way you would loosen and then tighten around him. He continued his slow motions, making you more and more wet. It was starting to feel good the more you relaxed. He curled his finger up in a “comer here” motion inside you, causing you to moan.
“Ohhh my god.” You say arching your back in pleasure.
“M’gonna use my mouth at the same time now.”
“Yup, okay.” Your chest is moving up and down fast. You can’t believe how good this feels.
Harry adjust so his mouth is back down on your clit, his middle finger pumping and out of you. He’s picked up the pace, only a little. The curling motion becoming more apparent. His dick was so hard it was starting to ache, but he tried to ignore it. He just wanted to focus on you, and make you feel good. His tongue made quick flicks up and down on your clit, while his finger pumped faster. You feel your stomach start to tighten.
“Harry, Harry!” You moan his name over and over between gasps. You put your arm back over your mouth and bite down on yourself. Your other hand grasping at his hair, and yanking hard.
The vibrations from Harry’s groans fucking send you.
“I’m gonna ohhhhh ahhhhh…” You come, you come so hard. Harder than he has ever made you come before. Your face and chest is drenched with sweat, and he continues to suck on you and pump slowly while you ride out your high. Your back came fully off the mattress when you arched from the pleasure. Tears started to roll down your cheeks.
Harry slowly takes his finger from you, and sucks it clean. You’re in absolute awe of him. He truly loves the taste of you. You were sweet to him. He looks down and notices your tears. He cups your face in his hands and searches your eyes for answers.
“Shit, are, are you okay? You came pretty hard, I thought it felt good-“ You yank him by the back of his neck and crash your mouth to his, forcing your tongue inside to meet his. You put your hands on his cheeks and pull away.
“That was the greatest orgasm I have ever had.” You say with a scratchy throat. He kisses you again. “Please, take this thing off me.” You lift up so he can pull the gown all the way, revealing your entire naked body. You take his shoulders and pin him to bed, straddling him in the process.
“What, um, what are you doing?” He has woken something up inside you that has been dormant for a long time. You remember how you used to be before. You remember how sexy you used to feel in bed with a guy.
“I’m going to take this.” You say, palming him through his boxers. “And suck you dry.” You feel him twitch in your hand. “You’ve been so good, so patient tonight, letting me feel good first. But now it’s your turn. Gotta get rid of these pesky things first though.”
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onthesandsofdreams · 4 years
A Secret Revealed
Pairing: Steve x Diana Summary: Ares dies, that doesn’t lessen the pain. Steve’s gone. Sacrificed himself for the world, he will be another name to the ever growing list of unsung heroes. But she will remember him, she will not let go of that love they shared, however short.
The sun is raising, she doesn’t cry, not yet. And then, she hears it.
“Nicely done Diana.” Words: 1225 Notes: For @steventrevor, surprise you get TWO fics! Enjoy dearest Mara!
Read @ AO3
Diana screams, her wail of anguish echoes in the night. Her fury against Ares is mighty, so she does what any Amazon would, stands tall and proud and fights. She fights with every ounce of everything that she is.
Ares dies, that doesn’t lessen the pain. Steve’s gone. Sacrificed himself for the world, he will be another name to the ever growing list of unsung heroes. But she will remember him, she will not let go of that love they shared, however short.
The sun is raising, she doesn’t cry, not yet. And then, she hears it.
“Nicely done Diana.”
She freezes, it can’t be. Steve died, she saw the explosion. But when she turns, he stands there, whole and safe, not a single scratch on him. Her jaw drops, her eyes burn with unshed tears and her hands shake. “It can’t be.” Her voice is trembling. “What madness is this?”
Steve, handsome, smiling Steve, shakes his head. “No madness Diana. Simply, well, I have a secret of my own. One that I simply couldn’t share with you yet.”
She reaches out, touches his face and near flinches, he’s warm to the touch and his skin is just as she remembers it to be, “And what is that?” She will not weep. Not yet.
Steve offers his hand, on instinct, she takes it. His fingers curls around hers, and begins pulling her away from the soldiers, none dare stop them. No one wants to fight a woman who destroyed another man with lightening, much less one that can lift a tank with no troubles. “I will tell you,” Steve tells her. “But when we are alone. All the truth, about me and my family. But only when we are alone.”
There’s something in his voice, a hidden fear that she can almost hear. He hides it well, but she’s not a normal woman, is she? No, she was trained in many arenas and she has long learned to see past masks. “Very well.” She agrees.
They meet with Charlie, Sameer and Chief. All of them glad to see them alive, all of them more than a little in awe that they both survived. Sameer believes in her now, truly and completely. Chief simply smiles a secret smile that speaks louder than any word he could say. Charlie is both afraid and glad, glad that she stood up and fought a battle he couldn’t. They go in search of food and a place to rest their heads.
They find a small inn and get a pair of rooms. They eat their fill, a celebratory mood hangs in the air, but she keeps shooting glances at Steve, as if to make sure that he is, in fact, there. Alive and well. Steve smiles and indulges her.
It is only in the privacy of their room, that Steve perches on the bed, he is tense and she can see it. The look in his eyes has changed to a haunted one. “Well,” he starts. “Here goes the truth: I am a dhampir Diana.” At her bland look, he shrugs. He’s still tense and almost ready to flee. “What that means, is that  I am the son of a human and a vampire. Also, right, you probably don’t know what a vampire is. Well, a vampire is someone who is dead, but still lives and lives of blood. They drink it to survive.”
She frowns, “Like an Empusa?”
Steve’s eyes go wide – that’s not the first time he’s heard the term – then blinks and gives a tiny nod. “In a way. I don’t go around seducing anyone though. Well, maybe if I’m really desperate. I tend to go after criminals and even then, I don’t kill. I just drink enough to survive. And when that fails, I drink animal blood.”
“Can you shift?”
“Yes. I can turn into a bat – that’s how I survive, and a wolf. I also have a better stamina than normal men. I could enchant someone to obey me, but I seldom do that. Listen, I know this is strange and I’ll understand if you want me to leave…” he stands, but her hand shot up to stop him.
“How is it possible?”
“My mother fell for a vampire, and he for her. And I’m the result.”
Her head spins, this is something so unexpected, it should be unwelcome. But oddly enough, it doesn’t feel wrong. “Can you die?”
Steve nods. “If I get stabbed in the heart, beheaded or burnt. That way I can die, and no, I won’t age beyond now. At least, that’s what my father said.”
“Where’s your father now?”
Steve’s eyes grow sorrowful, “Dead and gone. Vampire hunter got him.” He gives her a rueful smile, “The watch? He gave it to me before… well. I think he knew, I think he knew that one day someone was going to catch up with him and he’d be no more. He was right.”
“Is there anyone there wanting to ‘catch up’ with you?” Fear grips her, she doesn’t want to loose him. Not after nearly doing so just a few hours before.
“I’m sure there are,” Steve nods. “But I pass better than actual vampires, because I can also eat normal food in small quantities, so people don’t pay too much attention to me. There are those who hunt us, but they’re fewer. Less organized too.”
Well, that’s a relief. In a way, it feels good knowing that Steve can eat food of a normal person. Also, that fewer people are hunting him, it’s a good thing that he looks the way he does. “Well, that’s good.”
“Does it bother you, Diana? I’ll understand if you want me to leave. I mean, I pretty much lied to you about what I am. Most people would consider me a monster.”
“I should be angry, I think I will be in a day or so; right now, I’m just happy that you’re alive. And I intent on living in the here and the now. Ares is dead, war will end soon, I hope and then, well… I’ll worry about everything after. And no, I don’t consider you a monster. I should, I grew up with stories, but I know you, you can’t help your nature, but above that, you are a good man. One that I’m glad that I love.”
“Oh that’s a relief!” Steve smiled at her, eyes sparkling and his posture had relaxed considerably. “Well then, how about we sleep? Yes, Diana, I sleep. I need to.” He rests his forehead against hers and whispers, “I love you too.”
She smiles softly at him. Then says, “A fine idea, on sleep, I mean. I could use some rest. We both could. Does that mean we have forever?” It’s almost childish how much the idea pleases her, as if she were a child who had been given the greatest gift and has been given the reassurance that the gift will not break ever.
“We have forever. As longs as you’ll want me, I’ll be at your side.”
She pulls him to her, rest her hand on his chest and feels the comforting beat of his heart. She kisses him lightly on his lips. “Come to bed, lover.” She says against his lips.
“As my Goddess demands.”
She can’t help it, she laughs.
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drunkdaisychains · 4 years
Aera the Fair
full story updated regularly  @
Pairings: OCF/OCM, OC/Brynjolf
Warnings: Smut, killing, theft, fluff
Summery:Between the Butcher murders, lovers spats, and the war going one, it’s a wonder that there is any peace in Windhelm. Valun Stormcloak, son of  Ulfric, has taken an interest in a fair maiden adopted into clan Shattersheild. But she has an incriminating secret. Can she keep her man, avenge her family, and keep her secret or will she be cast out of the city, never able to see her family again.
chapter 1 (first half posted already)
"You also travel a lot for buisness. Do you bed every man of Skyrim?" 
"Ofcourse not. I'm cloaked and painted when I leave," Aera glanced over at the back of the inn. 
"Get a room here. You never know what might happen," the door opened once more and a shivering Nilsine approached her mother. Aera stood up and hugged her before giving her the seat. 
"Nilsine how is your sailor!" Aera giggled. 
"Mother you were right. I should have never gone for a sailor!" Nilsine almost sobbed.
"Get a grip. Young daughter, there are plenty of men here tonight. Catch up with your sister and you two can share a room. I think your father and I should go before he is too deep in the mead," Tova stood and hugged her daughters. 
Aera turned to Nilsine. "Where is your amulet of Mara?" 
"I took it off Aera. Men see it as a lock begging to be picked! Even if they don't want what's inside," she tipped her mother's left over goblet to her lips and polished it off. 
"Another bottle for us and a room please," Aera ordered. First one down to the left. Perfect. She only wished she had brought some spare clothes instead of just her armour. It was dark leather and could easily be mistaken for the assassins armour everyone feared. Except she had a warm cloak tied around her neck. She had spent a lot of time in the armour so it was comfortable but not appropriate for impressing a husband at a bar. 
"Is that Valun? I don't even want to look at him. He acts like I don't even exist anyways," Nilsine muttered. 
"Let's go up by the fire, you are frozen," Aera wrapped her cloak around her friend and guided her towards the stairs as she doubled back for the drinks. They sat listening to the bard, catching up as the party moved upstairs aswell. Before they knew it, the group of soldiers were upstairs at one end, sailors at the other and the two girls in the middle of it all. Men would stumble up to them once in a while and try their luck. One of Valun's group had taken a liking to Nilsine and they had been flirting across the room for a while. 
"Here they come," she patted Aera's leg. 
"Good evening ladies," he smiled and his crew followed slowly behind. The one named Oleif picked up a chair as they were walking by and sat on one side of Nilsine as the other leaned on her chair. " The names Adrief the Unfallen," he held his hand to her. She placed hers in his hand and he brought it up to his mouth and kissed it. Valun took a chair and swung it around backwards beside Aera. 
"I'm Valun Stormcloak," he smiled and did the same gesture to Aera. As she placed her gloved hand in his, he too kissed it. 
"They call me Aera the-" and she was cut off.
"The fair. I've heard of you. You're much fairer than the tales are telling," his gold eyes peered into her burgundy ones. 
"I see you're wearing an amulet of Mara," he noted and she looked down covering her embarrassed smile. She had forgot she was wearing one. 
"I seem to have forgotten mine at home, what a shame," Nilsine said, still not taking her eyes off Adrief. 
"He only claims to be Unfallen, but I think he's falling for you," Valun quipped to her, helping his friend out. 
"What do you do Aera, besides glowing in every room you walk in," Valun glanced at her lips then back at her eyes. She crossed her legs. 
"I travel for business," she blushed.
"And what kind of business?" Valun implored. 
"I balance ledgers for merchants all over," she sipped from her cup. 
"A smart lass eh? Is there anything you do for fun?" He rested his chin on his fist. 
"You don't want to hear about me. I'm sure you have more important things to worry about," Aera blushed again. 
"I can't think of anything," he tipped his tankard to his lips. 
Nilsine was fully immersed in the man standing beside her, laughing and giggling. 
"How would you like to come back with me to the Palace of Kings?" He whispered into her ear, leaning in so close his lips grazed her ear. 
"Thank you but we have a room here already," she answered timidly and glanced over to Nilsine. 
"She won't be sleeping alone tonight. And it would be a shame for a woman like yourself to become cold at night." He reasoned. It was well into the night already and she had been up since dawn. The wine was clouding her brain and she knew if she stood now she would stumble. 
"You could have any maiden here and you choose the one in full armour with two swords attached to her hips," she observed. 
"Is that not commentary on your beauty?" He teased. He glanced at her lips again, only for a second. "I've heard that every man in town has tried to bed you and you won't, if you want to keep that reputation, we can simply sleep. It looks like Nilsine will ensure that room is used. Come with me," he reasoned. She sighed with a grin and studied her cup that had been empty for quite a few minutes now. 
"I'm afraid I won't be an easy lay for you. But if you truly mean it, I would like to be warm tonight," she gazed at him. He was handsome, only a few small scars that told of his battles. He had broad shoulders and a strong face but kind eyes. He held his hand to her and she took it, using it to steady herself as she stood. 
"Nilly, do you want my cloak for the walk home tomorrow?" She asked, tearing her friend’s attention away. 
"Oh thank you Aera, I won't have to bear the cold in the morning. Are you leaving?" 
"Yes, you can return my cloak to my room when you get home. Stay warm," she affectionately squeezed her shoulder. Nilsine waved at her as she made her way to the stairs. Valun was close behind her and one of his men wolf whistled. 
He handed over another large coin purse to settle the tabs before following her out into the night. The city was still lit with torches but the wind blew in brisk. She shuddered and stumbled over some ice. 
"Woah there, no need to fall for me that fast," he quipped as he caught her. He pulled her into him, wrapping his arm around her. 
"I fall for wine and Mead, but men and skooma are dangerous," she quipped back. He just smiled down at her. He nodded to the guard as they stepped up to doors and pushed them open. The palace was quiet and warm, a large feast was still spread on the table in front of the throne. As they passed he picked up a sweet roll and cheese wedge on a plate before taking her hand and leading her to his quarters. 
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yarti · 6 years
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[ Gili - He and I ]
Story Below:
It has been a good while since my last entry. I suppose in the stillness of this night, I might find time to fill a few pages. Fanar has been with me for many a month now. Near every day and night since that first. We have been quite busy, he and I. His mere presence eases the mind and body. My life had became a cold room in a harsh winter. It's fireplace barren with no firewood in sight. Then he, a mountain of tinder and a sure spark. Though, at times I do wish I was at home with my Father. He suffered as much as I, perhaps more. It pains me to know the state he is in and know that I can do nothing. I know not if I should have defied him to stay by his side or took my freedom as he wanted. It is a difficult thing. I have taken some steps to brighten his days, though unlikely to succeed. A letter penned in no haste, addressed to my sister far off in Auridon, The Isles. I have little hope that such a letter could reach her, but I have tried. Each week, I hand a duplicate to the courier, making changes as necessary. Father would like to see her again. He rarely spoke of her, but I know. I doubt the sight of the mother could worsen his situation, but perhaps even that could help.
Fanar has been a wellspring of new sights and experiences. Places, things, and pass-times of which I could have never dreamed. From the keep, we slowly weaved Southward, along the border of Cyrodiil, through the mountains and Westward into the woods of Falkreath. Along the way, Fanar would find work for us. Each job was, for me, a chance to learn. For him, betterment of the world. An important thing to him. And to both of us, another excuse to grow closer. With each passing month, my hair grew longer. I took it as one way of keeping track of the passing of time, as I was somewhat preoccupied. By the time I took note of it again, it had grown from just above my shoulders, to below them in the back. I toyed with different hairstyles before settling on an interesting one. Balled up on the left and right side. Like how I would wear it when I was a child. These times were like a newfound childhood, so I found it fitting in a way. Speaking of work, I still feel that I could be more useful. I had yet to really join him in the violence of it all. I had warmed myself up to the idea of it, that it would be a necessity if I were to follow him, but it had not yet happened. I would aid him by magic, but he is more than capable of taking care of things on his own most of the time. He seems so calculated, sure of victory, yet quiet and reflective, perhaps even regretful when the deed is done. It permeates even to his casual demeanor. He is smooth talking, wise, but fraught with bouts of silence. It gives him a sort of intrigue. I still strive to be like him, to do as he does. Though I fear I still talk far too much.
We lay awake in a tent one night, our words heard only in a whisper, discussing plans for the week. He wanted me to see Haafingar and The Reach, to show me around Solitude, something of a second home to him, or was it third? Then he sought to make way to Whiterun, "briefly", with our journey ending in Helsmyrr, to meet Fannah before returning me to the keep. I thought us to stop by Whiterun as we first made our way down the mountains and wondered why he had veered so far from that path, but it seemed he had this intended route in mind all along. At last our voices did hush as the sound of far of crickets carried us to sleep. In the following days, tragedy struck. I had noticed Fanar fiddling with something in his pocket at times. I grew more curious by the day, and as is my nature, rather than ask, I casually took a peek by magic. Not a key, nor anything living or my detection would have worked. Enchanted, though lightly. Curious indeed. Something that he would clutch at times, lost in thought. Metal I believed, as at times it would jingle as he hoisted himself over logs and such. At one point, it nearly escaped his pocket. I arched my head around him, trying my hardest to peer into the depths of that pocket, only to have a branch thrust into Fanar's hat. My hat. It ripped a sizable hole in the front. I had grown ever so attached to that hat. As luck would have it, I still carried a bit of cloth cut from my jacket as I made adjustments some weeks ago. This cloth, green and white and checkered in full, made for a fine cap once tied in the back. Fanar seemed to agree. Rather than pay a tailor to repair it, he assured me that his Mother would take care of it. That is when the thought occurred to me, of this path of ours. I already knew how he felt and the feeling was beyond mutual. But this? He carried something metal in his pocket, a precious thing, it seemed that he was taking me home to meet his parents, and then to his sister, a priestess of Mara. This was his way of going about it, I supposed, and I would not ruin his surprise. It made me smile at the time, and the thought of our future together grew to be a consuming and common thought.
Markarth and Morthal came and went without real incident. If I had to choose one, the choice would be obvious. Markarth. A lovely fortress of brass and stone. I look forward to the next visit honestly. Morthal on the other hand, that dreadful swamp. I had little to say about it and was quite glad to spend only one night there. In little time, we arrived in Solitude. Fanar received quite the warm welcome. One could tell that he had spent considerable time there, in his youth and adulthood. He knew all of the sights by heart, every shop, every person by name, and they him. He was treated as nobility or a town hero, and I suppose in some ways he was one or the other to most of these people. We spent far more time here than in any of the previous towns. There was so much more to do and see. We would work, visit shops, visit old friends. These acquaintances would share tales of past meetings with the family. All of those stories brought to mind the ones that I had heard of them before our actual meetings. They were not important people by any means, but their deeds and the way they carry themselves transcended all of that. I would want to be that way. For us to be that way.
I found myself drawn to the clothing stores, their wares a fair bit below what I was used to, but impressive all the same. Subconsciously, I suppose I was searching for a fitting dress. For that certain occasion. I would walk down to the shops every morning after breakfast, just on the off chance that something would catch my eye. On what would become our final day in town, I ran down to the shops as usual, while Fanar readied himself to tend to some minor work in town. I again found nothing of true interest and returned to our room, content to pen an updated letter to pass the time. That evening, he returned to the inn distraught and we had a long talk. Of the day and days to come, of us and where our path leads. Everything that I had already known. There is little more to say of it now, though that may change soon. That night we went to the temple and replaced the amulet he had so long carried and so thoughtfully given away. I carry it now, proudly and with some glee.
The next day, I handed an updated letter to the courier. The thirteenth. In return, there was another letter of work for Fanar. A thing most urgent. A vampire attack, people had been disappearing in neighboring villas. A local militia managed to catch it in the act and had driven it up a nearby mountaintop but dared not attempt to finish it off. On such short notice, but he decided to see to it and I to accompany him this time. Neither of us were dressed appropriately for such a place, but we both have our share of cold tolerance. We traveled Westward for much of the next day, then began our ascent just before sunset, leaving a camp at the foot of the mountain trail to accommodate us on our return trip. I tugged down on my cap and held him close to share what warmth we had throughout our climb. Wind whipped at us and howled in our ear, at times sounding like a voice, though I could not make sense of it. A fine sharp dust covered our feet, kicked high and low by our motions. Clinging to the fabrics just as firmly as I to him. At the summit we slowed ourselves and observed. Fanar's eyes darted from shadow to shadow, pillar to wall. The wind calmed, leaving an eerie silence about the peak. The scent of decay came to us in the final draft. We had arrived. Immediately ahead of us we saw a body or what remained of one, the snow still caked in blood. Blood makes me uneasy. I had seen more than my fair share during the revolt. We crept to the body, Fanar kneeling to examine it. "Fresh" he whispered, being sure to look up from his task every few moments just to be safe. I looked away from it as much as I could, until Fanar extended a finger. "The blood on the snow, why would a vampire leave that?" His eyes found something glittering beneath the mess, bits of metal perhaps. He gave it some thought then brushed it aside. "And the meat on the bones, this doesn't look like an animal attack either." He stood, peering down at the mess in the snow and I circled around him, leaning against his back to ease my nerves. As I sighed, he turned and comforted me. Above us, a gentle snow began to fall. "Do you want to wait here?" he whispered, looking deep into my eyes before letting them return to their scouting duties. I contemplated. Looking to the bloodied remains and then to him. A lump formed in my stomach, a chill but not from the cold. He was not afraid. Afraid for me perhaps, but he was not afraid. He had a plan. I drove down my fears, forced a smile cross my cheeks and peered up at him. His serious expression warped to one of surprise, I suppose in my attempt to mask my true emotions I may have overdone it. Our eyes remained locked for but a moment longer, then I lunged forward, planting a small kiss upon his lips. He grunted in surprise then settled himself.
"I'll go around and up" I muttered, stepping away from him. He flashed a quick smile then readied himself, axe in hand. Slowly, each foot lightly coming to rest atop the next step before him. I scuffed through the snow, head tilted skyward, attention drawn to the structure overhead. It fed into the top of the plateau, just from the side. The perfect angle for a better view, or an ambush. The returning wind shrieked from the cliffs below as I stationed myself atop the highest rocks. My hands found new warmth, a warped red glow about them as the weight beneath my feet fell away. A silent flight, one that is rarely a calming experience. I have been able to do it since I was a small child, though it used to make me sick at my stomach. It is disorienting and at times hard to control. I found that it works best when one treats it as a dance. Moving my arms and legs as though I were elegantly swimming through the air, rather than walking or randomly flailing about. With every few meters of height, I would twist or turn myself, a twirl. Before long, I had gained enough height to step onto the ledge. I shook the red from my hands, scanning the far side to see how Fanar had fared thus far. He had just crossed the final step, his head held steady as he searched. Seemingly clear, he took a few more steps, coming before a stone wall. I matched his pace, making my way across this bridge and onto the platform proper. I came to notice a sound, a hiss. It started low but had swelled to far more than some random oddity on the wind. Fanar took note of it shortly afterwards, turning to face me. Then, we both saw it.
A figure stood before us in the shadows, clad in a Dwemer cuirass. Red eyes aglow. That low hiss emanated from it's twisted lips as it stared intently across the way at Fanar. Without warning it lifted off, levitating toward him. It had an odd look about it. It's entire form shimmered most oddly. I thought what best to do in the situation, settling on an endurance spell for Fanar. I held aloft both hands, vibrant green tendrils begat a cube within a cube, far and fast they traveled, lending themselves to him. Fanar had a certain look to his face, more of confusion than fear or anger. His silver axe soared upwards, catching the last vestiges of sunlight, shining like a star above them before coming down.
It snarled as the axe shattered through the chest plate, a hole visible even at this distance. Fanar lifted his brow, as though he thought it would be over then and there, yet it were not. Not the intended strike perhaps. It's fingertips grew alight, arching red and black magics across the way. Fanar took it, gasping as it drained him. My spell did little to stop it and dissipated no sooner than had it taken effect. He looked to me between blows, his expression as stern and sure as ever. As their fight carried them further and further from me, I began to cross the platform as well, replenishing my spells as they fell. They neared the edge, giving Fanar some pause. He held his axe aloft to block as he peered behind and below, off the sheer cliff. Our foe howled, backhanding the axe, sending it skyward. I looked to the axe, lodged in snow, glints of blackened blood still clinging to it's edge.
With no weapon, Fanar readied fire into both hands and set about searing the monster, attempting to gain ground but growing closer and closer to the edge. With glowing palms, I reach for the axe, across yards it soared, at last coming to my aid. I peered at the thing, focusing at a point on it's back, and hurled the axe by magic. It struck true, sparking as it dug deep into the cuirass, undoubtedly hitting flesh beneath. Without hesitation Fanar's hands ignited tenfold. He returned a howl of his own, driving the fiend back with a churning wall of flame. He pushed it against the far wall, his heat devouring the surrounding ice and powder. I bolstered him as best I could, with what little I had to offer. It lay against that wall, writhing and near death, the axe being forced further into it's back with each attempt to escape. From there, I could see it's face at last. It's skin tough and loose fitting. Something on it's forehead, a wound or mark where Fanar had not struck it. Skin flowed like water beneath the fire, an unnatural sight. Then came a sound, metallic and pounding. From this wound sprung a Dwemer rod, taking half of the fiend's face with it. The illusion of flesh fell away, leaving a faceless dismembered monstrosity peering up at us. Mechanical whirring and chimes replacing hiss and scream. It struggled for moments more then all went silent. With it's death, a sharp wind crossed our faces. On it, words carried some distance. I could not make them out, but Fanar's long ears seemed to have caught them. His eyes widened, yet he kept focused, seeing fit to burn the remains until little was left but a heap of metal. I knew not what to say. "That was no vampire", Fanar finally gasped. He mumbled to himself, thoughts seemingly racing. He took a piece of that steaming brass into his hands and walked back to the steps, having a seat as he fiddled with it.
His axe lifted from the ruined form at my call, gracefully hovering behind me as I too returned to the steps and took seat beside him. His hands disappeared into his pockets, at last producing his pipe. He brought it to his lips, loaded it with elves ear and set it alight with the flick of a finger, again bringing his attention to the bit of metal now in his lap. He pondered long and deep. Sunset became nightfall and the the peak grew colder by the moment. At last we stood, he and I, the bit of metal finding a place in his pockets. We began our descent, a fair bit more quick-footed than the climb. Along the way, he mumbled to himself, of his grandfather and of his thoughts and fears. Fears, an odd thing for me to associate with him, the one I hold as so fearless. After the ordeal, this still night was certainly welcome.
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kinlochhold · 5 years
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The Mara’s Kiss Inn Room in Vulkel Guard is the ittiest bittiest teeniest weeniest widdle baby space, and the all windows, odd corners, and a not-enough-wall-anywhere-to-place-furniture layout makes for a really ugly baby.
I did what I could. It was either too much, or not enough.
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eating-plastic · 1 year
The Sterling Sisters: Cute Puppet Moments
Just a collection of cute moments between the Sterlings and their at-the-moment-still-puppet bfs. That's all.
Marabelle & Six Shooter:
The large kitchen of the Bodega Bay Inn was empty and quiet save for the sound of whistling that echoed off of the walls. Marabelle Sterling flipped through the collection of recipe cards that her mother had copied for her before she and her sisters left for California. It was hard to figure out what to make for dinner when all of them sounded delicious. Suddenly, she stopped when she found one that made her stomach growl.
Mom's homemade lasagna. A favorite amongst the three of them.
With that, Marabelle began getting the ingredients and supplies together.
While waiting for the water to boil for the pasta and getting a pan to put the dish in, she heard a familiar laugh behind her.
She turned around and smiled at Six Shooter as he stood on top of the counter.
"Howdy, cowboy," she greeted, setting the pan down on the counter. "What can I do for ya?"
He just motioned to the food being prepared and got himself comfortable.
"Uh huh. Well, I hope you know that as long as you're in here, you gotta help me with supper," she quipped, flicking his hat up.
Six drew out his laugher so that it came out as more of a sigh than a laugh.
"Aw, come on. You didn't actually think I was gonna let you sit their on the counter looking pretty, did ya?" she grabs a cutting board and a knife. "Now, why don't you help me cut up some vegetables, hm?"
Getting supper cooked with a puppet was definitely not something Mara thought would happen in her life, especially not the whole "falling in love" part. Just when she believed life couldn't get anymore unexpected. Still, the extra help was appreciated, especially when that help had six hands.
Once the lasagna was finished, she pulled it out of the oven and smiled as the smell filled the kitchen. Even Six could smell it and it made him wish that he could eat again. She sets the dish down on the counter to cool a bit and grins at the little cowboy puppet.
"Not bad, cowboy," she said, removing her oven mitts. "Maybe I should have you cook with me more often."
Six grabs his hat and tilts it as a "you're welcome" gesture. Mara smirks before taking his hat and removing it to place a kiss to his head.
"Thanks, Six," she placed the hat back on before turning to text her sisters that dinner was ready. At such, the puppet pulled his bandana up over his face.
Despite not being able to blush, his wooden cheeks still felt hot.
Angelica & Jester:
Music filled the the room as Angelica Sterling rummaged around in her closet looking for an outfit to wear for that day, singing along as she looked. Then her eyes fall onto a cute, purple top and skirt combo.
That was just what she was looking for.
She snatched it up and made her way to a changing divider, her singing never halting.
While she changed, Jester picked out her makeup for the day, using his little wooden hands to move brushes and pallets. Once he finished, Angie walked out from behind the divider in her new outfit.
"Well, what do you think?" she asked him, even doing a playful twirl when he turned his head to look at her.
His head spun around until it settled on an amazed expression, the bells on his hat jingling along.
"You like it?" she grinned.
His head spun to a joyful face, and he nodded eagerly.
"Aw, thank you," she walked over to her vanity where he sat. "Now let's see...."
Her eyes wandered over what Jester picked out for that day. Once she had taken everything in, she nods.
"I like it so far. Let's try it out," she removed her glasses and set them off to the side.
The puppet watched as she applied her makeup. He wished he could apply it himself, but his little wooden hands wouldn't be able to hold the brushes steady. Something that would've been awkward when it came to the eyes. Still, he was happy that he was able to do one thing.
Apply blush.
He not only enjoyed being helpful, but he enjoyed having her face so close. Being able to see her smile so close. Being able to see her beauty so close.
Once he finished, he set the brush down and gave a little nod.
"All done?" Angelica asked, to which he nodded again. "Alrighty, let's see the final results."
She grabbed her glasses and put them on. A smile spread across her face as she looked at her reflection.
"Ooh, I like it, I like it!" she chirped. She then turned to look down at the little puppet on her desk that seemed proud of himself. "Thanks, Jester! You're a good 'getting ready' partner."
She leaned over and planted a kiss to his painted face, causing his head to spin. She giggled before taking her phone and looking at the time.
"Oh, I gotta go! Bye, Jester! I'll see you when I get back!" she quickly stood up from her stool and rushed out of the room.
As soon as she left, Jester's face spun into a more sad expression.
He missed her already.
Louisa and Blade:
The sound of a violin flowed out from the room where Louisa Sterling was playing and into the hallways of her suite. Her fingers danced along the strings, and she swayed to the rhythm. Sheet music was opened on a music stand in front of her, but her eyes were closed. She had memorized the piece perfectly, but still played to be sure she wouldn't stumble during the actual concert.
It was funny how she would become an entirely different person as she played. As she gets lost in the labyrinth of her art, she sheds her nerves, her doubts, her hesitance.
The whole world faded as she played, which allowed her new audience member to slip into the room undetected.
Blade stood close to the chair where Louisa sat, looking up at her face while she played. She looked so serene, absolutely invested in the music. Every note flowing through her.
If there was one thing the little puppet could appreciate, it was those who were passionate about their work, those that were passionate about creation. There was something contagious about that kind of enthusiasm.
Even as the last notes were played, Louisa never opened her eyes. Her body relaxed and she moved back into the resting position. Even as the piece reached it's end, she still could feel it within her. Her eyes quickly shot open though, when she heard a tapping noise.
She turned her head to the sound of the noise and saw Blade, clapping is hook and knife hand together.
"Oh, Blade. I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," she apologized. "What can I do for you?"
He used his knife hand to point to her violin and sheet music. She cocked her head to the side, confused.
"Do you...wanna hear me play?" she asked.
He nodded his head and let out an eager hiss.
"Oh...um, okay," Louisa stood up and looked through a folder filled with sheet music, trying to find a piece she'd think Blade would like. Once she found one, she displayed it on the music stand and got back into resting position. She tapped her foot, getting into the beat, before she raised her instrument and began to play.
Blade watched her as she entered the same state she was in before, completely relaxed and becoming one with the music. He even found himself swaying as she did.
When she finished, she entered the same resting position and took a few deep breaths, before opening her eyes and turning her attention back to her audience.
"H-How was that?" she asked, a bit awkward at practicing in front of someone. The puppet just applauded her once more, causing a small smile to spread across her face.
"Thank you," she stood to put her violin away, before turning back to him and giving a playful bow. While putting her instrument away, she looked out the window of the room. It looked nice out, and not many people were wandering the hotel grounds.
"Hey, Blade?" she turned to look at him. He tilted his head to the side, letting out a questioning noise. "It looks nice out. Do you wanna go out for a walk?"
He nodded and raised his arms up as she approached.
"Okay, let's go," she picked him up and held him close to her chest, even wrapping her oversized cardigan around him.
The puppet got himself comfortable. It was nice to be held so close.
0 notes
fireintheforest · 5 years
First jagga
He’d been a bartender and bootlegger for around six years. He’d had to cross Skyrim carrying whatever rat piss was being advertised as liquor to inns and taverns to conclude the sale. He’d indulged in the booze alone and with his ex-boyfriends, most notably with Casil when he was 20 because for some fuck forsaken reason it turned him on to see Saufinril drunk. He’d drank wine, beer, mead, ale, stouts, gin, brandy, you name it. He knew he could drink more than some men.
But nothing in this life could’ve prepared him for jagga.
He hadn’t really meant to end so shit-faced, it just happened. He’d gone out with Hekla and Armi (after having to basically drag Muraz up the stairs a thousand times until the 9 year old understood that he couldn’t come with him because of the rouge incident. Let him mope and cry, that was mortifying.) and they’d ended at a tavern where nobody really looked twice at the fact that none of these idiots were older than 100 and they got jagga. Then it was a blur and now he was holding Hekla’s hair back with one hand while she threw up on the corner of the street, next to the wall of a business. His other hand was patting hard her head.
“Thow it out.” He slurred the instructions, still patting, “Throw it out.” She made a bizarre noise and then threw up again. Armi was just leaning against the wall, eyes closed, right where Saufinril left him.
“I want to go home.” Armi wailed
“Just-shh, wait. We-she needs to, to throw up.” Saufinril explained, still slapping Hekla’s head. Hekla finally waved her hands back and smacked Sau’s away before hesitatingly standing up.
Somehow the next thing he remembered was holding Armi back as he called an Argonian a ‘charred-looking genital wart’ and saying he was going to make him his bitch, and his mother too, and the priest too, and this guy (he pointed at Saufinril) too, and that everyone was his bitch.
The next time he was conscious, he was running with Hekla, who was laughing like a maniac while he held a Dibella statue. They only stopped to paint her red and to tie a phallic-looking stick to give the goddess a raging erection and then when they set it right in the back door of a random business (after making sure, as sure as a couple of drunkards could be) before running away as fast as they could, to the east.
Next thing he knew, he was alone, pressing himself against the shadows of one of the shops by the north side. He was fast approaching The Den, or at least he hoped he was. He could see the ‘massage parlor’ ahead so he knew he was close. Ugh, but he couldn’t enter like this! It was going to be a mess explaining this to Lillandril. Keeping a hand on the wall, he took stumbled steps and hit something. Where were Hekla and Armi anyways?
Then the next thing he knew he was eating the ‘vension’ of the street food little shop run by an older Bosmer while he flipped the middle finger to someone in front of him. He couldn’t really see his face. Rather, he didn’t want to see his face. The stranger grabbed his wrist, and Saufinril immediately slammed the meat to the stranger’s face as he let out an irritated growl from the back of his mouth.
“Hey!!” the stranger said
Then the next thing he knew, he was in another tavern. One hand was holding the drink in his hand, the other was grabbing the back of the stranger’s neck (same stranger from the ‘vension’ stand) and also for help balancing because he was straddling the guy while making out with him. The stranger’s hands wandered up and down his back, rubbing and petting while Saufinril grinded on him.
And then everything was black.
When he woke up the next day, his sight was blurry and it took him a bit to adjust and understand what he was seeing. He somehow expected to have a headache, but that didn’t seem the case. He just felt his whole body sore, a raging thirst and a pain in his hip and lower back. And a ceiling that wasn’t familiar. Saufinril turned to look at his right, only to see the furniture you’d expect of an inn. He frowned. He was clearly not back at The Den, judging by the polite conversation downstairs and the decoration of the room, as opposed to his slightly messy room and the loud chatter of the kids and the employees and either Lillandril’s protests or Rialas’s smooth voice sounding above the rest. And Muraz wasn’t poking him awake. Oh by Mara, ok. He was not in The Den. He was in some inn. He turned to the left, saw something, and his eyes widened when he understood. He looked ahead.
This can’t be happening.
This isn’t happening.
This has to be a mistake.
He looked to the right. Inn furniture, yes.
He looked at the ceiling. Ok, nothing there. Yes.
He looked to the left. There he was. Oh fuck. Oh fuck no.
This was a mistake. Oh no. Oh no, in all his life, please no.
He looked to the right. Inn furniture.
He looked at the ceiling. Yes. Ceiling.
And when he turns to look to the left, he. Is. Going. To. Disappear.
By Mara, it’s going to disappear.
Please, please let it disappear.
By the Gods, ok.
On the count of three, he was going to look to the left and it was not going to be that. It’s going to be literally anything else. 
Even a half-eaten pile of mangoes is better.
Alright, on the count of three.
(Oh Mara merciful) Three.
He looked to the left. He was still there.
He looked back to the ceiling, horrified, and rubbed his eyes hard.
He had to check something before looking to the left. He lifted the sheets and confirmed that they were both naked. This is bad.
Then he looked back to the left.
This is not a dream, he was still there. Asleep right next to him, lying on his back but his face towards him, his arm under Saufinril’s head. Casil.
Saufinril slowly put his hands to his mouth, almost afraid to exhale. He had to get the FUCK out of there, fast. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Saufinril slowly pushed the sheets away from his body and waited. No movement from Casil. He then rolled to the right, pausing the second he felt Casil’s fingers curl around his hair. Then stillness. He went on rolling until he got to the edge of the bed, where he put his legs and one arm as support to keep from making noise. Then a crouch, and wait. Casil was still asleep. He’d probably drank the night before too. As quickly as he could, Saufinril started to grab his clothes and put them on (no luck finding his underpants, though), then looked back to make sure Casil was still asleep.
Yep, hadn’t moved. Something tugged at his chest. He thought he’d never see Casil again, not after how things in the store ended with Porvis and the argument a week later. Both had yelled threats at the other, for fuck’s sake! And Casil just didn’t look like he’d ever forgive him, based on what he said. But 177 years had passed since. What if he’d let it go? What if he’d forgiven him? The fact that they had last night should count for something, no? They weren’t the same mer they were 177 years ago. Saufinril was older and Casil looked older, but he could still tell it was him. It was the same Casil that kissed him deeply and had promised him everything and had been the first mer he’d fallen in love and the first ever person he voluntarily slept with because he loved him.  Did this tug mean he missed the good times or –gods and Lillandril forbid- was he feeling something for him again? Just seeing him sleeping reminded him of when they’d wake up together, of when Casil was loving and gentle and said he was his everything…
Casil moved and the tenderness left, to be replaced with the panic that was before. He had to fuck off right now. He opened the door as quietly as he could, closed it behind himself and ran down the stairs. Some patrons in the tavern of the inn looked up when they heard someone coming, but Saufinril just ran out to the street and then to the left. He kept running, realizing only after several squares had passed, that he was in the same clothes as last night and therefore doing a telltale of his escapade. Damn it, so much for discretion. He only stopped running when he reached the skooma den disguised as massage parlor, near the roots of the graht-oak, but that didn’t mean he lowered his speed. He walked quickly back to The Den and went directly to the living chambers. No matter who greeted him or gave him a smug ‘so I see you had fun last night’ look, he didn’t look at them. He just wanted to get to the washing room and forget last night happened. He was going to deny that night happened for the rest of his life.
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daedralicious · 6 years
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I finally decorated the Mara's Kiss Public House inn room (I had no other houses left unfurnished, haha, and I promised myself not to buy a new one, I have to save some gold). Jesus, it’s such a small space and with ESO+ 30 furnishings to fit in...
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Azhklan’s abodes
Player: @azhklan
House: The Ebony Flask Inn Room, Mara's Kiss Public House, Saint Delyn Penthouse
“Mara's Kiss Private Tea Room:  Mara's Kiss is the smallest house in-game, but size doesn't matter. I turned the place into a cozy little tea room where you can retreat with a friend. Delicious snacks, hot tea and nobody to overhear or bother you! St. Delyn City Suite: A complete suite for the enterprising visitor or pilgrim to Vivec City. Copious amounts of storage for your luggage and your souvenirs and a writing desk to send out postcards to your friends. The Ebony Flask Inn Room: The Ebony Flask is a most peculiar tavern, catering to many different tastes. What would a room inside look like? Well, probably with lots of cushions, some skooma and a small shrine to lord Vivec. After all, as a book in game says: 'You'll find it all in Morrowind.”
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happywitch416 · 4 years
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Chapter 40
Delphine peered behind them. “I don't think you were followed. Come on. I have a plan.” She led them back down into the basement. Elena decided that for someone on the run from the Thalmor she was not as conspicuous as she thought. The Thalmor just did not consider her a high priority. 
“So, what's your plan?” Elena fidgeted with her braid. 
“The Thalmor ambassador, Elenwen, regularly throws parties where the rich and connected cozy up to the Thalmor. I can get you into one of these parties.”
Elena cut her off with a chuckle. “You don’t have to arrange an invitation. I have a standing one with Ambassador Elenwen. Jarl Elisif will be overjoyed to know I am finally going to attend. 
“That makes this easier.” Delphine nodded. “Once you're inside the Embassy, you get away and find Elenwen’s secret files. I have a contact inside the Embassy. His name’s Malborn. I'll get word to him to meet you in Solitude, at the Winking Skeever -- you know it?” Elena nodded.” Meet me at the Solitude stables after you've arranged things with Malborn. Any questions?
“This contact of yours is trustworthy? The Thalmor might just kill you but I have other things on the line here.”
“Don't worry about Malborn. He's not a dangerous character like you,” Elena rolled her eyes. “But he hates the Thalmor at least as much as I do. He's a wood elf   -- the Thalmor wiped out his family back in Valenwood during one of their purges that we never hear about. Luckily, they don't know who he really is, or he wouldn't be serving drinks at the Ambassador’s parties.
“Not as unknown as you think.” Elena said darkly, rubbing her hand against her bracer, the now familiar carvings covering an old scar on her arm, the memory of the pain fleeting across her face at the thoughts of the others that covered her body. She hadn’t gone against orders often, but it had been worth it. “I'll see you in Solitude.”
“Sounds good. Be careful.”
 Elena waited until they were out of Riverwood before speaking.  “I think I need to ask my sister to join us”
“From what you have said about her, wouldn’t that make this more dangerous?”
Elena shrugged. “I have no talent for what we are being asked to do. Odara however.” She waved to the guard that hailed them. “Is about as professional as one can get.” Serana laughed with her. “Besides.” Elena gave her a sly grin. “She would have to see our mother then and I will get some peace about how Odara never visits and why I can’t make her.”
Chapter 41
Serana and Elena slid off Ajax’s saddle, stretching their sore muscles before heading up the hill. “Onward to the Winking Skeever.” 
“Meads still cold!” A guard hollered and Elena returned his wave with a grin. 
The lone wood elf was easy to find, fidgeting and terrified in his corner. It was Elena who jumped at the brush of a hand on her shoulder. “Dust brain.”
“Magpie.” She said with a fond grin, pulling her sister into a tight hug.
“Good to see you again, Serana.” She gave a small wave after being released, shooting her sister a mischievous grin before sobering. “That one making a scene of himself yours?”
“Of course. It’s never a professional.” She clapped a hand on each of their shoulders. “And that’s why you have me.”
Elena slid herself into the chair across from him. “Malborn?” He blanched, prompting a tired sigh from Odara. “Our mutual... friend... sent me.” The word tasted a bit like wine that had started to turn to vinegar. 
He looked wildly between them. “Really? You're who she picked? She said there was only going to be one.”
Elena scowled darkly. “If she thinks I am going in on her harebrained plan without my own backup she is sorely mistaken.”
“I hope she knows what she's doing.” He continued to panic, gaze fluttering as fast as his breath. “Here's the deal. I can smuggle some equipment into the Embassy for you. Don't plan on bringing anything else with you. The Thalmor take security very seriously. Give me what you can't live without, and I’ll make sure it gets into the Embassy.” He grew quiet a moment, studying them intently before holding up a bag. “She had me get this for you, so you look the part.”
Elena peered into the bag and turned up her nose. “Absolutely not.” Odara leaned over her shoulder and began to laugh. “I don’t know what rock she has have lived under,” She gave him a meaningful look. “But if I show up dressed like some fancy noblewoman, they will know something is up.” Serana choked on her spit, wheezing as she held her side. Elena managed to give her a half glare. 
“I tried to tell her that.” A small smile formed for a brief moment. “Thane Songschild is well known for her ignoble dress.”
“Damn right.” She muttered, Odara tearing up with her mirth but still dodging the kick Elena leveled at her shin. “We will be back shortly, with what we need and.” She glared at the bag again. “Dressed accordingly.”
 Odara took the bag, from her when they left the inn. “I’ll take this one. It’s a lovely color if a bit modest for my taste.”
“Magpie.” Elena drawled with an eye roll. “Anything more than naked is modest for you.”
“Now, now, Elena. Everyone knows I am a priestess of Mara, not Dibella.” Her grin widened at the muttered jab Elena didn’t bother hiding.
 Elena rummaged through the wardrobe she had her court clothes in. Serana bit back a laugh, for Elena’s hatred of dresses she owned three. “Not one word.” Elena half laughed, bypassing them to sort through the fancy tunics she had a dozen of. “Not a one. I did not buy those.”
“And who did?”
“Elisif.” She tugged on the fanciest of the three, the pale pink was wonderfully suited to her skin tone and red hair. “This one was for her wedding to Torygg. And the others are for very fancy meetings with other jarls or the odd moments when she has to entertain the Justiciars or dignitaries from the Empire.” Her face screwed up in distaste. “We must show them we are not savages to be dismissed, Elena. You agreed to this when I made you Thane.” She dropped the mocking tone. “Nowhere ever did I agree to wear a dress while making sure Potema stayed dead.”
"What about that one?" The darkest of the dresses caught Serana’s eye, the dark forest greens of the other were not to her taste but that one. 
"Hm? Oh." Elena set down the grey and black tunic in her hands and pulled out the black and red dress. "This I never wore, I looked like an angry curtain except for being too tight in the shoulders." The material was soft, draped and flowed like water, from the hem that kissed the floor to the deep hood. Elena held it up in front of a laughing Serana. "However, it would suit you beautifully." Her cheeks pinked a bit with her smile, lip catching a moment between her teeth. "Or we could stop at Radiant Raiment if you want." 
Odara burst through the door, the blue dress already haphazardly tugged over her head and some of her armor. "Where are my nieces?" 
"With our mother." Elena’s voice was even as she intently studied the dark leather pants in her hands, fingers gently smoothing over the silver buttons. 
Odara stared at her mouth agape. "You! YOU are hiding from them!" A shocked laugh left her. "My sister is a coward." 
Elena fixed her with a dark glare. "You didn’t hear them when I left this last time. I’m home long enough to turn around and leave. Again." 
"And after we are done at the embassy?" 
"I don’t know." She said softly. "I’m making that woman meet us here. I’m not going to Riverwood again on a whim." She swallowed hard, balling her clothes in her hands as she breezed past them. "I’ll figure it out then." 
Odara's mouth had fallen back open but snapped shut when the door to the girls’ room slammed. She turned to Serana, green eyes full of worry. "That bad?" Serana nodded and Odara let out a long sigh. "I’ll talk to the girls before I go." 
"You think it’ll help?" 
They both winced at the heartbroken sound that escaped the other room. "I have to try. For all of them." 
 Odara was ready long before Elena finally came downstairs with no trace of upset to be found on her face. The grey on the black tunic was set in connecting circles, the belt around her waist flashed silver against the black leather that was echoed down her slim legs. “I think they will notice the boots.” Odara snorted. 
Elena kicked the heel of a boot against the carved metal of her shin with a smile. “I did not spend all that money on a set of Nordic armor to never wear them. Besides.” She continued tartly. “I always show up in these. Doesn’t hurt near as bad when those puppy-eyed boys with their massive feet throw themselves at me in the name of dancing.”
Odara stood, tweaking the dark cloak around her sister’s shoulders, and tugging the necklace to hang straight. “Kyne isn’t coming with you?” A bleak fear flashed in Elena’s eyes before she could empty her face. Odara pulled her into a tight hug, wincing when she smacked her forehead against the circlet on her sister’s brow. “It’ll be alright in the end, Elena. All our patrons are silent at times.” She let her go when she nodded and stepped back before giving her a grin. “Besides these colors make you look regal instead of like a guard fallen into a dust bin.”
The groan and halfhearted swat were interrupted by Serana’s soft footsteps on the stairs. Elena forgot to breathe; she was gorgeous. She had left her dark hair down for the most part, some twisted carefully around the circlet of gold and ruby. “I went through your jewelry box.” Serana said a little sheepishly. 
Odara kicked Elena hard enough in the leg she lost her balance. “Open mouths catch flies.” She chuckled before patting her shoulder and wandering off. “I am going to make sure our gear is set to go.”
Elena stared wide-eyed a moment longer before shaking her head with a bewildered smile. “You look lovely, Serana.”
“So do you.” Elena bit back a laugh as Serana resettled the circlet on her brow and straightened her belt. Serana’s gaze was soft but not as soft as the kiss she pressed to Elena’s lips, a sigh escaping when Elena’s arms wound around her waist.
“Not to interrupt.” Odara grinned from around the wall holding out Auriel’s bow. “This is about as inconspicuous as a dragon.”
Elena let out a disappointed huff and reluctantly stepped away from Serana. “Then I’ll grab the one they got me when I retired.”
“Oh, of course.” Odara rolled her eyes. “Because stalrithm is so much less likely to be noticed.”
Elena fixed her with a glare, one eyebrow arching. “Because your bow is so common, with its raven feathers and ebony.”
“Don’t forget the silver work.” She added cheerfully. “I grabbed us both plain ones from the basement.” Elena made a disgusted noise but accepted the sense of it. “I was not sure what to grab you, Serana.”
Serana held up her hands and magic flared to life in her palms. “I don't need one.”
Odara nodded as Elena hefted the pack onto her shoulder. “Then let’s go before the carriages leave without us and we have to walk up to this blasted party.”
“Now, now, dust brain, you could have fun.”
“Only if I pushed you off the mountain.”
Chapter 42
“Ah! A fellow latecomer for Elenwen's little soiree. And arriving by carriage, no less! I salute you, ladies! My lateness is due more to getting lost on the way up this gods-forsaken mountain than to any desire to actually arrive late. I prefer to arrive early. Often the day before the party. So as not to miss out on any of the drinking. There's not enough drinking in the world today, wouldn't you agree?”
Elena chuckled. “Greetings, Razelan.”
“Thane Songschild. Finally, we have some decent company.” He chortled, bumping into her with an exaggerated rise of his brows. 
The Thalmor guard interrupted him. “Welcome to the Thalmor Embassy. Your invitation, please.”
“Of course.” Elena fished the token out from her belt pouch. “I hope Elenwen won’t mind my guests. My sister comes home so rarely and my-.” She flashed Serana a red-cheeked smile. “Partner has yet to attend one of her lovely parties.”
He inspected it carefully and handed it back with a smile. “Of course. Thank you, Thane Songschild. Go right in.”
The elven ambassador approached them immediately. “Welcome, Thane Songschild.” She said graciously before turning to the other two. “I don't believe we've met. I am Elenwen, the Thalmor Ambassador to Skyrim. And you are...?”
“Lady Serena.” She hoped the smile she broke into looked like one of greeting instead of a reaction to the grin Elena gave her with a mischievous wink.
Odara bowed, the picture of meek elegance. “Priestess Odara of the Temple of Mara. My sister was kind enough to invite me along while I am visiting our family in Solitude.”
“Madame Ambassador.” Malborn leaned over a counter, looking as terrified as a rabbit in a trap. “I'm so sorry to interrupt…”
“What is it, Malborn?” Elenwen’s tone was filled with rubbing her temples even as she kept her face fixed in a look of cool pleasantness. 
“It's just that we've run out of the Alto wine. Do I have your permission to uncork the Arenthia red…” Elena kept her wince barely concealed, for all his concern that they were going to blow this plan, he was the one bleating like a lost lamb.
“Of course. I've told you before not to bother me with such trifles.” The ambassador fixed him with a steely stare. 
“Yes, Madame Ambassador.” He disappeared with a nod to them all.
Elenwen glared after him a moment before turning back to them. “My apologies. Please, enjoy yourselves.” Elena met Odara's eye and Odara barely nodded.
 The moment she was occupied with another guest, Malborn appeared at Elena’s elbow.  “You made it in. Good. As soon as you distract the guards, I'll open this door and we can get you on your way. Let's hope we live through this day.”
Elena gently plucked his sleeve. “Only one of us is going with you.”
Odara joined them, hiding her hands in her pockets. “There’s too few guests with how well Elena is known.” She gave them a grin. “I, however, have delicate sensibilities. More love, less wine.” Elena rolled her eyes with a chuckle. “We still need a distraction. Don’t worry, I’ll find you when it's time.” Odara patted his arm but her confidence didn’t rub off on him and he disappeared paler than ever.
“Who are all these people?” Serana asked softly, slipping her arm through Elena’s. 
“The man we came in with.” He was currently leaning drunkenly on another guest she did not recognize. “Is Razelan, he works for the East Empire Company.” At Serana’s look, she clarified. “Shipping company, biggest traders in the Empire.” She hummed a moment. “The older woman over there is Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone of Hjaalmarch and there is Jarl Elisif the Fair of Solitude.” Elena made a face. “I did not tell her I was coming.”
‘The Fair?” Serana asked with a quirk of her brows.
“Well, I didn’t name her that.” Elena half laughed. “She got the title when she married the High King, it was probably a requirement.”
Odara dug her chin into Elena’s shoulder. “I see our distraction. Make it a good story, you didn’t go to the Bards College for nothing.”
“Aye, it was to keep you out of trouble.” She muttered under her breath. “Stay out of trouble.”
“Don’t I always?”
Elena let out a tired sigh. ‘Not once in your life.” She gave Serana a grin. “Come on, she’s asked about you a few times anyway.”
“She knows who I am?” Elena flushed, lip catching between her teeth a moment but led the way through the party guests.
“Hail, Jarl Elisif.”
“Elena!” The woman half bounced to her feet before remembering her manners and straightening her shoulders. “I did not think I would ever see you here.”
“First time for everything.” Elena grinned. "I should probably act more like a Thane now that I am retired."
Elisif looked between the two of them, eyes settling on their joined hands with a grin as she stood. “You must be Lady Serana.” She gave a slight bow of her head. “I have heard much about you.”
“A pleasure to meet you, Jarl Elisif.” She cast a sideways look at Elena, who stared at the far corner, biting the inside of her cheek trying not to grin or melt into the floor.
Elisif laughed gently. “Don’t make that face, I assure you Elena only sings your praises.” She gave a tilt of her head peering behind them before making a face of her own. “Erikur is here, the little slimeball. He won’t leave that poor serving girl alone.”
Elena half turned and caught sight of her sister motioning for her to get a move on. “Would the Ambassador find it overstepping our bounds if I say something to him?” She turned back to the Jarl with a grin. “Thane to Thane, of course, we can’t have him making our Jarl look bad.”
“You are going to whether I agree or not.” Elisif rolled her eyes.
“Aye.” She gave Serana a wide smile. “Lady Serana has seen some wondrous places of late. Would you mind telling the Jarl about our latest journey? She would love to hear of the Chantry of Auriel I think.”
“Oh, of course.” Serana settled in beside Elisif when the woman patted the bench beside her. “Does she do this often?”
“Introduce a lover to her friends? No.” Elisif’s gaze followed Elena fondly as she moved through the crowd. 'Never in all the years I have known her, or Torygg for that matter. They grew up together."
“Oh, I.”
Elisif turned to stare at her moment, studying her intently. “Oh. You don’t know do you?” She sighed, staring at her hands a moment. “Elena is going to throw me into a snowdrift instead of Erikur.”
“Know what?”
 “Erikur.” Elena half purred with a wink to the elf he was harassing. “I am surprised you are here.”
He turned from his failing attempt at conquest. “Thane Songschild. What an unusual, and unwanted, surprise.” He grumbled as the girl slipped away. 
“She’s a bit young for you.”
He huffed before leering in Serana’s direction. “You can’t have all the pretty ones for yourself.”
Her smile took a dagger edge. “My lovely companion could rip your throat out without batting an eyelash.”
“Any woman can be bought.” He sneered back.
Elena reached out, smoothing the fur of his collar. “Unlike you, I have no need to buy them.” She launched him forward by the shoulder and placed the heavy heel of her boot into his back with a thud as everyone turned in shocked stares. “My lady Ambassador. I hope you will not mind my forwardness, but I will not take the insulting of my companions lightly.” She looked up with a pleasant smile, a niggle of panic along her spine as Thalmor soldiers appeared with swords drawn. “I will happily dump this incompetent buffoon off your doorstep if it pleases you.”
Elisif stepped forward, straightening to her full height. “I shall handle this, Lady Ambassador.” She stared down her nose. “Thane Erikur, return to Solitude at once and embarrass us no further.”
Elena hauled him up by the back of his shirt. “Jarl Elisif said go, Erikur. Be a good boy. You wouldn’t want anyone to think you do not support her, or are harboring Stormcloak ideals.” Her smile was anything but kind, the threat hissing coldly along the edge of her voice. 
He jerked away from her straightening his shirt. “I will get you for this.”
Elena shook out her tunic serenely. “You do not have the balls.” The crowd laughed, rage coloring his face as he stormed out the door. Elena felt a rush of relief when she no longer saw Odara in the room.
Chapter 43
Odara crept through the Embassy. For being one of the most protected places in Skyrim from the outside, the interior was rather simply guarded. She lowered another guard to the floor as she listened to the yelling from across the room barely catching the hiss before it left her. “Etienne, he's talked, hasn't he? He knows where that old man is that you’re looking for, he told me himself.”
She slipped past them and down to the cells, rummaging soundlessly through a chest of information that had barely been locked when she heard yelling again. “Stop. Please. I don't know anything else. Don't you think I'd have told you already?” Her eyes squeezed closed a moment, heartbreaking at the pleading tone before slipping into the cell and silencing the guard, his body falling with a thump. The man let out a tear-filled cry. “I told you, I don't know anything else about it.”
“I am not here to hurt you, Etienne." She said softly. "But I will bring you home.”
His eyes flashed open, as much as they could with how swollen they were. “Odara?”
She gave him a tight-lipped smile and freed him. “No time to explain. We have to get out of here. Now.”
He nodded, rubbing feeling back into his hands. “Come on, this way. I've seen the guards use it to get rid of bodies.” He followed her lead, trusting her to lead him true and she did not falter, she had never failed them. “I don’t know why you were here, but they wanted me to tell them about the man in the Ratways, Esbern.”
She stepped blinking into the sun. “That crazy old man that pays us?”
“One and the same. Is that helpful, at least?” When she nodded, he let out a breath of relief before his face fell. “I am sorry I talked, Odara.”
She cut him off with a tight hug. “We thought we’d lost you for good, Etienne. Anyone would have broken under those bastards.” She leaned her forehead against his for a moment, the flutter of wings along her skin. “I have something I must finish in Solitude and then we are going home.”
“I can head there now.”
She cut him off with a shake. “No. My way is faster, and you need a healer.” She tugged on his arm, pulled it over her shoulders. “Come on, I have a horse waiting.”
He froze. “They grabbed me in the Ratway. What if they get the others?”
“Shh.” She gently spoke, moving him forward. “I will send word to Bryn. Those bastards will get what’s coming to them. I promise you.”
Chapter 44
Elena leaned drowsily against the wall. The Thalmor had scurried for a while but had reported nothing out of place to their ambassador. Elenwen had spent the evening seething under her veil of polite charm much to Elena’s amusement. 
"The escorts fear a storm will fall before we get you all safely back to Solitude. Would you be inconvenienced to stay at the embassy, Thane Songschild?" Elenwen watched her carefully.
Elena waited to answer, studying Serana until she nodded. "That would be appreciated, Lady Ambassador. My years in the Legion were enough traveling in poor weather." 
"Yes, I am sure." Her brows furrowed. "Where is your sister?" 
"Oh? Did she not say goodbye?" Elena’s hand rested lightly along the curve of her throat in shock. "Her time as a priestess seems to have ruined her manners, my apologies. She is no longer used to social gatherings and left shortly after we arrived." 
"Did she take a carriage?" 
"My horse." Elena smiled sweetly. "Ajax does his breed proud, she's been home several hours I am sure. I will pass along your concern; she will appreciate that someone cared she left." 
"Of course." She nodded gesturing to one of the servants. "Show Thane Songschild and Lady Serana their room." She bowed slightly. "I bid you both a good night." 
 They followed the servant through the stone halls. He bowed them silently into their room and gently closed the door behind them. The fire was well-tended, taking the chill from the stones. Elena stretched before settling her foot on a low table and fumbling open the buckles of her boots. When Serana froze in her investigation of the room Elena glanced her way ready to fix whatever the problem was before her eyes lit on it. She let out a soft huff. "I’ll take the chair; I’ll steal a blanket though if you don’t mind." She kicked off her other boot, the metal clanging on the stone as she crossed the room. 
Serana reached out, her hand wrapping gently around her wrist. "Elena." 
"Hmm?" There was a tinge of pink to her cheeks, eyes staring down and away from Serana’s general direction even as she pulled her closer. 
"I don’t mind sharing." She said softly. "Unless you don’t want to." 
"Yes. I mean no I-." Elena floundered her face a kaleidoscope of red, emotion running rampant from awe to terror to want before settling into a wide-eyed flustered squawk. "Sleeping with you sounds nice." Her eyes fell shut and she deflated. "Winds take me." 
Serana started giggling and one eye cracked open to give her a half-smile with a crinkle of her nose. "What am I going to do with you?" She pressed her forehead to Elena's. 
"Lo-let me have some blankets hopefully." She blanched but her teasing smile held steady before being interrupted with a yawn. She shook her head with a chuckle. "I’m too old to be up this late." 
Serana brushed a gentle kiss to her cheek before stepping away. Elena watched her for a moment, the quiet grace in how she gently set down the circlet from her brow and let the cloak slip from her shoulders. She cleared her throat and turned away, shrugging out of her own before pulling the long tunic up and over her head. She shook out the deep blue undershirt letting it fall freely around her and set her fingers to work pulling out the pins that held her curly hair in place around the circlet. 
Elena shivered as Serana’s hand ghosted along her back. "Let me." She nodded unsteadily but relaxed at the feel of Serana’s hands in her hair, eyes drifting closed at the light scratch of nails along her scalp as her head bowed to Serana's reach. The last of the pins clattered to the low table, followed by the gentle tap of the circlet. Serana tugged playfully on a curl. "You should wear your hair down more often. It's lovely." 
"It’s a monstrous disaster, just wait by morning you'll be looking for knives to escape it." Elena huffed. Serana shook her head and pulled her in for a kiss, twining her fingers into Elena’s hair before trailing kisses along her jaw. "Mm." Elena’s head lolled gently exposing the line of her neck. "If this is bribery, I think I can leave it down more often." 
Serana laughed against her skin, lips finding the pulse in Elena's throat a moment before pulling gently on her hands. "Let’s get some sleep." 
Elena settled in first, half sprawled on her back one arm folded under her head before holding the other one out to Serana with a smile. "I don’t kick." 
Serana eased in beside her tucking her chin against Elena's chest as she held Elena’s gaze. "Not kicking yourself isn't proof of that." 
"Someone else would have complained by now." Elena laughed quietly. She planted a kiss on Serana’s forehead when she settled on her shoulder, curled tight around her body as Elena’s fingers traced up and down her side. 
“That man, Erikur. Elisif made it sound like there was a history there.”
Elena snorted. “She would.” She shook her head, eyes fixing on the ceiling. “Long ago, when I was finally stationed at Castle Dour, I met a lovely young woman. I thought it was nothing more than fun until he was challenging me in the middle of the Palace district for her honor.”
“Oh.” Elena’s brows raised at the tone in Serana’s voice who only shook her head. “Did you fight him?”
“Aye.” She chuckled. “I was young and dumb.” A huff of laughter escaped her again. “Not only did I beat him black and blue, but she called off their engagement.” Her laughter faded then. “She was um. Under the impression, I was that kind of interested.”
“You weren’t.” Serana said softly.
Elena shook her head. “No. I barely knew her as a person. Knew other things but.” She flushed a moment. “I didn’t go to the Temple for several months. She was always waiting.” A huff of laughter left Serana at the stricken look on Elena’s face and Elena gave her a sheepish grin.
“Have you had many lovers then?” Serana didn’t mention Elisif’s comment that Elena never introduced them to her friends and family.
Elena watched her carefully. “Aye.” Serana made a noncommittal noise that made Elena half sit up, leaning her body onto her elbow to look down at her. “If you are worried, I haven’t been with anyone since I met you.” She grinned, but it didn’t meet the concern in her eyes. “No former lovers will appear to challenge you to duels. Odara might just to be an ass.” 
Serana huffed, leaning into her touch, Elena’s fingers gentle in her hair. “I am not worried about that.” 
Serana half-heartedly swatted at her. “I’ve not.” Her hands moved vaguely. “Not done anything like this.”
Elena’s gaze turned soft. “To be honest.” She leaned forward, her lips barely a breath away from Serana’s. “I have not done this either.” Her kiss was gentle, and a soft laugh left her. “Not like this.”
“Oh.” Any other words were lost in their shared breaths between languid kisses. Elena pulled away, teeth catching her lip at the hazy look in Serana’s eyes, a small smile playing on the edges of her lips. “You are very good at that.” Serana informed her. 
Elena laughed, flopping on to her back again. “That’s a compliment I can live with.” Serana snorted and poked her in the ribs before pulling herself closer, molding her body along Elena’s. Serana’s eyes had long fallen closed and Elena was still staring at the ceiling, fingers gently playing with Serana’s hair.
“What’s wrong?” Serana half mumbled.
"I hope the girls don’t hate me much before this is done." She was almost so quiet that Serana struggled to hear her, even with her ear to Elena’s chest.
She moved on to her elbow to look at her. "You are saving the world, they’ll understand that." 
Elena squeezed her arm tight around her a moment. "That doesn’t change that I haven’t been a good mother. Doesn’t make up the time I’ve been away." She let her eyes close with a sigh. "Knowing they are safe will bring me peace but in ten years that peace won’t mean anything to them, not when it meant I missed the little things." Serana hugged her gently, uncertainty stilling her tongue. "Runa and Lucia and Sophie and you are my world. It wouldn’t be much of one anymore if they don’t want me in it."
A Warrior’s Heart
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