#Martha Wayles Jefferson mentioned
publius-library · 8 months
Can you tell me everything you know about Martha Jefferson?
I would love to. In my opinion, Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson is one of the most tragic figures of the 18th century, and her life shows the many challenges a woman would face in this time period, due to the incredible expectations put on them. I'd like to open by saying that the importance of discussing women in history not only gives us a more full perspective on any and every historical event, but it also gives light to less commonly discussed historical figures that were equally important that we don't know as much about. Martha Jefferson is undoubtably one of those people.
Martha Wayles was born on October 30, 1748 to her wealthy father. Her father was an English immigrant who moved to America and accumulated a decent fortune through slave trading, planting, and his law practice.
Content warning: mention of sexual assault within slavery, skip next paragraph if this may be distressing
Her father is a very interesting figure. In his law practice, he specialized in debt collections, which made him very unpopular among the locals. Additionally, he raped an enslaved woman on his property several times, Elizabeth Hemmings, after the death of his third wife. She would have several children by him, including Sally Hemmings, who would later be raped and have several children by Thomas Jefferson. It is disgusting, but crucial to mention that because of the slave system in America, and the violation of African American women, Martha Jefferson was the half sister of Sally Hemmings.
Martha married Bathurst Skelton when she was 18. They would have one child, John, who died in infancy. Her first husband died six months before Jefferson married Martha, and her first child with Jefferson, Martha aka Patsy, would come nine months after Martha's first child. Her almost constant pregnancy and troubles in maternity would eventually lead to her death.
She married the very eligible bachelor Thomas Jefferson on New Years Day, 1772 at her plantation home, "The Forest". There was a five year age gap between them, as she was 22 going on 23, and he was 28. Jefferson would actually scarcely mention her first husband, and would even report false information that he did not exist, that Martha was a spinster when he married her. The motivations for this are not confirmed.
The young couple arrived at Jefferson's home, Monticello, during a snowstorm, where all the servants were asleep and the house was cold. They toasted their marriage with a leftover bottle of wine, and entered into a period of domestic happiness.
Martha and Thomas had complimentary personalities, balancing out each other's characteristics. They shared an interest in music, as Jefferson played the violin or the cello, and Martha played the piano or the harpsicord. She was said to be very talented.
While there is no known portraits of her, she was described as very beautiful and accomplished. She was slim with hazel eyes and auburn hair. She was the subject of frequent praise from all that knew her.
The Jeffersons had five children in ten years, but only two would survive to adulthood, Martha (Patsy) and Mary (Polly or Mary). Martha was under such strain from her frequent pregnancies that she fell very ill in 1781. The British had invaded Richmond, which forced her away from her husband back to Monticello, but Jefferson often left his political career to stay with her during her sickness. The British would raid Monticello, forcing her to travel in her poor condition yet again.
Her condition continued to worsen, until she died on September 6, 1782, at 11:45 AM at the age of 33. Jefferson would never record his relationship with her, so her life remains mostly a mystery among historians.
Martha Jefferson was far more than the deceased wife of the third president. During her life, she was the mother of several children, who frequently had to grieve their deaths. She was the mistress of a fashionable household, and the wife of an energetic, young politician who was making strides in the cause of liberty and American independence. Her life was riddled with tragedy and mourning, but she was a lively, creative woman who had an untimely death at a cruel age.
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schrijverr · 3 years
'Till Death Do Us Part
Part 3 out of 13
When Alex has to bring Philip to work, he and Thomas discover that they both have something in common: they lost their love. They form an unexpected bond and connection about this that grows into something more.
A medium burn with parental feelings about Philip and flowers.
On AO3.
Ships: Jamilton
Warnings: grief and mentions of unhealthy coping, terminal illness and death.
Chapter 3: Virginian Spiderwort Means ‘Momentary Happiness’
“Eat lunch,” a sandwich along with a muffin and coffee was dropped on Alex’s desk, who jumped slightly in his seat and looked up.
“What?” he asked dumbly.
Thomas rolled his eyes: “You’ve been at it since six, I don’t even know why you were in that early that’s ridiculous, who comes in that early on a Thursday? And I haven’t seen you leave once. You need to eat, so eat, dumbass.”
“How do you know I started at six?”Alex asked.
“I didn’t, you send me an email around then, so I made a guess and you just confirmed it,” Thomas shrugged, ignoring Alex’s squawk, “Now eat.”
Alex picked up the lunch and started eating, while Thomas dropped into the chair opposite of him and watched him, sipping his own coffee.
“You’re just gonna sit there and watch me the entire time? Where is your lunch?”
“Already ate it and yes,” Thomas answered, “I know how this goes, you’ll come up with a good sentence and stop eating to write it down and then it’s a few hours later.”
Alex looked guilty and chastised, so he closed his laptop, which he had been staring at, and focused on Thomas: “So, how have you been?”
“That’s so awkward, I feel bad for us both,” Thomas cringed.
“Well, I’m sorry that I am not a great conversationalist,” Alex threw up his hands in defeat.
“According to Angie you are,” Thomas immediately regretted it, he didn’t want Alex to know he and Angelica talked about him.
“Yeah, but most of the time people I’m talking to aren’t you.” Fuck, was that too revealing? Did Thomas know he was struggling, because of stupid feelings?
“I’m sorry my face upsets you,” Thomas rolled his eyes, misinterpretingthe comment“Anyway, how did you get in so at six, I’m pretty sure schools don’t start that early. Where did you put Philip?”
“Oh, Pip is with Eliza and Maria for the week,” he said, “Eliza is so busy after the opening of the orphanage and they thought having a kid comfortable with them there would help the others get out of their shell and Pip had missed his Aunties. He’s staying till Wednesday.”
“And you decided that working abnormal amounts was smart when you got a bit of a break from your usual responsibilities?” Thomas judged, not so silently.
Alex grinned sheepishly and shrugged: “It’s what I do best, but I’m not being a complete dumbass, I leave a a somewhat normal time, I swear.”
“I’m serious, I promised Angie I’d leave each day before six and she checks, it’s terrifying,” Alex shuddered and Thomas laughed: “Hear, hear.”
After that Alex quickly ate his lunch while they talked about the latest meeting, which lead to Alex complaining about Lee and Adams and how they could go fuck themselves.
When his lunch had completely disappeared, Thomas got up to leave. Before he could, however, Alex called out: “Hey, Thomas?”
“Thanks again. For, you know, checking up on me,” he said awkwardly, “If you, like, ever need help or something, call me, okay?”
“I’ll keep it in mind,” Thomas promised, not thinking the day he would take Alex up on it would come anytime soon.
He was wrong in that assessment, because that Monday he called Alex, hands shaking and eyes blurry.
“Thomas? What is it? I’m already at work.” Of course he was, it was only 6:15 in the morning, who wouldn’t be at work at that time.
“Can you-” a shuddery sigh that he hated, “Can you tell Wash- Washington that I’m not coming- coming in today?” he asked.
“God, Thomas, are you alright?” the worry was evident in Alex’s tone.
“Not really,” Thomas sounded small, “I didn’t want to bother you, but Jemmy is away and I normally can handle this stuff, but it was all unexpected and now I’m here on my fucking kitchen floor calling you. Fuck.”
“I’m coming to you.” Alex said.
“You don’t need to-”
“Yes, I do. Come on, I’m not leaving you like that. You’re getting a motherfucking patented Hamilton hug, live with it,” Alex told him, “I’ll be there as soon as I can, hang in there.”
“…Okay,” the line went dead.
Alex hurried to Washington’s office, for once grateful that the man liked to come in early on Monday’s to ‘kick off the week right’ or whatever.
“Come in.”
“Sir, I’m taking the day off,” Alex burst in, “Thomas is not coming in either, he just called me. I thought, I’d let you know.”
Washington looked surprised: “You and Thomas…?” he trailed off curiously.
“Nothing like that, sir,” sadly enough, he added mentally, “He helped me out in a rough spot and I’m returning the favor. We found we had something in common.”
“Well, then go. An honest man always returns his favors, son,” Washington shooed him out of the office.
“Not your son and thank you, sir,” Alex said gratefully, before rushing off.
The drive to Thomas’s, admittedly very impressive, house took about thirty minutes and Alex was out the car and on the driveway immediately as he practically ran to the door and knocked: “Hey, hey, Thomas. It’s me, open up.”
After a moment the door swung open, revealing a Thomas Alex had never seen before.
He was in sweatpants and a loose tank top, his eyes were red-rimmed and his hair a mess. But above all, he looked small, hunched in on himself and lacking the confidence and arrogance that usually clung to him like a second skin.
Alex didn’t waste a second gathering him up into his arms. It wasn’t as comforting as it could have been because Thomas was a fucking giant and therefore could not fit into Alex’s arms completely, but that didn’t stop him from trying.
Thomas clung to him tightly, chocked off sobs being ripped out of his chest as he cried.
They just stood there in the door opening. Alex couldn't really move Thomas around like the other had done him, so he just had to wait.
“Sorry,” Thomas said after a while, his voice raw as he broke away.
“No sorry, not today, okay?” Alex told him, “Now, why don’t we set you down on the couch, yeah? It’s more comfy and definitely better than the porch.”
“Yeah, sounds good,” Thomas agreed and numbly walked over to a living room, Alex trailing behind him.
Thomas collapsed on the couch, looking like a miserable heap and Alex had to pause and think of a plan of attack. He’d been a Lieutenant Colonel, he could do this. First, he needed to know the situation.
He sat down next to Thomas: “Hey, dude, can you tell me what happened? You said it was unexpected, what hit you out of nowhere?”
“Phone,” Thomas gestured vaguely to the kitchen, then didn’t elaborate beyond a, “Got an email.”
Okay, not much information, but a lead.
Alex went to the kitchen, there was an uneaten bowl of soggy cereal on the counter and a phone on the floor. He threw the cereal away and toasted some bread before he picked up the phone and read the start of the email:
My dearest, Thomas
I hope the future finds you well. Yes, the future! I found this site in which you can write emails that will be send 10 years later, so I do hope you’re still using the same email address or this will be awkward.
You may be wondering why today? It’s not a particular date for us, but I’m writing you this email because I know I won’t be there when you read it.
I had another attack today, but you know that of course, though maybe you’ve forgotten all the attacks through the years. We’ve been doing this for over three years already and I know I have not been writing the dates down.
But none of that now, this was supposed to be a pick-you-up, because I love you, dearest.
Alex stopped reading, this was not for his eyes. He quickly did the math. Thomas had said she’d died seven years ago, this was written ten years ago, so they still had three years together at this point.
God, he couldn't imagine what it was like to know your lover was dying and you could do nothing to stop it, just prepare for the inevitable.
The toast popped out the toaster and Alex locked the phone, before putting the toast on a plate and getting a glass of water. He walked back to the living room and handed Thomas the food as he gently said: “Come on, you can’t be sad on an empty stomach.”
That got a small amused huff from the Virginian, which Alex counted as a win.
He ate slowly and in silence and Alex just waited for him to gather himself. This was not a date on where you expected the missing to hit, there were no fun rituals – like on a birthday – to keep or something to celebrate or commemorate.
Just sadness.
Sudden sadness.
Alex looked at Thomas, who softly chewed on his toast. He didn’t think dragging Thomas outside today would be good for him. He needed time to process the message, to think of what his late wife wanted him to know for when she wasn’t there.
He now regretted not reading the rest of the message, just so that he could have a grip on Thomas’s thoughts, but he knew it had been the right thing to do.
When the plate was empty and the glass gone, Alex announced: “Okay, we’re having a sad couch day, but you need to tell me how to operate your TV and where you keep blankets, because you need a blanket nest to be sad in, alright.”
Thomas blinked at him owlishly for a moment, then shook his head with muted amusement and whispered: “TV is just normal and there is a guestroom, second door upstairs, I keep the blankets there.”
“Good,” Alex got up, “Are you alright for a moment?”
The other only nodded. Alex didn’t like how quiet Thomas was. He might not be the loudest person, but there would always be a presence hanging around him that made him feel like the loudest person in the room and that was now completely gone.
Alex rushed through the house, dropping of the plate and glass in the kitchen and putting on the kettle, before taking the stairs two steps at a time.
At times like these he was happy he had top surgery, because catching your breath with a binder on fucking sucked and running overall was a bad idea.
The guest room was less extravagant than he’d expected. It was decked out for comfort and stylish, but it wasn’t over the top. Actually the whole house was more stylish than expensive just for the sake of being expensive, something Alex hadn’t realized before.
Of course, the only befores there had been were company parties that Thomas had offered to host wherein he showed off on purpose.
Now that he thought about it, he hadn’t seen pictures during those parties either.
He grabbed the blankets and some pillows from the guest room and went back downstairs carefully, he didn’t want to trip or drop the blankets, but he also just wanted to be nosy.
The walls were still void of pictures.
It tugged at Alex’s heart, his own walls had been bare before he’d met John and all his other friends and they’d filled it up over the years of happy moments, but Thomas had nothing. Though he didn’t have time to dwell on it now, he had more important matters to attend to.
Thomas was still in the same position he’d left him in, staring at the still turned off TV. Alex dropped the blankets on the floor, only scooping one out of the pile to drape over Thomas’s shoulders, before finishing the tea.
How strange, he mused as he made the tea, me and Thomas are neither tea drinkers, except on days like these, except with each other.
He walked back to Thomas and handed him the mug, relieved when the other took it gratefully and let the steam warm his face as he burrowed into the blanket slightly.
Alex was still concerned about the hunched over position, which was rich coming from him, he knew, but getting lost in work and fucking up your posture was different than getting lost in grief and fucking up your posture.
So, he gently pushed Thomas back into the pillow of the couch and Thomas went easily. For all the man could fight him on every little thing at work, he wasn’t putting up a fight now and Alex was glad for that fact, even if it was slightly disturbing.
Taking the blankets, he draped them over Thomas and himself after he’d grabbed the remote and put on a nature documentary.
Thomas gave him a bemused look and Alex was never more relieved that Thomas was judging him, anything was better than that empty look in those usually lively eyes.
“It’s soothing,” he shrugged, “and low effort.”
“Fair,” Thomas nodded, his voice hoarse and raw, making Alex regret not putting honey into his tea, because it sounded like it hurt.
They sat in silence as they watched a frog hop over a leaf while the narrator told them slightly horrifying facts about the creature in a monotone voice.
After about an hour of animal facts and nature relations, Thomas spoke up: “She asked me if I had any kids yet.”
Alex looked up, but didn’t speak, just let Thomas figure it out.
“We wanted kids, I think maybe me more than her to be honest, though she loved being an aunt,” he went on, “But with her condition, well, pregnancy was just too risky and when we knew just how serious it was… Neither of us wanted to make an adopted child go through losing a parent again, so we never had kids.”
He took a shuddery breath: “And then she asked if I had them, she hoped I found that and I don’t know-”
Tears were falling again and without thinking Alex pulled Thomas into his side and Thomas didn’t protest as he burrowed his head closer. He whispered: “I always knew she wanted me to move on from her, live a good life, but hearing it again after having time to process her being gone. It’s- it’s different.”
Alex just ran a soothing hand over Thomas’s back as he thought about that. After a second he slowly said: “Knowing and accepting are different things and sometimes one is harder than the other.”
Thomas mulled over his words, then said: “Well, I hate accepting.”
He didn’t tell Thomas that moving on was good, that it was healthy. Both of them knew that well enough, they must have heard it a thousand times from concerned friends. It was always meant well, but sometimes you just didn’t want to hear it, not in moments like these.
“She told me she had something to say to me, but she didn’t know what just yet and that she had to think about it and tell me when she figured it out, because she still had time,” Thomas broke the silence again.
“That- that must be hard to read,” Alex told him.
The other nodded into his side, then said: “I think I know what it is though…”
“Do you want to share?” Alex asked.
“Yeah, she- I never realized this, but she started telling me how I would do great things and I better have a picture of her with me so that she could see it. I keep her in my wallet. I always thought she meant in the world. Big responsibility to have on my shoulders, but I tried. For her.”
Thomas fiddled with the blanket, he wasn’t looking at Alex, but he seemed content to curl up in the shorter man’s side.
“But I’m suddenly startingto think that’s not what she meant,” the words sounded small and Alex’s chest constricted painfully. He didn’t know how he would react if something he’d believed about John for years would be ripped out from under him one day without warning.
“What do you think she meant?” he asked, trying to keep Thomas talking, maybe if he said it out loud it would make more sense than when it swirled around in his head.
“I- I think she meant that I would- ugh- it’s- you had to-”
“Take your time.”
“She was always telling me about the great things in life, but she loved The Lord of the Rings, those books and movieskept her company throughout all the hospital visits. Her favorite quote was: ‘Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that’s not what I found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay’,” he explained.
There was a moment of silence in which Thomas hesitated.
“It might be stupid, but I think she subconsciously absorbed that. That for her the great things were the small things,” Thomas said, “I once took her on a simple picnic and she said it was the greatest day of her life.”
Alex nodded along, he could already see where this was going, but he let Thomas set the pace of the conversation.
“I think she meant that I would get to do all the little things that made life great, have all the milestones we never got to have, but she phrased it in her own Martha-esque way,” there was a smile in his voice as he said that.
“Did she always have her own way of saying things?” Alex asked, hoping to keep whatever was bringing that smile to Thomas’s face going.
“Yeah,” a success, “she read a lot and she listened to a lot of music. She played guitar, wrote her own lyrics too. She was great with words, much better than me. I think she just consumed so many ways people expressed themselves through words that she had her own dialect. It was completely English, but just slightly different. It’s hard to explain.”
“I get it,” Alex assured him, “She sounds wonderful.”
“Oh, you would have liked her,” Thomas said, sounding strangely proud of that fact, “She took the time to make fun of my magenta suits in her email to me,” Alex snorted at that, “And you both take no shit and it’s easy to talk to you.”
Alex was shocked at that, no one told him he was easy to talk to. He had opinions and would let you know immediately, making you debate if you disagreed with him. Sure, he could be charming, but he made you think when you talked. It wasn’t easy.
He said nothing.
“Apparently she wrote it while I was next to her,” Thomas suddenly said.
“Yeah, I was asleep in a chair. It was after one of her attacks, I think I remember this one, because it suddenly got way more serious after that, it was the heaviest we had in months,” his voice trailed off into a whisper, “We’d thought she was doing better.”
God, Alex couldn't imagine and that voice felt like a punch in the gut, his arm reflectively tightening around Thomas.
“Fuck, in the email she said she still has time,” Thomas breathed, “I know it was still a while after that before she- she died, but- God, it fucking hurts, Alex. We knew we didn’t have forever, but reaching thirty would have been fucking nice.”
There was that all familiar anger at what could have been if faith hadn’t decided to be so cruel. Alex knew it oh so well and just watched as Thomas clenched his fist, but didn’t get up. The anger drained out of him almost as quickly as it had come and his heaving breaths turned into sobs.
And if that wasn’t familiar as well.
Alex quickly brought up the other arm and pulled Thomas into a hug. They were cocooned in blankets and cuddling on the couch and it should be weird, but it just wasn’t.
It seemed Thomas was done talking now, because he stayed silent as the time dragged on. Once Alex realized he wasn’t going to talk, he started humming. Alex had never done well with quiet, though he didn’t mind that much, but he more thought it would nice for Thomas to have something other than his thoughts to focus on.
They sat there until their stomachs decided it really was time for lunch. Alex offered to make it so that Thomas could stay seated, but while Thomas gratefully accepted his offer to make lunch, he followed him into his kitchen and sat at the table.
His eyes fell on the phone that Alex had left on the counter when he had made them tea. His fingers twitched, but he didn’t move any further than that, conflicted look on his face. Alex let him figure it out on his own and just focused on making French toast.
In the end he picked up the phone and stared at it for a moment, before putting it down on the table, screen down.
He pushed the French toast around his plate for a while, Alex didn’t say a thing, just watched him patiently. If Thomas didn’t want to eat that would be bad, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world for just a day.
It might be bad for Alex to let Thomas indulge in bad habits, but he promised himself he would make sure it was a one of thing. He managed to make sure Philip ate and slept enough despite his own inability to take care of himself, he could do the same for Thomas.
Thomas ate a few bites, it was hard to pretend to care about food right now, but Alex had tried and he knew Martha would hate him neglecting himself.
God, Martha and her stupid- No, he couldn't think that, she meant so well, but it just hurt. She should have told him.
Though that might have been worse.
He looked at his phone again, uncertainty creeping in. Would Alex think it was a bad idea to read the email again? He just wanted to know if he hadn’t imagined it. He hadn’t really committed it to his memory like all her other writings through the tears, but he doubted he would be able to read it without crying all over again.
An idea suddenly came to mind. It was a stupid idea, but Alex had seen him suggest multiple stupid ideas so it wasn’t anything new.
“Can you read it to me?” the words were out before he even realized.
“The email,” he clarified, “Can you read it to me?”
“You’d want that?” Alex seemed unsure and Thomas could feel the doubt creeping in.
He shook it off, he’d made up his mind: “Yes, I just want to know the whole thing, but I can’t really read it, because I’ll start crying, so you have to.”
Alex hesitated for a moment: “Alright, if you’re sure…”
“I am.” Thomas unlocked the phone and handed it to Alex, trying to ignore how his hand shook slightly.
After a deep breath, Alex started:
“My dearest, Thomas
I hope the future finds you well. Yes, the future! I found this site in which you can write emails that will be send 10 years later, so I do hope you’re still using the same email address or this will be awkward.
You may be wondering why today? It’s not a particular date for us, but I’m writing you this email because I know I won’t be there when you read it.
I had another attack today, but you know that of course, though maybe you’ve forgotten all the attacks through the years. We’ve been doing this for over three years already and I know I have not been writing the dates down.
But none of that now, this was supposed to be a pick-you-up, because I love you, dearest.
I know I tell you all the time, but maybe you haven’t heard this in a while by now, so I’m telling you again. I love you so incredibly much and you deserve all the love in the world and I hope you have someone to remind you.
It might seem strange for your wife to hope you have found love again, but I truly do hope you went on to live a happy life with people who love you and make you happy.
God, maybe you’ll have kids.
If you do, tell them that their Aunt Martha is watching over them from the stars. I promise to guide their little feet home to you safely and sing them lullabies when they’re having a nightmare, just a song between them and the moon.
I don’t want my passing to be the end for you. I have seen your soul and I know there is so much in store for you, I just can’t place my finger on what, but I still have time to figure it out and I’ll tell you when I do.
Now that I’m writing this, I honestly don’t know what to tell you. I thought I would have a hundred pages ready for you, but I don’t.
You know that moment when you have dinner with someone, but you’ve been with each other the whole day, so you can’t ask them how their day has been? It’s kind of like that.
I have seen you the entire day today and if I hadn’t I can tell you in person in a bit, but by the time you’re reading this, you’ve had time to make new memories without me and you can only tell them to my grave or my picture.
This is so morbid. Sorry, dearest.
I could take more time to think about what I want to write you, but I have this strong urge to finish it now. It’s almost like I’m running out of time. I am, in a way. But I still have tomorrow, the doctors said I’ll make it through the night with no problem and I’ll be discharged tomorrow. They say I have a good chance at a few more years and by God I hope they’re right.
It’s ironic how you’re asleep in an uncomfortable hospital chair by my side as I’m writing this.
You stress too much. It makes you look old. I know I’ve always joked about you being an old man, but you don’t have to make it a reality by aging from the stress.
I hope the creases by your eyes become more pronounced than the ones on your forehead. I hope so many things for you and I hate that I can never give you all the care you’ve given me.
You’re a good man, Thomas. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
I know you worry. You worry too much, just like the stress. Just promise me you won’t give in to all the doubt you create for yourself. Appearances aren’t everything, I know you care about style (the magenta suits are really taking it a bit too far, you are lucky I love you, you ridiculous man), but try comfort every once in a while as well, okay?
Now, I’m sounding like my mother, God this whole email has gotten out of hand…
Not that I had much of a plan to start with. I saw this and just had to write to you, to tell you how worthy you are and how much I wanted to have a forever with you.
It feels rude in a way to write you like this, you might have moved on, created a new life and I’m disrupting it from beyond, but I know you, Thomas, I know you so well that it hurts sometimes and I also know that you have a hard time letting go.
I hope you have that life we could never have.
I hope you’ve found a job that makes you happy, with a spouse that cares for you and a picket white fence that America tries to sell in every movie with a happy ending.
But I fear that you got stuck on us, on me.
And while I am flattered if that is the case (and not bitter if it isn’t, God I’m so happy for you if I’m wrong, dearest), then I want you to know it’s okay to move on, it’s okay to live.
God, this is one depressing sappy mess.
But we’re both kind of sappy depressing messes, aren’t we? You brought me flowers to the hospital today, you remembered my favorites are Virginian Spiderworts. Did you know they mean ‘momentary happiness’?
Momentary happiness, like I said: depressingly sappy.
I don’t know if I told you the meaning, but it is an interesting bouquet to bring to a hospital bed of someone terminally ill, you know? And I love you for it. Never change, Thomas, never change. Stay my sweet little dork, I beg you. If someone tries to change you, tell em no or I will come beat them up for you.
I will forever protect you, I promise.
I think this is good and if it isn’t you won’t really get to leave a review, so I’ll be safe either way. So, this is it, this is goodbye, for now at least. I still have the luxury of giving you a hug when you wake up and I’m gonna keep doing that till the end.
Stay strong, I love you,
Martha, your beloved wife”
In the end they were both crying and Alex was impressed with himself that he had managed to make it to the end. The email gave him more questions about Thomas, but he it wasn’t really the time to ask about his late wife’s protectiveness.
He cleared his throat after a moment and said: “Martha was amazing.”
That got him a surprised chuckle as Thomas’s breathing started to become more regular. He swallowed and agreed: “God, she was.”
“Tell me more about her,” Alex requested. He remembered how nice it had been to tell Thomas about John and he found himself curious about the woman that had enchanted Thomas.
“She was the most intelligent woman I’ve ever met, and I know Angelica,” Thomas started, Alex let out a small amused huff, “Martha- Martha was the kind of person you had to look at, you know? When she walked into a room, it got brighter.”
Thomas perked up considerably when talking about Martha. He was still slightly curled into himself on the kitchen chair, but he was at least making eye contact with Alex.
“I used to be overly anxious – still am, but I’m managing – and she was always there for me when I needed it. She was a spitfire, she talked when I couldn’t and stood up for me,” Thomas confessed, “I try to embody her when I need to make a presentation.”
Alex was taken aback by it: “I didn’t know you got anxious.”
“It’s better when arguing with you, I have to think too hard on how to counter you to think about stressing,” Thomas tossed out casually, immediately hoping that wasn’t too revealing, he’d already compared the man with Martha once today.
But Alex just smiled happily, though it seemed unconscious to Thomas’s eye.
“Martha never argued with me like you do, though,” Thomas mused trying to save himself, “She would just roll her eyes at me whenever I did something she found unnecessary.”
“Like what?” Alex raised a brow with amusement.
There was probably too much glee in the man’s eyes for the question to be innocent, but Thomas didn’t care: “Well there was one time a lady stopped me on the street and she asked if I did a lot of desk work, which I did, so I said yes. Then she asked me if it made my back hurt-”
“Naturally also yes,” Alex nodded.
“Indeed, so then she asked me if she could touch me and at this point I’m scared, but too far in to say no,” Thomas tells him, “So she just put her hand on my back and starts praying.”
“She blessed you?” Alex sounded delighted and disbelieving.
“Yes and I did not want to be there. So, I was sending Martha ‘come help me, please’-looks, but she just shook her head and watched me. I think she would have stepped in, if she didn’t think it hilarious,” Thomas rolled his eyes fondly, “She always asked me if I felt blessed whenever we visited a church afterwards.”
“That is hilarious,” Alex giggled at the story and Thomas felt a strange sort of pride that he made Alex giggle like that. He’d heard the other laugh before, but never giggle. It was a light sound that eased some of the pain in Thomas’s chest.
He smiled at Alex and admitted: “Maybe in hindsight it was.”
There was a natural pause in their conversation, until Alex asked: “How are you feeling?”
Thomas thought about it for a moment. The ache he’d felt in his chest when he had seen the email that morning had dulled. It was still sharper than on most days, but it didn’t feel as overwhelming and never ending as it had done.
“Better,” he answered honestly.
“That’s good to hear,” Alex said, “Do you want to go back to the couch and watch a movie? This time I’ll even let you pick.”
“Sure,” Thomas agreed easily.
“Great, do you have popcorn or something?” Alex asked, already moving around in his kitchen to check the cabinets, not even waiting for an answer.
“Upper left,” Thomas said after a while of watching Alex struggle to find it.
Alex looked up to the shelf, then back at Thomas, before he huffed: “This is just discrimination against short people.”
Thomas laughed, before getting up to grab the popcorn.
They stayed on the couch for the rest of the day, Thomas leaning into Alex’s side, neither of them caring.
For dinner Thomas made Mac-’N-Cheese and they ate while having a passionate discussion about whether the characters in the horror movie they’d watched had made the right decisions.
When Alex said he was going home, Thomas felt kind of sad about it.
“Goodbye, Alex. I- Thank you. For coming. You didn’t have to do that, but it was nice, so thanks,” he said awkwardly.
“Hey, anytime,” Alex smiled, “Besides, it was the least I could after what you did for me and-” he hesitated, “and you’re actually not that bad of a company now I know you better, so-” he shrugged, “did it with pleasure.”
Thomas smiled, it was genuine and crinkled his eyes in the way Martha had adored. He didn’t know Alex melted at the sight too.
“You’re not that bad either, Alex,” he said softly.
“Well, I see you at work,” Alex cleared his throat and stepped away then he looked back and added, “Don’t come in if you’re feeling shitty tomorrow, okay.”
“I won’t,” and Thomas found it wasn’t a lie.
Again, this is not a guide on how to deal with grief, for the love of god don’t take advise from fics. I have tried my best to make it not shit and somewhat accurate, but I can promise nothing.
I debated posting the letter separate of the fic, but it’s important to the fic and the chapter title, so I kept it like this even if it’s a bit clunky. I only decided here to make the flowers important and I thought it very descriptive of their realtions, since both knew it would end sooner than later, no matter how happy they got to be during their time together.
Also, the blessing thing actually happened to me, slightly different, but it happened. And no, I do not feel blessed and yes it was awkward and none of my friends came to my rescue.
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limpblotter · 7 years
Staying in 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕤
a/n: m o o d. Song prompt, lyrics by Paris (The Chainsmokers) summary: Thomas has been putting off his trip with Martha. Now before its too late, he’s taking her to paradise. warning: death implied/death mentioned, angst, sad ending w/c: 2430
No one usually paid any mind how things end. Usually they remember how it all began. String music plucked from a harp played throughout a small, colorful studio-apartment. The walls were teal and the decor was off white, closer to cream, prints and fresh details of floral prints. The music was light and airy; the sound was the texture of chiffon sheets drying on a clothes line in the middle of a breezy spring day. The woman who played it was the embodiment of spring, dewy eyed, rosy cheeked. Spring meant hope and new beginnings. Thomas found all of that with his new fiancée Martha Wayles. A country girl too perfect that his own family would have assumed she was picked right for him if they didn’t find her career choice frivolous. A music major and a law student one year away from achieving his law degree sooner than his rivaled older sister. “Martha…” Thomas looked up from her love seat that sat in front of her full size bed. She was only a few feet from him with a large propped by the open window. He shook his head and went back to his work, typing away when another loud chord from her harp vibrated in his head. “Martha, I’m trying to work.”
“That’s all you do, work, work, work…” She sang, plucking a chord repeatedly emphasizing every ‘work’. “Why don’t you pick up your violin and play for Me.” “Later, I have to finish this first.” He motioned to his laptop then went back to his screen. “Later, just like you pushed our trip to Paris to a ‘later’ date. And our wedding, and our next visit to your family…Thomas you can stop your work, it won’t go anywhere but I might.” She pouted so delicately but Thomas didn’t look up to see it. “You should have purposed to your laptop.” “Martha wouldn’t you rather marry Thomas Jefferson the lawyer or Thomas Jefferson the almost-lawyer-but-got-sidetracked-and-his-family-won’t-let-him-live-it-down?” He argued, his long fingers tacking away at the keys. She abandoned the harp and danced towards him in little, lithe like steps “I would like to just marry Thomas Jefferson that would be a sound start. I want to go to Paris, Thomas. You’ve been there twice before, I want to go there with you…” “And we will, on our honeymoon after we’re married.” Martha groaned at his response, she scampered away towards the bathroom with a small, aggravated huff. Thomas glanced up watching her retreating frame with a small smile, and then turned back to his work. Martha was a delight, like him, she didn’t’ fit many of the southern tropes. She was an artistic and independent girl with more wit than most men her age. She could spit fire as fast as she could put it out. Much more outspoken that Thomas…much more free and liberal too. Thomas grew up closed off and closed minded behind white picket fences and silver spoons, Martha was a poor country girl who runaway to New York seeking a classical music career. Uncertainty was her flavor and it was a taste Thomas adored. Thomas finished most of his rough draft for his term paper when he heard something crash in the bathroom. Something of glass or ceramic shattered, and then a hard, deep thud followed. “Martha?” Thomas shot up; he closed his computer forgoing any progress he left unsaved. Faced with endings, Thomas had a bad habit of never finishing a book promptly. He hated endings, hated finishing, after every book or song he was left with ‘what now’ before taking on something else. He rather leave a book unfinished with only a page to go and start again from the beginning. Some people say experiences could never be felt the same way twice. Thomas liked to prove them wrong. He came to the last page in Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas-LLosa and decided he wanted to start again. He was shirtless, sprawled on top of Martha’s bed, his eyes flickering between the book in one hand and the clock. He watched the time behind several pill bottles with blinding red, warning labels. It had been weeks since her fall, but neither of them had hit ground bottom…yet. “Martha are you coming to bed?” Thomas called, eyeing the bathroom, the light still on. He didn’t want for her to answer, he was trained to get up immediately now. He passed the forgotten harp by the window and leaned against the door. His small, fiancé glaring at her reflection, a fist full of thin, whispy dark hair strands, “bed?” “I should shave it all off…I’m shedding like a damn cat…” She spoke, her lips pressed into a thin, white chapped line. “I will shave it off” she yanked open a drawer with so much confidence she almost seemed giddy about the whole thing. Then again, what other choice did she have than to be giddy? Life wasn’t giving her any room to cry over the loss of one of many things Thomas admired about her. “I’ll do the same.” Thomas reached for the buzz and felt a hand grip at his large one. Her grip was so weak, he could have easily slid out of it. He wanted to hold her hand but feared any movement might break something, her fingers trembled. “Thomas Jefferson don’t you dare.” She hissed, Martha was clearly offended by what Thomas was still unsure. “Don’t turn into those men who want to walk down this road with me. This is what I want and I won’t let you touch a damn curl on your head. Ya hear me, Mr. Jefferson, not a damn one.” She huffed taking the hair clipper away from him. “Any rate if anyone should keep their hair is you, you have gorgeous air and it hides those big ears of yours.” “Ha-Ha you’re lucky you have a cute head.” Thomas crossed his arms and looked her over again, and again, memorizing the changes in her, finding what still remained of the Martha he knew. Time was not on their side. “I was thinking…about that trip to Paris…” “Yes..” she looked at him while she clipped down her hair to the scalp. They had so little time… “Let’s go. Tomorrow, first flight out.” “Thomas it’s the middle of your semester…you …we can’t just run away like that. I don’t even know if the doctors will let me, they’ve advised I –“ She squeaked as Thomas pulled her into his arms and held her tight. Her shrunken body slowly curled inward towards his body heat. “Who cares? We’ll go to France, get married with Angelica and Lafayette as our witness, live stream it for family and friends…have the honeymoon Paris.” 
‘If we go down, then we go down together. They’ll say you could do anything, they’ll say I was clever’
She was out on the terrace while Thomas was sprawled on a small, wooden canopy bed. She was in nothing but a bra and his boxers, cigarette hanging out her mouth while she skimmed through her phone. She looked so proud. Thomas couldn’t think of a more beautiful pose, his woman, leaned over the iron railing over the busy Parisian streets. The sun hitting from high above, casting deep shadows down her hollowed out back, the peaks and valleys of her now protruding shoulder blades contrasting the shine of the sun off her delicate bald head was a masterpiece in his eyes. Thomas hoisted himself off the bed and picked up a violin sitting in the corner of the room and began to play a long, whiny note stealing Martha’s attention. “Your parents are livid with you, Jane included. Have you read the comments?” She bit her lip with a mischief. “They’ve started saying you’ve abandoned them for ‘that girl’. Ha, I’m ‘that’ girl now? Not your soon to be wife.” She mused, knowing in under 24 hours, she would be Mrs. Martha Wayles Jefferson. The first and only. Thomas didn’t answer. He had long avoided the calls the moment he withdrew from his classes and took off to France. It was only a few days but he already felt like they were running for a lifetime. Tomorrow couldn’t come sooner, midday he’d be married in the most beautiful city to the most amazing woman. He didn’t stop playing until a deep, moist, glottal cough erupted from Martha’s throat. Within seconds he tossed the instrument to the bed and went to Martha plucking her cig out of her hand and tossed it down to the street below. “Enough of that.” He kissed her bare temple, feeling the soft throb of a pulse under his lips. “You need to eat and take your medication…” “No.” Martha rolled her eyes, “the pills are going to make me feel off, I’m not going to feel like shit on our wedding day.” Her excuse was only half truth, because the other half neither of them wanted to face. The medications did nothing but make her feel more ill. They were placebos for hope but Thomas and Martha were know in on the big secret. “I’m not hungry” she breathed, leaning into Thomas, a bit too much so. She slumped against him, her body losing control of her weight for the moment. “Just…tired.” “Then lets relax” he whisked her off her feet into a bridal styled lift. “I’ll carry you just like this when we’re heading down to get married.” “Show off” Martha wrinkled her nose. She laid in bed with Thomas for hours, their hands intertwined for some time. Other times, Martha would ask him to play for her. The music distracted them both from her growing slumber and worsening coughs. Martha began rambling, nonsense that worried Thomas at first. She wanted them to put on their wedding outfits and lay in bed; she said she wanted to practice. She begged to wear the garments because she wanted to ‘feel’ them now.  Once Thomas had dressed her in the thin white dress that hung at a tea length he kissed the back of her head and smiled. “Do you remember how we first met?” Thomas arched an eyebrow, eyeing the back of her skull for some time. “How can I? You were sitting outside the New York Public Library in June, about…two years ago.” “I was sitting just like this” She plopped on the bed, crossing one bony leg over the other. Martha reached into her travel bag and pulled out a book. “With this very book. Like this” She held it up to her nose, the sticker of the library still on the spine of the novel like it was yesterday. “You never returned that book?” He placed a hand over his mouth and choked back hysterical giggles. “Martha what the hell?” “I couldn’t! I told myself I met the man of my dreams this book was lucky! Plus…I love Isben’s work…you recited my favorite lines to me on our first date…” She giggled, “Oh can you still marry me knowing I probably have an outstanding fine with the library…” She muttered softly, tears forming at the edge of her eyes. “Could…you still marry me…knowing I come at such an outstanding price…” Money wasn’t the problem, not for Thomas and not now. “I’d marry you, over and over, and over again in every lifetime…” He whispered kneeling down by her legs. “and tomorrow when I marry you, I plan on reciting those same lines. To the only Mrs. Jefferson I’ll never know.” “Promise.” “I do.” Thomas kissed her knee and rested his face into her thinning thighs. Suddenly Martha fell back onto the bed, arms out with a groan. “Martha?!” He stood and hovered over her only to see her blasted, toothy smile. “Fuck…Martha don’t do that!” “Hehe…” She giggled with her eyes closed. “Read me Peer Gynt…” “Its one in the morning, Martha. You’re in your wedding dress, I’m reciting the lines to you as vows. You can wait until the morning, whats the use of surprising you.” “…I want to hear it now, front to back…” “Are you going to even stay up for all five acts?” Thomas challenged, Martha nodded her head slowly though her eyes were shut. Thomas gave in. He positioned himself on the bed, sitting up against the headboard with his soon to be wife snuggled on his chest. He pulled the book up to his face and began to read the play, each part, each line for five acts. Martha listened to his heart, his breathing, and his voice all at once, her fingers drawing designs on his dress shirt for his suit tomorrow. With a soft and tired yawn he breathed the last words by Solveig in unison with Martha who was still, to his shock, awake. “In my faith, in my hope, in my love.” He paused allowing Martha to finish. She read out more lines that was left, not needing to open her eyes to read them from the book she had it all memorized in her head. She whispered in a  strained voice, fighting back violent coughs, “Peer, we shall meet at the last crossroads, and then we shall see if…” she swallowed hard, “I’ll say no more…” Thomas smiled, letting the book fall from his grasp he couldn’t’ fight the sleep. Tomorrow, soon, Martha and he would be married. Lafayette as witness, Angelica marrying them, soon, so soon that rose gold band in his jacket pocket would fit on that finger and never be moved again. In the morning, Thomas refused to think of the end. He refused to move as Martha’s post mortem grip held him so tight. Up to the last breath, god knows when last night while he slept, she clung to Thomas. No doubt putting up a fight, using him as the anchor until the morning. No more coughs, no more pictures by the terrace or talks about their honeymoon plans in Brittney. No more whispers of their favorite lines from romance plays and books, or recounts of their musical and lyrical lines from their dating past. No more plucks from the harp that yearned for Thomas’s violin accompaniment. Thomas sat there; the warmth still retained in her and banished the thoughts of end with each tear. He thought of how it all started, the parts in between he could have changed. And thought, ‘what now?’ as he sat there with one last page to his tragic love life. One page away with no closure in sight. 
‘We were staying in Paris—‘ 
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ao3feed-hamilton · 4 years
by marquis-de-lafayeet (CrowleysGlasses)
It has been a long minute since Thomas has experienced human interaction. And he means real, true interaction. He hasn’t had synergy in what could be a thousand years, but just as easily a day. The passage of time has slowed to snails creeping along grass, the meaning of the word lost to the shackles of an unloving master.
Floorboards no longer creak under his step, doors need not exist as he drifts from room to room. While it could be midnight, or it could be mid-morning. His windows are long boarded up with wooden panels, oak if he’s not mistaken. If he is mistaken, it doesn’t matter in the slightest as there’s no soul around to correct him.
Or, Thomas is dead. Alexander moves into his house. Violins play a major part.
Words: 3833, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Hamilton Oneshots
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Maria Reynolds, Philip Hamilton (1782-1801) (mentioned), Martha Wayles Jefferson (mentioned)
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson, kind of?? - Relationship, Maria Reynolds/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, (background), Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: done for amino, as part of the fanfic squad, Angst, Crack, Alternate Universe - Ghosts, Thomas is already dead, no one dies don’t worry, theyre already dead, Jamilton - Freeform, Ghosts, Beetlejuice inspired, Thomas Jefferson Being an Asshole, Violins, music plays a massive roll
from AO3 works tagged 'Hamilton - Miranda' https://ift.tt/2A7XoMO
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ao3feed-lams · 4 years
Things that the Homilies and Hymns won't Teach ya
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OfyduU
by Kasuna_Kotonoha
A chiche Hamilton react Hamilton fic, but with a twist that I wish I could see used more.
Words: 764, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, George Washington, Martha Washington, Angelica Schuyler, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Hercules Mulligan, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: George Washington/Martha Washington, John Laurens/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler (Mentioned), Aaron Burr/Theodosia Prevost Burr (mentioned), Martha Wayles Jefferson/Thomas Jefferson (mentioned), Hercules Mulligan/Elizabeth Sanders Mulligan (Mentioned), Adrienne de Lafayette/Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette (mentioned), Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Characters React to Fandom, Hamilton watches Hamilton, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Childhood Trauma, Poor Aaron Burr, Aaron Burr is So Done, Aaron Burr Has Anxiety, Human Disaster Alexander Hamilton, Hurt Alexander Hamilton, Demisexual John Laurens, Dad Friend Hercules Mulligan, Good Sibling Angelica Schuyler, Cinnamon Roll Eliza Schuyler, Sad Eliza Schuyler, Protective Eliza Schuyler, Poor Peggy Schuyler, George Washington is a Dad, I couldn’t find any react fics with smol Burr so I did it myself, It’s tragically underutilized, Human Disaster Aaron Burr
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OfyduU
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Welcome to Monticello Middle School! 
Here you’ll meet our wonderful variety of teachers who are all masters at their respective crafts (more or less).
So please, enjoy your stay and feel free to ask any of our outstanding staff any questions about their lives in and out of the school!
A list of important names (some people are not mentioned here but will arrive sooner or later):
Thomas Jefferson: 7th grade science 
James Madison: 7th grade social studies 
Martha Wayles: 8th grade French 
Dolley Payne: 7th grade math
James Monroe: full-time substitute (all grade levels)
Elizabeth Kortright: Art (all grade levels)
John Marshall: counselor (all grade levels)
Patrick Henry: 8th grade drama
George Wythe: Principal 
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sonofhistory · 7 years
Can you tell us about the relationship between Mary Jefferson Epps and Thomas Jefferson?
At their home on the first of August 1778, at one-thirty in the morning, Martha Jefferson gave birth to baby girl who was baptized Mary and called Polly. At the time of her mother’s death, Polly was only four years old. In the wake of his wife’s funeral, Thomas Jefferson was filled with serious suicidal thoughts, however, weeks later after he had somewhat composed himself he wrote a letter to his sister in law in which he told that he would “endeavor to keep what I feel to myself” and he would hold out for his children’s sake. After leaving Virginia to serve at the Congress in Philadelphia, Jefferson left his two younger children, Polly and Lucy with Francis and Elizabeth Eppes, married relatives of his late wife. 
While away from his children he would receive regular reports if Polly or Lucy were ill, “I had a letter from your uncle Eppes last week informing me that Polly is very well, and Lucy recovered from an indisposition.” [x] However, when Jefferson received news that his diplomatic venture to France had been reinstated, he did not bide time even to say farewell to his youngest daughters in Virginia. In France, Polly, still young and not yet skilled with her writing rarely wrote letters to her father which caused him to ask her why she had not taken the time to write even a word to him. 
Early 1785, Jefferson and his daughter Patsy were notified via the Marquis de Lafayette that his youngest daughter Lucy had passed. In response to this which was written on February 5th, Jefferson wrote to Francis Eppes, “Present me affectionately to Mrs. Eppes, who will kiss my dear, dear Polly for me. Oh! could I do it myself!” [x] By May, Jefferson was to stay in France longer than expected and requested to Mr. Eppes that they send his daughter over to Europe to join them, “I must have Polly. As would not have her at sea but between 1st. of Apr. and Sep. this will allow time for decision-is there any woman in Virga. could be hired to come. I sometimes think to send one. “ [x] In another letter, he told Mr. Eppes that his “anxieties on this subject could induce me to endless details, but you discretion and that of Mrs. Eppes saves me the necessity… I commit to Mrs. Eppes my kisses for dear Poll, who hangs on my mind night and day.”
Soon after a simple letter arrived. “Dear Papa,” it began, “I want to see you and sister Patsy, but you must come to Uncle Eppes’s house.” The six year old was indignant about traveling across the sea with strangers and hoped he would come to get her instead. “I wish so much to see you that I have desired your uncle and aunt to send you to me,” he replied to Polly. “I know, my dear Polly, how sorry you will be, and ought to be, to leave them and your cousins but your sister and myself cannot live without you…” He attempted to convince of all she would experience in the foreign land, “you shall be taught here to play on the harpsichord, to draw, to dance, to read and talk French and much other things as will make you more worthy of the love of your French friends. But above all things, by our care and love of you, we will teach you to love us more than you do if you stay so far from us.” Repeated in other correspondence, Jefferson expressed his will to have his youngest surviving daughter with them, “kiss dear Polly for me and encourage her for her journey” [x] 
After time passed and they were forced to chance plans, the next year later in April, he questioned if his Polly was truly coming soon to him, “I hope my dear Polly is on her way to me.” [x] Tuesday, June 26th, 1787, Polly Jefferson, age eight, arrived in London. She was handed over to the care of Abigail Adams, Polly did not want part with the man who had commanded the ship on which she had traveled. Polly was not overjoyed when her voyage ended and sobbed when she was ripped away from Captain Ramsey and expressed that she did not even recognize what her sister or father looked like anymore. Jefferson, Mrs. Adams said, should come fetch his young daughter and perhaps bring Patsy along, for that might “reconcile her little sister to the thoughts of taking a journey.”
However, instead of fetching Polly himself, Jefferson chose instead stay with Maria Cosway, a woman he was interested in who was in Paris at this time. He instead sent Adrien Petit on Sunday, July 1st, 1787, to fetch Polly and Sally Hemings who was with her. He claimed the crush of work–the “arrearages of 3 or 4 months all crowded all on me once” as he put it–kept him from coming personally. In London, when Petit arrived, Polly was beside herself when she realized her father had not taken up the duty of collecting his daughter whom he had not seen in more than three years. The young girl was alone among strangers in an unfamiliar city. Polly at this began to cry and clung to Abigail Adams, she later wrote, “She told me this morning that as she had let all her friend in Virginia to come over the ocean to see you, she did think you would have taken the pains to have to come here for her, and not have sent a man whom she cannot understand.” 
Polly Jefferson arrived in France on Sunday, July 15th, 1787, “She had totally forgotten her sister,” Jefferson wrote, “but thought, on seeing me, that she recollected something of me.” Even while in Paris, Polly remained wary of her father and older sister, clinging to the constant thought and memory of Abigail Adams as well as Sally Hemings with whom she was familiar with. “Polly does not cease to speak of you with warmth and gratitude,” Jefferson reported to Abigail [x]. In would take a few months before Polly was comfortable around her older sister, the two soon growing terribly close, even longer it took for her to know her own father. After her arrival, Jefferson enrolled her in the same school Patsy was attending and put her into Spanish lessons on top of the French she was already receiving and she began have “guitar” lessons [x]. Polly also received an allowance from her father while there. In France, Polly became acquainted with Angelica Church and even penned her own letters to her. 
It wasn’t until Polly was ten that she arrived back in Virginia with her father and older sister. A half year after they arrived, Polly began living with an aunt. While Jefferson was serving in Philadelphia, Polly attended a school there in the city near her father. While not with him, Polly lived with her older sister and her family where her father made sure she was practicing her Spanish and her studies while there, calling her a little lazy for not writing as often as she should. Their items scattered overseas and on lost shipments from France to Philadelphia and then to Monticello and inquired to them to her, “You mentioned formerly that the two commodes were arrived at Monticello. Were my two sets of ivory chessmen in the drawers? They have not been found in any of the packages which came here.” 
In 1796 when the Ducky de la Rochefoucauld called at Monticello were Patsy was serving as head of the household in her father’s absences he found that Polly was beautiful and “constantly resides with her father; but as she is seventeen years old, and is remarkably handsome, she will doubtless soon find that there are duties which it is sweeter to perform than those of a daughter.” The next year, Polly married John Wayles Eppes, a cousin with whom she had stayed before she was sent to France. They had two children in total and Jefferson himself arrived at Monticello for a visit on Tuesday, July 11th, 1797. Polly unfortunately inherited her mother’s condition which caused childbirth to be an extremely painful and dangerous experience. “I cannot regret entirely the disappointment of [not] meting [Polly] and yourself at Monticello, because of the cause, which must be a subject of pleasure to us all,” he wrote Patsy in 1801. 
Polly did not come to live with her father in Washington during his presidency. mostly due to her health and family duties. The Jefferson family did come together in Washington of the Christmas of 1802. Patsy and Polly were together, “Mrs Eppes is beautiful, simplicity and timidity personified when in company, but when alone with you of communicative and winning manners, Mrs Bayard Smith, a guest, wrote, “Mrs R[andolph] is rather homely, a delicate likeness of her father, but still more interesting than Mrs. E. She id really one of the most lovely women I have ever met with, her countenance beaming with intelligence, benevolence and sensibility, and her conversation fulfills all her countenance promises. Her manners, so frank and affectionate, that you know her at once, and feel perfectly at your ease with her.” The visitors of Virginia were struck by their father’s lonely accommodations. “Adieu once more,” Polly wrote to Jefferson in January of 1803. “How much I think of you at the hours which we have been accustomed to be wit you alone, my dear Papa, and how much pain it gives me to think of the unsafe and solitary manner in which you sleep upstairs.” 
At Edgehill, Polly’s home, Polly gave birth to a daughter on Wednesday, February 15th. “A thousand joys to you, my dear Maria, on the happy accession to your family,” Jefferson wrote on Sunday, February 26th, 1804 using the name Polly had taken for herself in November of 1789. But not was all well, Maria was not recovering. Her husband, John Wayles Eppes left Washington for home. “I feel dreadfully apprehensive that the great debility under which she labors may terminate in some serious complaint,” Eppes wrote Jefferson. Jefferson left Washington on Sunday, April 1st, 1804, for Monticello. When he arrived three days later, he discovered Maria in a much worse condition than he had anticipated. He immediately “took change of her care.” Jefferson told Madison that things were not all they could be and Maria grew drastically worse. Jefferson told another that Maria’s “distressing situation… disable[s] me from forming any opinion on the subject. On Tuesday, April 17th, 1804, Maria Jefferson Eppes passed away at the age of twenty-five. 
Thomas Mann Randolph Jr. wrote “How the President will get over this blow I cannot pronounce… He passed all late evening with his handkerchief in his hand…. I begin to feel the want of mine.” Dolley Madison learned of the news directly from Jefferson, “A letter from the president announced the death of poor [Polly] and the consequent misery it has occasioned them all–this is among the many proofs… of the uncertainty of life!”, she wrote to a sister, “A girl to young, so lovely–all the effort of her father, doctors and friends availed to nothing.” 
Exhausted and grieving, Jefferson returned to Washington. “I arrived here last night after the more fatiguing journey I have experience for a great many years,” he wrote to his daughter Patsy, now called Martha. On Sunday, June 2nd, Jefferson received a letter from Abigail Adams sending her condolences. After the death of his daughter, Jefferson wrote that he had lost half of what he once had and it is reported the news shook him as no other as even back in the President’s House, he was walked on shedding tears in private self. 
Years later, after composing a last poem for his only surviving child of six, Martha, before his death, he alluded that he would soon be with his wife and soon with Maria as well. 
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Hamilton and Juliet
Aka, Romeo and Juliet Jamilton AU
Juliet- Alexander Hamilton: Alexander’s a young boy around the age of thirteen, keep in mind this takes place in the 1500’s, who becomes infatuated with Thomas when he showed up at a party. They end up kissing before Juliet knows he’s a Hamilton, and end up believing they were destined for each other.
Tybalt- John Laurens: Alexander’s cousin. He’s very aggressive towards the Jeffersons, which one day ends up getting him to kill Thomas’s best friend, James, in a street brawl. In response to this, Thomas stabs John, which banishes him from Virginia.
Nurse- Angelica: mixed with her love for the Hamiltons, Angelica’s dirty sense of humor makes her a funny and loveable character. That is, until when Alexander needs her most—after her parents order her to marry Lafayette—Angelica betrays her. Thomas is as good as dead, Angelica tells Alexander, and he had better forget him and marry Lafayette.
Lord Capulet- George Hamilton: Lord Hamilton (a.k.a. Hamilton) is Alex’s daddy. At first, he seems like a pretty good dad. When Lafayette comes sniffing around for thirteen-year-old Alexander’s hand in marriage, Hamilton puts him off, citing Alexander’s young age and even suggesting that he'd like his son to marry for "love" (1.2). But Lord Hamilton doesn't play the good father for long. Lafayette eventually wears him down, but Lord Hamilton isn't too happy when Alexander refuses to marry him. Lord Hamilton’s response to Alex’s "disobedience" is so violently harsh that we begin to see him as a bit of a tyrant. We see the physical aggression most prominently in the big, confrontational scene with Alex over whether or not he will marry Lafayette. When Ale refuses, Hamilton screams, "Out, you baggage,/you tallow face" (3.5.161-162) and says, "My fingers itch" when Alex stands up, which may suggest that he's prone to physical violence (3.5.170). And that's not even mentioning the domestic violence against Angelica and his wife.
Lady Capulet- Martha Hamilton: Like many other mothers of teens, Lady Hamilton has her hands full with Alexander. Sure, Lady Hamilton does make an effort to reach out to her son now that he’s of an age to be married. But it's obvious that Alexander’s closest bond is with Angelica; Lady Hamilton never even comes close to challenging that.
Romeo- Thomas Jefferson: He's emotional and angsty, and it drives some people crazy. His over-the-top infatuation with Martha at the beginning of the play, immediately followed by, um, completely forgetting about Martha, can make Thomas seem shallow and foolish. No sooner does he meet Alexander than he starts insisting, "I have forgot that name and that name's woe." (2.3.49). Even though Thomas breaks out a conventional pick-up line when he first chats it up with Alex, he ends up seeming genuinely in love with Alexander. After all, he does vow to "lie with thee tonight"—i.e., kill himself—as soon as he hears that he’s dead (5.1.37), and then he actually follows through with it.
Mercutio- James Madison: James is Thomas’s sword-fight loving best friend. He’s quite touchy and he never backs down from a duel and, although he's neither a Jefferson nor a Hamilton, he gets involved in the long-standing family feud on the side of the Jeffersons. That turns out to be a mistake on his part: John kills him in Act 3, Scene 1. James is a showstopper. He's dirty, funny, and out of control.
Benvolio- Aaron Burr: Aaron is a classic nice guy: stuck playing the straight man to James and the non-romantic-idiot to Thomas, constantly telling everyone else to chill and stop fighting and "keep the peace" (1.1.69), and being asked to spy on his friends. Thomas’s parents (his aunt and uncle) turn to him when their son is acting weird, and the Prince always asks him to explain what went down in the most recent street fight.
Lord Montague- Peter Jefferson: Thomas’s Father (no dialogue in script)
Lady Montague- Jane Jefferson: Thomas’s Mother (no dialogue in script)
Friar Laurence- John Jay: A mentor to both Thomas and Alexander, John Jay constantly advises them to act with more caution and moderation, even though he doesn't wait too long before agreeing to marry off these two crazy kids.
Paris- Lafayette: Lafayette’s language says: "I'm a stiff and lacking in passion." Notice, in the fic, how rhythmic and sing-songy his words are? How they rhyme in a tight, closed off, heroic couplet, almost like he Googled "How to mourn your dead fiancée?" Yeah, there's no way that Lafayette would die for Alexander. He's probably already crossing him name of his "People To Marry" list and moving on to next candidate.
Rosaline- Martha Wayles: while she is mentioned in the play, she actually never shows up, but is mentioned a lot. If Thomas hadn’t fallen for her, he wouldn’t have found Alexander because James wouldn’t have reccommended he look for other girls.
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angryacegiant · 7 years
Thomas Jefferson Sucks: here’s why...
Thomas the little bitch was the son of Peter Jefferson, a Virginia landowning, slaveholder who died in 1757, leaving the 11-year-old with a massive estate. Ten years later, he formally inherited 52 black human beings and 5,000 acres of land as well as livestock and other valuables. When he authored the Declaration of Independence in 1776, he held 175 black men, women, and children in bondage. By 1822, he had increased that number to 267. That’s right two hundred and sixty-seven human beings were the property of that cunt.
Also, while writing “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…,” he enslaved nearly 200 human beings. Fucking hypocrite. In his original draft of the Declaration on June 28, 1776, he described slavery as a “cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended … (anyone and who were) captivat(ed) and carr(ied) … into slavery in another hemisphere, or … incure(d) miserable death in their transportation hither …” He also described it as “this execrable commerce” and “this assemblage of horrors.” And in 1781, he called it “… this great political and moral evil …” But what did he ultamitly do? That’s right, enslave more people!
Then as a U.S. Envoy and Minister to France, Jefferson began living there periodically from 1784-1789. He took with him his oldest daughter, Martha, and a few of those whom he enslaved, including James Hemings. In 1787, he requested that his daughter Polly join him. This meant that Polly’s enslaved chambermaid, 14-year-old seamstress Sally Hemings (James’ younger sister), was to accompany her. Sally was described in 1787 as “quite a child” and “good natured,” in 1847 as “handsome (with) long straight hair down her back,” and in 1851 as “decidedly good looking.” Both Sally and James were among the six Mulatto offspring of Jefferson’s father-in-law, John Wayles, and his enslaved “domestic servant” Betty Hemings. Sally and James were half siblings of Thomas Jefferson’s late wife, Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson. Thomas, after repeatedly sexually forcing himself on Sally while in Paris, impregnated her. Her first child died after she returned to America. But she had six more of Thomas’s children at Monticello. That bitch raped a 14-year-old girl (who was his half-sister) and had 7 children with her.
I know what the Jefferson apologists are saying right now. They’re saying that there’s no proof that he fathered any of Sally’s children. BULLSHIT, and here’s why. The prestigious Thomas Jefferson Foundation Research Committee says that he’s the father of at least six. And their son Madison says Thomas is the father of all seven. Thomas’ white daughter, Martha Jefferson Randolph, and two of her children, namely Ellen Randolph Coolidge and Thomas Jefferson Randolph, deny all of this. (shocker ¬_¬ ) They contend that it was impossible on “moral and practical grounds.” Sometimes I read that and wonder if their ass’s get jealous of their mouths what with all the shit that comes out of it. UGH. But, colloquially speaking, science doesn’t lie. The 1998 DNA testing and its scholarly review in 2010 concluded that Thomas Jefferson is “most likely” the father of the six listed in the Monticello records. They include Harriet who was born in 1795 but died in infancy, Beverly born 1798, an unnamed daughter born in 1799 but who died in infancy, (another) Harriet born in 1801, Madison born in 1805, and Eston born in 1808.
Moving on from that mess of fuck up shit. As pointed out by Joyce Oldham Appleby, professor emerita of history at UCLA and former president of the Organization of American Historians and the American Historical Association, as well as by Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., former Professor of History at Harvard University and Professor Emeritus at CUNY Graduate Center, Jefferson opposed the practice of slaveholders freeing the enslaved because he claimed it would encourage rebellion. ≖_≖
And, as noted by John E. Ferling, professor emeritus of history at University of West Georgia, after Jefferson was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1769, he attempted to introduce laws (which were considered extremist even in 18th century Southern terms (like holy shit dude! How do you fuck up that badly?)) that essentially would have banned free blacks from entering or exiting the Commonwealth and would have banished children whose fathers were of African origin. He also tried to expel white women who had children by black men. (The hypocrite strikes again!)
Anyway, after being elected governor in 1779, he signed a bill to encourage enlistment in the Revolutionary War by compensating white men by giving them, among other things, “a healthy sound Negro.” And to the Jefferson apologists who rewrite history when they claim that he promoted at least gradual emancipation, his own words as a representative to the Continental Congress, when asked to support an anti-slavery amendment, refute that: “(It is) better that this should be kept back.”
As Secretary of State in 1795, he gave $40,000 and one thousand firearms to colonial French slaveholders in Haiti in an attempt to defeat Toussaint Louverture’s successful slave rebellion. (Toussaint Louverture is legit and y’all should check him out!) As president, he supported French plans to resume power, lent France $300,000 “for relief of whites on the island,” and in 1804 refused to recognize Haiti as a sovereign republic after its military victory. Two years later, he imposed a trade embargo. (I just… ugh)
In his 1785 book entitled “Notes on the State of Virginia,” he wrote about “the preference of the ‘oran-outan’ (i.e., orangutan, meaning an ape-like creature) for the black women over those of … (its) own species.” He wrote that blacks stink in that they have “a very strong and disagreeable odor,” that there exists an “innate incompetence of blacks” and that they “are inferior to the white in the endowment of both body and mind.” 
His friend from the American Revolution, Polish nobleman Tadeusz Kosciuszko, came to America in 1798 to receive back pay for his military service. He then wrote a will directing Jefferson to use all of Kosciuszko’s money and land in the U.S. to “free and educate slaves.” Jefferson agreed to do so. After Kosciuszko died in 1817, Jefferson refused to free or educate any of them. The hypocrite is strong in this one.
Beginning in 1768, Jefferson forced many in his enslaved population to begin the laborious task of clearing the mountaintop and then constructing his primary multi-building plantation, known as Monticello (near Charlottesville), which was highlighted by a neoclassical Italian 43-room mansion. Enslaved carpenters did the “rough structural woodwork.” In fact, John Hemmings (spelled with two m’s), an enslaved “out-carpenter”— who was ordered to lead other enslaved men in the arduous tasks of felling trees, hewing logs, building fences, and assembling the “log slave dwellings”— was pervasively instrumental in the creation of Monticello. As an aside, it should be mentioned that the imported mahogany window sashes were made in Philadelphia, which is where many of the white woodworkers were from.
For in his capacity as the nation’s chief diplomat, Jefferson repeatedly lied to his boss, George Fucking Washington, all the while organizing the opposition to the president he served.
Jefferson used his position as secretary of state to advance French interests, both covertly and overtly, whenever possible. He had a… passionate attachment (is that what people are calling it today? In my day, we called it an unhealthy obsession.) to France, particularly its murderous revolutionary government. His infamous “Adam and Eve” letter of 1793 defended the excesses of the French Revolution and endorsed the idea of seeing “half the earth desolated” as an incidental cost of revolution. 
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Beyond his rhetorical support for the French, Jefferson covertly assisted the clandestine operation of French agent André Michaux, who traveled into the western reaches of the United States under the guise of a botanical expedition, but whose real intent was to organize opposition to British and Spanish outposts from Louisiana to Canada. Jefferson, violating Washington’s nonintervention policy, wrote letters of introduction for Michaux and offered tactical advice to assist Michaux in his mission.
His love affair with all things French was coupled with a hatred of all things British, in particular, those British banks to whom he was perpetually in debt to. (Jefferson’s hatred of banks ran so deep that he once proposed that any Virginia banker who cooperated with Alexander Hamilton’s Bank of the United States be tried for treason and executed). But beyond his irritation at his financial obligations to British banks, Jefferson found Great Britain to be a morally repulsive (-_-) regime; it was, in fact, an evil empire. The United States, he would later write after the War of 1812, was locked in an “eternal war” with the British that would end up with the “extermination of the one or the other party.” His contempt for the British escalated when the king’s soldiers had the audacity to burn Washington, DC to the ground during the War of 1812. Jefferson proposed that the United States covertly hire arsonists in London to burn down St. Paul’s Cathedral in retaliation.
The fucker’s unscrupulousness knew no bounds. He placed a political operative on his State Department payroll whose primary function was to write anti-administration editorials. Jefferson provided this factotum, Philip Freneau, with information from the highest levels of the nascent American government. His minions engaged in a concerted effort to destroy Alexander Hamilton by leaking revelations of the latter’s extramarital affair, convinced, mistakenly, that they had discovered an instance of financial misconduct on the part of the treasury secretary. As justice would have it, James Callender, the Jeffersonian hatchet man who published the first account of Hamilton’s affair, would later turn on his mentor (oh this part is great!) and reveal Jefferson’s alleged relationship with his slave Sally Hemings. (lol get rekt fucker ≖◡≖)
Jefferson dared to questioned George Washington’s patriotism, accusing the president of surrendering to the seductive allure of the “harlot England.” (Jefferson: slut shaming England since 1796) Jefferson believed President Washington had committed treason in negotiating the Jay Treaty, which was “an alliance between England and the Anglomen of this country against the legislature and people of the United States.” Jefferson’s animus toward Britain was so great he that he was opposed in principle to any treaty with the evil empire. Part of his party’s opposition to the Jay Treaty was due to the absence of reparations for the slaves the British had liberated. Some Jeffersonians went so far as to demand that the freed slaves be returned to bondage.
Toward the end of his life, George Washington would have nothing to do with Thomas Jefferson, who had repeatedly lied about his efforts to undermine Washington’s presidency. Having put his life on the line during the American Revolution, Washington had little patience for armchair revolutionaries who questioned his patriotism. When Washington died, Vice President Cuntfucker did not attend the memorial service held in December 1799. Shittalker welcomed Washington’s death, for this allowed for a reemergence of the “republican spirit” now that the Federalists could no longer rely on Washington’s protection. Martha Washington would later observe that the two worst days of her life were the day her husband died, and the day in 1801 when President-elect Jeffknutface paid her a courtesy call at Mount Vernon.
In short: fuck Thomas Jefferson
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dollyharlowhq · 8 years
Wait...who's the potential boo of Jefferson's Ham was mentioning??
There’s five possibilities: Martha Wayles, Sally Hemings, Angelica Schuyler, James Madison, Maria Cosway. But he said, “she” so that rules out James Madison.
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dollyharlow · 8 years
Here are my face claims for each character that I use on this blog. Please keep in mind that I have to recast some of these characters due to the lack of suitable resources.
In the Musical/Mentioned in Hamilton
Aaron Burr - Leslie Odom jr
Theodosia Bartow Prevost - Karla Garcia
James Madison - Okieriete Onaodowan
Sally Hemings - Chanel Iman
Thomas Jefferson - Daveed Diggs
Angelica Schuyler - Renee Elise Goldsberry
Margarita Schuyler - Jasmine Cephas Jones
John Laurens - Anthony Ramos
Elizabeth Schuyler - Phillipa Soo
Jacques Prevost - Seth Stewart
Samuel Seabury - Thayne Jasperson
King George III - Jonathan Groff
Marquis de Lafayette - Jordan Donica
Hercules Mulligan - Chris Lee
Maria Reynolds - Christine Allado
Alexander Hamilton - Lin-Manuel Miranda
My OCs
Dolly Harlow - Nadine Lustre (Dosia’s OC daughter; my main OC)
Martha Ruston - Julia Barretto (Dolly’s BFF)
Charlotte Seabury - Juno Temple (Samuel’s OC sister)
Kathryn Seabury - Taylor Swift (Charlotte and Samuel’s OC Patriotic sister)
Amelia Smith - Angel Locsin (Abigail’s OC cousin - father’s side)
Cleopatra Norton - Stefanie Scott (Mr Norton’s daughter)
Gwendolyn Hancock - Solenn Heussaff (John Hancock’s sister)
Not in the musical/More Mentioned in the Musical
Dolley Madison - Sharon Leal
Martha Wayles Skelton - Kim Chiu
Martha Dandridge - Samantha Marie Ware
Marie de Noailles - Anika Noni Rose
Caroline Brunswick - Gabriella Wilde
John Jay - Big Sean
Sarah Livingston - Liza Soberano
John Adams - Javier Muñoz
Abigail Adams - Lexi Lawson
Martha Manning - Alysha Deslorieux
Louisa Johnson - Kathryn Bernardo
Maria Cosway - Carly Rae Jepsen
Mary Smith - Mandy Gonzalez
Betsy Smith - Karen Olivo
Dorothy Hancock - Ari Afsar
Susanna Lewis - Rachel John
Queen Charlotte - Lea Michele
Prince George - Logan Lerman
John Quincy Adams - Jordan Fisher
Philip Hamilton - Ruben J Crabajal
Angie Hamilton - Auli’i Cravalho
Theodosia Burr - Zendaya Coleman
Abigail “Nabby” Adams - Nikki SooHoo
Something Rotten/English History
William Shakespeare - Christian Borle
Anne Hathaway - Laura Benanti
Susanna Shakespeare - Dove Cameron
Hamnet Shakespeare - Beau Mirchoff
Judith Shakespeare - Olivia Holt
Nick Bottom - Brian d’Arcy James
Nigel Bottom - John Cariani
Queen Elizabeth - Idina Menzel
Newsies/1800s American History
Katherine Pulitzer - Morgan Keene
Jack Kelly - Joey Barriero
Nellie Bly - Stephanie Styles
Elizabeth Bisland - Liana Hunt
Davey Jacobs - Stephen Michael Langton
Medda Larkin - Aisha de Haas
Bonnie & Clyde/1930s American History
Bonnie Parker - Laura Osnes
Clyde Barrow - Jeremy Jordan
More to be added as soon as I figure out who I wanna use for the story.
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takenews-blog1 · 7 years
Historical past’s Most Well-known Mistresses
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/historical-pasts-most-well-known-mistresses/
Historical past’s Most Well-known Mistresses
It’s not unusual for males in positions of energy to have affairs with lovely ladies. Whereas they threat dropping their wives and households, they can’t resist temptation, as historical past has proved time and time once more. Some risked all of it and a few threw all of it away after they bought concerned with these well-known mistresses. However others bought away with their infidelities…
John F. Kennedy was extensively revered as President, however the political powerhouse had a number of affairs throughout his marriage. Jackie Kennedy reportedly knew the names of each considered one of his mistresses, however the one she had essentially the most issue with was the blonde bombshell, Marilyn Monroe. The pin-up reportedly believed she might be the President’s second spouse. In keeping with Christopher Andersen, writer of These Treasured Few Days: The Last Years of Jack with Jackie, Marilyn referred to as Jackie and admitted the affair. The First Woman feared Marilyn “was a free cannon who might go public at any time, inflicting a scandal that will obliterate her husband’s popularity, destroy her marriage and maintain her as much as public ridicule.”
John F. Kennedy wasn’t the primary President to have an affair although.
Actress-model Marla Maples had an affair with future president Donald Trump whereas he was nonetheless married to his spouse of 13 years, Ivana Trump. Within the 1990s, the 2 blondes famously bought right into a public spat in Aspen, Colorado, that made headlines around the globe. Ivana confronted Marla, who declared her love for Donald. They finally ended up collectively. Maples and Trump had a daughter, Tiffany Ariana Trump, on Oct. 13, 1993, they usually wed two months later. Their marriage ceremony included 1,000 visitors, comparable to actress Rosie O’Donnell and NFL star O.J. Simpson. The pair break up in 1997 and finalized their divorce in 1999.
President Thomas Jefferson owned many slaves, together with Sarah “Sally” Hemings. Sally’s father was a widowed planter named John Wayles, and her mom was a mixed-race girl named Betty Hemings, who was Wayles’ slave. Sally had six brothers and sisters, all of whom have been the half-siblings of Thomas Jefferson’s spouse, Martha. Sally, who was three-quarters European, moved to Monticello when she was an toddler after Martha Jefferson inherited her father’s slaves. It’s believed that Sally’s six kids have been fathered by Thomas Jefferson. They have been all born after his spouse died. 4 of Sally’s kids lived to be adults, and Jefferson finally freed them.
Lucy Mercer was employed by Eleanor Roosevelt to be her social secretary in 1914. She reportedly started her affair with Franklin Roosevelt in 1916. Eleanor discovered concerning the affair in 1918 when she stumbled on letters they wrote to 1 one other. Eleanor steered a divorce, however it was higher politically for Franklin to remain married. Mercer later married a widower, however she saved hooking up with Franklin on and off over the following 30 years. She was additionally current at his loss of life in Heat Springs, Georgia, in 1945. The general public was not conscious of the affair till 1966 when Jonathan W. Daniels wrote The Time Between The Wars.
Whereas Prince Charles was married to Princess Diana, he carried on an on-again-off-again affair with Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, who was additionally married. In 1993, secret conversations between the pair have been leaked to the general public, and she or he was vilified by many who disapproved of their relationship. She and her husband had two kids however divorced in 1995. After Diana died in a automobile accident, Camilla and Charles finally tied the knot in 2005. They slowly obtained public approval for his or her relationship. Immediately, Camilla is thought for her philanthropic efforts and in addition helps the Prince of Wales along with his official duties.
The following mistress exhibits what occurs when love turns violent.
Neither Amy Fisher nor Joey Buttafuoco have been well-known, however their affair made headlines in each tabloids and respectable papers round the USA. Amy was a 16-year-old highschool scholar when she began an affair with the 35-year-old Lengthy Island auto mechanic in 1991. Amy fell in love and earlier than lengthy grew to become very jealous of his spouse, Mary Jo. On the age of 17, she confronted Mary Jo on the doorstep of her house and shot her within the face. Mary Jo survived, however Amy was sentenced to seven years in jail for assault. She was additionally labeled the Lengthy Island Lolita by the press.
Monica Lewinsky was an intern on the White Home when she started an affair with President Invoice Clinton in 1995 that lasted till 1997. Clinton initially denied the affair after information broke concerning the scandal in 1998, saying, “There may be not a sexual relationship, an improper sexual relationship or every other type of improper relationship,” with Lewinsky. However he later confessed to having an “inappropriate relationship” with the intern and Clinton was later impeached on account of the affair. Lewinsky went on to design purses and have become a tv character earlier than getting her grasp’s diploma in psychology. Immediately, she is a spokesperson for cyberbullying.
Tv character and nightclub supervisor Rachel Uchitel first made headlines following the September 11 terrorist assaults when an image of her holding a photograph of her fiance, who labored in one of many towers of the World Commerce Middle, went viral. Uchitel married a Wall Road dealer in 2004 however break up after just some months collectively. Quick ahead to 2010, she made headlines once more for her affair with professional golfer Tiger Woods. The scandal launched an investigation into Woods’ personal life, revealing he slept with many ladies exterior his marriage. Uchitel then appeared on Celeb Rehab With Dr. Drew the identical yr.
Actress and movie producer Rielle Hunter grew to become a family identify after it was revealed she had an affair and a baby with politician John Edwards. Hunter bought pregnant in Might 2007, previous to Edwards’ 2008 presidential marketing campaign. When her daughter was born, she didn’t record the daddy’s identify on the start certificates. Edwards later admitted to the affair however denied the kid was his. He didn’t acknowledge his daughter publicly till 2010. In 2012, Hunter printed the ebook, What Actually Occurred: John Edwards, Our Daughter and Me. Throughout an interview with Steve Harvey, Hunter admitted that their relationship lasted till 2015.
Name lady and aspiring musician Ashley Dupré related with New York governor Eliot Spitzer by way of an escort service in 2008. A dialog she had with the reserving firm a couple of hookup with Spitzer was recorded by the FBI, after which the information broke that the politician was concerned in a prostitution scandal. Ashley grew to become well-known in a single day for her liaisons with the governor. She was thought to be one of many world’s most well-known hookers. She additionally appeared in footage filmed by Joe Francis’ firm Women Gone Wild and posed for Playboy in 2010. Spitzer resigned from workplace in 2008.
Everybody is aware of Monica Lewinsky, however what about Invoice Clinton’s different mistress?
Gennifer Flowers was an actress and mannequin who posed nude for Penthouse. She claimed in 1992 throughout Invoice Clinton’s presidential marketing campaign that she had a 12-year relationship with the politician. Clinton denied the affair, although Flowers later introduced tape recordings of a few of their conversations. In 1998, Flowers testified below oath that she had a sexual encounter with President Invoice Clinton, who lastly acknowledged he had intercourse along with her. However he claimed it occurred just one time in 1977 (after he had been married to Hillary Clinton for 2 years). Flowers later launched a memoir and continued appearing.
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is at the moment the spouse of Nicolas Sarkozy, the President of France. However earlier than they bought collectively, she had a torrid affair with British rocker Mick Jagger. She was simply 23 years outdated when she began courting the Rolling Stones singer, who swept her off her ft whereas she was hanging out with Eric Clapton. Jagger was married to Jerry Corridor throughout their affair, which finally ended. Carla later mentioned of the breakup: “I assumed I’d by no means recover from it. I used to get up each morning in despair. I assumed I’d by no means fall in love with another person.’”
In 2011, the Los Angeles Occasions reported that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 25-year marriage to Maria Shriver was ending due to a long-time affair he had with their housekeeper, Mildred Patricia “Patty” Baena. In truth, he secretly had a baby with Patty 14 years earlier and his spouse solely simply discovered concerning the affair. Patty labored for the couple for 20 years. She bought pregnant whereas Shriver was pregnant with the youngest of her and Arnold’s 4 kids. Arnold realized Patty’s son was his when he was about seven or eight and began to appear to be him. Arnold purchased the pair a house in 2010.
The following tatted mistress made headlines in 2010.
A busty, tattooed mannequin named Michelle “Bombshell” McGee had an affair with bike builder Jesse James whereas he was married to actress Sandra Bullock. She later claimed she would by no means have had a relationship with Jesse had she recognized he was married. She mentioned he led her to imagine that he was separated. Bullock discovered concerning the affair simply weeks after her husband accompanied her to the Academy Awards, the place she received an Oscar for The Blind Aspect. McGee labored as a stripper and was a fetish mannequin who made cash by showing on reside webcam movies.
Marion Davies was an actress, producer, and screenwriter who had already made her mark in Hollywood when she began courting newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst. He grew to become her supervisor, and Marion appeared in a string of movies below his Cosmopolitan Photos. Hearst marketed her closely in his newspaper and newsreels, and his affect resulted in her starring in lots of options for which she wasn’t suited. They have been collectively for many years, however Hearst’s spouse refused to divorce him. Marion married Horace Brown lower than three months after Hearst’s loss of life. Though it was a foul marriage, they by no means divorced and the starlet finally handed away from most cancers in 1961.
Virginia Hill was well-known for being the girlfriend of mobster Bugsy Siegel, who married childhood sweetheart Esta Krakower in 1929. Virginia grew up with an abusive alcoholic father and began hanging out with the gangster within the 1940s after they began their affair. He reportedly named the Flamingo Las Vegas resort after Virginia’s lengthy legs. After their affair ended, she dated quite a few different mobsters, together with Joey Adonis. She married Austrian skier Hans Hauser in 1951. She moved to Austria along with her solely son and overdosed on sleeping tablets in 1966 on the age of 49. Many questioned whether or not it was suicide or homicide.
Kay Summersby spent numerous time with Dwight D. Eisenhower throughout World Warfare II. She was a part of the British Mechanised Transport Corps and drove Eisenhower round in a jeep. She later served as his secretary whereas he acted as commander of the European Entrance. It’s unclear whether or not the pair had a sexual relationship, however it was rumored that they have been greater than mates, though many individuals, together with biographers, have dismissed the gossip. Eisenhower helped Summersby develop into a U.S. citizen in addition to a commissioned officer within the US Ladies’s Military Corps. She moved to the USA in 1947 and had a short-lived marriage earlier than she handed away in 1975.
There was a 34-year age distinction between this subsequent mistress and former Common.
Filipina actress Elizabeth Cooper met Common Douglas MacArthur when she was simply 16 years outdated. On the time, MacArthur, 50, was commander of all U.S. troops within the Philippines, and he lately break up along with his spouse. MacArthur hid the connection from his mom, who was 80. He introduced her to Washington however put her on a separate ship to keep away from scandal. At one level, MacArthur gave her $15,000 to return to the Philippines as a result of he feared the affair would develop into public. Cooper stayed in the USA however finally moved to Los Angeles. She struggled to search out appearing jobs and dedicated suicide in 1960.
Nanna Popham Britton was a secretary who had an affair with President Warren G. Harding, who was a pal of her father’s. She was infatuated with Harding when she was a younger lady, and at 15 years outdated would stalk him on the Marion Day by day Star constructing the place he labored. One yr earlier than Harding was elected president, Britton claimed that her daughter, Elizabeth, was Harding’s baby. Many individuals questioned her declare, however it was confirmed in 2015 by way of DNA testing. In her 1927 memoir, she claimed to have had intercourse with Harding in a coat closet on the White Home.
Anne Boleyn started flirting with Henry VIII whereas he was married to Queen Catherine of Aragon. For years, the King tried to seduce Boleyn, however she struck him down. She refused to have a relationship with him till he annulled his marriage. When the pope dragged his ft on the annulment, the King created the Anglican Church of England, and his marriage was annulled, making it doable for Anne to develop into Queen. They secretly wed in 1532 and had an official marriage ceremony in 1533. Boleyn was accused (wrongly) of getting affairs with a number of males, together with her brother. She was executed in 1536.
Within the 1980’s Jeff Bakker alongside along with his spouse, Tammy Bakker have been well-known televangelists with a constant and dependable following together with one million greenback media empire with the (PTL) The Reward the Lord or Individuals That Love Membership. Nevertheless, in 1987, Jessica Hahn, a former church secretary, introduced that she had had a sexual encounter with Bakk and had been paid off for years with a view to hold quiet. So, Bakker was then compelled to reside from the PTL, his spouse finally divorced him, and Hahn made a profession out of all of it, showing in Playboy and Hollywood movies.
In 2001, American actor Eddie Cibrian married former mannequin and actuality tv star Brandi Glanville and collectively they’ve two sons named Mason and Jake. Nevertheless, after eight years of marriage, in 2009, they separated when it was found that Eddie had an affair with nation music star LeAnn Rimes. Then, in 2010 Eddie went on to get engaged to LeAnn and after that they had appeared within the 2009 film Nora Roberts Northern Lights when it’s assumed that the affair passed off. Fairly a scandal should you ask us, and their marriage in 2011 was the cherry on prime.
Between the dates of June 18 till June 24, 2009, the previous Alabama Governor went lacking after saying that he was taking a visit to hike the Appalachian Mountains. He was not heard from that whole time and was finally intercepted by a reporter arriving at Hatfield-Jackson Atlanta Worldwide Airport on a flight from Argentina. it was then found that he was committing adultery with a 43-year-old divorced girl named María Belén Chapur, that lived in Buenos Aires. the 2 had met in 2001 and had been in touch since. The scandal finally led to his him being censured in his place of the governor however didn’t finish his political profession.
On the age of 17, Champdivers discovered herself because the mistress for the mad king of France Charles VI. On the time, they referred to as King Charles mad as a result of he had what can be often called schizophrenia or bipolar dysfunction in the present day. Medical doctors believed that one option to remedy him can be to conceive a baby. Nevertheless, Charles’ spouse Isabella was afraid for her life so she had Champdivers step in for her. But, she ended up falling in love with him and earned the nickname “Little Queen” they usually had a daughter collectively and have been each offered by his will after his loss of life. She has been featured in lots of historic work.
In 2012, well-known director Rupert Sanders was caught on cameras in very questionable and compromising positions with Twilight actress Kristen Stewart. The 2 had met on the set of Snow White and The Huntsman whereas Sanders was married and Stewart was in a relationship on the time along with her Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson. Sanders went on to notice that the affair along with her was a “momentary lapse” and even went on to say that, “For those who took folks off of the desk for a momentary lapse, there can be nobody making artwork”. His spouse Liberty Ross quickly after divorced him in 2013.
The American public was shocked when it was introduced that ex-NFL participant Tiki Barber had left his spouse of 11 years who was additionally eight months pregnant for a 23-year-old enticing lady named Traci Lynn Johnson. The 2 had met in 2007 after he had retired from skilled soccer and began working as a Immediately Present correspondent at NBC. Traci went with barber to Senegal in 2009 and she or he may need accompanied him to Vancouver for a couple of months when Barber was running a blog concerning the Winter Olympics for Yahoo.com. Protected to say, Barber, recevied some significantly harsh criticism for this transfer, but the 2 are nonetheless collectively in the present day.
In 2010, NBA legend Shaquille O’ Neal discovered himself in the course of an argument when younger and enticing Vanessa Lopez filed a lawsuit in opposition to him alleging harassment and threats after she referred to as quits to their affair. Nevertheless, she went on to say that she knew he was married and dated him as a result of he mentioned he had an “open” relationship along with his spouse. The 2 noticed one another for 5 years, the place there was a being pregnant scandal which led to every part falling aside. Regardless of his spouse Shaunie divorcing him, she teamed up with Vanessa to attempt to get as a lot cash out of him as doable. Harsh.
From the years 2004 to 2006, Britney Spears was in an affair along with her male backup dancer Kevin Federline, coming between his girlfriend Shar Jackson who was additionally at the moment anticipating Federline’s second baby throughout the drama each throughout and after the affair was revealed. Jackson went on to confess that his relationship with Spears on the time “wasn’t identical to breaking apart a relationship, however it was like breaking apart a household”. Though Spears and Federline bought collectively as soon as the storm had handed their relationship didn’t final lengthy both, they nonetheless managed to have two kids collectively.
Buckle your seatbelts, as a result of this one’s somewhat loopy. From April 2001 till March 2002, Jeff Gordon was having an affair with the blonde mannequin Deana Merrymen. Nevertheless, her affair with the married man was going easily up till she discovered he was having a 3rd affair with yet one more supermodel. So, she ended their superb 11-month affair when she realized she was getting performed herself. Then, Gordon wasn’t too joyful to lose every part when his spouse discovered about each affairs in a tabloid and divorced him, receiving a nice settlement of $15 million.
Kimberly Bell was supposedly Bonds Lover for 9 years additionally turned out to be a key witness in Bonds’ steroid trial as effectively. The 2 started seeing one another in 1994 whereas Bonds’ was within the processes of divorcing his spouse and continued to see one another after he re-married in 1999. She went on to testify that she underwent abuse from him and started utilizing steroids which made him more and more “more and more aggressive, irritable, agitated, and really impatient”. In the long run, throughout their relationship, he purchased her a home but stopped making funds.
J. Lo and Marc Anthony married on June 5, 2004. Whereas all appeared effectively and good within the couple’s world, folks couldn’t assist however level out that Anthony had finalized his divorce only a week prior.
The salsa artist had beforehand married former Miss Universe Dayanara Torres in 2000, however their union was short-lived as Torres filed for divorce in October 2003. Though it has by no means been confirmed if Anthony did, in reality, cheat on Torres with Jenny from the block, many followers have drawn their very own conclusions concerning the pair’s speedy divorce and Anthony’s subsequent marriage to Lopez.
This record wouldn’t be full with no few of Tiger Wooden’s mistresses. Pornstar and escort Devon James was the shamed golf professional’s fifteenth mistress. James aired all of her and Wooden’s soiled laundry throughout a reside radio interview with Bubba the Love Sponge, saying the athlete was “tough” in addition to “degrading and raunchy.”
She would later go on to assert that Woods had fathered her love baby and that she was releasing a intercourse tape of herself and Woods, though each of those claims later turned out to be false. Most lately, the grownup movie star has opened up about being arrested for prostitution and having a drug downside.
Carolyn Hughes was an anchor for Fox Sports activities Web West—key phrase: was. Hughes started a secret relationship with Dodgers pitcher Derek Lowe in 2005, which was already a no-no. To make issues worse, each Hughes and Lowe have been married.
Lowe’s spouse, Trinka, discovered concerning the affair and was fast to contact the Fox Sports activities community and oust the pair. It wasn’t lengthy earlier than Hughes was fired and retired from broadcasting fully. She additionally retired from her first marriage. She and Lowe have been collectively since and wed in 2008. Romantic, huh?
Shaquille O’ Neal is not any stranger to allegations of extramarital affairs. The basketball legend already made our record as soon as for his affair with Vanessa Lopez in 2010. However earlier than Lopez, there was Alexis Miller. Miller is an Atlanta-based rapper who goes by the stage identify, MaryJane. She took out a restraining order once more O’Neal in August 2008 after she alleged that he stalked her and threatened her after the pair break up. She additionally claimed that he went as far to pay different hip-hop artists $50,000 every to not work along with her. The 2 finally settled their variations and the restraining order was lifted.
Barbara Walters is without doubt one of the most well-known journalists in the present day. However whereas she is often the one reporting the highest tales from around the globe, it was her who made headlines in 2008. It was this yr that Walters launched her ebook, Auditions. Not solely did Auditions element her fascinating profession and private life, however she dropped an enormous bombshell—that she had an interracial affair with Massachusetts Senator Edward Brook within the ’70s.
Individuals have been shocked since Walters has by no means appeared like the sort to have an affair. Though Brooke got here clear to his spouse again in 1975, everybody saved it a secret so it wouldn’t derail anybody’s profession.
For years, rumors have circulated about Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin. The Olympian gymnast was born in 1983 (which is sarcastically the identical yr the Russian Prime Minister married his spouse Lyudmila) and shortly grew to become a world star for her unimaginable gymnastic talents. She met Putin in 2008 and the 2 have been linked since. Some even imagine that the pair is already married and have kids collectively. It doesn’t assist that Kabaeva is essentially thought of considered one of Russia’s most eligible bachelorettes but has by no means been rumored to be courting anybody during the last decade. Oh, and she or he confirmed as much as an occasion carrying a marriage ring following Putin’s divorce in 2014.
Blaze Starr & Earl Lengthy
to say Blaze Star was a controversial girl throughout the ’50s can be an understatement. Star was not solely a stripper however quickly grew to become often called a mistress when she was concerned in an extramarital affair with Louisiana Governor Earl Lengthy.
Star was knowledgeable unique dancer with fiery purple hair and an hourglass determine. She appeared on quite a few journal covers and made as much as $1,500 per week on the top of her profession. Not surprisingly she had many admirers, together with Lengthy. The 2 quickly developed a powerful private relationship however it will definitely ended. Earlier than Star handed away in 2015, she additionally claimed she had slept with John F. Kennedy earlier than he received the presidency.
Effectively, that is an attention-grabbing one. On October 26, 2010, pornstar Capri Anderson launched into a date with Charlie Sheen when issues turned disastrous. Ander was paid $three,500 to go to dinner with the scandalous actor, who proceeded to drink excessively and partake in different “get together favors” till he was blacked out. However though Sheen could have been borderline comatose, it didn’t cease him from spewing racial slurs, getting bare within the restaurant toilet, and, at one level, choking Anderson.
Anderson filed a lawsuit in opposition to Sheen, who ended up within the hospital that night time. And though the actor didn’t keep sober lengthy sufficient to truly cheat, he was nonetheless married to his third spouse Brooke Mueller on the time.
David Arquette was famously married to Pals star Courteney Cox for 14 years earlier than the 2 break up in 2013. However earlier than their marriage formally ended, the ex-lovers went by way of a reasonably public and nasty divorce. Issues bought particularly attention-grabbing when Arquette phoned into the Howard Stern radio present one morning in 2010 and admitted that he had slept with Jasmine Waltz. Waltz, was an aspiring actress and waiter, 11 years youthful than Arquette. Though Arquette mentioned ‘I did have intercourse along with her one time, perhaps twice… my sexual encounter made me fairly really feel manly,’ he maintained that he by no means cheated on his spouse. One thing doesn’t add up right here.
In August 2010, Brittney Jones made headlines when a picture of an unidentified girl on Ashton Kutcher’s sofa started to flow into. It was clear the lady was very younger and never his then-wife Demi Moore. It was late reported that Jones had met Kutcher at Fortunate Strike Lanes in Hollywood the month earlier than and instantly began exchanging racy textual content messages with the actor, finally assembly with him at his Beverly Hills house. Jones claimed she and Ashton slept collectively and even listed a sweater on eBay that she swore was his. Demi caught by her man’s facet by way of all of it.
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schrijverr · 3 years
'Till Death Do Us Part
Part 12 out of 13
When Alex has to bring Philip to work, he and Thomas discover that they both have something in common: they lost their love. They form an unexpected bond and connection about this that grows into something more.
A medium burn with parental feelings about Philip and flowers.
On AO3.
Ships: Jamilton
Warnings: grief, self deprication, mentions of death and unhealthy coping.
Chapter 12: Green Locust Tree Means ‘Affection from Beyond the Grave’
“Where is Thomas?” Alex asked, coming down into the kitchen to find Mary the only one there. He had thought Thomas would already by up, but he wasn’t anywhere else in the house and now also not in the kitchen.
“Ah, uhm,” Mary look away unsure.
“Did something happen?” Alex frowned.
“No, not- No, no,” Mary gestured vaguely, “He left this morning.”
“Left?” Alex repeated, voice shrill.
“Not left left, he just drove off,” Mary assured him, “He’ll be back.”
“Do you know where he went?” Alex asked, voice still a bit higher than usual.
“Yeah, but…” Mary trailed off.
“It’s personal,” Alex filled in understanding, seeing Mary nod gratefully. He checked: “Does it have something to do with Martha?”
“He talks about her to you?” Mary sounded surprised.
Alex laughed mentally, but outwardly he just smiled gently: “Yeah, I- uhm, my husband died a few years back. That’s- that’s what got us talking. Is he okay?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I- I didn’t-”
“I know, it’s okay,” Alex assured her, “But Thomas? Did he look okay?”
Mary bit her lip, then said: “He looked pretty upset actually. I think he’s visiting Martha, she’s buried near here.”
“Is the date important?” he asked.
“Not that I know,” Mary looked helpless.
“Would you mind keeping an eye on Pip today? I’m going to check on him,” Alex told her, “Can you give me the location?”
Mary nodded and wrote it down while Alex got dressed in record speed, kissing Philip on his forehead as he told him he would be back later and to behave for his Auntie Mary and to play nice with Francie and Kitty.
Then he got into Mary’s van and drove to the cemetery. At the drive over he wondered if he was making the right choice to intrude, but Mary had told him Thomas had looked upset and he just wanted to make sure he was okay, that he wouldn’t do anything stupid, like drive. Which he had.
He stopped at the unfamiliar rows of stone, feeling out of place as he scanned them for Thomas’s figure.
In the end, he saw a familiar magenta coat in the distance near a field with a tree. Alex walked over to him softly, clearing his throat once he was nearby.
Thomas startled slightly and looked back, mouth opening and closing without sound when he saw Alex as if he wanted to explain, but couldn't.
“I would ask if you were okay, if I didn’t already know the answer,” Alex broke the silence, “Want a hug?”
Nodding wordlessly, Thomas opened his arms for Alex to stand in, wrapping the smaller man in them and resting his chin on Alex’s head as he continued to look at the tree. Alex could see the stone in front of it. It read:
Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson
1985 - 2014
Loving wife and beautiful woman
A dearly missed soul
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us”
After a long silence in which Alex could only hear Thomas sniffle softly, Thomas spoke up: “She wanted that quote on her stone, she actually made it. Except the date.”
Alex hummed and rubbed Thomas’s back, giving him the time to gather his thoughts.
“She had a heavy attack on this date,” Thomas said after a while, “She died on the 6thof September, but-” his voice broke and he took a shaky breath, “but today is the last day we ever spoke.”
Mentally Alex did the math. They had been staying at Monticello for a while now, so it was already the 8thof August, which meant Thomas hadn’t spoken to Martha for nearly an entire month. He asked: “What happened?”
Thomas shrugged: “She had an attack, they put her under for surgery and she just never woke up again.”
“Must have been hard,” Alex sympathized, he couldn't even begin to think how it must be to sit next to the one you loved most, having to wait and hope for them to wake up, while they never would again.
“It was,” Thomas said, then picked up steam as he got more upset, “It fucking was. I spend so long knowing she would go and then it happened and I still didn’t see it coming and I just had to wait and sit there for it to finally happen. And everyone always acts like the date it happened hurts the most, but it doesn’t because she was just a living corpse and I had to sit there and watch her die. I didn’t even get to talk to her,…”
Alex felt him buckle against him, so he softly lowered them both to the ground and held Thomas as he cried.
“I- I did- dn’t get- get to say good- goodbye,” Thomas sobbed, “I- I did- didn’t get to- to say I lo- love you.”
As Thomas cried, Alex scratched the back of his head, while he whispered: “She knew, it sucks you didn’t get to tell her, but she knew.”
“What?” Thomas rasped, eyes red and puffy.
“She knew you loved her, she knew,” Alex repeated, “I know how fucking much it sucks that you didn’t get to tell her again, but she knew it.”
Thomas looked at him for a moment, then back to the stone, then up to the tree, before looking back to Alex. Alex could see him swallow, then blink away a few tears, before scowling. Thomas broke eye contact and huffed: “How do you know that?”
Alex took a deep breath and reminded himself that Thomas was hurting and didn’t really think about those words, so instead he softly said: “Because I have to tell myself that too.”
He hadn’t gotten to say anything to John either. Sure, he didn’t have to watch John waste away and he didn’t know if he could have, but he had to live with the fact that he had brought John to the airport and waved with Pip’s little hand as John walked off on a tour he would never come back form.
“God, I’m- I’m sorry, ‘Lex, I wasn’t- I wasn’t thinking,” Thomas mumbled.
“I know, it’s okay, you don’t have to say sorry,” and Alex meant it, he had said many things in times like these that he didn’t mean because his head wasn’t on straight, he got it.
“Still fucking dick move,” Thomas chuckled out humorlessly.
“Maybe,” Alex shrugged, “But I did mean it. And she knew. If I know you, then I know you were there the entire time. She knew. It might be a small comfort and nothing substantial, but that one moment wasn’t defining. She knew.”
Thomas quieted and stared at the headstone. With a distant voice he repeated: “She knew.”
They sat side by side in front of the grave under the shadow of the tree in silence. Alex just let Thomas take his time, not interfering but being a calming presence for him to lean on if he needed it.
“Being here again with you and having this, it just- it made me realize how much I wanted to say to her and how unfair it was that I never got to,” Thomas said after a while. He hadn’t broken down like this in a long while over her death date.
Alex nodded, then suggested: “You can tell her now.”
“She won’t hear,” Thomas told him bitterly, “There’s nothing after death.”
“And John doesn’t hear me either whenever I go to his grave, nor Pip,” Alex replied, “He might’ve believed in Heaven, but I don’t, just like Martha believed she’s up in the sky. Talk to her, just in case she’s right.”
Thomas hesitated, so Alex offered: “I can give you some privacy if you want.”
“No,” Thomas grabbed his hand, then softly repeated it: “No, no it’s okay. Stay.”
“Alright,” Alex squeezed Thomas’s hand like the other had done so many times for him, hoping to give him a bit of comfort.
“Hi, Martha,” Thomas said awkwardly after clearing his throat, “I’m sorry for saying that, you might hear me. I- uhm, I wanted to tell you that I love you. I always want to tell you that, but back then I wanted to tell you it even more, I didn’t want my last words to you to be ‘hold on,’ because I know you were trying and-”
He took a shuddery breath, then went on: “And I know it was a selfish request and I’m sorry for that. Instead I wanted to say thank you for being there for as long as you have, for brightening my days even though you were the one fading. So, thank you and I love you.”
Alex laid his head on Thomas’s shoulder and Thomas leaned back to him and whispered: “I love you too, Alex. Thanks for looking for me.”
“Of course,” Alex simply replied, “I love you too.”
After a beat Thomas said: “It’s a green locust tree. Martha said it reminded her of ferns and she thought it was funny that it looked like ground covering plants had just randomly turned into trees.”
“The leaves do look like ferns,” Alex agreed after he had studied them for a moment.
“It was smaller when I was here last” Thomas mused, “Almost like she’s still growing. Maybe her spirit is in it, she always did like the idea of joining nature. Even if the stars spoke to her more.”
Alex hummed in agreement.
“Fuck I haven’t been here in forever,” Thomas sighed.
“It’s not a requirement to come,” Alex told him, “Sometimes life happens.”
“I avoided it, even ran to fucking France for a few years, Alex, that’s pretty shitty to do,” Thomas replied, “I’m just being shitty.”
“You’re not shitty,” Alex said, Thomas shot him a look and Alex correct, “Or everyone does something shitty when these things happen.”
“Somehow I find it hard to picture you ignoring John’s grave.”
“Because I didn’t-”
“Because instead I threw myself into work and was there so much it was fucking unhealthy, Thomas. Those first few weeks, Eliza cared more for Philip than I did. Washington threw me out the office every day for a month until I stopped staying so late,” Alex told Thomas, “Maybe running to France was a healthy thing to do.”
Thomas was silent as he thought about that.
“Maybe,” he said, then sighed, “Yeah, maybe, but I still feel shit about it and I hate that I didn’t talk to my Ma because of it and I hate how I rarely came home just because I didn’t want to face this.”
“Luckily you can start now,” Alex nudged him slightly and didn’t add: like I did by being a decent parent for Pip.
“You’re right,” Thomas got up and held his hand out to Alex to hoist him up.
Alex let him, but quirked a brow at the sudden change in attitude. Thomas shrugged: “What better time than now? I think Ma mentioned hiking today.”
“Lead the way,” Alex smiled as they left the cemetery, not seeing how the tree lit up with sunlight and the wind made the branches wave.
When they got back to Monticello, Philip asked: “Where did you go Da?”
“I just went to say hi to your Auntie Martha like you and Papa go say hi to your Daddy from time to time,” Thomas explained.
“Did you tell her about everything that happened?” Philip asked.
“Sort of,” Thomas answered, “Where is your Mawmaw? I think we were going hiking today, wanna come too?”
“Yes!” Philip cheered, before pointing towards the kitchen while he raced off in a different direction to Kitty and Francie, who were terrorizing Sir Poof.
They went on a hike, with Randy telling the twins and Pip all sorts of things aboutthe plants they encountered on the trail while Mary and Jane talked about the market they’d gone to together yesterday and Alex and Thomas kept on the background, holding hands.
While they walked, they laughed and Alex was happy to see Thomas’s crinkles appear once Philip came to beg for a piggy back ride, which he got. Since Thomas couldn't say no to him ever.
After that Kitty and Francie wanted one too, so Alex and Randy were roped into that, which turned into a small race.
In short, they enjoyed their days in Monticello for the two weeks they were still there. Even when Mary had to go and take the twins back, because she wanted to spend time with her husband and Randy went back to college to move into his dormearly.
Alex learned to cook a few more recipes from Jane, in the end calling her Ma like Thomas did, just because it felt right.
Thomas swam with Philip and drank tea with Jane every night, before he and Alex would sit on the porch and watch the stars.
It felt like movie and all were upset when they had to leave.
Jane hugged Thomas tightly and told him to come visit more often as she pinched his cheek, before also telling him to be good to Alex.
“I will, Ma,” Thomas swore to do both.
She then turned to Philip and handed him a box with cookies, before she said: “You take care of both your dads for me okay? Be good for them”
“Yes, Mawmaw Jane,” Philip chirped.
“And I’ll put your drawing on the wall, make sure to come see,” she added. The drawing in question was the one Philip had made of Monticello with the dragon. He had given it to Jane and she had loved it.
“I will,” Philip said.
Thomas lead Philip to the car to buckle him in, while Alex shook Jane’s hand and said: “Thank you for letting us stay here, Ma. It was amazing.”
“Of course, dearie,” she told him, taking his hand to pull him into a hug, “You and Philip always have a home here.”
“Thank you,” Alex’s voice broke slightly and he tried not to let it get to him.
As Jane let go, she said: “Look out for Thomas will you, he can get on his own nerves.”
“You know I will,” Alex assured her.
“Good,” Jane nodded, “Have a safe trip.”
And with that Alex got into the car as well, all of them waving to the lone figure on the porch as they drove back home for the new school year.
Since they had spend such a big chunk of time together at Monticello that summer, they had decided that the first week back they would stay at their own homes. This, however, came to a head on the 28thof August.
He and Philip were sitting at the dinner table with Hoppin’ Johns in front of them holding hands as Alex spoke: “Today John was taken from us and put into your care, Lord. We ask you to take care of him while we remember him. Amen.”
“Amen,” Pip said, before he started eating.
Alex took a moment to look at him and his heart softened as Philip’s little curls bounced on his head while he ate. He had started first grade this year and Alex was so proud of him and how much he was already growing.
Above the mantle hung a picture of John and Alex really wanted someone to share with how much Philip had grown.
And all of a sudden he felt very, veryalone.
He ate his food and set up everything for the next day, before he tucked Philip in while the loneliness hung over him like a fog. With Philip in bed he picked up his phone.
“Hi, darlin’,” Thomas greeted him, “How are you?”
“Good, good,” Alex said absentmindedly.
“Alex?” Thomas sounded a bit concerned.
“Well, actually,” Alex carefully began, now that he was calling, he suddenly realized why and how that might impact everything, “Actually, I called you, because I was feeling lonely.”
“Yeah?” Thomas asked.
“Yeah, house hasn’t been the same without you,” Alex shrugged, “Guess I just got used to you being around.”
“I get that feeling,” Thomas told him.
“You do?” Alex tried to hide his surprise, but he was pretty sure he failed.
“Yup,” Thomas said, then he carefully added, “Your house has a more homey feel, with all the pictures on the walls.”
Alex picked up on the subtle testing of the water and replied: “Well, there is plenty of room on the walls left.”
“Are you…?” Thomas didn’t finish the sentence, cutting himself off.
“Am I what?” Alex wasn’t falling for it and suggesting it first.
“Are you implying what I think you’re implying?” Thomas said.
“That depends on what you think I’m implying, but probably,” Alex answered, holding his breath anxiously.
“Well, I thought you were implying that maybe we could talk about moving in together?” Thomas sounded unsure, ready to take his words back.
“Then you are absolutely correct in your observation,” Alex told him.
Thomas let out a relieved breath, before saying: “That’s a big decision.”
“Just putting the thought out there,” Alex answered, “I still need to run it by Pip, but I would be up for it.”
“Well, that certainly is an idea I’m willing to consider,” Thomas said, “But this is more a conversation to have face to face, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, probably,” Alex agreed, “Want to come over tomorrow?”
“Sure,” he could hear the smile in Thomas’s voice.
Alex wanted to just sit and listen to Thomas right now and not feel so alone. He noticed how much better he’d felt the momenthe’d heard Thomas’s voice. So, he settled on the couch, curling up against the side as he asked: “Tell me about your day?”
And Thomas did, he just talked about nothing for the most part. He told Alex about the dog he’d seen on the way home, the book he was reading, what he and James had talked about last time they’d called, something stupid Lafayette had send him.
As Thomas talked, Alex let himself relax, just softly humming at the right places. The sounds of home filling up the space and making his heart less empty.
The next day Thomas was the one, who went home early to pick up Philip from school. When Philip walked out and saw him, he yelled: “Da! Da! What are you doing here? Papa said you wouldn’t be home until the weekend.”
“Well, I wanted to surprise my favorite little kiddo,” Thomas ruffled his hair.
“‘M not little,” Philip pouted, fixing his hair, “I’m already in first grade.”
“I know, Pip, I know,” Thomas grinned, “Since you’re such a big boy, I’m sure you can drive us home.”
Philip crossed his arms: “That’s mean, Da.”
“Sorry, kiddo,” Thomas told him, “Just had to tease. Come get in and tell me about your week. How is school going? You adjusting okay?”
Doing as he was told, Philip said: “We’ve been learning to write and I’m doing very well and I got a star next to my name today.”
“Really?” Thomas asked.
“Yup,” Philip answered, “And were learning about addition and that’s kind of hard, but Theo gets it. She’s good with numbers and she explained it to me.”
“Oh wow,” Thomas listened to Philip talk as he drove home, thinking to himself that he definitely wouldn’t mind hearing Pip talk about school everyday.
That evening during dinner Alex brought it up, he and Thomas had briefly talked about it during lunch, so it didn’t come as a surprise. He said: “Hey, Pip. Can I ask you about something and get a serious answer from you?”
Philip stopped eating and nodded: “Did something bad happen?”
“No, buddy,” Alex assured him, “It’s just that me and your Da wanted to have your thoughts about Da moving in here, so that it’s not two houses anymore. Since you live here as well, we wanted your opinion too.”
“You’re moving in!” Philip exclaimed, eyes bright.
“We’re thinking about it, nothing certain yet, but I take that as a yes from you,” Thomas chuckled.
“It’ll be so much fun if you move in, we can read stories every night and you and Papa can smile all the time,” Philip rambled excitedly.
Thomas and Alex met each other’s eyes and it was almost decided there and then.
They did sit down and talk about it more in depth after, but soon after it was decided. When the decision was made, it quickly turned into a whole circus.
It began with Eliza and Maria finding out from Pip after they’d picked him up from school the day after Alex and Thomas had told him. So when Alex got Philip from them, Eliza put her hands on her hip and asked: “When we’re you going to inform us that Thomas is moving in with you?”
“I was hoping once Thomas was putting his house on sale,” Alex told her, “But I suppose that’s no longer the case, because a little rascal talked?”
“You bet you, now come on, tell me more,” Eliza said, pulling him into the house.
“It’s just what it says on the tin, Thomas is moving in with me,” Alex said, “We both wanted it, so why not. We just didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.”
Eliza smirked: “It’s too late for that.”
“Oh no, what now?” Alex asked, fearing for his life – metaphorically, well, partially metaphorically.
“You really think that if me and Maria know and Pip is excited about that Angie and Laf won’t find out,” Eliza told him, “If you want them to not attack you, they should hear it from you.”
“Fuck,” Alex said.
“Exactly,” Eliza grinned, before she called Philip over and waved them off, “Good luck.”
He dialed Laf frist, right after dinner: “Hi, Laf.”
“Bonjour, Bonjour, Alexandre,” Lafayette greeted him cheerily over the phone, “What can I do for you?”
“Depends on where you are?” Alex asked.
“Do you need someone to surveille Philipe?” he asked, “Because then you need to find someone else, I’m afraid. I am eating lunch at Le Cinqin a bit.”
“No, you not being here is perfect,” Alex told him.
“Now I am offended.” Lafayette said.
“It’s nothing bad,” Alex assured him, “Just that Thomas and I have decided to move in together and I love and appreciate you, but I don’t want you to freak out.”
“You’re moving together!” Lafayette screamed into the phone.
Alex held the phone away from his face, already anticipating that. He carefully held it back and answered: “Yeah, it’s not happening right now, but we’re starting to plan it. You weren’t going to know yet, but Pip told ‘Liza, so felt only fair.”
“Alexandre, you will have to tell me more,” Lafayette said, “Will you move into one of your houses? Is there going to be a housewarming party? What’s happening?”
“Thomas will move in with me and Pip, probably not, we’re moving in together,” Alex went down the list.
“I am so excitéfor you,” Laf beamed through the phone, Alex could practically hear it, “Tell me if you need help moving when the time comes.”
“I will, Laf, I will,” after that he hung up, not sure if he was going to keep that promise.
He then called Angelica: “Hi Angie?”
“Alex, is there a reason you’re calling me this late in the evening?” she greeted him.
“Well, I’ve been told you liked to be kept up to date, since apparently you’re living vicariously through my relationship, but if you don’t wanna hear I can hang up,” he told her.
“No, no, stay. Tell me,” Angelica stopped him.
“Me and Thomas are – at some point in the nearby future – moving in together,” he said.
“I’m so happy for you both,” Angelica told him, “I would offer to help move, but I’m not carrying furniture, make Herc or Laf do that.”
“If Herc offers to help, I’m asking him,” Alex assured her, “I don’t trust Laf with throw pillows. I love him, but he’s clumsy.”
“Tell me about it,” Angelica rolled her eyes fondly, “Remember that time at the press conference, the whole world saw him eat dirt.”
“I don’t think he ever recovered from that.”
They both chuckled at the memory of a young Lafayette falling on the podium at his first live press conference.
“So, anyway, that’s why I called,” Alex said, “Thought you would like to hear it from me, not from Pip or something.”
“Who did he tell,” the amusement was heavy in her voice.
“Betsy and Maria,” Alex answered.
“Oohh, lucky, that could have been worse,” she replied.
“Yeah, it could have been you,” Alex teased.
“Glad you know your place in my life,” she grinned.
“Har har,” Alex said, “But how have you been, haven’t heard from you in forever.”
“Been good, been good,” she replied.
They talked a bit more before hanging up. And with Laf and Angie knowing, it wasn’t long before more text started to pour in as news spread through his friends. Most of them reminding them to call them if they needed help with the moving.
Together they shook their heads and laughed at their friends, but warmth spread through them as well when they saw how quickly everyone sprang to their aid.
Thomas called his Ma as well, who told them she’d start knitting a blanket for on the couch and which colors it should be.
Green and purple, was their final choice.
He didn’t tell Alex, but his Ma had done the same when he and Martha bought their first house together. It had been purple and orange. It was disgusting looking and both had loved it until it had perished.
As time passed Thomas spend more and more time at Alex’s house while his own turned into a kingdom of boxes as he sorted through his stuff, seeing what had to come with him, what he might store for later and what he didn’t need anymore and had just been collecting dust. While Alex did the same to make space for Thomas’s stuff.
They had also decided to make a few decorating choices together, which mostly consisted of painting a few walls. That had been an interesting weekend for sure.
Philip had also been allowed to paint his walls a different color. They were still yellow from when John and Alex had decorated way back when, but now Philip wanted them light green. He would also be painting new stuff on it, claiming that ‘I can draw much better now Papa, you’ll see. I’m drawing dragons and they’re going to be much, much better.’
When the big moving day came, they called upon all their friends, who had texted them. It would also function as their house warming party, which basically meant that at the end they would buy everyone pizza.
Herc and Thomas had been dismantling furniture and carrying it all day, while James and Maria drove back and forth over the small distance between the two houses, while Philip and Peggy helped with getting boxes into Alex’s house.
Alex was delegating inside the house, both carrying and unpacking since he knew which boxes where supposed to go where. While Eliza unboxed the more basic stuff that already had a spot in the home.
Lafayette was on charity shop duty, bringing everything that was no longer useful to the charity shop. Though, they send Angelica with him to supervise just in case.
That evening most of the boxes where unpacked and Thomas’s house was empty. They were all sitting around with pizza and beer or soda.
“No one is allowed to move anytime soon,” Herc said rolling his shoulder, “If any of you do, I’m not helping.”
“Boo, boo,” Peggy jeered and Angelica joined immediately.
“Oh shove off, you didn’t carry heavy stuff all day,” Herc complained.
“Faible,” Lafayette yelled.
“I don’t know what that means, so I’m gonna take that as support,” Herc huffed.
“He called you weak, Herc.”
“Alexandre, you betray me like this?” Laf clutched his heart as if wounded and fell backwards, nearly missing Herc’s shove.
“Y’all are rude, I’m never helping you again,” Herc bit his pizza moodily, though everyone knew it was a joke, Herc would always be ready to help any of them.
Still, that didn’t stop Eliza from innocently asking: “Even me, Herc?”
“No, not you, never you, Eliza. You’re sweet and much better than anyone else here,” Herc assured her.
Immediately there was an uproar as everyone accused him of playing favorites, which Herc deflected by saying: “It’s not playing favorites, if you’re all mean to me.”
“Exactly,” Eliza said, before her grin turned shit eating, “Herc, wanna help me move tomorrow?”
Laughter roared through the group and Herc yelled: “Et tu, ‘Liza?”
She just blew him a kiss.
When everyone left that evening, Alex got out a hammer and nail and walked up to the picture wall in the hallway. Before he could hammer, Thomas asked: “What are you doing?”
“Adding an important finishing touch,” Alex replied mysteriously.
He put a nail in the wall, then got out a picture frame. He shuffled the stuff on the wall around a bit before he hung up the frame.
“Hey, that’s me and Da,” Philip pointed out.
Thomas smiled when he recognized the picture from their second date at the park. He and Philip were busy with the kite, both laughing. He commented: “I didn’t know you took that.”
“At first I thought it might be a it much, then I thought it would be a nice surprise,” Alex explained, “Initially it was going to be a birthday present, but I thought this moment more fitting wouldn’t you agree?”
“It’s perfect, ‘Lex,” Thomas kissed his cheek.
“Ieww,” Philip giggled.
“I see it’s bed time for you, buddy,” Alex grinned.
“Nooo,” Philip shrieked as he quickly ran away, laughter floating down the hall as Alex set off behind him. Thomas watched the two go, then looked back to the picture as he smiled.
The next day was a Sunday and they used that to unpack the rest of their stuff as well as putting the furniture back together, which was also a real test of their relationship.
“Alex, I dismantled this table, okay. I know where this is supposed to go,” Thomas huffed pointing at the table leg.
“But it looks weird like that,” Alex frowned.
“Well, maybe it’s a weird table.”
“Why would we want to keep a weird table?”
“Papa, Da? I think these belong to the chair, not the table,” Philip tiny voice spoke up. He had spotted a few dismantled chairs near the table, with more legs that looked like the ones they were trying to put on the table and made the conclusion that the legs must not be from the table, but the chairs instead.
Both looked at the table, then to the chairs, then back to the table, before meeting each other’s eyes and bursting out in laughter.
Alex ruffled Philip’s hair and said: “I think you’re right, buddy.”
Thomas laughed: “Oh my God, we’re both stupid.”
“According to my teacher, stupid is a bad word,” Philip said.
“Yeah?” Alex asked.
“Hm-mh,” Philip nodded, “Because no one is stupid and that kind of says that a person who just didn’t know something, because no one told them is not as good as other people. You should say that you weren’t informed properly.”
“You’re a wise little man, Pip,” Thomas said, “I stand corrected, Alex, we were misinformed about this not weird and perfectly good table.”
“Dork,” Alex said.
“What’s misinformed?”
“It means that you got the wrong information,” Alex explained.
“So what I said.”
“Exactly, kiddo,” Thomas agreed, “So, how about you help me with the table while Papa goes to put the frames on the wall, because you have a sharper eye for this than him.”
“Excuse me, you grabbed the wrong legs,” Alex said, even if he did start to move away.
“Yeah, and I’ve put a nail into the wall exactly once and that was a disaster,” Thomas told him, “If you appreciate your plaster, I would suggest you do it.”
“You can’t put a nail in the wall?” Alex laughed.
“Don’t laugh at me,” Thomas moped.
“I’m not laughing, just wondering how you got stuff on your wall in your old house.”
“I called James, okay. Martha did it before that.”
“My Auntie Martha?”
“Yeah, Pip, your Auntie Martha,” Thomas confirmed.
“She’s coming to hang with Daddy right?”
“Jup, putting the nails in now,” Alex said, still chuckling slightly as he gathered the stuff.
Above the mantle, they were putting four pictures. Two of them portraits of both Martha and John and two wedding pictures. The portraits were bigger and the wedding pictures would hang underneath, neither acknowledging the fact that a third picture couldfit between them.
John’s was him standing in the park under a tree with baby Philip in his arms. He was wearing his hair in a pony tail and he just looked back, smiling at Alex behind the camera. Martha was sitting on the swing in Monticello, her white summer dress flowing in the wind, perfectly still along with her frozen laughter.
They watched over the house, both adding warmth and laughter to their main family space.
I am once again telling you to not use my fic as a guide to deal with grief, just in case you have forgotten, this is not really the medium to get information from.
Also Laf was pretty clumsy, he actually got laughed off the French court for his dancing, so my clumsy man.
Me at the pictures: “Is this foreshadowing? Did I do it? Oehlalala (pls I’m really proud of all the little stuff I managed to bring back in later chapter, pls notice my hard work)
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ao3feed-castiel · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tkqpwL
by the_strength_of_the_storm
This is basically just a dump for prompt-inspired writings and such. There's a lot of tags and characters because this will be for all my fandoms, including ones not mentioned that I'll add as I go along. I probably won't update this too often, but pls know that Thomaria (Hamilton) is my OTP so lots of them. Thank
}EDIT: please do not claim i am homophobic because i have a ton of straight ships. I AM BISEXUAL. personally i am better at writing hetero ships but i am NOT homophobic or discriminating of anyone due to their race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or religion!!{
Words: 912, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers, Star Wars: Thrawn - Timothy Zahn, Supernatural, Transformers (Bay Movies), Hamilton - Miranda, Turn (TV 2014), Dragon Age - All Media Types, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Turkey, Sadık Adnan, Mitt'hrawn'nuruodo, AKA Grand Admiral Thrawn, Eli Vanto, Emperor Palapatine, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, God himself, basically everyone from spn, Optimus Prime, woops i love transformers, Cade Yeager, Bumblebee, basically everyone again, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Adams, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Female Adaar, Shokrakar (Dragon Age), Iron Bull, Dorian Pavus, Cullen Rutherford, Female Trevelyan, Female Cadash, Fairbanks, Female Dovahkiin, Ulfric Stormcloak, Galmar Stone-Fist, Farkas (Elder Scrolls), Vilkas, Odahviing, Paarthurnax, Barbas (Elder Scrolls), Isran (Elder Scrolls), Ysgramor (Skyrim)
Relationships: lots - Relationship, Turkey/Israel, Sadik Adnan/Original Female Character, Grand Admiral Thrawn/Original Female Character, Optimus Prime/Original Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/Original Female Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/Martha Wayles Jefferson, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Thomas Jefferson/Maria Reynolds, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Original Female Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Adams/Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Adaar/Shokrakar, Female Adaar/Iron Bull, Female Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford, Fairbanks/Trevelyan, Blackwall/Female Cadash
Additional Tags: this is a prompt dump, wont always update, prolly wont post too much, just a fuck ton of tags for fun, i have too many fandoms, but they're all dork fandoms
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tkqpwL
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ao3feed-lams · 5 years
guess we never really moved on
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tFTxD3
by writtenrevolution
It’s been two years since they broke up, two years since Thomas has tried to move on. But two years doesn’t compete with the sound of, “Thomas,” on his ex-boyfriend’s lips. Those beautiful, perfect lips. Lips that belonged to an angel.
In which Thomas is always going to answer when he calls.
Words: 1029, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Laurens (mentioned), Martha Wayles Jefferson
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens (mentioned), Martha Wayles Jefferson/Thomas Jefferson (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Angst, Mutual Pining, Longing, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Song Lyrics, Explicit Language, Emotional Infidelity
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tFTxD3
4 notes · View notes
ao3feed-turn · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tkqpwL
by the_strength_of_the_storm
This is basically just a dump for prompt-inspired writings and such. There's a lot of tags and characters because this will be for all my fandoms, including ones not mentioned that I'll add as I go along. I probably won't update this too often, but pls know that Thomaria (Hamilton) is my OTP so lots of them. Thank
}EDIT: please do not claim i am homophobic because i have a ton of straight ships. I AM BISEXUAL. personally i am better at writing hetero ships but i am NOT homophobic or discriminating of anyone due to their race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or religion!!{
Words: 912, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers, Star Wars: Thrawn - Timothy Zahn, Supernatural, Transformers (Bay Movies), Hamilton - Miranda, Turn (TV 2014), Dragon Age - All Media Types, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Inquisition
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Turkey, Sadık Adnan, Mitt'hrawn'nuruodo, AKA Grand Admiral Thrawn, Eli Vanto, Emperor Palapatine, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, God himself, basically everyone from spn, Optimus Prime, woops i love transformers, Cade Yeager, Bumblebee, basically everyone again, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Adams, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Female Adaar, Shokrakar (Dragon Age), Iron Bull, Dorian Pavus, Cullen Rutherford, Female Trevelyan, Female Cadash, Fairbanks
Relationships: lots - Relationship, Turkey/Israel, Sadik Adnan/Original Female Character, Grand Admiral Thrawn/Original Female Character, Optimus Prime/Original Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/Original Female Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/Martha Wayles Jefferson, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Thomas Jefferson/Maria Reynolds, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Original Female Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Adams/Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Adaar/Shokrakar, Female Adaar/Iron Bull, Female Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford, Fairbanks/Trevelyan, Blackwall/Female Cadash
Additional Tags: this is a prompt dump, wont always update, prolly wont post too much, just a fuck ton of tags for fun
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tkqpwL
0 notes