#Master Mulan
chanchansthings · 2 months
Small comic based on this one scene in Mulan
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kideaternomnom · 11 days
I think since childhood I have a type for strong women who go through sexism/misogyny but come out stronger.
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Retirement Home Rumble: Round 1
Side B
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Why they would crush the other geezers under the cut:
WARNING: There may be spoilers
Grandmother Fa Propaganda:
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Xehanort Propaganda:
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Raph, to Mona Lisa: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Splinter: Would you like to stay forever?
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miriasuu · 2 months
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girlie won her war!! (with casualties) (many) (especially property damage)
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ninadove · 4 months
True to Your Heart 🦚⚔️🦋
Chapter 1: Cross my heart and hope to die
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“Now, the entire empire knows you’re here.”
The intruder’s face cracked open. One twist of her wrist, and the banner’s mast snapped in half — red and black fabric consumed by a fire of Fu's own making.
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frosted-plasma · 1 year
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ohzeusetc · 1 year
If my players don’t OBSESS over the minis I spent 18 HOURS making and painting I WILL be upset and I will make it EVERYBODYS problem. DISADVANTAGE on YOU
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jjingureum · 2 years
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mabith · 11 months
WHY did I start rereading a favorite book where the author immediately makes you supremely attached to their characters but also makes them suffer so much.
And THEN she hits you "this woman I love plucked a strand of her hair to stitch my horrible wound and now she's part of my body/life forever."
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cringecomp2014 · 10 months
will not be commenting on the target practice thing bc my lawyers have advised me not to. on a completely unrelated note i thin k i Hauve covid.
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chanchansthings · 2 months
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fireandfigures · 1 year
So, would the weapons merchant and the weapons master like to brief me on this "CZ Shadow 2" thing?
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"Well, at least it's not a peasant weapon."
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"Oh, it's a race gun.
"Perfect for competition or home defense, but a little heavy for daily carry, unless your idea of a nimble sword is a cricket bat.
"You'll probably want the Orange model."
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the-rejected-princess · 3 months
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miriasuu · 2 months
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xochaithoughts · 5 months
pac: your future spouse’s spiritual gifts and abilities
all images from pinterest and google. dividers from @/roseschoices
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what spiritual gifts and abilities does your fs possess? take a deep breath, clear your mind if only for a moment, and ask yourself that question. your pile is the one that lights you up inside. please take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. and above all, be kind to yourself and each other.
🚪 p.s. i love feedback and i’m somewhat new to love readings. please pop in my inbox, leave tags or comments with your thoughts!
©️ 2023-2024. cancersstellium. all rights reserved
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O N E (cosmo & wanda)
pile one, your future spouse possesses a clear sense of spiritual and moral right and wrong. their first dealings in this were most likely from their family’s financial background, which was rooted in scarcity and fear of lack. your fs has since shed that belief through hard work and dedication to uncover the universal truth that abundance is free flowing. as universal law is something that resonates within them so deeply, they’re likely an avid reader of various belief systems like confucianism and taoism that insist on a way of life. your future spouse is not someone who interested in organized religion, law, or politics. instead they favour understanding the world as a whole and natural laws that govern it. their clear understanding of right and wrong and their own morals and beliefs will help you uncover what is hidden within you as well. however, your future spouse tends to forget to consider the emotional weight their words may carry, favoring honesty over kindness. in you, they may find that you can be both genuine and honest while being kind at the same time. what a match.
vibes: aquarian moon or aquarius dominant, fire venus, post-modernism, love of the arts and drama, 12h water sign, twin flame energy— you’ll both have to learn something to successfully be together
(five of coins; six of rods; six of blades; justice)
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T W O (mulan & shang)
pile two, your future spouse is a master manifester. they are blessed with a charismatic and divine presence that makes other flock to them. they’ve found that what they desire seems to come to them effortlessly, in a stroke of luck or series of “coincidences”. and more than once, they’ve found themselves the centre of attention. they have a strong sense of self, a clear vision of their desires, and express genuine gratitude . this is someone who would likely resonate with the teachings of abraham hicks. your fs spends a lot of time daydreaming and is not attached to material things, instead desiring a comfortable home life and/or dreaming of settling down with “the one”. however, they tend to lose focus as they try to share their gifts in efforts to please everyone. this is because they have that strong sense of family and a desire for harmony within their home life mentioned previously. you are more than aware to the fact that pleasing everyone is not possible and only leads to burn out in the end. perhaps your presence in their life can help them mitigate their desire to give so much of themselves as you teach them that pleasing everyone is not sustainable. how beautiful.
vibes: debilitated ketu, mixologist (mocktails & cocktails), old soul energy, avatar the last airbender specifically the air nomads, dreamer energy, yellow and pink energy
(nine of elixirs; ten of rods; ten of elixirs; judgment)
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T H R E E (suki & sokka)
pile three, i get the sense that some of you here are coming from pile two or were leaning towards choosing that one. the cards show that your future spouse’s spiritual gifts lie in their intuition and clairaudience. there’s a dreamlike quality to this pile which strongly hints that they often receive intuitive messages through prophetic dreams or dreams with obvious meaning. because your future spouse does not come from a spiritual background, these dreams and heard messages were often dismissed as a “child’s fantasy” or a vivid imagination. their gift is something most likely passed down from their paternal side, though your future spouse’s home life has not always been easy. despite a difficult childhood, your fs is in touch with their inner child and has since healed their own wounds. as indicated by the king and page of elixirs appearing together in this reading, your future spouse is someone connected to the depths of their inner power, and yet remains sensitive and loving. however, their vivid dreams come with a flip side. your fs is prone to nightmares when they are not in alignment with what they are truly meant for. that is to say, when they are stressed, their vivid dreams reflect that and become vivid nightmares. perhaps encouraging them to keep a private dream journal would help them better feel their way through both through their dreamworld and their waking one. you will find peace in one another.
vibes: prioritizes smelling good, tends to lean towards aquatic scents, “i had a feeling that..”, “this reminds me of a dream i had..”, deja vu, loves naps, mentor/teacher energy
(king of elixirs; the high priestess; page of elixirs; nine of blades rx -> six of elixirs)
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F O U R (flynn rider & rapunzel)
pile four, your future spouse isn’t someone who is inherently spiritual. at most, they have a vague, underlying belief in karma. they understand and resonate with phrases like “you reap what you sow” and “what goes around comes around”. but, it feels like they’re still “asleep” to spiritual world as a whole. while its unclear what spiritual gift your future spouse possesses, they are someone of genuine kindness and insane generosity. this is someone who always seems to be in good fortune and is likely reaping the rewards of good work done in a past life. the universe is a close friend of theirs in this lifetime. somehow, your fs is also someone who is not inclined to do something that is not asked of them. whether obliviousness or laziness, this conflicts with their generous nature. as a result, they’re going through a rude awakening right now as the universe is showing them a little tough love to get them back on track. it’s likely that you’ll meet them while they are still in the throes of feeling sorry for themselves. your future spouse is someone you get to educate about your esoteric interests (ex. astrology, tarot, etc) should that be something you’re willing to do. have faith and they’ll find theirs too. how fun!
vibes: liar, liar (1997), being oblivious to signs from universe, a very quiet mind
(six of coins; page of coins; eight of rods; the tower -> eight of elixirs)
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F I V E (esmerelda & phoebus)
pile five, your future spouse’s gifts is their intellect, both spiritual and mental, and their own energy. your fs’ inner world is rich and within them are balanced energies of the divine masculine and divine feminine. because of this, they have the tools and resources to solve their own problems and pave their own paths. your fs is patient enough to see a plan through and is guided by inspired action on what steps to take. this is someone who tends to follow their mind over their emotions. they rely on their own validation and are not easily swayed by others’ opinions. however, while shuffling and even interpreting the cards, a sort of ‘scatterbrained’ energy was heavily felt. often, your future spouse lacks focus and struggles with taking the first steps necessary. they have an ingrained aversion to risk, though they have become accustomed to brushing this off as procrastination. this is likely the result of doubt due to a past “failure” and is a lesson they are meant to overcome in this lifetime. perhaps you can impart wisdom from your own experiences on them. there is no such thing as failures, only learning opportunities. what is meant for us will not pass us by. you two make a valiant couple.
vibes: aaron burr, wait for it (hamilton the musical), nick miller, north node in sagittarius, north node in aries, “there is freedom waiting for you, on the breezes of the sky, and you ask "what if i fall?" oh but my darling, what if you fly?” (erin hanson)
(two of rods; strength rx; the fool rx -> three of blades; king of blades)
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S I X (wade & ember)
pile six, most of you reading this are empaths and healers. your future spouse was gifted with a spiritual awakening early on in their life. they have a vast understanding of the forces at work in the universe and because of this, their relationship to life and the divine is truly beautiful. they are very attentive to their own inner world. they understand themselves and are at peace with all parts of them, even the parts they can’t understand. this is someone who is very accountable for their own thoughts, beliefs, feelings and actions. and they want to connect with a partner who wants to explore themselves and the world in this way. while this is a gift, it comes with a flip side. your future spouse is prone to overthinking and sometimes gets so caught up in their own desire to understand the universe that they become victims to a sort of “analysis paralysis”. they work try to understand the how and why behind a situation that they often end up missing out on genuine opportunities that are meant to carry them forward. perhaps you can teach them to slow down and trust that what is meant will always find them. you two are the definition lovingkindness.
vibes: red roses, glasses, “last night i realised something”, synchronicities, the friend you always come to advice for, fomo, spider-man comics, leo placements, mtv hoodie, air rising
(the wheel of fortune; queen of coins; the magician rx; queen of elixirs rx)
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