#Mauricio de Souza
thurgoulart · 10 months
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guerrerooo · 8 months
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Turma da Mônica Jovem
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geekpopnews · 7 months
Trailer | Franjinha e Milena
Franjinha e Milena em Busca da Ciência | Série nacional ganha trailer oficial e data de lançamento. Confira! #mauriciodesousa #franjinhaemilena
O mais recente empreendimento no universo encantador de Maurício de Sousa, intitulado “Franjinha e Milena em Busca da Ciência”, apresentou um trailer animado empolgante e divulgou a data de estreia: a série estará acessível na plataforma Max a partir de 27 de fevereiro. Assista ao trailer de Franjinha e Milena: No âmbito do live-action, Franjinha e Milena iniciam uma empreitada científica,…
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sickacademia · 8 months
no but a translation that actually pisses me off, and i can say it for every brazilian out there, is "monica's gang"
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cepheusgalaxy · 1 year
I'm really vibing with spreading my culture around here so I wanna present you guys a person
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This is Monica, a popular character of a brazilian comic franchise for kids!
(Everybody reads it tho)
She has this lil bunny called Sansao (yea like the biblic character), is known for being super strong and hot-headed. These comics are often light and funny, with some fantasy nonsense sometimes in special editions
The four main characters are;
Monica herself
Cebolinha (little ognion)
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A boy who king of frenemies-to-lovers with monica and is known for making plans to annoy her and he has some problems with spelling
Monica's best friend, known for having this cat, being very sweet and eating like a motherfucker dragon
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Cebolinha's best friend. They are often togheter, making hyper-elaborated pland to turn down Monica, but he's usually the voice of reason in the friendship
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He's also known for not liking water and being very smelly
So, hm, its a little weird talking about it to foreigns, but that's it
The man who used to make the comic is called Mauricio de Souza and he inspired the main characters Magali and Monica on his daughters
He is not leading the comic anymore, and now the franchise is being driven by his son, Mauro, who's gay 🏳️‍🌈
The content used to be very violent, mostly when Monica was angry at Cebolinha for annoying her and shouted at him. Yea, that is the dinamic in oldest comics
Now he's making it more friendly and inclusive
This franchise has 60 years lol
There are movie adaptations, cartoons and another comic series for this franchise. The another series features monica and her friends in hight school, and is called Monica Teen
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Monica Teen's stories are more structured, have a manga style and the story often gets more seriously. The characters also old in this comic, being the first volumes they appear very young (14yo or so), but in the latest they look more 17yo. This series also have a magical/anime approach many times, and many, but not all, stories are related.
More black characters are in the cast now, as in before all of them were purely white
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Milena, a new character in the comics. She is in the cast of both Monica 'nd friends (the comic) and Monica Teen
Some editions are special and feature important issues like environmentalism and ableism with an educative approach
One of the regular characters is Luca
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A wheelchair user and Monica's childhood crush
This is Dorinha
(full post here)
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quiltofstars · 1 year
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Barnard's Galaxy, NGC 6822 // Mauricio Christiano de Souza
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ariel-seagull-wings · 3 months
@themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @thealmightyemprex @piterelizabethdevries @amalthea9 @barbossas-wench @tamisdava2 @princesssarisa
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Monica's Gang (Turma da Mônica in Portuguese), also known as Monica and Friends, is an ongoing Brazilian comic book series, created by Mauricio de Sousa.
The series was originally based on a newspaper comic strip in which the protagonists were Blu (Bidu) and Franklin (Franjinha), launched by the newspaper Folha da Manhã in 1959. Over the years the series has been gaining a large audience, with new characters constantly being added to the lineup. Jimmy Five (Cebolinha) and Monica (Mônica) were eventually given their own comic books, hence the title "Monica's Gang." The characters and comics were eventually adapted into films, video games, TV shows, theme parks and a wide range of products.
The stories revolve around the adventures of Monica and her many friends in the fictional neighborhood of "Limoeiro" in São Paulo. The neighborhood was inspired by the neighborhood of Cambuí, in Campinas and the city of Mogi das Cruzes, where de Sousa spent his childhood. However, the comic books do not simply revolve around the stories of Monica and her friends.
The Monica's Gang series has an extensive amount of main and secondary characters. It has as main protagonists Monica, Jimmy Five, Smudge, Maggy and Chuck Billy (the latter derived from Chuck Billy 'n' Folks) and each has its own comic.
Other characters from other series created by Mauricio de Sousa are also included on Monica's, making crossovers or quotations from each other in several stories,among several other characters. The main setting of the stories is the fictional neighborhood of "Limoeiro" in São Paulo.
Most stories focus on the daily lives of the main characters and occasionally on the secondary characters; the humour usually uses various types of repetitions, allusions, appeals to the nonsense, paranomasias, sarcasm and metalanguage. The stories with Monica and Jimmy Five revolve around the conflict between the two. Jimmy Five is a troublemaker
who always tries to scold Monica or steal her stuffed bunny to give knots in its ears (usually having Smudge or another boy accomplice), always having Monica get her revenge by hitting him with her stuffed bunny, often leaving him bruised and with black eyes. Often Jimmy Five makes plans against her with various traps, sometimes using Franklin's inventions or talking Smudge into helping, but he always loses to Monica at the end.
Smudge's stories usually focus on his penchant for dirt and mess and his fear of water, without ever having taken a bath in life, and constantly being threatened by villains or his friends to take a bath whenever he gets away with a result at the end of the story. The stories with Maggy generally focus on her gluttony, with a superhuman ability to eat more than a normal person without ever getting fat and sometimes stealing food from her friends.
Among the villains are Captain Fray, a supervillain with the power to control garbage and dirt, and Lord Big Rabbit, a space bunny whose first appearance was in the movies. Lord's design was inspired on the iconic Star Wars' villain and main antagonist, Darth Vader. A joke often breaks the fourth wall.
So, I learned to read and became a lover of comic books due to Monica's Gang and its several spin-offs.
The writers used the medium of comics to branch into the most varied genres with the same characters: gags, slice of life, horror, sci fi, fantasy, action, adventure, parodies of classic literature, TV shows and movies, and of course, romance.
While usually the main characters went trough the Will They or They Will Not melodrama, we saw side characters who lived long love stories that overall, while not necessarily without disagreements, could still enjoy peace and comfort in a romantic relationship born of great respect, friendship and complicity, and there two pairings I would like to highlight.
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Tia Nena and Tio Pepo were created in 1989 at the launch of Maggy's magazine to be Maggy's permanent great uncles.
Tia Nena is a great cook, considered by Maggy  to be "the biggest chef in the neighborhood". As time went by, the scriptwriters began to give her an extra layer, revealing Nena to be a good witch.
Her husband, Tio Pepo, is a carpenter, ready to make toys for the neighborhood kids.
Nena has a very maternal personality and genuine affection for those she loves, always protecting them with her heart as sweet as the delicacies she makes.
Even with her graceful manner, Nena always keeps an eye open towards some people, especially knowing that she is the target of malicious actions due to her magical powers, serving as a wise, ruthless and comical "fairy godmother", always willing to end injustices with your courage and determination.
Maggy's sweet and caring great-aunt has a long line of Moon witches in her family. She uses her magical knowledge to prepare delicious recipes and protect her loved ones. It is known that she has had powers since she was little and, with a touch of humor and wisdom, Nena guides Maggyon her journey of discovering magic, teaching her valuable lessons about family, friendship and the power of love.
Pepo is very kind, naive and affectionate, he has a childish soul and no evil in his heart, he is the typical little man who tries hard to please everyone, especially children. Since he was little, he was someone creative, who looked at the world through the eyes of a child. He knows about his wife's magical abilities and participates in fantastic events together with her. 
Love is something that builds over time. We usually are led to assume is only resumed to the conquest leading to the wedding.
Tia Nena and Tio Pepo show us that the building of an affectionate relationship goes beyond that, always expanding independently of age. And trough their companionship and love, they not only enrich each other's lives, but are inspired to always make the world a better place for all the people around them, and that is why I find them wholesome.
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From the light hearted teenager and young adult focused Tina's Pals magazine, comes the couple Puff (Pipa) and her boyfriend Steve (Zecão), the best friends of protagonist Tina.
Puff is very cheerful, passionate, super humorous and happy with life. She is the classic goofball when it comes to friendships, because she makes everyone and everything happy, always with the right opinion to give at the moment.
Quick on the verbal trigger, she doesn't let anything go unnoticed and is quite intelligent, a classic colleague who never lets you down, as she understands the value of companionship.
Because she is chubby, she keeps trying to go on a diet with a "deadline", but cannot resist a good chocolate bar, generating themes of body acceptance and self-esteem.
Despite her extremes, such as judging a lot (even without intention) or her insecurity (a result of her appearance, but she always tries to deconstruct this), she is a good confidant, well, just to vent, but one must be careful because Puff loves gossip and, from time to time, ends up releasing one or another valuable piece of information. Sincere, polite, but with a loose tongue, she is not afraid to express herself and say what she feels, especially to her boyfriend, Steve.
Despite working, Steve is a loose boy who likes to just spend time with his group of friends. He hates extending conversations or taking serious responsibility, but when he strikes a mature pose, he tries to show confidence.
He is absent-minded, carefree, calm and relaxed. This sometimes ends up hindering his relationship with Puff, as she, on several occasions, becomes frustrated with the coldness with which Zecão treats her weight and beauty (always, unintentionally), describing her as something that does not need to receive attention (even more so when others are around).
Steve has a huge passion and admiration for Puff, who is his opposite because she is very energetic and has an extroverted personality, always knowing how to start a conversation, unlike him, who doesn't even know how to answer clearly what people ask him.
He doesn't care that Puff is chubby. He loves her and is an incredible confidant. He has flaws, but he always decides to fix them, trying to be the best version of himself, without completely letting go of his essence as an individual.
Meanwhile, while Puff comits mistakes from which she has to grow and learn, the main lesson she learns from being with Steve is to take what she sees as "defects" in her, and start to see them as her best qualities.
In the world of Tina's Pals, Mauricio de Sousa reverses the roles imposed by society, as the main character Tina, who is tall, thin and determined, never finds someone to have a romantic relationship with and who would actually do her good, while Puff, in her conditions, dates Zecão, who accepts her the way she is.
Showing once again that you maybe can lose weight if you want to or not, but in Mauricio's world, your way of being, thinking and acting guarantees you a happy ending.
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midnightmah07 · 10 months
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blogoslibertarios · 4 days
Primavera começa neste domingo e deve trazer melhora na qualidade do ar devido influência do La Niña
Foto: MAURICIO DE SOUZA/ESTADÃO    Começa neste domingo (22), às 09h44, a Primavera, que traz a expectativa de uma melhora na umidade do ar, especialmente com a influência do fenômeno La Niña. Recentemente, algumas áreas do Brasil foram beneficiadas por chuvas, sinalizando o início da nova estação. Essas precipitações são vistas como um indicativo de que os níveis de umidade podem se aproximar do…
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schoje · 2 months
A Assembleia Legislativa de Santa Catarina aprovou na tarde desta terça-feira (24), em sessão extraordinária virtual, o projeto que autoriza o governo catarinense a fazer empréstimo de US$ 344,7 milhões (o equivalente a mais de R$ 1,7 bilhão, no câmbio atual) junto ao Banco Internacional para Reconstrução e Desenvolvimento (Bird). A proposta, que tramitava em regime de urgência com o número PL 431/2019, foi aprovada por 30 votos a nove. A matéria, encaminhada pelo Poder Executivo em novembro do ano passado, estabelece que os recursos serão obrigatoriamente aplicados na liquidação da dívida externa do Estado, contraída no Bank of America em dezembro de 2012. O governo argumenta que a operação de crédito junto ao Bird é mais vantajosa para os cofres do Estado que o empréstimo do Bank of America e implicará em diminuição no valor que Santa Catarina desembolsa para pagar essa dívida. O projeto teve que ser votado pelos deputados pois, por estar em regime de urgência, impedia, conforme o Regimento Interno da Alesc, a apreciação de outros projetos. Com a aprovação, o Parlamento pode deliberar, já a partir desta quarta-feira (25), proposições que tratam do enfrentamento à pandemia do novo coronavírus (Covid-19) em Santa Catarina. Os 40 parlamentares que integram a Assembleia participaram da sessão virtual. O presidente, deputado Julio Garcia (PSD), destacou a mobilização dos deputados num momento delicado para Santa Catarina. “A Assembleia diz mais uma vez sim à sociedade que ela representa. É dessa forma que nós vamos vencer o desafio que estamos vivendo”, disse. “Temos certeza que vamos superar essa doença. Já enfrentamos todo tipo de adversidade. Não vai ser essa que vai nos derrubar.” Debates Conforme a líder do Governo na Alesc, deputada Paulinha (PDT), a aprovação do empréstimo é importante para o Executivo ter mais disponibilidade de caixa para enfrentar a pandemia, num momento em que a arrecadação começa a cair, em virtude da quarentena em várias atividades econômicas. “Sem o empréstimo, teríamos que desembolsar 451 milhões dos cofres do Estado. Com o empréstimo, isso vai cair para 79 milhões de reais”, afirmou Paulinha. O deputado Bruno Souza (Novo) apresentou uma emenda substitutiva global ao projeto. Ela estabelecia que a economia que o Estado terá com o pagamento da dívida de 2012 deverá ser aplicada nas áreas da saúde e da segurança para suporte no combate aos efeitos da pandemia do novo coronavírus (Covid-19) em Santa Catarina. Pela emenda, 80% dos recursos seriam destinados à saúde e 20% para a segurança pública. “Com a emenda, temos a garantia que a economia será destinada para a saúde e a segurança pública. Não podemos gastar essa economia com qualquer coisa”, argumentou Bruno. A emenda foi rejeitada por 30 votos a nove. Na votação do projeto original, a bancada do PL encaminhou pelo voto contrário. O líder da Oposição, deputado Ivan Naatz (PL), afirmou que a Assembleia estava concedendo uma carta branca ao governo, sem que houvesse garantias que a economia seria investida no combate à pandemia. “Estamos votando um empréstimo sem conhecer efetivamente o projeto”, disse Os parlamentares contrários também argumentaram que a justificativa do uso dos recursos para o enfretamento do Covid-19 não é válida, pois a proposta do empréstimo chegou à Alesc na primeira quinzena de novembro do ano passado, antes da pandemia começar. Eles criticaram o fato do governo não ter retirado o regime de urgência. Dos 40 deputados, apenas Julio Garcia, na condição de presidente, não votou. Os votos contrários foram dos deputados do PL (Ivan Naatz, Marcius Machado, Mauricio Eskudlark e Nilso Berlanda), Ana Campagnolo (PSL), Felipe Estevão (PSL), Jessé Lopes (PSL), João Amin (PP) e Sargento Lima (PSL). Próxima sessão As atividades da Assembleia Legislativa prosseguem nesta quarta-feira. No começo da tarde, haverá reunião de líderes para definir a pauta de votações da sessão extraordinária que ocorrerá a partir das 16 horas. Tanto a reunião quanto a sessão serão virtuais, nos mesmos moldes da realizada nesta terça.
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thurgoulart · 10 months
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oscarloro79 · 3 months
Impossible Journey is an animated short film that addresses the urgent crisis in maternal health care in the US.
The film was built by a predominantly female team over a process that took more than a year, produced in Brazil and NYC. Each frame was printed and painted meticulously to reveal the layers of reality that our protagonist experiences throughout the story. Every aspect of the animation has metaphorical construction and meaning, just like all the project built around it.
Check out more details and informations on the links below:
Making of: vimeo.com/945849611/991e1f4f3f?share=copy Project’s website: impossiblejourney.org
Cannes Lions 2024 Silver - Film Craft Illustration Silver - H&W Digital Craft
Director: YUCA Production Company: THE YOUTH Post-Production Company: COLOSSAL Executive Creative Director: Eduardo Lubiazi, João Machado Executive Producer: Eduardo Lubiazi Head of Production: Daniel Maia Post-Production Coordinator: Yasmim Uehara Art Director: Eduardo Rosa Animation Director: YUCA + Bruno Brasil DOP: Yuri Maranhão
Producer: Yasmim Uehara, Mauricio Kazu Yamashita Post-Production Coordinator: Yasmim Uehara Post-Production Coordinator Assistant: Nicole Lia Rêgo da Silva, Ana Paula Godoy Production Coordinator: Carol Cherobim Assistant Coordinator: Camila Pires, Lu Krasa Finance Department: Iza Lubiazi
Head of art: YUCA Art Director: Eduardo Rosa Animation Director: YUCA + Bruno Brasil Screenplay: Viton Araújo, Eduardo Tavares Editor: Leonardo Salomão Assistant Editor: Victor Balestrin Printing Studio: Farbewerk Fine Art Lab Printing producer: Daniel Farbewerk Painting Studio: ATELIÊ 39 Painting Artists: Ana Beatriz Artigas, João Paulo de Carvalho 2D Animation Supervisor: Denis Bargos, Daniella Schuarts, Bruno Brasil, André Ruivo VFX Supervision: Rodrigo Stradiotto, Diogo Gameiro Lead Conform and Delivery: Victor Balestrin Conform and Delivery: Ricardo Jug
Lead Concept Artists: Beatrice Bandiera, Fabio Miraglia Lead Illustration: Beatrice Bandiera, Marília Mafé, Diogo Saraiva, Bruno Rosal Concept Artist: Marília Mafé, Taíssa Maia, Che Marcheti, Ana Maria Sena, Bennê Oliveira, Camilla Muniz, Cinthia Saty, Helô Rodrigues, Fabio Miraglia, Diogo Saraiva, Bruno Rosal, Daniel Cramer, Gabriel dos Anjos, Fernando Nas, João Capoulade, Douglas Lopes, Wilson Panassi, Felipe Parucci.
Storyboard: Walfrido Monteiro Previz animation: André Ruivo 2D Animation: Carol Caporrino, Nana Siqueira, Gabriela Chamorro Diniz, Danila Ribeiro, Thalyne Chrystyna, Gabrielle Paparelli, André Ruivo, Diones Ignacio, Robson Vilalba, Anderson Omori, Gilson Júnior de Souza Bastos, Bremo, Gui Kirinus, Geovani Angelo, Carlos Yury, Gui Klein, Sid Ahearne, Alexandre Sales, Gabriel Fraga, Gabriel Chagas, Robb Reis, Denis Bargos.
VFX Animation: Nana Siqueira, Hermes de Lima, Fhilipe Marmori. Lead Clean Up: Mateuz Fernandes Clean Up / Painting: Clara Luz Carvalho Salazar, Nana Siqueira, Giovanna Jahjah, Melissa Ferreira Sartor, Renata SHP, Brenda Maryan, Taiza Nogueira, Mateuz Fernandes, Robson Vilalba, Diones Ignacio, Dudu Querubins, Ulisses Jucá, Luiz Alvares, Pedro Solano, Thallyson Silvestre, Moacyr Neto, Diogo Saraiva, Carlos Yury, Lucas Batalha, Rosinaldo Lages, Josias Bosio, Bruno Mazzilli, Leonardo Vincensi, Rafael Sinnott, Lucas Moraes, Fabio Soro, Lucas Fernandes Siqueira, Jonatas Freire da Silva Souza, Rhuan Gonçalves de Oliveira de Farias, Diego Akel, Lucas Felipe Pereira..
2D Compositing: Gabriel Rocha, Diego Eduardo Loz, Tiago Castro, Adelir Boeira, Lucas Santiago, Jean Lamin, Alan Jose Dias. Compositing: Michel Takahashi Colorist: Erick Moraes 3D Previz: Lucas Lira 3D Animator: Tiago da Silva Motion Graphics: Janaína da Veiga Still Craft Photographer: Diego Cagnato Stabilization Compositing: Everton Ricardo Sabino (Tom), Nícolas Braga de Medeiros Nicolak
Live action Director: YUCA DOP: Yuri Maranhão 1st AC: Jenny Desrosiers Make up artist: Cris Severo Steadicam OP: Emma Leavy BB: Melquan Q Ali Sound Mixer: Emily Strong Producer: Stella Bloss Producer: Livia Borjaile PA/Driver: Elijah Joseph Still Photography: Talitha Ramos Casting: Amanda Gabrielle Baia, Bruce Arturo McIntyre III, Camilla de Souza, Carla Williams, Denise Miller, Emilie Rodriguez, Sarry Nemorin.
Music Company: Satélite Áudio Music Direction: Roberto Coelho, Kito Siqueira e Hurso Ambrifi Account: Fernanda Costa, Renata Schincariol, Daniel Chasin e Karen Nakamura Music Production: Roberto Coelho, Hurso Ambrifi, Thiago Colli, Koitty , Alexandre Avicena, Pedro Pelotas e Nando Diniz Post Production and Mixing: Carla Cornea, Vithor Moraes, Arthur Dossa, Andre Giannini e Esteban Romero Production Coordinator: Camila Guedes, Letícia Oliveira, Bea Vieira e Mariana Tardelli
Special thanks: Filipe Zapelini, Cris Severo In memory of our beloved friend Juca Salomão
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agendaculturaldelima · 3 months
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🔎 Género: Comedia / Drama / Comedia Negra / Película de Episodios
⌛️ Duración: 157 minutos
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✍️ Guión: Damián Szifrón
🎼 Música: Gustavo Santaolalla
📷 Fotografía: Javier Juliá
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🗯 Argumento: La película consta de seis episodios que alternan la intriga, la comedia y la violencia: Pasternak, Las Ratas, El más fuerte, Bombita, La Propuesta y Hasta que la Muerte nos separe; historias donde sus personajes se ven empujados hacia el abismo y hacia el innegable placer de perder el control, cruzando la delgada línea que separa la civilización de la barbarie. La desigualdad y la injusticia causan estrés a muchas personas, y algunas cruzan la delgada línea que divide la civilización de la barbarie.
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👥 Reparto: Ricardo Darín (Simón Fisher), Leonardo Sbaraglia (Diego Iturralde), Érica Rivas (Romina), Oscar Martínez (Mauricio), Rita Cortese (Cocinera), Diego Starosta (Ignacio Fontana), Darío Grandinetti (Salgado), María Marull (Isabel), Diego Gentile (Ariel), Walter Donado (Mario) y María Onetto (Helena).
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📢 Dirección: Damián Szifrón
© Productoras: K&S Films, El Deseo, Telefé & INCAA
🌎 Países: Argentina-España
📅 Año: 2014
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📆 Viernes 21 de Junio
🕗 8:00pm.
🎦 Cine Caleta (calle Aurelio de Souza 225 - Barranco)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre.
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🙂 A tener en cuenta: Prohibido el ingreso de bebidas y comidas. 🌳💚🌻🌛
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geekpopnews · 10 months
Turma da Mônica Jovem ganha trailer inédito e revela vilão
Os jovens do bairro do Limoeiro estão de volta com um trailer inédito do novo filme da Turma da Mônica Jovem: Reflexos do Medo. Venha conferir! #turmadamonicajovem #filmes #trailer #sophiavalverde
Nesta sexta-feira (01), o novo filme da Turma da Mônica Jovem: : Reflexos do Medo acaba de ganhar um novo trailer. Os jovens do bairro do Limoeiro estão de volta trazendo muito mistério e suspense no novo longa da Bronze Filmes baseado nos personagens de Maurício de Souza. Com a direção de Maurício Eça (A Menina que Matou os Pais, 2020), enquanto a dupla Regina Negrini e Antonio Arruda (Cidade…
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gymnasticscoaching · 4 months
Caio Souza wins Pan Am Championships 2024
SOUZA Caio 81.134 Brazil LETELIER ZUÑIGA Luciano Mauricio 79.233 Chile MAYOL Santiago 78.566 Argentina O ATLETA MAIS COMPLETO DAS AMÉRICAS É DO BRASIIIIIL, minha gente! 🤩🇧🇷💫🏆🤸🏻Isso aí! Na Final Individual Geral Masculina Adulta do Campeonato Pan-Americano de Ginástica Artística, Caio Souza garantiu a medalha de OURO 🥇 somando 81.134 pontos!Que mega resultado! Que alegria!……
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