#Mayfly (My OC)
yo-yo-yoshiko · 8 months
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Caved and made a bard(of course) in BG3 a few nights ago. She has a real fantasy name but I have been forgetting it and instead affectionately calling her “Laser Beam” in my head…
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halo-lll-odst · 6 months
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moar mayfly
context for the first two doodles is that i thought about a possible reason as to why brackens' mouths are never visible. thinking they only open them to eat (which for most animals, eating is a time theyre especially vulnerable), when they're extremely stressed, or their claws are unavailable or have been apprehended, something along those lines
anyhow the crew mayfly is apart of does routine checkups after each mission, just to make sure everyone is in good health. mayfly doesnt like these checkups because she's an especially anxious bracken, so alongside the anxiety of having a part of it that is only used when she's calm and this is beint seen by NEW PEOPLE, it doesn't bode well with it at all
anyway everyone look at her NOW
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cinnamon-flame · 6 months
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Another set of doodles of my wof ocs I never draw some of these guys so they get their little tribute now
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drinkinggblood · 12 days
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back in my home state after leaving for a week, heres my bug lady i drew again
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pipinghawtcocoa · 3 months
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mayfly post workout
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epicaricacyyy · 8 months
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the-lupine-sojourner · 5 months
Transformers: Honor and Loyalty [Prologue]
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So this story idea is not mine. It comes from a friend on TikTok, Deckar Terdax. He came up with this plot, pitched as a movie concept in a slideshow on TikTok, and I liked it a lot! I asked if I could write the idea as a fanfiction and Deckar said I could, so here we go!
Deckar also came up with the title and created the cover picture!
This is the story of Deadlock becoming an Autobot and how he settled on Earth.
I hope you all like this idea as much as I do! :)
Btw, if you like my writing, please consider buying me a ko-fi, or if you want, you can continuously support me writing stories by joining my Patreon!
Anyway, on to the story!
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
Deadlock ducks behind a decrepit wreck in the shipyard, gritting his teeth as he prepares to take out the Decepticon guard nearby.
He had been slowly realizing how tyrannical and oppressive the Decepticon cause is, but his sense of honor had demanded loyalty, so he had bitten his tongue and done as ordered as the war continued to wreak havoc on the planet.
His loyalty had begun to slowly come into question, however, after Optimus Prime had been forced to eject the Allspark to keep it from Megatron's hands. He had then led a mass exodus with as many Autobots as he could find ships for, leaving some of his troops behind to carry on the battle.
Deadlock had at first been angry at the Prime, thinking him a coward for dooming their planet and running away, but then he came to realize the extent of the damages done to Cybertron throughout the war and that Megatron had been the one to drive Optimus to that extreme.
Deadlock saw that Megatron was blinded by his hatred of the Prime, beating or executing any who dared question him or his pursuit of Optimus.
Things grew worse on Cybertron without the Allspark, but the few Autobots left on the dying planet bravely fought on despite overwhelming odds.
Deadlock grew to admire their courage and their valiant struggle to save their planet, hoping the Allspark could be restored to Cybertron before the planet completely died.
Then he and a team of Vehicons were ordered to take out a ship full of Autobots that were escaping Cybertron.
He could not carry out the order, but the troopers had seen no issue with the heartless and cruel command.
Deadlock had gone ahead to scout out the ship, which had been caught before they'd even left the atmosphere, and when he saw the desperate refugees huddled in fear he could not bring his Spark to harm any of them, so he lied to the team, going so far as to say he had eliminated the crew aboard.
The team had been impressed at the alleged show of brutality and returned to their ship, but Deadlock had hesitated, talking briefly with the leader on the ship, a Wrecker he didn't recognize.
Deadlock agreed to help them reach their destination, even pointing out a better route for them.
Then a Vehicon came back aboard and saw Deadlock talking to the Wrecker, and the refugees behind them.
Deadlock had been forced to kill the trooper there and then, feeling for the first time a flicker of disgust with the Decepticons in his Spark. If they were willing to slaughter refugees, they did not have any honor.
After lying that the trooper had been killed in a surprise attack by a survivor to the other troopers on the ship, Deadlock had to assess his loyalties.
He had killed one of his own side in defense of Autobots.
He took a long look at himself in the reflection of his ship's cockpit.
What he had done was the right thing, he felt it in his Spark. How could he kill innocent refugees?
But killing the trooper was dishonorable to the Decepticons and would be seen as treason if it were discovered.
He had covered his actions as best he could and hoped his deceptions were accepted as truth. It was too late to do anything else.
As the cycles went on and nothing came of the incident, Deadlock grew increasingly conflicted. The Decepticons had repeatedly shown dishonor in their actions, but because he had sworn allegiance to them, he felt stuck.
Defecting felt like a betrayal, but more and more of his orders made him see just how dishonorable the Decepticon cause is.
The breaking point occurred when there came a new order, pairing him with Bludgeon (who Deadlock considered a brother. They had joined the Decepticons together, even).
Spies had discovered a small refugee camp and Megatron ordered it to be cleared out with no survivors.
Deadlock recoiled, but his sense of duty would not let him protest in front of Megatron, so he kept it to himself until he and Bludgeon were en route to the camp.
"Why should we kill innocents?" Deadlock asks, frowning. "It is dishonorable."
Bludgeon, surprisingly, scoffed. "There are no innocents when it comes to Autobots, Deadlock. You know that."
Deadlock shakes his head. "They are merely trying to survive. They have done nothing to deserve such a fate." He insists.
"Way I look at it, any Autobot is an enemy, and enemies should be eliminated with extreme prejudice." Bludgeon retorts, frowning at him, the tension rising.
Deadlock knows he'd likely be reported to the Decepticon Justice Department if he continues protesting against killing Autobots, so he holds back anything else he wanted to say and when they arrive, he says he will monitor the perimeter and ensure none escape.
But what he really did is watch in horror as his friend slaughtered everyone in the few buildings that made up the camp.
Bludgeon had a grin on his face the entire time, which made Deadlock shudder.
The vicious attack was over soon, and to make his story believable, Deadlock moved further from their transport and spun on his heel to start walking back as Bludgeon arrived, his swords dripping with Energon.
Splatters of the glowing blue liquid covered Bludgeon, making him look barbaric.
"You make sure we got all of them?" Bludgeon asks casually, almost making Deadlock's Energon pump reject its Energon.
How could he talk about slaughter so casually? Does he have no sense of honor at all?
Deadlock could do nothing but nod and head into the transport.
His mind was reeling from what he had seen. He had never once seen that side of Bludgeon. Certainly, Bludgeon had been the more aggressive of the two, typically speaking, but Deadlock had never thought his closest friend and brother capable of such a brutal attack on unarmed refugees. This threw their relationship into a whole new light. Could he still call Bludgeon a brother? Deadlock shifts uncomfortably, staring sightlessly out the window.
His mind was whirling and Spark flared in outrage at the loss of innocent life, at the way he had simply stood by, DJD or no DJD.
He knew it had been dishonorable to allow that terrible slaughter, but the thought of being hunted and perhaps tortured by the DJD was too terrifying for him to commit to preventing the slaughter.
Deadlock resolved there and then that he will never stand by again.
He could also no longer deny that the Decepticons he'd thought on the right side of this conflict would continue to spread cruelty, fear, and tyranny throughout the galaxy.
He had no choice but to defect. He understood that clearly now.
To that end, he makes up his mind that, upon his return, he would gather whatever intelligence he deemed valuable (in the hopes the intel would convince the Autobots to allow him to join their side) and then seek out a long-distance escape pod to take him to Earth, where he'd find the Prime and officially join the Autobots.
Now, after finding intelligence he knew Optimus would find extremely valuable, downloading it and hiding the data cylinder, he had snuck into the shipyard, where a few guards had spotted him, but had quickly been disposed of before an alarm could be raised.
However, it hadn't taken long for the other guards to see the bodies, and now he was being hunted.
This will not stop me. Deadlock thinks cooly, turning the tables on his opponents and eliminating them one by one as he searches for a pod.
He soon has only one final opponent, cornered against a mostly functional ship.
"Traitor!" The guard yells, blasting at him, but Deadlock grits his teeth, dodging the blasts as he races forward, stabbing the unfortunate guard directly in the Spark Chamber.
Deadlock watches as the life seeps from the guard. "May you all find peace with Primus upon your return to the Allspark." He bows briefly in the general direction of his victims, acknowledging he had taken lives precious to Primus, before sheathing his sword and climbing into the ship.
There! At last, an operational long-distance escape pod!
He programs it for Earth and settles in for the long flight as the pod's thrusters ignite and start its journey.
He reaches out on any Autobot frequency he can find to let the Autobots know he had stolen valuable intelligence to give to Optimus, and that he is defecting and joining their side.
"This is Decepticon Deadlock. I am trying to reach Optimus Prime."
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notsohollow · 1 year
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The Pessimistic Vessel
Identifies as agender, uses they/them and it/its pronouns
Three feet nine inches tall
So named for the fact that they didn't think that they would be surviving long, Mayfly is known for expecting the worst and being prepared for it. They will pick up and use any and all weapons that they can get their claws on, whether it be a rock or a nail or something else entirely. They are also unopposed to helping strangers, and this is what led them to befriending a young nosk; in exchange for the nosk allowing them to stay in their den with them and a promise that it wouldn't eat its siblings, Mayfly would do the hunting for it and make sure the nosk would never go hungry. It certainly helps that dirtcarvers in Deepnest are plentiful and relatively easy for them to kill, and they have become proficient in the killing of such beasts. Mayfly also enjoys spending time in the hot spring from time to time, if only to get cleaned up afterward.
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goatcheeses-ocs · 3 months
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My oc Maverick (exhausted dude in the middle) is the proud dad of (accidentally) mutated spiders (on his right is Mayfly, the spider he usually keeps in his hair, and on his left is her nerdy gamer boyfriend, Wolfie) . They're not usually in human shape, but rather normal looking spiders with the intelligence level of average humans, living in a spider sized city they built in Maverick's lab. I just thought it would be funny to give them a human-ish design.
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cutesy-chaos · 4 months
Mayfly Fairy
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Imagine a fairy with the memory of a mayfly. Despite having a fairy lifespan, she cannot remember more than a day back. She has to write down anything she wants to remember. That's Mayeleth. If you want to buy anything with the cute little mayfly fairy, merchandise with 2 versions of her art are available on my redbubble. Mayeleth the Mayfly Fairy by CutesyChaos | Redbubble
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violentalbino-real · 2 years
EYYYYY so we all hate inktober in my house, scummy guy at the head, i got a whole TWOOOO inktober alternatives!!!! we got SOUPTOBER, and VOCTOBER!!! i know someone behind both of these, so it’s really important to me to support them and show them some love :) all that said, here’s my DAY 1 SOUPTOBER (fall) and DAYS 1-3 VOCTOBER (twirl)!!!
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i like the pretty woman and white boy jumpscare, they’re so silly goofy, especially with how the prompts work together to create a full piece, it feels more lively :) and now, DAY 2 SOUPTOBER (ghost)
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got my mans phoenix fogart double cheeked up and dead on this wednesday evening, i hope you feel better than he does right now
his ghost is inspired by cuphead ghosts
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halo-lll-odst · 6 months
Awww. I love Mayfly! Such a cinnamon roll. How does she interact with the other crew members and hugs?
she's very anxious about receiving hugs at first, and you have to be very close to her to hug her without making her anxious, but it does very readily give out hugs.
when it comes to actual team dynamics, mainly she plays the role of a lookout. it may be injured and have sore joints and aches and pains, but she is still much stronger than a lot of the rest of the crew. if there is an entity threatening the crew, it'll go in and either try to intimidate it and scare it away, or directly attack it. she doesnt quite like doing the latter, though. she also curbs the threat of brackens, though due to how sneaky they can be it is not an entirely voided threat
generally it's very kind, but will attack if needs be.
SPEAKING of that actually, when it was found by the crew that later took it in, she had her right leg entirely blown off. she was barely clinging on to life, and seeing these unfamiliar creatures that it had seen killing either other brackens or other entities terrified it even further, and she tried to attack them. it took the crew a lot of time to get close enough to bandage the open leg wound and take her back to the ship without getting swiped at
besides that, in a more domestic setting, she is usually helping around the ship or keeping everyone happy. she saw one of the team members cooking and was absolutely enamoured. has crazy knife skills
kind of a ramble sorry but thank u for the ask!! hope this didnt jump around too much lol
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teethwitheyes101-blog · 2 months
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A redraw of some ocs I made in 2021
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The yellowy one is mayfly, she is leucistic , she loves reading :)
And the black and red one is tarantula hawk (name game was goofy in 2021 💀) and he’s a library guard in jewel hive :)
Look at my old ass signature 😭😭
Also I changed her eyes to brown bc I like em better
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raggedytiger · 2 months
Where did you go? We miss you!!!
hello everynyan... I MISS YOU TOO!! i'm sorry for the inactivity guys!
in general i'm the worst for replying to things so i'm really sorry if you have an ask or message that's being left behind. i stress abt it lol 😭 while i have drifted away from tadc a bit, the main reason is my own brain.. i got a little overwhelmed (with love!) and i have lots to think about with my final project at college. i find it hard to hop back in after disappearing without a trace!! i've been doing some walten files stuff over on my regular art blog but i havent been making a whole lot of fanart due to the general stress and buzz of LIFE!!!
rest easy knowing penny and agatha have not left my heart, though. they live there. it's april now and they're really enjoying the cool sun. agatha has opened the lovely tall south-facing window to let the breeze in, penny is watching the birds. they've put on a belle & sebastian album, and 'mayfly' is spinning softly under the needle.
i still have a vague plot for them post-circus where they figure out the mystery of it all, willingly or not, and its psychologically troubling for them. i think of them as my little ocs now and i like to play around with them as characters outside of tadc canon too! more tadc stuff ive been thinking abt though has been redesigns. i have always wanted to play with it because as much as it's a well put-together pilot made by talented people, some details irk me and i reaaally want to switch them up, particularly with jax and some atmosphere/worldbuilding... i love the odd mix of characters way too much not to mess around with them a little.
i will try and dig thru some asks soon! you are some truly lovely people on here and i hope you dont mind the hiatus too much! mutuals i miss you <3
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cinnamon-flame · 1 year
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Wings of fire oc drawings that I horded in my files, including my least drawn lizards.
They are in order (top to bottom, left to right): - Atlas (Skywing/Silkwing), designed by @rainyjays - Ambrosia (Hivewing), Seaglass (Seawing), Honeydew (Hivewing/Seawing), Mayfly (Hivewing/Seawing) and Alga (Hivewing/Seawing) -Steam (Seawing/Skywing) -Mayfly again -Amethyst (Mudwing) -Verglas (Icewing) - Starfruit (Rainwing/Leafwing), designed by @fat-muffins - Spider (Sandwing)
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0rgell · 4 months
Can We Go Back (Yang Jeongin/Kim Seungmin) - Oneshot
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General Masterlist
Pairing: Jeongin/Seungmin x OC (name: Bronte. The story is written in 2nd person)
Genre: mature, angst, romance
Word Count: ~8k
Warnings: mature, mild smut, cheating, swearing, feelings of hopelessness and uncertainty, angst, crying and others.
This is just a story that doesn’t describe Jeongin or Seungmin’s true characters in any way. It’s just a product of my imagination and should be treated as such.
This story is also on AO3.
A/N: As any other writer out there, I would appreciate reblogs and your comments on this story. Please let me know if you enjoyed it, and most importantly, have fun!
One shot. You and Jeongin have been together for a while now, but your spark is fading,. But one night, one party, everything changes.
Can We Go Back
You, Seungmin and Jeongin have been good friends for a while now.
The first time you met your boyfriend Jeongin it was while you were working part-time at a small Tescos, in a quiet neighbourhood and he also was working part-time there. The small Tescos was always quiet and not much ever happened. But that’s how it always was in your small town, nothing exciting, not much to talk about.
The moment you saw him you were mesmerised, it felt like love at first sight. He’d often talk to you while you were restocking the shelves and chuckle while you made a fool of yourself stumbling over your words and clumsily knocking stuff off the shelves.
He’d tell you about his day and big group of friends. It was always nice talking to Jeongin after a stressful day at uni, he just managed to pull you out of worrying about your next assignment or report. Something about his aura.
Eventually, Jeongin got the courage to ask you out on a date after two months, you were so elated that you brought a whole new wardrobe for one date. It was clear to Jeongin that you liked him much more than a friend, you’d always get flustered and blush. It was cute to him and having this effect on someone made him want to make you his more. The first date was something you could never forget. You had dinner at a fancy restaurant, and when your dishes came you started eating and he dropped his fork. When he went to pick it up his fork he leant on the table. The whole table flipped and our dinner went everywhere and the whole restaurant looked at him, you don't think you’ve ever seen anyone turn as red as he did that moment.
We left shortly after and he paid for you. He taken you to a pond with duck and swans swimming around and get you an ice cream. It was the best date you could have ever imagined. The most time you’ve spent laughing and on that date in that moment with him walking around the pond. At that moment you decided you wanted to spend the rest of your mayfly life with him.
“Bronte? Are you listening to anything I'm even saying?” Felix snaps his fingers in your face pulling you out of your daze.
“Yeah of course I am”
“What was I saying then?” He raised his eyebrow at you.
“Changbin’s girlfriend, party wanting me to come” you recite the information you had collected like bullet points on paper.
“Oh, yeah so anyway. Are you and I.N going to come?”
“I dunno I’ll have to ask him first but I definitely want to come.” Jeongin will most definitely not want to go, he’s become more introverted over the time you've been together. But forcing him to go won’t be too hard. Maybe the party will be good for him, good for our relationship it certainly won't make it any worse, right?
“Good I don’t remember the last time we all went to a party, it's been so long” Felix leaned back into his chair sipping on his very sweet mango smoothie. But that didn’t last long before he was back with his elbows leaning on the table staring at you with curiosity in his eyes. “How are you and I.N?”
You didn’t bother moving this time as it's a boring question with a boring answer. “Were fine 4 years, nothing new. Nothing exciting except for Jeongin doing his master's degree, but you already know that.”
Felix hummed nodding slightly “You are happy with him though right?”
That was one question you were not expecting, nearly choking on your drink but quickly pulled yourself together “Yes of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be… did he say something?”
Felix laughed and shook his head “No he hasn’t said anything. Why have you been mean to our inny? Did you do something to upset him?”
You shook your head vigorously even though you knew Felix was only teasing you didn’t want to be painted in that light, “Of course not Felix… I was just confused why you suddenly asked that, it caught me off guard. We’re both fine.”
Felix raised a questioning eyebrow examining you for a second before leaning back into his chair “Stop getting so worked up Bront, everyone knows how much you both love each other. Your both basically the model relationship.” He reached out to your hand across the table and patted it.
This time it was your turn to raise a questioning eyebrow model relationship.
It was your first time hearing this you couldn’t help but think why because to you your relationship is average like you said nothing new or exciting.
You put your straw in your mouth and started to chew it while thinking, before realising it was not appropriate to do so. “Model relationship? What do you mean?”
“Why’d you look so surprised? Of course, you two are so cute together and I don't think I’ve ever heard about you two arguing.”
“All couples argue Felix, we just get over things quickly.” You shrugged hearing stuff like this was strange coming from Felix. You started to wonder if his smoothy was spiked.
He hummed knowingly, “but no one is as cute as you two” he cooed.
“Felix. That’s it. That's my cue to leave.”
“Oh common I was just joking” he whined throwing his head back and laughing.
“No I do actually have to go if you want me at the party, it's tonight, right? 8:30?”
“Okay, I’ll let you off this time, yeah Changbin’s house at 8:30. Be there or be square,” Felix confirmed.
You chuckled at him “Okay see you there maybe.”
“Yeah, bye”
You placed your keys in the key bowl then tried to find your boyfriend somewhere in his family home.
You both were saving up to move out and get a place of your own but it wasn’t an option at this moment in time. It’s too much for two university students working at Tesco. It’s just not cost-effective.
“Innie?” no reply.
“Innie, where are you? I've got a question to ask you”
“I’m in the kitchen baby.” Your boyfriend called out.
You went to the kitchen and saw him standing by the hob cooking something, you walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist putting your nose into his shoulder and inhaling Jeongin’s familiar scent.
Jeongin chuckled at your behaviour “How was lunch with Felix baby?”
“Good” you nodded still buried in Jeongins shoulder, “What ya cooking?”
“Dinner for us” He left your grip and turned around gifting you with a sweet peck on the forehead. “What was the question then?”
“Innie… Changbin’s having a party tonight,” you stop to look at his reaction, his face remains unchanged still “Can we go, please? I really want to go.”
Jeongin sighs “You can go, but I don’t want to”
He never goes out anymore, you two used to go out all the time a few years ago, the honeymoon period has clearly evaporated for Jeongin but, you don't want to sit inside every day just work and go to university.
You do not want to do that, you don't mind staying in the majority of the time you just want to have fun sometimes.
“Innie, baby please come”
“Just drop it, Bronte” He sighed
His words made you feel upset and stomach twist, not only didn’t he want to go out with you he also called you by your name.
“No, I don’t want to just drop it” you mocked him “We never go out anymore, I don’t want to sit around and do nothing. It’s a Friday! Bloody Friday!”
“Bronte just go by yourself, I don’t have the time or energy to argue with you.” He sighed walking away.
Did he just say he didn’t have time for this?
For us?
For this argument?
For something that is important to you?
Were you being melodramatic?
Nevertheless, your heart twisted in your chest.
Was there any point in going after him? Probably not.
You were upset with how that went, feeling defeated and too tired for the rest of the day, so you grabbed your keys and walked out.
As you slammed the door behind you, you were greeted by Seungmin.
One of your and Jeongins friends. Seungmin also lives next door to Jeongin they grew up together and played in the streets when they were young.
“Pretty, you okay?” Seungmin smiled brightly at you making you feel like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders.
Seungmin always made your day better with his witty sarcasm and big grin.
“Yeah, I'm good.” You returned his smile walking off the decked porch to get closer to speak to him.
Seungmin’s smile disappeared, he probably knew you weren't okay from the way he watched you slam his neighbour's door
But who was he to push you into speaking about your relationship? And we both know he's not going to ask.
“Are you going to Bini’s party?”
Seungmin wouldn’t of know you had just had an argument? Disagreement? With his neighbour. He wouldn't know the heavy feeling that lies on your shoulders and deep in your stomach.
But you felt if you went to the party with Seungmin you’ll have a good time.
Maybe you should go.
“Yeah I’ll be there”
A slight smile pulled at the corner of his lips “Want to go together?” he inquired.
You thought on it for another second “Sure, why not!”
He pulled his car keys out of his pocket dangling them in front of you “I’ll pick you up at 8:15, okay?
“Yep, see you then!” You smiled and walked off to your car while the sun was setting painting the sky with brilliant pink and orange hues.
Is it too much? You questioned yourself looking at your reflection.
A white flowy dress with small white flowers sewn into the fabric to the top. Come to think of it you look like a paper doily, but you didn’t mind it was cute. It came down the top of your thigh and held on at the top with the very thin spaghetti straps. It's still modest.
Still, you felt heavy from earlier, you know you shouldn’t have left the house that way, and still, there was an unsettling feeling in your stomach.
You know the both of you can talk it out tomorrow, your starting to think how Jeongin feels the both of you always talk out our troubles
A knock at the door brings a big smile to your face, you haven’t been to a party in a while the last one you went to Jeongin got completely mortal by 9:00 pm and you ended up looking after him the rest of the night and taking him home. On the taxi ride home he was sick all over you and the new dress you had brought for the party because it was a special occasion, it was Han’s birthday; his 24th to be exact.
God, you just hope you don't have to look after anyone tonight.
You run down the stairs and greet Seungmin with a big hug.
He smirks pulling away twirling you around “You look like an angel,” he said short of breath you probably just knocked it out of him the way you launched yourself at him “Wow Bronte I’m speechless, your gunna give someone a nose bleed looking like that”
Seungmin was always your biggest hype man he always complimented you, but just as friends and never anything more.
A slight blush rose up to your cheeks still not used to all his complement. “Will I give you a nosebleed.” you joked with him
Amusement lifted his twitching lip into a smirk again happy that you were playing along, “I don’t know, wanna find out by the end of the night?”
You laughed at his flirty joke and slightly pushed him by the shoulder “Shut up Minnie”
“Okay, Okay. Didn’t anyone tell you it’s rude to hit people?” Seungmin was pouting but you could still see the mirth swirling in his eyes.
You both looked at each other for a moment before bursting with laughter “Didn’t your mother teach you not to flirt with taken ladies?”
“Okay, I surrender!” he put his hands up “Are you ready to go?”
You nodded following his lead.
The car ride was mellow and comfortable with only soft music playing in the background and light conversation.
When you arrived at the party your senses were already overwhelmed by the loud music, the stench of cigarettes other unknown substances and alcohol is quite a slap in the face.
Felix is quick to find you walking over with a red solo cup in hand and a beaming smile “You made it!” he flung his arms around you leaning his whole body weight on you, not managing to spill any luckily.
“And your drunk, was there pre-drinks here or are you just a lightweight?”
Felix giggled, completely tipsy with his eyes clouded in a haze and you help but want to be on the same level as him. “Maybe there was. Maybe there wasn’t? Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not.”
Nice riddles Felix.
“Felix, shall we go get me a drink?” You ask like you're talking to a toddler.
“Yes! Common let’s go!” He said excitedly linking your arms together, pulling you away from Seungmin and skipping, more like dragging you to the kitchen.
“What’s your poison?” Felix inquired while examining the colossal amount of alcohol lined up on Changbin’s kitchen island.
You shrugged eyeing all the alcohol, you really didn’t know. But, what you did know was that you wanted to get absolutely hammered tonight.
“I don’t mind, you pick. I want to get fucked up tonight”
Felix squealed a bit before picking up a rum, vodka and sambuca bottle “Eenie meenie miney mo which one shall let Bronte go!” He chanted like a kid and ended up eliminating all but the vodka. “We’ve got a winner!” he sang.
“Amazing Lix! Pour me one please”
While Felix was not so carefully stumbling around the kitchen grabbing a new plastic cup and filling it with an unholy ratio of 10% lemonade and 90% vodka, you took the time to look at his outfit, black skinny jeans, black shirt, a pink and white checkered cardigan and white trainers.
You did want to get fucked up but you didn’t want to be spilling your guts by the end of the night.
“Hey! Are you trying to poison me?”
Felix gave you a shit-eating grin and placed the flimsy cup in your hand, you could feel the liquid inside, warm, it was warm.
“Is there any ice-” You were cut off.
“Bronte! I haven’t seen you in ages!” the whining tone was something that could only be Hyunjin.
He placed his hand on your shoulder and spun you around quickly. You had truly missed his face, he had been away for 6 months in Egypt because of his archaeology major.
When you think of it archaeology is the last thing you would ever think of doing but it fits Hyunjin well. He was always a little odd, fascinated by strange things and collecting fossils when you’d get dragged along with him to odd quirky shops that sold all types of miscellaneous objects.
One time you honestly thought he was a witch or wizard.
“How was Egypt?” You questioned
“Amazing I even got a tan!” He took his hands off your shoulders and pulled up his long sleeve shirt to show you his golden tan.
You were jealous not even going to lie.
“Your glowing Hyun!” You exclaimed pulling your extremely pale arm next to his to look at the comparison.
He flipped his long black hair “Yeah I know and you look like you’ve died, or a vampire.” He laughed at his own joke throwing his head back.
You didn’t find it as funny as he did “Ha-ha very funny” You said pulling your arm away from his. “You got a drink?” you questioned moving the conversation on from your painful paleness.
His eyes darted around the place taking in the atmosphere “It’s kind of overwhelming isn’t it?”
You were confused.
What was he talking about?
Was he even talking to you at that point?
He just completely ignored your question.
“Hyunjin?” you looked at him confused.
Just like he realised you were confused he laughed trying to avoid your awkward stare “I mean the party… just being out in Egypt, in the desert, it’s so quiet there and you're basically alone… I just forgot how many people could fit in the same room”
You watched as he used his arms to hug himself, looking very unsettled, eyes darting around everywhere.
You couldn’t help but feel sorry for the boy “Parties were never your thing were they” he nodded and you looked up at him sympathetically, before dragging him to the kitchen island, “Look… I know you're nervous but… let’s just get fucked up together yeah?”
“Yeah, okay,” Hyunjin said as he fiddled with the sleeves of his long shirt.
“I’ll stay with you the whole night if you want?” You teased the nervous boy.
“Leave off Bront, let’s just get some shots down us.”
“Okay shot half of this drink Felix made for me though, I want something different”
You both shot the poison Felix had given you and you laughed at Hyunjins face all contorted “That tastes like shit!”
You hum in agreement the burning sensation still hadn’t left so you pour out shots of cherry sourz hoping to lessen the burning.
After slamming the shot down he tuned and looked at you with a smile on his face.
“Now that,” He pointed at the small plastic shot cup, “that’s the good shit!”
You lost count after the sixth, the sweet liquor was starting to make you feel the effects of the alcohol coursing through your veins making your body feel lighter and slightly uncoordinated but it doesn’t matter when you and Hyunjin are completely shit-faced.
Han comes running over like a tank shouting alien words you can’t make out, slamming straight into you giving you a hug and you spill the neon pink sticky shot all over Hyunjin’s white shirt from the impact.
Your mouth comes undone with a gasp “Han! You made a mess! Oh my god Hyunjin I’m so sorry!” You grab a chunk of tissues and try to rub the liquid off, being as drunk as you were you didn’t even consider that it wouldn’t work.
“I’m so sorry!” Han spoke very quickly, joining you and grabbing some tissues
Hyunjin’s laugh goes straight to your ears like music, unsettling your nerves “Bronte, it’s okay let's go dance!” He said grabbing your wrist and pulling you to the living room that has had all the sofas pushed to the outskirts of the room.
Seems like he didn’t care about the shirt.
Or at least he didn’t care now.
That's when you realised you were both drunk.
“Han you coming?”
He nods and follows the both of you to the living room, the room is hot everyone is pressed up against each other and loud music.
What do you expect from a university party though?
Despite the argument with Jeongin earlier, your eyes drift around the room taking in the ambience, all the heaviness is pushed out of your mind and replaced with happiness.
You’d forgotten all about the argument.
You feel completely free.
Sweating all the alcohol out from dancing. The need to feel more inebriated is sparked in your mind, although you still felt drunk.
“Guys I’m going to go get another drink” you shout over the music.
They both smile at you indicating they heard you, so you make your way to the kitchen.
As you enter the kitchen someone comes behind you pulling you flush against their body, you could feel their tight muscles against your back.
You feel nervous.
“Guess who?” Someone whispered in your ear sending shivers up your spine.
Your breath hitched.
“Oh, I wonder who this is?” you try to get out of his grip to turn and face him but there's no avail.
“Nuh-uh, you can’t turn until you guess, pretty girl”
“Seungmin!” you giggle squirming in his grip.
He chuckles turning you around to face him.
He looks so good.
Your eyes trail down his face meeting his lips, they look so plump, kissable.
You shouldn’t be having these thoughts.
But trying to look somewhere other than his lips but it's so hard.
He’s your friend.
He’s your boyfriend's best friend, they grew up together.
Stop having these thoughts, Bronte. you try to tell yourself as a blush rides up your face
Seungmin must of not noticed your gawking state or if he did he didn't want to bring it up. He clears his throat and looks away his lips are almost the same colour as his cheeks…
Is he blushing?
Oh god, you must have made him uncomfortable.
“What gave it away?”
“Hmm, I don’t know, everyone calls me pretty girl.” The sarcasm is apparent in your tone.
“Should I come up with another nickname then?” Looking into his eyes is becoming unbearable without blushing so you force your eyes away.
He placed his cold hand on your jaw lightly pulling it up until your eyes meet his, fingers lightly brushing just below your lip and raise your hand to his arm, your head was spinning but at least your anchor on him keeps you from taking flight from the butterflies in your stomach.
Is he flirting with you?
How you wish you’d look away to stop the butterflies, but it was too hard.
Mouth slightly slack your starting to wish it were only the two of you there and everyone else would go home.
But that's exactly how it felt. Just the two of you his eyes looking deeply into yours as if searching for answers.
“How about Darling?” He questions voice low and the way it rolls off his tongue sounds so beautiful, not only that it ignited something in your core.
What if you were to kiss him?
Would he scold you?
Was he just playing around with you if he was you wish he’d stop because these feelings are not safe.
When did you start feeling this way? You truly never thought you’d feel this way for Seungmin, for anyone other than Jeongin.
“You two enjoying the party?” You're pulled out of the trance Seungmin just had you in, snapping your head around to see the only other person who must have just entered the kitchen.
You’d been so stuck in trance you didn’t even notice him come in.
“Um” you clear your throat awkwardly “I… yeah Bini you’ve really outdone yourself this time!”
Ashamed you felt so ashamed, had Changbin been there the whole time? Did he hear your conversation?
Nothing happened but you can only hope if he did he wouldn’t say anything.
“You think?”
You nodded your head vigorously, still feeling slightly fuzzy.
“I was just about to have another shot then take Bronte home, the party was good. Thanks, Bin mate.”
“Yeah it’s getting pretty late, everyones going to be leaving soon anyway,” Changbin said refiling his cup “Right, I better go back out there, there’s a serious game of UNO going on and I need to supervise you know how Lix gets when he loses.”
Seungmin laughs at Changbin's statement saying goodbye to him before we apparently depart.
You take a couple more shots, you don’t know why your already inebriated enough but feel nervous from the feelings you didn’t know you harboured.
“Woah, Darling slow down, what you going to do sit at home drunk?”
Darling he said it again and those stupid butterflies you’d wish would go away came back even stronger and your core started throbbing.
You were so fucking frustrated with the way your body was reacting you slammed down another shot.
“Bronte I’m serious” He stated so much authority in his voice was projected making you feel weak at the knees.
You didn’t listen though, you needed to stop feeling like this. Your hand reached out and poured another but before the shot could even reach your lips it was snatched from your grip.
You whined “Seungmin that’s mine. Pour your own.”
He drank the shot and you couldn’t help but look at his long neck as his Adam's apple bobbed down.
“No more before the taxi arrives.”
You huffed like a child who was just told they couldn’t have any sweets from the pick n’ mix.
“Fine” You used your arms to pull yourself up onto the kitchen side and crossed your arms over your chest.
His eyes went to your chest for a split second but… you saw.
Your flush rose up your neck, making you feel lightheaded, so you turned away from his gaze.
You were stropping and it seemed like Seungmin didn’t mind at all from the joyous glint in his eyes.
In the small taxi, the seat was uncomfortable as you sunk into your seat. Seungmin sat down after you, pressed to your side. His legs fit well, and he spread them to get comfortable.
Your place was just down the road it was just a few minutes.
You could endure it through.
His entire body was pressed to yours, shoulders, arms, thighs and you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
He didn’t seem to mind much, not moving away from you.
You swallowed head spinning from the alcohol, “You have to close the door, for us to go”
He nodded, pulling the door back to shut it, and suddenly the space was even smaller, it was too quiet, and the tension was tangible.
Too close.
He was so close to you, and he looked so pretty in this dim taxi lighting.
He rolled his eyes, turning to face the screen in front of you, “Why isn’t he driving?”
“He’s on the phone ” You mumbled quietly.
The engine started, making a jutter in the car, and you both waited.
“Is he…going?” Seungmin asked, holding his breath.
You laughed, “Yeah, probably about to”
“We kind of match today” You pointed out, staring at your reflections in the tinted window in front of you both separating you from the taxi driver.
He laughed, “Yeah we do”
The taxi suddenly pulled off, and you were both caught off guard.
He breathed out a slight chuckle, “You alright?”
His hand rested on the bare skin of your knee, you tried not to focus on how his hand against your skin sent tingles down your spine, and made your stomach twist.
You hummed
He turned to you, “You look really pretty today”
Your breath caught in your throat, at the simple comment, “You think? Didn’t you tell me that earlier?”
He nodded, hand landing on your leg, absentmindedly, “Of course, I’ll always remind you how pretty you are… did you have a good time tonight?”
You smiled, “Yeah”
“I like seeing you like that,” He said, and you didn’t realise that he wasn’t looking forward anymore.
You turned to him at those words, breath catching in your throat at how he was looking at you.
His lips were tugged up into a soft smile, and your eyes wandered over his features.
“Im… always happy” You reminded him, but your voice was breathy.
Being inside the taxi felt like you were in a different dimension or planet, somehow.
“Yeah… you weren’t earlier when I saw.” He replied, the taxi kept moving, but you and Seungmin were too busy staring at each other.
It was just you and him, and nothing else mattered.
Your eyes searched his face, heart pounding.
You were now suddenly aware of how his hand rested on your leg, fingers resting between your thighs and neither of you had even noticed, because it had just felt so natural.
“Do you like my dress?”
You don’t know why you asked him that.
His eyes fell on it, gazing over the white hem, and how it hugged you tightly now you were sat down.
He looked up at you again, gaze dark, “I’ve never seen you in it before… is it new?”
You thought hard to not let something stupid out, “Um, no, it’s old but…I only wear it on occasion”
His fingers, tucked between your thighs, just where the hem of your dress ended, like they belonged there.
Seungmin swallowed, looking back at it again, “Yeah. It’s…really short”
You wish he’d drag those fingers up and slip them under your dress.
“Yeah, it is…” You looked up at him.
You were so close to him, faces inching closer with every passing second, and the taxi kept getting moving but you’d already forgotten everything else.
Only passing street lights were illuminating the inside of the taxi, darkening every so often.
Inside this taxi you existed outside reality, and outside of the world where you were just friends.
He was breathing heavily now, gaze trapped on how his hand fit so perfectly between your legs.
“You like that it’s short?”
His eyes widened slightly at the question.
His gaze burned through you, as he said his next words, “Yeah…I love that”
Then your thighs clenched together, completely out of your control, trapping his fingers within them, and Seungmin’s eyes flickered to yours, that was enough.
It was enough to push you both over the edge, you don’t even know which one of you moved first, but it didn’t matter because the next thing you felt was his lips on yours, and Seungmin was kissing you.
You almost let out a quiet moan, of gratitude.
It was desperate, and it was hot and not appropriate.
Your hand immediately slid to his hair,
His hand that was on your thigh finally moved up, slipping under your dress, and Seungmin let out a deep groan when his fingers reached against the lace of your underwear.
He tilt his head, to kiss you better and a whimper escaped you.
“Fuck, Bronte” He mumbled, pushing your dress up with his other hand, and it was so short anyway, but at this point, you may as well have not worn it.
“Min-” You whined, between kisses, and then his hands dropped to your waist, as he tugged you up, pulling you into his lap.
It was easy. It was easy because there was no space anyway.
You sat on top of him, thighs straddling his, hands holding his face to kiss him better, to kiss him deeper.
It was easy, but it was wrong, and you weren’t supposed to do this.
His urgency was hot, and his kisses were rough, and his hands squeezed you, pulling you even closer, till your chest was pressed up to his.
There was no space between us.
None but it didn’t feel bad.
You’d barely started, but you were already lightheaded, and breathless, and Seungmin seemed to be feeling the same as you, chest heaving.
“Fuck” You mumbled, pulling away, hands resting on his shoulders, “We can’t do this, Min”
Seungmin nodded, looking up at you, lips swollen already, “Yeah. We…we can’t”
His words were useless though, because by the end of his sentence, he was already kissing you again.
“We should stop” He muttered, whilst pressing kisses into your jaw, tilting your face so he could nip at the skin of your throat.
“We should—” You moaned at the sensation, eyes closing as he sucked on the skin.
“Fuck” He groaned, attaching his lips to your throat, his other hand in your hair, holding you in place because you were squirming so much.
“I thought about you every fucking second, the entire fucking party, most of the time I’ve known you” The lust in his voice was loud, unlike the mumble that just reached through his lips.
You grabbed his face, to kiss him again, bruising his lips with force. Both of you equally bad at self-control.
You were both just friends.
You needed to be.
You have a boyfriend. You were supposed to stick to him, and everything in the world depended on it and you shouldn’t be doing this.
But you were doing this.
In this taxi.
“Min—” You pulled away to tell him this, mouth hovering over his, “Maybe…maybe we can just kiss here, till…we get to my house.”
His eyes scanned yours, as if trying to find the logic behind it but you were both drunk so there was no logic, it didn't take long for him to agree, “Yeah. Okay”
“Yeah,” your lips parted, giving him access to slip his tongue in.
“Fuck. But this…this isn’t a good idea”
“I know” You sighed, but still letting yourself feel the bulge under you, “Your hard?” You said it like a question, but you both knew he was.
“What do you think?” A breathy chuckle left his mouth
But then the taxi came to a stop, meaning your ride was over and you were outside your house.
You both should have stopped.
But, Seungmin spoke up.
“Can you take us around the block a couple times please?” Seungmin asked the taxi driver desperately, breathlessly.
The taxi began to drive again.
You kissed again.
It was more rough now, trying to make up for the short time you had, because this could only happen here, it could only happen now.
His hands were exploring you, tracing your body, moving over your thighs, your hips, your waist.
“What can you do to me in the time around the block?”
Seungmin moaned, pushing his tongue back into your mouth, “Not as much as I’d like, not enough”
It was rushed, and you didn’t care. Your dress had ridden up completely, and you could feel how hard he was, restricted by the jeans.
It wasn’t enough.
Your hands grabbed onto the headrest behind him, and you shifted in his lap, so you could feel him better underneath you.
“Wait, wait, Bronte…” He mumbled, pulling away.
His hands slipped under your dress, his large hand gripping your sensitive hips.
He sighed contently, “Like this”
Gabbing your hips, he then dragged you over his bulge.
“Like this?” You asked him, doing as he just done without his help.
He let out a loud grunt, head falling back against the headrest, “Yeah. Just like… that”
His hips bucked up into you, making you whine.
You were dizzy, from the feeling of his member pushing into you and maybe the alcohol.
Your imagination started running while thinking how it would be so easy to pull aside your wet pants, and slide him into you, you couldn’t.
This had to be it.
“Does it feel good?” You asked, through breaths. The friction was making you both feel so good, and your gut was tightening.
His eyes were closed, and he was biting his lower lip, “Yeah, fuck. So fucking good”
Your mouths just hovered other each other, puffs of his breath hitting your lips, mixed with his whines and moans as he set a pace in moving your hips over his.
His whines were so loud.
It was like he couldn’t think about anything else except moving you over his bulge.
He then gripped your hips again, so he could thrust up into you, and you squeezed your eyes shut. Your head fell backwards, from the intensity sering through you, and Seungmin took the opportunity to kiss your neck again, sucking on the same spot as before.
He grind up into you again, hard, and harsh, “You drive me crazy”
You moaned, matching his thrusts, “I… can’t believe we’re doing this”
The taxi stopped again.
Why couldn’t you stay in here forever?
By the way that he was moaning under you, he didn’t want to stop either.
“Shit” His head fell forward, onto your chest, “This is… so inappropriate.”
You both knew you had to get out of the taxi, you couldn’t ask him to drive around the block again.
You weren’t ready for this to end, not yet, not so soon. You still wanted him. You weren’t ready for the real world, and for the consequences.
A moment of clarity.
A moment to breathe.
A moment to think.
You got out of the taxi after paying the driver and you looked at Seungmin under the moonlight. His hair was messed up, and his lips were bruised and swollen, and everything about it was so wrong, but it was so right.
Your heart squeezed in your chest.
What the fuck were you doing?
He looked confused, and worried, and you were confused too.
It could ruin everything. It would ruin everything.
Your head was still spinning, and there was not enough oxygen in the room for your lungs.
You needed him.
His lips swollen, panting.
You’ve done that to him.
You let out a breath, still panting from the kiss, still not completely sober, “Fuck it,” his eyes were still on you and his eyebrow raised in confusion “Come in… please.” Your eyes were full of hope.
You couldn’t stop it from getting more complicated than it already was.
There was nothing but a burning, intolerable desire.
You both knew it was wrong but you couldn’t help yourself.
His silence was scary and you were scared you had crossed the line.
Scared that he would tell Jeongin that it had gone this far.
But every line that was supposed to be there, had already been crossed.
He shook his head in denial, before speaking in a soft tone, “Just this once we… we can’t do this again after this. Okay?”
You don’t know who he was trying to convince you or himself but you didn’t care.
So, you just lead him up to your door.
“No,” you said to yourself eyes squinted tight, tears threatening to fall as your lip trembled.
You felt sick.
4 months.
That’s how long it’s been since you fucked up, since you slept with your boyfriend's best friend, and now your staring at the two lines in front of you.
You never thought of the consequences.
It was a moment of stupidity.
The one time you slipped.
But it wasn’t that one time, that one time turned into sneaking around more.
Wanting him more, needing him more and your thirst was never quenched.
Even now, you wanted his arms around you, you wanted to be close to him, buried in his sent.
You want to be kissing his lips, his lips were addictive to you.
You wanted him to tell you everything was going to be okay.
You could never get enough.
You were happy with Jeongin, but you were also happy with Seungmin.
Many times he’s asked you to leave Jeongin but, how could you?
The consequences of everyone finding out what you were doing, would everyone ostracise you?
Would they hate you, you couldn’t lose your friends.
You couldn’t lose Jeongin.
But you wanted Seungmin.
The thought of losing the people closest to you was unbearable, but you needed to tell Seungmin, you had to.
You called him, chewing your lip, hands trembling waiting for him to pick up.
He didn’t pick up.
You felt like you were in quicksand, sinking.
You needed to hear his voice, you needed something.
Whats up?
Is everything okay?
Minnie come round now please!
I need to speak to you.
It’s serious.
What’s happened are you okay?
Actually dont worry I’m on my way.
Seungmin arrived and you quickly opened the door crashing into his arms crying, nearly knocking him over.
His arms warped around you, pulling you tightly into his chest, “What's wrong darling?”
The warmth of his hold made you feel more at ease, safe, you felt like no one could harm you.
But that didn’t stop you from hyperventilating.
It didn’t stop your chest from heaving up and down.
It didn’t stop the sick feeling you had in your stomach.
He stoked your hair “Should we go inside and talk about it?”
You nodded and let him in, still not letting go of his hand, you needed that hand.
You needed it to give you strength.
You got inside and sat on the sofa, next to each other, arms touching, legs touching, and Seungmin held you close rubbing small circles on your back trying to calm you down.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked
Do you want to talk about it?
No you dont.
What if Seungmin doesn’t want to keep it?
What if he tells Jeongin?
What if he leaves and tells everyone and you're left alone?
You don’t think he’d do that so you take a deep breath, ready for whatever happens, or whatever you think might happen “Seungmin… I’m… I’m pregnant”
His eyes drop to your stomach then back to your face, scanning for any levity, “What?” He shook his head, confusion spread across his face, “Why are you telling me that?”
You scoff, not believing he just said that, “What… what do you mean?”
He looks heart broken, his eyes are glossing over in a mist, “Why are you telling me this?”
You didn’t know what he meant, why he looked so heart broken or why his eyes were on the virge of spilling.
You never wanted to hurt Seungmin, that was the last thing you ever wanted, “Seungmin… I don’t understand.”
He got up from his seat laughing, but you can tell he’s upset there is no joy in that laugh that left his mouth, “Well let’s be real it not mine is it,” it wasn’t a question, there was no questioning tone in his voice, “are you ending this?”
“It is yours,” you reach out to grab his hand but he pulls it away quickly as if it burnt to touch you.
You’ve never felt your heart this heavy, you’d never thought he’d pull away from you in this moment, when you needed him so bad.
“It’s mine?” He laughed again avoiding your eyes “How’d you know that?” His words were sharp, cutting you like glass.
He didn’t know that Jeongin wanted to wait for marriage.
Of course he didn’t.
You shut your eyes briefly and take a deep breath out “Seungmin… we… I’ve never had sex with Jeongin.”
His jaw went slack and his eyes widened, “So it’s definitely mine?”
“I’m going to be a dad!” His arms wrapped around your waist tightly.
His statement annoyed you, did he not realised what situation you were in?
Does he even know what this means?
You tug his arms off your body with force, the intense feelings, and uneasiness makes it harsher than you wanted to, “Seungmin do you understand what this means?,”, you look up, and his excited expression has faded, “everyone will know what we’ve been doing, how do you think they’ll react! I’m with Jeongin! He’s my boyfriend!”
Seungmin’s shoulders tense and he laughs, “I’ve been so patient with you, you keep telling me all this… all this bullshit! You tell me that you're happier with him but you want me to stay? What do you want?”
His voice was harsh, harsher than you’ve ever heard it before, and it drained all the frustration out of your body.
It was like a switch had flipped.
You now cower, bringing your arms to his shoulder, but he pushes you off, “Seungmin I can’t leave him yet I-”
“You keep telling me you need time, do you even want this? Do you want us? Our child?”
It felt like he’d just impaled you with his words.
The nausea that settled is rising again, and you can taste the bile in your throat.
What do you want?
You want Seungmin, he’s the farther of your child, and you knew Jeongin wouldn’t forgive you after this, “Of course, I do! Just give me more time. My head a mess, I don't know what I want. I mean I do… I want this-”
“Your heads a mess?” he scoffs “How do you think I feel?” He brings his hand to his chest, pointing at himself, “I’ve been sleeping with my best friend's girlfriend, I’ve got her pregnant, god, you need to get your feeling straight.” His voice only got louder and louder.
“I know!” you fired back quick, wanting him to stop with his condescending tone.
All his words fuel panic, sudden misplaced anger, flaring in your veins leading to a panicked and angry statement biting, full of venom, “You did this, you started this. Get out. I can’t even look at you!”
“No, we need to talk about this” Seungmin looks taken back, and his voice has dropped afew decibels at your sudden fit if rage, but it held authority.
Who is he to tell you what to do?
“No, we dont!” You voice has only seemed to raise, you know you're being louder than necessary, you know that you're spiralling, losing the grip on your emotions - on your sanity.
Your head is throbbing and it only throbs harder as each word leaves your mouth, the blood sounding in your ears is overpowering, “I can’t talk about this now!”
Seungmin is watching you, carefully in your fit of rage, but you can’t bring yourself to look him in the eye, you don’t want to see yourself reflected, you don’t want to see the look in his eyes, “I’ll leave then we can talk about this when you decide what you want.”
His head is down, and his shoulders are deflated as he walks out but you can’t bring yourself to look at him.
You take in a deep breath through you teeth, that is much needed and drop back down to the sofa.
You needed the solitude to clear your head.
Afew days later Jeogin called you and Seungmin was radio silent, he said he needed to see you.
Fear is what you felt.
You didn’t know if you could face him.
Does he know?
He couldn’t know, Seungmin wouldn’t of told him.
You were sat on Jeongin’s sofa, waiting for him to speak.
He hasn’t spoken since you got here.
The anticipation is killing you.
The silence is killing you.
Until he did, “So… you want to tell me whats going on?”
Your stomach is flipping, plams sweating, shit he knows, “Tell you what?”
He smiles at you like a maniac, throwing his head back laughing, “Oh, Bronte don’t play dumb,” each word that leaves his mouth is full of power, power to break you down, “You, know I loved you… I trusted you, but I never thought you’d be sleeping next door with the kid I grew up with!”
“Innie” You were speechless, what do you say.
You don’t have a leg to stand on.
“Don't… call me that. I hope your happy with him, get out of my sight.”
You just nod what else can you do?
Tears stream down your face yet no sound comes out, you don't deserve to cry, not after what you’ve done.
He walks behind you all the way to the door, before he closes it his mouth opens and a long sigh comes out, “Congratulations, I hope your both very happy together… you deserve each other.”
I hope you enjoyed this, I am currently working on my stories and more oneshots so if you enjoyed this I hope you'll also enjoy my other works!
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