#Transformers: Honor and Loyalty
the-lupine-sojourner · 5 months
Transformers: Honor and Loyalty [Prologue]
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So this story idea is not mine. It comes from a friend on TikTok, Deckar Terdax. He came up with this plot, pitched as a movie concept in a slideshow on TikTok, and I liked it a lot! I asked if I could write the idea as a fanfiction and Deckar said I could, so here we go!
Deckar also came up with the title and created the cover picture!
This is the story of Deadlock becoming an Autobot and how he settled on Earth.
I hope you all like this idea as much as I do! :)
Btw, if you like my writing, please consider buying me a ko-fi, or if you want, you can continuously support me writing stories by joining my Patreon!
Anyway, on to the story!
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
Deadlock ducks behind a decrepit wreck in the shipyard, gritting his teeth as he prepares to take out the Decepticon guard nearby.
He had been slowly realizing how tyrannical and oppressive the Decepticon cause is, but his sense of honor had demanded loyalty, so he had bitten his tongue and done as ordered as the war continued to wreak havoc on the planet.
His loyalty had begun to slowly come into question, however, after Optimus Prime had been forced to eject the Allspark to keep it from Megatron's hands. He had then led a mass exodus with as many Autobots as he could find ships for, leaving some of his troops behind to carry on the battle.
Deadlock had at first been angry at the Prime, thinking him a coward for dooming their planet and running away, but then he came to realize the extent of the damages done to Cybertron throughout the war and that Megatron had been the one to drive Optimus to that extreme.
Deadlock saw that Megatron was blinded by his hatred of the Prime, beating or executing any who dared question him or his pursuit of Optimus.
Things grew worse on Cybertron without the Allspark, but the few Autobots left on the dying planet bravely fought on despite overwhelming odds.
Deadlock grew to admire their courage and their valiant struggle to save their planet, hoping the Allspark could be restored to Cybertron before the planet completely died.
Then he and a team of Vehicons were ordered to take out a ship full of Autobots that were escaping Cybertron.
He could not carry out the order, but the troopers had seen no issue with the heartless and cruel command.
Deadlock had gone ahead to scout out the ship, which had been caught before they'd even left the atmosphere, and when he saw the desperate refugees huddled in fear he could not bring his Spark to harm any of them, so he lied to the team, going so far as to say he had eliminated the crew aboard.
The team had been impressed at the alleged show of brutality and returned to their ship, but Deadlock had hesitated, talking briefly with the leader on the ship, a Wrecker he didn't recognize.
Deadlock agreed to help them reach their destination, even pointing out a better route for them.
Then a Vehicon came back aboard and saw Deadlock talking to the Wrecker, and the refugees behind them.
Deadlock had been forced to kill the trooper there and then, feeling for the first time a flicker of disgust with the Decepticons in his Spark. If they were willing to slaughter refugees, they did not have any honor.
After lying that the trooper had been killed in a surprise attack by a survivor to the other troopers on the ship, Deadlock had to assess his loyalties.
He had killed one of his own side in defense of Autobots.
He took a long look at himself in the reflection of his ship's cockpit.
What he had done was the right thing, he felt it in his Spark. How could he kill innocent refugees?
But killing the trooper was dishonorable to the Decepticons and would be seen as treason if it were discovered.
He had covered his actions as best he could and hoped his deceptions were accepted as truth. It was too late to do anything else.
As the cycles went on and nothing came of the incident, Deadlock grew increasingly conflicted. The Decepticons had repeatedly shown dishonor in their actions, but because he had sworn allegiance to them, he felt stuck.
Defecting felt like a betrayal, but more and more of his orders made him see just how dishonorable the Decepticon cause is.
The breaking point occurred when there came a new order, pairing him with Bludgeon (who Deadlock considered a brother. They had joined the Decepticons together, even).
Spies had discovered a small refugee camp and Megatron ordered it to be cleared out with no survivors.
Deadlock recoiled, but his sense of duty would not let him protest in front of Megatron, so he kept it to himself until he and Bludgeon were en route to the camp.
"Why should we kill innocents?" Deadlock asks, frowning. "It is dishonorable."
Bludgeon, surprisingly, scoffed. "There are no innocents when it comes to Autobots, Deadlock. You know that."
Deadlock shakes his head. "They are merely trying to survive. They have done nothing to deserve such a fate." He insists.
"Way I look at it, any Autobot is an enemy, and enemies should be eliminated with extreme prejudice." Bludgeon retorts, frowning at him, the tension rising.
Deadlock knows he'd likely be reported to the Decepticon Justice Department if he continues protesting against killing Autobots, so he holds back anything else he wanted to say and when they arrive, he says he will monitor the perimeter and ensure none escape.
But what he really did is watch in horror as his friend slaughtered everyone in the few buildings that made up the camp.
Bludgeon had a grin on his face the entire time, which made Deadlock shudder.
The vicious attack was over soon, and to make his story believable, Deadlock moved further from their transport and spun on his heel to start walking back as Bludgeon arrived, his swords dripping with Energon.
Splatters of the glowing blue liquid covered Bludgeon, making him look barbaric.
"You make sure we got all of them?" Bludgeon asks casually, almost making Deadlock's Energon pump reject its Energon.
How could he talk about slaughter so casually? Does he have no sense of honor at all?
Deadlock could do nothing but nod and head into the transport.
His mind was reeling from what he had seen. He had never once seen that side of Bludgeon. Certainly, Bludgeon had been the more aggressive of the two, typically speaking, but Deadlock had never thought his closest friend and brother capable of such a brutal attack on unarmed refugees. This threw their relationship into a whole new light. Could he still call Bludgeon a brother? Deadlock shifts uncomfortably, staring sightlessly out the window.
His mind was whirling and Spark flared in outrage at the loss of innocent life, at the way he had simply stood by, DJD or no DJD.
He knew it had been dishonorable to allow that terrible slaughter, but the thought of being hunted and perhaps tortured by the DJD was too terrifying for him to commit to preventing the slaughter.
Deadlock resolved there and then that he will never stand by again.
He could also no longer deny that the Decepticons he'd thought on the right side of this conflict would continue to spread cruelty, fear, and tyranny throughout the galaxy.
He had no choice but to defect. He understood that clearly now.
To that end, he makes up his mind that, upon his return, he would gather whatever intelligence he deemed valuable (in the hopes the intel would convince the Autobots to allow him to join their side) and then seek out a long-distance escape pod to take him to Earth, where he'd find the Prime and officially join the Autobots.
Now, after finding intelligence he knew Optimus would find extremely valuable, downloading it and hiding the data cylinder, he had snuck into the shipyard, where a few guards had spotted him, but had quickly been disposed of before an alarm could be raised.
However, it hadn't taken long for the other guards to see the bodies, and now he was being hunted.
This will not stop me. Deadlock thinks cooly, turning the tables on his opponents and eliminating them one by one as he searches for a pod.
He soon has only one final opponent, cornered against a mostly functional ship.
"Traitor!" The guard yells, blasting at him, but Deadlock grits his teeth, dodging the blasts as he races forward, stabbing the unfortunate guard directly in the Spark Chamber.
Deadlock watches as the life seeps from the guard. "May you all find peace with Primus upon your return to the Allspark." He bows briefly in the general direction of his victims, acknowledging he had taken lives precious to Primus, before sheathing his sword and climbing into the ship.
There! At last, an operational long-distance escape pod!
He programs it for Earth and settles in for the long flight as the pod's thrusters ignite and start its journey.
He reaches out on any Autobot frequency he can find to let the Autobots know he had stolen valuable intelligence to give to Optimus, and that he is defecting and joining their side.
"This is Decepticon Deadlock. I am trying to reach Optimus Prime."
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imnotevenusin · 1 month
Placements that give off “cool” energy
Mars in Sagittarius: Sagittarian energy is care-free, explorative, and brave. Mars rules our primal desires, anger, and libido. Sag Mars are kind of reckless people; their desires have no boundaries. These traits are what makes them cool and fun to be around — when you’re not against them. You will not hold them down and keep the contained.
Moon in Cap & Aquarius: The Moon shows us how we emotionally react to things and can tell us about the lessons our Mothers taught us. From what I’ve experienced, Capricorn and Aquarius Moon people keep a cool and calm demeanor—almost intimidating. Capricorn does not like to waste time sulking around in emotions and Aquarius is usually worried about impersonal subjects. Of course, it all depends on the aspects.
Sun conjunct Venus: The Sun is our pride and Venus is what we value and are attracted to. Usually, these people come off as charming and are aesthetically pleasing to look at. They can also take time into crafting an image or have really cool interests in general.
Mercury-Saturn: Mercury-Saturn aspects reply when necessary. They also like to think about things thoroughly. This makes them intelligent and helpful, recognizing communication as a useful tool. Just like Mercury-Pluto, they tend to think about serious topics.
Mars in Capricorn: A perfect placement for an entrepreneur. Mars is channeled into achieving something and going after what it wants.
Venus in Scorpio: Venus is aesthetics and values and Scorpio is intense and intimate. Their sense of loyalty—depending on the aspects—and intimacy overpowers them and this can make them a bit obsessive. But they also have magnetic attraction for some reason, from what I’ve seen.
Moon in Scorpio: Scorpio brings uncomfortable feelings to the Moon. This makes them a no bullshit kind of person.
Mars in Scorpio: Their desires are intense and they have an all or nothing attitude.
Sun in Aries: The Sun is charged by Aries—a sign that rules independence, primal desires, and bravery. These people usually have strong personalities - sometimes obnoxious. Like Sag Mars, they hate being bored, and usually like to make their own rules.
Capricorn Ascendant: The Ascendant contributes to our physical bodies and what energy we give off naturally. Cap Risings have the reputation of looking serious and older than their actual age—which is true, coming from a Capricorn Rising.
Sun in the 8H: The 8H deals with the vulnerable aspects of our lives—the moments that make us transform and rediscover a stronger part of ourselves. Sun in 8H individuals could have very strong and impressive personalities—coming from an 8H Sun person, we do.
Saturn-Pluto aspects: Usually weighed down by harsh circumstances—Saturn is our restrictions and limitations, Pluto is what controls us—they have an ability to change their lives through hard-work and patience.
Honorable Mentions: Pluto in 1H. Sun in the 1H. Jupiter-Pluto. Sun in 5°, 13°, or 17°degrees. Sun-Saturn. Sun-Mars. Sun-Uranus. Scorpio Rising.
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aeonmagnus · 6 months
As we had previously reported, Peter Cullen received Emmy’s Lifetime Achievement Award last night during the 2nd Annual Children’s and Family Emmys.
In a very emotive ceremony, Megatron’s voice Frank Welker presented the award and Mr. Cullen gave us a great and touching speech.
“And now, a time to thank my many Transformers fans and friends…with all my heart. We…are one.”
A totally well-deserved honor to the iconic voice of Optimus Prime as well as a tribute to all Mr.Cullen’s career.
"Transformers and Optimus Prime have become legendary. And Peter's iconic performance has made him not only part of the culture, but the undisputed and irreplaceable leader of the Autobots.
But it's not just his talent or that magnificent voice that we recognize. It's who he is. His honesty, his loyalty, his passion for his work, care for his friends, and his deep respect for the audience.
That's what's brought him here tonight."
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ezekiel-krishna · 1 year
Lilith in Different Signs Observations 💫
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Lilith is an ancient Babylonian demon goddess who symbolizes everything that is taboo, unconventional, and non-conformist. She represents the epitome of feminine power and independence, and she is often associated with the dark, erotic, and magical aspects of life. In astrology, Lilith is commonly referred to as the Black Moon or the Dark Moon, and she is said to reveal our innermost desires and impulses that lie hidden beneath the surface of our conscious mind.
Lilith in Aries
Lilith in Aries is a force to be reckoned with. This placement is all about blazing new trails and being a trailblazer in whatever area of life Lilith is influencing. Those who have Lilith in Aries are fiercely independent, passionate, and impulsive.
Strengths: Courageous Decisive Energetic Challenges that you need to work on: Impatient Confrontational Aggressive
Lilith in Taurus
Lilith in Taurus is all about sensuality and pleasure. This placement represents the embodiment of all things indulgent and luxurious. Those who have Lilith in Taurus deeply value their physical senses and seek out experiences that allow them to fully engage with their body.
Strengths: Sensual Patient Loyal Challenges that you need to work on: Possessive Stubborn Hedonistic
Lilith in Gemini
Lilith in Gemini is a master of communication. This placement is all about expressing oneself clearly and honestly, without being afraid to speak one's truth. Those who have Lilith in Gemini are intellectually curious and have a talent for writing, public speaking, and networking.
Strengths: Intelligent Articulate Adaptable Challenges that you need to work on: Restless Superficial Gossipy
Lilith in Cancer
Lilith in Cancer points out the native ability to provide deep emotional warm and strong intuition of the person. This placement is all about honoring one's feelings and nurturing oneself and others. Those who have Lilith in Cancer are highly empathic and sensitive to the needs of others.
Strengths: Emotional Intuitive Protective Challenges that you need to work on: Moody Clingy Manipulative
Lilith in Leo
Lilith in Leo is all about creative self-expression and individualism. This placement represents the embodiment of personal power and authority. Those who have Lilith in Leo are confident, proud, and charismatic.
Strengths: Creative Confident Charismatic Challenges that you need to work on: Arrogant Narcissistic Attention-seeking
Lilith in Virgo
Lilith in Virgo highlights the person analytical and detail-oriented ability to perceive things.. This placement is all about finding perfection and precision in all areas of life. Those who have Lilith in Virgo have a keen eye for detail and strive for efficiency and organization.
Strengths: Analytical Detail-oriented Reliable Challenges that you need to work on: Critical Perfectionistic Neurotic
Lilith in Libra
Lilith in Libra is often known as the mediator representing harmony and diplomatic quality of the person. This placement is all about finding balance and fairness in relationships and in life. Those who have Lilith in Libra have a strong sense of justice and strive for harmony and compromise.
Strengths: Diplomatic Fair Charming Challenges that you need to work on: Indecisive Codependent Superficial
Lilith in Scorpio
Lilith in Scorpio is known for intense and transformative experiences. This placement is all about exploring the depths of one's psyche and experiencing life to the fullest. Those who have Lilith in Scorpio are passionate, intense, and fiercely loyal.
Strengths: Intense Loyalty Fearless Challenges that you need to work on: Obsessive Possessive Vengeful
Lilith in Sagittarius
Lilith in Sagittarius indicates expansive and adventurous person. This placement is all about exploring the world and living life to the fullest. Those who have Lilith in Sagittarius are curious, adventurous, and love to learn.
Strengths: Adventurous Optimistic Philosophical Challenges that you need to work on: Impulsive Arrogant Restless
Lilith in Capricorn
Lilith in Capricorn stands for disciplined and ambitious seeking native. This placement is all about achieving success and recognition in one's career and in life. Those who have Lilith in Capricorn are hardworking, responsible, and self-disciplined.
Strengths: Disciplined Ambitious Reliable Challenges that you need to work on: Cynical Workaholic Controlling
Lilith in Aquarius
Lilith in Aquarius represents unconventional and progressive personality. This placement is all about breaking free from traditional norms and exploring new ideas and ways of being. Those who have Lilith in Aquarius are independent, innovative, and value freedom of expression.
Strengths: Independent Innovative Humanitarian Challenges that you need to work on: Rebellious Detached Eccentric
Lilith in Pisces
Lilith in Pisces represents the dreamy and mystical side of Lilith. This placement is all about exploring the depths of one's soul and tapping into the collective unconscious. Those who have Lilith in Pisces are intuitive, imaginative, and deeply spiritual.
Strengths: Intuitive Compassionate Mystical Challenges that you need to work on: Escapist Codependent Delusional
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attichaos · 2 years
Colour Magick Correspondences & Ideas
*longer read*
Pretty easily applied for both beginner, closet and experienced practitioners alike! Can be used in most areas of mundane and magickal life (with some ideas listed below).
→ Cleansing, clarity, blessing, healing, innocence, truth, connection to spirits or the spiritual world, divine connection, consecration, dream work, psychic connection, purity, rest, moon magic, angelic work, devotion, harmony, prayer, peace, purification, universal truths. White can also be used as an all-purpose color for your intention when the color you want is not available.
→ Banishing, transformation, uncrossing, endings, domination, protection, reversing, repulsion, freedom from evil, cursing, cloaking, sophistication, security, emotional safety, closure, breaking patterns, grief, mourning, absorbing, removing, trapping, encasing, the unconscious, mystery, shielding from the evil eye, *similarly to white - as black is an absence of colour it can be used for any colour if you don’t have them available* - personal opinion
→ Passionate love, energy, action, attraction, sexuality, magnetism, will, force, anger, fire within, courage, warmth, lust, drive, pleasure, vitality, vigor, excitement, desire.
→ New opportunities, new ventures, new beginnings, change of plans, encouragement, opening the way, removing blocks, physical comfort, warmth, security, ambition, creativity, courage, optimism.
-> Optimism, prosperity, happiness, good luck, attraction, success, confidence, visibility, fame, self-esteem, communication, concentration, focus, inspiration, intellect, logic, memory, knowledge, learning.
→ Prosperity, abundance, wealth, generosity, money luck, career, growth, fertility, gambling luck, business, a good job, harmony, balance, healing, self-love, altruism, universal love, contact with fae and nature spirits.
→ Reconciliation, harmony, peace, kindness, healing, ideas, intelligence, wisdom, loyalty, sleep, meditation, communication, creativity, dream work, trust, blessings, calm, forgiveness, truth, bliss, inspiration, fidelity, honesty.
→ Healing, calming, tranquility, spirituality, meditation, pacification, cooperation, sensitivity, compassion, empathy, selflessness, empowerment, controlling, commanding, mastery, power, ambition, achievement, charisma, luxury, expansion, psychic ability, spirituality, authenticity, truth, transformation, insight, justice, wisdom, politics, divination, ESP, intuition, wishes, influence.
→ Romantic love, friendship, soul mates, sweet feelings, emotional healing, heart connection, affection, family love, admiration, physical tranquility, nurturing, warmth, youthfulness, healing grief, compassion, forgiveness, beauty, unconditional love.
→ Justice, balance, grounding, court cases, legal matters, being down-to-earth, practical matters, seriousness, reliability, support, stability, safety, earth, nature, animals, home, nostalgia, basic needs being met, balance.
→ Neutrality, neutralizing, invisibility, working in “gray areas,” anonymity, hiding from others, working in-between worlds, secrets, occult and arcane wisdom, reversing, uncovering mysteries and secrets, lifting curses, undoing prior spell work.
→ Dreams, intuition, psychic work, courtesy, honor, moon magic, rhythm, cycles, divination, illusions, glamour spells, wisdom.
→ Prosperity, fame, luxury, generosity, optimism, wisdom, enlightenment, victory, sun magic, confidence, life force, power, attraction, magnetism, vigor, charisma.
*highly recommend Madame Pamita’s Book of Candle Magic - covers colour magic especially in relation to spell work with candles.
→ candle magick
→ glamour magick - also wearing/makeup using a colour which corresponds to the property you desire (good for closet witches)
→ sigil magick
→ craft magick
→ kitchen witchery - eg. Putting a specific colour food dye in a cake or drink etc
(Essentially anything you want!)
Merry meet,
Atti <3
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Dear ML Fandom,
Do we have a list of funny Adrinette fics where Mari is emphasized as Adrien's VERY GOOD FRIEND and she retaliated for revenge/fun??? or where Adrien is talking about Buttercup and he's clueless it's him?? Basically fics where Adrien is an idiot but a very lovable one and you just cannot stop reading.
Something like the ones in the list below, and yes I realize I am just about to share my own list again LOL, so feel free to read if you're in the mood. But pretty please give me more suggestions to add to this list because I am currently in the need for more.
I wanna be amused/laugh at the silliness of fluffy things.
So here goes:
My list of Lovable idiot Adrien fanfics (in order of my latest nth reread/recollection)
1) Adrien Is A Dumb Blond by DracoGal - one shot where Marinette is a brave girl who confessed and flirts above and beyond (A++ really) and is still labelled a VERY GOOD FRIEND because Adrien is that clueless.
2) your keysmash says it all by Noukon - a very sweet friendship social media series fic where our Mari is a sweet friend who loves Buttercup but is still shipping Adrigami out of loyalty, and Adrien is having feelings/stirrings but he's also blind. This brought me a whole lot of big smiles but is also still ongoing.
3) words he only dreamed to hear by alizeh (maketea), maketea - where LB is the sweetest and they are officially dating (and kissing, yes your honor) but our boy is clueless, he doesn't know they're dating.
4) pretty lady, look at how he's smiling by Missnoodles - this is more sweet and romantic than funny but I wanna add it in this list anyway because well, it is SO cute and they fell in love because of camembert and etsy cards lol
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Hi Panther,
Transformers ask? May I please make make a romantic yandere request for a oneshot with Yan!Tarn with a Neutral!Bot reader and propmts 2, 30, and 46. I was thinking of the idea in fannon where Deceptacon culture dictates the dominant con claws or bites a nasty wound that scars as a mark as “Mine” usually as a mate.
Sure, I'm not well versed in Transformers fanon as I try to keep it as canon as possible. Yet the concept seems pretty basic so I'll try.
Still relatively new to the comics and I'm not that far so if information is off, that's why.
Energon is depicted as pink in this as the comics usually use this as the color from what I've seen.
Yandere! Tarn Prompts 2, 30, 46
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you!"
"Those lasting marks are signs of our love!"
"Even monsters can love, can't they...?"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Marking/Injury, Delusional behavior, Forced relationship, Possessive behavior, Not much plot... mostly just a kidnapping scene/plot, Transformer fanon HCs as a plot point, Mentions of "Mate", Cybertronian/Cybertronian, Bleeding, Vague implication of stalking, Graphic scene (?).
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"You'll tire eventually, that's fine, I can wait."
Tarn's calm and patient when pursuing what he wants. Patience is something he's had to learn in his line of work. That and loyalty.
Tarn knew eventually he'd have you in his claws. Honestly, he couldn't wait for it. He had been eying you for a long time as a potential partner for himself.
You're a neutral party... something that can easily be changed once he has you. Part of him originally wanted to take you in to convert you. Now it seems he has... ulterior motives.
Tarn has never considered a Conjunx Endura. He had loyally followed Megatron's teachings and that's where most of his life has gone. Then he saw you... Decepticon potential in his eyes.
That and Conjunx Endura potential.
Even as you run from him in a pitiful display, Tarn indulges in the chase. It's a little game to entertain himself before he claims you. He'll allow you to think you have a choice in the matter.
Oh, naive bot... you never had a choice the moment he picked you.
"You're making this harder than it has to be. Your spark is safe with me. All you need to do is surrender!"
At this point he's taunting you. Tarn is already plotting how to corner you. Each movement he does is calculated, predicting your every move.
Right... until... you're right where he wants you.
Tarn feels excitement swell within him when he finally manages to corner you. He sees you run into a dead end and realize you're trapped. You stare at him with many emotions swimming in your optics.
Tarn sees confusion... fear... and aggression. Fear is the strongest emotion that clouds your vision. Tarn can tell you have a vague sense of who he is.
Pride fills him while he steps closer.
"Game's over, my little Conjunx Endura. I do believe you've worked us both up enough."
Tarn's voice is teasing... while barely concealing a deep hunger within. You stare up at him with more confusion and disgust than fear for a moment. The looks you give him drive him crazy.
Oh... he picked well.
"Now... will you come with me willingly..." Tarn drawls, trapping you between him and the wall.
"Or will I have to get the D.J.D involved?"
Reluctantly, as he expected, you agree to come with him to his base of operations.
To him, that's already a good sign you'll be a behaved partner once he marks you.
Sounds of metal on metal echoed through the room. Pain coursed through you and it was all you could even think about. Even with the red eyes glaring down at you in possessive aggression... your mind only thought of the pain.
"I took you in for a reason..." The Decepticon hisses out. You hear your own metal creak as he digs his claws into you. You swore you felt Energon trickle down. "I chose you to be mine... my mate... I think I've waited long enough to mark you."
Tarn then pulls your chin to make you focus on him.
"Haven't I been nice and patient enough with you?"
You shudder against him, trying to break eye contact to see the damage. Tarn doesn't allow you to look and brings your eyes back to him. For a brief moment you see the look in his eyes soften.
"Those lasting marks are signs of our love." Tarn hums, sitting you up. You see him pull his claws out of the wound and catch a glimpse of vibrant pink liquid dribble down them. You feel ill and the pain throbs... you decide not to focus on his claws.
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you." Tarn praises you, eying the Energon on his hands. "A mark as deep as this will show every Decepticon I claim you."
"Am I going to die?" You heave.
"I'd never let you." Tarn replies, already preparing to call over Nickel to stop the bleeding. "You'll live... and have a pretty scar to remind everyone of what has happened."
Tarn then leans over you to brush his other hand across the side of your face. His eyes hold what appears to be adoration... but it's wrong. Anyone who really loved you wouldn't gouge a hole into your side so you spilled Energon on the ground.
"After this you're no longer a neutral party... you're a Decepticon." Tarn continues, gaze never leaving you. "I've claimed you, I've marked you, and I plan to brand you when you heal."
Tarn's tone sounds confident and pleased. You narrow your eyes at him and try to push him away. He doesn't budge.
"You're a monster... get away from me...." You hiss. Tarn makes a displeased scoff before leaning away from you. You'd take time to convert.
He'll just have to find more patience it seems....
"Even monsters can love, can't they...?" Tarn muses. "Eventually you'll understand."
Tarn presses his mask to your forehead and you flinch back. It was meant to be a comforting kiss. To you... it's anything but.
"Nickel will nurse you back to health." Tarn tells you, picking you up to transport you. His grasp his tight... Energon still dripping from his claws. As he walks with you, his gaze meets yours again.
"Until you're well rested... I'll be waiting, Conjunx Endura."
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chiqelatasblog · 7 months
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-> Chapter One is here.
-> Ao3 link is here.
Pairing : Sub-Zero | Bi-Han x Reader
Tropes : arranged marriage, slowish slow burn, enemies to lovers, angst, hurt/comfort, protective!bi-han
Summary : It was inevitable that this moment would come. Ever since your brother took over as the head of the Tengu, he had been waiting for the opportunity to eliminate the Lin Kuei.
And now, that opportunity had finally presented itself, with you as the key to making it happen.
P R O L O G U E : Shadows of Yin
You had always known that this day would come.
The long-standing feud between the Tengu Clan and the Lin Kuei Clan has reached a critical point, and as a member of the Tengu, you find yourself at the center of this conflict. Your brother, -the head of the clan-, had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to eliminate the rival clan, and that moment had finally arrived.
The Lin Kuei has long been considered the most deadly and powerful clan in the Arctika region, if not the world. Their training from a young age and their sheer numbers made them a force to be reckoned with. You have grown up understanding the threat that the Lin Kuei poses. The ongoing conflict between the two clans had resulted in numerous failed assassination attempts on the Lin Kuei, fueling your brother's determination to put an end to the threat once and for all.
And now, you are the most important part of his strategy.
As the only warrior woman in the Tengu, you possess a unique power - umbrakinesis, the ability to control and manipulate shadows. While the other warriors are trained to take lives without hesitation, you have always struggled with the idea of killing. Your aversion to violence has made you an outcast within your own clan. The memories of your father's attempt to end your life at a very young age still haunts you at night. And serves as a burning reminder of the rejection and shame you have endured within your own family.
Despite the challenges and prejudices you face, you have dedicated yourself to honing your skills in stealth and agility, becoming a formidable warrior in your own right. You have pushed yourself to the limits, training tirelessly to overcome the physical differences between you and the other warriors. Your determination and resilience have earned you calloused hands and scars, a stark contrast to the expectations of a noble woman in your clan.
Now, as you find yourself married to the leader of the Lin Kuei, you are presented with a mission that will test your loyalty to your clan and your own moral beliefs. Your brother sees this marriage as an opportunity to infiltrate and dismantle the Lin Kuei, and he expects you to play a crucial role in this dangerous game of deception and betrayal. This marriage was your ticket to infiltrating the Lin Kuei Clan and gaining their trust, all in the name of bringing vital information back to your brother. It was a dangerous and high-stakes mission, but you were determined to do it.
The promise of acceptance and recognition within your clan hangs in the balance, but at what cost?
Will you be able to navigate the treacherous path ahead without sacrificing your own honor, values and principles?
Can you betray the trust of the Lin Kuei, the very people you have been taught to see as enemies, in order to fulfill your brother's ambitions?
You had never failed a mission before, and you were not about to start now. This was your chance to finally earn the respect and recognition that had eluded you for so long. With a steely resolve, you swore an oath to see the mission through to the end. You would not be deterred by the challenges that lay ahead.
You were a warrior, and you were ready to prove yourself in the most crucial mission of your life.
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A letter to his Majesty, the king
Good afternoon, highness. we hail you from the forest beyond your eastern border, the very same that you wish to conquer and expand into. You may have heard us, but never believed us anything more than a pack of average wolves, only a few strong and nothing that your forces couldn’t handle. 
You sent a hunting party to remove us and claim this land as your own, you may remember. Five strong men and women, lead by your handsome son, the prince. I worry for the safety of your kingdom, if these were your best soldiers. I mean no offense, highness, they were skilled. But not so skilled to be any match for us. 
Worry not, they are safe, and we have taken them off your hands. Five strong men and women with the bite of a werewolf clamped around their shoulder and their first transformation in the coming nights. they have found true purpose with us, and the wolf blood freshly running through their veins will help us expand our territory and protect our home. Their loyalty is no longer with you. 
Oh, and your son, the darling prince. Worry not, we have spared him the fate of the wolf. You will never see his handsome features contorted with wolf ish charm. No, we all decided he was much too sweet as he was. Your perfect prince is our pet, his soft skin gleaming in our fire lit dens as he curls up in our laps. He has an extraordinary talent for flexibility, I myself have taken him with his left foot on the floor and his right laid over my shoulder, and his hole clamping around my large, werewolf knot with ease. he’s impressive, and he continues to prove it. You’ve trained him well; his endurance is incredible.  He takes cock for hours and hours on end and even tied to a knot will still rock his hips and use every other part of his body to pleasure as many of his pack as possible. his mouth, highness, is far more precious than anything in your treasury. he has skill beyond anything we’ve ever seen. 
Do not dream of rescuing your kingsmen, nor your son, highness. Your soldiers have a higher purpose under the moonlight now, the forest is in their blood. they will never return to the hollow halls of a castle. and your prince will never again be satisfied without being bloated with wolf cock and bathed in wolf cum. Your prince belongs to us, highness. Any rescue party you send will only join our ranks under the moon and stuff him with their knots themselves. 
With honor and thanks for both the soldiers and the toy, 
The chief of werewolves and breeder of the prince
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Bayverse drift, crosshairs, and Sideswipe
W cybertonian crush who calls them nicknames in other languages that they don't know? Like, Mein liebe (my love) , Mahal ko (my love, again), hermoso (Handsome), Liebling (Darling), beaue (Lovely)... Just any sweet nicknames in a language he doesn't know shit about??
Reader just loves telling the mech their feelings straight up, and the darling doesn't even know
What would his reaction be when he's informed of the translations?
Hellloooo, sorry for the wait! I hope this is what you were looking for and expecting. Request are still open if you like what your read or have a request. Enjoy :)
Pairings: Bayverse Drift x Reader, Crosshairs x Reader, Sideswipe x Reader
Warnings: Poorly translated languages(sorry in advance),
Drift - Mein Liebe(My Love) and Liebling(Darling) 
You spent most of your time on Earth in the German countryside, considering you arrived right after WWII. So in time you learned the language, and with the many different drivers you’ve had, you’ve experienced and heard many different things, but the sweet nicknames your long term German driver gave to their lovers just so happened to stick with you. 
“Mein Liebe!” 
After jumping out of the driver side door and into their lovers arms, the image was sweetly sickening, but how you longed for your turn. 
You remember when you received the message from Optimus about other autobots being out there. You were with the same driver, and boy had it been a long time. The children were crying in the back as your radio transmitted the message. 
“Warum ist Ihr Radio durcheinander? Dieses Stück Schrottauto!!”
Their hand coming to smack down on your dashboard, what the fuck. In that moment you transformed, throwing the two adults out and holding the small children. Your feet stuck to the concrete of the highway, and their words hit hard, you were no piece of junk. You sat the children down, giving them a hard look before transforming and leaving. 
You may no longer be in Germany anymore, but you still spoke like it. A thick accent when speaking and along with the occasional German words, but with the group Prime had configured, everyone was different. Especially this one bot, Drift. He also had somewhat of an accent, and was all about tranquility and whatnot, kinda the opposite of you. You remember the first time you called him Liebling. 
He and Hound were getting into it, something about a flower in the wind, loyalty and fear, some haiku. When Hound threatened to drop a grenade down his throat over it, Drift pulled his swords and started on about threats when your servos grabbed at his shoulder plating, pulling him towards you. 
“Liebling, cool it yah! He can’t comprehend such great poems.” 
Optimus then started on about something. Drift dropped all arguments and just looked towards you, a smile coming from you and you both just looked back to Optimus. 
The second time just happened was when you were both battling in london. He was in the blast radius of a con attack, being thrown back and you witnessed it. Running over to help him, your processor not being able to pick between german and english curse words before you made it in earshot of him.
“Mein Liebe! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?” 
Your servos move him around as he groans. He was too dazed to fully recognize what was going on, He had only picked up on Meine Liebe, that was new. A foot soldier that had been with you since the battle laughed a little. Your optics moved to look at him, a concerned look. 
“‘My love’, what are you two in a relationship?” 
This must have been what shook Drift from his daze. My love, you have been calling him My love, he felt honored. 
“Well, It was easier to say when he didn’t know what it meant, soldier” 
Your optics moved back to look at Drift. He was smiling at you, his body seemed to relax.
“I'm honored to know you call me that, My love.” 
Now it was your turn to smile at him, He finally knew your feelings.
Crosshairs -  Mahal ko(My Love) 
Crosshairs was no shy bot, so when you showed up. He felt the urge to question you, make sure you weren't a ‘backstabbing con’. Which with the circumstance of your arrival it made sense. You had taken your time with showing up, but once he saw you transform, and the nice placement of the autobot symbol on your chassis, he knew you were somewhat okay. He found you interesting, the way you didn’t speak like the rest, the way you were just something else, it was kinda fascinating to him. You were fascinating to him, and that nickname you gave him, it sounded special, far too special for him. He didn’t do research, opting to just let you tell him when you're ready, and boy did it happen. 
Minding your business, he makes some sort of gun, when it all blows up in his face. With an upset noise he turns around. Waving his servos around like it was nothing.  
“It's okay Mahal ko, you’ll get it next time.” 
The words of encouragement just weren't enough to get him to go at it again, instead his optics landed on you and in an instance, he had some questions. 
“What does that even mean? You say it often, but not to anyone else. You calling me a name or something, cause if so i’ll,” 
He cut himself off, you were simply just smiling at him and he was threatening you. You optics closed, you trusted him far too much.
“You are just something else,” 
Your voice was so sweet, never weavering, never sounded bitter, he simply couldn’t get enough. 
“If you wanna know so badly, It means my love.” 
“My love, do you have some feelings for me or something?” 
You smiled, he was so clueless. He stared at you, optics steady scanning your face for lies, but there were none. 
“Nah, I don't believe you. What is this for you?”
“You're always asking what's in it for you.” 
“Because there’s gotta be something, ain't no way you aint getting something outta this.” 
“Nothing in this but you, your feelings.” 
He stops, he always says let's use words but this time he was out of them. Your feelings really took the words outta him.
Sideswipe  - Hermoso (Handsome) 
With the rise in autobots showing up after Primes message, bots from all around the world and universe were showing up. One of the bots from around the world was you, coming from South America. You’d traveled around the world, but there was something about Spanish that just sat right with you. It felt so normal, so when you developed feelings for the bot you were constantly paired up with, you just got used to calling him handsome. It just wasn’t in english. 
You two were cornered in a run down building, it was a two on four moment. You two were bumped back to back. You loaded your fusion cannon before speaking. 
“How are we doing this, Hermoso?” 
Your optics narrowed as you tried to pinpoint where they'd come from. Your servo lifting up your cannon. He laughed at your question, you could hear the smile in his voice. 
“However, we must.” 
He leaned his helm into the back of yours, almost to reassure you that the two of you will survive this. 
“Hey, I’ve got a question, just in case something happens.” 
You thought he’d ask how you wanted your sent off to be, and that's what filled your head before his question. You wanted him to be the one, the one to carry you, the one to remove your autobot symbol, the one to give your last words. You were taken out of your thoughts when he started talking, a light hearted tone.
“What’s Hermoso mean and why do you only call me that?” 
You felt him lift up his swords and turn his helm to look over his shoulder plating. You laughed, just like you would if he told you a funny joke about brother. 
“It means Handsome, and why only you, because you’re handsome, Harmoso.” 
You turned around to face him, a smile on your face as he turned around on his skates to look at you. 
“You clever bot.” 
A smile appearing on his face as well, you simply nodded and closed your optics.
“I like it, now I’ve gotta have one for you.” 
“Aww no need for that.” 
You started moving back, the silence from no cons was starting to get worrying. 
“Of course there is, you gave me a cute nickname, I gotta give you one back.” 
“I'm sorry, are you reciprocating my feelings right now?”
He shrugged at you, before skating off. He was reciprocating your feelings.
Hound -  Beaue(Lovely) 
Hound had his shotgun pointed at Crosshairs helm, all the autobots were on the ship, and Crosshairs was kinda bullying the humans.
“Come on, let's use words.” 
You reached around and placed your servo on the gun, pushing it down while whispering something to Hound. 
“Beaue, let's calm down now.” 
The group disperse, you and Hound, and the rest in pairs. You don't remember what you were looking for, but you just remember Hound clearing his throat. 
“Huh, What’d you say?” 
You tear your optics from whatever you're looking at to him. 
“I said, what does that name you keep saying mean? Is it someone you're looking for.” 
You laughed, placing your servos on your hips as you looked around. 
“I'm not laughing, I wanna know. If I can help or not.” 
“It’s not someone I'm looking for. It just means lovely. It's what I call the people I like.” 
You got closer to him, you thought about touching him, placing your servo on his shoulder or arm, but with such high tensions from surroundings you decided against it. So you decided you’d explain what like meant in this scenario. 
“Like, love, hints why its ‘my love’” 
“You like me? Hard to believe, when there's a war going on.” 
He turned around and continued to walk.
“Well war doesn’t stop love Hound.” 
You laughed, and continued to follow him. You could further explain when you guys weren’t on some enemy ship. 
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
HAHA i'm back again hi srry my mind is overloaded with ideas😭😭😭
can you do volturi (or just the kings idm) x newborn reader who has the power of life and death inducement (platonic or not idrc) Who doesn't love an extremely overpowered y/n HAHAHHAHAHA ik i do!!!
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❝your end and your beginning ❞
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✭ pairing : volturi x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (Y/n) awakes as a freshly turnt vampire and the first thing she wants to know is does she have any cool powers? So with the help with her the other guards she finds that she can does indeed have powers and ones that the volturi are lucky to have on their side
✭ authors note : well welcome back then
✭ twilight masterlist
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The darkness enveloped her as she lay motionless, suspended in a realm between life and death. (Y/N) had always been aware of the existence of vampires, the elusive creatures of the night that haunted the realm of myths and legends. Little did she know that soon, she would become one of them.
Her journey to this otherworldly existence had begun weeks ago, when she was selected by the three vampire kings themselves. Chosen for a destiny she couldn't fathom, her life had taken an unexpected and perilous turn. The transformation had been agonizing, a relentless torment that seared through her very soul. It felt as though her very essence was being torn asunder, only to be rebuilt with newfound strength and power.
The moment she awoke anew, (Y/N)'s senses were immediately heightened. The world was no longer shrouded in darkness; instead, it was bathed in an eerie, crimson glow that revealed details she had never noticed before. Every sound was amplified, every scent a vivid tapestry of the world around her. The hunger, that insatiable thirst, clawed at her throat.
Her first instinct was to test her newfound abilities. She needed to understand the extent of her power and how to control it. Pushing herself to her feet, (Y/N) hesitated for only a moment before making a decision. She would call upon the other guards chosen by the kings, her comrades in this new existence.
With a thought, she summoned the twins, Alec and Jane. They appeared before her like wraiths emerging from the shadows, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and concern.
"What is it, (Y/N)?" Alec inquired, his voice like a whisper of silk.
"I wanted to know if you could could train me,” Alec raises a brow at her as if he knew there was more to just this training she suggested and urged her to continue, “And I also wanted to see if I had any abilities," she replied, her gaze determined. "I want to see what I can do."
Jane nodded in agreement, her crimson eyes locking onto (Y/N)'s. "Very well, let's see what you've got."
As they began to train and test her newfound powers, Felix and Demetri approached cautiously. These two were seasoned guards, their loyalty to the kings unwavering.
"May we join the training?" Demetri asked, his tone respectful yet inquisitive.
(Y/N) considered their request for a moment. She was well aware that their skills were far superior to hers, and she had much to learn. "Yes, but only if you promise to train me," she responded, a note of determination in her voice.
Felix cracked a half-smile, revealing his sharp fangs. "We'd be honored to help you, (Y/N)."
Underneath the oppressive weight of the castle, the dungeons sprawled out like a dark labyrinth. This was where the guards typically trained newborn vampires, where stone walls bore witness to countless battles and training sessions. As the chosen guards of the three kings, Alec, Jane, Demetri, and Felix led (Y/N) down into the depths of the castle, guiding her through the dimly lit corridors.
Felix was the first to speak as they descended into the dank underground chambers. "This is where we hone our skills, (Y/N)," he said with a sly grin. "Prepare yourself for a taste of true vampire training."
(Y/N) met his grin with a determined nod. She had come to embrace her new existence as a vampire, and this was her opportunity to prove herself. Felix's offer to be her training partner was a challenge she eagerly accepted.
"Alright, big guy," she replied, her eyes flashing with excitement. "Let's see if you can handle me."
In an instant, the cavernous training room became their arena. The shadows danced around them as the others stepped back to watch the clash of strength. Felix and (Y/N) circled each other, their eyes locked in unwavering focus.
The fight began with a blur of motion. Felix lunged at (Y/N), his movements fluid and precise. She countered with agility and speed she had never known before, dodging his attacks with grace. Their movements were like a violent ballet, each one testing the other's limits.
As the battle raged on, Felix's immense strength became apparent. He was relentless, his blows powerful and calculated. (Y/N) had to rely on her agility and quick thinking to avoid being overpowered. But she refused to give in, her determination burning brighter with each passing moment.
Then, in a split second, Felix managed to land a powerful blow, sending (Y/N) sprawling across the stone floor. She grunted in pain but quickly pushed herself back onto her feet.
Felix chuckled, a deep rumble that echoed through the chamber. "Not bad for a newborn," he taunted.
The taunt hit a nerve, and (Y/N)'s emotions flared. Her anger, intensified by her newfound vampire abilities, surged within her. With a flick of her wrist, she sent an invisible force toward Felix.
Time seemed to slow as Felix froze in place, his eyes wide with surprise. He stood immobilized, as though trapped in a momentary stasis. The others watched in astonishment as he teetered on the brink of balance before finally collapsing to the floor.
Demetri's incredulous expression mirrored the bafflement in his mind. He had seen countless battles and faced numerous opponents, but what he had just witnessed left him bewildered. "What even just happened?" he muttered, his voice tinged with confusion.
(Y/N) stood over the immobilized Felix, her heart pounding in her chest. Panic began to creep into her as she tried to wake him, shaking him gently, but he remained unresponsive. "Felix, come on!" she pleaded, her voice trembling.
Her attempts to rouse Felix only escalated her panic. Desperation welled up inside her, and she could feel the powerful emotions threatening to spiral out of control. She glanced at Alec, who had been watching the scene unfold with a concerned expression.
Alec stepped forward, his eyes locking onto (Y/N)'s with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. "I need to numb your emotions," he said firmly.
(Y/N) nodded, unable to speak as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. Alec extended his hand, and a soothing wave of calm washed over her. It was as though a heavy fog had settled in her mind, dulling the frantic panic that had taken hold.
Demetri, still bewildered, retreated from the training area to alert the kings about the unexpected turn of events. Meanwhile, Jane approached Felix, her crimson eyes focused. She reached out with her own unique power, attempting to rouse him, but there was no response.
She persisted, her brow furrowing in concentration, but it was as though Felix had been locked in time. The others watched, tense and worried, as minutes passed without any sign of change.
Finally, the kings, Aro, Caius, and Marcus, accompanied by another formidable vampire, entered the training chamber. Aro's eyes, which seemed to miss nothing, scanned the scene before him.
Alec, sensing their presence, withdrew his powers from (Y/N), allowing her to regain control of her emotions. She gasped for breath, still shaken by the events.
Aro, with his perceptive gaze, turned his attention to (Y/N) and inquired gently, "My dear, what happened here?"
Trembling, (Y/N) recounted the events that had transpired—the fierce training with Felix, her newfound power, and the inexplicable immobilization of her training partner. Panic threatened to overtake her once more, but Aro's calming presence held her in check.
Caius and Marcus exchanged knowing glances, while the other vampire in their company observed with keen interest.
Aro stepped closer to (Y/N), his voice soothing. "You have a unique gift, my dear," he said, his tone filled with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue. "One that we have never encountered before."
Aro's crimson eyes gleamed with curiosity as he watched (Y/N) closely. His fascination with her newfound ability had not waned since their encounter in the training chamber. He decided to delve deeper into this enigma and turned his attention to the other vampire who had accompanied them.
"Scan her, and tell us what you find," Aro ordered, his voice smooth as velvet.
The other vampire, whose power lay in the ability to discern the presence or absence of abilities in other vampires, stepped forward. Their eyes met (Y/N)'s, and in an instant, their expression shifted from curiosity to astonishment. Their eyes widened, an unprecedented reaction that had never occurred during their countless assessments.
Caius, growing impatient, broke the silence. "Well, speak already! Is this the doing of a gift, or are we wasting our time?"
The assessing vampire nodded slowly, their voice measured. "Yes, it is the result of a gift," they replied, their tone filled with a mixture of wonder and uncertainty. "But it is unlike any gift we have ever encountered."
(Y/N) felt a pit of dread forming in her stomach. The anticipation in the room was palpable, and she couldn't bear the weight of their scrutiny any longer. "What... what is it?" she stammered, her voice quivering.
The assessing vampire hesitated, their gaze still locked onto her. "It appears that (Y/N) possesses the unique gift of life and death," they explained carefully. "She has the ability to both end and restore life to a vampire, even when they have been incapacitated."
A stunned silence fell over the chamber as the revelation sank in. Aro, Caius, and Marcus exchanged incredulous glances, while the other guards looked on in a mix of awe and uncertainty.
(Y/N) felt her heart sink as the implications of her power became clear. Her mind raced back to the training chamber and the moment when she had unintentionally restored Felix to life after immobilizing him. She had never meant to wield such a gift, and the consequences of her actions weighed heavily on her.
"I didn't know," she muttered, panic lacing her voice. "I didn't mean to..."
Aro raised a calming hand, his expression thoughtful. "There is no need for distress, my dear. Your gift is a remarkable one, and it may prove invaluable to the Volturi. We shall train you to control it and ensure that it serves our purposes."
Despite Aro's reassurance, (Y/N) couldn't shake the guilt that gnawed at her. She had unintentionally brought back a fellow guard, altering the course of events in the most unexpected way.
(Y/N)'s heart raced with a mixture of fear and curiosity as she watched Felix being led away by Alec and Jane. She couldn't help but worry about what lay in store for her, especially after learning the true nature of her unique gift.
Turning her gaze to Aro, she voiced her concerns. "What's going to happen to me?" she asked, her voice trembling.
Aro's smile remained serene as he responded, "Nothing to worry about, my dear. You will receive training to harness your abilities properly, and you will become a valuable asset to the Volturi."
Relief washed over (Y/N) at Aro's words. She trusted the guidance of the Volturi, despite the unexpected turn her life had taken.
Her gaze drifted to Marcus, who had remained silent during the discussion. His eyes held a deep understanding, and she couldn't help but ask, "What happened to Felix?"
Marcus sighed softly, his voice gentle as he replied, "It appears that when you used your abilities on him, it not only ended his life but also brought him back in a human state."
(Y/N) was stunned by this revelation. Her gift had the power to bring a vampire back to their human state? It was an astounding discovery, one that left her with more questions than answers.
The assessing vampire who had revealed her gift's nature stepped forward to explain further. "It's a complex interplay of life and death, (Y/N). When you unintentionally ended Felix's life and then brought him back, it seems to have triggered a transformation back to his human state."
Aro, his eyes gleaming with fascination, absorbed this information with a calculating expression. He said nothing but appeared to be pondering the implications of her gift.
(Y/N) was still trying to process the extraordinary turn of events. She hadn't meant to turn Felix human, and the fact that her abilities had such a profound impact on him left her bewildered.
"I didn't know," she whispered, her voice filled with remorse.
Aro, ever the observer, spoke softly, "My dear, your gift is a wondrous discovery. It may hold secrets and possibilities beyond our current understanding. Rest assured, we will study it further."
(Y/N) couldn't shake the overwhelming desire to see Felix. She had unintentionally changed his life, quite literally, and the weight of that responsibility weighed heavily on her. With the kings' permission granted, she was led to the room where Felix was being kept.
As she entered the room, her eyes widened in amazement. There he was, Felix, sitting on a bed and looking every bit like a human. It was a sight she couldn't have imagined, and it filled her with a mixture of awe and remorse.
Felix looked up as she entered, and a warm smile spread across his face. "Well, look who it is," he greeted, his voice tinged with amusement.
(Y/N) couldn't help but feel a rush of gratitude that he wasn't holding what had happened against her. "Felix, I'm so sorry," she said, her voice filled with sincerity.
He waved off her apology with a chuckle. "No need to apologize, (Y/N). It's not every day you wake up as a human after being a vampire for so long. It's... an interesting experience."
Feeling a surge of relief and happiness, she couldn't contain herself any longer and wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. But in her excitement, she momentarily forgot her newfound strength.
Felix winced, his face turning slightly red as he struggled to breathe. "Careful there," he managed to say through strained breaths.
Alec and Jane, who had been standing nearby, quickly stepped in. "Easy now," Alec cautioned. "Remember, he's human, and you have to be more delicate."
(Y/N) released her grip on Felix, her face flushed with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, Felix. I forgot."
Felix let out a hearty laugh, his humor infectious. "No harm done," he assured her, his smile never fading. "Just reminds me how much it sucked being a human."
As the three of them shared a moment of laughter
The harmonious laughter between (Y/N), Felix, Alec, and Jane was abruptly interrupted as the door to the room swung open. Aro entered, his presence commanding immediate attention. His smile remained charming, but there was a hint of business in his demeanor.
"My dear (Y/N), I'm afraid it's time for you and the others to leave," Aro announced, his voice carrying a note of finality.
(Y/N) exchanged a worried glance with Felix, uncertainty gripping her. "But what's to happen to Felix?" she asked, her voice quivering.
Marcus, ever the one to speak the truth, stepped forward. "Felix is a valuable member of our guard, and we cannot afford to lose him," he explained. "He will be changed back into a vampire."
Aro nodded in agreement, adding, "It is the only way, my dear. Felix will return to his duties, and you will continue your training. We have a destiny to uphold."
(Y/N) felt a mixture of relief and sadness wash over her. She had grown fond of Felix in the short time they had spent together, and knowing that he would be changed back into a vampire was bittersweet. She nodded, her understanding clear.
The three of them, Alec, Jane, and (Y/N), prepared to leave the room, but not before one last look at Felix. His expression was a mix of gratitude and determination, ready to embrace his role in the guard once more.
As they exited the room, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility weighing on her. Her unique gift had brought about both wonder and challenges, and her journey among the Volturi was far from over. Felix's transformation back into a vampire was a reminder of the complexities of their existence, and it was a chapter in her story that would shape her path in ways she had yet to discover.
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wisteria-lodge · 7 months
For  *spooky season.* I suspect this will be easier than sorting the heroes, who tend to be reactive while villains are very clear about what they want and what exactly they’re going to do to get it. Let’s see if this ends up being the case. 
I go into a lot more detail about this character analysis system here, and talk about the move away from the HP terminology here. But here are the basics: 
BADGER ~ Loyal to the group.
SNAKE ~ Loyal to yourself and your Important People.
LION ~ Subconscious Idealist. Ideals are linked to feelings and instincts.
BIRD ~ Conscious Idealist. Ideals are linked to built systems and external facts.
BADGER ~ Connect with the group. Make allies, work steadily and well. Be whatever the situation calls for. If you find a locked door, knock.
SNAKE ~ Connect with the environment. Notice things. Tell people what they want to hear. If you find a locked door, get in through the window.
BIRD ~ Collect skills, knowledge, tools, personas, useful friends. If you find a locked door, track down the key or learn to pick the lock.
LION ~ Be honest, be direct, speak your truth. Either the obstacle is going down or you are. If you find a locked door, kick it in.
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So. I know that in Snow White the Queen's Thing is Vanity, but.  The ‘Vain Villainess’ trope is about the fear of becoming less powerful in a world that only values you for your looks.... which doesn’t actually seem to be her issue? The Queen seems pretty darn unchallenged in her universe. That’s almost part of the problem - there’s an addiction/obsession/paranoia flavor to the way she’s constantly checking in with the Mirror.
I don’t think the Queen is actually obsessed with Snow White’s beauty. I think she’s obsessed with her innocence, her “heart” (that’s literally what she asks the Huntsman to bring her, Snow’s heart in a box.) Snow White isn’t just the “fairest” as in the prettiest, but the fairest as in the most fair-minded, the most honorable. The presence of Snow, with her optimism, kindness, and trust is an existential threat, proof that the Queen is going about things all wrong. Her power definitely has a edge of sadism: She forces Snow to wear rags (none of the other princesses wear *rags.*) And I’ll be haunted by this image of the Queen’s dungeons forever.
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So even though my first instinct was to go Hedonist Snake primary for the Evil Queen, that’s not right. She’s not focused on enjoying herself. She doesn’t seem conscious enough of her own desires to be a Bird, and Exploded Lion is possible… but I’m going with Burnt Badger. An obsession with being “Fairest of them all” seems to suggest a group-focused, External-facing primary, and I absolutely see how the extremely UnBurnt Badger Snow White would really get under a Burnt Badger’s skin. 
Obviously a Bird secondary. The Evil Queen is Mad Scientist coded, even has a literal evil laboratory. The “Old Crone” plan features a transformation, a costume, and is very much an Actor Bird persona.  
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While she does seem to get some sort of sadistic pleasure out of controlling Cinderella, the Wicked Stepmother’s main motivation is her daughters. Her daughters kind of suck, but that doesn’t actually matter. The Stepmother is going to make sure they get that happy ending, with all the targeted loyalty of a Snake Primary. There’s a Badger secondary in there too, which you can see in the way she’s… subtle. The Stepmother takes away Cinderella‘s privilege bit by bit… but never actually goes after her directly. She manipulates her daughters into doing her dirty work (like the way they tear up Cinderella’s dress) so she can always maintain plausible deniability. She’s prim, she’s proper, she’s Lady Tremaine. Dark Courtier Badger, all the way. 
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This Queen’s thing is that she’s childish. She wants what she wants NOW. Doesn’t matter if it makes sense, doesn’t matter if it’s impossible. The Queen of Hearts functions as both a lesson to Alice (authority figures don’t always know what they’re talking about) and as a warning (this could be you if you don’t navigate the transition to adulthood properly.) I see a very young Glory Hound Lion primary in the way she forces everyone else to cheat so she gets the emotional reward of winning the croquet game. I also want to attribute the Queen of Hearts’ extremely short fuse to her Lion primary - she acts on what she’s feeling the *second* she starts feeling it, and never questions this. Also she's a Lion secondary. There’s no plan. She lives in Wonderland. She’s living moment to moment.
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Unlike the Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook does not seem to be *of* the magical land he lives in. He is this outside force trying to impose order on Neverland, leading the only rigid organization there and constantly tying up/imprisoning the main characters. Hook is also the only one th threatened by the concept of time (the ticking crocodile.) *Peter* will never grow old. But somehow Captain Hook will? Or feels like he will? Tradition also says that the actor playing Wendy’s controlling father should play Hook as well, so there's definitely something about toxic order or toxic control going on (the Disney film uses the same voice actor in both roles.) So in the world of Peter Pan, Hook/Father becomes representative of adulthood/society/the Man. That makes him an Authoritarian Badger primary, defined by his organizations.
For his secondary - Hook’s not much of a planner. He’s most effective while he is talking an angry Tinker Bell into helping him, and in that scene he’s charming. He flatters her, pivots according to what he thinks she wants to hear, and while Courtier Badger secondary is possible, I think this feels more like Snake. (I also think you have to be some kind of Improvisational secondary in order to hold your own against Peter.) It makes sense - Hook has to be appealing and seductive as well as threatening, because that's kind of what adulthood is.
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Maleficent’s feels socially slighted in a very *abstract* way. She doesn’t seem to have an emotional response to either the other fairies OR the King and Queen OR Aurora. Her curse doesn’t have anything to do with with her social standing, or her power, or her role in the kingdom. We actually don’t know what Maleficent’s deal is. Maybe by not inviting her to the christening the kingdom has broken some important Rule of hers. Or maybe she’s just torturing people because she’s bored, and this is a fun Project. (That is her plan with Phillip after all, and this image will ALSO always haunt me.)
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But either way, she’s a Bird primary. The only question is if she’s more of a System-Building Bird, or a Project Bird. 
Unusually for such a cold villain, I think I want to give her a Lion secondary. She’s patient, and her plans take place over long time-frames, but the plans themselves are direct - “When your daughter turns sixteen, I will kill her.” Done. Also, when Maleficent is threatened, she turns into a giant dragon who certainly does not plan, and her goons (while useless) are very loyal. So another point for Inspirational secondary.
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Cruella wants a coat made out of Dalmatian puppies. That’s  it. So I'm putting her in the same category as Hannibal Lecter, someone doing this for the *art,*  the ~*~aesthetic~*~ of the thing. But unlike Hannibal, nothing about Cruella is cold or considered. I don’t think she’d be able to tell you why she wants that Dalmatian coat apart from “It’s fabulous, darling.” So instead of going Bird primary (the typical Weird Villain sorting) I’m saying she's a Lion. Cruella seems to have an aesthetic-based morality: "fabulous" and "non-fabulous," instead of "good" and "bad." She’s a Fay Lion primary, like Jack Sparrow.
Her secondary is harder. She definitely has goons, but they’re useless, and don’t seem to like her much. She doesn’t plot or face-change. She clearly likes Anita and doesn’t like Roger, and never bothers to mask this. Cruella first tries to buy the puppies - then sort of seems surprised when this doesn’t work? Honestly, the main impression I get from her is that she’s… not trying very hard. She only really starts to care right at the very end, when she’s driving with wild hair and crazy eyes, as her roadster falls apart around her. I’m going with Lion secondary to reflect that tendency she has to operate at either 1% or 100%.
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Madame Mim has a sort of a professional rivalry going on with Merlin, and dislikes that Wart calls him “the greatest wizard in the land.” So of course she challenges him to a wizard duel. She wants to be the best, she wants to win… and that’s all there is to it. So we have another Glory Hound Lion primary. 
It’s very clear that Madame Mim loves transformation. She switches between her different faces as many times as she possibly can over the course of a single conversation. Notably, she has a sexy version of herself that she uses to charm people into doing what she wants… and there’s no reason she couldn’t wear that all the time. But she doesn’t want to. Mim gets a lot of joy out of her fluid Snake secondary, and when she’s not solving a problem she just wants to chill out in Neutral. 
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Prince John’s motivation has a couple of  layers. Obviously, he’s a *little* bit too excited about taxing on the citizens of Nottingham… but that’s because he’s overcompensating. His main visual design element is a crown that doesn’t fit. He’s not King John, he's Prince John, only in charge until his other (better) brother Richard comes home from the Crusades. That’s why he’s so easily flattered - he’s incredibly insecure. But his conflict isn't with Richard, exactly. It’s really... mommy issues. Everything John does is to please Mummy (an off screen-character.) Very Exploded Snake primary. 
Secondary is hard because John is incompetent. He mostly solves problems by pointing the Sheriff of Nottingham at them. It’s a running joke that he doesn’t actually listen to his advisor Sir Hiss, who generally has the right idea but isn't a suck-up. I guess John does lay kind of sophisticated traps for Robin Hood?  They don’t work, but the intent at least is Bird. So I guess I would have to go with that - a pretty incompetent Bird secondary. 
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Unlike Madame Mim and Merlin, whatever Basil of Baker Street and Ratigan have going on does not feel like a professional rivalry. Technically Ratigan is plotting a coup… but he spends approximately 85% of his on-screen time entirely focused on Basil. They are at least ex-friends who now hate each other (and it’s really easy to read them as straight-up bitter exes.) Even his hatred of being called a “rat” seems to be linked to Basil - that's an insult Basil uses, implying that Ratigan is motivated by hedonism and ego, and not by the purity of the puzzle the way that Bird Primary Basil is. Really, he’s criticizing Ratigan for having a Snake primary motivation. 
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Ratigan is very obviously a very loud Bird secondary. He loves lists, he loves Rube-Goldberg devices. He’s based off Professor Moriarty, it's Snake Bird all the way down.
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So Ursula wants to take over, be the new monarch of the sea… which is usually a Glory Hound Lion motivation. But there's the implication the she's doing this to specifically screw over Triton... which would make her more of a Snake. Ursula also has a *very* hedonistic approach to life, something you often see in Snake primaries with small circles. It's just her and her “babies," the eels Flotsam and Jetsam. He eels also seem very emotionally important to her, as far as villain minions go. This could be another example of Snake primary loyalty.
I don't know, I just think a Lion primary Ursula would be angrier, more of a Scar. She’s doing her own thing, an makes use of an opportunity that falls into her lap. This is structurally a story about King Triton (who has the big emotional arc and the most character change) so it makes sense that she is specifically a Triton villain, and Ariel was just unlucky enough to get in the way.
I'm actually going to say Bird secondary for Ursula. I agree that she gives off Snake secondary *vibes,* and absolutely might model or perform it for fun. But the way she wins over Ariel is by spouting facts very fast and very confidently, then getting her to sign a bad contract. It’s a Corrupt Lawyer beat more than anything. Vanessa, Ursula's alternate form, is more an Actor Bird transformation (Wicked Queen style) and less a Snake secondary playing around (Madame Mim style.) Vanessa is Ursula's version of Ariel - she even speaks with Ariel's voice - and that's a Bird secondary approach. When Ursula‘s plans start falling apart, she doesn't pivot. She starts looking very Lion secondary - exactly like Bird secondary Ariel does when she’s overwhelmed.
Double Lion -  Queen of Hearts, Cruella De Vil
Lion Snake - Madame Mim
Snake Bird - Prince John, Professor Ratigan, Ursula
Snake Badger - Wicked Stepmother
Badger Snake - Captain Hook
Badger Bird - Evil Queen
Bird Lion - Maleficent
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adaginy · 1 year
Xaarc was visiting a friend, Senna, as a guest in her quarters on another ship. They were waiting for her to wake up from "sleep" when they felt a strange vibration in the air. They turned their sensorium and 'saw' the distorted heat signature of a person, identifiable even through the wall as Senna's wife, thanks to her unusual warmth. Xaarc stepped around the corner to find Lisabeth scrubbing the cold food storage unit. "Human Lisabeth, what are you doing?"
Lisabeth stopped with an facial expression and stance the humans called "deer in head lights." Xaarc was very proud to have figured out the meaning of this phrase by themself: You see, only fish deep deep in the terrifying Earth ocean have lights on their heads, and deer are timid land animals. If a deer is being spotted by a creature with head lights, it knows it has made an error and done something it should not be doing. It was unclear in this context, however, what that might be.
"What mess cannot be cleaned by your cleaning robots and must be cleaned in the middle of your 'sleeping hours'?"
"I can smell garlic. Anywhere in the rooms, I can smell it. Senna says she can't. And I can't sleep right now. And I'm nesting," she finished with a sigh.
Garlic was a pungent human food. Eating it was a sign of loyalty to one's mate, because it warded off other suitors. It also warded off 'vampires' and Lisabeth worked in the hemoanalytics lab, which must be why it bothered her when it would usually be celebrated. And when humans say they "can't" sleep, it's not that they are physically unable to, it is only that they are unable to when they want to be doing it. Xaarc did not know about nesting, and it seemed to be important to this conversation now instead of something to figure out later.
"What is nesting, please?"
"Oh, you know. Baby is coming. Not due for two weeks but it might be coming any day now, if the nesting is right. Some humans get an urge to clean right before the baby arrives. Not always. My mom nested every winter, as soon as it started getting cold."
Interesting. Humans must need to keep their young cold? So the cold food storage unit doubled as a creche on a space station with no winter.
"Senna said I should visit before the baby arrives because you would not want guests after. Should I leave if it is soon?"
"No, no. Even if it comes early, you can stay for the rest of your visit if you'll help with cleaning and cooking. I won't make you do diapers."
Xaarc enjoyed cooking in a human style, even if the human foods they could eat were limited. Humans used science to transform foods and it was amazing. Xaarc did not know what diapers were, but if they were not doing it, it did not immediately matter.
"I helped detach a Y'chiri's offspring when the budding was completed, I have brought a Peprine refreshments when her pod was difficult to break open, and I have adjudicated a Talt division. If you would like me to be present and assist I would be honored."
"Uh. Xaarc, what do you know about human birth?"
"I have been told they grow from eggs, and that it's something between hatching and budding. And that they are brought to you by a creature similar to a very stretched-out Pfalot." "Okay, they aren't brought by a stork. That's a myth told to children. ... Xaarc, you know the baby is here, right?" She put both hands on her prodigious belly, hefting it up and down slightly. At Xaarc's look of shock, she continued, "What did you think this was??" "Human guides tell us not to remark on human bodies! They give us a very small list of things which are safe to compliment" (though they did warn that even these may be taken as attempts at courting) "or ask about but say everything else is too complicated to explain! So you have grown a bud for it to hatch out of??" Senna appeared, blinking in the doorway. "Couldn't sleep, hun? What are y'all yelling about?" "Senna, sweetheart, I'm going to try to go to bed. Could you please find Xaarc a video of... maybe not a human birth. Maybe start them on something like a goat?" Xaarc watched the goat video. Xaarc did not watch a human video. Xaarc asked to leave early and Senna understood.
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celticcrossanon · 2 months
"Masters Of The Air" WW2 miniseries vs. H a r r y
I’ve been watching the new miniseries “Masters Of The Air” (produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks and starring Austin Butler) about the US Army Air Force 100th bomb group stationed in the UK during WW2 the past few months while simultaneously reading about Prince Harry and the upcoming 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games this May.
It’s really incredible that American airmen flew in unpressurized bomber planes in minus 60 degree Fahrenheit temperature during WW2. The airmen had to wear special heating suits because if for example they took their gloves off during a fight at high altitudes because their guns jammed, their fingers could painlessly and bloodlessly amputate all the way up to their knuckles. The airmen could literally see their own fingers snap off and fly across the belly of the plane.
23% of all US Army Air crews survived during the WW2 air campaign in Europe with the rest either being shot and/or killed while in the air or their planes were shot down.
Those who survived via parachute after their planes were shot down either escaped back to the UK via resistance groups, were taken to POW camps for the remainder of the war or in some cases were killed by enraged German civilians on the ground.
The first episode started in January with the last episode concluding in mid-March. 
I mention all this because Harry has been in the news for weeks, whining about his lack of taxpayer funded security while not feeling safe to attend the Invictus Games 10th anniversary event in London and tonight another article popped up in the Daily Mail about Harry going to a Better Up conference in San Francisco to lecture people about 'Beyond Burnout: Transforming C-Level Stress Into Strength.’
Harry has no clue about executives in stressful jobs. Nor does he have any clue about serving in combat or what honor and loyalty means. Harry actually endangered troops in Afghanistan during both of his tours overseas because he wanted to play soldier.
It’s incredible to look at genuine heroism and sacrifice from WW2 servicemen and women vs a complete royal fraudster who couldn’t even be accepted into the British Army on his own merits because Harry was reportedly too busy drinking and doing drugs while at Eton. Harry got into Sandhurst because his grandmother was the Head of the Armed Forces.
All of these battle hardened WW2 veterans would scoff at this whiny, treacherous, cowardly ginger prick who reportedly is so afraid to attend a church service for the Invictus Games on his own despite bragging about killing 25 enemy combatants in Afghanistan in his memoirs. 
It’s a damn shame the Royal Family had the British media to help turn Harry’s PR image from a drug using frat boy into a “war hero” as Harry is anything but a genuine war hero– and uses disabled veterans from IG in order to make himself look good.
And BTW, the miniseries “Masters Of The Air” is quite good and is based on the book by the same name. I’m proud and grateful for WW2 veterans while simultaneously shaking my head at the royal disgrace that is Prince Harry.
Hi TeaWithBooks,
The hardships that the soldiers of WWI, WWII and other wars suffered to defend their countries are incredible to read about. They were all courageous at a level that is not brought out by circumstances today (I say this knowing veterans of those wars and having them in my family).
Harry is nothing in comparison. He does not have the courage that those men possessed. His cowardice and entitlement are thrown into relief by the service of true veterans everywhere. The idea of him coping with stress, let alone using it for anything else, is laughable because, as you said, he has no clue about working in a stressful job. 
The palace PR did a brilliant job with “Hero Harry”, but I am glad it has come to an end and we can all see Harry as he really is. I much refer the truth over PR lies.
I have learnt to tune out Harry’s whining. If he is not whining about something he is bragging about how wonderful he is, both of which are very unattractive traits.
I believe you can find military men commenting on Harry’s behaviour on some sites, and what they say is not flattering. The truth always comes out in the end.
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starheirxero · 4 months
WOE, HORRORS BE UPON YE !!! Sun has the worst time ever but he's fineee he's doing great (lie)
Sun had never doubted his lord.
When a god is as perfect as Lord Eclipse is, there is no reason to question his motives or words. To be his servant—his saint, his one true follower—is an honor like no other. Sun thought there wasn't a single thing he wouldn't do to make his lord happy.
Yet, today is Lord Eclipse's day of worship. He asks something of Sun as He places a knife in his hands, and for once, Sun hesitates.
Warnings: Religious conflict, crisis of faith, power imbalance, fear, threats of violence, coerced into murder(murder doesn't happen on-screen), angst, and hurt no comfort
Word count: 1,428
Sun had never doubted his lord. Not truly, at least.
While he doesn’t remember his childhood—or his teenage life, or his early adult life, or really anything before he met Him—Sun knows that he has adored and worshiped his lord from the very start. Their first meeting was so long ago now, several decades at least, but Sun remembers how he was graced with His presence when he needed it most.
Sun doesn't remember many details before He arrived, but he remembers crying and people and the earth shaking below him. He remembers holding onto something—or someone?—as echoed sounds of yelling and murmurs sounded around him. Someone with a blue and white color scheme was beside him one moment, then, there was nothing. A pitch black expanse that Sun could feel was unending. Finally, there was a bright light.
And then there was Him.
In all His beauty, in all His glory, in all His perfection. Glowing, good, holy. A god. He looked down at Sun like he was something more than a mortal who's body trembled at the very sight of him.
“Rest now, my Sun,” Lord Eclipse said. “The soul is willing but the body is weak. Push much further and there won't be much left of you to serve me."
So, Sun did. At least, he assumes he did, because his vision blacked out as soon as He finished speaking. When he woke, the world was peaceful under the lord's command and Sun eagerly served Him however he needed. Thus, Sun has faithfully worshiped and served his lord for many, many years. Inklings of doubt are inevitable, but he knew better than to think Lord Eclipse was anything less than perfect, so they were squandered quickly.
Sun had never once hesitated to obey.
Yet, now, he falters.
Lord Eclipse holds Sun’s hands—his unworthy, mortal hands—in one pair of His own, another pair gently placing a blade in Sun’s palms.
“I know that you know what day it is, Sun” Lord Eclipse’s centipede-like body curls around him in a way that is normally comforting and familiar, but now it feels constricting and claustrophobic. "So, please, indulge me on my day of worship, won't you?"
"Are... you sure this is what you want to ask of me, sir?" Sun meets his lord's one brilliant white pupil and lets out a nervous laugh. "I, uhm, think this may be out of my skillset! There's other people in the kingdom that can do this better than I," He excuses, trying to pull his hands away from the dagger.
Lord Eclipse squints down at Sun, His body curling a little tighter around the bot and effectively stopping his efforts to drop the knife. Sunlight pours in from stained glass windows behind Him and crown His silhouette with a golden light, leaving Sun entirely in His shadow. "There isn't," He says simply. "Who else would be better to entrust with this than my own servant? Truly, who do you think?"
Sun pauses. He looks to the side.
He doesn't know. He really, honestly does not know who else Lord Eclipse could burden this task with. Bloodmoon is long gone, Monty is inactive, but Sun is still here. He doesn't even really know if his Lord talks to anyone else anymore, so really, he is the only reasonable choice here.
But he doesn't want to be.
"You could always ask one of your other followers, the town is-"
"Sun." More of Lord Eclipse's hands start to grab onto the servant, forcing his head to tilt up and maintain eye contact. "What has gotten into you? Where is this behavior coming from? I expected enthusiastic agreement from my one, true saint. Why do you stall?"
Sun doesn't know.
"I just know I'm inexperienced with handling blades, my lord, and I only wish for someone to fulfill your task in the best way possible," is the lie that slips between his teeth.
"Yet, I've seen you handle blades quite well in many other situations." Lord Eclipse inches His face closer to Sun's. His eye squints, upturned in a way that suggests a smile if He had a mouth. "Nervous to take a life, are you?"
Sun hates the way his voice gets stuck in his throat. "Of course not. I'm never nervous to obey your command."
"Then take the blade and go."
"I shouldn't, my lord, I—"
"You should, Sun, just listen to me—"
"There's others out there—"
"There is no one else who can—"
"I don't want to!!"
The throne room falls silent. Sun realizes his mistake too late. Lord Eclipse leans back, but Sun knows it is not a mercy. He opens his mouth to apologize—to pray, to beg—but a hand wraps around Sun's mouth before anything more than a staticky breath can escape. He can hear the metal skittering of his lord's body behind him and he wants nothing more than to squeeze his eyes shut until it's all over, but he knows better than that.
"You don't want to?" Lord Eclipse repeats with an incredulous laugh. "Oh, poor Sunny, he doesn't want to! I'm sorry, have you forgotten who you've devoted yourself to, servant?"
Sun's hands are maneuvered by the god's many other, forcing him to grip the handle of the dagger with an aching force.
"Me," He hisses. "You are devoted to me; the god you worship is me."
"I know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"Be quiet!" Lord Eclipse shouts and Sun's mouth shuts with an audible click.
His hands are tightening all around Sun's body, clogging his vents and cutting off his power and digging into his casing and Sun feels sick he feels horrible horrible horrible—
"I am going to make a very simple choice for you, Sun," Lord Eclipse drawls. "You are going to take this," He squeezes His hands around Sun's and he barely restrains a pained yelp. "and you are going to spill the blood of the lady down at the lake."
"Her?!" Sun blurts, shaking his head with such force that it his earrings nearly hit his face. "She's done nothing wrong! She's been a devout follower for decades, she spent years making that stained glass window for you! She—"
"She's been testing my patience is what she's been doing, Sun!" Lord Eclipse shouts over Sun. "And you're doing much of the same, now, aren't you?"
Sun falls silent. Keeping eye contact is a physically painful task at this point, but he knows he isn't allowed to look away. He can only hope that the fear thrumming through his circuits isn't as obvious in his face. Lord Eclipse merely huffs.
Untangling His multitude of limbs from Sun, He turns Sun around so that he's facing the door. He holds onto the servant's shoulders as He mutters into his ear, "Go, Sun. If you fail me, I will know. If her blood is not on this knife when you return, I will make your punishment long and agonizing. That is a promise."
And just like that, Lord Eclipse releases Sun from his hold to skitter away someplace out of view. The servant stands still, rooted in place as he waits for the sound of his lord's body to finally be quite enough to deem safe.
Sun's joints let out a long hiss as he untenses his body. He looks down at his hands, both still tightly clasped around the handle of the dagger, and lets out a pathetic whimper.
He does not want to do this. He does not want to be this kind of servant.
But those are the thoughts of the dissenters, aren't they? Unwillingness to wholly devote oneself to even the most extreme tasks is a sign of false loyalty and Sun is very truthful with his loyalty. The symbols of the eclipse that he burned into the back of his hands is enough proof.
So, he will do as he's told. He will kill the lady by the lake—that kind, wonderful lady who had never once spoken lowly of Sun and used to make him meals when the castle doors were still open—and he will bring his lord the proof.
He is doing this because he chooses to.
(He is doing this because he has no real choice.)
He is doing this because he loves his god.
(He is doing this because he can't hide from Him.)
He is doing this because he is a loyal servant.
(He is doing this because he has never been more afraid.)
sun: wow i sure do love having a completely normal and healthy amount of devotion to my lord (he says, actively wearing himself down to be more compliant so he won't risk being hurt by the one person in his life that (unfortunately) never leaves)
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astrologyzodiacsigns · 2 months
Orcus Through the Houses (90482)
Orcus in the 1st House - The Guardian of Boundaries: With Orcus gracing your 1st house, you embody the archetype of the guardian of boundaries. Just as Orcus enforced the boundaries between the living and the dead, you are fiercely protective of your personal space and identity. You may have a strong sense of self-preservation and a need to define your individuality in clear terms. Embrace your role as the keeper of your own domain and set healthy boundaries to safeguard your well-being.
Orcus in the 2nd House - The Sentinel of Values: As Orcus patrols your 2nd house, you take on the role of the sentinel of values. Much like Orcus guarded the treasures of the underworld, you protect your resources and uphold your principles with unwavering determination. Your sense of self-worth is deeply rooted in your ability to defend what you hold dear, whether it be material possessions or core beliefs. Harness your innate strength to preserve what is truly valuable to you.
Orcus in the 3rd House - The Custodian of Communication: With Orcus stationed in your 3rd house, you become the custodian of communication. Just as Orcus facilitated communication between the realms, you serve as a mediator between different perspectives and ideas. Your words carry weight and authority, and you may find yourself drawn to roles that involve negotiation or diplomacy. Embrace your gift for bridging divides and fostering understanding through clear and honest communication.
Orcus in the 4th House - The Keeper of Ancestral Legacy: In the depths of your 4th house, Orcus stands as the keeper of ancestral legacy. Like Orcus, you are deeply connected to your roots and heritage, and you may feel a strong sense of responsibility towards your family lineage. Your home is your sanctuary, a place where you honor the traditions of the past while forging your own path forward. Embrace the wisdom of your ancestors and draw strength from the foundation they have laid for you.
Orcus in the 5th House - The Guardian of Creativity: With Orcus gracing your 5th house, you become the guardian of creativity. Like Orcus who watched over the creative forces of the underworld, you protect and nurture your artistic inspirations with fierce devotion. Your creative expression is infused with depth and intensity, reflecting the profound depths of your soul. Embrace your role as a steward of creative energy and allow your imagination to roam freely in the realms of possibility.
Orcus in the 6th House - The Sentinel of Service: In your 6th house, Orcus takes on the role of the sentinel of service. Like Orcus who enforced order and discipline in the underworld, you uphold a sense of duty and responsibility in your daily life. You take pride in your work and strive for excellence in all that you do. Your commitment to service is unwavering, and you may find fulfillment in roles that allow you to make a meaningful contribution to the well-being of others. Embrace your dedication to service and let it guide you towards a fulfilling sense of purpose.
Orcus in the 7th House - The Guardian of Relationships: With Orcus presiding over your 7th house, you become the guardian of relationships. Like Orcus who oversaw the bonds between the living and the dead, you are deeply invested in the dynamics of partnership and collaboration. Your relationships are marked by a sense of commitment and loyalty, and you may be drawn to individuals who share your values and ideals. Embrace your role as a protector of interpersonal harmony and strive to cultivate connections that withstand the test of time.
Orcus in the 8th House - The Keeper of Transformation: In the depths of your 8th house, Orcus serves as the keeper of transformation. Like Orcus who presided over the mysteries of the underworld, you are drawn to the depths of the human experience and the process of profound change. You may possess an innate understanding of the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, and you are unafraid to confront the darker aspects of existence. Embrace your ability to navigate the realms of the subconscious and harness the power of regeneration to facilitate your own personal growth.
Orcus in the 9th House - The Custodian of Wisdom: With Orcus illuminating your 9th house, you become the custodian of wisdom. Like Orcus who guarded the secrets of the underworld, you are drawn to the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment. Your thirst for understanding takes you on a journey of exploration and discovery, spanning both physical and metaphysical realms. Embrace your role as a seeker of truth and allow your curiosity to lead you towards a deeper understanding of the mysteries of the universe.
Orcus in the 10th House - The Sentinel of Authority: In your 10th house, Orcus takes on the role of the sentinel of authority. Like Orcus who enforced order in the underworld, you wield a sense of power and responsibility in the public sphere. You may be drawn to roles that involve leadership or governance, and you take pride in your ability to uphold standards of integrity and accountability. Embrace your authority with humility and use it to effect positive change in the world around you.
Orcus in the 11th House - The Guardian of Community: With Orcus presiding over your 11th house, you become the guardian of community. Like Orcus who oversaw the spirits of the departed, you feel a deep connection to the collective consciousness of humanity. Your social circles are marked by a sense of camaraderie and mutual support, and you may be drawn to causes that promote the welfare of the greater good. Embrace your role as a steward of social progress and strive to build inclusive communities that honor the diversity of human experience.
Orcus in the 12th House - The Keeper of Mysteries: In the depths of your 12th house, Orcus serves as the keeper of mysteries. Like Orcus who presided over the shadowy realms of the underworld, you are drawn to the hidden dimensions of existence beyond the realm of ordinary perception. Your intuition is keen, and you possess a deep understanding of the workings of the subconscious mind. Embrace your connection to the unseen forces of the universe and allow yourself to explore the depths of your own psyche with courage and curiosity.
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