dirtytransmasc · 2 years
What do you think Spider’s home life with the McCoskers was like, any theories and ideas? It had to have been bad if Quaritch was considered to be a better candidate for a father figure.
these are more headcanons than theories, but tomato tamato. none of this is explicitly canon (to my knowledge). tw for domestic/child abuse.
nash was smart enough to not hit his kids, but he would make physical threats, grab them back the collars of their shirts, push them around, etc.
nash is very strict; each kid has a list of chores, have to live almost military-like, up at the crack of dawn, strict bedtime, etc. any deviation from his expectation would mean a crackdown.
the kids were pinned against each other, the bio brothers v. spider. both were manipulated to see the other as free. nash's boys were allowed to act out towards spider and received their father love, but were never allowed to stray far from their little home in the compound. spider was allowed to disappear for hours every day, no limits and no rules, but spider is horribly neglected. both hate each other because they have what the other wants so desperately, freedom v. family. they have an awful relationship because both are so blinded by what they want to see that no one is happy, no one is safe in that home, and that no one could envy the other.
nash stopped feeding spider when he learned to hunt, saying he had learned plenty enough to provide for himself and that if he'd rather stay out in the jungle all day and whatever part of the night he could get away with, he could eat out there.
Mary is not a caring mother to spider, she does the bare minimum, and that's even an overstatment; she does enough that it isn't obvious she doesn't care and therefore won't bring shame to her.
she allows nash to scapegoat spider not because she too is necessarily abusive herself, but because it keeps nash's temper off of her and her boys.
mary has voiced many times that spider is not her son, to his face. nash has done this as well but its a lot more consistent, he doesn't have to be in any sort of mood to say it. they barely play pretend for other people.
while both parents use spider's constant absence to taunt him, they're happy he's out of their care for most of the day.
as a baby spider was typically kept in a crib or allowed to run around the lab, not getting much attention from his foster family. this led to them just leaving spider to his own devices, even encouraged to leave the confines of the room only to then be punished and blamed for being in other's ways.
I think they were you average 'military dad and battered wife who set their kids up for failure' type family and I feel bad for all 3 kids, even if their bio boys have little chance to ever leave their footsteps.
quaritch never hurt his boy, never threatened him or tried to cause him harm (genuinely, he may have quipped threats at him, but as far as we saw, he never meant them). he protected spider and valued him. he may not have been great, but he's much better by impression alone then the McCoskers.
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nattikay · 1 month
Spider is not Jake and Neytiri’s kid and they had no obligation to act as his surrogate parents
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naavispider · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons regarding the McCoskers, their children, and their relationship with Spider?
Personally I try and pretend that Nash and Mary’s kids don’t exist 💀 there’s something so satisfying about Spider being the only human child on Pandora, so I’ve sort of stuck with that. I’ve got so many headcanons about him being different/having adaptations and advantages that normal humans don’t have because of the effect of the planet on his body. However, if they do exist (lol) then I think Spider probably tried his best to be friends with them because that is just in his nature, especially as a child.
However, as they all got older and it became clear that the boys started to be favoured a lot more by Nash and Mary, Spider would have drifted away. I think spider never truly realised how neglected he was until he saw how the McCoskers treated their sons compared to him. At that point, he decided to purposefully distance himself from the family because he knew he wasn’t wanted, and it was too painful to hang around somewhere you’re not welcome when there’s a whole world out there to explore.
When spider was very young, he had a room to sleep in, but when the boys were born he was moved out into a storage cupboard
He was close to the boys to begin with. He always wanted to help look after them and would offer to do so, but Mary wouldn’t allow it
Mary and Nash never allowed the boys outside until they were at least 8 (possibly older depending on the availability of masks), but Spider they never cared about. Often, Spider would leave in the morning and not get back until well after dark (the McCoskers didn’t care)
All the kid stuff that Spider went through Mary and Nash would repurpose and give to the boys, for example kids clothes that had been specially sewn for him, along with anything else they could repurpose (regardless of whether Spider was holding onto it for sentimental value)
Eventually the resentment builds and Spider gets to the point where he is in the movies, which is that he doesn’t see himself as being a part of their family in any way.
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Hi! I love your content! I find it so cool that you're willing to answer such a wide variety of questions. It's so interesting to read!
I am very curious to hear your thoughts on the following, if you're open to answering and have the time to. I've actually been thinking about this a lot, lately:
Who do you think raised Spider, canonically? Like, beyond just basic needs (food, water, shelter). Do you think anyone bothered to teach him life skills or do you think he had to learn by watching others? Is he even literate, does he know any math? Teaching a child to read and write takes a lot of time, patience, and effort, as does teaching them math, and there are no K-12 schools on Pandora that I'm aware of.
Since Spider appears to have been emotionally neglected to the extent that he ended up reacting positively to the bare-bones, abusive attention his revived bio dad gave him, would it stand to reason that he's lacking in basic life skills? Do you think this is the case? And if it is, do you think would this impact the narrative?
Hi my love! That is so sweet, I'm so glad you like what I have to say, it means a lot. I am always open to answering, and it might take me a bit but I find the time lol.
So, canonically Spider was raised by the McCosker family, Nash and Mary and their sons. They were his foster parents. We don't know a whole ton, but it seems like they lost a ton of interest in him once they had their own kids. Nash, at the very least, seems like he was actively abusive. However, I do think Spider knows all of his shit. I think he knows more than I fucking know. Kid grew up around only scientists. Sure, the ones fostering him were emotionally neglecting him but I am 100% sure that kid is educated as fuck. He is an amalgamation of the village that raised him.
Norm taught him math and gave him homework packets and Max taught him first aid. The avatar drivers taught him which foods were safe for humans, and the scientists taught him what plants were dangerous. Jake taught him how to hunt even if he was just watching Jake teach Neteyam, and Neytiri taught him to cook when he was with Lo'ak because Lo'ak didn't want to learn and was hoping Neytiri wouldn't with Spider there lol. Mo'at taught him what herbs were used for what. He's a reflection of lessons from everyone who helped raise him, even if they should've done way better.
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movietimegirl · 2 years
Here are the McCoskers, Spider foster family. Nash and Mary McCosker. His two foster brothers are unnamed. As Spider got older, he would hang out with the Sully Family instead.
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honeyhobi · 10 months
Spider Socorro + curse of obedience?? <3
Put That Guy In A Situation™️ Ask Game
Crossposted on AO3
28. Curse of Obedience + Spider Socorro
A/N: This is short but I hope you like it anyway! Content warnings for child neglect.
At first everyone thinks Spider is just a really good kid. He never has to be told to do anything more than once.
“Spider, finish all your vegetables,” the McCoskers order him at dinner, and he does without complaint.
“Spider, stop running in the labs!” Max calls after him, and he skids to a stop so fast he almost trips over his feet.
“Don’t climb in the link beds!”
“Quit crying!”
“Stay away from Grace’s amino tank.”
The commands are endless, and Spider obeys each and every one. It's a gift to have such a well behaved child, everyone tells the McCoskers. They must be such good parents.
Except one night, when Mary is putting Spider to bed, he fights her. He kicks the blankets away, whines and cries to be allowed to stay up a little longer, struggles against her hands when they push him down onto the bed.
“For fuck's sake, Spider, just go to sleep!” Mary yells.
And, miraculously, Spider does. He goes limp on the bed, his eyes close, and his breathing evens out. It should be more concerning, but Mary is just so exhausted and grateful that she only shuts the lights off and leaves the bedroom.
The next morning comes around, and Spider sleeps right through it. The McCoskers go to work, and when they come back, Spider stubbornly stays curled up in his bed. He ignores them when they call his name, doesn’t even stir when Mary opens his bedroom door and asks if he's mad at her.
“The silent treatment, huh?” Mary says. No response. Spider snores away in his bed even as eclipse draws near. Or, he pretends to.
She comes over to his bedside and shakes him by the shoulder. “Come on. You can't stay in bed all day, you know.”
Still, Spider does not wake. His eyes remain stubbornly closed, face slack with sleep, until Mary orders with concern creeping into her tone, “Spider, wake up.”
And he does.
Spider's eyes blink open instantaneously, and he sits up and looks at Mary without a single inkling of sleepiness.
“Is it morning?” He asks her.
And he says it so innocently, so genuinely curious and not at all like a normal fussy five year old would after pulling a prank on somebody. It’s a ridiculous thought Mary has next, but she says it out loud anyway.
“Spider, do ten jumping jacks.”
She expects him to ask why. Maybe argue a little that he's only just woken up, that it's too early to exercise. But he doesn’t. Instead he gets out of bed and does ten jumping jacks. And Mary feels cold all over.
She calls Norm. They run brain scans and draw blood. When Spider whines fearfully Norm tells him not to be scared. Spider stops whining.
When the tests come up with nothing, when no machines tell the scientists anything about what could possibly be happening, they call Jake Sully. Jake Sully comes to Hell's Gate with the Omaticaya's Tsahìk on his tail. Everyone knows that something serious has happened when they see Mo'at's regal figure duck in through the airlock of the labs.
“There are stories,” Mo'at tells them, “passed down from generations about a child with a gift that allows him to do anything he is told to do. Stxeli lek.”
“The gift of obedience,” Jake says, his expression somber.
“Yes. It is said that this child has great skills, and can do many great things.”
Mary lets out a nervous little laugh. “That’s good, then, right? He won't ever be a hassle.”
Mo'at's grim face shuts her right up.
“This gift is very rare. Very powerful. The stories serve as a warning not to misuse the child's power. Many see this gift as a curse. The child could hurt himself, or hurt others.”
For the first time during the entire meeting, Nash speaks up. He shrugs and says, “Sounds like a gift to me. Maybe we can order him not to become a genocidal maniac like his father.”
Norm glares at him and objects, “Spider would never hurt anybody!”
They all turn at once to look at the boy in question through a small window that looks into an observation room. It used to be to interrogate enemies back when Hell's Hate was RDA property. Now it's been transformed into a classroom for Spider, equipped with soft mats to sit on and educational toys to play with. When Jake visits with his two children, it doubles as a playroom for all of them. Now, they all watch as Jake's daughter sits on the floor and braids Spider's hair with clumsy fingers while he chatters away. The room is soundproof, so they can't hear what he’s saying. But whatever it is makes Kiri laugh.
Mo'at hums in consideration. “Perhaps not. But if someone wished it so, he would not have a choice.”
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tobiasmccosker · 5 months
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Quote of the day by Toby McCosker, "No matter how far you go, home will always be the best place to rest.
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anxiousdreamcore · 1 year
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“Maybe that wild Socorro boy isn’t so bad.”
Spider and Nash McCosker’s biological son that appeared in the high ground comics. I’ve made a post about their possible dynamic and thought it’d be fun to draw their awkward bonding 🤭 @dirtytransmasc
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omnipresentlemon · 2 years
Avatar Modern AU Headcanons: The Early Years
Spider was adopted into the family after Neytiri found him wandering around the neighborhood as a toddler in just a t-shirt and underwear on one of the coldest days of the year. She immediately went to the police station and within a week Spider was removed from the McCoskers and was taken in by the Sullys as his foster family.
Jake and Neytiri have it ROUGH for a couple years - four kids under four? Eywa have mercy.
Listen. It is inevitable that little kids have a favorite parent, but the Sully kids are a little extreme with their hardcore Mom Favoritism™️. Neteyam can only fall asleep if Neytiri sings to him. Kiri doesn’t like Jake reading their bedtime stories because “mama does the voices better.” If Spider gets hurt he is inconsolable until Neytiri kisses it better. Lo’ak throws a tantrum for at least an hour every time Neytiri leaves them with Jake. My dude is being bullied mercilessly by kids who can’t even spell their names yet.
I fully support @be-the-glenn-to-my-maggie’s headcanon that Jake and Lo’ak are mortal enemies until Lo’ak hits about 5. But like, in a Megamind kinda way.
Whenever Lo’ak is acting up Jake pretends to call Santa and tell him to put Lo’ak on the naughty list.
Lo’ak will tell other adults the most embarrassing shit about Jake in the worst circumstances.
When Lo’ak is two and realizes his parents have names other than mama and daddy, he calls Jake by his first name only for three months. Imagine trying to discipline your two-year old and he whips out the first name.
In retaliation, Jake refers to Lo’ak as “the brat attack” until Neytiri reminds him that he’s the adult in this situation. He still does it sometimes when Neytiri isn’t around.
Neytiri has the mom reflexes of a god. No ER trips on her watch.
In fact, the first ER visit for the Sullys was when Neytiri left the kids with Jake to go shopping with Mo’at for some baby stuff while she was pregnant with Tuk. They don’t even make it down the street before Jake is frantically calling about Spider splitting his head open on the edge of the coffee table.
Spider is the most accident prone of the kids not due to clumsiness but a serious lack of survival skills and critical thinking. He used to throw himself off the top of the bunk bed he shared with Lo’ak just for fun.
Spider is technically the oldest, but due to the McCosker’s neglect he has some developmental delays and regressive behavior. Neteyam loves being able to act like a big brother for Spider even though he’s a year younger. They have a rough patch when they’re a bit older and Spider starts to assert himself more, but at the end of the day they’re Team Eldest and lean on each other a lot.
Kiri was a leash kid. Jake thought it was embarrassing but Neytiri could no take another incident of Kiri disappearing in public because she saw something interesting and wandered off to investigate.
Bluey is a staple in the Sully household. Jake and Neytiri are just happy that the chokehold Paw Patrol had on their kids seems to have gone away. Plus, now whenever they’re mean to each other, they just have to ask, “would Bluey and Bingo treat each other like this?” It results in an instant apology 99% of the time.
They talk back to their kids babble like it’s the most interesting thing in the world. Neytiri has full-on soap opera plots. The kids find it hilarious.
Jake, at the end of the day, is a military dad. And that means it’s MMA every day in the Sully household, starting young. He’ll suplex them into the couch, throw them onto the bed from across the room, toss them so high in the air he sees the bottom of their feet. Neytiri at first hates it, but she sees how gentle Jake is and tries to let it go. Even if it gives her heart palpitations.
Neteyam’s first word was “dada”, Kiri’s “mama”, and Lo’ak’s “no”. Spider’s speech was severely delayed and it took half a year of speech therapy to get him where he needed to be developmentally, so there’s was hot competition between Jake and Neytiri over who would get his first word.
It’s neither of them. Spider’s first word was “Teyam”. Even when they’re older Neteyam lords it over Spider’s head (but if he thinks too much about it it’ll make him cry, he just loves his brother so much).
I def have more of these percolating in my brain, but for now, enjoy!
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I often see people describe Spider as a neglected child. Do you think that is totally accurate? Would Norm and the other scientists have set rules and boundaries? If Lo’ak and Spider did something stupid together would Jake punish both of them? What would a scene like this look like?
Hello! I know you sent this question to other creators like a month ago. Sorry this took me so long to get to. I’ve been busy and I really wanted to give a detailed answer to this but I could just never make the time until now.
So short answer yes I definitely think Spider is a neglected child.
Long answer:
While I do believe some of his basic physical needs were met like food/water/shelter I don’t believe all his physical needs were met. First is just basic safety and while I don’t think his foster parents the McCosker’s physical beat him they definitely didn’t seem to care about him. From what we see in the comics and in the movie Spider was allowed to leave the base by himself at a very young age, like around 7-8 from the look of him. I personally take huge issue with this. I’d love to know how far away the village is from Hells Gate because maybe if it was super close, like you could see it from base kind of close, then I don’t think it’d be as bad but either way your letting a child, who is already super tiny compared to his huge surroundings loose in a jungle that we are told point blank from Jake’s narration is dangerous! Like it’s one thing to let your kid walk to a friends house to teach them independence but what parent would let their child do that if they could be potentially eaten by a tiger or trampled by a rhino. But that’s exactly what the scientist and the McCoskers are letting Spider do! That is just so negligent to me.
Next is Spider’s hair which I know we talk to death about for a lot of different reasons. So I actually have the exact same hair texture that we see baby Spider having so I can personally attest to it tangling easily when not properly maintained. After looking at 7-8 year old Spider i feel like I can pretty confidently say those aren’t dreads they’re mats. That’s what dry, unwashed, un brushed curly hair looks like after weeks.
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From my research children typically need help with taking care of their hair until around age 12 and so the fact that his hair is matted tells me no body is helping him. And that could lead to issues down the line because matted hair can grow mold which will obviously make you sick. Even when we see Spider at 16 he hasn’t learned how to maintain his dreadlocks properly. They’re uneven, there’s unlocked hair sticking out all over the place. Really to me it looks more like he did his best to do something with his hair after all the childhood neglect. So yeah not putting in the effort to properly take care of a child’s hair when they’re to young to do it themselves is a form of physical neglect in my eyes
Now onto bigger issues.
We see from the comics that Spider’s foster parents just flat out don’t care about him. Other creators have gotten into that so I won’t go on about it. What I will go on about though is that I think it’s a failure of every adult that saw how neglectful and uncaring the McCosker’s where to Spider but did nothing. They did nothing because it was easier for them to do nothing. Sometimes foster placements don’t work out and when that happens you find an alternative until you find something that best fits the child. They didn’t do that! They did what was easiest for the adults and that was to turn a blind eye. I’m guessing after the events of the high ground comics that Spider didn’t even really have a guardian to answer to. He was basically just a ward of the rebels. I really do hope we get to see him interact with characters like Norm and Max post his kidnapping because from what we see in the movie Kiri was the only one worried about him. I think it would have been nice if during the scene where Jake and Norm are talking about Kiri’s seizer Jake asked if Norm had any new information about Spider, so we the audience would see that these adults do care about this kid. We don’t get that though.
And honestly I take huge issue with Jake’s treatment of Spider. I didn’t like it when I first watched the movie and never felt like he earned the “son for a son” line because again we never even saw him care about Spider aside from him asking Neytiri not to kill him which is beyond bare minimum. Reading the comics made me straight up appalled. My jaw hit the ground during the climax of the story when they are being chased by R.D.A, shot at, the forest is burning and Jake told Spider to turn himself in because he was slowing them down! And my poor boy just promised to keep up!
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And I know Jake believes that they won’t hurt Spider because he’s just a kid but 1. Why would you even think that? Seriously what evidence do you have that the R.D.A wouldn’t hurt this kid. They are your enemy! They’re literally shooting at you as you speak! What makes you think they wouldn’t shoot Spider on site! Why would you even take that chance with a child’s life! Even if they do accept his surrender then what? Are you okay with this kid being sent back to Earth? Or being forced to live on the R.d.A’s base with little to no say of what happens to him? And 2. They do hurt him! A year later when Spider gets kidnapped Ardmore was willing to turn Spider into a vegetable to get the information she wanted! The only reason that didn’t happen was because Quaritch stopped him. This is just going to be an all me rant for a second but I could never leave a child behind like Jake did with Spider. I don’t care how tough you think he is he’s 16! And he was left in the enemies hands on an absolutely insane amount of good faith that they wouldn’t stoop low enough to hurt him. They fucking tortured him. And if Jake had at least payed lip service to being worried about Spider I’d be slightly more inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt and say there was nothing he could do to get Spider out of Bridgehead, he had to protect his others kids. But he doesn’t. He says that Spider’s a tough kid and that’s that.
So to wrap this up Spider was incredibly neglected. Based off of everything I said above it seems to me that the adults provided bare minimum necessities and then just let him run wild which is no way to treat a child especially when their young. We’d be here all day if I started up on the emotional neglect of this boy. I truly hope we get to see Jake treat Spider better in the next movie and that we get to see Spider interact with Norm and Max.
Those are my thoughts. If anyone disagrees I’d be happy to have a respectful conversation about it. I’m always curious to hear other people’s opinions. 💙
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cyren-myadd · 7 months
Avatar One-Shot: Child Support
As the clone of the late Miles Stephen Quaritch, the recombinant Miles is the legal beneficiary of all of his genetic donor’s property, wealth, and rank. Unfortunately, he’s also the legal beneficiary of his debts. This includes the fifteen years worth of child support for Miles Socorro.
The day started out just like any other day during Spider’s captivity in Bridgehead. Quaritch collected him from his “room” (AKA, the cell Quaritch had added a few amenities to after Spider started cooperating with him) and brought him to the cafeteria so he could eat before they set off to continue the recoms’ survival training in the jungle. The other recoms had already eaten and were off doing whatever it was they did when Quaritch wasn’t bossing them around, leaving Spider to shoulder all of his early morning bossiness alone.
“Get your hair out of your face, boy. And don’t pick at your food, just eat it.” Quaritch ordered impatiently while Spider prodded the contents of his plate. The brown lumps before him were allegedly some kind of sausage, but Spider didn’t trust the RDA’s menu anymore than he trusted their propaganda about wanting to “build a peaceful future with the Na’vi.” A group of scientists walked past with their breakfast trays in hand, and Spider eyed the large cinnamon rolls on their plates in envy. Their sweet fragrance taunted him as the scientists sat down nearby.
“This stuff is nasty. Can I have one of those things instead?” He pointed to the frosted pastries hopefully.
Unsurprisingly, Quaritch dashed his hopes by nudging the plate of “sausage” under his nose. “The last thing you need for breakfast is a bunch of sugary shit. You need protein.”
“Uhg.” Spider slouched miserably onto the cafeteria table and rested his head on his arm. 
“And sit up straight for Christ’s sake, you look like you’re falling asleep.”
“I am falling asleep,” Spider mumbled into his elbow.
Quaritch opened his mouth —to boss him around some more no doubt— but before he could say anything, a loud BANG! interrupted him. Both of them jumped in their seats and whipped around to see the source of the noise; somebody had slammed open the cafeteria door so hard it’d nearly been knocked clean off its hinges, and that somebody was marching straight towards them. All the RDA personnel in the cafeteria stared at him in varying shades of annoyance and curiosity.
“Miles Quaritch!” Hollered the man who’d caused all the ruckus.
Spider’s eyes went wide. He knew that voice. “No fucking way,” he hissed under his breath. Never in a million years had he thought he’d ever see him again.
“I got a bone to pick with you!” The man, who was wearing the obnoxiously bright orange uniform of the mining crew, stormed right up to Quaritch like he owned the place. Everyone around them stared. Spider leaned around Quaritch to try and catch his eye, but the man wouldn’t so much as glance at him. All of his attention was on Quaritch. It was a comical sight. Spider would’ve laughed if he wasn’t too busy wishing he would look at him. Even though Quaritch perched awkwardly on the cafeteria bench that was much too small for him, the man still had to crane his neck to meet his gaze.
Quaritch looked down at the angry little man with an odd expression on his face, like he couldn’t decide if he was more irritated or amused by this interruption. Luckily for the man, Quaritch’s amusement won out in the end and he gave him a smile that was only half sarcastic. “If you got a bone to pick with Miles Quaritch, you’ve come to the right place. Now who might you be?”
“My name is Nash McCosker.” He huffed and crossed his arms, watching Quaritch’s face for a reaction. Clearly, his name was supposed to mean something to Quaritch, because he looked even more irritated when he didn’t react at all.
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. McCosker.” Quaritch replied dryly. “I reckon I don’t need to introduce myself since you already seem to know who I am, so I’ll introduce you to my, ah… translator. This here is Spider. Say hello, Spider.”
He nudged him with his knee, but Spider didn’t say hello; he didn’t think he could even if he’d wanted to. His mouth was as dry as the land around Bridgehead, and he felt like he was going to throw up. Spider stared silently at McCosker, waiting for him to say something or look at him or do anything to acknowledge his presence. Even with Quaritch making an effort to introduce him, McCosker still wouldn’t even glance at him. He might as well have been a complete stranger. The silent rejection stung like a slap and Spider’s breath caught in his throat. His legs bounced in place, itching to move. Part of him wanted to march right up to McCosker and smack that stupid mustache off his face while another part of him wanted to run so far away he’d never have to hear his voice again. But Spider didn’t dare do any of that with Quaritch breathing down his neck, so instead he settled for clenching his fists and glaring at the floor. If McCosker wanted to act like he didn’t care about him, then fine! Spider didn’t care about him either! Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Quaritch’s ears flatten back at his reaction, but if it bothered him he didn’t say anything.
The silence stretched from awkward to downright uncomfortable, and Quaritch seemed to accept he wasn’t going to get a proper salutation out of Spider anytime soon. “Eh, sorry about that. This one’s not much for manners.”
McCosker scoffed. “Heh. Tell me about it.”
All of Spider’s resolve to pretend he didn’t care evaporated in an instant. “You—!“ he hissed as he lunged to his feet, and McCosker recoiled with his fists raised. Fortunately for McCosker, Spider didn’t get any further than that because Quaritch put a hand on his chest and pushed him right back into his seat. “Whoa! Easy, there!”
The reaction came so quickly that Quaritch only could’ve been expecting it. He kept one hand securely on Spider and with the other he gestured for McCosker to relax. Spider shoved his oversized hand off him with a snarl, but didn’t bother with trying to stand again. He crossed his arms and glared at the next table over. The group of scientists seated at the table suddenly became very interested in their plates.
“Alright, would either of you like to explain to me what the hell is going on here?” Quaritch asked as he looked between the two of them. The novelty of the situation was wearing off quick and Quaritch was going from amusement to irritation even quicker.
“Look, sir, I’m not looking for trouble.” McCosker must’ve sensed the danger in Quaritch’s mood, because he switched to a much politer tone. “I’m just looking to get what I’m owed.”
“Uh-huh. And what exactly is that?”
Before McCosker could answer, the sound of rapid footsteps made all three of them look up. A man in a suit rushed towards them from the same door as McCosker. He clutched a haphazard binder full of papers to his chest that sent the occasional loose sheet fluttering into the air behind him.
“Hello, everyone, sorry I’m late.” He said breathlessly as he arrived at their table. “I tried to keep up with you, Mr. McCosker, but you took off so fast I got left in the dust, heh, heh.” He chuckled awkwardly before clearing his throat. “Good morning, Colonel. My name is Mr. Ford. I’m from the HR department and I will be mediating this agreement between you and Mr. McCosker today.” Mr. Ford offered his hand for Quaritch to shake, but Quaritch ignored it and narrowed his eyes.
“An agreement for what exactly?”
Mr. Ford lowered his arm and jammed it into his pocket. “Well, you see, sir, as the clone of the late Miles Stephen Quaritch, you are the legal beneficiary of all of your genetic donor’s property, wealth, and rank. You know this, correct?”
“Yes, this was all explained to me when I decanted. And?” Quaritch prompted impatiently.
“Of course you already know!” Mr. Ford fidgeted nervously. “But are you aware that you also inherit any and all debts belonging to Miles Quaritch?”
At that, Quaritch’s ears twitched back against his skull. “No… I don’t think that was ever mentioned. But I didn’t— I mean— him, the original Quaritch— he didn’t have any debt when he died, so why does this matter?”
“Well, not quite, sir. You see, your, eh, predecessor, left behind a child when he died.” He glanced at Spider and gave him an awkward smile that went unreturned. “And as I’m sure you’re well aware, children take a lot of time and effort to care for— a lot of labor, if you will, and I think we can all agree that so much hard labor ought to be fairly compensated for, so, well, you see, um—“
The more Mr. Ford stammered, the stonier Quaritch’s expression grew. “Get to the point already.”
“Mr. McCosker wants to be financially compensated for raising Miles Socorro!” He blurted out in a rush.
Spider scoffed loudly and Quaritch’s face pinched in confusion. “I’m sorry— what?” He turned to McCosker with narrowed eyes. “Who did you say you were again?”
“I’m Nash McCosker. I was one of the people who chose to stay on Pandora after Sully went native on us. Since your kid was too young to go back, somebody had to look after him, and that somebody was me! I raised him for fourteen years! Fourteen years! And now I want what I’m owed!”
Quaritch shook his head in disbelief. “I ain’t calling you a liar, McCosker, but this whole time I’ve been under the impression that this kid was raised by the natives.”
“He wasn’t. Me and my wife bent over backwards to give him the most normal childhood possible.”
“Are you seriously telling me that this boy was raised by two humans?”
“Yes!” McCosker snapped. “You think I’m lying, huh? What reason do you have not to believe me?”
“What reason do I—?” Quaritch repeated incredulously before pointing at Spider. “Fucking look at him!”
For the first time in over a year, McCosker looked his foster son in the eyes— the boy he’d raised and left behind for a chance to rejoin the RDA. Spider bared his teeth and hissed. He looked close to lunging at him again.
“Does this boy look like he was raised by humans to you? Heh?” Asked Quaritch.
“I know how he looks, but that doesn’t change the fact that you owe me fourteen years of child support!” McCosker yelled so forcefully that he sent up a spray of spittle.
“Please calm down, gentlemen!” Mr. Ford cried.
“Is he serious?” Quaritch asked him with the barest hint of a snarl in his voice.
“Yes, I’m afraid so, sir.” Said Mr. Ford. He clutched his overstuffed binder to his chest as if it would protect him if Quaritch decided to attack. “If he’s telling the truth, then, legally speaking, you do owe him child support. The RDA is willing to enforce this if we can confirm his claim.”
Quaritch hissed through his teeth and pinched the bridge of his nose. “This is unbelievable. Are you seriously trying to make me pay for something that happened while I wasn’t alive? And what do you mean, confirm his claim?”
“Well, that’s the other thing. We can only enforce child support if it’s proven that Nash McCosker did indeed raise Miles Socorro for fourteen years, and we obviously don’t have any legal record of what’s happened on Pandora since the RDA left. So I need some kind of confirmation that McCosker is telling the truth before we can proceed.”
McCosker frowned at Mr. Ford, looking as equally confused as Quaritch. Apparently, this was the first time he’d heard this too.
“What kind of confirmation do you need?” Quaritch asked.
“Well…” in answer, Mr. Ford simply nodded his head behind Quaritch. In tandem, both Quaritch and McCosker slowly turned to look at where Spider sat sulking in the cafeteria chair. He slouched back with his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face. Spider looked up at Quaritch, whose ears were pinned back in irritation, then over to McCosker, whose face flushed pink from anger. The whole cafeteria went silent, everyone waiting to see what Spider would say.
After a long pause, Spider straightened up in his seat and stared directly at McCosker. “I’ve never met that man before in my life.”
“What?” The word exploded out of McCosker so loudly that his voice cracked. His face went straight from pink to firetruck red in a matter of moments, and a prominent vein throbbed at his temple.
“He’s lying!” He roared, pointing an accusatory finger at Spider, who shrugged innocently. “You don’t actually believe him, right? I had him under my roof for fourteen years! You can’t throw the money away just because he’s lying about it!”
Mr. Ford backed away from McCosker with an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, Mr. McCosker. If you cannot prove you raised him, then the HR department cannot enforce your claim.”
Quaritch smirked. He looked an awful lot like a cat that was proud of itself for making a mess. “You heard the man, McCosker. It was a real pleasure meeting you, but me and the kid gotta get going now.”
“No!” Protested McCosker as Quaritch and Spider got up to leave. When Quaritch’s back was turned, Spider sneakily flipped him off before scurrying after Quaritch like he hadn’t done anything. That was the last straw for McCosker.
“You ungrateful little shit!” He howled, spittle flying everywhere. Before anyone knew what was happening, McCosker lunged at Spider, his hands going straight for his throat. They collided, and Spider stumbled back into Quaritch’s legs. Quaritch whipped around with a startled hiss. He moved to pull McCosker off of Spider, but before he could get a hand on him, Spider had already taken care of it. Snarling just as fiercely as any Na’vi, Spider shoved McCosker off him. He staggered back, almost losing his footing from the force of the shove. Before he could recover, Spider punched him in the jaw so hard his head snapped back like a bobblehead. Then he hit him with a kick that knocked him clean off his feet. McCosker collapsed on his back. Blood flowed from his slack-jawed mouth. He hacked and wheezed, then spat something small into his hands: a tooth.
For a moment, McCosker stared in shock at his tooth, before glaring up at Spider. “I hope they execute you, you damn race traitor!”
“Fuck you!” Spider screamed back as he lunged toward the fallen man.
Quaritch was still frozen where he’d moved to protect Spider from McCosker. Now he realized he actually needed to protect McCosker from Spider.
“Stop!” He ordered, but it fell on deaf ears. Spider managed to get in another vicious punch before Quaritch grabbed him around the middle and hauled him off the ground. “Spider, that’s enough!”
A few bystanders who also wore orange mining crew uniforms rushed over to McCosker to help him to his feet. They ended up holding him back instead when he tried to lunge for Spider again. He yelled at him, blood and saliva dripping down his chin and mingling in his facial hair. “You’re gonna get exactly what’s coming to you, you fucking bastard! Nobody wanted you around and nobody will miss you when you’re gone!”
“Fuck you!” Spider screamed again. He thrashed so hard in Quaritch’s grip that it was a struggle to hold onto him without hurting him.
Quaritch hauled him away from McCosker and back towards the entrance to the cafeteria. He roughly set him on the ground and shook him. “Get a hold of yourself, boy! There are cameras in here.”
Spider grit his teeth, his breath coming out in short, angry hisses, but he finally stopped fighting against him. His eyes went to the corners of the ceiling and sure enough, there were multiple cameras trained on the unfolding drama. The idea of Ardmore watching him jump an RDA employee after Quaritch had promised he would behave himself sent a chill down his spine.
“C’mon, let’s take a walk.” Quaritch never took his hand off Spider’s shoulder as he marched him out of the cafeteria. The mining crew hauled McCosker in the opposite direction, screaming curses and death wishes at Spider the whole while. Mr. Ford had made himself scarce a long time ago. Every set of eyes in the cafeteria was trained on Spider. Now that the tunnel vision from his anger had faded, he was painfully aware of all the stares and whispers. He looked down at his feet, letting his thick dreads hide his face from view.
“Alright!” Quaritch barked at the crowd of onlookers. “Show’s over, folks, there’s nothing else to see here.”
All it took was one look from Quaritch to send everyone’s eyes back to their plates. Quaritch marched Spider through Bridgehead’s cold, twisting hallways before pulling him into a small room used for storage. It was so small that Quaritch had to crouch to fit inside, but at least they had some privacy. Spider paced as much as he could in the small space, his hands clenched in trembling fists. Quaritch sat back in a corner of the storage room and watched him pace with an unreadable expression on his face.
CLANG! Without warning, Spider punched a nearby crate as hard as he could, leaving a small dent behind in the cheap metal. His knuckles came away bloody, but he was too angry to care.
“I hate that son of a bitch!” He yelled, and he moved to punch another crate, but Quaritch grabbed his arm.
“Hey, don’t go messing all these boxes up.”
“Get the fuck off me, asshole!” Spider hissed. As soon as he said it, he immediately regretted it.
Quaritch’s eyes narrowed. “I’m gonna let that slide ‘cause I know you’re upset, but you better not use that tone of voice with me, young man. Now, try again.”
Spider closed his eyes and forced himself to take a few deep breaths. Then in a much calmer voice, he said, “please let go of me.”
“That’s better.” Quaritch made a big show of releasing his arm and leaning back to give him space.
Spider bounced on the balls of his feet and tried to look anywhere but Quaritch. Anger buzzed under his skin like a nest of hornets, filling him with a restless energy. His fists clenched and unclenched at his sides. He wanted to hit something. Preferably McCosker’s face.
As if reading his mind, Quaritch raised his hands and extended them so his palms were facing Spider at shoulder height. “Here. You wanna hit something, put ‘er there.”
“What? But why would I—?” Spider shuffled a few steps back.
“Aw, relax, tiger, it’s not like you’re gonna hurt me. C’mon, gimme that same southpaw you gave the prick in the cafeteria.”
After another moment of hesitation, Spider half-heartedly hit Quaritch’s palm.
Quaritch scoffed. “You call that a punch?”
He hit him again, harder this time.
“C’mon, you can do better than that!”
This time, Spider put his whole body behind the punch, just like when he’d knocked McCosker’s tooth out.
“Atta boy! Now gimme a right hook!”
Spider punched Quaritch’s fists again and again, the dull thud of flesh against flesh driving away the angry buzz under his skin. Once he didn’t feel like he wanted to hunt McCosker down and knock the rest of his teeth out anymore, Quaritch stopped. The absence of anger left him feeling oddly hollow.
Quaritch whistled appreciatively, massaging his sore palms. “You could’ve been a boxer in another life, kid! Woulda been the next Muhammed Ali!”
Spider wasn’t sure what that meant, but he could tell from his tone that it was a compliment. He looked down and scuffed his heel against the floor, unsure of how to react to the praise.
“So, you wanna tell me what that was all about?” Quaritch probed.
“I… lied. I actually do know that man.” He kept his eyes trained on the ground as he spoke.
Quaritch snorted. “I figured that much, kid. Who is he?”
“He was my foster father— er, he was supposed to be. He was alright when I was little far as I can remember, but after his kids were born, well… I dunno how to explain it. I still lived with him and his family— slept in their home, ate their food and all that— I was never neglected or anything— but it was like I was a guest or something. I was just… there.” Spider shrugged casually, like it didn’t bother him, but he still couldn’t bring himself to look at Quaritch. He wanted to stop talking. Any information he let slip now could be used to manipulate him later. He knew he should stop talking, but for some reason he didn’t. These were thoughts he’d never voiced aloud to anyone, not even Kiri, and for some reason they came spilling out of him in front of Quaritch of all people. “It’s why I spent so much time in the forest instead of with the other humans. Some of the Na’vi didn’t want me around, but my friends did.”
Spider fiddled with the songcord on his belt, rubbing his fingers over three beautiful blue beads; they represented the day he’d befriended Neteyam, Kiri, and Lo’ak. “They actually cared about me, you know?”
Okay, skxwang, you’ve said enough, stop talking now. His brain screamed, but it was drowned out by his traitorous mouth. He continued spilling his guts to an insane Na’vi-killer. “And then when the RDA came back, Ardmore offered the humans a deal to rejoin them, and McCosker wanted to take it. I wanted to stay with the Na’vi, but the grown-ups forced me to go with him. And the crazy thing was, I was actually gonna suck it up and go with him until my friends came back. But then McCosker captured them. He was gonna turn them in to Ardmore in exchange for a better deal. That fucking bastard. Mr. Sully trusted him and let him go back to the RDA with no hard feelings and he betrayed him—” if Quaritch scoffed at that, Spider pretended not to hear it.
“So I helped ‘em all escape. We busted outta there and found Mr. Sully. He wanted me to turn myself in to the RDA ‘cause he thought I would slow them down—” Quaritch made another noise in the back of his throat that almost sounded angry, but Spider ignored it too, “but I proved him wrong! I ran twice as hard as everyone else and I kept up. We all got away safe and sound.” The memory made Spider’s chest puff out in pride, and he almost felt good enough to look Quaritch in the eyes again, but then he remembered everything that came after that and he deflated.
“Anyway, after that, I thought I was never gonna see McCosker again, until… you know, until today.” Spider scuffed his feet against the ground once more. To his horror, his eyes started to prickle with unshed tears. He stubbornly blinked them away before they could fall. “It’s stupid. When I saw him, for a second I thought he was gonna— gonna— I don’t even know. Do something other than ask for money, I guess. But that was stupid. He only talked to me when he had to before he left so I don’t know why I thought he would be different now and—”
THUD! The sudden sound of flesh against metal startled Spider so much he finally looked up at Quaritch. He’d punched one of the metal crates, leaving a larger, deeper indent just above where Spider’s smaller hand had punched it earlier. When Quaritch pulled his hand away, his knuckles were bloody, just like Spider’s. Now they matched. If Quaritch cared or even noticed the blood, he gave no sign of it. He stared blankly at Spider, as if looking through him rather than at him, his face twisted into a rictus of fury. There was so much pure vitriol in his eyes that Spider physically recoiled. His back hit the wall and he slid as far away from him as he could in the tiny storage space. Oh great. Now he’d done it. All his rambling had pissed him off and now he looked angry enough to murder.
“Whoa, I’m sorry!” Spider blurted out quickly.
Quaritch blinked and his eyes snapped back into focus, now looking at Spider instead of through him. “Why?”
“For pissing you off, I didn’t mean to start talking so much, I just—”
“Oh,” Quaritch’s eyebrows pulled up out of their angry scowl and he stared at the dent he’d left in the crate like he didn’t remember making it. He took in the way Spider recoiled away from him and his demeanor instantly changed, all aggression leaving his body. “Wait, kid, no, I ain’t mad at you. Relax. I was mad about something else.”
Spider eyed his bloodied knuckles warily. “You sure?”
“I promise.” He put his palms up to show he meant no harm. “You did nothing wrong today. It sounds like that guy had it coming. I don’t want you worrying about him anymore, you hear me? If he comes round again I’ll put him in his place.”
“Okay… thank you.”
Quaritch tilted his head to the side. “What are you thanking me for?”
Once again, Spider found himself unable to look Quaritch in the eye. What was he thanking him for? The man had kidnapped him for crying out loud, the last thing he owed him was an apology! In the end, all he did was shrug.
“You don’t know? Well, that’s funny, cause I’m the one who oughta be thanking you.” Quaritch gently reached out and brushed a knuckle under Spider’s chin, hard enough to nudge his head up, but still light enough so Spider could pull away if he wanted to. When Spider reluctantly made eye contact with him, Quaritch smiled— it was a real one this time, not like the mean, sarcastic ones he’d given McCosker.
“You just saved me from giving a shit-ton of money to that asshole.” He said with a slight laugh in his voice.
Even though Spider still felt pretty shitty, he smiled back and shoved Quaritch’s hand away from his chin. “I didn’t do it for you, skxwang, I did it to spite him!”
“Well, I’m thanking you for it anyway!” Chuckled Quaritch. “And you know what, I think I owe you a little something now.”
Spider watched on curiously as Quaritch reached into his side pockets and withdrew two little bundles wrapped up in napkins. When he unfolded the napkins and offered them to Spider, he was delighted to see two cinnamon rolls. He must’ve snagged them as they were leaving the cafeteria when Spider wasn’t looking. The gesture made Spider’s eyes widen. Usually Kiri was the only person who took note of Spider’s favorite foods and went out of her way to give him some when he was feeling down. Even McCosker had never done anything like that, and he’d raised Spider for fourteen years.
“You gonna just stare at it or are you gonna eat it?” Quaritch asked. He telegraphed his movements as if he were going to take the rolls back, but before he could, Spider snatched them out of his hand.
“Mmm!” Spider wasted no time sinking his teeth into a cinnamon roll. Sweet sugary icing and spice exploded on his tongue; it tasted even better than it smelled. He would always prefer natural Pandoran food to Earth food, but if he had to pick a favorite from Earth, it was definitely this.
“Don’t inhale it all at once now!” Quaritch laughed as he watched him scarf it down. “We’re not in a rush. Just make sure you eat it all before we go meet up with the others. If Wainfleet sees it he’s gonna want on too.”
“Mm-hm!” Spider nodded through a mouthful of pastry.
For some reason, eating the cinnamon roll made him feel instantly better, which was odd. Spider had never been a comfort-food kind of person. Maybe the human chefs put some strange magic in their cinnamon rolls. Or —as he looked up at Quaritch, another idea occurred to him— maybe it had less to do with the roll, and more with the fact that Quaritch had thought to give it to him.
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lumina-luceat · 1 year
Omega Spider socorro
Part 2
Just some random thoughts that I have to let it out LOL. Platonic only, no romantic relationship!
Humans have alpha/beta/omega just like in the Omega verse but Navi doesn't have that. So when the first time Jake enters his Avatar body he feels really nice that can't smell any pheromones of omega and alpha, it has been bothering him for all his life.
After the great war Jake almost forgets about secondary gender until Spider is around 8 (I'm not sure the age when children show their secondary gender) He has normal check up and turns out Spider socorro is an Omega.
That freaking the hell out of Norm and Max like being a Quaritch child is hard enough and Spider is now Omega! Norm belike nah he doesn’t care who his father is, he's gonna take care of Spider until the day he dies. The McCosker? They don’t care about Spider anyway so Norm just nominates himself to be Spider guardian instant of McCosker. After that the scientist becomes like a mama hen that watches Spider every step. That makes Neytiri really confused about their sudden change.
So Jake basically has to explain Spider secondary gender to his mate and children. Neytiri found it ridiculous how Sky people treat other people with their secondary gender, how they only see that not the whole person but Neytiri didn’t care a lot because it is not something irrelevant to her family.
One day that Spider is going in the forest and suddenly Heat, he radio Norm and that makes hell break loose. Jake and Neytiri have to find him before something bad happens and when they find him it makes both Navi shocked.
Spider is sleeping on the pile of leaves while the other animal from Pandora surrounds him and cuddles the child, including Atokirina. That almost gives Jake a heart attack and when he tries to get closer at Spider the animal suddenly growls at him. He feels like the animal is trying to protect Spider like mama Thanator protects her cub. It makes Neytiri amazed and confused at the same time that why Eywa sent the animal to protect this demon child.
It turns out that Omega pheromone has the similar smell like the animal in distress so that is the reason why other animals were there cuddling and protecting him until he calmed down. After that incident whenever Spider enters the forest there alway be at least one animal that comes to check on him, sniff at him and leave, of course Sully kid (except Kiri) found it pretty weird. Neytiri is gaining new feelings for Spier, she feels like if Eywa accepts him then she will try to see him not as demon son. 
I just want to write some Omega verse fanfic but didn’t know that on Pandora they have the same thing. So I just went like only humans have and Navi doesn’t have. The animal part I thinking about Eywa see the Spider suddenly collapse and freak her out so bad that she just send a bunch of animal to protect him LOL because on Pandora they doesn’t have ABO so she really freak out a lot after that she still paranoid and send some animal to make sure he is ok. 
Let me know if you like this Idea it may have a part 2 !!
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naavispider · 2 years
What do you think Spider’s relationship with the McCoskers was like (Nash, Mary, and the boys)? Spider is apparently so desperate for a family that even Quaritch is considered a better candidate for a father than Nash so I’m assuming from that and what we’ve seen in the comics that it’s very negative, possibly bordering on abuse and neglect.
Imma preface this by saying I've only read The High Ground volume 1, so I don't know any of the background info from vol 2 and 3 about the McCoskers, however, I think I know everything I want to about them 😌 (tw abuse)
I hate to say it, but I think they were pretty awful to him. Mary and Nash were his adoptive parents, they wee the people who were supposed to love him, care for him, treat him as their own... and yet we never, not once, heard Spider even mention them. He acts like they don't exist, and for all intents and purposes, they don't.
Something must have gone extremely wrong for Spider to feel so 'parentless' despite having the McCoskers. Hell, we even see Norm and Max take a more active role in parenting him than his supposed family. Because that's what an adoptive family is: a family. True and total, despite not being blood related.
Which makes the fact that it failed even more heart-wrenching. I think this is strong evidence that points towards abuse. Spider is clearly desperate for parental figures in his life, and obviously he's not getting it from Nash and Mary. To me what makes the most sense if that they were abusive in the way they emotionally treated Spider.
they never wanted him around
they only took him because there was literally no one else
when they fell pregnant with their own kids, a lot of the caregiving fell on other adults' shoulders
they always favoured the boys more than spider
they changed spider's room into a nursery for their first child, without a plan for where spider would sleep when it arrived
the scientists were able to find him a spare room in Hell's Gate a bit further away from where the McCoskers live - it used to be a store cupboard but with a bit of help from Norm spider makes it look okay
neglect and emotional abuse take their toll on spider over the years and he comes to see Nash especially as just a person who was supposed to love him, but doesn't
he never called them mom or dad
the other scientists see what is going on but what can they do? they can't take spider in themselves
when spider gets back from the forest after a long day spent with the Omatikaya, the McCoskers just ignore his return.
"You're late Spider. Should we even bother saving dinner for you?"
"Perhaps you should ask to stay the night with Kiri and Lo'ak?"
"You got hurt? Go to the med bay, they'll sort you out."
Eventually, he just stops letting them know he's back safe, and they start to go days without even seeing each other (age 7-8)
Nash in particular starts to resent spider - "what are you doing here boy, we've just put the kids to bed!"
no one tells spider to brush his hair, take showers, brush his teeth etc.
spider takes meals where he can get them - he always misses dinner with the McCoskers because they eat early before putting the boys to bed
it's how he started to eat with the Sullys
he sometimes pops in for lunch with the science guys - he knows what time they break and also that the McCoskers aren't there
spider is never interested in playing with the McCosker's other kids (idk in my headcanon he is the only human child on Pandora even though that goes against established canon) because he would always get the blame if they got hurt or upset
the favouritism was so real that he started avoiding the family altogether
the McCoskers were obviously fine with this
Overall, terrible, terrible treatment of a child who needed a family. Even if that family was just one person. The McCoskers were chosen because they were a young couple who wanted kids of their own (they saw spider as 'practice'), and who were deemed 'reliable' - not because they actually wanted him or were emotionally available. It was a collective failure on all of the humans at Hell's Gate, because they all failed to step in and change the situation when it became clear the adoption wasn't working. Multiple failures all around.
And so, when Spider meets Quaritch - an adult whose singular parental focus is on him... who is constantly checking on his wellbeing, who gets mad when Spider puts himself in harm's way... it becmes abundantly clear why Spider falls for Quaritch as a father figure.
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I can’t stop imagining spider becoming an absolute badass, like the amount of ideas literally keep me up at night. For example, imagine that one day, Neytiri just goes off on Spider and says the most foul things to him - stuff that was so horrendous, even people who equally hated Spider being around had to try and calm her down, because what she was saying was completely out of line. To spider, he’s heard this all from the People, the Scientists, the McCoskers - but Neytiri always strikes a cord that can’t be fixed or shrugged off easily. The only thing that snaps him from his thoughts, was what Neytiri said next while she was being pulled away from the situation.
“You will never be One of the People. Your father is a Demon, and your mother is worse for ever loving him and producing such Spawn”
There it is the breaking point. Spider has always turned the other cheek when it comes to people that insult him or insult him by comparing him to his father. He always found that retaliation and tantrums only proved his accusers assumptions correct. But nobody. Nobody insults his mother. Spider could have screamed back and shouted bloody murder at her, but at this point, he just doesn’t care. She isn’t worth trying to prove himself to. His siblings know who he is, that’s enough.
From that day on, he doesn’t go to High Camp again and doesn’t wear his loincloth. He starts wearing cargo pants and tank tops, but he keeps his armbands, knife and jewellery. He wants to come into his own identity, but he can’t shed what remains of his past life (trying to be part of the Omaticaya). Personally, I don’t think that Norm and the other Scientists wouldn’t care too much about what spider does until he crosses a line or breaks a rule that they haven’t outright told him (that kind of behaviour is traumatising, I would know 🙂). So when figures out to give himself piercings and tattoos, they are livid. They are shocked at the transformation - where painted blue stripes used to be, there were inky black stripes that passed over every limb and even on his face; where dirty brown locs used to be, golden blond hair was fashioned into a Viking braid reaching down his back (similar to a kuru).
The only person that understands and doesn’t overreact is Max. Personally, that man was a dark horse in his family before he came to Pandora, I know it in my soul (Headcanon coming soon or after this post). He takes it on himself to support Spider and nurture his clear talents. He wishes he could have raised spider as his own, but knew that he would be shunned by his colleagues for raising his son - he couldn’t be seen as a disgrace after his time as a child.
Spider had a number of talents and skills, including Engineering, Chemistry, Languages, Marksmanship and martial arts. Max helped to nurture each and everyone. Some days, he would have Spider build and repair weapons and tech. Other days, Spider would learn chemical reactions or a new language. Every evening, Max would instruct Spider in combat and would exercise and lift with him to encourage him. Over the course of a month or two, Spider was unrecognisable. He took in information like a sponge and soon Max was running out of things to teach him. Piloting Samsons and Scorpions - took a few tries, but Spider was truly a born pilot like Paz. Stealth and parkour - He was already a natural, but he was fooling Na’vi warriors more often than not after a week of practice.
Eventually, when Jake started performing raids on RDA Trains, Spider knew it was time to put this all into practice. You see, deep down, he still wanted to prove himself to the People, but not so he could be one of them. He wanted to prove himself, to show them what he forged himself into despite them. However, he knew Jake would never approve him going along - he was still a child. The thought to Spider was ludicrous; Spider never believed he was a child, because no child goes through what he did and remains a child. So he decides to go anyway and doesn’t bother with permission. Though, he does ask Max, who understandably forbids this from happening. After reasoning that he would be safer if he got support to complete this venture, Max relented after hours of back and forth.
And thus, Araña was born. Imagine Winter Soldier getup (Hydra-controlled Bucky, not White Wolf armour) where the half mask acts as his rebreather so he doesn’t risk glass from a regular mask entering his eyes. All manners of weapons are strapped to his body including an Assault Rifle, a revolver (nobody knows that it was actually Quaritch’s revolver that delivered the fatal shot to Grace), A bow and quiver, a LOT of knives and a grenade or two. He looks terrifying but despite this Max feels proud - not about his boy going to fight in a war that has devastated everything he loves, but because this kid, his son, has stepped into his role as a defender and Max is proud of how far Spider has come to reach his goals.
Queue Spider being the biggest menace to RDA society that has ever existed. There was no reason for the Na’vi Ground forces to blow up the rail line, because Spider had already hijacked the train and pulled the breaks. The look of an anonymous Sky Person swing around the train killing and disarming grown men confused everyone in the raiding party, especially the Sully’s. There was something familiar about the acrobatics of this mysterious warrior, the answer on the tips of their tongues. It was only after Spider saved Lo’ak and Neteyam from the missile strike, that everyone realised who this person was. Nobody believed it until Spider spoke and then all he’ll broke loose.
I apologise if this too long or weird, I just needed to get this out of my head. I’ll definitely be adding to this given time, regardless of whether or not people like it, and the only thing that can stop me is my undiagnosed AuDHD.
Farewell to all, Yours sincerely,
Your Favourite Evil Overlord
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
I demand James Cameron to release the names of every scientist/human/avatar that were chosen to stay and live in harmony among the Na'vi.
There's Norm and Max, obviously, and there's like two named humans in the graphic novel, the High Ground, who just happen to be Spider's foster parents, Nash and Mary McCosker.
Imdb credits have all these avatar and biolab scientists unnamed. When watching the film on Amazon Prime, they have the biolab woman who berates Tuk and says "Avatars only, go around!" is labeled Jocelyn in closed captions but that's the actress' real name.
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What if tell you about the cinderella AU-
Spider is cinderella, both bio parents are dead and he is being cared from this evil step parents(or adoptive, i call them step)
He being forced to do all the chores, and he will miss the gran festival(?) The olo’eyktan created for his child to find mate ( i would say Neteyam but honestly this can apply for both Lo'ak and Kiri as well?)
Anyway, the step parents dont want him to go and force him to clean their villa.
Spider goes cry in the garden and then his fairy godmother (eywa) saves him and makes him go to the festival.
(THIS IS SO RANDOM HELP, i just finished listening to a cinderella song and this came to mind lol)
The really funny thing about this idea is it can just fit into the story already. It doesn't have to be an au.
Right, the McCoskers hate when Spider goes to the village, they like him being gone and they don't pay enough attention to him so he still is able to sneak away. Spider's best moments are when he gets to go to the village and pretend to be a normal kid, but he's never there at night because that's when his foster family would notice.
Neteyam is already the clan leaders son, and they already have festivals. Maybe there's one the night before his Uníltaron, and Spider goes to sneak out but his foster parents obviously know about this big event so they hid all the masks. Eywa visits him and magically makes him able to breathe for the night.
(This can easily fit into the accidentally mated au, guys, come on, can't you pICTURE IT???)
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