#Measles Market
aj802694 · 2 years
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sorry if i'm bothering you, i loved so muchhh your raya x reader one shot, sooo i was wondering if have some time, can you do another one? (something fluff because she's so adorable).No pressure of course.
Thank you so much and keep going because you are fantastic.
Have a nice day/afternoon/night
Hi Anon! Sorry, I'm getting to this so late. I would love to do this for you. Raya x reader coming up!
When I Looked Into Your Eyes, I Saw Stars For The First Time | Raya x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Raya was helpless with her crush on you. What she didn't know was how much you liked her back. In other words, four times Raya daydreamed about you and the one time she thought you might be daydreaming too.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Hopeless Lesbian, Fluff, Long Oneshot, No Use of Y/n, Second Person, Not Proofread.
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twenty-one. raya was twenty-one freaking years old and she still had a crush on you. it's been six years. six, and raya still had no clue how to get you out of her head. how could she want to?
when she thought of you, she thought of how your eyes sparkled during firework shows at night festivals. she thought of how your cheeks puffed up when you stuffed your face full of food and then how depleted you felt after.
to her, you were so cute it was sickening. downright nauseating and her knees were weak.
"wow, raya! are you sick or something? you're looking at that human like how noi looks at golden and shiny objects." the dragon lady commented. raya hummed in a measle response. she pushed a lazy shoulder towards the dragon and let her hat loosely hang from her fingers.
at the day market, you were negotiating with an elder merchant. as you walked by her table, you noticed some sparkly crystal-beaded jewelry. upon further inspection, the beads were fake. nonetheless, you still wanted the jewelry, but not at the ridiculous price she was advertising.
"all's good, sisu," raya slurred her words. she shifted her weight to her back foot, letting the other stretch out. in a love-stricken daze, she put a hand in her pocket.
"yeah, right," namaari commented. she took the hat from raya's fingers. with light movement, she placed the hat on raya's head. namaari continued to smack the top of the hat with a bonk!
"hey!" raya huffed. she tilted the brim of the hat upwards. "what gives?"
"what gives is your longing. stop being a baby and ask them out already." namaari rolled her eyes. she crossed her arms over her chest while a merchant went around advertising homemade bao.
raya scoffed. "i have no clue what you're talking about."
"oo, raya has a crush! who is it? who is it?" sisu bounced around hon her heels, grabbing a bao as she looked up and down the street for raya's crush.
on cue, you walked over to the group holding five bracelets. "i finally got her to mark the price down some. that lady had a tight grasp around her 60 jade per bracelet."
"per bracelet?!" sisu exclaimed. she snapped her attention to the shiny objects wrapped around your fingers. you nodded. you took a blue and purple bracelet from your collection and wrapped it around sisu's wrist.
"yup. 60. she's crazy but im crazier. i made her change the price to 15 for one or 20 for 5."
"whoa," namaari added. "that's a crazy price drop. how'd you do it?"
"a magician never reveals their secret." you gave namaari a dazzling grin as you slid a firey red bracelet around her wrist. raya tilted her head to the side and hummed again. the polishing of the crystals had nothing against the shine in your eye.
"okay, so, i gathered information from tail to fang and no one has anything on fermented bean sprout powder," you announced as your walked into the designated meeting room of raya's home. raya and namaari were sat at the table.
raya and namaari, up to no good as usual, were making some sort of potion or maybe a dish that required outlandish ingredients like dusted jasmine flower and fermented bean sprout powder. you weren't even sure if those things existed.
raya groaned, leaning her elbows on the table. she held her head in her hands. "are you sure? no one has any information on anything?"
"mm, nope." you placed the collection of papers you had in your hand on the table. beside the paper was a stack of books. "hey," you ran your hand across the thick leather cover of the first book. it was as thick as box of juice, its cover dusty and scratched up. the title of the book was intelligible. "can i scan through this to see if i can find anything?"
namaari, who's been quiet this whole time and enjoying the daze looked in raya's eye, turned her head towards the Heart princess. "yeah uh," raya sat up in her chair. she cleared her throat and scooted the chair closer in. "of course." with a thank you and a sweet smile, you sat at the table. you took the thick book off the top of the stack. it landed on the table with a thick thud. a puff of dust erupted of underneath. you simply swatted the dust away before reading.
raya tilted her head, resting a cheek in the palm of her hand. she was at the end of the table while you were on the opposite end and on the side. the same side namaari was sitting on. namaari was in the chair closest to raya.
raya let out a quiet, dreamy sigh. switching her head to her other hand as you flipped to another page. namaari groaned. she sat back in her chair and pinched the bridge of her nose. "seriously, you're still hung up over this? i thought you were done."
snapped out of her thoughts, raya glared at namaari. "may i remind you why we're here in the first place? no, I'm not done. stick a cork in it."
"stick a cork in it? stick a cork--" namaari stood from her chair. the chair scruffed against the flooring. the sound rang through the echoey room, but you paid no mind. raya grabbed her wrist and shoved her back down.
"stick a cork in it."
"i don't know, there's just, something about them," raya spoke to the stars. she sat at her bedroom window. she had the doors opened, curtains pulled back, and rested an arm on the seal. she sat on the cush cushions of the bench her father made her when she was young.
at first, it was so she could look at the stars without going on her tiptoes, but now it was a place for her to collect her thoughts and talk to the sky.
"i feel different around them. it was the same way i felt with namaari when we were little, but stronger somehow," she spoke out to the sky. "like, when i first met namaari, i was bursting with excitement. i was making a new friend, she was nice, and also a dragon lover. obviously, that feeling turned into hate for a little while, and I'm not saying i hate them or namaari--" she interrupted her ramble by groaning. she dramatically let her forehead fall to her arm.
she took a deep breath. "saying these feelings are so much harder than thinking them," she mumbled into her hand. she lifted her head up, placing her chin on her arm instead. "what i have with them is different than what i have with namaari. it's the excitement, the giggling, and the dizziness i get when I'm around them that's so addicting. i didn't get that with namaari. what i had with her was simply platonic." raya looked up into the sky. a cluster of stars gathered by some leaves of a tree. a soft breeze brushed her skin, forcing raya to take another deep breath. she closed her eyes. she let her shoulders come up to her ears and then deflate. she slouched, feeling a pull towards the ground. slow, she opened her eyes again. she was refreshed, renewed. she knew what her feelings meant now.
when she looked back into the sky again, a star that led the cluster twinkled. raya smiled, the breeze brushing past her ears. "yeah, i get it now. thank you."
finally, the last time raya daydreamed about you co-sided with the time she realized you daydream about her.
there was a party at Heart. it was summer and Heart used every excuse they could to throw a party. Heart's Annual Summer Bash was something all the regions participated in. before the whole, saving the world thing with sisu, a sprinkle of people from each region would come, but since then, everyone came!
raya stood by the food table, resting on the half wall behind. with a fond look in her eye, she scanned the party. there was a couple dancing with their kid in the middle of the dance floor, kids running around with food all over their faces, and then there was you, happily talking to sisu. whatever you were talking about, it excited you.
your eyes lit up, their color even more vibrant than before. the apples of your cheeks puffed up because of how much you were smiling and laughing. raya felt like her chest was going to explode. she wanted to cup your face and kiss it, make you smile more. she wanted to hold your hands and feel how soft they were. raya wanted to do so many things with you, but she couldn't. she didn't want to creep you out.
"raya," her father said as he walked over with a smile. he was dressed up in his party wear, his hair in his usual man bun. snapping out of her trance, raya matched her dad's smile. she pulled him into a hug.
"hi, dad!"
"raya," her dad resumed. he pulled away from the hug. "this party is amazing. you and namaari outdid yourselves." raya waved him off with a sheepish chuckle.
"oh, it was nothing."
"nonsense. this party is better than any one i orchestrated." chief benja laughed, shaking his head. with a happy sigh, he leaned against the wall. "are you okay, dewdrop? i saw you spacing out earlier."
raya's smile softened. she turned around to lean her forearms on the wall's edge. she looked out the opening. she could see the bridge and sparkling water. even from far away, she could see the leaves moving in the wind. "yeah, I'm okay."
chief benja's smile matched hers. he rubbed the small of her back. "you saw them, didn't you? why don't you confess and tell them how you feel? it's been seven years--"
"-- six actually." raya stood upright. she held onto the wall as she rocked herself back and forth. "it's been six years since i had a crush on them. won't be seven until two months."
chief benja laughed. he put his hands up in defense. "oh, excuse me. six years." he opened his mouth to speak again, but from the corner of his eye, he saw a certain young adult walking up to them while fidgeting with a beaded bracelet. "oh, i think someone is calling my name," he told raya. "I'll catch you later."
"okay, dad--"
"hi, raya."
FIVE (technically one)
she just had to stand like that. with her thumbs in her pockets and her back against the wall.
you were proud to say your crush on raya has been a successful secret. no one, absolutely no one, knew you liked her. not even namaari, the girl who swears she knows everyone's secret. she was too wrapped up in her own life to notice yours. not that you were complaining though.
you had a crush on raya for years now; you didn't know the exact number.
there were many opportunities where you hinted your crush on her. like earlier this week, you bought her a bracelet. then, you volunteered to find that ingredient she needed, and now, you were at her party having the time of your life.
okay, so, maybe you weren't the best at hinting at your crush on her but today you had a plan. you bought an extra bracelet for her. you spent your free time during the week creating a personalized charm. it was a heart with your initials engraved into it along with a plus sign. it was the perfect gift to confess. or maybe it was creepy. you hoped she didn't see it as creepy.
"hi, raya," you spoke. your voice was soft and quiet. if you two weren't so close, you were afraid raya wouldn't hear you.
"oh," raya turned around. she stood up straighter, a smile spreading across her face. "hey, you. you enjoying the party?"
your heart was racing. her beautiful brown eyes were staring directly into yours. you could only dream of this moment. her, smelling of fruit and forest, and the strands of her hair neatly pulled back and braided. she even had a half bun to match her dad's.
swallowing hard and wondering where the heck the moisture in your mouth went, you nodded. "yeah! um, I'm having a good time. i actually came over here to talk to you about something."
"uh oh, that doesn't sound good." raya chuckled. she waved you over to join looking at the view with her. you obliged. you stood next to her and instead of looking at the view, you looked at her. "what's up?"
you took a deep breath. there was no time but now to confess. "i made, well, bought this bracelet for you and added the charm." you handed the bracelet off to her. as she grabbed it, her fingertips lingered on yours.
you felt fizz burst up and through you. it was like she knew the effect her touch had on you. your ears were ringing and goosebumps spread to your arms. raya chuckled softly, her own cheeks changing in color.
she inspected the bracelet. she dragged her fingers against the small and cool beads. "this is really cool, thank you."
anxious, you watched as her eyes scanned the item. she finally took notice of the charm. she brought the bracelet closer to her eyes, squinting to read the text. the new color on her cheeks got worse. her dazzling eyes met yours and then looked back at the charm.
"this... this is..."
"raya," you let out a breath. "i like you. i've liked you for some time now and keeping my feelings a secret, while wildly successful, it's also wildly stressful. i lay awake at night hoping and wishing i get to see you and hang out with you." you glanced up at her. she was staring at you now. her face was hard to read. you couldn't tell if she was intrigued or grossed out. either way, you continued. "and if the gift isn't your style or maybe I'm not your style, but i thought you deserved to know how i feel about you so," you trailed off. how else were you supposed to end that? she still hasn't said anything.
raya didn't have anything to say. she realized a few nights back that actions mean a lot more than words. after you confessed, she thought of all the times you were there for her or gifted her something. how couldn't she notice? you were right there. all the time
she held up her wrist to show off the purple bracelet you bought her earlier that week. with a teasing smile, she took it off. she slipped the new one on. after putting the old bracelet in her pocket, she held your hand up to hers. your bracelet on the wrist she held up. she intertwined your fingers, her teasing smile now a grin. "i like you too, jewels."
you laughed. the ringing in your ears calmed down, but that didn't stop the fuzzy feeling in your stomach and the roaring warmth on your cheeks. "jewels?"
she nodded. "you have a knack for buying me jewelry," she cooed. "it's cute, but you don't have to keep buying stuff for me anymore. so, no more hassling old ladies to make sure you got a great gift for your super cool and attractive crush." she poked your nose.
you swatted her hand. "hey, no teasing!"
"ahh," she let go of your hand to wrap her arm around your shoulders. "no can do, jewels. you have a crush on me, it's only fair to tease you."
"oh, so i can tease you back?" you held the hand that was around your shoulders.
"not necessarily, but, i can give you something in return."
confused, you scrunched your eyebrows together and tilted your head. she pulled away from you with a laugh. after digging in her pockets, she pulled out a necklace that had a mini glass bottle hanging from it.
"it's uh, it's forever powder. mari and i found out about it while searching through old books. legend has it that whomever you give this concoction to, you swear your friendship and loyalty to them." she gestured to the necklace, silently asking if she could put it on you. you nodded. raya carefully took the necklace and wrapped it around your neck. she fixed your clothes to make sure the necklace was showing off.
"it looks like we both have a thing for gifting jewelry," you teased her. a grin spread across your lips. raya gave you a dry laugh. she wrapped her arm around your shoulders again.
"seems like."
WC: 2,811
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odinsblog · 7 months
are you disappointed that bree newsome wants trump reclected?
Bree Newsome is a prolific tweeter and I’ve looked, but I haven’t seen anywhere where she said that she wants Trump to be re-elected. Please send me the link to the specific tweet if I’m wrong.
I understand and agree with much of what Bree has been saying on Twitter though. I mean, I dO get it. I think her major concern is that 1) in some important ways, the difference between Trump’s policies and some of Biden’s policies has not been all that great, and 2) if Biden should win (definitely not a guarantee) liberals will go right back to brunch and act as if the problem is gone and everything is “okay” again.
As far as the first point goes, you don’t need to look any further than Biden’s Title 42; or how the Biden administration literally sued to keep using Trump’s previous racist immigration policies. Not a good look. And now, you’ve got Democrats trying to out-Republican Republicans by showing how tough cruel they can be to refugees who are legally seeking asylum at the Southern border. Bottom line, the immigration policies are white supremacy-lite, and some of the changes Biden is proposing—like forcing asylum seekers to wait in another country while the government takes its sweet time with endless immigration red tape—these changes will fundamentally change America’s immigration system, for the worse.
And that’s without me even touching on how badly Biden is fucking up with Palestine.
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And as for the second point, conservative Democrats have gone back to brunch once orange man gone. Remember how hard Democrats came down on the Trump administration for their poor Coronavirus response? Yet now we have the CDC basically telling people to stay their asses at work even if they’ve tested positive for COVID. WTF?? Did I mention that measles are making a comeback?? And Biden isn’t saying anything, and neither are his surrogates. And so it is perhaps this tendency towards inaction(?) that is the most significantly damaging and damning aspect that creates disaffected voters who should be motivated to get rid of Trump and Republicans writ large —in a lot of ways that matter, disaffected voters don’t see any significant differences. Sure, the stock market is doing great, but people are getting their asses kicked on a lot of day-to-day, kitchen table issues. Unemployment is down, but a lot of people still have to work multiple jobs to make ends meet.
So yeah, I won’t be dismissive or derisive about Bree Newsome. She’s making some really valid points for anyone who is willing to actually listen.
Now that all said, I think that there is something fundamentally wrong that people are missing when they say misguided things like, “We survived one Trump administration, and we can survive another one.” A lot of marginalized groups and oppressed people won’t survive a second Trump administration. They just won’t.
Because if you thought it was bad the last time, I promise you the next Trump administration won’t be anything like the last one. Last time Trump was unprepared and didn’t even expect to win, so they made rookie mistakes. That won’t happen next time. The next Trump administration will be stacked from top to bottom with diehard Trump loyalists who will ruthlessly execute his most racist policies, foreign and domestic. (See also: Project 2025).
And yes, Biden is 100% for shit on his policy of standing by Israel no matter what. People who agree with Bree think that we will, more or less, have the same kind of problems under Trump that we’re having under Biden now. Those people are what I like to call deadass wrong.
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Literally EVERYTHING will become exponentially worse in a second Trump term. For everyone who isn’t a wealthy, cisgender heterosexual white male.
Just imagine America with a Republican controlled House and Senate. Goodbye Medicare and Social Security. Goodbye labor laws. So long minimum wages. See ya, state local and federal courts not totally stacked with Federalist Society judges. It was nice knowing you, “shithole” countries full of people who I love and care about.
Look, I finally figured out something that used to bother me when I first became politically aware: it bugged tf out of me whenever I heard someone say, “THIS is the most important election everrrr!! Because THIS time, democracy itself is on the line!” Pfft. I was like a lot of people I see now, saying “But that’s what you said about the last election.” The truth is, every election is pretty much life or death. Every single one. Because elections aren’t like something you do once, and then afterwards everything is all good forever and ever. Maybe it should be, but you got assholes like Mitch McConnell and Ron DeSantis and Trump and whoever comes after them, you got people who will always be trying their hardest to constantly make shit worse for everyone who isn’t wealthy and white. They aren’t going away. So we can’t go away either. Because the moment we checkout and go back to brunch, they get right back to working on their usual transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic, racist, bullshit culture wars.
So as long as Republicans, Libertarians and conservative “Democrats” keep punching in, we gotta punch in too.
I wanna be really clear about something here: Joe Biden has done some very good things (like capping the cost of insulin), but he has also been, in many ways (not all), a terrible “Democratic” president. Biden is far too enamored of “bipartisanship,” and reaching across the aisle (to people who do not want to compromise), and Biden is far far too enamored of the non-existent good old days™ when Republicans weren’t the evil pieces of shit that they are now, and he takes far too long to change his position on important issues. Like Palestine.
But yeah, (can’t believe I’M saying this) he’s definitely better than a second Trump term will be. And even if he’s slow to change positions, at least he can be persuaded. Trump can’t.
I’m not white and I’m not rich. I am terrified of a second Trump term. I’m basically a single issue voter now, and my issue is keeping Trump out of office and HOPEFULLY making him pay for every single law he’s broken.
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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700+ Civil War-Era Gold Coins Found Buried in Kentucky
A man unearthed a huge hoard of Civil War-era gold and silver coins on his Kentucky farm.
A Kentucky man got the surprise of his life while digging in his field earlier this year: a cache of over 700 coins from the American Civil War era.
The "Great Kentucky Hoard" includes hundreds of U.S. gold pieces dating to between 1840 and 1863, in addition to a handful of silver coins. In a short video, the man who discovered the hoard — whose identity and specific location have not been revealed to the public — says, "This is the most insane thing ever: Those are all $1 gold coins, $20 gold coins, $10 gold coins," as he aims his camera at the artifacts tumbling out of the dirt.
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According to the Numismatic Guaranty Co. (NGC), which certified the coins' authenticity, and GovMint, where the coins were sold, 95% of the hoard is composed of gold dollars, along with 20 $10 Liberty coins and eight $20 Liberty coins. The rarest is the 1863-P $20 1-ounce gold Liberty coin. Just one of these coins can go for six figures at auction, and the Great Kentucky Hoard boasts 18 of them. NGC's website notes that the $20 Liberty coin, which circulated from 1850 to 1907, was minted by the Treasury Department after gold was discovered in California. The $20 Liberty coins in the hoard are even rarer because they do not include "In God We Trust," which was added in 1866 after the end of the Civil War.
Potentially more important, though, is what the hoard can tell us about America's history during an extremely tumultuous period.
Ryan McNutt, a conflict archaeologist at Georgia Southern University who has heard about but not seen the hoard, said in an email that "given the time period and the location in Kentucky, which was neutral at the time, it is entirely possible this was buried in advance of Confederate John Hunt Morgan's June to July 1863 raid."
Many wealthy Kentuckians are rumored to have buried huge sums of money to prevent it from being stolen by the Confederacy. James Langstaff left a letter saying he had buried $20,000 in coins on his property in Paducah, William Pettit buried $80,000 worth of gold coins near Lexington, and Confederate soldiers quarantined for measles reportedly stole payroll and hid it in a cave in Cumberland Gap. None of these caches has ever been recovered.
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Considering the hoard coins are federal currency, McNutt said, it may be the result of a Kentuckian's dealings with the federal government — "dealings that it would be wise to conceal from a Confederate raiding party." Many Americans affected by the Civil War "became experienced with hiding goods and valuables," he said.
Most concentrations of historical artifacts found on private land end up going to market or being collected without archaeological consultation, according to McNutt. "As a conflict archaeologist, I find this loss of information particularly frustrating," he said. Hoards have an incredible amount of information about the person who collected the objects, offering archaeologists insight into a brief window in time.
Historical finds like these on private land in the U.S. do not need to be reported to an archaeologist. But McNutt, who has developed close relationships with landowners, believes that education and outreach are key to learning more about these rare coin caches.
"It is entirely up to the landowner," McNutt said, but not engaging with an archaeologist means "it's a snapshot of the past, lost forever."
By Kristina Killgrove.
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darkmaga-retard · 23 hours
ICAN’s attorneys obtained documents related to the widely reported May 2023 “outbreak” of measles in Maine. As it turns out, test results from the CDC confirmed that the measles case was “consistent with vaccine strain,” meaning there was no “outbreak” and, instead, it was the vaccine that caused the child’s rash.
Lead Counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq. lays out the details here:
On May 5, 2023, the Maine CDC reported that a child had “tested positive” for measles. News outlets immediately began fearmongering, hinting that the “outbreak” was due to low vaccination rates:
“Measles can be serious for anyone…” (Maine CDC Facebook Page)
“In severe cases, measles can cause pneumonia, brain swelling and death.” (Bangor Daily News)
“The CDC says roughly one to three of every 1,000 children infected with measles die.” (USA Today) Note: the death rate is actually more like 1 in 500,000.
“Measles was declared eliminated from the US in 2000… But vaccination rates in the US have dropped in recent years, sparking new outbreaks.” (CNN)
“Anyone who is not immunized or does not know their measles immunization status should get vaccinated.” (Maine CDC Press Release)
The Maine CDC reported that even though the child had received a dose of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, it was “considering the child to be infectious out of an abundance of caution.” In the meantime, the Maine CDC indicated it had sent a specimen to CDC headquarters to determine the specific strain of measles; however, it did not mention how the child would have been exposed to the wild strain of measles, such as international travel, nor did it share how recently the child may have received the vaccine.
According to a WHO report, about 2% of those who receive the measles vaccine develop a rash, called VARI (vaccine-associated rash illness). In fact, one study recommends assuming the rash is vaccine-caused and that “testing should only be considered if exposure to the wild-type (not vaccine-strain) virus is strongly suspected.”
So, it is unclear why the Maine CDC raised the alarm and then took so long to confirm the specific strain. The child was diagnosed on May 3, but it took the Maine CDC five days to ship the sample to the CDC. It then took the CDC seven days to report the results and for the Maine CDC to announce the child was not infectious.
ICAN, through its attorneys, requested relevant records and received them. Incredibly, they reveal that the positive measles test was “[c]onsistent with vaccine strain,” which is apparently an “acceptable” form of measles because, as the Maine CDC announced, the strain that the child tested positive for was not considered “an infectious strain of the virus,” despite causing traditional symptoms of the disease. Decidedly absent from Maine’s announcement was the fact that the child got measles as a result of the vaccine. Maine and the CDC simply hid this fact from the public.
Maine’s actions make sense, however, when considering that it may have just been following a CDC marketing presentation which states that the perfect “recipe” for creating demand for vaccines “requires creating concern, anxiety, and worry” by, for example, having medical experts and public health authorities “state concern and alarm (and predict dire outcomes)” and show “[v]isible/tangible examples of the seriousness of the illness (e.g., pictures of children, families of those affected coming forward) and people getting vaccinated (the first to motivate, the latter to reinforce)” — all things we saw implemented during this “outbreak.”
ICAN will continue to follow-up on reported outbreaks across the country. In the meantime, catch up on some of ICAN’s additional work on vaccine policy:
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the-haunted-office · 4 months
📰for Doom + Night :))
Send me a symbol for my muse to give your muse an item!
📰 — nothing but bad news
Doomsday stands there giggling and giggling and giggling away after she hands Night the collage she made of all the newspaper clippings showing all the orchestrated orca attacks on yachts. And all the wildfires. And measles outbreaks. And stock market crashes. And one article talking about how the solar eclipse last month had caused a number of religious cults to perform mass suicides.
"Ehehehe, isn't it interesting, Night? How the world is collapsing around you. We Shinigami don't even have to do anything, ehehehe. Not that we have anything planned, mind you, but if our ultimate goal was to eradicate the humans, well... you're doing a fine job of it yourselves, ehehehehe."
She points the articles regarding the orcas attacking and sinking yachts.
"Not even the animals on your planet like humans. Hehehehe. I think that's very funny. What do humans make of this?"
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noblehcart · 2 years
The Scarlet Pimpernel Sentence Meme (part one)
"He won’t get through my gate, morbleu! unless he be the devil himself."
“Bah! what a man to be afraid of sickness.”
“I thought you’d grown deaf in that kitchen of yours.”
"-you are growing prettier and prettier every time I see you."
"As for me, I vow I could demolish a baron of beef to-night.”
“Odd’s my life, supper at last!”
"“Ah! of course, you must have a leader. "
“Because the Scarlet Pimpernel works in the dark, and his identity is only known under a solemn oath of secrecy to his immediate followers.”
“Why! what a droll name! What is the Scarlet Pimpernel, Monsieur?”
“I have heard that the picture of that little red flower is the only thing that frightens him.”
“he will have many more opportunities of studying the shape of that small scarlet flower.”
 “it all sounds like a romance, and I cannot understand it all.”
"I vow, I love the game, for this is the finest sport I have yet encountered.—Hair-breadth escapes . . . the devil’s own risks!—Tally ho!—and away we go!”
“The women even, in France, have been more bitter against us aristocrats than the men,”
“I will not see her!—I will not see her!”
“Let the poor man be—and give him some supper at my expense.”
"Let me get to the fire, I am perished with the cold.”
“La! Did you ever see such an unpleasant person?"
“I forbid you to speak to that woman!”
“did you ever see such a beastly day? Demmed climate this.”
“how sheepish you all look. . . . What’s up?”
" I am ready to offer you the usual reparation between men of honour.”
“What the devil is that?”
"what’s the good of your sword to me?”
"As for me, I never fight duels.”
 "your chivalry misguides you, you forget that you yourself have imported one bundle of goods from France.”
“I had the pick of the market, Madame, and my taste is unerring.”
“Remember, dear, I have only you . . . to . . . to care for me. . . .”
"He seemed to worship me with a curious intensity of concentrated passion, which went straight to my heart."
"But it has always seemed to me that it must be heavenly to be loved blindly, passionately, wholly . . . worshipped."
 "I would have allowed myself to be worshipped, and given infinite tenderness in return. . . .”
“Pretty women, ought to have a good time, since all the pleasant things are forbidden them—the very things they do every day.”
"I often pass a whole day—a whole day—without encountering a single temptation.”
"They come upon us like the measles . . . and are as easily cured.”
"Where in the world am I to look for him?”
“Whoever the man may be, he is brave and noble, and never—do you hear me?—never would I lend a hand to such villainy.”
“You prefer to be insulted by every French aristocrat who comes to this country?”
“I can defend myself, but I refuse to do any dirty work for you."
“Have you any special instructions for me?”
 “I think that you will help me to find the Scarlet Pimpernel.”
"Faith, the tale does infinite credit to your imagination!”
"-and you would now force me to do some spying work for you in exchange for my brother's safety?—Is that it?”
"Now you hold a knife at my throat, and a hostage for my obedience. . . . You find it simple. . . . I don’t.”
“Are you coming, m’dear?”
“virtue is like precious odours, most fragrant when it is crushed.”
“Virtue, alas! is mostly unbecoming to your charming sex."
"-his fair adorers have to be content with worshipping a shadow."
“We seek him here, we seek him there. Those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven?—Is he in hell? That demmed, elusive Pimpernel?”
“The heat in the room was terrible . . . I felt so faint. . . . Ah! . . .”
“Why do you stare at me like that?”
" How should I venture to thwart the love-god again?"
“You have news for me?”
“What are you going to do?”
“Will your ladyship honour me with the contredanse until your coach is ready?”
“Which means that a brave man’s blood will be on my hands,” 
“That Satan, your master, will have need of you elsewhere, before the sun rises to-day.”
“At your service, Madame!”
"Was it three years ago or four that you saw me for one hour in Paris, on your way to the East?"
"When you came back two years later you had not forgotten me.”
“Is it possible that love can die?”
 "Do you wish to see me once more a love-sick suppliant at your feet, so that you might again have the pleasure of kicking me aside, like a troublesome lap-dog?”
"I was vain and frivolous; your wealth and position allured me: I married you, hoping in my heart that your great love for me would beget in me a love for you . . ."
"I was tricked into doing this thing, by men who knew how to play upon my love for an only brother, and my desire for revenge."
“I wished to test your love for me, and it did not bear the test."
"You used to tell me that you drew the very breath of life but for me, and for love of me.”
“And to probe that love, you demanded that I should forfeit mine honour,”
"My heart overflowing with love and passion, I asked for no explanation—I waited for one, not doubting—only hoping."
“I swore to you . . . once, that my life was yours. "
"I wished to speak to you . . . because . . . because I was in trouble . . . and had need . . . of your sympathy.”
“How cold you are!” 
“I pray you, in what way can I serve you?”
"I have no one to whom I can turn . . . for help . . . or even for sympathy. . . .”
“And so, the murderous dog of the revolution is turning upon the very hands that fed it?"
“will you dry your tears? . . . I never could bear to see a pretty woman cry, and I . . .”
 “You have so much influence at court . . . so many friends . . .”
" I pledge you my word that he shall be safe. "
"Now, have I your permission to go? The hour is getting late, and . . .”
“You will at least accept my gratitude?”
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gregor-samsung · 2 years
“ The scope of her work, Reed told me, encompassed a range of infectious diseases that threaten gorilla health, of which Ebola is only the most exotic. The others were largely human diseases of more conventional flavor, to which gorillas are susceptible because of their close genetic similarity to us: TB, poliomyelitis, measles, pneumonia, chickenpox, et cetera. Gorillas can be exposed to such infections wherever unhealthy people are walking, coughing, sneezing, and crapping in the forest. Any such spillover in the reverse direction—from humans to a nonhuman species—is known as an anthroponosis. The famous mountain gorillas, for instance, have been threatened by anthroponotic infections such as measles, carried by ecotourists who come to dote upon them. (Mountain gorillas constitute a severely endangered subspecies of the eastern gorilla, confined to the steep hillsides of the Virunga Volcanoes in Rwanda and neighboring lands. The western gorilla of Central African forests, a purely lowland species, is more numerous but far from secure.) Combined with destruction of their habitat by logging operations, and the hunting of them for bushmeat to be consumed locally or sold into markets, infectious diseases could push western gorillas from their current levels of relative abundance (maybe a hundred thousand in total) to a situation in which small, isolated populations survive tenuously, like the mountain gorillas, or go locally extinct. But the forests of Central Africa are still relatively vast, compared to the small Virunga hillsides that harbor mountain gorillas; and the western gorilla doesn’t face many ecotourists in its uncomfortable, nearly impenetrable home terrain. So measles and TB aren’t the worst of its problems. “I would say that, without a doubt, Ebola is the biggest threat” to the western species, Reed said. What makes Ebola virus among gorillas so difficult, she explained, is not just its ferocity but also the lack of data. “We don’t know if it was here before. We don’t know if they survive it. But we need to know how it passes through groups. We need to know where it is.” And the question of where has two dimensions. How broadly is Ebola virus distributed across Central Africa? Within what reservoir species does it lurk? “
David Quammen, Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic; W. W. Norton, 2012 [ eBook ]
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tamanna31 · 11 days
Blood Screening Market 2023- Business Planning Research and Resources, Revenue, and Forecasts 2030
Blood Screening Market Size & Trends
The global blood screening market size was valued at USD 2.76 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.7% from 2023 to 2030. 
Blood screening is a process in which donated blood is screened for infectious diseases such as HBV, HCV, HIV1, and HIV2. The high growth of this market is attributed to rising blood donations, an increase in the incidence of infectious diseases, and government initiatives. According to World Health Organization (WHO), 118.54 million blood donations are collected yearly. In the U.S., 6.8 million individuals donate blood annually, and 13.6 million units of red blood cells and whole blood are collected annually.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Blood Screening Market
The market is primarily driven by the rise in the rate of disorders such as HIV, diphtheria, measles and chronic diseases such as hemophilia, cancer, and other blood-related disorders. Blood-based diagnostics are used to diagnose a wide range of diseases, including infectious diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Serology tests detect the presence of antibodies to a specific disease-causing organism. These tests diagnose various infectious diseases, including HIV, hepatitis B, and syphilis. Molecular tests detect the presence of DNA or RNA from a specific disease-causing organism. These tests are more sensitive than serology tests and can be used to diagnose diseases at an earlier stage. Biochemical tests measure the levels of certain substances in the blood. These tests can diagnose a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, kidney disease, and liver disease.
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the market. Although respiratory droplets are the primary means of COVID-19 virus transmission, research has shown that viral RNA may be discovered in blood samples, supporting blood screening for COVID-19 identification, hence driving the market significantly. 
Blood Screening Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global blood screening market based on technology, product, and region:
Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAT)
Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) and Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
Next Generation Sequencing
Western Blotting
Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Browse through Grand View Research's Medical Devices Industry Research Reports.
The global embolic protection devices market size was valued at USD 612.9 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% from 2024 to 2030. 
The global covered stent market size was estimated at USD 1.13 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.1% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Product launches, approvals, strategic acquisitions, and innovations are just a few of the important business strategies used by market participants to maintain and grow their global reach.
For instance, in March 2023, Abbott received U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for a laboratory traumatic brain injury blood test, the first commercially available lab-based test for the assessment of mild traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), commonly referred to as concussions, which will be made widely available to hospitals across the U.S. This test, which is powered by Abbott’s Alinity i laboratory tool, will enable clinicians to evaluate individuals with mild traumatic brain injuries in a timely manner.
Furthermore, in May 2023, Siemens Healthcare introduced Atellica HEMA 570 and 580 next-generation hematology analyzers, which have user-friendly interfaces and can be connected to multiple analyzers to remove workflow barriers and provide high throughput time.
Key Blood Screening Companies:
Danaher Corporation (Beckman Coulter)
Becton Dickinson and Company
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
Hoffman-La Roche Ltd.
Grifols, S.A.
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.
Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
SOFINA s.a (Biomerieux)
Order a free sample PDF of the Blood Screening Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research. 
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adityarana1687-blog · 27 days
U.S. Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids Market To Reach $1.16 Billion By 2030
The U.S. Over-the-Counter hearing aids market size is anticipated to reach USD 1.16 billion by 2030 and is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 9.03% from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The factors driving market growth include affordability, accessibility, and technological advancements. Over-the-Counter (OTC) hearing aids have gained popularity due to their lower cost compared to prescription hearing aids.
Hearing loss or impairment is a common condition in the U.S. Various infections, such as meningitis, measles, and middle ear infections, also cause hearing loss. Moreover, excess cerumen, bone abnormalities in the middle ear, and conditions such as acoustic neuromas, Meniere’s disease, and head trauma can lead to mild hearing loss. As per a Forbes Health survey on hearing loss in June 2023, around 25.4 million people aged 12 and older in the U.S. are suffering from mild hearing loss.
Furthermore, high-volume speakers and exposure to loud sounds are also contributing to the growing prevalence of perceived sound loss in the younger generation. As per the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 12.5% of people aged 6 to 19 years and 17% of those aged 20 to 69 years are at risk of developing hearing loss due to excessive exposure to recreational loud music. This is anticipated to further drive the demand for hearing aids in the coming years.
Furthermore, the demand for Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology, which allows OTC hearing aids to analyze and manipulate sound waves more effectively than analog models, is increasing. This helps provide clearer sound quality & noise reduction and has features such as directional microphones that focus on speech coming from a specific direction. Advancements have led to the miniaturization of devices, which are now smaller and more discreet. This makes them more comfortable to wear and less noticeable, potentially addressing aesthetic concerns for some users.
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Request a free sample copy or view report summary: U.S. Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Market Report
U.S. Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Market Report Highlights
Based on product, the canal hearing aids segment dominated the market in 2023. On the other hand, behind-the-ear hearing aids segment is expected to witness the fastest growth over the forecast period. This can be attributed to advantages such as ease of handling and high preference by the young population.
Based on technology, digital hearing aids dominated the market in 2023. These devices are technologically advanced and eliminate background noise, thus providing enhanced hearing experience.
Based on distribution channels, the retail stores segment dominated the market in 2023. However, the online segment is predicted to have the fastest growth during the forecast period owing to an increase in penetration of e-commerce channels across the globe and higher adoption.
In January 2024, Eargo, Inc.launched two new completely in-canal OTC hearing aids, LINK by Eargo and Eargo SE, to address changing consumer needs regarding experience, design, and functionality.
U.S. Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the U.S. Over-the-Counter hearing aids market basedon product, technology, and distribution channel.
U.S. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
In-the-Ear Hearing Aids
Receiver-in-the-Ear Hearing Aids
Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids
Canal Hearing Aids
U.S. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Digital Hearing Aids
Analog Hearing Aids
U.S. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids Distribution Channel Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Retail Stores
Audiology Offices
List of Key Players in the U.S. Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Market
Eargo Inc.
GN Store Nord A/S (Jabra)
Bose Corporation
Sony Corporation
Starkey Laboratories, Inc. (Start Hearing)
hearX IP (Pty) Ltd. (Lexie)
Audien Hearing
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industrynewsupdates · 1 month
Blood Screening Market Analysis, Opportunities And Forecast Report 2024-2030
The global blood screening market size was valued at USD 2.76 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.7% from 2023 to 2030. 
Blood screening is a process in which donated blood is screened for infectious diseases such as HBV, HCV, HIV1, and HIV2. The high growth of this market is attributed to rising blood donations, an increase in the incidence of infectious diseases, and government initiatives. According to World Health Organization (WHO), 118.54 million blood donations are collected yearly. In the U.S., 6.8 million individuals donate blood annually, and 13.6 million units of red blood cells and whole blood are collected annually.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Blood Screening Market
The market is primarily driven by the rise in the rate of disorders such as HIV, diphtheria, measles and chronic diseases such as hemophilia, cancer, and other blood-related disorders. Blood-based diagnostics are used to diagnose a wide range of diseases, including infectious diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Serology tests detect the presence of antibodies to a specific disease-causing organism. These tests diagnose various infectious diseases, including HIV, hepatitis B, and syphilis. Molecular tests detect the presence of DNA or RNA from a specific disease-causing organism. These tests are more sensitive than serology tests and can be used to diagnose diseases at an earlier stage. Biochemical tests measure the levels of certain substances in the blood. These tests can diagnose a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, kidney disease, and liver disease.
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the market. Although respiratory droplets are the primary means of COVID-19 virus transmission, research has shown that viral RNA may be discovered in blood samples, supporting blood screening for COVID-19 identification, hence driving the market significantly. 
Blood Screening Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global blood screening market based on technology, product, and region:
Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAT)
• Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) and Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
• Next Generation Sequencing
• Western Blotting
Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• Reagent
• Instrument
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
• Europe
o UK
o Germany
o France
o Italy
o Spain
o Sweden
o Norway
o Denmark
• Asia Pacific
o Japan
o China
o India
o Australia
o Thailand
o South Korea
• Latin America
o Brazil
o Mexico
o Argentina
• Middle East and Africa
o Saudi Arabia
o South Africa
o Kuwait
Browse through Grand View Research's Medical Devices Industry Research Reports.
• The global embolic protection devices market size was valued at USD 612.9 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% from 2024 to 2030. 
• The global covered stent market size was estimated at USD 1.13 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.1% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Product launches, approvals, strategic acquisitions, and innovations are just a few of the important business strategies used by market participants to maintain and grow their global reach.
For instance, in March 2023, Abbott received U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for a laboratory traumatic brain injury blood test, the first commercially available lab-based test for the assessment of mild traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), commonly referred to as concussions, which will be made widely available to hospitals across the U.S. This test, which is powered by Abbott’s Alinity i laboratory tool, will enable clinicians to evaluate individuals with mild traumatic brain injuries in a timely manner.
Furthermore, in May 2023, Siemens Healthcare introduced Atellica HEMA 570 and 580 next-generation hematology analyzers, which have user-friendly interfaces and can be connected to multiple analyzers to remove workflow barriers and provide high throughput time.
Key Blood Screening Companies:
• Abbott
• Danaher Corporation (Beckman Coulter)
• Becton Dickinson and Company
• Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
• Hoffman-La Roche Ltd.
• Grifols, S.A.
• Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.
• Siemens Healthcare GmbH
• Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
• SOFINA s.a (Biomerieux)
Order a free sample PDF of the Blood Screening Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research. 
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laxmi8888 · 2 months
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India's Pharmaceutical Market: Key Trends & Drivers Explained
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The Indian pharmaceutical industry is set for remarkable growth, expected to reach $65 billion by 2024 and $130 billion by 2030, up from its current $50 billion valuation, according to Invest India. As a leading exporter, India serves over 200 countries, supplying more than 50% of Africa’s generic drugs, about 40% of the United States’ generic drug demand, and 25% of the UK’s medicines. India also accounts for around 60% of global vaccine demand and provides 70% of the World Health Organization’s essential immunization vaccines, including DPT, BCG, and Measles. This expansion highlights India’s crucial role in the global healthcare sector, highlighting its robust export capabilities and significant contributions to vaccine supply.
India’s Rising Importance in The Global Pharmaceutical Landscape
India’s pharmaceutical industry sees exports accounting for over $25 billion, supplying 20% of global generic medicines demand. This growth positions India with about 13% of the global pharmaceutical market share. Also, according to the Indian Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), the nation is the third-largest producer of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), holding 8% of the global market share and manufacturing over 500 APIs.
According to the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Indian pharmaceutical firms are key players in the United States and European Union (EU) prescription drug sectors, with the highest number of FDA-approved manufacturing plants outside the US. As the world’s largest supplier of generic medicines, the nation meets 20% of global demand by volume. Globally valued at $42 billion, India’s pharmaceutical industry saw nearly 5% year-on-year growth in FY23, reaching $49.78 billion. This growth, driven by an 8% increase in exports and a 6% rise in domestic market growth from FY18 to FY23, underscores India’s role as a major pharmaceutical hub.
The sector further ranks among India’s top ten industries attracting foreign investment, with exports reaching highly regulated markets like the US, Western Europe, Japan, and Australia. During the global health crisis, India demonstrated its capability by supplying around 45 tons and 400 million hydroxychloroquine tablets to 114 countries.
Driving Forces in India’s Pharmaceutical Market
India’s pharmaceutical industry is driven by population growth, urbanization, and an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases. Rising healthcare expenditures, supported by both public and private sectors, further boost the industry growth. In this regard, government initiatives like ‘Ayushman Bharat Yojana’ significantly enhance medication accessibility.
Additionally, schemes like the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme promote domestic manufacturing to reduce import dependency, while the Development of Pharmaceutical Industry (DPI) scheme enhances efficiency and competitiveness through sub-schemes for Bulk Drugs and Medical Devices. These efforts aim to elevate India’s global pharma presence and provide affordable, quality healthcare solutions. Increased investments in research and development (R&D) for new drugs further reinforce India’s significant role in global pharmaceutical innovation.
Major companies, such as Sun Pharma and Mankind, are expanding their market reach by deploying 12,000 medical representatives in urban and rural areas to engage with healthcare professionals.
Regulatory Environment & Advancing Tech in The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
The pharmaceutical industry in India operates under stringent regulatory oversight to ensure drug safety, efficacy, and quality. The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) , under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, controls the manufacture, import, distribution, and drug sales through the Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940. The Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act 1954 regulates drug advertising, prohibiting claims of miraculous properties.
Further, Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines, developed in collaboration with the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) and the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) , set standards for human subject research aligning with international norms like the Declaration of Helsinki and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Its regulatory framework also aligns with international guidelines, including the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) standards and regulations from bodies like the US FDA and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) , ensuring compliance with global standards.
In recent years, the Indian pharmaceutical sector has been at the forefront of technological innovation, harnessing artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, telemedicine, and the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) to revolutionize healthcare delivery. PharmEasy, launched in 2015, stands as a prime example that has democratized healthcare access by seamlessly connecting patients with nearby pharmacies and diagnostic centers. Similarly, Cipla is digitizing its pharmaceutical sales approach by equipping medical representatives with iPads for e-detailing. This digital transformation enhances sales effectiveness via streamlined communication and interactive engagement with healthcare providers. This wave of innovation is supported by initiatives like the Scheme for Promotion of Research and Innovation in the Pharma MedTech Sector (PRIP) , launched in 2023.
Global Interest Supports the Indian Pharma Sector
The Indian pharmaceutical sector attracts significant foreign direct investment (FDI) due to liberalized policies, allowing up to 100% FDI for Greenfield projects and up to 74% for Brownfield ventures. Since April 2000, the sector has drawn around $22.52 billion in FDI equity inflows, supported by over 10,000 Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras nationwide. Major global players such as AstraZeneca, Dr. Reddy’s, and Pfizer have heavily invested in India’s pharmaceutical industry, leveraging its manufacturing and regulatory strengths.
Hence, this sector is set for significant growth in the next decade, driven by its role in global trade and compliance with GMP standards from WHO and USFDA. As a leading producer of generics, India expects around 912% increase in medicine spending over the next five years, placing it among the top global markets. Growth will focus on chronic therapies like cardiovascular and anti-cancer treatments. Besides, pharma companies will adopt FMCG-like strategies, manage diverse channels, and leverage the influence of pharmacists and patient empowerment. Government initiatives and expanding access to low-cost generics will further support this growth.
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pretensesoup · 3 months
Queer Books 2024: You Should Be So Lucky
Last year I think I decided to limit myself to one book/author when I was writing these, but I know I wrote about a few different Cat Sebastian novels, including We Could Be So Good, which was the book that eventually beat Dionysus in Wisconsin for the Lammy. So this year I have to cover her follow-up, You Should Be So Lucky.
Okay. First things first: it's at least nominally a sports romance. Sports romance is...a weird genre, given that the Venn diagram of "writers" and "sportsball players" tends to be two completely separate circles. As someone who has run ultramarathons, I'm a little disappointed that none of the really hilarious sides of sport stuff is ever touched on, like how sometimes you buy a loaf of spicy cheese bread and it vanishes in a few days and somehow the rest of the household protests that they didn't get any... Or like the way my weightlifter spouse has invented a meal called second dinner... Like the characters in this book joke about sharing a milkshake but in reality, that bitch is mine, back off.
Luckily for my complaints, this book is only nominally about a sport (baseball; to be fair it's not the most athletic of sports either). And one of the main characters, Mark, feels approximately the same way about baseball as I do:
He and Nick have been paying attention to the trials and travails of the city's new baseball team--Nick because he loves baseball, and Mark because he loves drama. But Mark doesn't follow the game; a passing familiarity with baseball is something he caught, like the measles, not something he did on purpose.
Mark Bailey is a somewhat recently bereaved reporter; he quit his job at the Chronicle (the newspaper Andy Fleming becomes the publisher of in the previous book) but keeps going in because he doesn't really have anything else to do. He's sent to ghostwrite a weekly diary column for a guy on the new baseball team (the Robins, who I guess are...in a major or minor league...you know what, don't ask me how baseball teams work). The guy in question is Eddie O'Leary, who is from Kansas, newly arrived in NYC, and going through a pretty bad batting slump.
Okay. So the weird problem with big 5-published novels is that they get MARKETED by professionals, and this one was marketed as: slow burn (yes), grumpy/sunshine (I don't see it?), golden retriever/barn cat (mmm...no?), sweaters and crying (I mean, that's every Cat Sebastian novel)...I don't know. I think the reduction does a disservice to how good this book was, how it deals with Mark's grief at the death of his longtime partner without making the partner a bad guy (a major feature of the last bereaved-person-falls-in-love-with-a-baseball-player book I read). It was soft and gentle, while also being about someone might try to live a public life but also be relatively open about their sexuality in 1960 New York City. There was a lot about homophobia in this book! More than in We Could Be So Good, which was already about homophobia! But when I say that, it never feels bogged down or frightened, just realistic about the possibilities the characters face.
Anyway, I'm sure this will be up for a Lammy next year. Which is kind of too bad, because I think Troth is pretty good. But whatever, if I lose to Cat Sebastian again, I guess I'll be good with that. It's like being outmaneuvered by a chess master--one enjoys seeing how they do it.
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delveinsight12 · 3 months
Understanding the Dynamics of the Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy Market: Drivers, Barriers, and Future Outlook
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Oncolytic virus therapy is a promising approach in cancer treatment that utilizes viruses to selectively infect and kill cancer cells while sparing healthy cells. Here’s an overview of how it works and its potential benefits:
Mechanism of Action:
1. Selective Replication in Cancer Cells: Oncolytic viruses are engineered or naturally occurring viruses that are modified to selectively replicate within cancer cells. This selective replication is often due to mutations in cancer cells that make them more susceptible to viral infection compared to normal cells.
2. Direct Cell Lysis: Once inside cancer cells, the virus replicates and causes the cancer cells to burst (lyse), thereby destroying them.
3. Stimulation of Immune Response: The process of viral replication inside cancer cells can also stimulate the immune system, leading to an enhanced anti-tumor immune response. This is particularly beneficial as it can help the immune system recognize and attack other cancer cells throughout the body (known as the abscopal effect).
Advantages of Oncolytic Virus Therapy:
- Targeted Treatment: Oncolytic viruses are designed to specifically target and destroy cancer cells, minimizing damage to healthy tissues.
- Reduced Side Effects: Compared to traditional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy, oncolytic viruses typically have fewer and less severe side effects.
- Potential for Combination Therapy: They can be used in combination with other cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy, to potentially enhance treatment efficacy.
- Adaptability: Scientists can modify and engineer oncolytic viruses to improve their targeting ability, safety profile, and overall therapeutic effectiveness.
Types of Oncolytic Viruses:
Several viruses have been studied for their potential as oncolytic agents, including:
- Adenoviruses
- Herpes simplex viruses (HSV)
- Reoviruses
- Vaccinia virus
- Measles virus
- Seneca Valley virus
Each type of virus may have different properties that make them more or less suitable for specific types of cancer or patient populations.
Clinical Applications:
- Approved Therapies: As of recent years, some oncolytic virus therapies have been approved for clinical use in various countries, such as talimogene laherparepvec (T-VEC) for melanoma.
- Ongoing Research: Numerous clinical trials are ongoing to evaluate the safety and efficacy of oncolytic viruses across different types of cancer, including solid tumors and hematologic malignancies.
- Immune Response: The body's immune response to the virus can limit its effectiveness. Strategies to overcome this include modifying the virus or combining with immune checkpoint inhibitors.
- Safety Concerns: Ensuring that the virus does not harm healthy cells is crucial, although engineered viruses are designed with safety features.
Future Directions:
Oncolytic virus therapy holds promise as a targeted and potentially powerful addition to the arsenal of cancer treatments. Ongoing research aims to refine and optimize these therapies for broader clinical application and improved patient outcomes.
Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy Market Drivers
The oncolytic virus cancer therapy market is driven by several key factors that contribute to its growing interest and development. Here are some of the primary drivers:
1. Need for Novel Cancer Treatments: There is a significant unmet need for effective and targeted cancer therapies, especially for patients who do not respond well to conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. Oncolytic virus therapy offers a promising alternative that specifically targets cancer cells while sparing healthy tissues.
2. Advancements in Biotechnology and Virology: Advances in biotechnology and virology have facilitated the development and engineering of viruses that can selectively target and destroy cancer cells. These technologies enable researchers to modify viruses to enhance their specificity, safety, and efficacy.
3. Growth of Immunotherapy: Oncolytic virus therapy is considered a form of immunotherapy because it can stimulate the body's immune response against cancer cells. With the success and widespread adoption of immune checkpoint inhibitors and other immunotherapies, there is increased interest in exploring combination therapies that include oncolytic viruses.
4. Increasing Prevalence of Cancer: The global burden of cancer continues to rise, driving the demand for new and innovative treatment options. Oncolytic virus therapy represents a novel approach that has the potential to complement existing treatments and improve patient outcomes.
5. Clinical Success and Regulatory Approvals: The approval of oncolytic virus therapies such as talimogene laherparepvec (T-VEC) for melanoma has demonstrated clinical efficacy and safety, providing validation and encouragement for further research and development in this field. Regulatory approvals pave the way for market entry and commercialization.
6. Investment and Funding Support: There is growing investment from pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology firms, and research institutions in the development of oncolytic virus therapies. Funding support from government agencies, foundations, and venture capitalists also accelerates research efforts and clinical trials.
7. Personalized Medicine Trends: The shift towards personalized medicine and targeted therapies aligns well with the principles of oncolytic virus therapy, which can be tailored to specific types of cancer and patient profiles. This customization enhances treatment efficacy and reduces potential side effects.
8. Potential for Combination Therapies: Oncolytic viruses can be combined with other cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immune checkpoint inhibitors. These combinations may synergistically enhance treatment outcomes and expand the therapeutic options available to patients.
Overall, these drivers underscore the growing optimism and investment in oncolytic virus therapy, positioning it as a promising approach in the evolving landscape of cancer treatment.
Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy Market Barriers
Despite its promise, oncolytic virus cancer therapy faces several barriers that hinder its widespread adoption and commercialization. These barriers include:
1. Safety Concerns: Ensuring the safety of oncolytic viruses is paramount. There is a risk of unintended infection of healthy cells or triggering an immune response that could lead to adverse effects. Researchers must carefully engineer viruses to minimize off-target effects and maximize specificity for cancer cells.
2. Efficacy Challenges: While oncolytic viruses have shown promise in preclinical and some clinical studies, their efficacy can vary widely depending on the type of virus, cancer type, and patient population. Improving efficacy remains a significant challenge, particularly in achieving durable and complete responses across a broader spectrum of cancers.
3. Immune Response: The body's immune system can recognize and clear oncolytic viruses, reducing their effectiveness over time. Strategies to evade immune clearance or enhance viral persistence within tumors are actively being pursued, but these remain complex challenges.
4. Delivery and Distribution Issues: Efficient delivery of oncolytic viruses to tumors presents logistical challenges. Viruses may need to penetrate solid tumors and reach metastatic sites effectively. Moreover, ensuring uniform distribution throughout the tumor mass is critical for maximizing therapeutic efficacy.
5. Manufacturing Complexity: The production and manufacturing of oncolytic viruses for clinical use can be complex and costly. Ensuring consistency, purity, and potency of virus batches is essential for regulatory approval and commercialization.
6. Regulatory Hurdles: Obtaining regulatory approval for oncolytic virus therapies involves demonstrating safety, efficacy, and manufacturing quality to regulatory authorities such as the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) and EMA (European Medicines Agency). Navigating the regulatory pathway, which may differ from traditional small molecules or biologics, can be challenging and time-consuming.
7. Market Access and Reimbursement: Oncolytic virus therapies represent a new category of treatment with unique pricing and reimbursement considerations. Demonstrating cost-effectiveness and clinical benefit relative to existing therapies is crucial for securing reimbursement from healthcare payers.
8. Public Perception and Acceptance: The concept of using viruses to treat cancer may raise concerns among patients and healthcare providers regarding safety, efficacy, and ethical considerations. Educating stakeholders about the science and potential benefits of oncolytic virus therapy is essential for fostering acceptance.
Addressing these barriers requires collaborative efforts among researchers, clinicians, regulatory agencies, industry partners, and patient advocates. Overcoming these challenges will be crucial to realizing the full potential of oncolytic virus therapy as a transformative approach in cancer treatment.
Future Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy Market Analysis
The Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy market is poised for significant growth in the coming years, driven by ongoing research, technological advancements, and evolving treatment paradigms. Key trends and developments shaping the future of the market include:
Next-Generation Viruses: Development of novel oncolytic viruses with enhanced tumor specificity, immunogenicity, and safety profiles.
Combination Therapies: Increasing exploration of synergistic combinations with existing and emerging cancer therapies.
Biomarker-Driven Approaches: Integration of biomarker-driven strategies to personalize treatment regimens.
Global Market Expansion: Growth in emerging markets and collaborations to expand access to oncolytic virus therapies globally.
Evolving Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy Treatment Outlook
The treatment landscape for Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy is evolving rapidly, with a shift towards targeted therapies and personalized approaches. Key developments shaping the evolving treatment outlook include:
Several key developments are shaping the evolving treatment outlook in cancer therapy, including advancements in technology, changes in treatment paradigms, and shifts in patient-centric care. Here are some key developments:
1. Immunotherapy Revolution: The advent of immune checkpoint inhibitors (e.g., PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors, CTLA-4 inhibitors) has revolutionized cancer treatment by harnessing the body's immune system to fight cancer. These therapies have shown durable responses in various cancers, leading to their integration into standard treatment protocols.
2. Precision Medicine and Biomarker Development: Advances in genomics, proteomics, and other molecular diagnostics have enabled the identification of specific biomarkers that guide treatment decisions. Personalized therapies tailored to an individual's genetic profile and tumor characteristics are becoming increasingly common.
3. Targeted Therapies: Targeted therapies directed against specific molecular targets implicated in cancer growth and progression (e.g., HER2 inhibitors, BRAF inhibitors) have improved outcomes for patients with certain types of cancers. These therapies are often associated with fewer systemic side effects compared to traditional chemotherapy.
4. CAR-T Cell Therapy: Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy involves engineering a patient's own T cells to target and kill cancer cells. It has shown remarkable success in treating certain types of leukemia and lymphoma, demonstrating durable remissions in patients who have exhausted other treatment options.
5. Liquid Biopsies: The development of non-invasive liquid biopsies, such as circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) and circulating tumor cells (CTCs), allows for real-time monitoring of tumor evolution, treatment response, and resistance mechanisms. This technology is transforming how cancer is diagnosed and managed.
6. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data: AI and machine learning algorithms are being utilized to analyze vast amounts of data, including genomic data, clinical records, and imaging studies. AI-driven insights are helping to predict treatment outcomes, identify novel drug targets, and optimize personalized treatment strategies.
7. Enhanced Supportive Care: There is an increasing focus on improving supportive care for cancer patients, including managing treatment-related side effects, addressing psychosocial needs, and enhancing survivorship programs. This holistic approach aims to improve quality of life throughout the cancer care continuum.
8. Patient-Centric Care and Shared Decision Making: There is a growing recognition of the importance of patient preferences and values in treatment decisions. Shared decision-making models empower patients to actively participate in their care, leading to more personalized and patient-centered treatment plans.
9. Cost and Access Considerations: The rising costs of cancer treatments, including new therapies like immunotherapy and CAR-T cell therapy, pose challenges for healthcare systems and patients. Efforts to improve cost-effectiveness and expand access to innovative therapies are ongoing priorities.
These developments underscore a transformative era in cancer treatment, characterized by rapid innovation, personalized medicine approaches, and a holistic approach to patient care. Continued research, collaboration across disciplines, and integration of new technologies are essential to further advancing cancer therapies and improving outcomes for patients worldwide.
Role of Companies in the Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy Market
In the Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy market, companies such as Genelux Corporation, Candel Therapeutics, CG Oncolgy, DNAtrix, SillaJen Biotherapeutics, Oncolytics Biotech, Wuhan Binhui Biotechnology, Oryx GmbH, Jiangsu Sinorda Biomedicine Co., Ltd, Elicera Therapeutics, Orgenesis, Replimune, Immvira Pharma, ViroCure, GeneMedicine, PsiOxus Therapeutics, Vyriad, VCN Biosciences, Beijing Syngentech, GeneMedicine, Oncolys BioPharma, SillaJen Biotherapeutics, Turnstone Biologics, and others play a pivotal role in driving innovation, research, development, and the provision of treatments and therapies for individuals.
Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy Market Outlook: Key Conclusion and Analysis
The Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy market is undergoing a transformative period, driven by advances in research, innovation in therapeutic approaches, and shifting treatment paradigms. While significant progress has been made in improving outcomes for patients with Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy, several barriers continue to challenge the market's expansion, including high treatment costs, safety concerns, and regulatory hurdles. Looking ahead, personalized medicine, novel therapeutic targets, and digital health solutions are poised to shape the future of Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy management, offering new hope for patients and caregivers alike. Efforts to address these challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities will be critical in advancing the field and ultimately improving the lives of individuals living with Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy.
Get a more detailed overview, at: Oncolytic Virus Cancer Therapy Market Outlook and Forecast
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mylavenu99 · 4 months
CG Bhuiyan Portal: Guide to Chhattisgarh’s Digital Land Records System
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Chhattisgarh has digitized its land records for efficient management and easy public access through the Bhuiyan Land Records CG project. The project comprises two parts: Bhuiyan, which compiles information related to the Khasra account, and Bhu-Naksha, a tool for managing Khasra maps.
Services Offered on the CG Bhuiyan Portal
On the Bhuiyan CG portal, users can access the following services:
View Chhattisgarh land records
Get the Khatauni (B-I) and Khasra (P-II) reports.
Correct errors in name, address, etc.
Check mutation reports
Access measles details
Track rectification application status
View online land maps (CG Bhuiya Naksha Khasra)
Access land transfer documents
Obtain Nazul land details
Register and Login to CG Bhuiyan
To use the services on the CG Bhuiyan portal, follow these steps:
Visit the CG Bhuiyan website at https://bhuiyan.cg.nic.in/.
Download the Sandes application developed by the NIC.
Register using your mobile number on the mobile application.
Enter the OTP received to verify your details.
Use the generated user ID and password to log in.
Click on ‘Bhuiyan Login’ on the homepage.
Enter your username and password to access the portal.
Check CG Land Records on Bhuiyan Portal
Citizens can check their land records online via the Bhuiyan CG portal:
Visit https://bhuiyan.cg.nic.in/ and click on the ‘Nagarik Suvidha’ tab. Select ‘Khasra Vivaran’.
Enter details such as district, tehsil, and village name.
Choose to view the land records by Khasra or name.
View or download P-II (Khasra) and B-I (Khatauni) reports.
Download Digitally Signed Copies of P-II and B-I Documents
Go to https://bhuiyan.cg.nic.in/.
Click on the ‘Aavedan’ tab and choose ‘Digitally signed B-I/P-II Application’.
Enter the required details to download the documents.
Check Mutation Property Status
Log in to https://bhuiyan.cg.nic.in/.
Click on ‘Bhumi Sambandhit Jankari’ and select ‘Namantaran ki Vartman Stithi’.
Enter details such as registration number, application number, landowner, potential landowner, or Khasra number to check status.
View Bhu Naksha (Land Map)
Log in to https://bhuiyan.cg.nic.in/.
Click on ‘Nagrik Suvidha’ and select ‘Naksha Dekhein’.
Enter district, tehsil, RI, and village details.
View and download the map and plot details.
Apply for Land Records Updation
Log in to https://bhuiyan.cg.nic.in/.
Click on ‘Abhilekh Durusti Aavedan’ under the Application tab.
Fill in the mutation details and submit the application.
Download B1 Khatauni/P2 Khasra Report PDF
Log in to https://bhuiyan.cg.nic.in/.
Click on ‘PDF Download by Document Number’.
Enter the document number and download the PDF.
Check Changes in Land Records
Log in to https://bhuiyan.cg.nic.in/.
Click on ‘Gramvar Prativedan’ and select ‘Abhilekh Durusti Vivaran Soochi’.
Enter the district, tehsil, village, and date details to view updates.
View Gramvar Fasalvar Khshterahcadan Report
Visit https://bhuiyan.cg.nic.in/.
Click on ‘Gramvar Prativedan’ and select ‘Fasalvar Khshterahcadan Report’.
Enter district, tehsil, village, season, and year details to view the report.
Get Agriculture Khatedar List
Log in to https://bhuiyan.cg.nic.in/.
Click on ‘Gram Prativedan’ and select ‘Gram Khatedars who have Bought the Produce’.
Enter the required details to view and print the list.
Know Property's Market Value
Visit https://bhuiyan.cg.nic.in/.
Click on the ‘E Panjiyan’ tab and visit https://epanjeeyan.cg.gov.in/.
Enter the necessary details to know the property's market value.
Get a Nazool Search Report
Go to https://bhuiyan.cg.nic.in/.
Click on ‘Nazool Sandharan Khasra se Sambandhit Bhoomi Vivaran’.
Enter details by landowner’s name or plot number to view the report.
Submit an Application in Revenue Court
Visit https://bhuiyan.cg.nic.in/.
Click to submit an application at https://revenue.cg.nic.in/revcase/.
Fill in the required details, upload documents, and submit the application.
Use CG Land Records Mobile Application
Download the CG Land Records mobile app from the Google Play Store.
Log in using your unique ID and password.
Select the appropriate option and enter location details to view land records.
Apply for Land Transfer on Bhuiyan CG Portal
Visit the CG Bhuiyan website and click ‘Apply for Enrollment’.
Select the reason for transfer and upload the required PDF forms.
Enter district, tehsil, village, and Khasra details, and submit the application.
By following these steps, citizens of Chhattisgarh can easily access, update, and manage their land records digitally through the CG Bhuiyan portal.
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