#Media manipulation
videogamesincolor · 4 months
The bill now has a total of 62 co-sponsors (Dems and Republicans). They purportedly rewrote the bill to "address concerns", but the bill would still require you to upload your govt ID and use an age-gate in order to access information on the web.
LGBT+ advocacy organizations such as the Trevor Project, GLAAD, Human Rights Campaign, PFLAG National, National Center for Lesbian Rights, and National Center for Transgender Rights, withdrawn their opposition against the bill.
We have until next week (2/26/24), maybe, to get louder about this.
Go to:
call 202-224-3121
tell your story at eff.org
please consider making a short video using the hashtags #KOSALies, #SocialMediaSavedMyLife
visit omarsbigsister on TikTok for more KOSA updates and action items
Don't just reblog this. Interact with the above items. Use your best judgement when writing in or calling your reps. Just let them know you oppose this and the ramifications it could have for your internet privacy, personal security, and the safety of youths.
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reality-detective · 5 months
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After taking the covid shot:
The 300% increase in all-case-mortality is real
The dying suddenly is real!
The myocarditis is real.
Pericarditis is real.
Gillian Barre Syndrome is real.
Turbo Cancer is real.
VAIDS is real!
Sterility is real!
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eovin-hime · 7 months
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a-very-tired-jew · 3 months
Reaction to recent Shifa Operation
If you haven't heard by now, Israel conducted a raid on the Shifa hospital due to it being used (again) as a base for Hamas. I have not seen any reports regarding civilian casualties, but there are 40-50 combatants killed and another 180-200 captured. One of those killed was a senior Hamas official in charge of internal security and distribution of aid. We all know how well that is going (and if you don't, Hamas recently executed members of a Gaza clan that were distributing aid to civilians outside of Hamas's authority. Hamas keeps aid for itself and affiliates) However, one of the things I have seen go around the various activist groups I am in is that the IDF also arrested/detained the Al Jazeera crew that was stationed at the hospital. Now, we know AJ has been pumping out propaganda for Hamas for quite some time. They even write articles in English that will appeal to Westerners that say one thing and say something different in Arabic (again, this follows the 93 meeting rhetoric of using the Westerner's language to manipulate them and garner support). As such, I have suddenly seen a number of these spaces turn to Anadolu for their news.
That's right.
The state sponsored news agency of Turkey.
You know, Turkey.
The country that has been ethnically cleansing the Kurds for years and continues to do so. But they're totally on the right side of things because they're against Jews Zionists. Now excuse me, but I'm going to roll my eyes so far back into my head I see my brain cause people insist it's about Zionism, ethnic cleansing, and other such things while allying with countries currently conducting such activities openly.
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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greatrunner · 3 months
So, apparently, because politicians received an influx of calls from their constituents asking them to vote against H.R. 7521, some or most of the politicians voted in favor of it.
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One of them bitches was on the news bragging about how they voted in favor of H.R. 7521 because they loathed how many times they were called upon to vote against it.
Most of the seats in the House of Representatives are up for reelection. I urge y'all to pick a target who voted yea on H.R. 7521 and find a replacement who actually wants to do their job and not spite the people for demanding that they do it.
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hussyknee · 7 months
Video description:
Preface reading: "Rafeef Ziadah, 12/11/11, London". The video begins showing a young woman on a stage, her hair cut in a sharp, short bob, wearing a gauzy black dress with red accents to match the stage wall behind her. She speaks into a mic in a blend of Canadian and Palestinian accents:
Transcript: "I'll start with this poem I wrote. This poem—when the bombs were dropping on Gaza I was the media spokesperson for the coalition, doing a lot of the organizing, and we'd stayed up to about six o'clock in the morning perfecting every soundbite and by the end of—you know most Palestinians get tired and start pronouncing our "P"s as "B"s so we could become "Balestinians" by the end of the day. So I was practicing my "P"s all night, and the next morning one of the journalists asked me, "Don't you think it would all be fine if you just stopped teaching your children to hate?"
I did not insult the person, I was very polite, but I wrote this poem as a response to these types of questions we Palestinians always get."
Today, my body was a TV’d massacre. Today, my body was a TV’d massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits. Today, my body was a TV’d massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits filled enough with statistics to counter measured response; and I perfected my English and I learned my UN resolutions—But still, he asked me, "Ms. Ziadah, don’t you think that everything would be resolved if you would just stop teaching so much hatred to your children? Pause. I look inside of me for strength to be patient but patience is not at the tip of my tongue as the bombs drop over Gaza. Patience has just escaped me. Pause. Smile. "We teach life, sir." Rafeef, remember to smile. Pause. "We teach life, sir. We Palestinians teach life after they have occupied the last sky. We teach life after they have built their settlements and apartheid walls, after the last skies. We teach life, sir." But today, my body was a TV’d massacre made to fit into sound-bites and word limits. And— "Just give us a story, a human story. You see, this is not political. We just want to tell people about you and your people so give us a human story. Don’t mention that word: “apartheid” and “occupation”— This is not political. You have to help me as a journalist to help you tell your story which is not a political story—" Today, my body was a TV’d massacre. "How about you give us a story of a woman in Gaza who needs medication?" "How about you? Do you have enough bone-broken limbs to cover the sun? Hand me over your dead and give me the list of their names in one thousand two hundred word limits." Today, my body was a TV’d massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits and move those that are desensitized to terrorist blood. But they felt sorry. They felt sorry for the cattle over Gaza. So, I give them UN resolutions and statistics and we condemn and we deplore and we reject and— These are not two equal sides: occupier and occupied. And a hundred dead, two hundred dead, and a thousand dead. And between that, war crime and massacre, I vent out words and smile (not exotic), smile (not terrorist) And I recount, I recount a hundred dead, two hundred dead, a thousand dead. Is anyone out there? Will anyone listen? I wish I could wail over their bodies. I wish I could just run barefoot in every refugee camp and hold every child, cover their ears so they wouldn’t have to hear the sound of bombing for the rest of their life the way I do. Today, my body was a TV’d massacre And let me just tell you, there’s nothing your UN resolutions have ever done about this. And no sound-bite—no sound-bite I come up with, no matter how good my English gets—no sound-bite-no sound-bite-no sound-bite-no sound-bite, will bring them back to life, no sound-bite will fix this. We teach life, sir. We teach life, sir. We Palestinians wake up every morning to teach the rest of the world LIFE. Sir.
End transcription.
I think this twitter thread gives some necessary political context for the poem, so you can really understand the cruelty and barbarity of that question, and why Western media insistently shies away from "political" answers:
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Cursory Google check corroborates all the info except for the number of peace settlements Israel's rejected. I can't find the exact number off the first page of Google and my head is throbbing too much to look deeper. I'm going to leave that for y'all to fact check.
(I went and looked Rafeef Ziadah up to check whether she's still alive (because that's what we do with Palestinians now) and she's safe in London, teaching Politics and Public Policy at King's College. You can find the rest of her poetry here.)
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odinsblog · 4 months
Caveat Lector 🚨🚨🚨
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Donald Trump supporters have been creating and sharing AI-generated fake images of black voters to encourage African Americans to vote Republican.
BBC Panorama discovered dozens of deepfakes portraying black people as supporting the former president.
Mr. Trump has openly courted black voters, who were key to Joe Biden's election win in 2020.
But there's no evidence directly linking these images to Mr. Trump's campaign.
The co-founder of Black Voters Matter, a group which encourages black people to vote, said the manipulated images were pushing a “strategic narrative” designed to show Mr. Trump as popular in the black community.
A creator of one of the images told the BBC: “I'm not claiming it's accurate.”
The fake images of black Trump supporters, generated by artificial intelligence (AI), are one of the emerging disinformation trends ahead of the US presidential election in November.
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Unlike in 2016, when there was evidence of foreign influence campaigns, the AI-generated images found by the BBC appear to have been made and shared by US voters themselves.
One of them was Mark Kaye and his team at a conservative radio show in Florida.
They created an image of Mr. Trump smiling with his arms around a group of black women at a party and shared it on Facebook, where Mr. Kaye has more than one million followers.
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At first it looks real, but on closer inspection everyone's skin is a little too shiny and there are missing fingers on people's hands - some tell-tale signs of AI-created images.
“I'm not a photojournalist,” Mr. Kaye tells me from his radio studio. “I'm not out there taking pictures of what's really happening. I'm a storyteller.”
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Disinformation tactics in the US presidential elections have evolved since 2016, when Donald Trump won. Back then, there were documented attempts by hostile foreign powers, such as Russia, to use networks of inauthentic accounts to try to sow division and plant particular ideas.
In 2020, the focus was on home-grown disinformation - particularly false narratives that the presidential election was stolen, which were shared widely by US-based social media users and endorsed by Mr. Trump and other Republican politicians.
In 2024, experts warn of a dangerous combination of the two.
(continue reading)
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sanctiphera · 6 days
Gaza is only about one-third the size of Greater London. If the IDF were killing Palestinians indiscriminately, it would not take them 8 plus months to eradicate Hamas. The battle for Berlin in 1945 only took 2 weeks and 2 days.
Do you seriously not think Israel could have taken the whole of Gaza now if they had no regard for Palestinian civilians?
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twopoppies · 5 months
I wonder if it’s ever annoying to the guys to have people that know fuck all about them and who they are judge how “suitable” they are for each other based on very curated public information, especially when it’s presented in such a “saint/sinner” way. It’s ALWAYS oh god, I could never see Harry with such an unhealthy lazy person as Louis. And honestly, doesn’t that feel at least partially by design? I think they are WAY more alike than any of us know, especially, like you’ve said, where it counts. But even in these areas. I think Harry’s way less saint and Louis’ way less sinner than their public given images. This is such an old Sony trope. It amazes me people still believe it.
I know. Those particular images have been pushed since at least 2014. I’m sure there’s some truth to it all, but if either man were as one-dimensional as the narrative would have us believe, neither would have held anyone’s interest for long. Let alone for 13 years.
The idea of the two of them cuddled up, laughing at fans writing essays about how they’re so poorly suited to each other is quite funny, actually.
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ophilosoraptoro · 6 months
Just because I don't like it, doesn't mean it's propaganda.
Just because I like it, doesn't mean it isn't propaganda.
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stalinslastsoldier · 2 months
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reality-detective · 2 months
Don't ever forget they are all controlled by the same people, it's propaganda media 🤔
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a-person-on-earth · 5 months
Glenn Greenwald on X: "Many Americans still believe the purpose of the Israeli war in Gaza is to "destroy Hamas": because that's what US media repeated from Israel. But in Hebrew, Israeli officials every day admit the real goal: to ethnically cleanse Gaza of Palestinians so Israel can take the land:" / X
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greatrunner · 5 months
A Palestinian-Canadian seller on Etsy just spoke about how one of her homemade products called "River to Sea" was de-listed on the site for "hate speech", while more overtly anti-Palestinian and Zionist products remain up and for sale on the platform.
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It's more than likely every (mainstream) business platform involved in commerce will likely side with any or all forms of white nationalists, including Zionism. Target (which is affiliated with Starbucks), for example, fired one of their employees for showing support for Palestine on social media.
Prior to December, I do remember seeing plenty of products on Etsy with the liberation call, "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free" and "Intafada". You could search it and find it. Now, you can't.
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