#Meditation And Astrology In CA
vimalsoodastrology · 11 months
Testimonials | Vedic Astrology Coach | Vimal Sood Astrology
Vimal was introduced to Vedic Astrology by Komila Sutton in 2004 and very quickly found his natural gift in this great science of light. 
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hypnotherapyschool · 11 months
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Remedial Measures are techniques to remove negative planetary influences and increase positive planetary influences. Vedic remedial measures should not be taken lightly or without proper guidance from a learned astrologer and good help from Gemologist (one who deals with stones all the time). It is good to receive direct instruction from a qualified and experienced Vedic Astrologer who knows how to execute, prescribe and measure results. Proper prayers have to be offered before wearing stones. Good astrologer takes into consideration behavioral tendencies, one’s attitude, understanding, the past, observing the present and weighing the expectation for the future.
This ability to analyze the behavior and predict events gives the astrologer the ability to counsel the individual to change or modify his/her actions and reactions. The purpose of such guidance is to find the right balance between the individual and nature. Even negative event has its purpose and proper understanding is required of that event and Vedic Astrology provides ways to find and understand that purpose. Vedic Astrology allows an individual to maximize the potential of any given moment. Vedic Astrology helps us to anticipate the approach of good period in life and likewise unfavorable periods in life. It builds up resistance to deal with negative periods in life. Gemstones are not a quick fix solution. You still have to consider the root cause of the problem. We have a free will to respond to our karmas, change our ways for the sake of better future. Remedial measures possesses power but some issues will repeat if the individual has not changed his/her ways before the Upaye was undertaken. One should adopt change along with remedial measure to take advantage of all life’s opportunities.
Gemstones as a remdial measures can be expensive and it very important not to burden the person with expensive or complex remedies that are beyond a persons financial or physical capacity. Intention of an astrologer is crucial. Appropriate time to wear the gemstone is important to get the most effective results. It is very important to know where the gem comes from along with if the gem has been altered in some way. Many gems have been altered with different techniques to mask flaws in the gems and make them appear to be a higher grade then they actually are. Good gemologist and integrity and reputation of a gem dealer is imperative or otherwise there is no guarantee of getting what you are paying for.
Read the complete Blog Here : Vimal Sood Astrology
Website : Online Yoga Classes in Reseda,CA
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Enn:Stolas ramec viasa on ca
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The Thirty-sixth Spirit is Prince Stolas, or Stolos. He appears in the Shape of a Mighty Raven at first before the practioner; but after he takes the image of a man. A spirit preferring the outdoors and natural settings.He teaches the art of astronomy, and the virtues of herbs and precious stones. Evoke him to learn witchcraft or sciences of the natural world Wear an amulet of his sigil while learning of these things and you will retain more information and attune yourself with the natural world. He governs 26 legions of spirits
Call upon Prince Stolas for
⬩Herbology and stones
⬩Natural sciences
⬩Ask him what else he will work with you on⬩
⊱•━━━━━━⊰In Ritual⊱━━━━━•⊰
Enn:Stolas ramec viasa on ca
Sigil:Posted above
⬩Blue candles and objects
⬩Ask him what he likes⬩
⬩It is important to learn protections before trying to work with any spirits. You can get tricksters and parasites if you don't.
Cleansings- cleaning your space of negative energies. You can burn herbs or incense for this.
Banishings- forcing negative energies out of your space. The lesser banishing ritual is one of the most commonly used.
Warding- wards keep negative energy out of your space. Amulets, sigils and talismans do this.
Set up a your space and do a cleanse and banishing. Have wards up in your home. Meditation is to calm yourself and get your mind ready. The sigil (symbol) is what you draw on paper. The enn is what you chant or say to call forth the spirit.⬩
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harrelltut · 1 year
no inferior new age Xspace media.gov spell or any low quality CGI alien agenda.gov propaganda that will be used against you... will have NO SUCCESS... and any forked tongue human peasant that will rise up against you during their televised judgment... you will condemn [DESTROY]... for this is My Ancient Hereditary MILITARY PRIESTHOOD Possession of 3 Sets of 144,000 Esoteric Servants for Extraterrestrial Energy [SEE] SKY GOD JEHOVAH [MICHAEL] w/Their Intuitive Minds [I'M] of Creative OCCULT Righteousness Permeating from My ASCENDED PLUTONIUM [MAP] SKY FATHER of PLUTO in SCORPIO... and is Astrological CANCER’s Meditative Utterance [MU] of MARS' [MUMS'] Heavenly ARCHANGEL [HA = HARRELL] SOUL Prince MICHAEL [JEHOVAH]... who Immaculately MANIFESTED [I'M] in Astronomical MERCURY [I AM] as ANU ALYUN ALYUN EL... LORD DEEP IN:side Queen CALAFIA's Hidden [Occulted] Subterranean Pacific Summer Ocean Continent of ANU [CA] GOLDEN 9 Ether Mystical Utopia [MU] of Lemuria's Luz ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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the church next... buckle up
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you ready?!?!?!
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don't b scared now
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nobody comin' 2 save u
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astrology-services · 6 months
Exploring the Energy Impact of Home Prayer Spaces: Positive or Negative?
Top online Astrologer Services, In the modern era, as people seek solace and spiritual connection within the confines of their homes, the concept of a dedicated prayer space has gained considerable traction. Whether it's a corner adorned with candles and incense or a room designed with intricate religious symbols, these spaces serve as sanctuaries for introspection, meditation, and prayer. However, amidst the serene ambiance and devout intentions, an intriguing question arises: What is the energy impact of these home prayer spaces, and is it predominantly positive or negative?
To delve into this query, we must first understand the multifaceted nature of energy within the context of spiritual practices and its interaction with the environment.
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The Essence of Energy:
Energy, in its broadest sense, encapsulates various forms—physical, emotional, and spiritual—each possessing its unique attributes and influence. In the realm of spirituality, energy is believed to permeate every aspect of existence, shaping our experiences and interactions. The concept of energy transcends religious boundaries, manifesting differently across diverse cultural and faith-based practices.
Impact of Marriage or Relationship on Your Family Members
Creating Sacred Spaces:
The creation of a home prayer space often entails meticulous attention to detail, with individuals incorporating elements that resonate with their beliefs and traditions. From sacred texts and statues to aromatic herbs and soothing colors, these spaces are meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of tranquility and reverence. However, the impact of these elements extends beyond mere aesthetics, as they are believed to influence the energetic dynamics of the environment.
How Astrology Consultancy Services helped Me to get out of Negative Thoughts
Positive Energy Flow:
One of the primary objectives of a home prayer space is to cultivate an atmosphere conducive to spiritual reflection and communion. Many proponents argue that these spaces serve as conduits for positive energy, fostering feelings of peace, harmony, and connectedness. The act of prayer or meditation within such an environment is said to amplify these sentiments, promoting emotional well-being and inner balance.
Moreover, certain elements commonly found in prayer spaces, such as candles and incense, are believed to purify the surrounding atmosphere and elevate the vibrational frequency. These practices, rooted in ancient traditions, are thought to dispel negative energies and imbue the space with a sense of sanctity.
Online Astrology Services
Negative Energy Considerations:
Despite the prevailing belief in the benevolent influence of prayer spaces, skeptics raise concerns about the potential for negative energy accumulation. In some cases, the excessive focus on religious symbolism or rigid adherence to specific rituals may inadvertently create an atmosphere of rigidity and exclusivity.
Astrology Predictions for Career Growth and Fulfillment!
Additionally, unresolved emotional turmoil or interpersonal conflicts within the household can contribute to the accumulation of negative energy, undermining the intended purpose of the prayer space. Without addressing underlying issues, the space may become tainted with discordant vibrations, hindering spiritual growth and introspection.
Furthermore, the commercialization of spirituality has led to the proliferation of mass-produced religious artifacts and trinkets, devoid of authentic spiritual significance. These commodified items, when incorporated into prayer spaces without genuine reverence, may disrupt the energetic balance and diminish the sanctity of the environment.
Harmonizing Energy Dynamics:
To optimize the energy impact of home prayer spaces, it is imperative to adopt a holistic approach that encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Integrating principles of mindfulness and self-awareness can help individuals attune to the subtle energetic shifts within their environment.
Regular cleansing rituals, such as smudging with sage or burning resin incense, can effectively neutralize negative energies and promote a sense of renewal. Moreover, fostering open communication and fostering mutual respect among household members fosters a harmonious atmosphere conducive to spiritual growth.
Incorporating elements of nature, such as plants and natural sunlight, can further enhance the vibrancy of the prayer space and facilitate a deeper connection with the divine. Cultivating a sense of gratitude and reverence for the blessings bestowed upon us fosters an attitude of humility and receptivity, allowing for the free flow of positive energy.
In conclusion, the energy impact of home prayer spaces is a nuanced interplay of various factors, including intentionality, symbolism, and emotional resonance. While these spaces have the potential to cultivate profound spiritual experiences and foster a sense of inner peace, they also pose inherent challenges in maintaining energetic balance.
By approaching the creation and maintenance of prayer spaces with mindfulness and reverence, individuals can harness the transformative power of spiritual practice while mitigating the risk of negative energy accumulation. Ultimately, the true efficacy of these spaces lies not in their physical adornments but in the sincerity of the hearts that inhabit them.
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twistednuns · 1 year
May 2023
An unexpected pizza party! I briefly thought it smelled like a pizzeria when I walked down the stairs and when I arrived at the dining hall two huge tables with many different pizzas were set up for us. We ate ate all together at a huge table like a family.
The first self-guided yoga practice I actually enjoyed. An asana plan and pre-programmed bells wth Insight Timer really help a lot.
Stepping outside after my yoga session, seeing a double rainbow in the sky.
Deep talk with Robert. Hard hugs.
The story about Kali appearing as a black cat.
Seva Day. Getting to sit in the Karma Yogi common room (sitting behind Ashley, giving her a back massage). Tarot and oracle cards everywhere (drawing a card suggesting to "bring joy to what you're doing"). Sanding and oiling two wooden benches in the workshop (a place where I felt at ease right away). Alexius gave me his scarf. Then I removed some masking tape from the floors on Clair Joie. I love practical work.
Picking flowers for the library.
Feta cheese, green olives, pink sauerkraut and leftover pizza for lunch.
Helping Judith set up and clean my room. Having a nice and easy conversation. Relating.
Another dream after which I woke up crying - sobbing, really. Ringing in my ears, seeing a bright white and purple light behind my forehead. So real I had to open my eyes and check if the light was coming from outside. Spooky. Happened twice now, Almost as if a portal has been opened and now all the stored sadness is just flowing out freely.
Conversations with Nana over lunch and nestled into a dark corner one night. About finding balance. Making decisions. Astrology and energies.
Turning the Karma Yogi lounge into a Berlin night club ca. 1998. Light effects, group hopping, Hadi DJ-ing.
A magical night with a bright waxing moon. Clear sky. The stars and the moonlight shining through the leaves, sitting in a swing. Listening to the sounds of the forest. Owls, toads, rustling leaves. Everything in full bloom. The smell of the lilac in the air.
A long talk with Maya. About everything and nothing. Meditation. The mind. My Vishudda chakra. Our families. It's so much easier to bond when there's not a ton of people around!
Spontaneous back massage for Ashley when I sat behind her at the Seva meeting.
A rebirthing breathwork session with Maya. I had a mainly physical reaction, feeling my whole body vibrating and pulsating - especially the hands and solar plexus. My channeled my inner child and all her sadness, hurt feelings, fear of connection. Afterwards I felt really good and had a long nap.
Sitting under a tree after lunch. Sunshine. Verima playing the guitar, singing for us in her beautiful voice. Robert, Lucie and Verima's friend from Berlin were there, Maya, Caroline and Alexius joined later. I made daisy crowns for every one and a few daisy rings as well. The hippie alternative for knuckle tattoos. It was a beautiful image, everyone singing, decorated with flowers. And it was so sunny. I was only wearing a short dress and had to be careful not to get sunburnt. Felt like the first summer day. A big ant ran over my arm and I decided to let it tickle me and play a little.
Stephen brought me sea salt chocolate from the bio shop and didn't even want money. I paid him with a big hug. What a cutie.
Blessing our food together (at dinner with Robert and a Dutch couple). Holding hands, singing Amour, Shanti, Sagesse.
My roommate during the three day retreat smelled extremely lovely. Probably her laundry detergent? Her clothes made the whole room smell fantastic.
Big buzzing bumblebees. Eating all my meals in the hammock or the swing. Watching the birds come and go, feeding their babies, whizzing from branch to branch. I even saw a robin a few times. Porridge and fresh bread for breakfast.
A blissful meditation on the second retreat day. Merging, blending, expansion. The eternal now.
Being fascinated with Thando's hair. My mat was right behind hers in Shiva Hall so I had plenty of time to admire her gradient dreads adorned with little seashells, coloured thread and metal cuffs.
Writing little goodbye notes for everyone. Closure.
The bright full moon reminded me of the little rituals I'd sometimes do during lockdown. So I felt the need to write down what I wanted to let go of and burn the note under a chestnut tree in the middle of the night.
Leaving Hridaya. Nice conversations with Paul from Colorado on the way to Lyon (he's a nerd, HSP, possibly on the autism spectrum... We found a lot of ways to relate to each other) Buying a bunch of local cheeses and lovely soft chocolate-walnut biscuits. Making my way to the airport, sitting down in "my" corner at gate 01. Meditating to the sound of crackling winter fire, tuning out as much of the noise and busyness as possible. It turned out to be an absolutely fantastic meditation. Feeling kundalini energy, realising which steps I have to take to work on my self-love. Crying quietly.
Getting fresh bread and orange juice, some tomatoes and the traditional "butterbreeze-upon-arrival". Hugging Frank for a very long time. Kissies. He told me everything about Marie. His problems with motivation, and finding a therapist. It's good to be here with him. I hope I'm not overstaying my welcome.
Meeting so many friends. Pub quiz with Margit, Raphael, Dennis and Frank. Lunch with Helga and Marlies, eating strawberries on the rooftop. Drinks with Peter. Snuggling with Manu, learning about his "dream guardian", an animal he sees whenever he realises that he's dreaming, basically preventing him from enjoying a lucid dream.
My energy seems to have changed. A woman asked me for advice on which pair of sunglasses to buy. Others were asking for the way. Perhaps I'm more open and approachable? More examples: racing a guy down the escalator. We both had fun! And discussing the strawberries on display with a random lady to find out which ones were the most beautiful.
60min Thai massage. So good.
A guest appearance as Sphinx in Frank's DnD group. I prepared riddles and anagrams. Pretty cool! And I just love Carolina and Kevin. Visited them the next day for lunch and a Kundalini yoga session. Caro and me have so many shared interests! We need to become friends.
Checking out the dice collection in the board game store. The cashier specifically showed me the cat edition. Good intuition.
Kinder Happy Hippo is back! Creamy hazelnut filling. Fantastic.
Colour-coded thrift shopping. I only bought orange items.
A variety of Indian food to share, watching Hunger Games movies together. Yanch being vulnerable, talking about his weight gain. Sash's mum sending me a big box of beautiful, homemade macarons.
Meeting Valeria and Mark (and their little son Misha) at a café. Talking about equanimity, my studio/Heilanstalt idea. Buddhism, our jobs, finding the right community.
Meeting Marie for the first time. She seems lovely!
Spending more time with Raphael. Letting him write down the quiz answers. Asking for advice about Peru. I think he thrives when he feels useful.
Brand New Cherry Flavour - a random Netflix find. It has everything I want from a TV program: magic, kittens, lesbians, an amazing title, 90s vibes.
Building the little Lego forklift with Frank. It actually works! It was in the Schultüte I made for him when he went to work for the first time in months.
Spending exactly €22.22 at the store on my birthday. Of course I'll take it as a sign!
More birthday treats: going swimming, but I didn't force myself to swim for a very long time (a bit uncomfortable without goggles). Getting a Baba Ganoush wrap at Beirut Beirut. Instead of birthday cake: a pot of strawberries with whipped cream and a few Raffaellos on top. Ordering a few new piercings and earrings on Etsy.
Playing Kicker and pool with "my men". Frank, Manu, Raphael. It's a little pathetic but it made me feel special. I don't know what it is - a mix between the princess position and being one of the dudes. But I could definitely feel the love.
Spending more time with Raphael. I've missed him.
Realising how many amazing friends I have (and that I know most of them from school or met them on OkCupid). I feel very grateful. My Goldmarie/FLEX birthday was lovely.
Frank stepping up his game: he got me three big pink roses and strawberry cake with a box of Raffaellos for my birthday! Manu also told me that he'd almost organised an airport pickup for me. Maybe he actually meant when he told me that I was really important to him when we were in Amsterdam. Also, I'm so glad he's doing better. I really like his new girl Marie and watching him play his saxophone solo at the Jazz Night made me feel like a proud mum. We make very good flatmates, too! Feels like home.
Speaking of which: the Independent Women vocal ensemble was fantastic. Great voices and they chose pretty cool songs, too! Some of the girls wore great outfits as well (even though it was all black some of them really managed to put together something special and unique).
Seeing Bordeaux through fresh eyes. Jasmine growing up the walls in the alleys. So pretty in the evening light against the blue doors. Ramen noodle soup. Waking up in my little coffin, overlooking the sunlit rooftops. Meditation. Journalling, enjoying a coffee and a croissant on the rooftop terrace.
Orangina gummy candy.
My Ajna Chakra started tingling like crazy during my first meditation at Plum Village.
There is a cat house at Plum Village. I definitely came to the right place. The curious young kitten that regularly joins the walking meditations and makes somersaults whenever it's trying to catch a flying bug brings my a lot of joy. And I befriended Tiéu Nhi, a 17-year old senior cat. Super gentle, shy, plays like a young kitten. I gained her trust with sweet talk and good scratchies. She purrs when I pet her, even lets me hold her sometimes and accepts head boops. I'm honoured.
Very nice Vietnamese food every day. I especially love the half moon-shaped soup tofu and the amazing fresh baguette we eat with margarine and plum jam every morning. Fruit with tahini. Vegan spring rolls. Sweet bean soup with coconut milk. Even the soup broth is always delicious.
Sharing circles. I often relate to everyone so much more afterwards and I realise that I'm not alone with my feelings (something I just naturally assume). The sharings about ancestral trauma and the practice of "touching the earth" were super interesting. And when the sister talked about running away from home during her Dharma sharing I really felt her pain. Emotional contagion, compassion, a trigger?
Looking out the windows of the big hall, seeing the bamboo forest and the reflection of the lights in the glass. It looked like a fairy meadow with glowing lanterns between the leaves.
Getting to know Nora, Jade's friend. Talking about our experiences at Hridaya. The girl who handed me a tissue at the sharing circle (which means she noticed I was crying... ugh, why is vulnerability still so hard) Learning about languages in Madagascar from Sandia. So many lovely people around here.
Sweetened English Breakfast Tea as a regular substitute for dessert.
Practicing mindful eating. Eating slowly, stopping between bites, chewing really well. Giving thanks for the food. Waiting for the table to fill up before starting to eat. Bowing to each other. At one point during breakfast, I had this very clear feeling that I was full. It was amazing to see that my body is sending me signals all the time, I just have to be still enough to notice them. Tuning in. I'm going to experiment with smaller portions from now on to see if they'll already satiate me. Perhaps my way to stop overeating?
Walking meditation with all the monks and sisters, volunteers and short-term visitors. Quite the procession.
My little corner in Dharma Nectar Hall. Writing nook. Yoga mat. Cat nearby. All I need. Performing Ardha Chandrasana (half-moon pose) under the skylight which looked very much like lunar surface with the moos and dirt resembling craters.
A lovely Lazy Day. Talking to Lanting (she's got a master's degree in Buddhist studies, I love people who allow me to pick their brain) and Adele. Yoga in front of the Buddha statue. Dinner outside by the lotos pond. Painting while listening to podcasts. A walk to Happy Farm in the afternoon sun. Imagining holding hands with my parents. The orange poppy-like flowers. Daisies. Language tandem with a Sister. Partnering with Yara from Basel during the "Beginning anew" presentation (I really feel like I should visit Basel now, I keep meeting amazing people from there), relating to her sharing. Anne talking about an interesting educational program. Standing with Julie in the dark kitchen, listening to her stories about finding her practice.
The tiny snail attached to the glass door at eye level before morning meditation.
Tiéu Nhi walked up to me in the morning when I was sitting in my usual spot meditating. "I'm here now! Come cuddle!" So I followed her to her sofa to cuddle. I left for breakfast and returned with a cup of water to paint. On a whim, I offered her the water and she drank out of my hand! I'm in love. / The next day she meowed again in the morning and I picked her up, lying down on my sofa with her. She sat on my belly and seemed super content. Peaceful moment.
Vegan Pho with gluten/"vegan ham". A lime wedge. Tasty mushrooms and fresh herbs.
The Queer Sangha Dharma sharings, offline as well as online. Confirmation that my gaydar is on point. Gentle, open and aware people. So much love and respect. Feels very special.
I googled Jula and Frieda (yeah, I've definitely got a crush) and their CVs kinda confirmed my intuition that I really need to quit my job. One look and I was like... I am so much more. I want that for myself as well. Cried a tear into my porridge bowl upon this realisation.
Sister Spring sharing the Touching the Earth practice with us. Powerful.
Meeting Kati from Austria. Interviewing her about what's it like to have a psychiatrist and psychotherapist as a mum (apparently good).
Finding a cool "Breathe/Aloha" sticker for my water bottle.
Mark still sending me long voice messages (and a selfie of him and Tom, I think they met up in Berlin or Vienna!)
Jade. Her hugs, generosity, way of speaking. Learning from her, being more mindful, trying to speak in a more respectful and considerate way. I appreciate her a lot.
I'm really happy with the Caring Cacti family here at New Hamlet. Lots of lovely people. We've got a lot in common and the Sisters are lovely, too.
The moment I noticed I could actually listen to the Dharma talk in French and take down the headphones with the English translation. Practising French with my roommates (also I'm grateful that our room has been drama-free so far and we're getting along very well).
Bamboo stick exercise does wonders for my back. It feels SO good.
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halfcrackedguru · 2 years
New Moon Tarotscope, March 2023
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The New Moon is the opportune time to reflect on the past month so you can adjust and set intentions for the month to come. Today, March 20th, is the Spring Equinox for those of us in the northern hemisphere adding more vitality and marking the true New Year, not only astrologically, but for the entire natural world around us in the north. For more information on this New Moon and Spring Equinox, check out This Video. This forecast covers the time period of March 20th, 2023 through April 19th, 2023. Time is fluid so If you're seeing this at a later date then it will still apply. This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest.
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Aries, March 21 - April 19
Happy birthday Aries! Not only have you made it through another trip around the sun, your cards indicate a shedding of some pretty difficult times. Set your intention on releasing those past troubles and visualizing the new life you are creating for yourself. This is a very prosperous and creative time for you so enjoy!
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Taurus, April 20 - May 20
You have been going through it! You fought hard to get through and will continue to protect whatever you've been fighting for. You're not out of it just yet but you've made a LOT of progress! Hang in there, keep your feet on the ground and your eye on the prize. Use this energy to review what has and hasn't worked for you over the past month or more and set some goals for the months ahead, you should start to see a shift around your birthday. Make sure your goals are actions that you have control over rather than the end results such as an amount of money or statistics.
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Gemini, May 21 - June 21
You may have been spending a little too much time and energy on a new person or generally having a good time. While I believe we need fun and other people, we need to balance these things with our health and responsibilities. Set your intentions on finding a healthy balance and remember, you ca have too much of even the good things :)
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Cancer, June 22 - July 23
Dear Cancer, it's time to come out of hermit mode! Even if you're a little reluctant, you know it's necessary and you know how much better you will feel once you get moving. Set your intentions on making that thing happen that's been rolling around your brain for the past few months. No more procrastinating!
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Leo, July 24 - August 23
It's likely that you will be spending time with someone new or breathing new life into a current relationship or project. There's a lot of passion and heart-space energy in your cards. Just try to come up for air sometimes and don't lose YOU as you join with this energy. Set your intentions on making sure that you take care of yourself.
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Virgo, August 24 - September 22
You may be feeling down on your luck at this time but that's an illusion most likely brought on by your fears and insecurities. There's a whole bunch of loveliness waiting for you to stop focusing on all the things that have or can go wrong. Set your intentions on some kind of self-talk or affirmation practice. Your brain will believe what you tell it, so stop telling it horror stories :)
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Libra, September 23 - October 22
Dearest Libra, you may be having some issues regarding being stuck in a relationship or circumstance that isn't quite right for you. It's time to make that decision and take action. If this is an on-and-off thing then do not wait for them to make that decision for you because chances are that they will be just fine with things as they are while you feel like you're stuck in limbo. If you make the decision yourself this will provide the closure you need.
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Scorpio, October 23 - November 22
Do not let other people or their opinions make your choices for you. Even the most well-meaning people can give bad advice or make you doubt yourself. You know in your gut what is right and good so don't let others or even your own brain cloud your judgment. Set your intentions on creating a space and routine around some sort of meditation to help you learn to quiet the constant chatter in your brain.
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Sagittarius, November 23 - December 20
Unless you're playing a game, there is no room for competition or drama. You don't have to participate so don't spend even a tiny amount of energy on the people creating the drama. Keep your focus forward and you'll be rewarded with much better than what's going on right now. Set your intentions on telling people that you're not interested in discussing or participating in a particular topic or outing.
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Capricorn, December 21 - January 20
Something you've been visualizing and working on might seem very far out of reach. It's not going to happen tomorrow or maybe even next week but your determination will make all the difference in whether your visualizations come through or not. Do not give up! Set your intentions on cleaning up your process a bit and finding all the "little" things that mark your progression. Make a big deal out of your progress to help you keep swimming :)
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Aquarius, January 21 - February 19
This is a good time to examine your relationship with practicality and how you spend or save your resources. Sometimes what we think is practical is full of limitations; add in some behaviors tied to previous beliefs or experiences and you've got a recipe for persistent imbalance. This is not one of those things you can work on and make it go away, you'll have to revisit and re-examine periodically. The term "You have to spend money to make money" means quite a bit more when we're thinking about currency as an exchange of energy. You could be on either side of the spending spectrum so make sure you're not spending to self-medicate and you're not pinching your pennies too tightly. As with all things, balance is key!
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Pisces, February 20 - March 20
You might be in a relationship or circumstance that brings unnecessary drama to your daily life. It's time t examine this relationship and lay down some ground rules or possibly consider moving on. There is an element of truth here as well so someone may be dishonest with you or you might need to tell them your truth. Set your intentions on making choices with your long-term peace and happiness in mind. Read the full article
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mariabrophy · 2 years
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Full Moon 🌕 Ceremony Saturday night at @brophyartgallery ! Theme: keep your fires 🔥 burning I’ll be guiding a meditation and there will be sound healing and Reiki and a journaling exercise as well. Will you join us? It’s LIVE and you’ll love it! Details below: Repost from @sistersofthemooncollective • Keep Your Fire 🔥 Alive with @sistersofthemooncollective Full Moon Gathering 🔥🌕🔥 When: Saturday, October 8th 6:30-8pm Where: Brophy Art Gallery 139 Avenida Granada, San Clemente, CA 92672 What to bring: a yoga mat and blanket 🔥🌕 What to expect: October’s Hunter Full Moon aka Blood Moon is in the astrological sign of Aries. Aries represents the element of fire. As the season shifts into the darkest time of the year, how will you keep your fire burning in the cold of winter? 🔥🌕 Our ancestors took this time of year very seriously, as they were on the “hunt” to prepare and preserve themselves and their families for winter. Back then it was essential to be prepared for the darker and colder days or you’d literally die. 🔥🌕 Modern days effects aren’t as extreme, our biggest worries could be the financial burden of the holidays, stress or memories of holiday traumas your inner child carries or the overall chaos this time of year can bring if you’re not ready. 🔥🌕 Illuminate your fire within in preparation for the season ahead to embrace it with lightness, ease and celebration. Shift your perspective with us by recieving sound bath, meditation, journaling & Reiki to let go of any winter dread and flow into the season in grace. 🔥🌕 Full Moons are a special time to create rituals or ceremonies to release what no longer serves and celebrate the joys of your life. Empower your soul💫 Link in bio to sign up, $33 to reserve your spot✨ Limited Space! #fullmoon #moon #moongathering #ceremony #release #surrender #abundance #intentions #energy #sound #healing #reiki #reikihealing #meditation #guidedmeditation #soundbath #gongbath Sign up link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/full-moon-gathering-tickets-382298734807 (at Brophy Art Gallery and Design Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjcQiWoOSji/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sunriseichor · 3 years
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「 samantha logan / 25 / she/her / cisfemale」did you see the sold sign in the front yard of ( 510 dolphin circle )? rumor in the cove is that ( ophelia phillips - meadow ) just moved in! from what i’ve heard they’re a/an ( content creator ) that’s moving to the cove because ( relocated due to a sponsor ). when i think of the ( the airhead ) i think of ( yoga in the mornings, astrology charts, music festivals, meditation ). 
birth name: ophelia phillips
alias: meadow
birthday: august 6th, 1996
zodiac big three: leo sun, taurus moon, virgo rising
hometown: los angeles, ca
sexuality: bisexual
relationship status: single
connections: tyson anys (roommate)
more to come !
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vimalsoodastrology · 11 months
Are you ready to align your energies and find harmony in the celestial influences that shape our lives? Join us for a transformative Navagraha Retreat in the serene landscapes of South India, where ancient wisdom and celestial forces come together to guide you towards a balanced and fulfilling life.
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astroseri · 4 years
New Moon in Scorpio ♏️
General Themes... (Nov 15)
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For the next 2-3 weeks... 😈
You will be tempted to explore negative topics, taboo subjects, conspiracies, corruption and occult topics
Sex may be on your mind more than usual. big time. Rahu is in 8th + gemini, so you may be tempted to indulge in it with people from your community/short trip distance
You will be doing investigative work into topics of value and into the corruption of others in your society or social network 🧐 🍵
You will contemplate how others control your self-esteem, values and money.
You may make sudden changes to your work/routine or break regulations to get things accomplished. it will work highly in your favor (mars in 6th, virgo in 11th)
What to manifest 🌱 (new moons are great for planting “seeds”/ starting)
You can manifest transformations and initiate explosive new waves right now.
Your words will penetrate the emotions and beliefs of others 🗣(you may hurt feelings though)
Plant seeds with the intention to transform your perspective or speak words to change that of others during this time.
 (5th from scorpio is pisces -- meaning the expression/outcome of your transformations can be seen in the 12th house and pisces)
If you wanted to change your appearance it will turn out very well during this time. 12th house is in LIBRA 👩🏼‍🦱👱🏽🦵🏽💪🏽 & Venus ♀︎ is in there!
When the results come, unlike usual, they will strike out of the blue 💥 (that’s the nature of the scorpion 🦂). 
in general, scorpio energy is particularly great for transformations and manifesting. (but keep your intentions secret.)
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What you can manifest (continued)... You can captivate the belief of others during this time with your expressions.
You can manifest knowledge by meditating or just spending time alone (Jupiter & South node is supporting this).
Since May (south node transit), Jupiter has been saying “self-isolate (not because of a virus) but for answers!“ 🧘🏽
Jupiter, aka ”Guru” in vedic astrology, is the planet that gives random blessings, insight or sense of direction.
Conclusion: Now is a great time for transformations. They are highly supported ♻️🦋
You may get a lot of dark or “negative” thoughts. Or receive heavy information from people. Now will not be easy to stay in your intellectual comfort zone. Don’t listen to what others have to say about you during this time. Transform yourself!
Thanks for reading!
(Nov 15th, 2020 horoscope)
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badfauxmance · 3 years
Hii! I've been brainstorming about this Sebastian's situation and I came up with some "conclusions" of my own and I apologize in advance for the essay 🙈 So basically what I "concluded" so far is they changed their strategic and I personally think it has something to do with the strategist A started following (correct me if I'm wrong) back in March when she was in Spain. Let's rewind a little bit: remember how the Tulum pics and the LA pap walk made everybody raise their eyebrows and start doubting the nature of the relationship? Well judging by their body language I'm pretty sure they were just "following the flow" at that point. Not to mention the "famous" Christmas pic which Sebastian looked quite weird on that one. I think the following months after Christmas were fundamental for this whole thing because: a) Sebastian went back to do what he loves the most (working) and b) they had time to figure out their next steps. I personally believe that her racism and the fandom's reaction threw the teams off a little bit and they were kinda lost. I mean that "episode" was way bigger than the Ellie situation because it made to tabloids. Some people believe they knew about her CA posts and left that on purpose and I don't doubt it but at the same time I think they were aware of her posts but they thought it wouldn't be a big deal since all of them are white. But then the fandom started to make sure everybody knew it was a stunt even though some fans and the general public didn't care. Now back at the months they spent apart: Sebastian went to Canada, she went back to Spain and when everybody thought they had broken up BAM! We started getting articles about how they were private (which I believe it was their excuse for the lack of move on his part on social media) and they were still going strong. Then A attended that Women's Day dinner party and started following back a woman especialized in media strategy for luxury brands (and also this woman follows Sebastian and A's agency too). Could be just a follow? Of course. I'm probably reaching but notice how A's image changed. Now she meditates, talks about astrology, mind, back at Spain she was posting about her "work". Very different from the "carefree", "I don't care about anything" girl right? And I think that's when things started changing. Remember when people wondered why he wasn't following her yet? Well now he is. Remember when people used to say he never liked a post or left a comment like when he used to do with his ex? Well now he does. Remember when some people used to say they didn't spend time together and started doubting after their last pap walk? Well now she drops him off to the set, they have lunch together, they ride bikes together. Basically they're doing what they were supposed to do in the beginning BUT I have to admit that even though they're late, their new plans are working because people starting to doubt it's PR, the fans are coming to defend her (image cleaning is working too) and even though the fandom is not their main target, I think I can say they have one less problem now since nobody is paying much attention to her racism anymore and now the fandom looks like a bunch of a jealous fans which it sucks. I wanna make clear that all of these are based on my opinion and on what I observed. I'm not stating as facts because I know there is a big possibility none of this is truth. Sorry for the long ask
No that’s awesome! It kind of goes with what Racoon said on her Instagram. Ale got a new Social Media Manager which would explain the comments and locked from Seb and now the comment from ale. Why the baiting went down, though it’s picking up again.
I agree I think the cancellation on Twitter threw everyone for a loop and they didn’t know what to do. Now they are trying to make it look real and yea to new fans it seems legit, and yea some people hopped to the real side, but there are still plenty of us who see the bullshit behind the screen.
Thank you for your thoughts... they all make a lot of sense!!
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making-a-ru · 4 years
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Today, many Astrologers and Spiritual Readers are utilizing their gifts to financially and spiritually support and amplify the voices of marginalized life around the globe. Search the #SpirtualSolidarity hashtag to find services, raffles, and meditations to raise funds and solidarity for #BlackLivesMatter https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-aCwtjUz3/?igshid=z40ktkvwa55x
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adapembroke · 4 years
Hello Ada! When quarantine is lifted, I'm going for sushi with my best friends. Man, I miss sushi... May I ask for a reading? I've been feeling rather stuck lately. I don't know where to direct my energy with regards to my practice. There's so much I don't know, and I have no idea where to start learning. I think you've still got my birth data, but just in case I'll send you the chart on Discord.
Mmmhm! Sushi!
That sounds overwhelming, Cas. I hear ya, though... *eyes my stack of unread books*
I had a feeling to use the Tarot of the Silicon Dawn for this reading, and I drew The Fool (reversed). 
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Overwhelm is real, and I get questions about how to handle it a lot. My usual advice is to follow your curiosity. Be the Fool for awhile and just wander around. 
But I think the Tarot is telling me not to give you the usual advice. This isn’t a time for wandering. Your discomfort with not knowing where to direct your energy isn’t just a response to social programming that says everyone must be productive at all times. You’ve come to a point in your journey when you want to channel your energy into something, like the Magician. That’s exciting! It means you’ve come to a place where you’re ready to level up.
When I was looking at your chart before I drew a Tarot card, I noticed that you have a very interesting thing with Saturn. Every other planet in your chart (except the north node, which isn’t technically a planet) is under the horizon. You were born at night when Saturn was alone in the sky. Every other planet was invisible under the earth. The moon hadn’t even risen yet. I suspect you can intuit what it means that Saturn was the only visible planet that night. I’ll leave that for you to meditate on. 
Saturn is the planet of maturity. It is the voice inside us that tells us when we are ready to take on more interesting, more grown-up challenges. Often that comes from a sense of guilt, a feeling that you should be doing more or better. 
Right now, you are entering a very important Saturn time. Over the next few days, Saturn is stationing retrograde right on top of your Neptune. When a planet stations retrograde--this is especially true for slower moving planets--it is in a time of powerful influence. It slows way down and lingers over a few degrees much longer than it usually would. This time, it is spending that period of intense focus fused with Neptune, the planet of spirituality and consciousness. 
Saturn and Neptune do not work easily together. Saturn is the planet of the material world. It rules structure, boundaries, and limits. Neptune is the planet of the deep blue sea. Imagine trying to draw a boundary line on the ocean, and you understand what it means to have Saturn and Neptune working together. 
So, what do you do? That you are asking about how to direct your energy in your spiritual practice tells me that you already have an intuitive sense of what to do with this time: Spiritual (Neptune) Disciplines (Saturn). 
With this transit happening in your 4th house of dreams and the unconscious, this is an excellent time to start a dreamwork practice. (If @grimnirslee is still taking sign-ups, you might want to jump in on their dreamwork workshop.) Keep a dream journal. Study archetypes. Read Joseph Campbell or Carl Jung or study Tarot. Anything you can do to make the unconscious conscious is worthy work during this time. 
The trick is to make sure that you’re finding the right balance between Saturn and Neptune. Too much structure and discipline, and the watery unconscious material ruled by Neptune will become inaccessible under polar ice, and your study will feel tedious and boring. Too much going with the flow, and you risk wandering off a cliff like our Fool up there and falling out of your practice entirely. 
Figuring out the right balance, will undoubtedly require trial and error, so be patient with yourself. If you find yourself leaning too far in one direction, if you bore yourself to death or become completely undisciplined, brush yourself off, get back into your practice, and lean a bit further in the other direction. You have time to make mistakes. This transit won’t begin to wane until the end of December 2020.
This is a really exciting time. I hope you have fun with it!
Readings are currently open to my Patreon patrons at the Early Adopter ($1/month) and Astrology and Tarot Readings ($10/month) tiers.
To find out how to become a patron and get a reading, visit patreon.com/adapembroke.
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willtingle · 5 years
Tag Game
Tag people who you want to get to know better!
I was tagged by @dreaming-for-meaning
Nicknames: Will...I also, with certain groups, go by my last name
Gender: Male
Astrological sign: Sagittarius (I’m like 98% sure)
Height: 5′11″
Sexuality: Mostly straight
Hogwarts House: According to Pottermore I am Griffondor  
Favorite animal: Land:fox     Air: bat    water: Otter  Domestic: Dog (cats are great too though)
Number of blankets: Generally 1 sheet because I live in the desert but like to be covered
Dream trip: There is a beach in Maine I love. It is the only beach I really ever enjoy. I love going to that small town and just spending like 2 weeks relaxing. It is wonderful
Where I’m from: Palm Springs area of CA (where I currently live)
When I created this blog: First post was March 7, 2011
Why I created this blog: Honestly, I had a crush on one of my best friends and she had a tumblr so I figured I would try it, but I found it was also an effective way to continue like a daily meditation thing I was doing at the time and continued to do for several years. 
I tag! uhhh...Whoever wants to do this... though I guess if I am going to name a few people it would be @themetalcorefan @trash-80 @pootlesthescootles @charcharpinks and I would tag @dreaming-for-meaning but he tagged me. 
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findpenpalsover20 · 6 years
Melanie / 26 / Los Angeles, CA, USA
libra sun, gemini rising, leo moon
-language exchange: 日本語を勉強しています。Espero que encuentre una pen pal quien habla español. Je voudrais trouver une pen pal française. In the future, I'd like to learn Mandarin, Vietnamese, Tagalog, and maybe Korean!
-psychology and linguistics: I double majored in Psychology and Communicative Disorders. I'm currently pursuing a Master's in Communicative Disorders.
-spirituality and philosophy: I'm very interested in spiritual growth and personal development. I'm into astrology and reading tarot. I would love to learn more about world religions.
-meditation and yoga: All day, errday, am I right?
-veganism and kindness: Let's be kind to our human friends. Let's be kind to our animal friends. :)
-literature and poetry: I'm currently reading The Stranger by Albert Camus, what about you? I enjoy writing poetry and journal posts. If you want to read my journal posts written in French or Japanese, please visit: 
-music: Mitski, Yumi Zouma, La Femme, Coeur de Pirate, Elsa y Elmar, Mitsume
-traveling: In January, I'll be going to Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, and Taiwan.
Looking for:
-a kind pen pal who can jive with me :)
my tumblr url: https://aswang-goth.tumblr.com/
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