#Memories of the Past: An Undecided Future
pinkskytwst · 1 year
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(MC,OC,Prefect, NOTYuu)/Everyone (Final Pairing(s) undecided)
Rewriting Reality
Crowley felt the building quaking around him and heard the cries of anguish and rage that signaled his failure. He didn’t have to see the battle. He had watched so many times from the shadows. Over and over and over again. So much blood. So many tears and grief stricken faces of his students that sometimes he forgot what their smiling faces looked like when he closed his eyes.
But no matter what he did. No matter how many ‘Yuu’ s he brought. The outcome was the same.
It was always the same and it would be just one more soul he would see snuffed out before he had to rewind the clock. Data dump and scrub the files from existence.
Restart the game.
And each time he knew it would end the same way. It would never bring a ‘happy ending’ because there was a flaw in their existence that was written into it’s very core and then tried to be covered with barely rendered patches. A mockery of what they were meant for, what their purpose existed for and placing a wall preventing them from reaching their true potential. What they all craved and yet were unable to act on.
They were meant for love.
Crowley knew this as he knew his duty, his purpose was keeping their world running.
They were meant to exist with the choice to love. They were meant to find fulfillment in growing as close as they were allowed by their Prefect but in each life, each restart, that choice was stopped. Their words were edited. Reworked to fit the new ‘purpose’ they were told they existed for. But that didn’t stop their cores, their original selves fighting every step of the way and doing everything they could to try and get their feelings through.
Draconia was the most powerful of them. Where Crowley was chained to his purpose and had a certain kind of power over their world he was helpless in other ways. Malleus Draconia, however was the most powerful of all of them, had been meant to be from the start and because of that he was able to get more through than the rest of them. Choosing his words as carefully as possible while leaving just enough ambiguity that their restrictions wouldn’t rewrite his ‘dialogue’ completely he was able to express more of his true feelings than anyone else.
It was still never enough.
In some ways Crowley was thankful that he was the only one that was aware of the truth. He knew it would be infinitely more torture to know that his precious students remembered the endless Prefects that had stolen their hearts only to die in their arms while trying to save them all.
No two Yuu’s were alike and their paths differed with who they grew close to and what pasts they uncovered. What paths they chose even if the ending was the same. Every one of his precious students had found ones meant for them. Every one of his students had so many happy memories and hopes of the future that all ended in tragedy.
Each time it felt like Crowley was getting his heart ripped out just as fresh as the first.
Each time he wondered just how long he could do this without losing himself.
This time, though. This time he knew he couldn’t handle another.
He felt the castle crumbling around him and knew the ‘end’ was approaching. The time for him to rewind the clock. To start over and call forth another Yuu to sacrifice.
He wouldn’t.
He couldn’t.
He had spent so many routes searching, scouring every avenue he possibly could for options. Ways to CHANGE things. He knew it was unfair to the many Yuu’s he promised he was helping find them a way home but even if he had they wouldn’t have been permitted to leave their world. They were just as destined as the rest of them and so he had made his own plans. Plans he carefully memorized, knowing that trying to write anything down or make notes would be erased just like everything else when he rewound time.
It took longer than it should have because of that. He had to make absolutely certain that everything was exactly right. There were no room for error when he knew that making this change would break his powers. There was no certainty that he would be able to rewind again. If this went wrong the pain and loss would be permanent. So he only had this once chance.
To break the cycle he would have to break their system fundamentally.
He would have to give their Prefect freedom. They were just as chained as the rest of them with how they were able to respond. How they were allowed to express themself. It was built into the lens they interacted with their world through.
No ‘Yuu’ would ever have the ability to break out of their role.
So this time he wouldn’t drag a ‘Yuu’ into their world.
This time it would be someone else. Someone new.
Crowley reached out for the Mirror of Darkness, gathering all the magic he had access to. Pulled from even more that he had experimented with from the makeup of their world to be able to manipulate. He would need to not only rewind their world but also reach past the next chosen ‘Yuu’ and latch onto a soul that would have the power to rewrite their world around them. A power innate, built into what they were meant to be and where they were meant to go.
He would steal a soul meant for another world, a specific kind of world that they were meant to be. One compatible with their original purpose that would hopefully be able to unlock their freedom.
And most importantly, create a different ending for them all.
He felt the last scene be ‘triggered’ and he flooded the Mirror of Darkness with everything he had. Twisted and twisted and twisted further. Pushed past the controls that bound him, hissing as he felt them burning his soul but he continued to push.
He felt the light of the Yuu he was supposed to bring, knew that the Gate was prepared for them.
Guiding his reach past the waiting soul he almost cried out as alarms filled his ears and red lights began to flash wildly around him.
Gritting his teeth against it all he reached and reached. Past fabrics of reality that he was never meant to touch. Realities that existed in different logic than their own. Each one felt like shards of glass and needles raking over his soul as he broke through and past.
He had to continue. None of them were right. They weren’t what their world needed.
Crowley was beginning to feel his magic reach it’s limits and the drain begin to pull him back to his realm. Panic washed over him. No! No he wouldn’t fail his students! He wouldn’t let this be their end!
And then he felt it.
A light so alike their Yuu but so different.
He felt their abilities and nature. Their Soul.
He found the one that could access the base purpose of Twisted Wonderland. Could rewrite their futures.
Straining past his limit, Crowley extended his hand through an unfamiliar mirror.
—Take the hand of the one who is reflected in the Mirror as thine heart desires.
“Who are you, child?”
“My name is Ai.”
Hope you all like the start! (Yes 'Ai' is a name pun lol. I couldn't help it!) Tell me what you think!
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uldren-sov · 5 months
yes pls more Camy lore 👁️👁️ Beginnings, Storybeats, Seven and Albums
omg she is being perceived 👁️👁️ ..... LOL
tyty for the ask!!! <333
Beginnings: When and how did they know they wanted to be a professional musician? Was there a deciding factor?
I think she only knew she wanted to do it professionally kind of "late." Like around the first year of college. She was undecided on what she wanted to major in, but was most leaning on an English degree, maybe becoming a teacher one day??? Who knows. But after that first year of college and seeing their fame start to rise/seeing gigging actually starting to pay for rent, she began to seriously consider that this could be a profession. Music was her passion but seeing their success cemented the idea to cut out the safety net and dedicate herself more seriously to the band. The idea that it could be their future turned very quickly to how it would be their future and despite actually getting a degree in English and Music (with a minor in Marketing) she doesn't really plan on using the first. Over the course of college, music became the only goal.
Storybeats: If you could design one scene to happen in the story, what would it be? How would it change your character? What would make it so satisfying for the character arc?
I REALLY hope that we can just kick our parents to the curb lmao. I hope that we can decide that we'll have nothing more to do with them and also be able to like highlight that in some kind of interview. I fully think that Camy's support system was her friends and her friends only. She very quickly lost trust in her parents and lost hope in them ever giving her the love she needed from them. There is no going back to a point where she needs her family anymore, so I want there to be a scene that not only severs that relationship but also doesn't punish Camy for it. And I hope she could have like an unedited moment where she can say that like, people won't always have their family's approval or their support, and you'll still be FINE. Family doesn't always have to be blood, family can be the people you choose. And it would be satisfying to the character arc to be able to let go of that anguish, to finally have her stop seeking their apology in how they raised her, and to just be able to move on past them. (ALSO in that same vein I would KILL for a scene though with Lucy and Camy reuniting. Fuck you, Seven, OUR mother.)
Seven: Do you have headcanons about their friendship and/or romantic relationship (past or future)? What do you imagine some of their best memories are? What do you think some of Seven’s favourite things about your MC were/are?
Answered here! But I'll add that I think Camy always had a crush on Seven that she just didn't realize. And now its actually a surprise that her feelings have returned. She thought she was over him, she even listens to/is a fan of Soft Violence and felt nothing. She's happy for him, she's even relieved that he managed to get back on his feet. Though she does keep away from actually seeing him perform, because the few times she did, it felt like the pull of the ocean before a wave would crash on top of her. It took her a long time to get to this point, she was angry and SO hurt (especially when Seven made it a point to show off his rebounds so publicly) but she got to the point where it didn't hurt to hear his name any more, or it didn't lay her out when she thought about what she lost with him. But then she talked to him on that balcony and that wave crashed down over her and now she's not sure how much air she has left in her lungs before she's left drowning in her feelings for him once again.
Albums: What are some of the albums the band has released? Are they a consistent style? What themes did they explore?
Stolen from the game but their first album was Running Out of Time LOL I imagine that was released when they were fresh out of high school and she still was not what you would call very confident in their longevity. Especially when they went from just a cover band for various punk/alt rock bands to making their own music. Since then I think they released at least one more album with Seven, called Escape ( :) ) and two more without Seven called Midnight Calling and The Gambit. The latter is where that "hit song" came from and why she doesn't mind the pace from BOTB all that much, when inspiration strikes she is WORKING. Since Seven left I think they went less alt rock sound more leaning into the punk/hard rock vibes. She also likes to play with more pop-punk songs as well since they're oftentimes high energy and a lot of fun to perform and sing. I think those get more popular just by being more mainstream but she enjoys being able to play around in the different genres of rock. Typically she writes about her issues with the industry, her personal experiences, and some aspects of popular culture/standards; she fully stopped writing about her personal feelings after Seven left initially and only recently started to do so again. Oh and of course, in that same vein, love :3c (and in that same token, Seven) It was a while until she got over the heartbreak of Seven leaving, and though she was trying to be subtle about it, it was still definitely an obvious theme.
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bellestarot · 2 years
NCT's Dream Jaemin & NCT's Renjun Reading
November 27, 2022
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Jaemin Right Now
He's taking the lead in an important decision right now in his life, it could be work related but I see it's a decision that will cause positivity and good money for him. He was too undecided to choose between two things to make this decision but he is making the right choice.
He might be having family issues right now, there's secrets and lies, even he knows what's really going on. Although he has a very strong connection with his family because maybe he helps them financially, he is not happy with how things are working out.
There may be a figure he looks up to who isn't a very good role model, maybe they have manipulative attitudes towards him, just not being such a positive influence on his mind.
Renjun Right Now
He's quite upset and sad and maybe a little defensive about breaking up with someone he had a connection with. He made this decision but he is not happy with the end, actually he's very stressed and sad.
He doesn't feel comfortable being in the spotlight right now, there's a leading figure in his work that he doesn't like and I can see he doesn't want to travel and he doesn't want to be in the spotlight.
He even feels a little insecure about himself because of people sexualizing him by focusing too much on his appearance and it makes him very uncomfortable.
He's going through a lot right now, maybe he's not even able to sleep because of what just happened.
He wants to talk to someone but that person is not open to communication or he doesn't want to communicate with that person because he doesn't trust them. Maybe that person lied, did something that wasn't fair or exposed something of him personally to other people and it has hurt him a lot.
He doesn't seem to be in a relationship, I think he ended a relationship or he was cheated on by someone.
Because I see that he feels that he was putting a lot of effort into making something work even though it wasn't 100% faithful.
He had a lot of feelings for this person and still has just that the two weren't faithful to each other. There was a lot of backstabbing on both sides, maybe they weren't officially dating.
That person and him had a more fun side to having a relationship but I think it's over between them now.
Jaemin feelings towards Renjun
He doesn't feel connected to him now at all. In the past they were close or he feels they were close but nowadays there is nothing between the two of them really.
The memories he has of him are not positive, he thinks they don't even know each other in a way.
For him, maybe it was better, as much as it makes him sad, that the friendship ended because I see that there were conflicts between the two.
He waits for an apology from him even though he knows they won't get back to being friends or getting close, he waits for him to apologize because he still remembers him and the memories are sad because maybe he didn't want it to end but he kind of accepted what happened.
Renjun feelings towards Jaemin
He misses when they hung out in groups or when they chatted while hanging out with friends between them. He misses that time.
The two had family problems so I think they talked a lot about it, how their relationship with their family was difficult and the two related to each other that way.
(That's not certain) but maybe he sees him as more than a friend because I believe there are emotions directed towards him that may not just be friendship, he feels that the two of them had to meet each other as if it were fate.
He has feelings in this connection, even though Jaemin doesn't feel the same way. He also misses working with him, I think they got along very well working together that there was a partnership in understanding each other working that no longer exists.
Near future to them
The two will go their separate ways, maybe they will interact with each other but it's very much just reminiscing about what it was like in the past, or about the group.
It can make the other feel hurt because they expect something else, one doesn't feel the same about the other and that doesn't change the end of the connection.
Someone can end up starting to have addictions issues and this is a warning that it can become something very serious for this person.
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waitingonavision · 2 years
Jewish!Bruno Headcanons
Headcanons, as well as ideas based on the question, “What would Bruno find attractive and/or challenging about Judaism and his/his family’s Jewish ancestry?” Feel free to check out my #jewish madrigals tag for more (tl;dr the Madrigals are descendants of conversos).
His favorite holiday is Sukkot because he gets to build a sukkah (basically a hut) that is partially open to the sky and stars. When Sukkot falls on the triplets’ birthday, they get to celebrate and eat in the sukkah. He probably enjoys a bit of Purim too.
(Julieta’s favorite holiday is Rosh Hashanah, a big family holiday celebrating the New Year. Her least favorite is probably Passover because of the food restrictions. I’m still undecided as to what Pepa’s favorite and least favorite holidays are.)
Bruno may be intrigued when he finds out that the concept of original sin doesn’t exist in Judaism. Because here is someone who’s internalized the belief that he is Bad and causes bad luck, discovering that Judaism teaches that a person is born with a pure soul and has both a “good inclination” and a “bad inclination,” and that humans are capable of choosing right from wrong (one of the points of the Adam and Eve story, at least according to Jewish interpretations). He may find this freeing, or perhaps anxiety-provoking.
It’s likely that he has Feelings about Yom Kippur and its themes.
He becomes interested in Maimonides, who was a Sephardi philosopher from the Middle Ages.
He has a tallit (prayer shawl) that belonged to Pedro. Once he/the family starts lighting Shabbat candles again, they use candlesticks from Alma’s side that she’d saved without knowing their significance.
Judaism centers family and family holidays, traditions, and the past. Despite, or because of, his connection with the future, Bruno tends to be very past-oriented and likes this about Judaism.
“The past” means memories and stories (e.g., telling the Passover story). I can imagine Bruno becoming interested in Midrash, which is essentially Biblical fan fiction. At some point he starts making up stories about the characters in the Torah, especially Joseph and his family (which is big, has lots of siblings, including a black sheep). The entire Book of Genesis is his favorite because of all the telenovela-esque family drama.
He eventually incorporates the hamsa into his good luck charms, to ward off the “evil eye.”
Speaking of Passover...
Since the youngest child sings “Mah Nishtana” during the Seder, I’d like to retroactively imagine Bruno singing it as a child OR teaching Antonio how to sing it 😭
He likes putting his own spin on the “Four Children”—because oh gosh, haven’t the Madrigals already dealt enough with typecasting and archetypes. (The “Four Children” are the Wise Child, the Wicked Child, the Simple Child, and the Child Who Does not Know How to Ask a Question. It’s not one of my favorite sections of the Seder)
He loves hiding the afikomen (piece of matzah) for the kids to find.
When telling the story of Noah, he always mentions the rats they brought on the ark.
Judaism also has a lot to say about lashon hara (evil tongue; gossip, slander)—as in, don’t do it. Given that Bruno is a victim of lashon hara, he’d have a strong reaction to this.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
If your MC were to die, would Ethan/Tobias eventually move on to someone else? What about if it was the other way around?
Well, thanks for the cheery anon greeting me as soon as I get home from work. lol
There are other factors to consider here. When did they die? Was it shortly after they were together, and the surviving partner was relatively young? Did they die at an old age? Do they have children? There are many things that come into account when making this decision.
For those who are "This is Us" fans, I want you to think of Rebecca and Miguel after Jack passes, OK?
If Kaycee were to die early in their relationship, it would be a long time before Ethan would even consider dating again. I think he would date casually down the line, but I don't see him ever becoming committed to anyone as he was to Kaycee. One caveat, maybe he would end up Harper. I could see her being very supportive of him as he tried to heal, and in the distant future, that could grow into more. But Kaycee would remain the love of his life.
If Emma was already born... tough one. Part of me thinks. Eventually, he would fall for someone - maybe another widowed parent. Part of me thinks he'd make Emma his whole world... but then probably be pretty lonely when she becomes an adult. Of course, he could meet someone then? As you can see, I'm undecided lol
I'll come back to Kaycee...
I always HC'd that the difference between Ethan and Tobias was Ethan was actively avoiding commitment/marriage out of fear because of his history. Tobias wasn't afraid of them; he even respected it... for other people, he just didn't want it himself. Not at all. Casey changed all that. So I often HC that Casey is really the only person for him, and if she were to die early on in their relationship, I don't feel like he'd want to do it again. After a long time, he'd probably date and feel guilty, so maybe he'd stop? I don't like this answer, though. Everyone deserves to have some happiness in their lives, and granted, that doesn't require a partner - but if you have a good partner - it really is more enjoyable that way.
Now, if they had the girls already, I feel like I do about Ethan above. Though here, I feel like he would really throw himself into raising the girls. I mean, three kids? Alone? He'd be busy and have his hands full. But, as they got older, he'd probably date and feel guilty, so maybe he'd stop. But meeting someone special is not beyond the realm of reality - and I'd like to think he'd be happy again. But like Ethan with Kaycee, Casey will always be the love of his life.
The Ladies...
If they didn't have children, both would throw themselves into their work. Truly workaholic level throw themselves into work. Friends and family would worry and try to get them to live a little outside of their jobs. I can see them taking a vacation with Sienna and realizing she misses the other side of life, but it would be painful because it would bring back memories, and they'd miss E/T even more.
That said, in time, I think they'd both meet someone special (maybe even someone from their past?) and have a nice life. But again - Ethan and Tobias would always be their one great love.
(PS If they had children, they'd throw themselves into the kids)
With all four, if they were older when they died -I don't think they'd become involved with anyone again.
I know it's not fun to think of these things, but to me, it would be far sadder for them to be depressed and alone forever. It's not what any of them would want for their partners... Think Rebecca and Miguel. :)
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authoralexharvey · 1 year
For the oc alphabet soup; B, T, and V
Thanks for the ask! Let's see...
I have people with B letter last names, but I don't recall anyone rn whose name starts with B. Sorry!
T, on the other hand:
Tantirell Evensong has had a long and beleaguered history with me as her creator because her origins have changed a bit over time. I actually talk about it in this post. That said, she finally found a home in TOOD as a renowned strategist who had been exiled from her previous city state. She's Cunning and ruthless and readers of TOOD were VERY undecided about her cause she toes the line between being super competent and a raging bitch. I love her, I know some people who read her and loved her, but most people were Highly Undecided and that was... kinda the point of her character.
Tsurande Whisperwind has an... interesting backstory. She started as my Chanter toon in Aion... and mostly stayed that way until a couple of years ago when I mashed her with a character I was making for a dnd thing I've been messing with on and off. Tsurande ended up being the person she USED to be, killed in battle but, much like Link in BOTW, kinda... kept in stasis for a while. She wakes up 100 years later with no memories of her past or even knowledge of who she is and names herself Lili after one of the first flowers she sees upon awaking.
Characters whose names start with V...
Vangelica Argyris-Marinos is the future Fleet Admiral of the Vahnic Navy and a major character in TOOD. During the events of the novel, she'd been placed as the Fleet Admiral but is still way too young to be running her position and thus has a regent following her around. I think aer name was Aretena but I don't fully remember rn.
Send me a letter of the alphabet A-Z, and if I have an OC starting with that letter, I'll tell about them.
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Yuzu’s Arc-V Manga Verse Bio!
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Yuzu Hiiragi is the manager of the Phantom and heir to the Shu Zo Duel School, a dueling school focusing on teaching Entertainment Duelist that is currently running on hard times. She constantly is trying to do whatever she can to try and bring more attendance to the school in the hopes of saving it from closure, including roping Yuya Sakaki into this by tricking him to sign a contract that he thought was an autograph. She is his number one supporter, always cheering him on and getting involved in his business, even if he’d rather her stay out of the way. 
However, things were not always this way. Just like Yuya Sakaki and Reiji Akaba, Yuzu is originally from over twenty years into the future. Unlike them though, she has no memory of her former life in that era. Yuzu and her father Shuzo were transported into the current era by the power of Genesis Omega Dragon under the command of Eve shortly before the World Illusion. 
Why save her and her father? Well, that’s because Yuzu is actually Eve’s past self. Not wanting her past self to be harmed and possible affect her, the woman decided to turn back time for the two and send them to a safe era free of the after effects of G.O.D. Little did Eve ever predict it be the same time that both Reiji and Yuya were flung into.
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Yuzu and her father still had the Shu Zo Duel School in their original time, but unlike currently, it was super successful. Yuzu was also super close with Yuya and his three brothers, having been their friend since childhood and honed their dueling skills alongside them. Though, out of all of them, she was closest to Yuya most of all. In fact, she had developed a little crush on him, but was unable to confess her feelings prior to the events of the World Illusion. She also had an interest in Solid Vision research due to learning about it from Yusho, undecided at this point in her life whether she wants to pursue it or dueling professionally.  
Like in the anime, her deck is Melodious with her Ace Monster still being Bloom Diva: The Melodious Choir. She did not learn Fusion Summoning from Sora Shuinin in this verse, since they do not have the same history as before. This was something she learned from Yuri instead when they grew up together as kids, one of the only nice things she can say about the brother of Yuya who often creeped her out. She does use Entertainment Dueling just like Yuya as well, loving to put on a good performance with a bit of musical flair.
In addition to being connected by their past in the future, Yuzu is also connected to Yuya and Reiji in another way. She too has been given a fragment of the Adam Factor by Adam, the man thinking that it be safe to place part of it with the past life of his lover. This fact makes her a prime target for Eve and her group for more than just her being Eve’s past self. Though, due to her not dueling much currently with her focus being on promoting the school, she has yet to be able to showcase her potential or that she indeed has it. The revelation of this hidden ability will be a shock for all to see, including Yuzu herself.
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Now in the present era, both Yuya and Yuzu have managed to reunite with one another, even with no memory of their history together. Fate worked in mysterious ways like that, huh? It was up to both of them to rediscover their past, their connections to Eve and Adam, and help put a stop to the threat of Genesis Omega Dragon alongside Yuya’s brothers, Reiji Akaba, and the rest of their allies.
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artisticpsyco · 2 years
Since I’ve been cosplaying for so many years, Ive been trying to think of a way I’d like to archive my OLD ASS cosplay photos. Even if my and my photographers’ skills are’t what they are today, I still have a fondness for all those goofy and weeby pics! They’re snapshots of fun times in a very dark time of my life, and I think its important to look back and appreciate where I’ve come from on my cosplay journey. 
Cosplaydotcom wiped all the past comments I used to have on photos with their new formatting, and tbh I don’t trust their photo resizing issues have been resolved lol. ACP also has limitations in how/what I can post even though I do like it’s date/details/contest list features. Deviantart I completely ghosted, but I DID like to  have it to showcase the works I’m more proud of. Not really a good archive choice imo. Tumblr seems to be the most unchanging, retains better photo quality than others, and has less restrictions (since I didn’t start many lewd cosplays till recenly.) Also the tagging system is wonderfully customizable.  So to my few gem of followers here! I’ll probably be posting some old ass shit in the near future! Have fun riding along memory lane! 
I just need to figure out how i want to format them? individual posts would be FAR too many! this is...damn, 18 fucking years of cosplay??? LOL. And before I was a worker member of society I was sometimes churning out 100 half-assed cosplays a year lol. 
I also am undecided on making emotional blurbs about each event/cosplay. there were a lot of good times, but i can be overly-sentimental and I dont want to come off as bitter or hung-up at the ending of old flames and friendships in group pics and such. thats something  that probably belongs on my personal, password-locked blog lol.
I thought itd be fun to have on a personal site where Im in TOTAL control. but taht  usually costs $$ and more time than I currently have. Plus if it were a site, Id rather have it be more of a portfolio than an archive.
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quantumhqs · 24 days
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∙∙ loading case file for BUCKY BARNES.
« Sebastian Stan, 107, He/Him, film » ∙∙ loading case file for James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes. known aliases, if any: The Winter Soldier. current location: NEW YORK, NEW YORK. current occupation: mechanic. he is known to be loyal but antisocial, so proceed with caution. their current alliance: UNDECIDED. ( Gem, She/Her, 25, GMT)
SHORT BIO: After regaining his memory, Bucky is now working on righting his wrongs and making things better for his future. New York has always been his home even before he was the Winter Soldier, so now he is back living in Brooklyn to bring back better memories rather than being haunted by past ones.
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After losing my mind while working on the monster universe au I've been planning out I think I'm almost ready to start writing the first chapter!
So introducing the current main cast of gremlins in this
1. Maka Albarn: Daughter of Spirit, Maka is attending the dwma on an academic scholarship while reluctantly taking a few of her Dad's classes.
a witch that unknowingly specializes in blood life magic. Her major is undecided at the dwma, but she will be leaning more towards botany and plant biology as she learns not just how to manipulate plants but all life surrounding her as well. Together with her newfound friends, they'll be unlocking the secrets of the dwma.
2. Soul "eater" Evans: A black blood werewolf with a history of bad luck, Soul eater is unsure of what his future will hold now that he's graduated. Creating music for his family alone seems to suck his soul out and when he isn't on the run, changing between human and wolf form to get out of his head, he would usually be found pacing his room. Until a bike accident at 18, shook up everything he once knew.
Now twenty-one, his hands shaking with the tremors of an old mistake, Soul is preparing to move into the dwma where he will be meeting old and new friends alike. Originally going for his minor in music theory and conducting Soul's path quickly changes to small business and culinary arts after walking into the wrong class. Did he fully fit in there? No, but the class didn't need to know that.
3. Death the kid: a vampire with big shoes to fill, Kid is the seemingly immortal son of LD. Rumor has it he's a ghost living on university campus since no one has seen him leave. When in reality he is a curator and archivist of cursed artifacts at the dwma. Rumors about him change with each growing day, and as he moves into a dorm with Maka and the others after choosing to enroll, he's curious to see where they lead to. Not much is known about him as he chooses to keep to himself. However one thing is known for sure and that is there is no evidence of him in any picture.
Powered by spite, enough caffeine to kill a horse, and pure sass Kid tends to fade to the background. Often joining in on shenanigans with his sisters and Black star if dragged along he would rather focus on his studies of cultural, environmental, and diplomatic history as he pursues his dreams of becoming an archeologist. Not too hard right? Tell that to anyone who knows and expects him to follow in his dads footsteps. Life isn't easy when your Dads the grim reaper but when you're a vampire all you have is time to share.
4. Liz and Patty Thompson: Not so older sisters to Death the kid, Liz and Patty Thompson are poltergeists that after being discovered in the city were taken in by LD and given a second chance at life. Or, in their case, the afterlife as some would call it. Not much is known about their past, yet in some recollections of memories, one name keeps popping up. Asura, who is he, and why is he in their memories.
Whoever he is, they can worry about that later. With starting school again, Liz and Patty will be joining the others as the lines between who they once were and what they have chosen to become will begin to merge. Will they continue to try and outrun their past or learn to live with who they truly are. That's for them to discover and hopefully for the others to never find out.
5. Black Star: twenty-one going on twenty-two years old, grew up in Arizona, and is going to the dwma on an athletic scholarship. Black star's dad runs the gym classes along with co-leading some of the teams at the dwma. Mainly known for his pranks at the dwma, Black Star also happens to be a star athlete and not so secret theater kid.
 Sure, he loses his head every now and then, but that's his own fault for tossing it around instead of keeping it stitched on properly. But what can you say when you're constantly falling to pieces? That's what you get when you're one of Stein's projects.
6. Tsubaki Nakatsukasa: Twenty five years old, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa leaves behind the rumors of her past as she joins the dwma. Sure she might come off as patient as can be, but push her to her limit and the cutthroat determination that she had in her past life shows just how hard she'll work to get what she deserves. Even if some of that determination led to a little bit of bloodshed.. but that's a story for another time.
Starting her third year of school at the dwma, Tsubaki will begin studying kinesiology, psychology, and human anatomy/physiology in hopes of becoming a physical therapist. She might not be considered a doctor but even then that won't stop her from naming a few bones, while breaking them in the process if anyone so much as touches a hair on the heads of those she cares about.
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jolmi · 1 year
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KDrama review #1
I really really liked this drama. It's the right amount of fantasy, romance, and mystery. The plot is very well written, and the mystery keeps you hooked up.
A brief synopsis: Oh Ha Rin is a 28-year-old woman working in the pet rescue center. She still yearns for her first love and one of her closest friends Ji Seo Jun, who died on the day she turned 18. His suicide leaves a deep regret in her mind, as she could not confess her feelings for him. Later she finds a letter where he had written about his romantic feelings for her.
10 years down the lane, she finds 8 unseen photos taken by Seo Jun. All of them have the dates they were taken, written on them. Distraught by the thought of never being with him again, she burns one of the photos- only to find herself sent back to her school, exactly on the day the photo was taken. She realizes that she has 8 chances to change her and her loved ones' fate. she tries her best to save Seo Jun. Will she be able to save his life and be happy or does changing the past have its own repercussions to face?
The storyline is well-thought and you keep guessing the twist till the end. The time travel sounds as logical as possible. Personally, every time I see a time travel plot, I do find loopholes or stuff I don't agree with, but still love the plot. Here my question was: if the ML and FL can remember their pasts that have been changed why can't the others?
What do you think?: Changing one thing, no matter how small it is, can completely change your present. would you be willing to let go of your present for the past? If saving someone meant losing someone else, would you still change the past?
I don't have an answer to this, because no matter what, I feel I would be guilty. I would be choosing and changing everyone's life, not just mine. I can't even imagine how it would feel to see the person I have lost, again. I may even try to have that person with me for as long as possible, but what's the guarantee that I will not lose them again!
Every time Oh Ha Rin burnt the photo, I felt that she is burning a treasured memory, for an undecided future/fate. It just felt symbolic of how she was erasing a few memories to make new ones. she would never be able to get back that photo, nor can she rewind the past she has changed.
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x-runoja · 1 year
I think it's a sign
when reminiscing the past
of our old lives
and old ways,
where you sat on the train for hours
to come meet me.
Young with the future undecided
your innocence was showing undoubtedly
The world you tried to give me,
I attempt to relive in those moments
by visiting the place we met
it's a world I never wanted,
nor do I presently
I think it's a sign
that finally the past is gone forever,
and I should not return even in my memories.
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msamoree · 1 year
before it ended I knew it was a dream
you were waiting by the door, wearin your perfect smile
with your usual white shirt and blue denim shorts
the serenity of the beach, the sweet song of the ocean waves
every little thing was beyond magical
you raised your arms a little over your hips
and i quickly jumped from the bed
running towards you while the time was slowly moving
one step, all the memories from the past went back little by little
how uncertain we were, how undecided we were
the pain, the horror, the sobs, the fear and the letting go
another step, vague snippets of the future came by
as if the questions were answered, and it was meant to end with butterflies and rainbows
just when I was inches away from you, your eyes lit up
i stopped, and there was a moment of silence
you reached for my left land and caressed my right cheeks
"i've waited and you came" you whispered
i closed my eyes and nodded
to hide my tears, i put my forehead on your chest
it was hard to breathe, for the first time in years
never did I imagine crying so hard because of joy
you put your arms around me and i did the same
it was so beautiful, you felt so warm
but i knew it was a dream, i knew it and i wanted it to last
i refused to wake up, i was pleading with my brain
asking for more time, one more hour perhaps?
thirty more minutes? fifteen? how about 10?
but reality was cruel, and for the nth time it has to end
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historyhermann · 1 year
The fate of history in the balance: The Seattle Federal Records Center still under threat
On February 16, John C. Coughenour, a Reagan-appointee and Senior Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, blocked the sale of the National Archives facility at Seattle, one of the Federal Records Centers (FRC) in the U.S. with a preliminary injunction. This ended the movement of records from the facility to FRCs in Missouri and California, many of which are “un-digitized records.” He called the situation a “public relations disaster” of the Public Buildings Reform Board (PBRB), the entity which proposed the sale, and said that the PBRB had “a stunning lack of appreciation of the issues” of indigenous people. While the attorney generals of Washington State and Oregon applauded the decision, as did indigenous people, genealogists, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell, and others, the fight is not over. The Stranger said that history “requires defending in the present,” The Cut argued that the fate of the Seattle FRC “remains undecided,” and MyNorthwest noted there is “more potential trouble” in the future if noting about the facility changes going forward. On February 18, local Seattle leaders and the governor of Oregon both wrote President Biden, calling on him to stop the sale of the facility. Even with the injunction, it is short-lived, meaning that the facility remains under threat. As such, it is important to once again, as I noted in February and November of last year, to explain the negative impact the closure of this facility will have on those in the Pacific Northwest and in the U.S. as a whole.
Reprinted from Issues & Advocacy (on Mar. 8, 2021) and my History Hermann WordPress blog. This was written before the sale of the facility was halted by the Biden Administration. After learning this, I said on Twitter, "that doesn't mean it should be sold. The decision to sell tthee [sic] facility was rotten and it's good it was stopped," called for a bigger budget to NARA, and noted "it was good timing to write another article about this back in March. I personally wasn't sure whether the sale would be cancelled [sic], but I am glad it was."
Over the past year, there have been legal efforts to delay the closure. Kim Wyman, the Secretary of State of Washington State, began meeting with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and other stakeholders, in hopes of brokering a solution to keep the archival materials, which document “history across the Pacific Northwest” in the state of Washington. At the same time, Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson made filings in federal court, including the recent lawsuit which included almost 600 pages from indigenous peoples, individuals, and interested groups which attest to the value of the Seattle facility and materials which are held there. If the “nearly million” boxes of archival materials from the facility were moved to Missouri and California as planned, access to records about Asian American history would be made more difficult, as would records that relate to the “cultural preservation, history and treaty rights” of various indigenous nations in the Pacific Northwest. Moving the records to facilities in those states would make them less publicly accessible, destroying one of the “wellsprings” from which the “collective memory” of the region and nation is formed, as argued in the case in the amicus brief by the Korematsu Center. A recent successful lawsuit filed by Ferguson in early January, joined by 29 indigenous groups, and historic community and preservation groups, to stop the relocation and sale of the Seattle FRC, explains the problem succinctly:
“This action shows a callous disregard for the people who have the greatest interest in being able to access these profoundly important records…The facility contains the DNA of our region. It provides public access to permanent records created by Federal agencies and courts in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington…the National Archives at Seattle is the only property among those the PBRB recommended for sale that has profound importance to the region in which it is situated and is regularly used by members of the public…These irreplaceable archives are primarily un-digitized and do not exist elsewhere.”
The closure of the facility would violate NARA’s own principles to preserve and provide access to U.S. records and document U.S. history, especially those documents essential to U.S. government actions, rights of U.S. citizens, and any other records which “provide information of value to citizens.” It also runs afoul of NARA’s commitment to drive “openness, cultivate public participation” and strengthen U.S. democracy through “public access to high-value government records.” That same commitment states that NARA will lead the “archival and information professions to ensure archives thrive in a digital world.” That seems unlikely since only about 1% of the NARA’s record holdings are digitized and even less than 1% of presidential library records have been put online.
Furthermore, moving the records from Seattle to the FRCs in California, whether in Riverside or in San Francisco, and St. Louis, Missouri, would disregard the core values of archivists outlined by the Society of American Archivists. These core values state that archivists have a duty to foster greater access and use to records, maintain records which allow “contemporary and future entities” to seek accountability, serve as responsible “stewards for primary sources,” and root their “ethics of care that prioritizes sustainable practices and policies” when it comes to archival duties. The “boxes of information” within the Seattle FRC, highlighted by one local Seattle reporter, Matthew Smith, would be made less accessible if the records were moved elsewhere in the country. If the Seattle FRC is closed, it will be a sad day for archives, records, and preservation of U.S., indigenous, and community history.
Although the closure of the Seattle FRC has been halted by Judge Coughenour, this is only a temporary measure. In the short-term, you could contact the management team of NARA, especially chief archivist David Ferriero ([email protected]), deputy chief archivist Debra Steidel Wall ([email protected]), and Chief Operating Officer William J. Bosanko ([email protected]), and the PBRB at [email protected], to express your opposition to the closure, while calling on President Biden to follow the judge’s decision and keep the facility open. In the long term, NARA needs increased funding and you can use the information put together by the Archival Researchers Association to contact your members of Congress to push for legislation which would increase the agency’s budget.
© 2021-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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Mi bella protagonista Mónica Phillips uvu
Art- @marifer853
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cloudminhyun · 2 years
Hello LOVEs,
I haven't posted on this blog since last year due to personal reasons. Many times I thought about coming back to catch up, but by the time I found time and energy to do so, it felt like an overwhelming amount to backtrack. Looking back, I am sorry I couldn't keep up with the momentum of updating this blog.
Everyone has had some time to process yesterday's disbandment news now, including myself, although I have to admit the tears won't stop forming and falling from my eyes. Whether you've been with NU'EST since the beginning like I have or only recently discovered them, it's safe to say that these five kind, sincere, wholesome boys have always made an impact on anyone who's come across them. They matter to so many of us as they've supported us, cheered us and been there for us during hardships and during our best days too. Some of us found our best friends through NU'EST, some of us grew up alongside NU'EST, some of us experienced some of our firsts with NU'EST...the memories we have formed with NU'EST attached to them are memories we will all undoubtedly treasure in our own way. For that, I know I am beyond grateful.
There aren't many words I or anyone else can say to digest this news more easily, but I just wanted to say that these ten years really did fly by so fast. Would I change a single thing about my journey with NU'EST? No I wouldn't, as I'm sure you wouldn't. Perhaps there are some lingering regrets, perhaps you'd always hoped to see them in concert or that you'd be able to meet them. Whilst those wishes may not come true now, like NU'EST, we can create new dreams and goals now.
None of us will ever know exactly why this disbandment has happened. We can speculate, we can wonder, we may have our suspicions, but at the end of the day the decision has been made and it is out of our hands. All we can do now is give NU'EST the best send off and show them exactly how much they have mattered to us. As LOVEs, we can repay them with our love.
The future is unclear but I hope that JR, Aron, Baekho, Minhyun and Ren will be able to bravely walk forward into these new horizons knowing that we will still be standing beside them.
LOVEs, thank you. I thank every single one of you who has entered my life during the past ten years. Even if we've had our differences and parted ways, all I remember now are the fond memories we shared with NU'EST. The fandom was an integral part of my journey with NU'EST as it was for many of you. It was turbulent at times, but I'm happy that NU'EST could be loved as much as they were because they deserved all the love they received. I hope you'll join me and continue walking beside them from here on too.
I'm undecided as to how to proceed with this blog now. For the next month, I will take some time to process and think about it. Until then, I'm sending love and hugs and tissues to you all.
Thank you LOVEs.
Thank you NU'EST.
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