#Mendes triplets au
candied-boys · 1 year
🍯 Honey Cakes 🍯
Luke Randolph x fem! Reader
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Tags: merpeople au, lazy!Luke, happy!Luke, possessive!Luke, romance, picnics, cottagecore, eventual smut, happy ending
Part one
2400 words
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Each day that passes makes you doubt yourself more and more. As your memories fade his face blurs, bits of the conversation disappear, and the idea that a merman would eat cake feels even more preposterous than there being merfolk in the lake at all. All week while you scuttle around the bakery you're left wondering if it was nothing more than a dream or if you’ve genuinely started to lose your mind.
The spell of disbelief is broken only when, one evening while you sit gabbing by the fire, Mrs. Baker asks, “With no mother around to tell tales, did you ever hear any of the lore from ‘round these parts?”
When you shake your head she leans back in her rocking chair, and you know you're in for a long night of delightful banter.
“The fées are well-known here. Small and handsome in person; they are fond of dancing in the night-time, and in their circular dances they form the Cercles des Fées, or fairy-rings. If any one approaches their dance, he is irresistibly impelled to take part in it. He is admitted with the greatest courtesy; but as the whirling movement increases, and goes faster and faster, his head becomes giddy, and he falls to the ground utterly exhausted. Sometimes the fées amuse themselves by flinging him up to a great height in the air, and, if not killed by the fall, he is found next morning full of bruises.”
“That's awful!” you protest but the old woman merely chuckles.
“They aren't all bad. These little beings, it is also said, like the Lutins, they select particular farms to which they resort at night, and there making use of horses, harnesses and utensils of all kinds, they employ themselves at various kinds of work, of which, however, no traces remain in the morning.”
“How does anyone know they were ever there then?” you query sceptically.
“Well, you see. They are fond of mounting and galloping the horses; their seat is on the neck, and they tie together locks of the mane to form stirrups. The knotted manes are how the farmers know they've been there. Their presence, however, always brings luck, the cattle thrive where they are, the utensils of which they have made use, if broken are mended and made as good as new. They are altogether most kind and obliging, and have been known to give cakes to those to whom they have taken a fancy.”
While stoking the fire you ask her curiously, “Do faeries usually take a fancy to humans?”
“Some are malevolent and only play tricks, others come to warn of danger or death. Very few of the fair folk dare to reveal themselves, yet I recall hearing quite a number of tales of romance between fay and humans when I was a wee babe.”
“Certainly, dear. Legend has it that the royal castle was built with fay magic. It all began with the story of the nobleman Elinas and the mysterious woodland beauty Pressine. Elinas had recently lost his wife and was out hunting to distract himself from his grief. In the forest, he came to drink at the Well of Thirst and heard Pressine singing nearby. They returned to his hunting lodge and talked through the night, and Elinas fell in love and asked her to marry him. Pressine agreed, noting how the devotion he showed to his first wife promised the same for his second. She made him swear an oath to one condition, however, that he never try to see her at the birth of any of their children. Elinas agreed, and the two became happily married.”
Sipping her tea she continues, “In time, Pressine gave birth to triplets, three girls – Melusine, Melior, and Palatine – and when Elinas heard the news, he was overcome with joy and rushed to the bedchamber to see them, forgetting his oath. Pressine was outraged, calling him a traitor to his word, and then took the girls and spirited them away, leaving Elinas to mourn his loss for the rest of his life. Pressine also mourned over the loss of her true love, however, and she brought the girls to a high mountain each morning where they could look out upon Elinas’ realm while she told them they would be living there if their father had only kept his word.”
“That's tragic. It's not much of a romance…”
“True, but I still enjoyed the story as a child because my grandmother would say the mountain is the one behind the castle and the lake at the foot of the hills is where Pressine lived before she fell in love, and thus that’s where she returned broken-hearted to her true form. When I was young I remember there were many rumours about faeries living in the lake. Of course, there were also rumours that the faeries would drown passers-by, so I never went near it.”
During the long walk through the royal forest, you spin the story again and again in your head contemplating whether the legends were ever meant to be more than just a way to spook children out of swimming in the lake for their own safety. Lost in thought, you arrive before you’ve even realised how far you’ve come, and only stumble to your senses when blinded by a shimmering brilliance.
Sprawled upon the warm granite shelf that drops into the water, he lay asleep bathing in the golden sun. The moss masking your steps and the north sun keeping your shadow at bay, you approach softly. Setting the basket aside to kneel at his rusty locks, you bask in his presence unable to believe he’s not a dream.
His lashes cast elegant shadows on his cheeks. His arms, like sculpted marble, cross beneath his head. His scales toy with the sunlight, turning its rays into glitter as if they should be the strongest of the two.
The wind teases his hair, fluttering the already messy strands that frame his handsome face. Thoughtless in the moment, rapt by his beauty, you reach out to brush the fringe out of his eyes. In that instant, your wrist is snatched so quickly you can't even register his movement.
Pale jade peers out lazily from under heavy eyelids as he asks, “How long y’ gonna sit there starin’ at me for?”
“Sorry. I just can't believe you're actually real…”
He hums amusedly, “Maybe I'm not, but I guess y'll have y’r proof if I eat all the cake y’ brought, wonya?”
With that same cheeky grin he flashed last week he releases your hand and rolls over to pry open the basket himself.
“Oh! What's the other thin’?” he asks upon peering under the lid.
“I'll tell you if you tell me your name first,” you chirp with a coy smile.
He looks you once over; then the basket in turn, his lips pulled to one side like he's contemplating whether it's worth it before answering.
“Luke. What's y’rs?”
You introduce yourself and as promised tell him what the basket holds.
“It’s a buttermilk pie with toasted honey. They had apple blossom honey at the market this week too, so I picked up a jar for you.”
“Not that I'm complainin’ or nothin’, but weren' it a lotta work to make this much?” he asks and pops a honey cake in his mouth.
Digging out the pie and untying the kerchief you answer, “Not really. I work at a bakery where we make things like this all day long. Do merfolk have jobs and such?”
“Nah. There may be a lotta us, but we mostly just look after ourselves and our kinfolk. Nothin’ like y’ have with y’r money and y’r markets up here,” he shrugs and steals another cake.
“So how do you usually spend your days then if you're not working?”
Rolling into his back once more he stares up at the sky and yawns, “Mmm, when I'm not nappin’ I'm usually makin’ somethin’. My sister likes it when I make her things. Growin’ up she was all I had, so I did everythin’ I could to make her happy.”
Skirting the darker implication, you ask what he would make for her as you begin to slice the pie.
“When she was a lil' thin' she liked it when I’d carve trinkets for her out o' soapstone — animals like bears and deer and ducks. Now the brat’s too old for toys. Wants combs ‘n accessories for her hair, so I make 'em outta quartz or amethyst. Whatever I find.”
Though he sounds a little miffed at his sister's new interests there's a warm look in his eyes and a gentle arc to his thin lips as he speaks. You suppose that's just what it's like watching someone you love grow and change, though you wouldn't know yourself for being an orphan.
When he stretches over his head for another cake, you notice the new green and yellow banded jewellery on his wrists.
“Did you make those cuffs you're wearing too?”
“Mhm,” he hums through a mouthful. “These’re jasper. It's common ‘round here ‘cause the mountain used to be a volcano. The lava tubes left crazy long caves, and where bubbles got trapped in the lava as it cooled water and minerals seeped in. So it's easy to find gems like agates ‘cause when the rock wears away, the crystals fall out and get buried in the sediment.”
After admiring them for a bit you wonder aloud, “But you can't use fire to forge chisels and such, so how do you make them without tools?”
“Without tools? Ya think I carve ‘em with my teeth or somethin’? ‘Course we have tools,” he laughs and sits up.
“Everythin’ we use underwater is made o’ stone. The tools are just made outta even harder stone. I chip away bigger parts and carve ‘em up with hard, sharp rocks. Then, I use long, thin rocks to do detailed work like the teeth on a comb. After that it's a lotta polishin’, but we have a lotta sand. Just takes patience.”
“That's incredible. I can't imagine how much effort goes into a single piece. My pie seems rather humble in comparison.”
Dishing up the slices, you hand him a fork and a dish. Pale green eyes alight with anticipation, he takes a bite half the size of the whole piece. You end up serving him seconds before you're even two nibbles in.
“So what do you eat underwater? Do you eat everything raw? Is there anything but fish down there?”
He shakes his head, swallowing a mouthful of the soft dessert, before explaining, “We dunna cook over a fire , but we have other ways o’ preserving food. Some foods we salt, others we pickle. Most of it we eat fresh though ‘cause there's plenty to enjoy besides fish — shells, clams, turtles, lots o’ green plants, roe in the summer, roots in the fall.”
“Nothin’ as sweet as y’r treats though,” he beams and holds out his already empty plate for another refill.
“So how deep is the lake?” you query, curious how there's room in there for all the merfolk to never be seen from the surface.
“It’d take me from when the sun is highest in the sky to when it's just above the western horizon to swim to the bottom and back.”
“That's over five hours!! That's so deep!!”
“And I swim real fast too.”
“How do you see when it's pitch black?’
“We have good vision. There’re some creatures that glow too, but mostly we just use our other senses — echolocation, pressure, the shift o’ the current, scent, whatever.”
You spend the rest of the afternoon asking him everything about what it's like to live underwater — or at least as many questions as you can get in before he finishes all the goodies you brought for him.
But this time he doesn't run away as soon as the basket is empty. Instead he lies back just as you found him a few hours ago, arms crossed under his head and eyes closed.
You were starting to wonder if he'd actually fallen asleep until he slipped one hand out and lazily reached up to the sky to let a chickadee perch on his finger. Recalling what he said the first day, you watch fascinated as the little bird chirps away at him and he whispers back.
Hardly a minute later, a dozen tiny birds have flocked to his side. Too busy pecking away at the crumbs on the ground, they pay you no mind. A few take turns hopping up on his palm for a chat. Others seem to find it fun to weave in and out of his long hair where hangs in loose strands.
Tone hushed as not to startle the darling creatures you ask, “What are they saying?”
“They wanna know what I'm doin’ up here with a dangerous monster like you,” he quips, a teasing lilt in his voice as his green eyes catch yours from the side.
Your mouth opens and closes like a fish while you attempt and fail to defend yourself.
“Actually, what are you doing up here? I know I'm no danger to you, but it doesn't seem like sunbathing is popular with merfolk judging by the fact we're all alone. Are you allowed above water?”
“Nope,” he answers, popping the p like a bubble. “But I dunna give a damn.”
“Aren't you going to get in trouble?”
“Nah, no one cares enough to bother me. They know I'm just up here ‘cause I'm bored.”
“Are you sure? I don't want to get you in trouble… and uh… I definitely don't want any trouble…”
Luke merely shrugs, slipping his arm back under his head when the little bird takes flight.
“Huh. That's funny. I'm pretty sure y're not suppos' be on the palace grounds at all.”
He chuckles at your self-condemning silence. “Y’ wouldna be here if y’ didna think it's worth gettin’ in trouble for.”
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Part three...
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I thought of domestic Raul coz I just bought a new duvet cover and it just feels so good to be in bed just domestic Raul buying a new set of bedding and both of you losing your adulting minds at how good it feels
hi babes, i’m super late but here I am now! hopefully you like it!
*Word Count: 600+
*Warnings: just a whole lot of fluff
Coming home from work after a long day always feels fantastic.
So as soon as Y/N stepped foot into her apartment, she dropped her shoes and her bag by the door and moved to her shared room with her boyfriend so she could shower, Raul would probably arriving in a couple of minutes and she was already planning how she’d convince him to order take out instead of both of them cooking dinner. While under the warm water, she heard the front door opening and Raul’s voice was quick to follow.
“Darling? I’m home” he called from the living room.
“I’m in here” she was quick to reply as she hear shuffling just outside the bathroom door.
“What do you think about ordering italian?” he offered and a grin was quick to spread on her lips.
“The best idea you’ve had in your life”
With that he only chuckled and mumbled an “okay”
Y/N found weird the fact that Raul didn’t even try to pry the door open to throw a flirty comment at her, or join her or simply sit on the floor to talk about his day, but maybe he was just extra tired so she just ignored it in favor of finishing her shower so she could move to the living room to watch a movie or something.
Just as she was ready, she opened the door to their room only to find their bedding all over the floor as Raul added the finishing touches to their bed. Y/N just stood there in shock at the scene unfolding before her. Raul was spreading new sheets, a white heavy duvet and a soft fuzzy blanket on top of their huge bed, new candles lit up aligning their TV stand on the bedroom as he arranged the pillows back in place.
“What’s going on?” she was able to ask a few moments after letting the whole think sink in.
“Oh, hey you” he said with a big grin on his face as he turned to wrap an arm around her waist and place a peck on her lips “looking gorgeous, darling” he said with a smile.
“What did you do?” she said as she wrapped his arms around his narrow waist.
Raul only smiled at her “I went with Peter so he could buy new sheets since he only had his old ones from college, and they made me buy this”
“They made you buy this?!” she asked trying to hold back a laugh.
Raul shrugged with a lopsided grin “well, they showed me how soft these were and I was convinced, come try this babe, it’s unreal”
“Honey, no, we need to do the laundry and have dinner, come on” she said letting go of him to grab his hand in favor of trying to pull him away from the bedroom.
“Five minutes and I promise I’ll go with you” he promised and after a couple of seconds of staring at his pouting lips and she couldn’t say no to him, so as soon as Raul didn’t feel as much resistance, he pulled her to lay on their bed on the new bedding and Y/N sighed in relief as she was engulfed by the softest sheets she’s ever felt against her skin. He pulled her on top of him before wrapping her in a tight yet comforting hug. The constant thump of his heart relaxing her sore muscles and slowly making her realize how tired she actually was. She fought her best to stay awake, but as soon as Raul cared his fingers through her hair, her eyes slowly starting shutting closed.
“Darling? Are you falling asleep? We need to eat first” he said in the softest voice.
“Hmm five more minutes” she mumbled softly, nuzzling on his chest and he chuckled gently.
“Whatever you want, my love”
And I-
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softboywriting · 5 years
Fix You | Raul Mendes | Modern Royal AU |WIP
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Summary: Raul is the prince set to take the throne of the northern kingdom. His life was picture perfect until an affair on his wife’s behalf tore everything apart and broke his heart. Now, two years later and he meets you, the daughter of a lord in the royal court. With your help he will open up and learn what it is to be in love for the first time. [friends to lovers] [angsty raul] [royal au] [tw conversation about dying] [WIP (work in progress)] [mendes triplet au] [loss of a parent]
Word Count: 51k [updated: Oct. 30th 2020] 
Authors Note: None of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics on any platform. Header by @/delicateshawn.
|Masterlist In Bio|
The first time you see Prince Raul you can't help but hold your breath. He's beautiful, absolutely gorgeous in every way. It's the name day ball for him, the first one since his divorce to the southern princess Adalia McClure. Their engagement and courting was swift, a real love at first sight type of thing and the wedding was a week-long celebration in both kingdoms. Everyone thought they would be together for a lifetime but things changed. Adalia quickly became distant, uninterested in her new husband and king to be in the northern kingdom. The moment the news broke that she was having an affair the world was shocked. Who could do that to a prince like Raul? Why? No one knows and you're sure Raul still wants those answers too.
Keep Reading (@AO3)
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fanficshawn · 4 years
Ok, hear me out... an imagine with badboy!Raul and an introverted and soft y/n, where they have never met but he’s forced to work on the local library and he meets y/n there 🥺🥺 and it’s just filled with cute and fluffy moments of him watching y/n be a nerd and just loving books, and he’s like “i just love hearing you talk about books and the things you love” and at the beginning they think they haven’t got anything in common, but then they discover how easy it is to talk to each other and how they may have more in common than they actually thought.
Can you tell I love the “badboy!raul only being a softie with y/n” trope???
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fallinallinshawn · 2 years
TBTP3 Sneak Peek
You pull a plate from the cupboard near the refrigerator, along with the thermos Sasha gifted you for surviving your first month with the pack--and the triplets as alphas--and pour yourself some coffee. When you reach into the oven to pull out breakfast for yourself, you don’t properly anticipate the temperature of the dishes inside. You’re much too impatient to find or make use of the oven mitts and come away with a mildly shocking burn to your fingers. You hiss, rearing back and dropping the empty plate from your hands. It doesn’t hit the ground.
Beside you stands Raul, lips pressed into a thin line and the rest of his features hardened to match. He doesn’t say a word, holding the fallen plate stiffly in his hands as he stares down at you.
You blink. “Uh, th-thanks,” you stammer.
Peter hands you a plastic sandwich baggie full of ice, shaking his head with a tsk. “I did say it was warming in the oven, which implies that said appliance is on and the contents within are hot.” He is used to patching you up by now.
“I wasn’t thinking,” you say, offering a lopsided smile.
“You know, you make me wonder if I should get my First Aid license renewed.”
“Oh, well, I’m happy to be of service.”
The heavy thud of ceramic on marble interrupts you and Peter’s playful banter, and Raul makes his exit out of the kitchen. Your plate is stacked with sausage and eggs, and at some point during your exchange with Peter, Raul made a slice of toast exactly how you like it. You don’t know what to think of this as you sit down to eat in stunned silence.
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wholesomemendes · 4 years
Your Teddy Bear
Mendes Triplet Au (Peter Mendes)
Summary: No one could’ve guessed you would have ended up with Peter, but the two of you give each other a love neither of you ever thought you’d be lucky enough to experience. 
Author’s Note: This is my first time writing with the Mendes Triplet concept by @thotmendes and I’m honestly so excited about it. Also, shout out to @fallinallincurls for talking concepts with me the other night that inspired me to write this and @princecharmingmendes for telling me too write it along with a ton of other people that got me to finish this (such as @itrocksmysocks​ who sent me a bunch of Peter pictures that were absolutely adorable). So I hope you guys enjoy this! It’s literally 4.6k of just pure fluff and more fluff after that. As always please tell me what you think!
Warnings: Mild Swearing (like literally only one or two words)
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No one knew how Peter Mendes ended up with you. Hell, Peter didn’t even know how he ended up with someone like you, but somehow almost every night he fell asleep with his head on your chest, your hands brushing through his mess of fluffy curls. You commanded the room any time you walked in it, confidence radiating off you in every aspect as you strode past everyone with your shoulders pushed back and chin held high. Known to be the life of the party, you were the one people could rely on to flirt your way past the guy at the liquor store to bring the best booze to all of the frat parties, and your name was well ingrained into the minds of almost every student at your wide campus. 
Peter, on the other hand, was only known by a handful of students and for a completely different set of reasons. Typically when one thought of Peter they first thought of Raul, the oldest of the Mendes triplets that was known for partying and hooking up with girls, or Shawn, the captain of the hockey team that could easily get any girl he wanted just by looking them in the eyes and serenading them with his singing and guitar. If by some miracle they knew Peter for another reason, it’d probably be because he happened to be one of the smartest students in every single one of his classes and often was asked for tutoring or help with homework. When you thought of Peter Mendes you thought of the smart Mendes, which was exactly why it just didn’t seem right that the two of you were together.
It wasn’t like you were unintelligent by any means, you got As and Bs in all of your classes, but you weren’t even close to the level of Peter’s smarts. Most students would say Raul would be your type, you both had dominating, cocky almost personalities on the outside and loved to party, a seemingly perfect fit. Or even Shawn, who had a smooth, laid back persona would be a great match for you if he didn’t already have a girlfriend to love. 
But you knew how you ended up with Peter. It was just 6 months ago when that curly headed boy walked into your life, flipping it completely upside down in the best way possible. You remember it clear as day; you had just gone into the kitchen of the frat house to get another drink when you spotted a cuddly giant leaning against the counter looking completely out of place, swirling his drink inside of his solo cup. You excused yourself, reaching behind him to grab some pop causing him to look at you with wide eyes, apologizing profusely for being in your way. Giggling at his reaction you reassured the startled boy that there was nothing to worry about, before properly introducing yourself.
“I’m Y/n by the way.”
“I know,” he responded, cheeks heating up after realizing what he had said. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t completely infatuated by you, how could he not be? You were absolutely gorgeous and the definition of perfection in his eyes, and something about your mysterious aura left him wanting to know everything about you. Yet here he was, completely embarrassing himself in front of the girl he was secretly crushing on. “I’m sorry that was so weird, um, I’m Peter,” he stuck his hand out for you to shake it, a laugh escaping your lips as you took it firmly in your own. His heart was beating out of his chest at the fact that not only were you engaging in a conversation with him, but you had just shaken his hand, which he was now realizing was not a common thing for teenagers to do and was probably screwing up any chance he had of getting to know you.
“So what’s in the cup?” you asked, motioning to the drink that was pretty much still filled to the brim, a clear sign that its contents were not appealing to him.
“Oh, um, it’s beer, but I’m not really that much of a drinker, especially in large crowds.” His cheeks burned bright red under your stare and he wondered how much deeper of a hole he was going to dig himself into with all of this information he was giving out. Surely someone like you would find him boring soon, it was only a matter of time before you left him to talk to someone hotter and much more interesting. 
But to his surprise you moved closer, leaning against the counter next to him as you brought your cup to your lips. “Want to know a secret?” you whispered, Peter nodding frantically like a little boy about to get a new toy, “I’m not that into drinking either. I only really do it at parties and even then I usually keep it to a minimum. I’ve been here for three hours and all I’ve had is half a white claws I ended up giving to my friend. This is Pepsi.” You took another sip from your cup, watching as his jaw dropped at the information causing a smirk to form on your face, “You know I’ve never actually told anyone that, but I have a feeling you’re not gonna go around telling everyone what I tell you.”
“No, no, I won't, I promise.”
“Good, now what do you say we find somewhere quieter to get away from all of this. I’ve had a long day and I have a feeling you love parties just as much as you love drinking.” Peter thought he had never smiled so wide as you took his hand and pulled him into an empty room, one you just happened to know wouldn’t be used tonight. The two of you talked for hours, about how he was dragged there and then abandoned by his two identical brothers, to the research he was doing for astronomy class. You listened intently to everything he said, even adding some of your own input about topics he never thought you would be interested in, and he truly thought in that moment that he had never felt more seen, more appreciated and thought of as someone other than the unknown Mendes brother. You parted ways when it got too late for the both of you, exchanging numbers with a promise to see the other again soon, Peter’s heart racing at the thought of seeing you once more. You never told him, but he had your heart that first night you met him, finally having someone who wanted to know more about you than how to get in your pants. 
So even though it shocked the entire school to see Peter’s arm wrapped around your shoulders two weeks later, the two of you felt perfectly content and at peace with one another, your personalities balancing each other out, fitting in like the missing pieces to your own individual puzzles. If you ever had a bad day, you knew that the moment you saw your cuddly giant of a boyfriend looking as comfy as ever in his softest sweatshirts, glasses adorning his beautiful face, your mood would instantly be lightened and everything would be alright. And that’s exactly what you needed right now, a cuddly Peter to turn your day around. 
So there you were, headed to the triplets apartment off campus to see your man. Raul, Peter, and Shawn had all bought a four-bedroom apartment only a couple minutes off campus after their sophomore year, and you were around so much that they trusted you with the code and your very own key. You fit right in with the boys easily; you had seen Raul and Shawn at a couple parties before you met Peter, but you never spoke more than a few words to one another. Now that you were dating Peter though, you were practically treated as their sister, blending right into the dynamics of their tight knit family. If there was one thing the Mendes brothers were, it was close and you never quite understood how deep their connections were with one another until you were around them so much. Peter was never known to be a player, always wanting to just be in a serious relationship, so it had been years since he had brought a girl home around his brothers. For that very reason, Shawn and Raul were extremely protective over him, but you easily passed the test they gave you right off the bat. They loved you, not to mention they could tell that Peter was head over heels for you long before he told you 3 months into your relationship. He had been laying on your chest, breathing starting to become heavy as you lured him to sleep with your head massages. 
“I love you,” he mumbled into your shirt almost incoherently, an innocent slip of the tongue in his sleepy state. You froze, hand pausing in his hair for a second as he whined from the lack of your touch, not even processing what he just said. You hadn’t ever told one of your boyfriends that you loved them, the thought always seeming too permanent and constricting. But Peter was different and you knew that from the start. He made you feel things that you worried in the dead of night you might never experience and even though it was early in your relationship, Peter felt emotions so deeply and openly that your heart was completely owned by him.
“I love you too, Pete.” He hummed in confusion at your words, suddenly a lot more awake as he sat up to look you in the eyes.
“You told me you loved me and I said I love you too.”
“You do?” he asked, eyes wide, happy tears prickling in the corners of them.
“I don’t know how I couldn’t bubs,” and with that he surged forward, connecting your lips to his with as much passion as he could possibly muster. 
After he woke up, Peter immediately told his brothers about the night’s events, the two of them filled with joy that someone could make their brother as happy as he was. A month later he gave his virginity to you and the praise (and teasing) he got from his brothers was never ending. You weren’t forgotten either for later that day when you showed up, Shawn immediately began wiggling his eyebrows at you as Raul started cracking sexual jokes, Peter looking sheepish in the background. You had rolled your eyes, feigning annoyance, though you could never be truly mad at Peter for sharing your relationship with his brothers. You learned very quickly that there was little to no privacy with the three of them and anything you did was fair game in their conversations. You didn’t mind, you loved how close they were, not to mention how supportive they were of one another, and you definitely didn’t complain when you had two extremely buff guys protecting you from drunk creeps at parties that didn’t seem to grasp the concept that you were in a relationship.
But being close to the brothers also meant they were used to your random appearances when you typically showed up unannounced even to Peter, who never complained about getting to spend more time with you. Which happened to be the case today, when you stormed in, muttering a quick hello to Raul who was spread out on the couch as you headed towards Peter’s room.
“Peter?” you asked, knocking twice before entering at his request, not even greeting him and instead landing face down on his mattress with a huff. 
Your boyfriend closed his laptop, saving his work and sitting up to give you his full attention, running his fingers over your back, “What’s wrong, angel?”
“She’s such a bitch!” you complained, rolling over onto your back to stare at the ceiling.
“Who?” This is how it usually went if you were having a bad day, he’d ask you generic questions, allowing you to let out all of your pent up frustration until you were ready to be cuddled for the rest of the night.
“Marissa! You won’t believe this. This guy comes up to me after class today and tries to give me his number and I’m obviously like no, sorry, I’ve already got the greatest man in the world, I don’t have any interest or need for anyone else. But guess what?!”
It didn’t even phase Peter at this point that a guy tried to get your number, it happened so often that he was partially immune to the doubts and jealousy that came with it. In the beginning it was hard for him, constantly feeling like he wasn’t enough and didn’t deserve you, but you proved to him time after time again that you were completely gone for him and that he was more than you could ever dream of. And he would never, ever question your loyalty to him, if there was one thing you weren’t it was a cheater. “What?”
“Turns out this dude had a girlfriend, Marissa, and so of course she was pissed that he was trying to get my number, which is understandable. But guess who she blames it on?”
“Me! Like are you KIDDING me?! I’m not the one with loyalty issues here, sweetie, yet here you are accusing me of trying to get with your man. Why would I even want his number? Even if I was a cheater, which ugh I want to throw up just thinking about it, you’re a hundred times hotter and better than him in every way so it doesn’t make sense. So no, it wasn’t me, sorry your boyfriend’s a manwhore, Marissa.”  A chuckle escaped Peter’s lips, head tilting back against the headboard as he laughed. You turned your head at the beautiful sound, meeting his eyes a few seconds later for the first time that night. And just like that. Mood completely better. The sight of him, hair a fluffy mess basically asking to be played with, adorable glasses being pushed up by the scrunch in his nose, and comfy pink sweatshirt on his frame making him look as soft as ever. 
“Hi bubs.”
 Peter smiled his loving smile he reserved for you, laughing to himself at how quick your mood could change around him, “Hi angel. Feeling better?”
You nodded, crawling up the bed into his open arms, sliding underneath the covers next to him as you rested your head on his chest, “I love you.”
“I love you so much.” He adjusted in the bed to better lay down with you laying on top of him, stroking your hair before placing gentle kisses on the top of your head, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, bubs,” you snuggled further into his chest, cheek squishing against the fabric of his sweatshirt, “Just wanna cuddle you all night long.”
“I can do that,” Peter whispered, voice soft against your ear, “You doing anything for the rest of the night? I heard Raul saying there’s a huge frat party he’s going to later.”
“Yeah I heard about that,” you admitted, “But I don’t think I’m gonna go. Rather just lay here with you. If you want to, that is.”
Peter’s heart swelled three sizes at your words, nodding his head as he traced I love you onto your back like he always did when he was given the chance. It was true that ever since you started dating Peter you weren’t found at parties as often as you used to be. You still enjoyed going to them, you even managed to bring Peter to a couple of them and he found them much more enjoyable with you by his side, but more often you found yourself just wanting to stay in with your man rather than being surrounded by a bunch of people you hardly knew. “I’d love that,” he spoke against your ear, still leaving butterfly kisses in your hair, “Why don’t we have a movie night? I bought your favorite cookie dough, I could go pop them in the oven if you wanted.”
Your head perked up at his words, a smile gracing your face, “Mrs. Field’s Chocolate Chip?”
“Mhm,” he hummed in response, a squeal leaving your mouth as you jumped off the bed pulling him with you.
“Come on, come on, cookies, Pete!” He laughed, grabbing your hand in his and letting you drag him to the kitchen. He loved how different you were with him, how you were so carefree and loving compared to the confident, I don’t care vibe you gave off to everyone. It was like a secret only he got to see and as long as you kept showing it to him, he was gonna soak in every second of it. 
Upon arriving in the kitchen, you jumped to sit onto the counter while Peter rummaged through the fridge in search of the mouth-watering cookie dough. You leaned over to wash your hands in the sink next to him before rolling the dough into large balls to get the biggest cookies possible. The first time you made cookies with Peter he was shocked at how much dough you were rolling for one cookie, claiming that they weren’t going to turn out well if they weren’t perfectly symmetrical to the suggested sizing on the side of the packaging. But once he tasted the big cookies he had no complaints, and neither did the rest of the triplets. Once the package was finished and you had two sheets of cookies in the oven, you watched as Peter set the timer on the oven, little tongue sticking out in concentration.
“Come here, big guy,” you motioned him closer to you, wrapping your legs around his waist once he stood in the middle of them, hands on your thighs. You placed your hands on his shoulders, one hand making its way to play with the curls on the back of his neck. He stared up at you with doe like eyes, hands frozen on your thighs no matter how much he wanted to move them. Even if you had been dating for over half a year now, Peter was still shy and nervous about touching you, so even having him put his hands there in the first place without you telling him it was ok was a big deal. “You can move your hands if you want,” you whispered, eyes holding his soft gaze, feeling his thumbs start to slowly rub circles against the fabric of your jeans, “You’re so handsome, did you know that?”
He blushed at your words, head ducking down to look at the ground, “‘M not handsome, you just have to say that cause I’m your boyfriend.” You knew Peter always had trouble with having self confidence, years of believing that his brothers were better than him really took a toll on his heart. But even if he was a part of three identical triplets, every time you looked at him all you saw was the cutest, most handsome man alive. Maybe he didn’t have endless tattoos like Raul, or piercings like Shawn, but he was Peter, your Peter, and you would do anything to convince him that he was more than enough for anyone, especially himself. 
“Pete, look at me.” You lifted his chin up with your finger, other hand smoothing along his shoulder, “I would never tell you something that wasn’t true. I don’t tell you you’re handsome because I feel I have some weird requirement as your girlfriend to do so, I do it because every time I look at you I get butterflies in my stomach over how gorgeous you are. No one has ever made me feel like you do, bubs, and I just wish you could see what I see when I look at you.” With that you brought his lips to yours, tasting the sweet vanilla of his chapstick as he moved in sync with you. You squeezed your legs tighter around him, one hand deep in his unruly curls as you pulled him closer to you, his hands moving up to find purchase on your hips. He squeezed your hips lightly three times, a silent I love you as you kissed, causing a smile to form on your face at the soft boy in your arms. 
“You better not be fucking over there!” Raul’s voice tore through the moment, the two of you breaking away from each other in order to turn around towards the couch where he was staring back at you with eyebrows raised. You rolled your eyes at his antics, turning around to find Peter with red stained cheeks and bashful eyes before calling back to the older triplet, “Don’t worry, Raul, we’re not stealing your job!”
A sincere laugh escaped Raul’s lips as you lightly pushed your boyfriend away so you could hop off the counter, earning a small whine from him in response, “Come on, bubs, let’s check on these cookies.” A couple minutes later you had a fresh batch of cookies sitting on top of the oven, the smell filling the entire apartment quick enough to have Raul next to the two of you in minutes with an already burnt tongue because he refused to wait for them to cool down. Just as you and Peter had bit into your first cookie, Shawn had come stumbling into the house with his hockey gear, a wide smile on his face, “Do I smell cookies?”
“Only the best. Want one?” you asked, handing him the plate, while Raul complained from next to you that he was just about to grab another.
“Is that even a question?” he asked, practically moaning when the taste hit his mouth, “And this is why I love having you around.”
“You say that like I’m the one that buys and makes the cookies. Peter’s the one that does all the work.”
“Yeah, but Peter only makes them for you. We only had oven baked cookies once or twice a year before you came.”
“Hey! I make dinner for you guys almost every night,” Peter countered, a slight furrow to his brows, “Not my fault the both of you can’t make your way around the kitchen without burning it.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Raul said, snatching one last cookie before heading off to his room. 
“Come on, bubs,” you ushered your boyfriend forward, grabbing his hand as he picked up the plate of cookies, “Let’s go watch Netflix.”
“But I only got one cookie!” Shawn whined from behind the two of you.
“You can get them once we’re done,” you called out before shutting Peter’s door, “if there’s any left.” Peter laughed from behind you, loving the relationship you had with his brothers. Honestly, he didn’t know what he would do if you didn’t get along with them, his brothers were his world and their opinion mattered to him more than anyone else’s. But now that you were so prominently in his life, he could easily say that your opinion was on that same level, if not higher than that of his brothers. 
“Hey angel?” he asked nervously, playing with the strings on the hood of his sweatshirt.
“Yeah, bubs?”
“Are you doing anything tomorrow morning?”
“I don’t think so, why?”
“Do you maybe want to stay the night?” You had stayed the night a handful of times, probably more than you should for the length of your relationship, and everytime the two of you woke up with the most content smiles on your faces, wanting nothing more than to just stay that way for the rest of the day.
“Of course, Pete, as long as I get to steal one of your sweatshirts to sleep in,” you told him, walking over to him and replacing his hands with yours on his hoodie strings. His hands found their way to your hips, rubbing in gentle circles to calm the racing heart he always had around you. 
“I’ll give you all of my sweatshirts, you look better in them anyways.”
“Shut up,” you mumbled, giving him a soft kiss, “I’ve never met a man that looks more cuddly in a sweatshirt than you do. You’re my teddy bear, bubs.” A wide smile formed on Peter’s face and he leaned in to kiss your lips one more time before he was opening the drawer to his sweatshirts. He handed you the one he knew was always your favorite, grabbing his own set of flannel pants and a shirt to sleep in. He turned around to let you change in privacy while he did the same, even though the two of you had seen each other in much more intimate situations prior to this. No matter how many times you told him he didn’t have to turn around, he always claimed he just wanted to respect you and didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form. 
“All done, bubs, come cuddle.” You opened your arms to him from where you were laying in his bed and a large smile found its way to his face as he launched himself into your arms. Giggling at your adorable boyfriend, you adjusted so he could lay under the covers with his arms wrapped around your body. You turned the tv on, scrolling through random romcoms on Netflix while Peter munched on a cookie beside you. One of the things you loved about Peter was how much he loved romcoms, always falling in love with the romantic content as much as you. 
Halfway through the movie and you swore the two of you had eaten enough cookies to keep you full for a week, while saving one for Shawn of course. Somewhere in the midst of things, Peter’s head found its way to its beloved spot on your chest and your fingers immediately began massaging through the curls on his head. “You smell different, Pete. Did you change shampoo or cologne or something?” You couldn’t put your finger on it, but the more kisses you left on his curls, the more you felt something was different. He dug his head into your (his) sweatshirt, mumbling something incoherent while trying to hide his rosy red cheeks. “What are you trying to say? I can’t hear you while you’re eating my sweatshirt,” you teased, watching as his red face lifted up to meet yours.
“It’s yours,” he mumbled again, shoving his face back into your chest. You leaned down again, taking a sniff of his hair and finding it to resemble your typical scent right away.
“Why are you using my shampoo, bubs?”
He sighed, turning his head so you could hear him better, “Cause you left one of your bottles here last time you used it and I don’t know, just missed you a lot and you always smell so good.”
“Oh yeah, what do I smell like?”
“Home.” He answered with such sincerity that you knew this was something he had thought about for a long time. Your heart burst, love pouring out of you in such ways that you almost felt like crying happy tears right there on the spot.
“I, um, I have a candle that I keep next to my bed because I think it smells like your cologne. And it calms me down when I’ve had a bad day and I can’t come see you,” you confessed, hands coming back to his hair. 
“You can always come see me, angel. Love having you around.”
You smiled to yourself when you heard his speech becoming more slurred, sleep overcoming him, “I love you, Pete.”
“I love you too, angel. My beautiful, beautiful angel.” He left feather-like kisses over your sweatshirt-clad chest, snuggling deeper into your warmth as his breathing began to even out. You reached over to turn off the tv, feeling safer than you’ve ever felt with your big, cuddly teddy bear in your arms.
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magicalmarauder · 4 years
Growing Pains
Pairing: Peter Mendes x Reader (Mendes Triplet AU) 
Words: 4.3k +
Summary: You’ve grown up with the Mendes Triplets. They are your very best friends, there for every up and down of each other’s lives. What happens when you and Peter start dating? How will that affect the dynamic between the four of you? 
Warnings; Slight language! 
A/N: I’ve been obsessed with the Mendes Triplets AU recently and thought I’d give my own a try! Let me know what you think and if you’d like to see any more of this AU from me! 
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You had grown up with the Mendes boys for most of your life. In fact, you couldn’t recall a time when they had not been there. For every birthday party, graduation, heartbreak, family drama, and so on they had been right by your side and you by theirs. Your friendship had withstood the test of time, your bond proving to be unbreakable. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
However, as time had gone on and you had all grown up and gotten older, feelings had changed and relationships had shifted slightly. Specifically, between yourself and the youngest triplet, Peter. The two of you had always had a special bond with you being closer with him than the other two. Your childhood together had been riddled with adventures of you both sneaking out late at night to have stakeouts in your tree house, confiding your deepest fears and secrets to one another, and comforting each other through every difficult moment and every heartbreak.
He had been there when your very first relationship had blown up in your face, leaving your heart shattered. Although Peter, Raul, and Shawn had never been a fan of the boy, they had all been there with open arms and endless cuddles to help ease the ache of your very first broken heart. Nevertheless, Peter had been the one to go to every length to see you smile, to lend his shoulder for you to cry on, and to make sure that you knew how loved and special you were. Likewise, you had been there when Shawn’s career had taken off, leading the middle brother away to far-off countries for months at a time. Despite the fact that you were closer to the brothers than anyone and had a first-hand view into their relationship, you were still amazed at the depths of their bond. They had been inseparable their entire lives, never spending more than a day or two apart and then to suddenly be so far away from each other had caused a deep ache in each of their hearts, especially Peter’s. Peter had always been the more soft, sensitive one out of the three and as such, the separation had hit him harder. Honestly, without you he didn’t know how he would have made it through those first few months. Although Raul was still there and able to understand what it was he was going through, it was you who had been his anchor during that time.
It had just always been that way. They were your boys and you were their girl. But Peter had always held a special place in your heart, slightly different from that of the other two Mendes brothers. And it was something Shawn and Raul had noticed straight away both in yourself and in their youngest brother. While they held nothing but sisterly affection for you, they could see the longing and love in their brother’s eyes for you that wasn’t quite like that held for a sibling. They had never confronted Peter about it, and with his shy nature, it was something he had never felt the need to bring up, even to the two people he trusted most in this world. It had simply remained an unspoken, understood thing for years and years. Until one fateful day when you and Peter had been hanging out in your treehouse for old times sakes and feelings were blurted out, tears were shed, and lips met in a passionate, long over-due embrace.
That had been about a month ago and both you and Peter had never been happier. You had both unknowingly been holding onto these secret crushes for years, torturing yourselves over a love that you believed to be unrequited. The two of you often laughed over how stupid and oblivious you both had been and scolded each other playfully for not confessing sooner, but secretly you were content. No matter what happened, no matter the pain and heartbreak you had experienced in the past, it was all worth it if it had led to this moment, to the two of you being together as you were meant to be.
However, with that being said, the two of you had still been so nervous to come clean and open up about your relationship to his brothers. The four of you had been inseparable since you had been in diapers. You were worried how this would affect your friendship with Shawn and Raul, completely at a loss as to how they would react to this information. Nevertheless, you and Peter both knew that this was something you couldn’t keep secret. And so, the next day, you and Peter had decided to come forward at your weekly movie night.
Before pressing play once again on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, you and Peter had nervously announced that you had something to stay. Shawn and Raul had looked at each other in confusion before returning their gazes to the two of you.
Peter, anxiety spread clearly across his features, grabbed your hand to calm him down before taking a deep breath. “Y/N and I are dating,” he blurted out, squeezing his eyes shut briefly before nervously returning his gaze to the two boys before him.
Shawn and Raul had merely gaped at the two of you for a few moments, taken aback with not only the news, but how bluntly it was delivered, before both let out whoops of joy, pumping their firsts in the air.
“Fucking finally!” Raul had shouted, before delivering a quick punch to Shawn’s arm. “You owe me $20, asshole!”
“Wh-what??” You spluttered out in confusion. “You placed bets on us??”
“Well, yeah,” Shawn shrugged, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And if the two of you would have come to your senses a little sooner, I wouldn’t have lost,” he grumbled, reaching into his back pocket to pull out his wallet, and hand over Raul’s winnings.
“Oh, shut up,” Raul rolled his eyes. “You’re an international rock star. $20 isn’t going to break you. If anything, we should’ve made the bet for more.”
You and Peter merely gaped at the two boys in front of you, not expecting this reaction at all.
“C’mon, you two,” Raul scoffed, noticing your silence. “You two were so obvious! You’ve been pining after each other for I don’t know how many years now! It was only a matter of time.”
You and Peter continued to stare in silence before turning to each other, small smiles beginning to form on your faces. Yeah, looking back, you guess it was pretty obvious.
. . . . . . . . . .
Shortly after coming clean, Shawn had been whisked away for another leg of his worldwide tour and Raul’s business in the mechanic shop had picked up, leaving him with very little free time to spend with you and Peter. It was nice to have uninterrupted time with your boyfriend, especially at the beginning while you were still navigating the transition from friends to couple. However, you couldn’t help but miss your other two boys. That had been your biggest fear all those years spent pining after Peter. First, you had been concerned that his feelings for you were not reciprocated. And secondly, you were afraid, that if by whatever miracle Peter DID return your feelings, how that would affect your relationship with the other two Mendes boys.
Nonetheless, Raul finally had a free weekend from work and Shawn had just returned for a small break in his tour, leaving the four of you with your first opportunity in over a month to all hang out and catch up with one another. Truly, it would be your first time navigating this new relationship dynamic and balancing these new roles.
“Ready to go?” Peter murmured, coming up behind you and placing his hands on your shoulders softly, pulling you from your thoughts.
You smiled at his reflection in the mirror, admiring your handsome boyfriend, still slightly unbelieving that he was finally yours.
“Yeah,” you sighed, letting out a giggle when he made a funny face at you through the reflection of the mirror.
“You look beautiful,” he sighed, placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head before moving to turn you around and wrap you in his warm embrace.
You sighed in contentment, wrapping your own arms around his torso and burying your face in his strong chest, inhaling the comforting scent that was Peter.
“I love you, Peter,” you breathed, lifting your head to look him in the eye, conveying the indisputable truth of your statement with your eyes.
“I love you too, pretty girl,” he smiled before dipping his head to press a gentle kiss to your lips.
Pulling away, he offered you one more sweet smile before reaching down to grab your hand and pull you along. “C’mon, we can’t be late. Shawn and Raul were already teasing me about how they would know now that we were sucking each other’s faces off if we’re late.”
You laughed. “Well, they’re technically not wrong.”
Peter rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide the grin that broke out across his face.
“Let’s just go.”
. . . . . . . . . .
As soon as the two of you set foot in the basement of the Mendes family household, you were immediately tackled to the ground by two burly figures.
“Y/N!” They both shouted simultaneously, crushing you to themselves.
“Ok, ok, ok!” You called out. “I missed you too, but I’m about to die from lack of oxygen if you don’t let go of me!” You laughed.
The boys apologized, laughing, as they pulled you up and placed you firmly back on your feet. You couldn’t help the tears that began to well up in your eyes as you beheld the two in front of you. Your goofy, curly-haired, wonderful best friends.
“Aww, Y/N, enough of that emotional crap,” Raul grumbled good-naturedly.
“I can’t help it!” You defended. “I missed you guys!”
“Well, we missed you too,” Shawn promised, before he and Raul both pulled you into another tight hug.
“C’mon, Y/N,” Shawn stated, grabbing your hand and pulling you over to the couch. “Sit with us.”
Shawn plopped you down on the sofa, quickly taking a seat to your left while Raul immediately sat down on your other side, leaving no more space for Peter on the couch.
“Hey!” He protested, once he realized what had happened and that he would have to sit alone in the armchair. “That’s my girlfriend you’re stealing, you know?”
“Yeah, we know,” Raul rolled his eyes. “That’s exactly why we get to steal her tonight. You get her every day. We haven’t seen her in a month. We’re long overdue for some special Y/N cuddles.”
You flushed, happy that things were just as they were before with your two best friends. Although they seemed tough and strong to everyone else, you knew the truth: that they were really giant teddy bears with hearts of gold who craved touch and affection. And lucky for you, you were one of their favorite people to supply that affection.
Looking up at your boyfriend though, who was still standing in the middle of the room, you noticed that he looked less than impressed with this situation.
“It’s ok, Pete,” you murmured, doe eyes looking back up at him in an attempt to calm him. “After the movie, you and I can cuddle all you want. Shawn and Raul are right, they haven’t seen me in so long. They’re far overdue for some attention.”
Peter huffed, but stepped aside before reluctantly falling into the armchair, a small pout prominent on his lips. You smiled secretly. You knew he was trying to look put-out and upset, but really, he just looked too damn adorable.
“Alright, let’s get this show on the road!” Shawn called out, pressing play on the movie before settling down as the familiar theme music began to fill the room.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
About an hour into the film, Peter remained stoic in the same position he had first found himself in at the beginning of the movie, much to his disappointment. Looking over at the crowded sofa, a scowl overtook his expression as he saw Shawn cuddled up into your side with his head on your lap, your fingers running absently through his curls and Raul asleep on your shoulder, your head resting comfortably on top of his own.
That should be me, he thought bitterly. That’s my girlfriend, not theirs.
Sensing his heavy gaze, you turned your head to meet his eyes, offering a smile at your boyfriend. However, that smile quickly transformed to a frown when you were met by an icy look from Peter before his gaze returned steadily to the television set.
Before you could dwell on the odd reaction any longer, Raul turned his head slightly to the side as he stirred, pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of your head. Smiling at the boy by your side, you nestled yourself further into their warmth, choosing to simply enjoy being reunited with your best friends.
. . . . . . . . . . 
Once the movie was over, you tried to stretch out your limbs, but found that impossible as you were still entangled with the two giant Mendes boys. Groaning as you nudged them away from your body, you stretched out your stiff muscles before relaxing back against the sofa, the two boys immediately following your every movement and curling back into your warmth.
Peter glared daggers at the sight before him, becoming increasingly more upset that after a long week of work, he was unable to do the one thing that he had been looking forward to: cuddling up next to you and watching a movie as he reunited with his brothers. However, this night had not exactly gone as planned. Never had he imagined that he would have to sit all alone on a completely separate chair while his two brothers attached themselves to his girlfriend like needy koala bears. He was your koala bear. Him. You were supposed to be giving him your attention.
Also, Peter couldn’t handle the thoughts of insecurity and jealousy that would flit into his mind as he repeatedly glanced over at the three of you. Although he trusted his brothers, and you as well, with his life and knew none of you would ever do anything to hurt him, he couldn’t help but wonder if one day you would wake up and realize you had chosen the wrong triplet. Peter closed his eyes in frustration. Really though, why would you pick him? You could have chosen the famous rockstar or the mysterious bad boy that had girls chasing after him wherever he went. Instead, you had somehow ended up with Peter. The quiet, shy, awkward, nerdy Peter. Sometimes, Peter thought that it was just too good to be true. Most of the time, however, he was able to combat these thoughts away, reassured of your love for him by your soft touch and gentle words of love and devotion. However, it was hard to remember that right now as he had now spent the last three hours watching as you were wrapped in the arms of his brothers.
Taking a deep breath, Peter decided that he was being irrational. In an attempt to turn the night around, Peter leaned forward slightly in his chair, causing you to turn your attention over to him. “Hey, Y/N,” he murmured. “Why don’t we head out? We can grab something to eat on our way home?”
Before you could respond, Shawn piped up from beside you, throwing his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him. “No, Pete! You guys just got here. I haven’t gotten my Y/N fix yet. Why don’t we all go out for ice cream or something?”
Raul quickly agreed and you shrugged as well, thinking that was a fair compromise. After all, you were here to hang out all together and catch up after so long. You didn’t really want to leave straight away either.
Peter, on the other hand, didn’t look as pleased with this suggestion.
“But, Y/N,” he protested. “You said we could go home and cuddle after the movie night!”
“I know, Pete,” you sighed. “But we came here to spend time with your brothers. Shawn’s going to be back on the road soon and we’re all going to be so busy with work,” you reasoned. “We can cuddle together anytime.”
Peter simply huffed in response, pulling his phone out of his pocket and dutifully ignoring the lot of you as he seemingly scrolled through his Instagram.
Shawn and Raul shared a look, using their secret triplet telepathy to communicate, something that you usually found cool, but now found obnoxious as you were left out of the loop.
Trying to ease the tension that was now heavy in the room, you sat up and directed your voice at Peter. “Why don’t we all go out for ice cream like Shawn suggested?” You began. “I’ll share with you Pete,” you sang softly, hoping that your offer would pull him out of his mood.
However, your words achieved the opposite reaction of what you had been hoping for. Peter gave a slight grunt in acknowledgement to indicate that he had heard your words, but otherwise gave no response.
Having enough of their brother’s attitude towards his girlfriend and their best friend, Shawn and Raul both stood up simultaneously, towering over their brother intimidatingly before Raul reached down and snatched the phone out of Peter’s hand.
“Hey!” Peter protested. “Give that back!”
“Not until you learn some respect, dumbass,” Raul reproached.
Peter opened his mouth in indignation, ready to contradict his brother’s words; however, Shawn landed a quick punch to his arm and continued on scolding the youngest triplet. “Raul’s right, Pete. Learn some respect. That’s not the way you treat your girl. I don’t know what your problem is, but you better get the hell over it and fast.”
You looked down, not really knowing what to say or do in response. This was definitely not a situation that you were prepared to deal with tonight.
Luckily, you didn’t have to say anything. Peter had hung his head in shame, quickly realizing what a dick he had been. Peter naturally had a very kind, sweet nature. It was usually Raul with the attitude. But Peter couldn’t help it. You made him absolutely crazy. The logic flew out of his brain around you. It was one of the things he loved and hated about being with you.
“You’re right, guys,” Peter breathed out, shame coursing through his veins. “I’m sorry.”
“We’re not the ones you need to be apologizing to,” Shawn corrected.
At that, you looked up, noticing three pairs of eyes now on you.
“We’ll give you two some privacy,” Raul offered, him and Shawn moving toward the doorway, the soft click of the door closing echoing in the silence left by their absence.
“Y/N,” Peter sighed regretfully, standing from his previous position on the armchair to make his way over towards you.
Silently, you looked up at him, eyes meeting his apologetic gaze. “I’m so sorry, Y/N, they were right. I was being a dick. You didn’t deserve that.”
“Then why did you act that way, Pete? I don’t understand. Everything was fine and then all of a sudden . . . “ you trailed off.
“I know, I know,” Peter sighed, running a hand through his curly locks. “It’s so stupid though.”
Reaching out, you took hold of his hand, squeezing softly. “If it caused you to get that upset, it’s not stupid, Peter. Just tell me. That way we can avoid a repeat in the future.”
Peter let out a breath. “I was jealous, ok?”
“What?” You questioned, taken aback, definitely not expecting that.
Peter groaned, lifting his face up to the ceiling in frustration. “See? I told you it was stupid.”
“No, baby, no,” you reassured, bringing a hand up to caress his cheek, gently bringing his face back down so you could look him in the eye. “It’s not stupid. I just don’t understand,” you explained. “You know your brothers and I are just best friends. There’s never been anything more between us. Was there something I did or said that made you think something was happening? Or . . . ?” You trailed off, still not quite seeing what had caused Peter’s jealousy.
“No, no, of course not!” Peter exclaimed. “I know there’s nothing going on between you and either of them. I know that! I trust you and I trust them. It’s just . . .” Peter struggled to get the words out. “It’s just . . . how do you know you made the right choice?”
“I’m sorry?” You questioned, flabbergasted. “Made the right choice in what?”
“In me!” He shouted, desperation flooding his voice. “You could have had either one of them. I know people talk. It doesn’t make sense to them. You’re so beautiful and kind and smart. You’re perfect! Why would you want to be with me?” His breath came heavily, panting at finally letting all these pent-up emotions flood out of him. “I’m the awkward, weird one out of the three of us. You’ve always been just as close with Shawn and Raul. Why didn’t you choose one of them?”
You stared at him in astonishment for a few moments, trying to collect your thoughts at the admission of your boyfriend, your heart breaking. You had never guessed that he felt that way.
Sighing, you scooted forward until you were practically sitting in his lap. Gently, you grabbed his face in both of your hands, forcing him to look directly at you, needing him to see the truth and importance of what you were about to tell him.
“Because they’re not you,” you stated simply.
Peter’s brows merely furrowed in response, clearly not understanding. You almost rolled your eyes. How could this sweet, beautiful boy be so completely clueless of how much you loved him?
“Because they’re not you,” you reiterated. “I love you, Peter. It has always been you,” you stated softly, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss to his nose.
“It’s true,” you continued to explain. “You’re not your brothers. You’re not musically inclined like Shawn. You don’t have that whole bad boy rep going on like Raul, but Peter, that is what makes you special. You’re you. And there’s no one else like you, baby,” you promised.  “I love you because of who you are. You’re my sweet, wonderful boyfriend. You’re the one who takes the time to listen to my day because you genuinely care about each and every detail. You’re the one who geeks out over books and can quote Star Wars by heart. You cry with me while watching those cheesy rom-coms I force you to watch and you kill spiders for me even though you’re terrified of them yourself!”
Peter let out a small chuckle at that, a lone tear escaping from the corner of his eye. Gently, you wiped it away with the pad of your thumb, stroking the soft skin of his cheek.
“You make me feel so safe and loved and special, each and every day Peter. I’ve loved you since we were kids. I’ve never had eyes for anyone else. I’m sorry if I made you doubt that tonight. It’s definitely a transition with your brothers now that we’re dating and I guess I just didn’t want your brothers to feel left out now that we’re together,” you admitted. “I’m sorry,” you apologized.
“No, no, no,” Peter shushed you, strong hands coming up to rest over your own that were still cupping his cheeks. “I’m sorry,” he stressed. “I let my insecurity get out of control and caused me to act out. You’re right, it is a transition now that the relationship roles have changed and that’s just something that we’re all going to need to adjust to. It’s going to take a bit of time, but we’ll get there. I need to get over my insecurities and my brothers need to understand also that you and I need some alone time,” he explained softly.
You nodded. “Exactly. It’s all about compromise and taking the time to learn and navigate these new dynamics.”
“I’m sorry for being an ass,” Peter apologized, smiling slightly at you.
“It’s ok,” you assured. “If the roles had been reversed, I might have been just as jealous.”
Peter smirked. “Oh, yeah? Maybe next movie night, I’ll have to cuddle up with Shawn and Raul and leave you all alone on the armchair.”
You scoffed, hitting his arm. “Oh, hell no. You three aren’t leaving me on that chair by myself. I’ll lay on top of you all if I have to!”
Peter laughed. “See? It’s no fun sitting off all alone,” Peter pouted.
You giggled. “Maybe we should all just invest in a larger sofa?” You offered.
Peter hummed in approval, leaning forward to press a lingering kiss to your temple. “Maybe we can convince Shawn to buy it,” he chuckled.
“Yo!” Two curious heads popped around the corner. “Have you two lovebirds made up yet? I wasn’t kidding about that ice cream,” Raul stated.
You laughed, standing up and pulling your boyfriend up along with you.
“Yes, you goofs, let’s go!”
The two boys cheered and Peter rolled his eyes playfully, slinging his arm around your shoulder.
“That is, if Pete’s little jealousy streak is over,” Shawn teased, wiggling his eyebrows at his brother.
“Oh, Y/N, what am I to do? My two insanely attractive brothers are just so irresistible! How could you ever resist them?”Raul imitated Peter dramatically, throwing a hand across his face.
“That’s it, you better run!” Peter called out, removing his arm from around you before sprinting off after the two laughing Mendes brothers.
Shaking your head, you followed after them. Life was certainly never dull around the Mendes triplets, but you certainly wouldn’t have it any other way.
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shawn-reactions · 4 years
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shawn reading the triplet fanfics confused as hell
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queenmendes · 4 years
laughs, kisses, & tears
Part 2 of Successful!
I hope y’all enjoy this little blurb! Wow I actually finished something and am posting it? Who would’ve thought?? P.S that little eyebrow twitch and smirk in this gif had me dead
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It’s no secret that Shawn loves to spoil you, despite how much you’ve protested. Not a week goes by where there hasn’t been a fresh bouquet of elegant flowers brought to your office or littering your shared condo. Half of your closet is made of new outfits Shawn had picked out for surprise date nights. You can't even count the amount of jewelry he has given you, despite telling him you don’t need it all, but according to him “you need to look pretty for all those business meetings”. Shawn loves to spoil you, but now it’s your time to spoil him.
Sadly, there has not been time for the two of you like you’d hope. With him finishing his tour and then award season coming right behind. Once he was home, he dedicated all his time to helping you with the last details of your company before the launching. But now, everything's in place. Shawn is home full-time and working in the studio downtown while the company has been climbing the chain and doing great. Which is why you’ve planned a weekend away from the two of you.
It’s your time to spoil your boy for once.
Shawn’s back was to you as you entered the condo. His tall figure sitting in front of the beautiful, black piano; a soft melody filling your ears. His hands effortlessly danced across the keys and they didn’t stop as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, nuzzling your nose into his hair.  
“Hi baby.” The music stopped as he turned around on the binch, resting his hands on your hips. “You’re home from work very early.” He says, pulling you into his lap.
“I didn’t go in to work today.” You confessed and smiled as his head tilted like a confused puppy. “I was picking up a few things for this weekend.”
“This weekend?” Shawn was silently panicking, thinking he forgot an important anniversary or event.
“This weekend, you and me in my family’s cabin. I have a few surprises for you.” You grinned, excited for the weekend you had planned.
“Oh baby, you didn’t hav-” You cut Shawn off by planting a soft kiss on his lips, silencing his words.
“You are always spoiling me. It’s my turn to spoil you. Besides, I already packed our bags and got the stuff to make all your favorite foods and a few small things that you deserve. So, if you don’t mind, please get your cute butt downstairs and in the car.” Shawn smiled and placed another kiss on your lips before grabbing his keys from on top of the piano.
The three hour drive to the cabin was peaceful. Shawn’s hand was holding yours the entire time and you’ve been singing Disney and Broadway songs the whole way. It didn't seem like a long drive at all and before you knew it, the beautiful wooden house was in your view.
The two of you quickly unloaded the Jeep and brought everything into the toasty warm house. You looked over and smiled as you saw the fireplace cracking away and fresh blankets laying around. Quickly, the two of you put the few groceries up.
“God, I love your parents.” Shawn said, looking at the lively cabin, knowing who got the place all together. “But I love you more.” Shawn whispered in your ear, pushing his body up against yours; his lips finding their way down your neck, to your collarbone. A soft moan escaping you as your head leans back on his shoulder.
“Show me how much you love me.” You all but beg.
“Yes ma’am.” and god, did he show you.
Your eyes fluttered open to see Shawn’s arm wrapped around your middle, his large hand resting on your stomach as he pressed your back against his chest. Carefully, you moved his arm away from you and wiggled out of bed and slipped on a pair of panties and Shawn’s hoodie before making your way into the kitchen to begin preparing for dinner. Deciding to grab all the ingredients to make steak with loaded potatoes and ceasar salad, which was the first meal you ever cooked for Shawn.
You were in the middle of placing the potatoes into the oven when you heard shuffling down the hall. Shawn’s tall figure came into your sight as you closed the oven door and placed the seasoned steak into a skillet.
“Hi love.” You greeted him as his arms went around your waist. “Did you sleep well?”
“Mhmm. I got cold without you though.” He lightly presses a few kisses to your cheeks. “Whatcha making?” He asked as you flipped the steaks over.
“Steak, with loaded potatoes and salad.” You answered, focused on the cooking food in front of you. He moaned in delight at the smell before walking to the fridge.
“Do you want any wine, honey?” He asked, taking the bottle of red out of the fridge. You pause for a moment.
“No thank you.” Shawn nodded, knowing sometimes you just don’t want to drink. Soon, the steaks were cooked to your preference and the potatoes out of the oven. As you were tossing the salad, Shawn helped plate the food and take it over to the small table. The two of you dug into the meal, a calm and comfortable silence between the two of you; with Shawn praising your cooking every other bite.
“So why the sudden trip babe?” Shawn asked as he finished off the last of his food. You smile over at him.
“I can’t spoil my man?” You teased, grabbing his hand. “Baby, you have supported me through everything and never failed to spoil me with what I need to make it through, despite how much I’ve told you to stop. I finally am in a place where I can give back to you because you deserve it.”
“I love you, and I would do everything all over again for you.” He whispered, kissing your hand. “And I will never stop spoiling you.” He teased.
“Speaking of…” You ran into the other room, grabbing the wrapped box. Shawn gave you a pointed look as you placed it on the coffee table, rushing over to pull him on the couch. “I got you something, to just show how much I love you and how proud I am of you finishing your tour like a champ. Now open it!” You were anxious, hoping he liked it as much as you wish he would.
Shawn couldn’t help but gasp lightly in surprise at the guitar that laid in the box. A 1969 Fender Stratocaster sat in perfect condition before his eyes, one that he knew all too well from how often he researched it as a teenager. It was the guitar that Jimi Hendrix played.
“Baby…” Shawn’s fingers traced over the strings. “How?”
“The museum in Seattle was having a charity auction, and this was the top item. I’ve had a few of my people’s eyes out for it for a while now and when they announced that it was being sold, I made a good offer.” You explained, scooting closer to him. “I remember you saying how much you would love to play just one song on this guitar and now, you can play as many as you choose.” Shawn’s lips captured yours in a passionate kiss, one hand on the side of your neck and the other tangled in your hair.
“I told you that when I was 16?” Shawn whispered against your lips as he pulled away. You laugh lightly.
“Trust me, I remember everything about you Shawn Peter Raul Mendes.” You said, kissing his lips once more. “But there’s more. Look on the back.” Shawn looked confused but excited as he gently flipped the guitar over, seeing a note on the back.
I hope you hold our little one as gently as this guitar!
Right underneath was a small ultrasound photo, pointing out a small, almost unnoticeable dot. Shawn swears he stopped breathing as he stared at the photo and note. Your leg wouldn’t stop bouncing as you watched him in silence, letting him take it in and process.
“Really?” Shawn’s head turned towards you, his eyes teary. “You’re really pregnant? Like my baby is in your tummy?” His eyes darted down to your stomach.
“Yeah, your baby is in my tummy.” You lightly laugh at his goofiness as tears form in your eyes. Shawn’s lip wobbled as he pulled you onto his lap, hugging you close. The two of you sharing more laughs, kisses and tears as you celebrate the new bundle of joy to come.
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wondershawns · 4 years
Take Over
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A/N: So uh this came from a discussion ages ago in a group chat about the triplets as CEOs and then about the triplets as gods. Behold my CEO/ sons of Hades AU. By far the weirdest thing I’ve ever written, won’t happen again but yeah
Word count: 4722
Warnings: Smut (is anyone even surprised) but like weird sort of an orgy kind of smut so read at your own risk, told you this was the weirdest shit I ever wrote I was so close to not posting it
. “Raul, did you go through the interviews?” Shawn walked into his brother’s office, looking up from the folder he was holding.
“Uh?” The eldest of the triplets looked from his screen. “No. Peter did it, he found someone. She’s starting on Monday.”
“Great,” He muttered. “Hopefully it’ll be someone that’s good at something this time.”
“Perrie not doing her job right?” Raul ran a tattooed hand through his hair, and his brother rolled his eyes.
“She can’t find a file to save her life, this isn’t how we’re going to take over this mess.” Shawn motioned to the window with a disdainful look, humans were too stupid to understand the potential their earth had.
“Guess at least we’ve got some order set down in our world,” He shrugged. “I’ve gotta finish this and then we can go home. Heard a bunch of demons were throwing a little party tonight.”
“Mmh, I’ve seen that too. I’ll be with Peter, find us when you’re ready to leave.”
Raul finished what he was working on, saving the content of his computer on a disc before he locked his office up. Working on earth to take over the place and install rules to fix the mess humans had created was an ambitious project, it would take time, but they were determined to succeed. Still, going back to the underworld at night and on most weekends was always a relief, they were respected there, their kingdom was ruled firmly but with justice.
He found his brothers soon after packing up and rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt, letting Peter place his hand in the middle of the gigantic wooden door first. It was sculpted in shapes that scared humans, snakes, demonic monsters, horns, spiders and other dark creatures. Peter’s hand was set on the bear, and Shawn placed his on the wolf right above before Raul took his place, his palm covering the roaring lion deeply carved into the wood.
Locks turned deep into the wood until the door cracked open and they pushed it, widening the space before they all went through. Raul closed it behind them, listening to check the locks clicked back into place and it was safely shut before following his brothers through a corridor, the warm light of the underworld lighting up the place.
Despite what one might think, the air was pure in the underworld, much purer than the polluted one they had to breathe when they were on earth. Magic was known by everyone, a useful tool for energy sources and just about anything they might want to do.
The three brothers strolled down the street, heads high as demons parted way to let them walk through all the way to the highest point in the kingdom, the mountain from which the lava river flowed, their source of heat and of light during the night. Their materials were built to withstand extreme heat, allowing the lava to glide through built canals along the city below them.
They crossed the bridge over their own canal in front of the castle, the corridors illuminated by the passing liquid along the walls. They had the privilege of not being burned by the lava, it came from deep within the mountain, where their source of magic was, and just as they controlled the magic they controlled who could be burned.
It flowed like blood through their veins, giving them energy and power. Their eyes glowed red in their world, but being on earth attenuated their strength because of the distance it put between them and the source of their magic. When they were far their eyes were brown enough to pass as human, but anyone who looked to closely would see their irises changing like liquid was swirling in them.
“Good morning,” Raul eyed you walking into the room, a pile of work already set on his desk to give to you. It was his way of testing how motivated you were. It was obvious no one could go through it in a day, but he wanted to see how you’d handle it.
“Good morning,” You smiled politely.
“Here’s what you’re going to start with.” He patted the pile of documents. “Fill what needs to be filled and make sure everything is classified properly. If you have questions, take them to Connor.”
“Alright,” You picked up your work. “Do you need anything else?”
“You, out of my office.” He smiled sweetly and waved as you left.
This was going to be fun. Shawn and Peter had been fairly welcoming, professional, but not as cocky as Raul was. It was a shame since he was the one you were going to be working for the most. Your job description wasn’t the clearest, so you assumed there would be a lot of multitasking for the triplets, but Shawn and Peter each had an assistant already, Raul apparently just could never stand his.
You were born in heaven as an angel, more like reborn from your mortal life, but you didn’t remember your human past. Falling from heaven had been tough, as were the reasons that lead to your downfall, and you were only just getting used to what your life had become. Living without your wings was harder than you could have ever imagined, but working on earth reminded you of home.
It took you no time to realise Raul worked better on his own. He didn’t need your help, and his brothers rarely asked you to do anything unless they were sharing a file with him. Instead of bothering him to work the way the other two assistants did, you kept to yourself, classifying Raul’s work and doing your part without asking him questions. He still found ways to dismiss you, of course, but he wasn’t making your life hard the way other people in the office told you he would when they learned you’d work for him.
It was exhausting, and it was only at night that you found a place that reminded you of home, a place where you didn’t need to hide as much, where you could breathe.
The underworld was everything besides what you had expected the first time you walked in. The light was warm, contrasting with the cold white of heaven, it wasn’t what you were used to, but it was somewhat welcoming. The rules were different from heaven too, everything was expected to run smoothly but work was never detrimental to fun.
Demons were reckless, as far as you could see. They partied and played with no boundaries, but the one thing you did like about them was that they didn’t ask questions. No one expected perfection, none of them expected you to know your place, they didn’t ask where you were from, they didn’t ask who you were.
All you had to tell them was what they should call you, and after that it was like you were part of the group already. You had a place to stay in the underworld, people who could answer your questions as long as they weren’t too personal, and nothing was asked of you in exchange.
You needed work on earth to keep you sane, spending your whole life working among other angels in heaven had taught you rigour and you couldn’t handle sitting around without a job. When you had fallen you found yourself on earth, and you thought that as bad as it was it was always better than the underworld.
It took you a few weeks to decide to go down there when you first fell, and you didn’t regret it for a second. It was nothing like heaven but it felt more like home than earth ever could.
You realised the dangers of the double game you were playing when you discovered the triplets, or the Kings, as other demons called them, were not only CEOs of the company you worked for but also the rulers of the underworld. It didn’t take a genius to understand they wanted to assert power over the earth, and you used to be placed high enough in heaven to know other angels were not aware of this.
It made your position trickier than planned. As long as they saw you on earth they couldn’t know what you were, but if they ever saw you in the underworld they would immediately understand, and it could cost you what was left of your life.
You stayed away from events they would be at in the underworld as much as you could. You worked for them during the day, handling Raul’s moods by making sure everything you did was perfect (he couldn’t be mad at you if you didn’t make a single mistake) but you avoided them the rest of the time.
It took months for your curiosity to get the best of you. You weren’t close to anyone in the underworld, but some demon on your street was usually helpful when you were lost regarding their habits and lifestyle. They sat with you, teaching you how to use enchanted objects with the lava, it was the only way to use it without being burned, a courtesy of the triplets to make some of their work easier. This particular demon forged things ranging from knives to chains to jewelry, and you quickly took it upon yourself to start making small chains yourself.
It was your contribution to work in the underworld, a small compensation for your right to stay there. It was easy and repetitive, a way for you to build your skills with metal before you could move on to different items. It didn’t take a lot of thinking from you and gave you time to learn about the underworld.
You gathered details about the Kings through the nights, sliding in questions without seeming too eager to collect information. They looked over the kingdom, ensuring work was done and everything could function. You learned about the levels of hell they had created, the one you were in was accessible to any supernatural creature and permanent stay was to be gained through work, it was rewarded with freedom. Lower levels lost freedom, no one would willingly go there, they were used to punish souls and the punishments worsened through the levels, all the way down to Tartarus where the Titans were still trapped.
The Kings took over after Hades, reworking the system to something that would suit them. As far as you knew they didn’t need sleep, you were with them all day when they worked on earth, but they also had to sort through all the souls of humans dying every night. Heaven claimed what they decided to be the best ones, gaining angels while the rest were left to the underworld.
Somehow, in the middle of all of this, the triplets still found time for fun with other demons. They participated in night life, and they regularly organised their own parties. They were what everyone talked about, there was no announcement, just the spreading of information by demons and it somehow always made its way to you.
Those parties, as far as you knew, were purely for sex. You were taken aback when you first heard it, but the more you heard about them the more curious you grew. It was a sort of tradition, almost a ritual, but no one was forced to participate in it.
The triplets only planned them every once in a while, and any interested demon was welcome to show up. Everyone came dressed in black, a dark colour that made everyone blend in the room as they danced and drank under flashing lights.
It was only when the Kings changed the light to bathe the room in a red hue that the doors closed. The lava flowed in streams like veins along the floor, walls and ceiling of the room, illuminating it. It was the only time everyone was immune to its burning capacities without an enchanted object. Doors locked and clothes fell before the fun could start, and while the idea was scary and unfamiliar to you it filled you with a thrill.
You could sneak in, you could stay in the back, take a look to fulfill your curiosity and leave before doors were locked.
It was your plan that Saturday night, but plans didn’t work as well in hell as they did in heaven. You should have seen it coming, but the innocence of your time around angels was still influencing you to think things could go right.
“Well well well,” Raul approached you, fully dressed in black for the occasion in accordance with everyone else. He stood out anyway, probably because of his height and the aura of strength that emanated from him. “Look who were have here.”
“Raul,” You greeted him politely, but instead of ignoring you like he did in the office he grinned.
“A fallen angel? I was wondering what you were, you’re a little too efficient to be human.” He traced your jaw with his finger like you were his, and when you were in his world, you kind of were.
“Does that bother you?” You cocked your head to the side, trying to keep your composure. Only he and his brothers could recognise what you were, and it could get you in big trouble if they decided you were untrustworthy.
“Not at all sweetheart,” He set his hands on the table behind you, trapping you against his body. “But you seem a little too innocent to be here,”
“Do I now?” You steadied your breathing, bending back just enough to keep a small distance between your chest and his. His eyes were mesmerising, completely different from what you were used to seeing on earth, and you had a hard time focusing.
“We’re not working, so how about we get you to loosen up, mmh?” The next step he took placed his foot between yours, allowing his knee to keep your legs parted while his chest pressed against yours.
“Actually, I think I should go,” You looked to the side for the door that was still open for now, so much for slipping by unnoticed.
“Trying to slip away before the fun starts?” Raul chuckled, pulling at the strap of your dress to have it fall off your shoulder. “I don’t think so sweetheart.”
“Pick one of your demons.” You pushed at his chest, but he didn’t budge, leaning in closer instead to rile you up.
“What if I want a sweet little angel tonight?” His breath was hot on your neck and you held your breath.
Raul backed away with a satisfied smirk, turning around and walking through the crowd. He snapped his fingers and a red hue fell over the room, the light reflecting in his crimson eyes.
“Let’s get started then,” He unbuttoned his shirt while other demons undressed hastily, he and his brothers walking up to the three thrones waiting for them. The crowd parted to make space for them, lava swirling along the floor following their path.
Raul ditched his shirt along the way, followed by the rest of his clothes until he reached his place, the first throne on the left. Shawn’s place was in the middle, followed by Peter. They each already had someone with them, Peter’s girl was sitting across his lap and nipping at his neck while Shawn made out with the one straddling him.
“C’mon then,” Raul licked his lips as he motioned for a girl he spotted to come closer. “Kneel.” He demanded, watching her fall to her knees with her hands behind her back as she bent over, her tongue immediately coming out to lick his cock.
He didn’t move to touch her, instead he rested his elbow on the armrest of the throne, flicking his wrist for lava to course its way through the engravings of his throne. You were mesmerised by the control they had over this power and the way it made their white skin glow red.
You hesitantly dipped your fingers in the stream closest to you that was making its way through cracks in the floor, gasping at the warmth that didn’t just touch your hand but your entire body. Your eyes travelled back to Raul, finding him with a second demon joining the other, both of them kneeling between his parted legs.
Raul wasn’t watching them at all, he was looking straight at you, lust written all over his face as he took in the naked parts of you he would see at the back of the crowd. He motioned another girl closer, letting her sit on the armrest of his throne as he reached between her legs, pushing two fingers inside of her. He watched her body arch for him before retrieving his hand, murmuring something in her ear that lead her to kiss over his chest.
Peter was getting a fair amount of attention too, three girls were over him kissing him and every part of his body he allowed them to touch. Unlike Raul, he was letting them use their hands and ran his through their hair, guiding them to where he wanted them.
Shawn was always more exclusive. He had his own fun every once in a while, but most of those nights were spent with one girl, and tonight the lucky one he had picked was already riding him on his throne.
It only took one snap of Raul’s fingers for you to have to join him. Everyone was attentive to anything the Kings may want, and if Raul wanted you they were all going to free your path to him. He got rid of the previous three girls with a murmur, sending them back into the crowd to make space for you.
“Hello angel,” He smirked once you were close enough, letting you stand in front of him fully naked.
You knew the rules. You knew them as soon as you stepped into this party, once clothes were off, the doors were closed and the only people who could let you out were the Kings. The ones who didn’t get to be with them would stay in this room until morning, having their fair share of fun after the triplets had made their pick and left somewhere private.
“Sit,” He motioned to his lap and you stepped closer, following his guidance until you were straddling him. “Do I turn you on sweetheart?” He saw your pussy and the inside of your thighs glistening with wetness.
“Yes.” You murmured, hesitantly adjusting your knees resting by his thighs.
“A little shy, aren’t we?” He teased you with a chuckle. “Do angels never have sex?”
“Not like this.” You admitted, knowing you had to answer him to follow the rules. You were to do anything he wanted.
“Loosen up darling,” He traced his thumb over your bottom lip. “We’re just here to have fun.”
He pushed you up and grabbed your hand, stepping through the crowd with you. Demons parted to make a path, disappointed that he was only picking you but still respectful of their ruler. A night with Raul wasn’t easy to get, he sometimes took his fill here and left alone, they all knew they had more chances with Peter.
You were thankful to be out of there although not reassured by being locked up in a room with Raul alone. There was a thrill to being with him but the rational part of you was still scared of what he could do to you.
You weren’t sure the room he brought you to was really his. There weren’t any personal belongings, just simple furniture and an appliance that resembled human fireplaces. It was constantly being filled by flowing lava to keep the room lit and warm.
You realised as you watched him that there wasn’t a single hesitation in anything he did. He was pure confidence, whether it was in his body or in his actions. Angels weren’t like that. They were sure they were working right, but they erased themselves to allow their achievements to be in the light. Raul knew what he was doing work wise but he also had a presence that made heads turn towards him no matter where he went, and he seemed to love the attention.
“Drink?” He materialised two clear wine glasses in his hands, handing you one.
“What is it?” You observed the liquid that definitely wasn’t wine. It looked like liquid gold, but you realised it wasn’t as thick as you would have thought from the colour as you swirled it in the glass.
“Ambrosia,” Raul tilted his head, observing your reaction.
“You’re a god,” You realised and your eyes widened in surprise.
“Demigod,” He corrected, giving you a few seconds to connect the dots. “We’re sons of Hades.”
“Of course,” You breathed out, understanding how they got their power and why they were so respected here. “I can’t drink this,” You tried to hand the drink back to him, but he left it in your hand.
“Humans and demons can’t drink this, you can,” He took a sip of his own glass, glowing red eyes still set on yours.
“I’m nothing like a god,”
“I know, I didn’t say it wouldn’t affect you,”
“Affect me how?” You turned suspicious, unmoving with the cup left in your hand.
“Well,” He circled you like a prey, stopping to stand behind you. “Ambrosia has a very predictable effect on angels,just a few sips you’ll feel your body relax.” He didn’t touch you, his hand doing nothing but hovering over your shoulder, letting the heat from his fingers diffuse to your skin. He could control the lava and who was burnt by it, so it only made sense that he could toy with his body’s temperature to play with you.
“And more than that?” Goosebumps appeared all over your body when you felt the warmth spreading through you. It was over as soon as it started, his hand retracting to his side although his breath still caressed the back of your neck.
“A full glass is enough to have you passed out for the night,”
“There must be an in between, I won’t go from relaxed to passed out in a sip,”
“No, you won’t, but past relaxing your muscles ambrosia will affect your mind, and then our little game wouldn’t be fair anymore, would it?”
He was a son of Hades, a god with a strong sense of honesty, and that was enough proof for you to know he wasn’t lying. Hades was just, and unlike Zeus he was always fair.
Ambrosia was your way out. Raul wasn’t saying it explicitly, but you didn’t have a shadow of a doubt that if you drank the whole glass right now you would wake up untouched. He wouldn’t do anything that wasn’t fair, so anything that clouded your mind would keep you safe, as ironic as that was.
He leaned against the wall, drinking from his cup and watching to see what you’d do. He knew you were smart enough to understand, so he simply waited. A small smirk played on his lips when you brought the cup to your lips. You dipped them in the liquid hesitantly before you took a small sip of the drink, setting the glass down on a table as soon as you felt the way it affected you.
You were his to play with now.
“Close your eyes,” He demanded, seeing you shiver as the tension in your muscles disappeared, but you were still holding his stare. “Close your eyes,” He ordered a second time, his voice more stern. “I don’t like having to ask for things more than once.”
You obeyed, whimpering when you felt one his hands wrap around your throat. You tilted your head back to expose your neck to him, allowing him to hold and control you.
“Good girl,” He saw your compliance and removed his hand from your neck slowly, dragging it down to your chest to play with your hardening nipples.
“What are you going to do to me?” You kept your eyes closed, feeling nothing but his fingers on your skin and the heat of his body close to yours.
“Anything I want,” He roughly grabbed your hips and made you fall on the bed.
You didn’t have time to react, falling into the position he dragged you into with your heart suddenly beating ten times faster than normal. You lay on your stomach, your cheek squished against a pillow and your arms extended over your head. You followed his guiding hand, less surprised when he made you get on your knees with your face still down.
“You’re dripping angel,” Raul took in the sight of you, receiving a breathy begging whimper. “Tell me what you need.”
“I need you,” You had control over what you said but the way your body felt was definitely influencing you. Everything that was holding you back when you got here with Raul was physical, your mind wanted this from the start, but the way you were used to behave stopped you from getting it.
“That’s right angel, you need me to play with you,” Raul placed a finger on the back of your neck and left a burning trail down your spine while your cunt clenched in front of his eyes.
You were getting wetter by the second with the anticipation and he didn’t make you wait for much longer. He settled on his knees behind you, one hand on your ass and the other one holding his cock so that he could rub it up and down your glistening pussy.
He watched your fluids coat him, your pussy ready to welcome him, but he wasn’t done teasing yet. This was all a game and you were his toy for the night. He pushed just the tip inside of you, feeling you clench in excitement already with a quiet moan he couldn’t have heard if he was human.
He pulled out and rubbed his head against you again, enjoying how swollen you were and taking pride in seeing you gripping the bed sheets already. He enjoyed torturing you like this and kept you on edge constantly, his touches being enough to arouse you even more without providing any satisfaction.
You desperately tried to move back for more contact, but Raul pulled back before you could get anything. His palm collided with the tender skin of your ass in punishment.
“Turn around,”
“I’m sorry,” You whispered quietly, knowing you should have waited for him to give you what he wanted to.
He was silent when he ran the tips of his fingers over your jaw, his skin hotter than you had ever felt it and almost burning you. Your legs were spread open with your knees on the mattress on either side of you and Raul’s cock sat at your entrance while he played with the heat of his skin on yours.
It made you squirm but you stayed as still as you could, proving to him that you were only going to do what he demanded. His fingers eventually reached your lips, tracing them before pulling your bottom lip down gently.
“You like being given orders, mmh angel?” He pushed his thumb past your lips so that you would open your mouth to make space for two of his fingers. You licked and sucked on the digits just the way he wanted you too. “Good thing I like giving them.” He filled you with one roll of his hips forward, earning a choked moan from you. “You know what I don’t like? I don’t like people lying to me, angel.”
Raul retrieved his fingers, deciding to wrap them around your delicate neck instead. It would be so easy for him to hurt you like that, you were powerless, but he wouldn’t have to get to that unless you misbehaved.
“I’m sorry,” You bit your lip when he pulled out agonisingly slow only to slam himself back into you.
“You really thought I wouldn’t find out?” He growled, fierce red eyes looking straight into yours. “You thought you could just keep on playing pretend forever?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” You repeated, your eyes falling shut when he picked up a punishing rhythm.
“You will be.”
So um, thoughts?
tags: @itrocksmysocks @r3ader @everythinghappening16@alilovesshawn @5-seconds-of-mendes @sleepybesson@ifiwasshawnmendesidslapmyself @chrizzy95@lovewithanattitude@justanotherfangurl272 @turtoix@mariamuses @tastebaldwin  @queenmxndes​  @imaginashawnns​ @heart-struck​​ @thotmendes​ @luvluvxx​ @brokeninsidebutnobodyknows​ @babieforshawnn@breakingblondiee​ @zaahidahhh​ @tnhmblive​ @learning-howto-be-myselfx3​ @adelaidestreets​ @palhacomendes​ @muffin-saucex​ @lanallaa​ @goldenmndes​ @fanficshawn​ @lostinmendess​ @connordavidscamera​ @dolansugar​ @shawnsthighs​ @valedictorian65​ @havethetimeeofyourlifee​ @train-wrecc​ @mendesficsxbombay​ @curiouslycryptic @haute-shawn @wildflower-cth @shawnsblue @vinylmendes  @hstyles-imagines @og-baby-ob14 @stardustom @shadowsndaisies@shawnftjacob@shawn-youth @readinthegarden12 @donutsandpalmtrees@daisyangei @fanficscuziranout (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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cynicallystiles · 4 years
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Seasons of Love (Triplets AU) Teaser by @cynicallystiles
Coming 02/10/2020 4pm CT
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Just had a Raul thot 🥺🥺🥺
Wearing ripped jeans in a cold day and when you both sit down at the outdoor cafe with friends he keeps putting his hands at the tips part coz he knows you’re feeling cold and he wants to warm you up 🥺🥺🥺 and he’s all babe I’m feeling warm can you keep my jacket on your lap as a way to keep you warm
this is so 🥺🥺🥺 and it turned into another blurb for the Hey Angel universe, that can be read separately from everything else. Hope you enjoy it!
*Word Count: 1K+ (because apparently I've got no self control)
*Warnings: over bearing tooth rotting fluff.
It’s been such a long time since both Raul and Y/N were able to meet up with their friends from university, so when the opportunity to go out for some coffee to catch up came up, they were quick to agree, specially since everyone’s schedule seemed to match for that specific date.
So Y/N didn’t think through when she picked her outfit for the day, didn’t bother to check the weather before leaving her warm apartment and the arms of the little furnace that she called a boyfriend. She picked a heavy coat due to the season but a pair of ripped jeans. And sitting down on the new cafe Chloe was excited to go to on the outdoor little balcony area she regretted it.
She was happy to see her friends, but her choice of ripped jeans to sit outdoors was simply terrible, and she really loved her friends and missed them so much, but she couldn’t stop herself from wishing it was time to go so she could be warm again. But Y/N just couldn’t bring herself to ask Raul to leave, so she ordered a really warm drink and tried her best to focus on the conversation so she could ignore the goosebumps on her skin, hoping no one would notice the slight shiver that ran up her body every time a stronger wind current hit them.
But as always, Raul noticed. He always did.
He was extremely observant and was always paying attention on her. It didn’t matter if he was busy or if Y/N was on the opposite side of a room, he would unconsciously or not search for her to check if she was okay. So of course he noticed the way she kept bouncing her leg, or how she clutched her coat tighter to her body, or how she kept holding the cup of coffee when she could’ve placed it on the table, or the small shivers that would hit her from time to time. But since she didn’t make a move to leave or ask him to, Raul didn’t want to interrupt the limited time she had with her friends, specially since he knew how much Y/N missed Chloe.
So instead, Raul opted to gently pull her chair closer to his, basically glueing them both together, so he could throw his arms over her shoulders and pull her closer to his chest, which she was quick to oblige, despite the playful yet teasing comments their friends threw at them. He watched as her whole body relaxed next to his as he placed a kiss to her hair, placing his other hand on her thigh, squeezing it lightly and feeling the frigid skin through the small rips of her jeans.
“Bambi?” he called her softly and she just hummed in response, taking a sip of her coffee before looking up at him, but without moving an inch away from the warmth of his chest “do you want to go?”
At that her eyes widened “what? why?”
“You're freezing, sweetheart, I just don’t want you to get sick, we can call them over if you’re not ready to say goodbye” he offered as he leaned down to place a kiss to her cheek.
Y/N was quick to shake her head “No, it’s okay, Chloe needs to work later tonight, can we stay a bit longer?”
He let out a small amused chuckle “of course we can, but at least take my jacket”
“Of course not, are you mental? You’ll freeze”
“It’s okay, I have a heavy sweater on and a long sleeve underneath, I’m fine, promise” he assured as he moved slightly to take off the leather jacket off.
Y/N smiled up at him as he laid the heavy material over her thighs and immediately felt better at the jacket blocking out the wind, leaning up to place a quick peck on his lips as he wrapped his arm around her waist, placing another kiss on the tip of her nose.
“Thank you” she mumbled softly before laying her head on his shoulder.
“Of course, Bambi” he said before placing another kiss on her hair and jumping back into the conversation to defend his basketball team, without letting her go.
“You know, you’re very lucky” Chloe said with a Cheshire cat smile.
Y/N just chuckled and nodded “I know”
“I’m happy for you, both of you, and I can’t believe this whole thing started over an anatomy assignment”
“I hated him back then” Y/N smiled at the memory and her friend only shook her head with a laugh.
“I've always told you he was a good guy underneath his reputation, and I also told you he was into you and you thought it was bullshit”
“Of course I did, I wasn’t exactly his type”
“You clearly are now, he barely looks at anyone else, it’s painfully obvious you’re the love of his life, it’s almost ridiculous how much you’ve got him wrapped around your finger” Chloe added with a little wink.
Y/N let out a soft giggle at her friends’ antics “Yeah, I really really love him”
“Oh my God!” Chloe whisper-shouted with wide eyes.
Chloe grabbed Y/N’s hand to pull her closer so she could whisper her next question “Do you think he’s ‘it’ for you?”
That took Y/N by surprised.
Sure, they’ve been living together for a while now and he makes her feel like she’s the most amazing perfect human being and the only girl in the whole universe. She loves him with her whole heart and haven’t imagined her life without him, and she can’t lie and tell she hadn’t thought about their future and wondered how it would be to make it official, but they never had “the talk” about it. So she never thought deeply into it, but turning to grab her coffee to have some extra minutes to think about her reply, she caught Raul in the corner of her eye talking very passionately about how to make the perfect Risotto, his cheeks and lips tinted pink due to the weather, a smile bright on his lips. And when he caught her staring, he only gave her his signature smirk and a discreet wink before resuming his explanation, that’s when she knew.
She sighed with a bright smile painting her features, turning to Chloe and mumbling out a small “Yeah, he’s ‘it' for me”
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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softboywriting · 4 years
Can’t Hurry Love | Peter Mendes
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Summary: You and Peter have been best friends for years and one day you wake up to realize you’ve fallen for him. When he finds out you’ve never been kissed, he decides to offer himself up as practice. One thing leads to another and well, maybe you’re meant to be more than friends. [friends to lovers] [first kiss]
Word Count: 2k
|Masterlist in Bio|
Note: None of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.
No one tells you that falling in love with your best friend is the most terrifying feeling and simultaneously the best and most freeing relief. You don't know when it happened, what changed in you. You don't know why it happened. There is no pin pointing the moment you realized that your best friend Peter is the only person you want to share your life with. There wasn't a dynamic shift, a romantic gesture, a heart felt confession of love. Nothing. One day you woke up and met him at the end of the block to catch your bus to the college campus and your heart did a little flip flop when you saw him.
Perhaps you had been dreaming that night and you don't remember. That was your initial explanation for your new found feelings. You know, those temporary feelings that come with a dream about someone. It has happened before, not with Peter, but with other friends, crushes, random strangers you met in classes. But the feelings never went away, they became more insistent and every touch, every joke, every gesture became more than just a friendly feeling. They became soul crushing, heart clenching emotional moments that you replayed in your head every night before sleeping.
So here you are, three months later, walking up to Peter's house with your friend Haley. It's been hell, living with this secret and you've only told Haley about it. You're here for a party that Peter's brothers are throwing. They are going to the college hockey championships. It's a big deal around here. You brought Haley since she is absolutely gaga for Raul and she's been begging you to get her in with him since his last break up. She will be a good fit, and a far better girlfriend than any of the other girls Raul has dated. That is, if Haley can hit it off with him.
The moment you get in the front door the house is packed with people. Wall to wall partying. You part from Haley as she wanders into the kitchen and you head up the stairs. You know just where Peter's room is, you've only been here a couple thousand times since you were thirteen. Up the stairs, to the right, across the guest room and up the stairs in the closet to Peter's room in the attic. Could he have the guest room as his bedroom? Sure. But where's the fun in that? The attic is bigger and way more private.
You push open the door at the top of the stairs and you're hit with a gust of cold air. Typical. The balcony doors on the far side of the room don't latch properly because the frame broke years ago. He's gotten used to the freezing cold room in the winter, it's nothing new. He has a heater, a desk top thing he got online but it doesn't do much.
"You're here!" Peter cheers and gets up from his desk, discarding his console controller on the seat. "I've been wondering when you'd show up."
"Sorry, I was late because Haley was getting ready." You sigh softly. "She really wants to hit it off with Raul."
Peter chuckles. "Is she pretty?"
"Yeah of course. It's Haley. You remember? Blonde, short, great clothes."
"Oh! Yeah. She's going to school for fashion design right? Yeah she's cute, way nicer than his last girlfriend. Raul will probably like her. Did you introduce them?"
"No, I ditched her and came up here. She knows how to flirt."
Peter laughs. "You're so mean."
You shrug. "I don't like parties and I'm not playing matchmaker."
"I know." He puts his arm around your shoulders and walks you to the massive beanbag chair at the end of his bed. "I have my own bottle of whiskey. We can have our own party. Its even the apple kind."
You sink down into the soft beanbag and he drops next to you, reaching for said bottle on the bookshelf beside it. You haven't drank together since the feelings started, and you know it's a bad idea to start.
"You want to play never have I ever?"
"Uh, sure. But I know basically everything about you?"
"Not everything."
"Yeah okay." You laugh and he puts his legs over yours. "Alright, never have I ever accidentally stolen something."
Peter takes a drink from the bottle and grimaces. "That's not fair. You know it haunts me."
You smirk. "Well, I told you I know everything."
"Alright fine. Never have I ever had a first kiss." He drinks and passes the bottle to you.
You don't take a drink and pick at the hem of your shirt. This has taken a sharp turn very quickly.
"Wait, what, for real?"
You shake your head. "I've never been kissed."
"You heard me."
Peter takes the bottle from between you and sets it aside on the floor. "How? Why?"
"It just hasn't happened."
"But you've had a boyfriend?"
You shake your head. "Never had that either. I just don't like getting close to people. I thought you knew this?"
"So you don't know how to kiss?"
"I know how! I just haven't done it yet. It's not that weird okay?"
Peter leans forward to look at you. "Do you wanna know what it's like?"
"Yeah, one day I guess."
"I mean, I could be your first kiss. I'm someone you trust and I'm not going to judge you if it's bad."
Your heart stops, a cold sick feeling grips your stomach. Does he know about your feelings? No, he's just trying to be nice. He wants you to be comfortable. He doesn't know. He can't. You're going to have to play this off. "I don't know. We're friends, what if it's weird?"
Peter repositions himself so he is sitting in front of you. "Never have I ever wanted to kiss my best friend." He takes a drink and hands you the bottle.
You roll your eyes, stomach aching. "That's not fair."
"I don't-"
"I know okay? Shawn told me. He said he overheard you talking about me with someone. I know you have a crush on me."
"What?! Shawn doesn't know anything!" You shove the bottle at Peter and get up. "I can't- you just believe him?!"
"Why are you getting so defensive?"
"Because! It's not- I don't- I'm scared okay?!" You ball your fists in your hoodie pocket and stare down at the floor.
Peter shifts and stands up, you see his sock covered feet in front of yours. "Can I talk now?"
"Yeah, sorry." You mumble.
He puts his hands out in front of him, palms up for you to grab them. "Hold my hands."
You do as he says and he closes his fingers around yours.
"It's okay that you have a crush on me. We've been close for years now. I know you have a hard time opening up to people and that's why you don't date. It's normal that you'd develop feelings for me since I'm someone you trust and you're comfortable with."
"But you don't like me like that."
"Actually," he chuckles and squeezes your hands. "I do. I'm sorry I brought it up like this, that wasn't fair."
"It's okay."
"Look at me, please?"
You look up and he leans in and kisses you quickly. Just a small press of lips before you can fully register that it happened. Your body reacts nonetheless. Heart pounding, a cold sweat on your neck. It feels like a dream but more like a nightmare.
"You okay?"
"I think I'm going to puke."
"Oh." Peter steps back and grabs his trash can, holding it up for you. "That's not reassuring."
"No. It's not you. It's me. I'm freaking out."
Peter sets the can down and wraps his arms around you as you start to shake. "It's fine, everything is fine. Take a deep breath."
"Peter no!" You feel it happening and then it comes up onto Peter's chest, not quite throw up but still gross like bile. "No no no."
Peter steps back and sighs shakily. "This isn't the worst thing." He pulls his hoodie off and tosses it aside into the hamper. "It's fine, don't worry. It's fine."
You sit down on the bed and cover your face. "It's not fine. I just upchucked on you!"
"You did and it's fine." Peter hands you a water bottle from somewhere and sets the can by your feet. "I'm washable and so are the clothes."
"I'm so sorry."
"Why? Because your body reacted? I've done worse." He sits down on the floor across from you and stretches his legs out. "Maybe if we keep talking it'll get easier."
"Or I'll puke more."
He bumps his foot against yours and strokes it over your ankle comfortingly. "Are you scared we can't be friends? Or are you upset about something else?"
"I guess I've never been in this situation and I'm scared we won't work out if we go for more than friends. I don't want to ruin my friendship with you. You're my best friend, I can't lose you."
"That's okay. We don't have to do anything you don't want to. Just because we have feelings doesn't mean we have to act on them."
"I know but...we... everything is messed up now. I'd rather go back to suffering in silence." You take a big drink and rinse your mouth out.
Peter pushes up off the floor and kicks the trash can aside. He crawls on the bed behind you and pulls you back against him. "Let's just start slow. We'll test the boundaries and figure out if we really want each other."
You tuck your feet against his and he pulls the blanket from behind him over the both of you. "Cuddling?"
"Mmmhmm. The most basic form of affection."
"I don't know about that." You grab his hand on your chest and put your fingers through his. "I feel like there are more basic things."
"Oh shh." Peter chuckles and presses his nose against your hair. "Can I confess something now?"
"I've wanted to be more than friends for over a year now. So, you're not alone in feeling conflicted about everything."
You turn in his hold and face him. His arm falls on the bed between you. "Really?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Why didn't you tell me?" He laughs.
You reach up and touch his nose. It's so cute when he laughs and it crinkles up. "I was scared."
"So was I."
"Do you think we should be together?"
"Yeah. I think knowing everything about each other and yet we still have these feelings means something. I think it's special. You can't hurry love and we definitely haven't done that."
You nod. "Can I kiss you? I want to try."
Peter nods.
You take in a deep shaky breath and scoot closer. "Close your eyes."
He does as you say.
You press your lips against his and he doesn't react. It's just lips on lips.
"Can I kiss you back?" Peter mutters.
Peter slides his hand into your hair and cups the back of your head. Suddenly it's not just an awkward lips on lips situation, it's a real kiss coming from your real best friend. He licks against your lip and you freeze. "It's okay," he says into your mouth. "We can stop, just say when."
Peter pulls back and looks at you, a smile spreading across his face. "How was your first kiss?"
You lick your lip and feel a flush rising up your neck. "Good. You're...you're pretty good."
"Are you sure? Maybe I'm really really horrible but you have nothing to compare to." He teases and you shove him.
"Peter! That's not funny!"
He cackles and gathers you into his arms. "Okay okay. I promise I won't tease you about it. I'm glad it wasn't bad."
You tuck your face into his shoulder and wrap your arms around his back. He smells good, like laundry and body wash. "I'm not so scared now."
"Good." He rubs his hand up your back and plays with your hair. "I'm not going to let you feel unsafe. I promise, I'll be everything you need."
"Pinky promise?"
Peter laughs softly and hooks his pinky with yours. "Pinky promise."
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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fanficshawn · 5 years
A grumpy Raul being a total softie for the sunshine one 🥺
Raul is known to be the bad boy, he’s the tough guy.
Has a close and really small circle of friends
Usually wears black and dark clothes
A loner at its finest. He’s seen most of the times alone, probably a few times with a best friend or something
He isn’t rude. He’s just intimidating.
She is all the opposite
A literal ray of sunshine
Wears pastel colors to school everyday. And carries a yellow backpack everywhere.
She tries to be nice and kind to everybody.
She is seen all over school helping with anything she can.
They first meet because she’s Aaliyah new babysitter
(Peter and Shawn study in different places, so it’s just Raul and Aaliyah with their parents)
They later discover the go to the same school
At first he acts like her whole presence annoys him
Rolls his eyes every time he opens his house door and sees her there
She doesn’t understand why he doesn’t like her, but it doesn’t bother her
Actually, it just makes her treat him warmer and try to be extra happy around him
It becomes a routine, he tries to annoy her or frustrate her
And she just keeps on pointing the good side of the situations
He doesn’t know exactly why, but he likes her
Maybe it’s because she has never treated him differently just for who he is, or maybe it’s because she is the warmest and purest human he’s ever met
And she likes him too. She likes making him smile.
She’s thought about he how he has the prettiest smile, but almost never smiles around people
Slowly he realizes he cares deeply for her, starts taking care of her in the weirdest ways possible
It becomes obvious he has fallen for her when someone tries to hurt her
All his walls come down when he sees her so vulnerable and fragile
The soft Raul makes his appearance when he tries to cheer her up
He plans the coziest day ever, he just wants to be there for her, comfort her in any way possible
He misses the sparkles in her eyes and rainbows that surrounded her when she walked
She notices the change, and noticed how she fell for him
She grabs enough courage, and asks him what changed
Immediately he knows it’s over for him, she has him at the palm of her hand, and he had no problem with it
They end up confessing their feelings
And she can finally see how much of a softie Raul is
Like how he asks to be the little spoon, and how he lets out a little whine when she hops out of bed
He hasn’t changed though, he’s still the same guy, he just lets out his softer side when she’s with him
Inspired by this post ❤️❤️❤️
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fallinallinshawn · 4 years
Autumn Days Series || Mendes Triplets Fic (Part 1 - The Autumn Equinox Tradition)
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Summary: You spend your favourite season with your three best friends. [Friends to Lovers au] [Werewolf au] [Choose Your Own Ending]
Warnings: none? (Raul says dumbass, lol)
Word Count: 2.2k
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Moonlight gently streams through the sheer curtains covering your bedroom window, bathing your room in a soft silver glow. You nestle into your blankets; sleep is just beyond your reach.
Taptaptap. Taptaptap. Taptaptap.
The noise against your window happens in rapid succession; three quick taps, three times in a row. You do your best to ignore it and roll over, hoping to let sleep take you away. The tapping continues and you realize two very important things: one, is that there’s only three people in the world who throw rocks at your window like that and two, is that they’re not going to stop until you acknowledge them. You groan, it’s well after midnight and you have no intention of leaving the warm comfort of your bed.
Buzz, buzz.
Your phone goes off next, dinging three times. You sit up, slowly blinking your eyes open, and grab your phone from its place on your bedside table. You press the home button and your phone lights up, the time reads 12:45 AM. With an irritated sigh you tap on the group of iMessage notifications; sure enough, they were at it again. Your phone screen opens to the group chat you have going with the Mendes brothers.
Y/N and the Menbros
RM: We know you’re awake in there. Get up!
PM: You have 2 minutes to get out of bed or we’re coming in!
SM: Your 2 minutes have expired, Buttercup!
You glare angrily at your phone. Before you can reply, the latch on your window is jimmied open and Raul hoists it up. Three bodies tumble into your bedroom, landing on the floor beside your bed with a loud thud! You reach across your bed for each of the stuffed bears the boys had given you for Christmas when you were nine; you throw the bears at them, hitting all three square in the face as they stand.
“Do you have any idea what day it is?” Peter asks exasperated. He throws his hands up in the air before settling them on his hips, the grey bear clenched tightly in his left fist. His glasses have slid down his nose a little, and you can’t help but giggle at how much he resembles their mother when she used to scold the four of you as children.
You cross your arms over your chest. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”
“Don’t be such a baby. It’s not like you were sleeping anyway,” Raul chides, leaning against the windowsill. He holds the black bear loosely by one of its ears.
“Y/N, it’s the Autumn fucking Equinox!” Shawn tells you pointedly. He leans his head down and softly noses the brown bear’s face.
You shake your head with a sigh. “I can’t believe I’m friends with the three of you.”
The triplets heave a collective sigh of annoyance when you don’t respond, and wait for you to offer up the usual excuses as to why you won’t be joining their adventure. In truth, you don’t have a reason not to go this time, you’d simply forgotten what day it was. You consider getting up and changing out of your pajamas, but decide to let the brothers stew for a few more minutes.
“I really was trying to sleep,” you say, “I had a long day and I’m exhausted.”
Their reactions to your words are instant. The three of them share a look of guilt. They return your bears to the bedside table and turn to head back through the window, silently bidding you goodnight.
You hold out as long as possible before falling back against your pillows in a fit of giggles. “Oh, man, you should see your faces!” You clutch your stomach; your sides ache. “You look like a litter of kicked puppies!”
The boys growl low, then launch themselves toward you. Within seconds you’re at the bottom of the pile as three pairs of hands attack your sides, tickling you mercilessly.
“Say uncle, Y/N,” Shawn commands. Their fingers continue to dig into the flesh of your torso, they don’t let up.
You squeal, kicking against them. Your laughter rings out around the room. “Never!”
“Say uncle, and we’ll stop.” Raul rolls out from underneath Peter, just enough to pin your shoulders to the bed.
You clamp your jaw shut, grit your teeth and shake your head.
“Just remember, you did this to yourself!” Peter admonishes. He shares another quiet look with his brothers, and the three of them flop their large bodies across you and each other, one by one. The added weight of them is ridiculously heavy, it’s impossible for you to wiggle free now. 
“Say uncle, dumbass.” Raul’s voice is muffled by Shawn’s chest against his face, but you can tell he’s smiling all the same.
You wiggle once more then submit to their playful assault. “Okay, okay! Uncle! Get off of me!”
Peter, Shawn, and Raul roll off of you and stand up again as if nothing happened. They each wear foolish grins of triumph on their faces. You sit up, shaking your head. Boys.
“What was that for?” You ask with a pout. You’re not angry, not even close, but you want to see how long you can guilt trip the three rambunctious wolves in front of you. It’s petty and childish, but it makes you giddy inside all the same.
Shawn shrugs. His chocolate curls are wild, he’s let his hair grow and it only adds to his charm. “That was for calling us a litter of kicked puppies.”
“And for guilting us into leaving without you, though unsuccessful,” Peter adds quickly. His glasses were misplaced in the pile, and he leans comfortingly into Raul’s side. He seems unbothered by the fact that he can’t quite see any of you clearly in the dark of your room.
“Did you honestly think we wouldn’t drag you with us? Really?” Raul tips his head to the side, studying you with soft eyes. His hands are stuffed into the pockets of his leather jacket; hair slicked back in his signature style, though one curl rests above his left eyebrow.
“I certainly hope not. It is the Autumn fucking Equinox, after all,” you mock Shawn’s earlier tone and scrunch your nose up. Autumn is your favourite time of the year, and you’ve been waiting for today in quiet anticipation. “I really did have a long day, it must’ve slipped my mind by the time I finished studying.”
The boys say nothing else; instead they move around your room quietly, they’ve done this before and they know exactly what they’re looking for. Shawn goes to your closet, he rifles through it in the dark for a few seconds, then turns back around with your black puffy vest in his hands. Raul’s at your dresser before you can even remind him where your favourite sweater and leggings are, he looks up at you with a smile, already holding the garments in his hands. Peter’s the last to move, even without his glasses he knows where he needs to go—in all honesty, he doesn’t really need them as much anymore. He pulls your brown boots from the shoe rack on the floor of your closet and sets them down in front of you, then softly pets a hand over your ears.
It began the year you met the Mendes family, when you moved in right next door at age nine. Your dad had been looking for a place for you two to settle down away from the prying eyes of nosy neighbors, and stumbled upon the quiet little hamlet you live in now. It wasn’t easy for him to run his apothecary and raise his young hybrid daughter, not without people offering their unsolicited opinions. So he found a small town that he hoped you would love, and the two of you moved at once.
You met the Mendes Triplets the day you moved in; you kept seeing the same face wearing different clothes, and couldn’t help but wonder why the strange boy kept changing. What could he possibly be doing that got him so dirty every time you saw him? It wasn’t until the wind picked up that warm autumn afternoon, that you finally had your answer. Your hat was blown from your head, leaving your cute little ears on display for the world. Your ears were the least of your worries—(“That’s a brand new hat you just stole!”)—you chased your hat through the gate to the backyard, and stopped as the wind carried it over the fence, into the backyard of the neighboring house. You stood there contemplating whether you really wanted to bug your dad to go next door and demand your hat back or if you could live without it, but before you could make your decision, a small head of chocolate brown curls popped over the side of the fence.
“Hey! It’s not nice to throw things over the fence!” The small boy scolded in a gruff tone, his face twisted in disgust. He held your hat in his tiny fist.
You blinked up at him in stunned silence; how rude. Just then, another head appeared over the fence, this one too with the same brown curls, though unruly. He shared the first boy’s face, but he looked kinder.
“Raul! It’s rude to yell at the neighbors!” This boy, you realized, was the rude one’s twin. He turned to you with a soft smile. “Hi, I’m Shawn. This is Raul. Who are you?”
“Y/N. And I want my hat back,” you stated firmly, crossing your arms over your chest. You narrow your gaze at Raul. “Your brother’s rude.”
Shawn grinned sheepishly as yet another boy joined him and Raul over the fence. Smaller than the other two, he offered you a soft smile and looked at the boys next to them. They were all brothers, that’s why you’d seen the same boy in different clothing all afternoon—they were triplets. Shawn ruffled the smaller boy’s hair. “This is Peter, he’s the youngest.”
“Hi,” Peter replied shyly, leaning his head into Shawn’s palm. “Raul, give her hat back. We’re nine, how old are you?”
“I’m nine, too. Do you guys live here?” You smiled back at Peter, the first smile you’d given any of them, as Raul dropped your hat over your side of the fence.
Shawn’s eyes traveled up your face to rest on top of your head, his smile widened. “Hey, look—you’re a wolf, too! Like us!” He pointed to your ears with the sweetest little smile, you couldn’t help but return.
“Well, sort of,” you began quietly. Your gaze traveled to the ground; you flattened your ears. “I’m only half of a wolf. My ears are like this all the time, Daddy says they’ll probably go away when I get bigger.”
The triplets noticed your embarrassment and shared a silent conversation; Raul rolled his eyes, but nodded his head in approval. In the next instant, Shawn helped Raul over the fence, who then turned around and grabbed for Shawn. Once both boys were firmly on the ground, Shawn stood on Raul’s shoulders and pulled Peter over with them. Now, all four of you were standing in your backyard. The boys crowded around you, each one wore varying expressions of awe and concern.
“Hey, it’s alright,” Peter cooed gently, placing a tentative hand on yours.
“Yeah! You don’t have to be embarrassed, we like your ears,” Shawn assured you, looking to Raul next.
Raul puffed up his chest. “If anyone ever has anything to say about it, you come and find us. We’ll beat them up for you.”
You looked up, replacing your frown with a beaming smile. “Thanks! Does this mean we’re friends now?”
The triplets each held their left pinky out in the middle of the circle. “Friends for life!” They exclaimed as you hooked your pinky with theirs.
“Hey, I have an idea. Maybe we can ask your dad if you can come over to our house for the Autumn Equinox?” Shawn’s excitement was hard for you to ignore and you tipped your head to the side slightly.
“That’s a great idea, Shawny! You can run with us tonight!” Peter squealed in delight.
“We’ll protect you, Y/N, we promise. You’re part of our pack now,” Raul said. He looked between you and his brothers, grinning with pride.
As Peter softly pet his hands over your ears, you considered leaving your hat at home.
You’re pulled out of your trip down memory lane as Raul incessantly snaps his fingers in front of your face. “Hello? Earth to Y/N. Where’d you go just then?”
You shake your head and smile up at the oldest Mendes boy. “I was just remembering the first time we did this, the day we met. It feels like I’ve known you guys my whole life.”
“To be fair, we met when we were nine, and we’re 19 now. You basically have,” Shawn tells you with a chuckle.
“Get dressed,” Peter says, “we have an Autumn Equinox to run!”
The first day of autumn, when day and night are the same length, the beginning of your favourite season. You’re going to spend it running wild and free until sunrise with the three boys who stole your heart on your first day as their next door neighbor. The boys with the same face—Raul and Shawn and Peter Mendes, the Menbros; your best friends.
All three of them smile at you knowingly; this is tradition.
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Yay, the first part in the Autumn Days series is here!
I’ll keep it real with you, chief, I love writing this series more than I love writing I Know Your Heart.
I know, I know. Scandalous! But don’t fret, IKYH is going to be completed! I’m just going to do it alongside this one.
I can’t wait to see all of your reactions to the official beginning of Autumn Days.
Oh! And please remember, none of my stories can be reposted anywhere outside of tumblr without my consent.
As always, feedback is greatly appreciated and encouraged. Remember to leave a like, comment, and reblog if you love it!
-Aurie <3
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wholesomemendes · 4 years
Meet The Parents
Mendes Triplets Au (Peter Mendes)
Summary: After a small slip up at the Mendes’ family dinner one night, Peter decides it’s about time that he brought you home to his parents.
Author’s Note: This is part of the Your Teddy Bear universe (the fic is linked here) but it can also be read on it’s own. You might appreciate some of the time stamps and wording better if you have read my other fic already, but it is still adorable and fluffy if you didn’t read it and it will still make sense. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did rereading it and as always please leave me some feedback, I love hearing what you guys have to say!
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The mouthwatering smell of dinner filled the home of the Mendes family, the six of them all taking their respective seats at the kitchen table. The triplets had all decided that it was time they came home from college for a weekend, all of them wanting to watch another one of Aaliyah’s hockey games and have their mother’s home cooked meals.
“So Shawn, how are things going with Ellie?” Shawn’s face lit up at the thought of his girlfriend and he swallowed his food before responding to his mother.
“Absolutely amazing. We finally went out to dinner this week because with my hockey practices and her work schedule, and school of course, it’s been really hard to get together. But I mean it always gets tricky around hockey season and we both know it, it’s been over a year which is crazy. She’s incredible though and things are going really well.”
“That’s great to hear. Why don’t you bring her up for dinner soon? We haven’t seen her in forever,” their mother beamed, their father sharing an approving look next to her.
“Yeah, I’ll talk to her, I’d bet she’d love that,” Shawn replies, not even thinking before he’s nudging his brother that’s seated next to him, “Peter, you should bring Y/n, too.”
The once energy filled room turned silent, both of their parents' mouths hung wide open while Aaliyah looked at the youngest triplet skeptically. Suddenly incredibly interested in his food, Peter began pushing the meat on his plate around, head dropping to hide the nervous blush on his cheeks.
“Um, Peter is um,” Karen cleared her throat, trying to find the right words when she knew her son was panicking on the inside, “Is this Y/n your, um, your girlfriend?”
Peter’s face burned brighter at his mother’s words. “Shit dude, I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about it,” Shawn whispered, guilt eating him up inside over exposing his brother’s relationship.
“It’s ok,” Peter whispered before lifting his head up to meet his parents' confused stares. “Yeah, um, she’s my girlfriend. But it’s only been like 4 months so…”
“4 months?!”
“Karen, let the poor boy talk,” Manny sighed, noticing the anxious look in Peter’s eyes.
“Damn, Pete. I’ve never even seen you talk to a girl.”
“Aaliyah, stop. Now how about you tell us a little about her, son.”
“Oh um,” Peter cleared his throat, running his sweaty palms along his jean covered thighs, “Well she’s really nice and extremely beautiful. Um, she’s funny, too. I don’t really-I don’t really know what else to say.” He let out a nervous chuckle, heart racing inside of his chest.
“I think it’s wonderful that you have a girlfriend, Peter,” his mother told him softly, heart bursting with joy that her bashful son had found someone of his own, “How did the two of you meet?”
If it was possible for Peter’s cheeks to get any redder, they would have as he mumbled out his response, “At a party.”
Aaliyah scoffed at her brother’s response, “He’s making this up. There’s no way she’s real.”
“What? You’re trying to tell me that first, Peter, PETER, goes to a party? Since when does that happen? And then second of all, he talks to a girl there? So in one night he managed to not only go to a party, but also score a girlfriend? I find that hard to believe.”
“I didn’t want to go to the party, Raul and Shawn dragged me there,” Peter muttered, “Besides, she approached me, it wasn’t like I went up to her.”
“See, I don’t believe that either.”
“He’s telling the truth,” Raul chimed in, swallowing a large piece of steak before continuing, “She’s hot, too. Unlike all the nerds in his classes.”
“Raul, be nice,” his mother warns, sending a disapproving mom glance his way causing him to raise his hands up in surrender. “Well, Peter I think I speak for all of us when we say we’d love to meet her. That is if you feel comfortable with it.”
“I’ll talk to her, it’s just- I don’t want her to be uncomfortable at all. We haven’t talked about meeting each other’s parents yet and it’s the most serious relationship I’ve ever been in, I don’t want to mess anything up. Especially not with her.”
“We understand. No pressure at all, just talk to her.” Peter nods with a small smile on his face, relieved when his father begins to ask Raul about his love life.
“You know, nothing serious right now, just a couple dates here and there.”
“There’s really no one you’re interested in right now?”
“Oh, I’m interested in a lot of girls right now, but I doubt anything serious will come out of it. I’m just not really looking for a relationship at the moment.”
Aaliyah lets out a little snort of laughter at Raul’s words, “Stay safe. I’m not ready to be an aunt yet.”
“Aaliyah!” _______________
The commotion from the rest of the family in the living room could be heard from the kitchen where Peter and his mother were cleaning up dinner. Peter had always been a momma’s boy, so it was no surprise when he offered to help her with the dishes. “So, do you want to tell me more about this girlfriend of yours?”
Karen watches as her son turns a bright shade of pink, but also doesn’t miss the hint of something other than nerves in his eyes. “I, um, what do you want to know?”
She places a comforting hand on his upper back, knowing the wheels are spinning inside of that intelligent head of his, “Whatever you want to tell me. Or if you don’t want to tell me anything at all that’s ok, too.”
“Well, she’s so different than me, Mom.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No, no not at all,” he smiles at the thought of his girlfriend, knowing that she’s probably munching on some random takeout she ordered while watching netflix as he speaks, “She’s extremely outgoing and is really well known around school, but not in a bad way. She’s just so social that everyone seems to know her. Her personality just evens me out, you know? Like she helps me get out of my comfort zone sometimes, little by little, and she’s always there next to me every step of the way. And she has this soft side that I’ve only seen her use around me. It makes me feel special, Mom. No girl has ever thought of me as anything other than Shawn and Raul’s brother. Then she comes around, takes one look at me and starts a full on conversation with me. And I’ll be honest I had a secret crush on her before we had even met, but how could I not? She’s just-she’s incredible, I don’t know.” He shakes his head with that lovesick grin on his face, Karen’s heart growing over how fondly her boy was talking about this girl that was obviously incredibly important in his life.
“Have you told her yet?” she asks cautiously, not wanting to overstep if he hadn’t even admitted it to himself.
“Told her what?”
“That you love her?”
“Oh, um, yeah actually. Just last week.” Karen’s smile grows even wider as she brings Peter into her arms, his head automatically coming to rest in the crook over her neck.
“Peter, I’m so happy for you. You know I would love to meet her, but if you don’t think either of you are ready for that, that’s perfectly fine, too.”
“Thanks, Mom,” he sighed, melting more into his mother’s embrace even though he towered over her by at least half a foot. “I’ll talk to her about it, but I’m scared. I’ve never brought a girl home before and I don’t want to do anything stupid.”
“You brought a girl home for dinner before? Oh what was her name, was it Jasmine?”
Peter groaned, releasing his mother from his grasp, “I was only a sophomore in high school, that doesn’t count. Besides, we only dated for like 2 months or something, I don’t even think it was that long.”
“Still, you have nothing to worry about, I’m sure she’d love to come,” Karen assured him as she placed a light kiss to his cheek before turning back to the dishes.
“I know, it’s just, I love her. I’ve never loved anyone like this before and it’s frightening. For one of the first times in my life I don’t know what to do and I can’t come up with a logical answer behind it.”
“You’ve gotta stop thinking with that brilliant head of yours and start thinking with this-” she stabs his chest lightly with the tip of her finger- “This is what will get you far with that girl, ok? You’ve got the kindest heart of anyone I know, Peter, and I have a feeling Y/n sees that, too. Just talk to her and if it helps, invite her over when Shawn brings Ellie, maybe it’d make her feel better. But talk to her, see what she needs.”
“Ok I will. I love you Mom, thank you.”
“I love you, too Peter, but it seems like I’ve got to share your love with someone else now. And I couldn’t be happier about it.” _______________
“What are you doing next weekend?” You look over at Peter from where you were finishing your nightly routine in the bathroom, seeing him staring up at you with hopeful eyes while laying on his bed.
“I don’t know, I don’t think anything. Why, what’s up?” you asked as you shut the light off in the bathroom before making your way towards your handsome boyfriend. Sitting on the edge of the bed, you turned to face him, running your fingers through his hair enough to make him lean into your touch. “It’s nothing, I mean it’s something, but it’s not that big of a deal, unless you think it’s a big deal then I guess…”
“Peter,” you chuckled, watching his frightened eyes look up at you, “Take a deep breath. There’s no need to worry, you can talk to me about anything.”
“I know, it’s just…” he paused, not knowing how to actually bring it up. He wondered how pathetic you would think he was when you found out he was worrying himself over asking you to meet his parents, “It’s just, my parents want to meet you.”
“Oh, they do?” You’d be lying if you said your heart rate didn’t increase a little bit at his words. You obviously had met a boyfriend’s parents before, but that didn’t make it any less nerve wracking, especially because this was Peter’s parents you were talking about, the people who gave birth to the only person you had ever proclaimed your love to outside of your family. You may have won over the hearts of his brothers, but if you didn’t win over the hearts of his parents as well, you didn’t know what you’d do.
“Yeah, um, Shawn might have accidentally brought you up when we visited them two weeks ago and they seemed really excited to meet you. My mom especially, she invited you to dinner right after hearing about you. If you don’t want to go it’s fine, I don’t know if it’s too early or anything but…”
You shut his ramble up with a kiss on his lips, hovering over his body slightly to reach him. “I’d love to meet your parents bubs,” you mumbled against his lips, watching a wide grin form on his face when you pulled away.
“Yeah.” You could feel his heart beating frantically under his t-shirt and you knew that even though your heart was beating equally as fast, you had to be the calm one in the relationship unless you wanted him to have a heart attack. Swinging a leg over his body, you straddled his waist, causing his breath to hitch in his throat. A smirk formed on your face as you leaned in to place a string of gentle kisses onto the base of his collarbones leading up to his jaw, wanting nothing more than to spend time with your boyfriend, who looked especially hot in his grey sweatpants tonight, rather than worrying about screwing everything up with his parents.
“Mom said, um,” Peter’s words were caught in his throat as his brain began to fog up from the way your lips felt on him, his breathing beginning to quicken for a completely different reason then before, “She said you can, you can come to dinner with Shawn’s girlfriend if you-shit- if you don’t want to go alone.”
“I’m a big girl, I can go alone,” you muttered into his neck, beginning to suck hard enough on the soft skin on his neck that you knew it would leave a mark in the morning. His hands that had been basically frozen at his sides all night found purchase on your hips from your actions, a satisfied smirk growing larger on your face as a result. You brought a hand to rest on his chest, feeling his quick heartbeat under your palm while you pulled away from his neck to look into his wide eyes, “Pete, your heart’s racing.”
“Yeah, it kinda does that when I’m around you,” he whispered, averting your gaze in an attempt to hide his blushing cheeks. It was crazy how your mood could go from wanting to kiss every inch of him and leave marks behind in every place, to wanting to hug the shit out of him and squish his cheeks. So that’s exactly what you did. You laid your body on top of his, wrapping your arms around his neck as you inhaled his signature scent, “I love you so much, Peter Mendes.”
Peter wasted no time collecting you in his strong arms, pulling the blanket up to cover the two of you. “I love you too, angel. So-” he emphasized each word with a kiss on your head- “so, so much.”
Your heart burst at his words and you cuddled tighter into his warmth, “Let’s talk more in the morning, ok? But there is no doubt in my mind that I want to meet the people that created my favorite person.”
“You’re amazing, how’d I get so lucky?” he mumbled into your hair, “I already know they are going to love you as much as I do.” _______________
“Peter calm down, you’re more nervous than I am,” you laughed, placing your hand on his jittering leg. He averted his eyes quickly from the road to look at you and you could see the fear bubbling inside of them. “Bubs, what’s got you so worried? Do you not think they’ll like me?”
Moving one of his hands from where it was fidgeting against the steering wheel, he placed it over yours on his thigh, rubbing soothing circles onto your skin. “No, that’s not it at all, angel. They’re going to love you so much, there’s no fear in my mind about that. It’s just,” he sighed, squeezing your hand lovingly, “I’ve never taken a girl home before. I mean I did once when I was a sophomore in high school, but it wasn’t anything serious so it doesn’t feel the same. I just don’t know what to expect because I’m really serious about this, about us.”
“I don’t know what to expect either and that’s ok. Everything is going to be fine.” You brought his hand up to your lips and a smile graced his face at your actions. “And Peter...I’m very serious about this, too. I think now was the right time to take the next step for us.”
“I love you,” he whispered, eyes tearing away from the road for a slight moment to look you in the eyes.
“I love you too, bubs.” _______________
“Ok, ok, this is fine. We’re fine.”
“Peter, breathe. It’s going to be-”
“Peter! I’m so glad you made it,” Karen exclaimed, wrapping her son up in her arms. You stayed to the back, not wanting to interrupt their tender mother-son moment. You saw Karen whisper something into your boyfriend’s ear, allowing you to take a deep breath to calm your nerves before they broke apart. When the two separated, she turned to you with a wide smile on her face, “You, my dear, must be Y/n! It’s so nice to finally meet you!” You returned the smile immediately, offering a hand for her to shake, but she dodged it completely, choosing to bring you in for a hug just as she did with Peter.
It was strange how comforting it felt to be with her, you had known her for all of one minute and you already felt calmer in her grasp. Must be her special mom talent, “Thank you for having me tonight, Mrs. Mendes.”
“Oh please, no need for formalities. Call me Karen. Now why don’t the two of you come on in, dinner will be ready in a few minutes.” Karen ushered the two of you inside and you were met with one of the most delicious smelling scents you ever had the pleasure of smelling. It was very clear that Peter got his cooking skills from his mother, even if you didn’t know his father’s cooking this scent easily mimicked one you’d find in the boy’s apartment.
“Hey son,” Manny greeted, pulling Peter in for a hug just as his mother did, “When are your brothers getting here?”
“They were right behind us when we were driving down. I assume they’ll be here in a couple minutes.”
“Perfect, just in time for dinner.” His father patted his shoulder lovingly before moving to face you, “Y/n right? I’m Manny, Peter’s father.”
He enveloped you in a hug as well and you could see the loving personality Peter had in both of his parents. “It’s so nice to meet you, thank you for letting me join you for dinner,” you smiled, watching Manny’s eyes crinkle beneath his glasses.
“Of course, I must say we’ve all been looking forward to meeting you. Peter has said some great things about you.”
“Dad…” Peter whined as he came closer to you, wrapping an arm around your waist, “She doesn’t need to know.”
“Oh stop worrying, like I said, all good things.” With one last smile, Manny left the two of you, choosing to head towards the door where Shawn and Raul had just loudly made themselves known instead.
“Hey, we’re here!” You immediately recognized the voice as Shawn’s and for some reason, knowing that the two other triplets were here brought you a sense of comfort. Suddenly, you felt an arm sling around your shoulders, lightly bringing you into a playful chokehold, causing you to jump slightly from the fright. “Welcome to dinner at the Mendes’ house, newbie,” a husky voice whispered in your ear and you rolled your eyes, slapping the arm around you hard enough to make them release it without hurting them.
“Get out of here, Raul.”
Raul held his arm gingerly, a smug smirk on his face, “Hey, I’m a Mendes, you can’t kick me out. You on the other hand better watch it, missy, and stop injuring family members, you don’t have the superior last name to keep you safe.”
“Raul, stop.” You could tell by the sternness in your boyfriend’s voice that he was trying to assert some form of dominance over his slightly older brother as he pulled you tighter to his body, but Peter’s soft boy persona didn’t put a dent in Raul’s smirk.
“Hey, it’s your girlfriend you’ve got to control. She’s in the house for all of five minutes and she’s already breaking my arm.”
“Please, I barely touched you. I feel bad for all of the girls you’ve been with if your body is so fragile.”
“Damn, dishing it right back. I always knew you had a keeper, Pete.” Raul ruffled the curls on Peter’s head as the younger triplet tried to swat his hand away. Pleased with his work, Raul stepped away, shooting a teasing grin both of your ways before heading off to pester his poor mother. Peter sighed, scrunching up his glasses higher up his nose as he desperately tried to fix the mess of curls on his head to no avail.
“Come here,” you cooed, soft hands replacing his own on his head. Running your fingers gently through his hair a couple of times, you smiled to yourself when you felt his hands go instinctively to your hips, applying such little pressure that you wouldn’t have known they were there if you hadn’t already trained your body to sense Peter’s light touches. “I hope winning over your parents is as easy as winning over your brothers,” you whispered as you placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.
He blushed from your touch, leaning slightly into your hands that were placed delicately on his jaw, “I already know they love you. I can see it in their eyes.”
“And I love you.” You placed one last kiss on the tip of his nose as his mother announced that dinner was ready before heading towards the kitchen to offer your help. Peter watched from his seat at the table while you carried in dishes with his mother, his younger sister coming downstairs and following suit to grab some plates. He was typically the one that helped his mother, but when he saw you head over there on your own, he figured he should take a small step back and let you replace his help for a night.
Dinner went by without a hitch, both of his parents asking you basic questions about school, your interests, and your hobbies as you all ate. You were sat between Peter and Shawn, your boyfriend’s hand intertwined with yours under the table at all times. This caused a few comical moments when he would be so focused on what you were saying that his nondominant hand he was using to eat with would completely miss his mouth, but the embarrassment was short lived once you squeezed his hand reassuringly with a loving smile on your face. Karen and Manny absolutely adored you. They saw the way Peter looked at you and you returned that look every time, telling them everything they needed to know about the two of you without either of you uttering a single word. Aaliyah was more interested in what mascara you used (she claimed hers was always drying out and getting clumpy and apparently you had the greatest eyelashes she had ever seen) than how her brother was looking at you, but you were grateful all the same that she was comfortable enough to talk to you.
As the plates became bare on the table, the boys began to stand up to make their way towards the couch to pick a movie as they always did when they came back home. You stood up alongside Karen, moving to grab some plates before Peter grabbed your wrist to stop you, “It’s ok, angel, I always help Mom with the dishes. You can go pick out a movie with Raul and Shawn if you want to.”
You shook his hand off lightly, offering him a reassuring smile, “I’m fine. I’m more than happy to help.”
“Peter, why don’t you go with your brothers. Y/n and I can have some nice girl talk while we clean up,” Karen suggested as she took some plates to the sink, leaving the two of them alone.
“Are you sure, angel? I do it every time it’s not a problem-”
“Bubs, it’s ok, I want to help. Go, I’ll meet you in there when we’re done.” You kissed the curls on top of his head before picking up more dishes on the table.
You and Karen cleaned in silence for a few moments, only speaking when she told you her preferred way of cleaning, until she spoke up, “You know it’s so wonderful that you were able to come out tonight. I’ve been wanting to meet you since he first told me about you at our last dinner.” “I’m so glad I could come. Thank you for dinner, it was so delicious, I know where Peter gets his cooking skills from,” you laughed, earning a sincere chuckle to leave Karen’s lips as well.
“Yeah, well I’m lucky one of them can cook. I don’t know how they’d live if that boy couldn’t make his way around the kitchen. Those other two troublemakers are hopeless,” she sighed with a disapproving shake of her head.
“You’re telling me, one time when I came over Raul almost burned down the place just trying to make pancakes.”
“Oh those boys, they are a handful aren’t they.”
“They are, but in the best way possible. You can tell they were raised right, they are some of the best people I’ve ever met.”
“Well thank you, I tried. Imagine trying to run after three little gremlins, that was my life 24/7 when they were kids.” You grinned at the thought of three little boys, all with an identical mop of curls on their head that bounced around while they ran away giggling from their worried mother. “Peter was always the calmer of the bunch though, always a big momma’s boy. I’m just so happy that he’s found someone like you.”
“I’m so happy to have found him. I honestly don’t think I deserve him sometimes, he’s just such a beautiful soul.” Your eyes found their way to your handsome boyfriend on the loveseat in the living room, head thrown back in laughter over something his brother had said. You admired the way his nose scrunched up when he smiled and the crease lines on his cheeks from his evident happiness.
“Don’t sell yourself short, honey. I may not have known you long, but just by talking to you tonight and the way Peter has talked so highly about you, I can tell you’re a wonderful person as well. And you know what they say, a mother’s intuition never lies.” Her focus went back to the dishes for a moment as she pondered her next words carefully, “You know, even though I never told anyone this, I always had a slight fear that Peter wouldn’t be able to experience young love like his brother’s have.”
You paused your movements for a moment, your attention fully on her now, “What made you think that?”
“Well, Peter has always had his goals set straight. It was always school and grades and a job, which is wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but he never let himself stray from that path even if it meant he could be happier. He never had the courage to talk to a girl either, he’s always been my shy little boy, and I don’t know. I was just worried that he might be too in his head to let himself be open with someone like he is with you.”
Tears were beginning to well in your eyes at her words and you quietly sniffled to yourself to try to tame the emotions that were threatening to spill from your chest, “That means a lot to me that Peter chose to open up to me. I haven’t prioritized dating either since I’ve been in college, so we’re learning together, but I’m willing to take whatever he will give me. I think very highly of your son and I’m very serious about this with him.”
“That’s all I could ask for,” she told you sincerely, placing the last clean dish in the cupboard before bringing you in for a tight hug, “I know the two of you haven’t been dating awfully long, but you are always welcome to come over for dinner. We’d all love to have such a kind hearted person at our table.”
“Thank you, I truly can’t thank you enough.”
“No need to thank me. I should be thanking you for bringing so much joy to my son.” She pulled away with a smile as she motioned to the living room, “Now let’s go see what those troublemakers are up to.”
Upon approaching the boys, Peter’s eyes immediately caught yours and he motioned for you to join him, lifting the blanket so you could snuggle up next to him. “How’d it go in there?’ he asked, hand coming up to play with your fingers, “Did she scare you away yet?”
“No,” you laughed lightly, “She definitely didn’t scare me away. I don’t plan on going anywhere for a long time. You’re stuck with me, loser.”
“I don’t know, being stuck with you? Sounds to me like I’m a winner.” He brought your hand up to his lips, placing a light kiss before wrapping his arm around your shoulders to pull you into him. The loud chatter of voices came to a minimum as Manny pressed play and you couldn’t help but think about how lucky you were to be welcomed into the Mendes household.
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