fanficshawn · 5 years
Ok, so I’ve had this idea for the longest time in my head, please if someone likes it, just write it. On the meanwhile I’ll just make bulletpoints or something....
So with the whole Triplet! Mendes AU, I never knew if Shawn was the right guy for this, but our softie Raul is 100% perfect for this;
Of course we know he’s an artist, he grew up in a very creative home
Shawn has music, Peter had photography, he had paintings and drawings
He was always doodling on the sides of his notebooks and random papers he found at home
It wasn’t until his 15th birthday his dad bought him a set of drawing pencils
He started watching tutorials on YouTube, but he never liked them
So he just tried drawing everything that was around him
Now he’s 20, and even though it’s not the only thing he does, it’s still one of his favorite hobbies
Right now, he’s on a “drawing people’s faces” phase
He drew faces all the time, his family, people he knew, friends and even strangers
One day, as he worked on a café, he saw the prettiest girl ever
there was something about her that had Raul captivated
She ordered some weird beverage and he smiled at her, she was gentle and kind, and had a pretty smile
Like super pretty smile
Raul only had her first name, because he asked for it to write it on her cup of coffee. But he wasn’t brave enough to write his number on it, or even a cute little heart beside her name
Even though he was tempted to do it
He couldn’t get the image of her out of his mind all day
So when he arrived home, the first thing he did, was draw her
First it was just a quick drawing, not so much detail, a few shades. He was done with it after 10 minutes
But he needed to draw more, so he did
Eventually as the image of her was starting to fade out of his mind and finally was sticking to the paper, he tried adding colors
He was sure every color was right, her hair, her skin, her eyes, the little earrings she was wearing, but he couldn’t figure out the exact color of her lips
He tried multiple times with different shades of red and pink, but it was never THE color
He even went to Aaliyahs room, and checked a few lipsticks, just to see if he could find a closer shade
No color he chose looked as good on her face as the one she was actually wearing
He was getting frustrated, he was a perfectionist and he couldn’t stand the idea of painting her lips a different color, it just didn’t seem right
So now, all his drawings of her were missing her lips
He went to work the next day hoping she would come in and order coffee again
But she didn’t
A few days went by and he was still drawing her everywhere, of course without painting her lips
His brothers noticed, but decided not to ask too much about it since he said he didn’t know the girl, and Raul drew strangers all the time
She went to the café again, two weeks later
Nervous wasn’t enough to describe how he felt
Finally, he took her order, the same as last time
He gathered enough courage to ask her, it was driving him crazy
As he gave the girl her coffee (with her name written on it with a heart at the side) he said “I know this is weird, but do you happen to know the shade of your lipstick?”
She just answered with a simple no and a puzzled look, feeling a bit uncomfortable
When he noticed he might’ve make her uncomfortable, he quickly apologized and moved on with the next customer
This time, she stayed on the café and drank her coffee
She couldn’t stop looking at Raul tho (knew his name because she looked at his tag)
She thought it was really weird how he just asked that
Who asks the color of your lipstick?
Of course she didn’t know it, though. Just bought the first lipstick she liked and wore it ever since
It wasn’t until she saw the heart on the side of her name that she knew exactly what to do
She grabbed a napkin, folded it and gently planted her lips on it. It looked just like her lips, with the exact color of her lipstick on it.
Written on the side of the napkin a little note “sorry I don’t know the name of the color, I hope this helps” and her name
She gave it to a worker and asked if he could give it to Raul
She ran out of the café before she could see his reaction
Raul took the napkin confused, but a silly grin appeared on his face after he realized what it was
That night he couldn’t sleep, he was trying to color all the drawings he had of her
After that he just couldn’t stop thinking about her. About wanting to meet her
Maybe next time he’ll actually have the guts to give her his number
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fangirlshitt · 4 years
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Heartstrings | Chapter XIV | Shawn Mendes
“ ‘It’s like a best friend, but more. It’s the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It’s someone who makes you a better person, well, actually they don’t make you a better person… you do that yourself because they inspire you. A soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever. It’s the one person who knew you, and accepted you, and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens..you’ll always love them.’ - unknown”
“Shawn was a huge believer that the ‘soulmates’ situation’ was the most stupid thing on the planet, specially since it was such a rare thing to find someone with the same mark as you. He would do anything he could to prevent the so called 'destiny’ from happening, but could he?”
hi, this is the last chapter to this series and i'm so grateful to anyone who followed this story as it was in the building process, and i'm so happy with how it "came to life", so thank you so much. i have to shoutout to two people in particular or this wouldn't have turned out the way it did. first of all, i have to thank my bad boy anon for requesting this series on the first place and being so supportive, and also i have to thank @fanficshawn for helping me figuring this whole concept out. anyway, i hope you like it, and please give me some feedback.
new chapter of a Raul series coming soon
*Word Count: 4.8K+.
*Warnings: cursing, slight angst.
*Posted: June 18th, 2020.
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Whenever I think things are going alright, everything seems to flip upside down. I can’t seriously follow Shawn’s mood swings, really. I know we’re in the middle of finals and his mom had a car crash, but Aaliyah called me to tell everything was fine and he simply disappeared for a whole week. I couldn’t find him anywhere on campus and I swear I tried being comprehensive, but I just can’t take it anymore, I’m done waiting for him to actually open up to me. And even though he got better last weekend, he got back to normal rather quickly. So I decided to study and ignore the hurricane that Shawn Mendes is on my life.
I took the tests and days flew by as I hoped to go home as soon as possible, I was exhausted and this whole semester was a mess, not for academic reasons, Shawn, and Tyler and then Shawn. Since when guys are the only thing causing trouble in my life?! I mean, that’s all they do, but I never put so much effort on them, so this is a bit frustrating. But when I left my class due to the fact that my tests were officially over and I was feeling so much lighter than I was before. Unfortunately, the light sensation was gone when I saw his jeep parked outside the building and his body leaning on it as he texted someone.
I felt my phone vibrating on my back pocket and I picked it up as I started walking away on the opposite direction he was standing. Pretty mature, running away from my problemas, I know, but what do you want me to do? There was a text from him saying he was waiting for me outside and that we needed to talk. I ignored it and then my phone started ringing and I had to pick it up.
“Y/N, are you seriously running away from me?” Shawn’s voice echoed through the phone.
“I’m not”
“I’m literally looking at you looking over your shoulder”
“Well, I’m not the one who disappeared, am I?”
“That’s why we need to talk, I promised you I would explain everything, and that’s why I’m here, baby girl”
“Is that how you work?”
“What do you mean?”
“You simply vanish and suddenly you’re ready to talk?!” I know I sounded stupidly mad, but I had to be honest.
“I’m sorry, I can explain, I know it won’t change everything, but I’ll at least be honest” he said and I was able to hear his voice from behind me and not only from the speaker as he turned off the phone call.
I turned around, only to be met with a pair of those gorgeous honey eyes, that even though I was wanting so bad to punch him, the sight alone still made me weak on my knees.
“Why should I go with you? I think you’ve had enough chances”
“I know that, but again, I’ll ask you for one more, let me take you out, we can grab lunch and then pack, I can give you a ride home, please, Y/N, I’ll answer everything you want after lunch”
“You promise me that?”
“I do, can I take you with me?”
“Where are we going?”
“I can take you to the diner, the one from our first date”
“It was a fake date”
“Didn’t feel fake to me”
“It- You-“
“Come on, we can discuss this later, I know you’re hungry and you probably didn’t have breakfast nor dinner”
“How did you...?”
“I know you, Y/N, like the palm of my hand, now come on, burgers and fries and the guys are all waiting for us”
“Are they?”
“Yeah, it’s the end of the semester”
“Oh” Was all that left my mouth as Shawn extended his hand to me “let’s go then”
“Okay” he said as I grabbed his hand and interlaced our fingers, walking back to his car as he practically skipped his way back.
“How’s your mom by the way?”
“She’s fine, she’s at home”
“That’s awesome”
“Yeah” he answered and squeezed my hand softly “thank you”
I looked at him trying hard to hold back a smile, but it was impossible “Let’s not start this again, you were right, I’m starving!”
That was enough for Shawn to basically drag me chuckling to his car and I couldn’t hold back the laughter that bubbled from my throat. He was so excited to go grab lunch it was way too contagious, or maybe it’s because I was about to understand the whole situation and maybe be in peace with him. So the whole time we were in the car, he was basically beaming and jamming to his favorite songs as I tried not to die for laughing too hard. He parked two blocks from the diner cause it was filled with students and got out, as soon as my feet hit the ground, he was beside me, offering his arm like a true gentleman.
“Peace offering?” he tried with a grin and I just nodded giggling “I know this doesn’t mean I’m free, I don’t want to be free, I don’t want to be the reason you’re upset anymore, I just want you to enjoy today”
“Thank you, you are forgiven, for now at least, it’s a truce until you tell me everything”
“Works for me” he answered before placing a sweet kiss to my temple.
We entered the place and our table cheered as they saw us walking hand in hand and we just had to laugh. The guys hopped off the booth and left a spot for us both to sit in the corner against the wall, and Shawn didn’t resist the opportunity to pull me in. He rested his arm on the booth, just above my shoulder and I swear I had to hold back the need to just lean on his chest and relax after this stressful finals weeks. So instead of laying on him, I grabbed the menu to pick something up and Shawn poked my shoulder softly, which made me look at him and he was just smiling down at me which made me very confused at first, but then I heard Mel’s giggle from across the table and saw her holding her phone up at us.
“Come on, don’t pout at me, you two look way too cute for your own good” was all she used in her defense and I ended up just shrugging.
Everyone made their orders super quick cause apparently they’re all starving just like me, but even when the food arrived they kept on talking and cracking jokes all the time, which cause Brian to spill his soda through his nose. Somewhere between finishing my fries and milkshake, I felt Shawn’s arm falling around my shoulders casually, and since I didn’t do anything to shrug him off, he just kept it there, eventually pulling me closer, which led me to actually lean into him as the guys kept on talking.
Shawn looked down at me and placed a kiss on my forehead “Tired?”
“A bit, yeah”  
“I can take you home”
“It’s okay, I’ll miss them anyway and my bags are already packed and my dorm is basically ready for me to leave”
“Oh, you can come nap in mine if you want, while I pack my stuff and then we can talk”
“Seems pretty good to me”
“We can even stop by at your dorm first, so you can pick up your stuff” Shawn offered as he played with some strings of my hair “Ian’s going home after lunch, so if you want to crash at my place and stay in his room, so we can leave tomorrow morning to be at home for lunch, you can”
“That’d be great, Mel’s probably going there to stay with Mike as well, right?”
“Mhmm, but they’ll both leave tonight”
“What are the love birds whispering about?” Brian chimed in.
“We are no-“
“It’s not worth it” I cut Shawn off by placing my hand on his cheek softly “we were just talking about packing and how we are going home tomorrow”
“But that’s not interesting”
“What did you expect, Brian? Them to tell you how they’re going to have sex all night long? Come on, they’re not you” Mel said rolling her eyes playfully at the red-haired boy.
“What do you mean ‘they’re not me’?”
“They’re not dumb” Mike replied and we all laughed as Brian seemed a bit too pissed to find it funny.
“Ha-ha as if you and Ian were a lot better”
“Everyone knows we are, dude!”
“Y/N! Help me out!”
I smirked at him and shrugged “Ugh, I wish I could, but I’m to busy whispering about my sex life with Shawn to help you” and with that the attention was back on the guys.
“Our sex life?” Shawn teased with a boyish grin on his lips as I rolled my eyes at him giggling softly.
“Shut uuup”
“Don’t blush, baby, it’s okay, you know you can talk to me about everything you want”
“I swear I’m not going back to yours tonight” I threatened and he only chuckled, placing a kiss to my hair.
“I’m only kidding, don’t need to get all flustered about it”
“Yeah yeah, fuck you”
“What a dirty mouth” he gasped and chuckled at my frown “I’m only teasing you, come on, don’t get upset”
“Whatever” I said rolling my eyes, but I couldn’t hold back a smile when he grabbed my face and kissed my cheek.
We spent a little while there just chatting and laughing until some of them needed to leave, so we decided it would be best if we left as well, apparently I was the only one with my stuff already packed. Shawn and I got to my place only to pick up my stuff and I took the opportunity to say goodbye to Mel and wish her happy holidays. But before I could leave, she pulled me into the room one more time in a bear hug as Shawn quietly left with my bags, telling me he would wait for me on his car.
“Mel, it’s literally just a couple of weeks”
“I know, I know, call me clingy or whatever, but I’ll miss you” she said with a frown and I laughed at her.
“Stop being silly, you won’t even have time to miss me! You’ll be spending Christmas with your new boy”
“Yeah, that’s pretty nice, right?”
“Yeah, and you said, back in August on the first few weeks, that you didn’t want anything serious”
“Guess you’ll never know, you didn’t know Shawn was your soulmate back then either”
“Is he really?”
“Dude, are you dumb or you’re just playing pretend? He’s clearly in love with you for ages, Y/N, he literally worships you, he’s just learning how to show it now”
“Are you sure? Maybe he was right, there is no such thing as soulmate”
“Sweetie, soulmates are simply two pieces that fit perfectly, they don’t have to be romantically involved, they’re just the other’s half”
“Oh, come on, Y/N, here, I’ll read the definition for you”
“It’s not necessary”
“Shush for a second, thank you” Mel places her hand above my lips to keep me quiet “ha! found it! ‘It’s like a best friend, but more. It’s the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It’s someone who makes you a better person, well, actually they don’t make you a better person… you do that yourself because they inspire you. A soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever. It’s the one person who knew you, and accepted you, and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens..you’ll always love them’”
“That’s you and Shawn, obviously”
“You’re reading way too many novels for your own good, Mel, and I’m the one who’s saying it”
“Fine, but when the both of you finally realize how special is the bond between you two, I’m going to be the one to tell you that I told you so”
“Okay” I shrugged giggling and she laughed in response.
“Now go, your man’s waiting downstairs”
“Okay, bye Mel” I said hugging her one more time.
We let each other go and she just grinned at me “Bye, bitch” So I took my backpack and phone and turned to leave, but before I could shut the door she added “Oh, you’re going to be completely alone tonight, so please do me a favor and use a condom”
I shut the door a bit harder than needed and I hear her laugh from inside the bedroom. I only shook my head, unable to contain the smile from blossoming on my lips as I walked away. Shawn was sitting patiently on the driver’s seat, looking down at his phone as I climbed up in his jeep. He locked the device as he looked up at me, starting the engine and starting to drive to his place.
“What are you laughing at?”
“Melissa, she’s just crazy”
“Took you a while to notice” he said with a chuckle and placing his hand, palm up, on the console.
“She’s just great at hiding it” I replied sarcastically as I laced our fingers.
He brought our hands to his lips, placing a soft kiss on the back of mine “Whatever you say”
The drive was short to his place, and I didn’t even picked up the bags, only grabbed my backpack that had all the stuff I needed for tonight and tomorrow morning and went with Shawn to his apartment. The place was filled with bags and backpacks, but apart from that, was the nicer it’s ever been during the semester. We didn’t stick longer downstairs, Shawn only grabbed two bottles of water for us and dragged me to his room, which was a complete war zone. He only took something’s off his bed and told me to get comfy to nap as he packed.
So that’s just what I did, I took off my shoes and placed my phone on the nightstand, laying down and watching as he started to go through his clothes and fold them not so nicely, and place them on his suitcase. I didn’t even noticed when I dozed off, but was really hard to keep myself awake with Shawn softly humming to some random song. I just noticed I was off, what felt like minutes later, when I felt someone calling me in a low tone and gently caressing my face waking me up. The first thing I saw was his honey eyes, then his body crouching down beside my side of the bed and then his perfectly aligned teeth in a beautiful smile.
“Hey” he mumbled softly.
“What time is it?” my voice sounded extremely groggy “how long was I out?”
“It’s almost 5:30, ordered us a pizza, hope you don’t mind” he replied standing straight “you slept for a bit more than an hour and a half”
“Oh shit” I let out as I ran a hand through my hair “I didn’t even noticed I was out til you woke me”
“You were sleeping pretty heavily, I felt bad for waking you up, but I was afraid if I let you sleep longer you wouldn’t be tired enough to sleep at night”
“No, you’re probably right, thank you” I said as I sat up, rubbing my eyes softly “Are you done with packing?”
“Yeah, I though that maybe if you wanted to talk... We could do it now”
“Oh, okay” I said crossing my legs and he sat down in front of me.
“This is not easy for me, so I’m going to ask you two things, okay?”
“First, I wouldn’t like things to change between us, it might take a while but I don’t want to loose you”
“You’re scaring me” I said with a nervous chuckle and he only smiled softly at me.
“I don’t intend to, I’m sorry, and the second one, I would like to say everything I have to say first, cause I don’t really know how to say this best, and I’ve practiced”
“Okay, sure” was all I could answer and I saw his cheeks getting pink.
Shawn took a deep breath and I placed my hand on his knee, and he only smiled at me as a response.
“You know I never really believed in soulmates and stuff, I just think it is a coincidence, right? And I even covered my birthmark that everyone teased me about with the swallow tattoo, to prevent myself from being stupid and looking for the same mark on others, cause for me this shit just wasn’t real. So when I found out, that you, the girl I had a massive crush on and my best friend and I shared the same birthmark, I completely lost my mind. I didn’t want to believe it was real, I didn’t even know if you thought of me that way. I was scared to death” he took a deep breath and I squeezed his knee gently.
He once again offered me a smile as he kept on going.  “I didn’t want it to be real, didn’t want you to be my soulmate, I didn’t want to lose you, I wasn’t ready to be the one to ruin this amazing friendship we built during our whole lives, so my pretty dumb boy logic brain thought at first to ignore it, act like I never saw it before, and hell, I don’t know if it’s the soulmate/mark thing, if it’s God, if it’s C.I.A or, I don’t know, some greater love force, but every day we went through was getting harder to ignore my feelings for you and the itch sensation to just grab your pretty face and kiss you.
And then, my amazing ability to deal with feelings thought it was better to push you off than keep on falling harder for you, and I know, I was the worst to you and I’m so incredibly fucking sorry for ever treating you like that. You didn’t deserve it, and you also didn’t deserve being left in the dark, and I don’t even know how you found it in yourself to forgive me, but I’m so thankful for that. I felt like shit for ever making you sad and it literally hurt in me to see you less than happy, specially cause I knew it was my fault. And then the whole fake dating thing started and it was a mess. I was constantly jealous of Tyler, cause he’s an idiot who never deserved you and cause I really wanted you to myself. But I was completely torn between telling you everything and keep on pushing you away so I wouldn’t be the one hurting you more. Crazy, I know” he said with a ironic chuckle.
“Just a little bit” I mumbled softly and he shook his head with a smile.
“But since we started spending so much time together again, I just couldn’t keep on pushing you away, I had to be selfish and have you back on my life, and to be honest, since I first found out about our soulmate situation, that’s when I finally felt happy and relieved, when I had you around me again. And I even thought you were into me as well, hell, you kissed me, twice, and then I had to go on and ruin everything cause I got jealous over nothing, again” he said running his hands through his mop of curls, tugging at the roots “and then I was sure I fucked it all up and that you’re never going to look on my face again, and then there was my mum thing, and I couldn’t go to anybody else, I just showed up at your door without even noticing it, I am just always coming back to you.
You took care of me like no one else would, and that’s when I knew I couldn’t hold back anymore, I just needed you and I kissed you, and everything fell into place. I couldn’t stop smiling the whole day after that. And I know I disappeared for a week, I just didn’t want to see you and not explain everything you deserved to know about me, so it took me a while to get my shit together, but here I am”
He looked at me like he was staring at my soul and all I could do was hum in response.
“I thought you’d need some time to process it, so if you want me to leave I can go or if you have any questions you can ask me” he added softly and after a few minutes without any responses he started to get up to leave.
“Where are you going?” my question was barely a whisper, but he listened because he looked down at me with a frown.
“I’m leaving you to absorb it”
“No, don’t, don’t run away from me now”
“I’m not” he said sitting down again and reaching for my hands, that I promptly placed on his “I’m here now, Y/N, and I’m not going anywhere until you tell me to”
“Okay, so let me see if I get this straight” I started and he nodded with those big doe eyes “you were falling for me and freaked out when you found out we were potential soulmates, and decided to ignore it and push me away afraid of ruining our friendship?”
“And then you decided it wasn’t the right thing to do and started hanging out with me again and noticed that you shouldn’t have done it on the first place without telling me anything? Your best friend?”
“I fucked up pretty badly, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, you did” I said and he sighed, closing his eyes that were already pretty glossy from the tears that started to form “hey, look at me, now I’m talking”
“Okay” he said sounding completely broken.
“You should’ve told me in the first place and we could’ve figured this whole thing out together, so neither of us would’ve suffered, cause even though you did hurt me, you also hurt yourself, and I know it wasn’t your intention to do it to neither of us. I know you never meant to hurt me, you were just doing what was better in your head for me, but here’s the thing, I’m the one that should decided what’s best for me, Shawn, okay? The whole problem here is...”
“That I’m an idiot?” he suggested.
“No, honey, well, a bit, yeah” I said and he let out a sad chuckle “but the main problem is miscommunication, we should’ve just talked to me, and this whole mess wouldn’t have happened”
He nodded looking down at our joined hands and I let go of them, only to cup his jaw and force him to look up at me “why were you scared of losing me? Or hurting me?”
“Me?” he asked and I nodded in response “I just- you’re perfect and I’m just Shawn”
“I’m sorry, what?” I asked chuckling softly.
“Yeah, you’re the most intelligent person I’ve ever met, you’re good in everything you do, you’re the sweetest, kindest and most beautiful girl I’ve ever met and me? I’m just Shawn, the dumb boy, that never had a real serious relationship and that likes to party on his free time, I’m not enough for you”
“I’m not all of that, I’m flattered, really am, but I’m not that, Shawnie, and you, oh baby, you’re way more than that, yeah, you might have this bad boy with a frozen heart exterior, but in reality, you have the biggest heart and are the softest guy I’ve ever met”
“Only for you” he mumbled.
“And that’s honestly all that matters to me”
“Is it?”
“Yes, Shawn” I said giggling softly.
“So what do we do now?”
“What do you mean?”
“With all this?”
“Well, we should communicate better”
“Okay, that’s on me”
“No, it’s on me too, if I told you I liked you way too long ago, this could’ve been avoided”
“You liked me?”
“As in the past?” I only hummed in response and he nodded.
“And now I’m in love with you”
“You’re what?!”
“In love with you”
“You fell in love with me?! Out of all people?Just like I did with you?”
“Yep” I said popping the ‘p’ and he laughed.
“Well, maybe there is such thing as soulmates”
“Maybe” I giggled as he pulled into his arms, hugging me tight to his body.
“So what do we do with this?”
“We can go slow with this, just go with it and don’t hold back anymore”
We just sat there, in each other’s embrace for a while, letting the eventful evening sink in as he gripped at my shirt and I played with his soft curls. Maybe we had a rough start to whatever this is, but having him like this makes me so sure that this was all worth it, if that meant I would have him like this at the end of the day.
“This can’t be real” he mumbled after what felt like ages.
“But it is, very real” I replied sitting up straight properly on his lap and he cupped my face gently.
“Prove it” he smirked at me, great, the Shawn I knew is finally back, and I only laughed in response, leaning in closer and finally pressing my lips to his softly.
The kiss was slow and passionate, I guess we weren’t in rush, we were just exploring each other calmly after everything that happened and I couldn’t feel happier. He was still cupping my jaw and my fingers were lazily wrapped in his curls, just getting used to one another. But when I tugged at it a bit harder than before and he whimper lightly into my mouth was as if something shifted around us. The whole place seemed to lit up on fire and even though all humans need oxygen to breath, suddenly it wasn’t important to us anymore. His tongue ran on my bottom lip as I let him deepen the kiss.
He was carefully leaning in and making me lay back on his soft pillows as his tongue licked into my mouth, one of his hands running down my body, only to stop at my waist, giving it a rough squeeze, getting a soft moan in response from me. And that was all Shawn needed to encourage him to keep on going. He placed a few pecks on my lips as he trailed down to my jaw and neck with his open mouthed kisses that was literally making me roll my eyes back and tug harder on his soft locks. When he started nipping on my collar bone his phone rang.
“Oh shit” he mumbled into my neck, nuzzling his face on my neck and going back to his assault there.
“Shawn” what was supposed to come out as a normal sentence ended up a moan when he left what could only be a red mark on the column of my throat.
“Hm?” he hummed completely ignoring his phone.
“Someone’s calling you”
“Mhmm” was all I could reply as he got back to my lips to kiss me all over again, living me completely dizzy, and almost making me forget about his phone.
“Let them” he mumbled before kissing me again, until I cupped his jaw and pushed him away softly making him whine in protest “I’m finally able to have you all to myself”
“And we have all night, baby, but you ordered pizza and I’m starving”
“Oh shit” he replied at the same time the doorbell rang making him groan in frustration.
“Go open the damn door, Mendes!” I said giggling and he got up to do it grumbling how mean I was, but still with a smile on his plump lips.
And I was there smiling to myself like the idiot I was, feeling my lips tingling and my whole body on fire. My phone buzzed from the nightstand and I reached to see who was texting me right now to ruin the moment, but it was only Shawn.
“Come downstairs, honey, the pizza’s here”
To Shawnie:
“I’m literally upstairs, you could’ve just called me, idiot”
From Shawnie:
“Nah-ah, don’t be rude to your boyfriend”
To Shawnie:
“Which boyfriend? I didn’t know I had one”
From Shawnie:
“Come downstairs and I’ll show you who’s you’re boyfriend”
To Shawnie:
“Nope, this bed is pretty comfy”
From Shawnie:
“Y/N, come on, baby, pretty please”
“Seriously, the pizza well get cold”
“Don’t make me go upstairs and pick you up”
“Y/N, I’m serious, if I go upstairs you’re going to be punished with tickles”
To Shawnie:
“Thought you couldn’t be rude to you girlfriend”
From Shawnie:
“Now come here, baby, and I’ll make it worth it”
“Get your pretty ass downstairs”
To Shawnie:
“I’m coming”
It was all I could reply, still giggling like a teenage girl and I went downstairs, only to find him with our chat still open, writing down a reply I could never repeat out loud without turning myself into a blushing mess. But I’m not going to complain about it, I was happy, completely and utterly happy.
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*Thank you SO much for the love, guys, means the world to me!
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it! And thank you so much! See you soon 🙃
let me know if you guys would like to be on a “taglist” for this series or anything else
and i’m sorry if i forgot anyone, please send me an ask or just comment down bellow!
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lonelyreputation · 4 years
can u send blogs that write raul and peter as well as shawn ?
Hiii hi!! So I don’t really read that much Mendes triplet stuff but I went through who I follow and came up with @theshawnmendesstorycollection @curlsofshawn @fanficshawn @wholesomemendes  & @mendesssmoments ! I totally could be missing people bc I did search at like 1:30 am last night lol
BUT!! If anyone sees this and writes for the triplets plug yourself in the replies!! Or give this a reblog and tag your masterlist!! Help out the anon! And I’ll also be looking for blogs to follow to expand my reading 👀
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wondershawns · 4 years
Thanks for tagging me @princecharmingmendes !
relationship status: single
favourite color(s): I like soft pastel colours and blue
three favorite foods: pasta, chocolate eclairs, anything involving egg noodles and plenty of soy sauce
song stuck in my head: Haunt You - Social House
last song i listened to: All The Pretty Girls - KALEO
last thing i googled: DHL tracking (I’ve been waiting on this thing for ages and it’s still not delivered I want it NOW)
time: 13:57
dream trip: Canada
anything i really want: I want people to stop being selfish assholes and I want concerts to be able to happen safely again. I’d also very much love a hug and a conversation with Shawn Mendes
I’ll tag @lonelyreputation @shawnftjacob @fanficshawn
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babieforshawn-blog · 5 years
I heard you guys were talking about me...
@theshawnmendesstorycollection @sunrisebrashx @definitelynotshawnmendes @tnhmblive
@itrocksmysocks @alilovesshawn @fanficshawn @palhacomendes @petitlion @heart-struck @adelaidestreets @muffin-saucex
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goldenhemmings · 5 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
I was tagged by @gentleshawn and I think this is cute and I’m procrastinating my Political Theory paper sO here we go
1. Are you named after someone?
I have the same middle name as my mom if that counts?
2. The last time you cried?
Couple weeks ago I had two 30-page research papers due in the same class within two weeks so some stress tears were definitely shed over that
3. Do you have any kids?
No, I want them in the future but definitely not now
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, never! I would never, ever speak in such a way!
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I think smile
6. What’s your eye color?
Green green green
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending because I’m a baby
8. Any special talents?
I’ve been acting since I was young, and does writing count as a special talent?
9. Where were you born?
Sunny Arizona baby home of the 120 degree summers
10. Hobbies?
Following sports, reading, writing, theatre, music
11. Do you have any pets?
I have two younger brothers and that is quite enough animalistic behavior for me
12. What sports have you played?
Lmao I played softball for nine years. Sometimes I forget that
13. How tall are you?
5′ 9′’ which is like...176 centimeters? Maybe?
14. Favorite subject in school?
I’m a Journalism / PoliSci double major so I guess any of those major-specific classes are my favorite
15. Dream job?
Literally Y/N’s job in Stealing Second. PR or Media Communications for a professional sports team, preferably one in the MLB
I’m going to copy something I saw smallerinfinities do a while ago and the accounts I tag to do this are going to be a few of the accounts that I always see in my notifications supporting my writing!! I love/appreciate you guys and I see you, always.
@drunklili @onlynarry @alexrobinson-and-cats @oahbooks @brittany-172 @itrocksmysocks @sleepybesson @to-the-road @beingmadisntalwaysbad @d-arkestangel @sweetyhood @fanficshawn @shawnficrecs @ashwarren32
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mendeshoney · 6 years
alright here we go
I didn’t want to do this but y’all have made me “totes emosh” so here come the fucking feelings
To my babes, I love you all so much
@onadelaidestreet my best friend let’s be real, you know how I feel about you and I love you so much. The day Shawn gets good at hockey is the day we sell our souls 🙃
@infiniteshawn I love youuuuu soooooo mucccchhhhhh, you kill me with your writing talents and you’re cute as fuck and I’m always here for you, I want you to know that
@siennarossi and @sippingchai manangs, I love you both so fucking much
@flickershawn dude you remind me so much of my best friend and I hope we get to know each other more because I think you’re pretty fucking cool
@i-see-you-mendes my sweet little bee. you are so wonderful and so so so so so loved, never forget that!
@shawns-d1ckk @shawns-d1ck I got your back dude, never forget that
@softboyshawn ugh I love you, you know this, and I’ll never stop
@wanderingmendes you little smut queen you, ruining my life one word at a time, keep doing you
@unwrittendestiny your support means the world to me and I don’t know that I’ve told you that enough
@accioalena @mutuallynotmutual your support for hockey shawn is still much appreciated, thank you for sticking with me
and to so many others who I love and admire and appreciate even though we don’t really talk @stillinskislydia @smallerinfinities @begginyouformendes @shawnm521 @planstonightbaby @mgacaroline @pinkanddepressed @achinglyshawn @dilly-o-billy @hufflepuffshawn @fanficshawn @mendes2k17 @vnv21 @shawnficrecs
I hope 2019 brings you all the love and happiness and great successes you each deserve 💕🎊
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softboywriting · 6 years
Shout out to these amazing people!
Thank you so much for reblogging my recent piece, Challenge | Werewolf AU. You’re all quality blogs!!!!!!!!!!!! 
@vnv21 @thisisadreamright @somoneunimportantxx @lostinyourstories @lifeofthedarty @lukes-sunglasses @thatsoutherngirl81 @stitchedmendes @certainlyshawn @honestlyshawnn @responsible-peterparker @falling-stars-never-cry @twostardusts @lovemendesfeels @illuminated-mendes @ersoltys @tomhollandisasnaccccc @skylar-mendes @mymanshawn @muffins-cookiesm @selenesybill @shawnsgottabellyache @bumblyshawn @00reading00 @estheticenthusiast @planstonightbaby @infinityshawn @shawn-youth @top-nerd-03 @shawn-mendez-is-a-babe @siya1singh234 @milamendess19 @musician-4-life @fanficshawn @justbeingoceana @lou-a-lou @nnyllehs @breathlessmendes @casuallycoolcloud @september-lace @lethargicjess @particularreader @esoltis280 @vdorka13 @justanotherfangirl2015 @randomkid24-7 @iam-a-painted-whore @ltkeke @hemmingshood12 @muffin-saucex @bottomshawn @dudemendes @heynowcaptain @for-my-mind @mcrmarvelloki @generousrunawaylove @sophiarejects @couple100miles @astromendes @hollandsunshine @jhebe59 @paynebringerstylinson @delicateshawn @perfectlyseavey @shawnsweetheart @vamparis @ebokneeisawesome85968 @scandinavian-girl @cah-choc @wildflowernightmare 
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fanficshawn · 5 years
A grumpy Raul being a total softie for the sunshine one 🥺
Raul is known to be the bad boy, he’s the tough guy.
Has a close and really small circle of friends
Usually wears black and dark clothes
A loner at its finest. He’s seen most of the times alone, probably a few times with a best friend or something
He isn’t rude. He’s just intimidating.
She is all the opposite
A literal ray of sunshine
Wears pastel colors to school everyday. And carries a yellow backpack everywhere.
She tries to be nice and kind to everybody.
She is seen all over school helping with anything she can.
They first meet because she’s Aaliyah new babysitter
(Peter and Shawn study in different places, so it’s just Raul and Aaliyah with their parents)
They later discover the go to the same school
At first he acts like her whole presence annoys him
Rolls his eyes every time he opens his house door and sees her there
She doesn’t understand why he doesn’t like her, but it doesn’t bother her
Actually, it just makes her treat him warmer and try to be extra happy around him
It becomes a routine, he tries to annoy her or frustrate her
And she just keeps on pointing the good side of the situations
He doesn’t know exactly why, but he likes her
Maybe it’s because she has never treated him differently just for who he is, or maybe it’s because she is the warmest and purest human he’s ever met
And she likes him too. She likes making him smile.
She’s thought about he how he has the prettiest smile, but almost never smiles around people
Slowly he realizes he cares deeply for her, starts taking care of her in the weirdest ways possible
It becomes obvious he has fallen for her when someone tries to hurt her
All his walls come down when he sees her so vulnerable and fragile
The soft Raul makes his appearance when he tries to cheer her up
He plans the coziest day ever, he just wants to be there for her, comfort her in any way possible
He misses the sparkles in her eyes and rainbows that surrounded her when she walked
She notices the change, and noticed how she fell for him
She grabs enough courage, and asks him what changed
Immediately he knows it’s over for him, she has him at the palm of her hand, and he had no problem with it
They end up confessing their feelings
And she can finally see how much of a softie Raul is
Like how he asks to be the little spoon, and how he lets out a little whine when she hops out of bed
He hasn’t changed though, he’s still the same guy, he just lets out his softer side when she’s with him
Inspired by this post ❤️❤️❤️
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fanficshawn · 5 years
Colleagues - Shawn Mendes Concept
(I suck at titles, I’m so sorry)
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You have been a part of Shawn’s writing team since day one (sort of)
When he’s was just staring on his career, so we’re you
You were finally chasing your dream, and starting as an intern for Scott Harris at 15 wasn’t a bad beginning
You were supposed to just bring coffee and help in everything you could
Most said you didn’t do much or that you were learning nothing, but you were amused with everything everyday
You will never forget the day you met Shawn
It was his first day at the studio
You heard him record the same songs the team had been composing days before
Seeing him there was comforting in some kind of way, he was new just like you
He also had those shiny and big eyes when he watched everyone work
It didn’t take long until he approached you
You were around the same age, and both of you were new, so it was obvious he would come up to you
It was fun watching him work and pretend he was an adult
But you were mesmerized with his passion
How he wanted to re-record everything until it was perfect
You knew he would be a rockstar in no time
After the first demos he recorded, he came into the studio again, but now to record what would be his first single
You were now more than serving coffee
You had been allowed to the writing room a couple of times, and the team asked for your opinion when they finished a song
After you graduated high school you had an official part time job there, as an assistant
And Shawn was about to start making his second album
You had seen him on videos and the internet, but seeing him in person was very different
He had changed for the better
He now sat a little more confident at the writing room and knew what he wanted to do
And he wasn’t afraid to touch the board thinking he would break anything
You gave ideas to the team a couple of times, they’ve been having a hard time understanding what was going on inside Shawn’s teenage brain
And Shawn appreciated that, a lot
He felt like somehow he was also connecting with you
Before the album was done, you could officially say you were friends
Shawn would talk yo you about what was going in his life, and you would do the same
Also, he would always ask for your opinion before finishing a song
You were a little sad when the album was done, you had gotten used to his presence
But it made you happy seeing him going on tour and going to all kinds of award shows and events as a proper celebrity
A year later, he came into the studio again, album three was the goal
This one has to be better, so there was a lot of pressure
You were now an official songwriter and co-producer
On the year you hadn’t seen Shawn, you worked with smaller artists
Scotty trusted you, he knew everything you knew about songwriting and producing was because of him
And when you did an excellent job, he knew you needed your own spot in that writing room
When Shawn noticed, he was surprised but so happy
After all these years, you hadn’t lost that connection you both had
It felt like you had talked everyday
Listening to him at the writing room was easier, you caught his ideas faster than everybody else
You had no problem writing a bunch of new songs
You were helping him step out of his comfort zone, talking about different topics on his songs
You had the best time helping him
And when the album was done you had bittersweet feeling
You only told Scott you were leaving the company after this project ended, he was sad but offered his help if you ever needed it
It was Shawn’s last day at the studio
He had come to a final listen before it was sent to the recording label
You tried to tell him a dozen times, but you never had the courage until he was saying goodbye at the driveway
“I can’t wait to write the next album with you, this was awesome”
It broke your heart, you had to tell him
“Yeah, about that, I’m actually leaving... like, tomorrow”
You talked for a few minutes, explaining your decision
With a sad look he wished you the best and went home
After that talk, Shawn couldn’t stop thinking about you
How you had known each other for more than 5 years
How you were always there for him
And how easy you both connected with each other, you could talk about everything
You knew the real him, you had seen him at his highest and lowest points of his life
And you never backed down
Not once
Now, he couldn’t stop thinking about what an idiot he was
He had always looked everywhere for the perfect girl, yet he never realized that was you
He called Brian, freaking out, maybe he was just scared of loosing you
“I think I’m in love with y/n” he said through the phone
“Dude, it was about time you opened your eyes”
So, everyone knew except him, perfect.
But what now?
Did you feel the same way? Would he ruin your friendship if he tried something?
It was killing him, so one day he just showed up at your house
“Shawn, what are you doing here, is everything alright?”
He was speechless, and he was probably making a fool of himself
After a few seconds words were coming out of his mouth
“I was just thinking what an idiot I’ve been, because I never realized I had this amazing woman by my side through all these years, and I never knew I was in love with her until I feared I would loose her. And if there’s something I could do to make up for all the years of waiting, it was to at least ask her on a date”
You could’ve died right there
The idea of you two being together had crossed your mind more than a couple of times, but you thought it was all inside your head
You couldn’t believe this was actually happening right now
“And your here because you...”
“Y/n, would you go on a date with me?”
“Yes Shawn, I would love to”
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fanficshawn · 5 years
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fanficshawn · 5 years
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Just a bunch of ideas that I will never write. Feel free to use them! But if you do, please tag me!
College!Shawn AU
He forgets his music sheets at class, when he comes back there’s a note apologizing for the changes. This leads up to a little note game where neither of them know who they’re talking to.
25 in Barcelona (Non AU)
He forgets who he is, when he realizes, it’s too late, he lost her.
You’ve been part of Shawn’s team since day one, and he never realized all he needed was you until you were leaving.
A not so happy Best Friends to Lovers AU
Shawn and y/n have been best friends for a ver long time, so dating seems like the obvious thing to do, unfortunately it’s not so easy for Shawn as he wants it to be.
Liquid Courage 
New parents (Requested)
“I’m speechless...You look beautiful”
“Walk it off”
“Breathe, darling, breathe”
“You make me happy”
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fanficshawn · 5 years
A not so happy Best Friends to Lovers AU
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I want to read the Best Friends to Lovers AU with Shawn where it doesn’t end happily. An imagine where they have been best friends since they were 6 or something like that, and everyone always said they would end up together, even their friends and family had a bet of how fast they would realize they were meant to be together. Like, they just had a bunch of chemistry, they complimented each other. Soooo, eventually they start dating, she confesses her feelings, so he thinks “yeah, that makes sense, I guess I like you too”; and y/n falls for him like really really hard, but he has trouble seeing her like more than a friend. He IS attracted to her, but he still thinks of her like his best friend, and he tries, he really does. He tries to be the best boyfriend, and do what he is supposed to, but it just isn’t there for him. And he is heartbroken about it. He knows she has fallen for him but he also knows he can’t see her as anything more than just a friend. So that’s when the angst and sad part start, where Shawn has to tell her that somehow he isn’t in love with her, that she is just a friend to him, and he couldn’t keep doing this, because at the end of the day, it’s y/n, and if another guy was doing that to her he would hate him, so he tells her the truth. And when he does, it destroys her heart. She had never felt heartbreak like that, it’s awful and painful, because not only is she loosing her boyfriend, but she is also loosing her best friend. She always had trouble connecting with people, and making real friends, and when Shawn left her, it felt like she is alone and she will always be. He offers a friendship, but she can’t take that. She had fallen for him, and going back to being friends wouldn’t be good for her. So they become strangers. At first, Shawn isn’t hurt, he feels kind of relieved he’s not somehow lying to her, he sees her sometimes, and she looks miserable; then time helps her heal, she makes some good friends, friends that are there for her, she’s finally happy again, and that destroys Shawn, he starts remembering everything she did for him, how she was the only real friend he had, and how he lost her, and he would never have her back.
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fanficshawn · 5 years
We’re still going with the Mendes triplets... but this time, is a Peter concept 🥺
So y/n never really liked Christmas (and holidays in general) because his family and house was always a mess.
And she starts dating Peter, and he asks what is she doing for Christmas Eve, and she’s like “yeah I don’t do Christmas”. And he decides not to ask too much about it, but he loooooves Christmas, like he wears Christmas sweaters, builds ginger houses with his brothers and sister, has a Spotify Christmas playlist and all that stuff, so he can’t help wonder why is she so against Christmas. Eventually they get into an argument, cause he keeps insisting that she SHOULD love Christmas just as much as he does, so she finally admits why she doesn’t like Christmas, “sorry, I just didn’t have a good household where I could actually enjoy the holidays”. So now he feels extremely bad, but he still thinks he can convince her into liking Christmas, so they do all those coupley things, like, they go pick a tree for her place, they make Christmas cookies, go gift shopping, they have a Christmas movies marathon. And finally he invites her to the Mendes Christmas party, where she gets too meet his parents for the first time (and basically his whole family), and she actually has a great time, they have and ugly sweater contest, exchange gifts, the triplets (kind of?) perform some Christmas classics, they watch Peter’s cousins prepare a play for the whole family. And it’s just pure fluff, cause she finally feels like she’s part of a family and they all feel like home, and she’s finally looking forward for next years Christmas season.
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fanficshawn · 5 years
Christmas Concept
I wouldn’t be surprised if someone did this already, but I saw kind of something like this on tiktok today and I just pictured an imagine with Shawn...
So you know those advent calendars of 12 days before Christmas?
Shawn would totally make you one and fill it with little objects he knows you like. But it’s like really dumb stuff (some of them even made by himself).
And for December 24th, you actually think it will be no different, and that you’ll get something hilarious, but you get a note written by him, and it’s about how much he loves and how he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. And when you turn to him to thank him, HE’S ON ONE KNEE WITH A RING ON HIS HAND.
So he proposes. And you say yes. And that’s it. I’m soft. Bye.
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