#Mental breakdown to mental breakout
rachel-bot-unni · 2 years
Today I had the biggest bout of FUCK IT energy of my life. Like I was actually a fucking energizer bunny with my bunny print bow headband and my anti-anxiety themed hoodie and starprinted nails. I literally gave no shits today. I said screw it to continuing to cry my eyes out and laying in bed with the blackout curtains drawn closed. I got up, yanked back the curtains to let the light in, put on my makeup, and drove myself to a freaking tattoo parlor. And what did I do? I walked out with my third ear piercings, my nose pierced, and a small tattoo I’d been wanting since I got my first one almost two years ago (the screw from the Iron Giant… putting myself back together, not because I have a screw loose!). Later this month, I’m getting a nice haircut and my electric blue extensions put back in, and I’m going to be myself 100%, without apologizing. Fuck it energy saved me today, as did Lauren my piercing gal and Jay my tattoo guy. Thanks again, my dudes. I haven’t smiled or felt this calm and peaceful and happy in over a fucking month. I felt like I wanted to crawl into the darkness and never come out this morning, and now I am living and smiling and genuinely enjoying my day, as weird as that is. I am just so grateful. I rarely treat myself and I am a self-proclaimed goody two shoes who rarely “goes with the flow,” and today… I fucking did THAT.
Basically I learned today that I needed to treat myself like the love of my life and remember that I can— AND SHOULD— show myself love just as much as I can show it to others.
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sweet-sorrow0015 · 2 years
I want to be loved, and sometimes I do think I deserve love, but I would never date someone with all the problems that I have. I wouldn’t recommend people to date someone like me. I have a lot of traumas and disorders and have been broken so many times. I’m a problem.
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queenfantasy123 · 2 years
When we were younger we would cry as loud as we can to attract our parents attention.
Now, we cry as quiet as we can in our rooms so our parents won't hear.
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No man ever made me cry more than I cried for my skin
I choose breakouts over breakdowns
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debonairprincesposts · 5 months
Absolutely loved your Lucifer x Son reader!! Can we get a part 2? Im eager to see how Charlie and the gang may react!
Hello Anon! Here’s my take on what would’ve happened in the aftermath. As requested. Wasn’t really planning on making more content relating to this Au, but here we are! This is the last one, I hope. The gang haven’t met (Name) so they won’t be included in this.
Enjoy (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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Lucifer was basically contemplating every bad decision he's ever made in his life as he stares at the face of his unconscious son.
He barely managed to save (Name)’s wing by reattaching it, but it'll take a while before it's usable again.
Coat and hat off, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his hair disheveled from running his fingers through it in his moment of stress.
Eyes rimmed red from crying, cheeks stained with tears as he rubbed his eyes to get rid of the heavy feeling you usually get from crying so much.
He practically started having a mental breakdown the moment he knew that (Name)’s life wasn’t in any immediate danger. It wasn’t until a few minutes ago that he finally calmed down.
Sitting on a chair next to his son's bed, Lucifer sighs as he puts his face in his hands. He hasn't told Charlie yet. He doesn't really know how he should go about explaining what happened at the palace without freaking her out.
Wounds inflicted by angelic steel take longer to heal. He doesn’t know how long it would take for (Name) to wake up. It’s been about 3 hours since the attack, and he’s been restless ever since.
Still no sign of movement from (Name) as he lays motionless on his bed. The only way Lucifer could tell that he’s even still alive is the slow rise and fall of his chest.
Running his fingers through his hair as he stood up from his chair, reaching for his phone in his pocket, he hesitated to call Charlie. He didn’t know how to disclose the situation to her. There’s no easy way of doing this. I mean- how do you go about telling your child that her brother could possibly end up in a coma after being attacked by bloodthirsty psycho angels! That’s ridiculous! Everything about this is ridiculous! He’s ridiculous! He’s literally the King of Hell! He should’ve done more to ensure the protection of his son! If he just had the time to construct a barrier around his home then maybe this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. If he hadn’t been in a hurry to go save Charlie, he would’ve given it more thought. The fact that (Name) would be left defenseless all by himself with no one to help him. It’s basically a miracle that he even managed to survive all by himself. What with his inexperience in life or death fights. What kind of father would he be if he can’t even protect his children from harm! An incompetent one, he thinks.
His hands shake as he grips his phone. Taking a deep breath, he presses on Charlie’s contact and hopes that everything goes well.
“Dad! Thank goodness you’re okay! I’ve been trying to call you ever since you left in a hurry earlier- Is everything alright?” Just hearing Charlie’s voice over the phone makes him want to cry again.
He swallows the lump in his throat, “I-I’m okay, sweetie! It’s just- uhh,” just say it dammit! That’s her brother! She needs to know! “It’s (Name). He- he’s not doing good at the moment.” He cringes at his attempt.
“What?! Is he okay?! What happened?”
“He-,” his throat felt dry as he swallowed, “the palace was attacked.”
“WHAT?! Is (Name) okay?!” Her panicked voice could be heard over the phone. He tried to breathe properly to not breakout into another panic attack. “Dad?! Why aren’t you saying anything?!! You’re scaring me!”
“He’s-,” he winces at the break in his voice before clearing his throat, “He’s okay now! I managed to get here on time before he-,” his voice cracked again as tears wells up in his eyes.
The other side of the line goes silent for a bit. Charlie most definitely heard his pathetic attempt at trying to compose himself.
He clears his throat again, “His wounds are healing. But I don’t know when he’ll wake up.” He settled with. His voice raspy from crying.
On the other side of the line, Vaggie was standing next to Charlie, comforting her as she processes the information she just received. It was just them two in the lobby. Everybody else was either out or resting in their new rooms.
“Do you need me to come over, Dad?” Charlie asks.
“No need for that, apple pie- I’ll stay here until he recovers. You need to stay at your hotel. I can handle it. Promise.”
“Okay,” she swallows, forcing back her tears, “Call me if you need to. Okay, Dad?”
“Of course. Goodbye, sweetie.”
“Bye-,” he hangs up.
“Everything okay, babe?” Asks Vaggie, “You seem pretty worried.”
“Worried? Me? Pshh- no! Not at all! I mean- it’s not like the angels attacked my Dad’s castle and put my brother in a coma!-,” Charlie rambles.
“What?!” Vaggie yells in shock, “Is he okay?”
“Dad said that he’s okay. (Name)’s just resting-,” Charlie starts pulling at her hair. “Why would they attack him! He didn’t have anything to do with any of this!”
Vaggie doesn’t say anything. She just takes Charlie by the hand and takes her to their room as Charlie continues to worry about her brother. Which is valid cuz like- (Name)’s her brother-
When they reach their room, Vaggie takes Charlie by the hand and leads to bed.
“I’m sure he’ll be okay. He’s got your father’s blood flowing through his veins, no? He’ll wake up before you know it- Trust me.”
Charlie sniffles, “You really think so?”
Vaggie nods, “I know so. Now- why don’t we rest and cuddle. We’ve had a long day. I think we deserve some rest, don’t you think?”
Vaggie then helps Charlie change into pajamas as they both lay in each other’s arms in bed.
“Feeling better?” Vaggie asks.
Charlie nods, “I just hope he wakes up soon.” As they both continue cuddling in bed.
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Imma be honest y’all. This isn’t my best work. Didn’t come out as well as I’d hoped. Kinda lost motivation half way through. Not sure if you can tell. But anyway! Here’s how I thought it would go. Hope y’all like it! Stay healthy and keep hydrated! ∠(ᐛ 」∠)
Bye babes!
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bonefall · 2 years
Herb Guide: Basic Hygiene
A quick aside for @kingmystrie​ who has a stinky Clanmate
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[Image ID: sketch of a cat licking its outstretched leg]
For the most part, a healthy warrior can be expected to keep themselves perfectly clean. Cats have special tongues with ridges on them perfectly evolved to keep their coats shiny and healthy.
When a Clan cat is long-furred, sick or elderly, or displaying signs of mental distress, the Clan will give them special attention to keep them clean. This is not just a job for the medicine cat; allo-grooming is a social behavior, close to the heart of a collectivist cat culture.
Herbs only come into play when hygiene becomes a health problem. The two most common issues are Mats and Fleas.
Time to clear up a common misconception; a mat is not a knot. A mat is what happens when a knot tangles with a bunch of other knots, wrapping up dead skin, dirt, layers of shed fur, and other gross debris into a solid mass. If a mat has formed, there’s been a breakdown in proper care!
When they do form, they are likely to form where the cat has trouble reaching, like the lower back.
Not only are mats filthy, but they can also pose a health hazard by weakening and pulling painfully on the skin below, allowing infection to take root. Mats must be removed as quickly as possible, before they become too large. Taking care of mats can take several painful, time-consuming days.
Oil made from flax seeds can be use to lubricate and loosen them, if the mat is not too large to be a lost cause. Carefully brush with claws, teeth, or a bone comb, if your Clan is capable of simple carving.
The best treatment is to carefully shave the area. A sharpened mussel shell, or a flint or stone blade will do. Take care to not cut the skin below, which could be thin and sensitive from bearing a mat.
Aside from ticks which are treated with the infamous canonical mouse bile, fleas are another concern to Clan cats. While they’re only annoying to adult cats, they can sicken elders and kill kittens if they become a camp-wide infestation.
Fleas can’t be completely eliminated, but Clans go to great lengths to keep them at bay. Cedar chips are used as den flooring, especially in the nursery, producing a fresh pine smell that insects can’t stand.
Mint can be planted around the camp and rubbed into fur to repel fleas and prevent them from leaping onto a patrolling warrior; but this is kept away from the nursery as mint is extremely poisonous and babies have a bad habit of putting things in their mouths.
“barkface what do if flea outbreak bad TIME SENSITIVE“ -Kestrelpaw, desperately texting StarClan
For a VERY bad flea infestation, an herbal bath is an easy but detested solution. A large clay bowl (or, in SkyClan, a stolen birdbath) is filled with water for soaking, vinegar for killing, and a blend of mint and lavender for repellent. From there, the unfortunate warrior is plunged in, usually yowling and crying, and forced to soak for an hour.
Repeat for every. Single. Infested warrior. Even if they are WAILING LIKE BABIES.
They must be prevented from licking clean after this bath. Licking the bathwater off will poison the Warrior from the mint. Since it’s only a repellent, the mint could be optional, but WILL be included if the camp is actively infested... in spite of the soaked warrior’s grumblings.
The number one flea-killer, bar none, the GOLDEN KING of bug eradication, is none other than SALT. In addition to being a seasoning, having as much salt as possible in the medicine cat den is invaluable for controlling flea breakouts. Salt will be added to the herbal bath when it’s available.
In the Forest Territories, there was no salt. In the Lake Territories, collecting salt takes a long journey to the beach, and a patrol capable of carrying it home. As far as the Clans are concerned, salt works miracles so these trips are scheduled visits.
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I had this dream where Lena was helping the DEO catch Lex after a breakout from prison, and she was telling them a story from their past.
"Did you know that the first time Lex ever killed was to protect me and my mother? A stranger had broken into Luthor Manor: a homeless man with schizophrenia, suffering from a delusion, though we didn't know it at the time.
All three of us were in the study, I was reading Plutarch out loud as part of my Greek studies. Lillian had just sent Lex out to call our father, and instead, he found this stranger. The stranger had been living in the streets, and he was filthy, stark, raving mad, Lex told me. The man had a large knife, and he kept trying to get through the door to the study. He attacked Lex, and he had no choice but to defend himself, defend us. Mother and I were inside, oblivious of what was happening on the other side of the door. We only found out when we heard the man scream, and we opened the door to find Lex standing over a dead man with the bloody knife in his hand.
After that, it was all taken care of quickly and silently. I have no doubt money was exchanged to keep it out of the papers, and no stain of it was ever found on Lex's records.
But everyone else didn't see our Mother take the knife from Lex's hand and give him a small, proud smile. No one else knew that it was a test, a lesson learned at the hearth of the home. Lillian was teaching Lex to protect the family at all costs, that the life of an outsider was nothing weighed with the life of another Luthor.
Of course, what she didn't tell us was that the man was family too. The 'stranger' was no stranger at all. You see, we had never met our grandfather. Lillian’s father was out of the picture long before even Lex was born. Died of heart attack when Lillian was a girl. It wasn’t until years after that incident that I found out Lillian’s father hadn't been dead at all. He had been living in the streets after a mental breakdown forced him to become homeless. Lillian had known exactly where he was the whole time. She had to, she couldn't have him exposing her 'shameful past'. So she decided to get rid of two birds with one stone. Teach her son an important lesson, while getting rid of the father she so despised for his mental illness. Lex had killed his own grandfather.
These are the lessons we learned at our mother's knee. I'm not defending Lex. He is his own man, and he has made his own choices. I'm just letting you know: this is how a Luthor is made."
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donationwayne · 7 months
current word counts of all my future buddie wips I’m writing on and their extremly brief synopsis’ 😇
Since I can’t post any fics until I get the internet situation sorted I’m make a silly little post about my WIPs
bobby adopts teenage buck au: 12.2k
eddie is in the army and buck is a firefighter (no one knows buck is married w/ a kid): 13k
fic where the 118 meet buck parents who expose all of his dirty laundry: 1.8k
sick fic where buck isn’t feeling well but goes into work anyways: 2.2k
PTSD!Buck post season four (aka Buck had the breakdown he needs to process his emotions) 😌❤️): 10k
response time (cute au where buck is a probie who hasn’t told anyone he’s married yet): 860 words 💀
Aubs (me) cancelles marget buckley fic (I just wanted to have some fun and make buck extra angsty im sorry ) : 6.9k
Maddie and Buck reminisce on bucks hs emo phase while the 118 stare on in horror: 674 words
another fic about me hating bucks parents and making hom angsty: 788 words
ultimatum: buck has a mental breakdown when his parents come to town for a visit (aka buck knew about Daniel all along) and he’s given an ultimatum that hurts him by someone he trusts: 15.5k
Daniel lives au (buck goes to foster care): 5.3k
Travel vlog (aka depressed bucks travel tapes are discovered after he goes missing): 3k
bamf!seal au (buck was a seal who worked secret ops and had to breakout his training when a call goes awry surprising everyone but eddie): 10.4k
TikTok au: 36 words 💀
Secret (another angsty buck au I’m sorry):
The baby Buckley home videos (when Maddie and bucks favorite uncle passes away a box of home videos from their childhood is delivered proved snapshots into the Buckley siblings lives as children: 2.6k
Buck and Eddie met overseas before the 118 (Bobby is looking for someone to even out A shift, along comes Eddie. Aka I fuck the timeline bc I can for a Buckley family reunion): 3.8k
buddie timeline change (eddie doesn’t join the 118 until after the firetruck bombing, buck still saves Christopher): 349 words
Numb: another buck breakdown fic I’m sorry I love to see my baby gurl suffer he just gets me u know : 180 words
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joyfullyacat · 2 years
i've been stewing on this idea for a little while doing house projects, lets see where it takes us
cw: hurt into comfort??? the mental health of robots yes i had a detroit become human phase how could you tell word count: 1.5k (not beta'd and loosely edited i apologize)
It was never exactly on your schedule to become a criminal quite literally overnight but, then again, when did life ever go to schedule?
Robots, androids, animatronics, what-have-you had just become their own sort-of people with rights being debated as of you waking upon this very day and you had just staged a wonderful breakout of some creations meant children's entertainment with the help of a child and his definitely-not-an-animatronic-bear father.
So, all in all, it was a pretty productive morning and subsequent afternoon you had.
Now in the quiet of the night, tucked away in a - hopefully abandoned - lodge that was a fair distance outside city limits and ideally far enough that any authorities searching for you would call it quits for the temporary time being. It was Sun, mini Music Man, and you currently. Gregory and Freddy took the rest somewhere else and deemed it best you took care of the daycare attendant in these times.
Except it seemed like you were the least qualified person to manage this task at this point in time.
Sun was just about to pace a hole into the carpet, mutterings coming from his voice module that were unintelligible though you could occasionally make out friend and purpose.
You could only hazard some guess to what he was actually saying but you knew this was essentially a breakdown. The closest you've seen him come to it at least. He had never gotten even halfway to this point on the daycare's busiest days of snot-nosed children and flu season.
The only reason he hadn't switched yet was probably because he, as the very first thing, had turned on just about every light in the living room upon arrival and it seemed to be just enough.
Though he needed rest.
He needed a break from being at the front of the stage.
"Sun...?" You began warily, removing the mini Music Man from your lap and tucking him off to the side on the couch you were currently sat on. Standing up after and approaching the attendant.
Drawn by either your voice or your movements, blinding eye-lights snapped to you then. Optics impossibly wide and it almost seemed like he held a grimace.
A differing emotion from one quite literally forged onto him was... Frightening.
And incredibly sobering.
"Hey... Look at me, you see me, right?"
A single nod was all he offered you, the mutterings having quieted down now as you had his attention.
"Right, you see my hand?"
His head tilted down a slight, looking over your outstretched invitation and accepting it almost immediately after. Taking your hand into his with a grateful squeeze and then he nodded in affirmation.
"Good, could we sit down?"
Another nod.
You guided him carefully over to the couch, the animatronic landing on a cushion unceremoniously with an almost comedic fwump as his weight settled.
"Okay... I'm gonna be right here with you but I'm gonna have Triple-M here turn off the lights alright? I think you need a bit of rest."
Sun busied himself with messing with your hand he had hostage, offering the most smallest "Okay." That you had ever heard from him yet.
The scuttling pitter-patter of the little robot was all you needed as indicator that your plan was in action, offering silent thank you to the sweet companion as you kept your focus on Sun.
One by one, the lights went off.
Bit by bit, the tension that he held in his form began to ease and by the time the final light as clicked, he looked to you with almost sleepy relief. Eyes lidded downwards and that smile no longer seeming strained.
One final squeeze of your hand before he relinquished the hold so he wouldn't accidentally crush the limb again in the transformation sequence.
A painful lesson both him and you had learned the hard way, though that was fine.
For these two? Any way was good for you.
The rays of his head descended in a wave, a typical nightcap popping up shortly after with a flourish and a little jingle of the bell that rested in the pompom at the end. The pants were replaced by another pair that shot down his legs from the hip.
Day turned into night quite literally before your very eyes and it wasn't long until an ambient red hue filled the room.
Moon looked up to you momentarily with that burning gaze before he dropped his head with a crackly sigh, taking a moment to loosen up in the body after being pent up for so long.
At least that's what you assumed, you weren't too sure how the inner machinations worked between them.
"Thank you for that, Starbright." He offered after a few moments of silence, when you had just began to pull away to give him some privacy.
You didn't think an animatronic of any sort could sound as exhausted as he did in that moment, brows knitting towards the center as you couldn't stifle the concern you felt. Moon had the energy of someone who had been too strong for too long and finally just got to decompress but wouldn't let themselves fall down too far just yet.
"You... Alright there?" You treaded the territory carefully, the two had always been a bit prickly when it came to their own needs and wants, it had taken much cajoling to get them to admit a number of simple things.
Cleanings, privacy, comfort, etcetera.
...Thinking on it now, no wonder the other company figured you'd be good to handle the intertwined duo. You had already been fighting for their own piece of mind for a bit now.
For a moment, there was nothing.
Then all at once he grappled onto you, uncaring for your startled yelp as he clutched you close by your waist and hid his faceplate along your stomach, lengthy limbs encompassing you fully in a bodily embrace. Just sat there.
When no further action was made, you simply rested a hand on the edge of his hat, your thumb idly petting in small circles along what would be his temple.
You had always let them take the pace, even if that pace was a slow-burning candle or a roaring pyre.
Currently? It seemed the candle burning was steady after the initial burning of the wick as Moon spoke up.
"Sun is confused on why you did what you did... As am I. You've done much for us and you... Still find ways to do more."
The comment stumped you at first, your little soothing motions coming to a stop before they continued when you found your words.
"I think I've confused you before with my actions, haven't I?"
He nodded, not missing a beat.
"I know you've got a super memory in there, two in fact..." You teased kindly, leaning into him to lightly hug about his head. "What have I told you before, hm? I think I've given you many reasons."
"...You've apologized for liking us." It wasn't said unkindly, matter-of-fact and something you'd never quite live down it seemed as the very light jest was made.
"Yes I have and perhaps those two things are intertwined, if that's what you're trying to figure out. Though I'd do this for you even if I did not hold romantic interest - simply because it'd be the right thing to do."
Moon bit out with a withheld growl, "You've thrown away everything for us."
"I have but life never goes on a straight path - or at least you're often forced to make-do. You'll take wrong turns and go off trail. You'll come across holes in the way that you have to fill in by whatever means necessary."
"...So in this tangle of passageways. Where do we lie?"
You chuckled as Moon seemed to perk up at the use of metaphors, many night shifts you had spent with similar discussions. Always supplying much food for thought from your end and their own.
"I believe you are the beginning of a new path. I know not where it'll lead or what is in the way of that path but I will head down it with you all the same."
His hold momentarily tightened around you before he relaxed entirely.
"What was that thing you told us about caring, way back when."
Your brows furrowed involuntarily, immediately wracking your brain for thought.
"...When you begin to care for something, it'll tire you out in ways? But it is never regretted."
"That's right... I think Sun and I finally understand that now. You worry us but we care for you. We want the best of your health and safety and it is... Reciprocated?"
"Without a doubt." You quipped on the spot.
"Caring is a tiresome emotion but it is... A nice one. Is love the same?"
"It falls hand-in-hand with caring sometimes. It can be invigorating but draining... It is just as tangled as life I would argue."
"We'll have much unknotting to do."
You finally dropped the hug with an unbecoming snort at the joke, peering down to Moon who had finally peeled himself away to look up at you with that familiar impish air returning.
"I suppose we will, for now, let's take things one step at a time, yeah?"
trying to pin how i wanna write the two is a fun challenge
this is also a fun,,,maybe au to explore
i hope you enjoyed!!
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beemotionpicture · 1 year
MEANWHILE, DURING GOTHAM's BI-MONTHLY SCHEDULED ARKHAM BREAKOUT Tim, putting on his gas mask: Nightwing, Crane's here. Put yours on right now. Dick, notably empty-handed: Uh Tim, thinking: 'I should put mine on him. Right? I mean, that's the right thing to do. He would do the same for me... but what about putting on your own mask before helping others? That's what you're supposed to do. Oh well, it's Dick, it can't be that bad.' Dick, collapsed on the floor and having a mental breakdown: ₚₗₑₐₛₑ ₘₐₖₑ ᵢₜ ₛₜₒₚ Tim: Tim: Whoops
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comphetkoncass · 8 months
it may just be the fever talking but i think i know how to get fanon batfam fans to actually read comics
tag the comic arcs like ao3 works
for example knightfall thus far is reading like ‘bruce wayne needs a hug’ ‘hurt no comfort’ ‘no beta we die like batmans sleep schedule’ ‘arkham breakout more like arkham breakdown bruce’s mental health’ ‘robin!tim’ ‘tw: serious injury’
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felidacy · 1 year
DC x Jennifer's body
I somehow only ever found one fic like this and it focused on Tim as the unfortunate victim. That feels like a crime somehow. Also why I decided against my bias for Tim and instead give the focus to another batfamily member.
TW: mention of SA and alcohol, death, and gore
In this idea I headcanon Dick as asexual. He is by no means like that in canon rip
Basic rundown
Dick who is sexualized for years and assaulted multiple times before, but is publicly known as ace.
was hanging out with some friends (still mourning Jason and drinking too much) when a breakout happens, they leave to deal with it. Dick gets hurt from one of the villain's attacks and attempts to get back to the cave, Alfred insisted on him getting treated regardless that he doesn't want to see Bruce. That is when he gets captured and taken away
Dick gets sacrificed by some cult followers, unaware that he isn't a virgin
Dick wakes up days later with no memories of what happened in the middle of nowhere and an indescribable hunger
Dick kills and eats a deer with his bare hands, which promptly causes a mental breakdown and a crying session (after also vomiting all of the deer out again as well as if he can't eat animal meat any longer.)
he has no phone or anything on him and his clothes are covered in blood (were before he ate the deer too, but not that he was able to pay much attention to that in his state of shock). Still hungry, desperate, and with no means to ask for help Dick walks on until he comes across a small town.
finds a dying man he wishes to help, but that is when the hunger gets the best of him and he eats from the already passed-out man
Dick flees again until he finds himself in an alleyway
Tim was promised by his parents that they would spend his birthday together and he was looking forward to it. It wasn't worth it. He found himself now in an unknown town with his parents being in business meetings since the early morning, not even acknowledging his birthday so far and making more false promises
Wandering around that is when Tim comes across Dick Grayson, his hero, laying in an alleyway and covered in blood. Crying too, a lot
Tim decides that the ex-robin can only be helped by him and plans on bringing the man back to Gotham where he can ask Batman for help (it will be a whole other issue to explain how he knows their identities)
Dick does not want to accept the help of a child, much less when he seems to have lost all humanity along with his self-control now
that all goes out of the window when chaos gremlin Tim 'accidentally' manages to steal a cop car and Dick steps in to help just because he does not wish for him to crash
Cue a journey through the states as a warrant goes out along with missing person reports on the both of them
Dick barely controlling himself as he battles the demon inside himself that wants Tim dead, along the way that only causing other incidents
Tim and Dick end up in Gotham, and chaos ensues when Tim reveals their secrets just to blackmail Batman of all people to get Constantine or anyone else from the Justice League
Dick is impressed, Bruce is not and Alfred has already taken to him is the one that calls for Constantine.
With a totally willing Constatine they can figure out what happened to Dick (much trauma for everyone) and how to stop his violent urges to eat humans (more trauma and shouting)
Dick is more human-like again with no need to eat humans any longer after the demon gets expelled, however, he is forever left as a bit stronger than reasonable with some healing factors that make him able to bend even more into unnatural positions with his joints never seemingly being worn down
And then everyone gets some therapy and everyone can be a way happier family wuhu /j
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sweet-sorrow0015 · 2 years
Not me with dissociative episodes in the middle of midterms. Pray for me
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aredeemantagonist · 11 months
Random quotes from my OCs (from fics)
Louise - "Y'know, my friends vent to me and then I sometimes I disassociate and while their bawling their eyes out We Are Number One is playing in my head."
Charlie - "Who says you can't have the espresso and the depresso? A girl can have everything!"
Mara - "Society is stupid. Let me kill people in peace please."
Ashley - "I might be dead but that won't stop me!"
Xrisk - "The 'I can fix them' trope doesn't work on me. Many have tried, all have failed. The last one that tried ended up in the river."
Alexis - "I can multitask! I can have a mental breakdown and play atari breakout at the same time!"
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incaensio · 10 months
setting : before calista's interview on the 60th day after the arena breakout, in caesar's studios. with : calista hearting @calofhearting
the longer this rebellion drags out, the more unsettling becomes her job. while most of the outfits she's designed have been returned to her after wear, peeta's have not. the only ones of the sort have been thea's and cinna's, and the speculation of what links these three — a corpse, a woman in a mental breakdown and a boy beaten in front of the cameras — make no good objects to her imagination. one good thing to have come out of that horrific interview is that the capitol has finally retaliated at the root of the problem, and that seems to have done it. at least, that's what she tries to keep in mind as she works on more gowns, none of which for the hostages whose whereabouts she is ignorant of (and somewhat eager to know of). she comforts herself with the one day of freedom and salacious gossip as a capitolite and a victor announce their relationship which seems almost symbolic as the possible union of the capitol and the districts again, but all throughout the interview, she busies herself with sketching and measuring and picking at the right fabric for what seems to be one of the lightest and most pleasants interviews of the season.
the promise of calista hearting's interview is like a cool sip of fizzy drink after a long day. there has been some dark moments in caesar's studios for the past two months, but calista has nothing unpleasant to share, only the beginning of a fun life in the capitol, some anecdotes from a brother that, had he lived, everything would be different, and a beautiful dress, which domitila is not one bit humble about. it's easy to be hopeful for a good night for a change, one she will not spend behind the stage in worry for a wrong slip of the tongue from a rebel sympathizer, and one that, after all of that, can end wonderfully, perhaps even in one of the couple of parties that can still be considered a rager (something that seems to be slowly going out of fashion, if only because true delicacies are becoming more expensive by the day).
well, so are her hopes, at least. domitila would tell anyone that, after two months living with the girl, she had more than enough faith on calista hearting. of course, that doesn't mean calista has as much faith as herself but domitila wants to believe that's no matter. caesar has interviewed worse in that same stage, after all. "have you told your mother you'll be live? she can't miss it. i can call her if you want. or i'm sure we can borrow a phone from around here." she turns her head as if in search of just that, only to stop when she realizes she isn't sure talking with mrs. hearting would do much for calista — it certainly wouldn't for domitila. "or you can have some last meal before they come to touch up on your lipstick. what are you feeling like doing?" running away is not an option, she almost adds.
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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Persona 5 New Confidant: Yu Narukami (Le Fol)
Living in Tokyo since his senior year in high school, Narukami started attending Tokyo University’s Law School to be a prosecutor for many reasons: one that he would assist the police with the investigations, and see it through the end; and it was also a position that he would be able to assist Naoto and Chie if necessary. But also, as Mitsuru Kirijo’s Shadow Ops made him realize, there are other cases involving Persona-users and Shadows and there would be hard to prosecute these cases – so it could be important, if not crucial, to have somebody who knows about these ‘unusual circumstances’ when putting a case together.
At one occasion it dawned him: how some cases of the mental breakdowns on the news were similar to the events during the Love Meets Bonds Festival – the cases of people falling into comas after having their egos dragged away to the Midnight Stage by the Shadows after watching a cursed video on the event’s website. And the cases of people losing all their will to live and needing to be constantly watched were also similar to the Apathy Syndrome that both Naoto and Mitsuru-san told him many years ago. However, despite being a law student there was still many barriers he couldn’t cross and there was only so much information to be collected from witnesses. In fact, in most cases, they were seldom useful.
All he had was circumstantial evidence and gut feeling that these cases might be somehow related to Shadows, but he lacked the means to continue investigating as he couldn’t find the entrance point to the Shadow World, or whatever was called. Midnight Channel, Midnight Stage, Dark Hour…All different names for similar phenomena, and each with different characteristics and means to get in. If only he could figure out a way in…
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Posted originally back on my Narukami blog steelbanchou
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Yu would either see the Velvet Room and, as he couldn’t get in himself (Yu would assume that it’s because his original contract reached a conclusion, and he is no longer a guest) he would just wait for the new Wild Card to come in to approach and talk to him; or just overhear the Phantom Thieves talking (especially when they start to gather in the public overpass) and tails them, and at some point either end up dragged into the Metaverse by accident or approach them. A third way to approach the Phantom Thieves would be through Mishima, either by using the Phan-site or talking to him if they are acquainted in real life. Narukami could mention that he might have useful information and would like contacting the Phantom Thieves. Mishima did arrange a few meetings for the group in the game, so it could be yet one more encounter that would turn more than the Phantom Thieves’ leader could have bargained for. 
Either way, Narukami would offer his assistance but not directly interfere. He would keep on investigating the mental breakouts, and share whatever information he may gather. Yu would also offer advice and different points of view to the Phantom Thieves’ leader, in exchange in being able to access the Metaverse (which the game suggests that after being dragged once the person with potential will get an app on their mobile). After a certain point, he would also offer to keep an eye on Sae Nijima and Goro Akechi — who would suspect an intern?
Gameplay-wise…Maybe he’d unlock new personas for the new confident, and a few new abilities as well. And having an extra team member that would support the group in critical moments.
As the Arcana… Persona 5 tarot is based on the Tarot of Marseilles, in which the fool is labeled both as “Le Mat” (literally ‘the madman’) or “Le Fol”, depending on the edition. As Igor is ‘Le Mat’, Narukami would be ‘Le Fol’. But he’d be numbered XXII or not given a number, unlike the others.
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