ghoulsister1 · 1 year
🥀♡•♡"Wherefore art thou Dante?"♡•♡🥀
Dante Sparda x Female Reader. Some angst. Hurt/Comfort. There's fluff don't worry. Forbidden Love. Romeo & Juliet inspired. Disapproving parents. Love is powerful. Secret relationship. Eloping. Happy ending.
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Your family have always had a disdain of Sparda and his kin, despite Sparda being a kindhearted and caring demon with a beautiful and sweet human wife and two handsome sons who were twins, but still they hated them. And they would hate you if your family found out about your secret relationship with Dante, younger twin brother of Vergil, son of Sparda.
For years, your family hated demons and devils. They hated what they done to humans and hated the wars raged on them by Mundus. And in particular, they hated Sparda. They despised him despite Sparda betraying Mundus and protecting the humans from harm. They hated him even when he choose to live amongst the humans and married a beautiful woman, Eva. They hated him, even when Eva gave birth to twin sons, Vergil and Dante. They could never let go of their hatred towards demons and Devils, even if there were good Devils in the world.
And you knew, if they found out what you were up to when you snuck out at night, they'd definitely hate you. Possibly even disown you. Because you were in love with Dante, son of Sparda and younger twin brother of Vergil.
You two met at a masquerade ball, hosted by your parents. They had forbade Dante and Vergil from attending, but that didn't stop Dante from planning on crashing it for fun. Vergil warned him not to do it, but Dante being Dante he went along and snuck into the ball with his own masquerade disguise.
His plan was to sneak in and cause a ruckus, maybe switch out the classical music for some heavy metal songs and put them on full blast throughout the speakers. He had a whole plan laid out to wreck this boring party, until he saw you. And you saw him.
You were dressed in a beautiful, white and gold dress adorned with a gorgeous matching masquerade mask. Your hair done up and adorned with a gold laurel leaf crown. You were stunning, an angel sent from above to Dante and his plans of wrecking the party was all forgotten.
You couldn't help but notice Dante, striking white hair, beautiful blue eyes and dressed in striking red with a matching masquerade devil mask. You two stared at each other, both lost in each other's eyes.
Without thinking, Dante spoke.
"You wanna blow this place?" Asked Dante.
"Only if you share a dance with me first" You Replied.
"With a beautiful angel like you? Hell, how could I say no?" Remarked Dante winking. You giggled and soon you two took to a slow dance on the floor, your parents wondering who was this mysterious masked man dancing with you.
"Who is he? That man in the red masquerade get up?" Asked Mother. Father narrowed his eyes.
"I don't know. He looks familiar but I can't say I've seen him. Perhaps it's the hair" Remarked Father. When the dance ended, you two slipped away from prying eyes and snuck outside together, giggling and laughing all the way.
You spent that wonderful night with Dante under the stars, getting to know one another and sharing a few laughs. However, when the party ended and your family went looking for you, Dante fled into the night, leaving you with a promise to return again.
And the next night, he visited. You snuck out and even went into the city with him, took you to a diner where you and him shared a strawberry milkshake and some burger and fries. You wished this night wouldn't end and wanted to stay longer with the charming half-Devil, but sadly you knew your family would come looking and so with a reluctant sigh, Dante returned you home.
"Promise me, we'll still hang out together? Promise me you'll return" You Pleaded as you snuck back up to your bedroom balcony.
"I promise!" Whispered Dante and with a wink, he was gone into the night once more. You giggled and felt your heart flutter at just the mere thought of him as you lay in your bed that night, the sweet taste of strawberry milkshake still on your lips.
This continued for many nights and with each passing day, your love for each other grew. You hoped with time, maybe your parents might hear of Dante's good deeds and look upon him more favorably. But alas, that was not the case.
"Did you hear about that rogue Devil in red running amok? Causing nothing but damage to our city!" Spat Mother angrily.
"But he's just trying to keep the people safe from the demons and devils that try and hurt us!" You Argued. Mother laughed bitterly.
"You are much too young and naive to understand. He is the son of Sparda, a Hell spawn half-breed. He belongs in Hell with his family" Remarked Mother bitterly. Your heart clenched at such a harsh remark, knowing that only Dante and Vergil were the only ones left of Sparda's bloodline, Eva died during a demon attack and Sparda had vanished, presumably held captive or killed by Mundus. You knew Dante and Vergil still felt the pain of that tragedy.
"Mother, how can you say such cruel words? Don't you know those brothers still bear the scars of the tragedy that befell their mother?" You Asked, holding your hand over your chest.
"Don't feel sympathy for those Devils my child, they are nothing but monsters and god forbid should you associate with them. The very thought of you mingling with those vile creatures makes my blood run cold. You aren't in league with the Sparda twins are you?" Asked Mother, eyeing you suspiciously.
You shook your head.
"No Mother" You Replied.
"Good. The last thing I want is for my daughter to be tainted by such unholy creatures" Remarked Mother. You said nothing. It was clear that your parents still held deep hatred for Sparda and his sons.
You still continued to see Dante in secret, making sure to always keep a low profile, especially when in the city. He took you to Love Planet and though not the most romantic of places, he did make you laugh by swinging on the dance pole.
"You've got moves that's for sure!" You Laughed.
Dante chuckled along with you.
"Glad you enjoyed my little show for you" Remarked Dante sending a flirtatious wink that made you blush and giggle.
"Oh Dante" You Giggled as Dante sat beside you, wrapping an arm around you.
After a few drinks, you two shared your first kiss. It was sweet, passionate and very hot all at the same time. When the kiss broke, you were breathless.
"Wow!" You Giggled.
"I was thinking about doing that all day" Admitted Dante, a pink blush coming to his cheeks.
"Oh Dante, I love you but how are we to be together? My parents hate you and should they find out about us......God I shudder to think what they'd do to me.....to us" You Admitted sadly. Dante held you close, comforting.
"We'll find a way babe. We'll find a way. One day you and me will find a way to be together. No one will stop us" Promised Dante.
"You promise?" You Asked.
"I promise babe" Assured Dante.
And that night as you snuck back in, you still felt the lingering kiss on your lips.
One morning you awoke to the most dreadful news. You were to be married off to a wealthy man's son. You cried in your bedroom all day and night, dreading the awful future that surely was to come, until a pebble at your window caught your attention. You came out on to the balcony and saw Dante, smiling.
"Let me come in Y/N!" Whispered Dante. You wiped away your tears and allowed him to climb up and join you in your bedroom.
"You've been crying. What's wrong?" Asked Dante noting your tear streaked face.
"Oh Dante it's awful, I'm to be married off to some rich man's son and though I tried to protest, they wouldn't listen to me! I don't want to marry him! I wanna be with you! We don't have to marry if you don't want to but I just wanna spend my every waking morning and every sleeping night with you Dante! I love you, I don't want to lose you" You Sobbed.
Dante held you in his arms as you cried. It was then a plan had formed in his head. It was a huge risk but it's now or never.
"Then pack whatever essentials you need, whatever you consider valuable and let's leave together" Advised Dante.
"Tonight?" You Asked unsure.
"Tonight. We don't have much time. It's now or never Y/N. I don't wanna lose you either. I love you" Admitted Dante.
You smiled softly at your lover and he smiled back.
"So what do you say?" Asked Dante.
"Let us leave" You Answered.
That night, Dante helped you pack a bag and you two ran off into the night hand in hand together. No matter how hard they tried, your parents couldn't reach you or Dante. You both were left alone in peace.
And you two lived together, happily for years to come.
Thanks again for requesting @xx-scene-queen-of-vampires-xx and I hope you enjoy the story! Thank you!
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bloodgulchblog · 1 year
Are there any known Human-created Smart AI's that weren't originally built by UNSC and it's branches? Isabel, Deja, Blackbot, Cortana are all of UNSC property/branches. Vergil isn't really a smart ai, so I don't really count them.
Yes, they just don't show up in the lore as often because so much of Halo's story is about the UNSC.
Some examples of AIs that weren't made by the UNSC include Sloan and Juliana. AIs also appear to have been used a lot during colonization efforts (such as the ones at Harvest). (And even then we're talking at the planetary scale for colonies and corporate efforts, towns and cities generally have something on the level of the superintendent or the AI Salome in Brume-sur-mer)
The lore implies that they're expensive, they require a donor brain to make, and they have short operational lives so it makes sense for them to not show up somewhere unless literally nothing else could do that job.
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moorishflower · 1 year
Url Song Tag Game
I was tagged by @ahopefulsun n_n!
Rules: spell your url with song titles and tag as many people as the letters!
Oh gosh this is a lot okay
Make it Rain (Tom Waits)
O Valencia (The Decemberists)
Oceanographer's Choice (The Mountain Goats)
Rose K. (Rasputina)
I Know Your Name (Bee and Flower)
Savior of the Waking World (Toby Fox)
Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen)
First Few Desperate Hours (The Mountain Goats)
La Mer (Nine Inch Nails)
One Kind of People (Amigo the Devil)
Wait For Me (Hadestown Original Broadway Cast Recording)
End Of All Hope (Nightwish)
Riches And Wonders (The Mountain Goats)
I'll tag @dsudis @xx-vergil-xx @fishfingersandscarves and anyone else who wants to give it a go <3
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queenmuzz · 5 years
Deep Blue Sea; Chapter II: Steel Grey
A bit of a wordy chapter today.  The full story is also available on Ao3 for easier reading
You attempted not to look too eager as you walked up the stairs to the stage as your name was called, to receive your diploma. Ten years of hard work, sleepless nights, typing up essays, studying, and research had finally paid off to reward you with your ultimate reward: a PhD in Marine Biology. Of course, you knew you had it easier than most, bankrolled by your wealthy father, you never needed to worry about going hungry and studying, or risking a fail mark in order to deliver pizzas or something.
But you couldn't help but feel proud, you'd finally done it! You'd been wanting to study Marine Biology since you were a little girl, especially when you found out that there were creatures that lived even in pitch darkness on the ocean floor. What amazing discoveries must be waiting for you down there! Of course, you were realistic in that you'd probably never be able be the crew member of ALVIN, or any of the other deep-sea-submersibles, but your assistance would be invaluable to understanding the farthest edges of earthly exploration.
You paused for a moment while the Dean handed you the parchment, and you stared out at the the crowd. The lights shining down on the stage made the audience completely invisible, but the flash of camera lights from a certain section was a good indication where your family and loved ones were. You posed and smiled for their cameras for a few moments, before getting off the stage, terrified you were going to trip on your long flowing robe. So you sat down and politely clapped as each of your fellow graduates had their moment in the spotlight.
After the ceremony, it didn't take long for you to find your guests sitting right where you guessed they were. Your parents, as per usual, were sitting as far as part as possible, but had remained civil to each other, so that was good. Between them sat Sarah, your best friend, and... Frederick, looking as dapper as always, yet nervous as hell. You'd met via your dad's business connections, he was the son of a wealthy fish processing company that your father did regular business with. You always sensed that both your and his parents were gently nudging you to be with each other. Fredrick (never Fred, always the full name) always seemed to be invited to gatherings that your mother or father arranged, and vice versa with his parents and you. So, eventually... you both started dating, much to the delight of everyone. He was pleasant enough, always a gentleman, but there was something missing...
“I'm so happy!” Your mother placed her hands on both of your cheeks and squeezed to an almost uncomfortable degree. “You've done it!”
“Now, now Carolyn, let the girl breathe, she's had a busy day today.” and your father pushed her aside (earning a slight scowl from his ex-wife) before enveloping you in a big hug. “You've made me a very proud father today. I know I can expect great things from you.” He pulled away and joked, “Now, you can work on that Bachelor's degree in Business.”
“It was a joke, Carolyn”
“OHMYGAAWD! THIS IS AWESOME! Now you can tell people to address you as 'Doctor'!” Sarah screeched as she nearly bowled you over.
“Yes, because I spent a decade of my life just so I could get 'Dr.' on all my stationary,” you remarked dryly.
“Oh yeah, we better get on that. You could design a whole new template!” she replied, completely oblivious to your sarcasm. You loved her to bits, but sometimes... you wondered about her.
Fredrick pulled you away from her into a polite embrace and a chaste kiss. “I'm so happy for you, my dear. You've finally achieved your dream” his smile was sincere and you couldn't help yourself from pulling him closer to you. Having him near you made the rest of the bustle of the world dim slightly.
But of course, things like this could never last, as your father's voice intruded..
“As much as I'd like to stay here and celebrate, I've made reservations at Figaroni's in an hour. We should be able to beat the traffic and get there in time.” Semi-reluctantly, you separated from your boyfriend, and the five of you made your way out of the auditorium past the multitude of families of every shape and size, each celebrating the achievements of their loved ones.
  “Ever since I've known you, you've always been in love with with mermaids” Sarah said, standing up and regaling the table with an embarrassing tale disguised as a toast. This had to be her third drink, if the fact that the champagne sloshed a bit from side to side indicated anything. “Brittany was known as 'horse girl', Jessica was known as the 'Ballet girl',” and you,” she grinned, “you got the name of 'Mermaid girl' once Timothy got a hold of your note book, filled to the brim with mermaid drawings.”
She wasn't wrong, you'd had a lifelong fascination of anything mer-related since your childhood. Mermaid figurines, mermaid dolls, mermaid movies were things you were obsessed about Of course, everyone thought it was one of your endearing quirks. But no one knew the real cause of your fascination with them....and to be truthful, you weren't sure you were, either.
“That's not a bad thing!” she clarified “Because of that obsession, you've pushed yourself to greater, and greater heights, and now...” she dabbed her eyes with the linen napkin as she sniffled “I'm so happy I got to see your entire journey. A toast to your future, and I hope it will be 'fin-filling'!”
Polite 'Hear Hear's', and the clinking of glasses followed, and you took a tiny sip of the bubbly drink. In truth, you were ready to go home. Usually you preferred the solitude, only shared by close friends and family, and only for a limited amount of time. But this was an exception, and you would deal with it, just for tonight as you smiled politely at your guests. Your mother and father had been on their best behaviour, even if they were sitting on the opposite sides of the table, separated by Fredrick's parents. You weren't quite sure why they had been invited, but they had been polite guests, and provided the social lubricant to keep the friction down between your parents.
Fredrick's father slapped his son's back, “It's your turn, my boy.” he said with a sparkle in his eyes. Hesitatingly, Fredrick got up, and licked his lips “So, uh...I met you back at one of your mother's charity fundraising dinners, to be fair...I don't even remember what it was about. It really wasn't that important in hindsight it seems. But what I do remember was the moment I met you, and that gorgeous blue dress you wore. And how you were able to discuss topics about practically everything. When you said yes when I first asked you out, I thought I was the luckiest man in the world.... but..uh.. I think I was wrong...”
Your throat closed, and your eyes grew to the size of teacups as he got down on one knee. You could hear the sound of cell phone cameras being whipped out and pictures being snapped. Even the surrounding tables quieted down to observe you. You were beginning to understand why your father hadn't booked a private room, like he usually did for dinners out. He wanted the spectacle.
Fredrick pulled out a black velvet box and it opened it, revealing an obscenely large jewelled ring. You could barely see the gold underneath the beautiful assortment of light pink diamonds.
“Will you now...” he said, “make me the luckiest man in the world?”
You stared, your tongue caught in your throat. You felt the eyes of the table, the restaurant, the world on you...and you knew how you should should answer, but did you really commit to this man for the rest of your life?
The air was pressing down on you as you struggled to answer. Any longer and it would get intolerably uncomfortable
  “I... yes... of course... I'd .. love to...!”
  And with that, the entire place burst out into cheers, and Fredrick pulled you into a passionate kiss. This was supposed to be the happiest time of your life so far....
  So why did it feel so wrong?
  By the end of the meal, you were frankly exhausted, and you were happy that your father offered to drive you home, alone After saying farewells to your mother, friend, fiance and future in-laws, you made your way to your dad's car.
You were less than pleased to see a well dressed, yet unsavoury looking individual standing by the car door. Your father seemed more than delighted to see the man.
“Ah, Doctor, apologies for making you wait so long, it's been quite an eventful day.”
“None needed,” he smiled, a bit too widely for your comfort. He turned “By the way, congratulations on your impending nuptials” Did everyone know about your engagement before you did?
You politely shook his hand, as your dad made the introductions. “Sweetheart, this is Dr. Griffon, a marine biologist I've been doing business with. He's been highly helpful with the surprise I've been planning for you.”
Your eyebrows raised questioningly, you had known your father had been renovating (with your permission) your house the past few months as an upcoming present for your graduation, but why did he need the help of someone such as this doctor?
“You'll see very soon, and I think you'll love it..” your father murmured as he held the door open for you.
You all got into the black Mercedes-Benz E-class (your father had just recently purchased yet another one... the man loved buying luxury cars like you love mermaid themed stuff), with you in the front passenger seat, and the Doctor sat in the back.
As you drove off, your guest attempted to make some small talk with you, “So, what are you specializing in, my dear?” “I'm planning to study deep sea life, there's so much we don't know about down there,” you responded politely.
His hands clapped together in glee, “Oh good, a fellow lover of the quest for the unknown! You'll have a banquet laid out for you”
“And you, Dr. Griffon, what's your area of focus?” you asked, truthfully intrigued. The Marine Biology community, even worldwide, was rather small, and it amazed you that you'd never heard of this man. Hopefully your father wasn't being swindled about a con artist.
“Ah, I'm in a rather niche area of study, focused mainly on what the general population terms as 'Cryptos'. For example, creatures such as the Loch Ness monster, although I prefer the ocean based versions, as opposed to freshwater.” He looked at your obviously doubtful face, and smiled. “Ah, I've seen that look a thousand times, but trust me, you'll understand soon.” You wanted to ask more questions, but you resigned yourself to relaxing into the leather seats.
“I'm so proud of you today, sweetheart” your father spoke after a few minutes of silence. “Well, I've been wanting to do graduate into this field for so long, it feels like the end of a journey, and the start of new one...”
“Oh yes, that.. of course, getting your degree is wonderful and all, but I was talking about your engagement. Fredrick's a good match for you, and together I know you'll be able take over the business when I retire. In fact,” he said as he pulled onto the private driveway that led to the family estate.” I was thinking you could spend the next year just relaxing, no pressure. All you would need to do is focus learning the ropes on how to run the business, and...of course, preparing for the wedding. That's going to take a lot of work on your own, even with your mother constantly butting in.” “Ah...I don't know, I was really hoping to start work, there's a lot of offers I have to sift through, and there's a research vessel of the coast of Puerto Rico I was hoping to join...”
“Sweetheart,” your father interrupted, as he pulled into your driveway. “I understand you're eager to put all your knowledge to good use, but you deserve a break, especially with all the upcoming excitement. Look, I'll pay for all your living expenses for the year, and after that,” he turned off the ignition, “You'll be able to focus on your profession, all refreshed”.
You sat there for a second, thinking of his offer, it was very generous, but... you had really wanted to start the journey about studying the newest discoveries on the sea floor... but your father's business, the thing he had carefully crafted to give to you...” “Alright,” acquiesced, and your father grinned as he ruffled your hair.
“Excellent, you've made your old man proud... now... for that surprise. I need you to close your eyes....”
You felt him lead you gently up the steps, heard him jangle the keys, and as you struggled to take off your high heels, (so thankful you didn't have to wear them for a while, your feet were killing you), he gripped your hands as he led you down the living room... “Alright, open your eyes.” and the sight that unfolded you took your breath away.
Replacing so much of your admittedly massive living room was an aquarium. No, an aquarium was an understatement. You'd have mistaken it for an Olympic sized swimming pool, if it weren't for the fact that there was glass panels allowing a full view of the water, as well as an assortment of fish, rocks, and coral. A miniature ocean habitat. You pressed yourself against the glass, your eyes darting this way and that.
“This...this is wonderful! Thank you so much, dad!” you embraced your father.
“Ah...” the Doctor butted in “All of this pales in contrast to the main attraction...although it doesn't seem to be friendly right now...” his eyes surveyed the scene, before his eyes lit up and he pointed to a craggy rock. “There it is... watching us from behind the rock.”
Your eyes followed his finger to the said mentioned rock, and your breath momentarily stopped. There, glaring at the three of you was a pair of piercing grey eyes... a human torso, connected to a dull grey fish tail....a real live merman.
“Is that...” you struggled to form a coherent sentence.
“It is indeed, one of the few ever documented, let alone captured alive, you are a very lucky woman” the Doctor crossed his arms, obviously proud of his achievement. “Your father's help in acquiring it will have my undying gratitude.”
“I'm just glad it's no longer a threat to my ships.” your father grumbled “nearly a dozen of the company's vessels damaged by it, and one sunk...” he paused and looked at the Doctor, very seriously. “You are certain it won't be a threat to my girl? It was extremely hostile to everyone so far”
“I assure you” Dr. Griffon smiled, “I've spent decades researching these creatures, I know how they can be controlled. It won't lay a finger on your daughter, if it knows what it's good for it.”
“Does he have a name?” you interjected, feeling uncomfortable at how this conversation was going.
“I've been calling it 'Angelo' as it is a rather ethereal creature... although in hindsight, Diablos would have been a better name. Until it was restrained, it was a fiendish creature...”
“He hasn't told you his name?” you asked, perplexed.
“My dear,” the Doctor said patronizingly, “It doesn't speak, they don't have the intelligence to, besides,” his hand tapped the thick glass. “Even if it could, you'd never be able to understand it. I do believe that they have some rudimentary form of communication, perhaps via colour change. When it was first captured, it's scales were a bright blue. Unfortunately, it seems to have gone a sickly off white, which I can't understand... his vitals are within normal range”
He can talk, I know he can! You wanted to scream back at them, but you bit your tongue, preferring to remain polite and silent.
It didn't take a Marine Biologist to see that he was in some sort of emotional distress. The defensive posture, the way he attempted to hide, and the hate in his eyes. The hatred blazed out at your father, the Doctor, and even you. It was obvious to you, but neither of elder men seemed to notice anything. They saw 'it' as merely yet another fish, albeit an extremely rare one, one without any emotions, just the will to survive. As your father discussed... something, you kept your eyes locked on him. Had he been a human, going by his torso, he'd probably push six feet, but with the long flowing tail, he almost reached seven and a half. And despite your disdain for the doctor, he was correct, he looked healthy, although the bags under his eyes might mean he'd been sleep deprived. Not that you could blame him. What emotional turmoil had he been going through, for ...how long? You'd heard rumours of an inordinate amount mechanical failures of the ships for the past few months, but you didn't recall when they stopped, so focused on putting the finishing touches on your thesis. To be treated like an animal for any length of time would be torture...this 'gift' seemed worse and worse the more you thought about it. And his eyes, they glared at you, but now they were tempered a little bit with... fear? The mere thought he might fear you made you sick to you stomach.
“Sweetheart, are you listening?” your father asked, oblivious to your emotions. “Dr. Griffon is giving you important information on how to take care of it.”
“Now now,” the slimy old man smiled “I can't say I blame her for being fascinated with it, she's the only person in the world to possess one. If I only had the resources.... but your father has assured me that I will be able to take examinations of it on it's monthly check-ups. For it's health, of course... we wouldn't want such a marvelous specimen to sicken and die. Now, if you both would be so kind and follow me, I've got a notebook full of information to help you take care of it, as well as when the filters need to be changed....”
  You approached the aquarium glass again, alone at last. It was almost midnight, and both the men had finally left, leaving you with an enormous book of notes that reminded you of being a freshmen in university again.... You'd perused only the basics, feeding and water temperatures, you would focus on the specifics later on.
He hadn't moved an inch since you'd left him, still glaring at you. Although, you noticed the fear was gone... that was good, you'd rather him hate you than fear you.
“Hello,” you cautiously said, introducing your name, and his pale eyebrows moved minutely... so he could at least hear you, that was a good sign.
“I don't believe them at all, I know you're not stupid, you're able to understand what I'm saying, and even talk....” you paused, this was a delicate time, you couldn't push him too much, “I'm not going to ask you to talk if you don't want to...I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to. I just... I just want to make sure you're okay...like is the water too warm or too cold? Is it too salty, or not enough? Or food... what do you like to eat? I can try to get you whatever it is you want, and while it might not be as fresh as if you got it from your home...”
There was no response, but his glare had softened, just slightly. You were hopeful, that perhaps some dialogue could be established.... perhaps he had been more talkative prior to his captivity.
“I'm going to sleep right there,” you pointed to your living room couch, “If you need anything....don't hesitate to tap the glass, I'm a light sleeper.” you hesitated for a moment, “I don't want to be your jailer, I want what's best for you”
A swing and a miss, you realized as his gaze hardened...and you decided retreat was the best option now. There would always be tomorrow...and the next day... and the next day...as long, and as much as it takes for you to learn to trust me...
  And as you drifted off to sleep on the plush couch, you could still feel his steel grey eyes watching you.
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🐬 (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
Part 1
He stopped eating eight days ago.
It was an ugly feeling, but it was really the only thing he had control over.
He couldn’t deny that this place was nice, that the living corals and seaweeds that decorated his little home were a comforting reminder of home, but that was as far as the comfort went. The sand was not deep enough to sweep a nest where he could lay his weary head to rest before he found cold glass, and every fixture and rock was, well, fixed in place. Impossible to move and reorganize the space to sooth his own anxiety.
He never thought he would have missed the restaurant that he had been at before, where the sand was deep enough to hide filters and a heater in one spot that was so wonderful to sleep over. The coral and kelp had been fake though and the patrons occasionally tapped the glass but at least…
At least it was only ever quiet when all the lights had been turned out and every human left.
But for the last twelve days, all he ever heard was the quiet hum and buzz of the filters in the loneliness of this place, made all the more lonely by the man who bought him.
The man hardly lingered in the room for more than a few minutes in the mornings, and in the evening it would be a couple long hours filled with silence, the man pouring himself a glass of something fine and settling on one of the seats in the fast room where he would watch his captive until he retreated for the night.
There was a woman who came during the day, who cleaned and kept everything neat, but she never said anything other than ‘smile, fish-face,“ while she took photos with her phone. And there was a man who would cook for the man, who would drop food into his tank and sit and watch and wait for him to take it and eat or not.
That man he happily disappointed for the last eight days.
It was getting harder to ignore the hunger though, every time food was dropped into the tank, but this was his protest, and unless something changed, he would continue this protest or die in the process of it.
The soft sound of the door opening and then shutting alerted him to the man’s return, and he spared the man a glance before settling himself back down on the bottom of the tank, staring out the window at the city so far below.
Sometimes he would close his eyes but all he would see is the ocean that he had been stolen from and feel the longing ache in his chest.
The pop of a cork and the sound of the cushion compressing, and it was just another silent day in that apartment with the man who owned him staring and the mer who was owned willing himself to die.
"My assistant made a suggestion,” he heard the man say, and his ears pricked, slowly lifting his head to look at him, amber eyes boring into his own steady green, “that I should talk to you. 'To try to lift your spirit’, she said. We shall see if it’ll work. If not, there will be other steps taken.”
His protest had been noted, and with displeasure, the man had been given advice on how to deal with it. For the man to quench the silence that was slowly killing him with loneliness, and finally speak.
To him.
In silence, the mer listened as the man spoke, giving vastly unimportant details of his business and the office that he ran, examples and the buffoonish people who he had to deal with that day.
There was one moment where his pause in speech was greater than usual, where a tiny flicker of emotion crossed the man’s fair features and his eyes settled more upon him, but he didn’t stop speaking, unknowing to the cause that in his rapture at the interaction, the mer had crept from his nesting spot to stare with his nose almost touching the glass.
It was food for the starving mouth.
He nearly bolted upright the next morning when the man came out of the room that he would always stay the night in, and saw him looking right at him, amusement on his face.
He was fastening a length of handsome fabric around his own throat, like he always did before he left for the day.
And the man spoke.
“Good morning,” he greeted.
And a faint smile rose to the mer’s lips, an unconscious gesture being made in return of presented palms, and if he knew the look of hopefulness on his own face, he might have scolded himself but he was so starved with the desire for that socialization that he didn’t care.
The man grumbled something about the day and about a contract, and then he started to approach and unconsciously, the mer slipped through the strands of kelp that grew, drawing close as the man gently put his hand to the glass.It was a thoughtful expression on his face, and in that moment, Aether decided one thing.
That day, his starved protest would come to an end.
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muppenthings · 2 years
What if mer!Vergil met Tide?
Tide would initially be excited to meet a mer of his size (he thought they all died) but he'd soon be quite irritated because... Virgil only speaks human of all things. Poor Virgil would go from happy at meeting a large mer buuuut then he'd be so confused as to why the other is ranting angrily in a different language. xD
Not to mention the look of disapproval at Virgil's three human friends. xDDD
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I just realised that Heartslabyul, Diasomnia, Savanaclaw (sort of) have their headcanons so far so let's add more to the shenanigans with other dorms.
the residents of Ignihyde will be hyped about Nero's arm design, Ortho will be fascinated with Nero and he'll play (fight), at least Ortho gets a playmate or someone to test his strength without hurting anyone. Idia going fanboy mode because you know Full metal alchemist and the dorm is a great place for Nero if he needs a new arm (literally).
I'm not sure whether Pommefiore aside from Epel (for their manliness) would welcome them aside from their good looks, I mean Rook has and will report (and praise) everything to Vil.
Kamil would love to hear various stories of the DMC adventures and the various demon weapons. Jamil might enjoy Vergil's company especially for a nice cup of tea.
We got Octaneville (not a good first impression), but I can bet that Floyd would love to play with the DMC men since they're strong, Dante might like him. Jade will be fascinated with the various flora and vegetation in the demon realm.
I don't really have much to add to this because my brain is broken but I feel like Jade would love the Qlipoth flowers
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They have teeth :)
Also as much as Idia wants to see how Nero's arm works, he's also deathly afraid of Yuu and by extension her family
As for Ortho, sweet bby boy. Him and Nero are a tooth rotting combo for anyone. Watch out Idia Nero's coming for his spot as big brother (jk jk, Ortho now has two big brothers)
Nero and Ortho don't play fight because they're both scared of hurting each other
If Trish was there I think she and Vil would get along almost too well
As for the others, well Rook and Epel like them? Vil has respect for Yuu simply for kicking his ass during his overblot, although he does think all of the Spartas fighting styles are... well choreographed? Like how Dante, Vergil, and Yuu's fighting styles are so versatile (although Vergil and Yuu have more elegance then Dante) and well executed. Idk how to explain it other then he thinks their fighting is pretty and do well on camera
Jamil and Vergil bonding over the fact that they want to kill their "brother". They bond over what dumb shit the other two have done (and Jamil wishes he could stab Kalim with no repercussions)
Floyd... Floyd and Dante together are chaos incarnat
This is just a thought but, what if Dante can't swim?
Like iicr there's never been a underwater mission in DMC, and from what we've seen in Redgrave (where Dante grew up) around the old Sparta home there wasn't any large bodies of water, so he might not be able to swim
So just imagine Floyd trying to get Dante in he water so he could fight him in his mer form
The teasing "I didn't know Mantis Shrimpy's father was a scaredy cat when it came to water? Eehh, that gives me more reason to tease Mantis Shrimpy! Eheh~" poor Dante better learn to swim because if Yuu has to hear Floyd say another joke about it, she might throw Dante in the deep end herself.
In both of the Dmc Mangas, Dante does a thing with his eyes
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Yeah Yuu does that without even realizing.
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By The Deep Sea
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but nature more.
Fandom: Devil May Cry
Character: Dante and Vergil
Synopsis: Have you ever wondered what would it be like if Eva have fallen for a handsome merman instead of handsome devil? Well, you don’t have to just wonder any longer.
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Demi-Merfolk are rare but very real supernatural beings. Demi-Merfolk are human-merfolk hybrids that are the product of a union between a human, and a mer in human form.  The only reason Demi-Mers are rare is because the odds are astronomical that a human and a merfolk would ever even meet.
Regrettably, the Merfolk race don’t approve of human-mermaid unions, and actively seek to take hybrids into custody. So it was quite an uproar when not just any Merfolk, but one of their nobility fell in love with a human. Their romance was unfortunately met with resistance from both humans and mermaids, and the two star-crossed lovers met a tragic fate.
Up until they were around seven years of age, Dante and Vergil were raised thinking they were normal human boys. They grew up with their mother in a coastal house on the edge of a cliff. It all changed when one night, their house was wrecked by a massive and powerful storm. The lightning was booming all around them, the water seeped through the walls and the windows were rattling with the force of the wind. They were all huddling in the safest corner of the house when there was a loud crash. Eva left to inspect the suspicious sound but before she left, she told her sons to stay together, no matter what. Shortly after she left, the storm suddenly stopped and the overwhelming noise was replaced with deafening silence. It felt like hours when Dante and Vergil untangled from each other’s tight embrace and left to look for their mother, only to find out there was no trace of her. Left in the world with no one except each other, the boys left for the only place that felt like home. The sea.
For a long time, the two Demi-human boys lived exclusively in the sea. Due to this, they have forsaken their human sides in the favour of a much wilder merfolk side. Do you know the phrase ‘raised by wolves'? Well, essentially, Dante and Vergil were raised by sharks. Hunting various kinds of fish for food, fighting other large fish over territory, and hiding from other merfolk in fear of repercussions from their kind. What’s fascinating, some of the sharks from their old shark flock remembers them and visits them when they’re in the area during their migration. Unlike in the original story, Dante and Vergil have a very different relationship due to being together the night their mother disappeared. The banter and goading are still here but they are very close, inseparable even. Speaking of their mother, Dante has never stopped looking for her, braving the vastness of the sea and even setting his feet on land from time to time. Vergil, on the other hand, believes their mother left them due to them being half-human outcasts. Dante is also more curious about the human world, so he made a few friends there. Vergil doesn’t feel this excited over humans, he visited the human world after their mother disappeared only once and that was harrowing enough. Oh, if only he knew… This also means that Dante is more in tune with his human side, whereas Vergil is more in touch with his merfolk side, hence why he discovered his transformation from human to mer sooner. 
Dante and Vergil can stay human for many days, weeks, months, or even years. If a merfolk gets wet when in human form, her legs will transform back into a tail. Speaking of mer transformation and Dante and Vergil’s overall appearance, even in human form, they have some distinctive features that differentiate them from normal people. First of all, their eyes are unnaturally bright, rich blue, almost cyan. When they are in human form, their eyes lose some of their lustre, so to the average bystanders, they just look like people with really bright blue eyes. The other distinctive feature is their scent. From a human perspective, we obviously can’t smell Merfolk underwater. However if one came ashore still in their mer form they’d give off a unique aroma. This includes a plethora of paranormal pheromones that exponentially attract any person who comes near.  When they take their human form the aroma and pheromones are less noticeable but still apparent.
Their mer form doesn’t look a bit like those cute pictures of cute guys and girls with the upper halves of a beautiful person and the lower half of a fish. Well, technically, they do, but it’s much more than that. They have pearly, glass-smooth skin with strange luminescence. This is an extra layer of skin to protect mer from extreme temperatures and extreme underwater pressure. This extra layer is still little visible in their human form when you look close enough.
Now get ready for some incorrect mermaid physiology facts! From several articles I read, the accurate side of a mermaid's tail, for them to be able to use it properly, is at least two or three feet longer than their legs if they were a human. Considering how tall the boys are, that means that the tail itself is 7 to 9 feet long, and that’s not including the fin. The tail doesn’t start at a hip but the crotch and ends in a huge, horizontal fin. A short dorsal fin runs down the length of their tails.
Their tails are structured similarly to sharks. Thick, powerful long tails with pectoral fins under their belly, the dorsal fin on their back, the second dorsal fin in the place where the back of their thighs would be, and ending in a big caudal fin. The shape of the caudal fin is different for each twin. Dante’s caudal fin has the shape of a great white shark and Vergil’s is shaped like a tiger shark. Instead of scales, they have dense and rough skin just like that of a shark with small, bioluminescent spots here and there glowing either neon red or blue, depending on the brother. They have the same gradient on their forearms, upper back, and sides of their face. Speaking of arms, they have webbed fingers. Pointy ears, pointy teeth, pointy pupils, everything in their face is pointy. Understandably, Dante’s tail and other parts are colored in shades of burgundy red while Vergil’s in navy blues.
Merfolk are considerably stronger than a muscular grown man due to living at such great depths. Humans are generally powerless when attacked by merfolk. However, their upper body strength is nothing compared to the power of their tails which, with a few hits, can break a metal door or break through a wall of ice. One hit from a mermaid's tail fin can knock out a military frogman. Merfolk have enhanced healing abilities and are immune to all normal and supernatural diseases and cannot get injured easily nor is killing them an easy feat. They can breathe underwater of course, but unlike full-blooded merfolk, they have to float to the surface once in a while. They can also adapt like migrating sea creatures so they can thrive in any aquatic environment. They can swim at a speed of 600 km/h. Like a dolphin, their fins can propel them high out of the water. Dante and Vergil can call and communicate with aquatic creatures telepathically. This is also how they communicate with each other underwater.
Mermaids have limited power over all liquids. They could even be used to pull ambient moisture out of the air to form water, withstanding great water pressure, or even raise water to send it to foes in the form of tidal waves, whirlpools, water geysers, orbs, and water surges, or any other form they wish. Anger enhances this power and when enraged, mermaids can destroy entire coastal settlements and fleets with the forces of wind and water. As well as controlling natural disasters, merfolk can prevent them. They can mould water like clay and make it form any shape they desire, in the boys case they often use sword-shaped water jet streams. They can grant humans the ability to breathe underwater and charm ships so that they never sink.
Just as a mirror shows reflections, the weather mirrors a guy’s emotions, particularly anger or frustration. Merpeople can control the weather and summon storms which can range in severity from a shower of rain to terrible tempests, typhoons, and hurricanes capable of destroying entire coastlines.
Their heritage comes not only with a plethora of powers, but weaknesses as well. Such as dehydration, prolonged exposure to intense sunlight, or sensitivity to sound. Merpeople have the same range of hearing as dolphins and whales. Sounds that can harm cetaceans will harm merfolk. Depending on the strength of the sound, artificial sonar can knock a mermaid out cold.
Despite choosing to live under the sea (darling it’s better…), they live near the shoreline of Redgrave seaport. Keeping the city and its sailors safe from storms and various sea monsters. Vergil cleans the seabed from trash accompanied by his constant mumbling about human scum. Dante messes around with locals and tourists alike and it's thanks to his pranks that the city has rumoured redgrave sea monster sightings and became a tourist attraction, as well as hotspot for paranormal investigators. Vergil jet-propelled his ass for it and hoped that Dante would get the hint and stop his risky behaviour. Oh, boy, was he wrong. Thanks to the city's supernatural reputation, he now has even more people to mess with and brags to the handful of people he knows about being a ‘celebrity’. Despite his sulky attitude, Vergil keeps a dutiful watch over his territory as his brother does like in some baywatch episode: mythical edition. In his mind, humans are weak and frail creatures that need someone stronger to look after them. At least in this universe, he put his megalomaniacal tendencies to a good use.
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fortune-fool02 · 3 years
octovergil spraying mer dante with ink. dante is pissed cause it stains his white hair
Dante: VERGIL!
Vergil: Didn't do it.
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buns-with-a-book · 4 years
If you're still taking request for the Smut Dialog, can I get 40 and 16, in whatever order you want, with Vergil and Cass?
“What I really want is for you to pin me against the wall and fuck me senseless.”  “It’s hard to think straight when you’re looking at me like that.”
(Mer!SDT!Vergil/Keeper!Cassandra AU)
Cassandra quietly scribbled down the vitals of her charge, the merbeast that she had to watch over. He looked perfectly healthy, much to her relief. Snapping the waterproof file closed, she stood up to slide the file back in place. She heard a pleased chirp from Vergil and the sound of splashing.
“I know, i know, you’ve been very good.” Cassandra soothed, walking over to where she kept a very special treat for him if he was good: bluefin tuna. She pulled out one of the fish and looked over to the tank. 
The look she got, a hungry look focused on her and not the fish in her hand. Even with it out, he didn’t even glance to her.
“...fuck...” She muttered. “It’s hard to think straight when you’re looking at me like that...” Vergil purred at her words. She placed the tuna back in the icebox and walked over to the edge of the tank. “What do you want from me, my mer? Is what you really want is for you to pin me against the wall and fuck me senseless?”
Vergil pulled her into the tank, earning a shriek of surprise. His eyes shone a bright blue before oxygen burned through her system, a boon of the mer’s power. He pinned her against the wall, shoving his tongue past her lips and down her throat. She whimpered submissively under his dominance, something that earned a pleased rumble from him. Vergil’s clawed hands pulled at her pants, taking them off with care (he had gotten a scolding from when he ripped them off and did not want a repeat of that). Throwing it out of the tank, a thick tapered cock slid out of it’s sheath and pressed against her entrance. Cassandra let out a whine before the merbeast pushed hard into her cunt. Cassandra let out a muffled squeal.
He didn’t let her have a chance to recover before thrusting hard. Cassandra clung onto him, groaning around his tongue as he thrust into her. When he pulled back, he pulled up her shirt and began to suckle on a breast, purring loudly. Cassandra whined loudly, her hands groping his scaled body, legs trembling against his rough scales. 
“V-Vergil!” She moaned. The mer pulled her close and bucked his hips, panting and groaning. His hands grabbed and kneaded at her ass, his chest rumbling from pleasure at how submissive she was. He nibbled her neck, determined to leave his mark on her skin. “I can’t-”
“Mine.” He growled. “Mineminemineminemine!” And then a searing heat filled Cassandra, making her cry out into the water. Vergil kept her close, nuzzling her neck at the lovebite he made. “Pretty mate...” 
‘Mate, huh?’ Cassandra thought, leaning against him. ‘Well then...if he thinks of me like that...’ She would deal with the consequences later.
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delimeful · 4 years
Are you planning on continuing that fic where there’s the misunderstanding between mer Vergil/logan and giant Mers patton and Roman ? (Wink wink nudge nudge) I mean it is mer May... 👀 no pressure of course but it’s my favorite
hmmm, you make a very compelling point anon :3
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ataraxiamfrp · 3 years
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eclipsedlegend · 5 years
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This blog is Multi-Verse, meaning interactions don’t need to occur in a strictly-canonical fashion. I do have canon-based verses for different plot-stages of the story, but also alternative timelines of events and canon divergent options to allow for different types of interactions.
If you’re interested in creating a specific Verse with me, or having my muse as main part of your Verse, let me know! (I enjoy reading whole verses.)
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Returning Verse;
By the outpouring of his own blood at the foot of the divinity statue, the god of time and space sheltered Sparda from his supposed demise. Taken from the mortal realm to a plane in between, there he would remain until the world saw sacrifice great enough to draw him back.
By blood abundant mixed, Devil and Human, Sparda is returned to the mortal realm a shell of his former self by his own sacrifice. He walks once more, little more than human, to find what has passed and in search of what might rekindle his strength once more.
Origins: The Judge || The Divine
#v Eclipsed Legend Verse
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Two millennia ago, until disappearing in the 1970s;
Becoming the guardian of Humanity in betraying demon-kind, Sparda travels the world-over delivering justice to those who sought their torment. Over time his power would wane as used it to seal away the successive hoards. He then sought to create successors to carry on his task in case he were slain marrying the a human, Eva, resulting in hybrid twins: Dante and Vergil. Their domestic bliss would be short lived however before circumstances lead to Sparda’s disappearance.
Origins: The Dawn || The Lord || The Revelation
#v Kin Traitor Verse
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Before Betrayal;
Loyal to but one, The Dark Knight Sparda serves aspiring and eventual Demon Emperor, Mundus, following the path of wrath. He rises to become the mightiest of swordsmen in both the demon and human worlds. But though he seeks the fulfillment of his desires as all devils do through lust and power, unawaked he still yet seeks after something else- something more.
Origins: The Genesis || The Devil
#v Sword of Mundus Verse
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Returned Amnesiac Verse; 
When Sparda awakes he has no recollection of his past, nor how he got where he did. Seemingly human, he takes the name Spencer, trying to uncover his past.
#v Lost Time Verse
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Mer Verse;
When thwarting Mundus, the former ruler of the pacific ocean’s plans to flood and rule the world, banishing him to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, by the law of the sea, Sparda claimed the throne. The apprehensive ruler chose to continue his bloodline with a human, away from the turmoil of dangerous waters.
While his descendants, hybrids, would grow up on land, he often returned to the sea for extensive times to ensure their continued safety, for below the waters there were still some that would make offerings to the trench, threatening Mundus’s return.
Verse Exclusive to: TheFallenApprentice (Modeus) WhiiskeyAndRye (Dante) UnendingWrath (Vergil) UnhallowedHybrid (Nero)
#v Infernal Abyss Verse
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Usurper Verse;
Atop Temen-Ni-Gru at the peak of strength, instead of sealing the demon and human world apart and his power away, Sparda held onto his power and instead chose to drive the demonic hoarded back and finally claiming the throne of the Demon King for himself. He roams both worlds, leaving them unsealed yet maintaining the division between them.
With every indulgence seeming hollow by comparison to what he’d once known, years, decades, centuries and millennia would pass time-over with Sparda frustrated, forever in search of what might be able to satiate the inherit needs of his being now that he had given up the peace he’d once found and fought for.
#v Accursed Blood Verse 
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For any random nonsensical things.
#v Crack Verse
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queenmuzz · 4 years
Down Where It’s Wetter
A Spicy Sequel to Deep Blue Sea
Read it on Ao3 Here
Note:  This isn’t quite as soft, so if you’re uncomfortable with that, I would suggest skipping it.
One and half months.  Or you had assumed that’s what it had been since your miraculous transformation.  Time was a bit of a more nebulous concept in the merworld, where tides and temperatures were the main source of timekeeping.
Speaking of temperatures.  Over the past few weeks, you’d felt a bit off.  What had started out as a low-grade fever now felt like a raging inferno, to the point you were surprised you weren’t surrounded by a bubble of boiling water wherever you went.  
And the itch!  No, not an itch, that would infer that it was your skin or scales that were the cause.  But no, this irritation wasn’t just skin deep, no pun intended, this went further, deeper, almost to a part of you that couldn’t be biologically explained, such as your soul.
You hadn’t really spent much time with the merfolk, aside from the brothers, being quite shy, but they seemed amiable and quite welcoming.  There hadn’t been a human addition to the population in a generation, you had heard an elder say, so you were a person of interest, but they gave you plenty of space, to let you gradually feel comfortable among them.  
That being said, you had no one to ask about your ‘condition’.  You’d observed many of them, and none of them seemed to suffer from your affliction, or if they did, they either considered it normal, or were very good at hiding it.
Or worse, they didn’t suffer from it at all.  Was it a side effect of the transformation?  Or was it something more permanent?  You hoped it wasn’t the latter.   What if it was some sort of Little Mermaid painful price to pay, just in reverse?  It worried you so much that you were failing at being a mermaid.
You wanted to ask Vergil about it, but you’d found out two things.  First, he’d been a bit distant lately, and seemed to be out hunting, (fish...and your father’s ships, which you had begrudgingly agreed to on the condition that he try his best not to hurt crewmembers.  He had... acquiesced to your request)
Secondly, and most worryingly, your symptoms seemed to intensify exponentially when he was around.  You didn’t have any idea why, but just his presence caused your fever to flare out, and the urge to scratch something, anything, anyONE got to the point that you were wanting to gouge out chunks of rocks on the sea bed.
And now your scales were changing… The white of your tale wasn’t quite white anymore, it seemed irredcent, like a mother of pearl, that when you swam in the sunlight, you shimmered like a pastel rainbow.  And the jade green scales? They’d become a  deep, dark green, the colour that was almost onyx, with the corresponding rainbow oily sheen on it.  The colours would get increasingly intense and contrast more when Vergil was around, and now you were certain he had noticed.  He’d taken one look at your tail a few hours ago, and swam off rather hurriedly, claiming he could hear a school of anchovies somewhere nearby.
So, now you were forced to ask the one person that you could trust.  Dante.  He was currently playing hide and go seek with some octopus amongst the kelp (and losing, his red tale stood out rather sharply among the greens and blues and browns) so after he had been outwitted by the camouflaged invertebrate yet again, you’d caught his attention.
“What’s up mudskipper?” he asked, and you hesitated.  This was a lot harder and embarrassing than you thought it would be.
“Dante….I have a rather… personal question…”  you started, and this time, the increased heat you felt wasn’t due to whatever you had been suffering.
“Ahh, you finally broke down and are asking about your heat.  ‘Bout damn time too, I thought Vergil was the most stubborn guy I’d ever met”
“Wait,” you asked, startled, “I’m in heat?”
“Yup” he began piling up a pillar of rocks, one on top of each other, before pausing, “wait, humans don’t have them?”
“Huh, strange.  Wonder how you guys managed to keep making babies.”
“Wait,” you said, realization dawning on you, “You knew I was in heat?”
“Well duh,” he said, as he placed the seventh stone on the top, and backed off as it wobbled. “I mean, how is it NOT noticeable?  You’re giving out the smells, and your colour changes basically scream ‘CLAIM ME!’ to any merfolk an ocean away.  In any other situation you’d be having an entire shoal of prospective mermen and mermaids skulking around” He tempted fate by placing an eighth stone, and to his amazement, it held.
“Wait, that makes no sense.  I haven’t seen a single mer-person for several days,” you said, as you watched him concentrate as he found a nice flat stone to put on as a topper. “And that doesn’t explain why you don’t seem to be affected at all.”
He stuck his tongue out as he gingerly placed the flat rock on top, before backing away slowly, smiling as it held.
“Well, there’s an easy reason for that,” he  explained, satisfied with his work.  “Everyone knows you’ve been claimed by Vergil.  In the old days, stories told that there’d be fights to the death over a mate, with the one who survived proved that he or she was the fittest to breed with their prospective bondmate” he chuckled at your horrified look, “Of course now we’re much more civilized, and we realized losing half the population to stupid fights was incredibly dumb, so we kinda modified it.  You still have to prove your worthiness to your bondmate, just in a non lethal way.  Prove you’re faster, stronger, that you can provide for them, stuff like that.  And basically we all know there’s no one that even has a shot with you, so they stay away.  But for me, you’re practically family already, so I’m not even bothered by it.  Vergil on the other hand….” he smirked. “The poor mer’s practically been a krill’s distance from spearing you…” he chuckled, “heh, ‘spearing’.  Anyways, he’s been resisting his primal urges, he mumbled something about, ‘humans having different ways of expressing consent’ or something… anyways.  One of you have to get worn down by the tide, or I’ll never get a moment’s peace.”
You stared, finally understanding.  After all, you had desired Vergil for a while, but hadn’t known how to breach the subject.  The ways of communication between merfolk was incredibly different, with smells, colours, and sounds being woven into their spoken speech.  When you spoke, you felt like you were only saying every other word.  Vergil had assured you that you would eventually understand, but it seemed that you had a bit more to learn.
“If… let’s say…. I wanted him… how would I be able to let him know?”
Dante shrugged, “just follow your instincts and trust the currents of your body.  Verg will get the message.  In fact…” he smiled devilishly “I know how to get his attention right now…”  He placed his hand on your shoulder and gently, softly caressed it.  
Before you could react, even protest, you heard the clatter of rocks, as the pillar, which had been standing tall, collapsed, the stones chattering as they scattered on the sea bed.  The reason was obvious, Vergil floated, his scales a dark shimmering blue, much more intense than you had remembered them.
“Dante….” his voice was low and growled, like water crashing over countless small stones.  “Get away from her.”  Yamato’s blade glittered threatenly in the sunlight.
Dante’s response was typical of the merman, a smile, a shrug, and then a click of tongue, before swimming off, with just a “Have fun guys!”
So there you were face to face with Vergil, the heat within you almost unbearable, your scales shimmering in the sea-filtered light.  You could see how tense he was, like a coiled spring, on how he was suppressing his true nature.  You closed your eyes, attempting to follow Dante’s advice, and follow your new instincts….
“Sifa?” Vergil’s voice, still tense, but attempting to remain calm.  And just the sound of it caused a flare within you.  You needed to get away from him….but something in you didn’t fear him… you wanted to test him.
“Catch me if you can!”  and before he could respond, you swam off as fast as you could into the kelp forest.  You could make out an animalistic growl, which just excited you as you disappeared among the swaying fronds.
The surge of adrenaline flowed through your system, quelling the heat within you momentarily as you snaked through the dense kelp.  You could feel the thick leathery leaves give way to you as you rushed, this way and that, up to the surface, then down to the depths.  Fish darted out of your way out of alarm, (and that octopus Dante couldn’t find retreated in a cloud of ink) and even a nonchalant sea turtle decided to mosey out of the way, sensing the the electricity 
Behind you, and then above you, the sound and smell of Vergil searched for you, a primal grumbling coming from him.  You still hadn’t quite gotten the hang  of swimming (You still had to resist the urge to kick your now nonexistent feet to propel yourself) so you’d never be able to outswim him yet, so eventually, you chose to hide, to conceal yourself among the thick green ropes. The unmistakable rustle of leaves came from somewhere near you.  He was close, so very close.  The tension in the water, the hunt caused a thrill in you, something primitive and exciting.
The rustling stopped, and you held your metaphorical breath, trying to still your heartbeat.  Had he discovered your location?   Had your stealth caused him to move on?
“I found you”
You had no time to flee, no time to even react as you felt the cords of kelp wrap around your midsection, yanking you towards him.  You halfheartedly struggled against the binds, only to be stilled by a hungry, all consuming kiss.  It’s effect was instantaneous, and something deep in your brain, some age-old mer behaviour… bah, why were you thinking like this?  Just give into it!
His mere touch smothered the burning in you, but now another flame inside grew in you, not painful, but one that fed off the feelings you felt.  His touch, his kiss, his taste… everything fueled the blazing inferno.
“Mira Sifa” you barely heard his voice over the thundering in your head, over your heartbeat shuddering.  “You have no idea what you’ve done to me.”
“I know exactly what I’m doing” you murmured into his ear, nibbling his earlobe.
Your fingers gripped his back, and you could feel your fingernails tearing into his skin, and the faint smell of blood drifted through the water, as they healed quickly.
His reaction was immediate.  A snarl, and he threw his makeshift kelp lasso away to grip you tightly, and you could feel his fingertips pressing into your hips, clenching you so hard that you could feel pinpricks of pain as his nails dug into your flesh.
“Mine..” came his guttural voice, echoing in your skull, like rocks scraping against each other. “All mine..”
“Yes..” you were barely able to rasp out as his dark sapphire tail wrapped around you so that you couldn’t move, even if you had desired to, “All yours..”
“Mine to claim,” he muttered dangerously, as his hands, now free to do what he wished, roamed your body, “Mine to breed”  One of his webbed hands began circling your breast, pinching and flicking at the nipple like a nibbling fish, while his mouth suckled on the other, his razor sharp teeth grazing against sensitive flesh.  You threw your head  back in ecstasy, letting you be carried away by the torrent of feelings.
Your eyes snapped open as his other hand slithered down to your lower regions, and deftly fingered a slit, nearly inconspicuous among your vibrant scales. You felt one, then two fingers slipped in, his thumb pressing in on a particular bundle nerves that set off a chain reaction down your spine.
“Vergil-ah” you managed to slip out as his teeth gently bit down on your breast, the pain dancing on this side of pleasure. Your hips attempted to grind against his hand, to get a little bit more friction  , but his tail coiled around you tightly to make movement nearly impossible.  It almost frustrated you to no end, but then it clicked at what he was doing, he was trying to show you that he could take care of you.
Well, two could play at that game… 
His fingers moved more rapidly, and now you felt his growing hardness against you, and you cautiously reached  out to grasp it, to caress it in your palm.  It was unlike anything you’d ever seen, coming out of a slit similar to yours, dark, nearly black, blue, aside from light blue veins that seemed to glow in the semi darkness of the underwater forest.  
He jerked his head backwards as you slowly began stroking it, a hiss of pleasure escaping through his teeth. It was ridged with velvet soft scales , and was practically scorching to the touch, and you marveled at its texture with each soothing fondle, your thumb brushed against the tip, drawing a satisfied groan out of him.
As he fingered you, you reciprocated, your strokes matching his speed as the pressure in your core intensified.
Then suddenly, with a sound of a distant waterfall, he snarled and stopped.  You froze, confused and worried that you’d done something wrong. 
“Enough games”
And without warning, he withdrew his hands, cutting off your pleasure, uncoiled his tail and with one fluid motion, thrust deep into your core.  You couldn’t help it, a pathetic mewling sound escaped from your throat as your body tried to encompass his girth.  It was almost too big, too much.  Almost... Vergil paused for a moment, to let you get your bearings, and only when you wrapped your arms around his neck, your fingers digging into his scalp, did he continue his assault.
Your senses shut out everything.  The pressure of the shifting currents, the gentle brush of kelp fronds, the sound of the distant surface crashing on rocks.  Nothing else mattered but the swells of pleasure that washed over you like the pounding of surf on sand.
You clung tightly onto him for dear life, your nails scratching at the nape of his neck, no doubt leaving bloody trails that would disappear momentarily.  And with every frenzied swipe, some primordial urge was appeased.
You were reaching your peak, and his grip on your hips tightened to the point that it pierced flesh, which just intensified what you were experiencing.  Lust drunk, you nuzzled yourself into the crook of his neck, taking in his scent and taste of his skin. “Mine...” you hissed out as you came, yanking on his hair so his neck was exposed, and bit down, the rich taste of blood gushing into your mouth like a saltwater spring.  You could hear the pulse of his heart, the gasping of lungs, and his crushing grip.  Nothing else mattered, except you two, right here, right at this moment.
You were in the eye of the storm, boneless as he had his way with you, drifting along the currents, and then you heard him whisper “Yes...yours” and felt a sharp pain in the junction between neck and shoulder, as he bit down hard.  It hurt, but the sensation of him filling you with his seed was more than enough to convert the pain into something more, something sacred and binding.
And with that, the crushing waves seemed to recede as he released his grip on you, but still held you tightly in his arms.  He began to lick your shoulder, to clean up the blood from your almost already healed wound.  You shuddered as you came down from your high, your fever gone, and the itch satisfied. Vergil felt cool to the touch, a welcome relief after your weeks of misunderstood agony.
“I’m sorry” you murmured as you licked up the blood remaining on his shoulder. The action that seemed so strange a few months ago now felt as natural as if you’d spent your entire life doing it.
“I made you wait for this, not understanding what you and I were going through.  It looks like there’s still a lot I need to learn about being a mermaid. ”
He leant back, pulling you on top of him, stroking your back, lifting your chin to face him, a soft smile on his face.  “For you, I would have waited a lifetime.”  He entwined his tail around yours.  His had returned to its sapphire blue, and the mottles on yours were slowly going back to the beautiful jade colour you were so entranced by.  The inferno that had blazed inside you had diminished to a flickering flame, still there, ready to be fueled by your hunger later, but satisfied for now.  The itch had been scratched, and his mere touch was balm to you, your skin, to your very soul.
“I must confess, I wished to tell you, but it would come across as I was pushing you into something that you might not feel comfortable with.”
You chuckled, resting your head on his chest.  “Ah, I see that’s why you left it to Dante to explain.”
He grumbled, “I would have rather not…but desperate times…”
You laughed as you closed your eyes, both of you drifting off to sleep among the swaying leaves that softy swished around the two of you, the only witnesses to your sacred act.
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Визитка от fandom Antagonists 2020
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Dvd4uF
by fandom Antagonists 2020 (fandomAntagonists)
Визитка команды Антагонистов 2020 на Фандомной битве.
Words: 384, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Русский
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Devil May Cry, Batman (Movies - Nolan), Donnie Brasco (1997), Ivanhoe - All Media Types, Les Misérables - All Media Types, Krabat (2008), Napoleonic Era RPF, 3:10 to Yuma (2007), The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982), The Mask of Zorro (1998), The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Mark of Zorro (1940), Thor (Movies), Pirates of the Caribbean (Movies), Bloodborne (Video Game), King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017), Zorro (TV 1990), Robin Hood (BBC 2006), Valois Romances - Alexandre Dumas, Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson, Остров сокровищ | Treasure Island (1982), Графиня де Монсоро | La Dame de Monsoreau (TV 1997), Three Musketeers: The Queen's Diamonds (1973), d'Artagnan Romances (Three Musketeers Series) - All Media Types, Doctor Who, Zorro (TV 1957), Winnetou - Karl May, Vingt mille lieues sous les mers | Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Dante (Devil May Cry), Vergil (Devil May Cry), Nero (Devil May Cry), Trish (Devil May Cry), Bruce Wayne, Lefty, Donnie, Wilfred of Ivanhoe, Brian de Bois-Guilbert, Jean Valjean, Javert (Les Misérables), Krabat (Krabat), Tonda (Krabat), Napoleon, Aleksander I Pavlovich | Alexander I of Russia, Ben Wade, Dan Evans, Percy Blakeney, Chauvelin, Alejandro Murrieta, Harrison Love, Smaug (Tolkien), Diego Vega (The Mark of Zorro), Esteban Pasquale, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Jack Sparrow, James Norrington, Lady Maria Bertram, Arthur (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword), Vortigern (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword), Diego de la Vega, Luis Ramone, Robin Hood, Guy of Gisborne, Chicot (Valois Romances), Henri III de France, Billy Bones, Dr. Livesey (Treasure Island), Captain J. Flint, d'Artagnan (Trois Mousquetaires), Comte de Rochefort, The Doctor (Doctor Who), The Master (Doctor Who), Fifth Doctor, The Master (Ainley), Enrique Sanchez Monasterio, Ik Senanda, James "Bucky" Barnes, Capitaine Nemo | Captain Nemo, Pierre Aronnax
Additional Tags: Fanvids, Fanvid is in English, fandom Antagonists 2020, Embedded Video, Fandom Kombat 2020, Fandom Presentation
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Dvd4uF
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gelum-lumen · 5 years
Is your Mer-Vergil the more aggressive or more docile type of mer-person?
(( im tempted to say neither? hes certainly not a pacifist i mean hes literally looking for a fight but hes very honorable about it. hes not a predator type who hunts for food at any waking moment just for the sake of violence but hes not exactly safe to be around either))
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