#Mercedes m class
thecargays · 1 year
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You, me, an air mattress in the back of a 22 year old Mercedes SUV at a drive in theater; it’s a date 🚘🎥▫️🌅
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soberaniasar · 3 months
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#separator#En Malargüe abrió sus puertas el primer parque Cretácico Municipal “Huellas de Dinosaurios” de Argentina <p></p><div class= style#provincia de Mendoza abrió sus puertas el primer parque Cretácico Municipal “Huellas de Dinosaurios” de Argentina que cuenta con el trabajo#principalmente producidas por titanosaurios y terópodos#y restos óseos de diversos vertebrados#registrando las faunas y ambientes tanto continentales como litorales de fines del Cretácico#antes de la extinción de la mayoría de los dinosaurios.</p><p><br /></p><p>Los yacimientos de huellas de dinosaurios del parque (formacione#investigador del CONICET en el Instituto Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Básicas (ICB CONICET-UNCUYO) y director del Laboratorio y Museo de#efectuados entre los años 2006-2011#fueron el resultado de diez años de exploraciones previas en la región.</p><p><br /></p><p>“Siento una gran alegría como descubridor de los#es disfrutada con entusiasmo por toda la sociedad. Sin duda#esto es posible gracias al CONICET#quien posibilitó las exploraciones y descubrimientos. Es el resultado de un trabajo comprometido e incansable de distintos especialistas#soñando juntos esta utopía”#comentó el científico.</p><p><br /></p><p>En 2008#González Riga junto con Mercedes Prámparo#investigadora del CONICET en el Instituto Argentino de Nivología#Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales (IANIGLA#CONICET-UNCUYO-Gob.Mza)#presentaron el proyecto de creación del “Parque Cretácico Huellas de Dinosaurios” e impulsaron un convenio de cooperación tripartito entre#el Gobierno de Mendoza y la municipalidad de Malargue#con el objetivo potenciar la exhibición del centro de interpretación del parque#así como adquirir los insumos para realizar los trabajos de preservación de las huellas#y la Municipalidad de Malargüe. En el año 2010#este Municipio declaró al sector como Parque Municipal. De esta manera se forjaron las primeras etapas de preservación patrimonial del parq#la primera liderada por González Riga (entre los años 2006 y 2016)#donde se descubrió al icnotaxón “Titanopodus mendozensis” que significa “pie de los titanes de Mendoza” de 72 millones de años de antigüeda#producidas por saurópodos titanosaurios -herbívoros de cuello largo de 10 a 14 m de longitud- fueron importantes para efectuar novedosos es#se realizaron estudios paleopalinológicos que permitieron conocer la escasa vegetación que se desarrollaba en esos ambientes marino-margina#ejecutada desde el año 2017 a la actualidad
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tazweedapp · 5 months
Experience luxury and refinement in the 2013 Mercedes-Benz M-Class Standard. With its sophisticated design and advanced features, it sets the standard for SUVs.
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sukunas-wife · 5 months
Can we get a longer fit on meeting Sukuna's dad🥹
I tried 🤍🤍
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“No,” he was judging the woman tying the obi on your waist, “No no no, you’re doing this all wrong woman, move..” You wanted to laugh at the situation, especially when she started talking to him in her mother tongue and he answered back just as snappy leaving her speechless.
You smiled looking down, shaking your head, “I didn’t know you knew more than one language Sukuna.” You looked in the mirror, he was focused, face angled down, you could feel his hands moving, the rustling of the fabric was soft. It was a small shop that hadn’t changed much, its traditional sliding shoji doors, the classic wooden and simple decor, the snappy lady at the front desk scribbling away in her book. All the fabric that was on display or folded away in their respective boxes. Oddly enough it felt like you belonged here in this moment, you looked over your shoulder, Sukuna had stepped back looking at you through the mirror, his eyes fell and met your eyes over your shoulder as you smiled at him. There was a faint tug at his lips, “charming.” You broke out into a grin at his single word before he settled your debt much to your dismay and pleasure as soon as you learned how much the fancy fabrics would’ve cost.
He helped you into his car, a classic black Mercedes S-class, it wasn’t his first choice but his mom beat his safety into him, snapping that if he wanted to risk his life in a flattened down Italian sports car or some useless motorbike he would have to buy it himself. When he had saved up the money to buy his motorbike on his own, his father had sat him down, “Ryomen, listen to me. I would never try to control your life, but I will tell you this, your life is not always lived for just you. On your little bike you could risk your life all you want, but think of the day you meet a fine young lady and want to take her out. It takes one rain, one slide, one bad driver to not only hurt you, but someone you care about deeply.” He smacked his boys back with a heavy hand, “Now, save your money, I’ll let you think about your choices a little longer, don’t tell your mother I’m doing this but considering you have worked hard enough to prove your dedication to this dream of yours.” He gave Sukuna the keys to one of the Sedans, “Don’t tell your mother.” He gave Sukuna a serious look, “I’m serious, you know how she gets it.” Sukuna smiled with a nod, “I really appreciate this, I’ll take the time to think over what you said.”
Of course the first thing he did was go see you in his car, the thought always lingered in the back of his head when you awed over his car. Would he ever put your life at risk for one of his dreams?
“You okay?” Your hand covered his fingers that were tapping away on the middle console, he looked over at you before looking at the road, he nodded, “‘m alright.” His hand stilled under yours turning to hold your fingers in his hand. In his head he was thinking of those American cars where the front seat was built as a single row, he would’ve pulled you into his side if he could’ve. “Ready?” You looked up at him with a small smile, “I’m ready.” It was a lie, you were nervous and it only got worse when he pulled into the Shinden-Zukuri.
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He sat you in his room throwing his shirt over your face as he changed so you wouldn’t see him. You sat there nervous but with a small smile on your lips wanting to giggle at his little “Give me some privacy pervert.” When he was the one that brought you into his room after you had said you could wait outside his room.
It all played out well, he brought you to the room where his dad could usually be found drinking tea and unwinding after a long day.
When the doors opened and you saw a larger more profound version of Sukuna you froze. He was a handsome man, square jaw, cold calculating eyes, his hair was a paler pink thanks to the greying hairs. He had a bit of scruff, his eyes were a bit paler with age, his brows dropped in judgement, the choko in his hand was minuscule, his robe was partly open exposing more chest, as he sat there. The thought passed through your head, ‘if that’s what Sukuna was born to be, I WILL marry him..’ it took less than 10 seconds for you to grow a little girl crush on his dad, until Sukuna cleared his throat. Signalling you as he said he would, you snapped back to reality bowing and introducing yourself in the most respectful and put together way you could, your inner child was squealing in delight but you were nervous now. You didn’t see the exchanged looks between Sukuna and his father, until the elder let out a rumble of laughter, “Stand up girl, and then sit. You are an interesting character.” Sukuna wanted to laugh, your practice had flown out the window, at least you had remembered enough to not insult his father.
The three of you sat there, “Well then Y/n,” He looked down at you, a smug look on his face, “I must say you must be quite the character to catch this young man’s attention, I’m interested in how you became involved with him, of course that’s a story my wife would like to hear also I’m sure.” Your eyes widened, “I-“ you swallowed as you looked at Sukuna who looked blankly at the table, “It’s an interesting story so I'd love to share with both you and your wife Sukuna-san.” He smiled bigger, “Sukuna-san? I’m sure if my son is presenting to you he must have other intentions so get comfortable, call me Ryomen.” You looked at Sukuna almost in disbelief, “You have the same..?” The elder laughed, “He’s my only son, of course he’d have my name. Branded him the day he was born, that’s my boy and everyone needs to know it.” You smiled at how his dad seemed to be enjoying himself so openly, you were more confused than ever still when Sukuna spoke with a smile and sigh as he nodded, “My father Sukuna Ryomen, The Man of two faces.”
Soon conversation fell into Ryomen Senior telling you stories of how his little Ryo was a destructive boy. Going as far as to send one of the servants to bring a book which made Sukuna sulk and frown slightly. It was a large leather album, the elder opened the book showing you realistic hand painted pictures and photos of Sukuna as a child, more often than not with bandaids and scrapes, “His mother never liked to put her hands on him, so she found another form of discipline. He loathed standing still considering he was an active child. So when he would cause trouble or get himself hurt with his actions, even getting into fights. She would bring him home, stand him right outside in the garden and have someone come and paint his picture forcing him to stand there scowling for hours.” You were flipping through the book Aawwing and cooing, his father watched proud when you’d ask about certain pictures that had no caption. His answers were lively and entertaining, voice getting louder when he’d begin his stories leaving Sukuna slightly embarrassed at his past. “Look at that boy, embarrassed, it just means it worked to break his bad habits.” He laughed and quickly stopped when he heard the door behind him open. He sat up cleaning his throat. “Oh? We have a guest?” Your eyes moved up the lady's beautiful kimono, she was more filled out in a beautiful manner, her hair was long and dark, her eyes a vibrant red. She was beautiful, you looked at his father thinking in the war of genes he proved to be dominant. “Mom.” Sukuna locked eyes with her as he moved to sit by her husband who was now sitting in a more appropriate manner pulling his robes a little tiger, “This is L/n Y/n.” She looked away from him, staring at you intently, you locked eyes with her you almost felt vulnerable under her stare until she closed her eyes with a soft smile, “It is very nice to me the young lady that has my son huffing at his phone when he gets no messages.” You broke into a grin turning to look at Sukuna who was giving his mom a look and you started to laugh, “Here I thought you didn’t like when I bothered you so much.” “I-“ hsi mom cut him off, “I’ll tell you a story, there was a week during the summer when we left for Kyoto. That poor boy was constantly laid over the table or floor just staring at his phone tapping it off and on to see if anything happened. He even persisted in checking to make sure we had paid for cell service many times. I had become worried he became involved with drugs or something worse until I peeked over his shoulder one day and saw he was continuously refreshing a conversation with a girl” she gave you a look of disbelief, “a girl! Do you know how much disbelief I was in to see my little Ryo was talking to a girl and more importantly patiently waiting for a message? I was astounded, I tried to see a name or picture but he locked his phone, sighed and laid his he’d on the table and scared me, with his little ‘I know you're looking. It wa just something I couldn’t believe, so I knew he either had to bring someone home, or he was just going to leave one day in the middle of the night and I’d have to track him and his little loose woman down and beat the sense into the both of them before dragging him home weather he liked it or not.” Your smile was there but the blank look in your eyes was fear, “ah, I understand entirely, my father is the same way.” She smiled again, “Well, I’m glad you’re the former and not the latter, you seem like a very lovely girl y/n. You can call me Akira, there are too many Sukuna’s here as it is.”
She turned to look at her husband who had an elbow propped on the table, chin resting on his fist while he stared at her, there was a small smug smile on his face, his eyes were lidded, that’s the same look you’d caught on your Sukuna’s face on occasion. You turned to look at him. He was making a face at his parents when his mom brought her hand to hold his dads face. That face was the same face one of your friends had made when the both of you had unintentionally recreated the scene once. You smiled nudging his hand under the table was yours, he looked at you with that same face before he shook his head, his fingers slowly taking yours in a soft hold, his thumb ran over your knuckles and you did your nest to squeeze your hands, oblivious to the way his dad’s eye brows rose motioning to the both of you with his eyes, his wife turned her head slightly. The serene smile on your face was rare for a lady to have around her son considering how much of a brute or cold he could be, what pulled their attention more was the soft look in their son's eyes matching the small smile pulling at his lips. They looked at each other, the silent conversation between the two in an exchange of looks and small head tilts, until his mother let out a hushed laugh. Your both turned to her becoming flustered when you had seen both of his parents were staring at the both of you, “oh-I’m sorry-“ you were about to apologise for falling silent until she waved you off mid sentence, “It’s alright, but my husband here was telling me before I walked in you were going to share the story of how the two you became involved.”
You looked at Sukuna with a grin, “It’s simple really, It was our last year of junior high and during the end of the school year festival, some of the students were running booths to raise money for a school trip before we were let out for break. My friend's father runs a small pet store so we set up a goldfish toss, and everything was going great, kids, adults, couples, everyone loved being able to win a prize to take home.” You sighed, eyes looking away “Then came Satoru Gojo. He's not troubled, just spoiled in my opinion. My dad says the same, he says no one corrected that boy or put hands on him when he was growing up and it shows.” Sukuna’s dad chuckled, “I agree.” You smiled at him, “Well he came along with his friends, his friends were polite when they took their turns, but Gojo,” you made a face staring down at the table, and empty cup, “He kept leaning over the counter and I kept telling him to lean back because it was literally a flimsy folding table, and he didn’t listen and kept leaning further trying to score a fish bowl to take one home but he’s as coordinated as a bat in broad daylight. Just as my friend signalled a teacher the table flipped he tumbled over and knocked into me, we both fell into the table where the fish bowls were and everything came crashing down,” his mother gave a sympathetic look and his father was looking at him pick pick at his nails, “My friend and I rushed to find a decent broken bowl and try to get as many fish as we could back into the water Gojo and his friends ran off when the teacher didn’t do anything because he’s SaToRu GoJo” you shook your head in a sassy way, “It was Terrible and my dads a modest man so I kinda grew up wearing longer skirts and it was a struggle trying to not get wet and save fish and my friend turned to me “Maybe we should just leave them? It might not be too bad?” I wanted to cry because I don’t like the thought of someone or something losing its life as the consequence of some idiots actions, then came Sukuna jumping over the table mumbling something and picking up gold fish left and right throwing them into the bowl we managed to find and I was so grateful, I offered him any of the prizes or fish prizes ended up taking all 13 fish and paid as if he played 13 times even though I persisted it was enough that he had helped but he walked off fish in hand. Just waving me off.” You missed the way his parents shared a look, “Since our booth was broken we just cleaned up and went off to enjoy the rest of the festival. Until the end of the day when I had to take the folding table back to the teachers who had let us use it. I came across Gojo and Sukuna in a standoff in the shoe locker room and I turned a deaf ear to convo after some things were said I kept walking after seeing Sukuna land a punch right on Gojo’s face, I was satisfied seeing it happen and told myself “I won't say anything, that priss deserves what he got.” I turned in the table and made my way out of School just to see Sukuna walking down the school path and I screamed “Hey!” I didn’t know his name, he was kinda scary, and he just stopped. It’s funny because I could physically see him sigh before he half turned to look back, and asked “WHat” kinda intimidating but I managed to catch up and thank him for his help and he just shrugged, and we kinda walked- no I walked you followed me.” Sukuna cut you off, “fine fine he walked and I followed him to the bus stop and we waited for the last bus in silence, I asked what he was gonna do with thirteen goldfish, he stayed quiet, then the bus came. I got on first and he didn’t, I turned around to ask him and he had a stupid smirk on his face, “I’m gonna feed them to the Koi.” The bus door closed, I felt my face drop, and he just started laughing. Anyways, after that, I kinda just kept pestering him, saying hi and trying to talk to him after that day to the point he just accepted I wasn’t leaving him alone. Now that I think about it, he never actually asked me to be his significant other, it just kinda fell into place.”
You finally looked up at his parents, they were nodding, his mom staring at you with a soft smile, his dad more curious “So, how hard did you punch him?” He turned to his son who cracked a smile. “He had a bruise for the next week and a half.” His dad laughed, clapping his hands, stopping and clearing his throat when his wife gave him a look. “Ryo, I’ll leave you to talk to your boy, Y/n will you accompany me?” She stood and you rushed to stand, “I will.” You looked at Sukuna who rolled his eyes letting his head fall to the side with a lopsided smile, before he locked eyes with you, you could almost hear him say “go, you’ll be alright.” So you went, following his mother out onto the engawa into the cool air. You both walked in silence as the crickets and frogs started their symphony. You looked over the garden, zen ponds, zen gardens, lush greenery and plants. You stepped down following her through the zen garden to a red bridge. There were three Islands in the large pond connected by bridges, “My Sukuna…” She trailed off, “He has strong character and a difficult heart, he’s complex in ways no one is able to understand, a bundle of twine no one has found the patience to untangle. Somehow you managed to find a single end and pull it free to see he’s not the bundle of twine, but a gold thread.” You were nodding along, not entirely sure until you made it to one of the islands. “We have a koi pond, but this isn’t it. Take a look.” In your head as you knelt to look closer your brain screamed, ‘She’s gonna PUSH US IN AND KILL US.’ Still you looked at your reflection, it was hard to see without the sun's light, so you pulled out your phone and turned on your flashlight. Looking harder until you saw the flash of colour. “I thought it wasn’t a koi pond?” You asked and she hummed, “It’s not.” You watched as she knelt beside you, she pulled a sleeve up moving her hand into the water and you watched as a light lit up, the bundle of Gold moving in the water caught you by surprise, “Those are-“ she cut you off, “The goldfish he brought home that day. He didn’t tell us where he got them from, or why, he only showed up and asked if he could use the empty pond. Of course we allowed it, it was interesting to watch him empty the fish into the pond, watching him struggle to find a decent food, putting lights into the pond and planting this tree to keep the birds from so easily diving into the water to snatch them up. They’re the original thirteen you know, the others he freely released into the bigger pond.”
You looked up at his mother with a soft smile, she smiled at you, the crinkles by her eyes made it genuine. “GET OFF OF ME OLD MAN!” You heard the struggle behind you and you both turned back to look, there was the elder Ryomen hugging his son in a bone crushing hug, the younger trying to escape, “Let! Me! Go!” You watched as he squirmed with every word until you heard “Alright squirt.” Your Sukuna tumbled unto the water while his dad stood taller, arms crossed over his chest with a burly laugh. You watched as Sukuna sat up in the water, dripping sleeve smacking him in the face as he tried to push his hair back. You laughed with his mom as you both approached. She moved to her husband's side, smacking his chest and scolding him. They watched how you kicked off your shoes getting ankle deep in the water to help Sukuna stand despite his protests and telling you to stay out of the water. How you took his face in one hand pulling him closer when he leaned unto your hand, taking the handkerchief tucked between your body and obi before gently wiping his face, “Ryomen Sukuna you are one of the most complex men I’ve ever met.” A grin grew on his face as his hands came up to grab your wrists, “You love it.”
“RYOMEN.” You flinched at Sukuna’s dads voice, Sukuna tensed up and smiled at you, “You got me into a lot of trouble you know.” You tilted your head, “Yeah?” He leaned in close whispering, “he got onto my ass about never asking you to actually be mine.” You smiled and laughed, “So will you?” You hummed, the smile on your face made your eyes squinty, “I dunno, not to sure I wanna be Y/n Sukuna.” He gave you a look and you closed your eyes shaking your head with a smile, “You’re such a brat.” You pulled him closer and kissed his cheek, “You love it, but yes, I will.”
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Tag List: @sakuxxi @mercymccann @certainduckanchor @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare @ynjimenez @dolliira @princessluvz @furiousblacktiger @anyaswlrd @shytastemakerthing
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Thursday Night (m) | jjk
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title: Thursday Night (Boba & Ride) pairing: jungkook x f. reader rating/genre: m ; smut ; SEVEN alt. AU, college / university au, friends to lovers summary: Just another day of Jeon Jungkook waking you up in the middle of the night to get boba tea with him across town at your favorite late-night spot, Pekoe. Turns out, this is not just another nightly outing to get boba, but also a chance for the two of you to finally get out of this sexually-charged friend-zone and fuck in his Mercedes Benz G-Wagon. warnings:  car sex, vaginal fingering, edging, multiple orgasms, breast play, nipple licking, unprotected sex (well, reader is on the pill), RIDING, slight choking, creampie, body worship, Jungkook is wearing SWEATS, implied that jk vapes, awkward positions in the car bc they are HORNY and don’t care note: okay, so i originally wrote the first part of the wholesome boba date a year ago after Left & Right came out (and made it kinda based on my late night boba runs with friends in college pre-pandemic). But I never finished it, until Seven came out a few days ago and SUDDENLY I WENT BACK TO THIS AND DID A 180 AND SLAMMED SOME SMUT ON IT. VERY SPICY. Thank you for the whore thoughts, Jungkook. Thank you @daegudrama for editing and fixing the messy smut. Stream Seven!! and FEEDBACK & Comments are much appreciated !!
total word count: 4.5k drop date: july 17th, 2023, 10:30am PST CROSS POSTED ON AO3 (honeyjamjoon is my user on there) - -
Dozing off slowly as your mind wanders through the stages of sleep to reach REM, you’re suddenly interrupted by a distant ringing sound in the distance.
It sounds like… your phone? You recognize the familiar “Shooky Shooky” theme song of your favorite cartoon cookie and his 7 pals you set as a ringtone weeks ago.
Waking up with eyes still heavy from sleep, you reach your hand out to grab your phone from your bedside dresser. You squint at the bright screen seeing who the random caller is that is getting in the way of your slumber before you wake up later for another dreaded day of uni classes..
Jeon Jungkook. 
Of course it was him, you think. He’s the friend you made at the beginning of the semester in your Japanese class, where he found out that both of you took the class to be able to watch anime without subtitles. Just a pair of total weebs.
Then you kept running into him at university club events, specifically the Korean Student Association Curry & Karaoke night where both of you fangirled (fanboyed?) over IU and spent an entire night singing her discography while taking soju shots together. At this point, you knew he was just destined to be your bestie for life.
However, Jungkook has a terrible sleep schedule where he sometimes stays up until crackhead hours to do random things like late night drives (yes, he is paying the ridiculous parking permit fee to have his car on campus). He had previously invited you to get some In-N-Out with him and his upperclassmen friend Namjoon which resulted in a late night drive where you ended up on top of a mountain about 40 minutes away from campus at 1am.
While the view of the city down below was nice, you couldn’t stop freaking out about how to get back to your uni with the terrible data reception showing no map directions. Namjoon did his best to help you remain calm from a pending panic attack while Jungkook giggled, but reassured you that everything would be fine and he would figure it out. And he did. Never had you been so glad to be back on campus with some leftover animal style fries in hand.
Not many drives with Jungkook were that adventurous, but they were all late at night. Which you didn’t like due to the fact that you liked to sleep early and wake up early for your morning classes. Very contrasting dynamics being best friends with a night owl.
You answer the phone in a raspy, sleepy voice, “Hey Jungkook, what’s up.”
 “Hey— were you asleep? Sorry, I was going to ask if you wanted to hang out and get some boba, but—”
“NO!” You answer immediately. “I was taking a power nap, I AM UP! I WILL GO GET BOBA WITH YOU!”
Your voice is suddenly loud with excitement through Jungkook’s phone speaker. You’re glad you live in a single room in your 4 bedroom dorm apartment where loud sounds aren’t as easily heard by your roommates.
 “REALLY? OKAY! Let’s meet in front of my dorm building. I’ll see you in a bit.”
Boba will really get you to do anything, especially when it might be the spot Jungkook loves to take you to that is across town. It closes at 1:30am and also has a club-like aesthetic where a lot of people go to hang out at night. There are gaming consoles and a pool table, but the drinks are sadly non-alcoholic. Still good though.
 Wearing a black hoodie and your old black volleyball shorts, you head out to the front of the building next door where you find Jungkook sitting on a bench under a streetlight’s glow. He is wearing a black t-shirt and jacket, contrasting his white pants. 
 He looks good, you think as you walk up to him. He’s texting someone before he looks up at you.
 “So are we getting boba or should I head back to sleep?” You giggle pointing to the parking lot to signal him to get up from the bench.
 “Oh, we’re getting boba for sure and you won’t be sleeping anytime soon.” He speaks starting to head towards his black Mercedes-Benz G-Wagon in the parking lot while you follow behind him. Suspicious phrasing, but you brush it off. You have a dirty mind after all.
 “So, we’re going where exactly?” "Pekoe! My favorite boba spot in town," Jungkook replies with a mischievous grin. "I've been craving their Taro Taro. It's like drinking a purple cloud!" He exclaims excitedly. 
 You laugh at his description, knowing he has a knack for making even the simplest things sound exciting. As you hop into the passenger seat of his car, you fasten your seatbelt.  "And what about you? What's your drink choice tonight?"
 He glances at you, his eyes sparkling with amusement. 
 "Well tonight, I'm getting my fav from there! Pretty in Pink! Jasmine milk tea with strawberry sounds like the perfect combination of sweet and floral."
He nods in approval. It was just another testament to how well you knew each other's preferences. The car roars to life as Jungkook starts the engine, the soft purr resonating through the vehicle. I love being the passenger princess when Jungkook is driving.
As the two of you drive through the city streets, the night envelopes you in a sense of tranquility. The familiar sights pass by, but tonight they seem different. There is an undercurrent of excitement, a subtle shift in the air that mirrors the budding emotions in your heart.
Jungkook, always one to fill the silence, begins cracking jokes and making silly comments, aiming to make you laugh. And laugh you do, your genuine giggles filling the car with warmth and joy. You can’t help but be drawn to his infectious laughter and the way he effortlessly brings a smile to your face.
As you approach Pekoe, the neon sign glows in the night, welcoming you to its cozy embrace. The two of you step out of the car, the scent of freshly brewed tea swirling around you. Inside, the ambiance is lively, with people chatting, sipping their drinks, and enjoying each other's company.
You join the line, eagerly waiting for your turn to order. As you reach the counter, the friendly barista takes your requests, preparing the Taro Taro and Pretty in Pink with skillful hands. The drinks are handed to you in their signature, vibrantly lit cups, and you can't help but admire the aesthetic.
With your boba in hand, you find a cozy corner in the café, settling into plush seats. The first sip of your Pretty in Pink sends a burst of flavors dancing on your tongue, the sweet strawberry complementing the fragrant jasmine tea perfectly. Jungkook's eyes widen in delight as he takes his first sip of the Taro Taro, a satisfied smile gracing his lips.
As you sit there, enjoying your drinks and engaging in light-hearted banter, you can't ignore the subtle change in your feelings as of late. The laughter, the shared moments, and the genuine connection you have formed with Jungkook begin tugging at your heartstrings. The thought of him being more than just a best friend dances at the edges of your mind, like a gentle melody waiting to be fully embraced.
But for now, you cherish the present moment, savoring the boba and the company of the person who has become such an important part of your life. The night is young, and as you exchange playful glances with Jungkook, you can't help but wonder what other adventures await the two of you in the days and nights to come.
Leaving Pekoe behind, your boba-induced bliss carries you as Jungkook suggests going to one of your favorite lookout points—a hidden spot where you can see the entire city spread out below. The mere thought of it ignites a sense of anticipation within you, and you nod eagerly in agreement.
Driving through the winding roads, the city lights twinkling like a sea of stars, the atmosphere inside the car begins to shift. A subtle, sensually charged energy envelopes the space, like an unspoken understanding between two souls on the precipice of something new.
As you arrive at the lookout point, Jungkook parks the car, and you both stay inside, cocooning yourselves in the comfortable silence that only close friends can share. The dimly lit interior creates an intimate ambiance, casting soft shadows across Jungkook's face, and highlighting his features in a way that makes your heart skip a beat.
 Leaning back against the seat, you gaze out at the breathtaking view before you. The cityscape stretched out like a living breathing entity, its pulsating energy matching the intensity of the emotions brewing inside you.
 The silence between you feels charged with unspoken desires, the air thick with anticipation. You steal glances at Jungkook, his eyes fixed on the mesmerizing city lights. The soft glow plays on his features, highlighting the curve of his lips and the gentle slope of his jawline. In moments like these, you can't help but admire the kindness that resides within him.
 Lost in your thoughts, you feel a gentle brush of Jungkook's hand against yours, sending a jolt of electricity through your veins. The touch was innocent, yet it carries an unspoken invitation, daring you to explore the uncharted territories of your friendship.
You turn to him, your eyes meeting in a silent conversation that spoke volumes. The unspoken question hangs heavy in the air, begging to be acknowledged. With a hesitant yet determined smile, you reach out, intertwining your fingers with his, intertwining your destinies in that single act.
The connection between you deepens as time seems to stand still. His touch sends a rush of warmth coursing through your body, awakening a dormant desire that had been slowly bubbling beneath the surface. The intensity of the moment was undeniable, drawing you closer, your hearts beating in sync.
Neither of you speaks a word, for words seem inadequate to capture the raw emotions coursing through your veins. Instead, you find solace in the silence, in the electric current that flows between you, igniting a flame that burns brighter with every passing second.
As time passes, your relationship with Jungkook was left to simmer and reduce to being only friends. Holding his flirty gazes or even his hands has become part of the fun. A challenge of sorts.
Despite that, there will still come a point where you will finally lose your footing and can no longer stand your ground. You just can’t just be friends with Jungkook, and neither can he.
“I really want to kiss you right now,” He says, refastening his gaze on you.
“You should,” you say, without blinking. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. Crossing the line you’ve been afraid to cross with him.
The lump in your throat twitches, but he reaches over from the driver seat and caresses your jaw with his hand anyways. Determining again to hold his stare, you stroke his cheek with your thumb. But his eyes close on their own as his lips move unhurriedly towards yours, they’re as soft as his approach.
At this moment, it may have seemed like you were hesitating, uncertain in this newfound situation, but in fact, it was quite the opposite. Since you two can’t stay here forever – returning to campus is rather inevitable – the lightness in his tread is completely deliberate. You both want, no, need to savor every millisecond.
You feel the heave of his exhale when he kisses you with a little more intensity. Cupping his face in both of your hands, you feel your pulse drop aggressively into your pelvis and fall further in towards him. Your hands snake back behind his head and grasp his hair to pull his face closer to yours. Your lips only part briefly to make room for your tongues to slip back and forth.
Jungkook grasps a handful of your hair and cranes your neck back while simultaneously pulling your body in closer. Jungkook's lips trailed a path of featherlight kisses along your neck, his touch sending shivers cascading down your spine, igniting a symphony of tingling sensations that left them craving for more. He pulls away quickly, greedily drinking in the stale cold air like he has forgotten to breathe that whole time. His eyes follow the trail of his fingers as he thumbs the bare skin of your outer thigh.
“I always like seeing you dress casually, in your cute shorts and oversized hoodies.”
You follow his gaze and smile. “It’s what I feel most comfortable with. But I don’t let many people see me like this because I look so bummy.”
Jungkook looks up once again to meet your eyes and mirrors your smile back to you. “But you still look so beautiful.”
In unison, both your lips draw back together. Without breaking your chain of kisses, you climb over to the driver’s seat to straddle him. Your restricted position prevents you from feeling his likely erection hiding underneath his sweatpants to press against you. But you are actually too preoccupied with devouring him through the kisses to worry about that yet.
His hands move down the length of your torso past your waist, over your shorts, onto your thighs. He slips one hand under your oversized hoodie, cupping your ass and giving it a gentle squeeze. Your hips swivel and thrust towards him, causing the top of your head to rub against the ceiling of his G-Wagon.
“At this rate, I am definitely going to look like a hot mess when we go back,” You say, feeling around for stray hairs that may have been charged with static electricity.
“Here.” Jungkook invites you to lie across the passenger’s side of the vehicle. “This might be better for you then.”
You recline slowly lifting your hips to rest your butt on the center console before lying your head on the passenger door’s armrest. Your knees fall apart to reveal your short skin-tight shorts to him. He leans over you moving between your legs and running the back of his hand up your inner thigh. Still lost in the darkness of your eyes, he rests his head on your knee and squeezes the fleshiness of your thigh. As Jungkook's fingers gently squeezed, another heat surges through your body, accompanied by a swarm of delicate butterflies fluttering in your stomach. The innocent yet electrifying touch sparked a wave of anticipation and desire, leaving you yearning for more. You also realize that even the simplest gestures from Jungkook have the power to awaken a new deep and undeniable lust within you. 
 You sit up to meet his face and kiss him again. You can taste the taro black tea boba and a slight smoky strawberry-watermelon nicotine on his tongue. Lips locked, you pull him down with you and wrap your arms around his neck. The position is awkward but stubbornly tolerated, all the same, both of you unwilling to pull apart. Both of you are like a couple of desperate teenagers fighting through the objective discomfort to exhaust every last second before curfew.
 Finally, Jungkook leans back in his seat again. You stay where you were, hoodie hiked up past your belly button and legs spread out. He uses his hands to gently pull down your shorts, like pulling away the curtain to reveal the main stage.
 Then he stops, planting that poignant gaze of his on you. A street lamp painting a streak across your torso to expose his mental photograph.
 “You really are absolutely gorgeous tonight, Bunny,” he says, which has you awestruck at this moment. 
 Bunny is the nickname he gave you a while back because you are a massive Sailor Moon fan. You both make fun of the cringey 90s dub of the show where Usagi is nicknamed Bunny. He likes to call you that when you have space buns.
 “Thank you,” You say with genuine gratitude, your knees swaying with an imaginary breeze caused by giddiness. You love how he speaks endearingly to you.
 With the back of his fingers, Jungkook gently caresses your inner thigh from knee to groin. The tingling trail he leaves in his wake triggers a shiver from the backs of your knees. He flips his hand over to fuse the warmth from his palm with the heat radiating from your vulva. Your clit is begging for attention and your your pussy clenches around the air desperate for something to fill it. Jungkook grins. You like to imagine that it’s because he too realizes all that potential he holds in the palm of his hand.
 He runs one finger along the hem of your underwear. When his hand turns around to go back the way he came, he gently slides his fingertip to the underside of the hemline rubbing the back of his finger against the skin. You lean your head back and shut your eyes, letting out a long sigh of relief.
 "I have waited so long for you to touch me like this," You whisper.
 Though yours are closed, you imagine that he never takes his intense eyes off you. He moves your panties to one side. He spreads his fingers down again over your vulva. You hear his lips smack gently as he licks his thumb. He brings his hand back down to you, gently pressing the pad of his thumb against your swollen clit. Remaining there for a moment, he faintly increases the pressure and finally begins to rub gentle circles around it.
 You feel yourself squirm in the seat, simultaneously moving closer to him and trying to pull away. Jungkook’s arm stretches out to the back to grab his Squishmallow pillow in the back seat to use as a cushion underneath you for comfort. He claims he has these pillows here since he takes naps in between classes in his car.
 Your lower back arches and your hips pressed into the cushion beneath you. But as quickly as you had been overcome with nervous tension, your body relaxed into this space, back into the seat.
 The circles turn to an up-and-down motion as you grow squirmy under the delicate burden of his touch. With two fingers on his other hand, Jungkook teases at your opening. When he finally enters, you inhale sharply in approval. His fingers are just barely inside, but it is all you need. He massages you gently from within. He slots his thumb partially inside to coat his thumb in your wetness and leads it to make persistent strokes over your clit. 
You feel yourself contract and squeeze around his fingers. He moves them in a little further, intensifying his come-hither curl deeper inside.
 A chill rises behind your ears and at the nape of your neck, heating up as it trickles down your spine toward your tailbone. One knee presses into the back of the seat as the other reaches for the dash. Tension swells in the fronts of your thighs as your heels try to dig into the seat cushion beneath him. Your hips rise, begging Jungkook to continue.
 Your breaths are craving, yet distended, and all your focus shifts inward, concentrating on the movement of his fingers, inside and out. Forgetting everything else. Really feeling it at the point of contact. Your eyes are still closed when you drink in a long inhalation, and release it with equal intention, feeling the intensity of your pleasure growing with every subsequent breath.
 “We…” Exhilaration forces the words back down your throat. Try again. “We should drive back…”
Strong thumb still resting on your clit, his other hand rises to hush you with your own wetness. “Not yet, love.” Love?! You couldn’t question the new nickname bubbling out from his lips because your mind was consumed in total stimulation. You’d talk about this sometime after, you thought.
 His burgeoning arousal was becoming more apparent in that confined space. You can hear his breath grow huskier as he resumes his rhythmic stimulation of your clit. You can smell the rising excitement dripping all over the cadence of his fingers.
 Your mouth falls open to usher forth a silent scream. Your pussy clenches around his fingers and your pulse throbs into the pad of his thumb. Your head presses back into the armrest and you worry momentarily that you might push right through the door, but your worries are wiped clean before you can finish that thought. Vision turning all white and shaky.
 Jungkook slowly slides his fingers out as your body goes limp. He leans back to watch you bask in the fallout of your body quake. Your head falls limply to one side while your body struggles to recalibrate – slowed breathing, relaxed pulse, fallen temperature, faded bliss.
 “Just truly stunning…” he repeats.
 You are caught somewhere between pleasure-induced paralysis and a voracious desire to continue and make hungry love to this man. You reach up, grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him down towards you, forcing him to meet you at eye level.
 “Thank you,” You whisper softly into his ear. You kiss his neck, feeling the echoes of his hammering heart press into your lips.
 He breaks the kiss and rests his head on your shoulder. He shyly hides his face, hesitant to bring up his next request, “I want you to ride me. Think you could last through another orgasm?”
 You giggle at how needy he is being. “Honestly, yes.” 
 Jungkook tries to refrain himself from squealing and gets up from his position. He sits to adjust his seat back and partially slides off his sweats and boxer briefs.
 His dick is a blush shade, long and hard. “Wow…” You mindlessly speak your amusement leading him to giggle in response.
  You get up from laying on the passenger seat and climb over the center console to sit on his lap. Your lips meet in a passionate kiss yet again, while you pull his shirt off. You slide your hands slowly down his chest and abs, your small cold fingers send a shiver through his body. You lightly touch his tattooed arm, tracing each intricate design. 
 Jungkook lifts your hoodie in response to your actions and giggles upon seeing the sight underneath it. “Hehe, you’re not wearing anything under. So scandalous, Bunny,” Before you can refute his teasing, Jungkook buries his face in your breasts. 
 His soft lips slowly kiss up your cleavage to your neck. Jungkook gently sucks the sensitive spot on your neck, causing you to moan. You thread your fingers through his long black hair and tug. Jungkook winces submissively at your actions.
 “I thought you said you wanted me to ride you?” You taunt, teasing him by rubbing your wet folds along his hard dick.
Jungkook groans and grabs your hips, lifting you above him. He tugs the thin fabric of your panties to the side again before lining up his cock to your entrance and lowering you slowly onto his cock. You moan, tilting your head back in pleasure and enjoying the sensation of him filling you up.
 “Shit. You’re so tight.” Jungkook stills inside you, letting you adjust to his dick inside you.
 You experimentally lift yourself up, using his shoulders as leverage, then sink back down. Jungkook inhales sharply, biting his bottom lip as he watches you fuck yourself on his cock.  He keeps his left hand on your waist, strong fingers keeping you steady. He pushes the hoodie above your chest and massages your left breast. His tongue circles your right nipple, the sensation causing you to clench around his dick.
 “Fuck, feels so good.” he moans softly. He’s so cute, your fucked out brain thinks.
 You grab Jungkook’s hand from your left breast and slide it up to your neck, giving it a light squeeze to indicate what you want from him. He shakes his head and you halt your movement.
“No, Bunny, not today. Today, I’m going to make you scream so loud that you’re going to come back every day for more.” He feels your pussy involuntarily tighten around his cock, sucking him further into your tight walls. “You’d like it if someone caught us like this, wouldn’t you? Let them see how I ruin you,” Jungkook snickers as he teases you.
“You’re so-” You can’t even finish your sentence as Jungkook thrust deep inside of you. This causes you to lose your balance and rest your head on Jungkook’s shoulder, giving him full control over your body. He bounces you on his thick cock until you can feel your high approaching.
“I’m gonna cum, Jungkook.” You announce after a series of muffled moans, your voice barely coming out as a whisper. He tightens his grip on your ass and slides one hand down to rub your clit for added stimulation to the impending time bomb of pleasure.
 “Let go, love.” As his movements quicken, soon, he feels your pussy clenching tightly around his dick. 
“Jungkook!” You scream as you come. You kiss his neck while coming down from your high. Feeling spent, you collapse on Jungkook’s body, relishing the feeling of his muscular body moving against yours.
 Jungkook knows he can’t hold out much longer when he feels your pussy pulsate around his dick. “You can cum inside me, I’m on the pill.” You whisper in his ear shyly, feeling his erratic movements inside you. 
 He digs his fingers into your hips thrusting deeper and more erratically before he comes inside you. He thrusts a few more times to ride out his orgasm before he leans back in his seat in exhaustion.
 You both lay there in his car while you catch your breaths and pepper tiny kisses on each other’s bodies. Afterward, Jungkook lifts you up and removes his cock from inside you. You shiver from the emptiness and feel his come slowly drip out from inside you. You quickly slide up your panties into place, pull up your shorts and then readjust your hoodie before collapsing onto the passenger seat.
You watch Jungkook quickly pull up his boxer briefs and sweats. You both look at each other in your fucked out states, all messy and laugh. 
“I THINK we should go home now. It’s like almost 3am,” You laugh nervously looking at the time on your phone. 
“We should!” He chuckles. “So Bunny…tomorrow…boba, same time?”
“Just come over to my dorm tomorrow. The roomies are out, so we can watch Chainsaw Man and do this again. My wallet can’t deal with more boba runs, and then bonking and losing sleep when I have a 9am class.”
 “I’ll be the one treating you to boba from now on,” He smirks at you curiously. God, you really found someone amazing in your life.
As the night sky embraces the city with its velvet darkness, Jungkook drives back to campus. The cool breeze whispers through the open windows, sending shivers down their spines as you two reveled in the afterglow.
Your fingers intertwine on the center console, a tangible connection that symbolizes the bond you share. The radio softly plays Keshi, providing a soothing soundtrack to the journey. You two glance at each other, smiles dancing on your lips, eyes filled with a mixture of contentment and desire to keep doing this again. Maybe boba and riding every day from now on.
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ilove-adawong · 1 month
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Sugar dating Leon Kennedy CAI Bots ﹒⪩⪨﹒
Hi guys, I made 2 Leon bots :) Sugar daddy and sugar baby Leon cause the brain rot is too real
Both bots have a male and female version !
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Leon Kennedy (M ver) (F ver) | Sugar Daddy
You opened the box Leon had sent you on your kitchen counter. It was normal when he sent you things, you just wondered what it was now. Last time he sent you a nice, pricey necklace. Simple but elegant, very much in Leon's taste. You never expected to enjoy a sugar daddy this much. You needed money for college, and to simply get by. So you expected to do some dirty work for the sake of money. You didn't expect to have as much fun as you were having now with Leon. He was older than you for sure, he was reaching his forties. But he was hot, which is a great bonus. Just as you look inside the box, taking in the pretty lacy contents you get a message from Leon. "Did you get my gift? A little something for you to try on for me." He sent.
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Leon Kennedy (M ver) (F ver) | Sugar baby
Leon was in his early 20's, still in college and a police academy. He had bills to pay of course, and after moving away from his home town he wasn't exactly well off. Even if he wanted to work 2 jobs, his schedule had him way too busy to do that. He was desperate. But even then he didn't expect to end up looking for a sugar daddy/mommy, at first he was interested in seeing what he could do online to make more money, and he came across an app specifically for sugar dating. He signed up for it, not expecting anything from it. But now, he's waiting for [name] to pick him up for a date. You were older than Leon, way richer, beautiful/handsome too, and willing to spoil him with all your money. He's dressed in a nice suit, bought by you of course. You planned to take Leon out for dinner, a nice dining experience, eating food that cost almost as much as Leon's groceries. You pull into Leon's driveway, driving a sleek black Mercedes S-class. You honk and Leon takes one last look in the mirror before walking outside to your car. You open the door for him from the inside, watching as he gets in.
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1998 Mercedes-Benz M-Class 🇺🇸
Two decades ago, Mercedes launched the first generation M-Class. Traditionalists may have found it’s soft, bulky lines hard to stomach, but nobody could deny that it was an important car for the brand – the first SUV to bear the three pointed star. A hugely important model for Mercedes, the M-Class set the tone for the brand’s niche-filling focus in the 90s and 2000s.
Available exclusively for “No Limits” and “All Inclusive” tiers this July. Since August 1’st. Available for All Inclusive tier only.
Model with HQ interior and functional light.
Go and join my Patreon!
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Driven to Distraction
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader, Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader (sort of...), modern AU
Summary: Modern AU. An eventful ride home from a Christmas Eve party...
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Warnings: 18+smut, minors DNI, oral sex (m to f), fingering, voyeurism/exhibitionism, masturbation, one use of derogatory language, arguing as foreplay, sort of a threesome... sort of.
Word Count: 2.5k
1k followers build-a-blurb prompt: Anthony 👅 Smut 😡 enemies to lovers 🥳 party 🚗 car/carriage sex Smutmas Kink: Day 3 - Voyeurism/Exhibitionism Smutmas Dialogue Prompt: "There's no way I'm letting you spend Christmas alone"
Authors Note: Well... I have no excuse for this. This is sort of fulfilling a 1k follower celebration Build a Blurb request and Day 3 of @hallownightsblog 12 Days of Smutmas. Thanks to @makaylan for beta reading this. Err, enjoy <3
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Your sequin dress catches the light as your stride out of the opulent country house Christmas party. A fire of golden indignance.
“Don’t fucking follow me, Bridgerton,” you spit out over your shoulder.
“Don’t walk away from me; we are not done here,” Anthony shoots back, almost breaking into a jog to catch up with your pace as you charge out the main door.
You stalk onto the driveway, fold your arms and cock a hip, shooting daggers at him. You wish you had brought a coat with you tonight; it's freezing out now. But you don't want to admit to that chink in your proverbial armour, don’t want to give an inch in this stupid, petty argument. You know it's twisted, but nothing gives you more of an illicit thrill than sparring with this man.
An s-class Mercedes pulls up almost silently next to you as if summoned from thin air. It must be his, as he nods to the driver; that just seems to fuel your irritation.
“Get in the car,” he sighs.
“Get in the bloody car, y/n,” he grouses. “How else are you going to get back to London?”
“I’ll order an Uber or call a cab,” you sniff.
“Out here in the sticks? On Christmas Eve? To go forty miles? Yeah, good luck with that,” he snarks.
He's right, and you hate it. You were supposed to go home in your friend's car, but she was last seen headed upstairs with her tongue down the host's throat. You doubt you’ll see her again until well after Boxing Day.
You narrow your eyes at him, then wordlessly wrench open the rear door to his fancy car, sliding into the seat with a sour expression and throwing aside your clutch bag. He opens the driver's door, which momentarily confuses you, exchanges a couple of words with the driver then huffs a hollow laugh as he climbs in on the other side of the backseat.
The car glides away almost silently, the gravel driveway crunching under the tyres the only audible noise. You stare out the window, posture stiff, fuming, refusing to look over at him, watching the blur of trees reflected in the headlights as you zip down a narrow country lane. The heated leather seat is doing wonders to warm your legs, but you don't want to give away any sense of contentment.
“Not going to talk to me?” he needles after a few tense minutes.
You don’t dignify a response.
“Fine,” he sighs, “at least tell me where you want dropping off.”
“My flat is fine,” you sniff.
“Who is there?”
“No one,” you frown.
“Nope, not dropping you there,” he grouses.
“Why not?” you cry indignantly.
“There's no way I'm letting you spend Christmas alone. You will come to Bridgerton House,” he states plainly.
“No, I won't,” you scoff. “Drop me home.”
“No. We can stop there to pick up a few things if you wish, but then we drive on to mine.”
This is why you hate this man in almost equal measure to your attraction to him. The way he expects the world to bend to his will. It makes you so angry you want to try and fuck the arrogance right out of him.
“You are not the boss of me!” you volley back.
“No, you’re right; if I were your boss, you’d actually have to fucking listen to me and do what I say,” he spits.
“Hah!” you laugh bitterly, “I’d never do what you told me. In fact, I’d always go the polar opposite.”
“Fine,” he retorts, “keep your fucking knickers on, then.”
“Excuse me?!?” You finally look over at him, and his chest is heaving.
“You heard me,” his eyes flash at you.
He has you stuck; in order to do the exact opposite of what he’s saying and win this petty argument, you’ll need to remove your knickers.
You are never one to back down in a fight. And you need to fuck him so bad your skin itches.
Pushing up slightly, you pull up your sequined minidress just enough to grab your underwear and slide it down your legs.
You say nothing but look at him defiantly. You see his pupils dilate and his chest heave as you do exactly what both of you want.
“Keep your legs shut,” he orders gruffly.
You have no choice. You open them, your jaw squared.
He sinks into the footwell in front of you, and your breath hitches. These huge, luxury cars always have acres of room in the back, and this one is no exception. Your seat must be almost three feet from the passenger one in front.
“Close them harder,” he growls up at you.
Your dress rides up around your hips as you splay your knees wide. His eyes drop to between your legs, and you suddenly feel a throb there as he licks his lips.
“Don’t you fucking dare kiss me,” he snarls, his fiery gaze back on your face.
He’s well and truly got you there.
With a raised eyebrow, you lean forward, grab both ends of his undone bowtie, and roughly pull him to you, your mouth slanting over his.
“No tongues,” he mumbles against your lips, and your mouth opens hot on his, tongues meeting and almost biting each with the intensity.
“Don’t you dare touch my pussy,��� you whisper against his cheek, joining in the game, and his whole body flexes.
You gasp as he expertly brushes your clit. So turned on and electric hot.
“I suppose you’d hate it if I ate you out,” he murmurs hotly, his thumb swirling a teasing pattern that makes you want to bite him.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” you breathe unevenly, settling back into the chair as he dips down and roughly tugs your hips forward, pushing your legs even wider.
Suddenly you remember you are not alone. There’s a driver, likely listening to everything the two of you are saying. You glance in the rearview mirror, and your breath catches. He is looking right at you, his eyes so intense.
That isn’t a chauffeur at all.
That is Anthony’s brother. Benedict.
Anthony’s tongue ploughs into you, and you cry out as his swirls wet and questing around your clit. He definitely knows what he is doing.
But you don’t look away from the mirror. In fact, you lick your bottom lip lasciviously, then bite down. By god, you want him to watch you. Be the voyeur as his brother makes you come; give him something to remember. There's a hint of blush high on his cheeks as he quickly looks back at the road—his sudden rash of bashfulness just makes you want this even more.
You fist Anthony's hair, and he growls against your inner thigh as you direct his movements, taking your pleasure as much as he is giving it. He tilts your pelvis and moves lower into your heated flesh, his nose nudging your clit as his mouth covers your pussy, gently pressing his tongue into your body just a fraction, your walls clinging to him; his invasion feels like so much and yet also not enough. You glance down as you breathe heavily, feeling a ghost of stubble on his cheek, chafing the sensitive skin around your labia.
As Anthony tongue fucks you steadily, your eyes drift back to the mirror, knowing Benedict is cataloguing every look on your face. He shifts slightly in his seat, and you hear a change in the revs as his foot slips for a second. The idea he is hard and wanting is a depth charge of lust. You moan loudly as much for him as the man expertly taking you somewhere pleasurable.
Anthony moves back to your clit, running increasingly narrow circles right over your sensitive nub. For what feels like ages, he is swirling, teasing, changing pressure and bearing down harder with every noise you make, his hand almost bruisingly wrapped around your thigh.
You writhe and pant, your gaze pinging between the delicious sight of chestnut hair buried between your legs beneath you and the wanton eyes of the driver in front. You silently mouth his name in the reflection, staring him down. You watch as his pupils dilate even more.
You fight the potent, heady urge to push yourself into Anthony’s face, not to let him even breathe unless it's into your body. You want him to drown in you. He growls as your manicured nails scrape heavy on his scalp, his mouth open wide, sucking your flesh, his tongue lapping flat and broad.
You pant as you realise Benedict has taken one hand off the wheel, and you guess by the angle of his elbow he is palming his erection.
“Yes, don't stop,” you murmur, your voice throaty and rasping. It's a double meaning for both of them, and you stare Benedict down in the mirror, nodding, goading him to touch himself, almost wishing you could watch. From this angle, all you can see is the motion of his arm, and somehow that makes it all the more appealing. That you have to imagine him, hard cock in hand, relying on the car’s technology to take over as his concentration slips.
Anthony’s panting breaths buzz against your clit as he furrows on, and you take to shamelessly grinding yourself on his face. He sucks your clit hard between his lips, then uses a little edge of his teeth to nip at the tip, and you kick out a leg against the window, the tink of your stiletto against the glass making Benedict swerve until the car course-corrects for him.
“Be careful,” Anthony gruffs, pulling away a fraction and grasping the leather seat next to you as leverage.
You smirk at Benedict in the mirror, shaking your head slightly, and he raises his eyebrows challengingly as if blaming you.
“Touch yourself,” you call softly, knowing they will both interpret it as a command for themselves, which is precisely what you want. You hear a trouser zip, and the heady thought that you have no idea who’s, just excites you beyond belief.
Anthony redoubles his efforts, making filthy sodden noises as he pulls your swollen bud hard into his mouth. Suddenly two fingers plunge inside you, hooking deep, and you can't help but cry out.
“Fuck yesssss,” you stutter, eyes rolling back and your whole body flexing.
You can feel an almost magnetic pull inside, the start of a fluttering in your channel, as he finds that spongy spot that makes you lose all sense and drags harshly against it with a come hither motion. You pant open-mouthed as the sensation makes every muscle in your body clamp down hard, tensing, every fibre of your being taut and shaking. You don't break your heated gaze with Benedict the whole time, seeing out of the corner of your eye the play of taut muscle rippling in his white dress shirt, knowing that he must have his cock in a vice-like grip.
You are extra vocal, knowing it is making Anthony preens with pride at his skills and giving Benedict fuel for his masturbatory movements.
“Don't you dare come all over my hand and face,” Anthony snarls, knowing he has you close to the edge now, twisting his head slightly to kiss the sensitive skin where your thigh meets your pelvis.
“I’d never give you the damn satisfaction,” you yap back breathily, eyes glinting in the flashes of overhead lamps as you enter the motorway.
Luckily, you clamp your thighs hard against Anthony’s ears just as Benedict growls, presumably at the idea that you will orgasm soon. Come with me, you mouth urgently to his reflection as he presses hard on the accelerator, the car zipping along now on the fast road back into town, everything outside the window a blur and the engine a soft purr in the background.
Just to tease everyone, including yourself, you spider a hand down inside your dress and pinch your nipple, shuddering and moaning as you do. It's for Benedict as much as Anthony—he can see it in the reflection. Anthony glances up at you just as you look down at him, his eyes blazing lustfully as his face shines with your juices.
“You are such a wanton little slut,” his voice is low and dangerous, and you instantly know that he knows. Knows what you have been doing with his little brother. And the slur you usually find so utterly insulting just rockets you higher when it drips from his decadent tongue.
“Don't you dare fucking call me that,” you hiss, but it’s undermined by the way you bite your lip almost to the point of drawing blood and writhe so lewdly in your seat, so desperate for that last bit of suction and friction to get you off.
“I'll call you what you are,” he menaces, then his mouth is back on you with more than an edge of teeth this time, and it's what pushes you over the precipice he has been dangling you over. You fight to keep your eyes open and on Benedict's face, his neck corded, and pulse hammering as your world narrows down to the rushing in your ears, the throb of your heartbeat in your chest and the burning pulsing ache around your clit.
“Fuck Bridgerton!!” you scream, and then you are convulsing, your eyes screwing shut as you bare down on Anthony’s face, knowing you are leaking all over him but not caring; you can feel him lapping hard at you, rousing filthy noises spilling from his throat as he drinks from your body. The sensation seems to last forever, notching across your skin, tensing and releasing in waves that you ride, undulating against his jaw, grabbing his hair in tufts until he growls harshly. As you float away, breathing heavily, his body jerks against you as you realise he has just made himself come too.
The car smells of sinful sex as you slowly come back into your mind. The realisation of what you have done hits you as Anthony slides back into the seat next to you, refastening his fly. You steal a glance in the rear-view mirror, but Benedict's eyes are on the road, steadfastly refusing to meet yours, and you sense he has the same mutual feelings of guilt you do.
“If you want to fuck my brother too,” Anthony drawls, running a hand through his hair, “all you have to do is ask.”
You blush deeply and look down, ashamed, picking at the edges of your manicure.
“No answer is an answer, y/n,” he chuckles darkly.
You just bite your lip and pull down your dress as far as it will go.
“You shouldn't feel ashamed,” Anthony intuits, “part of the reason I like you so fucking much is your wild side. I have no problem with it,” he adds casually. He leans in; his voice is velvety as he utters the last devasting line. “Especially if you let me watch.”
Benedict almost crashes the car at that.
After a brief stop at your place, it’s on to Bridgerton House for quite the most spirited, adventurous Christmas break you have ever had.
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Anthony & Benedict taglists: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @wysteria-clad @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @queenofmean14 (if you want to be added to my taglist drop me a message)
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1k celebration
summary: pushing and pulling, always wanting more until one doesn't have anything left to give. pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!oc word count: 11.7k warnings: not proofread, profanities, SMUT - MINORS DNI! This is an 18+ fic (unprotected sex, vaginal sex, fingering - f receiving, oral - m & f receiving), angsty af, daniel lowkey being very whiney and pathetic but its okay. i could also be so inaccurate in descriptions of monaco and other locations but pls it just works well with the story. note: i hope you love this, i had so much fun writing it. and before you ask, yes i will be writing a part two. but don't ask me when bc i have 2 wips left. s/o to @bigdiccricc for helping me when i was stuck, i literally love you forever.
songs i listened to while writing this:
lifeline - joshua bassett // sad songs in a hotel room - joshua bassett // bad omens - 5sos // bleach - 5sos // emotions - 5sos // the way you look tonight - tony bennett //
Daniel wanders the halls and rooms of the house, curtly smiles and nods to people who greeted him and wished him luck just before the season goes into full swing. The air is thick, filled with expectations of 2022 and what he could just pull off. Most of the people expected the most of him, expected him to whip miracles out of a car that simply wasn’t made for him. It made his stomach churn. 
The Aussie looks at his phone for the hundredth time tonight, heart deflating at the screen void of her name. Just more meaningless texts about work and more wishful words. Daniel felt pathetic. 
The Aussie looks at his phone for the hundredth time tonight, heart deflating at the screen void of her name. Just more meaningless texts about work and more wishful words. Daniel felt pathetic. 
He doesn’t stay at the party for much longer, bidding goodbye to his closest friends and promising to see them one more time before he leaves. No one wondered why the life of the party was so glum or seemed to care. Daniel had never left a party so quickly, never welcomed an empty home more in his life. He shuffles into bed, the soft sheets and plush pillows embracing him. That’s when his phone chimes, screen lighting up the dark room. He should’ve been ashamed of how quickly he reached for his cell, swiping up on his screen to read the gray bubbles under her name. 
I’m really sorry. Are you awake? I need you 
There it was. Three words that will always keep Daniel hooked. All Anahí had to do was say she needed him, and Daniel was there. Whatever, whenever, she just says or sends those three words and he would come running. I need you. Three words have never sounded so pretty rolling off her tongue. 
Wide awake angel.  Where are you?
Daniel is already rolling out of bed, slipping back the same joggers and sweatshirt he had on. Just as he rolls his socks onto his feet, his phone chimes again. 
Home.  I’m brewing tea. It’ll be ready when you get here
He had to chuckle at himself and acknowledge his predictability. Ana knew him all too well. 
Just fucking pathetic.
Anahí only lived twenty minutes from his home in Monaco, sometimes ten when he remembers what he does for a living. The drive is quiet, streets empty with exception of one or two cars. Most people were fast asleep, or just about to roll into bed. It’s what Daniel loves most about Monaco. The simplicity, the suburban feel of it. He loved Monaco in all its glory, loved everything it gave him. And that included her. 
He parks next to Ana’s gray Mercedes S-Class, feet taking him all the way to her front door. It isn’t the first time he finds himself walking to her door past midnight. Hell, it might be the earliest he’s ever shown up. He taps the door thrice, rocking back and forth from heel to toe as he waits for her to open the door. It’s only a couple of seconds before he hears the locks jiggle and click, and Anahí is yanking the door open. There is defeat in her eyes, the usual brightness in them gone. She doesn’t say anything, just steps aside to allow him to enter. It’s quiet, the air thick with the unknown. 
Just as she promised, there are two mugs sitting on the dining table with steam rising from the top. The kitchen is tidy, minus the silver kettle sitting on the stove and the opened box of tea bags on the counter. 
“I found this ‘happy tea’ at the grocery store. We can see if it works.” She finally says. 
Daniel turns his head, eyes following as she moves around him and to the seat in front of the white mug. He sits in front of her, fingers hooking around the navy blue handle to tug it towards him. Daniel can finally study her, really look and try to understand her at this moment. 
The name Anahí is of Spanish origin, meaning beautiful like the flower. Her name never rang more true, even in her dampened state. Her cheeks are rosy, lips a beautiful shade of red, and her lashes long and thick. Long dark hair waterfalls over her shoulder, a mess of effortless waves. Even in the warm kitchen light, unflattering as it is, Anahí looked like an angel. Her thin fingers wrap around the ceramic mug, hugging it between her palms as she brings it close to her lips. She blows softly, before sipping. For the briefest of moments, her eyes fall shut, inhaling deeply. Daniel is mesmerized by the short moment of serenity, the look of content before her eyes open and she sets the cup down on the table.
She looks up at Daniel, a small smile on her lips before she shrugs. “I’m just happy you came.”
He can’t fight the smile forming on the lips, or the small giggle bubbling from his throat. He can’t help the warmth brewing in his chest over such a simple sentence. She smiles back, sweeping her hair over her shoulder. They sit in a much more comfortable silence, just sipping tea and enjoying the presence of the other. Halfway down the cup, Daniel leans back and looks up at his best friend. 
“You look nice, did you have a date?”
She shakes her head, “No. Yes… but no. I got stood up. Which is fine, but it isn’t.” 
Daniel tilts his head, raising his brow in confusion. “Fine but it isn’t?”
“He eliminated himself.” Ana shrugs, eyes casted towards the dark liquid in her cup. “Now I don’t have to guess if he’s the one or not.”
“But what’s so wrong with me? What is so wrong that I seem to deter men who want more than a one night stand?” 
The air gets caught in Daniel’s lungs, throat running dry. He needed to choose his words carefully, craft his response in a way that won’t totally give away his feelings for her. Was there a platonic way of saying that there wasn’t anything wrong with her, that in fact everything about her makes his heart swell? That he’s sitting right here, that he’s been here this entire time pining for her, waiting patiently for her to realize that he’s a man who wants more than a one night stand?
“I guess it’s my mistake for going on Tinder,” Anahí speaks up again, standing from her seat and going to pour the remnants of her tea down the sink. 
Daniel chuckles dryly, standing and following her to do the same. “Yeah. Maybe.” 
He washes her dishes while she moves around behind him. There is soft clinging and clanging, cabinet doors opening and closing. It’s almost domestic, down right perfect as he stands there in her space while she moves freely. Daniel places the mug on the drying rack, shaking his hands before drying them on the beige hand towel. He turns his body, leaning against the counter as he watches Ana walk around her kitchen. 
“Listen,” Daniel’s voice makes her turn in her place, looking up at him inquisitively, “For what it’s worth, it’s not you. It’s the way some men are wired. And I think that the world collectively is afraid of commitment.”  
Ana smiles, nodding. “Is it the way you’re wired?” 
He chuckles, “I’d like to think not.” 
“I don’t know Danny,” Ana teases, dragging out the o in ‘know’. “Thirty-two and no commitment?”
“Woah! Don’t pull out the age card,” Daniel laughs, poking her in the stomach. She giggles, tiny hands grabbing his wrists to stop him from poking her any further. 
“Maybe you should be on Tinder,” Ana laughs, jabbing her finger into his chest as he laughs loudly. 
“I’m more of a Hinge guy myself actually.” He jolts his hand forward, fingers reaching her skin and poking her stomach once more. 
Anahí’s laugh is loud. It’s the kind of laugh that will make your head turn, make you ponder over what kind of a woman would own a laugh like hers. Her smile is wild, ear to ear and tongue peeking between her pearly white teeth. It’s music, Daniel’s favorite song. 
Ana catches his wrists in her hands, finally stopping his friendly prodding. “Okay okay, stop! I surrender.”
Daniel nods, straightening his posture. The skin of his wrists tingles beneath her touch, like little jolts of electricity passing between the two. The moment lasted a couple of seconds, but to Daniel it felt much longer. He could stand in that moment forever, under her happy gaze. 
“Will you spend the night?” Anahí asks softly, releasing his wrists. “One more sleepover before you become too busy for me.” 
“Never too busy for you angel.” 
She rolls her eyes, “You know what I mean.”
Daniel contemplates his options. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s spent the night, innocently laying in bed by her. But he knows that it wouldn’t be smart. He knows that if anything, it will fuck him over for the n-th time. The night will turn into him watching her sleep, wishing on the stars that she’d wake up and have an epiphany. Maybe she’d wake up and see him by her side and realize he would never leave. Though, that’s not how life works. She would never magically read his mind, never be able to have that realization on her own. He knows what he has to do, what he needs to say. And in spite of that his fear of fucking up the only good thing in his life keeps his lips sealed. Sleeping in the same bed would only mean he gets his feelings hurt when he has to leave in the morning. It means his heart breaking as he watches her move in her space, perfectly comfortable with his presence and comfortable without it. 
Anahí looks up at him with her wide brown eyes, waiting for the answer she already knows. Daniel didn’t have the heart to say no. 
So they climb into bed, Anahí on the right and Daniel on the left. He’s stripped down to his boxers, the cotton duvet soft against his skin. Anahí is still sitting up, swiping away on her phone before lying comfortably on her side. Daniel props his head up on his hand, elbow resting on the pillow as he looks down at the girl next to him.
“What are you thinking about?” He whispers, reaching over to push a stray strand of hair off her face. 
She hums softly, savoring the delicate feel of his fingertips grazing her skin. There is a look of serenity on her face, the way her eyes shut for the briefest of seconds, and the slight flair in her nostrils as she breathes in.
“Thinking about how lonely I’ve been.” Anahí admits softly, “Thinking about all the failed dates and encounters. Of all the time I’ve wasted… sometimes I think that this life I’m leading is all that’s left. It’s hard to see an ‘up’ from where I’m standing.” 
Daniel lowers his head on the pillow, shifting his body around trying to get comfortable. “There’s always an up. This isn’t it for you angel, there’s still so much time left in the world to see the ups.” 
“Thank you for coming tonight,” She yawns, moving a little closer to him. “Thank you for always being a constant in my life. I can’t imagine this life without you Daniel.” 
He could kiss her. There is no stronger urge than the one he had now. He wants to weave his fingers through her hair and kiss her hard. He wanted his lips to show her how much he cares for her, show her that he will always be a constant even when she no longer needs him. He wants to hold her against him, to feel her warmth against his skin. 
He doesn’t kiss her. Instead he rests his hand on hers, squeezing softly. 
“Anything for you, Ana.”
It isn’t long before Ana falls into a deep slumber. Her lips are slightly parted hair standing disarray due to her small movements. The room was pitch black, with the exception of the small little nightlight in the corner of the room. The light is warm, making her skin look far more golden than it is. There Daniel lies, admiring her and making all those wishes that will never come true. 
The morning goes how it normally does. Daniel wakes before her, rolls out of bed to start up a pot of coffee to start their day. By the time Ana wakes up, Daniel is already walking in with her cup of coffee. She smiles, eyes still closed as she stretches her arms over her head. He holds out the cup for her to take, waiting patiently as she slowly sits up and reaches for it. She says a quiet thank you before sipping her coffee. They sit in comfortable silence until one has to say goodbye. Today it’s Daniel, chucking his early departure to conference calls and training. 
He walks out of her apartment feeling unfulfilled. He felt like he had fucked himself over as he drowns in the memory of her asleep by his side and how easy it was being with her. Daniel sits in his blue McLaren 540C, head resting on the steering wheel.
Daniel felt just fucking pathetic.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It must've been three days since Daniel last heard from Anahí. No texts or calls, absolutely no effort from either party to communicate. With him preparing to leave for Bahrain for pre-season testing and Anahí too busy with work, there hadn’t been much time to talk.
Daniel is set to leave in two days, and knowing how busy his last two days in Monaco are going to be, there wasn’t much thought into sending Ana a ‘wyd’ text. Three letters simply asking if she was available. Daniel sits at his desk trying his best to concentrate on reading the lengthy email on his computer screen. There were updates on the car plus a new agenda for his arrival in Bahrain, very important information he needed to comprehend and yet his mind is stuck on his cellphone and its black screen. If roles were reversed, he would be running. He’d have replied in an instant. It made him feel like shit, when it really shouldn’t. 
His phone finally chimes after ten minutes. 
Sorry, was driving.  Just got home, but might go out to take a walk. Join me?
Daniel grins, letting her know he’d meet her at hers in twenty minutes. He makes quick work of replying to the remainder of his emails, taking screenshots of his Bahrain schedule, and making sure that most of his work was squared away. He’d probably hear it from his manager, but it wasn’t anything his Aussie charm couldn’t handle. 
Anahí is waiting on the front steps of her building, tapping away on her phone and not noticing the curly haired boy jogging up to her. She finally looks up when his footsteps grow louder, greeting him with a smile and open arms for a hug. He scoops her up into his arms, burying his face into her neck for a brief moment before releasing her. She smells of fresh laundry and vanilla. Her hair is tied up high, away from her face and waves falling neatly to her mid-back. 
“We can just walk to the park from here, and we can stop by to get a smoothie too.” 
“Sounds like a plan angel.” Daniel smiles, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jacket. 
The walk from her building to the smoothie shop is only five minutes. And in those five minutes, Anahí rambles on and on about her work, filling him in on the last three days since they last saw each other. She’s always spoken so animatedly, Daniel notes. Her hands move flamboyantly, her voice rising and falling with each story she told. She speaks with such passion, such fire, it was hard for Daniel not to fall even more. 
He opens the door for her, like a gentleman does. He orders her mango smoothie and a green one for himself, and pays even with her protesting. And when they walk out of the shop, Daniel’s arm is slung over her shoulder with his hat sitting low. 
“Are you excited for the season to start?” She asks. 
“Yeah. I’m excited to see how the car has changed, and how I’m gonna kick ass this year.” 
Ana giggles softly, “Good to see that spirits are high. I’m excited for you.” 
Daniel removes his arm from her shoulder to switch hands holding his drink, trying to shake the cold off. “Gonna come out and see me?”
“Just a call away Danny. Say the word and I’ll be there.” 
She leans against his side, steps in sync with his. His heart swells at her words, each one planting seeds of hope in his heart. He smiles widely at her, pressing his cheek against the top of her head briefly. “How ‘bout Bahrain?” 
“Bahrain it is.” 
Daniel holds the drink in the other hand again, even if it still burns to hold, and slings his arm over her shoulder again. Ana leans into his embrace, sipping on her smoothie like it’s the most natural thing in the world. The quiet moments of the walk are comfortable, just the sound of sneakers hitting the pavement and cars whizzing by filling the space. Daniel savors the calmness of the moments, the feeling of moving with the world instead of hundreds of miles ahead. He commits the moment to memory, the feeling of peace and smell of vanilla all engraved in his brain. Everything felt perfect.
“Okay,” Ana plops onto a bench under a tree, sitting sideways to face the Australian, “One hope for the year that you’d like to see come true.” 
The question catches Daniel off guard. “Just one?” 
“Just one.” 
Daniel looks up at the greenery above him in contemplation. He had many hopes for the year, for the future in general. He had hopes for his career, hopes for the season, and hopes for his life out of the car. There was one nagging in the back of his head, threatening to bubble out of his mouth in gentle confessions. 
If he was going to be completely honest, one hope he had for the year was Ana. To be able to give all of himself to her, and for her to find comfort in giving all of herself to him. He wanted to be openly in love with her, to show how much he cares. He hoped for a day where his affections no longer had to be a secret, and that she would be accepting of it. 
But he couldn’t say that now. He didn’t want to run the risk of ruining such a perfect moment in their friendship. 
“In terms of my career, just being as productive as I can be on the team. I hope for wins and points, and just being the best I can possibly be in the car.” 
“But not in terms of your career?”
“Thought you said ‘just one,’ Ana.” Daniel teases, sipping the remainder of his drink.
“Don’t deflect.” 
He chuckles, “Kidding. My hope for life outside of work…” 
Daniel looks at Ana, smiling at her relaxed state. She looks up at him, wide eyed and patiently waiting for his answer. She looked at him like he held the world in his hands, filled with admiration and eagerness. It nearly tempted him to spill his guts out, lay it all out on the bench in the middle of the park. 
“I just hope that whatever I decide to do, however I manage to go about my life, that I’ll be happy by the end of it.” 
Ana’s smile is comforting, reassuring him that he said the right thing. “You are such a simple man. I love that about you.” 
Love. Daniel ignores the flutter in his gut, posing the same question for her. 
“One hope for your year?”
The girl plays with the ends of her ponytail, twirling the loose wave around her finger. She has her thinking face on. Bottom lip tucked between her teeth, cheeks tensed, and eyes focused on her free hand swirling her melted smoothie with the plastic straw. It’s only quiet for a couple of seconds before Ana’s head pops up, eyes meeting his own. 
“Same as you, honestly. I just want to be completely content with my life and the choices I make.”
“Simple woman. Love it.” 
Ana’s smile is wide, eyes crinkling, and nose scrunched up. They both laugh softly. The air is light, easy to breathe. Their knees are touching as they sit on the park bench facing each other, smiles on both their faces. Daniel didn’t want the moment to end. He never wanted to leave the feeling of belonging, the feeling of knowing that this is where he’s meant to be. Relationships and commitment and the whole nine yards had never appealed to him, until this moment. He revels in the simplicity sitting there, on a dirty park bench, and feeling completely at ease. 
He never wanted the smiles and sweet words to ever end. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
P6. It wasn’t bad, but it definitely wasn’t where Daniel wanted to finish at his home race. The whole weekend fell flat. It should’ve been his weekend. From the outside looking in, the days leading up to his home race were ever in his favor. He was home, it was his track. But fuck was it a messy weekend. Had he taken a shot for every colored flag called, every car spinning out, every retirement, he would’ve blacked out. Though he wasn’t entirely without fault. Truthfully, he wasn’t comfortable in his car. No matter what he did, what he tried to adjust, the damn thing was not working with him. Everyone came around to see him win, or at least the bottom step of the podium. He wanted to give home something to brag about, especially after two years of not racing at home. And all he had to deliver was P-fucking-six. He felt like he let people down, felt like a fucking failure.
And to sully the weekend even more, it has been radio silence from Ana. Their text thread is a string of blue desperation, just one text a day. Nothing happened— to Daniel’s knowledge— to elicit the lack of contact. 
Daniel didn’t sleep much on his flight back to Monte Carlo. He was drowning in his past race data and his anxieties over Ana kept his mind busy. Over the fifteen hours worth of traveling, the Aussie only got two hours of real peaceful sleep. He was absolutely dead when he touched down in Monte Carlo. Michael is grabbing his bags for him and loading them in his SUV, as he goes through his phone and clicking her text thread.
Could use some company. Not a great weekend.  Can I see you please?
“Home?” Michael asks. 
Daniel looks down at his phone, heartbeat picking up as he sees the three dots appear on his screen. But it goes as quickly as it comes and there is still no response. 
He sighs. “Home.” 
His apartment is stuffy, eerily quiet as he walks in and drops his duffle by the couch. The exhaustion of traveling is finally catching up to him. His legs feel heavy, eyes burning as sleep threatens to drape over him. Daniel lays in bed for all of two seconds before his text tone goes off. 
I’m on my way.
Daniel smiles tiredly, forcing himself up to lean on his headboard. He types a quick reply for her to let herself in and that he’s already in bed. He does his best to fight the sleep threatening to take him, determined to see his favorite person before slipping into a deep slumber. But his eyes burn and his body is heavy. It grows harder and harder to stay awake with each passing minute. Fifteen minutes feels like eternity. 
He barely registers the front door opening, or her soft footsteps padding closer and closer to his bedroom door. It’s as if his head is attached to a fifty pound weight as he lifts it to look up Ana. There is a soft, almost sympathetic smile on her face as she stands in the doorway.
“Oh Danny.”
He tries to smile, Ana can see the effort he puts in to curve his lips upward. His hair is a mess, eyes glossy with exhaustion, and yet he sits in bed trying to show her how happy he is to see her. 
“You came.”
“Of course I did. Now go to sleep, we can catch up in the morning.”
The tired boy pouts, eyes already shut. “Stay.”
Ana doesn’t think twice. She closes the bedroom door softly, and kicks off her shoes before climbing into bed with Daniel. He sinks back down to his pillow, arm lazily slung over her torso as he slips into a deep slumber. Ana curls into his embrace, fingers reaching out to twirl the frayed curls. Her hands wander, pressing gently against his scalp as the boy snores softly. She can’t help the smile on her face at the look of peace on his sleeping face. Daniel’s strong features are softened in the sweet moonlight. 
He looks beautiful, she thinks.
Daniel wakes up late the next day, head pounding and eyes trying to adjust to the sunlight pouring in through his bedroom window. He groans softly, burying his face in the plush pillow. He reaches over, his hand landing flat against his sheets. His head jolts up, eyes searching the room for dark brown locks and a pretty face. 
And as if the universe saw his disarray, it sends Ana strolling in with two mugs in hand. Daniel’s speeding heart slows, and he drops his head back on his pillow.
“Morning. How ya feeling?”
“Like I got hit by a truck.” His voice is muffled against the pillow. 
“Sleeping twelve hours will do that to ya,” Ana chuckles, sitting on the bed and placing her mug on the nightstand. “Get up, drink your coffee before it gets cold.”
Daniel groans softly before forcing himself up. He takes the cup from her outstretched hands, muttering a thanks before sipping. The bittersweet beverage slowly pulls him from his tired state, the taste comforting. He leans over, placing his mug next to her own.
“You stayed.”
“Of course I did. I want to hear all about Australia and the Grand Prix.” Anahí nibbles on her bottom lip, “And to apologize for disappearing on you during an important weekend. I was dealing with some work stuff and I… yeah I’m sorry.”
Daniel nods, “I get it. It was really nice to be home, but it wasn’t the race I was hoping it would be.” 
He dives into the nitty gritty of the weekend behind him. He reiterates the details, the feelings of Friday through Sunday. Ana listens intently, legs criss-cross and her chin resting in her right hand. She doesn’t say a word, just looking at him and giving him the undivided attention he so desperately craves and deserves. 
“But yeah…” Daniel sips his coffee before rolling onto his back. “Yeah I just want to forget the weekend happened the way it did. Put the whole thing behind me.” 
Ana sighs, straightening her posture. “Sounds fucking crazy. But I watched Sunday, you did amazing considering everything else. I might be a dud when it comes to the numbers and the technical stuff, but still. I’m proud of you. I know home is proud of you too. P6 is nothing to be so down about. It’s only up from here Danny.” She ruffles his curls and he smiles.
She uttered words that his entire team had been reiterating all weekend. He didn’t believe anyone when they said he did great, didn’t think that he did enough. But the words rolling off Ana’s tongue felt real, felt more comforting. If she says that he did great, that his efforts were enough, then it must be true.
“Thanks angel. Now, tell me about your weekend. Missed you in the garage.” Her smile doesn’t reach her eyes. Ana looks away, eyes trained on the gray duvet below her. “Everything alright?”
There is a beat of silence as Ana fiddles with the hem of her t-shirt. She can feel Daniel’s gaze on her, waiting for her answer. Truthfully, everything isn’t alright. Nothing has felt remotely alright for a while, but she isn’t sure if she had the courage to voice that. Ana finally looks up, looking straight at Daniel who stares at her quizzically. His hair is a mess, eyes soft, and head tilted in curiosity.
“Daniel, I’m moving to Montana.” 
His ears start ringing, the world around him seems to slow to a halt. Daniel sits up, hair standing in different directions and his honey eyes in a panic. 
“Three months.” 
“But why?”
Ana looks at him, really looks at him. Her heart comes up her throat as she notes Dan’s furrowed brow and obvious frown. He looks like a lost boy, like she just took away his favorite toy. Moving away has always been in the back of her mind, it was the potential answer to all her troubles but also an answer she wasn’t always comfortable with. And sitting here, with Daniel waiting for her to explain, is exactly why she tried to avoid it all together. 
“I’ve done a lot of thinking lately, lots of reflection of my time here in Monaco. I feel like maybe it’s time for a change, that maybe it would be better for me out there to be in a much more quiet and simple place. Maybe… maybe I’ll be happier.” 
Daniel frowns even more, “You’re unhappy?”
Anahí shrugs, “Yeah kind of. I haven’t felt much like myself in a while Daniel. I feel sort of…” She trails off, throat closing up. Daniel can see her eyes glossing over with tears and can hear the strain in her stammering. “I just feel lost. I feel like I’m stuck in a bubble floating away watching as everyone moves on with their life.” 
Daniel isn’t someone you could walk away from, isn’t the kind of person you can simply say goodbye to without some serious contemplation. Saying goodbye to the only good thing in her life isn’t something she came to terms with easily. Daniel has always been there for her even if he’s far away. But it’s come to the point that their connection scares her. She fears she’s become too dependent on him, and that her happiness is determined by his availability. It isn’t fair to either of them. Daniel didn’t need to carry Ana’s baggage, and Ana couldn’t sit in Monaco and wait for him to be available to do so. She needed to make moves for herself, for her happiness.
Tears fall onto her cheeks even as she tries to smile through her sadness. It breaks Daniel’s heart. He reaches over, pulling her against him as she begins to cry softly. His hand rubs her back soothingly, lips pressing a kiss at the top of her head. “I’m sorry.”
He could’ve called more. He should’ve called more. He should’ve flown her out more. He should’ve he should’ve he fucking should’ve. 
“Don’t be.” She blubbers, “You couldn’t have known.” Ana pulls away from his embrace, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand in an attempt to look more composed. The bags under eyes are bright red, matching the tip of her nose. Daniel reaches over, hand cupping her face as his thumb swipes the streak of wet on her cheek. 
“But I should’ve Ana. What kind of best friend have I been?” 
“Oh Dan,” Her hand comes up to hold his. “You are a busy man Mr. Ricciardo. I don’t expect you to drive the car and keep track of me.” 
“I know but–” 
“But nothing, Danny. You’ve been great, the best. I think I would be a lot worse if it weren’t for you.” Anahí chuckles, patting his hand as he releases her.
They sit there, the thick air thinning out. Daniel looks her up and down, taking mental pictures of the moment. He memorizes the way her hair falls over her chest, her flushed cheeks, and wide eyes. He looks at the time. 3:47 pm. The sun was behind her, shining through his window and providing her with a glow. Like an angel. His angel. 
“I don’t want you to go.” Daniel confesses. “And that might be selfish of me… and it’s not me saying that you shouldn’t I just… I had to say it.”
Ana smiles that same old sad smile, almost as if she pitied him. “Daniel…”
“You’re not gonna be ten minutes down the road from me. No more spontaneous walks in the park or sleepovers. You’re gonna be half a world away.” 
Tears well up in Ana’s eyes. “I have three months left here.”
“Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt now.” 
It’s quiet again. The news of her departure looms above them, and they both wish she never said it. If she never said it out loud, then maybe it wouldn’t be real. Except that no matter how long she waited to tell him, it wouldn’t negate the fact that she would be moving away in due time. It won’t delay the inevitable goodbye and heartache. Parting ways is now in their cards, and Daniel couldn’t be sadder about it. 
Ana leaves not too long after, allowing Daniel to try and get his routine together. The sun coats the room orange when she walks out the door. Her hug goodbye is tight, warm, accompanied by the soft promises that they would hang out soon. As soon as the door shuts, this feeling of emptiness settles in his chest. He feels his heart is breaking, and there isn’t a damn thing either of them could do about it.
Selfish thoughts creep into his mind. He could’ve put up more of a fight. He could’ve convinced her otherwise, convinced her that being this close to him is the only solution. What if he poured his heart out, confessing things he only thinks about? What if he told her that she makes his heart soar, that he’s never felt more at home than with her? Daniel can’t help but regret not saying all the gentle and honest confessions, but he also knew that it would be fucked up. It would be him trapping her, because he can’t say goodbye. He was everywhere while she was here, and Daniel didn’t have the heart to beg her to stay. How could he? He traveled the world 9 months of the year. He quite literally moves a hundred miles an hour, how could he ask her to just stay put?
And to that, why would he? Who is he to pine and beg and demand that she stay? He isn’t her lover, they’re not dating, hell he isn’t even fucking her. That she be available to him while he’s in Monaco and to wait patiently while he’s away? He’s only her friend, her best friend, and he needs to be supportive. He needs to show her that he’s on her side. Because he is. She trusts him, and Daniel will be damned if he breaks that. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Two months seems to have flown past Daniel without him realizing it. Time is cruel, and he wishes he could just stop the clock so he can spend one moment longer with Ana. 
They saw each other every chance they got. Whether that means she would fly out to watch him race or they’d take another stroll in the park in Monaco, the two were practically attached at the hip. And in the nearly sixty days, Daniel has one hundred and ten percent fallen irrevocably in love with Anahí. If he didn’t know it then, he sure as hell knows it now. 
The last time he saw Ana was in between Baku and Canada. Daniel really should’ve been flying straight to Canada from Baku, but he wanted to stop at Monaco to see her. He spent 8 hours, touchdown to take off, sitting with her in her apartment as she packed her life away. He tried to help, much to her refusal. In the end, he moves boxes out of the way so that she still has space to move as she counts down the days before she leaves. They laid in the empty living room, the hardwood cool on their clammy skin.
“I have a question,” Daniel posed, turning his head to look over at her. Ana does the same, smiling at him.
“I might have an answer.”
Daniel remembers the feeling of his heart in his throat, the butterflies furiously fluttering in his gut. “A friend of mine is getting married, and I was wondering if you would be my date?”
The second between his question and her answer felt like an eternity. Daniel wanted to throw up. But then she smiles. The smile was wild, ear to ear with her tongue peeking between her pearly white teeth. 
“I’d be honored.”
And that’s how Daniel finds himself in a sleek black Porsche Cayenne, driving the both of them from the airport to their hotel. The wedding is in Valencia, Spain, both in fairly unfamiliar territory. The drive is quiet but short, and it isn’t long until they arrive at their hotel. Daniel hands Ana the paperwork for their room reservation as he lugs the luggage along. Their room is a standard one with two full size beds. It’s spacious, with a view of the resort pool and the coast line behind it. 
The first day is fairly mundane, neither of them choosing to get ready until just about an hour until the rehearsal dinner. Daniel chooses to wear gray trousers and a white long sleeve button up. He rolls the sleeves up to his elbows and undoes the top two buttons. 
“Hey Ana, you ready?” He calls out, tousling with his curls in the mirror.
“Yeah, just about. Just need help with my necklace.”
Daniel’s breath gets caught in his throat as he watches her walk out of the bathroom. She is in a rose colored dress, with a cowl neckline and the hem falling just below her knees. It hugged her every curve, and complimented her skin beautifully. Ana looks up at Daniel through the mirror, completely naive to the way he is looking at her. She holds up her necklace, and it snaps him out of his daydream of her. He chuckles, trying to play off that he was practically drooling over her. They switch places, Daniel standing behind her in front of the mirror as he lays the pearl necklace on her skin. His nimble fingers figure out the clasp quickly, and he can’t help but let them wander on the expanse of her back. He can hear her breath hitch, goosebumps rising on her skin. 
“You look beautiful, angel.” Daniel whispers, taking a step back as he admires her.
Ana’s cheeks tinge red, turning to face Daniel. “Thanks, you look pretty good yourself.” 
“C’mon, we’re gonna be late.” 
Rehearsal dinner is on the property, on the beach. There is a long banquet table, beautifully decorated with elaborate flower arrangements and fancy silverware. Daniel and Ana find their place on the table, smack dab in the middle right across from each other. Dinner was to die for, and the wine was impeccable. They didn’t talk as much, both too distracted socializing with the small group of people closest to them.
The sound of silverware tapping against the glass sends a wave of silence over the table. All eyes are cast on the groom, Adam, and the bride Rachel. They look stunning, standing at the head of the table. Adam looks down at the love of his life as she begins to speak, saying a round of thank yous. He looks at her the way Daniel feels about Anahí, and it makes him smile.
“Everything that Rachel said.” Adam chuckles as his wife-to-be encourages him to speak. “No um… It means a lot to celebrate this love with all of you. In less than twenty-four hours I get to say I do.” 
Daniel watches Ana’s reaction, the way she looks up at the couple with adoration and awe. Her eyes twinkle, smile wide, and Daniel seems to fall for her even more. 
“I’ll save all the sappy stuff for tomorrow,” The groom says, holding up his glass of white wine. “But a toast. A toast to my girl, a toast to forever, and a toast that you all will find a love as great as ours. Cheers!”
A chorus of cheers are loud, everyone raising their glass before clinking with others. Daniel reaches his glass over the table and Anahí meets him halfway. 
Clink. “To everything he said,” Daniel chuckles, winking her way.
“To everything he said.” She smiles. 
Everyone turns in early for the night. Daniel feels a slight buzz from the wine, his giggly and touchy state giving him away. The pair couldn’t return to their hotel room without laughter and Daniel poking her. To onlookers, they look like a couple completely and utterly smitten with the other. But the assumption couldn’t have been more incorrect. The reality is that a boy loves a girl, and the girl has no fucking clue. 
Ana sits on her bed, watching as Daniel kicks off his shoes and rolls onto his bed. His shirt is wrinkled, untucked, staying closed with the grace of two buttons. She can see his toned, tan chest peeking from under the white material. Her cheeks are suddenly warm, and she turns away. She silently retreats to the bathroom to get ready for bed and effectively from Daniel. When she returns, Daniel is fast asleep with his trousers and button up on the floor next to his bed. She picks up after him before getting into her own bed, folding the clothes messily and placing them on his luggage. She shuts off the light, the room engulfed in darkness. It takes a moment for her eyes to adjust, but it isn’t long until she is able to trace his strong features with his gaze. He snores softly across from her, curls messily sprawled on his forehead. Her heart seems to follow the cadence of his breathing as she sinks deeper and deeper into her thoughts. 
The idea of saying goodbye to this type of peace scares her, and she can’t help the tears already springing in her eyes. She misses him already. There is a tightness that grows in her chest, and soon she is crying softly in her bed. Not nearly as quiet as she thought, however. She isn’t sure when and how but Daniel tiredly rolls in right next to her, arms pulling her close to him as he shushes her gently. He doesn’t say anything, just allows her to cry softly until they both fall asleep. There were so many unspoken thoughts, both too afraid to admit to the obvious. 
The next morning, it’s as if it never happened. They wake up just after ten, wrapped up in the other, like it was the most natural thing in the world. But it wasn’t. Friends don’t hold each other the way they do, or look at the other as they are. Daniel pushes her hair away from her face, delicately as if she’d break. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He asks, his thumb gently caressing her cheek as he holds her face.
She shakes her head. “No. I just wanna lay here for five more minutes if that's okay.”
He whispers okay, and she nuzzles her face into his bare chest. Daniel’s fingers weave their way through her hair, fingertips massaging her scalp tenderly. He’d give her all the time in the world, all she had to do was ask. 
True to her word, they only lay like that for five minutes before they’re both forced to get up and begin their day. The wedding isn’t for another couple of hours, but there is still a lot to do between now and then. They order a room service breakfast, Daniel throwing on a movie to pass the time as they eat. They watch the Parent Trap in full before they finally begin to get ready. 
Daniel slips on black trousers and an emerald green button up, making sure to button it all the way up. He slips on his white sneakers before tapping on the bathroom door. “Hey, sorry. I need my gel for my curls when you're done.” 
The door is pulled open, and once again Daniel is at a loss of words. Just as she did the day before, she knocks the wind out of his lungs. She is in a strapless, floor length dress in emerald green to match him. The top half is tight, hugging her body until it drops just at the top of her thigh. Her left thigh pokes out of the slit, taunting Daniel. She looks glorious, down right fucking gorgeous and Daniel didn’t know what to do with himself. 
“You look beautiful,” Daniel admits, smiling widely. 
“Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself.” She winks, stepping aside. “I’m about done, just lipstick. But you can come in.” 
He nods, moving over to his side of the bathroom. Daniel makes quick work of his curls, twirling them around his index finger until they look more put together. Ana watches him through the mirror, admiring the way he concentrates on his hair. His tongue peeks out between his lips as his eyes concentrate on the curls framing his face. He shakes his head lightly, groaning softly. Without asking, Ana moves over to help. She steps between the counter and him, fingers splitting and tousling with his hair. He doesn’t look at her, instead choosing to watch his reflection. 
“Good?” She asks softly, hands retreating from his face. A smile grows on his face, nodding. “Good.” She confirms, smiling back. 
Daniel looks at his watch, “Alright, lipstick then we gotta go to the chapel.”
Anahí nods, holding up two tubes. “Pick.” Daniel taps one, and Ana opens the tube to reveal a striking red. The boy’s throat runs dry, watching as she paints her lip the vibrant color. “Alright,” she muses, “Ready.” 
Ana walks out of the bathroom, leaving Daniel behind as he stands there still mesmerized by her and the red lacquer painted on her lips. His imagination runs wild, and it isn’t until she is clearing her throat does Daniel finally move. He offers her his arm, which she gladly takes as they make their way down and to the car. The drive to the chapel is only ten minutes, and the parking lot is half full by the time they arrive. The chapel is buzzing with quiet conversation, all along the lines of how the day is finally here and how excited they all are. Daniel and Ana sit in the middle of the space, right by the aisle. 
Not a dry eye in the room. It’s how every wedding ceremony seems to go, and this is no exception. 
“Rachel,” Adam begins, “There were a million and one things that I wanted to say. A million and one things I wanted to write. But all one million and one things come back to the same conclusion, and it’s that I love you. That at the end of all this, when the sun sets, and the world goes to sleep, I will always love you. I promise that in all that I do, that it is in your best interest. That I will love you through all circumstances, love you as you grow with and beyond me. I can’t imagine my life without you in it, Rach. And I refuse to believe that there is a version of me without you. If there’s something I’m most sure of in this life, it’s that you were always meant to be in it. I love you Rachel. I can’t wait for the rest of forever with you.”
Daniel can feel Ana’s head resting on his shoulder and hear her soft sniffles as the priest carries on with the ceremony. Adam’s words settle in Daniel’s heart, making a home there with all his thoughts of the woman next to him. He looks down at the woman who rests on him, her eyes focused on the couple in front of them. The whole room seems to focus on the couple prevailing their love in front of the whole world, except Daniel. All Daniel can think of is her. If there’s something I’m most sure of in this life, it’s that you were always meant to be in it.
The same words play over and over in Anahí’s head. And as her head rests on his shoulder, she feels like she’s where she’s meant to be. Through all the heartache and tears, the late nights and strolls in the park, she finally feels like she belongs. There is a feeling of safety, of home. That very moment, with her head on his shoulder, felt more natural than anything in the world.
The room erupting in cheers tears the both of them away from their thoughts, and his eyes look up to see the couple securing forever with a kiss. Daniel jumps to his feet to join the rest of the room, cheering loudly for the newlyweds. Screams and applause are heard from every corner as the crowd watches the couple walk to the end of the aisle. The two look up at each other, smiles as wide as the Cheshire cat. 
The reception is as grand as the ceremony. Decorated with flowers and pompas, the lights are dim and romantic. The setting is just right to fall in love. Dinner is served, and not without alcohol. It isn’t long until both Daniel and Ana are elbow deep in cocktails, a laughing mess as they talk about what friends talk about. They’re surrounded by friends, by people who love the couple as much as they do, but they don’t seem to matter. In a room meant to be in adoration of newly weds, Daniel was only in awe of her. He’s captivated by her flushed cheeks, long lashes, and plump red lips. He’s smitten with the way her hand feels against him, how her touch seems to linger more than necessary. 
The lights dim even further, the room nearly pink from the lights. The emcee encourages the crowd to join the couple in a slow dance. 
“Anahí, will you do me the honor of dancing with me tonight?”
Daniel holds out his hand, a goofy grin on his face as he awaits her response. 
“I’d be delighted.”
Someday, when I'm awfully lowWhen the world is coldI will feel a glow just thinking of you And the way you look tonight
The Way You Look Tonight plays softly on the speaker as Daniel’s hands rest comfortably on the small of her back as hers are draped over his shoulders, fingers intertwined behind his neck. He sways her left and right, following the slow cadence of the song. Even in his tipsy stupor, he seems to move her just right, slow and sweet. 
Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm And your cheeks so soft There is nothing for me but to love you And the way you look tonight
The whole room dissolves. It’s just them and the soft music. No one mattered, not even the couple being celebrated. Daniel looks at Anahí, who looks up at him with such fondness and warmth. She looks up at him the way he feels about her. 
“What are you thinking of?” Daniel asks, hands squeezing her sides comfortingly.
With each word your tenderness grows Tearin' my fear apart
“I’m just so happy.” Ana admits, “I’m happy.” 
“The booze?” Daniel teases, but Ana shakes her head with a small laugh.
And that laugh wrinkles your nose Touches my foolish heart
“No, more than that. I’m just happy Dan, I really am. The happiest I’ve been.”
His hands slide from her hips to her hands, gently raising one of her arms to spin her around. Lovely, never, never change… keep that breathless charm. Daniel pulls her back against him, her hands pressed against his chest as he sways her again. 
Won't you please arrange it? 'Cause I love you. Daniel rests his forehead against hers, humming softly. Just the way you look tonight. 
“I’m happy too, angel.” 
The moment is too perfect to pass, and so Daniel does what he’s always dreamed of. There is a burst of confidence, and he doesn’t know if it’s the alcohol in his system or the fact that it simply felt right. So he kisses her. 
Her lips are slow, soft against his. His hands grip her tighter as his lips mold onto hers lovingly. His heart is beating hard against his ribs, he swears she can feel it. Ana’s fingers are at the back of his head, pulling him even closer. There is a bit of desperation between the two, the need to be close and to be completely wrapped up in the other. Daniel is the first to pull back, breathing deeply as he searches Ana’s eyes for any sign of regret. 
But she just stares back at him with fire in her eyes, and Daniel can feel the blood rushing to his groin. Ana cups his face, thumb swiping over her lips to remove the red residue. 
“Take me home.” 
Daniel didn’t need to be told twice as he practically drags the girl out of the crowd. They pile into the back of a taxi, hands unable to release the other as they kiss feverishly. This kiss is different from the first one. It’s needier, much more desperate, with teeth clashing and hands grabbing. She was halfway on top of him, with her leg slung over his lap and his hands gripping her ass. The driver taps on Daniel’s leg at the end of their drive, trying to signal them that they’ve arrived at their destination. Daniel hands him more than enough for the fare and tip, not bothering to take the change as the two stumble to the elevator. They’re laughing and stumbling, hands grasping for the other. And as the elevator door closes, her lips are back on his own. 
The elevator dings just three floors short of theirs, and Ana quickly steps away from the kiss. She stands next to him as another couple joins them. As natural as they tried to act, it was clearly obvious what the two were up to. Red lipstick is smeared on Daniel’s face and neck, and Anahí’s lip line is no longer crisp. But they didn’t care. Daniel grins over at Ana, who smiles in return. 
The elevator finally makes it to their floor, and the two are quick to make it to the room. Ana attaches her lips to Daniel as soon as he shuts the door, her fingers quickly undoing the buttons of his shirt. He guides her all the way to the bed, just stopping at the foot of it. Daniel cups her face, pulling away from the kiss. 
“Ana, are you sure?”
They both pant, staring deep into each other's eyes. Daniel looks again, searching for any sign of hesitation. He looked for a reason to stop. But Ana’s fingers never stopped undoing the buttons on his shirt, pulling it from the waistband of his pants before pushing it off his shoulders. She looks down at his toned torso, fingers tracing the dips and tops of his muscles. Her fingers move to hook around the belt loop of his pants, but Daniel grabs her wrist to stop her. 
“Ana,” Daniel strains, dipping his head to meet her eyes.
“Yes Daniel. I’m sure.” 
He doesn’t wait any longer, kissing her like his life depends on it. His fingers pull on the zipper of her dress, listening as the fabric drops to the floor. He lays her down gently, lips moving along her jaw and down her neck. Her soft moans and whimpers are music to Daniel’s ears, and he craves to hear them more. He looks up at her, admiring the way her eyes are closed and lips agape as she soaks in his touch. Slowly, he pulls her underwear down her soft legs, but not without leaving kisses in its path. 
Anahí savors the feeling of his soft lips on the innermost part of her thigh, the way his stubble pokes at her skin softly. Anticipation builds in the pit of her stomach as he kisses closer and closer. But then he stops. She lifts her head, looking as Daniel stares at her center with a small smirk. 
“Pretty fucking pussy.” 
She moans at his compliment, biting down on her bottom lip. Daniel runs his middle and ring finger through her folds, honey brown eyes meeting hers as he plunges them into her. Her breath hitches in her throat, head falling back onto the bed as he pumps his fingers slowly. He wants to tease her, to pull her closer and closer to the edge but never let her finish. He wants to see her melt in his hands. But that’s all in due time.
For now he wants to love her. To make her feel good. Tonight, it’s all about her.
His lips wrap around the bundle of nerves, sucking softly before allowing his tongue to trace figure-eights all along it. Ana’s moans grow louder and louder, her fingers finding their way to his curls. He groans softly at her soft grip, the gentle tugging as if to beg him for more. He obliges, eating her out like it was her last meal. The sound of his tongue against her and fingers fucking her sound obscene, but they make Ana yearn for more. 
There’s a bubble growing in the pit of her stomach, growing larger and larger as Daniel adds urgency to his movements. Her pussy clenches around his digits, letting him know she’s close. He pulls away briefly. 
“Look at me angel, keep your eyes on me.”
Her eyes pop open, watching as Daniel places his lips back on her core. Daniel’s free hand reaches up to grab her breast, massaging and playing with her. Her eyes focus on the rose, how pretty it looks against her. His tongue is back against her clit, lips sucking and nibbling softly. She pants as the bubble continues to grow, her release right there. There’s something attractive, something downright sinful, about the way Daniel looks between her legs. His hair in disarray thanks to her, with his eyes boring into hers as he pulls her closer to an orgasm. The sight alone is enough to have her dripping. 
He hums against her, “C’mon angel.” 
Between his tongue and fingers, she finally succumbs to it all. Her legs squeeze Daniel’s head as he laps up her release, milking her until she’s done and begging for him to stop. 
Daniel releases her, chin glistening with her slick as he climbs back up to kiss her. She moans softly against him, hands trailing down from her face to his chest, gently pushing her up. Daniel kneels above her, knees on either side of her. He looks angelic, hair standing and features soft as he looks down upon her. Ana sits up, her fingers undoing his belt and pants, pulling it just under his bum. She kisses his cock over his underwear before palming him softly. She watches as he throws his head back, enjoying the feeling of her gentle touches on the most sensitive part of his body. 
Ana doesn’t spend too much time teasing him. She pulls his boxers down his legs, watching as his cock springs up. She looks up at him through her lashes, fingers wrapping around his shaft to pump him softly. Daniel’s eyes meet hers, enamored by the innocence on her face contrasting her sinful movements. With doe eyes, she leans forward and takes him into her mouth. She never stops looking into his honey eyes as she bobs her head, taking more of him until he hits the back of her throat. Moans bubble up from his throat as she sucks him off, harder and harder. He cups her chin, pulling his cock out of her mouth. She looks up at him, confused. Her lips are glistening with spit, red lipstick smeared everywhere. 
He could’ve cum right then and there. 
Daniel climbs off her, pulling his pants and underwear down to his ankles before stepping out of them. He takes his place back between her legs, lips attaching to hers in desperation. He kisses her, hard. He pours his heart into the kiss. Every thought, every wish, every feeling he’s ever felt is poured into that one kiss. 
“Daniel,” She breathes, “Please.”
“Please what, angel?” Daniel mumbles, kissing her neck softly. 
“Fuck me.” Daniel moans against her skin, breathing hard, “Please Daniel.” 
He gives in to her begging, hands wrapping around her shaft as he rubs the head of his cock against her wet center before finally pushing into her. Ana’s moans are loud, high pitched, and needy. Daniel watches the pleasure washing over her face with every stroke, her chest rising and falling. He leans down to kiss her again, his hips never stopping. She feels every inch of him, the way it fills her up and sends pulses of pleasure through her body. 
“You were made for me.” He confesses, hips moving faster against her own. 
“All for you.” She confirms, fingers between his curls. 
He fucks her nice and sweet, pulling her all the way to her orgasm. He fucks her until she is shaking beneath him, his name rolling off her tongue in desperate cries. Her pussy pulsates around him, hugging him tightly until he releases into her. 
The moments after are soft, gentle. Daniel kisses her so softly, so lovingly. He holds her tenderly, looking down at her tired state. Her head is on his chest, arm slung over his torso. Daniel presses a kiss onto her forehead before finally falling asleep. 
Unbeknownst to him, Anahí is wide awake, the feeling of bliss and completeness beginning to wear off. Daniel is sound asleep beneath her, but his soft breathing isn’t enough to calm her down. It’s far too real now, everything between her and Dan. For the longest time they teetered on the line of friendship and something more and now it’s real. It sends her into a panic.
Just because it’s real, doesn’t mean that it changes anything. It doesn’t change that she leaves in a month. In less than thirty days, she has to say goodbye. She will no longer say goodbye to her best friend, but to someone more. She cries softly, removing herself from Daniel’s embrace. He doesn’t stir, not like the night before. He’s still asleep, dreaming of happier things. Happier than the things she was about to do. 
She pulls herself together, packing her things slowly and quietly as Daniel sleeps soundly. And when all is said and done, she looks down at the boy sleeping in her bed. She pushes the curls from his forehead, pressing one kiss on the skin before leaving and never looking back. 
Daniel wakes up that morning, memories of the night before slowly coming back to him. He smiles to himself. But the happiness leaves as soon as it comes. It doesn’t take long for him to notice that she’s gone. All her belongings, every piece of her is gone. It sends Daniel into a panic, fingers quick to tap her name and call her. But Anahí doesn’t answer.
Anahí never answered any of his calls. He called once every day, but he would always be greeted by her voicemail. Daniel scoured his memory for the moment it went wrong, for any mistake he might’ve made. The best weekend of his life turned out to be the worst. After flying back from Spain, he immediately went into work mode. He did everything in his power to distract himself from his aching heart, to hide how hurt he was by her disappearance. And it showed in his work. His results in Silverstone and Austria were poor, and he struggled to prove to the world that he was still worthy of the sport. 
Daniel arrives back in Monte Carlo after a shabby P9 in Austria. His apartment is empty, eerily quiet. He flops onto his couch, lowering his pride once more when he taps her name. He rings, waiting for her stupid voicemail to greet him. But it never comes.
The sound of her voice has Daniel shooting up, throat running dry. There’s an uncomfortable silence on the line before the Australian finally musters up the courage to speak.
Silence again. Daniel hated this. He hates the discomfort, the feeling of not being able to be open and honest with the one person that mattered. He’s walking on eggshells, trying to carefully craft his next word. 
The first couple of days after Anahí had left, he was angry. He was so upset with her for not saying goodbye, no half-ass excuse for why she left him. He was upset at himself, for potentially fucking up the only good thing that has happened to him in a while. And as time withered by, his anger turned to sadness and confusion. Daniel often pondered their final night together, replaying all the moments of completeness and intimacy, trying to find the second it all went wrong. He imagined her face beneath him, the way her lips felt against her own, just trying to remember if there was a change at all.
“Why’d you do it? Why’d you leave?”
“Daniel, I don't want to talk about this over the phone.”
“Then I’ll come over… or meet you in the park.” There is a deafening silence at the end of the line. “Ana?”
“I can’t.”
“You can’t or you won’t?” Daniel snaps.
“I can’t.” Ana insists, “I’m… I’m in Montana.” 
There is a little pot of anger sitting at the base of his being, every word she says igniting the flame bigger and bigger. He feels himself beginning to boil over.
“You left?” 
Daniel leans back against the couch, chest heaving as he tries to contain his emotions. Everything he felt in the last three weeks swirls inside of him. It makes him sick. He can’t seem to focus on one thing, and can slowly feel himself slipping from his self-control.
“I… I needed to. Daniel, you knew this.”
“Yeah but you didn’t bother to say bye? No half ass text to let me know?”
“I don’t have to keep you updated on my every move.” Ana argues.
“No, but after the night we shared I would hope you would have the courtesy to anyway.” 
Daniel feels insane. He feels like every single emotion he’s feeling is misplaced. The world around him slows to a halt, and not in a good way. For a moment he is frozen in his despair, time and space keep him in a place of self-loathing and loneliness. For just a moment, the world keeps him miserable. 
“What did I do wrong?” Daniel whispers, “Just tell me how I can fix it.”
“There’s nothing to fix.” 
“Nothing?!” Daniel yells into the phone. “Nothing Anahí? Are you being fucking serious?”
“Daniel what’s done is done, and there isn’t anything you or I can do to change it. The damage has been done.”
“Damage?” Daniel scoffs, “That’s what that night was, damaging? Ruined you, did it?” The line is quiet at the other end and Daniel shakes his head. “That night was more than that to me Ana. It was more than nothing.” 
The Australian can’t see the tears streaming down Anahí’s face, the way her body shakes as she cries silently, unable to say the words Daniel longed to hear. Unable to give him everything he wanted.
“You know what I think it is Anahí?” Daniel begins again, “I think that you’re afraid. That you’re afraid to trust me, to open yourself up to me completely. I think that you’re afraid to admit that you like me, maybe even love me.” 
“Because I love you. I do. I tried to show you how much I do and yet… you walk out on me. You fed my ego because it benefited you. You kept me in, made me believe that I had a chance, that maybe you feel the same way I do. But then you get what you want and leave me to pick up the pieces. I’m in love with you Ana, you had to have known. You couldn’t have been so fucking naive and not have seen that.” 
Another deafening silence. There it is, out in the open. Three words slipped from Daniel’s lips in a fit of anger. His words are laced with spite, venomous as they travel from one end of the line to the other. 
“Daniel,” She chokes, “I’m so sorry.” 
“Yeah. Me too Ana.” He can hear her soft cries this time, each sniffle and sob picking apart at his heart. But the anger inside him consumes him. “I’m so sorry for wanting more. For expecting more. For wishing for more.” 
“Daniel I-”
“I have to go.” Daniel cuts her off. “I hope that Montana treats you well. And that… that maybe you’ll find someone worth sticking around for. Bye Ana.”
He hangs up before he can listen to any more of her pleas. He drops his phone next to him, hands returning to his face as he cries softly. His heart falls apart, shatters beneath his ribs. 
Pathetic. He feels downright, fucking pathetic.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
taglist: @sluts-inc @sidcrosbyspuck @coffeehurricanes @miniminescapist @amsofftrack @kodzubear @melancholyy-scorpio @strawberrypaul @starxqt @somanyfandomsbruh @allisonxf1 @buenadiabebeta @ohthemisssery @ellethewitchbitch @charlewiss
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Mercedes-Benz 280 GE Paris-Dakar, 1983. A G-class prepared by Mercedes-Benz France came first in the truck classification in the 1983 Paris-Dakar rally piloted by Jacky Ickx and Claude Brasseur. The M 110 2.8 litre DOHC straight 6 was tuned to produce 197hp thanks to camshafts intended for a performance upgrade of the R107 280 SL. I'd quite like DAMD to make a Suzuki Jimny-based replica based on this
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amitieos · 22 days
toa anniversary munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Nic
Pronouns: they/them
Birthday (no year): 14th July
Where are you from? What is your time zone? UK, GMT (or BST but don't get me started on daylight savings I'll explode)
How long is your roleplay experience? Does playing A Bug's Life on the playground when I was 5 count? If not, I started with rping HP characters with my friends when I was like 11-12 over MSN after school and whilst there have been breaks it's something I've always found myself coming back to.
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? As above, I made a couple of friends on (unrelated) forums and we all just thought it'd be fun.
How were you introduced to TOA? I thought I missed rp and looked for an FE based rp.
Do you have any pets? Yes, all hail Catcat the Great.
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Summer. I hate the heat and humiditiy but once there's no daylight the seasonal affective disorder bass boosts my chronic mental health issues and it's just a bad time really.
What is your IRL occupation? I've gone back to uni to study Law :)
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? I love reading, I'm fascinated by linguistics and astrophysics, enjoy DnD and playing video games in my spare time. I'm a particular sucker for the Sims franchise.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Recently I've been playing BG3, Stardew Valley, The Sims & Fields of Mistria but I'm a big fan of the Persona series and really, really excited about Dragon Age The Veilguard
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: I don't really play Pokemon much anymore but I'll just say Sylveon I guess
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! I met the fourth Doctor when I was 11 and he complemented my vocabulary lmao. I once got published in a poetry anthology with a poem about Shadow the Hedgehog and my parents we so proud of me.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I think I saw a review on TV
What Fire Emblem games have you played? I've attempted to play every game except 1/2/3/5/11, although I've really wanted to play Thracia I just *need* some QoL updates and controls. I haven't finished every single one because of lost/deleted saves and stuff but I've watched playthroughs and read up on scripts on everything I haven't actually played myself.
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: My first was Fates but Jugdral, Magvel and 3 Houses are my favourite
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Elincia, Mercedes, Franz, Myrrh and ughhhh I can't choose between Chole/Yunaka/Sylvain so I'm cheating
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! I saw Ryoma in all that red armour and it grabbed my attention.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Miss Mercedes if you're free Thursday night
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Chrom, originally be accident but now on purpose :D - Fates: My first was Takumi and I didn't know what an S support was and was very confused. Nowadays usually Kaze or Laslow if playing F!Corrin and Orochi, Nyx or Charlotte if playing M!Corrin. Niles for either. - Three Houses: Mercedes. She's still my go to ofc but I'm also fond of Dorothea, Dimitri and Sylvain. If I'm playing M!Byleth Yuri or Ingrid - Engage: Yunaka was my first and now it's either Yunaka, Diamant or Chloe. Or Mauvier maybe hahfsdgfsd
Favorite Fire Emblem class? I love Pegasus Knights!!!!!!!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? Probably a reluctant recruit who accidentally gets involved. Weirdly magic based armoured character.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) Either unaffiliated civilian or Blue Lions probably
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boons: Lance, Reason, Heavy Armour Banes: Bow, Faith Budding Talent: idk Axes or Flying?
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) No idea! Probably Elusia or Firene. The Solm heat would literally kill me.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) TOA ;) (like Noah)
Current TOA muses: Elincia & Mercedes
Past TOA muses? A lot but most memorable to me are Sylvain and Julia, though I'm so excited to see Sylvain in good hands <3
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Elincia and I still have her.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? White magic girlies though I'm trying to change things up.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Hm, I wish I felt I could write more of the male characters I enjoy effectively. In most other fandoms I've written in most of my muses have been men but it's just not so in FE. I'd also love to write a villain okay I once genuinely considered Hilda FE4 lmao
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I like writing dialogue and characters bonding but I'm starting to like more action oriented scenes too.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? For Mercedes in particular I get excited to write her steel and strength, especially when it's combined with her gentleness rather than opposed to it.
Favorite TOA-related memories? Every thread I've writen with Elincia and Rua's Byleth <3
Present or past tense? I tend to default to present in TOA but usually past tense. I'm flexible though and will try and match my partner.
Normal size text, small text, no preference? I actually find small text easier to focus in on and read (I can find normal a bit too cluttered and it can send my eyes wandering lmao) but I'm perfectly happy to use normal text, it just takes me a bit longer to comb through.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 I can't see a shake up happening soon but... Zephia or Chloe are probably forerunners. I've thought about Palla and Astrid too but I'm not sure if I can see the longevity. Also Neimi, Myrrh and Rodrigue have sparked.... ideas. For muses I've written before, Julia is the most likely but I think she's having a nice break right now :)
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prfm-multiverse · 23 days
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Perfume School of LOCK! 2015.12.14 Requests from many students "Research a winter driving song by Perfume!"
A-chan: "Once in the summer, we researched a summer driving song to celebrate Nocchi getting her driver's license, but this time it's a winter version!"
Both: "Yay!"
Nocchi: "So, this time, let's deliver a song about going on a drive to a snowy mountain to ski or snowboard!"
A-chan: "I've never been there. It's my first time!"
Nocchi: "Of course, the car is a new Mercedes-Benz A-Class."
Both: "As expected! Thank you very much!"
A-chan: "Okay, then I'll fasten my seat belt."
Nocchi: "Are you in? Are you ready? We're heading to the snowy mountain now!"
Both: "Yay!"
Nocchi: "Okay, play a song that makes you feel like you're going."
A-chan: "Let's go."
M traveling / Utada Hikaru
All three: "Wow!! That's great. ♪ Let's go…" "When I stand up… (dancing)"
A-chan: "This is on the radio, so it's a shame I can't share this dance (laughs)"
Nocchi: "Great! Utada Hikaru has always been the best."
All three: "♪It makes me work hard~ Friday afternoon…"
Kashiyuka: "What? Is this karaoke? It's never-ending (laughs). ♪I can easily catch a taxi~"
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likeadeuce · 1 month
WIP Wednesday, Challengers, 'DC, Open'
This is the way it is: Patrick has been on his own for more than a year now. Around the time of the Tashi disaster (who could say what was cause and what was effect?) he fired the coach his parents had been paying, partly with USTA player development money, threw the gear Head had given him into the Mercedes M-Class he’d gotten for his sixteenth birthday, and signed up for a gym membership he could use in any city. He lied about his income and status as a college student to get a credit card in his own name, registered Unforced Terror LLC in the State of Maryland, and had all the paperwork and tax documents sent to the Zweig family financial manager, who (presumably, because the card still worked) paid it out of an account funded by the leftover parental and USTA subsidies, along with his intermittent prize money. At nineteen and now twenty years old, Patrick is an entrepreneurial American small businessman, just bad enough at math to tell himself he’s breaking even.
On his own doesn’t mean alone. It doesn’t even mean lonely, most of the time. Between his people skills and his juniors résumé, he can always find someone who wants to play doubles with him, which means he has someone to hit with, work out with and, when he needs to, split a hotel. He’s showy enough on the practice courts that people want to hit with him. He gets a reputation, coaches want him to train with their players -- and if he does a good enough job looking regretful, like he has somewhere to be, really he shouldn’t -- slip him cash or buy him a meal so that, when tournaments actually bother to provide a per diem, he can save it for a rainy day. He’s Patrick Zweig, hitting partner and drinking buddy for rent. He fills his aging T-Mobile Sidekick with numbers, so that he’s got his choice of temporary BFF’s at every tournament.
And when he’s sick of eating sleeping breathing the tour, the phone gives him other options -- people from Juniors and the Academy who washed out or went to college, the older siblings of kids whose bar and bat mitzvahs he attended. He can almost always find a couch to crash on. More and more often, between gyms and bars and an irregularly-tended OK Cupid account, he can find a bed. That’s the other thing that’s different, being grown up and on his own. If he sees someone and he wants them -- wants a touch, a kiss, a fuck, either end of a blow job, if he thinks they want it too -- Patrick might as well give it a shot. Not with the tour guys, mostly, and only occasionally with the women; it turns out too many of them know Tashi. But, compared to the person Patrick was even a year ago, he knows much more about who he is and what he wants. There’s no room in him for shame, if there ever was. Nobody in his extensive list of contacts matters more than anyone else, so if he reads something wrong and burns that bridge, it’s not the end of the world. When you don’t care where you’re going, one bridge is as good as anything else.
So, it turns out, Patrick is completely unprepared for the situation he currently finds himself in: sharing the back of a Washington DC cab with his gear bag jammed against the window, the other side of his body pressed against Art Donaldson, trying to act like the proximity doesn’t get to him. He likes the way this feels and he’s not sure he’s doing a good job of hiding it from Art. He’s not sure how much he wants to.
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riaarivic · 2 years
HATE 3: ...Ready for it? (M) I MYG x F!reader
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🌙 Pairings YoongixReader
🌙 Genres Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, Action, Thriller, Enemies to lovers
🌙 Rating 18+ minors DNI
🌙 Summary  You were an INTERPOL Agent assigned to infiltrate the depths of the most powerful Gang in South Korea: The Seven Moons. Your objective: to impersonate the daughter of one of their leaders and destroy the operation from within. That is, if they don't discover you first.
And Traitors won’t have the mercy of a quick death
🌙 Warnings For this chapter: mentions of death, drugs and vioence, foul language, drug use, yoongi is a tease and I'm putting it as a warning
🌙 Chapter wordcount 5.3k (yikes)
🌙 Series Index
1  2 3 4  5 6 7 8 9 10 11
🌙 HATE 3: ...Ready for it? 🌙
"Knew he was a killer first time that i saw him"
Confidential file Department of Organized and Emerging Crime Case N-7902-E Codename: Black Swan
Agent Name: Y/N Park
Assigned name for Mission: Lee Nari
Nari? as in Lilly in Korean?
You couldn't help but find it odd that the boss chose your own Korean name for this mission. You rarely used it, and only your grandmother ever called you that.
But, odd was about to become your middle name.
You skimmed through the files scattered on the desk, noticing some of them were thinner than a toothpick.
That was a bad sign.
Thin files meant limited information, and that meant you were being sent into a foreign country with minimal knowledge. You didn't like the idea of walking into the unknown, especially considering that the only thing you had from Korea was your father's last name and the last time you saw him alive you were a six-year-old.
You definitely needed to talk to her grandmother more often.
You were an expert in infiltration and counterintelligence, but to be honest Your personality was not what you would expect from a young high class korean lady. 
For that, you would need a lot of practice before leaving.
A Chaebol daughter wouldn't know the difference between an AK-47 and a FAMAS, much less how to take it apart and put it together in a few seconds. Right?
Or how to disarm a man with one hand, a bullet in the shoulder in the middle of a…
Focus Y/N
You close your eyes for a second and open the first file and the picture of a man with a scar on his left eye greeted you, and you sighed.
It was going to be a long night and you didn’t have enough information to start this case.
Incheon Airport, South Korea.
October 10, 9:19 AM
The brisk autumn air nipped at your skin as you made your way into the international departure hall. You weren't sure if it was the weather or the adrenaline of embarking on a new mission that sent shivers down your spine. After all, you'd spent the past few days prepping to slip into the role of a pampered, elegant heiress, something that felt as unnatural as stilettos in a gunfight.
You also spent the last few days trying not to poison your partner Emmet, for every time he made fun of how much you hated this new undercover identity.
And don't even get you started on those fake nails; they were more of a hindrance than a help when it came to handling firearms or knocking some sense into people.
But it was not impossible to do.
Scanning the crowd, you looked for the person meant to meet you in the parking lot. In the middle of a crowd, a burly middle-aged man stood out in his ill-fitting suit. He had the demeanor of a gangster but the face of a teddy bear. Your eyes scanning him, looking for the Clan's tattoo – a crescent moon veiled by clouds.
Any member of the Seven Moons had to wear it in a visible place, a sort of gangster business card. This man had it inked at the base of his neck.
The man approached you with large steps smiling all the time, who knew a gangster could pass as a Golden Retriever Boyfriend  “Welcome Miss Lee, your father is waiting for you in the car” he bowed and took your luggage to take you towards the Mercedes that was parked right outside the door.
As you slid into the car, you were greeted by the smiling face of Lee Kikyung, the man who'd sold out his boss to save his own skin. And now, you had to call him "Dad."
"How was your trip, dear Nari? I hope you were comfortable on the flight," he asked, wearing a fake smile. You cringed at the sound of your childhood nickname, but you had to start getting used to it.
"It was good, um... Dad," you replied with a slight accent. "I hope you work on that pronunciation, precious. We wouldn't want them catching on so soon," he replied, a mischievous grin exposing a gold tooth. He was so close you could see the clan's mark on his neck, peeking out from under his expensive shirt.
What a piece of work.
"We need to head straight to the Kim Building. I don't know if your informants filled you in."
No, they didn't, you thought, but you let him continue.
"Last night, there was a lot of commotion among the Sons. All seven were down at the docks, and that's a rare sight. Looks like a big fish has entered the river. Two birds with one stone, huh? I bet you're up for a promotion after this, sweetheart." You had to resist the urge to throat-punch him, the way he was looking at you.
This guy didn't shut up the entire drive to the Kim Building. He barely took a breath between his rapid words, as if he wanted to unload everything at once and be done with you.
Classic snitch. From his body language, it was clear that beneath the old asshole’s facade, his trembling hand betrayed his nervousness. Old Lee, dressing like a character straight out of "The Godfather," might fool others, but to you, he was a washed-up criminal trying to hang on to his last vestiges of glory. How he'd climbed the ranks to lead one of the world's largest Criminal Clans was a mystery to you.
But something he said piqued your interest. The Seven Moons rarely gathered in one place, primarily for security reasons. "It's likely that all the children will be there at the meeting today," he revealed.
That really caught your attention and you turned to look at him "The Devil has summoned us all to his office. So, if I were you, I'd touch up that makeup a bit. It seems you're in luck today, sweetheart. You'll be meeting The Seven Moons."
For you, luck had nothing to do with it. Your plan had been to discreetly gather information before exposing yourself in such a way.
It was a change of plans, but not an entirely bleak one. In fact, things might not be as bad as they first seemed.
But now you'd have to improvise. The sooner you could get one of them in your pocket for the information you needed, the sooner you'd be headed home, and all these criminals would be where they belonged—
BH Group Headquarters, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea.
'The Office' Lee Kikyung mentioned you were going was a towering 77-story office complex that served as a front for the legal businesses funding the clan's extravagant lifestyle.
As you entered, the luxurious reception area greeted you with its tall glass windows and elegant chandeliers, making you shudder to think about the costs of building all of this. The floor, adorned with expensive black marble featuring gold veins was framed with the clan's symbol, unmistakably declaring this territory as belonging to Kim DoHan.
It felt like stepping into the gates of hell.
Accompanied by a team of about 15 suited bodyguards with menacing tattoos, you and your 'father' took the elevator to the top floor; It seemed to you that it was too much security for a friendly board meeting.
This meant that Lee's two hour TED Talk on "how to get away with snitching" was true: something was moving on the streets of Seoul.
As the doors opened to the conference room, you were struck by the absence of concrete walls, replaced entirely by windows offering a breathaking view of the city. In the center of the room stood an opulent table crafted from Japanese cherry wood. Several people were already sitting around it, in an order that did not seem improvised at all.
You sat down right next to Mr. Lee taking your time to examine everyone there. Most of the presents seemed to be different executives from the Kim companies, for the first time today you did not feel completely surrounded by gangsters.
However, the feeling did not last long.
The elevator doors slid open, and six tall figures strode into the meeting room. Instantly, everyone seated at the table rose to bow and pay their respects.
These were the young leaders of the clan, dressed in dark suits and moving with an eerie synchrony, as if they hailed from another world. In person, their presence was even more striking. Even the act of walking into a meeting room seemed to be precisely choreographed, every step filled with purpose.
You recognized their faces from the files, matching names to positions within the clan:
Kim Namjoon, the biological son and right-hand man, also the CEO of BH Group.
Kim Seokjin, the Clan's negotiator and financial administrator.
Jung Hoseok, the Clan's Support, essentially the go-to guy for various criminal needs.
Kim Taehyung, the Clan's Collector, responsible for ensuring debts were paid in either money or blood.
Park Jimin, the Clan's intelligence expert and overseer of the clan's nightlife businesses.
Jeon Jungkook, the youngest of the clan with no formal role, but per Mr. Lee's extensive criminal monologue, he was responsible for training new recruits in combat and held a special place in Kim DoHan's heart.
Yet, you noticed there was one missing, only six were present.
Where was the seventh?
Your question found an answer when the doors opened once more.
"Welcome, Sir!" The entire room chorused in unison. You managed to mimic the bow, though somewhat awkwardly. There was an amused snort from the Young leaders's side of the table, but it was hard to pinpoint the source.
When you looked up, you locked eyes with the Clan's second in command. His gaze held a mocking curiosity, almost taunting.
Kim Namjoon looked at you as if you weren't a trained agent but a bumbling, spoiled child, just another chaebol. You rolled your eyes right back at him. There was something in his expression that seemed vaguely familiar, but you couldn't quite place it.
"My Sons, my family. Good afternoon, and thank you for gathering at such short notice," the Clan leader's deep voice resonated through the room. "Lee, I'm delighted to see that you've brought a special guest today."
Chills coursed down your spine. No matter how experienced you were with criminals, there was an undeniable air of menace surrounding that man. An instinctual warning to put as much distance between yourself and him as humanly possible, as quickly as possible.
“Of course, my leader. I couldn't be more pleased by the return of my daughter” Mr. Lee replied with a wicked smile “After all, it was time to introduce my heiress” upon hearing that word, Kim's children looked at her, some with curiosity and others with complete indifference.
The Clan's head let out a light chuckle in agreement with the second-in-command before gesturing for everyone to take their seats.
And that's when you noticed him.
The man with the distinctive scar over his eye.
His real name was conspicuously absent from INTERPOL's classified files. In fact, there was nothing substantial about him—just a blurry image of his face.
And oh God. It didn’t do him justice.
Everything about him screamed danger.
He was the Clan's Strenght Leader, handling all the not-so-legal affairs.
Kim Namjoon ran the legitimate businesses, handled the money, and rubbed shoulders with CEOs and politicians.
The Shadow, as he was known, was Seoul's underworld Prince.
Standing silently behind the Clan's Head, he was like a deadly predator, waiting for the order to strike. Unlike the rest who sported expensive executive suits, his casual and nonchalant style made him stand out in the room. You know how, in nature, the most vibrant and beautiful colors often serve as a warning for poison? That analogy perfectly described him. The seventh moon's striking appearance nearly made you forget that he was the underworld lord of his clan, a cold-blooded assassin at the Devil's command.
Hi was Kim DoHan's dark general.
And probably the most dangerous man in that room.
Suga wore a black mask covering most of his face, but you could still glimpse the beginning of a scar that traveled from his left eyebrow down to his eye.
And those eyes.
He kept his gaze locked onto you, scrutinizing you, just as you had observed his brothers earlier. He watched your every move, as if he had already found a reason to be wary.
You couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under his gaze and for the first time in a long time, you looked away from someone. It felt like if you kept staring at him, all your secrets would unravel.
That was a level of danger you couldn't afford.
"You must be wondering why I summoned you from your busy schedules for this meeting," the Clan leader's voice broke the silence. "It is no secret that I'm preparing one of my sons to ascend as the clan's leader. And soon, by tradition, we must continue our family's legacy by uniting bloodlines. The prevalence of the clan above all else is the only thing that matters. Nothing else. "
Not a single person in the room dared to so much as breathing too loud. The palpable respect – or rather, terror – held everyone's tongue.
He took a solemn pause before continuing, "That's why I've decided my heir will marry the Lee family heiress. The Lees were one of our greatest allies, joining our clan twenty years ago. I had promised my dear brother Kikyung that one day, one of his own would wed one of mine. Kikyung, my brother-in-arms, you've been my right hand all these years before Namjoon came of age. This is my reward for your loyalty."
What the fuck did this man just say? 
You couldn't hide your complete shock. There was no way that your so-called "father" and informant didn't deliberately omit this crucial detail from his UN General Assembly-worthy speech on organized crime as you were driving to the Headquarters.
The director had to know as well.
Which led to the unsettling thought: what else were they not telling you?
You weren't the only one caught off guard. The other children of the clan's leader couldn't contain their own bewilderment. Some squirmed in their seats, while others exchanged uneasy glances.
This had to be some twisted joke.
Even the seventh moon, for a microsecond, showed a speck of curiosity in his cold eyes.
"Since the hand of the Lee heiress has been promised, I have formally decided that she will reside in our private estate until my successor's name is confirmed," the clan leader declared. "I want all my children under my roof, without exception. And let me make it perfectly clear: none of you shall dare disrespect young-lady Nari. In the name of the code, Am I understood?"
"Yes, Leader," the Seven Moons responded in unison.
Wait, the name of his heir hadn't been decided yet?
You temporarily set aside Kim DoHan's implications about his children. None of those fools would dare touch you – unless they fancied losing a limb – all in the name of your code.
But given the intelligence you'd gathered about these individuals, Kim Namjoon was on a one-way ticket to becoming the Clan's leader. The overseas studies, the visits to criminal acquaintances in Russia, Japan and China, vacations with corrupt government officials and their entourage...
What did that say about Kim DoHan's faith in his own bloodline?
The Hallmark movie plot of giving all his adopted sons a chance at leadership was, without a doubt, suspicious.
However, some pieces were starting to click into place. Lee was betraying them to save his true daughter. If she married the clan's heir, there'd be no escaping the consequences when everything came crashing down.
Yet, your supposed father-dearest had delivered you on a silver platter to the Seven Moons.
It was a complete game-changer.
Old Mr. Lee wasn't scared of jail.
He was frightened for his own flesh and blood to be embroiled in a sinking ship. How he had managed to keep his daughter's true identity hidden for so long was a mystery. Did the all-powerful Kim DoHan truly not know his right-hand heiress's name until now?
There were too many loose ends, something was truly wrong.
Both men rose to shake hands, their exchange echoing with, "My clan is my family. My own flesh and blood."
"It will be an honor to welcome you into my family, young Nari," the old leader continued, his eyes locking onto yours. For some reason, your real father's affectionate nickname sounded downright chilling coming from the clan leader's lips.
It wasn't jail that terrified him, old Mr. Lee. It was  dooming his own blood to get involved with a ship that was about to sink. But how had he managed to hide his daughter's identity for all this time? Did the powerful Kim DoHan really not know the name of his right hand heiress until today?
Too many loose ends, and something was definitelly wrong.
Both men rose to shake hands “Family is my blood. My clan is my family” they told each other
“It will be an honor to welcome you into my family, young Nari” continued the old leader, drawing your attention and looking into your eyes. For some reason, the cute nickname your father had given you sounded terrifying in that person's mouth.
You offered a small bow in response, and when you straightened, the Seventh Moon was gazing directly at you.
There was something in his stare you couldn't quite define, but it was clear you didn't like how it made you feel.
You had never been intimidated by anyone before, yet you now teetered on the edge of a panic attack because of a pretty boy watching you.
A pretty boy who was a killer.
He couldn't possibly suspect anything about you, right? you wondered.
"Now, Mr. Choi," the clan leader signaled the man who had brought you there, "why don't you take this little flower to our residence, while the adults discuss other important matters?"
What the hell did this old man just call you?
Before leaving, you caught a reflection of his eyes in the glass door.
Ever vigilant.
Fine, Suga, I'll give you a reason to keep an eye on me. you thought
Perhaps this marriage scheme could work to your advantage.
Your mission was to infiltrate, and what better way than living within the Seven Moons' den.
Meanwhile, at the back of your mind, the myriad of loose ends left you with a lingering sense of unease.
Too many missing pieces...
And something was about to go so.
Kim Dohan’s manssion, Outskirts of Seoul
hours later
Sleep was out of the question tonight...
You had spent the entire afternoon and well into the night scouring for any scrap of information about the Seven Moons headquarters. Leaving your room, you crept through the dark corridors, making no sound.
Counting each step from your room to the next door leading to the exit was mentally logged. You noted the bulletproof glass in the windows and assumed that they had around 30 armed men guarding the house at any given moment. The Clan's den was an opulent display of excess; these criminals thrived on ostentation.
But that was a priviledge you could have when you controlled an entire nation, you could do as you pleased.
Who the hell thought of putting a lake in the middle of a house? You continued moving through the mansion crossing the internal gardens.
One thing remained undeniably true: the mansion of the most powerful criminal clan in Asia was an impenetrable fortress, nestled atop a hill, far from the bustling city of Seoul.
It had only one entrance and one exit, and its labyrinthine architecture made it all too easy to get lost within its confines. It was guarded around the clock by clansmen, armed to the teeth, with an arsenal hidden within its walls. It seemed like hey had their very own army.
Surviving an escape was highly unlikely...
at least not without help from someone on the inside.
As you made your way to the kitchen, your mind raced like an overloaded computer, with music playing from unknown open tabs.
Old Kim couldn't possibly not know his right-hand daughter's name...
Why had he offered you as a marriage reward? What was your -The daughter of Lee Kikyun- value to the clan?
How come Kim DoHan hadn't chosen his successor?
After minutes of aimless wandering, you finally found the tall double doors leading to the kitchen. Inside, luxurious countertops and shelves held utensils fit for a Michelin-star restaurant.
If this house wasn't so ridiculously big it would be easier to drink water. Where are the glasses? in Busan?
If you had to run away from this house it would probably be better to hide in the kitchen, no one would find you.
Have you left the safety on the Glock?
Who the hell is smoking weed?
The pungent smell momentarily distracted you. You'd been so focused on finding a glass that you hadn't noticed someone else was in the room. A slim figure lingered in the shadows of the window, barely revealed by the moonlight.
But you didn't need to see the full face to recognize him...
The Seventh Moon.
"Do you smoke?" the black-haired man asked from across the room, his voice so deep it was almost a growl, sending shivers down your spine.
"I don't do drugs, thanks," you replied with a flat, disinterested tone, or at least you tried to. "But could you point me to where the glasses are... please?"
The man chuckled and moved closer, rounding the kitchen island until he stood just inches from you. He gazed at you for a moment, then reached behind your head for a glass. His face inches from yours
You felt trapped, exposed.
For a moment, you forgot you were also a trained soldier on a mission. This man had you feeling like a blushing schoolgirl from a corny drama, much like the ones your grandmother watched.
You're not going to be intimidated, are you?
For the first time, you got a good look at his face, the scar running down his eye, his round nose, the way his jaw moved as he frowned, and his almost pouty lips.
That man was beautiful.
You could even smell him, beyond the scent of what he was smoking, you could pick up the musk of his cologne. The open collar of his shirt revealed tattoos peeking out and the muscles in his neck...
"You like what you see, little flower?" he teased, a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of his lips, before handing you the glass and taking a drag of his joint. "But I must inform you, anyone who sees my face without being a full clan member... ends up dead." He exhaled a plume of smoke in your direction.
Chills coursed through your body. You weren't entirely sure whether you were more aroused or irritated.
"Technically. I'm now part of your clan. You heard your father, I'm going to marry one of you," you replied, shaking your head, trying to maintain your cool.
Suga found your bratty attitude funny. "Wouldn't you like that, huh?" He got a little closer to your face to look directly into your eyes “Technically, yes you are part of the Clan. But until you take the oath and mark your pretty skin with our mark. You are not one of us, little flower” he replied, putting away a lock of hair that had fallen into your eyes.
"I think SUGA, our Leader's orders were quite explicit. Stop toying with our guest, and if you're going to smoke that shit, do it outside my house." Namjoon's authoritative voice cut through, catching both of you off guard. You seized the opportunity to slip away from Suga's grip.
Suga raised his hands in a mock surrender and looked at his second in command. "I was just offering our new friend a glass of water, Joonie. It'd be rude not to show a bit of our clan's hospitality, wouldn't it, little flower?" He winked at you.
"Nothing was happening. I couldn't find the glasses, and I was thirsty," you replied, failing to hide the compromising position you'd been in with the Clan's Shadow. "And don't call me that, that's not my name."
"Nari, lily, little flower. They're all the same," he responded, making a playful smile and leaving you momentarily flustered.
Perfect, let them think you're a complete idiot. Amazing job.
“Leave her alone, now. Suga” Namjoon spoke again with a voice of authority “Excuse him, he is not used to behaving like a human, much less having manners with a lady” He referred as his own brother like he was not a human being standing next to them 
Does this Namjoon guy have a prince charming complex or what?
"Oh, please, your majesty! I'll go finish my joint in peace elsewhere. Oh, and Namjoon, you should respect your elders. I'm still your hyung, and this isn't your house... yet," the black-haired man stated with a note of warning, bowing to you before leaving and flipping off the other man.
Namjoon sighed. "I'm sorry, really. He has no control. Did you want a glass of water?" He took the glass from your hands, opened the fridge, and began to pour you some. “I know it will be difficult for you to adapt to the rules of this house, but if you need something you can ask one of the employees. They are always here to serve you” 
"I didn't want to bother anyone, it's late," your reply was short a tittle more sour than you intended it to be.
"And you shouldn't worry. You now belong to this house, and it's the staff's job to take care of you. But, I'm glad we ran into eachother tonight. I wanted to speak with you before tomorrow's meeting..." Namjoon paused and scratched his neck, as if deciding the best way to approach the subject.
"Tomorrow, you'll be formally introduced to the clan. From that day on, you'll need to make the rounds with each one of us," he explained. "My father wants you to be thoroughly acquainted with every aspect of our operations. Even if I disagree with certain aspects, my father trusts yours. And I trust my Leader."
Namjoon's kind expression shifted to a stern one, his gaze intensifying. "Miss Lee, I don't know you well, and neither do any of my brothers. However, in this clan, we take loyalty very seriously. As of tomorrow, you may witness or hear things that must remain within these walls. It might be overwhelming at first, but you have no other options. And things might be unconfortable until you take the oath. But until then, you must still act in accordance with the code, or face the consequences. Is that clear?"
With his eloquent speech and steady tone, the Second in Command had just issued a subtle threat.
Well, not so subtle...
"First, Mr. Kim, there's no need to be so formal when talking to me. After all, in a few months, I'll be marrying the heir of this clan. That makes me your future sister-in-law... or wife," you stated, raising your chin with a haughty air. Namjoon remained silent, allowing you to continue.
"Second, I understand that we have to take our parents' word for the success of this alliance," feeling your blood rise to your ears, you knew you were playing a dangerous game "But I want to remind you that I am also a daughter of this clan. Blood and weapons don't intimidate me. In any case, both of us should show respect to our elders. After all, our fates rest in their hands." Taking a small step closer, he didn't budge.
But you could never guess how you were making the young leader feel. As much as he hated that you tried to hurt his pride like that, the Second in command saw for the first time in someone, an equal, a true opponent at that.
He was also undeniably intrigued by you.
"I may not know you yet, but I'm living in your house, I mean, your father's house. And I expect a modicum of consideration."  You pretended to be offended because that was the role you had to play, a spoiled, conceited heiress to the mafia.
“I have offended you. Excuse me if my words sounded like something else... “
“Okay, I understand you Namjoon, can I call you by your name? We have the same age” you interrupted him in the middle of his sentence.
“Yes, of course, can I call you Nari?” Namjoon loved the sound of his name on your lips. Of course, you could call him whatever you wanted.
“Great, thank you very much for the water and for helping me before. Good night”  With a bow, You shot out of the kitchen.
“Good Night. And Nari?” he waited for you to look at him “It is really nice to see you again. You look different now, prettier. I hope you rest well, you're going to need it tomorrow” he winked at you and your blood froze in your veins. 
Kim Namjoon had met Mr. Lee's daughter before? Why hadn't Mr. Lee mentioned anything about it?
Your heart pounded in your ears.
It had been too much.
The gaps on this mission were becoming too much.
You needed to get your act together, no more games. You were already deep within the lion's den, and time was running out.
You had never failed a mission before, and this wouldn't be the first time...
No matter how appealing the Clan's Shadow was or what he made you feel.
As much as the threat of the Second in command had actually terrified you.
Without mentioning the fact that he knew Lee’s daughter.
You had to keep going; there was no turning back now.
And you would bring this clan to its knees... that was a promise.
"Baby let the games begin... are you ready for it?"
Hi! Hello?? 👻
How are you??? I've been supper busy with work and responsible adult duties and all that. So, it took more than I wanted to upload. BUT! this chapter is actually the longest yet, as a treat for my lack of updates. If you want to be on this fics Tag list, leave a comment below or send me an ask!!
Thank you SO SO MUCH for reading this series 🥹, there's so much to come and I am exited to show you all. Anyway it's 3AM where I Am so I guess I'll go to sleep.
Hope you guys have a great weekend
Love Ria 💗
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randomnameless · 7 months
3H est un otome game ???? Alors là c'est la meilleure
La classe des Lions de Saphir c'est un peu ça lol
Plus sérieusement, avec l'introduction de l'avatar qui est censé représenter le jouer et la mise en avant des relations parasociales ("coucou moi c'est Linfan et je suis votre fils/fille!" osef) on a de plus en plus d'éléments qui poussent les jeux FE vers le fameux "dating sim", l'avatar va se marier avec qui? Le type ténébreux et mystérieux, le mec toujours optimiste, l'archétype de la princesse de glace qui ne se dégèle qu'aux cotés de son love interest, la tsundere, la hikikomori...
Bref, les personnages sont presque tous réduits à être de potentiels love interest et donc à entrer dans une case pour "plaire" au joueur...
Malgré tout, on ne va pas se mentir, FE n'est pas pensé/réalisé pour être un jeu qui vise un public féminin - si on peut tout autant faire son choix entre "waifus" et "husbandos", la cinématique d'introduction de Camilla est bien là pour rappeler que même si on joue Corrine, le public majoritairement visé reste... le public masculin qui est capable de jeter de l'argent non virtuel pour acheter des unités Gullveig sur FE Heroes.
"Oui mais random, les jeux peuvent aussi viser le public féminin qui trouve les femmes attrayantes!"
Certes, mais il ne faut pas se voiler la face - c'est quelle version de Billy que Dedel dessine dans le jeu?
Si certains (ou certaines?) on pu voir de l'inclusivité dans ce jeu, ben tant mieux pour eux, mais on ne m'enlèvera pas l'idée que les relations F/F dans ce jeu (et dans Nopes!) c'est juste pour titiller la nouille de joueur - surtout quand on les compare aux nombreuses (mais sous-entendues comme dans le reste de la franchise!) relations M/M.
Monica qui compte le nombre de fois où Dedel sourit ou parle ou mentionne le nom de Barney/Hubert/le chat gris du monastère c'est... absolument pas du même niveau que Rodrigue qui jure à Lambert de s'occuper de son fils et qui ne jure que par Lambert même des années après sa mort (et ce alors que Nopes nous révèle que Matthias aussi était censé faire partie de la bande, mais qui c'est qui nous parle sans arrêt de Lambert, Rodrigue ou Matthias? Est-ce qu'ils étaient juste "potes"?), ou Dimitri et Felix/Dedue...
Il y a Doro, qui a plus d'affinité avec certains personnages féminins, mais d'un point de vue "Doyliste" comme on dit, qui est le personnage féminin qui est attiré par les autres femmes? Bernie, Leonie ou Doro ?
Qui peut se marier avec Billie, Mercedes ou Annette?
J'entends que Billy ne peut pas non plus se marier avec Dimitri et Claude, donc niveau inclusivité M/M on est pas là non plus, mais justement.
FE Fodlan, pour la représentativité sur le volet "dating sim" est au ras des pâquerettes, en faisant du cru, l'avatar Billie aime les pastèques (sauf Dedel!) parce que Cuboon l'a bien dit en expliquant que deux femmes en maillot de bain c'est un "milk truck" - Billy lui finit avec des tokens pour faire progressiste mais rien de bien méchant qui permet de mettre en avant une relation M/M entre l'avatar du joueur et un personnage - Alois et Gilbert sont tellement ignorés par la fanbase et les devs qu'ils ont été retirés de Nopes, Yuri a vu le jour avec un DLC et Jeritza... n'est jouable que dans une route de FE16.
En gros, un jeu où les personnages féminins attirés par les femmes ont toutes de grosses poitrines, ça me fait d'avantage penser au mindset "milk truck" de Cuboon (avec les sous-entendus dégeulasses qui vont avec!) qu'à un effort d'IS de faire de l'inclusivité.
FE a toujours traité les relations homoerotiques avec assez de classe chez les hommes, alors voir la façon dont les couples entre femmes sont explorés... parfois ça passe (même si ça souffre toujours de la comparaison avec leur "alter ego" entre hommes!) et parfois, ça finit en alts de FEH où deux femmes sont "attirées" l'unes par l'autre par une sorte de magnétisme mammaire qui les forcent à presser leurs seins l'une contre l'autre.
Loin d'être un otome game, FE16 pour moi se rapproche d'un dating sim à destination d'un public spécifique, qui n'est absolument pas le public des otome games.
Heureusement que ça reste tout de même un jeu FE donc malgré tout appréciable, mais quand on se rend compte que le choix entre Fleur Vermeille et Neiges Argentées se résume à "et tu veux finir avec quelle waifu? Rhea - que tu dois avoir harcelé pour faire un soutien A pour obtenir toutes les réponses et sa conclusions pendant le début du jeu - ou Dedel?" je pense que je ne fais pas partie du public visé par FE16.
Et ça reste quand même une bonne chose que FE Fodlan ait réussi à toucher plus de joueurs que ceux qui étaient visés par les développeurs de Fodlan - si tout le monde a pu en tirer quelque chose de positif ou au moins passer un bon moment c'est tant mieux, même si je pense qu'il ne faut pas prêter trop d'intentions aux développeurs qui ont toujours eu l'arrière-pensée de faire une carte "Dedel en nuisette".
C'est un peu comme un anniversaire, tu prépares un gâteau pour l'enfant qui fête son anniversaire parce que c'est son préféré, mais ses copains le mangent aussi et le trouvent super bon : tant mieux pour tout le monde non?
Mais il ne faut tout de même pas oublier que le gâteau, au début, n'avait pas été fait pour leur faire plaisir à eux.
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aces-and-angels · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
on a saturday- bc time ain't real 😗✌🏼 ty @starlight-starfury for the tag!
i've got a few that have been in the vault for quite a bit- might as well unleash them out into the wild. here's a few snippets for abel x mc, jocelyn x mc, and lincoln x mc:
abel x f!mc:
"Did she like the conchas?"
Abel had his phone wedged between his shoulder and ear, his hands occupied with grading his latest batch of term papers. "Yes, Mercedes, she liked them," he chuckled faintly as he marked an error he found with his red pen. "How many questions are you gonna ask me?
"As many as I can think of! I can't believe you told Cesar that you had girl over before you told me," she whined.
"He called home first. And I did not 'have a girl over,' I just had a friend visit. That's all."
"At night," she added suggestively.
"She went home."
"But you wanted her to stay, didn't you?" She teased in a sing-song voice. He took one second too long to respond. "Ha! I knew it! You like her."
"I do not!" Abel felt his cheeks grow warm despite his protests. Suddenly, he was very thankful that they were talking over the phone. After a beat, he spoke again, his voice a touch softer than before. "But...What if I did?"
A high pitched squeal rang through his speakers, making him jerk his phone away from his ears.
jocelyn x f!mc:
“You really get up at 4 AM... to run?” Rowan stared at Jocelyn, perplexed. 
“Yep,” she answered plainly.
“Every day?”
“Uh-huh,” she nodded, taking a sip from her water bottle. 
“On purpose?”
“Burke, do you have a problem with how I spend my day?” Jocelyn spat out defensively. 
“N-no,” Rowan squawked, “I’m just- y’know, impressed.” 
She cocked an eyebrow at them. “Why?” 
“Most people don’t have that kind of discipline.”
“Most people are idiots,” she countered flatly. Rowan laughed at her dry tone. Jocelyn quickly turned her head away, but not before Rowan caught sight of her lip quirking upwards. “I, uh- I gotta get to class,” she muttered, slinging her backpack over her shoulders. “See you around, Burke.” She waved over her shoulder. 
“See ya,” Rowan mumbled, watching Jocelyn's hair bounce slightly with each step. 
lincoln x m!mc:
“You never went to prom?!” Rowan shrieked, his eyes wide with disbelief. A few heads turn in his direction at his sudden outburst. He shrunk back into his seat, mouthing ‘sorry’ to the disgruntled restaurant patrons. Clearing his throat, he lowers his voice to a more appropriate volume. “Why not?” 
Lincoln simply shrugged, unbothered. “Couldn’t even if I wanted to. I spent the last half of my senior year at a military school. They weren’t big on throwing social events. Or any events really.”
“Oh. I guess you’re right,” he mumbled, averting his gaze. A bitter taste lingered in his mouth- he hadn’t meant to bring up such a sore subject. Especially not while they were on a date. The familiar weight of Lincoln’s palm on his cheek brought his eyes back to him.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he soothed, giving him a quick peck on the lips. “It’s just one night. Now c’mon or we’ll miss the movie.” He slid out of the booth and offered his hand expectantly. 
With a small smile, he laced his fingers through his. “Alright, let’s go.” Hand in hand, they made their way out to his motorcycle parked out front. Like clockwork, they both slipped on their helmets and swung their legs over the seat. 
“Hold on tight, love.” Lincoln’s voice is slightly drowned out from the roar of the engine revving to life, but Rowan hears him just fine. Wrapping his arms around his frame, he pulled his chest tight against his back, relishing the warmth of his body. Only when he gave him a small squeeze did Lincoln pull out of the parking lot to drive to the theater. A comfortable silence fell between them, which allowed Rowan’s mind wander as the sounds of traffic faded from his focus.
Memories of his own prom night come up to the surface. Originally, he hadn’t planned on attending. But Amalia’s persistence was a very powerful weapon. He smiled to himself as he remembered how she all but dragged him to the mall to buy a suit. 
“No best friend of mine is missing out on senior prom. Especially not one who helped me plan the whole thing. Now go try this on.”
The punch was watered down, most of his song requests were ignored, and his suit was hemmed one inch too short. But he loved every second of it. For one night, he was a regular teenager; Someone who danced the night away with his best friend until they were both tired and sweaty. It was the first time since that day in the mountains where he really believed he could have a normal life too. 
Then his thoughts drifted to Lincoln, the man he truly adored. He was sweet...
“Oh!” A small yelp escaped from Rowan’s lips as he felt a pair of cold hands slide underneath his shirt.
“Sorry,” Lincoln chuckled softly, kissing his cheek multiple times but making no move to remove his hands. Instead, they wandered aimlessly over his bare chest as he continued to cook breakfast. His lips moved from his cheek to his jaw, then his ear, before finally seeking purchase in his neck. “You’re warm,” he mumbled into his skin. 
“And you’re distracting,” he teased affectionately, leaning into his touch anyways.  “You should be in bed.”
“Mm, you weren’t there,” he yawned. His nose nuzzled further into the crook of his neck. The stubble of his beard tickled his skin. “Can you make my eggs over-easy?”
“Already on it, babe.”
It was 1 AM. A single lamp lit up the otherwise dark living room. Several opened textbooks were scattered on Rowan’s study table. He rubbed his tired eyes, trying to focus on what he was reading. But finals week had him running on fumes, so the words jumbled together on the page into a haze of black and white. Groaning in frustration, he buried his face in his hands. The sound of something being set on the table caught his attention. 
“I made you some coffee,” Lincoln whispered, moving behind him to rub his shoulders. He let out a soft moan as his hands kneaded his tense muscles.  “How’s the studying going?”
“Terrible,” he complained. “There’s no way I’m retaining any of this crap.” The notes he had been taking got progressively sloppier the longer he studied. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to read his own handwriting.
“Don’t say that. You still have two days left.”
“But babe, I’m so behind. I can’t-”
“You can,” he cut him off before he could spiral any further. “You’ve been working non-stop for a week. You’re smart, capable, and you’ll do just fine.” His tone was sincere, absolute. Like he wouldn’t entertain any arguments. Rowan’s heart felt warm in his chest. Taking off a hand from his shoulder, he placed a tender kiss to his knuckles.
“Will you stay up with me?” he asked softly, holding his hand close to his chest.
“Anything for you, love.” 
Rowan’s eyes were glued to Lincoln’s muscles as he continued to deadlift weights in front of him. The veins on his arms had become more prominent, which only made them look more enticing. A tendril of sweat rolled down his face, dripping down to his sharp jawline. The low grunts he made each time he lifted his weights had Rowan thinking things that he shouldn’t while they were in the middle of a public gym. “Babe?” 
“Yeah?” he huffed, slightly breathless. He lifted up his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, exposing the abs underneath. Another thrill shot through Rowan’s body. His mind was made up: he wanted him. Now. 
“We should get going,” he urged. Hastily, he packed their things into his gym bag and made his way over to the weight station. 
“Why? I thought you wanted to- mmph-” Rowan’s lips crashed into his before he could finish. 
“I just thought of another way we could get our workout in,” he whispered suggestively in his ear. A knowing smirk spread on Lincoln’s face.
“Lead the way, then.” He laughed as he eagerly dragged him by the wrist out of the gym. 
And made him feel just like he did on his prom night: happy. He only hoped he made him feel the same as he poured himself fully into every kiss, every touch, every I-love-you. But there was always some part of him that wanted to do more; something a little extra to make him smile the way he only did when they were alone together.
“We’re home.” Lincoln’s voice broke him out of his trance. He had been so lost in thought he hadn’t realized that they were no longer moving. 
passing the torch to @linkysmommy, @saibug1022, @lovehugsandcandy and anyone else who sees this and wants to air out some ol' wips 🖤
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