#Meta Knight Headcanons
cosmo-shell · 10 months
Some more Latino mk stuff cus it's fun:
He definitely listens to Selena (in secret) the only people who know about it is dedede, Kirby, and galacta (bro makes fun of mk for it)
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yarmiko-art · 2 years
Meta Knight headcanons
Just to warn you, this is first time Im doing something like this, so it turned out to be a some sort of character study - a pretty long thing. English isn't my first language, so if there gonna be mistakes please let me know
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★ "Kirby, it's 4 p.m. time to get dismembered by my sword"
★ Vise mentor my ass, Meta. I mean, he is learning since he is pretty chill in Forgotten Land, but it's like the latest event at the timeline at the moment. 
★ He will lend a sword to a child and ask them to stab him as a training exercise. Meta actually believes that putting a high stress level on someone will make them learn better and faster
★ Despite extreme teaching methods, Meta does mean well. And he actually can give a good technical advice. The knight isn't hopeless, but he still needs to realise that teaching people to swim doesn`t equal yeeting them into a river. Metaphorically, of course. He didn`t push anyone there. Yet 
★ For a lone swordsman Meta has a lot of friends and people he cares about. His crew means the world to him even if they have a tendency to get on his nerves sometimes. Except Sailor Waddlle Dee, he can't be mad at Sailor Waddle Dee
★ Sailor and Meta have this Bilbo Baggins and Torin dynamic
★ Has a "secret" base near Orange Ocean even though locals are pretty aware of its existence ever since whole declaration of war on a Dreamland thing. Pretty secure place that serves him and the others Meta-Knights as home when Halberd isn't in a sky
★ Refers to the base as HQ to keep thing professional
★ He will never admit it but he LOVES dramatic entrances
★ Highly competitive borb. Completely unhinged on battlefield and there`s a lot of things that can be said battlefield 
★ Due to shame of his past tries to maintain his reputation as mature calculated, cool and stoic figure which isn't a lie, but 1/3 of Meta actual nature
★ Swears a lot, which is funny considering his usually polite and old-timey speech pattern. Still very snarky and creative on insults 
★ Despite that still the most mature member of a Dream Team. Which isn't a high achievement but it counts
★ Counties to be the most mature person on a ship in Star Allies until DMK enters the room. Then it throwing hands time. Dark has exceptional talent of breakdancing on Meta`s nerves and wont stop any time soon
★ Very unhealthy coping mechanism towards his fears. "Everything I'm afraid of is need to be stabbed, or I'm getting over it as quickly as possible"
★ He is a Nightmare creation. I'm a very basic bitch
★ In fact, Meta was conceived to be a copy of Galacta Knight, not just a replica of voidborn species in general. Which is ironic considering that Meta turned out to be an complete opposite: the color palette, the wings structure (the height in giginka-verse). Personality differences are in question since there isn't a reliable records of Galacta's life in general
★ Artificial voidborn baby turned out to be a disappointment, who ran away from Daddy Dearest at first opportunity
★ Fast forward to a crush landing on a Pop Star
★ Imagine the scene from Lilo and Stich, where Stich comes out from a wrecked shuttle in flames and laughs like a little shit he is. That's it. That's Meta.
★ It's basically Lilo and Stich from this point, but without Lilo, so Meta just does whatever he wants. And he wants nothing more than wrecking havoc on a land - nobody actually gave him a crush course on what's right and whats wrong
★ Cut to the meeting with young Prince Dedede. They`re not getting along at all. Therefore this is were the whole Sworn Rivals part comes from.
★ They would continue to be at each other throats (Quite literally on Metas end, this bastard had some SERIOUS teeth even as a child), but then there's Dark Nebula
★ In the best anime fashion they join forces to seal Dark Nebula away and Meta first time in his life experiences 🎉teamwork🎉 and positive interaction
★ "Did we just become best friends?"
★ First Friend™ obtained
★ Even though NME as organization in this timeline doesn't exist, monsters that Nightmare creates aka Wolfwrath and the others are pretty big threat, cause Dad of the Year sends a few of them after Meta to get voidborn back either dead or alive.
★ This is the reason Meta didn't stick at the castle After Dark Nebula incident and went on to make his own little home near Orange Ocean shore. Later this grows to be Meta-Knights HQ and a secret base
★ Remember scarfies? Those little bastards are not native to Dreamland or Pop Star in general. There was maybe a two or three of them sent, but they made a rabbit move and repopulated in a good Pop Star environment
★ Nightmare's beasts managed to influence planet ecosystem - they are not inherently evil, mostly are just animals with somewhat higher intellect than average, that left on their own when Sworn Rivals managed to seal Nightmare  away
★ Passed out when tried a chocolate bar for first time due to sugar overload. Scared Waddlle Dee's shitless
★ Reads chessy sappy romance novels as guilty pleasure. He knows most of them are pretty meh but silliness of writing is bringing him some enjoyment
★ At the time he just met Blade and Sword, Meta always had trouble with recognizing which of the two is Sword and which of the two is Blade. Not his fault tho - those two never specified who is who during introduction. And that`s how his Mysterious Silence™ was invented. He will take this secret to the grave
★ You can catch Meta whistling when he is bored and alone. He ain`t the best whistler and struggles with it sometimes. It`s better to pretend you didn`t hear him
★ “Halbert isn`t a playground! Ignore Kirby, this one.... This one doesn`t count“
★ Involuntary dad to the rapidly growing group of kids (which has a lot of parent figures). He is opposite of Dedede here. Dedede embraces new children, especially in Pre-Forgotten Land phase
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starmagnets · 2 years
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Meta Knight gijinka because I really needed to finalize his design lmao. Headcanons under the cut.
Like in the anime, Meta Knight's eyes can glow in different colours depending on what he's feeling, usually without him realizing. (ex. pink is amused, green is proud, darker yellow is exhaustion or distress, etc.)
Meta Knight is banned from the kitchen. He can't cook to save his life.
He's got quite the sweet tooth. Like. This man will literally eat chocolate syrup out of the bottle given half a chance.
He has a hard time trusting others, and usually is the last to forgive any villains who end up redeeming themselves.
He acts as a father figure and mentor to Kirby (mostly unknowingly earlier on in the series) and often accompanies Kirby and Bandee whenever they go into town.
He likes training with Kirby, usually in the form of duels or sparring matches. They usually pick up treats after the fact as a reward for Kirby doing well.
He doesn't know his bio family at all, but he cares for his Meta-Knights, Bandee, and Kirby as dearly as he would family. He often has game nights with them. (Usually organized by the other knights, but he's always happy to spend time with them all.)
Meta Knight LOVES to read. If you can't find Meta Knight and need him for any reason, you should always check Castle Dedede's library first.
He and Dedede have known each other since they were young teenagers, having met when Meta Knight arrived at the castle to begin his training to be a knight.
They wound up having a sort of rivalry early on due to their opposing natures, but they bonded eventually, likely over their similar preferences for food.
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rxg1nald · 5 months
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cits-kirby-brainrot · 6 months
Laying down the foot work of how Matter works in my imagining, don’t mind me.
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veinsfullofstars · 7 days
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🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈
(ID: Kirby series fanart sketches of various Kirby characters, each with scribbled backsplashes of pride flag colors based off of my headcanons**. Clockwise from the top - Meta Knight (Bi, Demi) & Dedede (Bi), the former wrapped in his cape and perched on the latter’s arm, smiling at each other contentedly, little pink hearts over their heads. Gryll (NB) & Keke (Lesbian), holding hands and cozily sitting side-by-side on Gryll’s broomstick, along with the former’s familiars Salt, Pepper, and Sugar. Daroach (Pan, Aro) & Dark Meta Knight (Gay), the latter looming over the former and wrapping him in his tattered wings, the rat gazing up with a sharp grin and reaching up to run his claws down the side of the knight’s mask, a burning heart over their heads. Magolor (Aro, Trans) & Marx (Ace), the latter running in to wrap the former in a one-armed… one-hatted? hug, nuzzling against his cheek as the giddy wizard hugs him back, a yellow heart set against queerplatonic colors over their heads. Susie (Lesbian) & Zan Partizanne (Lesbian), the two holding hands and carrying many shopping bags, the latter looking about in curiosity as the former smiles fondly at her. In the center of them all, Kirby (Agender) leaps up with a big, joyful smile, holding up a heart filled with all the colors of the Pride flag. END ID.)
**Note that these are just my personal interpretations of these characters’ orientations/identities and may not reflect yours or even those implied in canon (they may also be subject to change given my own ever-evolving perspective). If these do not perfectly match your own takes on the characters, then that’s totally fine. I hope they bring you just as much joy and creativity as mine do for me. Part of the fun of this series it how open it is to interpretation, how so many people can see different things in the same piece of art and inspire each other thanks to those differing perspectives. Additionally, all ships shown are of consenting, non-related adult characters.
Sketch start 06/01/24, sketch finished 06/02/24.
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nookisms · 4 months
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Today's compilation is just headcanons!
Originally for the gender/sexuality ones I was going to put them over the flags but I decided that would get overbearing so instead you get a pair of aroace MK and DMK icons for you and your worstie 🧡
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das-a-kirby-blog · 8 months
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becoming old and finding the pros and cons of aging
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Waddle Dee headcannons / theories but they progressively get worse
Waddle Dees migrate south every winter
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Waddle Dees like eating bugs and Bandana Waddle Dee’s favorite bug to eat is the caterpillar
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If Kirby is made out of positive energy
And Dark Matter is made out of negative energy
Then Waddle Dees are made of neutral energy
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That means if you give Void neutral energy, it will turn into a Waddle Dee
But what if neutral energy is stronger than both positive and negative energy?
That means if you give Void all three energy, it will turn into a Waddle Dee because neutral energy overpowers both of them!
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That’s why Dark Matter always goes to King Dedede’s castle!!!
Because if King Dedede was able to harness the powers of neutral energy, Dark Matter wouldn’t stand a chance
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That also means Bandana Dee is secretly the most overpowered in the group.
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We should be thankful that the Waddle Dees haven’t collectively agreed to change us all into Waddle Dees
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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Ok, so!
You know all the "Doctor Strange Astoprojects the mk system and we cinematically see the three alters slipping out of the body.
But but but hear me out!
What about Dr. Strange trying to push one person out of his body and failing because it is actually a system and he needs more strength to push them away.
So Strange would hit their chest multiple times expecting something to happen but uh-uh nothing and poor Steven tries to get away from him.
Eventually he puts more effort and manages to do something, that is making Jake front by pushing Steven away from the front and suddenly gets slapped by him.
Jake gets into a fist fight with Strange while Strange tries to use his powers to teleport Jale away from him.
Eventually he manages to astroproject them for a second and he sees Jake and Marc splitting from the body holding hands until Steven pulls them back in.
They are together in this they won't let anyone separate them, Strange needs to try harder.
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quinn-pop · 9 months
let’s do some autistic meta knight headcanons!! over explaining my interpretation of meta knight yet again wooooo
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this orb has NO idea how to talk to people!!! outside of work anyway. a lot of this is partially due to upbringing (suppressing his emotions all the time) but he does not know how to express emotions, like…at all.
this goes into a few things
1. yeah talking is hard. even after figuring out what he wants to communicate he will struggle. conversation can be so overwhelming, especially under pressure. he will need time lol
2. because of that, forming connections is hard. i really don’t think meta is much for shallow relationships, and certainly not early in the timeline. which also means he has very little experience with friendship. so a lot of the relationships he did have went kinda neglected, and issues that probably could’ve been worked on by talking became…*cough romk* escalated.
3. honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if meta convinced himself he couldn’t feel emotion (anymore) until like. katam-ish. he tried very hard lol
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vulnerability is terrifying. (though this gesture here is also just comforting, like his little cape cocoon thing he does.)
unmasking—yeah im taking the mask thing very literally here—is a big deal and a very slow process for mk. i’m sure he has a lot of feelings on that lol. it served as a way to ensure no one could ever, y’know, see him.
i can’t say i think he’d ever fully ditch it—there’s always gonna be some days that are more stressful than others and if having it could help him get through it, it just makes sense. mainly when working.
it really is about vulnerability. granted, i don’t think he has the most expressive face (in my head every astral just tends to stare at things) but i doubt he has much control over it. can’t fake a smile but also can’t hide it. probably blushes easy because yeah, astrals; just look at kirby’s face.
just the idea that someone might be able to read his expression and know what he’s feeling before he’s ready for them to (or even understands it himself…) yeah he doesn’t want that
but emotional turmoil aside, i think his mask also hides a lot of his stims
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remember that whole “suppressing your feelings” thing? yeah turns out that ignoring half your instincts isn’t a good idea. so in true meta knight style, he tries to stim as subtly as possible
1. he has the least control over his wings, so they will flick and twitch on their own. they’re usually a good indicator of how he’s feeling, not unlike the body language usually seen in cat ears and tails lol. flapping is also an extension of this of course, though he probably suppresses it more.
2. this also effects when he takes his wings out. pretty much every time he’s excited or nervous it just happens. kinda makes me wonder if his wing cape ordeal might also go into the suppression thing… (i’d say yes, but using a cape is also very comforting so it’s not necessarily a bad thing)
3. going back to the mask thing; he stims a lot underneath it. think like biting or pursing your lips. he bites his tongue and clicks his mouth. that sort of thing. his mask also makes it harder to notice that he is constantly sighing, humming, grumbling…all that
one nice thing about the mask though is that it helps a little bit with lights!!! woo
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(look at him and his magically floating glasses)
sensory stuff—i think he’s mostly bothered by light and sound. maybe a bit of texture. he’s pretty sensory avoidant and perfectly happy standing off to the side not touching anything.
the one exception to this is physical affection, which is, despite all of this, most of how he shows affection. it’s a lot easier to hug someone than to try to explain your feelings for them, after all.
i think he would like pressure though. so that’s probably part of it. and i’m pretty sure there’s some connection in here to fighting (dang, is that the only way he knows how to get his energy out?)
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anyway, pretty much all of this is in contrast to kirby, who i would gladly nominate as the champion of Doing Whatever He Wants. he might pick up a few bad habits, but he will never mask the way meta knight does. he might not understand how he feels, but he’s in tune enough to express it…usually.
this is a very good thing for meta because it helps him to do the same thing. kirby’s so energetic, it’s hard to not want to stim with him. it reminds meta to be kinder to himself and explore his own emotions. he can also help kirby understand themselves, so this connection is very important.
yeah, at the end of the day, everything kinda just boils down to kirby and mk as parallels
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this is the conclusion i promise
to me, meta’s arc is about growing stronger by growing kinder, and this is mostly by learning to be kind to himself. letting himself be a person again, loving and understanding other people, and eventually, letting go of all the expectations placed on him and doing the things he’s always wanted to do…
autism headcanons are fun for me because it’s cathartic to write, but at the same time, it just makes sense in this sort of narrative. meta is, to me, inseparable from these things. and so is kirby! that’s a dynamic that’s a lot of fun to play with, and it’s at the heart of my kirby interpretation.
if you actually read all this WOW thank you
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
Oooo starstruck dee has little stars at the bottom of her feet! Are they just aesthetic or would they make imprints into the ground? (like pawprints)
exactly like that! though she's not the only one...
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edit: might need to add some additional dialogue to this to make it more clear, but a clarification in the interim; he knows about his own footprints. he's just surprised to see something similar already there when he knows he's only just landed. he lifts his own shoe to confirm that they're not identical (and also to reveal this to the viewer). seems his stoicism beat off the clarity in this one, sorry 😭
#meta knight#starstruck dee#have had this one sitting around for *months* while i bit my nails on posting it#and then i thought maybe i *shouldn't* during the shipaganza bc it's not a direct prompt; though i do think you can read it that way#and for ~Reasons~ i needed to post this one sooner rather than later so i had to bite the bullet.#though meta knight has understandably been the second most prompted. they do indeed have the Funnest Possible Dynamic for it#stoic guy and the bug eyed little Creature he doesn't really trust as far as he could throw her (long long way)#so just to clarify this one is NOT for the shipaganza but you can read it that way if you want to#this is just a canon scene between them from her storyline. this is just something they canonically share. starry eyed idiots.#also fwiw i think i probably picked up the shoe-patterns for the knights from postitnotes7#been a headcanon in the back of my mind for a long while but i'm pretty sure i osmosis'd it from their work#especially after drawing post's designs so much for the hnkss. i temporarily forgot how i used to draw their armour ngl#and also btw starstruck deetectives psspsps#i'm planning a much better post about this later (probably in march) but i'm going to start using this tag for Important Posts for y'all#🎀🔍#<- for the starstruck deetectives when there's something significant in the post.#i worry about making it 'too easy' but also want stuff to be accessible. it's just for fun? the OC lore game! ARG but it's just my oc.#that would be fun right? maybe? is that too indulgent? i could probably pull it off if folks were actually interested enough to participate#anyway!! go to bed starflung#also if you read this far: anon is open again! still open for shipaganza prompts but i'm not gonna be finished them in february 😂
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sweetandglovelyart · 6 months
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yokyoaaa · 10 months
Random headcanon:
Kirby and king dedede are VERY dedicated with pranking each other on April 1st. They would send down their biggest weapon just to prank each other (this mean nuclear bombs as well) and usually at the end of the day dreamland was a whole mess
After they got bored with pranking each other for a while, they went as far as teaming up with each other to prank bandee and meta knight, and let me tell you they’re really IN on it. Setting up a location, traps, mechs, enemies and layouts just for their two other friends to get pranked. Let me show you my vision
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Thus leading bandee and mk teaming up to fight against kirby and dedede. At the end they all were like "relax it's just a prank bro"
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Let’s just say bandee and mk’s friendship enhances but mk’s trust to kirby and dedede? Not so much
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stardustshimmer · 8 months
You see, I have this headcanon that Meta Knight keeps bats underneath his cape and can unleash them on enemies.
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Here’s the original Tumblr post this was inspired by! -> 🦇
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startistdoodles · 8 months
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Kirbtober Day 7: Headcanon
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