#Metal Robot Spirits
808impz · 7 months
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pmasaojack · 2 years
메탈 로봇혼 건담 에피온은 예쁘긴한데 엄청난 불량률 때문에 추천하진 못할꺼 같아요 
메탈 빌드도 그렇고 반다이 중국 생산품들은 불량률이 계속 많네요;;
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st-hedge · 4 days
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*wheezing and heaving* *shoves metal gear solid and nier automata into a blender* *slams the shitass smoothie into pint glass* *hysterically throws it back* i finished the line up. im at peace now
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toacody · 4 months
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Mata Nui
Old bod, new face.
Creator: imbatman123459
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allgremlinart · 1 year
“cars make sense but Kuvira’s giant mech didnt” well yeah no of course it didnt but neither did !! the fucking huge drill ?? in atla ?? so. who cares. 
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possessable · 2 months
i know jack squat about deltarune but i vaguely remember something about the player being a separate entity from the protagonist which i think would be a fun possession concept? like strings but Different.
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OH YEAH my Deltarune Posting i frogot about that, for some reason whenever tumblr recommends blogs similar to mine it still recomends deltarune themed blogs even though i havent' posteed about it in a long time , Forever Sentenced To Deltarune
Anyhoo. I'm unsure what exactly Robot Possession™ entails whether it's a robot getting possessed or a person getting possessed by a robot but chances are i Support It Fully
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bruhlesbian · 6 months
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when the exorcism get so bad you gotta take your pants off 🤕
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I don't normally scream about other people's rottmnt au on here, but @somerandomdudelmao 's Cass Apocalypse Au is driving me up the wall, and I have words!!
Everyone who is reading the series knows it is currently in the process of Casey Jr. resurrecting his uncle/dad's.
Theory Time!
First off, let's go into why Casey can do this.
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Yes, Cass has confirmed that the memory spell that was used was mixed with a time travel one. Thus, using one's memory's as a gateway to not only traverse time but dimensions.
However, Casey Jr. is able to see spirits when he does this but also remains physically in the present - which leads me to think that he is being astroprojected across time and space as a literal spirit. Hence why he can visit his memories and the past without altering the events on a physical level. As a spirit, Casey Jr. can see and engage with other spirits in existence at that time.
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In the powers of spirit to spirit interaction, he is the only person alive who can literally pull other spirits through dimensions. With his body anchored in one time branch and his memories anchored in the other one, Casey Jr. Is the literal bridge for spirits to cross from one to the other.
No matter the condition of the spirit.
Theory #2
Cass has shown us F.Mikey communing with his ancestors when Donnie originally pasted on. It also was largely suspected the krangg could destroy ninpo and spirits.
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With the Hamatos, spirits and ninpo are consister linked if not one. So, of course, when Casey Jr. travels back to his past in his time branch and is able to intact and unintentionally pull Donnie's disintegrating spirit into and out of time with him; Casey Jr. effectively saved Donnie's ninpo. Immediately after his recuse, Donnie admits that his NINPO is in shambles and that he is doing everything in his power to hold it together.
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With this confirmation in mind, let's have a look at the conditions surrounding the other turtles' ninpos and spirits.
First off, Raph
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Raph's spirit and ninpo were perfectly healed and intact with in the robot body Donnie created for him. The only thing is that Raph's 'body' could be turned activated or shut down. Like a Fullmetal Alchemist parallel, Raph's soul, spirit, and ninpo are housed within a metal container. In episode two or three, when Casey Jr. found the robot, Raph was reactivated after an emergency shutdown that lasted YEARS.
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His ninpo and spirit woke up. Know that, shutting himself down again to allow his generator to be redirected as a power source would not kill Raph but rather put him to sleep. He would never die but remain suspended for all time, trapped in his metal shell until someone reactivated him.
This made Raph not only be the easiest but most accessible spirit for Casey Jr. to rescue. Raphs' spirit would have remained there, in perfect condition, for however long it took for Casey to get to him.
Now, let's look at Mikey.
This old mystic warrior was the most in tune and most powerfully adept with his abilities. Drained he may have been, Mikey said that opening a time gateway would use whatever he had left. His mystic powers and ninpo are linked. Opening the time gateway was a strain on his spirit, his ninpo. He was literally splintering apart as he opened the portal. In Mikey’s moment of death, he pushed the last of his ninpo in the portal. His ninpo burst like a firework.
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At this point of this written theory, Mikey's has not been rescued.
This leads me to speculate the condition and difficulty of said rescue for one Casey Jr. Mikey's soul is untrained by Krangg's chemical warfare, so it is not in danger of disintegrating but nor is his soul bound to a metal shell, his spirit is actually free to reform and rejoin his Hamato clan.
This leaves Casey Jr. vary little time to connect with Mikey's spirit. There is the option that he will witness Mikey's ninpo shattering into a million pieces. However, he may also be witness to Mikey's ninpo, in stark contrast to Donnie rapidly decaying ninpo spirit, pull back together. In glorious younger self. All golden and whole.
All that training and usage of his ninpo would have given his spirit and ninpo the ability to reform faster than one that was infected with a ninpo-distorying illness. This moment, where Mikey spirit lingers before ascending or choosing to join with his ancestors, Casey would have to approach.
Then again... Mikey could also rather stick around and wait for Leo to join him.
Option 2 is that when Mikey explodes, Casey Jr. would have to act fast to catch the ninpo pieces upon explosion. I like option number one a lot better.
Regardless, Mikey could be a time sensitive rescue. Mikey is quite literally a wild card in this realm.
This brings us to Leo.
Can you see where I'm going with this?
It's not a secret that Casey has related to Younger Leo about how his future self was a shield for Mikey's ninpo.
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F.Leo is shown to have sacrificed the use of his ninpo, or lack there of, to draw the Kranggs apparently one-time-use ability to lock or damage ninpo/magic on to himself to free Mikey to mystically blast Kranggs to oblivion. In contrast to Mikey's fully intact Hamato ninpo, Leo's utterly demolished ninpo is in full view for us to see .
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How it got way we can only speculate - but it may have been sacrificed to help Mikey originally and never fully recovered. F.Leo even claimed once, after using his ninja skills of speed to confuse and irritate Krangg into using that ninpo destroying sonic wave they have, that he had no magic or anything for them to destroy.
So here is the thing. If a Hamato spirit and ninpo are one in the same... where does this leave Leo's spirit? His soul? His ninpo? It's all in pieces, broken, destroyed. Claimed to no longer exist. But the pieces remain.
They are pieces in a container. Like how Raph's spirit and ninpo were contained in metal, Leo's broken ones were still collected together within his living body.
So what happens when Leo's body is incinerated by that krangg's beam death? Like his twin, Leo’s spirit has been affected by the krangg and was unable to heal. There is no holding himself together here. He is most likely already like clear glass like pieces on the breeze or scattering in the wake of the after math. Destined to fade from existence.
He's the most likely to join his Hamato ancestors immediately, but without the ability to pull his ninpo together on his own, Leo would take time to reform with the Hamoto Clans help.
If Casey is to save Leo's ninpo and spirit at all, he would have to find away to collect the pieces of Leo's shattered ninpo once the beam hits.
Another problem, if Kraggs technology has the effect of destroying one's spirit, Casey's astroprojected spirit could be in danger if that death beam gets too close. He wouldn't be able to save his sensai and himself if that is in the way and active.
Saving Leonardo's shattered spirit and ninpo would not only be near impossible, but a definite risk to Casey Jr.'s own spirit. Astroprojecting his spirit still puts put's his life in clear physical danger of coming in contact with spirit damaging tech. Saving any remnant of his sensai's spirit and ninpo is going to acquire a plan. Or dumb luck.
That being said... Donnie is our evidence that even in pieces, Leo could be saved. Casey Jr. would have to get dangerously close to the death beam. That or stand among the lingering pieces of Leo's soul as they float for a moment in the aftermath. In any instance, all Casey Jr. would need to do is come in contact with any of these spirit partials, and they would all be sucked up in to him.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure Leo's broken spirit would be overly responsive to any of Casey' Jr. 's concerned shouts, if at all. But Casey would be able to feel him.
On returning to the present, we know from Donnie that krangg effects are left behind. This would result in two ways of Leo being resurrected.
1. On returning to the present, Casey would scramble for the cloning tube and instantly deposit the ninpo fragments. Leo would return with a new body shell for his broken bits. In this case, Leo would probably be comatose for a good long while until his pieces, now cleansed from anything krangg, reform and heal in safty.
2. Leo's ninpo is too weak to transfer into his clone and takes refuge in Casey instead until his cleansed ninpo pieces find a way to pull together. Maybe with help from Mikey?
Also, could Casey house two Hamato souls at once? Since Mikey and Leo practically died at the same time.
Because to wrap horribly long theory thread, I would almost expect a spirit Mikey to tell Casey's to grab Leo first then come back for him as Mikey's spirit is safe in the aftermather of the death beam. If Casey housed two Hamato spirits at once (headache just thinking about it), then Mikey mystic warrior aspect could collect and even help mend Leo's shattered ninpo.
But in conclusion, F. Leo is the most at risk and dangerous Hamato spirit to rescue. Logic states that there would be a possibility that F.Leo may never get rescued and be a lonely turtle spirit with his ancestors after. However, this is Cass's Au and Donnie of all people is defying logic. So I predict that some kind of Dumb Luck option from above will be Leo's saving grace. I just feel Casey Jr. is going to have a few singe marks on his soul to tell about when all this is said and done.
TL:DR - Raph was the easiest turtle to rescue as his spirit was stuck in a tin can. Mikey is a wild card in terms of spirit condition, but saveable on a time limit. Leo is the most riskiest and dangerous to save with a broken ninpo.
Casey Jr. and Donnie have no fear.
Live on future turtles!
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toaskello · 6 months
Today seems like a good day to ramble about my favorite bit of imagery in all of Bionicle, and that would be the twin eclipse in Legends of Metru Nui.
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To start, let's recap a bit. Our protagonists, the Matoran and friends, live on a tropical island. The deity they worship is the Great Spirit Mata Nui, a vague, godlike figure cast into unending slumber by his jealous brother. We never see this entity, although he is often represented with symbols like the Kanohi Hau or a rock with etched details representing an abstraction of that mask. Similarly, we never see him do anything, as he is sleeping. All we know is that the village elders say he was benevolent and good.
The first major plot twist in Bionicle comes when the Matoran travel underground and find their original home: a large cavernous dome with an island city surrounded by a vast silver sea. Despite being underground, twin suns are visible in the sky, frozen in a partial eclipse.
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The next year of Bionicle is a flashback, taking place on this island city while Mata Nui is awake and the suns are shining bright. Mata Nui himself and his actions are still seemingly nowhere to be seen.
Tragedy strikes at the end of the year when Mata Nui's jealous brother infects him with a virus and sends him into his slumber while the twin suns eclipse. With the limited information about the true nature of Mata Nui we had in 2004, this always seemed to be a rather on-the-nose metaphor. The Great Spirit who watches over the Matoran falls asleep and the suns overhead eclipse in a manner that makes them look like closing eyes. He can no longer protect the Matoran from the eternal shadow like he once did.
Fast forward four years and the big reveal that all of Bionicle had been building up to is finally made known. The Great Spirit Mata Nui was a metallic colossus in which the Matoran resided. The island city was his brain, the silver sea his cerebrospinal fluid, the dome his skull. The suns, as it so happens, actually are his eyes. But importantly, the eyes are not looking down on the Matoran - they are looking up, away from them.
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Mata Nui, as it so happens, was rather unconcerned with the inner workings of his body. He wasn't malicious, but he cared about his people as much as you and i care about our sesamoid bones. Do you know how many you have and where? Probably not. His major character arc going forward is recognizing this and, after being humbled into a puny (7-foot-tall) humanoid, learning to care and respect other beings, even those he would usually consider beneath him.
The reason I love this shot so much is that it works perfectly for both views of Mata Nui: the Matoran interpretation of an idyllic protector who banishes shadows from his place in the heavens, and the giant robot with people in his brain who is preoccupied with observing space. The perception of this scene changes as our understanding of both the biology and personality of Mata Nui are revealed throughout the story.
Like, they made a movie for a toy with this shot that you would have to go back and watch four years later to fully appreciate. And IDK, I think it's pretty cool.
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sapphicseasapphire · 8 months
ok, so, this has been bugging me for a bit today, but, what was Sky's reaction to when he first met Warriors? like there's got to be a strong emotion there given that Fi is also a sword spirit.
so yeah, I'm just wondering what you have planed for that.
(also great artwork it's absolutely stunning and looks really yummy)
((dont question it))
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(Lore under the cut. Sorry, I have a lot to say about this haha)
Sky’s reaction when he first meets Warriors? Awe.
They find Wars last- or, well, they find his sword. The others are notably confused because they were looking for the hero. The temple that they were led to is completely empty except for a single sword atop a pedestal. Surely their lead was wrong- this can’t be it. Maybe this is the hero’s blade? And he will return to the temple? Or is this just the wrong spot entirely?
While the others are arguing with each other about what to do next, Sky steps up to the blade. It’s… a lot fancier than the ones that the heroes are accustomed to. Gems are inlaid into the guard, fabric is woven around the grip in a familiar pattern. There are diamonds that run down the blade and a piece of blue fabric is tied around the ring of the pommel. This level of decoration is not usually suited for a sword to be wielded in battle. In fact, the only sword that he’s known to be this beautiful and but also effective is currently strapped at his side. As Sky walks closer, he can see the blade glow unnaturally, and his voice echoes through the temple:
“It’s a Sword Spirit,” he’d say, reaching out to the blade but not touching. Not yet.
There’s a mix of emotions when Sky looks upon the blade. He’s relieved, for he had feared that Sword Spirits had been forgotten entirely. His heart aches at the cold weight of Fi at his side, empty and quiet where she used to be full of life. It’s good, he thinks, to see a new sword shine so bright. He’s a little afraid, he’d admit, since he has unsavory memories of a different Sword Spirit. Phantom hands at his shoulders, tongue at his ear, black blades arcing in the air.
Still, Sky can’t repress the way his heart leaps in excitement, a smile at his lips, even as his hand falters in the air. Another Sword Spirit, here, right in front of him. Another opportunity to make things right, to fix things. Oh, how he misses Fi.
“This is the hero we’re looking for.”
And the others would approach, their curiosity piqued by the reverent tone of Sky’s voice. (Note that Sky had just joined them about two-ish days ago? He was the second to last to meet the Chain, the last being Wars).
No one else has met a Sword Spirit before, not even Wild or Time (who, at this point, everyone thinks is a spirit), so they’re all a bit hesitant to accept Sky’s words at face value. Sky explains that he’s met Sword Spirits before, that the Master Sword herself is a spirit. Puzzle pieces click into place but they still need more convincing. They’ll believe that Sky’s correct: that the sword in the pedestal is indeed a Sword Spirit, but they don’t agree that it’s the hero that they’re looking for.
At least, not until the spirit bursts from his sword in a flash of white light, floating in the air as Fi had done so long ago. The eight heroes stand, eyes wide, before the glowing metallic figure. Sky could cry in at the joy he feels as the spirit utters his first words to them:
“Hello, Masters.”
. . .
• Sky inherently trusts everything that Wars says because he trusted Fi. Fi didn’t lie, she was always helpful, and she told him exactly what he needed to hear every single time, even if he didn’t like it. She was calculating and intelligent and Sky (well… Link) could not have survived on the Surface without her. He trusted her with his life. Sky has no reason to think that Wars would ever lie to him, either. Especially in the early days, when he’s more robotic and less human. And so, he trusts Wars to always be honest.
• This will totally definitely 100% not be a problem guys, I promise. Wars would never lie to Sky about something dangerous. And it totally would never result in Sky getting hurt. And it’s definitely not why Wars looks so upset in the sketches I did yesterday. You can trust me. I promise.
• Sky and Wars talk a lot about Fi. Wars is curious about her, since he’s met her before in his own era and doesn’t know what happened to her. So Sky would explain that she went to sleep after his first adventure, and Wars would stare at him blankly.
“Sword Spirits do not necessitate sleep, Master.”
“I-” Sky would look away, something terribly vulnerable in his eyes. His voice would be sad and quiet as he continued: “I know.”
• I know I’ve talked about this before, but Sky is the most knowledgeable about Wars. He understands. And so his interactions with Wars are a lot easier for the Sword Spirit than with the others. The others don’t like being called “Master.” They don’t like the matter-of-fact way he talks, how he calculates every sentence before speaking it, how he uses percentages and simulations to back up his arguments. (How he always wins arguments). And Sky doesn’t necessarily like these things either, but he’s always patient. Always gentle. He allows Wars to call him “Master” because he understands how much Wars needs it. When Wars goes off on tangents and describes every bit of data he can think of, Sky sits and listens and they talk and it’s just so easy. Sky is probably Wars’ favorite, just for that.
• The REASON that Sky is so supportive of Wars goes back to the one thing that drives him through literally everything in his life: guilt. He said goodbye to Fi much too soon. She was just starting to open up, to feel and express her emotions, when their time ran out. He never got to know the person she’d end up to be, and he’s not making that same mistake again with Warriors.
I think I’ve talked about this before? How when Sword Spirits are young, they talk robotically and don’t express themselves, but as they mature and are around more people, they kind of adopt their traits and become a more well rounded person? Fi, for example was only around for what? A few months? Ghirahim had thousands of years to develop. That’s the difference between “According to your social customs, I should provide you with my personal designation. Fi is the name I was given,” and “You may call me Ghirahim. In truth, I very much prefer to be indulged with my full title: Lord Ghirahim. But I'm not fussy."
Sky wants to see Wars grow in the way that he never got to see Fi. He wants to know Wars. Not just as a spirit, but as a friend.
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sundeathh · 8 months
Matchmaker's Quirk: Love Blooms
Pairing: Student!Aizawa × GN! Student!Reader
Tags: romance, fluff, cute, reader being a bit of a badass and straight forward.
CW: Hizashi and Oboro participation, fight mention (training).
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In the bright corridors of U.A. High School, the air was thick with anticipation as students bustled about, preparing for another day of hero training. It had been just a few months since the start of the scholar year, and the school was abuzz with the vigor of young heroes in the making.
You, a spirited and good-natured student, strolled confidently through the bustling hallways, your eyes catching the attention of many admirers. Little did you know that your magnetic presence had already attracted the curiosity of one particular, quiet student.
Aizawa, then just a student like any other, observed you from a distance. His disheveled black hair and stoic expression hid a shy and reserved nature beneath. Despite being known for his strong analytical skills, the prospect of approaching someone as vibrant as you left him uncertain.
In the classroom, Hizashi Yamada, the ever-energetic voice student, chatted animatedly with Oboro Shirakumo, a kind and easygoing one. Both had noticed Aizawa's interest in you and decided to play matchmakers.
"Hizashi, have you seen Aizawa staring at (Y/N)?" Oboro nudged him, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Hizashi chuckled, "Oh yeah, he's got it bad. We should help him out, don't you think?"
The plan was quickly set in motion. Hizashi and Oboro subtly orchestrated situations to bring you and Aizawa together. They pair you up for training exercises, place you next to each other during classes, and even manage to organize study sessions.
In one of those particular training exercises, the day was marked with anticipation as the hero training course embarked on a joint exercise, putting students together against formidable robotic foes. 
You and Aizawa, selected to work together, found yourselves in a training ground filled with the hum of machinery and the distant echoes of clashing metal.
Aizawa, usually composed and analytical, couldn't deny the nervous flutter in his stomach as he stood beside you. Your playful banter and the lively yet sweet tone of your voice had left him in a state of mild disarray, a feeling he wasn't entirely accustomed to.
As the first wave of robots approached, you and Aizawa leaped into action, ready to face the metallic adversaries.
"Be cautious, (Y/N)," Aizawa warned, adjusting his capture weapon as he assessed the situation. "My Quirk won't work on these robots. We'll have to rely on our combat skills." 
You nodded, appreciating Aizawa's quick thinking. "Alright, Aizawa, we've got this. Stick close to me, and we'll take those robots down," you said with a confident smile, readying your hero costume.
Aizawa nodded, struggling to find his voice. "Sure. Let's work together." He muttered awkwardly, and the two of you engaged in a coordinated assault, dodging and countering the robotic enemies.
As the robots got closer, you leaped into action, demonstrating agility and precision. Aizawa, however, found his attention divided between the approaching threats and the fact that he was fighting alongside you. Impressed by your combat prowess, he couldn't help but watch your every move.
As the battle intensified, you found yourself back-to-back with Aizawa, fending off robots on all sides. A stray robot lunged towards Aizawa, and you swiftly intercepted, delivering a well-timed kick to dismantle the mechanical threat.
Noticing Aizawa's distracted state, you called out. "Hey, Aizawa, focus! We've got to take these down together."
Aizawa blinked, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. "Right, sorry." He jumped into action, joining you in coordinating attacks. And, as the last robot fell, a sense of accomplishment filled the air.
Aizawa, however, felt a different kind of victory – the realization that he enjoyed fighting alongside you more than he expected.
After the battle, as the training ground quieted down, you turned to him with a grin. "Not bad, partner. We make a great team."
Aizawa scratched his head, a faint blush creeping onto his cheeks. "Yeah, we do. Thanks for watching my back."
As you walked side by side, discussing the exercise, Hizashi and Oboro observed from a distance, both wearing satisfied smiles. It seemed their matchmaking efforts had not only brought together an effective hero duo but had also unraveled a side of Aizawa that even he wasn't entirely aware of – a side that blushed and stumbled in the presence of someone special.
As your friendship evolved, Aizawa, despite his initial reservations, found himself enjoying your company. Your flirtatious nature would bring a blush to his usually stoic face, and he struggled to find words at times. However, beneath his quiet demeanor, a genuine interest in you started to blossom.
One day, during lunch break, you found yourself alone with Aizawa on the rooftop. The sun cast a warm glow on the scene, and the air was filled with the delicious scent of your meals.
"You know, Aizawa, you're pretty cute when you're not glaring at everyone," you teased, a playful grin on your face.
Aizawa scratched his head, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "I, um, well, thanks, I guess."
The silence that followed was broken by the arrival of Hizashi and Oboro, who had been discreetly watching from a distance.
"Haha! Look at these two! Love is in the air!" Hizashi announced dramatically, earning an exasperated glare from Aizawa.
Oboro chuckled, "You've got to admit, Shouta. You should tell them how you feel."
Aizawa sighed, running a hand through his hair. As he struggled with words, you glanced at him, a soft expression attached to your features. Encouraged by Hizashi and Oboro, you decided to take matters into your own hands.
With a sly smile, you took Aizawa's hand, intertwining your fingers. "You don't always need words, Shouta. Sometimes, actions speak louder."
Aizawa's eyes widened, but he didn't resist. The warmth of your hand in his sent a comforting shiver down his spine. You leaned in, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek, leaving him utterly flustered.
"Hmm, not bad, Shouta. You should've done that yourself," Hizashi teased, earning a half-hearted glare from the blushing boy.
From that day forward, Aizawa and you became inseparable. The once reserved student found solace in your presence, and your flirtatious and lively nature brought a new light into his life.
Hizashi and Oboro watched with satisfaction as their matchmaking endeavors bore fruit, solidifying a bond that would shape the future heroes of U.A. High School.
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Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated!
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pmasaojack · 2 years
[피규어 4K] 반다이 메탈 로봇혼 건담 에피온 리뷰 2부/METAL ROBOT SPIRITS GUNDAM EPYON REVIEW
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 months
So XS idea of Jack being not just Wuya's descendant but Dashi and Wuya's descendant. At first it's revealed Dashi has a descendant and everyone turns to look at Omi other than Chase who is offended as excuse you that's his kid-APPRENTICE his apprentice and he is far better than Dashi how dare you lower his little one to that idiots level.
It bring reveled it's Jack and not only is he Dashi's...he's Wuya's. Wuya is just there silently screaming.
A lot of people are like How? WTF. Chase takes one look at Jack thinks back to Dashi and Wuya and be like 'All this information does is give context to your idiocy this isn't a shock.'
Wuya is just wondering how she never realized before, all the inventions, stupid plans, breaking the timeline... also if Dashi had been able to he totally would have made robots to fight for him so he could nap longer... at least he got her desire for world domination.
Only when Jack become dragon of metal and is super competent, like as soon as he has the other dragons as friends supporting him and encouragement/guidance with his metal powers he is stupidly strong and all the other enemies are like '... ah...that checks out'
Jack:Oh man if I wasn't a good guy now i'd be so easy to take over the world
Kimiko: I know right
Raimundo: Yeah I mean without Wu
Clay:...how much are y'all thinking about this?
Omi: I don't but Chase gave me pointers
Dojo just nearly always hanging around Jack and him bemoaning like 'How did I not know you were related to him your creations have tried to eat me at least twice it's so obvious'
Just Dojo Jack team up and both still hiding behind Clay if anything goes down because crazy powerful or not Jack is still Jack.
Jack starts calling Wuya grandma, she hates it so much but she can't actually argue
Bonus idea if Dashi had seen Jack while in spirit form after Rai pens puzzle box and he's like great great great grandson! Awww look you got Wuya's hair, Wuya do you see this? Aww this is awesome. The monks are just WTF and Wuya is despairing and just like 'Please just seal me back in the puzzle box now please'
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thepettymachine · 1 year
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Not So Berry Plus Challenge for the TS3
I just wanted more for the TS3 version of this challenge and honestly, who wouldn't. I didn't create this challenge, I simply added and modified somethings to fit more for what TS3 has to offer while trying to keep to the NSB playstyle and heart of the challenge. So if you like the NSB but want more to do in the TS3 version of it, this is a challenge for you.
Disclaimer: I didn't make this challenge, @lilsimsie did. I also incorporated ideas from @simlovinggirl from her TS3 version of this challenge. Also inspiration from @sweetlysimss from their updated version of the TS4 version. Also sim wikia page for all information i need in terms of gameplay.
Tag: the normal nsb tag or "nsb plus" or "nsb +" or "@" me
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Do you like the rainbow? Do you like the idea of playing with berry Sims but hate berry Sims? Do you want to mess around with aspects of the game you’ve never used before? Boy, do I have the challenge for you!
You can follow the orignal rules of the NSB but I'm not requiring it for this.
You can keep the color scheme for each generation or just stick to the objectives of each generation. It is up to you as the player
2-3 traits are required but you don't have to have all of them for the heir if you don't want to.
Have fun!
If you wish to keep track of the generation goals/your progress, @rcpunzel created this spreadsheet for the challenge
🔬 Generation 1: Mint
What a mischievous scientist you are! As a career-driven individual, you still try to hangout with your friends and family and want what’s best for them. But in your free time, you enjoy the misfortune you cause others and love the idea of luxury in your life. Minty fresh indeed.
Traits: Vegetarian, Ambitious, Friendly, Inappropriate, Green Thumb
Aspiration: Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder
Career: Science
Reach Level 9 of Science Career
Master the gardening, fishing, and science skills
Have 3 best friends that you hangout with once a week 
Make 3 enemies
Meet your match: Marry a sim with the inappropriate/mean-spirited trait whom you get into a fight with. 
Own a garden with excellent quality with rare fruit (life fruit, death flower, omni plant, etc)
Own expensive luxury items in your home
Spoil your children rotten (get them anything their wishes desire)
Complete the Gems & Metals collection
💋 Generation 2: Rose
You were spoiled rotten as a child and it made you into an irresponsible insatiable person who hungers for more. Whether it's in your career in politics or lovers you left in tears, you always get what you want and leave the mess for someone else to clean up. Even if one mess ended up with your beloved child.
Traits: Flirty, Workaholic, Charismatic, Irresistible, Schmoozer,
Lifetime Wish: Master Romancer
Career: Politician
Only have one child that resulted from a one night stand 
Gain the “Casanova/Natasha” reputation (for 7+ relationships/romantic interests at one time) or gain the “Player” reputation (for 9+ relationships/romantic interests but none at the same time)
Reach level 10 of Politician career
Throw campaign parties
Master the Charisma skill
Break off an engagement
Get married as an elder
Be distant with your child, provide for them but never be there for them. 
Become publicly disgraced for something
Become best friends with your boss
Live in a big house with maids + butler
🔭 Generation 3: Yellow
Growing up, you never had a great relationship with your parent but you did gain your grandparent’s interest in science, specifically space. As a child, you spent the majority of time enjoying your own company while obsessing over black holes, planets, and traveling to the stars. You spent your whole life dreaming of space, now it’s time to make it a reality. No matter the cost.
Traits: Loner, Handy, Socially Awkward, Brave, Computer Whiz
Lifetime Wish: High Tech Collector
Career: Astronomer 
Your best and only friend is your Grandparent. No close relationships or friendships until they die.
Find a star and name it
Master Logic and Advanced Technology skills
Own a Hoverboard, Dream Pod, Food Synthesizer, Holo Disc, and Jet Pack
Join the Astronomy career and go into the Space Explorer branch
Travel to Simulon V
Never marry because space is your one true love
Neglect your own children but still be friends with them. (no teaching of skills, not caring about hw, etc)
Get abducted by aliens and have an alien child
⚽ Generation 4: Grey
You always enjoyed playing sports and being in the great outdoors, contrary to what your family is interested in. You dream of becoming a professional athlete but you’ve always felt second place to your parent’s obsessions growing up and didn’t want the same for your children. You want to be there for your kiddos as much as possible. So while you’re hanging out with your family, you find music is something that brings you closer together.
Traits: Athletic, Virtuoso , Nurturing, Loves the Outdoors, Technophobe
Lifetime Wish: Superstar Athlete
Career: Professional Sports
Be in the Scouts as a child
Reach Level 10 of Sports career
Master the Athletic skill and a Musical Instrument
Teach all your children the xylophone
Be best friends with all your children
Have 3 failed relationships before finding the one. 
Do outdoor activities with your family (going to the park, beach, camping, etc)
Jam out with your family (once the kids get older) on your instrument of choice
Celebrate the seasons together:
Go to seasonal festivals, host seasonal parties, and decorate the home for family fun.
🎤 Generation 5: Plum
Everyone has always told you how talented you are. You’ve always been naturally good at everything to the point that nothing ever challenges you. This causes you to search for something that will. You tried different careers and learned some new skills, heck, you even tried being a Doctor. But one day at a karaoke bar, you sanged your heart out and realized that you love music and wish to become a singer. Is it too late to pursue your dream in your adulthood? Let’s find out!
Traits: Daredevil, Diva, Lucky, Commitment Issues, Natural Born Performer
Lifetime Wish: Jack of all Trades
Career: Multiple jobs, Medical, Singer 
Make straight A’s as a child and teen
Pick 3 different jobs before deciding on the Medical career
Quit the medical career as an adult to pursue your dream as a Singer
Master 3 skills, one of them has to be a musical instrument. 
Complete all of your midlife crisis wishes
Get divorced and then remarry the same sim
Move to 3 different worlds in your lifetime
Reach at least celebrity level 3 as a Singer
Perform at a big private venue
🖕 Generation 6: Orange
Growing up, homelife was competitive and hectic. You never had stability with your parent’s constant hedonistic whims affecting your life. You also didn’t reach academic success like your siblings who always outperformed you in everything, making you feel like a loser in your own family. But while your siblings were doing their thing, you were doing yours. Stealing. The joy of taking something without getting caught is like adrenaline in your veins and you want more. You also want to learn more about cooking as it calms you down. 
Traits: Loser, Natural Cook, Evil, Kleptomaniac, Hot-Headed
Lifetime Wish: Become a Master Thief
Career: Criminal (Thief branch)
Reach level 10 of the Criminal career in the Thief branch 
Master the Cooking skill
Steal from your neighbors and other townsfolk 
Marry a fellow criminal or someone with the Evil trait. 
Only have twins for children
Cook your favorite food + everybody in the household as well. 
Learn 28 recipes/Menu Maven challenge
Live in a fixer upper home/apartment in YA years
In Adult years, live in a house you can’t afford and purchase weird expensive items for aesthetic
Have at least 5 enemies
📖 Generation 7: Pink
You grew up watching your parents be irresponsible with their finances and let you have a little too much freedom in raising yourself. This causes you to become a very practical individual who believes in the steady 9-5 corporate hustle. Your twin on the other hand, dreams of becoming a big time Director in Bridgeport and you can’t help your envy as you also have a secret dream of becoming a best selling romance writer. As you see your twin succeed in their dream, maybe you too can try to pursue your dreams. Maybe you too can find the love you’ve always dreamed about.
Traits: Frugal, Unflirty, Bookworm, Hopeless Romantic, Neurotic 
Lifetime Wish: Professional Author
Career: Business, Self-employed Writer
Master the Writing skill
Live with your twin while they reach the Director branch of the Film career
Live in an urban city in your YA years, move to woodsy/rural town in your Adult years
Quit the business career  to pursue your dream of being a writer as an adult 
Own multiple bookshelves in your home
Write 5 Romance books in order to become a specialist in the genre 
Write 5 books outside of your genre
Find love as an adult through online dating 
Send love letters to your romantic interest
🕵️ Generation 8: Peach
As a child, you loved the stories your parents read to you about dashing knights, charming adventurers,and mysteries to be solved by the world’s greatest minds. You’ve always wanted to become a detective but you also have a thirst for adventure. Why not both?! You work primarily as a detective by solving cases and investigating clues but when you get that itch to explore, you catch a plane to your next destination and meet the locals who will tell you their stories.
Traits: Perspective, Good Sense of Humor, Genius, Adventurous, Photographer’s Eye
Lifetime Wish: Pervasive Private Eye
Career: Private Investigator
Reach level 10 of Detective profession
Move to a different world than the one you were born in
Visit explore different worlds (can be custom/WA destinations)
Master the Photography skill
Bring back souvenirs from your travels
Play chess in the local park and play against other townies for fun
Marry a local
Make all your friends through jokes & funny videos
Have a dog and be best friends with them
🎮 Generation 9: Green
So popular! You’ve always been the life of the party as you are an outgoing person who's always down to have a good time with friends. But no one would suspect that you’re really just a giant nerd that loves playing video games and painting in their spare time. That’s why it’s such a shock to some that you decided to major in Technology and become a Game Developer. You’re a hard worker who wants to develop amazing games but will party to the break of dawn with no regrets.
Traits: Party Animal, Social Butterfly, Excitable, Computer Whiz, Artistic
LTW: Reach Max Influence with All Social Groups
Career: Video Game Developer (Game Artist Branch)
Moonlight as a barista at bars for extra cash/side hustling 
Hacking is also another side hustle for extra cash (Computer Whiz trait exclusive)
Attend University as a Technology major
Unlock the Video Game Developer career by maxing out Nerd social group status
Master Mixology, Social Networking, and Painting skills
Accept every invitation to parties/outings with your friends
Own a comic book collection
Have a personal  blog
Have at least 5 good friends
Marry your best friend
🍼 Generation 10: Blue
Your dreams are a reality now that you have married the love of your life, had beautiful children, live in your dream home, and work your dream career. What could you possibly want more than this?! Actually… alot. You find yourself dissatisfied with your present circumstances and your eyes have begun to wander onto things you shouldn’t but want to have. As you begin to question and explore your new found cravings, a one time affair produces a bundle of joy and now everything you hold close to your heart is now in jeopardy of breaking apart at the seams.
Traits: Perfectionist, Good, Family-Oriented, Grumpy, Neat
Lifetime Wish: Surrounded by Family
Career: Teacher
Marry your high school sweetheart and stay with them until death do you part
Join the Education career
Host a big wedding
Move into your dream house
Adopt at least 1 child
Teach your children all of their skills
Toddlers - Teach, talk, poop, logic, music
Children - encourage their skills and help them with their homework
Teens - help them with homework and teach them to drive
Have a secret affair that results in a child
Confess to your spouse that you’ve cheated in order to rebuild your marriage
Purchase the “Clean Slate” lifetime reward to clean up your reputation
Gain the Eternally Faithful moodlet
Thank you for trying this challenge. Feedback is always welcomed!
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 8 months
I've been gathering all the elligible creatures for next tournament, double checking my work. And I hit the retriever.
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This thing stopped me for hours. Because they keep changing what it IS. Because look at it, cool spider robot, right? oh, and it knows languages, that means it's either a mindless automaton (fine because it's like a toy) or it's an intelligent creature, right? Wrong? Turns out it's NEAR mindless. Red flag, especially given it has 3 int. Usually sentient creatures don't go below 5, so it's likely either a smart automaton like your phone or animal, right? Well turns out it's made from an imprisoned bebelith that had most of its intelligence removed. MOST? Is it animal level or not, because that's down to the usual animal range but it apparently still understands language. Does it even matter, does being made from an imprisoned spirit that follows orders mean it couldn't consent anyways? I made an argument for that with golems, and we know that spirits imprisoned spirits cannot fight even if they want to as long as the vessel's durable metal. But then you look at the MPMM, this new book we're going into. and hey look, they removed the "imprisoned bebelith" part that's been in every description for decades. But it is gone because it's not true anymore, or is it gone because the MPMM shortened nearly every description? Some PLAYER RACES got reduced to 3 sentences, so is that no longer canon, or is it just not included in this summarized version of it because they assume you know from Tome of Foes?
ultimately, sorry, not including it in next tournament. 14 foot spider droid with paralysis and restraint powers would've done numbers. But I am really unsure if this is sentient and if it could consent even if it was (since the ritual seems to override its free will). And I can't in good conscious include an option unless I'm confident it can consent. I'll take "I can't think of a scenario in which it would want to, but it technically could." but not "incapable of consent."
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glossyblue · 4 months
Unstoppable Connection
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𝗀𝗅𝗈𝗌𝗌𝗒𝖻𝗅𝗎𝖾: 𝗁𝗂𝗂𝗂𝗂𝗂 , trent🫠💭 Comments are respectful and helpfu𝗅🤝🏻❤️‍🩹
𝗌𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒: 𝖳𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗍'𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗉 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗑𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝗇𝖾𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆, 𝗁𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝖺𝗅𝗐𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗒𝗈𝗎...
𝖯𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀: 𝗍𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝖺𝗅𝖾𝗑𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗈𝗅𝖽 × 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
The metallic tang of burnt rubber lingered in the air, a haunting reminder of the screeching halt that had upended your life. You stared out the window of Trent's Range Rover, the familiar sight of Melwood, Liverpool's training ground, now a painful reminder of what you couldn't do. "Penny for your thoughts?" Trent's voice, usually laced with playful Scouse, was soft, cautious. He'd been your rock since the accident, his usual cheeky grin replaced with a quiet strength that both comforted and frustrated you. You forced a smile, hating the concern etched on his handsome features. "Just thinking how weird it is to see Melwood from this side of the fence." He chuckled, the sound a little forced, but you appreciated the effort. "Missing your daily dose of bossing me around on the pitch?"You scoffed, but a genuine smile tugged at your lips. Meeting Trent on the pitch had been a happy accident. He'd been drawn to your fiery spirit, your refusal to back down, even against a Premier League star. And you? You'd fallen for his talent, his dedication, and the surprisingly goofy humor he hid beneath his superstar persona. "Don't worry, Alexander-Arnold," you shot back, your voice regaining some of its usual bite. "I'll be back to my winning streak soon enough. You just focus on not getting complacent without me there to keep you on your toes."
He reached over, his hand finding yours, his thumb rubbing soothing circles against your skin. "Listen," he began, his voice serious, "I know this is beyond frustrating. Believe me, seeing you stuck at home while I'm out there… it's killing me."You squeezed his hand, his touch a lifeline in the sea of frustration threatening to drown you. "I know, Trent. It's just… everything feels so damn impossible right now. Walking, showering, even just reaching for the remote feels like climbing Mount Everest." He pulled into his usual parking spot, but didn't let go of your hand. "Hey, we'll tackle this together, yeah? One physio session, one step, one ridiculously bad joke at a time." He flashed you a goofy grin, and you couldn't help but laugh.
The next few months were a blur of hospital visits, physiotherapy sessions that left you feeling more like a rusty robot than a human, and endless days spent confined within the four walls of your shared flat. Your usual boundless energy was replaced by a gnawing frustration that often morphed into anger, leaving you feeling like a pressure cooker about to explode. One evening, after a particularly brutal physio session, the dam broke. You collapsed onto the sofa, tears streaming down your face. "I'm never going to be the same, Trent," you sobbed, the words ripped from the depths of your despair. "I'll never play again, never run, never…" He was instantly by your side, pulling you into his arms, his embrace a haven of warmth and strength. "Don't you dare finish that sentence," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "You're strong, you're stubborn, and you're twice the fighter I am on my best day. This is a setback, love, a bloody annoying one, but we'll get through it. We'll smash those physio sessions, we'll laugh at my terrible jokes, and when you're back on your feet, stronger than ever, we'll celebrate. We'll go to Santorini, just like we talked about. Sun, sea, and maybe a cheeky kickabout on the beach, yeah?" His words, filled with such unwavering belief, such love, sparked a flicker of hope in the darkness. You clung to him, drawing strength from his embrace. He was right. This wasn't the end. It was just the beginning of a long, arduous journey back to yourself. And with Trent by your side, his hand in yours, you knew you could face anything.
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