#Mic's Epic Writing Journey
mindspill-blog1 · 7 years
I love it when my characters glare at each other in that way that says: “I hate you, but I hate how much I want you even more.” 
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alchemabotana · 3 years
Horoscopes for New Moon in Cancer July 9th 2021
Horoscopes for the New Moon in Cancer
July 9th 2021
By Antonina “Little Thunder” Whaples
If you find these horoscopes useful, please consider voting for me in the Muscle and Fitness Hers front cover competition for 2021′s Ms. Health and Fitness: https://mshealthandfitness.com/2021/antonina
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Digital painting by Antonina Whaples
Still steaming in the energy of the overarching solstice sun rays, this New Moon in cancer will have you blissfully forgetting any of the struggles of the very conflicted Capricorn dominated conversations of the last Full Moon. In the wake and bake of the solstice, our Yang energy gets an overdrive that manifests in contrasting ways. Looking at your focuses on this way down the epic landslide of energy will open up gates of knowledge to understandings about your true identity. With Saturn coming into center with Aquarius soon, and Jupiter hitting retrograde in Aquarius on July 28th, your inner databanks are getting a major makeover Queer Eye style.
Much of this reorganization will center around how we collectively feel about ourselves individually, our responsibilities for our words and actions in our communities, and how we plan to make real-time changes to our “Ways” in order to contribute to grand legacies. Legacies themselves will undergo a transformation of definition. We can thank good old Venus opposing Saturn in Aquarius for this. But, unlike the “tower of babble” moment, the scenarios brought up by this New Moon will have your communication systems recalibrating towards epic achievements of the mind/body/spirit varieties. It’s all about Love, your memories of it, the ways you’ve embodied it, and the sacrifices made for it. Some of those sacrifices are coming full circle, and in the New Moon, this will be mostly felt by the Yin collective consciousness as a major relief. If you’re feeling unbalanced on the 10th, try to focus on activities that bring you comfort and ease your mind. This act may feel like a true moment of spiritual rebellion. 
There’s a lot of hope in this moon, cradled by Cancers’ warm and loving waters. The “Home” is pivotal to this Moon’s inherent cleansing cycle, which may bring up dust and twigs swept under the rug. The idea of responsibility for our actions is heightened. We will all be challenged to face our own idiosyncrasies and dualities. This appears to be a long standing theme we’re all checking in and out of repeatedly until Neptune stations direct in Pisces on December 1st 2021. This very slow moving energy feels like a drum out of rhythm with our daily lives. Individually we are learning to tune into deeper vibrations of our own, and tune out wavelengths disruptive to our growth. This moon is a good time to move your body to healing sounds that help you manifest the emotional experiences attached to your not yet manifested dreams, hopes, prayers, and altar work.
My fiery frequencies have been running too hot. I find places to release my steam that are quiet, dark, and all my own. Whether in the outside world, or my inner mind palace, I find slices of shade are my delight. I desire a type of self-synergy that can only be activated in the realms of the subconscious, and I make time to rest in the ways that make these new synapses happen. I want to learn and grow, and I’m giving myself the space to honor the eternal internal scholar within myself.
I’ve been typecasting my own archetype for some time, and I’ve realized those imprints have become outdated. I do not fear the revelation of my Cosmic Face to my own self, but rather look forward to the introduction of myself to Myself. I find ways to greet my emerging identity by balancing my time with friends and family. I take the time to meditate on what I am agreeing to when I go along with the herds. I respect my self sovereignty enough to reject projections on my personhood. I take responsibility for my own reflections on others, and these actions allow me to accept myself in any situation. I release all concepts of my empathic or psychic nature as negative, and allow the gifts I have been given to garnish me with life’s abundances.
I’m preparing for my mic drop moment. I’ve been writing bars and aiming for the stars, and I feel it coming. Not sure what, not sure when, but this moon is bringing mojo. I sense the message I was meant to embody is being written deeply inside me by a host of ghosts and ancestors ready to protect my destiny. Things are feeling extra cosmic, and I can almost feel my future touching me from time to time. I let myself enjoy my dreaming time, and this New Moon gives me a place to hide my secret poems and self reflections. There’s a softness coming over me, and I feel comfortable allowing myself to relax into the knowledge that my creative genius isn’t just valuable, it’s real.
The cycle of filling and emptying feels extra powerful under this New Moon. Elevated by this lunation, I use this dark moon to focus on the moments in-between. In this meditation, the world opens up a new concept of Time to me. In this knowledge I am able to reconstruct my psychological leanings away from worst-case-scenario and anxiety -laden secret self conversations. I don’t need to look outside myself for cues from the pack, and I am comfortable asserting my authoritative genius when applicable. This acknowledgement of my self-worth and efficacy gives me awareness that assists my community and gives others much needed moments of Hope & Joy.
Things feel saucy in the right ways this new moon. Yin and Yang are focused on balancing my section of the sky’s influences this lunation cycle. Sometimes I feel the tug of my shadow side urging me to use my head AND my heart. Although I feel driven by the power of my heart center, and the emotions of my inner oceans, I find time to stop and ask myself “is this what I really want?”. When I allow myself to acknowledge the influences beckoning me to overspend my creative and sexual resources, I am able to find my personal zen. I discover new secret distractions in the everyday experience of relating and existing in community and friendship. I’m learning to tune my volume to the right settings, and this allows my audience to hear me clearly. Clarity has become increasingly important to me, as discernment makes me feel centered. This moon I use the dark hours to clear my mind, and calm my heart.
The quiet emptying of this New Moon secretly invites me to advocate for my silent needs in ways that feel safe to me. I practice self loyalty regularly, and renew my vows to my internal compass under the protection of the current skies. I know that moments like this aren’t always accessible, so when they are, I congratulate myself for my good luck. Spending time with private projects makes me feel centered and focused in ways that empower me. I use this darkened moon to look at my private world with a gentle eye. I know that my goals are just an echo of desires I’m learning to advocate for. Finding words for my journey helps me understand myself the way I wish to be understood.
I am allowing myself to be seen and appreciated by myself. When I take the time to be in relationship with myself, my moods, and my memories, I find a special center. I’m manifesting a reality where my sense of self is solidified and appreciated by myself first and foremost. Through my self manifestation work, I am becoming aware and knowledgeable of the long history and sacrifices of those who came before me. I use this awareness to build gratitude within my heart center for myself and anyone else who shares in my archetype. My focus on self-healing is a radical step in my generational efforts in this timeline. I am an important person, and I tell myself so often.
I am quietly waiting for new moments to try out my newfound knowledge. I’ve been watching and observing, but now it is my time to act. I take the reins of my destiny, and I do not apologize to the previous carriage driver. I know the power of an apology, which is why I know when one is owed or not. I do not need to struggle with power games that play in the psychopomp of the collective, and am my own sovereign spiritual space. I trust that my future is held in love & beauty and is supported by the generations of ancestors present on all planes. I am using this dark moon to get in touch with my essence and knowledge of my true self. 
This New Moon I am shedding responsibilities that have become recognizably not-mine. With this awareness has come the revelation of what is mine to control, and what is mine to let go. I accept the blessings of my responsibilities as the reason I am able to hold space for myself in my own life. I do not allow others to speak on my behalf, and use my voice to set the story straight. I use my energy for higher purposes and don’t have space this lunation to be dragged into any conflicts. I use my arrow to draw solid lines in the sand about which energetics I’m willing to play with. I promise myself to treat myself with compassion daily, especially as I outgrow scenarios and scenes that just ain’t me.
I’m learning how to define karma for myself, and this New Moon is giving me a lot to think about. I understand that if I wish to heal, I must practice kindness towards myself. When I notice the mean monsters arrive in the darkness of night, I use my practical wisdom to ward them off. I’m noticing that fear doesn’t have as much power as I once imagined, and I’ve been slaying small demons like candycrush. This lunation I allow a space for the internal/external conflicts to find a cease-fire, and I find myself enjoying new mental quiet. I’m learning to trust the process of letting go, and this small cycle feels like the period at the end of a sentence.
The labyrinths of my inner circuit board are asking me if I’ve tried turning it off and turning it back on again. When I consider my own off/on switch, I contemplate who I give access to it. When my triggers are alarming, I respect myself enough to take the time to respond carefully to my own messages. I acknowledge the wiring of the ancient ones, and use the ancient technology of this Moon to allow my power centers to upgrade. My dreamtime is especially sacred to me in these moments, and I use this lunation to discern important inner truths. I do not need to fear when I have premonitions, but instead, refocus that awareness on trusting my own intuition first and foremost. 
This New Moon I let out a deep sigh of relief. In the feelings of stuckness and frustration, I’ve discovered hidden patterns of life. As I discover which patterns benefit me the most, I learn to recalibrate my channels to an easier stream. This work opens me to timelines I may not have previously considered when vision-boarding and manifesting dreams. I thank the spiritual abbacus for working out ancient calculations this New Moon. I give gratitude when my supplies are distributed exactly how, where, and when they will make the greatest impact for my ultimate visionings. 
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nancylou444 · 4 years
I forgot if i sent it to u or someone else so i'm sending it again anyway
Please Read this to the end and then judge me.
I do not understand at all why you and all other anti destiels dont ship destiel and think that dean is straight and i hate you for that from the bottom of my heart. i mean cant you see how dean truely loves cas and gives no shit about Sam, his brother?and also jensen and writers ship it.
You are so stupid and do not deserve to live in this world period
Read this list below.it may help you take off your anti destiel colored glasses and Accept the truth:which in fact is that Destiel Will become canon.
Reasons Why Destiel Will Definitely Become Canon Before The Show Ends 101:
1.Jensen Ackles: Destiel Doesn't Exist.
2.Jensen Ackles: Because Dean is a lover of the LADIES.
3.Dean will always choose SAM over anyone else.
4.SAM and Dean are soulmates.
5.Castiel: you chose EACHOTHER.
6.Jensen Ackles' Unscripted Frustrated look into the camera in "Fan Fiction" episode.wink wink
7.Jensen Ackles: there wasn't a whole lot of dean and cas storylines in season 9.personally,i kind of enjoyed that.
8.Jensen Ackles: i think the whole dean and cas thing has gotten a little out of proportion.
9.Jensen Ackles: "destiel is real" is it?? Where?? Where is it real??
10.Jensen Ackles: What? What castiel? Nah just me and my pies!
11.Jensen Ackles: We sit down with the writers in a couple weeks. It boils down to these two brothers, that’s the core and the heart of the show, their journey, their fight for each other.
12. “You are homophobic if you don’t ship destiel!"
13.Dean Winchester is fuckin Straight.
14.Eric Kripke : I'm just really interested in guys, STRAIGHT guys who have a tight friendship,they are really fun to write...
15.Dean Winchester: I'm Dean winchester.i enjoy sunsets,long walks on the bitch and frisky WOMEN.
16.Dean Winchester : I dont swing that way.sorry.
17.Dean winchester : yeah sorry again pal i dont play for your team.
18.Dean sold his soul for SAM.
19.Dean died so that he could meet with Death and get SAM’s soul back which of course Castiel left in hell.
20.Dean gave away the Impala and was willing to die with a Croatoan infected SAM.
21.Dean breathed in the poisonous smoke, so that he would die with SAM.
22.Dean wanted out of an AU with Mary and Jessica alive, because AU!SAM didn’t like Dean that much.
23.SAM and Dean made promise to each other, made vows to each other really, in a church.
24.SAM and Dean choose each other over the world, anything, and everything, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
25. Dean refers to SAM as though HE is his spouse (”does he want a divorce?”, “Lucy”...)
26.Dean would rather live in a world WITH demons than live in a world WITHOUT SAM.
27.When Dean forgot everything else, including his own name, he still remembered SAM.
28.Dean : I can’t do it without my brother, I don’t want to 
29.Dean to Sam :You’re the ONLY one who could’ve talked me out of it 
30.Dean to Sam :There ain’t no me if there ain’t no YOU.
31.Dean to Sam :“Because whatever we have between us, love, family, whatever this is, they’re always going to us it against us.”
32.Dean to Sam: “You’re my weak spot SAMMY, and I’m yours”
33.Dean or Sam i dont remember: “All that matters now, all that’s ever mattered, is that we’re together.“
34. Dean to Sam :“Don’t you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you!“
35.Dean to Sam : “I made you a promise in that church, you and me, come whatever!”
36.The canon friendship between Dean and Castiel is toxic and borderline-abusive, full of lies, threats, insults, abandonment, beatings, and betrayals.
37. Sam, possessed by the devil himself, took control of his own body and beat Lucifer because Dean was there, because Dean didn’t give up even though he was hurt and covered in blood, because seeing Dean bombarded Sam with the memories of their life together.
38. Dean didn’t leave SAM’s bedside , didn’t bury him, didn’t burn his body, didn’t want to say goodbye, and how later he didn’t hesitate to sell his soul.
39.Dean decided not to go into a box, because SAM asked him not to.
40.SAM and Dean were the ones whom were mistaken with gay couple by several people if that matters.
41.SAM to Dean :“you always put me first. Your whole life”,
42.Dean to SAM: “I know where I am at my best, and that is right here, driving down crazy street next to you”,
43.Sam or Dean i dont remember:“you know what brought me back? You did”.
44.Dean’s siren-as admitted by the siren herself-was a copy of SAM.
45.Dean told a male cop "you're awsome".OMG!! He is bi!!!
46.Dean fanboyed over a male tv character.Holy Chuck!! He is bi!!
47.Jensen or Jared:“At its core, it’s the story of two brothers.”
48.Jensen or Jared:“At the end of the day, this starts and stops with the brothers.”
49.Jensen or Jared:“When it comes down to it, it’s about these two brothers.”
50.Dean told Castiel to get the hell outta bunker for SAM while he knew he didnt have his angel powers.Damn! Dean truely loves Cas!
51.Dean figured Castiel was too far gone to be convinced back into their group and bound Death to do their bidding. Dean’s order to Death was to kill Castiel where he stood.#couplegoals
52.Castiel blackmailed Dean by torturing SAM.oh dear god!!! What a True Lover!!
53.Castiel Betrayed sam amd DEAN with crowley.but that's what all lovers do Right???
54.This isnt some romantic show.
55. Castiel is a genderless celestial wavelength of light wearing a male vessel.
56.Dean's chemistry with Baby the Impala is far more noticable than the one with Castiel.
57.Sam even once asked Dean and Baby the impala to get a room.
58.The possibility of Dean and Baby the impala to get sexually involved and the two of them having sex in the finale full frontal is far more than the possibility of non existant Destiel to become canon.
59.Destiel shippers are only a tiny minority of the SPN fandom.
60.Jensen Ackles is fucking done with this shit.
61.Dean left Ben and Lisa for SAM.
62.Misha Collins is the only one who queerbaits.
63.Dean in "red meat" described SAM as the man he loved.
64.Dean sang in a colorful background.OMFG!! he is bi!!
65.Jesen ackles : because being with his BROTHER and doing that is the happiest he is.
66.Dean to SAM: "because i couldnt live with you dead"
67.What show you've been watching???
68.Jared : because that would have RUINED the show to make it about something it wasnt about.
69.Dean has kissed and had sex with an angel.her name was Anna
70.Sera Gamble said “supernatural is the epic love story of SAM and dean”
71.Cw_supernatural IG: it has always been two brothers and the open road.
*Manic laughter*
*Aggressively drop the mic*
*The door is over there*
*Boom! Suck it*
*It sucks to be destieheller*
You are very welcome
Btw I'm a Proud anti destiew and a logical SPN fan.
If You think I'm right,then Chuck bless your logical souls and if not,let me find some fucks to give....sorry,none was found.
The begining part was an example of a savage destieheller.it wasn't me😊ignore it.
Yours truly,anon.
Holy crap, that is one longass ask. An ask I was thisclose to deleting until I skipped to the bottom. 
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thegreenfaery · 3 years
All Roads Lead to Sleaford
Somewhere in between writing nonsensical fanfic, it would appear that I have slowly, but surely, been penning a whole load of poetry, because... umm... I have no excuse. I may or may not have designs on completing an actual book of children’s stories (a year’s worth of bedtime tales, to be precise).
Which is going well, actually. I’m very much in the zone and now only have... errr... 361 to go? 
My limited audience of human child guinea pigs is probably sick of poems by now, so I attended an open mic poetry night last week to try and give them some reprieve from my rubbish. (As for actual guinea pig child guinea pigs, I have access to loads because Mum breeds them. They tell me they love the poems, but they could just be saying that because I have the bucket of veg and they’ll do anything for some cucumber.)
The open mic night was hilarious; it was mostly attended by posh, pretentious knobs who seemed to think that they were the next Poet Laureate. Now, I’m not saying that it was like attending a Squad 6 Kuchiki affair, but also that’s exactly what I’m saying. 
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It has now been determined that for the next one, I shall be regaling haikus about cats. Possibly an epic tanka-style saga about the fleeting, ephemeral beauty of sakura blossoms. If anyone has any other suggestions or requests, do let me know*.
Anyway, the past few days have had me feeling especially nostalgic, and this was the result. (Probably works best with an English accent; route rhymes with boot, which is the trunk of a car for those of you across the pond.)
**Drum roll please**
All Roads Lead to Sleaford
Often, I think back to those long summer fortnights
Searching for magic hidden in mythical lands.
Always we’d find it in our imaginations,
In ragged tors, forests, or on golden sands.
 Beside me, Grandad, an intrepid explorer,
Or maybe a smuggler, pirate, wizard, or mage
Out hunting for dragons or mermaids by rock pools;
Storybook characters brought to life from the page.
 Before this, of course, came the packing of the car,
How it all fitted in still confounds us today.
Every summer, Nan would tick off her checklist,
And early one morning we’d be well on our way.
 Nestled in pillows, I’d watch the world awaken,
As flat Fenland earth rolled into beautiful hills.
I’d be in charge of a veritable bounty,
An enormous mountain for our sugary fills.
 And halfway to Cornwall, Grandad thinks of his hat;
It’s sat, quite forgotten, on the bed far behind.
During the checklist he insisted he’d packed it,
Much like the windbreak in the loft filled with its kind.
  We’d known it was coming, by now a tradition,
And once more, Nan double checks the route he has planned.
As with the map, he ignores every road sign;
He’s been here before, everything is in hand.
 It’s then when we notice, my cackle erupting;
All of a sudden, “This is the wrong way!” he cries,
“Oh, shut up, you ratbag. I just hate clever kids!”
And Navigator Nan just sits rolling her eyes.
 But somehow we get there and the car is unloaded,
And the tent is erect in record-breaking time.
And beneath the canvas, this place is a palace,
With curtains and windows and not one speck of grime.
 And although the journey was fun while it lasted,
We can’t wait to get going and survey the land.
And now that we’re here, it all begins in earnest;
For adventures and thrills await this merry band.
 And Grandad is Merlin, or maybe King Arthur,
As I transform and become Morgana le Fay.
I’ll never be a princess; they’re far too boring,
At heart I’m a witch, and that’s always been my way.
 And as long as we duel, Nan will keep on watching,
There to remind us that “It’ll all end in tears.”
But if ever it did, I can’t quite remember,
Those memories faded in the passing of years.
 Today it’s a castle that we are attacking,
Tomorrow a cove, where we’ll be peddling rum.
And every day, we’ll be looking for postcards,
For I must pen these stories and send them to Mum.
 And at bedtime, we’ll find the tent’s filled with dragons,
As their flames speak to others in flickering lights.
And Grandad will grumble and moan about torches,
And those who’ll be locked outside for ensuing nights.
 But the time will come when our fun is all over,
That unhappy, final day when we must depart.
But new friends will join me in the back of the car;
A treasure trove of memories held in my heart.
 The journey back home is mostly uneventful,
We didn’t get lost, merely took the scenic route.
One thing I’ve learned is that all roads lead to Sleaford,
And if I don’t stop laughing, I’ll be in the boot.
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bb-8 · 5 years
top 5 fic recs (preferably wips)?
I can’t follow rules so I chose 7 ;)
i only lie when i love you by @dankobah 
“Don’t talk about Mr. Brightside around him.”
The camera is focused on Luke Skywalker, weathered and grey-haired. He’s rough around the edges, beard coating his jaw and part of his neck. The suit he’s wearing is ill-fitting, nothing like what he had been to the Grammys in. Of course, that was 10 years ago, a relic of the 2000’s that died with the new decade.
“Ben Solo wrote Mr. Brightside. Kylo Ren is not Ben Solo,” he says then.
I’ll Be Seeing You by @reyloandotherfandoms
In the late summer of 1939, Ben Solo returns to his Illinois hometown and his prominent family after his expulsion from his uncle’s military academy. He rejoins his classmates at Naboo High School; among them is Rey Smith, the orphan with whom he shared a disastrous first meeting a year earlier. But war is on the horizon.
Head Over Feet by @ever-so-reylo
“Is it working, for you?” Maybe it comes out a little needy, but Rey tells herself that it’s only because of how low she has to pitch her voice to talk to him. “Or do you maybe want to fake-break up?”
Ben doesn't answer for a second. Then, just as Doctor Phasma takes the mic to thank the speaker and ask the audience if anyone has questions, Rey hears him say, “No. No, I don’t want to fake-break up.”They're not dating for real. Right?
The Trail Bride by @secretreylotrash
“It might be indelicate to breach the subject of marriage at this trying time...”
An adequate statement. The man had only been dead for three hours.
But one must always be practical.
“I am not so softened by sentiment in the matter as you would typically find a widow, Mr. Hux.”
Rey Niima finds herself in a perilous situation when her husband dies at the start of their journey West. From the few bachelors on the trail in her party; she attaches herself to the best of her options.
That option is the mysterious Banker Ben Solo.
Killing Me Softly by @albastargazer
“Sometimes I dream of you. Of times when I must have loved you.”
“You did love me.”
“I’m not him, not anymore.”
“I know.”
Rey clings to the hope that her husband will regain his memories after he survived a car crash that left him with amnesia.
During her monthly visits at a medical facility with Ben, who now calls himself Kylo, she struggles to cope as he tries to make her let go of the past, and in turn, him with it.
Written on the Heart by @midnightbluefox
Rey Kenobi spends her days trying to focus on her classes, working at the on-campus cafe to pay off her crippling student debt, and hopefully beating irritating and entitled Ben Solo in a contest for a scholarship and writing job she's always dreamed of.
But in her free time, she's KiraofJakku, an online writer and member of a Discord writing group, struggling to balance her college career and passion for fiction. When she finally works up the nerve to message her favorite author and fellow Discord member, KyloRen, an unlikely friendship blooms.
Ben Solo just wants to write. Not important articles or essays to change the world and win him awards like his professor and uncle, Luke, but simple stories for people to enjoy, sci-fi and fantasy epics that get nominated for book club reads. Yet, since he was born, his path has been laid out for him, to follow in the footsteps of his uncle and mother.
But when a kind and honest reader, KiraofJakku, randomly messages him, she opens up a passion and desire he never expected. For his writing, for making his own path in his life... for her.
landscape with a blur of conquerors by @kylorenvevo
"While I share your contempt for this situation in which we find ourselves, do not mistake it as apathy," he hissed through gritted teeth, dark eyes burning. "I hardly expect your disposition to sweeten, but I will be damned if I allow my future Empress to behave in a manner that reflects poorly on me and on the First Order!"
"If you allow?" She wrenched her arm out of his viselike grasp, batting his hand away for good measure. "I don't belong to you. I don't belong to anyone."
"That might have been the case back when you were a scavenger on that pitiful scrap heap of a planet, but now?" His sardonic gaze flickered over her silk robes and the jewels woven through her elaborate braids. "Now you are the Chume'da, and the Chume'da belongs to her people. Their fate is entirely in your hands. Should you cross the line, it is they who will suffer for it. Am I making myself clear?"
"I hate you," she said bitterly.
He sneered at her. "See? Already you are acclimatizing so well to married life."
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ao3feed-bakudeku · 4 years
by bkdk4ever
Izuku Midoriya added Ochaco Uraraka, Shoto Todoroki, plus 17 others to "Class 2-A :)"
Izuku Midoriya: Hey guys! Since a lot of you guys asked for my notes on today’s lesson, I decided to make a group chat with all of us!! Enjoy and have fun studying! ;)
Shoto Todoroki: Thank you.
Shoto Todoroki: What class is this by the way?
Katsuki Bakugo: Are you fucking serious?
  Two oblivious gays have it bad for each other and literally everyone knows except for those two. In this fic, both the dekusquad and bakusquad join forces for the first time to unite their leaders together in an epic journey of romance.
Features: An angry pomeranian, a confused broccolli and a cold soba.
(Just so you know, our fic is going to alternate between texting and story-writing for every chapter!)
Words: 2945, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Jirou Kyouka, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Sero Hanta, Asui Tsuyu, Yaoyorozu Momo, Aoyama Yuuga, Monoma Neito, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Literally everyone from the show, Like we're not kidding, Fergus
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Class 1-A is full of crackheads, like seriously, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, that's a given tho, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Oblivious Midoriya Izuku, Oblivious Bakugou Katsuki, Katsuki Bakuhoe is in denial, Kaminari Denki has one brain cell, Kirishima and Kaminari Bromance, Bakugo and Midoriya ROMANCE, Fluff, SO MUCH FLUFF, A Pinch of Angst, The whole bag of crack, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, i love that this is a tag, cuz the boy swears in literally every sentence, Slow Burn, not too slow tho, Happy ending definitely, 100 percent, we dont accept anything else, Humor, UWU moments, funny stuffz, Mineta is hated throughout the chapters, because he should be, Lysogenic Cycle, why is that not a tag, cuz it should be, Two-in-one-Table, Jealous Bakugou Katsuki, Deku's Butt, Cuz it definitely should be a tag, There's so many tags for one chapter imma stop now
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bishreview · 6 years
Lots of Quickies
Hi, I’ve been real busy lately and have started a heap of reviews that I’ve been unable to finish because of time restraints and stress. University can get on my back quickly but I’m finished now so I’m going to finish the ones I started before getting into a top 10 for films, albums and singles for the mid year (probably released before the end of June). 
Avengers: Infinity War
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The biggest crossover movie event ever pitted together the 20+ heroes against the big bad villain of the Marvel universe, Thanos. With a giant cast full of big names, a range of genres and a massive story to deal with, there were a lot of risks that the Russo brothers faced to make this movie. Despite it feeling supersaturated with characters and having some pacing issues, they were successful in creating a massive, climatic film, and Infinity War is close to the MCU’s best.
Avengers: Infinity War gets an A-
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Simon Baker’s adaptation of the highly acclaimed Tim Winton novel of the same name had a surprising amount of hype for an Australian film. Although there is some gorgeous cinematography, especially with some of the surfing shots, the movie is bogged down by stale acting, shocking character development, inconsistent pacing, and a directionless plot. With the movie just coming under the 2hr mark, it feels overly long and bland, lacking originality in both the surfing genre and the coming-of-age genre.
Breath gets a D
Deadpool 2
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Deadpool was an unbelievable success in 2016, shattering records and expectations as it became one of the most successful R-rated films ever. With the sequel they have expanded the universe, introducing ‘the X Force’ for the future of the franchise. This introduces many new strong characters, including Domino (Zazie Beetz) who steals every scene she’s in, and Firefist/Rusty Collins (Julian Dennison) who is works well with the titular character (Ryan Reynolds). Thankfully they haven’t sacrificed the quality of the film in order to universe build, with the sequel being almost as hilarious as the first, whilst digging into deeper themes of mortality and family.
Deadpool 2 gets an A
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I generally split horror films into three categories; the aim to scare, the aim to gross out, and the aim to unsettle. Hereditary falls into the last category. It’s been a long time since a film has me shook by the end of it. This isn’t an enjoyable film at all, instead being a tiresome experience of slowly increasing tension and uncomfortableness. This makes it one of the best horror films I’ve ever seen. Toni Collette and Alex Wolff are both incredible and the cinematography and score are perfect, complimenting the story and giving the tension exactly what it needs to flourish. The use of shadows and wide shots create an atmosphere which is unlike any horror movie I’ve ever seen, giving you enough to be scared but not enough to know why. Hereditary isn’t for anyone, it is slow and there are no payoffs for the tension (like jumpscares), but its a testament to how one can build tension on film and up there with the greats of the genre.
Hereditary gets an A+
Solo: A Star Wars Story
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Solo isn’t a complex movie. It doesn’t try to be a massive connection story like Rogue One, nor an epic adventure like The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi. Instead it plays to its strength, a low stakes origin story which gives a few characters some extra screen time. And it works to that extent, Han, Lando and Chewie being introduced well and having a fun adventure. It does have issues with pacing and the overcooked “shock betrayals” towards the climax starts getting cringy more than surprising but the journey is enjoyable fun, becoming a simple popcorn flick with a lot of replay value.
Solo: A Star Wars Story gets a B-
13 Reasons Why
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13 Reasons Why has quickly become on the most decisive and controversial TV shows in recent memory. Season One had its issues but still held itself up due to its characters and story development. To put it simple, Season Two didn’t need to be made and it’s very clear that it was forced out. Only three of the characters remain interesting with their story arcs, the script is derivative and banal, and events happen only for the purpose of the plot. This all leads up to terribly cringey moments and a predictable ending (which follows one of the most disturbing and unneeded scenes in TV). I will give the show props though for attempting a realistic court hearing and a beautiful moment in which the main cast come together in memory of their deceased friend, a moment which really should’ve ended the series.
13 Reasons Why gets a D-
Atlanta: Robbin’ Season
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Donald Glover’s Atlanta is something else. The debut season explored the African American life, relationships, the Hip Hop scene, poverty and young parenthood in such a unique and fresh way. With Robbin’ Season Glover gets deeper into his characters, exploring their flaws with a realistic lens. It works as well, with each episode making a range of statements, varying from depression and grief, to dating and ‘investments’. By the end of the season the main ensemble has changed so much that season three is a complete unknown. What the show doesn’t pretend to do though is become cliched, with success still an unobtainable goal and their desire to reach it getting more desperate. To summarise, this is honestly one of the best seasons of television ever produced. Also, bonus points for Teddy Perkins being the scariest character ever conceived in a hip hop story.
Atlanta: Robbin’ Season gets an A+
Arctic Monkeys - Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino
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With album number six, Arctic Monkeys attempted to completely re-image themselves. Diverting from their previous, guitar driven, indie rock, TBH&C delves into a smoother, 70s psychedelic inspired direction, with most songs utilising a keyboard to accompany Alex Turner’s almost mindless ramblings (at times successful, other times forced)). Although the band have changed the direction, it seems they’ve changed it to a familiar territory, with a lot of the songs sounds like Alex Turner’s recent The Last Shadow Puppets materiel (and some seeming like the B-sides of them). Although there are stronger moments, there’s a lot of filler and some of the weakest material of the band’s quite consistent career.
Favourite song: ‘The Ultracheese’
Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino gets a C
 A$AP Rocky - Testing
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The A$AP mob’s most successful mainstream member, Rocky, has been moving at a rapid rate. His popularity and critical acclaim has been moving up with every release. Testing is both a step in the right direction and the wrong direction. Although it’s is most ambitious record to date, influenced by psychedelic, electronica and ambient music, it’s quite messy and inconsistent. Songs start well to just fall away in their second half and there’s simply too many tracks to keep interest high. A$AP Rocky is doing very different things in hip hop and Testing will hopefully continue to lead him on his path, it’s just disappointing the album couldn’t be stronger.
Favourite track: ‘Purity (feat. Frank Ocean)’
Testing gets a C+
Courtney Barnett - Tell Me How You Really Feel
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I’m one of those people that didn’t rate Courtney Barnett’s breakout debut. I found it redundant and pretentious. With her sophomore though she takes a lot of what was strong from her debut and worked with it. Although there’s a clunky and repetitive middle section, the first third of the album is very good music. Barnett has a wonderful way with melodies when she tries to write melodic music and her voice, although not the strongest, can be really emotive. There’s still some rambling tracks but her development is quite noticeable and from someone who couldn’t get through multiple listens of her debut, this was an enjoyable album.
Favourite track: ‘Hopefulessness’
Tell Me How You Really Feel gets a C+
DMAs - For Now
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DMAs’ debut was something special in 2016. A 90s Brit-Pop revival album which was better than most 90s Brit-Pop. For Now continues their journey through British music, sharing similarities with bands like The Cure, The Smiths, Boomtown Rats and The Stone Roses. It’s very successful, with a wide range of influences and styles being incorporated in their sound. The album is much more consistent their debut, with each track being different yet based around the general ‘feel’ of the album. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have that big moment that their debut had, with no tracks really standing out as something incredible. That doesn’t weaken the album too much though, being one of the strongest releases of the year.
Favourite track: ‘Tape Deck Sick’ 
For Now gets an A-
Kanye West - Ye
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I love this album cover. It’s very simple but very effective, representing both the minimalist, emotional, and cold album that is to come. Ye isn’t the first Kanye album to be lowkey, or sad, or left of field. It isn’t something special in his career though, an album where it really seems he condenses his talent into a short time (it is only seven songs) and really lets the production of the tracks take over, with some of the best moments being when he’s not on the mic (’Ghost Town’ has an outro which is just brilliant thanks to 070 Shake). That’s not to say Kanye’s voice doesn’t shine, ‘Wouldn’t Leave’ is a testament to his lyrical and rapping strengths, but his production is his best in nearly a decade. Although there are some weaker tracks and some cheesy lyrical moments, Ye reminds us why we continue to love Kanye, because he continues to release some of the best hip hop available.
Favourite track: ‘Ghost Town’
Ye gets a B+
Kids See Ghosts - Kids See Ghosts
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If someone gave me a list of all the albums released this year before the year started, a collaboration between Kanye and Kid Cudi would definitely be my most anticipated. An album combining two of the most important voices in hip hop during the late 00s, both of them being instrumental in bringing topics of mental illness into mainstream hip hop. Where I expected Kids See Ghosts to be a darker album though, the album is almost a celebration of overcoming their demons. There are still some darker tracks, like the album closer ‘Cudi Montage’, there’s a lot of fiery tracks (like the conveniently titled ‘Fire’) and uplifting tracks (the album standout ‘Reborn’). There are some brilliant moments on this album, whether it comes from the strangely funny yet creepy sample of Louis Prima’s ‘What Will Santa Claus Say’ in ‘4th Dimension’, the ballsy attempt at scat rap in ‘Feel the Love’, or the gorgeous chorus in ‘Cudi Montage’ which features the beloved noise of Cudi humming (God bless Cudi and his biblical humming). Although the track listing works in its disadvantage some tracks do have some strange choices in direction (the end of ‘Fire’ sounds great but doesn’t fit with the song, nor the album), Kids See Ghosts is a contender for album of the year.
Favourite track: ‘Reborn’
Kids See Ghosts gets an A
Lily Allen - No Shame
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Lily Allen will always be one of the most lovable cynics in music. Her career has been largely satirical takes of political and societal issues through upbeat, pop songs. With No Shame she seems to direct her satire on to herself, literally roasting herself, focusing on her recent divorce, motherhood, drug addiction, and balancing her fame and career with family life. This makes for a very deep, and at times dark, listen. Somehow though, through all this, Lily Allen has made her best album, and maybe the best album this year. Lead single ‘Trigger Bang’ is a brilliant pop song, reminding us of her humble beginnings whilst delving into criticisms of the industry and her place in it. Tracks like ‘Lost My Mind’ and ‘Everything to Feel Something’ are some of her saddest, roughly criticising her lifestyle with some beautiful production and instrumentation. And the gorgeous piano-ballad, ‘Three’, is as beautiful as it is rough, the lyrics being from her daughter’s perspective of Allen not being around for her kids. The album does allow a lighter ending, the final few tracks feeling upbeat and optimistic, something rare from albums which explore such dark themes. Although there are a couple of tracks where the dancehall vibe feels slightly too strong considering the lyrical content, No Shame is something special, and a sign of unbelievable growth for an artist over a decade old. 
Favourite track: ‘Everything to Feel Something’
No Shame gets an A
Middle Kids - Lost Friends
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Middle Kids are slowly becoming the most underappreciated act in Australia. Their critical acclaim and industry cred are both high but their commercial success hasn’t blossomed in Australia. Their debut album looks to be their big push (it reached #10 on the ARIA album charts), and for good reason. It’s a really consistent album, with each song being a good alternative rock song. There are some lyrical moments which are average and some songs go for a little too long but each track fits well on the album and are enjoyable. For a debut, it’s a good one and really builds up anticipation to hear more from the band and see where they go. 
Favourite track: ‘Edge of Town’
Lost Friends get a B
Nas - Nasir
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Nasir is another good release from the recent G.O.O.D Music output with Kanye West, although it’s probably the weakest so far. The production on it is really good, with the beats driving most of the songs, but Nas seems misguided and confused on a lot of the tracks. He has good messages behind the songs, referencing themes from police brutality to finances, but he doesn’t seem to really push his ideas, mostly feeling like there is a lack of passion or interest. It’s still an enjoyable album but the feeling of going through the motions is littered throughout and thus is quite disappointing.
Favourite track: ‘Everything’
Nasir gets a C+
Parkway Drive - Reverence
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Australia’s premier Metalcore band, Parkway Drive, have has a mixed career for me. Their previous album, Ire, was one of their best, with the songs being meatier and relentless, not holding back at all whilst bringing new influences in. With album number six I’m not sure whether they’ve gone backwards or forwards. It’s different from their previous releases, leaning on cleaner singing much more often, and the influences are clearly from the heavy metal genre of the late 70′s to the early 90′s, but it doesn’t have a strong identity. At times it seems like a tribute album and really doesn’t standout or have its own image and sound. There are still some strong songs but a lot of the album feels like filler and for a band which has been leading the way in the genre in Australia for so long, it seems like they are now falling behind. 
Favourite track: ‘The Void’
Reverence gets a C-
Post Malone - Beerbongs and Bentley’s
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Every now and then Post Malone nails it and he’s definitely ridden off the success of these moments (think the songs ‘Congratulations’ and ‘I Fall Apart’). There is a hidden talent there which is covered up by the cheesy songwriting and cliched style that he presents. On Beerbongs and Bentley’s he hides this talent better than ever. This is a very mediocre album, which is made even worse since it has 18 songs and drags for over an hour. He seems to run out of things to say very quickly and there’s few moments that really standout as interesting or fresh. It’s definitely a step backwards after the far more interesting Stoney. 
Favourite track: ‘Stay’
Beerbongs and Bentley’s gets a D-
The Presets - Hi Viz
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One of my first introductions to music was Apocalypso, The Presets breakout sophomore album which blew away the Australian dance scene. It’s been about 10 years since that release and other than the left-of-field Pacifica, The Presets have been relatively quiet besides festival appearances. Hi Viz is the album they needed though. There are so many certified bangers on this album, from the lead single ‘Do What You Want’ to the giant album closer ‘Until the Dark’. They also bring in some really strong features, with both Alison Wonderland and DMAs shining on both their feature tracks. Although there are some filler in the album, and it does get repetitive towards the middle, it’s an excellent return to form from the band and establish them back at the top of the Australian dance scene.
Favourite track: ‘Feel Alone’
Hi Viz gets a B+
Pusha T - Daytona
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Daytona was the first album from the G.O.O.D Music trail of releases of the past month and it really kicked off the project well. The production is really strong, the instrumentals on each track are solid, Pusha T’s lyrics are great (like usual) and the features fit nicely. I think the major weakness is that at times Pusha T’s voice doesn’t fit nicely with the music, especially with the mixing of his vocals at times. It seems to sit too high in the mix and seems out of place. Other than that though it’s a really solid album and an enjoyable listen. 
Favourite track: ‘If You Know You Know
Daytona gets a B
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musicoccurred · 6 years
Album Deep Dive: Binaural
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Here at Music Occurred our goal is to give you a diverse selection of music-related content to keep you discovering new bands, revisiting bands (and records) you used to love and most of all, get you off your keister and go to a show. Today we're launching a new series: Album Deep Dives. We pick one of our favorite records (it does not have to be a new or megaselling album) and go through both the production of it and the record itself with a fine-toothed comb. Hopefully it will make you dig it out of the crate (or visit your local independent record store) and listen to it with fresh ears.
I've been on a Pearl Jam kick lately, yes that's funny to some of you... I don't actually listen to them all that much, mainly around concert time and new releases. I have a couple shows coming up and I've discovered a podcast dedicated to the band so I am particularly inspired. I consider myself a superfan but there are others that have more time and money to have seen the band literally hundreds of times. In a way I'm envious but truthfully I like witnessing a variety of music to help enhance my palate. Not that I feel you have to be a superfan to do an Album Deep Dive, but my Pearl Jam pedigree is pure. Two tattoos, tens of thousands of miles driven (soon to be more) hundreds of gallons of truck-stop coffee, dozens of shows and countless hours listening to each and every record they release. You can tell a true Pearl Jam fan by asking them what they think of a new track. Their answer will invariably contain "I need to hear it live first" before they render final judgement.
Aided by the passage of time I look back at Pearl Jam's studio discography and notice a distinct pattern: their albums seem to group up as the band evolves. For example, Ten, Vs. and Vitalogy all have a conquer-the-world, angsty sound with Vitalogy giving us a hint of what's to come. Withering from the bright lights and looking to shrink their footprint a bit, the next three albums, No Code, Yield and Binaural, show a band at war with itself, TicketMaster and fame in general. These three are my favorites, mature song-writing and a band with nothing left to prove only trying to figure out how to keep it all going. There seems to be a drastic change at this point. It's like they went from rock stars to graybearded sages. In other words, they grew up. Riot Act, Pearl Jam (aka Avocado,) Back Spacer, and lastly Lightning Bolt all seem to be straight forward rock records. I took artistic liberty with my groupings, I could totally see a Ten, Vs group with a Vitalogy, No Code and Yield group with Binaural and Riot Act together but hey, it's my site.
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That brings us to the album I've chosen to examine, Binaural. It's my favorite Pearl Jam record and I dare say it's at or near the top of most Pearl Jam nerds list. To me it's the birth of the modern era of the band. What we know about Pearl Jam today, starts here. Personally, the album’s release coincided with a major life change for me and the first tour of the band where I saw multiple shows in a short time. Fittingly this was Pearl Jam's first album to not go platinum. It debuted at #2 on the chart and moved a quarter-million units the first week then nose-dived. In the following 18 years (that's right Binaural can now vote) I'm fairly certain it has gone platinum at the global level. Binaural also marks the first album since Ten to not be produced by Brendan O'Brien, although O'Brien did mix a few tracks - more on that later.
Pearl Jam staggered into the studio mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted. They toured relentlessly for Yield and felt they were at a creative crossroads and needed a change, exit Brendan O'Brien and enter Tchad Blake. Known for his binaural recording techniques (hence the name) he provided the band exactly what they were looking for. Recorded at Stone Gossard's Studio Litho in Seattle from September of 1999 to January of 2000 the stories from the sessions are legendary. Amps at full volume in a room with just the door cracked and the mics down the hall. Amps in trash cans and creative microphone placements are just a few. During final mixing the band found that the slower numbers were perfect for Blake's style but the faster tracks needed the touch of O'Brien. The resulting product is certainly different than any of their records before or after with a sound of its own. While it utilized the binaural recording technique it sounds fabulous on standard hifi gear. I frequently listen to it with my good headphones for the full effect.
Ask anyone their thoughts on Binaural and inevitably the word "dark" will be used. The band was facing inner turmoil as Eddie Vedder struggled with writer's block, Mike McCready dealt with addiction issues, Matt Cameron was new to the band and control of the band had permanently shifted from Stone to Ed. During the tour for Binaural there was a terrible accident at the band's performance at the Roskilde festival where 9 concert goers died. It nearly broke the band up. What's interesting to me is that Binaural sounds as if this incident occurred prior to the recording and the somber tones were a result of it. Earlier I mentioned that "what we know about Pearl Jam today, starts here," what I meant is Pearl Jam present themselves as a unified team, clearly Eddie's team, but a team of equals otherwise. At a Pearl Jam show Eddie will frequently tell a snippet of a story about the birth of a song or who wrote the music to this one. Often it will be someone else in the band. This didn't happen in the earlier albums. Ten, Vs, Vitalogy and No Code the lyrics were almost exclusively written by Ed. Beginning with Yield we started seeing more input, lyrically, from the other members. By the time they entered the studio for Binaural this new way of doing things was in full force. From this point forward their albums are very modular. With each member bringing in already constructed components and assembling them together. It may be a riff or a few lines, or it could be an entirely complete song just needing a solo from Mike or phrasing from Ed. Timing for this change was perfect. The band was nearing a decade together, they had added veteran musician/song writer Matt and Ed was mired in a horrific case of writer's block.
Track by track
Binaural opens with “Breakerfall” a punk inspired run through Eddie’s metaphorical lyrics in a tight 2:19. Side note: Pearl Jam are incredibly thoughtful about their records. They control every aspect of production, track sequencing and packaging. This album is no different, the tracks fit together perfectly. Next up is “God’s Dice” that begins with a rapid fire Matt Cameron drum roll and jams along with a rapid pace that belies the quieter songs later. “Evacuation” has an odd timing signature (hello Matt Cameron!) will strike you as a new sound from Pearl Jam but if you listen to later records you’ll find that some of their new sounds originated with this track. “Evacuation” also serves as a transition into the slower songs on the record. “Light Years” is where the album really begins to shine, music by Mike McCready, it has the classic Eddie story arc. You feel like you’re on a journey with the protagonist, anecdotally, it’s about a friend of the band, Diane Muus from Sony Music who had passed away a couple years prior. “Nothing As It Seems” showcases the binaural recording. Jeff Ament’s bass sounds like it’s behind and below you and Mike’s guitar is sitting on my right shoulder. This slow burn of a song really comes to life at concerts. “Thin Air” is a light acoustic style track reminiscent of college radio classics being played around a beach camp fire. Soulful lyrics, lush background harmonies make you reach for your own guitar. “Insignificance” is likely my favorite of the higher tempo songs. A meditation on war, it features a style of music that’s unique to Pearl Jam, they vary tempos like no other band I’ve seen, slow burn to full on rock all inside of a single song. Next up is “Of The Girl,” if you’ve never been to a Pearl Jam show, they typically open up with a quiet song with the lights down low, then launch into a rocker. Of all of them, my favorite is “Of The Girl” the clean riff with Mike’s lead lightly picking over the top. Eddie’s soft singing really settle you into a groove. I’ll post a video of it as an opener below. 
Shifting gears back into the noisier stuff, “Grievance” is inspired by the protests at the WTO summit in Seattle. It features that signature start-stop rhythm that showcases what Matt brings to the band. Beginning with Vitalogy Pearl Jam can get weird on you from time to time. “Rival” is probably the strangest song on this record. It begins with what sounds to be a pig eating an apple. The music is pretty standard Stone Gossard riffs but with the vocals layered on top.”Sleight of Hand” begins just with a single lead guitar and drums with Ed singing over the top. When the bridge hits the full band joins in only to abruptly go back to the single guitar and drums. It’s a very hard song to describe but sounds great. “Soon Forget” is a short ukulele song that doesn’t seem to fit the album (more on that later) fortunately for us it foreshadows a full album released by Ed a few years later. The album closes with “Parting Ways” an epic closer with a sitar sounding guitar and big tom tom rhythms. 
Member by member
Ed had the music for what would become "Grievance" and "Insignificance" two songs that shine in concert by the way. But he had no lyrics and had even given up the guitar. Thankfully he discovered the ukulele and began plucking away at it. This would explain why "Soon Forget" is included on this record despite not really fitting and displacing several other great tracks. It marks his conquering the demon that is writer's block. This, coupled with releasing the somewhat strange "Nothing As It Seems" as the lead single dismisses any notion that this is anyone else's band. In typical enigmatic Ed fashion, the album ends with a hidden track called "writer's block" that is just the sound of Ed pounding away on a typewriter for a couple minutes.
Aside from the music on “Light Years, ”Mike McCready did not write any of the songs on Binaural but he "McCreadys it up" on most of them. Mike is quite possibly one of the most under-rated guitarists of his generation he can absolutely shred but more so he has an instantly identifiable tone. On "Nothing As It Seems" his feedback laced guitar solos are so brilliant that I've personally witnessed the crowd chanting "Mike" so forcefully that Ed had to stop the show so Mike could take a bow. His battle with Crohn's Disease and subsequently prescription medicines certainly took their toll on him. Thankfully he overcame it and is healthy.
Stone Gossard, so aloof in concert but seemingly an engaging person in conversation is really the mastermind behind Pearl Jam. In the beginning it was his band, he wrote most of the music and knew what he wanted it to look and sound like. As mentioned previously, that leadership role shifted over to Eddie Vedder. It's not certain exactly when that happened but my opinion is around the Vitalogy/No Code era. For Binaural, Stone wrote the lyrics and music for "Thin Air," "Of The Girl" and "Rival." He also co-wrote the music for "Light Years."
Jeff Ament is widely known as Ed's best friend in the band. His songs are usually some of the strangest with eclectic phrasing and timing. He wrote "God's Dice," "Nothing As It Seems," and the music for "Sleight of Hand." Jeff is also a very talented visual artist and plays a hand in the album cover/packaging of the records.
That leaves us with Matt Cameron. Now many people have strong opinions on who is the best Pearl Jam drummer but my vote goes to Matt. He has the pedigree of his time with Soundgarden but more importantly his steady hand gave the band a stability they didn't seem to have before, an energy even. Pearl Jam went through several drummers in their first 7 years but Matt has been behind the kit for them for 20 years now. That is no coincidence. He wrote the music for "Evacuation" on this record. One bone to pick, most casual fans will say Dave Abbruzzese is their favorite Pearl Jam drummer. While Dave is certainly a very talented drummer, he was simply the first drummer most people saw in the videos from Ten, they likely don't realize he wasn't the drummer they were hearing on the record. For what it’s worth, his work on Vs and Vitalogy were stellar, the dude can drum.
For all that's included in Binaural, what's left out is just as important. As I've alluded to before, Pearl Jam is a fan's band. Their shows are legendary and each setlist is mostly unique and contains tracks selected just for that venue, crowd and city etc. Ed is effectively Bruce Springsteen Jr so the shows started getting longer and longer, break out the B Sides! Pearl Jam deep cuts are mainstays of the concerts and Binaural has several. "Sad," "Education," and "Fatal" have all become fan favorites.
If you’ve never listened to this record all the way through or if it’s just been a while. Pick it up and drop the needle.
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middleeyt · 6 years
Coachella 2018 Must See Underrated Artists
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Coachella 2018 is soon approaching and I am sure you are getting your playlist ready with that Beyonce, The Weekend, and Cardi B, but that is quite honestly just the tip of the iceberg with the amount of crazy good artistry at this years festival. So get your Spotify playlist ready and check out my picks for this years must see underdogs. (Checkout my very own collaborative Spotify Coachella playlist down below and feel free to add your favorite picks!)
Friday April 13th
Bleachers- Similar Artist:  Walk the Moon 
Bleachers is the official stage name of amazing songwriter and record producer Jack Antonoff, who is also part of the well known band Fun. Antonoff has written massive hits for people like Sia, Taylor Swift and Lorde.  Bleachers' music is heavily influenced by the late '80s, early '90s.
Belly- Similar Artist: French Montana
Ahmad Balshe, better known by his stage name Belly,is a Palestinian-Canadian rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer. Belly’s music is both influenced by the political disparity between the Israeli- Palestinian conflict and the violence and poverty his own family endured.
PVRIS- Similar Artist: Florence and the Machine
PVRIS is an American rock band formed by members Lynn Gunn, Alex Babinski, and Brian MacDonald. As previously described by AllMusic the bands music "blends dreamy electronica with dark, beat-heavy rock."
LÉON- Similar Artist: Ryn Weaver
Lotta Lindgren, better known as LÉON, is Swedish singer whose musical inspirations range from Amy Winehouse, to Beyonce and Stevie Wonder.
Whethan- Similar Artist: San Holo
American DJ and music producer Whethan is most known for his collaboration with Flux Pavilion and MAX for their song Savage. Whethan has been touring for the past year with the popular duo The Chainsmokers.
Elohim- Similar Artist: Louis The Child
Most well known for their original version of Sleepy Eyes, Elohim is an LA-based synth-pop artist with irresistible dance worthy tracks.
The Blaze- Similar Artist: Ta-Ku
The French duo is well known for their powerful short films, their music, a blend of house and a soulful R&B reminisce.
MHD- Afro-trap
Mohamed Sylla, better known by his by his stage name MHD is a French rapper whose music is the precursor of "Afro Trap", a mixture of African music and Trap music.
Saturday April 14th
Tash Sultana- Similar Artist: James Bay
Australian singer-songwriter Tash Sultana, has been booked on a sold-out tour since the start of 2017. Her social media following has gained her world wide fame as a self-taught beatboxing, vocalist, guitar tapping, loopologist.
BROCKHAMPTON- Similar Artist: Amine
BROCKHAMPTON is self-proclaimed “online’s first boy band” after coming together through the online forum "KanyeToThe". Brockhampton is an entirely independent creative agency and record label, and a thriving musical group with die-hard fans across the country.
Alina Baraz- Similar Artist: Khalid
Most known for her collaboration with Khalid on the massive hit Electric, Alina lies between mellow R&B and down-tempo electronica.
WizKid- Similar Artist: J Balvin
Already famous in his hometown of Nigeria, Wizkid brings a blend of Afropop, reggae and dancehall to the Coachella scene.
Jorja Smith- Similar Artist: dvsn
At only 20 Jorja Smith has already independently released numerous records with her jazz tinted vibe and R&B influence. Smith’s acclaimed influences range from Rihanna, to Alicia Keys.
Flatbush Zombies- Similar Artist: Joey Bada$$
Brooklyn trio, capture the best of the 90’s rap scene with dense lyrics and melodic beats bringing a refreshing tune to the Coachella rap pool.
Ekali- Similar Artist: RL Grime
Ekali’s rapid rise to fame comes after being recognized with writing credits for Drake's If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late. An advocate of young talent, Ekali brings a blend of instrumental and R&B infused trap music.
Party Favor- Similar Artist: TroyBoi
Much like his name alludes, Party Favor brings a dance party full of chart-topping tunes and rhythmic drops.
Sigrid- Similar Artist: Phoebe Ryan
Voted as one of BBC’s Sound of 2018, Sigrid is a Norwegian pop singer/ writer whose rich and powerful voice has landed her debut single Don’t Kill My Vibe on the U.S. charts.
Chloe x Halle- Similar Artist: Solange
Known to many as Beyonce’s prodigies, Chloe X Halle is a contemporary R&B duo whose rise to fame came through a rendition of Pretty Hurts by queen bee herself. Signed to her record label Parkwood Entertainment, the girls are not only great singers but great actresses starting in Freeform’s Grown-ish.
Hundred Waters- Similar Artist: HAIM
If you’re in the mood for a simp session, Hundred Waters is the act for you. Hundred Waters album “Communicating” is the bands attempt to ask societies most interpersonal questions through lyrical nuance and a crap ton of crying.
Sunday April 15th
Russ- Similar Artist: Bryson Tiller
Most known for his song Losing, Russ Vitale is a rapper, singer, songwriter from Atlanta whose work is inspired by Eminem and 50 Cent.
Jessie Ware- Similar Artist: AlunaGeorge
England native Jessie Ware’s debut album has peaked on UK Albums Chart at number 5 back when it was released in 2012. Since then, Ware has taken her powerful voice all over the world and collaborated with artist such as Ryan Tedder from Onerepublic and Cashmere Cat.
Kamaiyah- Similar Artist: Iamsu!
Oakland native, Kamaiyah’s sound is heavily influenced by 90’s rap making her debut much like the queen herself Missy Elliott, dropping some mad verses over a Young Thug beat.
DeJ Loaf- Similar Artist: Ty Dolla $ign
Born Deja Trimble, Dej Loaf’s rise to fame can be attributed to Drake’s Instagram shoutout over her first mix-tape Try Me. Now signed to Columbia Records, Dej has gained some massive popularity in the Hip-Hop scene.
LP- Similar Artist: Tegan and Sara
Laura Pergolizzi, better known as LP, is an LA-based singer/songwriter whose edgy look and epic voice has gained her a huge fan base among the Indie-pop scene.
Jacob Banks- Similar Artist: Jack Garratt
At the age of 20, Jacob Banks began his journey singing at small open mics, by 2014 he began touring with people like Alicia Keys and Sam Smith. His soulful voice makes him a heavy contender at this years festival.  
MAGIC GIANT- Similar Artist: Magic!
No artist screams #coachellavibes more than MAGIC GIANT. The LA-based band has been recognized as one of Rolling Stones “10 Artists You Need to Know”.
Coachella fest is one of my favorite festivals because of the diverse number of acts they bring each year. I  guarantee these artists will be lining up the charts in the year to come. So there you have it, your Coachella music wokeness just got a little more woke! Feel free to follow my Coachella collaborative Spotify playlist by clicking on the hyperlink RIGHT HERE! 
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flowercrystals · 7 years
The Past Is A Grotesque Animal
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Part 1: Even Apocalypse is Fleeting
Warning(s): T for now (M in the future) Fandom: American Gods Pairing: Mad Sweeney x Laura, Mad Sweeney x OC Authors Note: I’ve had this idea knocking around in my brain for many months now. I just really like the idea of exploring Sweeney’s past and other gods who have fucked with him. So if you’re into future angst please keep reading! This story is written in a non-linear format. I didn’t start out writing it that way, it just came out like that.  I apologize for any errors I’ve read this thing so many times I can’t see the words anymore. Comments, suggestions, critique is always appreciated!
The engine of the battered ice cream truck sputtered and coughed as Laura pushed the peddle down willing it to climb the steep grade up over yet another Appalachian mountain.  It had been a few hours since their epic Kentucky fuck up that left her both husband and lifeless,  more or less.  Mad Sweeney sat bundled in his sleeping bag.  He had been uncharacteristically quiet for the majority of their journey,  either asleep or pretending to be.  Their destination was House on the Rock Wisconsin.
Laura worried at the edge of a fingernail, a bad habit from her living days.  This time her whole nail bed fell off.  She heard a gag from the passenger seat.  "Jesus Christ, Dead Wife,  if you keep gnawing at your finger like that the whole fucking things going to drop off.“   Laura pursed her dry lips,  eyes narrowing,  but still concentrating on the road.  
” So who’s in Wisconsin?  If Ostera couldn’t help me because I was killed by a God then aren’t I fucked?“  Mad Sweeney sighed pulling the sleeping bag a little tighter.  ” There are a whole mess of things that deal in the bringing of life and death.  Ostera was just one of the more pleasant to deal with.“   Laura shifted in her seat leaning into the sharp turn.  ” Lay off the fucking gas or you’re going to drive us right off the side of this fucking mountain.“ he spat. Ignoring him Laura continued her questioning  ” Yea,  but who exactly are we going to see,  cause I  don’t want to be walking in blind here.“ Sweeney groaned frustrated by her insistence .  ” You’re gonna have to trust me here… It’s… It’s fucking complicated ok?“  
” How fucking complicated can it be?  This person,  God,  thing,  whatever, can either help me or not.“ Laura retorted side eyeing him.   "Actually Dead Wife,  it’s pretty fucking complicated.  We’re walking into possibly thee most important fucking thing that’s happened in this country’s short life span and I was not exaggerating when I  said a whole MURDER OF GODS will be there. A whole murder of selfish, self-centered cunts all trying to out do each other.”  With a groan Sweeney hung his head in his hands. “The fucking pricks.” He muttered under his breath. “ And we’re to ask  a personal favor from one of the most bitter cunty cunts of them all.”
He sighed cocking his head and giving Laura a condescending tight lipped smile. “How the fuck do you think this is gonna work out, hmmm?” His gaze shifted unfocused out the window. “The price will be very fucking dear,  I’ll tell you that much.” he muttered gravely.
Laura huffed.  She was willing to do whatever it took to reunite her and Shadow.  Her determination was singular which Sweeney both admired and was irritated by.  He had pissed off Grimnir showing up in Kentucky with the Dead Wife and he knew he would make him suffer for it.  But Mad Sweeney didn’t want to dwell on that.  That was a fuck up to be paid back later, possibly never if he got his coin back.  Now, he had to figure out how best to approach this new problem.
"I’m just saying,”  Laura continued “ that if you gave me a little information,  maybe I could be more prepared when I meet this being to plead my case or pay the price.”  " You won’t have anything she’ll want.“ he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "Then what will she want?” Laura asked cautiously.  Sweeney sighed shaking his head.
“What do God’s usually want?  A tribute in blood.”
Mr.  Nancy stood watching the line of cars, motorcycles, buses, even a horse drawn carriage or two  snake up the road towards the House on The Rock.  A meeting like this was unprecedented in his entire long existence. All manner of Gods and deities would be in attendance and it excited him to his core. He had tailored himself a new suit for the occasion, vivid peacock blue paisley with golds, emerald greens and deep amethyst purples.
He had been ordered to wait for one in particular, a wild card in this possible war.  He pulled a pair of gold opera glasses scanning the horizon. From far off he spotted the helicopter. It landed in the grass just outside the grounds.  A petite Hispanic woman gingerly emerged. Her raven’s wing black hair was cut in a severe bob brushing just the edge of her jawline, she was wearing oversized mirrored sunglasses which hid her nearly black eyes giving her a thin veneer of normalcy to mask the brutality that coiled within her skin.
She held out her arms and walked towards Nancy  "Oh Anansi!“ She exclaimed in slightly accented English,  ” How long has it been?“
"Girl, not, long enough”  he said giving her air kisses as they embraced. She wagged a manicured finger at him.  "Oh,  don’t tell me you’re still angry about New York?“ She threaded her arm through his and they began to make their up to the house.
"You very nearly got me killed”  he grumbled. She tutted at him “Oh please, no one could possibly kill you,  you’re Anansi,  King of Spiders or… something?“ She waved her hand dismissively as he gave her a side eye. “ If you remember correctly it was your old friend who started it.” Mr. Nancy tutted at her comment.   “Besides, you have hundreds of black history professors a crossed the country singing your praises.” Her red lips curled in a mirthless smile. “ You’re safe…for now.”  
Mr. Nancy chuckled at the jab, “Oh look at you miss thing,  you get a few dope peddlers on the border praying to your ass to help push their poison and suddenly you’re ‘Miss Big Shit. ”
"Oh darling,” she squeezed his arm, “Don’t be jealous.  It doesn’t suit you.  You know my re-branding has worked wonders.  I don’t understand why you and Wednesday are so resistant to change.  I get prayers,  they ask me for blessings and I answer them,  simple as that.”   She snapped her fingers.
Mr. Nancy scoffed.  " Re-branded? That’s just some more white techno bullshit.  From what I see is that they took a fierce fuckin’ goddess, a dealer of death,  and sanitized her.  White washed her power with the oppressors Catholicism and made you a Virgin Mary knock off with some skull paint,” Mr. Nancy stopped regarding her figure with a long gaze up and down, “ And honey, we both know that virgin is not a word that should be associated with you whatsoever.“  
The woman’s obsidian eyes hardened as her grin grew wider, nails shiny as a black widows body clutching tightly into his arm. She stood on her tiptoes, whispering into his ear, ” Every gram is a prayer,  every headless corpse a offering.” She canted her head with a smile “ I don’t see anyone offering anything to you.
Mr. Nancy chuckled, he knew he struck a nerve. "Does a few hundred Narco traffickers cut it?  What happened to the woman who stood atop a pile of thousands of skulls and demanded more for her kingdom?  Oh and those mother fuckers listened.  By the thousands they listened and then they would sacrifice themselves when there was nobody else.  You’re going to tell me you’re satisfied with a couple pits filled with a few hundred bodies?  I think not Mictēcacihuātl,  or do you prefer your slave name,  Santa Muerte? ”
“ You’re taking me to see the Grim Reaper? ” Laura asked half bemused. Sweeney scoffed. “The Grim… fucking…no,  not that asshole.  He couldn’t resurrect his cock to fuck himself. I’m talking about someone who doesn’t give two shits about Grimnir…” Sweeney trailed off in thought. Laura could tell by the expression on his face he was worried, though he’d never admit it. “What’s her name” she asked softly.
“Mictēcacihuātl.“ He said with a sigh."Mic… te..kaki…”  Laura tried to pronounce the unfamiliar name but was interrupted by Sweeney.  "Nope,  don’t even try,  you’re just gonna piss her off.“  “I can’t even try to say her name?” Laura looked at him confused.
“No you fuckin can’t. How do you think these gods know things? Whispers on the fucking wind bringing them murmurs from mortals. They can hear them or one of their fucking familiars will. Especially their old names.  Just say Santa Muerte.  It’s the new name and not as powerful as the old.”  Sweeney thought for a moment “ Actually, don’t even say that, I don’t want her knowing about this before we even see her. Just call her Mika, but not to her face. You say nothing to her, got that!” Sweeney shook a large index finger at Laura who just rolled her eyes jamming the gas peddle down.
"So, how do you even know Santa…er Mika? ” she asked shaking her head. It all was starting to feel overwhelming. A delayed shock, everything being real, gods existing, walking among them with fantastic and terrifying power, snatching spring before her very eyes.
Sweeney shifted uncomfortably in his seat, avoiding eye contact. “We have… had a thing.”   Laura’s head snapped around to look at him causing the van to swerve off the road slightly. Sweeny reached over,  swearing in Gaelic, correcting the vans course.  " Eyes on the road you fuckin eejit.“  Laura continued to gape at him ” Wait, so you’re telling me you somehow fell dick first into Death?”  She began to laugh hysterically. If anyone was going to do something so asinine it would be him. “ God, you really are fucking stupid.” she said shaking her head.  “When the hell was this?“  
Sweeney look away slightly sheepish. He suddenly had become very interested in a loose thread on the sleeve. “ I don’t know,”  he mumbled plucking at the thread. He fidgeted uncomfortable as Laura’s gaze bored into him from the driver’s seat. "It was 80s for fucks sake.” he exasperatedly snapped.  Laura sat back in thought for a moment.  " Wait…what century? 1880s? 1980s?“
” Both.“ He said with a shrug. 
Somewhere in Texas  1884
Sweeney had been walking alone in the desert for what seemed like days.  The miners he had been traveling with had abandoned him long ago.  Too much trouble even if he did always seem to have money for whiskey and women.   They’d waited until he drank himself into a stupor, took his clothing, shoes and pushed his sorry ass out of a wagon in the middle of the night.  He awoke to buzzards circling.
"Fuuuuuuuck” He groaned slowly raising his arm to shield his eyes from the brutal summer sun.  His skin had already turned crimson,  his lips beginning to crack.  To top it off was the massive headache pounding out a steady rhythm in his skull.  With a herculean effort he forced his large frame to his feet and began gingerly walking in what he hoped was the direction of the last shitty mining town.  Cursing his poor luck he checked to make sure his special coin was still in his possession. Seeing that it was he wondered who or what he might have pissed off to place him in this predicament.  His coin was powerful,  but not all powerful.  
He came a crossed an outcropping of rock and took shelter from the scorching sun, gingerly sitting down on his burnt ass.  A scorpion scuttled up the rock in front of him.  " Get ta fuck"  he spat as he half-heartedly struck at it with a piece of wood he was using for a walking stick.  It was late afternoon, the desert terrain was shifting colors, burnt umber,  dark purples, it looked painted and unreal.
Even though the sun hadn’t set completely the moon sat low on the horizon. A harvest moon, like a red jewel in the sky.  It seemed so close, as if he could just reach out and pluck it from the air like one of his gold coins.  A fat rattle snake slowly slithered in Sweeney’s direction, interrupting his reverie causing him to jump to his blistered feet.  " NO,  FUCK NO"  he yelled in it’s direction.  “ This can not be the end!? I refuse to die in fucking Texas!!” He screamed impotently toward the moon.
Adrenaline in his veins, he struck out again.  He was severely dehydrated and having hallucinations about his time as a bird.  Naked,  restless. always moving.  He thought he was miserable then,  the freezing damp of Ireland seeping into his bones.  The night of Texas was the flip side to that misery.  The oppressive heat being released by the earth determined to dry every bit of moisture,  leaving him a husk.  
He wandered for hours,  the sun had long since set.  He felt the eyes of the night creatures on him.  The moon seemed to keep them at bay.  Another night of this and he knew he wouldn’t be so lucky.  Jaws snapping,  tearing flesh,  breaking bone.  He shuddered.  
Stopping to survey his surroundings he saw what he thought was a beam of light in the distance.  “Maybe a homesteader?” He didn’t give it much thought as he hobbled as fast as his burnt body could towards it.  A one room cabin came into view,  a candle sitting in the window.  Sweeney was desperate,  he knew that folks around here were a trigger happy lot, but he bet on his natural charm to win whoever it was over.  He had to.  He gingerly stepped onto the porch which gave off a loud creak.  He stopped to listen.   He hear hard sole shoes padding the floorboards inside.
He cleared his parched throat and called out to the person on the other side of the door.  "Hello?“ He rasped  ” I mean you no harm. I was separated from my wagon train,  there was an ambush by the natives…” He stopped for a second listening, his tongue darting out across his dry cracked lips. “I barely made it out alive!“  he lied smoothly.  "Please,  could you help me?  I’m burnt and haven’t had water in days.”   Sweeney was answered with silence.  He took a step towards the pine slat door trying to see in through the gaps. It seemed empty except for the candle dimly illuminating the interior.
“Please.” He begged resting his head on the frame.  His strength giving out.  "I’ll give you gold,  I’ll give you whatever you want,  just… please.“  he whispered,  praying that whoever was on the other side had a shred of compassion.  Suddenly light filled his vision and cold steel jutted into his chest.  It took a moment for Sweeney to refocus.  A small woman stood before him.  Dark skin,  long wild black hair falling around her shoulders.  She was wearing a white linen tunic top and a long red skirt.  A belt of bullets crisscrossed her torso.  Her eyes almost black boring holes into his green ones.  She pressed the shotgun into his chest saying something in a language he had never heard before.  His vision began to swim and he collapsed into the darkness.
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mindspill-blog1 · 7 years
So last year I started to fiddle around with the idea of actually starting to write a book. I spent a good portion of that time plotting and brainstorming and writing (some not a lot but writing some) ideas and character sketches and trying to bring them all together. 
This year I have made it my year’s goal to finish said book. It is a Historical Romance -Regency-set because that’s my catnip. More info to come as I go through my joyous process.
As of yesterday, I’ve written a grand total of 24,090 words in the actual manuscript.
And as of today, I am actively pursuing this goal. Meaning daily writing. Probably at 5 AM (during the weekdays--because I’m a stay-at-home-mom and KIDS MAN, KIDS, and as I can plan it on the weekends). 
I’d like to invite you to join me on this happy pursuit. If you’re interested.  :) 
I’ve always believed that determination is seeing things through even if you look like a fool in the process. So...here’s to determination. And the foolishness that’s sure to come.
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kuciradio · 7 years
Father John Misty with Weyes Blood at the Greek Theater
October 13th, 2017
On Friday the 13th, a bewitching day indeed, I journeyed into the forest to listen to the croonings of a graceful enchantress and watch a tall, bearded cult leader fling himself about while presenting his teachings on life and the universe in the form of song. Other people may describe this mystical happening as a Weyes Blood and Father John Misty concert at the Greek Theater.
A cold breeze and gentle fog enveloped the white stage perched at the Griffith Park foothills, surrounded by pine trees. A woman with long, shiny brown hair wearing a white damask silk pantsuit, Natalie Mering of the band Weyes Blood, blessed the stage with her presence. Her voice was clear, earnest, and flawless as it soared through the air on beautiful ballads like "Seven Words." The ensemble moved together as one elegant organism, as delicate guitars and synth-tinged keyboards complemented Mering's enchanting voice. With a cool, soothing voice, Mering made little jokes every now and then yet maintained sincerity, such as when she dedicated her cover of George Harrison's "Run of the Mill" to her present family members and playfully called her more serious song "Generation Why," a track about the complexities of the millennial group she is a part of, "Generation WiFi." Weyes Blood reached a peak of epic magnificence with a powerful rendition of "Do You Need My Love" to close their set, as Mering asked the crowd if everyone was ready for "Daddy Misty."
The audience could not be more ready. Josh Tillman, a lanky man better known by his moniker Father John Misty, appeared on-stage in all black with a small orchestra behind him and his hallmark beard on his face. If you saw this man out on the streets of Silver Lake, you would not be able to tell if he was a musician, cult leader, or a handsomely disheveled hipster (maybe all of the above?). Misty opened with "Pure Comedy," the title track of his 2017 album and the namesake of his tour, a moving ballad that ends with the line "Each other's all we've got," setting a tone of cynicism mixed with hopeful pleas. His nasally voice revealed the tail-end of a battle with a cold, but it could not take away from his soulful singing.
The other Pure Comedy songs he performed embodied a similar sense of nihilism, such as the beautiful but heartbreaking "So I'm Growing Old On Magic Mountain," in which Misty grieves for humanity in a post-apocalyptic world, foreshadowing and fearing the destruction we seem to be bringing upon ourselves as a human race against a background of purple mountains lit up by a purple moon projected behind the band. Some of his digs also targeted the United States in particular, Donald Trump, and upper-middle class white people--the latter made up the majority of the crowd and seemed to miss these jabs for the most part, other than the one in "The Memo" about taking "five young dudes from white families" to start another commercially successful yet completely vapid boy band. Misty also never shies away from self-deprecation in regards to his self-awareness that some scorn him for being another corny, pretentious white guy with a sanctimonious attitude. Despite these criticisms of himself and of others, the tone of Misty's words is more weary than bitter and holier-than-thou. At the end of the day, he is trying to remind us all to take a look around at what we have become so that we can make a last-ditch effort to love and help each other before it is too late.
Misty's set was not all existential dread and doomsaying; indeed, many of his songs embraced the little instances of the miracles of love, life, and beauty in this crazy world. Seeing Father John Misty backed by a band consisting of trumpets, saxophones, strings, clarinets, and flutes as well as the usual pieces of a rock band is a truly grand experience; his albums all seemed to come to life before us. The ensemble performed the Beatles-esque "This Is Sally Hatchet" and country-inspired tune "I'm Writing a Novel" off of Misty's debut album Fear Fun, much to the audience's delight. He also performed almost all of his lush 2015 album I Love You, Honeybear, including the joyous "Chateau Lobby #4 (in C for Two Virgins)" and lovemaking jam "When You're Smiling and Astride Me," both romantic songs in a uniquely Misty sense, with rich instrumentals to add to that. During the latter, he took a moment to voice some regrets, such as coming on stage in a cheap, black tank top and women's jacket, lightening the mood of the show with his usual off-beat humor. All the while, he struck sassy poses, threw his guitar, fell to his knees, and precariously carried the mic stand in the air. One highlight was his flailing trancelike dance moves during his highly-anticipated performance of "True Affection." The encore brought everybody to their feet as he belted out the spectacular, emotionally overwhelming "I Love You Honeybear," crooned away during the earnest "Real Love Baby," and rocked out to "The Ideal Husband." Misty's energy and gratitude (as well as a sense of humility one may not expect from the sarcastic indie bard) never waned even as he walked off with roses from adoring disciples. Indeed, it was a night well-spent where the city meets the woods with our Father.
- Sophie "Owen Chillson" Prettyman-Beauchamp, host of Beach Daze (now on Sundays from 10am-12pm PST)
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yogpetshame · 7 years
Hey this is Patient Zero, the guy who did the original Dwarf Hole (Diggy Diggy Hole) remix about a million years ago. I heard a whisper on the wind that someone mentioned the music stuff and the Yogscast connection with Area 11, and since I’m known for being public and open about having issues with the Yogs over the years, I have been instantly summoned.
(Dear Mr/Ms/Mx Yogpetshame; Feel free to edit or comment on this wherever you like, this is your stage, I’m just stealing the mic)
YPS ed: More on Patient Zero. You really should read it for context. I have edited this quite aggressively to remove some of the stuff I thought was not relevant or uncalled for. I have kind of a high standard for that so I hope you all understand.
There’s a lot of problems when it comes to the Yogscast and music, and while I’m not about to pretend I’m the highest authority on the subject, I am a professional, award winning musician, I take it very seriously, and I did hand the Yogs their most successful piece of music.
YPS ed: Unless PZ is using a secondary metric, Screw the Nether was actually their most successful on YouTube, then Diggy Diggy Hole from 2014, then PZ’s Dwarf Hole in 2011. But it was popular.
I’m not interested in impressing anyone with past achievements, I just want to make it clear that I do know what I’m talking about.
To get this bit out of the way, I’ve never liked Area 11. There’s nothing inherently wrong with what they’re doing or have done in the past, it’s just kind of…well, it’s four young, inoffensive, pretty and clean boys, with an obvious budget, making exactly the kind of music you’d expect to come out of that. It’s not “bad” exactly, but it’s kind of the musical equivalent of eating a bowl of boiled rice. But, the actual music showcased by the Yogscast, there’s a bit more to say there. I feel like I kind of handed them the obvious golden formula, which they then ignored in favour of really cheap parody songs, forced juvenile humour, and…well, just not knowing what their audience wants. It’s actually really simple, make sure there’s a strong hook, lots of repetition, stick a bridge in it, and don’t worry about verses. That last part is important because, well, writing takes a lot of time, and to be frank they’re not so good at writing lyrics if you ask me. So the catchiness and fun should come from the music, not the writing. That’s also easier to do, writing a catchy musical hook is infinitely easier than trying to use a vocal hook. If you’ll forgive the shameless self promotion, here’s a couple more simple examples. (though admittedly they were written with a different audience in mind, so they’re not perfect) By contrast, their songs are all meandering stories. I mean that’s not a bad thing by default, but let me put it this way; MoonQuest was a really popular series for them so they (or more accurately Area 11) did a song called “Moonquest: An Epic Journey”, clearly a lot of time and effort went into it and the (incredibly under used) hook is actually pretty good. Though I still don’t know why they went with such a melancholy tone for the song about their WACKY MINECRAFT SPACE ADVENTURE, but I’d put money down that with a couple of days and a 4/4 beat, throwing together a dance track called “Hold Space to Slow Down” or something would have been much more successful. The wider audience for this stuff doesn’t want to go on a journey, they don’t need a narrative, they want to nod their heads and tap their toes. This clearly has nothing to do with artistic integrity, so just give the audience what they want. Oh, and as much as the Yogscast are naturally a household name and everybody knows and is invested in the expanded universe they crowbar in for these things, writing a track like that also makes it accessible to people who aren’t already long running fans. Anyway, I could go on, there’s a whole other ramble in me about the various Hatfilms albums, but maybe I’ll talk about that some other time since I’ve already gone of forever.
To add my own note, obviously, the Minecraft parody song train has left the station, broken down, and sold for parts by now, which pretty clearly explains why Area 11 aren’t around anymore. Would it have been better for them to go cheap and cheesy back in the day? Probably, but given how Overwatch was received I think everyone’s sick to death of YouTubers trying to sing about video games now.
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matwalerian · 8 years
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Stereophile - New York's High End Audio and Music Magazine - Records to Die For list - 4.5 star review - Jungle | Mat Walerian Matthew Shipp Hamid Drake - by John Swenson
"This recording documents a memorable 2012 trip to Japan by reed and woodwind sensation Mat Walerian and veteran leaders. (...) nothing short of transcendent, an interaction of shocking power and dynamics"
"Walerian (...) applies the formalities of Indian music to his conception of jazz history. He evokes the mastery of John Coltrane..."
"The groans of Walerian’s alto against the maelstrom of Drake’s drums and Shipp’s piano are like listening to a hurricane strain against the walls of an old wooden house."
"This recording documents a memorable 2012 trip to Japan by reed and woodwind sensation Mat Walerian and veteran leaders, pianist Matthew Shipp and drummer Hamid Drake, for the Okuden Music Concert Series. It’s a companion piece to the outstanding Shipp-Walerian duet album from same festival, The Uppercut, released last year by ESP. On that record, Walerian and Shipp’s interplay is nothing short of transcendent, an interaction of shocking power and dynamics. This one reveals a more completely realized picture of Walerian’s compositions in a more evolved trio setting. With a drummer in the mix, Shipp softens the dynamics of his astonishingly percussive pianistics.
If you thought it would be impossible to find original approaches to piano playing at this point in jazz history, immerse yourself in Shipp’s catalogue for an ongoing display of breathtaking originality. Although he can reference a blinding array of influences, he plays like no other pianist. Instead, plays like a painter, evoking landscapes and mindscapes with unusual phrasing while managing the pulse.
Walerian, a student of Shipp’s, applies the formalities of Indian and Chinese music to his conception of jazz history. He evokes the mastery of John Coltrane in the epic “One For”, as Shipp plays his most Tyner-esque block chords. Or the three can converse in a new language altogether, as in this set’s longest track, “Coach on da Mic”, a tour de force for each of them.
This music travels through Walerian’s compositions seamlessly – like movements of a symphony on disc 1, and like tone poems on disc 2. “Shrine” begins with a series of slow, delicate, pointillist notes from Shipp before Walerian interjects flute phrases that sound like tropical birds, and Drake offers clicking response with his sticks. It’s an invocation of the journey to come, which begins with Shipp articulating walking melodic lines with his right hand before they float into “Teleport”. Shipp plays contrasting arpeggios and stark chords, and Walerian shifts to soprano clarinet as the exchange heats up. Suddenly we’re transported into “Gentle Giants”, Shipp pounding away big-footed accompaniment to Walerian’s alto sax. The groans of Walerian’s alto against the maelstrom of Drake’s drums and Shipp’s piano are like listening to a hurricane strain against the walls of an old wooden house. In “123 Sylvester 230 CE”, Drake’s tom and bass drums roll thunderously under Walerian’s fierce alto playing as Shipp comps furiously against the grain.
The second movement begins with a lengthy solo from Shipp in “Ultimate Insurance”, a prime example of his virtuoso two-handed playing. Drake follows with a dynamically evolving solo before, at the end, Walerian appears briefly on bass clarinet to effect the transition into “Good Trip Is a Safe Trip” – at first a long solo, with Shipp and then and then Drake commenting in the latter part of the piece. After a pause, the contemplative “Perfect Joint” opens with angled strokes from piano and drums behind Walerian’s ethereal alto statement. Bassist William Parker, who frequently collaborates with these players and wrote the liner notes for this record and The Uppercut, writes that Walerian’s playing “reminds me of the Japanese paintings of Sesshu, full of fine lines, images and sounds that tell haiku-like stories, arresting and mysterious”
about Stereophile :
The magazine was founded in 1962 by J. Gordon Holt. As of 2014, the editor was John Atkinson, who joined the magazine in May 1986.
Stereophile is published in New York by The Enthusiast Network, a publisher of special interest magazines.
Features include their annual "Records to Die For" section, where each editor and writer reviews two outstanding albums of their choice, and the bi-annual "Recommended Components" issue in which audio equipment which has been reviewed in the recent past are classified as "A, B, C or D" level components, with "A" being the most highly recommended.
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by bkdk4ever
Izuku Midoriya added Ochaco Uraraka, Shoto Todoroki, plus 17 others to "Class 2-A :)"
Izuku Midoriya: Hey guys! Since a lot of you guys asked for my notes on today’s lesson, I decided to make a group chat with all of us!! Enjoy and have fun studying! ;)
Shoto Todoroki: Thank you.
Shoto Todoroki: What class is this by the way?
Katsuki Bakugo: Are you fucking serious?
  Two oblivious gays have it bad for each other and literally everyone knows except for those two. In this fic, both the dekusquad and bakusquad join forces for the first time to unite their leaders together in an epic journey of romance.
Features: An angry pomeranian, a confused broccolli and a cold soba.
(Just so you know, our fic is going to alternate between texting and story-writing for every chapter!)
Words: 2945, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Jirou Kyouka, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Sero Hanta, Asui Tsuyu, Yaoyorozu Momo, Aoyama Yuuga, Monoma Neito, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Literally everyone from the show, Like we're not kidding, Fergus
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Class 1-A is full of crackheads, like seriously, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, that's a given tho, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Oblivious Midoriya Izuku, Oblivious Bakugou Katsuki, Katsuki Bakuhoe is in denial, Kaminari Denki has one brain cell, Kirishima and Kaminari Bromance, Bakugo and Midoriya ROMANCE, Fluff, SO MUCH FLUFF, A Pinch of Angst, The whole bag of crack, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, i love that this is a tag, cuz the boy swears in literally every sentence, Slow Burn, not too slow tho, Happy ending definitely, 100 percent, we dont accept anything else, Humor, UWU moments, funny stuffz, Mineta is hated throughout the chapters, because he should be, Lysogenic Cycle, why is that not a tag, cuz it should be, Two-in-one-Table, Jealous Bakugou Katsuki, Deku's Butt, Cuz it definitely should be a tag, There's so many tags for one chapter imma stop now
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basalcrayon · 5 years
Love Story : Taylor Swift’s Crowning Moment
On 12th September , 2008 a 19yr old girl from Reading, Pennsylvania released the third single from her second-ever studio album “Fearless” Unbeknownst to Taylor Swift she had cemented her place in the history of country music and took the first step into becoming the global icon she is today in 2020.
Anyone who’s ever heard a Taylor Swift song probably knows the lyrics to this song by heart and gets one of the strongest nostalgia feelings ever. This song started the journey of Swift’s rise to stardom and probably one of the most important songs in music history.
Like most of Taylor’s songs back then and probably now as well this was written from her experiences as a teenager . Love Story was also met with a lot of indifference by her record label Big Machine Records ( at the time we all know what they did now ) and mainly from her parents but Taylor later stated that it was a fun experience to fight for it especially now that she had something to prove.
When the song released it received much critical acclaim and sold an astonishing 18+million copies making it one of the most sold singles of all time peaking at number 4 in the billboard hot 100 while also certifying itself 8 times platinum making it one of the best selling singles in the USA also once held the record for the most sold single of all time in the US.
The music video maintained the feel of the song setting itself in the 1800s .Love Story is the only Taylor Swift single to feature on all of her headline tours followed by the 1989 single “Shake It Off” which she now uses to close off all of her shows .
But what made this song what it is today and making Taylor the most important musical artist of this century?
Let’s take a deciphering look. Here We Go!
Starting off with the composition & backstory
Backstory -
As the song suggests and from a Taylor Swift interview she wrote this song because of a relationship of her’s which her parents did not approve of making her relate her situation to that of Romeo and Juliet one of her main ways of defining the situation in this song is that of saying “No one wanted them to be together except themselves”
The song’s ending differed from the one of Romeo & Juliett Taylor said the following on that — “I feel like they had such promise & they were so crazy for each other. And if that had gone a little bit differently, it could have been one of the best love stories ever told. And it is one of the best stories ever told but it’s a tragedy.”
When Taylor started writing this song she’s stated multiple times that she wrote this on her bedroom floor when she was 17 & that she finished composing the song in 20mins, feeling too inspired to put the song down unfinished.
The song was recorded at Blackbird Studios in Nashville produced by Nathan Chapman. Swift recorded this on an Avantone CV-12 Mic, Chapman initially loaned the mic to Swift to try out but when Swift tried it out she said “Test” followed by “This is my mic. I love this mic, I just want to use this now ” and she’s been doing the same ever since.
Composition —
The song is written in the key of D Major spanning one vocal octave with a length of 3mins 54secs at a tempo of 120BPM
Intro -
The songs start with palm muting on the transition of C-G-Am-F while capoed at 2nd fret. With a major emphasis on the bass strings on the acoustic guitar.
Verses —
The song goes to palm-muted strumming with the transition of C-F-Am-F before ending with Am — G while Taylor starts off a soft voice presumably of Juliett.
Pre Chorus -
Often regarded as the most iconic part of the song the palm muting goes into open strumming with 8 strums on each chord on a transition of F-G-Am-C before ending it with G-Am-F-G
Chorus -
With fingerpicking backing, Taylor Swift goes into the transition of C-G-Am-F-G-C before an abrupt cut-off.
Solo —
The solo has 2 versions the electric one being a distortion based used for live shows played by her guitarist Paul Stitodi and the acoustic finger-picked one from the original record with a chord progression in the background.
Bridge -
Anyone who’s heard a Taylor song knows that she loves a bridge with her acknowledging it with the Love Story one had a basic yet vital one which led into one of the most epic chorus performances.
Outro -
Taylor ends the story on the transition of D-A-Bm-G-A-D playing one of the best examples of 21st-century country music.
Onto the lyrics
Disclaimer — This is my interpretation and by no means correct
Intro -
Even though the intro contains no lyrics it is one of the best pieces of country intro and so perfectly 2008
Verse — 1
We were both young when I first saw you
I closed my eyes and the flashback started
I’m standing there on a balcony in summer air
Taylor narrates the story from Juliett’s standpoint
The narrator begins the story by saying how she was a young girl ( as it’s Juliett we have to assume 13) when she first saw Romeo she closes her eyes and everything they had to go through starts happening in front of her again.
She starts the backstory off by reliving the day she first saw Romeo how she started off the day in the lovely breeze standing in her balcony when she first caught the glimpse of Romeo.
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd
and say hello, little did I know
Juliett takes the story to the night during the palace ball when she was mesmerised by the decorations around her while admiring she saw Romeo for the first time properly making way through the party to meet her and when he finally does Juliett says little did she know what was to follow
Pre Chorus -
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said “Stay away from Juliett”
And I was crying on my staircase begging you please don’t go
The story takes a time jump to presumably a few days later when Romeo is trying his best to meet Juliett but not without alerting Juliett’s father who tells him to never come close to her again. This leaves Juliett absolutely distraught.
Chorus -
And I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I’ll be waiting all there’s left is to run
You’ll be the prince & I’ll be the princess
It’s a love story baby just say yes
Juliett feeling absolutely distraught from this seemingly pleads to Romeo that he takes her someplace where the can be together being their own prince & princess all it requires is for him to say yes.
Verse — 2
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet ’cause we’re dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while
Juliett continues by saying how she risked everything to meet Romeo and how even the slightest of errors could land them in serious trouble. She ends by saying it’s time to leave town and live on their own terms.
Pre — Chorus
’Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliett
But you were everything to me I was begging you
Please don’t go
Juliett continues by saying ( assuming they got caught ) how Romeo meant everything to him and how she couldn’t live without him
Chorus —
And I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I’ll be waiting all there’s left to do is run
You’ll be the prince I’ll be the princess
It’s a love story baby just say yes
Romeo save me, they’re tryna tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it’s real
Don’t be afraid we’ll make it outta this mess
It’s a love story baby just yes
Juliett goes on to beg to Romeo to save her from the grasps of her family and how they’re forcing their thought process on her. Romeo this time acknowledges this and asks her not to be afraid he will make everything right.
Solo -
All I can say about this solo is Taylor Swift perfectly captured the feelings of all things country.
Bridge —
I got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town and I said
Juliett ( assuming Romeo left for a while ) leaves the palace after growing restless and how she was losing trust in what Romeo told her when she finally encountered him on the outskirts of town .
Chorus -
Romeo save me I’ve been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head, I Dont know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said
Marry me, Juliett you’ll never have to be alone
I love you and that’s all I really know
I talked to your dad go pick out a white dress
It’s a love story baby just say yes
Meeting after a while Juliett finally spoke her heart out on how she’s been lonely and desperate for him to come back only for him to disappoint & finally asks Romeo is this even real?
All of a sudden Romeo kneels to the ground and brings out a ring proposing to Juliett finally and assuring her everything has finally worked out their families have agreed and it’s time for the wedding bells to ring and asks her to go choose a wedding dress but before just say yes.
Outro -
Oh, Oh
Cause we were both young when I first saw you
Bringing it back to the present Juliett exclaims how it was an experience to never forget and how they were both young when they fell in love.
The lyrics to this song might’ve been very basic but the passion of a young & ready to conquer Taylor Swift made it one of the greatest songs of all time.
This song started a journey for Taylor the journey of making her arguably the biggest artists of the 2010s the girl from “Fearless” transformed into a world wide phenomenon.
Her next album “Red” which released in 2012 was her first time testing out a new genre with the flavour of pop in the song “We Are Never Getting Back Together” to the dubstep inspired “I Knew You Were Trouble”.
In 2014 she released her synth-pop inspired 1989 with songs like “Shake It Off” and the defining song of the album “Blank Space”, the album did not even contain a single drop of country music but was if not the best one of the best works of Taylor.
In 2017 she dropped Reputation a dark album in which she hit out against all the toxic critics ( rightly so ) something which majority of artists are scared to do and became a role model for future artists to come with songs like “Look What You Made Me Do” & “Ready For It”.
She ended the 2010s with her final album Lover a joyful yet meaningful album taking her back to her roots from Fearless although still working for the betterment of the world with “You Need To Calm Down”.
Though Taylor Swift didn’t win any major accolades for Love Story
She forever won the hearts of the world and started her journey on the road to becoming the definition of success & an icon.
By –
Basal Crayon
Originally Published On Medium
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