#Micheal Shannon
harrison-abbott · 2 years
Just watched this. Have you seen? Well worth a viddy. A compact, complete 90 minute movie on the theme of revenge. Very atmospheric and well shot.
It tapped in with memories I have of adolescence; with these feuds that escalate between groups of men. There is one thing which sparks it and then the other group retaliates, and it just worsens from there.
Though it’s tough to forget about the harm done to you, it’s way better to just leave it, rather than continue the war. This film captures that notion perfectly.
I like that actor Michael Shannon, too, he’s always good.
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floorman3 · 1 year
The Flash Review- The Flash Movie Fans Have Been Waiting for and Needed
The DCEU has had a few bumps in the road since Man of Steel came out back in 2013. It’s been ten years since then and The Flash has had its share of starts and stops as well with numerous directors attached and then leaving the project. Eventually, Andy Mushietti, the director of the It films, came aboard and this movie finally got off of the ground with Ezra Miller from The Justice League back…
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
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Not to speak I’ll of Micheal Shannon or anything, but when I was watching in theatres I swear to fuck Quentin Tarantino had just walked out on screen…
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swiftiesbuddie · 5 months
i just realized that if they do make eddie queer/gay, then all the cheaters on 9-1-1 will be gay characters
so, apparently Micheal also cheated because I think he said he met someone while he was still with Athena. so… 4/4 for the queer characters and 0 for the straight characters. which is a pattern i don’t love.
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pretty-fishy · 6 months
Just because Im a hard core Gay Eddie Truther does not mean I dont think Eddie Loved Shannon
Eddie loves Shannon just like Micheal loves Athena, maybe not Romantic but extremely meaningful and important to their life.
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hexelein · 5 months
Little rant about biphobia in fandoms and the possibility of Eddie being bi below. You think Eddie is gay ? Perfectly fine but don't start arguing with me in the notes about it, especially if you haven't actually read what I said here.
Look I have nothing against gay Eddie but I think it's super weird how people insist he has to be gay. He's not even confirmed queer yet, and people already come at bi blogs for hc him as bi... Unless he is confirmed gay in the show or by the writers outside of it can you just leave bi people alone ? It's always like this when gay hc get popular in fandoms, and I'd like to remind all of you that bi people can have complex relationships with the opposite gender, and that up until now Eddies issues with relationships were all related to Shannon and the trauma he's had from how their relationship ended, and him wanting so badly to recreate what they had before their problems started. That's pretty much canon as of now and everything else is your personal interpretation. If he had relationships with other men he'd probably have the same issues. Hell even if he ends up with Buck he'd struggle a bit at first if these issues don't get resolved beforehand. I genuinely do get why people hc him as gay, but I also think it's extremely biphobic to say he can't be bi at all and that reducing and resolving the problems he has as just related to his sexuality wouldn't fit how his story was written before and would simplify it too much. Even if he was gay that point would still stand but a lot of you don't seem to treat it this way.
What bothers me most about this is the reactions of the fandom, and also the fact we already had a gay and married to a woman storyline with Micheal. And besides Buck pretty much everyone that is queer on the show is monosexual. Like all of that is once again a reminder how bisexuality is often treated in shows and fandoms: the last resort kind of queerness and less queer than monosexuality. Better not have too many bi people on a show, too complicated for people to understand how not every bi experience is the same. People have such a problem with the concept of bisexuality, the reactions to bi Buck also show that: we've had queer characters on the show, but when Buck came out a lot of people said they'd stop watching. This was specifically biphobia, not just homophobia. Buck also fits the bisexual stereotype so well, he's a womanizer, he's been very promiscuous in the past. He hasn't actually talked about his label either or specifically called himself bi in the show yet. People had hc him as bi right away, but with Eddie who has never shown any interest is other men it's he's gay cause he has problems with commitment and forming lasting relationships. It's just very disheartening to see even other queer people follow this weird pattern of who can be bi and who can't, mostly based on stereotypes and who was more promiscuous (this is also often the case in other fandoms ). Despite Eddies romantic relationships not working out we see him being intimate with woman, having interest in them and never any direct indication that it's genuinely his sexuality that is the problem here. Again I can see why people hc Eddie as gay as well, but to say he can't be bi is just denying that bisexuality can be complicated too. I've also seen a lot of people hc him as demi, which is also fitting but often enough it was demi and gay. Why can't he be demi and bi ? We've had so many stories about comphet and heteronormativity preventing gay and lesbian people from being true to themselves, and I'm not saying we shouldn't have those stories anymore, but I think fandoms tend to go with monosexuality by default instead of thinking about how bisexual people can also deal with similar issues in relationships, or that not all of our relationships have to be good to count. It's also just very annoying that stuff like that always ends with peoples reasoning for their hc going into biphobic territory... All I ask is until we have a confirmed sexuality for him, if we even get one, stop being so nasty about bi people seeing themselves in Eddie and stop treating your hc as canon. I swear this pattern is so common in fandoms... Maybe you should examine why you feel so threatened by the possibility of more than one bi character in a show that is or would be in a same gender relationship.
Obviously if he ends up actually being confirmed gay I won't argue with that. I guess what I'm saying is that the biphobic views some of you have and the way bisexuality is treated in general everywhere annoys me more than the possibility of Eddie being gay. And no being bi yourself doesn't mean you can't have weird views about bisexuality btw... Bi storylines always have the same mold and that's cause people aren't willing to listen to bi people and their different experiences. I also can't remember lots of shows that have confirmed bi4bi couples, especially not mlm ones. The ones we have people love to erase all the time. His story could fit someone who is bi and demiromantic/arospec very well (though I don't think they'd actually go anywhere in canon that isn't monosexual or bisexual) and we don't have much bi rep in the show, I'm just kinda hurt that this seems hardly an option for anyone....
I just think having Eddie be bi and his issues not being a result of his sexuality would be a break in how bi characters are usually portrayed and also make people realize that maybe there is a lot underlying biphobia in the community and fandoms.
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localbadger · 2 years
I don’t think Beatrice and Ava are at all oblivious to each other’s attraction I just think they both had reason to not pursue it those two months
For Beatrice
The obvious obstacle is she’s a nun who has vows but also very afraid of rejection for who she is from society, God, friends and family, not to mention how she was raised is a big ol’ wall in her path to a relationship with Ava.
One thing I don’t see brought up enough is that she could have totally realized Ava was attracted to her but thought it was like a fleeting thing, because from Beatrice’s perspective Ava probably flirts with a lot of people (JC, Micheal even tho she wasn’t Beatrice still sees it like that plus all those “friends” she apparently scared off) she doesn’t want to be an experiment for Ava or something Ava wants in the moment because she believes Ava’s impulsive and in Beatrice’s mind it’s a lot more real than just attraction to her
They are living together working together and training together and if that tight rope of friendship isn’t walked on perfectly there is no escaping each other possibly leading to disaster not just of their friendship but of the whole mission. And speaking of the mission I think it’s always been in the back of Beatrice’s mind that Warrior nuns don’t last long after seeing what happened to Mary and Shannon she didn’t want to repeat it
For Ava
A couple of people pointed out how much Ava respects others consent like I don’t think she would have went for it no matter how much she wanted to or even if she knew Beatrice liked her like that because she believed Bea wasn’t ready to go there. I think if anything happened in Switzerland Ava wanted it to be Beatrice who made the first real move since it was her who took vows. They were definitely on the right path in Switzerland but not in a place to make that leap yet at least form where Beatrice was
I noticed a lot of the times Ava got emotional or mad at Beatrice it was because she was frustrated Beatrice didn’t see how much she had grown or changed as a person. Like she is working so hard to become a person she thinks is worthy of Beatrice and anytime Bea was disappointed or mad at her you can just see how distraught Ava gets. She wants to get into a relationship with Beatrice when Bea finally sees her as a changed person who isn’t selfish, impulsive or flighty. Basically she wants to feel on equal footing with Beatrice not someone who has to be looked over protected and told what to do she needs that validation that she’s ready from Beatrice and she didn’t feel she earned that until she was willing to sacrifice her life for the mission/Beatrice
Kind of leaping off the last one is that Ava has major abandonment issues, she’s worried she’d scare Beatrice away if she revealed just how deeply she cares for her because attraction is one thing but Ava is literally head over heels I’d sacrifice my life, I’d sacrifice the world for you kind of in love and if Beatrice was only attracted to her and not at that deep level of love I think Ava would be scared that would be the one thing that could make Bea run away
I think both of them are really smart people so to say they were just oblivious to all/most those looks, touches, jealousy and affections while being around each other 24/7 practically is kind of an insult to their social/emotional intelligence. They just had some really big things holding them back in Switzerland and it took the “end of line” for them to have that dam finally break
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911 Spoilers Season 3: You’ve been warned. 😅 Buddie Rewatch
Episode 10-14
Episode 10: Christmas Spirit
Woman Pepper Spray Santa: Buck trying to comfort the little kids, but failing miserably and basically telling a bunch of kids that Santa is not real.
I have no way of knowing if Eddie was working on this shift, but I like to pretend that he heard Santa was one of the victims and choose to stay near the fire truck.
Eddie and Hen are hanging out together. Eddie is talking about how upset Chris is about having to work on Christmas. He knows that Chris will have fun at his aunts but compared to last Christmas with Shannon, it won’t measure up.
Buck, Chris, and Denny are playing together. Chris asks Buck if he could spend Christmas with him. Buck apologizing and telling him that he also has to work.  Christopher being extra upset over work.
Buck joining Hen and Eddie in their conversation and commenting on how Christmas sucks this year. All of them pretty much agreeing and Buck saying he wouldn’t be surprised if it got worse.
Golf Clubs vs Plane engine: Buck and Eddie standing closely next to each other. Really got to love that height difference.
Buck pulling out the golf clubs and then noticing Bobby’s nose bleed.
Buck being overly concerned over Bobby. Bobby slightly annoyed by how Buck is concerned. He appreciates it, but thinks it’s too much. Buck admits that Bobby is one of the most important people in his life and he doesn’t know what he’d do if something bad happened to him.
Buck calling Maddie, asking Maddie to do him a favor and speak with Athena.
Blue lady; Eddie and Buck being instructed to look around the home for evidence of anything that may have caused this. The victim commenting on handsome firefighters exploring her home. Eddie finds the cream on the counter. Buck finds a trash can filled with empty tubes.
Athena surprising Bobby at the fire house. Revealing Buck had coordinated with her to plan dinner.
Everyone’s family and friends appearing at the firehouse for a surprise Christmas party.
Eddie hugging Christopher, with his Tia right there. Buck watching the moment really happy for them.
Buck walking around with Mistletoe, uses the opportunity to get a hug and kiss from Hen. (All of us hoping Eddie would have walked by in that moment. But obviously we aren’t so lucky)
Christopher sitting in the middle of Buck and Eddie while they eat dinner.
Buck walking over to Chris with a present to open, Eddie and his Tia standing right next to them, like a family, watching the interaction.
Big 118 Family Christmas photo. Eddie and Buck are stand close to each other. Christopher and Tia are standing in front of them.
Episode 11: Seize the Day
Skydiving emergency: Bobby coming up with the most insane rescue plan. Buck and Eddie are on top of the fire engine and attempting to catch the unconscious man hanging from the plane. They are of course successful.
Mother approaches Buck and Eddie and asks them if they are single. They look at each other.
Buck’s leg is improving and no longer on blood thinners and will no longer need to see his ortho.
The 118 talking about Micheal’s cancer treatment. Which leads to a conversation about Albert, Chimney’s brother. Everyone being excited to meet Albert. Hen making appoint about found family.
Foreclosed home and angry owner:  Buck and Eddie fairly close to each other at the scene of the accident and while helping lift the vehicle, and walking back towards the truck.
Albert makes a surprise visit to the firehouse. Buck is enjoying his company. Eddie is sitting right next to buck eating, while Buck describes what Albert has done while waiting for Chimney to arrive.
Eddie revealing that he likes baseball and inviting Albert to see a game.
Karaoke night: Eddie and Buck sitting next to each other at the bar cheering Albert as he was singing with Hen. Eddie, Buck, Hen, and Maddie awkwardly watching Chim lashing out on Albert. Buck chasing after Albert while everyone else tries to process everything.
Maddie reveals that Albert will be staying the night with Buck. Maddie also mentioning her parents aren’t bad people, but they messed up raising both Buck and her.
Buck allowing Chim and Albert to have a deep conversation in his apartment, while he went to go take a shower.
Eddie has invited everyone to his place. Buck, Chris, and Albert are all playing together while Chim and Eddie set up the table. Eddie says the 118 is his chosen family.
Maddie is in the kitchen, when Buck comes over to try and steal a snack. Maddie smacks his hand away. They have a conversation about how you never want to go over to someone’s place empty handed. Buck stating that this is Eddie’s home, he’s really not a guest.
Buck, Eddie, Albert, and Chris around the table enjoying the food. Albert cleaning off Christopher’s face. Buck and Eddie watching.
Episode 12: Fools
Motorcycle and merry-go-round: Eddie mentioning how Chris has watched a video similar to this same scenario online, but the bike wasn’t on fire.
Eddie and Buck are standing next to each other. Buck remembering the victim from a previous rescue. 
Maddie, Chim, Josh, and Buck playing poker. Buck is terrible at poker. Josh points out that if he didn’t know any better, he would have thought they were trying to set up Josh and Buck together.
Buck just smiles and Maddie says she wouldn’t do that to Josh, she likes him too much. Buck is slightly offended at that comment. Josh and Buck start to bond over how hard dating is and putting yourself out there.
My personal head cannon for Buck is that he is bisexual. He’s not closeted, just doesn’t feel the need to announce that about himself. I like to believe he had a boyfriend in high school that Maddie knew about. It could explain why neither one of them bat an eye at Josh’s comment about being set up. The way Buck was sitting there with the biggest grin on his face, after Josh made that comment, best believe he was flattered by the thought.
Eddie and Carla are at parent teacher conference. The science teacher mentions how Christopher keeps telling his classmates that tsunamis aren’t a big deal.  The meetings are pretty miserable up until we meet the English teacher, Ana. Ana is extremely beautiful and Eddie noticed that.
Ana letting us know that Christopher is funny and very popular in class.
Carla low key trying to be a great wing woman. Carla calling Eddie out on his little crush on the teacher.
Eddie lashing out at Ana because Christopher got hurt while trying to ride a skate board. Eddie being pissed off and takes Chris home, even though Christopher wanted to stay in school.
Carla explaining to Eddie that he needs to have a conversation with Chris about his limitations. Chris revealing that it was his idea to try to ride the skateboard.
Shitty Date; Eddie talking to the victim, asking if she was trying to escape a bad date.
Buck breaking down the bathroom door. While trying to get the woman unstuck from the window and she talks about how hard dating is. Buck proceeds to tell everyone, Eddie’s business of how he ruined any chances he may have had with Chris’ cute English teacher.
Buck and Eddie drinking at Buck’s place discussing Eddie and Chris’ most recent fight where Chris called Eddie a liar. Buck telling him a story about a one-armed Pitcher and how nothing is impossible.
Chris not wanting to go to school because he’s still embarrassed about the skateboard incident. Eddie having a one on one with Chris and explaining that no one can do everything. He talks about how he may have to do things differently but that he can’t be afraid of trying something new.
Chris roasts Eddies cooking skills. Eddie tells us he has a black thumb and can’t keep plants alive.
Eddie apologizes to Ana for lashing out on her. Ana gives him a metaphor about falling off a horse and how it may not be the right horse. The conversation being geared toward how Chris may not be able to ride a skateboard but could end up writing a book. There is an underlying tone in their conversation about dating.
Buck and Carla help surprise Chris at the skatepark. Eddie and Buck pushing Chris on the skateboard contraption they created. Chris having the time of his life. Cute family moment.
Episode 13: Pinned
Bowling Ally Crushed Arm: Eddie and Buck are in the background walking in the gurney.
Eddie and Buck hop on top of the machine to observe the situation and come up with possible solutions. Buck coming up with keeping the arm braced with the device. Everyone a little surprised by that.
Buck is welding the piece off. Eddie is standing nearby, watching from above with no protective gear.
Buck and Eddie guiding the victim’s arm out. As they walk out of the bowling alley, Buck is celebrating/joking around. Eddie rains on his parade a little. It’s light hearted in banter.
Chim, Hen, and Eddie are discussing Chim’s relationship with Maddie. Eddie telling Chim that who cares about what Albert thinks. Eddie also being the one to ask if he loves her. Eddie laughing when Chim says they are taking it slow.
Buck interrupts the conversation for line up. 
Before Chim walks out the locker room, Eddie stops him and states, “tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone, if you love her, tell her.”
Nail Gun to the Heart: Buck secures the “weapon.” Eddie tries to reassure victim that this surprisingly happens a lot.
Buck and Eddie standing closely together, like a foot apart.
Buck and Eddie closing the ambulance doors together.
Buck and Eddie walking pressed against each other to open the ambulance doors. They are talking about getting lunch.
These men do not know how to exist in a space and not be a foot from each other.  
Episode 14: The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1
No Buddie. Iconic Episode.
We get to see Buck being Buck and doing what he felt was necessary to make sure his sister was safe.
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can-i-get-a-yippee · 5 months
There’s an alternate universe where the 911 writers didn’t murder Shannon, and she, Buck, and Eddie get to have a similar dynamic to Micheal, Bobby, and Athena
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joltning · 5 months
cause I saw some people talking about it
rwby and rvb characters who have the same voice actor! utc bc spoilers obviously lol
*this post does not include all and does not mention characters w/o names. ex if they are credited as “Scared Soldier” I won’t put them, even if they have a prominent role in the other show.
Ruby Rose / Vanessa Kimball - Lindsay Jones
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Blake Belladonna / Emily Grey - Arryn Zech
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Yang Xiao Long / Katie Jensen - Barbara Dunkelman
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Jaune Arc / Isaac “Felix” Gates (& Cronut) - Miles Luna
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Pyrrha Nikos / Agent Carolina - Jen Brown
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Nora Valkyrie / Agent Connecticut - Samantha Ireland
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Professor Ozpin / Agent Washington - Shannon McCormick
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Roman Torchwick / Samuel “Locus” Ortez & Donald Doyle - Grey Haddock
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Glynda Goodwitch / Agent Texas - Kathleen Zuelch
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Neptune Vasilias / Charles Palomo (and also my two niche favs but no one gaf but me) - Kerry Shawcross
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Professor Oobleck / Micheal J. Caboose (previously) - Joel Heyman
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Winter Schnee / Agent Ohio - Elizabeth Maxwell
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Leonardo Lionheart / Diesel (Zero) - Daman Mills (sorry you’re only allocated to mid characters sir)
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lonesomedotmp3 · 5 months
kate yes this is a legacy spot she has not done shit lately LOL <3 but we love her. when we get to what kate did I will be screaming crying throwing up!
jack... the most insane complicated guy ever masquerading as normal and regular... yay <3
sayid 🫡 what more is there so say he's so real... when jack and locke were having their intense emotional sceptic/believer argument and he was just like this is stupid as fuck...
shannon. I can't talk about it rn for real I need beth to watch abandoned and then we will be DISCUSSING. but that's my girl ! they could never make me hate you!
eko 🫶 what if there was a man who was very tough but more importantly very lovely and kind...
sun. she's also been very absent this season girl I miss you :(
micheal... paul rudd voice hey look at us... who'd have thought we'd be here not me... he is loyal and he's had the best dynamic shift with jin and sawyer in the world I know we were making little jokes at the beginning but I am genuinely rockin with the horrible man polycule more than anything...
jin same as micheal <3 i love that they still have the handcuffs on each of their wrists like friendship bracelets :)
bernard and rose who I'm grouping together because they r beautiful intertwined straight people soulmates <3
claire. what if there was a beautiful australian girl who didn't do much of anything... heart!
sawyer... LOOK AT US! he has been unconscious or in pain or pathetic for most of this season and I'm eating it up... when he wakes and gets back to everyone else though maybe he'll go back to the bottom <\3
locke. he's fineeeee he's necessary to the narrative and interesting dynamics and character moments he's FINE. but I like other characters more and thinking about it walt being gone has really put a damper on his likeability... idk. he's fine!
wowwww there are so many characters in this fucking show I literally forgot about hurley. he's also fine !
charlie. he's literally pissing me off I know it's not fair he has been thrown down here but I'm really just fucking w everyone else more sorry. also the shit he was saying to claire about motherhood was SO crazy out of line...
ana lucia. LOL. LOL. sorry women. EL OH EL.
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kittiewales · 1 year
how old i think the lost characters are:
- jack : 36
- kate : 31
- sawyer : 35
- sun: 32
- jin : 35
- claire : 24
- charlie: 27
- sayid: 36
- locke: 53
- micheal : 37
- desmond: 36
- juliet: 35
- boone: 25
- shannon: 23
- frank: 50
- ben: this man is an alien to me, no age applies to him.
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lilliannoco · 8 months
hello i am lorna and i habe been wayching lost for the first time w my bff ever rain. here are my ratings so far . will be updated.
ep 1- 7/10. loved shannon. loved sawyer. too much jack. hated charlie and his singing. “you all everybody! you all everybody!”
ep 2- 9/10 more sawyer i love him so much i actually am going crazy i dunno what else to say an this one
ep 3 - hurley is so funny and i love kate 10/10 no orher comments
ep 4 JOHN I LOVEEEE YOUUUU THIS IS FONNA KILL MEEEEE UGHHHHH 10/10. loved walt and sun. i love walt. hes so cute. ialso “the mighty huntress returns”. died a little. jack shut up btw. rose i love you . john badkstory killed me so so so much so harshly.
ep 5- “shouldve stayed down jack” yeah beat his ass i hate u jack. also i hate the way he swims why r u doing that. boones sideburns make me giggle why is he so. sun youre gorgeous and i love you. “are you a gemini?” claire youre amazing . “dogs can find pot and bombs so im sure they can find water”. way too much jack so far hes so uninteresting to me. i cant. jack pls stop running. also more suit guy! SUIT GUY IS ? JACKS DAD? wowzer. claire i love u. i love u claire. “hell, i’m an optimist” SAWYER I LOVE YOU SO MUCB I LOVE U SAWYER IM. “crazy people dont know theyre gettin crazy, they think theyre getting saner.” john ur so 💕💕 jacks dad is ? dead ? wow that was ssometjing. hi again sawyer. 9/10
ep 6- SUN!!!! SUNNNN!’!!!! charlie shut up. MICHEAL OH MY GOSH?? THATS?? IM??? “drugs. right” SHUT UP CHARLIE. SUNNNN SUN I LOVE YOU SUNNN. “whens your birthday?” odhsjdhsks 7/10
ep 7- already hate it. charlie i dont like u. SAWYER!!!!! sawyer snd kate are kind of … i like them maybe … jack and kate too thiugh cayse yk ANYWAYS charlie religious? i relate to him more everyday. “relax, choir boy” “i want my drugs back. i need em. im sick man, cant you see that?” hes so . hes so. okay i. yeah i get you charlie. yeah. sideburns is back! alrighty! SAWYER!!!!! sawyer and kate I LIKE THEM A LOT. A LOT. “oh, you’re feeling sorry for me.” “i dont feel sorry for you. i pity you.” “all you had to do was say please” SAWYER PDHSJRHWKDBAMBEMS. maybe not hating charlie so much. i love him actually hes so me. excrpt for his band. “you all everybody!” AGAIN!!! i cant be the only one who thinks shannon and boone are kind of weird to be siblings srry. “i want to stop feleing like this” CHSRLIEEEEE. “it was about the music, liam. you took that from me.” dude charlie is so. the way i hnderstand why he talks ab his band so much now! jesus chirst i LOVE U CHARLIE. “dude you rock!” charlie. NO CHARLIE. OHHH OKAY. im so happy for you. 1000000/10 i died
ep 8- SAWYER. SAWYERRRR. SAWYER! “thus my hat!” claireee 💕💕💕 “you wanna know what kinf of human being i am? read it. out loud. 😡” sawyer. cmon sawyer. sawyer ur the prettiest man ive ever seen. Sawyerrr. sawyer and kate kiss. wouldve been much better if it was under any other circumstances ever. sawyer. ur such a cunt i love u. the LETTER. CLAIRE AND CHARLIE!!! I LOVE U GUYS!!
ep 9 - sawyer 💕💕💕💕 SAYID ?! SAYID??? sayid. GOLF COURSE! SAYIDDDDD!!! SAYID I LOVE UUU ! SHANNONNN!! SAWYERR!’ MUSIC BOX! SAYID AND NADIA OH MY GOD. THE. THE. HIS. HE. IM. NDIDHEIRHSJDBSK I CANNOT. DANIELLE. IM. “i cant let you go. dont you understand? to have someone to talk to. to touch.” THIS IS PEAK “ive been holding on the past seven years to just a thought.” CHARLIE PLAYING GOLF!!! hes so great i love him. SAWYERRRR !!!!! SAWYER !! 10.3/10
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vintagepresley · 3 months
First off.. Austin? Fine as fuck in this movie. FINE AS FUCK. This man had me feeling all sorts of things watching this movie. He didn’t speak much but his character was definitely a mysterious and complicated one. So much so that I want the book because I need to know more about Benny. I feel like we didn’t get to know him much.
Now onto the other characters, I really love Kathy. She was giving me Karen vibes from Goodfellas. (Which I’ll circle back to that) I just really enjoyed her character and she was funny and just didn’t take shit especially when it came to her man Benny. But at the same time that life was just not for her in the end. Tom Hardy (I love Tom so much) he was everything I was expecting him to be. This man’s accents sometimes in movies kill me, lol. I love the bond between him and Benny. Which again.. I want more details about them and their relationship and how they came to be to know one another. They obviously cared deeply for each other like a father/son type of deal. It was clear Johnny making this club was supposed to just be a fun thing until it wasn’t.
I love that each character just brought something different and interesting to the club. Everyone was certainly unique in their own way, lmfaoooo. Which brings me to Micheal Shannon. Micheal Shannon is probably top five for me when it comes to actors. This man in my eyes is underrated and always has been. It’s just so funny seeing him pop up in movies and he’s always playing such an odd ball character and he does it so well because he is kind of odd ball in real life. When he’s introduced I just thought it was so funny. Then the stories he would tell. 😭
This was such a great film and I’m clearly no movie reviewer. But there was still so much mystery to this film like I want to know more about these people. Especially Austin’s character as I stated. I don’t know.. I felt like he had a story especially with the way he kind of carried himself through the film.
Then lastly.. Parts of this movie gave me a Martin Scorsese feel to it. Especially the very beginning and like I said Kathy reminds me of Karen from Goodfellas. When she’s narrating how she met Benny and how in Goodfellas she narrates how she first met Henry. I just kept seeing similarities in certain scenes. But maybe that’s just me?
But anyway, I loved this movie and I would definitely go and see it again! Oh, last thing! The soundtrack was 10/10 for me. So damn good.
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birgittesilverbae · 2 years
Rightrightright but Mary pointing her shotgun at lilith and the surgeon and threatening everyone who was gonna take out the halo because she wanted Shannon to live more than the mission and then Bea tackling ava away from Micheal. Do you think she pictured mary crying as she kissed Shannon goodbye with every step she allowed herself towards Ava. Knowing that even if she gives in and allows herself to love her they are still headed for destruction. Just not the kind she was raised to fear
rightrightright but anon who h u r t you "they're still headed for destruction, just not the kind she was raised to fear" this is my last straw my dude
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camelspit · 11 months
Official Keeper Art Contest
Round 3: Previous Round
Dex Dizznee - Laura Hollingsworth vs Maruca Chebota Foxfire - Ana Marija (Oct 16)
Spyball Iggy - Shannon Messenger vs Stuffed Animals - Felia Hanakata (Oct 17)
Lady Gisela - Laura Hollingsworth vs Linh Week Art - Micheal Mwangi (Oct 18)
Sophie Hugs the Ruewens - Felia Hanakata vs Stellarlune - Jason Chan (Oct 19)
Nightfall - Jason Chan vs Sophie in Atlantis - Felia Hanakata (Oct 20)
Gremlins - Felia Hanakata vs Moonlark - Felia Hanakata (Oct 21)
Exile Hardback Cover 2 - Shannon Messenger vs Marella Redek Lineart - Courtney Godbey (Oct 22)
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