#MidWest HC
bongworthy · 1 year
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joansblondells · 2 years
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carpetbug · 6 months
nino loves midwest emo send post
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autism-swagger · 1 year
Tara headcanons part 2!!
Part 1
She had what everyone thought was a very one sided rivalry with Ethan. It was not one sided. Tara never lets anyone hear the end of it.
Needs glasses. Refuses to wear glasses.
Christina got rid of any pictures of Mr. Carpenter, so Tara doesn't realize how much he looks like his dad (a lot) until New York, when Sam offhandedly mentions it.
Conversely, Sam looks almost exactly like Christina, with only some of her features being from Billy. It stresses Tara out sometimes, mostly when she's not entirely lucid, like when she's half asleep or dissociating. There have been a couple of occasions where Sam's presence made Tara's panic attacks worse, and someone else had to step in.
Was one of those kids who roleplayed Warrior Cats at recess in middle school.
He doesn't have any way to remember what Amber looks like. She tore all the physical photos down in a fit of rage and the ones on their phone make them panic. He draws her instead.
100% growls and hisses at stuff (including people). She was most likely raised primarily by her weirdass sister (and is also from Woodsboro) she's bound to be a weird little freak.
Always knows when it's about to rain because of her leg.
Y'all know Wendy Williams weird obsession with The Killer? Yeah.
Do NOT give him the aux. She listens to the most insufferable music ever (think midwest emo. Also ICP, but that's Sam's fault).
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cosmic-walkers · 22 days
leon being italian and luis being spanish like ....those are the two most likely and unlikely white euopean people to pair together, it makes them perfect.
who is more catholic out of the two? the only correct answer is luis, whereas leon is an agnostic ex catholic lmao
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bitchyblkqueer · 4 months
good luck babe, please!
barry is having a crisis re: his sexuality!! and ofc hal is involved!
this is also the next part of my series on ao3. i based it on a song about sitting alone at a bar so now a bar has to be the setting for each fic... which has been difficult for me as someone who does not drink.
Barry kept commenting on how he’d improve the chemical-themed puns on the bar menu, which Hal teased him about and definitely didn’t find endearing. He’d left him waiting at their table, insisting on actually paying for them for once.  The bar was surprisingly busy. The bartenders wore lab coats and gloves and masks. Safety goggles sat on their heads. It’s what he imagined Barry looked like in his lab. “What's yer poison?" the bartender asked. Hal scrolled through the menu on Barry’s phone. “Do you have beer? The cheaper, the better.” The bartender adjusted their goggles. “We don’t carry beer. We have a hard kombucha?” What the fuck? Thankfully, Hal had an incredible poker face. “Why don’t you make me two of your favorites?” he asked. The bartender smirked and got to work. Hal missed the dive he used to frequent at Andrews. Who didn’t carry beer?
Two colorful drinks in a large taped flask were set in front of him. “SCIENCE PUN. It’s dangerous,” they said with a wink.  Hal grabs the drinks and wanders over to their booth to find Barry taking down some nachos.  “Easy Bear, no one's taking it from you,” Hal says. Barry glared at him while stuffing a handful of nachos into his mouth.  “Cute,” Hal says before placing the beaker in front of him. “I see why Iris locked it down.” He skillfully ignored the tugging in his chest. “Shut up,” Barry says. “You didn’t have to get me anything, you know. It was nice enough for you to take me here.” Hal rolled his eyes. “I did. And you might need it," Hal reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a flask.  “I have it on good authority that this shit is strong enough to overcome even your metabolism.” Barry stared at him blankly. “So you can get fucked up! Don't you miss being under the influence?” “I was never much of a drinker,” Barry says softly, taking the flask from Hal’s hands. “Or anything else for that matter.” He unscrews the cap and brings the flask to his nose. “It doesn’t smell like anything." “The best stuff never does," Hal says, even though he has no idea if it’s true. But it seemed right. Ollie would know.
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nehswritesstuffs · 1 year
you know, maybe one of the reasons Law has resonated with me as a character lately is because he ate the Ope-Ope no Mi/Op-Op Fruit and my Midwestern American ass recognizes that sacred word and just clings to it because he is exactly the type of guy who would wear a hoodie with shorts and exudes not only big I Might Have Had A Rebellious Phase But I’m A Professional Now If You Would Just Listen to Me I am So Tired energy but also what is Flevance but a Rust Belt town decimated by toxic mining and a government filled with just enough people who want to sweep it under the rug and look the other way and this doesn’t even get into headcanons about Flevance being the Low Countries/more Dutch than what most people think of when they read “German” bc it caters to my personal whims or Detroit parallels because I will make Detroit parallels about every fictional center of wealth and prosperity and culture that gets fucking abandoned and treated like trash (especially by those around it) and no one can stop me
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royposting · 1 year
sooo upset at the suggestion klavier is 0% german
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suck-my-tomato · 2 years
Sasuke listens to “Midwest Emo Music” and nothing can convince me otherwise
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buck1eys · 2 years
one thing about the byres is they have the BIGGEST sweet tooth
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blxxditout · 10 months
Day 6: Is there any place besides the survivors campfire that he hangs out at, if so what are they and why? From your secret Santa
The campfire is a solid place to hang around, granted there's safety in numbers and the safety of the light that surrounds it. It can get kind of crowded though when there aren't a lot of trials going on and everyone piles into that one area. Sid being... Sid, prefers a quieter place to hang around. The sunnier realms are nice, if he can avoid the killers that reside over them. Coldwind is warm and humid enough, far preferable than the perpetual night or coldness that almost all other realms have. Then there's the rare case of R.P.D.
It's cold, as if it freshly rained, but it has an odd allure to it. The place feels like a museum, starting with the main lobby and heading up the stairs onto the second floor. It's hard to believe that it was a police department with how large it is, let alone how it feels. He's not on good terms with the killers there, but he thinks one tolerates him enough. After all, he let him crash once to free him of the dreadful chill that pushed him out when the campfire got crowded. He thinks he ought to head back again some time soon, with a gift, to show his thanks.
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vanyatas · 27 days
Midwest emo.
But in a more silly way if you feel me chat
Very sweet, He’s still a bit younger than the rest of the creeps so i still feel like he has a bit of joy and whimsy
Gash on his cheek from chewing through it.
Cannibalistic tendencies.
Soft, brown, messy hair, goes down to his neck but keeps it medium length on the top.
Operator mark on his ribs.
Car seat headrest(LMFAOOO), Angels and Airwaves, Weezer, Ptv, Modern Baseball, American Football, Sorority Noise, Origami Angel, Title Fight, Mom Jeans, No Pressure enjoyer.
Chews on his hands and finger tips
Wears leather gloves to avoid this
Def has BPD
Even if he’s sweet, because he has this ^ his mood can be set off immediately.
Piercings. Double eyebrow and a septum, ears as well.
Gets them done to see if he likes them, Will probably take them out a second later if he thinks it doesn’t look right.
BROWN EYESSS PLSS DO YALL FEEL ME!! I see him having very dark brown ones.
Skinnier, But by god does he have muscles regardless!! nothing too toned, but he’s definitely built from well. being a killer and having to chase and do crazy shit.
Stutters yes.
Autistic, PTSD, Tourette’s, Tics, CIPA, and Schizophrenia!! Keeping it 90% og still.
Also attention starved, It gets to him severely that Masky is The Operators favorite.
They’re still friends. Along with Jeff, EJ, BEN and Hoodie.
Hoodie and him don’t talk a lot.
A little awkward.
After all Clockwork was his first girlfriend.
They ended on good terms but I digress.
Even if he’s anxious and awkward, He is trying his best to try to flirt and show he likes you.
It might fail 50% of the time and he just apologizes and fast walks away to scream at himself for fucking it up.
Mid-Dating he might be a little fucking scared to even kiss you.
Will look at u with his autistic eyes until he either just walk away with a hot face or if you take the initiative to kiss him first.
Probably feel melt and blow up if you kiss him without him asking or staring.
Any compliments will make him stim I’d like to think.
Get excited to tell you about anything.
If you reciprocate, a burst of ‘i love you so much’ and more rants about the things he likes.
Once he’s settled in enough he will be at your door every night to sleep with you.
Cuddles omg, the amount of physical affection you will receive once he’s comfortable enough is crazy.
Plays with your hair, scratches at your scalp.
He would love to do the trend where you buy nail polish of each others eye color n paint it on your nails, or buy gemstones to make bracelets.
Might carve your initials into the wood of his hatchets when you guys are together for while.
Cups your face before he kisses you.
WILL burrow his face into any part of you.
Show him new music and he will listen to it everyday to memorize it for you.
can i go to ellie and mason. HOUSE 💜
also it might be obvious i have a favorite.. 100% listened to don’t you dare forget the sun writing this.
HUGEEE creds to bae (/plat) @kumcore !!
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fictionandfixation · 1 month
Older Bachelor headcanons!
Older Bachelor stardew headcanons because I’ve been playing lots recently! All sfw, some mentions of smoking/alcohol 💕 also please bear in mind I am no SDV expert, so sorry if these go against canon occasionally!
Harvey ☕️🔬📚
• Secret smoking habit that he would rather die than tell anyone about. Not often, but during flu season when he’s stressed, you can find him cooped up in his room with an imported cigar or a Marlboro Gold, an espresso and an Agatha Christie.
• Plays classic soul, funk, golden oldies and jazz in the foyer of the clinic on an old-timey record player, and chooses every day from his large record collection. Frequently irritates Maru with the extent of his Doris Day enjoyment.
• Kind of wide-set - very broad shoulders, and quite tall.
• Packets of salted peanuts and cookies on the clinic foyer desk which he restocks every week.
• Goes to fetch you personally from the mines or Skull Cavern sometimes when you get knocked out. And he also keeps a vintage forest green car behind the clinic to pick you up in. He hopes one day you’ll wake up on the way back and compliment his tasteful vehicle choice or notice he’s bringing you home. You don’t.
• Best friends with Evelyn. Worst enemies with George.
• Tennis player. Plays with whoever will say yes in the mountains and always manages to punt the ball into the lake somehow. Also used to be in a rock climbing club at university, and has sort of sinewy forearms as a result.
• Outrageous flirt after a few glasses of Pinot Noir, mostly because I think he’s on the spectrum but also because I think it would help him stop being quite so nervous.
• Brown suspenders. Every. Single. Day.
• Gives Jas and Vincent candy after their checkup.
• “Sweetheart/honey” as a nickname for you.
Elliott 📜🖋️🐚
• Striped. Matching. Pajamas.
• Finds, forages and cooks mussels when he needs to impress someone. And on that note, very much a French cuisine enjoyer.
• If blue cheese has no fans Elliott is dead.
• Rizz master. Silver tongue. Read so much romance when he was a teenager that it has actively become a part of his personality to be a book boyfriend.
• Very willowy and slender. Metabolism of the gods. Puts away food like it’s nobody’s business.
• Can read several languages, but just can’t master an accent so never uses them in a spoken context. Definitely a student of Latin.
• English accent headcanon! Probably spent the first couple of decades of his life in somewhere high-income like Warwickshire, or (more likely) Cornwall or Exeter, on or near the coast. I am also envisioning him as having been to an old collegiate university like Durham, or maybe a college at Oxford (Merton I reckon).
• Writes and then burns poems about everyone he’s ever been in love with. Starts keeping them when he meets you.
• Chats fashion history with Emily and Haley.
• Religious about his collection of cravat-style ties because he’s seen the Colin Firth Pride and Prejudice a few too many times.
• Frequent book club gatherings with Caroline, Marnie, Robin and Jodi (mostly because mothers love him, the main selling point here being that he has definitely read at least one Jodi Picoult book. He does not remember anything about it, he’s just glad to be invited).
“Dearest/my love” as a pet name.
Shane 🍺🍕🐓
• Snores. Very quiet about it though.
• I know a lot of people HC Harvey as oldest but I reckon it’s Shane. He also acts the most like a bitter old man whereas I feel Harvey is just ‘mature’.
• Could be convinced to grow a beard. Maybe.
• Goes for a jog three times a week. Hates it. Refuses to stop and really isn’t even sure why he does it himself any more.
• Secret Lana Del Rey enjoyer. Mainly a fan of Midwest emo, classic rock, nu metal and sometimes country but the kind of country where they sing about killing people and getting away with it.
• Raised by heavily Christian parents in the Deep South. Yes this is a Southern accent headcanon. Yeehaw.
• Lets Jas put eyeshadow on him sometimes. Shaves properly only when she wants to put makeup on him.
• Craft beer’s number one opp. Wants an ice cold tap Budweiser only, and if there isn’t enough head on it he will be asking for a refund. Not that Gus would ever do that to him.
• Has muscle with padding. Very strong, very wide in stature, but not lean at all. Biceps wider than your neck that you could (and would) use as pillows.
• Makes the most insane hangover breakfast known to man. Bacon. Pancakes. Sausage. Home fries. Butter. Syrup. You’re putting on a bit of healthy relationship weight for sure with Shane as your partner.
• “Darlin’/baby” user. “Sweet cheeks” as a joke. Kind of a joke.
Hope you guys enjoyed these!! I am down irretrievable for Older Bachelor content because I love ✨older men✨
Please let me know if you’d like some more for these characters or the other bachelors and bachelorettes!
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
could you please write something abt roadtripping with charlie bushnell?
hey!! and yeah of course! ; and thank you so much, I appreciate it a lot 🫶🫶 ; thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; I put this in a hc format bc I could not make this a oneshot lmfaoooo
CHARLIE BUSHNELL ; roadtripping
summary ; what it's like to roadtrip with charlie
warnings ; language, a joke at republicans
word count ; 370
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you usually switch around who's driving every couple hours to keep it fair
but he's usually the one who drives first
you're usually staring out the window, jamming to music, and taking pictures of cool/pretty views
you put on 365, good luck babe, popular dance pop songs when you have aux
he puts on more like singalong type songs, like zach brian, bo burnham, yk??
it's either that or like rap / hip hop
like my girl megan, yeat, ian, joey valance & brae, etc etc
you're vibing the whole way to your next location unless one of you / both of you are safely asleep
he goes off on tangents about nature and random shit he just magically knows
and you listen
then rant about music or books or whatever fandoms you're in or some crack ass fanfic you discovered at 3am
he's a calm driver
but if it's really dark or storming and he can't see in front of him, he's literally hunched over the wheel panicking
he often stops at gas stations every couple hours to get snacks and for bathroom breaks
he gets you a little stuffed animal and your fav snacks if you want them as well
he's got a ton of travel mags in his dashboard thing (the drawer thing I forget what it's called gang)
you flip through them a lot
"ooo woah that's so pretty"
"it is"
"wow, that's insane, holy shit"
"midwest core"
"bye it looks like republicans for miles"
you often play tag in parking lots when stretching your legs, the radio blasting cute songs (slow dancing in a parking lot by jordan davis, detour by maren morris, etc)
when you're asleep in the passengers seat, he'll often rest a hand on your thigh or over your hand on the console
sometimes he stops to drape a blanket over you if you haven't already
when he's asleep, you often hold his hand with the other on the wheel, or hum him to sleep absentmindedly cause you were focusing on the road and enjoying the music
you often take videos of each other doing funny shit, saying funny shit, etc
you've got albumsss of snaps in the car and pics of each other w dumb filters
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puplee · 6 months
.* CW ; Mention of drug use / sh. *.
None of this is necessarily supposed to be taken seriously so please don't tug on my balls or anything. :')
I'm gonna do a list of HCs that lean on the more " realistic " side and then some that are just kinda for fun !! YAYAYYAYAYAY !!
★ —
Okay firstly, Toby absolutely smells like shit and sweat. (*DUE TO HIS CIPA, NO HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY SWEAT*) There is NO doubt about it. I gotta admit, seeing HCs that are like "He probably smells like vanilla!" just don't sit right with me because he definitely is a very smelly man
He chews on things he isn't supposed to ( real ) ( technically canon ; did it to his cheek and hands )
He probably mutters to himself on the regular like, nonstop, incoherent bullshit that's literally about nothing
He drools out of his cheek gash unintentionally
* He would probably be a stoner. Whenever he actually attended school he got his hands on it every once in awhile, probably STINKS of weed
HE IS AN ABSOLUTE LOSER. Probably listens to midwest emo music and cries to it like a bitch 😒
If he holds hands with someone he fidgets with their fingers
He's really nitpicky about his bandages, if they aren't wrapped on the correct way he hyper focuses on it for hours until they're just right
HE PLAYS WITH ACTION FIGURES. Not necessarily in a childish way but he likes to pose them
He paces
* Self inflicted scars like all across his body ( this is technically canon but we ball )
Can barely grow like any facial hair so whenever he starts to have a little bit of a stache coming in he savors the moment
Cannot cook. Burns his food
Loves raccoons so much. Tries to cuddle them but usually gets his face mutilated by some claws if he even gets near one
His favorite hero is Wolverine because he relates to him in a way
Sits down in the shower ( whenever he actually remembers to shower )
One time he got caught in a bear trap and walked around with it clamped to his leg for like a day
Major jealousy problems, especially whenever slenderman is giving the other proxies more attention than him. He takes it so seriously because he sacrificed his relationship with his mom to live this life
Gets hella annoyed when his goggles fog up because they do A LOT
Picks bugs up off the ground
He has HORRIBLE posture
Of course we're all well aware of his regular get up but whenever he's chilling at the mansion he's always wearing some beat up band tee and some sweats or cargo shorts
I THINK THAT THAT'S IT FOR RN!! But I'm obsessed with him so I'm probably adding onto it and making a few changes here and there
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as-is-yours · 2 months
happy 2024 summer olympics!
some tog watching the olympics hcs for the soul because i love the olympics and i decided they do too:
andy competed in the ORIGINAL greek olympics. yes she did
with the guard being as competitive as they are, the olympics are a BIG deal in the safe house - it’s like the football world cup but all day every day for three weeks straight
it’s obviously too dangerous for the guard to attend the olympics these days with all of the cameras and media, so they hunker down in a safehouse and watch as much as they can on TV
they used to go most years though, nicky even told nile that he considered competing in olympic shooting back in the mid 1900s but it was too high profile to risk it
quynh was in the ocean when they brought back the olympic games as we know them today. her first olympics year back with the guard she asks andy why everyone is clothed and where the victors wreaths are
nile LOVES the olympics so she fits right into the dynamic when the first olympics of her time with the guard roll around
she was a little nervous about coming on too strong that first year, but when she saw how hard they roast each other and how much they goaded her into being just as competitive and aggressive as they were, she settled in easily
they would later regret unlocking that part of her once they realize how painful watching the olympics with an american is
nile keeps a scoreboard on the wall next to the TV where she updates the medal counts daily and reminds everyone who’s winning (the usa)
joe, quynh, and booker prefer the summer olympics while nile and andy prefer the winter olympics. nicky is just happy to make some money off of booker when france loses, no matter the season
“andy im getting us a peacock account to watch the olympics, they’re starting next week” “peacock account? what the hell is peacock? like the bird??”
there’s ALWAYS a bet going on. for the full duration of the olympic games there is never not a bet going on
nile will be doing joe’s dishes for a month after kaylia nemour beat suni lee in the uneven bars final
booker owes nicky €300 after italy advanced out of the first round of the women’s doubles tennis tournament (france did not) and another €1000 for italy winning the gold medal
andy stays out of the betting for the most part, or just picks the best athlete rather than one representing her home nation
“andy, that’s cheating—” “the scythians were nomadic. i don’t even remember where i was born so i’ll pick whichever athlete i damn well please, and you—” “okay, fine! we get it!”
andy found quynh wandering in a desert, quynh doesn’t really remember where she’s from either so she picks her favorite athletes based on vibe and which countries were her favorites to travel around with andy
there aren’t nearly as many north african athletes as there are italian, french, and american so joe starts adopting the athletes with the most heartwarming comeback/underdog stories as his faves
i feel like nile LOVES usa gymnastics having been a teen watching gabby douglas and simone biles!
that girl was SAT for every gymnastics event cheering on team usa like it was her job
andy has broken her neck attempting to pull off the stunts she sees in olympic snowboarding, gymnastics, skateboarding, figure skating, etc…. but sometimes she nails them. and it’s sick as fuck
nile is from the midwest i know she’s an ice hockey enjoyer. she pregames the winter olympics by making the guard watch miracle (2004) (nicky cries)
booker makes a drinking game for watching the games. he prints out the rules and pins them up next to nile’s medal count. take a sip when an announcer starts yelling, a shot when a random celebrity is shown on the broadcast, and finish your drink when a medalist cries
whenever great britan places below one of the guard’s countries, copley receives a very vulgar and unsportsmanlike text from them
no, quynh does not watch swimming events. thank you for asking
the couch is NOT a safe space. anything goes during the olympics. anyone who gets too mean (or whose athlete loses) can and will be pushed off the couch and exiled to the armchair
i will surely update this as the olympics continue and my friends and i get up to more hijinks. stay tuned and enjoy the greatest sporting event ever conceived
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