#Mig-El art
ronnyraygun · 9 months
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Some not very recent art of my sons.
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staiinbk8 · 5 days
Faltan 4 horas para que salga de la Oscuridad "8K MILLONES"
Segunda Pieza del Rompecabezas, es un cruce junto a mis socios @sickllira y @pinkkpuddle
Por otro lado MiG @hernandezmuerto es el culpable del Arte
#chontadurogang #a0life
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canalsart · 21 days
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La propera 15na. Biennal Manifesta, biennal nòmada europea, enguany té Sant Cugat i la serralada de Collserola, com a indrets on s’hi faran diferents propostes d’aquesta biennal.
Sant Cugat, situada als peus de Collserola que és un dels parcs metropolitans més extensos del món, ha estat un indret històricament destacat a partir del segle XII, amb l’imponent conjunt monàstic al bell mig de la ciutat, on l’escultor Arnau Cadell hi va realitzar l’important claustre Romànic. L´art ha sigut creatiu al peus de la serralada, nosaltres presentem alguns del artistes que han tingut o tenen el seu taller amb una mostra de juliol i agost 2024. CARMEN ANZANO, SERGI BARNILS, FRANCESC CABANAS ALIBAU, CANALS GUA, MARTÍN CARRA, CASADEMONT Le Vieux, JOAQUIM CHANCHO, PEP CODÓ, NEUS COLET, CARLES DELCLAUX, GRAU GARRIGA, SALVADOR JOANPERE i JOSEP ROYO
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eifoslaleifos · 4 months
Dan: Hey folkens! Jeg havde planlagt at uploade noget julekunst idag, men fordi jeg er blevet syg, så ønsker jeg jer bare glædelig jul i dette post😊🎄 jeg har måske tænkt mig at uploade julekunsten enten ved nytårs aften eller lige i begyndelsen af 2024
Eng: Hey guys! I was planning to upload some Christmas art today, but because i’ve gone down with a bit of sickness, i’m just gonna wish you guys a merry Christmas in this post😊🎄 i might upload the Christmas art either by new year’s eve or in the very beginning of 2024
Esp: ¡Hola, chicos! Estaba planeando subir algo de arte navideño hoy, pero como me enfermé un poco, solo les desearé una feliz Navidad en esta publicación 😊🎄 Podría subir el arte navideño antes de la víspera de año nuevo. o a principios de 2024
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jaumesclub · 7 months
🎙️ Benvinguts i benvingudes a un nou capítol del podcast diari d'entreteniment i actualitat preferit de (gairebé) tota la humanitat: "Un home 10". 😄📻 🤩En Jau Fibla us acompanyarà, com sempre, amb dinamisme i en català, per oferir-vos una experiència única. 😎🎤 Avui ens centrem en temes molt importants, i sense que serveixi de precedent, molt seriosos: 💥Amb mig món en alguna guerra, comentem amb tristesa la cruel i salvatge guerra que s'ha inflamat encara més entre Israel i Palestina. 🇮🇱🇵🇸 💌 Celebrem els dies internacionals, avui, és el "Dia del Correu", el de  l'"Art Rupestre" i el d'acció de Gràcies (a Canadà).📮🎨🦃 🚶‍♂️ Una manifa de nostàlgics del franquisme a Barcelona intenta evitar la suposada amnistia de Puigdemont i altres polítics independentistes catalans. 🚶‍♀️ 🚀 Elon Musk té cada cop més poder sobre la política mundial, i en Jau es desespera.🌌 🤝 Ens preguntem si ser honrat i polític és possible, una reflexió sobre l'ètica en la política. 🤔🤝 🧠 Descobrim un article de La Vanguardia sobre les veus interiors i com influeixen en les nostres decisions i emocions. Una mirada a la psicologia humana. 👤🧠 I, com sempre, les seccions habituals: el santoral, el Temps, i els aniversaris dels Famosos!📅🌦️🎉 Gaudiu d'aquest episodi i no oblideu deixar els vostres comentaris i subscriure-us per a més contingut informatiu en català! 🎉😄🎥
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benz-503-wordsaday · 1 year
November 3rd, 2022
He just had too... William Gibson, gibbons and jamming late night on an Ibsen, Ibis, iris, sly and fly and stylish, pattern recognition - re: ip slash config slash migs and hornets and jets, sonic booms, fingers flying, weaving looms, loam, soil, Egyptian banks... Fit it all in: flesh in Spanxs, Spock talk, live long and prospie forever and ever, Neverland, and neuroromancer, pirouette, midnight dancers. Clocks, balk, fox trot fox trot. Blood clots, crib talk, baby babble/saber rattle, tiger tooth and whiskey tango, go, go.   At the point in my mathing where I'm finally encountering squiggles. Similar deep sigh, big exhale, and bewilderment middle school me felt upon discovering imaginary numbers and letters in equations (nbd tbh). Squiggle functions and equations named like streets and theaters after remarkable humans. Head hurting, but it's pretty awesome stuff. Shout out to engineers and physicists. I feel like an absolute dummy.   [------] Finally worked through my first fourier series example equation. Simple triangle function. Ouch. Oof. Math muscles very weak. Trigonometry, integrations, derivations, series, fractions... Time to make amends with old foes.   Year 5 - Benny Z and the Order of the Arkys Wish me luck.   First Attempt at Poetry em Portuguese Esta sonhei com fantasmas, eles disseram, 'gostava de ir com vocês mas não posso.' Novamente, eu acordei com apenas nós, em nossa cama viva. - BZ August 12th, 2022 Ben, Neb, Zen, Beez, and Benjamin missed repenting in the hidden digital public confessional. They missed the sorting and disentangling of thoughts, impressions, impulses, reactions, responses, ideas, hunches, feelings, experiences, sights, moments, interactions, and recollections that constituted waking conscious life. Something to the offloading of the open tabs - cache is king - of the mental landscape. Reviewing (gerund) Portuguese Grammar workbook and re-remembering one of the two things Ms. Stemmler said that are still indelible in the hippocampus. It was Sophomore year first period Spanish, second year, and we were learning or trying to learn how to conjugate verbs. After the worksheets were handed out she foreshadowed the complexity of the language and in a under the breath type of toss away comment said something to the effect of, ‘if you finish these worksheets don’t worry there are nineteen more tenses to learn.’ It was one of those hammer blows to an insecure student not yet comfortable with trying hard on something challenging. There were only three tenses, I’d thought, past, present, future, what could the other sixteen conjugations be about? The memory was stored in the circuit responsible for maintaining subtle hints from teachers alluding to what we don’t know about what we don’t know and recalling it must have jostled another electric impression, the time Ms. Taylor, beloved third grade teacher with a convertible, mentioned the oxford comma and the grammatical controversy surrounding its use or the lack of it. How could a ten year old imagine legions of prescriptivist and descriptivist grammarians savagely debating a punctuation mark? The mother tongue lives in the heart and habit, not yet cerebral and if it sounds right, if it reads right, it’s right whether or not anyone done got anything nice or nasty to say about it. Cookie Monster be eating cookies. A smidge of pidgin, the language arts neglected and the language of the other left unknown and unfelt and like certain fungus fear grows best in the damp and dark. They snatched children. Took them from their families. Boisterous warriors bragging about going medieval on so-and-so and a abstract understanding of the nature of the world that provides moral justification for brutal acts prevents a corrosive cognitive dissonance and what are guilt and shame and what is wrong and right and what is good and evil and who gets to be human and how many truly believe in an ontologically level playing field. Past more than perfect tense, an action in the past completed before another action. Gerund form, -ing, running, walking, thinking, talking. Past perfect: they had done what needed doing. She had loved to the best of their ability. In that same Spanish class one student jumped out the window and went to Starbucks when the teacher wasn’t paying attention. The Spanish teacher from Mexico cried in class when I was in 7th grade and the Iranian chemistry teacher cried my Freshman year when one of the students spewed some vitriol and it was embarrassing to be associated with him, though I didn’t confront him or call him out. Melting pot or quilted patchwork of cultures or something else entirely. 
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objecteiespai · 2 years
XERRADA DE MIREIA SALLARÈS Història potencial de Francesc Tosquelles, Catalunya i la por
12.05.2022 a les 19h Sala d'actes de l’#EscolaMassana
L'artista Mireia Sallarès ens parlarà de la seva darrera pel·lícula “Història potencial de Francesc Tosquelles, Catalunya i la por”. A mig camí del documental experimental i la ficció especulativa, la pel·lícula narra la història del psiquiatre català Francesc Tosquelles, no pas a partir del que ha quedat documentat de les experiències en què va participar, sinó del que ens en manca. Sense separar el llavors i l’ara, els vius dels morts, ni la presa de consciència de l’inconscient, aquest film fa història en potència d’un metge que en temps crítics del segle XX polititzà la psiquiatria capgirant la nostra relació amb la bogeria i l’home normal. “Història potencial de Francesc Tosquelles” vol reconstruir un llegat oblidat per Catalunya i el món, obrint un espai autocrític sobre la desmemòria d’aquests passats marcats per la guerra i l’exili.
Mireia Sallarès és Llicenciada en Belles Arts per la Universitat de Barcelona, amb estudis de cinema a la New School University i a la Film & Video Arts de Nova York. Treballa com a realitzadora independent de documentals i utilitza el vídeo com una via d’investigació antropològica, però també com un instrument narratiu.
Entrevista con Xavier Graset en Més324, el 5 de marzo de 2020. Enllaç aquí.
Reseña de Laura Calçada en Mostrador de llibres de El Temps de les Arts, el 27 de diciembre de 2019. Enllaç aquí.
«Mireia Sallarès: “Què m’ha fet més feliç? El primer orgasme que vaig tenir per mi mateixa, amb quasi 30 anys”», entrevista en el programa Àrtic, en Betevé, el 9 de diciembre de 2019. Enllaç aquí.
«Mireia Sallarès, artista: “Trobar una dona que té sexe només quan en té ganes, és feina d’arqueòleg”», entrevista en el programa Les dones i els dies, en CatRàdio, el 24 de noviembre de 2019. Enllaç aquí.
«Parlar net», reseña de Imma Monsó en La Vanguardia, el 3 de octubre de 2019. Enllaç aquí.
En un context global carregat d’imatges fugaces i efímeres, però produïdes des d’un règim visual hegemònic, es fa necessari generar espais de creativitat que qüestionin els rols assignats pels mitjans de comunicació i els relats institucionals. A les ciutats hi habita una memòria visual extraordinària relativa a les lluites socials, als moviments de base i als cossos i identitats dissidents que són els que els confereixen la seva personalitat reivindicativa i revolucionària. ULLAL vol esdevenir un catalitzador, en l’escenari que és la ciutat de Barcelona, d’aquesta energia dissident i generar un arxiu visual que, des del present, en segueixi donant compte. Volem incidir, des de la pràctica fotogràfica, en la realitat d’aquelles persones, col·lectius i esdeveniments, que sovint són exclosos tant del camp de visió hegemònic com de la producció d’imatges. El motor d’ULLAL és doble. D’una banda, l’okupació de l’imaginari dominant i, de l’altra, posar el focus en les accions col·lectives i socials que, a través d’exercicis quotidians i organitzats de resistència, plantegen i reclamen una alternativa de vida més sostenible i justa.
Ullal es planteja en format festival que inclou una exposició col·lectiva, un acte central, una festa o kafeta i un programa d’activitats i xerrades.
Per a participar al festival, obrirem anualment una convocatòria.
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isitsapphic · 4 years
All of these shows/movies have sapphic characters in them
Attempting to provide the most comprehensive list of TV shows and movies with sapphic characters. TV shows are followed by a list of wlw characters. Some films have been cited with their original title as well as the English translation. Please message me or submit a post with any missing shows or films. 
-Aimee & Jaguar
-All About E
-All American (Coop, Patience)
-Almost Adults
-Ana Y Vitoria
-Anatomy of a Love Seen
-Antonia’s Line
-Anyone But Me (unsure which characters)
-Atomic Blonde
-Atypical (Casey, Izzie)
-Battle of the Sexes
-La Belle Saison/ Summertime
-Below her Mouth
-Better Than Chocolate
-Birds of Prey
-The Bisexual (unsure which characters)
-Black Lightning (Anissa, Grace)
-Blue Gate Crossing
-Blue is the Warmest Color
-The Bold Type (Kat, Adina)
-Broad City (Ilana)
-Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Rosa)
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Tara, Willow, Kennedy)
-Bumblefuck USA
-But i'm a Cheerleader
-Cable Girls (Carlotta)
-Carmilla (Carmilla, Laura)
-Charmed reboot (Mel, Nico, Jada)
-Chasing Life (Brenna)
-Ci Qing/Spider Lilies
-The Danish Girl
-Dear White People (Kelsey, Brooke)
-Degrassi: Next Class (Rasha, Zoe)
-Desert Hearts
-Drifting Flowers
-Duck Butter
-The Duke of Burgundy
-Elena Undone
-Elisa and Marcela 
-Entre Nous/Between Us
-Everything Sucks (Kate, Emaline)
-Faking It (Amy)
-Farewell, My Queen
-The Favourite
-Fear of Water
-Feel Good (Mae, George)
-The Feels
-Les Filles Du Botaniste/ The Chinese Botanist’s Daughter
-The Firefly
-First Girl I Loved
-The Fosters (Stef, Lena, Monty)
-Four-Faced Liar
-Fremde Haut/Unveiled
-Friends (Carol, Susan)
-Fucking Amal/Show Me Love
-Gentrified (Ana, Yessika)
-The Girl King
-Girltrash: All Night Long
-Glee (Brittany, Santana, Dani)
-Glow (Yolanda, Arthie)
-Gentleman Jack (Anne, Ann)
-Gray Matters
-Grey’s Anatomy (Callie, Arizona, Carina, Penny, Amelia, Erica)
-Go Fish 
-Godless (Mary Agnes)
-Good Trouble (Alice)
-The Good Wife (Kalinda)
-Gotham (Barbara, Tabitha, Renee)
-Gypsy (Jean, Sidney)
-The Half of It
-The Handmaid’s Tale (Moira, Emily)
-The Handmaiden 
-Hart of Dixie (Crickett)
-The Haunting of Bly Manor (Jamie, Dani)
-The Haunting of Hill House (Theodora, Trish)
-Heart Beats Loud
-Heavenly Creatures
-High Art
-High Fidelity (Robyn)
-The Hours
-How to Get Away With Murder (Annalise, Eve)
-The Hunger 
-I Am Not Okay With This (Sydney)
-I Can’t Think Straight
-If These Walls Could Talk 2
-Imagine Me & You
-The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love
-The Intervention
-Intimates (Ji sor)
-Itty Bitty Titty Committee
-It’s In the Water 
-Jane the Virgin (Rose, Luisa, Petra, Jane Ramos)
-Jennifer’s Body
-Jenny’s Wedding
-Jessica Jones (Jeri)
-Joven y Alocada/Young and Wild
-Karmen Gei
-The Kids are Alright
-Killing Eve (Eve, Villanelle)
-The Killing of Sister George
-Kissing Jessica Stein
-Kyss Mig/ Kiss Me
-The L Word (basically all of them)
-Legends of Tomorrow (Sara, Ava)
-Lez Bomb
-Life Partners
-Light as a Feather (Alex)
-Lip Service (basically all of them)
-Liz in September
-Lost and Delirious
-Lost Girl (Lauren, Bo)
-Love My Life
-Loving Anabelle
-Madam Secretary (Kat)
-Madchen in Uniform
-Madre Solo Hay Dos (Mariana, Ana)
-Margarita with a Straw
-Marvel’s Runaways (Karolina, Nico)
-Master of None (Denise)
-Mein Freund aus Faro/ My Friend from Faro
-A Mi Madre Le Gustan Las Mujeres/ My Mother Likes Women
-The Miseducation of Cameron Post
-Mulholland Drive
-My Summer of Love
-El Nino Pez/ The Fish Child
-One Day at a Time (Syd, Elena)
-Orange is the New Black (a lot of them)
-The Originals (Freya, Keelin)
-Orphan Black (Cosima, Delphine, Kenzie)
-A Perfect Ending
-The Perfection
-Person of Interest (Root, Shaw)
-Personal Best
-Pitch Perfect Trilogy
-The Politician (Skye)
-Portrait of a Lady on Fire
-Portrait of a Serial Monogamist 
-Princess Cyd
-Pretty Little Liars (Emily, Maya, Paige, Alison)
-Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
-Puccini for Beginners
-Queen Sugar (Nova)
-Queer as Folk (unsure which characters)
-Reaching for the Moon
-Red Doors
-Riverdale (Cheryl, Toni)
-Rookie Blue (Gail, Holly)
-Room in Rome
-Rosewood (Pippy, TMI)
-Rough Night
-The Runaways
-Russian Doll (Lizzy)
-Sancharram/ The Journey
-Santa Clarita Diet (Lisa, Anne)
-Saving Face 
-Saving Hope (Maggie, Sydney)
-The Secret Diaries of Ms Anne Lister
-A Secret Love
-Sense 8 (Amanita, Nomi)
-Set it Off
-Sex Education (unsure which characters)
-She’s Gotta Have It (Nola)
-Shrill (Fran)
-Signature Move
-The Sinner (Heather)
-Skins (Naomi, Emily)
-South of Nowhere (Ashley, Spencer)
-The Spy Who Dumped Me
-Stranger Inside
-Stranger Things (Robin)
-Stud Life
-The Summer of Sangalie
-Supergirl (Alex, Maggie, Kelly)
-Tales of the City (unsure which characters)
-Trinkets (unsure which characters)
-Tru Love
-The Truth about Jane
-V for Vendetta
-Vida (unsure which characters)
-Viola di Mare/The Sea Purple
-Vita and Virginia
-The Walking Dead (Tara)
-Water Lillies
-The Watermelon Woman
-Wentworth (Bea, Allie, Frankie, Bridget)
-When Night is Falling
-With Every Heartbeat
-Workin’ Moms (Frankie, Giselle)
-The World to Come
-Wynona Earp (Waverly, Nicole, Shae)
-Yes or No
-You and Me Forever
-You, Me, Her (Izzy, Emma)
-Younger (Maggie, Lauren)
-The 100 (Clarke, Lexa, Niylah)
-911 (Hen, Karen, Eva)
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brandinglr · 4 years
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La publicació d'avui no té relació amb el branding però si en l'art, en l'art de poder expressar allò que et ve de gust dibuixar.
Des de ben petita que la creativitat pròpia floreix, des de les vegades que construïa cabanes amb material del bosc o fins quan m'inventava històries fictícies i jo formava part d'aquestes... el cas és que des de petits som creatius. Hi ha qui li agradava més fer espectacles de tota mena, altres que preferien estar en mig de la natura o bé aquells que admiraven les històries d'una mà de contes. Dient això em fa enyorar la meva infància... però per sort, puc dir que la imaginació i la creativitat continuen creixent amb mi i és un element que mai marxarà de dins meu.
La imaginació la veig de color blau i la creativitat la vesteixo de taronja. M'agrada jugar amb elles, tot i que a vegades costa que ens entenguem i acabem mig enfadades fins al cap d'unes hores. Però tot i això, són les dues eines més poderoses que un pot posseir.
Poca gent sap que m'agrada dibuixar, però m'agrada dibuixar quan ho necessito, quan vull desaparèixer de tot, quan vull connectar amb mi mateixa. M'agrada el cos humà i cada una de les línies que el componen. M'agraden els colors d'aquest... com li diem a aquest color? Color de carn. Un color que pot ser rosat, pot ser taronja o pot ser amarronat. Però és allò que li diem color carn.
M'agrada el món asiàtic, sobretot el japonès però també el coreà i el xinès. Admiro cada una de les cultures i les característiques de l'art del país correspost. Una forma d'estimar la tinta, la poesia, la música o fins i tot la creació de personatges ficticis capaços de conquistar a mil i un cors de tot el món. El fet està que puc contemplar aquest art majoritàriament des de casa però el meu somni es viure'l en primera persona.
Avui tenia ganes de compartir amb tots vosaltres un tros de mi, petites creacions fetes a mà, des de la tinta d'un boli bic fins a un sol calibrat. També vull remarcar que és important saber quin és el teu propi origen, i és per aquest motiu que ho vull compartir... perquè aquestes petites obres són una suma d'un nou començament.
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ideaimateria · 3 years
Aquesta peça audiovisual és una oda a la sensualitat de menjar, a la bellesa humana, una invitació a interactuar amb els aliments de manera diferent i explorar-los en una sensualitat lúdica, reconeixent la seva voluptuosa vida. Aquesta és una crida a abraçar el desig del que és: una força positiva d’evolució arrelada profundament al cos i a la ment.
La privació sensorial és una malaltia de la societat moderna, una manifestació de la nostra desconnexió moderna de la natura: mentre les nostres ments sobredoseguen informació visual, sovint es descuiden els sentits més tàctils i olfactius, que afecten sens dubte el nostre benestar. Els científics creuen que moltes persones poden patir una escassetat crònica de tacte, anomenada "fam tàctil".
L’alimentació és un dels estímuls més sensorials de les experiències humanes, juntament amb el sexe, en què tendim a complaure’ns per satisfer la nostra fam o el nostre desig de plaer. No obstant això, les convencions socials tendeixen a silenciar els nostres instints, conduint-nos sense sentit cap a una etiqueta que ens allunya dels plaers del menjar, en lloc d’augmentar-los. Quan es van convertir els nostres instints animals, els que estan a la base de la nostra humanitat, en alguna cosa vulgar?
Caure en el desig pot ser un acte de bellesa, si es fa amb elegància o, diguem-ne, amb sentit. La recerca de la bellesa (en i per a tots els sentits) és l'objectiu de tots els desitjos, en la vida quotidiana, en la filosofia i en l'esforç artístic.
Informació adicional:
El conjunt d’estris per menjar que es mostra en aquest vídeo va ser creat per Andreas Fabian, argenter i dissenyador amb doctorat en culleres, i Charles Michel, cuiner que investiga en estètica alimentària a la Universitat d’Oxford. Dissenyats per unir la funcionalitat amb la sensualitat, pretenen estimular diversos sentits per guiar implícitament la ment cap a consums més saludables. Aquests prototips s’exhibeixen fins al febrer de 2016 a l’exposició “Cravings”, Science Museum, Londres.
Charles Michel
Charles és un cuiner professional franco-colombià interessat en la filosofia del menjar. Actualment realitza investigacions acadèmiques com a xef de residència al Crossmodal Research Laboratory, Departament de Psicologia Experimental, Universitat d’Oxford. El seu treball se centra a entendre el paper dels sentits en la modulació de la percepció del sabor, amb un interès particular en l’estètica visual dels aliments i el comportament del consum. Crear un pont entre l'art i la ciència de les pràctiques culinàries podria tenir un paper crucial per dissenyar aliments més sans i sostenibles per al futur de la humanitat.
Sense aigua per a les balenes
NWFW és un projecte d’arts visuals amb un imaginari determinat per trobades amb ments creatives que practiquen diferents formes de suports a tot el món.
A través d’imatges fixes i en moviment, l’objectiu d’aquesta plataforma / laboratori és captar paisatges sensorials fidels a la naturalesa irrepetible dels brots i dels col��laboradors implicats: és a dir, el rodatge com a representació. L’ull té l’objectiu de captar la bellesa en llocs comuns de la vida quotidiana, embellint la naturalesa dels desitjos humans a través de paisatges poètics i universos imaginaris, amb un llenguatge estèticament agradable i calmant. La imatge com a acció, una representació de la realitat imaginada pels cervells curiosos i les circumstàncies.
No Water for Whales és un projecte liderat per Juliana Gómez, psicòloga social colombiana que treballa com a fotògrafa / cineasta.
Amb: Danielle OP
Música: Tristan i Isolda - Preludi
Richard Wagner
Dirigit per Arturo Toscanini
Editing: Ana M. Alvarado
Design: Carles Murillo
Perruqueria i maquillatge: Juan D Moya
…“El menjar és una de les experiències multisensorials més riques i defineix la nostra salut i benestar, però també la nostra relació amb els altres”, va dir. “Algunes de les nostres experiències gastronòmiques més delicioses i memorables sovint provenen de menjar sense coberts”.
“Menjar amb les mans nues, xuclar-nos els dits o fins i tot llepar-nos un plat són comportaments naturals”, va afegir Fabian…
…La cullera té una punta en forma de dit humà, però la seva forma general allargada fa que s’assembli més a un icicle gran. Està dissenyat per menjar aliments gruixuts i cremosos, similars a un dipòsit de mel.
Fabian afirma que fa que el sabor del menjar sigui millor, perquè és més similar a l'experiència de llepar-se el dit, en lloc de posar un objecte estrany a la boca…
via : www.dezeen.com/2017/02/08/finger-shaped-goute-spoon-michelfabian-make-food-taste-better-cutlery/
Futur 2050
Food Design
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en relació,
Meret Oppenheim (Swiss, 1913–1985)
1936. Fur-covered cup, saucer, and spoon, Cup 4 3/8" (10.9 cm) in diameter; saucer 9 3/8" (23.7 cm) in diameter; spoon 8" (20.2 cm) long, overall height 2 7/8" (7.3 cm)
Des dels seus inicis, el surrealisme es va inspirar en el disseny i en els objectes quotidians. Però quin impacte va tenir aquest moviment artístic sobre el disseny? «Objectes de Desig. Surrealisme i disseny (1924-2020)», una de les exposicions més esperades d’aquest 2020, explorarà l’intercanvi en totes dues direccions, juxtaposant obres d’art surrealista i peces de disseny destacades dels últims cent anys per tal de revelar uns paral·lelismes que rarament s’han estudiat.
La mostra, que s’inaugurarà el proper 28 de febrer al CaixaForum Barcelona, està produïda i organitzada per la Fundació Bancària “la Caixa” amb el Vitra Design Museum, i també inclourà pintures, escultures, objectes de col·lecció, cartells, revistes, llibres i fotografies, així com pel·lícules històriques. Entre els artistes exposats, s’hi podran trobar noms com Gae Aulenti, Björk, Claude Cahun, Achille Castiglioni, Giorgio de Chirico, Le Corbusier, Salvador Dalí, Isamu Noguchi o Meret Oppenheim. El disseny de l’espai ha anat a càrrec del soci de l’ARQUIN-FAD Ignasi Bonjoch de l’Estudi Bonjoch. Després de la seva estrena a Barcelona, l’exposició itinerarà a Madrid i Sevilla.
Quan el disseny supera la realitat, un programa d’activitats comissariat pel FAD
L’any 1917 Guillaume Apollinare va encunyar el terme surréalisme a partir de la contracció de les paraules sur, que en francès vol dir “per sobre de”, i réalisme. L’obra d’art surrealista, per tant, se situaria en un nivell superior al de la pròpia realitat o, en altres paraules, en una dimensió “supra-real”. Per a Apollinare aquesta nova forma de creació era el punt de partida i la promesa de tota una sèrie de noves manifestacions que, en el futur, haurien de suposar “canvis profunds en les arts i els costums a través d’una alegria universal”.
Tal com es fa palès en la selecció d’obres de l’exposició, el disseny ha estat i encara és un terreny extraordinàriament fèrtil on han proliferat multitud de creacions que van més enllà de la seva condició d’objectes reals. Són objectes que moltes vegades desafien el mandat funcionalista i els estàndards estètics i morals de la modernitat. Situades a mig camí entre la realitat i la ficció, aquestes creacions se serveixen de la subversió, la fantasia, l’atreviment formal i la síntesi entre els diversos sentits per superar la realitat i proposar noves maneres d’interpel·lar o emocionar els seus usuaris…
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 1.17
38 BC – Octavian divorces his wife Scribonia and marries Livia Drusilla, ending the fragile peace between the Second Triumvirate and Sextus Pompey. 1362 – Saint Marcellus' flood kills at least 25,000 people on the shores of the North Sea. 1377 – Pope Gregory XI reaches Rome, after deciding to move the Papacy back to Rome from Avignon. 1524 – Giovanni da Verrazzano sets sail westward from Madeira to find a sea route to the Pacific Ocean. 1562 – France grants religious toleration to the Huguenots in the Edict of Saint-Germain. 1595 – During the French Wars of Religion, Henry IV of France declares war on Spain. 1608 – Emperor Susenyos I of Ethiopia surprises an Oromo army at Ebenat; his army reportedly kills 12,000 Oromo at the cost of 400 of his men. 1648 – England's Long Parliament passes the "Vote of No Addresses", breaking off negotiations with King Charles I and thereby setting the scene for the second phase of the English Civil War. 1773 – Captain James Cook leads the first expedition to sail south of the Antarctic Circle. 1781 – American Revolutionary War: Battle of Cowpens: Continental troops under Brigadier General Daniel Morgan defeat British forces under Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton at the battle in South Carolina. 1799 – Maltese patriot Dun Mikiel Xerri, along with a number of other patriots, is executed. 1811 – Mexican War of Independence: In the Battle of Calderón Bridge, a heavily outnumbered Spanish force of 6,000 troops defeats nearly 100,000 Mexican revolutionaries. 1852 – The United Kingdom signs the Sand River Convention with the South African Republic. 1873 – A group of Modoc warriors defeats the United States Army in the First Battle of the Stronghold, part of the Modoc War. 1885 – A British force defeats a large Dervish army at the Battle of Abu Klea in the Sudan. 1893 – Lorrin A. Thurston, along with the Citizens' Committee of Public Safety, led the Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the government of Queen Liliʻuokalani. 1899 – The United States takes possession of Wake Island in the Pacific Ocean. 1903 – El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico becomes part of the United States National Forest System as the Luquillo Forest Reserve. 1904 – Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard receives its premiere performance at the Moscow Art Theatre. 1912 – British polar explorer Captain Robert Falcon Scott reaches the South Pole, one month after Roald Amundsen. 1915 – Russia defeats Ottoman Turkey in the Battle of Sarikamish during the Caucasus Campaign of World War I. 1917 – The United States pays Denmark $25 million for the Virgin Islands. 1918 – Finnish Civil War: The first serious battles take place between the Red Guards and the White Guard. 1920 – Alcohol Prohibition begins in the United States as the Volstead Act goes into effect. 1941 – Franco-Thai War: Vichy French forces inflict a decisive defeat over the Royal Thai Navy. 1943 – World War II: Greek submarine Papanikolis captures the 200-ton sailing vessel Agios Stefanos and mans her with part of her crew. 1944 – World War II: Allied forces launch the first of four assaults on Monte Cassino with the intention of breaking through the Winter Line and seizing Rome, an effort that would ultimately take four months and cost 105,000 Allied casualties. 1945 – World War II: The Vistula–Oder Offensive forces German troops out of Warsaw. 1945 – The SS-Totenkopfverbände begin the evacuation of the Auschwitz concentration camp as Soviet forces close in. 1945 – Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg is taken into Soviet custody while in Hungary; he is never publicly seen again. 1946 – The UN Security Council holds its first session. 1948 – The Renville Agreement between the Netherlands and Indonesia is ratified. 1950 – The Great Brink's Robbery: Eleven thieves steal more than $2 million from an armored car company's offices in Boston. 1950 – United Nations Security Council Resolution 79 relating to arms control is adopted. 1961 – U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower delivers a televised farewell address to the nation three days before leaving office, in which he warns against the accumulation of power by the "military–industrial complex" as well as the dangers of massive spending, especially deficit spending. 1961 – Former Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba is murdered in circumstances suggesting the support and complicity of the governments of Belgium and the United States. 1966 – Palomares incident: A B-52 bomber collides with a KC-135 Stratotanker over Spain, killing seven airmen, and dropping three 70-kiloton nuclear bombs near the town of Palomares and another one into the sea. 1969 – Black Panther Party members Bunchy Carter and John Huggins are killed during a meeting in Campbell Hall on the campus of UCLA. 1977 – Capital punishment in the United States resumes after a ten-year hiatus, as convicted murderer Gary Gilmore is executed by firing squad in Utah. 1981 – President of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos lifts martial law eight years and five months after declaring it. 1991 – Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm begins early in the morning as aircraft strike positions across Iraq, it is also the first major combat sortie for the F-117. LCDR Scott Speicher's F/A-18C Hornet from VFA-81 is shot down by a Mig-25 and is the first American casualty of the War. Iraq fires eight Scud missiles into Israel in an unsuccessful bid to provoke Israeli retaliation. 1991 – Crown prince Harald V of Norway becomes King Harald V, following the death of his father, King Olav V. 1992 – During a visit to South Korea, Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa apologizes for forcing Korean women into sexual slavery during World War II. 1994 – The 6.7 Mw  Northridge earthquake shakes the Greater Los Angeles Area with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent), leaving 57 people dead and more than 8,700 injured. 1995 – The 6.9 Mw  Great Hanshin earthquake shakes the southern Hyōgo Prefecture with a maximum Shindo of VII, leaving 5,502–6,434 people dead, and 251,301–310,000 displaced. 1996 – The Czech Republic applies for membership of the European Union. 1997 – Cape Canaveral Air Force Station: A Delta II carrying the GPS IIR-1 satellite explodes 13 seconds after launch, dropping 250 tons of burning rocket remains around the launch pad. 1998 – Lewinsky scandal: Matt Drudge breaks the story of the Bill Clinton–Monica Lewinsky affair on his Drudge Report website. 2002 – Mount Nyiragongo erupts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, displacing an estimated 400,000 people. 2007 – The Doomsday Clock is set to five minutes to midnight in response to North Korea's nuclear testing. 2010 – Rioting begins between Muslim and Christian groups in Jos, Nigeria, results in at least 200 deaths.
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canalsart · 6 months
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Durant més de mig segle hem defensat els pioners d'art de Sant Cugat.
En 1920 s'introdueix de nou a Catalunya l'art del tapís, gràcies a la Mancomunitat. Tomàs Aymat fa entrar aquest poble en la història de l'art del segle XX i Miquel Samaranch com mecenes fa evolucionar aquest art. Situa Sant Cugat entre els pobles d'art d'Europa.
Sant Cugat avui es un poble dormilega que ignora el seu passat. Aquest galerista ha defensat i defensat l'arrel tèxtil a les institucions.
Ara celebrem que en la gran mostra internacional Miró - Picasso el tèxtil hi sigui present. Com també hi serà present en les altres destacades exposicions a celebrar fins al 2027, amb Tàpies i Miró. Amb saps molt greu que aquest poble encara tanca la porta al seu passat i present espiritual.
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tararira2020 · 4 years
Revista del Psicoanálisis
“Para el observador atento, el espíritu moderno, con Dada y el movimiento superrealista, se caracteriza no como destructor en sí mismo, sino como agente provocador, obligando la civilización europea a acelerar los actos de suicidio necesarios, para ceder el sitio por fin a otra cosa. Esta «otra cosa», que no les sabré decir lo que es, es sin embargo el punto central y la meta, la emanación y el centro de gravedad de ese espíritu moderno cuyas partículas de radio, o algo parecido, se encuentran en todas las obras europeas a las cuales se puede conceder, aunque sólo fuera en ínfimo grado, cierto sentido de la dignidad humana. No se trata pues de estado morboso; sino de una busca de la realidad por el lirismo; del cubismo ha nacido esa maravillosa arquitectura moderna, que ustedes conocen tan poco –signo de una gran época; el mismo cubismo ha revolucionado, para nuestra mayor alegría, el cartel, el decorado, el escaparate, el mueble, la moda: es el cubismo que las viste a ustedes hoy, señoras. De Dada viene la inmensa boga del freudismo, y los métodos para sacar el mejor fondo de un continente humano inédito, lleno de fábulas astutas, de enigmas de múltiples sentidos.”1
Benjamin Fondane
Buenos Aires, 1929.
En nombre del rey, se prohíbe a Dios hacer milagros en este lugar.
(Cementerio de los pobres, París, 1782.)
Tararira.2020 -alocada, de poco juicio, bullanguera, irreflexiva y atolondrada- precipita una Revista del Psicoanálisis.
Identificada al enemigo invisible -metáfora guerrera que los gobernantes han elegido para nombrar al virus que transformó a la especie humana en el gigante insecto kafkiano, aislado, en el mundo entero- intentará, como se hace con las tropas, pasar revista al psicoanálisis y para el psicoanálisis.
Para ello contamos con la orientación de Tararira 2020, por su calidad de predador nato y la violencia espectacular con la que ataca todo tipo de cebos ante las vibraciones de cualquier tarareo. Más bien lacustre, gustosa de las aguas poco profundas, cálidas, cenagosas y con abundante vegetación, donde se mimetiza y acecha, está adaptada a respirar oxígeno cuando las condiciones lo imponen.
En plena temporada invernal del 2020, hemos decidido que las condiciones lo imponen, así que la Hoplias argentinensis o Tararira Argentina (cuya genética la diferencia de las Hoplias Malabaricus), sacará su aleta dorsal en busca de oxígeno.
Por la reacción química de la combustión, al contacto con el O2, Tararira ardió. Como el mensaje que le llega al agente supersecreto de Misión imposible, cuya autodestrucción es el punto 0 para el despliegue de la serie (actualmente, film de Cruise). Adoptamos su mantra: “Su misión, Trrr, si usted decide aceptarla, será… Como ya sabe, si usted o algún miembro de su equipo es capturado o muerto, Tararira 2020 negará tener conocimiento de sus acciones. Este mensaje se autodestruirá en cinco segundos”.
Así como Pascal presenta su apuesta sopesando la ganancia y la pérdida al elegir, Dios mediante, sugiere: Apueste a que existe sin dudar.
Bajo estas circunstancias convulsionarias, los invitamos a que hagan sus apuestas pues a Tararira.2020 se la pesca por la Gracia.
Buenos Aires, julio de 2020
1 Fuente: revista Síntesis (artes, ciencias y letras), Nº 28, Buenos Aires, 3 de septiembre de 1929. Publicada en la revista Descartes Nº 24/25, en septiembre de 2015 (p. 109).
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daviddebonaire-blog · 5 years
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Dibuix fet a lmb el móvil. Un seguit de fets; Però en resum tan sols un malsón. Aquesta nit i per vegada primera dibuixo un dels meus mal sons. Una señora Vella va apareixent pel passadís agafant una espelma fins que es para a la meva porta. De sobte crida i se li deforma la cara de tal manera que desperto en mig de la nit, tot suat i alterat. Pensaba que hem menjaria, què no ho contaria més. La meva dona hem va despertar, podria haver estat pitjor. Gràcies amor. Bona nit instagramers. #horror #draw #dibuix #po #scary #badream #digitalart #art #arte #digital #pencil & #mobile Dibuixat a la pantalleta del móvil Espero qué us agradi Petons i dolços somnis a tots. Fins demà. (en Lleida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxP-MV7BWMc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jqfekhspd11x
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dailytechnologynews · 5 years
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6 Years Later - Reviewing My Build's Successes and Failures At 30,000 Hours of Uptime
So here it is, folks. The 4 grand, big brand, first hand grandstand on an often-neglected topic – what to expect of your machine after years of hard use. Listed below is the encased case I'll be studying for this piece. Components that look like this are in the machine currently. Components that look like this were replaced with upgrades. Components that look like this failed in service.
Type Item Price CPU Intel - Core i5-4670K 3.4 GHz Quad-Core Processor $230 CPU Cooler Noctua - NH-D14 64.95 CFM CPU Cooler $74.95 @ Amazon Motherboard Asus - Z87-Pro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ~$180 Memory Mushkin - Redline 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ~$100? Upgraded Memory El Cheapo Nemix 32 GB (4 x 8 GB) DDR3-1600 Memory $150.00 Storage Samsung - 840 Series 120 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ~$120? Storage Seagate - Barracuda 1 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive $58.49 @ OutletPC Replacement Storage Western Digital - BLACK SERIES 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive $119.16 @ OutletPC Video Card Asus - GeForce GTX 780 3 GB DirectCU II Video Card $650 Upgraded Video Card EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 FTW GAMING ACX 3.0 ~$650 Replacement Video Card EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 XC ULTRA GAMING $0 Case Fractal Design - Define R4 (Black Pearl) ATX Mid Tower Case ~$100 Power Supply Fractal Design - Newton R3 600 W 80+ Platinum Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ~$100 Optical Drive Asus - DRW-24F1ST DVD/CD Writer $21.39 @ OutletPC Operating System Microsoft - Windows 8 OEM 64-bit ~$100 Operating System Microsoft - Windows 10 64-bit $0 Case Fan Fractal Design - FD-FAN-SSR2-140 66 CFM 140mm Fan $13.89 @ SuperBiiz Monitor Asus - VG248QE 24.0" 1920x1080 144 Hz Monitor $246.00 @ Amazon Monitor Asus - VG248QE 24.0" 1920x1080 144 Hz Monitor $246.00 @ Amazon Upgraded Monitor LG - 34UM95 34.0" 3440x1440 60 Hz Monitor $750.00 Total ~$4,000 Generated by PCPartPicker
As you can tell I had two failures, both of them pretty major. I'll cover them a little farther down.
Starting off, these are the goals I had in mind when building this machine: First and foremost, I wanted the best performance in flight simulators and CAD/CAM software that I could justify spending for. I wanted perfect snappiness in Windows, MS Office, and web browsers. Second, I wanted longevity. Third, silence. I'd say this build achieved all of those things... but I have a few warnings for people looking to build a rig with a similar mindset.
I had to make multiple upgrades to the machine for it to keep up with the expanding RAM, VRAM, and storage requirements as sims like DCS got extra content and released updates with power-hungry graphics improvements. Also I may have purchased a much larger monitor and a VR headset... sorry 780.
If you have to skimp on things, don't skimp on the CPU, motherboard, or PSU. Although I have had the urge to get an M.2 SSD and upgrade my CPU for some time now (although really it's still keeping up perfectly fine), the fact that my current motherboard and RAM will also need to be replaced makes that unjustifiable. At this moment, for me to upgrade to a i7-8700k and an M.2 without losing RAM would cost about $1,200. Totally out of the ballpark.
Expect to have failures and do maintenance. I was lucky and had no DOA parts in the build, and the thing ran absolutely flawlessly for years. However about 5 years into the life of the machine, the 1TB storage drive suffered a soft failure. I noticed obvious performance issues, and with drive health monitoring software open I watched it slowly die as I attempted to transfer all the files I wanted elsewhere. I got everything important, but shit. You know the saying that while SSDs have a built-in service life, HDDs either fail within the first couple years or last until obsolescence? Ahhh... not in my experience. Anything I build from now on will probably be all-SSD.
(3 cont'd) As for the 1080 that died, that was much more dramatic. I'm flying along in the sublime DCS F/A-18C recreating Mongo's MiG-21 shootdown in the Gulf War when all at once the computer instantly powers off with a pop and the screen goes black. I'm thinking "...power outage?" until I smell it – something let the smoke out. After a postmortem I decide the smell had to have come from the GPU. So I throw in the old 780 and it boots up – but no video output. Shit. Video output from the IGPU works fine though? Huh. So I try a different PCIe slot and what do you know... I'm pretty sure my 1080 fried the only 16x slot on the board. Not too big a deal to run on 8x but now I feel the machine is in its twilight years with one of the newest components in the rig failing so spectacularly and running with a damaged motherboard. Being realistic though, I won't be at all surprised if this thing will keep going another 6 years or more with an SSD change.
Warranties matter as much or more than quality. At first, I went all-in on the highest quality parts I could get without paying any attention to the warranty service. To this day I still consider the Asus 780 DCUII an incredibly well-built card. When I retrieved it to replace the blown-up 1080 I was impressed all over again with how sturdy it felt and just the quality of work Asus put into it. But all cards can fail, and if the same thing that happened to my EVGA 1080 had happened to my Asus 780... well, I'd have been shit out of both luck and $650. As it stands I'm actually getting an upgrade out of this catastrophe (albeit still being left with a dead PCIe slot).
Don't bother with watercooling, not even AIOs except in very specific use cases. It's not anywhere close to being worth the headache for the vast majority of people going that route. The amount of additional maintenance and attention required to keep a watercooled rig going strong for so many years is way more than you're going to want to do. I know you're pretty into the hardware side of your computer now, but just trust me. You're going to be a substantially different person in 5 years, most likely one that wants a machine that just works without any doubts about water leaks, water line contamination, pumps dying, etc.
Shit's expensive, yo. Yes I know I didn't do my wallet any favors here, but just be aware that if you want to maintain a top-shelf rig for many years to come, get ready to shell out many thousands too. It's not a one-and-done purchase, even if you can handle falling behind the state of the art. I didn't even list all of my peripherals here. In addition to all of this I've also got a UPS, a Das Keyboard 4, monitor stand for the 34UM95 and an Ergotron arm mount for the VG248QEs, flight sim peripherals, headphones, DAC, and more. Plus power bills I've honestly got no clue how much this thing has cost me in total. At least $5.5k. Was it worth it? Oh fuck yeah it was worth it. But I'm not exactly on a tight budget here... don't stretch yourself for something that is ultimately probably going to serve as much as a distraction from responsibility as it will a tool for bettering your life. It undeniably is the latter... but you don't need to spend nearly as much if you just want a productivity machine.
What would I have done differently with the initial build? Probably nothing. I probably should have gone all-SSD a year or two ago but that's fine. In the near future I'll just replace the OS drive and add a storage SSD. My machine has been an absolute pleasure to own, a dream come true after years of the shitty family computer (even by 90s standards) and countless craptops. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.
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findasongblog · 5 years
Find a #live song
Snow Patrol ft.  Mig-El - Run
That one time I played with Snow Patrol
(Samsung Hall, Dübendorf - Zürich CH, 19.01.2019)
I would say this is my most biased review and it probably will be, but when it comes to art it is impossible to be objective anyway so there is my excuse.
Snow Patrol (my favourite band if you don’t know) has finally started their proper tour in support of their come back album Wildness. That means concerts all over the globe and full production arena show. Go and grab tickets for a concert near you whilst they are on the road, if you haven’t yet.
First things first. Snow Patrol likes to choose their own support acts. Gary (lead singer and guitarist) in particular tries to support artists from his dear home Northern Ireland and so this time they have taken with them on the first leg of the European tour not one but two Northern Irish artists: JC Stewart and Foy Vance.
JC Stewart was the support on their comeback concert last year in London. This time, the young man comes with a band and fully produced songs. Starting off with a folky song  playing the acoustic guitar and then moving on to the electric guitar and piano and finally singing to some modern pop beats JC went through the 15 years evolution of a musician in a half an hour set.
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The stage was all set for both support acts with all the gear for JC Stewart on the right, which only had to be taken away and Foy Vance was ready to go on the left side. The old Snow Patrol friend brought just a drummer with him. One that does great backing vocals. Just as JC, Foy is a great singer (plus extra experience). Foy played some folk and blues songs on his acoustic guitar with some funky effects and on a keyboard along with drums. Nothing else was needed. Foy tried to get the audience to sing as much as posible.
And so very efficiently and fast everything was ready for Snow Patrol. As lights went off an instrumental intro started to play and a big LED screen was revealed with a snowflake and a greeting: Hello Zurich.
Snow Patrol is far from perfect and that is one of the reasons I love them. You can see Gary smiling the whole concert as he truly enjoys playing his songs and Nathan (lead guitar) hits wrong notes sometimes on the climax of songs when he moves too much. But there are actual struggles, like with Gary’s inability to learn lyrics. Take Back The City was the show opener and Gary’s teleprompter was not working, which had him really stressed out for the first seconds of the song. Johnny (guitar and keys) reached out to tell him something. Probably the lyrics and so Gary started singing after missing the first lines. He managed to sing until the second verse but he walked around the stage with a look of frustration and his hand on his head. When the problem got solved his face changed and he just gave in to the music.
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The light show is very good. I would personally say that they had a more astonishing show on their previous tour in terms of visuals for each song but this time they use more modern technology and a lot of cameras so that people get to see the band on the big screen with cool effects. The stage is like a cube with two frames: one on the floor of the stage surrounding them and one hanging above. For certain songs,  transparent curtains are drawn down on the sides or even also on the front to cover them and project videos on them whilst still being able to see the band.
To the eye, the highlights of the show are Life On Earth, with a full video playing on the back showing Earth from outer space and the old song What If This Storm Ends? with the brilliant animation of the origami stars flying around and building up galaxies. That is a true gift for fans (like myself) that missed it on tour ten years ago. The song You Could Be Happy also makes use of the curtains and was another surprise at the concert.
The rest of the setlist, which stays pretty much the same for all concerts, consisted mainly of their beloved songs from the album Eyes Open, a few of their other hits and the five new songs such as Don’t Give In and Empress.
*My little snow patrol story*
Gary is known for being incredibly kind to the fans always paying attention to what they say at the concerts, so this time I decided to try and cross something off my bucket list. I made a sign saying “can I play with you?” and got myself a spot at the front row to make sure they see it.
Four songs in, Gary spotted the sign and asked what I could play. After trying to kill two birds with one stone and play one of my old favourites (Somewhere A Clock Is Ticking), he laughed and said it had to be something on the setlist. I let him decide and he offered Run. I agreed and he said I should wait two songs. After the two songs, someone from the crew picked me up immediately. Somehow everything was prepared despite never seeing or hearing the band telling something to the crew. A guitar and monitor were waiting for me. I was on stage in no time.
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So after a little failure (my first time with professional gear) we started playing Run together. I played the same part as Gary on an acoustic guitar. A smart choice as they didn’t know if I could play it right and they didn’t try to check even. It was a dream come true. People asked me afterwards if it had been arranged or rehearsed since I looked pretty confident up there. I told them it was easy since I could barely see the audience because of the spotlight being always on my face and because I was looking at my guitar not to screw it up and also at the band which smiled at me through the whole song. Hopefully it was a nice way to mix it up since they have been playing this song for quite a while at every concert. The rest of the audience cheered for this band who had made one of their fans incredibly happy.
*End of the story*
Apart from the personal meaning of that concert to me, it was indeed the best concert of them I have been at in the last six years. Their sound is incredibly good and they are back in great shape after a year of warming up. Also the organisation is brilliant. Sometimes it can feel like an eternity until the band starts playing, especially with more than one opening act, but everything is done perfectly to start enjoying of an evening of good live music as soon as you go inside the venue. And yes, they will play Chasing Cars.
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