#Mika squawks
chaoticriderlessb · 2 years
Spoiler Alert, just in case!!!
Ok, so I'm finally all caught up on "Camp Cretaceous". Man, I love this show, and I'm so curious to see how the story ends!! I do wish there more seasons because hey, the show is awesome, and what dino fan wouldn't want to see more dinosaurs?
I loved that Blue showed up more often in season 3, and now I guess she kinda trust Darius? I don't know, but I thought it was cool. The whole "more than one Scorpius Rex" thing was such a twist for me, I'll admit. I didn't see that one coming, at all. I loved all the call-backs to the first "Jurassic Park" movie! I think that's part of why I like this series, so much. I grew up with the first movie, so all the call-backs are a really nice touch. I'm only a little disappointed that Chaos and Limbo didn't make much of any appearance...they had like, only one tiny cameo, and that was it. Rexy didn't make too much of an appearance, either. Oh, well...had to give the Scorpius Rex(es) enough screen-time for each episode, I guess.
The Scorpius Rex, though, I did find to be an interesting antagonist. I didn't think they were as terrifying as the Indominus, however. Even with two of them. But, that's probably just me.
Other than that, seasons 3 and 4 were great!
The only thing I will say, though, for season 4 that I didn't like is this...and feel free to disagree with me if you do, but please...no hate or any negativity: I'm not really a fan of Brooklyn and Kenji being a couple. It just feels kinda...forced, I guess. I mean, there wasn't really a build-up to it throughout the series, ya know? Normally, I don't mind romance, but...I don't know, I feel like the kids should've just waited until after they finally get home or something like that. And that's another problem I have with these two getting together.
First of all, all of them are still literally trying to survive! Second of all, they are still kids! No, they're not little kids, but they're not exactly teenagers, either...I think (have their ages ever been confirmed?). It just kinda bothers me that, as of season 4, Brooklyn and Kenji are suddenly a couple? Ok, not exactly suddenly, but...I hope y'all get what I mean. I don't know, to me, it just doesn't make any sense.
But, the way I see it, them getting together didn't ruin the show for me, and I don't think it overpowered what the show is actually supposed to be about and all that. Hopefully, it stays like with this upcoming final season (please, creators and writers...seriously).
Over all, I still enjoyed seasons 3 and 4. I will admit, though...season 4 is my least favorite, as cool as it is to see the spinosaurus and a saber-tooth tiger, and ya know, the scientist lady (I think her name was Mae) and the baby dinos were cool, too. Everything else was just kinda...weird and a little questionable. The killer robots did get annoying, after awhile (seriously, what was that, "I-Robot"?).
To each their own, though! If season 4 was your favorite, cool!
Alright, I'm finally gonna get some sleep. Once I got done with season 4, I went back and ended up watching the entire first season, again. Whoops 😅.
Goodnight, y'all!
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tokusaatsus · 1 year
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ft. itsuki shu, morisawa chiaki, otogari adonis, ran nagisa, saegusa ibara
© tokusaatsus 2022
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warnings: bugs
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Shu hears your call–Shu, can you come here, please–and comes to check on you, but you shouldn’t expect any help from him.
The minute he catches sight of the bug, he’s squawking indignantly. He’s not above using you as a human shield in this scenario. No matter how much he loves you, there’s absolutely nothing you can say that will convince him to go anywhere near that–in his words–disgusting insult to art.
Honestly, he’s just surprised you called him. His aversion to bugs might be even greater than yours, and that’s saying something.
He cowers behind you, and you’re trapped because now you have both a clingy boyfriend and a bug in your room and while your instincts are screaming at you to hide behind Shu, you still recall the piercing shrieks that came out of his mouth when you so much as implied placing him in the so-called line of fire.
In the end, the two of you end up calling Mika to take care of your little…‘home invader’, who’s unable to hold back his look of confusion when he enters your room and spots both you and Shu balanced awkwardly on a chair that was definitely not made to hold more than one person.
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After hearing your call, please come quickly, I need your help, please, Chiaki doesn’t spare a moment before he rushes to your defence. Truly, he is embodying that heroic spirit he adores so much!
While he’s not usually one for bugs, finding them a little off-putting, he sets aside his fear in favour of helping you out. After all, a hero must be able to protect his loved ones to the best of his ability! And it’s true that he loves you very much.
Carefully, carefully, he scoops up the bug with a leftover magazine–his hands are shaking slightly all the while, but he refuses to admit it–and tosses it out the window.
When he’s completed his objective, there’s a moment of silence–he’s scouting to make sure the threat has truly left, so that you may relax in the knowledge that you are safe and secure once again–before he looks at you with a huge grin, clearly waiting for praise and affection. Wow, you were so amazing, Chiaki! My RYUSEI Red, my brave hero~ Once you say those magic words, he melts like ice-cream in the hot sun, a sappy look on his face.
Anything for his beautiful Y/N, of course!
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Adonis is the kind of boyfriend that comes the minute you call.
He’s a little worried and concerned at first, because of how panicked you seemed over the phone. Your voice wavers at awkward moments, caught between a scream and a whimper. Adonis, please, come quick, I’m scared, I’m really scared.
When he shows up, however, and finds out that the cause of your distress is simply a small bug, he can’t help but feel slightly relieved. With the way you were acting, he was expecting much, much worse. Still, this is something he knows how to fix, and for that he is glad. Seeing you terrified causes an ache in his chest, and it is not something he would like to experience anytime soon. Adonis picks it up and deposits it outside, as easy as pie. When he returns, you tackle him in a hug and he runs a soothing hand down your back as you babble on about how terrifyingly huge the bug was and how close it was to you.
(In reality, it was rather small and barely anywhere near you, but if it makes you feel better, Adonis doesn’t mind playing along with this little white lie, patiently comforting you all the while.)
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When you call Nagisa, he’s confused at first.
Of course, Nagisa would never say no to spending more time with you, yet you sounded strangely choked up over the phone, Nagisa, can you come over here, quick, I need you right now. He enters your dorm, surprised to find you cowering in the corner.
When you point out the perpetrator, he can’t help but smile at your antics. It’s an easy task for him to simply remove the bug from the premises with his bare hands, but you look at him with incredibly wide eyes when you watch him and he can’t help but bask in your attention. It’s always nice to have you look at him.
He returns to a hug and a tearful recount of how you were so scared. He soothes you, calmly patting your back as you ramble on and on. You go on to explain how you called because you always feel better when he’s around, and his heart bursts. You inform him that this may become a regular occurrence, and he smiles at you.
He’s not entirely sure what use he would be, yet it warms his heart to think that you would trust him with matters such as these.
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When Ibara first hears your call, filled with barely concealed panic, he won’t deny the worry that surges in his stomach. Ibara, please, come quick, I… Oh, god, I can’t…I’m scared, Ibara. It only intensifies when your call is cut off with an abrupt scream of pure terror.
For a moment, he’s terrified that his worst fears have come true and you’ve been caught in the crossfire of one too many plots gone wrong. He spares not a single second, abandoning everything and anything from meetings to paperwork to go check up on you. Of course, when he finds out that all your drama was due to a simple bug, you can expect him to be the slightest bit annoyed.
There’s not a moment of hesitation as he squashes it, all the while looking at you with an unimpressed expression, as if to say, really? That’s what you were terrified of? Yet when he notices your tears, he is quick to calm you down, gently holding your hands to ground you as speaks rationally and logically to talk you out of the spiral you may have found yourself falling into.
My saviour, you proclaim him to be, and Ibara won’t lie to say that makes him feel the tiniest amount of pleasure when you say those words.
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WC: 1k words
reze txt inspired by true events that happened to me yesterday evening. there was a huuuge bug in my room and me and my sister spent 20 mins panicking about how to get rid of it b4 it made the decision for us by simply. flying away :’) all the while i was thinking that i would reaaaally appreciate having a bf who could get rid of bugs for me and boom. fic idea.
taglist: @prpne​ @gabirii​ @kazemiya​ @engurishu​ @kkomaism​ @ophanem​ @mikctp​ @lilikags​ @lolthia​ @unwantedsleep (urls in bold cannot be tagged!)
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cxcassii · 7 months
Okay so silly hc time about my reincarnation au Eternally Yours
Not sure where I’ll place this part yet because it’ll be after Mikasa reclaims her memories from the precious life and she will have also turned eighteen by this point. It’s poking fun and shenanigans, Mikasa likes to tease Eren when given the opportunity ~
Anyways, it will most likely resemble like this
— ( first POV : Eren’s )
Mikasa asks, “in the last life, did you let me peg you?”
I looked at her as if she sprouted two heads.
“What did you just ask me?”
I can’t keep the entertainment etched outta my tone or visibly off my lips, as a surly grin spreads my cheeks. Mikasa shrugs, unfazed as if her absurd remark is a normal run of the mill inquiry, like asking how the weather fairs.
My brows pinch together in a furrow, “what’s the sudden fixation with my ass?”
Mikasa directs her half hooded gaze below past my hips as if she was imagining my rear in her head clear as day right this very moment. She just shrugs nonchalantly again, a salacious small smile tempting her black glossed lips, “it’s a nice ass.”
Before I can muster a retort to this bemusing spectacle unfolding before us as we humorously wadded father in, Sasha decides then to interrupt with an intervening, “oh, Mika is just saying that because she had a yaoi phase.”
Mikasa squawks, mortified, shushing Sasha as she turned beat red in the face, “shut up, Sasha!” She hisses at the brunette.
Sasha falls into a state of erratic giggles as Mikasa roughs her up with elbow jabs whilst I’m failing at attempting to keep a straight face because the embarrassed blush on Mikasa’s face is absolutely adorably prices-less. I can feel the shit-eating impish grin curling my lips the deeper shade of rosy pink her cheeks evolved into.
The resounding notion struck my mind again how I'm in fact, so completely and irrevocably doomed—a goner when it came to anything Mikasa Ackerman related.
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mamichigo · 2 years
shumika // masquerade
There were many reasons to regret coming to a masquerade ball that wasn't meant for lowly peasants like Mika.
First, the eyes of the other attendants followed his every step, no matter what Mika did to blend in with the crowd. It was a bad idea to draw attention, as the only reason he was able to get in was thanks to Naru sneaking him into the ballroom. His mismatched eyes, however, made him a conspicuous target for gossiping. Mika shrunk into his body, although careful not to wrinkle his burrowed outfit.
Second, he wasn't used to this sort of fancy party. The many layers of fabric suffocated him, the mask over his eyes itched, the expensive food gave him a stomachache. To any servant, attending a ball should be a dream come true--especially for Mika, who wasn't officially employed by any lords, and had to make a living out of odd jobs. He never got this close to so many nobles, much less been inside their glittering estates.
But above all, the biggest issue was number three: Lord Itsuki strided across the ballroom with purpose, the click of his heels like a death march. The man was the sole reason Mika had gone along with Naru's idea to begin with, but he had never planned to do more than watch Lord Itsuki dance, then disappear before anyone could take notice of him.
The one approaching him, however, was undoubtedly Lord Itsuki. Not even the lacy mask obscuring half his face could hide his identity from Mika, who was well versed in watching those violet eyes from a distance. An imperious frown creased his forehead, but he still looked just as beautiful with the long trail of his skirt following after his every step.
This was it, it was all over. Lord Itsuki would single him out as the intruder he was, and he'd get shunned and never find a job again. Mika would never get to see Lord Itsuki after this. Maybe even Naru would be in trouble for helping him, and it'd be all Mika's fault. He swallowed thickly and squeezed his body to the wall, eager to run away.
"Look at me when I talk to you, boy. Yes, that's much better." A manicured hand landed on Mika's cheek. Lord Itsuki scrutinized him, taking him apart with his gaze alone. "I was correct after all. Well, I often am, but I couldn't quite tell from afar."
"Uhm, pardon?"
"You have beautiful eyes." Lord Itsuki dipped his head down, inched closer. A slight smile tugged at his mouth. "Amber and lapis lazuli, is it?"
Mika squawked something that might have been an answer. The noise seemed to irritate Lord Itsuki, who clicked his tongue. He took a step back, and extended a hand out to Mika.
"Come, dance with me." Lord Itsuki raised an eyebrow, as if daring Mika to find any issues with going along with his whims. "I'll have you know I don't make such an invitation lightly."
Mika scrambled to accept the offered hand, stomach tied in knots. He stiffly followed Lord Itsuki to the center of the ballroom, almost tripping on his own feet when he made eye contact with one of the guests.
"You seem quite clumsy, but there's no need to worry." Without a hint of hesitation, Lord Itsuki put a hand on his waist. "Just follow my lead."
It was easy to push all thoughts aside when he had been so clearly instructed to focus on nothing but the movement of Lord Itsuki's body. Following his subtle instructions was simple, natural. The room spun around them in a blur of glittering lights, the glow of the chandelier catching on the shimmery makeup on Lord Itsuki's eyelids. For a moment, Mika forgot how to breathe.
"Ahh, yes, you truly are beautiful," Lord Itsuki whispered, all traces of dissatisfaction gone. "Maybe even perfect, in the right garments. The butterfly mask is a nice touch, but I'm sure I could do a much better job at bringing out your eyes. What do you say, won't you be my model?"
If this was anyone else, Mika would've told them of his disgust for his mismatched eyes. But, with Lord Itsuki looking at him like there was no one else in the ballroom, Mika was sure he wouldn't deny him anything.
"Anythin' ya say, Lord Itsuki!"
"What a peculiar accent. Are you not a local?"
"S-Somethin' like that."
"Well, your origins are of no consequence. Your beauty is unmatched. It even made this boring, crass event somewhat worth the trouble."
The music slowly faded out as another began. Lord Itsuki stepped back and bowed. Mika imitated his movements, mourning the loss of his touch. He bashfully looked up through his eyelashes.
"Not as beautiful as ya, Lord Itsuki…"
The comment took Lord Itsuki aback. He paused, eyes wide, then coughed into his fist. Surely Mika wasn't the only one to tell him that kind of stuff…?
"Don't try to flatter me, boy. Take my compliment with pride."
"Wasn't flattery!" Mika jumped to hold Lord Itsuki's hands firmly in his own. "I even came here just to see ya!"
An incessant murmur rose in the ballroom. Lord Itsuki glanced at the other guests with a glare, his cheeks growing red.
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redux-pain · 9 months
chapter 12: Shinsei Hospital 2
”Aaah, I’m exhausted...”
Oh, Saijo?
[AKIRA, offscreen:] "Whew, I'm beat..."
[AKIRA:] Oh, Saijou?
もしかして、俺の退院を迎えに 来てくれたってわけ?
What’s goin’ on, man?
Did you come to see me leave the hospital?
[AKIRA:] What are you doing here at this hour?
Don't tell me you're here to see me leaving the hospital?
だって退院を、いまさっき 決めたばかりだもんな。
Haha, no way, huh?
My release wasn’t decided until just recently.
[AKIRA:] Ha ha! No way, right?
I mean, I only made up my mind to leave just now.
俺は大丈夫だって言ってるのに、 なかなか退院の許可が下りなくてよ。
あんなところにじっとしていたら、 逆に俺なんかは病気になる。
I told ’em I was ok, but it’s hard to be let go.
Being kept there actually made me start feeling bad.
[AKIRA:] I kept telling 'em I was fine, but they wouldn't let me go.
Being cooped up there was actually making me feel sicker.
だからギャアギャアうるさい 看護師を無視して出てきたんだ。
なんかさ、すかっとした気分に なりたくてさ……。
So I just ignored that annoying nurse and left.
I just wanted to feel exhilarated, y’know?
[AKIRA:] So I just ignored that squawking nurse and walked out.
I just kinda need to blow off some steam...
それでいまからちょっと道場に 行こうかと思ってね。
So I’m thinking to going to the dojo for a bit.
It’s been a while.
[AKIRA:] So I was thinking of heading over to the dojo for a bit.
It's been a while.
言ったかどうかわからないけど、 子供の頃から武道していてさ。
ずっと休まず頑張ってたんだけど、 去年から行ってないんだ。
I told you I’ve done Mar- tial Arts since childhood.
I went every day up until last year.
[AKIRA:] I don't remember if I told you or not, but I've done martial arts ever since I was a kid.
I never took a day off, but then last year I stopped going.
なんか武道していても意味ないと 思ったことあったからな。
だけど、昨日気づいたよ 何のために武道するんだって、ね。
I started to think it was pointless training.
But yesterday I realized why I studied Martial Arts.
[AKIRA:] I started to feel like it was all useless.
But yesterday I realized what I do martial arts for in the first place, you know?
相手を倒したりするのは、 確かに重要かもしれないけど、
肝心なのは大切な人を守ることが できるかなんだよな。
It may be important to defeat your enemy, but
protecting those close to you is more important.
[AKIRA:] Defeating your opponent might be important...
...but the really important thing is being able to protect the people you love.
だからさ昨日、俺は コテンパンにやられたけど、
別に腹も立ってないし、 情けなくも思っていない。
Yesterday, I got my ass kicked, but
I wasn’t mad, and I didn’t feel pitiful.
[AKIRA:] So even though I got my ass kicked yesterday...
...I'm not really mad or embarrassed.
それよりもミカが助かったことで 大満足なわけさ。
俺の役目は、西条、お前が到着する まで、持ちこたえられたこと。
And I was relieved that Mika helped me.
My role was to hold out until you arrived.
[AKIRA:] I'm actually happy because Mika's safe.
My job was to hold out until you got there.
あ~あ、師匠が言っていたことは、 そういうことだったんだよな。
And I’m ok with that.
Ah, so that’s why my  master was trying to say.
[AKIRA:] And I'm okay with that.
So this is what my master was trying to say.
『お前は強さをはき違えている』 そうよく言われていたから。
だけど一応言っておくけど、 弱くて満足って意味じゃないからな。
”You’ve got strength all wrong” he often said.
But that doesn’t mean be satisfied with being weak.
[AKIRA:] He was always going, "You don't understand strength at all."
Oh, but just so you know, that doesn't mean I'm satisfied being weak.
お前の到着を待たなくても、 あんな奴、倒せるよう鍛えなおす。
だから今日は、その師匠に御礼と、 コテンパンにやられに行こうかと。
I’m gonna train to beat that guy without your help.
That’s why I’m gonna go have my master hurt me.
[AKIRA:] I'm gonna train until I can beat guys like that without waiting around for you.
So I'm gonna go thank my master and have him kick my ass.
まあどっちにしても、ありがとう。 改めて感謝するよ。
And thank him for it.
But anyway, thanks Saijo. I appreciate it.
See you later!
[AKIRA:] That's my plan.
But anyway, thanks. Thanks a lot.
See you later.
「あ、そうそう!  お前の知り合い、  彼かなりの腕前だな」
「西条お前のことが、  よけいにわからなく  なってきたけど、  俺は気にしないからな」
”Oh yeah, your friend is pretty damned strong y’know.”
”I’ve kinda forgotten about you, but I’m not worrying about it.”
[AKIRA, offscreen:] "Oh, yeah! That friend of yours was pretty damn strong.
"You're more mysterious than ever now, Saijou, but I don't really mind."
アキラは振り返らずに そう言って手を振った。
Without turning around, Akira waves goodbye.
/Without turning around, Akira waved goodbye./
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emjeithetraveler103 · 5 years
Ghost Hunt
// I wonder if the “Ghost Hunt” fandom is still alive...or if I’m the only one alone in it ^^;. It’d be cool to RP with a Naru or a Mai...or a Lin...or any character from the series, really. Hell, even a Gene would be sweet. But, I guess I can only wishful think xD.
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httpbread · 4 years
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pairing: mikaela hyakuya x reader
words: 3921
i havent written anything coherent in. some time. also this wasn’t a request but mika is my all time favorite character. my HEART requested this.
"Do you and (Y/n) have some weird staring contest that no one knows about except you?"
The question is so sudden, so out of the blue, that he looks away from the aforementioned soldier only to find himself squinting up.
His target takes a step to the side, blocking the sun from his view, but he still blinks a few times before he can clearly make out the boy.
"What on earth are you talking about?" despite no longer staring at the sun, this sight also makes his eyes narrow unhappily.
Much like the sun, Yuichiro smiles down at him brightly. Much more toothily. Though, thankfully, Yuu also didn’t make him burst into flames, which was also a plus in his book.
However, maybe not so much right now.
"You and (Y/n)," he says, his voice uncharacteristically low, further adding to Mikaela’s growing suspicion about this conversation, "What else?"
He says it so casually as if they were discussing no more than the weather. But Mikaela knew damned well this went deeper. A sense of deja vu padding in the from the corner of his mind.
So, albeit reluctantly, he leans over to the boy, but he doesn’t say anything at first. Instead, his ruby gaze leaves Yuu to return home where they had been and often were.
Thankfully, they’re none the wiser about what’s happening, still sitting a couple of yards away from them, their hands animatedly gesturing before them like their life depended on it as they explained something to the Hiragi settled across from them.
He says, very quietly to Yuu, "Did Shinoa put you up to this?"
To which, Yuu responds, just as hushed, "If I say yes will you still tell me?"
He fights back against the small upwards tug of his lips at his friends’ reliable antics as he sits up straight again. Always so honest.
"Mika?" Yuu quickly worries, his voice growing a little higher in pitch as he begins to clumsily backtrack, "I meant- no. Shinoa didn’t say anything. It’s me. I’m asking. Why would Shinoa ask?"
"So, Shinoa did say something?" He muses, mostly just to mess with the ravenet.
As if to further stir the pot, the lavender haired leader’s eyes briefly flicker over to them, coming dangerously close to meeting his own gaze, before focusing back on the soldier before her.
(Y/n) doesn’t notice this occurrence either, now making an odd motion that made Mikaela’s brows draw. Their face is a little intense now as they try to clearly convey their point. One hand was splayed out flat and the other made a swirling motion above it. Mikaela briefly wonders what they were rambling about this time.
"Fine, fine," Yuu huffs, drawing his attention again but not enough to make him look away, only continuing to watch the pantomime of the (h/c) haired individual, "Shinoa maybe- uhm, sort of, shined a light on your problem."
At least, he continues watching her until those last words reach his ears, making Mikaela abruptly turn, "My problem?"
Yet, Yuu only grins at him, happy as ever, meeting Mikaela’s gaze with those big emerald puppy dog eyes without a care in the world, "Yup."
Mikaela only offers him a displeased look rather than an actual answer.
The only problem he had was that Shinoa was poking her nosy little nose where it didn’t belong, directly in Mikaela’s personal business.
(Y/n), on the other hand, was never a problem.
As long as they were smiling- and they often were- he was sure everything was right in the world. Over the months they had spent together, getting stuck in confined spaces, shoving back to back during combat, and even bickering with each other on the rare occasion, Mikaela could probably even write an entire guidebook on how to properly handle and care for the individual.
He was still considering the silly handbook idea when he found himself looking at a familiar shade of (e/c).
(Y/n) was looking at him, he realized, and judging by the teasing nudge Shinoa gave their shoulder this wasn’t something they had originally thought of.
Despite this, their strawberry lips curve upward at the corners to give him a toothy smile. Their (e/c) eyes twinkling as they hold his under the warm sun shining high above them.
They lift a smaller hand and wiggle it at him.
Mikaela does the same, subconsciously smiling back at them, but only a smidgen.
Mikaela had many problems, but not (Y/n) and that was certain.
However, an elbow suddenly burrowing between his ribs does add to this list of dilemmas, "Oooh! Did you see that? They’re looking at you!"
The sudden rise in Yuu’s voice makes him return the favor, except he’s significantly more gentle, "I would have never noticed."
Even though Mikaela is sure they couldn’t have heard his grumble, he watches the way their eyes light up, the hand they were waving at him with quickly darting up to muffle their laughter.
It makes his heart soften the same way it always did, ready to slip through the cracks of his rib cage like slow dripping honey.
However, Yuu nearly knocking his head into Mikaela’s forces him to divert his attention to the believed idiot next to him as he all but theatrically whispered to him- hand cupped around his mouth and everything- "Shinoa thinks they have a crush on you."
Mikaela sure hoped so.
He doesn’t cup his mouth like a dumbass, but whispers back, "Really? What makes her think that?"
This seems to stump Yuu, because he leans back, causing Mikaela to look over at him and watch as he scratches his head.
The ravenet quickly glances over at Shinoa, giving her a puzzled look.
Mikaela’s eyes draw to the lavender haired girl who catches Yuu’s gaze and makes a face back, her brows furrowing.
Then, he looks back at Yuu who shrugs at her in response.
Before then again at Shinoa who flashes him a scowl. He could practically hear her exact thoughts. Definitely something along the lines of ‘Do I really have to do everything myself?’.
Mikaela snorts quietly. She should’ve known and picked someone else to interrogate him. Almost anyone other than Yuu might have made her some inkling of progress.
"Okay, well, I don’t know about that," Yuu says, as if it weren’t obvious he had no idea what he was talking about, "But I know about you."
Mikaela raises a brow at this, "Me? What about me?"
Those ivy eyes find him, glinting with a sense of determination, "Do you like (Y/n)?"
Mikaela almost smiles.
"Of course," he responds dutifully, "They’re part of your squad. I have to."
A little bit of a white lie but it’s more than worth it to watch Yuichiro’s face twist in distaste, obviously expecting a different answer.
"No!" He huffs, lifting his arms with a flurry to cross them over his chest, "I mean- do you like like them?"
Mikaela tilts his head, looking at his age-old friend under his lashes with an all but teasing smirk, "You sound like some kind of schoolgirl, Yuu-chan."
This only serves to frustrate the boy more, "Mika."
"Yuu," he chirps back mockingly.
His eyes have drifted back to (Y/n) though, who is oddly looking at Shinoa with a disturbed expression, making Mikaela pause. That is- until Shinoa leans forward with a grin stretching across her delicate face from ear to ear. He can probably guess what’s happening there.
Mikaela decides he’s thankful Shinoa chose Yuichiro to interrogate him about this matter rather than taking a go at him herself.
He also takes a second to silently apologizes to (Y/n) who clearly does not have this luxury.
"You’re not going to get rid of me that easily, you know," the boy next to him declares uselessly, "I need answers, Mika."
Unfortunately for Yuu, Mikaela had watched him do a multitude of stupid things for many years now. He had even been dragged into most of these stupid acts as an accomplice and impulse control.
Mikaela could play dumb all day.
"Answers about what?"
(Y/n)’s eyes narrow.
They take a step to one side.
The mirror across from them does the same.
(Y/n) takes a step to the other side.
Again, the latter follows in suit, toe for toe.
(Y/n) takes a step back.
They take a step forward.
"Would you stop that?" They finally huff, squinting at their opponent unabashedly.
Shinoa was damn near shameless, asking without missing a beat, "Have you guys kissed yet?"
"No!" They squawk, still unused to her bold questions, despite having been her subordinate for at least a year now.
"Oh, oh! What about this?" Shinoa’s lips curl upward in such a grin that puts the Cheshire Cat to shame, "Has he... Y’know?"
She taps her neck with a delicate finger.
(Y/n) voiced her inquiry flatly, "Has he sucked my blood?"
Her coffee-colored eyes light up in response, so they quickly shoot this second wind down.
"No, of course not," they wave away the idea with their hand, "Do I look like a chew toy to you, Shinoa?"
(Y/n) suddenly wasn’t so sure they wanted to know what Shinoa thought they looked like, so they quickly turn on their heels, "Actually, never mind, don’t answer that."
"Oh come on! You’re telling me he hasn’t put the moves on you at all?!" She asked, as if it were an outrage, "Not even one singular move, (Y/n)?"
They don’t even warrant her with a response, continuing to walk along the cracked and battered street.
After a short meeting after breakfast this morning, they had come to the notion they should probably go scavenging in the nearby area for supplies. They would divide and conquer and be back at the rendezvous point in an hour.
Unfortunately for (Y/n), Shinoa had practically thrown her arms around them and strangled them as she declared them as their partner for the day.
Even more unfortunate, most of the area they had agreed to scavenge had turned out to be inaccessible due to debris and overgrowth, so only forty minutes later they found themselves at the place they agreed to meet at.
With Shinoa.
This, of course, was after they thought they had escaped this morning’s weird Shinoa-involved-shenanigan.
Everything had been fine. They had just been talking about (favorite hobby) and (Y/n) had maybe gotten a little distracted explaining the details, when suddenly things took a turn for the worse.
Shinoa had nudged them and brought to their attention Mika was looking at them, and like an idiot, (Y/n) had turned to stupidly smile at him and wave.
Okay, so, (Y/n) didn’t regret greeting Mika but they definitely regretted the unprecedented consequences of that action.
Ever since then, Shinoa had been pestering them about some silly crush they had on the blond vampire. Asking them ridiculous questions and poking and prodding and doing the most to mess with them.
(Y/n) could only hope their apparent Prince Charming would swoop in and save them from the she-demon’s grilling.
"At least tell me you’ve held hands."
(Y/n) lifts both their hands to their face.
And buries a very quiet, very repressed yell into them.
Shinoa is, of course, unfazed by this and only giggles at their misery.
"You know... all this would go away if you just told me the truth~"
(Y/n) did know one thing- and that one thing was Shinoa. If hypothetically, they did slip up and say something, anything, they knew damned well that would only result in a million and one more questions.
If Shinoa got even so much as a centimeter on them, she would assuredly take a mile.
So, they find their composure and bluntly reply, "I already told you."
(Y/n) turns to face Shinoa, crossing their arms over their chest and flashing the girl a sour look, "There is nothing going on between me and Mika. I don’t know what else you want me to say."
Shinoa gazes back unwaveringly, holding their gaze like a lifeline, staring into the depths of their very soul as she tried to pick them apart like a broken clock.
(Y/n) is reminded to glance down at their watch. They note there is still a good ten minutes left until the rest of their team needed to be back.
But Shinoa’s sudden rise in voice makes them immediately look back up.
"Well, if it isn’t thing one and thing two," she cheerfully sneers at guests behind themself, making them glance over their shoulder curiously, mostly just relieved to have the girl’s attention off them for now.
They’re not surprised at all to find Yuichiro marching along, fists swinging at his sides with a bounce in his smiling step as he makes his way over.
Mikaela trails behind him, looking nowhere near as amused with the world, seeming a little more withdrawn into his white cloak than usual, like a little hermit crab.
The sight instantly makes their lips quirk upward.
"Took you guys long enough," they greet, more than happy to turn away from Shinoa and all her prying questions to see them, "Find anything good?"
Yuichiro nearly cuts them off before they’re finished asking, "I found a chocolate bar!"
It’s more than enough to make a big smile break out across their own lips, but it’s nothing compared to the proud way Yuu is beaming about his discovery.
"That’s... great... what about actual food? Clean water? Toilet paper?" Shinoa deadpans next to them as the two boys slow to a stop.
(Y/n) hums at this. She was only joking, but she did have a point. Maybe this area was too war-torn to effectively scavenge. It wasn’t like it was uncommon. Sometimes the only good thing to come from a place like this was a really good sneeze from all the dust or a cool looking rock.
But this idea is dispelled from their mind at a sudden rustle, before their eyes focus again on Mika who pushes a gloved hand past his cloak, revealing a plastic bag of what appeared to be some kind of supplies.
(Y/n) claps their hands together, smile returning to their features, "Oh! Nice job, Mika!"
Only for Shinoa to ‘accidentally’ shoulder check them as she reaches forward to take the bag, not so subtly mocking, "Yeah! Nice job, Mika."
However, before they can look away and rebuttal, Mikaela looks up at them, his brows knitting together and flashing them an odd look as if to ask them what the hell Shinoa was on about this time.
And just like that (Y/n)’s annoyances fizzle out instantly, a match dropped into a puddle, replaced by a laugh stirring from their chest as they muster a subtle shrug in response.
They swear for a split second they can see the corners of his lips tug upward before he forces them back down, shaking his head back at them.
Though he doesn’t say anything, they nod in agreement, silently sharing his exasperation.
"Hey, quick question-"
Their attention shifts from the blond vampire to find Yuu squinting at them, brows furrowed as he leans forward to peer at them.
It makes (Y/n)’s brows knit too, mirroring his expression but with worry instead of curiosity as they leaned back in response.
"Why are you covered in dirt?"
(Y/n) groans, quickly reaching up to shake their fingers through their usually silky locks, hoping to get most of the dust out.
Damned end of the world debris.
The next time Mikaela got to talk to (Y/n) was hours and hours later, much to his dismay.
It was nightfall now and the Shinoa squad had hauled up in a small easily defendable inn that Yoichi and Kimizuki had stumbled across during their own scavenging earlier in the day. The last few hours had been spent securing it as a temporary base of operations.
(Y/n) had volunteered for the first watch, but claimed the room at the end on the bottom floor.
Mikaela had decided on the room next to theirs and had waited there for an hour and a half until he was sure all the others were fast asleep in their beds. He was sure none of them were skipping out on this luxury, since they usually slept cramped up in the car or on the cracked and uneven concrete.
The wait was worth it because when he silently stepped out of his temporary room, he found the (h/c) haired individual standing outside like they had agreed, poking at a small fire they had started with a stick.
The firelight casts a golden crown on their silky (h/c) locks much like a halo and paints their familiar face an expensive flickering shade as they gaze down at the flame in boredom.
"Long day?" He speaks up, but that’s an overstatement. His voice is almost as quiet as the fire crackling and the distant chirping of crickets filling the warm summer night air around them.
Still, those (e/c) eyes flicker up and brighten instantly at the sight of him.
"You could say that," they respond evenly, a welcome hint of amusement tinging their softened voice as they all but throw their stick elsewhere, revealing to Mikaela their barrel withheld excitement. It warms his heart to know they’re so happy to see him, but he saves them the embarrassment of voicing it.
As Mikaela draws closer to them, the gravel crunches under his feet and also with their own movements when they take a seat next to the fire, quickly motioning for him to sit down too.
He does so, unbothered by the heat that greets him, but knowing their affinity for not freezing to death, being alive and all. Proof in the pudding, they were already shuffling closer to steal his warmth, wrapping their arms around their figure.
"I feel like I haven’t gotten to see you all day," they comment suddenly, making Mikaela look over at them with a slight alarm.
But he forces himself to relax when they nudge his shoulder with their own, listening to their gentle words, "Thanks for coming out."
Mikaela can’t help the small smile that finds him as he nudges them back ever so lightly, replying just as softly, "I wouldn’t miss you for the world."
"Oh, so you don’t miss me?" They snort, turning their face to look up at him blankly under their dark lashes, keeping their face carefully clear.
He scrunches his nose up at their silly antics, feeling the urge to shove them playfully but repressing it in fear of them actually moving away, "You know what I meant."
(Y/n)’s lips upturn with a small grin, "Maybe, maybe not..."
They lean closer daringly, nearly bumping noses with him as they tease, meeting his icy gaze with their (e/c) one, "Maybe I just wanted to hear you say it."
Mikaela indulges them, trying to convince himself that he could resist their charms if he really wanted to.
"I missed you too, (Y/n)," he breathes quietly into the air, lightly leaning forward to further decrease the space between them, resting his forehead lightly against theirs.
They gently push back against his head with their own, playful as ever, "I know."
"Do you?" He mocks, lashes sinking against his cheeks as he recalls, "Because I distinctly remember you telling Shinoa earlier that I meant nothing to you."
This time, they pull back a little to head butt him, adding a smidgen more force with faux annoyance, "That is not what I said and you know it."
"You told her I was gum on your shoe," he retorts, cracking his eyes open a smidgen to peer at them smugly, "You said you’d never seen me in your life."
"I did not, shut up," they whine, reaching a hand up in the minuscule space between them to rest his chin in the area between their pointed finger and thumb which came up to squish his cheeks.
It’s a funny feeling smiling as someone messes with your face.
"Besides, what was I supposed to tell her? The truth?" They utter, looking up at him under their lashes and arching a brow, "Because I’m sure she’d be over the moon if I waltzed in and woke her up right now to tell her that I like like you.”
Mikaela watches them steadily as their hand travels up his face to cup his cheek affectionately, "You like like me?”
(Y/n) smiles at him lazily and he admires the way the fire next to them flickers and reflects in the shine of their lively (e/c) eyes, “Shinoa’s words, not mine.”
He hums, eyes sinking closed again as he melts into their warm touch, “You know, she tried to rope Yuu into it too. Maybe she thought she could cover more ground that way or something."
The idea almost makes him snort, but he holds back, melting further into the quiet moment shared between them.
"Did you tell him?" They inquire, brushing their thumb lightly along his cheekbone. Mikaela didn’t need sleep but was certain if he ever did fall asleep again this would be how.
"Not yet," he mumbles, but saying it out loud lets a small prickle of guilt finds him, "I’d rather tell him when he wasn’t being peer pressured to ask me."
"It’s not like he’s going to notice by himself, Mika," (Y/n) retorts, but he can hear their lovely smile in the way their voice draws.
"I know," he responds lightly.
He turns his head in their hand and lovingly presses a kiss to the soft of their palm.
"Let’s not worry about them right now though. Tonight is ours."
Instead of swooning at his YA romance worthy one-liner, (Y/n) instead snorts, as if dumbfounded, "Wh- You cannot be jealous. They’re not even out here."
Mikaela’s eyes flutter open a crack only so he can flash them a sour look.
To which (Y/n) only pulls their hand away to fondly smile at him in response.
While he cherishes this look dearly, mentally taking a photograph of it to join the many others of their beautiful smile, he tells them point-blank, "Look, if you’re not going to cuddle, I’m going back to my room."
"See, that’s just cruel, you don’t even need sleep!" They argue, even as they wiggle closer to him, but they make sure to ‘accidentally’ nudge him a little roughly.
Mikaela hides his smile by resting his head on top of theirs as he welcomes them to his side wholeheartedly, lifting his arm and his cape before wrapping both snug around their figure and pulling them nearer, eliminating all space between them.
"But you do," he reminds them, patting their side fondly, "Now be quiet and close your eyes. I’ll keep watch instead."
"Quit being mean to me or I’ll go to my room," they mutter, and then add pointedly, maybe even a little quieter, "and I will sleep."
It’s not long before Mikaela realizes the reason why is because they were already halfway to snoozing, even as they mumbled that poor argument to him.
He can barely keep the smile off his lips long enough to press a feathery kiss to the top of their head.
"Goodnight, (Y/n)."
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universalfanfic · 3 years
10.) “It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.” For AMH???
For this, we get some Sutton and Mika interaction. :)
Sutton sat in her suite, lit only by a few candles and one gently glowing orb. It wasn’t quite dawn, but she found sleep eluding her. She grabbed a fur blanket and sat in the overstuffed chair next to her unlit fireplace. Sprinkles still snoozed in the bed, her paws twitching in the air, and Sutton envied her. 
Ever since Steve had marched out with Bucky and his troops into the invading ice, she hadn’t been able to get much sleep. It’d been a few days since she’d last gotten a letter, and she wasn’t fretting over it, because nothing bad was going to happen.
But they had been transported off to her universe the last time they did this, and what in the world would they do if she weren’t there to help them again? 
A frantic sort of scratching came from her window and Sutton stood up. A shadow clawed at her glass. Given that she’d forgotten to latch it, it was actually creaking open. A purple snout pushed stubbornly through the crack and Sutton stood as she recognized the creature. 
Mika’s dragon finally broke in, looking very proud of herself. The frills on her head and tail flared as she made a happy little noise. Sprinkles was awake now as she scrambled out of bed.
“Friend Luna! Have you come to play?” Sutton noticed the little leather carrier strapped around one of Luna’s legs just as Luna let out a defiant squawk. 
“A mission.” Sprinkles gasped. 
Luna stretched out her leg accommodatingly when Sutton reached for it, and she pulled out a small scroll of paper to find Mika’s penmanship. 
Your majesty, if it’s not too much trouble, when you wake would you be able to send me the recipe for the pie you told me about? I would like to try making it. 
Sutton wasn’t sure if Mika was awake because she worked in a bakery or because she was losing sleep as well, but the fact that she’d sent Luna so early was a bit of a clue. 
Throwing on what Sutton dubbed her “peasant clothes”, which still didn’t live up to such a moniker, she slipped on some boots and tapped her side.
“Want to come, Sprinkles? I’m going to visit Mika.” 
Mika’s equally famous doggy biscuits unsurprisingly made that answer a resounding yes. 
Warm light spilled out of the bakery, and Sutton followed Luna and Sprinkles around the back to where a door sat cracked open. 
Mika kneaded some dough inside. She wasn’t humming, as she often did, but biting her lower lip as she pensively stared into the distance. Sutton knocked on the door, but she didn’t have to. Luna flew through the door with a series of triumphant chirps and Sprinkles’ nails clicked loudly on the stone floor.
 Mika looked up sharply and several expressions flashed across her face as she took in Sutton’s presence. 
“Your Majesty,” Mika said. “I didn’t mean to wake you!” 
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.” Sutton flashed her a sardonic smile. “Do you usually get up this early, or are you thinking too much as well?” 
Mika looked away in chagrin and dug her palm into the end of the dough. 
“It’s been several days since I received a letter.” 
Sutton’s smile dissipated. So it was the same for Mika. Sutton was hoping it was a transportation issue, and not something else. Perhaps the ravens had gotten held up by a storm, or lost their way, or maybe they had to use something slower than a raven. 
She’d been awake all night thinking of any other possible explanation other than the men weren’t able to respond at all. 
“Me too,” said Sutton.
Mika continued to knead the same ball of dough, so Sutton stamped down her spiraling thoughts and stepped forward. 
“I know the basic pie recipe I was telling you about,” she said. “But I’m not sure you have the right cookies that go in it. Usually I would just buy them pre-made.” 
Mika looked up and gave a gentle smile at Sutton's open expression. She accepted the distraction. 
“Describe the cookies to me and I’m sure I can make them.” 
“Okay. Well, they’re called vanilla wafers, and they're like this kinda, shortbread thing?”
Mika moved to take notes as Sutton talked and Luna curled up to sleep on top of Sprinkles in the corner. 
It was still early, and there were still no ravens, but in Mika’s bakery it was warm and sweetness clung to the air. It’s hard to be fretful when you’re wrist-deep in pie crusts and filling. 
By the afternoon there were several different pies on Mika’s counter. They kept the banana cream for themselves.
Not shown: Mika and Sutton deciding they’re tired of waiting, and going out to find their boys themselves.
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mutemystical · 4 years
Mika was out in the wilds, searching for a good spot to camp with his team-
Booms and crashes, the flash and flicker of fire beyond the trees caught his attention. 
with Bounce in arm, and his curiosity piqued, he trudged through the bushes and peeked around the trees to see what all the commotion was. 
A Charizard. A really big, really familiar one. That was about all he saw before scrambling backward as another blast of flames erupted from the creature’s maw.
 He was more than safe where he was, but it still startled him! He gave an ungraceful squawk as he tumbled backward into the bush, his scorbunny bounding out of his arms for her own safety, then crawling back into the bush to watch the fight again. She was enthralled! In Awe! What powerful flames! Her eyes practically sparkled with admiration as she watched.... 
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chaoticriderlessb · 1 year
No, I totally didn't forget hot and sexy Ignis Scientia is, especially with his hair down and wearing that ring.
Totally didn't forget!
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writer-and-artist27 · 5 years
The End of Takatou Iori
Note: As a thank you thingie for @chiefladylightyay. The one way I can see Takatou Iori surviving after Judai’s Electric Boogaloo of sorts. If her beginning lines of dialogue to Judai were any indication, she deserves better. Just like how The Princess Bride gave the main cast a happy ending. 
So here we go. I hope you like this. I’m not sure how the fight would go, but here’s my take on the end.
The theme is split between two things: (1) Comeback Move, and (2) Determination, both from the original Japanese version of the Yu-Gi-Oh GX soundtrack. 
Judai took a breath. The tanto’s grip in his hands was unfamiliar — far too smooth of a grip to really be like his old blade from the war. But Iori was still in front of him, looking very tempted to clash. His lungs were burning, she was huffing, but the battle was still on. The door was behind him, so if he made it through—
Wait for me, Hikari, he thought. I’ll come home soon.
Iori, as expected, charged first, wavy brown hair messy from blood. 
“HAAAAAA—!” her battle cry rang loud in Judai’s ears and he ducked her newest kunai strike to instead grab her wrist with one hand. Of course. She wanted revenge for her father. But the attacks were far too dull. Far too dead. Far too predictable.
It was like she wasn’t even trying and instead was wishing for death. 
He felt her pulse in that moment and paused. 
Just like me, before Hikari.
With the grab, she yelped and he simply pulled. With only one-fourth of his strength, he flipped her over his head and onto her back as hard as he could, making sure to slash her arms for good measure with his tanto hand. Of course, he avoided the wrists because there was no point spilling blood needlessly. Still. The scream that echoed afterwards would surely be haunting his nightmares. Iori squirmed, trying to move, but her arms were incapacitated. Judai had to make sure of that with the slashes from earlier. 
Now, for the key—
“You fool. How dare you—” Iori was still moving her legs. Judai narrowed his eyes, feeling the familiar flow of chakra go up to his vision with the gesture. She was trying to stand. “I-I’m not done—”
“Done, my ass. You should’ve killed me when you captured me,” he shoots back, and immediately crouches down to kick her feet out from under her. Iori squawks and this time, Judai reverses the grip on the tanto in his hands as fast as he can to slash. “By not doing that and instead giving me a weapon, you left me a turn to win.”
As expected, blood spurts out of her calves as Iori falls yet again, the scream on her lips as she does so.  
Judai puffs a breath while bringing his blade back and Iori is left lying on the tile floor of the dark and cramped room. The air smelled of iron and sweat, and it felt far too familiar. Far too ominous. For once, he’d take going to a hospital room than this place ever again. He wanted to go home. He wanted to see Hikari.
His nerves wouldn’t let him have it. Iori was still breathing. Even after falling and having both her arms and legs rendered useless for any further combat, she was still breathing. 
Should he kill her?
He approached her anyways, shaking the thought out in exchange for thinking on the key. Thinking on going home. 
The bitter laugh that echoed in the room startled him, as minute as the feeling was in that moment.
“I see now…” What exactly? “I… never really wanted revenge.” 
Judai blinked blearily. Iori was smiling. It was a sad smile. 
Why was this reminding him of—
“Judai, you should rest. You’re killing yourself.”
“…What if I want to kill myself?”
Lips were slamming into his and blue eyes were teary and burning into his once they pulled away. “Then I’m not going to let you! Because I want you to live!”
“I merely wished… to see… my parents. One last time.” Iori laughed, and this time the sound was punctuated by a wet cough. The bleeding must’ve come up to her lungs now. “I wonder, Hero, if you feel any remorse for killing my father?” There was another wet cough. Iori was still smiling, even with blood starting to pool under her limbs. “But I guess… It doesn’t really matter… anymore…”
Judai took one step towards her and then she grabbed his tanto-holding hand. He felt himself grunt as he was pulled downwards, and quickly found himself freezing as soon as his vision caught up with what happened.
Iori was pointing the tip of the blade towards her heart with that same smile on her face. 
“Okay, Hero… Set me free…” The smile transformed into something more genuine. “Please.”
Judai frowned. He could feel his chakra pulsate through his eyes, and he blinked them before taking a breath. It did not take much force to wrench her grip away, and her dead purple eyes blinked at him blearily. “No,” he said flatly. “After all the shit you pulled on me, no.”
“No…? Why…?” Iori laughs again, blood staining her clothes. “Is it because you’re finally feeling something like remorse? You’re finally feeling something in that iron-heart of yours?”
Judai takes a breath to calm any irritation, instead biting out, “Yes. My wife is good at that.”
Iori stops.
Judai immediately drops the tanto in his hands and tears off a bit of his pants, pressing the cloth into the nearest sword wound.
“What — what are you doing?” 
“You’re a missing nin,” Judai says casually, “and normally the village wouldn’t let you leave this place alive. But I’m not a ninja anymore.” He ties the knot without hesitation before taking a bit of his dirty shirt in his teeth to tear at it too. “So there’s nothing against a civilian taking in a former ninja to start anew. And besides.” He does his best to dust off any dirt on the cloth before starting the next informal bandage. “My wife would kill me if I came back with more blood on me.”
For the first time, Iori is giving him eyes that look alive. “You… You can’t be serious. I tried to kill you.”
Judai throws his head back and laughs. “It’s another Tuesday for me, Takatou, retired or not. And besides. Once I become a dad, I can’t handle the bar in the cafe forever.” His gaze hardens as soon as she lifts her head to look at him. “And I can’t let you leave this place with all the information you piled up on me anyways.”
“So…” Iori coughs again, “You’re suggesting I-I give up everything I have and just come back with you?”
“Hey.” Judai shrugs, giving her a dirty look. “A precious person of mine told me that they wanted me to live. And right now, I want you to live. It’s the least your parents would’ve wanted.”
“How dare you say that when you—”
“I never had anyone like parents to begin with, so at least cherish their memories when I can’t.”  
Iori falls silent. 
“I know I killed your father. I don’t know when, I can’t remember how, but things are different now. That same person of mine showed me how life is worth the pain and suffering. And I’d be damned to let someone else be fucking suicidal after my bout.” Iori is staring at him with a hint of light in those purple eyes now and Judai rolls his while offering a hand to her. “So let me bandage you up or so help me, because I can’t stand seeing other people be self-pitying.”
Iori stares. “I’ll… I’ll have to change my name. And my appearance, and everything.”
Judai shrugs his shoulders but pulls her up to sit anyways, still offering his other hand to her. “Konoha’s one of the nicest villages there is. We could just put you under a new name, play you off as searching for refuge. And quit looking so dead. Take the time to be yourself and stop chasing ghosts.”
The image of blue hair flashed through his mind’s eye and Judai paused. Iori continued to stare.
Judai puffed a breath and shook his head, absently kicking the tanto away from his feet. “Look, I’ve had enough of old demons. And I took on Hoshino as a name. Why can’t you do the same in finding one for your own? To let go.”
Iori fell silent again. Then she ducked her head. “…I always liked Mikazuki.” 
There was no mistaking the bloody hand slowly placing itself into Judai’s right palm. 
“New Moon?” Judai smirked and shook on it. “That’s fitting. Now give me the key. We need to go. Don’t be surprised if my wife yells at you.”
It was as if someone had pressed the pause button. “Your… wife?”
“She’s a beast in her own right.”
There were no more words exchanged after that.
A few years later… 
“Mika-san! Mika-san!”
“Tomoko-chan, slow down! You’re going to hit something!”
The little black-haired girl grinned and shook her head. “I’ll be fine, Mika-san! You’re here with me!”
The former Takatou Iori sighed and shook her head, brushing short gray hair out of her face. It took a while to get gray hair dye, but no one was the wiser to her old Suna origins when she bought the hair color. Konoha’s sun let her lose some of her tan and for once, gray hair and purple eyes made her feel like a new person.
And for this little girl… 
“Mika-san, Mika-san! Hurry up! The library’s going to close in an hour!”
Iori wondered what her parents would think. What her father would think, with her being an auntie to the child of the person who killed him. But it was in the past. It was a what-if. 
It was time to face the future. A future she was blessed to have, in some way after defecting. After all, she could no longer call herself Iori when Sachi Mikazuki rolled off the tongue better. 
“I’m coming, Tomoko-chan, I’m coming.”
For this little girl, with a smile that shined like the stars that brought her to her new home, Mikazuki followed with newfound light in her eyes. 
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The Tale of Tales Chapter 33
As the days went by Gray found himself enjoying his time with Juvia and Wendy. Wendy was such a cheerful and sweet kid who was a lot like the little sister he never had and he would never admit it or act like it but he liked spending time with Juvia most of all. She was so kind, caring, and thoughtful and she was always concerned for others, even when she was mad at them. He just couldn't understand how someone could be so kind and good.
"Gray!" She called to him one morning when he was digging holes for planting seeds in Wendy's garden. "Oh Gray I have something for you."
"Let me guess more buns? I told you I don't eat bread that much."
"Oh no it's something much more useful. It's something you can use when the storm clears up and we can leave."
She handed him a little box with ribbon tied around it. He untied the ribbon, opened the box, and found a grey scarf inside.
"Do you like it? I knitted it myself."
"What's this for?"
"Well you always seem so cold when you go outside so I thought that I would make you something to keep you warm."
"That's sweet but you didn't really have to."
"Of course I have to. I always make gifts for my friends."
"Yes. I sewed a new shirt by hand for Gajeel, knitted gloves for Elfman, knitted a hat for Romeo, and embroidered a muff for Wendy. It wouldn't be fair if I didn't make you anything."
"We're friends?"
"Of course. You didn't think we were?"
"Well I mean...I...I haven't exactly been nice to you."
"True you can be a grouch most of the time but there have been times when you've been very sweet."
"Well you saved my life twice, once from that man who tried to violate me in the village and a second time from drowning, then you helped me get that thorn out of my finger, and most of all you made me laugh harder than I ever had in a long time. I know you try to be cold and mean but deep down I think you're the sweetest, kindest man I have ever met."
Then she took him completely by surprise by hugging him. Gray felt his heart skip a beat and get a warm feeling. After realeasing him she went to back inside to help Wendy with cooking dinner. Gray looked down at the scarf she had given him. No one, no one had ever given him a gift before. At least not in the last ten years. He remembered the last present he had ever gotten. It was his eighth birthday and his parents had been saving up all their extra money to get him a present that year.
You see Gray had been born into a family living in poverty. They lived in a dirty old shack that had holes in the roof, no fire place, and only one bed. He and his mother always slept in the bed while his father slept on the floor, of course his mother always protested that she and her husband should swap off every night but Gray's father didn't believe in making a lady sleep on the cold hard floor especially when she was his wife.
His father named Silver worked as a woodcutter and his mother named Mika worked as a washer woman and they both worked so very hard but no matter how hard they worked it never seemed to be enough. They didn't even have enough money to send Gray to school so his mother had to teach him how to read, write, and do arithmetic. When Gray was six he insisted that he be allowed to help his father chop wood and sell it in the village. He remembered how his mother was all in a panic because she thought that Gray was too young and that he might accidentally chop off his arm or leg but he actually learned how to chop wood real well for his age.
His parents had never been able to afford a birthday present for him but because he had been working so hard to help out for the last three years they were determined to get him a present for his eighth birthday. They had managed to buy him two gifts. One was his very own hunting knife which Silver had bought in secret and it made Mika very upset when he gave it to their son and the second gift was a silver cross on a chain that was supposed to protect whoever wore it from wolves and witchcraft. He was so excited when he received his gifts and after his parents were killed he vowed that he would never take off the cross they gave him and he would keep that hunting knife with him always.
"What's taking so long!" An angry voice squawked startling him out of his memories. It was that crow who served as Minerva's spy. "It's been weeks, your foot is all better, and yet Juvia is still alive! Why is that?"
During all the time he had been spending with Juvia he had completely forgotten that he was supposed to kill her.
"Well there have been complications." He said. "And I haven't found the right moment to do it."
"How about tonight while she's sleeping? You're far from the dwarfs who would beat you to a pulp so there's nothing to stop you! Don't forget the reward you'll receive if you do it and if that doesn't puersasde you to hurry it up then the penalty for if you fail will."
"Uh what exactly are you going to do to me?"
"Don't fail me and you won't have to know."
Gray gulped as he watched the crow fly away. If the penalty was what he feared it was then he needed to kill Juvia tonight but could he really do it? After everything she had done for him? After she had been so kind to him? No. No he couldn't go soft now. Not when his life was on the line. Juvia was just another person he was paid to eliminate and nothing more. So that night when Wendy and Juvia were asleep, Gray quietly crept into the room where Juvia was sleeping.
She was sound asleep in bed completely unaware that in that moment she could be killed. Gray pulled out his dagger and prepared to plunge it right into her chest but found himself unable to bring the dagger's blade down to strike.
"Just do it!" His thoughts screamed at him. "It shouldn't be this difficult! You've done it before!"
But as he stared at her beautiful sleeping face he couldn't help but think back to how kind, gentle, sweet, and loving she was. To him and everyone else. She was so beautiful and innocent, she had never sought to harm another and was always trying to help others. She was his friend, she had cared for him, she had shed tears for him, and she had called him her friend.
"I can't! I can't do it!" He gasped dropping the dagger. Gray had no idea what had come over him but he just couldn't bring himself to harm Juvia and the mere thought of it terrified him more than anything in the world. "Dear God what has this woman done to me?"
The snow storm that was taking place outside of Wendy's magical home and garden was absolutely brutal. The wind was blowing hard and when it touched you it felt like a million shards of broken glass was cutting your skin and it was so cold that it was hard to see and even breathe. Lucy, Natsu, Erza, and Levy were struggling to get through the storm and reach some form of shelter before they all froze to death. Levy tried to use her magic to create an area with a warmer climate but she had been trapped for so long that it had made some parts of her powers difficult to control. One of the hardest was spells that involved weather and climate change. However she was able to create some warm winter coats for them.
"How much further til we reach the Magnolia village?" Natsu asked.
"Three miles." Erza said.
"We can't keep walking in this blizzard like this. We need to rest for the night." Levy said.
"But where are we supposed to rest?" Erza asked. "We're stranded in the middle of nowhere."
"Hey where's Lucy?" Natsu asked.
It wasn't until now that the friends realized that there was only three of them and that Lucy had mysteriously disappeared.
"She must've gotten lost." Levy said. "We better find her. You two search the ground, I'll try to fly up and look for her from a distance."
Hearing this Erza and Natsu quickly began searching for Lucy and calling out her name. Levy flew up into the sky and looked for her from there though the cold hurt her wings really bad.
"Lucy! Lucy where are you?!" Natsu called out. "Come on Lucy answer me! Damn it I can't see a thing in this blizzard! Lucy!"
He tripped over a rock that he didn't see but that allowed him to see something golden in the snow. It was hair. Natsu quickly crawled over to where the hair was, he brushed away the snow from it and found that it was connected to Lucy who was lying unconscious.
"Lucy!" He quickly got to his feet and placed his ear to her chest. Good she was still breathing. "Come on Lucy wake up! Don't die on me now! Come on!"
He gently shook her and much to his relief she started come to.
"Natsu?" She said dazed and confused.
"You alright?"
"Ugh...My whole body hurts. I don't think I can move."
"Can you hold on to my neck?"
"I think so."
Natsu took off his coat and covered her with it then he lifted her up on to his back and went to meet back with Erza and Levy.
"Guys we need to get Lucy out of this weather or she's a goner." He said.
"I saw a cottage just a little ways from here." Levy said. "We should be there in five minutes."
"Okay. Just hold on Lucy, we'll get you warmed up soon." Natsu told her.
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ao3feed-yuumikayuu · 5 years
drama at the box office
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SSvkUM
by seance_vent
“Well, as you can see, me and my boyfriend—” at that, Yuu squeezed his waist, eliciting from Mika a surprised, ungainly squawk—“are very much together, and very much eager to get on with our date. So if you’ll excuse us…”
Boyfriend. Together. Date.
Mika was going to pass out.
(Or: that one fic where a pansexual Yuuichirou Hyakuya takes no shit from a homophobic box office clerk, and Mika must remind himself that he is the BEST friend, not the BOYfriend. That part changes by the end of their ordeal.)
Words: 4711, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 終わりのセラフ | Owari no Seraph | Seraph of the End
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hyakuya Mikaela, Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Original Characters
Relationships: Hyakuya Mikaela/Hyakuya Yuuichirou
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Mutual Pining, Fluff and Humor, Valentine's Day, Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Slurs, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Pansexual Hyakuya Yuuichirou, (Mika is still questioning), basically yuu tells off a homophobe and gets both a boyfriend and movie ticket discounts out of it
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SSvkUM
44 notes · View notes
seance-vent · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 終わりのセラフ | Owari no Seraph | Seraph of the End Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hyakuya Mikaela/Hyakuya Yuuichirou Characters: Hyakuya Mikaela, Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Original Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Mutual Pining, Fluff and Humor, Valentine's Day, Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Slurs, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Pansexual Hyakuya Yuuichirou, (Mika is still questioning), basically yuu tells off a homophobe and gets both a boyfriend and movie ticket discounts out of it Summary:
“Well, as you can see, me and my boyfriend—” at that, Yuu squeezed his waist, eliciting from Mika a surprised, ungainly squawk—“are very much together, and very much eager to get on with our date. So if you’ll excuse us…”
Boyfriend. Together. Date.
Mika was going to pass out.
(Or: that one fic where a pansexual Yuuichirou Hyakuya takes no shit from a homophobic box office clerk, and Mika must remind himself that he is the BEST friend, not the BOYfriend. That part changes by the end of their ordeal.)
happy valentine’s day, all!
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ahomeganeyatsu · 5 years
Ran Off in the Night (Part 7)
“Wow, who pissed in your coffee this morning and made you drink it?” Arthur’s voice interrupted him as he tried to get his binder from his locker.
Lucas took his eyes off from what he was doing to give his spectacled-friend the full view of his unimpressed look before returning his attention to his locker. There were many variations of it, dependent on the level of his shit-o-meter.
“Yikes, little Lulu’s quite in a mood today.” Arthur remarked to someone. He still sounded like he found it amusing, but there was also a smidgeon of concern there.
“You think?” Yann replied. He had arrived with Basile and the three of them exchanged fist bumps. They left the curly-haired teen hanging once again. It was a running joke in their group, none of them really planned it but they still found themselves agreeing to it. “The hoodie’s a dead-giveaway.”
“Yeah, Lucas, did you get the wrong size or something?” Basile asked, his face folded in a baffled expression. He never had seen Lucas in clothes not his size. He always dressed good and that’s saying something when Lucas had clothes that were the same thing only in several different colors (grey, blue, white and black). He was also the type who managed to look good in a pair of joggers for goodness sake. How unfair was that?
Lucas wore 24’s hoodie to school today. He was still unsettled from the dream and this was the only thing that managed to calm him down. The scent of its owner has faded a bit, and Lucas has worn it long enough that his own smell had mixed with the hoodie. It was kind of nice. And he still hadn’t figured out why that was. 24 still hadn’t shown his ridiculously beautiful gorgeous dumb face again.
Something Lucas was ambivalent about.
On one hand, he wished he was here so Lucas could get answers. On the other, he would rather not have the guy see him wearing his hoodie to school. He seemed like the kind of guy who would feel incredibly proud of it. Lucas wasn’t going to feed his ego. No, siree.
“You could have gotten it swapped in the right size. Unless it was online and you lost the receipt so you couldn’t exchange it?” Basile was saying and Lucas resolved not to deign his question with an answer.
“Don’t you have a class to get to?” he said instead, slamming his locker shut and locking it quickly.
Arthur and Yann exchanged a glance but both shrugged as they had no answer for Lucas’ mood. They didn’t press him, for now. They already understood that the more they asked the more he would shy away and close off. And none of them wanted that.
“See you guys at lunch then, come on Basile.” Yann waved for the boy to come along. Basile still looked confused but followed after, throwing a “Later” to Lucas and Arthur.
“One of these days, you’re gonna tell us what’s bothering you Lulu.” Arthur draped his arm over Lucas’ shoulder and ruffled his hair. “But for now, did you read up on the topic today?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be our resident nerd?”
Arthur flicked his hand dismissively. “Psh. My glasses may be real but my eyes haven’t been damaged from studying.” He sounded oddly proud of that but Lucas refrained from pointing it out.
“Why aren’t you asking Alex? Isn’t she supposed to be your partner?”
“Like you’ve asked Imane.” The look on his face begged Lucas to tell him he was wrong. And Arthur knew Lucas’ answer to that.
“Hey, at least I know why I haven’t talked to my partner. She’s fucking scary,” he explained. There was no debating that. It was fact. A truth that became absolute to whoever has encountered Imane Bakhellal. “Compared to that, Alex’s more approachable.”
“She also forgets to do our assignments 50-percent of the time,” Arthur pointed out.
“Like you’re any better,” Lucas scoffed.
This time Arthur tugged at his hair and Lucas squawked, elbowing him in retaliation.
  To Q:
You’re not entertaining clients on Wednesday are you?
 From Q:
For you mon loulou, I’ll clear my schedule. Did you need something in particular? My services aren’t cheap you know! But I can always give you a discount ;)
 To Q:
Even if you did give me a discount, I still can’t afford the services you provide. I’ll do manual labor like last time.
 From Q:
That’s always a pleasure.
 To Q:
Ugh. PLEASE. STOP. Don’t make it sound weird.
 From Q:
Hey, not my fault your mind’s in the gutter.
Gotta go, duty calls. See you mon petit chou!
 To Q:
Yeah, yeah see—
 “Who are you texting?”
Lucas jumped in his seat, his phone almost flying from his hand if he hadn’t fumbled to catch it. His heart was beating a mile a minute in chest. He turned in his seat to look to his side and saw Imane standing beside him, smirking a bit.
“Fuck, Imane. Did you really have to scare me like that?” he glared at her.
The smirk disappeared and the impassive no-bullshit face slams back on. “Do you really have to be so grumpy all the time? It’s not my fault you’re a jumpy kitten.” She took her seat beside him and plopped her bag in front of her. Lucas almost groaned. Was Mika’s pet name for him spreading to the girls? They were Manon’s friends and Mika hung out with them once in a while. He wouldn’t put it past Mika to tell the girls just to tease him. “I was going to give you a gift,” she continued as he brought out her text book. “But I changed my mind.”
“A gift, really?” a crease formed on his forehead.
“Yeah, but I’m not giving it to you,” Imane repeated. “You had your chance.” Okay, Lucas would be stupid not to admit he was curious. What kind of gift would Imane even get him? But Imane was a mountain, strong and unmovable. So, when she said she won’t give it, she wasn’t going to give it.
He finished the message he had been typing and sent it. He slid his phone back into his bag and took out his book. The page they were going to be doing was already on the board. He flipped through it lazily to get to the page, his mind wandering to the common room. He still hadn’t figured out why 24 showed up in the common room of all places. Maybe— no, that would be stupid. But what if, right? What if the room had some special properties that could summon 24?
The thought was as ridiculous as it sounded but he at least had to venture on that idea. See if it pans out before dismissing it. He glanced at Imane. There was no harm in asking.
“Hey, Imane,” he started. Imane hummed to tell him she was listening. “Do you have more meetings planned for the common room?”
This made Imane pause in her reading and place her attention on Lucas. “Like you care about it now?”
“Well, no.” She cocked a brow at him. “I mean, it’s just a good idea, that’s all.”
Imane hummed and turned back to the textbook. “And to be honest, the first meeting wasn’t as bad as it seemed,” he added, returning his own attention to his own textbook and frowned at the exercise. Shit, he may have read up on the wrong topic.
“There’s another meeting on Wednesday noon, if you want to join,” Imane told him.
He hasn’t sent Q what time he’ll be dropping by on Wednesday, so it’s safe to come. Lucas nodded. “Okay, I’ll be there.” He started skimming over the page to get a clue what they’ll be doing. He wasn’t terribly lost on the topic, so that was good.
“Okay, fine. You can get your gift,” Imane sighed and she flicked her eyes below their table.
Lucas turned his eyes down and saw that in Imane’s hand, there lies the packet of weed that he had lost in Emma’s party a week ago. His eyes widened, “Oh yes girl! You’re the boss!” he muttered excitedly.
“Hurry up, I’m not gonna sit like this for the whole class.”
The blue-eyed teen took his bag, then the weed in Imane’s hand but before he could slide it in the pockets, Madam Rigaux called for their attention.
“What are you two up to?”
Lucas was frozen. Shit. They were going to get caught. He was going to get caught with weed in his hand. Fuck.
“Nothing,” Imane’s voice snapped him out and Lucas mimicked her words, turning to her with wide panicked eyes. Imane was acting as cool as a cucumber and Lucas really did admire her for being able to act as if Lucas wasn’t holding a packet of weed in his hand, and this won’t get them suspended, if not expelled.
“What are you hiding under the table?”
Everyone was looking at them. All ready to see the latest drama getting dished out in Madam Rigaux’s class.
“Nothing at all,” Imane replied, flipping through the textbook. He hadn’t even noticed that she had her hand tucked in her bag. “I was just looking for something in my bag.”
Madam Rigaux started walking towards them and Lucas tried to keep his cool. But he had never been good under pressure. He tried not to fidget in his seat, not to look at his hand where he was clutching the packet of weed, and fucking breathe, Lallemant. Keep it together! He subtly slid the packet of weed in one of the open pockets and zipped it back close.
“Imane, do you think I’m stupid? Let me see.” Madam Rigaux was right behind Lucas, her hand extended for Imane to give her whatever she was hiding.
Lucas turned to Imane, looking to see what she’ll do. And Imane. Imane slammed something on the table. At first, it made no sense. What the hell did she just put on their table? But the split-second shock wore off and Lucas did a double-take because he knew what those are. He had seen it in the flat’s bathroom and in his old home. The guts of this girl. Imane Bakhellal just slammed tampons on our fucking table.
And Lucas was staring at Imane, blue-eyes screaming what the fuck woman. He nearly protested when Imane said he bought them for her. No words come out though. He still can’t believe Imane just did that.
Once Mada Rigaux had backed off and Imane was done ranting how humiliated she was, as if she hadn’t just showed Madam Rigaux up like the boss she was. He glanced at Imane and met her dark eyes. Lucas tried to stop the smile breaking out on his face. But the smug look on Imane’s face was enough to dash his efforts. He hid his face behind his hand, lest Madam Rigaux sees them. A giggle bubbled out of his throat and Imane was snickering right next to him.
Okay, Imane was definitely the boss.
   Lucas’ stomach ached from laughter as Alexia had finished reading out one of the surveys in her hand.
“W-Wait, can I see that?” he asked wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. Alexia handed him the survey and he quickly glanced at the number. He didn’t even need to read all of it out. The scribble was familiar enough for him to know who this was. “Uh,” he coughed. “So, girls, this is Basile’s number.”
“No, seriously, what is up with him? How come he’s interested in me now?” Daphne asked frustrated. “Like the other day I caught him staring at me and actually drooling. I could feel his eyes on me from a 100 meters away,” she gesticulated and shuddered, “It was a nightmare.”
They couldn’t help but laugh at the look on Daphne’s face. Lucas was not even going to defend Baz. The guy has some problems expressing his feelings that tend to creep a girl out. Even with Yann, Arthur and his guidance, Baz still had a long way to go. He just hoped his friend would tone it down or else he’ll lose all his chances with Daphne.
They read a few more, getting a couple more laughs when they read the one from Alexia and Emma came back in with a scowl on her face.
“What’s going on?” Imane asked immediately noticing the change in girl’s mood.
“Alex is getting on my nerves. Apparently, I’ve been telling people we were going out,” she rolled her eyes and pocketed her phone.
Whoops. Maybe Lucas shouldn’t have mentioned anything when he bumped into Alex last Monday. It wasn’t his fault he read the atmosphere wrong! He and Emma looked pretty close in her IG stories and posts that Lucas assumed there was something going on between them. Then again, he thought wolves were monogamous and look where Alex was. A fuckboy to the core.
He has half an ear open to the conversation. Eyes trained outside the courtyard. He might be friends with Alex and knew about his heritage but they still weren’t that close. Not the way he was close to the gang. He didn’t want to know too much about Emma’s relationship in fear of fucking it up like last time. They seem to be better these days and Emma was okay with him, but Lucas still hadn’t forgiven himself for what he did.
He was thinking of ways on how to make it up to Emma when he saw a familiar mop of unruly brown hair right through the window. “Okay, I gotta go girls. Here’s your form,” he handed the papers he had been holding to Alexia and he grabbed his bag, rushing out of the room. He didn’t even hear the girls saying bye to him.
He couldn’t have mistaken it. He knew he saw 24. He might not be sporting his usual black on black attire, exchanged for a brown jacket and an army green backpack of all things. But the gait, the hair—Lucas knew it as 24. He came out into the courtyard but before he could look around, the guys were right there.
They ask him if he was in the common room and he responded in the affirmative. Yann made a comment about him hanging out with the girls a lot and Basile butted in, asking if Daphne has said anything about him. Lucas was this close to telling him that he was creeping her out but figured he’ll have to discover it on his own, and so he just tells him “No”. He looked away from his friends, eyes darting all over the courtyard but 24— 24 was gone. He wasn’t there anymore.
Lucas wanted to stomp his feet in frustration. He can’t believe he missed him again. This was getting absolutely ridiculous! One moment he was there and the next he’s not. Stupid Teumessian fox analogy, why did he have to compare him to that damned fox?
Basile is still speaking but Lucas wasn’t paying any attention anymore. Arthur was telling him something but their words were all registering as gibberish to him. He was too hung up on the thought of 24 being here just a second ago and disappearing altogether again. He was still looking around, hoping to maybe somehow catch a tell-tale sign of him. Maybe he missed something? Maybe 24 was just teasing him? He had done it back in the bus stop, smooth fucker that he was. He might be doing it again now.
But then he heard that voice, and Lucas bit his tongue to prevent himself from saying anything offensive.
Chloe was there and this time accompanied by a friend. He can’t remember her name but he did remember Basile helping her out when she was puking her guts out in Emma’s kitchen sink.
“I’m fine,” he told her, voice devoid of any interest.
It wasn’t fazing her. She was still smiling. “Are you doing anything this Friday night? We were planning a party in Maria’s house. It’s nothing big, just an intimate gathering.” She was acting cool, like this was nothing big. Like this was totally normal. She was just asking a guy she made out with in a party two weeks ago that hasn’t responded to any of her messages.
Fuck, did he make a mistake accepting her friend request?
Should Lucas have not done that?
He wasn’t stupid or blind. He could read it as clear as day in her eyes that she wanted him to say yes, to accept the invitation. Then her eyes darted to his three dumbass friends behind him and said, “You guys could come too, obviously.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry but it’s really bad timing. I have something scheduled for Friday—” he could already see Chloe’s smile faltering and the look on her friend’s face was as close to the fuck oh shit no he has ever seen as she looked from Lucas to Chloe.
But Arthur, the great interjector, just put his hand on Lucas’ shoulder pulling him to the side and inserting himself, literally, into the conversation. “Okay. So no, no, no. We don’t have anything on Friday.” Lucas slowly turned to glare daggers at Arthur to shut up, Turturo. Who said he was talking about them having plans?  It was just him!  Him, Lucas, no one else! They could go to Chloe’s party for all he cared! Don’t drag him into this!
Arthur was displaying an incredible amount of imperviousness to his death glare. He was almost impressed. Almost. “We would love to come and we’re bringing booze.”
Chloe was already smiling again, spirits lifted from the acceptance of the invitation. “Ok, cool. We’ll send you the address. See you on Friday!”
Lucas gave her one of his fakest smiles that everyone else thought was real, “Cool.”
Their gaze followed the two girls as they left. When they were out of ear shot, Yann turned to Lucas. He looked a bit done with Lucas. “Come on, Lucas. What’s your problem?”
“What are you talking about?” he said. He felt tired all of a sudden. He wasn’t in the mood to talk anymore.
“I don’t know. Do you want us to stay between guys for the rest of our lives?”
“Lucas, you never say no to an ‘intimate gathering’ with a girl,” Basile added in. “Never!” He wanted to tell him that if he didn’t stop speaking like that he should definitely say goodbye to his chances with Daphne.
“Guys, Chloe and I saw each other a total of three times, four if you can’t this one, and she has been talking me ever since. It’s stressing me out.”
Basile threw up his hands like he couldn’t get why Lucas didn’t like that. Like getting stalked by a girl was the best thing that could ever happen in his life. He wanted to punch him so badly right now.
“Wait, wait.” Arthur slid in and pushed Basile to the side. “I don’t understand what’s going on. You’re my bro, but what’s going on in your head? She’s into you, dude!”
The words Are any of you even hearing what am I’m saying?! were at the tip of his tongue, jumping to be screamed. He didn’t though. He bit the inside of his cheek and tasted blood. He held the words in. They weren’t listening to him. They were just letting his words pass over their heads. What use was it to clear it up? They weren’t hearing him.
So, he kept quiet and looked away. He swallowed the words pooling in his mouth, focused on the metallic taste flooding his mouth.
His phone rang and he had never been more thankful to have an excuse to get away from them.
He just couldn’t deal with them right now.
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relicworlds-blog · 7 years
Lancaster James and the Hunt for the Uther Maris - Part 3
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Lancaster came back to consciousness slowly and painfully this time.  He ached almost everywhere.  He felt numb everywhere else.  He believed he had been revived by several slaps to the face, but he couldn’t be certain.  He was too weak to move; too weak even to resist the gangster who had him by the back of his shirt.  All he noticed about his surroundings was that they were no longer in the cargo bay. Instead, they were in a corridor next to an air lock.
Nikos saw Lancaster notice the outer door and said in a no-nonsense voice stripped of all pleasantries, “If you aren’t willing to tell me what I want to know, you’re useless to me.  So I’ll throw you out this air lock into deep space where your body will never be found.”
Lancaster tried to speak, and as he did, he found that each word came out in a drunken slur.  “If I tell you, you kill me anyway.”
“Not true,” Nikos said, his pleasant voice returning.  “You’re more valuable to me alive.  You see, I know that you are better at xeno-historical research than me. You always have been.  I may have the doctor title, but your knowledge and skills far exceed mine.  I need you to help me find what I’m searching for.  To know what I’m looking at.  Without you, I’ll just be glossing over dusty objects; many of which will be valuable. So come with me and live like a king, Lancaster.”
Lancaster could not help but smile.  Though he hated Nikos, he had always sought approval from the official society from which Dr. Kazakis had come, and this was the first time he could remember hearing it.  He kept grinning, even looking away; remembering how long it had been that he had…
Nikos grabbed Lancaster’s face and turned it toward him.  His own face revealed that he was out of patience, but he still spoke in that kindly manner, though with a tight jaw.  “If you don’t help me, I’ll still get what I want if I have to kill everyone you care about to get it.  We’ll kill your partner, we’ll kill everyone at that university you work for… We’ll kill Mika, and we’ll get that Constellation Crest she’s hiding. And then I will have the location of every secret in the galaxy.”
Lancaster could not help but smile pathetically.  He was unable to laugh, and this was the closest he could get. He then met eyes with Nikos with a “get real” expression and said, “You’re going to kill Little Jack. Really.”
Just then, the ship’s alarm sounded; a squawking, raucous noise, the sure sign of a low rent civilian vessel.  Just as everyone was reacting to the sound, a loud explosion was accompanied by the ship shaking violently.  All four of the men in the corridor stumbled.  The gangsters tried to regain their footing, but found they were beginning to float.  The suction from the floor that created the artificial gravity was failing, as were the lights, and anything else that used power.  While the thugs began to scream in panic, Nikos waited for the reserve power to kick in.  Even lesser ships usually had something to fall back on that was not attached to the main power plant in case it was taken out.
While they waited, Nikos looked at Lancaster.  He was holding onto the floor, smiling.  Nikos simply asked him, “How?”
Lancaster didn’t answer.  He didn’t want Nikos to know about the tracking device in his jacket, nor the button he pressed to warn Little Jack of danger.  Lancaster also knew that Little Jack had methods of entering a star system undetected, dropping out of spectrum drive in the outer ring, using the sensors to find his target, then jumping through spectrum to appear very close to the target; close enough to get a hit on it before it was able to turn on its defense systems.
After nearly a minute of stumbling in the dark,the lights and artificial gravity turned back on.  After everyone landed hard on the floor, they saw Lancaster.  He had not in any way tried to escape.  He was just holding onto the grating of the floor with a large smile on his face.  “Keep a gun on him!” Nikos ordered, and the thugs did as he said.  All of them were looking around, wondering what would happen next.
Just then they got their answer.  They saw outside the windows of the airlock doors a vessel pull up and stop, then connect to the outside air lock door.  Nikos called for reinforcements, and in a few moments, they had a crowd of armed syndicate soldiers in the corridor looking through the same window they were looking.
They saw the outer air lock open and a small figured step through into the airlock chamber.  He wore large, frosted over glasses that covered nearly his entire face, and a thick, padded, black outfit.  He was in no hurry, strolling casually inside.  They noted his two custom crafted laser pistols with various settings; the kind only the most skillful gunmen carried.
Lancaster looked at Nikos and noticed he was growing uneasy.  But as Little Jack took his time, Lancaster became uneasy as well, wondering if his partner was trying to come up with a plan.
The small man was stretching his neck in different directions, cracking his knuckles, as though preparing for a fight.  One of the gangsters said, “I’m tired of waiting.  Someone open the door so we can crack his shaft.”
One of the thugs stepped forward toward the control panel.  Little Jack did the same, each of them arriving at their own side of the door at the same time.  Little Jack was so short that only his glasses and forehead were still visible in the window, and they were staring straight at the gangster who had approached the door controls.  Unnerved by Little Jack’s calm behavior, the woman kept her gun pointed straight at where Little Jack’s body would be, and she pressed the button to open the door…
Nothing happened.  She pressed it again, and a few of the others shouted at her to get the door opened. “He locked us in,” she said baffled.
Nikos had an idea what was about to happen, so he hurried for the door toward the front of the ship.
A hood flapped over the back of Little Jack’s head, and a mask covered over the front. He lifted a gloved hand which was holding a detonator.  Every eye grew wide in the corridor except Lancaster’s.  He laced his fingers as tightly as he could into the floor grating.
Little Jack pressed the trigger.
The ceiling exploded, and the syndicate crew was sucked out.  The one with a gun on Lancaster tried to hold onto him, but his grip slipped, and he tumbled outside with the others.  Lancaster’s legs flew up as well, but he kept hold of the floor.
Nikos made his escape, throwing open the door and slipping through just as the explosion occurred, then closing it before he could get sucked back out. Little Jack paid him no attention. He opened the door, reached in, and grabbed his partner, then yanked him back out, closing the inner airlock door behind him.
Lancaster was panting as he dropped to the floor.  “Come on,” Little Jack said, and he began toward his ship.
“Wait! We need to get the artifact.”
Little Jack wanted to argue, but he sighed, knowing that if it got left behind, their trip would be for nothing.  “What does it look like?”
Lancaster described it to him, and Little Jack agreed.  But he first had to put Lancaster in his ship so he wouldn’t get sucked out when he opened the door to the corridor again.  Once Lancaster was safely stored, Little Jack entered the syndicate’s vessel and made his way to the hold.  They were using a cargo ship with a standard design, one Little Jack knew well.  It wasn’t far away from the airlock through which he was walking.
Once he arrived in the room, he spotted the equipment they had used to torture Lancaster.  He shook his head, muttering, “Amateurs.”  He scanned the items in a shelf behind glass.  Some were relics, some were standard equipment on a ship.  While he was searching, another doorway opened. Without turning toward it, Little Jack raised his pistol and fired, hitting the first person through the door, who tumbled back onto his partner, and the door slammed shut again.  Little Jack blasted the door controls, hoping that would keep it stuck for a little while.  He then shot the glass of the container, reached in, and grabbed the artifact Lancaster had described.  He picked up Lancaster’s pack and shoved the item in there.  He also shoved in Lancaster’s jacket, and slung the utility belt over his shoulder.  He saw his hat, but didn’t want to use the other hand to carry it, and it wasn’t carrying tools as the jacket was, so he left it.  Thus equipped, Little Jack made his way back to the corridor.
The door closest to the front of the ship opened with a couple thugs behind it. Their guns were drawn and they fired immediately.  Little Jack fired back instantly, shooting the enemy laser bolts out of the sky, deflecting them into the walls.  He then fired two more rapid shots into them, killing the thugs.  He pressed a button on the gun with his thumb and the cartridge on the bottom of it swiveled and locked in place.  He fired again, and a small rocket flew down the hall and exploded at the end.  Little jack didn’t want anyone else bothering him.That done, he made his way through the airlock, and onto Odin’s Revenge.
As they pulled away and flew into spectrum drive, Lancaster pulled the artifact out of the pack.  It was not the Maris.  Instead it was a device with a square bottom and a round head with spikes, some of which had a few blood stains on them.  Lancaster smiled with delight.
“I thought we came for the Uther Maris,” Little Jack said.
Lancaster shrugged and said, “This was much more big ticket.  And more valuable.  The Uther Maris was still in development by the Siguerans, so it won’t work no matter how many R&D people they put on it.  But this…” Lancaster held the item aloft as well as he could in his weak state.  “The Taiper Anslees is a deciphering machine, and it can lead us to one of the most important discoveries in the galaxy.”
There was a silence as Lancaster beamed with pride, and the light outside dimmed from the glow of a star system to the darkness of the brane in spectrum drive. “And they were beating you with it.”
“Ironies will never cease,” Lancaster said, as the star system disappeared behind them.
The End
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