#Military Draft
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The Giants' Willie Mays is sworn in as a private at the U.S. Army induction center in Manhattan, May 29, 1952.
Photo: Anthony Camerano for the AP via NY Daily News
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entity56 · 2 months
"If women and men are equal, why don't they get drafted/get sent to the military/forced to do hard labor jobs?" is a good point, but not for the reason misogynists may think. The point isn't to A) say women are lesser than men OR B) say we need to force women to do the same things as men.
The point is nobody should be drafted. The point is nobody should be forced to work hard labor or time-extensive, underpaid jobs to survive. The point isn't equal man/woman work load anymore. It's a matter of free will in late stage capitalism. Work should be optional.
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wronggalaxy · 9 months
I'm genderqueer and AFAB but wish I was AMAB(especially since medical transition isn't a possibility for me) and I find it hilarious when people say "you should be grateful, if you were AMAB you'd have to sign up for the draft"
Hun, I'm disabled in multiple ways, currently have a long term injury, have seeked mental health help, and even outside of my disabilities couldn't pass a fitness test. I couldn't join the military if I wanted to.
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odinsblog · 2 years
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After President Vladimir Putin announced this week that Russia was conscripting some 300,000 reservists and military veterans to reinforce its war effort in Ukraine, international flights out of Russian cities quickly sold out. This latest wave of Russia’s exodus included Anton Shalaev, a 38-year-old senior manager at an IT company, and 15 colleagues.
On less than a day’s notice, these men of military age all left their relatively comfortable lives in downtown Moscow to fly to Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. Because of Putin’s war, Shalaev tossed a book, an iPad, and a laptop in a backpack and got out of Dodge.
Shalaev and his co-workers are true tech geeks, producers of high-value computer games. They represent their country’s brightest and best, members of a tech elite that was the economic foundation of Russia’s new middle class. In a last selfie from Moscow, Shalaev brandished a coffee mug that bore the slogan, not today, satan.
Anna Nemtsova: Why didn’t you want to be drafted to fight in Ukraine?
Anton Shalaev: On the day Putin declared the war, I knew I would never fight on behalf of this new Nazi Reich. They are my personal enemies: mercenaries who steal my country from me, occupy foreign territories, and kill innocent people. Putin’s army commanders have had plenty of time to turn down their contracts; instead, they are recruiting more cannon fodder now.
So I chose to help Ukrainians suffering from this horror—pay for shelters in Kyiv with cryptocurrency and write antiwar posts on social media. To encourage Russians at home, I said: “Guys, look, I am writing this from Moscow.”
Nemtsova: What was your escape like?
Shalaev: Unlike state-owned companies such as Yandex or the Mail.ru Group, which are making their employees stay, we were independent of government funding, so we made an immediate decision to relocate.
The atmosphere at passport control in the airport was quiet but tense; men waiting for the flight around me were exchanging alerted glances. I had bought my ticket right before the announcement—we were already hearing rumors of the mobilization—so it cost me only about $300. But my colleagues got their tickets the next day, and they cost more than $1,000.
The departure was super stressful. The border guards took each of my friends aside into a small room, interrogated them, asked if they had ever served in the military, and if not, why not. And you know that type of sly border official making their little jokes: “Aha, you are leaving on the day of conscription.” Of course, they checked whether our names were in the database for the mobilization.
Nemtsova: Did you do military service, in fact, when you turned 18?
Shalaev: No, I entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, which had a military department, so that released me from the service obligation. I studied political science, and dreamed of becoming a Russian diplomat—Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was a graduate there. For a long time, I considered myself a Russian patriot, ready to serve.
When I enrolled in college, in 2001, there was some ideological diversity: We had a neo-Stalinist who taught us about how “Josef” ruled with an iron fist, but the next class would be with a professor telling us about liberal values. Today, the school recruits students for the secret services. And lately, I heard that the dean has urged students to call for Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to surrender.
Nemtsova: What do you think of the Kremlin’s decision making?
Shalaev: A few old men and an army of zombies are leading us to hell. I say that because people around me in Russia behaved as if they had been bitten by a zombie, dragging my entire country into a dreadful war. All I saw was Russian loser husbands beating their wives, while the entire rotting house of the state system has turned my people into an army of the dead.
They are my enemies.
Nemtsova: What do you know of the situation in Ukraine?
Shalaev: I constantly follow the war news in Ukraine—and I seek out the best, most objective analysts. My main sources on the atrocities are Ukrainian refugees from cities bombed by Russian forces.
I realize that I would rather go to prison than go to fight against the Ukrainian army. I openly embrace my antiwar position. I urge my social-media followers to donate to Ukrainians. This entire war is a crime against humanity.
(continue reading)
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diablo1776 · 16 hours
Matt Kim - is a Military Draft in the works?
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Don’t see any men shutting the fuck about abortions though 🤔
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all-bi-myself-lol · 6 months
As a feminist, I don’t think women should be drafted.
As a feminist, I don’t think anyone should be drafted.
If there aren’t enough people that believe in the war, then you shouldn’t be fighting it.
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shoujoboy-restart · 8 months
Men who complain about the draft or military conscription have 1 out of 10 chance of having constructive beliefs surrounding issues like the freedom of association and turning citizenship into a ideological and population manipulation tool, and want it to be abolished because no citizen should be held hostage with their basic and fundamental rights on the line if they don't comply to the war for profit made by the state and elites.
But 9 out 10 times is some manosphere chud that doesn't actually care about the rights and freedoms people should have and only bring up military conscription as a foundation for their sex based Martyrdom to justify why they should be able to have a harem of underage lobotomized housewifes and hate crime gay men with impunity or some shit like that.
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borreallish · 8 months
My worst fear as an anxious gen z is being drafted in the military. Like,,, not only do I hate this fucking country, but I cry when someone raises their voice slightly higher than the norm at me, what makes you think I'm not gonna have a mental breakdown the entire time serving??
Its times like these I'm glad to be a high school dropout, since that's a quick disqualify. And I got some pretty bad scoliosis if that doesn't save me lol.
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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Sometimes I wonder why I ever open Reddit at all anymore.
These chuckleheads will call themselves leftists til they're blue in the face but then turn around and blow up my inbox calling me all manner of slurs and bad names because I say I don't think the draft should exist at all.
This was in response to said men whining that women don't have to sign up for the draft. Apparently the way to make that fair isn't to y'know, do away with mandatory military service, but to force women to put their lives at risk too.
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lesser-mook · 2 years
Caption: When shit gets real and #Girlpower nowhere to be found lmfao (tangent)
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Everyone’s a badass until you gotta be about it.
Empowerment thrives in peacetime for a reason, because there’s no stakes, no call to action to back up all that talk and all those hashtags
Just empty validation, because an actual fight is when you find out just how tough you are away from that phone and keyboard.
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Places like this is where you find out: “I can do anything you can do while bleeding” was either the story of your life or glorified propaganda bullshit meant to puff you up- 
Moral of the story: Be Humble, across the board, Men and womens haveta realize how good we have it as things are boring and quiet. 
As for the Ladies, realize the many major & minute privileges that biological bias grants ya especially in the First World Countries, and be thankful for it.
Cause the times are changing, and you never know when it’s going to be your turn. 
Don’t assume because you’re not male, Uncle Sam won’t come for you.
And it won’t be at all convenient when we need more bodies to serve.
IF we need more bodies. Hopefully:
A. We don’t have to go to War and 
B. Our drones will do all the heavy lifting anyway.
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odinsblog · 2 years
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And remember, these conscripts are overwhelmingly and disproportionately from ethnic minorities and religious regions of Russia. Ethnic minorities have been hugely over represented as cannon fodder by the Kremlin.
Putin could end the war today, by simply leaving Ukraine.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 7 years
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“First Photograph of Oklahoma Draft Rebellion!” San Bernardino News. August 14, 1917. --- Here is the first actual photograph received of the ‘draft rebellion’ in southeast Oklahoma, where hundreds of Indians, negros, and white tenant farmers took to the hills and wilds in an effort to evade army service. Picture shows eight draft rioters just brought in from the scene of a battle near Holdenville. Note carefully the types of men among the prisoners - the men who are leading this organized effort to defy the military army of Uncle Sam. Note, too, the ready rifles in the hands of prisoners.
[For more on the Green Corn Rebellion, see this mediocre, hostile Smithsonian piece, this somewhat better Jacobin piece, and this excellent local piece from We Never Forget.]
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an-onyx-void · 5 days
Lawmakers move to automate Selective Service registration for all men
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yeh i dont consider 18 adult tbh.. 21 makes so much more sense.
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