#mass resistance
feckcops · 1 year
Swimmers poised for biggest mass trespass so far at Kinder reservoir
“Up to 1,000 swimmers are expected to head to Kinder reservoir in Derbyshire on Sunday in the biggest trespass of the water to date. The turnout will mark the anniversary of a mass trespass that helped establish the principle of the right to roam in the UK.
“The swim trespass of Kinder reservoir, situated below Kinder Scout where the 1932 protest took place, has become an annual event and is growing rapidly with the boom in wild swimming. The event is now in its third year, and swimmers of all backgrounds are invited to the reservoir, owned by the water company United Utilities, to exercise ‘the uncontested right to swim in open water’.
“The mass trespass of Kinder Scout on 24 April 1932 involved an estimated 400 people and led to six arrests. It is widely considered to have laid the foundations for the UK’s first national park, the Peak District, and helped pave the way for the establishment of the Pennine Way and other long-distance footpaths.
“Last year about 400 people took to Kinder reservoir to mark the anniversary, and greater awareness, along with the continued growth in wild swimming, means numbers are expected to be substantially higher this year.”
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dirjoh-blog · 7 months
Heroes of the February Strike
Heroes of the February Strike
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chell-min · 16 days
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when yuor beautiful traitorous wife is on a business trip adn leaves you all aloen at the bar :(((
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clericofshadows · 7 months
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Admiral Ronny Jackson was demoted to captain for prescribing drugs to Trump and his staffers for recreational use. He also had his military medical license revoked. Further he no longer has a civilian license. Now he’s just another lying MAGAt Congressman that has sold his soul to the devil.
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republikkkanorcs · 19 days
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groundrunner100 · 10 months
For those wondering why Star Trek is not on this list, check my previous poll for the unofficial Science-Fiction Franchise With The Best Lore.
You’ll understand my reasoning.
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What is the price of a child’s life…
Republicans have no honor and endorse the mass shootings we are plagued with.
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who-is-riley · 4 months
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Lair of the Shadow Broker
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greypetrel · 8 months
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"Stay angry."
You can bet those iPhones will be greatly calibrated.
(Currently playing ME3 for the first time, I brought him along on Thessia and here I am, processing that mission via overly-elaborated shitposting. It was a gift by my Shepard, Max, who told him it's the perfect slogan if he wants to run for Primarch.)
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I keep seeing posts about how tumblr staff is deleting Palestinian blogs, and while there is definitely reason to believe some of that could be intentional, my only interactions with those blogs have been receiving copy-paste asks formatted exactly like every scam email I've ever received.
If Palestinians are indiscriminately messaging blogs on here (a website that already has a huge bot problem!) with stuff that 100% looks like spam, that means they are probably getting reported by people who think they're scam bots multiple times a day and staff is seeing "this user's asks have been flagged as spam 50+ times" and nerfing them without a second thought.
I absolutely think these people deserve help, but someone needs to come up with a better format than "‼️DONT SCROLL AWAY. $5000 NEEDED‼️" because my internet denizen brain sees that and activates a report-and-block reflex so honed it takes genuine effort to take a step back and not do that.
If anyone reading this is a Palestinian looking for aid (or friends with someone who is), I would recommend workshopping more genuine-sounding messages that the average user won't block on sight because I guarantee it's hindering whatever support you could be getting and could get your account banned.
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lbulldesigns · 4 months
Zaun (AITAH Arcane AU Mood board)
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The City of Iron and Glass, and revitalisation
Seventy years ago, Zaun, still going by the moniker of the Undercity, was in a constant state of desperation.
The mining colony turned city, was no stranger to hardships. From unsafe mining conditions to unsafe working conditions within the factories jammed packed within the city, to unsafe living conditions due to poor maintenance to residental structure and over pollution brought on my the factories and the toxic gases from the deep mines being compressed within the underground city.
All of this was due to the conscious negligence of Piltover. Whose one and only concern was image and wealth. To them Zaun was an eyesore but they refused to acknowledge that this was due to them.
They preferred the image of being righteous and a city of academics and kept their well-shoed foot to Zaun's throat by unleashing their Enforcers upon them who dealt their "justice" in brutal fashion.
This continuous abuse and oppression had to come to an abrupt end, however.
In 1954 Piltover and its Enforcers had stepped on Zaun and Janna's (Goddess of the Wind) final nerve.
When during an arrest of a factory worker voicing his outrage for being unfairly fired, an officer took liberation to bludgeon a 12-year-old girl who had stepped in to beg her father's release before shooting dead the distraught father.
In this moment something snapped within the people witnessing the scene and every Zaun citizen present attacked the Enforcers without conern for their own lives. This attack would go on to inspire more within the city to take up arms and riots broke out everywhere, with the intention to put as many Enforcers down.
Janna tried to protect as many innocent lives caught in the crossfire as she could, but the death toll was climbing with her people dying in droves.
When Piltover took to trying to blow the bridges and starve the residents in Zaun, Janna had reached her limit and decided something more drastic had to be done.
For a month, the Goddess of Wisdom and Harmony became an unyielding and unrelenting, furious storm.
She took the fight straight to Piltover and wrecked havoc upon the city. Gleaming, unblemished structures that reached to the sky came crumbling down as if they were sandcastles within the oceans reach.
She dispersed her followers to ransack the city of the progress of food, clean water, and medicine. And kept the Enforcers secluded to Zaun, without backup and provisions and many beaten Zaunites looking for their own pound of flesh.
After a month of nonstop terror from the Goddess and many injured and homeless within Piltover, its Council flew up a white flag and begged for an audience.
Upon the Bridge of Progress, Janna stood mighty, if not unproud of her destruction, and yet resolute in her decision. She was done watching the mindless cruelty and violence to her people and would be ruling over them from then on.
An accord was struck that day.
Zaun would be its own nation from then on, and Piltover would pay compensation to the people for their negligence, in the form of money, technology, healthcare, and education.
An accord, that Piltover had no other choice but to agree to.
And this is how we come to Zaun today, under Janna's rule.
A city crushed by oppression and poverty, now turned metropolis of renewed vigor and spirit.
Zaun has transformed within the past seventy years into a technological paradise, built of off science and magic.
Its once toxic air has been dissipated by the trees that now grow within and upon every building, sustained by the HexTech-empowered artificial sun bolted to the cavern ceiling, and scheduled rainy days using the sprinkler system stretched out throughout the city. Water filtration has drastically improved drinkable water, and botany has become an essential subject in every school.
Zaun is now the cultural hotspot in Runeterra, with many coming from all over the world to visit or call Zaun its home.
You'll now find many cultures thriving within the city, as well as old structures standing proud against the tides of time.
One such building is a bar/pub called The Last Drop.
Religions of all caliber operate in Zaun, but none hold a candle to the temples of the Wind Goddess.
Mages with elemental talent, are often in high demand as they assist in the evironmental stability of the city.
And although Enforcers do still operate within the city, their presence holds neither respect nor true authority. Many Zaunites will opt to seek the services of private security firms, such as The Eye Of Zaun or the newly formed Firelights flying through the city on their chem tech-powered hoverboards; invented by 15-year-old Ekko Bennet in 2015, making him one of Zaun's first adolescent millionaires.
However, Enforcers have been reported to tiptoe on the boundaries of the two cities accordance.
With reports of Zaun civilians being killed just on the outskirts of the city, and more than a few being assaulted and/or killed within back alleys of Zaun. It is not difficult to discern what is happening.
The Enforcers are either trying to return to their old ways, or someone is looking to profit of off a potential war.
Either way, Zaun will be ready for what comes at it.
It vows to not wait for their gentle Goddess to bloody her hands again for them, they are the warriors who built this town.
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clericofshadows · 10 months
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rejectingrepublicans · 7 months
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He’s not just going to deport “minority” families he’s going to deport white parents and their American born children. These lunatics are going to end birthright citizenship. In the interview the Fox reporter says the MSM will show images of the deportations to make him look bad.
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