#Mina yey
porqueentrasteaqui · 10 months
No fui a la escuela hoy así que YEY-
Bueno, por fin termine los dibujos de mis ocs que shipeo con los ocs de @laceresadelpastel
Así que, les presento a:
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La mina tímida ahuevo-
Básicamente Betsa (Su apodo) es una nube tímida viviente, y si, su anatomía era definitivamente necesaria-
Y ahora, con quien estoy shippeando a la morra?
No pues…
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Ya hice una pareja gay, así que ahora tocaba una lésbica
Tiene de novia a la robot que no me acuerdo su nombre (Creo que era robot 2 o algo así no se, ahí me corrigen-)
Si, se que había una Oc que también era una nube (Neta que realmente fue alta coincidencia- Yo tenía creada a esta morra desde el 2020 o 2021 yo no se cuando crearon a la otra)
Pero la cosa es que por alguna razón no me suelen gustar mucho los ships de la misma especie- (Obvio hay excepciones-)
Pero bueno-
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Las hice primas porque no podía desaprovechar la oportunidad-
Hablando de ella- Les presento a:
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Su pareja-
Este maje es básicamente la antorcha humana pero realmente es una estrella
Básicamente es un estudiante de prepa promedio que se puede prender fuego cuando quiera, o bueno- Mejor dicho es una estrella que se puede transformar en un estudiante de prepa promedio cuando quiera
Una nube y una estrella como pareja? Seh, porque no?
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Estos dos son básicamente “Soft boy y Tough girl” XD
Nomas falta uno ahuevo- Ahí veo cuando lo público
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lucy-shining-star · 1 year
So I keep mentioning of Scooby Doo and Reluctant Werewolf and it’s Dracula, how he is pretty acurate to book, and outright evil, not made for sympathy and now I decided to rewatch to fresh my meomory and talk about how Dracula is presented and maybe some of other things that will make me think of Dracula daily or fandom
So narrator’s first introduction to Dracula is calling him ‘World’s most evil menace’. Strong start 
Well so Dracula is boss of some monsters and one just freaking. Decided to go on retirement and wrote a postcard with ‘Glad you are not here’. 
Oh there is woman that I kind of assumed was Dracula’s wife when I was watching this when I was kid but know I think there might be nothing saying it at all. ...I mean I checked tv tropes and wiki and she is called ‘Dracula’s assistant so. ...Well it’s kind of weird what I assumed given something’s later. Oh also I don’t know if she is vampire or even a monster? She has like normal human skin
I was also kind of wondering if she was meant to be like vampire Mina or Lucy dunno like creators watched some adaptation and took her kinda from here and changed her? ...Although that was mostly to make some jokes later
Now there are playing to make new werewolf so making someone moster motive is here
‘It shows the one to became a werewolf’ Well that makes me think of all that ‘Jonathan is supernatural and Dracula/being around Dracula activated it’
Dracula’s assistant says ‘Mmm man he is cute’ at Shaggy’s picture when she is standing right next to Dracula and it’s not like I forgot about that when I was a kid I saw that woman swooning about another man openly and I still assumed she is Dracula’s wife. Anyway so about jokes I wanted to make is that if she is inspired by Mina or Lucy and is Dracula’s wife when she doesn’t show any signs of being attracted to him and swoon over food-loving, fast-running, brown haired guy with dogs. ...Oh and American. ...I don’t have anything to link him to John, sorry John :(
Dracula’s reaction ‘a cute werewolf. Blah’ hmm I must admit I don’t think that would be Dracula from reaction
‘If it fails it means unspeakable torture’ -Dracula
Hmmm. Shaggy is sceptic in this. Maybe he has something of John
Oh Shaggy is turned into werewolf (he doesn’t know that yey) and as he is escaping from Dracula henchmen shouting ‘monsters’ people are wanting to catch him shouting ‘monster’
Hmm assistant adressed Dracula as ‘Draccy, honey’ so maybe my assumptions weren’t wrong. Or ast least not baseless
When they are awake in Castle Dracula Shaggy think at first it’s a nightmare. Even when Googie (oh btw, Googie is Shaggy’s girlfriends, there is also Scrappy here. Neither Daphne, Fred or Velma are here) asks ‘all of us?’ he is like ‘it has to be’ 
Oh rest believed him it’s a dream. Or at least are willing to prove this theory ‘If it’s all a dream let wake up’. I don’t know why though Shaggy did a good job with turning monsters against each other by saying mean things and making monsters argue about which it isXD
Dracula says to gang they can leave just like that. They are surprised Dracula ‘Would I lie?’ All other monsters ‘Aaaa? Yeah! Sure!’ ...Hmm did what’s happening to Shaggy happen to any of them?
Shaggy and Scooby got tempted to stay by promise of food
Hmmm. That Dracula definitelty doesn’t sure book Dracula knowledge of how to cook for humans. That’s tough luck for Shaggy and Scooby
He didn’t let them go
Scrappy got the ‘go by window down the castle’ idea(with help of rope made of sheets). That castle is lower, or at least that tower is lower but it’s also surronded by water. And instead of wolves there is crocodile)or alligator)? Let’s not think to much about how they are in Europe. Maybe that Dracula also went to zoo to steal
Trap door leading to Dracula’s henchman telling them ‘I did request you do not try to escape’ 
They tried another hidden door and now ghost is chasing them and I dunno why they are so scared of ghost after seeing all of other monsters
They ended up on party
Hmm Scooby and Shaggy ate something and they liked it until Dracula said what it is but I didn’t understand what it is. Maybr that Dracula can cook after all...If it was he who prepared that
These witches likes dogs. Funny considering witches are associated with cats
Did Scrappy just kill mummy
Now they ended up in a trap room with wall full of spikes that is moving towards them. And Dracula is speaking from above
Dracula said if Shaggy agrees to do race he will change him back to human and send them all back to home
Dracula teleported to their room in morning at the cockrow
Hmm. That Dracula had to stay out of daylight but now he wears sunblock. Number ‘5022′ 
Oh again something tasty but suspicious cause it’s made of beans that grow in torture chamber. And makes who eat this howl. (...though it’s also werewolf and dogs that ate those cause Googie didn’t touch so I dunno if it would make everyone howl)
Gang want to test ride and Dracula didn’t allow to take werewolf car for that saying there are some changes made for Shaggy but did allow their own car after some hestitation. Later one henchmen asks if that was wise cause what if they try to escape but Dracula said they won’t if Shaggy want to turn him back to normal and that’s it’s also chance for some good rotten fun
Also now I’m wondering if they did escape before Dracula promised to turn Shaggy back to normal if he wins how would Shaggy live later? Would they even escape from people in Transylvania and would having two speaking dogs help in that situation? I doubt it 
Oh there are more crocodiles/alligators. That Dracula went to zoo more often
Scrappy called them ‘crooks’ so I guess crocodiles. Also Dracula just put their car on some tiny piece on land on this water intentionally
Oh they were later with it so it wasn’t that hot alright
...Did Dracula just call his henchman bimbos
Oh Dracula’s hechnman are named Crunchy and Brunchy. Probably was mentioned before but I forgot now gonna adress them like that
Dracula wants to make Shaggy not sleep
They didn’t manage to do anything to disturb Shaggy’s sleep yet he still is super tired? I thought maybe they decided to start race earlier but even if. Scooby, Scrappy and Googie don’t seem sleepy so idk
Peasants seems more tired than scared of Dracula though
Shaggy seems sleepy still maybe changing into werewolf cause him to be sleepy during day
Oh kiss from Goggie woke him up
I don’t know if Dracula made something for Shaggy’s car to work worse but he played himself if he did cause Shaggy just caused huge crash before race started cause he couldn’t control it
Oh there is a gun. I mean Dracula’s assistant or whoever that is to him anyway her name is Vanna Pira has a starting gun
Vanna Pira shot Dracula and it didn’t even really look like accident to be honestXD
Dracula wanted to shoot Crunchy and Brunchy but something happened with gun and he shot himself. Peasants cheered
Hmm. Dracula called Vanna Pira darling
‘That hunch bunch would break my heart. If I had one’ -Dracula
Oh there is spider here. Big spider
Vanna Pira called Shaggy ‘Cutie Pie’
Dracula causing Shaggy to get lost
Scrappy used pepper to save Shaggy and Scooby from monster
Oh there is train
Dracula got hit by train
Vanna Pira called Shaggy precious and said that he is so cute in his fur
Oh she wants to have fur herself
Dracula stole Shaggy’s engine
‘And now that he can’t win, Shaggy will a werewolf forever and under my power’
Shaggy did you really have to say it would be bad if anything happened to Googie and Scrappy. You gave Dracula an idea
‘The monster is not real’ ‘Yikes. Like are you sure the monster knows that?’ lmao
Hunch bunch kidnapped Googie and Scrappy so now Shaggy and Scooby are out of race going to rescue them
Vanna Pira is sad at perspecitve of Shaggy not being werewolf anymore
Shaggy won race and Dracula is denying to change him back 
He claims there isn’t a way
Vanna Pira says it’s not true and holds a book that can do it
Dracula took book from her Scooby stole book from him
There was a bit of taking book back-and-forth
They are escaping Dracula still trying to catch them
He destroyed his own transportation by one way in which he was trying to catch them
They landed on plane
Shaggy transformed back at home
Dracula is being chase by shark. I guess that Dracula can swim
0 notes
Can I Really Wear A Dress?
This was..written in like ten minutes late at night oopsie
Content: amab reader, trans mtf reader, body dysphoria tw, mild self-loathing tw
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The parts don’t go together. Your body is one thing, your head is something else, your heart says something totally different, nothing makes any sense. Wouldn’t it be better to go under the knife? But how long would it take? What would it cost? How much would it hurt? What if something went wrong? Can I even-
“Hey, what’s up?”
-Kirishima is so sweet. He mentioned he was going out today, is he going to invite me with him? Maybe he’s here asking for another study session.
“I’m going out, want to come with? Sero and Ashido are coming. Couldn’t convince Bakugo, and Kaminari’s stuck with Iida and Momo since he bombed the test yesterday.”
“I don’t blame him, that one was tough!” Y/n groaned. She smiled. “Yeah. Gimme a sec to change, I don’t want to go out looking like a hobo.”
“Yeah… Might want to buy some new sweats while we’re out.”
Kirishima chuckled, withdrawing from Y/n’s room, having cracked the door open and stuck his head in, leaving Y/n alone once more in the vastness of her unkempt room.
Sweats… They’re comfy, but I should probably stop wearing sweatpants.
Y/n stood up from her desk, abandoning a notebook half filled with math equations but mostly with doodles. She walked over to her closet and picked the first dress she saw, changing quickly so she could think about anything else but the plagues in her mind. She had to stop herself from running down the stairs, eager to get out and have a good day not cooped up in her room stuck in her own head.
“Hey, Y/n!” Ashido said excitedly. “Ready to go?”
Y/n nodded, grinning.
Mina’s always so happy, and she’s so strong! She really is the best.
“I just know Ashido’s going to drag us around to every store in the mall,” Sero said, raising an eyebrow. “Prepare your wallet, L/n.”
“Yeah, I figured,” Y/n said. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
“Hey, if you run outta cash, I’ll cover you,” Kirishima said happily, gathering the group and leading them out of the dorms.
It was a peaceful train ride to get to the mall. Ashido kept eyeing up an attractive stranger who got off two stops after they got on, Sero was spewing an unending chain of dad jokes he learned on the internet, and Kirishima was listing facts about Crimson Riot the whole way. Y/n was just happy to be a part of any of their conversations.
As soon as they got to the mall, however, Ashido zoomed off to a jewelry store and disappeared. Sero got lost in Build-A-Bear Workshop.
Y/n, afraid of being left on her own, stuck to Kirishima like glue, never letting him out of her sight.
“D’you think Ashido or Sero’ll come back anytime soon?” She asked, following Kirishima into some fast-fashion shop full of tweens. Kirishima grimaced.
“Probably not,” he said. “Last time I came here, Ashido stopped at the food courts and ended up coming back an hour later than us on a different train.”
“Oh, was that the time last week when Kaminari came back totally zapped?” Y/n asked, remembering the loud yey as Kaminari entered the dorm. Kirishima nodded. “I should really get out with you guys more. I never get to see him embarrass himself in public.”
Y/n stared at a pink dress as they walked past it, taking it in before following Kirishima to the men’s jeans section. Not noticing he’d stopped, she bumped into him awkwardly.
“Sorry. You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she said. “My fault. Is something up?”
“You looked like you wanted that,” he said simply. “Do you want to try it on? I can pay if it’s too much for you.”
“The dress?” Y/n asked, unsure of what he meant. Kirishima nodded. “Oh. It’s cute, but I don’t think I could pull it off.”
“I politely disagree,” Kirishima said, grinning. “Go try it on! It really is cute, I think you’d rock it.”
Y/n smiled shyly, walking back over to the dresses and flicking through the ones hanging on the rack, trying to find her size. She finally did, holding it up so Kirishima could see as he kept browsing the jeans. He gave her a thumbs up, and she went to the dressing room, eager to try it on. If Kirishima thought she’d look good in it, then she would, right? After all, he was one of the sweetest people she knew.
She pulled off the dress she was currently wearing, cream-colored with a floral print, and stared at herself in the mirror for a few minutes.
…It’s just not right. Who am I kidding, just because Kirishima thinks it’s a cute dress doesn’t mean it’ll look any better on me. If anything, I’ll just make it less cute. It probably won’t even fit, it’s not made for people like me. Maybe if I looked more like Ashido, then I could pull it off. She looks good in anything! I’m not like her, though. I should just put the dress back. It’s not like I’ll end up wearing it. I’ll just end up in sweatpants and a t-shirt again as soon as I’m back at the dorms. Even the dress I’m wearing today doesn’t look good on me. I should’ve worn something else today. I can’t-
“Hey, Y/n, you’ve been in here for a while,” Kirishima said. There was only one occupied dressing room, so he assumed that was where Y/n was. He took a seat on one of the benches. “You okay? Does it fit?”
“Um- No, it doesn’t,” Y/n lied, panicking. “And it doesn’t look that good either, so I think I’ll just not get it-”
“Can I see it?”
Y/n paused, staring at herself in the mirror before looking at the dress, hanging off one of the pegs on the wall. She sighed quietly, taking it off the hanger and slipping it on quickly. She opened the door to the dressing room she was in and brushed off the skirt awkwardly.
“I don’t really-”
“What do you mean it doesn’t fit? That looks awesome on you!” Kirishima said excitedly. “Turn around!”
Y/n spun around slowly, showing off the dress. There was some comfort in Kirishima’s enthusiasm, but the dress still didn’t fulfill any particular dreams.
“Do you really like it that much?” She asked. Kirishima nodded.
“It’s super pretty,” he said. “I told you you’d look good in it, didn’t I? Do you want me to buy it for you?”
“Um… No,” Y/n said awkwardly, seeing herself in the mirror again as Kirishima gently turned her around, carefully examining the strappy back of the dress.
“Really? Why not?”
“I just… I don’t want it,” she said.
“You looked so in love with it earlier,” Kirishima protested. “Is it uncomfortable or something?”
“I just don’t think I look good in it,” Y/n mumbled. “You’re really nice, and I’m happy you like the dress, but it’s not for me.”
Kirishima sighed, taking a deep breath.
“I don’t like the dress,” he said firmly. “I like you. I like all the dresses you wear. Actually, I like everything you wear! You’re so pretty!”
Y/n walked back into the dressing room and closed the door, changing back into her other dress slowly.
“I’m not pretty, Kirishima,” she said, voice wavering. “…I’m hardly handsome, either. It’s just not right. The dress doesn’t look good on me.”
It didn’t take much for Kirishima to put the pieces together. Y/n had never had a particularly feminine figure, though he thought it was just because she had more muscle than most of the girls in their class. She was really strong, after all. She went out of her way to do very feminine things, more so than the other girls in class, even going so far as to learn how to make different teas from Yaomomo or to have Tsu teach her how to do complicated braids. It all fell into place when Y/n said ‘handsome’.
“The dress does look good on you, Y/n,” Kirishima said, his voice more firm than Y/n had ever heard. “And you are pretty. Beautiful, even! You’re the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever met. …Emphasis on girl.”
Y/n didn’t respond.
“I don’t know what’s going on in your head right now, but I do know you look good in dresses. And in skirts. And anything else you wear! …You use the girls’ bathroom, and you wear ladies’ perfume- the same one Uraraka wears, just a little less of it- and you do your makeup even better than Ashido does. Even if you don’t want me to buy the dress, I want to hear you say it looks good on you.”
“…I look good in the dress.”
“Damn right you do.”
Taglist: (Want to be on it? Fill this out!) @forrest-fern @adminbryantsaki @kirishibaby @nightwingsgirl @bumbleswipe @devilgirlcrybabiey @sageyrage @a-mongoose @dompubliczn @romancefiend @jodrawssmut @dearestdynamight @romancefiend @patchworkpuzzle @angelmidoriya
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reddeux · 4 years
Ghost Choir
OVERVIEW: A game of Dare or Dare had you confessing all of a sudden and the turnout is not what you expected at all.
PAIRING: Tokoyami Fumikage x Reader!
A/N: Song used is titled “Ghost Choir” made by Louie Zong and the lyrics are created by Sage. On another note, I also started posting my short stories on Wattpad. Check it out there. Wattpad name is on my Bio. Hope you enjoy! (Also, thank you for 15 followers! 🥰)
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“Come on, Y/N. It will be fun!“ Mina began tugging on your sleeves with big pleading eyes
“The last time you said that we were chased by Bakugou for pranking him in his very room. My ghosts are all traumatized because of that.“ You said with arms crossed while leaning at your door frame
“We won’t be doing any more pranks, I promise. We’re just gonna play a simple game. With all the girls.“ Mina said with her hands folded in front of her face
“Please, Y/N! Girls Game Time is not complete without you in it.“ She added
You raised an eyebrow at her and you can feel your 5 fluffy little ghosts landing on your shoulders and head. 
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They patted you with their stubby little hands as if indicating that they want to play whatever it is. They floated in front of you and gave you their sweetest and cutest pleading stances.
“You guys, really wanna play?“
The floating marshmallows all nodded their heads and you just gave out a defeated sigh.
“Fine, we go play with Mina and the others.“ You said and the fluffies all made happy chirping noises and did a little happy dance
Mina also did a little happy dance and she gathered the ghosts in her arms.
“Yey, thank you Y/N! I’ll go on ahead and take the fluffies with me. Follow when you’re ready!“ She said and already ran towards the elevator even before you can something with your ghosts tucked in her arms
You sighed again and just shook your head before walking into your room. You cleaned the books and magazines scattered on your bed since you were busy studying before Mina knocked on your door. You also vacuumed a few cookie crumbs on the floor and threw their wrappers in the trash. Don’t want those ants crawling all over your room now, right?
When you deemed that your room is tidy enough, you went out and made your way towards the common room where you see the rest of the girls and your ghosts on their laps. You smiled at the sight and you sat down beside Momo on the floor and Mina stood up from where she sat.
"Welcome ladies to our weekly Girl’s Game Time!” Mina said like she’s some kind of game show host
“I am tonight’s hostess, Ashido Mina. And tonight, we will be playing a round of Dare or Dare!“ She added energetically that caused all of you to giggle
“I’m sure all of you know how to play this game since none of you live under a rock.“ She added and sat down on the floor with the rest of you
A collective yeses were heard but all of you kinda stopped when you heard a familiar yet very unwanted voice.
“What are you doing here, Trash Grape?” You asked with venom in your voice
“What? Is it bad to want to join in on the fun?“ Mineta cheekily said as he sat behind Asui and Ochacko
“You do realize this is an allgirls gathering, right?“ Jiro asked
But even before Mineta can answer, you took the ghost on Momo’s lap and whispered something in it.
“Ballerina Dentata.“
You then chucked the ghost towards Mineta as it transforms into the lamprey ballerina from one of your weirdly favorite movies, Cabin in the Woods. Mineta gave a very high pitched scream as he scrambled to get up and run away from the ghost that is chasing him around until he disappeared into the elevator.
The girls gave a sigh of relief as your ghost returned to you, now on its fluffy form, and landed right on your lap.
“Good Floof.“ You said and nuzzled the ghost
“Okay! Now that that’s done. Let the games begin!“ Mina said and your game did commence
It was a fun game that resulted in numerous laughs, embarrassments, and a near fight between you and Hagakure on what is the best Romantic Comedy movie of all time. 
When it was your turn to do the dare, it was Momo who will tell you what to do.
“Y/N-san, I dare you to sing to the first person who comes out of the elevator.“ Momo said and pointed at the elevator
A collection of ooohhs can be heard and giggles followed after. You shake your head a gave Momo a playful glare. She knows that you love singing. But the downside is, you hate singing in front of an audience. Even if it is just one person, you still hate it.
“I have no choice do I?“ You asked and stood up from the floor
“Well you can always do our all-time dare which is to confess to Tokoyami.“ Mina said and wiggled her eyebrows
They knowing that you have a serious infatuation with the Dark Lord of 1-A really has it’s downside. Especially with Mina and Hagakure. Boy, you having a crush will always be a topic during sleepovers.
“Yeah, like I will do that. I don’t wanna embarrass myself in front of my King.“ You said and stretched your body
“I bet he will appreciate it you calling him his King. Why don’t you just try it, don’t be a chicken.“ Jiro said while wearing a bunny ear headband as part of her dare
You just gave her an unsure look then all of your attention went towards the elevator when it dinged. Literally, all the girls piled behind you in anticipation to see who will be the victim of your dare. They were all excited, while you were dreading this moment and sweating bullets. It’s also not helping that your ghosts are hovering above your heads cheerfully.
The second the elevator door opened revealing the person, you just muttered an ‘Oh hell no’ while the other girls screamed in delight and were jumping up and down behind you like little kids.
“You all seem to be in high spirits.“ Tokoyami said as he stepped out of the elevator with Midoriya, Shoji, and Iida in tow
“Oh my fudging enamel pins.“ You said as you looked at the girls with a playful glare
“Holy macaroni, this is gold!“ Hagakure said and quickly ran towards the boys
“Perfect timing guys. Tokoyami, can you please join us for a few minutes. Only a few minutes.“ She said a little to eagerly and made him sit on the sofa
Tokoyami is somewhat confused abwhat is happening especially since he can see the girls pushing you in front of him but you struggling to be at the back.
“Do the dare now. It’s only natural.” Tsuyu said in a hushed voice
“But I don’t know what to sing.“ You whisper shouted while still being shoved by the girls
Your ghosts get to seem to be confused too as to why their master is being shoved by the other girls and also why your face is so red. But when they heard the word ‘song’, they got excited and floated in front of Tokoyami.
“Why hello, little ones.“ He said and the ghosts began to sing
Oooo oooo ooo love Oooo oooo love Oooo oooo love My darlin' baby I'm floating in wistful bliss Won't you come love on me darlin'?
You looked behind you to see your fluffy little ones singing the first verse of your original song to Tokoyami. You felt a push behind you and you just sang for the heck of it.
Y: Oh honey, won't you come around?
T:  I'll come around
Your eyes bulged in shock when Tokoyami answered. He knew your song? Later, you’ll have to ask him about it, for now, let’s sing.
Y: Do you play me for a fool? T: So into you. 
Tokoyami stood up from the sofa and approached you. He took your hand and kissed it. Y: Will you be there? T: I will be there Y: Will you need me? T: Like I need air. Y: ...Lovin' me? T: Lovin' you. Y: Still, I'm blue... T: Only blue skies 
Both of you began slow dancing with a few twirls that Tokoyami made you do and everyone watching you is either smiling wide, taking a video, or squealing in delight at the show. (Ghosts Ad Nauseum) When I'm with you My love is so true One look in your eyes Like stars in the sky Y: I lose my mind my mind my mind my mind Our love is so sweet Ghosts: Like the moon and the sea T: I'll see you in my dreams until we meet again, goodnight
At the end of the song, your foreheads are against each other and both of you are looking into each other’s eyes. Tokoyami has his hands on your waist while your hands are holding his shoulders.
You were the one who broke eye contact first by laughing genuinely and engulfing him in a hug. You heard him do his deep chuckle as he returned your hug and spun you around. The other spectators are clapping happily and some of them even continued taking pictures and sending them to your class group chat. 
Tokoyami then leaned towards you whispering something.
“My Queen.“
You felt your face burst hot and you snuggled your face in his chest.
“My King.“
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occeye · 3 years
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― kpop idols with the same __ as me
birthday month: sieun (stayc); august┊sign: s.coups (seventeen); leo┊height: vivi (loona); 5′ 3″┊birthday: yey (black6ix); august 6┊mbti: handong (dreamcatcher); infp
tagged by @kwonsyoungs ! this was fun, i also realized barely anyoNE SHARES A BDAY WITH ME SHEESH
tagging @myungho @gyukwans @seungkwns @mango-mina + anyone reading this! these are so fun uwu
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mykacustoms · 3 years
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More Mina impressions!
I really love her. I hope I could cosplay more Hero Academia characters!!! I will try my best! Yey!!!!
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questionofdarkness · 5 years
Some things I noticed during the latest chapter (256)
Finally another things I noticed! It’s been a while - then again, I doubt anyone really missed my rambling. These are a lot of fun to do though, so without further ado - let us begin!
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The boyfriends are back! I’m really feeling Tamaki’s outfit in these. Also it’s just great to see them again.
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Is it just me or did he actually improve his social anxiety a bit for being able to speak so directly to Aizawa? I mean Mirio is right there, he could also have said nothing and let him do the talking. 
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Oh. My. Good! Look at those toys in the background! They’re adorable (and a bit scary). I wonder if this room was made for Eri specifically, I’m not sure if its.... fitting for the students otherwise. Can I also just say that I really like the big three basically having adopted Eri as well? It’s cute.
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Dadzawa has returned.
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On a very different note! Mina! Ew! But also yey! It’s a cool special move, but also looks disgusting. And poor Aoyama still gets hurt by his own quirk.
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But he too came up with a new move! Well done!
Also can we just appreciate this panel below? Is Sato drooling? Did he make the cotton candy? Why does Toky look so adorable here? Didn’t Sero get one too? 
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We also get more confirmation that Hagakure’s quirk isn’t actually invisibility, but light manipulation. Also how can she look so badass with just... gloves? 
Do you know what is something that I never understood? How tf she placed above Izuku in that first quirk sports test Aizawa put them through. Because I do not see how her quirk helped her at all with any of the tasks and we know from later on (a panel where she trains) that she is not very physically fit. Izuku on the other hand had trained hours on end before entering UA and was in top physical condition + he at least once scored very high with the ball throwing. So how on earth did he score below her???? (yeah plot, of course, but come one!)
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Isn’t her acid like... dangerous? Shoudl she just shake it all over the place? Also Toruu and her wild gesticulation is a mood. Poor Aoyama though.
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Look at Mina’s lil tongue. Look at how Kiri is about to burst with happiness. Look how dumbfounded he is at first. I love their friendship so much!
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Supportive Iida is supportive! Also I love hearing about who they interned with (though I wished we actually... you know... had seen some of it?). Also Momo looks so majestic in her cloak. Might I also draw your attention to the fact that we do not see Toky in this? He’s supposed to be standing somewhere between Satou and Denki afterall. Maybe he was further to the back, but still, wouldn’t we be able to see some of his head at least? Unless, that is, he’s actually too small.
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Is that DYNAMITE??? Also yes Majestic indeed!
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Wait did Ojirou change up his hero outfir abit? I don’t think those gloves were there before, were they? I am so happy to see my tail boy again, it’s been so long. Also that pro hero looks fierce af!
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I love that Koda actually got one of the top-tier internships, but he and wash? How on earth did they even communicate at all?
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Yes! Gang Orca is back! And Jirou and Shouji together? Amazing! I never imagined them being friends much but now I find I actually really, really like the idea.
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Kiri I love you and your ridiculous teeth too much for my own good. And I’m so glad he got to intern with Fat again!
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best bird has returned and looks even more edgy and dangerous than usual!!!
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Look at them all standing there, look at their high differences how is Shouji so ridiculously tall!
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Supportive 1A is supportive! I love that Hagakure’s speech bubble is just.... blank. But I think the translations here might be a bit off. That’s what I get by reading free online chapters...
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Their friendship is so cute.
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I mean look at those two dorks. 
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TOK (mina ships it)
I’m actually really glad the manga finally let’s them talk again like normal people. I was getting so sick of that stupid going red bullshit. Just let them be friends for heaven’s sake!
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Bakugou wtf are you doing you gremlin?
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What is that face come one Bakubro
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Is it only me or is it absolutely adorable that All Might uses Izuku’s method of quirk notebooks to help him improve?
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I should not have laughed at Mic laying face down on the couch as much as I did because he is hurting a lot but then again fucking mood!
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I don’t think we have ever, EVER seen Mic that angry holy shit!
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Bonus Yaomomo being extremley done with everything!
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madamebaggio · 4 years
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I love how every time I try to be productive I end up being non productive at all, but at least I finished this one, so... Yey?
Also, this is the previous chapter, and this is the dress Gretel wears to the party.
On other news... The next chapter is the last one ;)
Chapter 5
“I think this one suits you more.”
“No, black is too… Black. You really should go with gold.”
“This is so boring.”
Gretel glared at Liz. “I’m so sorry for your suffering.”
Liz just raised her beer bottle in Gretel’s direction.
Gretel was tired and in a bad mood. She’d never liked dressing up, and she liked even less the parade of dresses that they were offering her.
She didn’t like this assignment at all.
“Try the blue one.” Mina asked.
Gretel let out a long-suffering sigh, but went back behind the curtain to try the blue dress.
She was going to be attending a black market auction for magical items, and it was -apparently -a black tie affair. Agent Myers would be her “date”, and they were going to be the agency’s eyes on the party, so a second team could raid it.
And she had to dress the part.
She came out from behind the curtain with the damned blue dress.
Honestly, they were all the same to her.
Mina and Nuala gasped and said it looked lovely, while Gretel shared a resigned look with Liz. She just wanted them to pick one, so she could end this torture.
“I think that’s the one.” Nuala clapped her hands, a girlish excitement to her. Gretel smiled despite herself, because Nuala was always so serious and proper. It was nice seeing her having fun like this, even if it was at the price of Gretel’s pain.
“Great.” Gretel declared. “It’s the one. We’re done.”
“Let’s get pizza then.” Liz decided, getting up.
“We need to put the dresses away…” Mina started.
“We’ll do this later.” Liz pressed, already herding Mina and Nuala out. “Change clothes and come meet us in my room, Cinderella.”
Gretel flipped the other woman off and went back behind the curtain to take off this dress.
They were using the library to try the dresses on, and once the other women left, it was all quiet.
Exactly because of that, Gretel almost jumped out of her skin when she came out from behind the curtain and found Nuada studying the dresses.
“What the hell are you doing here?” She asked.
Nuada gave her a bored passing look, before focusing back on the dresses. “Will you be going to the auction?” He asked.
“Yes.” She put the blue dress back on the table. “So?”
He finally turned to her. “What dress have you chosen?”
“This one.” She pointed at the blue dress. “They’re all the same.” She grumbled.
He came closer to her -much closer -and touched the blue fabric. “Human fashion has its charms.” He murmured.
“Does it?” She asked, slightly taken aback by his words.
He just hummed. “Don’t use the blue dress.”
“Now you’re giving me fashion advice?” She scoffed.
He ignored her tone and walked away from her. “Use this one.” He touched a blood red dress, one that Gretel hadn’t even tried on. “It’ll suit you better.”
And then he was gone before she could say anything else.
Why had she picked the red dress?
What was wrong with her?
Why was she even listening to that fucking…?
Anyway… She was wearing the fucking red dress.
It was a thing of beauty, she could say as much. It had long sleeves and a slit that verged on too much, but it gave her more freedom to move her legs, and its skirt allowed her to strap a gun to her thigh, so it made her feel a bit better. The neckline was a bit much, but Gretel did like her boobs, so…
When she told the other women she changed her mind and was going with the red dress, Nuala’s eyes had rounded and Gretel wondered about it, but the elf princess didn’t say anything else about it.
She went to the party with Agent Myers and they mingled. It was horrible.
She hated that rich people with their fake laughter and champagne. All those force smiles and sparkly jewelry made her skin crawl and she’d rather be fighting an army of goblins than dealing with this bullshit.
There were a few magical creatures around, which probably explained how they’d managed to get their hands on the items being sold.
Some of them were quite innocuous -things to help sleep or even to make someone look younger and prettier -but some were actually dangerous.
They’d have to go in.
The order was to wait until everyone was seated for the auction.
Gretel just hoped it’d start soon. The shoes were killing her.
Myers was talking to some men, when she saw… Was that Nuada?
Their eyes found each other across the room, and he raised a glass in a silent toast to her. She glared daggers at him, making the elf smirk.
He slipped away through a door, and Gretel followed him. He led her in a short chase to an office.
“What are you doing here?” She hissed. She hadn’t heard anything about Nuada being part of this mission.
“I’ve got an invitation.” He told her simply. “An old contact thought it might interest me, and it did.”
“Does anyone know you’re here?” She demanded.
“I can’t get out without permission.” He reminded her flatly.
“Right.” Why hadn’t anyone told her about it? “Well, if you excuse me…”
Nuada blocked her way. “You wore the red dress.” He commented.
“How observant of you.”
“Red suits you.” He told her, his eyes taking her in carefully. It almost felt like a caress.
“I…” Gretel cleared her throat. “Whatever.” She grumbled at last, unsure of what to say more.
Nuada smirked. “Have I made you speechless, hunter?”
Gretel glared at him. “I need to get back out there.”
“We still have sometime.”
“For what?”
He backed her against a bookshelf. “For this.” He leaned his head in and kissed her.
And Gretel really should’ve pushed him away -she really should -but she didn’t. Maybe it was because he looked fucking good on those black clothes, or maybe she was that stupid, but she just kissed him back.
She grabbed fistfuls of his hair and opened her mouth under his, while Nuada pressed his body firmly against hers.
Gretel wasn’t sure if they were actually going to fuck here -dear Lord, did they even really have time for this? -but she wasn’t ready for him to break the kiss and put a bit of space between them. “What…”
He kneeled in front of her, his hands dove under the skirt of the dress and grabbed her knickers. Gretel’s and Nuada’s eyes locked as she felt him pulling the piece down her legs; and she stepped out of it almost in a trance.
“There’s something I’ve been thinking about.” He told her, his hands skimming her leg.
He used the slit of the dress to his advantage, as he kissed his way up her exposed thigh.
“Oh fuck.” Gretel groaned.
Nuada pulled her left leg over his shoulder, before dropping a teasing kiss to her cunt. Gretel’s whole body shuddered, and she worried she might fall down; but then his tongue was there and she didn’t particularly care anymore.
Probably because they didn’t have a whole lot of time, he wasted none of it with teasing. He ate her cunt like it was the most delicious dessert he’d ever tasted. Gretel scrambled for something to hold on to, grabbing at the shelves, biting her lips so she wouldn’t scream.
She shamelessly ground her cunt on his face, but he didn’t seem to mind it that much.
She could feel her peak coming, when he just stopped and got up. “Seriously?” She growled at him.
“Next time I do this, I want to have hours.” Nuada told her as he opened his pants. “I’ll spread you on the bed, maybe even tie you up.” He grabbed her leg and hooked on his waist. “I’ll drink from you for as long as I wish.” He teased her cunt with the head of his cock. “I’ll make you fall apart over and over again, until you’re incoherent from pleasure.” He pushed his cock into her, the grabbed her other leg too. “Then I’ll fuck you again and again and again.” He thrust once into her.
Gretel’s had thunked on the shelves, her legs squeezing his waist. “Who says…” She moaned. “Who says I’ll let you?”
“Oh you won’t let me, little human.” He murmured against her ear, his hips snapping against hers. “You’ll beg me for it.”
Arrogant fucker.
Gretel grabbed his hair in her fist and brought him in for another angry kiss. He fucked her hard against the shelves -it reminded her of the first time they’d done this, so completely out of control or reason.
Her forehead fell on his shoulder, and she just knew she’d have bruises on her thighs from how tight Nuada’s grip was.
And yet… Gretel couldn’t think of a single reason to stop this, to step away or protest. Hell, he was probably right; he could tie her up to a bed and she’d beg him for it.
“Give yourself to me, Gretel.” He whispered by her ear, tempting like the devil; and just like that she came, biting on his jacket so she wouldn’t scream.
She felt him pouring inside her -she needed to tell him to stop doing that -and then he slowly lowered her, making sure her legs could hold her, before stepping back and fixing his pants.
“Thanks for the mess.” She grumbled.
He looked absolutely smug when he pulled a handkerchief -a fucking handkerchief -from his jacket and offered her. Gretel used it to clean herself -she’d still need to stop by the ladies room before going back to the party -then just dropped it on the ground -not her house anyway.
She started looking for her knickers, when Nuada opened his jacket and took a dagger from it. It was piece of art: the handle seemed like black carved marble -though she doubted it was actually marble -with silver details and a blood red stone. The sheath seemed made of black leather, with some pattern into it.
“Here.” He pulled the skirt of her dress and attached it to the strap that was already holding her gun. He let the skirt fall back and eyed it critically, like he was deciding it was still inconspicuous. Nuada finally nodded his approval. “Do you think it’ll be in your way? Considering you already have a weapon there?”
Gretel was still waiting for the reason for this, but she moved her legs a bit. “No. It’ll be fine. We’ll be seated soon anyway.”
Nuada nodded once more. “Good. Keep it.”
“Why? I already have a gun.”
“Just keep it, little hunter.” He put his hand on her waist and watched it as he caressed the fabric of her dress. “Red does suit you very well.”
There was something in his eyes, in his voice… But Gretel just couldn’t grasp exactly what it was -besides frustrating as hell.
“We need to go.” He finally said.
“I can’t find my knickers.”
Nuada grinned. “I have them.”
“Give them back, you pervert.” She hissed.
“I’ll keep them for you.” He offered, like it was the most reasonable thing ever. “Don’t stay here too long.”
What the hell was wrong with this elf?
But as she watched him leaving, Gretel finally noticed one thing: the belt he was wearing was the exact same shade of red as her dress.
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spider-anonymous · 5 years
Requests you say? Allow me to introduce myself! How about your take on danplan in the my hero academia universe?
Thank you for the request! We’ll try our best with this one, it seems interesting =)
(Mini side note, you didn’t specify what you exactly wanted so we decided to do a scenario, hope you don’ t mind!)
Warning: Slight cursing
     Hosuh, Dan, Stephen, and Jay were planning to have a fun night together, recording a video then probably just chilling, maybe watching a movie before going back home to their normal lives. While they were hanging out, Hosuh mentioned that the new season of My Hero Academia had came out on Hulu the day previously. Everyone agreed since it was a decent show and they started playing it. 
     Meanwhile in the My Hero world, (we haven’t started season 4 yet, so this isn’t going to be in the events of that. Plus you also don’t get spoilers....yey? Sorry. Just imagine some side story) Deku was being yelled at by Katsuki. 
    “ What the hell did you do, you damn nerd?!”  He angrily raised his voice at the nervous boy next to him. 
    “I-I S-swear, Kacchan, I didn’t do anything!” He put his hands up in surrender as he hoped he could somehow get an explanation to the glowing purple hole hovering above them near the classroom ceiling. 
     “Why are you automatically accusing him, man?” Kiroshima piped up, his chair backwards. 
      “Because he ruins everything!” Bakugo yelled back to the red head. Before any one could say anything else the purple hole started making a strange noise. Almost as if it was screaming. 
        “It’s alive?!” Mina screeched as her face paled. A few other let out a scream as bodies started to fall through onto the floor and desks, the students moving away as quickly as possible, some taking a fighting stance. 
        Dan was the first to sit up, looking around to his new surroundings as the others soon followed suit. 
       “Where are we?” Hosuh asked Dan as he just shrugged. 
        “Get off of me Stephen.” Jay said as he pushed a confused purple haired man off of his body in attempt to stand up. The students just stared at the people that just came through the type of portal. 
        “Um....Who are all of you?” Dan asked, looking around as Hosuh suddenly had a realization. His eyes were wide as Dan started talking to the class president, lida. Soon the two psychopaths came to a realization as well. 
    “.....Did I finally die?” Jay asked as he looked around incredulously at the meant to be anime characters. 
    “ Not today, Satan, not today!” Stephen yelled as he pulled out a knife. 
     “Woah, woah, woah, Stephen, chill.” Dan stopped him. 
     “Yeah, we aren’t going to hurt you or anything. We’re just hoping you won’t hurt us. Eheh.” The green haired boy finally spoke after having his soul leave his body from what just happened. “Could you maybe explain to us how you go to make that open, or how you went through it if you didn’t know how you did it. Or maybe you didn’t make it, which would make sense since you seem just as confused as we are, but if that’s the case how did this happen? Why did this happen? This isn’t the work of someone with a quirk right? Was it one f yours and you just don’t know how to control it or are you even from this world?” The boy started mumbling to himself rather than anyone else.
     As they all sweatdropped at the mumbling boy, Aizawa entered the room once again to find everyone standing, spread out and four unfamiliar faces.
    “How is it I leave for five minutes and this happen?”
   Once they had explained to their teacher what he told them to go to the office. Nezu would know how to fix this...
(We didn’t know if you wanted them to be in the world or just temporarily placed there so below we put what we think their quirks would be, sorry)
quirk: Imagine
Whatever creature or mechanism he can think of in his mind he can make appear in real life but if he has too much detail it will have a mind of it’s own and do the exact opposite of what it’s needed for.
quirk: Spike
He can make large stone spikes come out of the ground wherever he’ s previously stepped but if he doesn’t step on the ground with all of his weight nothing will happen so he has to be careful when using speed along with it.
quirk: Emotional wreck
He can take a person’s emotion and change it to whatever he wants with a single touch but the previous emotion is transferred back to him times two.
quirk: Fear Factor
He can easily find out your fear and in an instant he can make you see hallucinations of whatever you’ re afraid of come to life but he has his own paranoia’s though from using it on people. Human minds can be scary. 
      Hope you enjoyed! 
Hope humanity treats you well, X-Acto’s leader-Doxy
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instakats · 5 years
Bakugō: I fuck you.
Todoroki: I fuck you too.
Mina: Oh.
Kaminari: Yey.
Sero: This is s-
Kirishima: Guys, whaT THE ACTUALLY-
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naturezoneunite · 5 years
Elemental Wars Book Of Wishes Chapter I: Welcome to Shanghai Academy
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At 9pm on a Wednesday night at the Shanghai Hospital, Junis Yei Sung Yakamura was having a nightmare about the death of his beloved family, his mother Marriot, his father Paul, and his older brothers Harry and Lucas. he saw the mysterious evil man who caused this tragedy.
The mysterious man destroyed the Yakamura Kingdom, stole all of the food, drinks, potions, The Ring Of Time, The Ring of Gravity, and The Ring Of Possession. But he made one fatal mistake, leaving the Book Of Wishes behind. It can grant you Three Wishes.
The only way to obtain the Book Of Wishes is to collect the seven sacred stars that’s in Shanghai, China thanks to Paul. The mysterious man was furious and changes his plans and retreaded to the unknown world.
Junis woke up from his nightmare sweating, and breathing heavily. he looked at the time on the clock that’s on the wall, it was 6:45 AM. “What a nightmare. I can still remember the promise father made to me and my sister to get stronger, train every weekend, go to school, work hard,” Junis said.
Few minutes later after taking a shower, he opened up the box and puts on his school Uniform, gets his book bag that have his school supplies in there and went outside.
An hour later he was shocked that the school bus arrived just on time at 7:45 am.  He gets on the bus and says, “good morning ma'am” to the bus driver. The driver says “good morning to you too sir, what is your name by the way?” Junis responds, “My name is Junis Yei Sung Yakamura, nice to meet you.” The driver says “I’ll just call you Mr. Yakamura from now on.” “My name is Alisha Ishikawa, just call me Mrs. Ishikawa, nice to meet you too.”
After Junis and Mrs. Ishikawa greeted each other, Junis walked to the back of the bus and sits in his seat setting his book bag next to him as Mrs. Ishikawa starts driving to the next house that’s far from the Shanghai Hospital.
Junis looked outside enjoying the view of seeing houses, birds, trees, and the beautiful clear skies outside. 10 minutes later, Mrs. Ishikawa made a stop at her own house, opened the door, and greeted her daughter, “Good morning sweetheart.” her daughter greeted her back, “Good morning mother, Mrs. Ishikawa's daughter went to the back of and noticed a crimson hair 14 year old boy and sat next to him and talked to him.
“Excuse me sir, who are you? Junis looks at her with a serious look on his face and responds to her, “My name is Junis Yei Sung Yakamura, but you can call me Junis, what is your name?” Mrs. Ishikawa daughter felt nervous, her face was brighten red, she responds to his question, “M-M-M-My name is Kimichi Mina Ishikawa, Mrs. Ishikawa is my mother, n-n-nice to meet y-you. after Junis and Kimichi chatted, Kimichi's mother Mrs. Ishikawa drove to the next house and made a stop there and opened the door, as the two students got on the bus and greets Mrs. Ishikawa.
“My name is Samuel Turner, nice to meet you.” he sits in the front of the bus by himself. “My name is Elena Lucia Sanchez, nice to meet you.” Elena sits in the back of the bus on the right by herself. Mrs. Ishikawa drives to the next house and made her last stop there and opened the door as the student comes on the bus and introduced himself.
“My name is Anstice Demetrius Galanos The First, nice to meet you. He sat in the back of the bus with Elena. 25 minutes later, Junis, Kimichi, Samuel, Elena, and Anstice got dropped off at the high school. Everyone except Samuel and Anstice was surprised how big and tall the high school was as they went inside the school.
An Unknown Woman appeared right front of their eyes and says to everyone, “Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, I am the head principal of this school.” “My name is Melina Silvia Akamine, please to meet you all.” “For the students that was here last year, Mr. Turner, Mr. Galanos, welcome back.” “For the students that is new to this school, Welcome to Shanghai Academy, the home of the dragons.”Mr. Turner and Mr. Galanos, go to class.” “As for the rest of the freshmen, i will give you three a tour around this school, follow me.”
As Samuel and Anstice went to class, Principal decided to give the three freshmen she mentioned a tour around Shanghai Academy as they go in the elevator. “Here we are in the basement where we have social studies class and science class.” “Next is the first floor where we have swimming class, gym class, and the weigh room.” “Moving onto the second floor where we have math class and library class.” “Lastly the third floor where we have geometry class, the cafeteria, and the auditorium.”
“I forgot to mention a few more things.” “We have a Football Field, a Basketball Court, a Baseball Field, Track and Field, and Soccer Field outside on the right side of the school.” “Another thing, we have a boxing class on the 2nd floor, kendo class on the 1st floor and a martial arts class on the 3rd floor.” “Also Mr. Yakamura will be with the boys from Mon-Tues, then he will be with the girls from Wed-Fri. “Ms. Ishikawa and Ms. Sanchez have the same schedule from Wed-Fri.” “Here is your School Identification (School ID).” “Any Questions?”
Principal Akamine said after giving the freshmen their School ID. “No Principal Akamine.” Said Junis, Kimichi, and Elena. “Good, have a good day.” Principal Akamine said as she went to her office.
Later at Lunch time, Junis wasn’t hungry decided to look at his schedule, until Kimichi showed up to speak to him. “Hi Yakamura Kun.” “.....” “Yakamura Kun?” Junis was so focus on his schedule that he forgot his new friend Kimichi was there, when she called him again, he looked at her and puts his schedule down.
“Sorry, i was looking at my schedule, do you need something?” “yes, have we met before we sat together few hours ago in the back of the bus? “...............” “Yakamura Kun?” “No, we haven’t met before that time.” “I see.” “I can’t remember anything before that time, i don’t have any memories of my past, it’s impossible for me to remember.” “Yakamura Kun...” “see you later....” Junis said ending the conversation as he went to his next class.
Later after school, Junis and Kimichi got dropped off at the house called the Ishikawa House. Junis was confused that he’s in Kimichi house. “Why am I here?” “What do you mean by that Yakamura Kun?” “I don’t live here.” “About that, my mother will explain that to you when she comes back from her second job.”
As they kept chatting, Mrs. Ishikawa opened the door and sees Kimichi and Junis in the living room, she decided to talk to Junis and Kimichi. “Mr. Yakamura do you know why you are here?” “Not really Mrs. Ishikawa.” “You expected that i would take you back to the Shanghai Hospital did you?” “To be honest with you Mrs. Ishikawa, yes i did expect you take me there because i live there.” “You used to, your uncle called, may not know him but he called me at 11am to move your stuff here and i did.” “What!?” “You lived with us from now on, do i make myself clear Mr. Yakamura?”
"He told you that?” “Yes” “Tell him i said thank you, i always wanted to live in a real home like this house.” “Affirmative, also you will sleep in the same room with my daughter Kimichi.” “T-Thank you mother, even though this is embarrassing.”
After ending the conversation, Kimichi took Junis to her room and she gave him a gray tank top and gray sweatpants as he took his uniform off and wore it. Kimichi did the same, both Junis and Kimichi went to bed and went to sleep together.
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ellavi-a03 · 2 years
Also, TSOH is good webtoon material ngl :)))
Also Mina is gonna be big sis nowww. Yey.
But seriously, the guy has a lot of pride. It’d take a lot for him to admit to his mistakes and the like out loud.
And omg thank you, that is such a compliment! It’d have to be quite toned down though.
Yep, we’ll get to see a little bit of that in the epilogue too! And maybe in some bonus chapters.
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Big Zulu – Ichwane Lenyoka Lyrics
Big Zulu – Ichwane Lenyoka Lyrics
Ichwane Lenyoka Lyrics by Big Zulu [Intro] Anginabazali Ashu [Chorus] Mina ngichwane lenyoka Ashu Anginabazali ngintandane Mina nginkabi edla yodwa Anginabazali ngintandane Anginabani ngintandane   Ngangino Ma no baba Ngikhumbul’ uMa no baba Ngangino Ma no baba Yey ngikhumbul’ uMa no baba mina Mina ngichwane lenyoka Ngangino Ma no baba Ngikhumbul’ uMa no baba Shu [Verse 1] Mina ekukhuleni kwami…
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jamaica-song-lyrics · 3 years
Big Zulu – Ichwane Lenyoka Lyrics
Big Zulu – Ichwane Lenyoka Lyrics
Ichwane Lenyoka Lyrics by Big Zulu [Intro] Anginabazali Ashu [Chorus] Mina ngichwane lenyoka Ashu Anginabazali ngintandane Mina nginkabi edla yodwa Anginabazali ngintandane Anginabani ngintandane   Ngangino Ma no baba Ngikhumbul’ uMa no baba Ngangino Ma no baba Yey ngikhumbul’ uMa no baba mina Mina ngichwane lenyoka Ngangino Ma no baba Ngikhumbul’ uMa no baba Shu [Verse 1] Mina ekukhuleni kwami…
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ardandil · 7 years
Crónicas del Grinch 8: Santa Claus is coming to town Parte II
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Esta es la continuación de Santa Claus is coming to town I.
Lyman ha dejado a Frank en compañía de la misteriosa Claire, y ha marchado con el abuelo del chico para enfrentarse a la llegada de un peligro desconocido.
Una luz roja tenue, como del interior de un submarino, sustituyó la iluminación del cuarto. El rostro de Claire resplandecía de forma inquietante. Frank oscilaba con el latido de su corazón.
«Dime, Frank», contestó Claire con la vista fija en la pantalla. Un sinfín de puntitos verdes se agolpaba en la periferia del círculo del radar.
—No era mi madre la que me hablaba en sueños, eras tú ¿verdad?
«Eres muy inteligente. Sí, era yo. De esa forma MacReady estaba al tanto de cómo te iba. Lo ha pasado muy mal».
Frank sólo pensaba en una cosa.
—¿Podrías ser como ella? Quiero decir, tener el aspecto de mi madre. Sólo una vez, por favor.
Claire tardó en contestar. Por encima de sus cabezas sonaron explosiones lejanas, como fuegos artificiales.
«Sí, podría. Pero ahora tengo que ayudar a MacReady y a Lyman. El ataque ha comenzado».
Los puntitos verdes de la pantalla aumentaban de intensidad y desaparecían.
—«Los antiaéreos hacen su trabajo —bramaron los altavoces con la voz de Lyman—. Esos malditos renos del general Rudolph están recibiendo una buena».
A Frank ya no le sorprendía nada. Las explosiones arreciaron y parecían acercarse. El techo del refugio temblaba.
—«Atención, los elfos[1] han penetrado la alambrada —se oyó decir a MacReady—. Las minas los contienen de momento».
El estruendo aumentó de intensidad, había explosiones, zumbidos que amenazaban con reventar los oídos y ráfagas de disparos que no acababan nunca. Frank se hizo un ovillo en un rincón y se cubrió la cabeza; parecía el fin del mundo. Claire se mantenía imperturbable ante el caos que se había adueñado de la pantalla. Frank no estaba seguro, pero bajo aquella iluminación de sala de revelado le parecía que la mujer que no era su abuela cambiaba de aspecto, incluso de forma. A veces unos brazos de longitud imposible se extendían por la mesa. De repente la pantalla se vació de puntitos y las explosiones acabaron. El silencio que sobrevino le pareció aun más aterrador.
—«Se han retirado. Lyman, ¿qué opinas?», dijo el abuelo por los altavoces.
Lyman tardó en responder treinta angustiosos segundos.
—«No me gusta —dijo Lyman como si le costara respirar—. Traman algo».
—«Claire, ¿ves algo en el radar?».
«No MacReady, pero a mí tampoco me gusta».
Frank sabía que no soñaba, por sorprendente y disparatado que pareciera todo. Lo sabía igual que había sabido que era Claire la que le hablaba por las noches y que era capaz de cambiar de aspecto a voluntad. Había sido mucho más difícil aceptar que sus padres nunca volverían cuando tenía diez años. En la pantalla apareció un puntito verde que aumentaba de tamaño y se acercaba a gran velocidad.
—«Claire, ¿ves lo mismo que yo?», dijo su abuelo con desaliento.
«Sí», fue su única respuesta.
—«El maldito bastardo ha decidido venir en persona —dijo Lyman—. Estamos jodidos».
—«Claire, saca a mi nieto de aquí —dijo su abuelo con un tono de voz que helaba la sangre—. Intentaremos daros todo el tiempo que podamos. Frank, puede que me equivocara, pero no puedo cambiar el pasado. Te quiero, y quería a tu madre. A tu abuela la adoraba. Claire, te agradezco lo que me has dado todos estos años, y quiero que sepas que volvería a hacer lo que hice. Cuida de mi nieto».
«No. No tenéis ninguna posibilidad frente a Santa. Dejádmelo a mí», fue la respuesta de la mujer de la larga cabellera.
—«Te prohibo que lo hagas, no sobrevivirás», suplicó el abuelo de Frank.
«Os lo debo, a ti y a Lyman, por todos estos años. Y a tu nieto. Gracias y buena suerte MacReady».
Claire se puso en pie. Parecía distinta, pero seguía teniendo el aspecto de su abuela. Extendió una mano blanquísima hacia Frank, y este acercó la suya. Cuando contactaron fue como sentir una descarga eléctrica. En una milésima de segundo Frank vio pasar millones de años. Una infinidad de mundos y civilizaciones nacieron y murieron ante sus ojos. Experimentó los miedos, esperanzas y alegrías de miles de millones de seres inimaginablemente lejanos en el tiempo y el espacio de la Tierra y los seres humanos. Al borde del colapso, soltó la mano de Claire y cayó al suelo. Ante él vio a su madre, tal como la recordaba.
—Mamá, os echo tanto de menos a ti y a papá.
«Lo sé cariño, y nosotros a ti, pero tienes una vida por vivir. Ahora debo irme».
Frank no estaba dispuesto a quedarse allí, y siguió a su madre hasta el exterior. El cielo estaba parcialmente cubierto y había dejado de nevar. Todo estaba arrasado alrededor y lleno de restos. Solo el granero permanecía en pie. El ser que había sido Claire y la madre de Frank no dejó de aumentar de tamaño y cambiar de forma hasta que no quedó en él ningún atisbo de humanidad. En medio de los campos calcinados separó los ocho brazos y osciló de un lado a otro; estaba bailando.  En el norte apareció una estrella de color rojo que se acercaba a gran velocidad.
De entre las ruinas de la casa surgió MacReady, con un brazo colgándole inerte al costado.
—Tenemos que regresar al refugio.
— ¿Y Lyman?
MacReady negó con la cabeza.
—No lo consiguió.
Frank miró hacia el norte antes de entrar en el refugio. Al principio le pareció un avión de pasajeros con mil luces de colores. Las cosas que había visto aquel día habían aniquilado su incredulidad y su capacidad de sorpresa, pero lo que se acercaba era más que increíble, era incomprensible. Un gigantesco trineo tirado por unos seres que recordaban a renos revoloteó sobre sus cabezas. El sonido de los cascabeles era espantoso. En el pescante del trineo, una masa amorfa de color rojo, llena de pústulas llameantes, agitaba sus ocho brazos y lanzaba aterradores alaridos que quebraban el tejido mismo de la realidad.
MacReady le gritó que bajara, pero Frank se resistía. El ser que había sido Claire resplandecía en colores rojos, blancos y verdes. A su alrededor el terreno ondulaba como en un terremoto. Piedras, montones de tierra calcinada y restos de renos y duendes, se elevaban hacia el cielo como atraídos por un imán. De repente, aquel espectáculo de pesadilla se detuvo como si alguien hubiera pulsado el botón de stop en el televisor. Un tentáculo salió disparado del ente-Claire hacia Frank, lo arrojó al interior del refugio y cerró las puertas.
El terror que había mantenido a raya mientras estuvo en la superficie se liberó de golpe, irresistible. MacReady abrazó a su nieto que lloraba y gritaba como si asistiera por segunda vez a la muerte de su madre. Todo temblaba alrededor de ellos, cada vez con más intensidad. Frank estaba seguro de cuál iba a ser el desenlace final: no volvería a ver a Claire.
—«Todavía sigo aquí compañeros —tronó Lyman por los altavoces—. Este niño está bien despierto y ha sido muy, pero que muy travieso[2]. Voy a darle al viejo Santa una patada en su gordo trasero que nunca olvidará. Yipi ka yei, voy  a joderte bien hijo de puta[3]».
El oído experto de MacReady identificó, por encima del ensordecedor ruido, el sonido del helicóptero a reacción que escondían en el granero.
—Lyman, no seas estúpido, tus armas no pueden dañarlo.
—«¿Y quién dijo que pensara dispararle? Jimmy, ha sido un honor compartir contigo todos estos años. Claire, si puedes oírme en la forma que tienes ahora te pido que cuides de esos dos; los MacReady se creen más listos de lo que en realidad son. Y tú, Frank, ten paciencia con tu abuelo. A mí sigue sacándome de quicio después de sesenta años. Cambio y corto.
—Creí que nunca acabaría de despedirse, viejo testarudo —dijo MacReady con lágrimas en los ojos.
Fin de la segunda parte de 
Santa Claus is coming to town
Si no leíste la primera parte: Santa Claus is coming to town I. 
¡Gracias por leerme! Si te apetece, pásate por mi blog:
Peregrinos de la Tierra en sombras
[1] Elfos de Santa Claus: También llamados duendes o gnomos, son los encargados de fabricar los regalos, básicamente juguetes, que Santa reparte a los niños buenos.
[2] En la cancion de Santa Claus is coming to town se dice que los niños deben haber sido buenos y estar dormidos en nochebuena para que Santa les deje regalos.
[3] Yipi ka yei(...):adaptación de la frase que le dice Bruce Willis al malo en La Jungla de Cristal III.
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