#Misha Collins smut
queen-of-deans-booty · 9 months
Your Little Secret
Pairing: Misha Collins x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
Warnings: 19 year age gap, implied smut
Request by @jessicalynnann: Jordan.!!! I need me a good happy story… with some angst and smut well because it is me lol. How about one where Misha is your dad’s best friend and he is attracted to you and he shouldn’t be and one night he comes over to check on you cause your parents are away and walks in on you and a guy and gets jealous and then he throws him out so sexy time ensues.
Summary: You come home for the summer after your first year in college. Everyone looks different, the farm is different, the town is different and Misha Collins is definitely different. Older men are what get you going, and you're going to make it a goal this summer to get as much as Misha Collins as you can.
Square Filled: "you weren't supposed to hear that" (2023) for @spnaubingo
Author’s Note: in this fic, Misha is 41 and you're 22
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After a year in college, you’re back home for summer break. As much as you loved dorm life with your friends, you miss the farm life back home. Your dad owns a really big farm with lots of animals that he uses to make money off of. He sells the cow’s milk, the chicken’s eggs, and the sheep’s wool while still upholding the value of the property. He has a section of land for vegetables that he grows but he mostly keeps that for himself.
You’re staying with him for the entire summer which is the best time to be on the farm. In the winter, the snow ruins almost everything about it so the summer is the perfect time to get a lot of shit done. 
Once you get your luggage from baggage claim, you make your way over to the pickup section of the airport, waiting for your ride. When you see your dad’s beaten old pickup truck, you make your way over to him. Instead of him getting out, your older brother does with a crooked smile.
You drop your luggage and run into his arms for a big hug. You haven’t seen him in years since he went off to college on the other side of the country. At least you stayed a bit closer to your home. He graduated not long ago and decided to move back home to help out with the family.
“How’s college life treating you?”
“It’s only the first year. I got a dorm next year with the friends I made this year so that’s good.”
“Awesome. Man, you won’t believe what’s been happening in this town,” he chuckles.
He grabs your luggage and heaves it into the trunk. You both get in the car and off you go back home.
“Alright, spill it. What did I miss?”
“Dad is doing more volunteer work, your old high school teacher, Ms. Bromwell got arrested for fooling around with her senior students, we got a new mayor, and Mom has the hots for the new Pastor.”
“Of course, she does,” you laugh. Ever since she got divorced from Dad, she’s been moving around town in not the best way. Still, you love her to pieces. “Glad to be home.”
“Oh, and Misha is back in town.”
Your entire body goes still at the mention of his name.
“How is he doing?”
“He’s alright, I guess,” Mason shrugs.
Misha is your dad’s best friend who grew up only a few doors down from you. He was always present at every birthday party, every time you snuck out of the house, when you first got your license, when you got ready for Prom, and when you graduated high school. When you got to that age when you started caring how you look for boys’ attention, you were really getting dolled up for him. You have had a major crush on him for years now but you were too young to do something about it.
He is nineteen years older than you but you don’t care. You’re fresh in college, you’re not a little girl anymore, and you know what you want. You want Misha and you’re going to make it your goal to get him this summer, even if it only lasts a couple of months. He might see you as a child and as his best friend’s daughter but you’re going to change that soon enough.
Mason reaches the house in record time and helps bring in your bags.
“Dad! We’re home,” he announces.
“Y/N!” your dad greets you and brings you in for a hug. “Welcome home, sweetheart.”
“Glad to be home, Dad,” you smile.
“You remember Misha, right?”
You turn to face him and your mouth actually goes dry. Damn, he looks good. Seeing him is sending tingles up and down your body that you shouldn’t have for your dad’s best friend. He smiles and that almost makes you melt right there.
“Y/N, it’s been a long time.”
He brings you in for a hug and all your senses are filled with him. His cologne is making your head dizzy and you can feel his muscles underneath his clothes.
“Yeah, it has,” you chuckle.
“Do you need help unpacking?”
“No, I got it,” you quickly say and pull away from him. “Thank you, though.”
You grab your bag and immediately head upstairs before you make a fool out of yourself. He watches you walk up the stairs with a controlled look on his face. There is no way he is going to give away what he’s thinking.
The day you came in was a day for relaxing, but the next morning is when your contribution begins. You wake up right as the sun is peeking over the horizon and get dressed in short coveralls and a sports bra. You tie your hair into a messy bun and grab a woven basket before heading out to the chicken coops.
Most of the hens have laid eggs that you collect without issue. There are a few with attitudes but you know how to handle them. It doesn’t matter how long you spend away from home, the work is engraved in your head. You bend down to collect some more eggs when you hear someone shuffle against the wood chips behind you, and you gasp while turning around.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Misha chuckles.
“What are you doing up?”
“Same as you.”
“You wanted to get the eggs from the chickens, too?”
“Okay,” Misha chuckles, “maybe not the same reason.” You smile at him and move on to the hens on the other side of the coop. “So, how is college going?”
“So far so good. I got a dorm with my friends next year so that’s good. Classes are great.”
“Meet anyone over there?”
“You mean like a boyfriend?” you ask.
“Yeah,” he nods.
Is he fishing for information? What if you say yes? Are you going to make him jealous? This is a good opportunity to mess with him but you resist. It’s too early in your relationship to make such bold decisions. For now, you keep it safe.
“No. I’m not into men my age. I like them older,” you flirt subtly.
“I see,” he nods.
“So, tell me something, you’re well off with money. Why are you still in this town? The people stay here because they can’t go anywhere else.”
“Your dad is well off but he stays.”
“He’s been in this town for decades. He can’t leave,” you chuckle.
“Same here. I grew up here.” You raise an eyebrow and he laughs. “I don’t know. I feel like there is something here for me still. Maybe someone.”
“Is that your way of telling me you’re single?”
“I see,” you copy his response.
You finish grabbing all the eggs and bring them inside with Misha. It’s time for breakfast now because your dad and Mason are going to be up soon. There are dozens of eggs so what better way than to make some omelettes with some of the fresh vegetables from the farm? 
One of your favorite apps these days is Tik Tok which your best friend introduced you to. It has all sorts of videos that can keep you entertained for hours, and some of your favorite videos to watch are prank videos. One of the ones going around is where someone is cooking eggs and decides to crack one on someone’s head instead of doing it on the counter or the side of a pan.
You look at Misha who is washing his hands with a smirk. You grab twelve eggs to cook with and set the rest of them off to the side. You take one of the eggs and swiftly crack the egg on Misha’s forehead. He flinches from shock and you hold in your giggle as you pour the egg into the pan.
You grab another egg to do it again but Misha is quick on his feet. He moves out of the way and wipes the egg whites that you left on his skin. He reaches out to touch you but you squeal and move out of the way.
“This isn’t how this works!” you laugh.
Misha grabs your waist and pulls you into him, and he teases you by hovering his slimy hands above your face. You squirm to get away from him but end up moving your body closer to him. You turn to face him and lock eyes. He looks down briefly before something changes in his body language and in his eyes. He clears his throat and steps away from you to put some distance between you two.
“I should get going.”
“Why? Breakfast hasn’t even started yet.”
“I got stuff to do.”
Just then, your dad comes jogging down the stairs because you know he smelled the eggs cooking.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” your dad asks and grabs water from the fridge.
“Helping Y/N out but I’m leaving now.”
Misha washes his hands and leaves without another word. You watch him leave with a frown as you rake your brain to figure out where things took a turn.
A few days later, your dad wanted to have a barbecue for everyone in town at the farm. He has the biggest property in town so it makes sense to turn the farm into something the entire town can enjoy. Almost everyone from town is in your backyard, and your dad sets up games for the kids to play, a small bar with a keg of beer for the adults, and lots of good food. The one job he gave you was to keep the keg stocked with beer but the one he has must have the nozzle broken because it’s not dispensing beer correctly.
Misha shows up expecting to have a good time when he spots you bent over the keg wearing short shorts and an almost see-through tank top. He clenches his jaw in frustration and storms over to you. You’re too busy to see him heading your way, and you yank the nozzle the wrong way because beer sprays all over your shirt.
“Shit,” you gasp and jump back.
Beer flows out of the nozzle so you quickly turn it off before any more goes to waste. You grab the ends of your shirt to take it off when Misha grabs your elbow.
“What the hell?”
“What? I got beer on myself.”
“Taking off your shirt with children around is inappropriate.”
“It’s not like I’ll be showing my boobs to everyone. I have a sports bra underneath this.”
“Here.” He sheds off his jacket and gives it to you to wear. “Go inside and change.”
“Yes, sir,” you say sarcastically and walk away from him.
Misha resists the urge to grab you and punish you for your bratty attitude. You’re not sure what has gotten into him these last couple of days because he’s been angry with you. You’ve tried flirting with him but nothing has come of it and you’re not one of those girls to just wait around for a guy. If he doesn’t want you, there are plenty of other men who do. There was a young man at the barbecue that you connected with and kept in touch with after the event was over.
Your dad is going to be out of town for a couple of days with your brother which means you have the house to yourself. What better way to spend your time than with the new guy you met? Misha has mixed feelings about you because you’re his best friend’s daughter. You’re unsponkingly off limits. If Jensen knew the kind of thoughts he was having about his daughter, he would kill him for sure.
Maybe if he talks to you, he can understand what he’s feeling and figure out what to do about it. He walks over to your house and uses the key Jensen gave him for emergencies only. He has to check on you anyway per Jensen’s request so he doesn’t think much when he walks inside your house. It’s usually quiet until he hears something that makes all his blood go straight to his cock.
You are moaning upstairs. 
The thing that pisses him off is he hears a man moan right after you. He should just leave but he rushes upstairs with the intent of ruining your evening. He doesn’t mean to be an asshole but he’s thinking with his downstairs brain and not his upstairs one. He practically busts down the door to see the guy you met naked on top of you.
“What the fuck!” you gasp and push the man off you.
Misha is too pissed to see that you’re fully naked in front of him.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” The guy you’re with stutters since he’s too scared by Misha’s presence. “Get the hell out of here.”
The guy gathers his clothes and rushes out of the room, and you pull your robe on to give you some sort of decency.
“What the hell are you doing here? Why did you run him off?” you gasp in anger.
“You know, when your dad asked me to check on you while he was away, I’d figure I see you in here drinking, maybe smoking some weed, not fucking some boy you just met.”
“You weren’t supposed to hear that.”
“Yeah, well, I did.”
“You thought it was okay to come here close to the middle of the fucking night? You couldn’t have waited until morning?”
“I’m not going to let my best friend’s daughter get pregnant by some kid she doesn’t know.”
“I have condoms.”
“It’s irresponsible.”
“Why do you even care what goes on in my bedroom? It’s not like you’re in it,” you cross your arms.
If you’re going to do this, may as well go all out. Misha chuckles but it’s not an amused chuckle, it’s a dark chuckle like you better watch what you say next or he’ll punish you.
“You wouldn’t be able to handle me.”
The laugh you give is almost an amused one.
“An old guy like you? The only thing I won’t be able to handle is how short it’ll be. Wouldn’t want to throw out your back, now would we?”
Misha’s smirk is lost as he stalks towards you. You back up but are stopped by the dresser.
“Sweetheart, I’d ruin other men for you.”
“Oh yeah? Prove it.” Misha looks like he wants to but listens to the rational part of his brain. He shakes his head and starts to walk away from you. “That’s what I thought.” You scoff. “I want you to leave because I have a date with my vibrator which has batteries that will last longer than you.” 
Misha snaps and turns so quickly that you don’t have time to react. He grabs your waist and tosses you onto the bed causing your robe to open enough to show your breasts. He looks down at your chest and reaches out to touch one of your breasts but resists at the last second.
“Is this what you want?”
“Yes,” you whisper.
“I’m nineteen years older than you.”
“You’re my best friend’s daughter.”
“And?” you chuckle.
Misha stares into your eyes to see if you mean what you say. When he doesn’t see a shred of regret he leans down and kisses you. He reaches into your robe and palms your breasts before allowing you to shred the piece of clothing. It’s passionate. It’s sensual. It’s intimate. It’s everything you want and more. He’s so much different than anyone you’ve ever been with. He takes care of you three times before he even thinks about himself; once on his tongue, once on his fingers, and once more on his cock.
It’s hours before you’re done and you pant heavily next to him.
“Yeah, you have ruined other men for me,” you laugh.
“You can’t tell your dad about this. He’d murdered me.”
“Eh, I don’t tell him a lot of things anyway.”
You lean over and kiss him again, ready for a round two.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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pizzagirlxnsfwx · 1 year
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It absolutely baffles my mind that Castiel was living in such a sad little room.. like he should’ve been in the Bunker with Sam. Mourning Dean!
We needed more Sam and Castiel content!
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goldenispunk · 6 months
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nyxxiegirlwrites · 1 year
Hey! I’m Nyxxie. I’ve dabbled in writing since middle school (34 now) and I’m an avid reader of all books and fan fiction. Supernatural is my main fanfic jam. Dean and Castiel had the best love story that kind of never was. I’m a huge Misha fan and will probably write some fanfic featuring him. Same with Jensen.
It’s been a long time since I’ve written for my own pleasure, but I’ve recently found myself with a lot of free time. I’ve been a caregiver for my grandmother for the past few years, but her health has taken a downturn and I need to here with her all the time.
So hang on as I start writing my first fanfic! Any suggestions on who my first subject should be? Also, any writing suggestions, tips, or tricks are greatly welcomed! I’m still pretty new at this.
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ml080504 · 4 months
"bestie we are having you put down" I say as i look in the mirror and realize i spent 5 hours reading smut
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fairy-with-a-kn1f3 · 3 months
Everyone calling Castiel a twink WHEN HES CANONICALLY BEEFED UP.
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jakegyllenbaalz · 2 months
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i❤️ supernatural
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wishful thinking
-warnings// angst, mentions of smut but no real descriptions
lil summery// Sam has a little crush on deans girlfriend a just little sad
Dean x reader... with a little Sam x reader (just a lil bit)
word count// 3450
(Gif from pinterest)
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You groaned as the light came through the window blinds, rolling over to hide in your boyfriends warm chest, Dean chuckled running his hand up and down your bare back "not ready to wake up gorgeous?" He asked kissing the top of your head "no. My plans revolve around staying in bed with my pretty sexy, and very nude boyfriend" you mumbled against his chest, dragging your hand down his chest and down his stomach
You jumped back when you heard a loud knock on the door "are you two almost ready? There was another attack last night" Sam called through the door, "Just taking a shower then we'll be out Sammy" Dean yelled back, you looked up at him confused "baby we showered last night" Dean chuckled, rolling on top of you, he smirked down at you, his amulet hanging down his neck "yeah but I just bought us some more time" Dean flirted as he pressed kisses down your neck, already making your eyes roll.
Sam leaned against the impala, growing more and more impatient as the time moved on, with a final sigh of annoyance he went back to Dean and your shared motel room, "Dean I've been waiting almost an hour dude serio-" Sam started to yell but was quickly cut off by the door opening revealing you dressed only in deans long red flannel, your cheeks red and your hair a mess "I'm sorry Sammy, we'll be right out in two minutes, I swear" you told him quickly shutting the door in the stunned Winchesters face 
Sam was in awe of you, ever since you and Dean came to get him from Stanford four years ago he knew there was something about you that just warmed his heart, how kind you were to him and when Jess passed, you let him cry in your arms many nights after, how beautiful you were, how smart you were, you were like a walking encyclopaedia. He knew how wrong it was, having a crush on Deans girlfriend. he just couldn't help himself 
Every day was an internal battle for Sam, he wanted you, he wanted you more than he's ever wanted anything, but he sees how much his brother loves you, and that's what kills him even more, he would never want to hurt his brother. He just couldn't help himself, especially when he heard your moans through every crappy motel walls, hell he's even walked in on you both going at it  more times than he'd ever like to admit, you would think after the eitgth time Dean would learn to lock his damn door.
It definitely didn't help Sam keep himself composed when he was popping boners left and right with the images of you after being fucked, even if wasn't by him flash through his mind constantly.
"Alright, give us the run down Sammy" dean said as he drove away from the red room motel Sam stayed quiet as he tried to avoid looking at you sitting in the back seat "Sammy!" Dean called loudly snapping his fingers in his face startling the seasoned hunter "w-what?" He stuttered out confused "gives us the run down... are you feeling good, not like you to be so out of it man" dean turned to look at him quickly worry evident in his voice 
"Yeah fine just tired. didn't sleep great"  Sam mumbled out tucking his growing hair behind his ears "you sure sweetie? you look a little pale, maybe your coming down with something. c'mere let me check your temperature" you said leaning into the front to feel his forehead "w-what no no I'm fine not sick I'm just tired so just drop it and leave me the hell alone!" Sam said flinching away defensively, if you touched him right now he was definitely gonna go crazy 
Dean turned to give Sam a hard look "watch it Sam, she was only trying to help you, no need to bite her damn head off!" Sam snorted "whatever" he pushed himself as close to the passenger side ignoring his brother for the rest of the ride his eyes stared hard out at the road as he tried to focus on the hunt... and not how good your breasts look in that shirt .
Dean looked at Sam then gave you a concerned look matching your own in the rear view mirror. 
When you got to the Swanson house you both  decided to let Sam take the lead in questioning considering he didn't give you any details on the death, what he suspected, could be demon, ghost... literally anything at this point.
"Any idea what's up with Sam?" You asked Dean watching as Sam spoke to the victims heartbroken husband, Dean sighed his eyes narrowed at his little brother trying to figure out what's going on in his head "not a clue but I'll talk to him about it" dean grumbled out squinting his eyes at his younger brother.
It was a quiet drive back to the motel , Sam was laser focused on watching the blurs of houses and cars, you couldn't help yourself but looking at him worried, you were sure he could feel your eyes burning a hole into the back of his head. Even if he did feel it he never let on, never acknowledged you or dean were in the car too.
Once Dean parked baby Sam was rushing out toward his motel room. Dean slammed the car door annoyed before turning to look at you his hard eyes softening "I'm gonna talk to Sammy see if I can get him to talk about wheatever the hells bothering him" dean told you before planting a soft kiss on your lips "okay baby, I'm gonna take a walk and go grab us some snacks and beer, hopefully Sammy opens up to you" you wrapped your arms around deans neck, his own on your hips as he had you pinned tight against the impala
Dean shook his head pulling baby's keys out of his pocket "your not walking anywhere sweetheart, I trust you'll take care of my baby, and my baby will take care of my sweetheart" dean joked making you giggle, your cheeks heating up as you licked your lips "you Dean Winchester are a man of many surprises... and I quite like that about you" dean caught your lips once again in a soft kiss his tongue slipping into wrestle with your own before giving your ass a hard smack. You gasped and pulled away your body feeling hot at his actions 
You put your hands on deans chest lightly pushing him away from you "alright I better go, good luck talking to Sam" dean shook his head his green eyes turned to look at Sam's closed motel room door sighing "yeah I'm gonna need it". 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your nerves were all over the place as you walked around the small corner store. You hated when Sam and Dean would fight, on one hand, Dean is your boyfriend you can't help but take his side most of the time, but Sam was your best friend. It just put you in such a shitty position until the boys eventually swept it under the rug. You grabbed a bunch of snacks because you knew Dean was an angry eater and he usually stuffed his face with liquorice and chocolate after any arguments, or if you were having make up sex and dean was still a little mad he'd eat something else...
You opened the door to your motel room so see Dean pacing the floor his hands running through his hair, clearly he was frustrated and seemed pretty anxious "how'd it go sweetie?" You asked him setting the bag of goods and beer on the table "I- uh- fi-fine yeah I guess" dean stuttered out as his pacing continued "dean what's wrong? Is it bad- oh my god please sit down your freaking me out!" You snapped grabbing deans arms stopping him from moving any further "it's nothing I just... look you know how much I care about you. Id do anything for you no matter what it was, I just when you talk to Sam please remember that" dean told you his hands coming to rest on the sides of your face his worried eyes staring into your own
"Wha- talk to Sam? Dean what's going on why do I need to talk to Sam?" You were freaking out why the hell was Dean Winchester, the man who hides what he feels on the daily pouring his heart out to you now of all times. Dean leaned in catching your lips in a slow sensual kiss, pulling away to rest his forehead against your own "I promise everything will make sense if you talk to Sam" Dean whispered "okay let's go" dean shook his head immediately "I don't think I should be around Sammy right now I'll wait for you here" okay now you were officially freaking the fuck out
You nodded slowly and headed out to towards Sam's motel room next door. You stared at the red door taking a couple of deep worried breaths before knocking. It took three seconds after the last knock until the younger Winchester was opening the door his cheek looking slightly swollen "hey... come on in" Sam said moving to the side to allow you in "hey... so what's going on? Dean seemed pretty upset" you told him, Sam sighed and ran his hands down his face his eyes closed tight "it's stupid. It's so stupid I just don't know what to do anymore I've been... fuck this is hard-" "Sam! Spit it out please!" You yelled cutting off his rambling 
"....Y/N, I think I'm in love with you" once the words left Sam's lips your whole body froze. You felt like the air was sucked right out of you. "You what?" You asked "I think I'm in love with you... it started a couple of years ag-" "Years! what the fuck do you mean years Sam? How many?" You cut him off "i- I lost Jess and then you... you were there for me and it just kinda escalated from there. Look I don't want to feel like this. I don't want to be in love with my brothers girlfriend, I've felt like the worst person in the damn world every day because of this... I just I can't help it" Sam confessed
"Sam Jess passed four years ago. Are you telling me you've had feelings for me since then?" You asked him calmly and he nodded quickly "honey I don't think your in love with me. I think you went through an extremely traumatic experience with Jess and me being there for you every day. I think your confusing the feelings you had for jess to me. Sam, I love you because your my best friend... and I'm with dean and I haven't even told him yet but I love him Sammy..." you told him and Sam took a deep breath "I uh i guess I never thought about it like that. I think your right I'm confusing my feelings I had for Jess to you" Sam agreed making you relax 
"I'm sorry I sprung all this on you and Dean today. When you put it like that it makes sense... I mean Jess was the love of my life… I even had a ring. Before you and Dean came to Stanford I had it all planned out, then it was taken away from me in the blink of an eye... and dean still has you-" Sam paused taking a shaky breath "I guess I'm just jealous of you guys, of what you have with each other. I've never seen Dean love someone so much and that's why me feeling like this bothered me so much because I want my brother to be happy and I want my best friend to be happy too" Sam ended his speech and you had tears falling down your cheeks feeling your heart break at his words
"Sammy I'm so sorry about what happened with Jess. You deserved to have the happy life you always wanted with her" Sam nodded his eyes filling with tears he sucked in a harsh breath of air "yeah.... I miss her every day. I just... I want what I had with her back- I want Jess back, I see you and Dean and I want that. Jesus I fucking had that. Life deals me the crappy hand of yellow eyes and Jess has to pay for it?" Your cheeks were wet with tears, you couldn't help but bawl at Sam's words. Life had been so cruel to the Winchesters 
"I know honey... I know. It's not fair, I know you feel like Jess was the one for you but sam, I only met her once and I seen how much she loved you. She would want you to get out there and find the girl your meant to spend your life with, it's not me, but she's out there... she's just waiting for you to find her" you smiled taking his big hand in yours and giving it a comforting squeeze. Sam nodded slowly 
"I really i appreciate that Y/N, I'm glad this crap got brought out. Talking to you has really made me feel a lot better about this so thanks, I uh do you mind giving me some time just to think. I kinda want to be by myself now" Sam told you and you nodded heading towards the door, Turing to take one last look at the sad giant "we're right next door if you need anything at all, okay Sammy?" His lips curled in a soft smile and he gave you a quick nod.
Once the door was a shut you leaned against it your hand going to your chest as you took a deep breath, hunting gouls was easier than that damn conversation. Your heart was beating like crazy thinking back on every word, Sam thought he was in love you, I mean of course he wasn't. He was in love with the idea of you... of love that's what he wanted.
You squeezed your eyes shut to calm down before going back to your and Deans room. You opened the door to find Dean sat at the edge of the double bed, his head facing the ground as his hands ran through his hair “Dean?” You called to him. His head snapped towards you his feet moving faster than the rest of his body as he stunned his way toward you “Y/N…. H-how’d it go? Did you-” “talk to Sam… yeah we had a long talk. I think everything’s gonna be just fine now” you told him 
Deans shoulders visibly relaxed, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you into a hug “thank god… thought I was gonna have to kick his ass” dean joked but you thought back to Sam’s swollen cheek. You pulled back from the hug and gave dean a hard look “Dean Winchester… did you punch your brother because of me?” 
Dean shook his head quickly “no of course not… I punched him because he told me he wanted to be with my girlfriend, maybe had he phrased it better to me I wouldn’t have lost my temper but if someone tells me they want to be with my girlfriend and they’re in love with her… I’m gonna loose my shit” you tried to hide the small smirk from your face by leaning in to give dean a hard kiss on his soft lips “that’s really sweet baby. Please don’t fight with Sam because of me, seriously we had a really good conversation tonight” 
Dean noodles slowly “can you tell me what you talked about?” You smiled and sat down on the bed and pulling Dean with you so you were both laying down on the hard mattress “well he told me he was in love with me-” deans arm around your waist grew tense as he pulled you closer so your head was resting against his chest  “but we talked about things and we got to talking about Jess and-” you paused taking a deep breath and looking up at dean to find him already looking at you 
“Sam is still hurting over Jess. He was confusing his love for Jess to love for me, thats all, he’s not In love me. He’s in love with the idea of love because he had that, then he lost it in the blink of an eye and then he sees us together. He just needs some time and he needs us to help him get back out there find a distraction, hey maybe even find the love of his life like m-” you stopped yourself quickly, Dean opened his mouth to say something but you quickly jumped back in
“We should take him out tomorrow, there’s a bar down the block. I saw it when we were driving earlier, it looks like it could be fun, what do ya say?” Deans eyes crinkled as he smiled lovingly at you. He loved how much you looked out for Sammy, it’s part of what made him fall in love with you. “I’m down, any time I get to spend with you I am down for it” dean told you taking your hand in his placing a soft kiss to it “how about we crack open those beers over there eat some junk food and watch a little Dr sexy?” Dean suggested. You smiled and nodded your head “i love that idea” you leaned up to give him a quick kiss before he grabbed the goods.
You were hours into the doctor sexy marathon you and dean had unintentionally started. Deans arm hung loosely around your waist while you cuddled comfortably into his warm side, your leg wrapped loosely around deans hips. You looked up to see deans green eyes lolling to sleep slowly, still somewhat awake “dean?” You whispered, his eyes opened quickly and he let out a low “yeah?” And turned his gaze to you “why were you so nervous earlier? Before I went to Sam’s room?” He sighed his body tensing slightly under you “I just… I hated the idea of you talking to Sam about his little crush on you because well, your my girl… and I love you” dean rushed out the end and your head snapped up 
“You what?” You asked your chest suddenly feeling tighter like your heart was about to explode “i love you sweetheart” dean told you more clearly this time. A smile immediately overcame your face as you rushed down to press a hard kiss on deans lips. Dean responded right away, his hands wrapping around your hips to pull you on top of him… well more than you already were
You pulled back slightly from the kiss pressing your forehead against his “I love you too Dean Winchester, so fucking much baby” you giggled your lips brushing against his in each movement. Dean pulled you back into another deep kiss his big rough hands squeezed your ass before moving up your waist to pull your shirt off leaving you in your black lacy bra. Your squealed into deans mouth when he ripped your bra in half, pulling the ruined fabric off off your arms baring your breasts to him. Deans lips detached from your swollen ones, he attacked you chest immediately placing kissing app over your chest, sucking love marks all over you, especially on your sweet spot to mark his territory.
Sam who was in the next room slammed a pillow over his head to drown out your screams of pleasure, Sam lied to you earlier, he meant it when he said he was in love with you. But when he saw your panic and how you talked about your one for his brother he panicked and wanted to take each word back, that’s why when you mentioned it being confusion over his love for Jess he jumped at it. He would never do anything to hurt you or dean he loved you both way to much to ever even  think about doing that to either of you, that’s why he was just going to have to swallow his feelings and curse chuck for not having you both meet first. He wished every damn night that he met you before dean, constantly living in guilt Sam knew he had to take his feelings for you and bury them deep inside of him, a life with you was just wishful thinking for the younger Winchester. 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
next to be written is Sam Winchester, hero part 2, this was requested and I'm hoping to get it published soon, until then please enjoy :))
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 6 months
Experience (Cas)
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Description: Y/N has feelings for Cas but after Dean tells him he wants to know if it’s true but Y/N keeps avoiding the question.
Warning: Smut
Word Count: 1,796k
She eyed the angel as he talked to Sam and Dean about the latest case. He gave her a weird look as he noticed that she was staring at him. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact look in her eyes but he’s seen it before. She looked away once their eyes met. She couldn’t help herself as she eyed him. He was gorgeous. She’s had a crush on the angel and wanted him. He had no sexual experience which she loved. It was a wet dream of hers to ruin his innocence. “Why is she staring at me like that?” Cas asked Dean. Dean looked to where Cas’ eyes were and smirked. He was well aware of the crush Y/N had on the angel. “That my friend is the look of lust and want.” He turned back to Cas and winked. Cas looked confused. “What is lust and what does she want?” He asked the man. Dean shrugged and smiled. “Ask her yourself.” Cas took that literally and walked up to the woman. “Hey Cas.” She said. “Why do you stare at me with lust and what is it that you want?” He asked her. Her face was red in embarrassment and she opened her mouth to speak but couldn’t. Cas waited for her to say something but she walked away. He called her name but she ignored him.
“I asked her what you told me to ask her and she walked away.” Cas told Dean. Dean turned to him and looked at him like he was crazy. “You actually asked her that?” Cas nodded. Dean sighed and face palmed. Y/N was gonna kill him when she found out that he asked that because of him. “You told me to.” Dean nodded. “But I didn’t think you’d actually do it.” He exclaimed. Cas was confused, was he not supposed to actually ask her that? Dean closed the laptop and looked at him. “You can’t tell her I told you but Y/N has feelings for you.” “Like she wants to be with me romantically?” Cas asked. Dean nodded. “Yes and sexually but that’s besides the point.” He pointed out. Cas understood what that meant and he was shocked. Y/N never really showed interest in him besides staring at him like he was a piece of meat….oh! Now Cas got it. It all adds up in his head. The look of lust and want. 
Alexis was getting ready for bed when Cas randomly appeared in her room. “Cas.” She jumped. He forgot that he was supposed to knock before entering a room. “Why didn’t you tell me that you had feelings for me?” He asked her, ignoring her jumpscare moment. She looked at him confused. “What?” “Dean told me that you look at me the way you do because of lust and you wanting me.” Her jaw dropped. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you he told me. Cas says. She had no words. Like what was she supposed to say to him? “Cas I really have no words.” She tells him and gets into her bed. “But you can turn off the light on your way out.” She says and yawns. He looks at her confused but does so nonetheless. 
“Next time she tries to avoid it don’t let her.” Dean tells him. Cas told him that he entered her room and asked her why she didn’t tell him. Dean wanted to roll his eyes but decided against it. “So I won’t let her avoid the conversation next time.” Cas says and Dean nods. He was surprised that Y/N hadn’t said anything about this yet. 
“He asked me why I didn’t tell him that I had feelings for him? Like why did he ask me that?” Sam shrugged. “He’s not an idiot Y/N you do make it kinda obvious.” Sam said. Y/N sighed. “But I didn’t think it was that obvious.” Sam laughs. “It was Y/N.” 
Cas had learned that he needed to knock on doors before entering. Y/N was in her room looking up cases when she heard a knock at her door. She gets up with a sigh and opens the door revealing the angel. “Hey Cas!” She says. “Can I come in?” He asked her not saying hi back. She nods and steps aside letting him in the room. He steps in and faces her. “What’s up?” She asked. “Do you have feelings for me?” She wanted to roll her eyes, annoyed that this conversation was coming up again. She was trying to avoid it. “Cas.” She complained. “Y/N you can’t avoid it forever. Just tell me.” She sighed. He was right. She just wished he could have found out differently. “Yes I do.” She said. The look in his eyes changed and he pushed her up against the wall. Her eyes widened as he leaned down and kissed her. She kissed him back but was surprised by his dominance. “Cas, where did you learn to do that?” She asked out of breath as they pulled away. “The Pizza man.” He said. She looked at him confused. “What?” She asked, confused. “I came across a movie and the pizza man did that.” She nodded as she got what he was talking about. “Well, is there anything else you learned from the pizza man?” She asked seductively. He shook his head. She pushed him to her bed. “Take off your clothes Cas.” She tells him. He snaps his fingers and he’s naked. She smirks at the sight. “I meant for you to take them off like a human but that works.” “Are you going to remove your clothes?” He asked her.
She shrugged and pushed him on the bed. “Maybe later.” She smirked. She got on top of him straddling him as she took his dick into her hands. He gasped at the feeling of her hand on him. She smirked at his reaction and started moving her hand. He was holding back moans as her hand dragged up and down his dick. “Don’t hide those pretty noises, angel.” She says and he almost came at her calling him that. He let himself make noises and she pleasured him. Each stroke getting a moan or groan out of him. She was getting wet at the sound of him. “What’s this feeling in my stomach? Why am I twitching?” He asked through heavy breathing. “Cas you’re about to have an orgasm. It’ll feel so good.” She told him speeding up her hand. “Better than this?” He asked. She nodded and said yes. She watched as his body shook and he twitched in her hand.
He was about to experience an orgasm for the very first time. Before he could experience that Y/N stopped her movements. Cas opened his eyes and looked at her. “Why’d you stop?” He asked her. She smirked at him and got off him. She began taking her clothes off slowly teasing him. He snapped his fingers and her clothes were off. She gasped and looked at him and he wore a smirk. “What was that for?” She asked getting back on him. “You were taking too long.” She laughed at his response and took his dick in her hand. She jerked him a few more times and placed him at her entrance. She slowly slid down on him causing them both to gasp at the feeling. Her pussy was drooling all over his dick as she sat on him fully taking him inside. Her walls gripped his dick tightly causing him to groan. “Are you good, Cas?” She asked. He nodded and closed his eyes, sighing as she began to move.
Her hips moved at a slow and hard pace not wanting either of them to cum too soon. She noticed Cas’ hands gripping her sheets and she grabbed his hands and placed them on her hips. He opened his eyes to watch as she began moving faster. Her boobs started bouncing and his eyes drifted to them. Her head was thrown back as she let loose all the moans and whimpers she had building up. He swallowed a groan that threatened to escape as she looked back down at him. His hands gripped her hips tightly and she moaned at the feeling. He was going to leave a mark on both hips but she didn’t care. “How’s it feeling Cas?” She asked through moans. He sighed and let out a groan. “Good. So good.” He groaned out. She nodded and moaned. His hands that gripped her hips began moving her faster on him. “Where’d you learn that Cas?” She asked. “I-I don’t know, it felt right.” He groaned and shut his eyes. She tried to keep her eyes on him as she wanted to watch him fall apart but she was also in so much pleasure that she couldn’t help but close her eyes.
The bed was now shaking and moving with them and she felt him twitch again. “The- The feeling is back.” He tells her and opens his eyes to see her lost in pleasure. Her mouth was agape and drool was coming out some. “Fuck Cas I’m close too.” She whimpered. She placed her hands on his chest and looked him in the eyes. Both of them so close to falling over the edge. Noises fell from both of their lips. “Cum for me Cas, it’s okay.” She whispered. He did as he was told and his eyes turned bright blue as he orgasmed. Y/N held back her orgasm to watch what happens to his body as he does. He groaned and closed his eyes and she felt him fill her up. She gasped and let go moaning his name. She cried out and rode both of their highs until she collapsed next to him. Both were sweaty and out of breath. Y/N waited and watched as Cas opened his eyes. He turned to look at her and gave her a small smile. “Wow that was-” “Amazing. I know.” She finished his sentence.
She watched as he got up from the bed and snapped both of their clothes back on them. She set up and stretched some and he watched her. “So if you have feelings for me and we just had intercourse does that make us a couple?” He asked. She smiled and stood up. “I mean that is if you also have feelings for me.” She said. “Well yes I do feel a certain way about you that I don’t feel for others.” He stated. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “So Cas do you want to be my boyfriend?” She asked him. “Yes I would love to be your boyfriend, Y/N.” He says. She smiles and leans up to kiss him.
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sparking you guys imagination (Castiel's version)
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maddixsonscave · 2 months
The fact that this looks so much like Misha/ Castiel to me is baffling
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am3ricanpsycho420 · 4 months
holy fucking shit, Cas and Dean actually need to be together. I’m only on season 5 and their tension is crazy.
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slut-for-evans-stan · 3 months
I need help finding the particular scene where Cas tilts his head in confusion and Dean mimicks it in return, tilting his head as well. If any of y'all could let me know the episode name and season, it would be really helpful! Have been looking for it for a very long time but can't find it :')
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pinkiebieberpie · 1 year
social media au: sam x dean x winchester!reader ft. castiel
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i'm in a mood for sam and dean being two big brothers and reader as their little sister, so this is it, enjoy!! <33 (my first supernatural social media au and it's chaotic, i hope it's not bad, i'm doing my best ++ i'm in the middle of season 9) +++ tagging my sun ☀️ @fleurfairie
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liked by castiel, swinchester, impala67 and 58 others
impala67: i wanted a pie and you made pasta
y/nwinchester: @.impala67 i made both and you ate both???
swinchester: our favorite little sister 🖤
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liked by castiel, y/nwinchester and 49 others
we are out
y/nwinchester: i took first photo, where is my credit???
castiel: why i wasn't there?
y/nwinchester: @.castiel you left to do your angel stuff
impala67: i look good
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liked by swinchester, castiel and 68 others
movie night with @.swinchester, @.y/nwinchester and @.castiel
y/nwinchester: ❤️❤️
swinchester: y/n stole my pyjama pants again???
y/nwinchester: @.swinchester yes
castiel: next time i'm choosing the movie
castiel: sam's choices are boring
impala67: @.castiel yes, they are
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liked by swinchester, impala67 and 42 others
y/n took it
y/nwinchester: finally somebody is giving me a credit, thank you cas ❤️‍🩹
impala67: we are not that bad at cooking
swinchester: just don't burn the kitchen
supernatural masterlist
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fairy-with-a-kn1f3 · 6 months
Dark!Castiel Au's are my favorite. Yes, go stalk that boy with the pretty green eyes and freckles for miles. Yes, manipulate him into loving you. Yes, pamper and spoil him rotten. PLEASE.
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jaredpadonlyyyy · 9 days
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• 🤍 • • • • 🪽 • • • 😇 • • • 😇 • • • 🪽 • • • • 🤍 •
Y/N was done with a hunt when the Winchester brothers asked her to meet them at a local bar to discuss over looking for Lucifer who had escaped his cage. Had had worked with them before, she had met them one time on a case about how dicks had gotten sick from ghost sickness as Bobby and the boys had put it. And 8 years later she still helped the boys here and there. But they especially needed her when it came to demons. Especially since it was her kind of thing. Unlike them. She was born into the life.
Since she can remember, she had learned how to use a gun and what goes how when it came to a certain type of supernatural creature. Her father had trained her. Her mother had died giving birth to her the day she was born. She was happy that in her case. Her father didn’t treat her any differently. He was a cold man. He helped people but the only person he really did care about, was his daughter. She was his world.
But unfortunately a hunt gone wrong and her father was dead and she was left alone in the world at the age of 16 years old. She had been jumping from home to home, until she was tired of all of it and she ran away. Since she was a hunter. Her father had taught her how to scam for credit cards and get fake ID’s. So she got a new identity and had a new age so she won’t get put into a foster home ever again in her lifetime. At the age of 18 years old. She was known as to be the most amazing hunter of there sending demons to hell, and killing all supernatural creatures.
She was damn good at her job. She never had time to settle down with anyone. Not a girl, and certainly not a guy. She’s a hunter with a prize on her head for she killed at lot of demons once the angle blades came into play. Demons were scared of her when they crossed paths. They knew who she was and what she did. No demon ever escaped her. All always dean on site. Only once had that happened to her. When she was 17 years old. She had gotten distracted by her girlfriend at the time, she was in danger used as bait to lore her in. She was almost killed in the process.
Currently Y/N had agreed to meet with the brothers in LA. They met. And the devil jumped into another vessel. They didn’t know who. Lucifer was gone now. So currently Y/N was moaning as she rides a groaning angel. His mouth wide open as he breathed in heavily gripping the sheets under him. “Fuck, aah!” She moaned as she leans forward and started to bounce on Castiel hard and fast. “I’m gonna, cum!” She gasped throwing her head back as she digs her nails into his chest. Shaking in pure pleasure
Riding out her high. She got off him and she started to kiss down his body. Castiel honestly thought he was in heaven. He’s been with another woman before but the way Y/N rode him was making him see the heavens. She reached down to his thick 9 inch dick. Licking his dick from his balls to his head making him squirm as her tongue swirled around his head.
“Ugh!” Castiel gritted his teeth as he leaned forward his eyes screwed shut. He lets out a very loud moan as she puts all of him into her mouth. Relaxing her throat so she wouldn’t gag. She started to bob her head as he grunted bucking his hips as he fucked her mouth with his thick cock. Y/N hummed sending vibrations throughout his whole body making his cock twitch. “Y/N I’m gonna—.” He moaned. “I’m gonna, fuck!” She lifted up her head making her throw himself back breathing heavily as he looked at her through hooded eyes. She went on top of him and sank down on him again making them both gasp
Castiel grabbed her hips as she moaned calling his name over and over again as he slammed his hips into her in a fast pace. “Oh god, Castiel! Aaah!!” She shook as he felt his dick start to twitch. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” Castiel took her off of him as released. “Uuarghh!!!” He groaned so loudly as he cums in his hand his legs shaking in pure pleasure.
• 🤍 • • • • 🪽 • • • 😇 • • 😇 • • • 🪽 • • • • 🤍 •
This is really short because of the fact that I wanted to publish one. But I got to lazy at the end and didn’t really feel like going more into detail so enjoy!
If you have any requests lmk. I’ll see what I can do. Since I don’t really do stuff like this. I can try. The only things I don’t do. Are daddy kinks or wincest, or age gap or peeing kink. But other than that feel free. I☺️ ps. I’m a destiel shipper but I don’t write destiel smut sorry.
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