#Mod S
haveyoueatenthis · 7 months
I'm sorry, I need to say this, but you guys need to think over your responses a few times before you send them. It's easy to tell that a lot of the asks/replies/reblogs we get are impulsive, because they're either way too aggressive ("kys" is never appropriate to say, let alone to strangers), they're overly familiar (you do not know us. please do not call us "baby"), they're already answered by the pinned post, or they're pretentious/judgemental/entitled.
So please, just think before you send. Think about how people might feel upon reading your words. That's all, thank you.
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dailypepsicola · 6 months
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DAY 2: winter stroll
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skaiakin · 5 months
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roxy lalonde — panel edit  ╱ with only one raccoon tail, from @hskinsprites design.
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jewish-vents · 3 months
I’m beginning to get nightmares and physically get anxious every time I see something antisemitic online, or even any mention of antisemitism and / or the I / P conflict, after MONTHS of being consistently exposed to both things and making it a habit to check on things going on (because I know people in Israel and recently became friends with an art mutual there) and agdjfnfn how do the adultier adult Jewish people deal with this??
There is no good answer here. If it is possible, I strongly encourage you to reach out to a therapist or psychiatrist for professional help with your anxiety. Spend time with people you love, and don't be afraid to turn to them for support. If you are not already doing so, spend time with your local Jewish community.
In the end, all we can really do is take things one day at a time, and remember two key facts.
First, we are not alone. We are all enduring this together.
Second, Jews are nothing if not survivors. This will pass, and we will still be here.
Am yisrael chai.
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archive-of-fear · 6 months
Inspired by @bracketsoffear, I've finally gotten around to making this blog for my fellow terminal TMA categorisation sufferers to submit their favourite fictional blorbos and other things that absolutely definitely belong to a certain entity or two. While i'll certainly be contributing entries of my own, this will mainly be a submissions-based blog and i'm also looking for several mods to help me out managing said submissions so please message me to be added to the blog!
Submission format:
[Picture of submission*]
Entity: (or entities!)
Category: avatar/artefact/leitner etc. (see below)
Description (optional): overview and reasoning for entity alignment/s aka go absolutely ham with your infodumping. If you want to reblog and add further reasoning or even disagree and provide a counter-argument to it then please feel free! Alternatively, if you don't have the spoons for it, you can leave it out if you want.
Tags: to help me tag the post with the most widely used media/character tags etc.
*If there isn't any official art of something/someone from a non-visual medium, then just submit the official art for for the media in general OR credited fan art with permission from the artist
Avatars: beings that cause fear in others. May start off as victims but ultimately must also spread and/or feed on the fear of others.
Creatures: beings that are created/formed specifically to spread their particular fear. Often part of their nature as they have no choice in the matter, unlike avatars.
Leitners: Fictional books and other pieces of text that would probably align with a particular entity or two. Doesn't necessarily have to have supernatural qualities (e.g. manifesto of an Extinction Avatar and Organisation).
Songs: as it says on the tin. Songs that give you vibes about a particular entity/ies
Statements: any story (movie, episode, book etc) that you think would make a good statement. Can also be just a small storyline from a side character, not just the main narrative from the perspective of the protagonist. One piece of media could have multiple "statements", depending on which character's perspective you're writing it from etc.
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avpd culture is making content open for public consumption and then getting upset when the public consumes it. like dude what the fuck that was meant to be seen and liked by a metaphorical someone so I didn't feel like trash for daring making content online, not actual people. so not cool man.
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finally queueing up submissions since april, sorry it took me a bit, ive been super sick lately and haven't had the energy
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Congrats to the Top 3 Found Families Of All Time as voted by tumblr:
1st: Gaang (Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, Zuko) from Avatar: The Last Airbender
2nd: Leverage Crew (Nate Ford, Sophie Devereaux, Eliot Spencer, Parker, Alec Hardison) from Leverage
3rd: Straw Hat Pirates (Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Go D. Usopp, Cat Burgular Nami, Sanji, Tony Tony Chopper, Neferati Vivi, Nico Robin, Cyborg Franky, Brook, Jinbei, Yamato + others) from One Piece
Thank you to all who participated and get ready for the next Found Family Face-off: Sibling Edition™. Go forth and submit your favourite found siblings here!
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bylerficrecweek · 1 year
hello!! thank you guys for the incredible turnout yesterday. we're so excited and proud that so many of you have participated in our event and have celebrated your favorite writers 🥰
as a friendly reminder, though, we would like to specify that that this event was started to shed light on some of the lesser known fics and authors of the community. if people continue reccing fics by the same group of authors that get the most recognition in the fandom, our initiative would have been for nothing!!
this is a gentle reminder to branch out of recommending fics for this even that are already widely known within the fandom and give other fics and authors a chance! we hope we can continue to spread love to all the underrated and/or underappreciated authors out there 💞
P.S. this does not in any way imply that we think that the more well known authors of this fandom don’t deserve recognition. we are simply stating that due to this group of writers getting so much engagement, other lesser known authors get little to none. this can be a serious de-motivator and even cause some people to stop writing for the fandom. the already established group of authors deserve all the interaction they get, but other smaller authors do too, so please give as many people a chance as you can 💖
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field-of-gemstones · 4 months
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no new moons yet! however, have this. ♡
the black cat is opalstar's adoptive older sister! her name is bluebonnet and she was rescued by hazel from the shelter after experiencing a dog attack. she found opal when she was a kit while exploring outside, and brought her to hazel.
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haveyoueatenthis · 7 months
Just wanna say foods and recipes are one of my biggest special interests (the more obscure the better), so genuinely thank you for this blog!! /positive
That's wonderful! Nutrition, food history, food science, etc. have been a huge special interest of mine for over five years now, it's such a fulfilling and wonderful hobby/interest! You never run out of things to learn, cultures to explore, things to try. I highly recommend it for everyone. :-)
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bylerween2023 · 11 months
admins.. which days (or themes) from bylerween are you most looking forward to?
(srry for bad englishhh)
Hello hello!!!
Ayla @howtobecomeadragon is most excited about Supernatural Creatures, all of Day 7, and Pumpkin Patch & Apple Orchard!! 🎃
Jo @wheelersboy is most excited about Day 6! Trick or treating, supernatural creatures & the halloween episode is a recipe for a good time 😎 and it’s on Halloween!
Lex @foodiewithdahoodie is most excited about every single theme to be honest, like I cannot choose, cuz I will be consuming it all like Halloween candy awaiting the good food fellow Bylers will post🤭🤤😋
Rae @ice-sculptures is most excited about Day 6: Supernatural Creatures, Trick or Treat, Freak (2x02), and Trick or Treating :)
Sara @willelfanpage is most excited about Halloween Party, Trapped in the Upside Down and Demons, Devils & Exorcisms!
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You all wanna know how this came about?
It started when I saw this joke of a guy-
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And then Mod S noticed-
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And basically this happened:
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What's even funnier is S promising this in 10 minutes.......and DELIVERING.
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skaiakin · 5 months
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nepeta pyrope  — pesterquest  ╱ with a design by @hskinsprites, and the button-up changed to a black shirt.
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jewish-vents · 2 months
My heart beat has started racing whenever I enter tumblr. Every other day I think I’ve reached my limit, and then I just keep on living and going on and getting pushed more and more. I don’t know how our people did this for thousands of years, through pogroms and Sharia and expulsions and massacres and everything else this horrible world has flung at us. I’m so sorry, I’m so weak compared to them
First of all, you aren't weak. You *keep on living*, and that is what our people have always done. If you have been shielded from this for most of your life, our ancestors would be happy about that, and sorry that you are facing it now.
You are also never under any obligation to expose yourself to the hatred if you can avoid doing so.
Do you think it would help if you took a break from tumblr?
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AVPD culture is feeling embarrassed for how much talking to another person makes you feel so anxious. Doesn't matter who it is, whether it's a stranger or a family member, it just feels so hard to talk to them. And I hate how much something simple as talking feels like a physical challenge to me. Suddenly I feel my entire body increase in warmth, I can feel my heart beating in my chest, I'm having to take deep breaths, and I'm having to practice what I'm about to say over and over and over and over and over
And I hate that I'm like this
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