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deafaq · 1 year
Hello! Thank you so much for your work and this amazing blog.
I have a question: are there any visual indicators to a person being deaf/Deaf/HoH beside hearing aids and/or using a sign language? Mostly asking for the visual storytelling purposes - I wonder if there are any ways to visually hint at a character status as a deaf/Deaf/HoH person. Maybe some popular home assistive devices, or common little quirks/habits in regards of how a person carries themselves? I'm wondering if there are any telltale signs that hearing people often miss but that are obvious to other deaf/Deaf/HoH people. Something that makes you go like "oh, I do this thing too all the time!" when you see it.
visual? Hm... Well, deaf people tend to turn their heads more, since they need to check their surroundings with eyes. They tend to place more importance of eye contact and see lack of eye contact as end of conversation. Instead of calling for someone, deaf people pat on the shoulder or wave to get attention.
Devices - vibrating watches, light based alarm clocks and doorbells.
People born deaf often have so called "deaf accent".
Lot of Deaf people make loud noises while signing, they really aren't silent at all.
Hope this helped,
Mod T
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dailypepsicola · 8 months
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DAY 11: Online Date
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holder-culture-is · 24 days
Welcome to [X] Holder Culture!
For all of those alters who hold anything! Whether it be emotions, memories, symptoms, this is the blog for you!
What’s this blog for?
I already explained that, silly! But let me explain a bit more.
This is one of your usual culture blogs! However this time, it’s specifically for alters that hold something for the system! I, the one who’s gonna be talking here the most, hold symptoms of our OCD!
We do also do flag/term coining, specifically for holders! We made the flag in our profile picture, and that’s the main template for all of the holder flags!
ENDOS DNI!! Other than that, not really? If you really want our DNI check @saltedcavessys. We have our DNI there. Anywho, that’s about it.
Anon claims
What about you?
Oh, I’m flattered! You can just call me C. I’m an introject, not telling of who though! Some other holders (anger holders, anxiety holders, etc) might interact there, and they’ll just go by their initials as well!
Alters that will probably be active here:
C (he/it, OCD holder)
B (she/her, paranoia holder)
V (she/her, anxiety holder)
M (he/him, anger holder)
D (he/they/xem, hyperfixation holder)
S (he/him, trauma + autism holder)
T (they/them, autism holder)
The main system blog is @saltedcavessys!
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Also, here’s the flag we used for the profile picture!
Well, that’s all from me. Toodles!
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I currently label as polygender, but I'm not sure that it fits quite right. From what I understand, polygender means identifying as multiple genders (which I do), but I feel like I'm simultaneously 100% of each gender I am, whereas with my understanding of polygender it's more that you're partly one gender, partly another, etc etc etc. Is there another term that fits better with how I identify? Or am I misinterpreting what polygender means? Sorry if this is hard to understand, by the way.
from what I know polygender can mean either of those things, as one version would be a combination of demigenders but maybe @polygender-advice can help you out better!
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Who is the one behind the among us incident and we're they punished accordingly?
Damascus's player. They're actually the server owner and the only consequence was that the entire server that the Incident happened on got fucked because there were no backups pre-Incident.
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triple-crackerizer · 6 days
sorry guys, mesmerizer teto knocked the fuck out, sorry guys, sorr-
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underworld-suggestions · 11 months
what is gold to the dead? what is a coin to the ferryman? what is wealth to the god of it?
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Considering that she keeps getting her weight re-set, and C doesn't? I can see it happening sooner rather than later.
Maddy's behaving pretty well, honestly, so her limits are getting pretty high.
It's not like C can ever BEAT her, but Maddy's got her own quirks and worries.
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dm-in-the-corner · 2 years
so i have a question, how do you go about making magic items? how do you scale them for your campaign?
Good question! I think every DM's method is a bit different, so I'll speak on my own.
Typically I go with three things.
Is it narratively good for my game?
is it something that I personally want to make?
is it funny?
This had lead to me to making very personally tailored magic items for my players, such as a hammer passed down through a cleric's family from father to son
to a magical bannana from the shadowfell that tastes different to every one who eats it
Typically to make it 'balanced', if it does damage, you can test out a few dice rolls to see what the average of the dice roll is, and if that is an acceptable number for the party level you have. the higher the party level, the more damage the item should probably do, which means the more important the item is!
where as some things don't always have to have crazy effects. some of them can give advantages, or boost a particular stat. and those same items could have strange effects on them because of that!
like a necktie that gives you advantage on charisma checks, but permanently changes the wearers tongue silvery!
the best thing you can do is make the items and know that if it need to be tweaked, it can. players and DMs working together to make sure an item is balanced for the campaign is the strongest foundation for a good D&D group.
there have been PLETNY of times a player has come to me to recommend a tweaking in the item they were given that is at their expense (for example : a pair of claws that were too powerful, so the player suggested a lower set of damage to make it better)
Don't be afraid to fix things as you go! this is a game of imagination and make believe, there is always room for editing and tweaking! don't be afraid of mistakes!!
and best of luck building to you!
-Mod T.
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lo-batteryy · 1 year
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Sometimes I see my mutuals post about a fandom and I’m like holy shit me too let me draw at lightning speed
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deafaq · 4 months
A Deaf person just joined my family. I don't know ASL, but every time we hang out, we communicate a little bit better!
I am learning signs about her interests and my job.
Our language is very stilted, but hopefully one day we will be able to actually have a conversation!
I don't have a question. I'm just very excited. I ran into her today and we were able to exchange greetings more than just waving to each other :)
I am glad! Keep working hard and enjoy your new family! :)
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stas-land · 26 days
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The trip down and the destination <3
Portraits for my sdv mod heheheheh
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holder-culture-is · 3 days
Hypersexuality Holder Flag!
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Flag made by us, colors taken from the hypersexual flag
ׂ╰┈➤ For alters that hold symptoms of the body’s hypersexuality
Please reblog & credit if used !! :]
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Questioning nblm culture is going through the nblm tag to see if you find the experiences there relatable, but they’re all just mlm posts with nblm thrown in there for “inclusion”. Like, it just perpetuates the stereotype that nonbinary people are the “lite” version of whichever binary gender they look most like. I look like a dude, but I’m not a dude.
Seriously though, are there any actual resources for questioning nblm and nblw?
i think you may have an easier time finding resources if you search for toric and trixic, there is @trixic-culture-is though sadly there isn't a toric-culture-is blog, maybe @toricpride may be able to help you
hope this helps!!
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triple-crackerizer · 27 days
Hiiiiii!! I'm currently on, so feel free to send asks ^^
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