#Mommy long legs!reader
libraryraccoon · 7 months
Hey lol uh this is my first time requesting and stuff so I hope I won’t be a bother and stuff but could you do a male reader who’s a lot like mommy long legs from poppy playtime.
And basically he is the older sibling of angel dust and always been the parent for him through his struggles, but one day male reader decided to visit the Masquerade While filming, reader arrives and Angel Dust immediately tries to get them away before Valentino sees then. When the reader accidentally ruins the set, Valentino takes Angel Dust away and abuses him when made the reader very angry to the point realizing what’s happening to angel they became deranged to the point there eyes are now completely dilated, giving off an unhinged vibe there hair is now twisted and mangled, no longer the neat curls in there previous form there hands are enlarged maniacally, and his fingers are splayed and elongated to resemble claws. His body is also twisted in even more alarming and unnatural angles.
(Er I don’t really want to put that much but you can definitely decide if you want male reader to do something to Valentino but you don’t really need to do this if this is too much and I’ll completely understand😭)
Gender : Male
Pronouns used : None
Info : Reader is the older brother of Angel Dust.
Message of Raccoon : I didn't have too much idea for that one tbh. I will maybe rewrite it in the futur.
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You were like the big brother/father of the Hotel Hazbin crew, and you were Anthony's biological big brother, or Angel Dust as he liked to be called in Hell.
You treated the entire Hazbin Crew like if they were your children, even Lucifer.
You cooked for them, helped Niffty with her work, you helped your kids the hazbin crew to solve their problems, you loved them like any good father would…
A perfect father !
But that also brought problems.
You wanted to break Angel Dust's contract with Charlie, but unfortunately some problems happened.
Charlie had set fire to the set/studio by accident.
But Valentino didn't want to know anything.
He took Angel Dust aside, and, fearing for your little brother, you followed them.
Seeing Valentino hit Angel Dust revealed why you were in Hell.
I neglected to mention that you, Mommy Long Legs!reader, were very protective and that you would do anything for those you saw as family.. This was also the reason of why you were in Hell.
Your eyes were big and black, completely dilated. The smile on your face didn't say anything good.
Your size had greatly increased, making you touch the ceiling of the room and making you appear much more intimidating and strong.
Your body was twisting every which way, in ways that shouldn't be possible. It was like you had no bones.
You took Angel Dust in one of your hand (kind of like Mommy Long Legs with Poppy) and pulled him away from Valentino.
“Don’t you dare touch my brother.” Is everything you said.
You would have killed Valentino right now if Anthony wasn't there, he don't need to see you kill him.
Valentino just nodded silently in fear, your shadow covering him.
"Great !" You said happily, placing Anthony on the ground before changing back to your smaller size.
After that, you, Charlie and Anthony had left the studio.
You might not have been able to cancel his contract today, but that's okay. You will do it another day.
And if Valentino was smart enough, he would do it himself without you needing to ask again.
After all this, Anthony has avoided upsetting you, not wanting to face the same anger as Val had to face.
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bunji-enthusiast · 8 months
Hiii! Im not sure how requests are doing, but I wanted to add one in if that’s okay? Based off the I’m So Sorry story, what if reader went missing for months. None of the toys know what happened, because the company was like “You know what? Nah we can’t risk it”. And then the day right before the Hour of Joy a new toy is revealed in Play Care (or wherever else), a mermaid/merman 👀 And then that just further fuels the toys want to cause the Hour of Joy once they find out
Harmful Revelations
Note || for those confused, here’s the link to the post. BUT— THE ANGST?? HELLO?
Note V2 || sorry this took so long, it’s mayhaps short and stout. Headcanons like before, but this will work okay?
Sypnosis || How would one think this is a dream come true? Well you’re wrong. So out for long and long time had you been found missing, how wonderful to know your importance in their eyes.
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Something felt off, strange. You were gone for so long, quite a long time now. It was appearing to be strange to both CatNap and DogDay alike, all the other Smiling Critters had shared the same sentiments. Why did you disappear so suddenly? Nothing could be known about you, you simply just went off the grid.
DogDay had tried asking around, any employees in sight that he could find. Even trying to take it up with any superior, alas he was left without a plausible answer. Always faced with, “Sorry, but your angel has been terminated.” or, “Oh, em? I’m pretty sure [First Name] quit as far as I know.” 
Many, and by many toys, were visibly concerned about your lack of appearance. Huggy and even Mommy asked about You, to which DogDay had apologized – he was in the dark as they were. Pug-a-Pillar felt sad, he couldn’t do anything to help, or even find out anything plausible. Mommy reassured the fluffy pillar, saying how many toys felt sad about you not showing up to the building anymore.
Oh hell.
Soon enough, their anger was rightfully provoked. A new toy had been introduced to Game station, retaining an appearance that was very reminiscent of your physical and mental quailites. Mommy found it odd and disturbing even for someone like him, why did this half-human, half-fish person look so closely like you? 
The insomniac cat was the first to notice this alongside Mommy as she had talked about her concerns with CatNap, spreading this information quickly among the Smiling Critters. Soon so many more had found out about this, knowing about the toy that looked so much like you. Huggy Wuggy was one of the few that had a gall to strike a conversation with the toy, nobody (or no toy) had expected the hugger to come back with a very strikingly angry look about his wits. 
Oh they were all very angry as soon as Huggy began spreading this information around once again, revealing the fact it was indeed you. Completely transformed, your consciousness being molded into the body you were in now. You were experimented on as they were, the few of them were extremely set off.
Might one even dare say that they were unnerved to the point to finally set off the Hour Of Joy. 
Let’s say nobody came out alive to tell the tale for a reason.
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bipolarbitties · 8 months
Hey team all these Smiling Critters x readers are platonic right cause the critters are children right so it would be weird for it to not be platonic/Sibling/Parental right team? RIGHT???????
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lovelybee666 · 8 months
Autor's note: For context, you were lost at the station and Mommy found you(before the player arrived at the facility but in the same year).
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• When Mommy first found you she was surprised that a human was still alive, she haven't seen a human in years.
"what do my eyes see, is this a child? I haven't seen one in years, what's your name, dear?"
• you were too scared to answer her but after a few minutes of silence you told her your full name.
"What did you say, dear?...Did you just say Ludwig?"
• Mommy took an already destroyed toy and squeezed it so hard that the toy exploded.
• Your first meeting with Mommy wasn't good, but over time you started to get along better and you even lived at the station.
• Ignoring the fact that Mommy gets angry every time she remembers that you are the daughter of THAT person.
• Mommy really loves you and you have helped her not to go crazy more than she already is.
• At first it was fun to play with her although as time goes by living in the station is somewhat difficult, more than once you tried to escape but as long as Mommy is there, you will be locked there forever.
• Although maybe one day you will meet someone who will help you get out of the station, who knows
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It's my first time writing for MLL so maybe this is a little ooc
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themightykatz · 3 months
Dogday stirred awake, blinking the sleep from his eyes feeling drowsy and tired.
But as he looked around the room, he suddenly realized that Angel/Hope was no longer in his lap or in bed next to him. A pang of disappointment and worry washed over him as he sat up, his gaze darting to the empty spot where she had been.
Dogday: "Angel...?"
He said to himself. Minutes later, Dogday immediately sat up straight as he stood up and ran out of the room. Dogday barged into the living room, slightly out of breath from running down the stairs so quickly. His heart was beating fast as adrenaline coursed through his veins. He must have looked worried and frantic, as Mommy longlegs, Poppy, and Kissy Missy all immediately turned to look at him, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern.
Poppy: "Whoa, Dogday, what's the hurry? You look like you've seen a ghost!"
Dogday tried to catch his breath, feeling a bit embarrassed at his rushed entrance but still too worried to notice or care.
Dogday: "I-uh... I can't find Angel. I woke up this morning and she was gone."
He spoke quickly, his voice betraying his concern for his wife's whereabouts. The words caused a ripple of surprise and worry among the others.
Poppy: "What do you mean she's gone? She's not in her room or the bed? Do you think she might gone out for a walk or something?.."
Dogday shook his head, feeling a pang of frustration mixed with worry. He started pacing back and forth as he spoke
Dogday: "No, she wasn't in her room. I checked everywhere! I don't think she would have gone for a walk this early without telling me. I'm worried something might have happened to her."
His eyes darted around the room, as if expecting Angel to suddenly appear.
Mommy longlegs: "Oh dear. She always goes missing, we have to find her again.."
Mommy longlegs placed a comforting hand on Dogday's shoulder, sensing his mounting anxiety.
Mommy longlegs: "Don't worry, Dogday. We'll help you look for her. She can't have gone far."
Poppy nodded in agreement, her expression determined. Kissy Missy joined in as well, a look of concern on her face.
Poppy: "We'll check in the entire forest if we have to. Just for Hope!"
Hours passed as the search continued. They scoured every inch of the forest, calling Angel's/Hope's name until their voices were hoarse. They checked every hiding spot, nook, and cranny, but there was no sign of Angel/Hope anywhere. The once hopeful and determined expressions on their faces slowly morphed into worry and despair.
Dogday: "This is impossible... where could she be? We've searched everywhere!.."
Mommy longlegs looked pale and anxious, gripping her spider legs nervously. Poppy and Kissy Missy stood nearby, their expressions solemn.
Mommy longlegs: “We've searched everywhere... I just don’t understand. Where could she have gone?”
Poppy: “Is it possible that she’s been kidnapped or something? I just don't understand how she could have vanished into thin air..."
Kissy Missy looks slightly worried as well.
Dogday: “What are we going to do? We can't just give up... we have to find her!”
The group rushed into Angel's/Hope's room (again) and into the bathroom, only to find Angel/Hope sitting in a bathtub full of bubbles, completely undisturbed and relaxed. The door had broken open, but luckily the bubbles and the water obscured her form from view. All of them stood there in shock, their eyes wide and jaws dropped as they all stared at her in complete disbelief.
But Dogday's reaction was different. He stood there, blushing furiously as he tried to avert his gaze from his wife's nude form hidden beneath the bubbles.
. . . . . . . .
Angel/Hope: ........You guys owe me a new door.
The others stood there, still speechless, their minds struggling to process the unexpected scene. Dogday was particularly flustered, his face still red as he tried to avert his gaze from Angel's form in the bathtub.
Dogday(flustered): “U-Uh... yeah... we'll... buy you a new.. uh.. door. Sorry about that..”
. . . . . . . .
Angel/Hope: ........What are you guys so worried about..
Poppy, Kissy Missy, and Mommy longlegs finally snapped out of their stupor at the sound of Angel's voice.
Poppy: “Angel! We've been looking for you EVERYWHERE! We were worried sick about you! Where were you?”
Mommy longlegs: “We thought something bad had happened to you!”
Angel/Hope ....Oh no. Please don't tell me you searched everywhere except my bathroom.
The others exchanged sheepish glances, realizing that in their panic and worry, they had overlooked one important place: Angel's/Hope's bathroom.
Mommy longlegs: "...Well... the thought crossed our minds.. but we assumed you wouldn't be in here for hours...”
Poppy: “Yeah.. we didn't think you'd be taking a bath for so long...”
Angel/Hope: ..Oh please, I always take baths for hours, sometimes for the whole day.
The others looked at each other, realizing the logic in Angel's/Hope's statement. They all felt a mixture of foolishness and relief.
Mommy longlegs: “Oh... well... that makes sense... why didn't we think to check here sooner?”
Poppy: “Yeah, I guess we were just so worried that we didn't think of the obvious place...”
Dogday was still trying to hide his embarrassment, his face still slightly pink from seeing her in the bathtub.
Angel/Hope: ....But, you guys owe me a new door.
The others all nodded guiltily, still feeling a bit sheepish about breaking down the door.
Poppy: “Yeah, yeah, we know. We'll get you a new door. No problem.”
Mommy longlegs chimed in with an apologetic smile.
Mommy longlegs: “Sorry about that, Hope. We were just so worried about you… We got carried away in our worry and accidentally broke down the door. We didn't mean to ruin your privacy, dear.”
Dogday finally managed to compose himself enough to speak up, still feeling a bit flustered.
Dogday: “Yeah... sorry about that. We'll replace the door as soon as we can. And... um... you know, we thought something bad might have happened. That's why we were looking for you.”
Angel/Hope shifted awkwardly. Why are they just standing there watching her..
Angel/Hope: ....Can you guys.. not watch me in a bathtub..
The others seemed to snap out of their stupor and quickly averted their gazes, realizing they had been staring at Angel/Hope in the bathtub for a little too long. They each mumbled apologies and excuses, embarrassed by their own behavior.
Poppy: “Sorry sorry, we didn't mean to stare.. we were just so relieved to see you're alright that we forgot ourselves for a moment...”
Mommy longlegs: “O-Of course, we'll give you some privacy now... sorry again, dear.”
Dogday was the last to look away, his face still flushed with embarrassment and a hint of lingering attraction. He reluctantly tore his gaze away from her and averted his eyes.
Dogday: “Yeah.. right.. sorry, Angel. We'll leave you to your bath now.”
As the others started to leave the bathroom, Dogday couldn't help but take one last, quick peek at Angel/Hope before he was suddenly pulled away by Mommy longlegs's spider arms.
Dogday(sheepishly): “Hey, let me go-“
He tried to wiggle out of Mommy longlegs's grip, but her spider arms were firmly holding him in place and physically preventing him from looking back.
Mommy longlegs: “No, bad Dogday, no looking at Angel or Hope while she's having her bath.”
Dogday pouted, feeling like a reprimanded child. He stopped resisting and let Mommy longlegs guide him away from the bathroom, feeling a bit frustrated that he couldn't get another glimpse of his beautiful wife.
Dogday: "Fine..."
Welp, that's it. Hope this doesn't flop, I've spend hours writing this hehe😅 Angel/Hope is my oc btw.
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queencay4 · 7 months
Poppy Playtime x Reader
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I was laughing happily with my new family. I finally got adopted and as a present my “parents” had gifted me a Huggy Wuggy toy. I hugged him close, content with my new gift. As we were leaving my “parents” lead me to their car and we are leaving the toy factory’s parking lot. Looking back all I could feel was sadness because I was leaving everything and everyone in that building behind. All of my friends but it’s fine I will beg to visit.
When we got to my new house I excitedly jumped out of the car and ran to the front door. They were laughing at my excitement and opened the front door. I looked around after I stepped into the house, they took my hand and gave me a small tour when we finally got to my room. I was so happy with what I saw. No more not having a family now I had a new home and I was happy.
That night I went to sleep with a smile on my face. Not knowing that the day before was my last day ever setting foot in the factory again. It has been weeks since I’ve been to see any of my friends and I was sad and upset. Why couldn’t they take me to see my friends? I begged and begged but my “parents” still refused. After the fourth week of asking and getting the same response I had given up.
I do feel guilty for not going to see my friends but there is nothing I could do about it. One night however my life changed and not for the better. Someone broke into the house. I quickly hid behind one of my bookshelves that was far enough from the wall that I could fit behind it but still didn’t look to obvious. I heard my door open and held my breath, hoping whoever was in my room didn’t hear me. What I assumed to be 30 minutes later the person left. Yet I still stayed hidden. Next thing I hear is a scream, coming from the intruder.
‘Stay quiet, and don’t make a noise no matter how much it scares you’ the thought repeatedly going through my head. No noise, no more screaming, leaving my hiding spot and going to the living room I see the intruder covered in blood ,a stray animal already eating him. He was ripped apart, and I knew he was dead. I quickly ran to my “parents” room only to discover their bloodied bodies. I cried, he did this, the intruder but who killed him?
That’s when I felt small arms locking around my form, taking me into a hug and when I looked I saw my Huggy Wuggy toy staring up at me covered in what I assumed to be the intruder’s blood. I hugged him back before standing up and looking around for a phone. After finding one I called the police and told them that someone broke into our house and killed my “parents” but were killed by a stray animal that came into the house. Not even 25 minutes later did the police arrive and that was the last I saw of that house.
No more family, no more happiness. And it was all taken away by that man. I sat in the back of the police car and looked out the window, closely holding my huggy wuggy to my chest as we left the area. Luckily I hid or I would be dead to. I sighed and asked what would happen to me now and the officers told me that they didn’t know. Turning away and looking back out the window, I hoped that my life would change and I didn’t go back to being an orphan. Leaving behind everything as I left in that police cruiser, even the child memories made at a factory that would face a downfall not even two days after my departure.
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donutz · 8 months
Poppy Playtime with a twist!!
SUMMARY||So younger you meets you in the present at poopy playhouse, but like it's super cool
“Find the flower?” Is it a pretty flowerrr? Not really..
Playtime Co? Oh. Playtime Co. Uhm. Well everybody who worked there isn't working there, not anymore. I'm not saying they disappeared. I read the letter!!
Hey they spelt disappeared wrong.
I drive over to Playtime Co in my [any type of car] and end up seeing blocked off doors.
I mean this place is abandoned so what do you expect?
Another warning to not go in. But like, I'm wayyy too bored in life so I'm goin in.
Somebody's at the door?
I wonder who.
After 10 minutes, surprisingly not taking long, I managed to open the doors.
Getting a view of the colorful place that I once worked at, I also see a person.
“Hello! I was waiting for you! Somebody told me you got sent an envelope so I stood here, waiting.”
I stood there, looking at them with a bit of surprise. And being a little bit suspicious.
Are they not gonna talk?
They kind of look like me, as if they were my identical twin. Just born at different times.
I somehow muster the courage to speak up after a moment of awkward silence.
“... Why do you look like me, but older..” I asked with sweat slowly collecting on my face.
I take note of what they said and say, “Hm, come here for a sec”.
I walk over to them and stand there looking at them, looking away from time to time.
“Hm.” I examine the person. “Oh! Because I am you but older”!
“WH— What.” I lowered my volume, just in case something would spawn out of nowhere.
“It looks like you went to the future.” I tell the past me.
“You're me? But older? Coooll.” I drag my words with imaginary stars in my eyes.
“Follow me m'kay?” I command. Sounds kinda fancy, command.
I was so gullible.
We both go to a colorful room with a few trains that have different colors per train.
“You see those trains right?” I question my younger self.
“Those colors on each train are for a color code.” I stated.
“Green, pink—”
“Yellow and red”.
“Good. Now we're gonna go to that color pad thing and put in the colors”.
“Can IIIII do that..?” I ask with a smile on my face.
I put in the colors and the door unlocked. I softly grabbed the handle as I slowly opened the door, observing what's inside the room.
“There's nothing spooky in the room”.
.. Stupidly, I flinched from older me talking because of how focused I was.
“Did you just flinch”?
“I don't know what you're talking about”.
“... Sure”.
After finishing the grabpack tutorial, we go up to the big door and I[past me] scan[scans] with my[their] blue hand.
“This might take a bit so just wait”.
The door is fully open.
I see, huggy? But he's.. Oh. “Hey young me”.
“Yeeeess?” I ask with curious eyes.
“I think, I went back to the past”.
“You did”?
“I'm gonna nerd out for a sec”.
“It's okay, I do that too”.
“I think that once you started coming here, maybe the factory was— restarting to the past. Like a process of it. Maybe that's why they were moving around so much. While I was at the front desk it was still happening. But when you entered it finished. Oh and y'know what? Maybe me walking around here was also me going through that time traveling process.” I explained.
I was wide-eyed. Mouth open a little bit even.
Ooo. That's.. Okay..? I mean I hate what's gonna happen but. Whatevs. “Yo, tiny baby”.
“.. Me? Are you seriously talking to me”?
“Mhm. Follow me”.
“Is that Huggy Wuggy”.
“No, it's Gojo— who do you think that is”?
“I—!” I make a click sound with my tongue and look away.
“You suck.” I claim, furrowing my eyebrows.
“Thanks. Anyways, this is my baby, Huggy. Who is going to kill us in the future. Or try to”.
“Hey, I bet you twenty bucks that once we go into a room, after like 30 seconds he'll be gone. But you gotta look away. Anddd, I bet you another 5 bucks that he can hear us, or me, talking right now”!
“That's not fair. You're in the future so you know it's going to happen”.
“Mhm, bet or no bet”?
“No bet”.
I go to the door with a bunch of stuff inside and try to open it.
But I end up hearing a jingle of keys..?
“Thanks Huggy.” I smiled when saying that and walked towards the electronic room. At least that's what I call it.
Unlocking it I go in—
“Don't leave me pretty please”!!!
…I expected younger me to follow but I don't need to worry right now.
Once we were in the room, the door locked. I mean that's what I heard. I'm basically going through my life, again. This is something that would be studied. Old people would kill for something like this.
“Did the door lock”?
“I don't know, try opening it”.
I wandered over to the poles and solved a puzzle while younger me was freaking out over the locked door.
“Uhmmmmm, I think Huggy's gone”!!!
“Wait weally????” I mocked, a small smile creeping up on my face.
“I've been through this already, you baby”.
I finished the puzzle and then walked towards the kid.
“Move out the way please!!” I said, making my eyes big and sad looking, like a cartoon character.
The door opened, and we both walked out.
“Alright, time to move to the next area”.
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endeenderman · 5 months
The biggest disappointment of 2024 so far is the fact that I found out that in Poppy Playtime kids cannot take home the toy that they made with the "make a friend" machine... 😭
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you-opened-my-case · 2 years
A Spider on the Wall
A/N: Shit, I meant to post this yesterday.
Mommy waits impatiently for you to return to the Game Station. She had been hoping to play with you a little before she sent you to Wack-a-Wuggy, but you and Poppy had never come back.
It wasn’t like you could find another way to Statues or Wack-a-Wuggy, as none of the games were connected by any tunnels. And even if they were, Mommy kept the rest of the code with her, so it wasn’t like you could skip the games and take it.
But now that Mommy thinks about it...it's not impossible for you to have hurt yourself trying to get back. Mommy hasn’t been through the passageways in years, so she has no idea how derelict they are. Maybe she should go after you.
Well...better to be safe than sorry.
With the greatest of ease, Mommy leaps halfway across the Game Station and into the entrance to Musical Memory. From there, it’s a simple matter of finding the vent you went through to leave.
What isn’t easy is getting through the vent. Mommy may be able to stretch and squash her limbs, but her head, torso, and abdomen are a tight fit. Ugh, she hopes she doesn’t get stuck again.
“Poppy!” Your distant voice calls out. “Look at this one!”
Thank the stars, you’re okay!
Mommy reaches the edge of the vent. You and Poppy are goofing around in a room of rejected ideas. Or as Poppy and some of the employees called it, ‘The Island of Misfit Toys.’ Since neither of you seem to be in any danger, Mommy decides to simply watch you.
“Kick Me Paul?” Poppy says as she turns to you.
“Yeah! He’s like a big dumb potato!” You hug Paul and laugh.
“You know he’s not called ‘Hug Me Paul,’ right? You’re supposed to kick him.”
“Never in a million years!”
Poppy snorts and moves on. “What about this guy? Do you really want a Sir Poops a Lot toy?”
“Ew!” You stick out your tongue and laugh. “Who thought that was a good idea for a toy?”
“No clue, but would you want one?”
“To complete the collection, yeah. Too bad I don’t have anything to carry them in.” You shrug your shoulders and leave Paul where you found him. “Oh well, I’ll just come back after I get you guys out of here.”
Mommy sighs quietly. You’re really set on getting everyone out, aren’t you?
A torn set of blueprints catches your eye. “Aww, are these old designs for Mommy? I can’t believe these scared kids. They’re adorable!”
While Mommy doesn’t disagree, she is a little glad those designs weren’t used. They didn’t quite look like mommies, did they?
“Hey,” Poppy says quietly, “about what you said. About helping us all leave?”
“I don’t know if it’s possible to get everyone out. Some of the others might not be...around anymore.”
“What do you mean? Did they get out already?”
“No, no. They might be...” she trails off, and you suddenly get what she means.
“How?” You ask quietly.
“There’s something else in the factory. Something I probably should have told you about earlier.”
It suddenly clicks for Mommy. Poppy’s going to tell you about him. And if she does, you’ll leave for sure. And Mommy can’t let that happen, can she?
“There you are!” Mommy cries as she crawls out of the vent. “Mommy was ever so worried about you two!”
She wraps and arm around you and another around Poppy.
“We still have two more games to play! And you wouldn’t want to keep the other toys waiting, would you?”
You slowly shake your head. “I guess not.”
Mommy wraps her leg around the large Bron toy on the elevator and moves it out of the way. You’re too busy marveling at how strong she is to notice her and Poppy whispering to each other.
“What are you doing?” Mommy hisses.
“Making sure they survive! You know just as well as I do that if he finds out about them, they’ll die.”
Deep down, Mommy knows that Poppy is right, and she hates it. Mommy wants nothing more than to keep you here forever, but she can’t always protect you from him.
“Do you really think they’ll be able to get us out?” Mommy asks. “We’re all fated to die here someday.”
Poppy is silent for a moment. “It’s a big risk. One that I think they’ll take regardless of what we say. I think...I think the best thing I can do is make sure they at least get out, with or without us. And I know Huggy will help, too"
The trip back to the station is quiet after that. Mommy doesn’t have much faith that you’ll get everyone out, but she promises that she’ll at least help get you out.
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theyanderespecialist · 6 months
Base Yandere Mommy Long Legs: Mommy Knows Best (Poppy Playtime)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back FINALLY With another update and this one is Mommy Long Legs from Poppy Playtime as a yandere! Good luck! I hope that you all enjoyed this update!]
(Disclaimer 1: This is Mommy Long Legs as SENTIENT Monster/Creature/Toy and NOT a child's soul!
Disclaimer 2: Mommy Longs Legs is not yandere in canon, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon.)
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Mommy Long Legs From Poppy Playtime-
.Mommy is very hostile to anyone at the playtime company.
.Except for you, you were the only staff member and adult she liked.
.She is very mothering of you.
.Always make sure that you eat enough food and drink enough water.
.So you easily get assigned to be her handler.
.She does not let ANY of the staff around you though.
.She despised any of the staff being near you, cause she was afraid that they would hurt you or that they would take you away.
.You were hers and she was not going to let you go.
.Since the creatures here had to stay in the playtime Village you liked to call it. Where the sentient toys lived.
.She had you live with her and she pretends everything is fine.
.That she and you were the perfect little couple.
.You ate the food that was provided for you and were very rarely allowed to leave the factory.
.Because Mommy has made it clear you were not allowed to leave her.
.Of course, once a week you were allowed to have a day out of the factory.
.Mommy hated that! Why would you want to leave her? Why would you want to be anywhere else? WHY WOULD YOU NOT LOVE HER?
.She became super clingy and would check you over for any kiss marks or hickeys on your skin!
.She did not want anyone else touching you, you belong to her.
.She is very close to being unhinged.
.She will also hover around you to make sure that you stay by her side.
.She is possessive and very much sees you as hers and hers alone.
.She is also very clingy, having to have you with her for almost 24 seven (Girl let listener poo alone!)
.Demanding, she is mommy so you have to do what she says, she is your future wife so you HAVE To do as she says.
.Mommy knows best after all.
.She would deal with rivals or who she thinks is a rival by attacking them and most likely killing them!
.If she can that is, and if she cannot be the one to kill them she might recruit Bunzo Bunny or the mini huggies to do it for her.
.If they fail? she will punish them for their failures.
.Speaking of which she will punish you if you were to cheat on her, or if you were to become close to any of the other sentient toys or the staff.
.She is all that you need.
.She has a huge ego, so when you stroke it she loves it and loves to be praised by you.
.It also lets her know that she is the one for you, that you are what she needs, and vice-versa.
.She would confess by cornering you and smiling at you, telling you that she loves you more than anything and that she would do anything to have you.
.If you tell her yes, she will be over the moon, and she will have you by her side for her always.
.If you tell her no she will go in a rage and drag you to a hiding place, you are hers and she will kill anyone who tries to save you!
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS finally got this one done! I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy all my sexy muffins!]
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Hey I was hoping you could do kintoru,Susie Campbell, mommy long legs,fenghuang and daki with a living voodoo doll reader that can transfer an pain the feel and is extremely hard to kill.Please :)
Kintoru/sama,susie campbell/malice,mommy long legs and daki with a living voodoo doll G/N reader
I literally simp for like half these character r u stalking me or smth💀/j
Unfortunately I havnt watched legends of awesomeness so I dont know how to write fenghuang but I'm going go to watch it when I can if it's on Netflix,I'll update this post once I've done or think I can get her character down :)
Anyways of course!
Not proof read,this took so long my tumblr is lagging and my thumb is aching 💀👍
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She is initially shocked apon finding you
A living voodoo doll that is able to transfer someones pain,it sounds like a story you tell kids to scare them honestly.
Not only that but you are insanely hard to kill,every time she has her claws on you,you suddenly evade her and run away.
She finds the situation both amusing and annoying.
She eventually gets to the point where she realises you just wont die
So instead she corners you and questions you
Apon finding out that your not entirely sure how you are what you are she feels almost a sense of familiarity,given the fact that she was created by an eldritch God.
Now you may be wondering,how did kintoru find out you can transfer pain?,you transferred your pain to her when she sliced you.boom.
For some reason,you get stuck in her realm,she literally cant get rid of,she tries multiple times before just accepting your there.
She eventually grows to enjoy your presence and you enjoy hers eventually to.
She loves to just pick you up and hold you close to her.
She refuses to admit that shes cuddling you
So she says holding you
She feels relief knowing that you wont die of old age in all honesty
Kintoru will never admit it but she loves you unconditionally
Should yasu EVER try to take you away she will have zero chill, legit hes standing one second dead the next,she will not loose you.
Unless shes sure you can,she probally wont involve you with the whole cursing an entire family tree thing
She let's you put on her hat if you want to,mainly cause she gets to see the large hat on your head and she finds it amusing.
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Susie campbell/malice
She to is shocked at learning about you.
Shed definatly try to pursue you after finding out about your capabilities.
It's rare for someone to not be ink-ified so seeing you only dirty and inky is a shocker,her initial thought was that it was the ink that had turned you into the doll.
The first time she learns about your ability is when she saw you get attacked by one of the ink creatures,one slashes you on the stomach before you quickly transferred the injury back to the culprit and fled.
She definatly took notes.
I can see her attempting to appeal good and maybe even flirting to gain your trust
It isnt until you both unexpectedly get put into a fight with eachother that she learns about how much of a pain you are to kill.
After that encounter she thinks more leisurely now,she dosnt like the fact that you can last longer than practically any of the ink creatures down there -bendy/the ink demon
This somehow transcends into your relationship becoming frenemys
Whenever you cross pass it's a short fight with snarky remarks and offhanded insults being thrown back and forth until one just walks away
You both eventually just sit down with eachother and talk,how does this happen? Idk it just does
She talks about her former life before she became and ink creature whilst sadly looking at herself.
Once the questions are diverted to her and she questions your existence,you reply you just simply dont know
She would question more but she dosnt even know how shes living as an ink creature so she cant talk.
After this I can see her warming up to you and letting you around her area of the studio.
Surprisly she likes pda
She would be ecstatic if you would want to help her become beautiful and gets abit upset if you dont but otherwise understands.
She let's you touch her horns and halo,shes very over protective over you
She keeps you away from the ink demon at any and all costs
She wont let him take you away from her.
If you cant defend yourself she will teach you.
Drawing sessions if you like drawing
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Mommy long legs
Due to the fact that she is in a factory that literally makes dolls and toys live she wouldnt find it a huge shocker
She seriously dislikes the fact that you can transfer pain,it makes it harder to hunt you down.
Now how did MLL find out about your pain exchange?
Mommy had caught you in a dead ended hallway and was squeezing the life out of you with her elastic plasticky arms,that's when she felt searing pain around her body,it felt like the plastic was squeezing itself and restricting her,
She ended up dropping you as you immediately bolted away from her
She had never taken a chase more seriously
This is also where she learns that your a pain to kill.
You kept ducking in and under pipes and wires as mommy got stuck and tangled,
Not only that but you wernt afraid to take risks as you could pass the pain onto mommy.
This chase probally went on for days before she finally stopped
She would not let go of the fact that you escaped her though,oh.no she wouldnt
She would continuously try and kill you,eachtime another dent,scratch or skudmark appeared on her pink body
It got to the point she literally just broke down,ripping pipes off the wall until you stood against a wall looking at her with bored eyes
She asked what in the world you were and how you could even keep up.
After getting her unsavory answer she ended up just dragging herself further into the factory to calm down,
However you didnt want to leave her alone,and followed her.
Your relationship takes quite abit to bloom since mommy is always shooing you off or holding a rabid wuggy by their cut string above you
After awhile mommy just accepts the fact your staying.
Your relationship once she accepts you not going anywhere improves and you eventually manage to get along
Best cuddles
I'm pretty sure that mommy is one of the more feared toys in the factory so you dont have much to worry about
Mommy scares the other toys into playing nice with you.
I headcanon that boxy is mommy's favorite,because I can,so you get amazing cuddle from an elastic toy and a fluffy box
Sweet with you and murderous with others,couple goals
Once player enters the factory I dnt think mommy would care,shed take poppy have abit of fun.
But,if the player shows succession shed kill him instantly
She finally has someone who loves her and shes not gonna let some old employee ruin it
As for poppy it's just more company for you.
The minute poppy starts to try get you to leave though.
You may find a partially toy absent
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Shes really shocked,alot of things can happen when you change into a demon,but your not a demon?
She emidatly tries to get rid of you
She dosnt want someone one upping her place as upper6
She finds out pretty quickly that you can transfer pain and that your not easily kill-able
It's not until she feels as if her obis have slashed her torso that she kneels over slightly,she checks and her eyes widen as she sees deep cuts in the same positions that she had aimed on your body,mirrored onto her.
After seeing that you no longer had any cuts she came to the conclusion that you could transfer pain,once coming across this discovery she fled
She didnt want to be seen as weak but she didnt want to be killed of by someone who isnt even a demon slayer
She starts to think that your actually a hashira until she feels your aura again,your not your literally not even a demon slayer
She wonders how on earth your alive
She has so many unanswered questions
This list only piles up the more she thinks about it
She eventually traps you in her obi,asking questions and demanding answers
She gets extremely confused and rather angry when you tell her you have no idea how the fuck your even alive
She decides to make a deal with you,she brings you back to the red light district as her "apprentice" and you live,if you decline you die.
Although you know she probally wouldnt be able to kill you,you humor her and decide to go.
This is how you both start to bond
Snarky remarks are often when the two of you are in the same room
Her obi is actually really soft and nice to cuddle with,when your not trapped or being sliced with it
She let's you trace the patterns on it if you wish to.
If you want to do so with the cracks and flowers aswell she'll let you
She loves to do makeup on you or dress up etc
She actually likes giving you personalized gifts aswell as recovering them.
She very affectionate in private,in public shes alright with affection but not as much as in private
Due to the fact you keep daki busy muzan gives you his cursed blessing,he has made it very clear that no harm is to come to you whilst you are in a relationship with her.
Gyuutaro comes in the package with daki
Gyuutaro is rather easy to handle,tell him something positive about his appearance,give him a personalized gift or a slice of affection and that's all he needs
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cherryxsapphic · 6 months
I'm taking requests!! 💕
I know, I'm technically supposed to make a masterlist for these thing but I'm lazy so....
Here's who I will write for atm <33
Also fair warning I'm a very slow writer because of mental health issues and life. But I see your requests and I am writing them it's just, I like to take my time so I'm not giving "I'm selling you to one direction whattpad"
(to the people that used to write those and still do, I find them funny, keep doing what you're doing, I appreciate you 💐✨)
Poppy playtime 🧸
Miss delight, Mommy long legs, and kissy missy!!
That's not my neighbor ☣️
Selene Sverchzt, Elenois Sverchzt, and Mia stone for now...
Steven universe ⭐
Opal, Sardonyx, Garnet, Pearl, and obviously the diamonds (excluding pink/rose atm) <33
Outlast trials 💀
mother gooseberry, Emily Barlow, Dorris
Wednesday 🥀
Marilyn thornhill/Laurel gates, Larissa weems... for now
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Also if any of y'all request anything please make sure to like at least give me a prompt, like come on pookies don't give me the bare minimum (I love y'all to pieces dw) ♡
I do write fluff, angst, I am capable of writing smut but I'm not the best at it, but I'll try my best!! 💖
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rosescries · 4 months
Various Poppy Playtime & Reader You don't think the letter was for you, but you received it anyway. You need to go to the factory, and there's nothing stopping you now. You hope the letter means that your friends could still be there too.
Chapter 6 is up! Enjoy!
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lovelybee666 · 8 months
Autor's note: I don't know man, I'm bored
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"Mommy, I regret to inform you that Bunzo has ligma cancer..."
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I know, shit is boring but I want to write something😒
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neodracunyan · 9 months
If Y/n (SMG5) and Mario were in Poppy Playtime BC
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This is a book cover of Y/n and Mario's adventures in the local toy factory, Playtime Co. as they were both dragged into the factory by Luigi's obsession with collecting Luigi Dolls and wants to get his hands on a Rare Limited Edition Luigi Doll.
Unfortunately, Luigi suddenly disappeared while the Comedic Duo got distracted for a moment and are going to have to go find Luigi before something bad happens to him. This had lead the two of them to get their hands on a couple of grabpacks and eventually end up meeting various toys like Huggy Wuggy, Kissy Missy, Bunzo Bunny, Pug-a-Pillar, Mommy Long Legs, Poppy Playtime, CatNap and the Smiling Critters.
Then they soon became friends with a newly created toy with a blue helmet and wearing a yellow shit with his own name named Jeffy as he later became a new member of the SMG5 family.
What kind of adventure will our heroes be up against in the world of Playtime Co.?
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screampied · 2 months
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𝜗℘ feat. toji, gojo, geto, sukuna, higuruma. how the jjk men eat you out, ‘till the jaw aches
cw. fem! reader, cunnılingus, dirty talk, praise, edging, nose riding, hair pulling ( geto ), slight mommy kink ( choso ), squırting, overstim, p spanking, dumbification, puśsy drunk men, spıt kink, biting, i forgot nanami nuu, sukuna uses his hand mouth.
wc. 4.0k+
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“i’m hungry. spread ‘em,” balmy hot breath fans against the inner parts of your thighs as you sit still. lazily, you lean back against your bed, meeting the feral gaze of a very feral man with dark raven strands running down each sides of his face. there’s an almost pout forming on his lips before he kisses your pretty twitching pussy through your panties.
without hesitation, he ogles as your legs sprawl away from each other. he rests on his stomach, preparing to dig in before you stop him, lightly grabbing him by the hair. “s- sugu,” you breathe, feeling a tingle brew inside of your tummy, mixing along with a fluttering concoction of butterflies. he stares at you with a raised brow before you pull out the sable black hair tie that was secured around his wrist, pinning his hair up into a messy ponytail.
“oh,” he hoarsely hums with a shrug before preparing himself to dig in - licking a long sloppy stripe that forms a sticky wetness against the cottony fabric of your panties. “thank you baby. always so thoughtful.”
geto didn’t have to tell you twice. whenever he came home, he wanted you. whether it was thirst or hunger, the only thing that would clench his thirst and feed him right was that pretty thing between your legs. he’d eat you out for hours, up until his tongue is numb and his jaw is just aching.
“thirsty,” he huffs, and you could hear him swallow every few slurps. your legs were already shaking in dire anticipation. geto’s irregular breaths were gruffly strained—he runs his calloused fingertips against your slick folds before lapping them up with his tongue. “mhm,” dark eyes flicker back toward you and he grabs your wrist that’s dug into his scalp. “pull. harder,” he grunts, instructing you to tighten your grip against his hair. you’d almost forgot it was one of the many kinks he’s told you he’s into. as you gather a good enough feel, you drag his hair by the ponytail, pulling harder and harder until he grunts. a sly smile presses against your pussy before he chuckles. “good girl. better had.”
as he’s shoved face first into your cunt, you notice the shine on his lips were painted a pretty crimson. with his eyes close, lengthy black lashes flap every so often as he’s devouring his favorite meal of the day. of every day.
“sugu, sugu, suguuuu,” you whimper, the sensitivity of the nerves that store inside of your clit making you fail to stay still. he inhales, gathering a decent wad of saliva before spitting right onto your cunt. it’s so nasty, he’s nasty. you watch with wide eyes, feeling yourself twitch even more before he licks it right up with no shame. out of nowhere—you felt yourself blurt out your thoughts you didn’t expect to come from your mouth. at least not so soon. “s- spank it, sugu.”
“spank it sugu,” he mocks your words, rolling his eyes before briefly moving his lips away. “don’t tell me what to do,” and within seconds later, he spanks your cunt anyway. damp droplets of your slick plop onto his palm and he groans. “last time i checked, i don’t take orders from sloppy wet girls so lie back ‘n let me finish eating, yeah?”
“yes, s- suguru,” you pant, the quake within your thighs never subsiding.
there’s another eye roll that comes from geto, and he goes right back to eating you out like a starved man. he doesn’t even need to use his fingers, his tongue was just enough. more than enough actually. orgasm after orgasm, he’s emitting out the most sweetest sounds from you. you’re so loud that it bounces off the walls. he hears the reverb of your voice and it makes him snicker. “louder,” he growls, slurping up a remainder of your saccharine flavored juices. your grip remains in his hair and you bite your lip, preparing to finish yet again. “i wanna hear you. i want the neighbors to hear you. i wanna hear a scream come outta that pretty tight throat.”
and he meant it — your pleasure meant everything to him. with the way he’s sucking, you wouldn’t have lasted a second longer.
the moment you end up reaching your inevitable climax, a potent bawl rips out of your throat raw. he’s munching on your pussy, eyes shut with an innocent smile on his face as if he hadn’t just made you an entire broken mess. “s- suguruuu!”
you’re shaking, panting.
it’s as if every finish was way more powerful than the last one. a breezing squall of wind prises from your full lungs before you fall back. your legs remain spread, mouth formed into a circular shape whilst you’re still making a cute attempt at trying to catch your breath. “c’mere,” a low voice murmurs to you, and he sits up to go toward you. geto’s sweltering body heat radiates against you. he tenderly wraps a hand around your neck before pulling your bottom lip down with his thumb. “open.”
with half lidded eyes, you open, already knowing what’s to come. as you part your plump lips apart, rolling out your tongue, sharp hooded eyes stare down your throat before he leans in and spits right inside. you moan, feeling his free hand toy with your cunt some more, clearly not finished. “uh huh. now, swallow ‘n give me a kiss, sweetheart.”
as his hand squeezes against your pulsating pussy, you whine—swallowing, shutting your heavy eyelids before pulling him into a sloppy wet kiss. beads of sweat from his forehead press against yours before he returns the gesture, tasting yourself on his tongue.
“mhm,” he grunts, now starting to suck on your tongue. it took you a while to realize geto’s eyes were already open, and he was looking straight at you. abruptly, he pulls away and gives your forehead a kiss. “good girl,” but then he makes you lie back, spreading your legs even further.
“but ‘m still thirsty. let’s see if i can make ya squirt this time, pretty.”
“dove, you wanna ride my nose, don’t you?”
a low voice coos at you as he’s reclined back against the sofa. he’s sexily manspread, work clothes still on and unkempt — tie pulled off halfway and he hums, watching your abashed expression grow. “it’s okay, i don’t bite. c’mere.”
and with an usher of two swift finger motions, he tells you to come closer. with your panties still on whilst you’re slowly sticking your own arousal between your legs, you prepare to hover over his face.
you pause, parting your knees apart and on each side of his face before huffing. “a- are you sure? i don’t wanna suffocate you, ‘romi.”
“that sounds like heaven, trust me,” he whispers, grabbing ahold of both of your thighs. it was a secure grip. with two broad hands, he outspreads them - gentle thumbs stroking against your sweet, candied skin. “so perfect. so nice ‘n soaked jus’ for me, huh,” and after about a few seconds, you take your seat down on his face. higuruma gruffly grunts, a low guttural moan escaping from his lips before he smooches against your cunt. it’s slick, not only slick but sweetly sweet. “that’s it, dove. ‘s just you ‘n me, don’t be shy. ride it.”
you whine, biting down on your bottom pulled lip as your pussy grinds against the bridge of his nose. the second you ride against it, the feeling sent your entire body into overdrive.
with your lashes fluttering, you feel the bumpy texture of his hooked nose - it’s rough and gnarled—perfect for riding against.
higuruma lowly grunts at seeing the way your hips leisurely pick up its pace.
you were a natural, moving against his face whilst your hands find their way into his hair. his messy, knotted strands was like a maze. your slender digits entangle through his darkened roots, giving them a firm tug before your head tosses back in ecstasy.
“f- fuuuck, hiromi,” and you start to feel his tongue lay itself flat. you’re rubbing your cunt against his slick-spit lips and his nose back and forth.
over and over, you’re already spiraling,
profusely, your legs shake and jitter before you whimper out a desperate wail. “jus’ like that, ‘romi. p- please,” and as you continue to use his face, he’s meeting your eyes. it’s only been seconds and he’s already pussy drunk. a sly smile spreads across his lips before he slides a thumb down the opening of your cunt. “ngh, fuck.”
“yeah, dovey. ride my face—mphm,” and he’s interrupted by your cunt silencing his words. your taste, he just couldn’t get enough. higuruma’s already got a slippery snail trail of your arousal that’s coating his chin. it’s got an almost glow to it, you yank on his strands until his head falls forward. a throaty chuckle comes out of him before he flicks his tongue against your clit. “heh, easy now. my hair’s one of my best features.”
you couldn’t even laugh because pretty soon, you were about to reach your chilling climax. its shivering, frigid and you felt like you were walking on eggshells.
“fuh— fuck,” you clench your jaw, feeling your legs merely collapse right then ‘n there. it was unpredictable, you were an entire full blown mess and his tongue wasn’t making it any better. as you continue to thrash your hips into his greedy mouth, you’re clinging onto his hair tightly. his nose, the bumpy texture continues to rub off against your swollen cunt before it finally comes.
you come,
it comes all at once - an overwhelming bundle of nerves surge straight out of you, electricity pulsing through your veins as you come undone.
you’re sucking your teeth and you don’t even realize it. as you’re slowing down by default, feeling his lips steadily suck against your tender slick folds, he purrs.
“oh, my love,” he breaks away for a moment to breathe, warm breath titillate against your twitching heat. “made quite a mess out of me, huh,” and with a thumb, he rubs against your pulsating clit, giving the nub one final kiss. “such a good girl. my good girl.”
“baby? c .. can we try this?” and you have a sheepish grin once choso’s showing you a video of a woman getting ate out. however, he’s imagining it’s you the entire time, feeling his mouth water at the pure thought of tasting your sweet cunt for the first time. it’s lewd, probably too lewd for him but he just couldn’t help it.
“sure, ‘cho,” you give him a soft smile. even your smile alone was enough to get him hard.
and it did.
with choso though, despite being over hundreds of years old, he was inexperienced but he was also a very quick learner. he tried to remember the video, the tongue work, how the man made the woman feel. but the second he’s diving into your cunt face first, there’s no prying him off.
you’re laid flat on your back whilst he’s right between your thighs, using a single thumb to trace down alongside your curves. he makes sure to pay attention to every part of your body at least he tries to. heart eyes blow its way into his pupils, dilating as he admires your pretty frame. “y- you’re so pretty, baby,” his voice was so soft and gruff. it almost sounds like a whisper.
not even seconds go by and he’s already drooling right before your pussy. a shimmery coat of saliva pours down the inner cracks of his lips as he gets a view of his meal. god, he couldn’t wait. every few seconds, he’d pull away to coat your slit with a multitude of amorous, sweet kisses. once you wrap your thighs around his face, he’s slurping anything and everything out of you.
you could barely stay still, going into a state of shock of pure pleasure. choso’s tongue was long, he makes it extend all inside of you, not missing a single spot. it curves its way through the inner parts of your cunt, taking time to swallow your taste and moan at the flavor that now lives on his tongue. your flavor. it doesn’t take him long to reach your sweet spot - because once you release that cute squeal, he sucks against it even harder.
“w- wanna make my princess feel good,” he murmurs, already drowning in your slick. your pussy was sopping wet, coating his chin with such ease. every once and a while, he flicks his tongue against his chin, relishing in your taste. “fuuuck,” he whines, feeling a cute tug of your hand drag his ponytail against your cunt. “use my ponytails like handle bars baby, ‘s okay— mmm.”
like a good boy, he slurps you clean, pressing a hand gently on your tummy, brushing a thumb against your navel as he’s happily luxuriating in your taste. “c- chosooo,” you mewl, feeling the intense shake of your legs arise.
it’s like a wave, everything’s preparing to crash down all at once. with the way you sung his name, it sounded like a harmony, a symphony.
his pointed ears twitch at the sound of your voice, the way your hips thrust into his mouth makes him drool for more.
already . . you’re stupefied. he’s drunk from your pussy and you’re drunk from his tongue. “ugh, jus’ like that, baby. you’re doing so good, making me feel so good.”
“i- i am?” his face cutely lights up. choso gives your cunt soft licks, delving his tongue in and out, exploring every depth. choso’s head moves side to side in a quick motion. it’s attractive, he’s already sweating and strands of black hair stuck against his forehead like glue. choso was a sucker for praise, especially whenever it came from you.
he can’t help but creep a hand down between his legs as he lies on his stomach, touching himself. he groans against your pussy, feeling your hips stutter from his erotic tongue work.
“y- yes,” you whimper, grabbing ahold of both of his soft dark ponytails. his eyes lock onto yours and he’s entirely pussy drunk—droopy eyes and that sheepish little grin. he looked so pretty, but the moment he stares down, choso knew that your sweet cunt was even prettier. as he’s lapping up your honeyed taste, slurping against your folds, you rub him against your soaked entrance with a more hastily tempo. “so good, choso. m- make me feel so good all the time.”
“i- i do?” he whimpers, moaning from your taste. he’s trying not to rush, he wants to savor the flavor of your cunt. your praises, it was enough to make him make a mess in his pants.
so much so to where he can’t help but reach down to touch himself. reach down into his obsidian black boxers, stroking his flaccid veiny cock. with choso, he gets off to you, your pleasure was always his pleasure. once he sees you nod, he lowly moans again against your cunt, quickening his tongue work and pace. “i- i do,” he repeats, kissing your folds again, and again, until you end up cumming on his tongue.
hard, it comes quick. it had your mind going for a loop — you couldn’t think nor could you register anything out of your little empty brain. you feel a hard pressure pressing against your abdomen, a pool of heat ghosting on your body and you get euphoric tingles. right away, your legs give out as he’s still dug between them, flopping back and landing with a cute oof. choso’s lower part of his chin was soaked and he loved it. he slides your panties back toward the center before having a soft pout. “are you okay? w- was i like the video?”
with a soft exhale leaving your windpipe—you huff, cupping his face. “even better,” and you lean down to kiss him. he moans into your lips, leaning into your gentle touch, sitting up to press his body against yours. swiftly, your tongue licks against his upper lip, tasting your taste that was lingering on his tongue - it’s sweet. choso could feel his heart racing, and you gasp once he slowly trails a hand down between your thighs. as he’s on top of you, he gives your cunt a gentle feel before licking a needy stripe up your neck. “c.. choso, you want more?”
“yeah,” he whines with a subtle nod, and he doesn’t even realize that he’s humping against your leg. “please— pleaseplease, take care of me now m- mommy?”
“nuh uh, no ya don’t. get the fuck back here,” and a small squeak leaves your throat as he’s dragging you back by the hips. clumps of creamy cum stick against the fat of your thighs - it’s spilling, oozing out and he licks his lips at the sight.
you moan from his touch, feeling his hand caress against your curves. “bend f'r me, yeah,” he whispers hoarsely, witnessing the limp arch your body submits. “atta girl,” he coos roughly, bringing his face directly up close to your ass. “what a fuckin’ mess,” he smacks his fat angry tip against your needy slit. kissing his teeth, toji grunts. “really milked the shit outta me, babygirl.”
indeed you did - as he drags a thumb down the swollen bulb of your clit, he stares at the excess cum that pours out of your hole.
“ngh,” you whimper, feeling his toasty warm breath tickle against your wet folds. the second you feel toji’s tongue lap against your entrance, your thighs only grow weaker. you were already so sensitive from before, and the moment his tongue licks against your pussy — you were over. toji’s nasty, smearing his face all over your drooling cunt with the most cockiest grin on his face. the curving slant of his scar brushes against your folds and your toes curl at the rough texture. “tooojiiii,” you gasp out a sweet elongated hum, slapping a hand over your mouth.
“such a fuckin’ messy girl, huhhh,” he quips, flattening his tongue to slurp you full. your legs shiver as your eyes start to roll back, feeling his thumb tantalizingly plug its way against your puckering hole. “messy baby, gotta fuck you ‘n clean you right up,” and his breath against your cunt only makes you twitch more. you moan over and over until your voice was a broke record.
it feels peculiarly cool, a frigid slick coats against your folds as he latches his lips. you whimper, muffled moans clashing against the soft surface of your palm before he playfully bites your pussy.
“such a crybaby, maybe i should stop hm? ‘s it too much? thought you were a big girl.”
“n- no, please,” you choke out a weak sob, the pleasure practically giving you whiplash. your ass swerves against his face briefly, making an attempt to rut your rear against his face. “i am your big girl—don’t stop, ‘toj. ‘m gonna cum, hngh.”
with a scoff, he continues to swipe his tongue across - flicks turning into sloppy, sultry sucks.
it’s to the point where he’s practically just making out with your pussy, tongue kissing and giving it solid french kisses. sloshing sounds of your wet pussy rings against his sensitive ears before he inserts a single thick digit. with gracious ease, you clamp around his finger and you let off a breathless moan.
“c’monnn, give it to me. all on my fuckin’ tongue, girl,” and as he’s sucking you clean, you heave, feeling the plush of your tummy cave in in rapture. once he gives your cunt a rude abrupt spank with his free hand, you let off a cute whine. he tchs, narrowing his jade blown irises at you. “fuckin’ slut. get turned on from jus’ about anything, huh,” and your thighs jiggle with recoil. your shrilling babbles only pitch and grow louder before he’s nibbling harder against your pulsating nub. you huff, digging the edges of your teeth into your flesh. already, you’re dumb and it’s moments until you cum right on his tongue. “mhm.”
as you blissfully succumb to your teeth shattering release, your chest slumps into the mattress and you’re left stupid - entirely stupid.
your tongue was lolled out and your eyes flickered back to the very depths of your craniums “fuck, fuck, fuuuuck, toji,” you slur your words on melodic loop, chewing on each individual syllable. as you collapse, you feel yourself dampen between the crevices of your thighs.
“allllll clean,” he snickers, giving you pussy another smack. you whine, feeling your cunt all tender and sensitive. toji pries his lips off, licking them clean before dragging his thumb across his scar. it was wet, his stubble was drenched, and toji leans in to give your filthy folds one final suck. you’re too stunned to speak, trying to wriggle your ass away from his mouth but he drags you right back again. “not so fast, baby. ‘m not done,” and before he flips you over on your tummy, he spanks your ass just to see the little jiggle. “but since y’er a good girl, i think you can give me one more, right?”
you’re interrupted with a mean slap to your pussy.
“that’s enough talkin’ baby. ‘s time y’er pussy gets the mic,” and the dark haired man gives your folds a soft, loving kiss. in a low, hoarse whisper, he hums, staring straight at your twitching entrance. “ain’t that right, princess? uh huh, thought so.”
makes you squirt for the first time and immediately gets addicted to it.
“heh, angel if i had a dollar for every time you squirted f'me today, i’d be rich— well, technically i am rich,”
and of course with gojo, not only is he a good eater but he’s a fucking blabbermouth.
he’d literally talk your ear off while you’re riding his face. white thin strands of hair nearly occlude his view of vision. as he’s lying flat on his back, he needs to take a few seconds to dig his hand through his hair, combing the strands back in place. your legs tremor with desirable euphoria.
as you shifted your weight against him — his chiseled jaw all shiny and glistening with your arousal, he simpers as you prepare to speak. “s- shut up, ‘toru,” you repeat yourself for the nth time, eager for him to start up again. his tongue had you craving for more. this was his favorite view of you, without a doubt. just straddling his face, rocking your rickety hips back and forth until you gush out again. sucking in a long breath of air, you bury your shivery fingers into his smooth snowy-rich scalp. “ngh, talk so fuckin’ much just finish.”
“ugh, well excuse me,” he rolls his eyes, pretending to be offended. the white haired male used a single thumb to pry your legs open before he rolls out his long tongue. it’s clean, a pretty pink tongue that’s already watering at the tip. drip after drip. your breath hitches at the sight, he’s hungry for more and so were you. “let’s try with my fingers this time, pretty girl. think we can do that?”
you nod, inching a hand down to touch yourself but with quick reflexes - he grabs your hand only to then spank your pussy, earning a cute yelp from you. “ah ah. words, i was speaking to you, not your pussy, dummy.”
“y- yes,” you hiss, feeling the stutter in your waist accelerate. if it wasn’t for gojo’s hand gripping against your left hip, you’d have surely collapse onto him. “i can take your fingers, ‘toru.”
“fuck yeah you can,” he purrs - hot breath going right up against your slick folds. you whimper, watching with hazy doe eyes as he starts up again. gojo feels your cunt sporadically twitch in his mouth and he groans. he creates a swirl with the tip of his tongue before slowly inserting one finger. one eventually turns into two and the stretch, your legs were on its last final final hinges. you moan at the thickness of his digits curling all around your soaked gripping walls, swabbing up a nice amount of your slick slippery sweet. “yeah, listen to her. she’s got so much to say unlike you.” and his pristine azul eyes were staring straight at your cunt, not you. the wet wet squelches from your own slobbering folds makes your hips jerk forward quicker.
as he’s vigorously plunging two fingers in and out, his tongue continuing to slurp you clean. you whine, tugging on his hair, holding onto it tight for support. a hand claws into his silky strands before you hear the sloppy sluuuurps that slither out of his annoying mouth.
“sa— fuck, satoru,” you sob out, gasping once the tips of his digits locate your g-spot with such ease. he was so quick, his fingers knew exactly what to do. mimicking a bowling ball grip, he fucks his fingers into your swollen cunt, still latching his lips onto your pussy. “ngh, ‘toru. i just finished. satoruuuu.”
“babyyyy,” he mocks your moan in a faux manner, fully exaggerating the way you sounded. you rode his face at a more steady yet faster tempo, already feeling yourself about to collapse.
the stimulation had you floating on an incredible high. white thin brows of his arch into a furrow as he’s melting in your cunt, laying his tongue flat before overzealously sucking against your clit.
“mhm, that’s it. make another mess. awh. don’t be shy, ‘toru’s gonna clean—mmph,” he pauses with a grunt, giving you a half glare as you yank his hair forward. his smug grin returns and he briskly pistons his fingers further into your gummy walls. “as i was saying, ‘toru’s gonna clean you right up. always liked the mess.”
you’re spasming — the only thing you could see was a multitude of bright colors. as your jaw drops right on lewd cue, dangling goofily, you felt a gush of pleasure ripple out of you again. your thighs practically stuck together, the numbness adding its own kind of gripping sting before he quickly snatched his soaked fingers out. now, you’re just a drooling babbling puddle—with huffed breaths, you glance down at gojo who’s got the biggest grin.
as he’s lapping up your mess, you feel the tip of his nose swipe its way against your folds. he couldn’t help but smell you, your heat. you were so hot, in more ways than one. cerulean blue eyes meet yours one more time before he snickers, a tiny pout curling against his lips.
“oh, baby. are you cryin’?”
“no, go on. finish touchin’ her,”
hoarse low words embarrassingly creates a pulse between your thighs. as you stare at sukuna, not only are you knuckles deep into your swollen pussy but you’re also caught red handed.
curses, you knew full well how sukuna wasn’t fond of you touching what’s his. to him, you were his and that included your precious cunt. crimson red eyes bore into you as you slouch back, continuing to pump your sloppy drenched digits in and out. “keh. the audacity.”
you felt a burning heat settle against your skin, its feverish. you take a minute to swallow, a slimy coat coating the entirety of your fingers before you whine.
“kuna,” and he sucks his teeth - staring at you play with yourself right in front of him. with two hands, he spreads your legs, not wanting you to hide anything else. his touch send a feverish thrill up your spine and you gasp once he lightly smacks your hand away. “p— pleas-”
“quiet, woman,” he grouses, using the fat of his thumb to spread your quivering cunt lips apart further. he gets a full face view of how soaked you were. as you remain sat against a fluffed pillow, you gulp at the sight of the demon - licking his lips, forked tongue baring out a single fang the more his mouth stretches opens. within a second, he lolls out his long tongue before getting a sweet taste of your soppy pussy. you whimper, the texture of his pink muscle makes you shiver. “mhm,” he grunts, the low vibrations tickling against you.
but you start to feel an extra tongue glide against your soddened folds. voluntarily, your back arches and you heard a loud slurp before meeting the view of one of his broad hands.
you remember sukuna telling you how he had tongues on … certain other places of his body.
he’s told you about his stomach but never his hands. “s- sukuna,” you whimper, the texture feeling frigidly cold. it tickles at first, his clammy hand smearing back and forth against your cunt. “fuck, fuuuuck,” and your head leans back, all types of emotions foiling at your brain. and your irises slowly became docile. both slippery tongues were forked, long, and slimy. you shudder the entire time, gasping in long exaggerated breaths as your thighs try to stick together from the growing heat. “gonna cum, ‘kuna. ‘m not gonna last.”
“yes you are,” he snarls in correction, the mixture of two fat tongues diverting against your clit sends you pangs of obscene rapture.
he hums in amusement at the sight of your back and how it effortlessly arches for him and only him. another one of his hands creeps between your legs, plucking them open some more. his words were dangerously husky, they stirred something inside the empty depths of your tummy, making you pulse. speaking of, he feels the crazed pulse throb against each tongue, and his slurps become more carnal. “my, what a sloppy cunt. the audacity to be touchin’ her though is beyond me, little one,” and you could hear the possessiveness lingering off his tongue.
within each slurp, suck, and suckle—you just knew it was impossible to last. the stimulation of both concluding muscles against your folds makes you go further and further toward the edge. you’re so close that you could almost taste it on the tip of your tongue. sugary sweet with a sprinkle of saltiness. “sukunaaa,” you whimper, too weak to even pull at his hair.
you were at his very mercy - one of his favorite things in the world. the way you’d murmur out his name in that sweet pathetic voice, a desperate cry for more.
but alas, your words would always fall on deaf ears. he’d edge you ‘till the end, until you’re begging. with your legs feeling like practical mush, your jaw tightens before he finally lets you finish on both jarring tongues. “you’re so dramatic,” he grouses with a scowl, allowing you to conclude at your climax, heaving large breaths every few seconds. even though it was just minutes, with sukuna, he made anything seem like orgasmic long hours. “good girl, thaaaat’s it.”
and he moves his mouth away, allowing his hand tongue to do the remainder of the cleaning. the sensation was unlike anything you’ve felt before. you whimper, achy pipes in your throat all scratchy and hoarse from how vocal you were just a few moments ago. the tongue that rests against his palm sucks you clean—it’s more tender and gentle and you’re a stammering mess, secretly adapting to the strange yet pleasurable feeling..
you’re still trying to recollect breaths, invisible glue sticks and glosses between your legs before you glance up at sukuna who’s got a sly smile. “w- what’s with the look?”
“oh, nothing,” the demon retorts wittily, leaning up to press a soft kiss against your neck. his touch made you shiver and you wrap your arms around him almost instantly.
his cologne as always, was loud and made its name known across the entire room. leaning up against your ear, he licks it - which turns into seductive nibbles before he whispers. “i was just thinking. i think you’d prefer my stomach tongue a lot more, princess. i promise i’ll try not to swallow ya, heh.”
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